#I just think bly and aayla should have kissed
captora · 2 years
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I just think that the Jedi should have spent more time in TCW kissing their commanders
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For the ship ask game...
Grace, Bly, and Aayla 👀 😏
Let me tell you I have been thinking about this for two days! Thots be happening
*this will have two endings, a Happy endings and a post order 66 ending* I'll put the sad one below a cut.
Grace - half twi'lek former night sister turned jedi x Bly- commander clone xAayla- Jedi knight
(can't have one without the other 😊)
So Grace and Aayla grew up in the temple together since they were brought in. Ayala trained under Quinlin Vos and Grace under Shaka-ti.
Grace definitely developed a crush on her childhood friend.
They've been friends which switched into keeping each other company as hormones kicked in. Definitely each other first's - trust and safety to explore.
Grace's crush got worse because her friend is competent and beautiful and shes dying but it's fine. She will be content with what she has.
Ayala also has a crush but it's slower to build, taking trust and suddenly it hits her she likes her friend more than she should.
Jedi are not able to form permanent attachment (despite doing so often ) they trust and care for each other.
Then the war happens. Aayla fell in love with Bly because competent abilities, and sunny disposition.
Bly screams the - you get them sweetie I'll hold your flower. Tell me if you need me to shoot something.
Grace being a healer gets moved around a lot- and eventually gets stationed with Aayla and Bly.
She calls Aayla out on her crush and wonders why the Jedi hasn't slept with the man yet. Aayla makes some stuff about authority and inappropriate nature and Jedi codes.
Grace calls bs so she goes to set them up- she has the entire battalions support -they're tired of the pining.
She starts spending time with Bly, trying to get to know him. She trains, spars, talks to him. She gets why her friend likes him so much
Now she's got a crush on two beautiful competent people and she's dying inside.
Bly loves Aayla and would never do anything without her and wishes her all the happiness.
He spies in Aayla and Grace sharing a kiss one night and decided he would back off. He loves her and wants her to be happy even if that isn't with him.
Ayala - who has accepted her crush on both people and content to have what she can without asking for more is confused about all the time Grace is spending with Bly and starts to feel jealous - of which person she doesn't know.
The battalion is now groaning because they've got three miserable pining commanders now.
This goes on for a while- so much getting close and pining and trying to back off the other. The other clones are miserable
The command squad is miserable because now Bly won't shut up about two twi'lek Jedis.
Eventually it will all come to a head- via Quinlin
Quinlin id visiting his Padawan between missions at the same time Grace has been stationed (he always thought the crush the two twi'leks had in each other was adorable but didn't want to interfere i.e he promised Shaka-ti he wouldn't)
He whiteness this massive cluster fuck that is these three and is in pain. He calls obi wan- to complain about it, gets no help on that front and decides he's got to do something about it.
Organizing stranding them somewhere, temporarily of course. Finds a nice little planet the troopers can take their shore leave on. It's got beaches and lush landscapes and little huts.
Sends a message to the three of them- all marked with various urgency.
The three get there only to find everyone fine and I'n health and a letter from Quinlin telling them they should all just bone now.
Que blushing, explanations, clearing up Blys misunderstanding of Jedi rule of attachment. Grace explains poly relationships, crushes are revealed. Bly gets to watch two beautiful women make out then their eyes to him. He'll die happy now thank you
Bly gets to catch up on years of exploration and experience with two women showing him how they like to be touches
They spend the entire shore leave in that Hut.
Everyone is happy - only they're worse now. You thought these fools were love-sick before. Oh no, there complements and subtly flirting and looks across the room.
They create a force bond with each other, Bly can't feel them but they can feel him and support him emotionally as much as they can when times get hard.
Sparing is foreplay. I will not take any questions on that.
This will be the happy ending -
The war ends, Palps is discovered just in time, chips are removed. Bly gets two women cuddling him during his recovery, spoiling him with affection.
the Jedi who have grown to love their clones and the clones who love their Jedi start working towards going back to their peace keeping ways.
The three of them start going out together, helping villages negotiate peace talks, supply healing and care. Repairing the reputation the two have in the galaxy as a whole.
They never actually get married but emotionally they are as tied together as a clone and his Jedi ever can be. Aayla will one day take on a Padawan, and Grace will adopt a small company of baby clones to train as the next Clone / Jedi team.
Below is Cannon compliant ending
Oder 66 ending
Order 66 goes out when they are together but opposite sides of the scouting mission.
Bly turns his blaster on Aayla without hesitation and kills her. Grace feels it in the force just as the men turn in her.
She escapes, after killing so many men. She rushed to where she last felt Aalya and Bly, wondering what was wrong, what happened. Why why why !.
She gets there only for Bly to turn his blaster on her. He gets her across the chest as she turns to flee- injuring her greatly but she does escape.
She has to fake her death to do so, injuring herself further, and blowing up a few ships to sell it. But the clones think she died in a fiery explosion.
Grace steals a ship and escapes, hearing Obi wan's message. She flees to her birth planet Domthir to try and wait for the strange mess out.
Eventually Blys chip wears off, and he remembers what he did, he takes his blaster to himself.
Grace, trapped in Domthir feels him go. And it breaks her. She gives back into her night sister roots. Falls but is empty, she feels nothing.
She wanders the waste land of Domthir like a wraith, a witch that will kill anything she comes across. Even the surviving zabraks and other night sisters stay out of her way.
She wanders, waiting till she can be reunited with her loves, always muttering to herself
Why why why .
She will wander there till a surviving Jedi Padawan lands on Domthir many years in the future where he will eventually help put her out of her misery.
Thank you for the ask- i hurt myself.
But I love this ship now not gonna lie. Got to do some drawings of them now.
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Tag list
@anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @dangraccoon @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @secondaryrealm @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @starrylothcat
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bart1607 · 1 year
Better days || chapter 2
Today I released second and final chapter of my first fanfiction! I also decided to add some additional tags, as this chapter shows also relationship between Padme and Anakin and Bly and Aayla.
Give me also some advice about AO3 age rating system. I don't know, how should I rate my work.
Please let me know, if you liked this fanfiction or it sucks!
Warnings: swearing, drunk people and Lux being dick
Link to AO3:
Several days have passed since those events. For Padmé and Anakin, the day they wanted has finally arrived. Padmé went into labor. Anakin was very upset about Padme's birth, and was still haunted by memories of visions in which Padmé died during childbirth. He waited impatiently for a medical droid or a doctor to finally come out and tell him that everything had gone according to plan. Anakin informed Obi Wan and Ahsoka that labor had begun. He wanted someone to accompany him and support him at that moment. Seeing Anakin's behavior, the bearded man decided to calm him down a little: 
- Anakin, don’t be so nervous! Padme is in the best medical facility on Coruscant, she is under the care of professionals! In addition, she is now the chancellor, so she can always count on much better specialists than others! 
- Thank you Master for these words, you calmed me down a little. Maybe I'm actually panicking too much. But it takes a while. 
- Skyguy, everything will be fine! - Ahsoka said with a smile - Padme is a strong woman, she has been through a lot, so she will easily cope with childbirth! 
 - Thanks for these words Ahsoka! 
After a dozen or so minutes, the medical droid left the room where Padme was lying and began to walk towards Anakin. Anakin sprang from the chair he was sitting on and said to the droid: 
- How about her?! Everything went according to plan? 
- Mr. Anakin, yes, it all worked out! - the droid began to say - your wife gave birth to beautiful twins! Both your wife and newborn children are safe! 
Anakin's face turned pale and he slumped to his feet. Obi Wan caught him in time, otherwise he would have fallen to the floor. All three had shock and disbelief on their faces. Everyone, especially Anakin, thought Padme would only have one child. Nobody expected twins. After a moment, Anakin said: 
- Twins! I have twins! I will be the father of two children!  Tears began to gather in Anakin's eyes, he was very touched by this joyful news, after a moment he asked: 
- Can we go inside? 
- Yes, although your friends can only come in for a moment. The patient is very tired after the whole birth, so visits from people outside the family must be limited - replied the droid. 
They entered the room where Padme lay. The sight they saw confirmed what the droid had said earlier. Anakin's wife was very exhausted and tired of giving birth, but her face showed joy and contentment. Right next to her were newborn babies. 
- Ani! - said Padme in a weakened voice - everything worked out, why are you crying? - she asked seeing tears flowing down Anakin's cheeks 
- It's from happiness Padme! - He answered her then walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. 
- How are our kids? 
- They are healthy, we have a boy and a girl - Padme said happily - take them in your arms - she added. 
Anakin pulled the girl out and carefully took her in his arms. He looked at her carefully, then said: 
- She looks a lot like you! I think she inherited many traits from you - Anakin said with a smile 
- Can I hold her? asked Ahsoka 
- Yes, just be careful - he said, handing the girl over to Ahsoka, then took the boy and said: 
- Honey, what shall we call them? 
- Ani, I think I've already come up with names that will be best for our children. I was thinking of naming the boy Luke and the girl Leia - announced Padme - what do you think Ani? 
- Padme, these are the most beautiful names. I don't think I could think of better ones – he replied 
- Obi Wan, would you like to hold him? - asked Anakin 
- Can I? I don't want to scare him… - Obi Wan started to say, but Anakin cut him off. 
- Master, you must hold him - Anakin said, handing Luke with the utmost care in Obi Wan's arms then added: 
- I feel like you're going to be a great uncle, Master! - he commented, seeing with what care his master looks at the child  
- And you Ahsoka, will be great aunt! - Padmé added in a cheerful voice 
- I have a good feeling about that! - Anakin said 
Ahsoka and Obi Wan both smiled upon hearing these words, but immediately afterwards Anakin's former master said: 
- I think we should get going now, we've been sitting here for a while, haven't we Ahsoka? 
- You're right, I even forgot that I made an appointment with Rex to go to one certain place. 
Hearing the Ahsoka’s words, Obi Wan, Anakin and Padme looked at each other and were unsure of what they had just heard. 
- With whom? - they said at the same time. 
- Well? I love him more than anything, and he loves me. And besides, I'm not a Jedi, so you can't blame me for anything. The Code no longer applies to me. 
- Calm down Ahsoka, no one is mad at you or holds any grudges. We're just very surprised by it - Anakin said, then added: 
- At least I see I wasn't the only one keeping my relationship a secret. I hope the Code will be reformed. I wonder how many Jedi still have some kind of secret love relationship, he said with a smile 
- I agree with the idea of reforming the Code - Ahsoka replied to his words 
- I support that too, Anakin. The Jedi Code was always changing. Changing some of the rules of the Code and how the Order works wouldn't be such a bad thing - Obi Wan added. 
Anakin laid down his children at this time, then thanked Obi Wan and Ahsoka for coming and visiting. 
A few days later  
Military medical facility  
As announced by Chancellor Padme Amidala, the chip removal process, mandatory for all clone troopers, began today. Each unit received guidelines on the time and place of the procedure. The 332nd company was one of the first to undergo this treatment. Rex was to undergo the procedure first. A moment before the procedure, he was very stressed, he was afraid that something might happen to him or the procedure itself would fail and he would die. Fortunately, he was accompanied by Ahsoka, who calmed him down and was with him all the time. Before starting the procedure, Rex hugged Ahsoka and kissed her before saying: 
- Just in case something... - Ahsoka interrupted him: 
 - Rex, this is completely safe! Pull yourself together and get in there! I will be with you all the time  
- Okay commander! - Rex said with a smile, then walked in. 
A few dozen minutes later  
Rex was lying in a hospital bed. He has not yet woken up since the end of the procedure. According to information from doctors, clones can wake up even after a few hours. Ahsoka sat by Rex's bedside all the time, waiting for him to wake up. She looked at the bandage on his head. This is where the chip was implanted. Ahsoka thought for a moment about what would have happened if things had turned out a little differently and taken a wrong turn. What if someone had issued Order 66 that Anakin mentioned. She wasn't a Jedi, so technically she shouldn't have been executed. But she couldn't imagine how, in an instant, the clones, the soldiers with whom the Jedi were fighting side by side, could turn against them and start killing them. At some point, she noticed that Rex began to move his fingers and slowly began to open his eyes. 
 She grabbed his hand and asked: 
 - How do you feel Rex?  
- Okay, Ahsoka - he began to grope his head at this point, and came across the bandage with his hand and said: 
 - So it was here that they installed these contrapties in us? 
- Looks like it, honey - Ahsoka said 
- You were right, it was safe, I didn't even feel anything when they pulled it out of me - Rex said happily, then added: 
- I think I slept a little, didn't I? 
- Yes, you lay down for a while, but you slept a short time anyway, because some clones may even wake up after a few hours - Ahsoka told him.  
The two talked a little more. Rex was discharged from the hospital the next day because he was healthy and did not show any symptoms that could indicate his poor health caused by undergoing surgery.   
2 weeks later  
During this period, 3 landmark events took place. The first thing was to capture the Separatist leaders. Republic intelligence tracked them down in the Mustafar system. Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were the commanders of the operation. The 501st Legion took part in the action, including the 332nd Company, formally commanded by Rex, but in fact Ahsoka Tano, and the 212th Battalion. The Jedi agreed to allow Ahsoka to participate in the operation as an "advisor", similar to the siege of Mandalore. For obvious reasons, she could not officially command any clone unit. The operation itself went quickly and efficiently. The troops encountered little resistance, and all the Separatists were captured and sent back to the Republic, where a peace treaty was signed with them. A few days after the treaty was signed, the trials of Darth Maul, Mas Medda and Separatists leaders took place. Darth Maul and Mas Medda were sentenced to death. The charges Darth Maul has received include treason against the Republic, genocide, Jedi assassinations, leading an organized crime group, and the murder of the Duchess of Mandalore. The sentence was carried out by beheading with a lightsaber. Mas Medda was charged with complicity in conspiracy, treason against the Republic, and deliberate misrepresentation of the Senate. The sentence was carried out by hanging. The Separatist leaders were originally sentenced to death, but these were later commuted to long prison sentences. The second major event was the completion of the investigation into the Kaminoan experiments. The investigation revealed that the Kaminoans were working on cloning the Zillo beast that attacked Coruscant earlier, and they also created female clones of Jango Fett. Two such clones were discovered: Emerie Karr, an adult woman whom the Kaminoans trained to conduct research and experiments. It was supposed to help the Kaminoans in their research. The second clone was a girl named Omega. She had not yet been given any functions, perhaps the Kaminoans were waiting until she became an adult woman. Kamino was placed under the strict supervision of the Republic, and the Jedi presence on its planet was increased from one to three. Any new experiments now had to be reported to the Jedi stationed there. Correctly, Lama Su and Nala Se, as well as the whole of Kamino, should be sanctioned even more for their continued support of Palpatine's plan, but it was decided that they would act from now on on on behalf of the Republic. They did not want to waste their previous achievements, and their research was decided to be used for good purposes. The first order of the Republic was to significantly reduce the production of clone troops. There was no need to produce an excess number of clones, because the conflict with the Separatists was resolved. It was also known that clones have accelerated aging, which is why the Kaminoans were commissioned to develop a special vaccine with a special substance that would inhibit the rapid aging process and restore normal aging. In addition, the newly created clones were to have accelerated aging until they reached an age adequate to the clone's function. The last important thing that happened at that time was the issue of granting rights to clone troopers. Pantoran senator Riyo Chuchi took up the fight for clone rights, but convincing the Galactic Senate of her demands was an extremely difficult task. Although it won the support of several senators, there were still not enough senators to convince the rest of the Senate to grant rights to clones. Some of the postulates of the pantoran senator included: 
Granting a Senate seat to one clone, who will represent the interests of all clone troopers 
Granting civil rights and allowing clones to participate in public life 
Providing the clones with decent living conditions after their service ends 
Unfortunately, Riyo Chuchi knew that she had a difficult task ahead of her, and it might be some time before she could convince the other senators to support her idea. 
One week later  
Anakin, Obi Wan, and Ahsoka decided to meet at Dexter's bar, owned by Obi Wan's friend. It was Dexter who once helped Obi Wan find Kamino when he was looking for the assassin who tried to kill then-senator Amidala. The three friends talked to each other about the events that have taken place recently and the ceremonial parade that will take place to celebrate the end of the war. At some point, Rex unexpectedly entered the bar, followed closely by Cody and Wolffe. 
- And what brings you here? - Obi Wan asked 
 - Let me guess, you probably did something and are afraid to say? - Anakin added, laughing  
- We didn't do anything wrong - Rex said, then continued - Ahsoka knows why we came here, because I told her about our idea yesterday. 
 - What idea? - Obi Wan asked 
 - Well, together with the guys we thought that maybe we could invite others and organize an unofficial celebration of victory at 79s cantina? 
- So you want to throw a party, right? - said Anakin 
- We thought it would be good to integrate and get to know a little bit from a different side. Well, you understand, so far we know each other only from the military, professional side. - Cody said 
- And besides, we want you to participate, because this event would also be a kind of thanks to you! You saved our lives more than once! - finished Wolffe 
- I can count on you, my darling, right? - Rex turned to Ahsoka 
- Sure - she replied 
- And you accept our invitation? - Rex asked Anakin and Obi Wan 
- I'd have to ask Padme what she thinks. You know we have kids now and things... but I don't think she should mind. 
- It's okay, just let me know as soon as possible, because we plan to arrange it all in 3 days 
- If you're coming, I'm coming too - Obi Wan said, then added - and who else have you invited? 
- We actually sent invitations to all the Jedi who led us and some senators. There will definitely be master Plo Koon, Aayla Secura and senator Riyo Chuchi. We are still waiting for answers from the rest. - Rex replied 
- Well, this is going to be a party Coruscant will never forget! - Anakin said laughing 
3 days later  
The party at 79s cantina had been going on for several hours. Most of the invitees agreed to come, although some refused and did not come. This group included Mace Windu. Inside the cantina it got very colorful. Clones from various units came to it, which was synonymous with the fact that they wore uniforms in colors symbolizing individual units. And that's how you could watch the 327th Star Corps drink together with the Coruscant Guard and hear stories from soldiers of the 104th Battalion and the 501st Legion. Some, slightly more drunk clones arranged various competitions and games, while others danced with the women present in the cantina. It also seemed that Ahsoka wasn't the only one who had found her love in the clone. Sitting at the table, Ahsoka noticed Bly holding Aayla Secura's hand. It didn't last long, because after a while, Aayla gave Bly her gaze telling him to hide his hand, and then whispered something in his ear.  
- She probably wants their relationship to remain a secret. She is afraid that she will suffer some consequences because of this. - Togruta thought 
After a few minutes, the Twi’lek Jedi Master got up from the table and headed for the bathroom. Seeing this, Ahsoka decided to follow her. 
- Where are you going? - Rex asked 
- I'll be right back - Ahsoka replied 
Togruta quickly followed Aayla and managed to catch her just before the door. 
- Are you having fun? - Aayla Secura began 
 - Of course! What about you?  
- Me too - the two women entered the bathroom. Ahsoka quickly made sure that no one was in the toilet stalls and no one was coming. She tried to ensure discreet and privacy for Secura as possible, and she didn't want anyone to hear their delicate conversation. 
- Aayla, are you in love with Bly? 
Aayla's face was shocked, she hadn't expected such a question from her Togrutan friend. After a moment, slightly frightened, she spoke:  
- How do you know that?  
- I saw you holding hands for a moment.  
- Damn, I just told him not to do it in front of others because someone might see it. Yes, we are together, but we remain hidden for obvious reasons. - Twi'lek replied nervously, and then added: 
- We quietly hope that the Code will actually be reformed soon, so that we can freely show up together, without fear of consequences.  
Seeing Aayla Secura's stress and nervousness, Ahsoka decided to calm her down:  
- Relax, don't be nervous. You can always count on me, I will never betray you. And if someone asks, I will say that I drank too much and something predicted me or that I do not remember anything.  
Hearing Ahsoka's words, Aayla breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the Togruta saying:  
-Thanks! You don't even know how important it is for me and Bly! I am very happy that I can count on your discretion!  
- No problem! I understand how you feel, you don't want to experience extra stress - Ahsoka said. Ahsoka then left the bathroom and Aayla occupied one of the toilets. Walking to the table where she had been sitting earlier, the Togruta looked around the room a bit and noticed that Obi Wan was nowhere to be found. As she sat down at the table, she decided to ask where Obi Wan had gone:    - I'm back, where is Obi Wan?    - He said he was going to get some air outside the cantina - Anakin replied    - He's been gone for a while - Rex pointed out    - Actually, he said he would only go for a while, and he's been gone for several dozen minutes - added Padme    - I'll see what’s going on with him - Anakin said, getting up from the table 
Anakin went to the exit of the cantina, in the meantime he was accosted by a certain commando: 
- General, are you running away already? - he say a little incomprehensibly. You could smell alcohol from his mouth. He must have drunk a lot. 
- I'm just going to get some air for a moment - Anakin replied to him, and then he suddenly heard someone calling the commando: 
- Gregor! Leave him alone and come back to us! - the unknown clone screeched    - Okay, okay, I'm coming! - said Gregor, who staggered to the table from which he had heard the call. 
Anakin stepped outside the cantina and began to look around. He saw many clone soldiers and other party attendees who also went out to get some fresh air or smoke a cigarette. At one point, he noticed one of the clones vomiting and the other holding him up. Young Skywalker finally managed to find Obi Wan. He stood alone, leaning against the wall, and looking out over the panorama of Coruscant. He seemed to be thinking about something. Anakin finally walked up to him and spoke: 
- Here you are Master! And I'm looking for you everywhere, we've already started to worry, because you're not coming back for a long time.  
-You know, I left because I had to think things a little bit. Anakin stood next to him and listened to what the bearded Jedi was saying: 
- We won the war, but look Anakin at the cost to all of us. How many towns, villages, had been destroyed, how many people had lost their - his voice began to break - loved ones. 
After saying these words, Obi Wan looked up into the starry sky. Tears began to roll down his cheeks. Anakin quickly connected the facts and guessed what, or rather who Obi Wan meant:  
- You miss Satine, am I right?  
- Yes, you don't even know how much I miss her! Why did I have to suffer so much? First I lost my master, then Maul murdered the love of my life in front of my eyes! Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake. Maybe I could have left the Order when I was still a young Padawan of Qui-Gon, at least I would have spent some time with Satine. 
Anakin listened to Obi Wan's monologue and wondered how to comfort him. After thinking about it, he said:  
- Master, I think Satine would be very proud of you! You helped her sister liberate Mandalore, you can control your emotions and thanks to this you are not consumed by the dark side. Satine would be immensely grateful for what you have done so far for her, her sister, and the entire Mandalore! 
They stood for a moment in silence, which was interrupted by Obi Wan:  
- Thank you, Anakin! I needed this conversation, I had to finally tell someone about what was constantly on my heart! You're like a brother to me, I'm glad I have someone like you! - He patted Anakin on the shoulder, then added:  
- I hope that Bo Katan will consider the Jedi and the Republic's participation in the liberation of her planet. My dream is that we will finally have a good relationship with the Mandalorians. They would be good and powerful allies. May this be the first step towards establishing good relations with the Republic for the first time in history. I also hope that Bo Katan will honor Satine in some way. Despite being enemies in the political arena, Bo Katan loved and respected her sister very much. 
With these words, the two Jedi began to return to the cantina. As they sat back at the table, Padme spoke:  
- Where have you been for so long? We thought something had happened to you, I was about to go looking for you!  
- We were talking in front of the cantina, you could come to us! - Anakin replied  
A group of friends started talking to each other and sipping drinks. Suddenly, everyone heard a powerful bang and the sound of a smashed bottle. The music stopped playing and everyone started looking around the room to find the source of the sound. Immediately afterwards, all eyes were on Wrecker, who, trying to get up from the table, pushed the bottle with his hand and fell to the floor. He was drunk. At that time, Hunter burst into the canteen, who was gone for a long time. You could see on his face the nervousness of the situation he saw after entering the cantina: 
- Fuck! You cannot be left alone even for a moment! How many times have I told you not to let Wrecker drink alcohol!? shouting, he walked to the table of the Bad Batch, and there was laughter all over the room, and then the music sounded again and everyone went back to what ther were doing. 
- Echo, Tech, help me pick him up! We'll take him to the Marauder. The members of the Bad Batch stood up and slowly began to lift their friend. Crosshair was watching them, giving them his characteristic smile. 
- And what are you waiting for? Move your ass and help us! After all, the three of us will not be able to carry him! - Hunter ordered, then the sniper reluctantly stood up and proceeded to help. The whole situation looked comical! Minutes later after the incident, Padmé noticed it was time to go home:  
- Ani, we should be leaving now!  
- You're right, darling!  
The Skywalkers said goodbye to their friends and began to wait for the pilot to come after them. Half an hour later, Obi Wan decided to return to the temple, and an hour later Ahsoka with Rex left the canteen. It was late at night and more and more people were starting to leave the party. The party in the cantina has already ended, but everyone who was there will have nice memories of the moments that they experienced together with their friends! 
One week later  
The day has come for the parade that will march through the streets of Coruscant. It was decided to organize it to celebrate the victory of the Republic in the devastating war for 3 years and the defeat of the Sith. Representatives of military units from other planets were also invited to the march. Only senators or leaders came from some of the planets, because not every planet had its own armed forces. The most important people in the Republic sat in special seats. Right next to Chancellor Amidala, the Jedi Council and some military commanders took their seats, including Wulff Yularen and the not very popular Wilhuff Tarkin, who did not have a very good reputation among clones. Next to them were senators, leaders of planets invited to take part in the parade, and other Jedi. Ahsoka also sat in the VIP area. Her contribution to winning the war and her help in command was appreciated, despite the fact that she was no longer a Jedi, and she was allowed to sit next to the most important people. A large crowd of citizens gathered around the entire route, who wanted to take a closer look at the presented military equipment and the march of soldiers. The march was opened by a representation of the Coruscant Guard, led by Commander Fox. Seeing the commander of the Guard, Riyo Chuchi began waving at him. Ahsoka has heard rumors that Pantoran has crush on Fox. Right behind soldiers was the passage of BARC soldiers on speeders. Moments later, LAATs in the colors of the Coruscant Guard flew over the heads of the assembled crowd. This was followed by a march by the 501st Legion and the 332nd Company. Ahsoka quickly grabbed her holo-tablet and began recording the march. Rex asked her the day before the parade to record the moment when the unit she had commanded would be walking. Rex was very curious to see how his team fared at the parade. The clones were followed by AT-TE walkers and AT-RT rovers, and ARC-170 and Y-Wing star fighters flew in the air. After passing these walkers, the audience saw the representation of the 41st Elite Corps, which took part in the Battle of Kashyyyk. The soldiers were followed by HAVv A6 Juggernaut tanks, followed by clones from the 327th Star Corps. Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared over everyone, the assembled crowd reacted quickly and looked up to see what was above their heads. A low-flying Venator-class star destroyer appeared before their eyes. After passing all the representatives of individual units of the Grand Army of the Republic and troops from other planets, at the end the Volunteer Army of the Republic, a newly formed formation of the armed forces of the Republic, was presented. It was open to citizens who were willing to defend the Republic against threats and to bring peace to systems that were turbulent. The elite unit of the Republic Volunteer Army, whose members were the best of the best, were stormtroopers. The purpose of both groups was to carry out anti-terrorist operations, escort VIPs, conduct peacekeeping missions and support the Grand Army of the Republic. After the parade, many important personalities decided to speak and give speeches. 
One month later  
The Galactic Senate has finally reached a breakthrough! Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi's demands to grant rights to clones have been implemented! The first clone in history to represent the clones' interests in the Senate is Rex. Initially, he did not want to accept this function, because he believed that he was not suitable and did not know politics. However, he was convinced by Ahsoka and his brothers, who explained to him that there was no better clone than him who could act as a senator. In addition, he could always count on the support of the Chuchi, which somehow became a symbol of the fight for the rights of clones. Eventually, Rex agreed to serve as senator of all clones and began drafting the first bills, which he wanted to introduce in the Senate after some time. His additional task was also to supervise the observance and fulfillment of Riyo Chuchi's postulates. Unfortunately, not everyone was happy with Rex's Senate seat and support for Chuchi's ideals. One such person was Lux Bonteri, a senator from Onderon who had crush on Ahsoka in the past. One day, he led to an unpleasant situation in which he humiliated Rex and the other clones and insulted Ahsoka. After the deliberations, Rex went out into the corridor, where the Togruta was waiting for him: 
- Hello my senator! - Ahsoka said with a smile  
- Hi! - Rex told her, then kissed her on the cheek 
 They began to head for the exits, and Ahsoka asked him:  
- How was today?  
- Honestly, it's nothing interesting! - Rex began to say - we still vote only on taxes and some unimportant bills. The job of a senator is not as exciting as serving in the army! 
They both laughed and then continued talking to each other about slightly different topics. However, they did not notice that they were being followed by Lux, who after a few minutes of tracking decided to speak: 
- Well, who am I seeing here, Ahsoka Tano! - he said dismissively - I see you like to fuck with clones! I still love you all the time, please be with me! You'll have a better life with me than with this... thing! 
On the faces of Rex and Ahsoka, first there was shock caused by the words of the Onderon senator, and then nervousness. Rex was about to punch Lux in the face, but Ahsoka stopped him. 
- Fuck off from us, okay? I never felt anything for you and never will! We won't be a couple! - Ahsoka said furiously 
- I still think you're making a mistake. I also believe that giving "test tubes" a seat in the Senate is the biggest mistake the Senate has made! Now listen to me CLONE! I will always vote against the bills you support and create, and I will ruin your senatorial career. - Lux, after saying these words, spoke to Ahsoka: 
- And you got kicked out of the Order for being a whore or there was other reason? 
Rex couldn't stand it and finally reacted to Lux's words: 
- Listen to me now, you bastard! First, no one asked you for your opinion on my bills and the wisdom of giving clones a seat in the Senate. Secondly, you can vote against me, I am supported by the majority of senators anyway, so your miserable opposition will make me laugh. And thirdly, if you continue to insult me or Ahsoka, I will talk to you differently! 
Ahsoka listened with bated breath as Rex crushed Lux. She had never seen Rex in such anger. Lux was speechless, he didn't expect Rex to answer him so harshly.  
- What choked you up so much,? In the Senate, you're never talkative either! - added Rex Wanting to prevent further escalation, Ahsoka grabbed Rex's hand and said:  
- Let's go Rex, leave that jerk already! 
The pair turned and walked away from Lux with a little quicker step. The Onderon senator stood stunned for a moment, then walked in an unknown direction. Moments later, Ahsoka began to say to Rex: 
- Thank you Rex for saving me from him!" I've never seen you like this. 
- I just hate it when someone insults the woman I love - Rex told her - They may offend me, but I'll never let anyone talk badly about you! - as he said these words, he put his arm around Ahsoka. 
A few days later, Ahsoka and Rex learned that Lux had been dismissed as senator by his superiors in Onderon. Apparently, he was demoted to some insignificant position because of acting in the Senate under the influence of emotions and neglect of duties. For Ahsoka and Rex, this meant that they would probably not meet the problematic senator soon. In the meantime, a group of clones from the 501st legion came up with a very good initiative. They secretly collected money that they want to spend on building a monument commemorating clone 99, who died defending Kamino, and Fives, who was wrongly shot while trying to apprehend. The idea was supported by Senator Rex, and after a short time it was decided that a monument to clone 99 would be erected on Kamino, and a monument commemorating Fives would be placed in the square next to the wall with the names of soldiers who died during the first battle of Geonosis. Boards were added to each of them with information about both clones and the deeds they performed. 
3 weeks later  
A touching event took place at Ryloth. On the initiative of the parents of Numa, a girl who was saved during the war by the clone Waxer, it was decided that one of the rebuilt schools would be named after the fallen clone. The opening ceremony of the school was attended by Boil, the clone who found the girl with Waxer, Obi Wan Kenobi, as well as Senator Rex. Jedi Master Kenobi himself has also been commemorated. In one of the cities, an avenue was put into use, which was called Obi Wan Kenobi’s Avenue. Meanwhile, the Republic began to withdraw troops from planets that had previously been covered by hostilities. On some planets, however, it was decided to leave small garrisons, in which soldiers changed every few months. Republic also began to monitor the situation on Mandalore, which was still in conflict. Although Bo Katan Kryze managed to control a much larger part of the planet, there are still isolated groups of rebellious Mandalorians resisting. Several times there were negotiations with the Mandalorians, who did not want to submit to Bo Katan, but they did not bring any result. Small Republic troops were left on Mandalore after the siege to provide assistance to Bo Katan, but they were too weak, so discussions began to send a peacekeeping mission led by the Jedi to de-escalate the conflict as soon as possible. 
2 weeks later  
A very important and personal event took place for Anakin. After much discussion in the Senate, slavery was finally banned across the galaxy! Anakin, who was a slave as a child, like his late mother, welcomed the news. This decision also marked the launch of many operations aimed at breaking up human trafficking groups and freeing slaves. Aayla Secura and Bly also had reasons to be happy. The Jedi Council began to implement a project to reform the Code. This meant lifting the ban on attachment. It was also decided to send a peacekeeping mission to Mandalore. These were some of the most serious steps to restore justice and peace to the galaxy. However, the Republic still had a few problems ahead of it. These included piracy, cartels and other criminal groups, terrorist organizations and planets that were lawless or mired in civil wars. However, it was only a matter of time before the Republic dealt with these problems. Everyone knew that better and safer times had come!
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soclonely · 3 years
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I posted 3,569 times in 2021
1931 posts created (54%)
1638 posts reblogged (46%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.8 posts.
I added 1,916 tags in 2021
#star wars - 670 posts
#the clone wars - 325 posts
#khai come get ya juice - 187 posts
#sw - 152 posts
#star wars the clone wars - 151 posts
#captain rex - 117 posts
#the clones as - 95 posts
#the bad batch - 92 posts
#commander cody - 64 posts
#arc trooper fives - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#waking up at 3am with your screen tv bright as nhl 96 intro plays on repeat because 8 yearold you passed out while playing with your cousin
My Top Posts in 2021
The Clones as Their Reactions to Seeing Themselves on Tumblr
all the clown clone content we post. How do you think the boys would react? Rex-”OH COME ON I DYED IT BLUE ONCE! And I do sleep sometimes thank you very much. Hm, I could be a werewolf you say?.. Now that you guys mention it General Skywalker does throw me a lot” Echo- “I am pegged as the more responsible one? *looks over at Five* I could see it” Fives-*whistles as he goes through his fan art* “Man do I look good or what?! And I even have a ‘simp’. Whatever it is sounds hot!” Jesse- “Wait why is my helmet on a stick with other helmets in this gif?” Kix- “Pirate Kix? *snorts* as if. Why is Coric the only one having emotional breakdowns in the medbay? I do too” Tup- “Murder, kittens, AND these cute drawings of my with great hair? Man you guys sure do know your stuff ” Dogma- *mumbles something about his tattoo not being THAT hard to draw* Hardcase- “Oh we were supposed to be looking at our own stuff? Im sorry I was busy reading some of these crack fics. People are hilarious and mildly disturbing!” Coric- “Musically inclined?” *pops out headphone* Bly- “My Dump truck what????? Wait. Aayla and I are a number one ship? *sniffles*” 99- “They all think I am the best *smiles shyly* But its really my brothers doing all the work you guys should do more content on them. i don’t deserve much. Just doing my duty” Fox- *Looks down at chest, then at the three empty caf cups on his desk* I mean, they aren’t wrong on the tiddies and coffee. But I do sleep when Thorn opens his mouth to talk Cody- “I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH GENERAL KENOBI.. Also, I don’t just kick droids.. I throw a few good swings in too.” Waxer and Boil- *sobs at all the numa and waxer boil art* Wolffe- *eyerolls* “I don’t even bite...” Sinker and Boost- “Hey why are we the stinky ones?!” “I don’t Sink! I can swim ya know!” Hunter- “Tired dad just trying to survive? *looks over at Wrecker shoving explosives in his pants pocket* Accepted.” Wrecker- “I’M A HIMBO? NICE! WHatever that is!” Tech- “They keep calling me ‘baby’. You know I have read about this kink and I for one-*Hunters hand covers his mouth* mMmmmmMmmMm” Crosshair- “I-why am I such an ass? *glares* I’m not that bad you all just like the regs too much!”
574 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 18:30:27 GMT
Just give me a show like the National Geo ones about the rainforest, oceans, or mountains  Except make it Star Wars and each episode is a planet from the galaxy exploring the people, culture, animals, and geography of it. But... still narrate it like the Nat Geo Documentaries.
834 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 18:51:59 GMT
99 teaching a small dance class on Kamini if cadets. They perform for the ARCs and Visiting commanders sometime.
BABY FIVES WAS A LITTLE TREE ONCE. When he saw shaak ti in the audience he waved frantically and excited
985 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 17:50:57 GMT
LMFAO it really went...
Imperial Stormtroopers: Can't shoot for shit
Gregor: *schoolgirl giggle* Oops my bad
1149 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 15:20:27 GMT
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When you are in the middle of a briefing during the spring and a butterfly decides to interrupt to give you kisses. One of my favorite pieces from @celiansartblog​  thank you for making my spring not as stormy🥺
1266 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 20:16:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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redrobinhoods · 3 years
A Blyla drabble. [Themes of depression and love despite it]
Aayla glanced up from her datapad at the familiar knock on the door. “Come in, Bly.”
Bly entered the small cabin that Aayla called home on the Liberty, ensuring the door was closed and locked behind him before crossing the space to stand behind her at her desk. “Hope I’m not disturbing you.”
“Not at all.” She leaned back in her chair to look up at him, setting the datapad down so that she could reach up to brush her fingers over the golden marks on his cheeks. “Just reading over some reports.”
“Are we winning yet?”
Aayla paused, looking away from his eyes. “No, we’re not.”
Bly stood still for a few moments before he gently took her hands in his, bringing her fingers away from his face so that he could lean down to kiss her forehead, where her headdress usually sat. “That’s not what’s bothering you, is it?”
“I don’t quite know what’s bothering me. I would like to think that it’s the war, but I know better. Everything feels different. Even you.”
“Am I bothering you?”
She stayed quiet, running her fingers along Bly’s bare hands. He was too different in his blacks, too vulnerable. “I think it’s me.” Looking at the wall was better than turning to look at his face and seeing the effect her next words would have on him. “I know that I still care for you when you are here, but when you’re gone, it’s like you never were. Like we never were. That should pain me, and yet.” She stopped. She would spare him the pain of hearing ‘I don’t miss you’ falling from her lips.
Bly’s voice was steady, keeping the emotions he must be feeling at her confession secret. “But when I’m here?”
“It feels right. You feel right.”
She was certain, so certain that the silence following would last forever as Bly pondered the softest way to break her heart. But he didn’t pause longer than he would in a normal conversation before he spoke again. “May I kiss you?”
Startled, she dropped his hands and turned around in her chair to look directly at him for the first time since he had entered her cabin. Her wavering mind calmed at the kind expression on his face. “Yes.” Taking the hand he offered to her, she rose from the chair to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him down to meet her lips. She thought that she might fade away into the Force right there as Bly wrapped his arms around her, carefully minding her lekku. He was firm and steady under her touch, unwavering in his devotion as he tenderly pressed his lips to hers, as if his mere touch could take away the numbness inside her chest. For a few precious seconds it did, until the taste of salt spread between their lips as silent tears ran down her cheeks. At the taste, he pulled back, withdrawing his hands from her body so that he could brush the tears from her eyes until her cheeks shone like his tattoos. “I’m so sor-”
He cut her off with a quick, gentle kiss. “Don’t be. Never for me.”
Aayla looked up at him, mouth slightly agape, as she searched for something, anything, to say to him. Anything to keep the detachment at bay. “Will you stay?”
“As long as you’ll have me.” He promised.
Raising her hands to his wrists, keeping him from pulling away, she stepped forward until his calves hit the back of her bed. Only then did she let him go, allowing him to climb in before she followed, gently pushing him over onto his back so that she could rest half-flung over his body, her lekku ringing with the steady beat of his heart as he whispered sweet nothings against them. With Bly’s warmth radiating around her, she felt whole.
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blackkatmagic · 5 years
Aayla/Bly - We need to pretend to be a married couple to get through the customs, and do you think these forged papers that say we are married are legally binding?
Aayla can’t stop looking at the forms. 
It’s not, as she would have thought a few hours ago, because they’re marriage certificates, marking her and Bly as husband and wife. That was it to begin with, of course, because even if they’re solely for the sake of his mission, the sight of them still makes Aayla’s heart beat just a little faster than it should, warms something in the pit of her stomach. But—
She’s been staring at them the whole time they’ve been waiting in the customs line, and still something is niggling at her. There’s something off, something that isn’t quite unsettling but still manages to itch at the back of her mind. She looks them over once more, frowning, but whatever it is still escapes her. 
“Aayla?” Bly asks softly, and the press of a large hand against the small of her back shouldn’t make Aayla’s breath catch, but—Bly doesn’t touch her bare skin, ever. He’s incredibly careful, perfectly respectful, but right now he’s pressed against Aayla’s side, arm halfway around her, looking like any other travel-worn potential settler in the spaceport. His hand is on her spine, and she can feel the heat of his body pressed all along her side. 
Firmly pulling her mind from the unprofessional depths it wants to slide into, Aayla marshals herself, then casts him a smile, folding the flimsis again. “Who did you go through again?” she asks. “For the license.”
Bly blinks, then glances down at her, frowning faintly. The overhead lights catch on his tattoo, the streak of gold across his cheekbone that Aayla’s always wanted to kiss. “Fox,” he says after a moment, and the furrow of his brow makes Aayla want to press her thumb to it, smooth out the wrinkles. Bly worries too much, and always has. “Did he get the wrong ones?”
Translation: are the forged papers something the officials here will pick up on before they can get through. Aalya shakes her head, but can’t help unfolding them again one more time to look at them, quick but careful. They look like the papers the Jedi Order uses every time they need to send someone undercover, with their signatures scrawled into the heavy flimsiplast. 
Bly took her last name, since he doesn’t have one of his own, and Aayla resists the urge to press a fingertip over it, just as much as she’s been resisting the urge to lean back into his touch. Having feelings for her commander is one thing, but acting on them when he’s under her command, when he’s never shown more than respect for her, isn’t something she’ll ever do. 
“Fox is generally pretty good about things about that,” Bly says, faintly distracted, and leans over her shoulder. Aayla has to breathe carefully for a moment so that she doesn’t turn and kiss him. When he’s practically curled around her, hand still on her back, weight against her lekku, it’s far more difficult not to than it should be. “If it were Thire, I might be worried, but—”
The couple ahead of them are called forward for their interview, and Aayla glances up towards the official’s voice, then back down—
There’s a seal.
She freezes, suddenly able to see the difference. There’s a seal stamped onto the bottom of the flimsi, dark and official-looking. Not the stamp that the Order uses on undercover documents, but an actual clerk’s seal from one of the Coruscanti offices, which means—
“Bly,” she says, maybe a little dazed. “Bly, we’re married.”
“I know that,” Bly says, confused. “That’s what the documents are for. Uh.” He pauses, and Aayla can see the tips of his ears reddening out of the corner of his eye, the way he slants her a glance. “I know you probably would have preferred Lucky, but he’s only just coming off medical leave—”
“No, Bly,” Aayla says more insistently, and shoves the certificates at him. Lowers her voice, and hisses, “That is not the Order’s clerk who approved this. That is a real clerk who actually filed our marriage certificate.”
Bly’s face loses about three shades of color, and he twitches like he’s about the snatch the flimsis out of her hands. “Fox,” he grinds out between gritted teeth. “Karking bantha fodder son of a malfunctioning cloning vat—”
That’s not anger radiating from him, though. That’s a desperate, burning surge of sheer mortification. 
“Bly?” Aayla asks, startled. 
“I’ll kill him for you, sir,” Bly says, conversationally. “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with this at the source and just murder him. If you want to order me to torture him for you, I’m happy to do that too.”
Aayla looks at him for a long minute, feeling the dismay, the irritation, and prickly irritation that’s directed solely at Fox, and then asks, “Bly, why would Fox want us to be married?”
Bly flushes, pointedly looking away. Against the red of his cheeks, the streak of gold stands out. Aayla’s colors, the ones she picked for her men, and which Bly inked onto his skin. Out of loyalty to the 327th, she’d thought, but—
But what if. 
“Because he’s tired of listening to me whine,” Bly says, rubbing a hand over his face. “About you. And General Fisto. This is my fault, sir. Sorry.”
“Kit?” Aayla raises a brow. “Bly, Kit and I haven’t seen each other in months. What has he done that’s annoyed you so?” Reaching out, she touches his shoulder, gentle pressure asking him to turn and look at her, and he does, instantly and without hesitation. 
“Yes, sir,” Bly says, and meets her eyes, but he looks on the very edge of miserable. “But you love him, don’t you?”
Oh, Aayla thinks, and smiles. Turns, reaches up, loops her arms around his neck, and she can feel the way his breath hitches, the sudden wash of disbelief and something hot that flashes through him. 
“Kit will always be a friend,” she says, “but he knows precisely where my heart lies, Bly.”
Bly’s smile spreads, slow, startled, and he curls his fingers over her hips, pulls her in. His breath is warm against her cheek, and his gaze is stunned, sweet. The kiss is soft, slow, and Aayla leans into him, returns it, presses her fingertips into his skin and lets the tide of warm-wonder-disbelief-desire curl over her like a wave. 
“I guess you don’t have to kill Commander Fox,” she says, impish, when they draw apart, and Bly laughs roughly, wraps his arms around her and picks her right up off her feet to spin her in a tight circle. Aayla laughs, grabbing his shoulders, and takes another deep kiss as he slows. 
“No, I’m absolutely going to murder him,” Bly says. “I’m just going to say thank you first.”
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detroitbydark · 4 years
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Chp 13
Characters: Commander Fox x Mouse (reader), and more Jedi/clones/politicians than you can shake a stick at.
Summary: that one time Padme throws a big party, Bly cracks jokes, fox hates himself some more, mouse wears matching underwear, and Anakin has a heart to heart.
A/N: Snuggle up Fox Fanciers this boy is stupid long and full of yearning on a level I didn’t know I could yearn. You’ve been warned!
Special thanks as always to @skdubbs and @crimson-dxwn for being my sounding boards and supporters in all this. Love you ladies! 😘
“For the love of the Force…” Mouse curses quietly. Padmé was never going to let her live this one down. She turns, admiring herself in the floor length mirror. The kriffing dress was perfect. Like, absolutely perfect. Had she not lost a few kilos since Coruscant she may not have even fit it to begin with but she had and it did and it was all that mattered at the moment.
It was easier to admire the stunning red dress clinging to each curve, cutting off just below her knees than it was to think about him. Yeah, knowing Fox was going to be there and seeing him were two entirely different things. Seeing him had felt… complicated. 
There had been a split second when she’d first laid eyes on him in that door, bucket slung under his arm, that she would have done anything he asked just to be near him. The loss she’d felt the first few days on Naboo was nothing in comparison to what she felt when he’d entered the Senator’s office. It was a blessing to be holding Leia, to have Luke as an excuse to leave as soon as she could. 
She couldn’t think with him there. Her first instinct had always been to radiate to him, even before she’d really understood that was what she was doing. Fighting that instinct was hard and it hurt, but she didn’t think she had it in her to be that girl anymore. She didn’t know if she could give all of herself again and again to be pushed away when he got scared. 
Padmé had said all the activity would be just a few days and then they’d be back to normal. Mouse just had to survive. She’d gotten good at that.
On the way out the door she questions retrieving a shawl. She’d be eating with warriors, battle hardened soldiers. She doubts their delicate sensibilities would be thrown into a tizzy by the sight of her scars. Maybe the more delicate socialites and their wives, but she doesn’t much care for their opinions.
She reaches up to touch the skin of her shoulder as an afterthought. It wasn’t the appearance so much as the feel of it she didn’t like. She hated rubbing the lotion into it, the almost rubbery feeling of the proliferative tissue there, but the doctors had said it was important to keep it softened to prevent it from tightening and contracting over the joint. So, two to three times a day, Mouse let go of her own uneasiness and pressed the special lotion into the skin, rubbed and massaged until the skin was pink with irritation.
The walk to the grand dining room is short and Mouse's heels echo softly down the large hallway. She can hear the conversation before the doors are even opened for her, punctuated by deep, masculine laughter. She’s fashionably late and Padmé raises a brow from her spot across the room. Mouse offers an apologetic smile and the senator returns it. Anakin stands a foot behind his wife. His attention is split between watching her and conversing with his former master. 
It’s odd seeing the Jedi, both men, in formal wear. Tuxes just don’t look quite right on them. That’s not to say they don’t cut striking figures - General Kenobi would have his choice of Coruscanti society girls if he marched around the capitol like that. It's just a little wrong to see the Jedi not in their robes.
“Sweetling!” The deep rumble drags her attention from the senator who returns to speaking with the men in front of her, neither of whom Mouse recognizes.
“Marshall Commander,” she greets, turning and accepting a soft kiss on the cheek as Cody draws near.
“Mous’ika,” he chides, using the name he’d obviously heard somewhere.
“Yes, Cody?” she asks sweetly, managing to hold in her giggle until he laughs.
“That’s more like it! How have you been?” 
Mouse falls into conversation with the Commander of the 212th. They’d met a handful of times now since she’d arrived in Naboo. The Commander had accompanied his Jedi on more than a few visits and while General Kenobi was spending time with his former Padawan, Cody had taken to having tea with Mouse and Padmé. He was a steady man who loved to gossip over holodramas and sip herbal tea. In another life maybe, Mouse could picture him as a professor, or maybe the owner of a bookshop. Something quiet, studious.
A server makes the rounds as they chat and Cody plucks a flute from a tray and hands it to her. She takes it with thanks. The bubbles tickle her tongue as she takes a drink. Something prickles at the periphery of her senses and she glances around, trying to figure it out what it might be. She shakes off the feeling and gives her full attention to the Marshall Commander in front of her.
“This isn’t either of our particular scenes, I believe. We’ve got to blend in somehow.” He holds up his own tumbler in show, amber liquid and round cubes of ice rolling around in its confines.
“That’s very true. I was afraid I’d get here and be relegated to a wallflower.”
“As if Padme would allow that,” he scoffs.
Mouse laughs again. “Are you always right, Cody?”
“Ask General Kenobi.”
Music plays quietly, a string quartet from Coruscant flown in for just the night, as Mouse falls in at Cody’s side. A few troopers  in dress greys stop to chat for a moment here and there and Mouse dutifully smiles and offers polite conversation, laughs at the appropriate times. She recognizes some here and there, a scar or tattoo sticking out in her memory, all Commanders with the occasional Lieutenant thrown in for color. She feels the sensation again and can finally place it. It’s as if someone is watching her. Cody offers her a questioning look as she glances around again. She flashes a smile and shrugs. She was being silly. No one was watching her.
“Are you still sponsoring the little girl on Coruscant?” Cody asks, making polite conversation.
“Me’kar? Yes, I actually just received a comm from her guardian the other day. She’s doing well, picking up basic incredibly fast.” Mouse had started sponsoring the child shortly after her arrival, not able to get her bright smile and sweet eyes out of her mind. It wasn’t uncommon for the children’s home to accept sponsorships to supplement the small stipends they received from the Republic. It cost money to keep the children dressed and fed and extras could be more than the budget allotted for. Mouse was more than happy to do it and the updates and occasional holo from the little girl were bright notes in her week.
“Have you given more thought to adopting her?” Cody asks knowingly, as if it was a forgone conclusion.
“I’m still thinking.” Mouse shrugs. It wasn’t a decision to take lightly, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the little girl and what it would be like to come home to her everyday, to be a mother to a child that needed one. She’d once harbored a silly dream of a family with one clone commander and little Me’kar playing a starring role. Now she still thought of a family, but maybe just of two and not three. Cody glances over her shoulder, a smile splitting his features. Mouse turns and sees, arguably, the most beautiful Twi’lek woman in the galaxy wrapped in a body contouring dress that looks nearly painted on. 
“Have you met General Secura? Let me introduce you. She may be able to answer some of the questions you have.”
Aayla Secura was wonderful. Mouse found herself completely enthralled with the twi’lek woman as she spoke of Ryloth, customs, and traditions. The Jedi didn’t think her idea of adopting Me’kar to be improper and encouraged her. Family was important for her people and she didn’t believe any child should grow up without the opportunity to have one.
“I would encourage you to fill out whatever application needs to be started immediately. Bring the little one here or raise her on Coruscant, either way it sounds like you’ve been thinking a great deal on it. You’ve asked such important questions. The rest is all just figuring things out as you go.”
Mouse can’t help the bright smile she flashes. Aayla glances over her shoulder as Mouse takes a swallow of her second glass of bubbly. It’s sweet on her tongue and reminds her of Fall orchard fruits, crisp and delightful. She’s just a little bit more relaxed than she’d been an hour ago as the alcohol works to relax her nerves when she thinks she feels eyes again. She’s quick to laugh it off as nerves - she hadn’t been around so many people in ages.
“Have you met my Commander Bly yet?”
Mouse wonders on “my” for a moment, but as soon as the Commander is at the Jedi’s side she wonders no more. He stands close, closer than to be expected and his hand rests along the cutout in the Jedi’s dress for just a moment longer than is proper as he greets her. 
“I’m rounding up stragglers, sir,” he says with a half smile, turning and offering Mouse a nod. She holds out a hand and Aayla introduces her. Bly has a moment when his brows twitch up in unison before he takes her hand and shakes it gently. “If you ladies would care to, I believe we're supposed to take our seats for dinner.”
Bly offers his arm to his general and she slips hers through it, allowing him to guide her. Mouse follows a half a step behind as they move to the grand hall. Large round tables are set up under sparkling chandeliers. Mouse tries to break off to a smaller one, out of the way and to the side of the room, but it seems Cody has taken up the rear behind the trio. He takes her arm gently as she tries to veer off.
“I believe you were assigned a seat of importance, Sweetling.”
Mouse shakes her head. She really was only here because Padmé wouldn’t hear of her not being there. She tries to explain to Cody as Bly glances over his shoulder. A look passes between the two troopers.
“I’m sure there’s at least one seat left at the head table.” 
Mouse watches as Aayla gives her Commander a questioning look. She swears she sees him wink.
She’s not watching where he guides her, still gently trying to plead her case. She looks to her left and sees Padmé smiling brightly and knows she won’t back her up in her decision to hide in the shadows. Cody pulls the chair out for her as she offers him a grumpy look. He chuckles and captures her hand, bringing it to his lips for a soft kiss. Mouse feels her cheeks flame, too flustered to come up with anything in response. She doesn’t pay attention to the set of greys next to her as Cody nods and she slides into her seat. Not until he walks to his own seat beside General Kenobi does Mouse turn to introduce herself.
And comes face to face with the Commander of the Coruscant Guard.
Fox is leaned back in his seat, brow raised in her direction. He radiates slow simmering irritation.
“I- I’m sorry” she doesn’t know why she’s apologizing. She had nothing to do with this. Her eyes dart around frantically trying to find any other option, an escape, but all the other seats are full and the last of the guests are taking their places at the other tables. If she got up now she’d only draw more attention to herself.
Fox says nothing as he turns back to his drink and Bly on his other side. Mouse stares down at her plate, her stomach already twisting into knots. She throws back her drink, downing the rest in one swallow. A passing waiter offers her another and she readily accepts. Maybe if she’s just a little bit drunk this wouldn’t be so bad. 
Padmé clears her throat and all eyes fall to where she stands at the head of their table. She’s resplendent, of course, in a loose cream gown that drapes her in the most eye pleasing of ways. Even if she didn’t have an air about her that demanded attention, her wardrobe choice alone would have done the job.
“I’d like to begin by thanking everyone for their company on this lovely evening. As I’m sure you’ve heard,” she says as if she’s letting the room in on a grand secret, “we’ve recently welcomed our first children into the world.” The small gathered crowd laughs as if on cue. Mouse glances to the other tables. She didn’t know faces, but she’d dutifully typed all the names into the guest list Padmé had dictated. They were some of the most influential individuals in the outer rim. Padmé has thought to treat this evening as a soft unveiling of the plan she’d eventually propose to the senate. It was a test crowd of her peers. She’d use their reaction to modify and gauge where to go from here.
“Now,I find being a mother is much like being a senator. There is always something that needs doing and a mother’s work, much like a senators, is never done.” She offers a smile as she glances from one side of the room to the other. 
“The men and women I have invited here today,” she gestures to the clones and Jedi around her “are very familiar, also, with work that never seems to be done. These are the Marshall Commander and Commanders who keep the Grand Army of the Republic afloat. They and their men risk their lives for a Republic which has given them nothing in return, and for that,” Padmé gives a gentle smile around the table, “I want to be the first to openly admit that we have done them a grave disservice.” 
Mouse glances to see the wait staff lining up along the walls with the first course. She really does try to pay attention to what the senator has to say, but Fox is so close. She can imagine she wouldn’t have to move far to be back against his chest, feel his hot breath against her skin. Maybe he’d wrap his arm around her, hold her tight, whisper sweet things in her ear-
Maker, she was pathetic. Her stomach turns in agreement.
“Throughout this evening I hope each and every one of you enjoy yourselves, and I also hope that you take a moment to give these brave men some of the gratitude that we, as a Republic, have denied them for far too long. Something I hope we will begin to change in the not so distant future.”
Polite clapping erupts as staff circles the tables and places the first course in one impressively synchronized movement. As Padmé sits, her husband leans in and presses a kiss to her cheek. Mouse looks away.
The food looks good. Or at least it should. Mouse had helped pick out the menu herself. Crudité, a small salad of exotic fruit, a light dressing. It should be perfect. Everyone else seemed to be enjoying it if the sound of silver clinking against china meant anything. She takes a bite and chews carefully - it has all the depth and flavor of sawdust.
“I didn’t realize you had a type.” 
Mouse glances at Fox who is firmly staring at his own plate, chewing as if nothing is amiss. He’d always looked good in his greys but he looks utterly delicious now. His hair is longer and his face is shaved clean of its usual five-o’clock shadow. 
“Excuse me?” Her voice is quiet, barely above a whisper.
“I didn’t take you for a trooper chaser.”
The food very nearly gets stuck in her throat as she attempts to swallow. She takes a pull of wine from her glass, coughing lightly.
“Everything ok, Mous’ika?” Cody asks from across the table, concern evident.
Retrieving her napkin from her lap, Mouse covers her next cough. “I’m fine, Cody.” She tries to give him a reassuring look from behind the fabric. “Must have forgotten to chew,” she jokes awkwardly. At her side Fox makes a low sound. Cody glances between the pair of them for a moment before turning back to General Kenobi at his side.
“Cody,” Fox says, and Mouse catches the quick flash of brown eyes. “I seem to remember it took nearly a year for you to say my name. You’re moving faster.”
“Why are you saying this?” she questions. Why would he think such a thing? She hadn’t done anything that deserved such an accusation. He shrugs before turning to Bly and asking him a question about field munitions.
It leaves Mouse's head spinning. No one else seems to notice as they all speak quietly to one another.
“Commander Bly? General Secura?” Bail looks to the other side of the table and the pair. “What are your feelings on Senator Amidala’s personhood bill I sent you?”
 “Far be it from me to dislike a law that makes me human,” Bly cracks. A round of laughter rises among the other troopers present. Aayla rolls her eyes at her Commander in an unmistakably fond way.
“What I believe the Commander is trying to say Chancellor, is that it is a more than welcome change to the status quo.”
“I was trying to say that?”
“Yeah, the vocabulary seems a bit past him,” Fox cracks dryly. 
Aayla looks from one to the other. “Force I wish General Koon and Commander Wolffe could have been here. Maybe than you’d remember how to behave.”
“The ori’vod is the one who taught us,” Bly offers with faux indignation.
Obi-wan manages to smother a chuckle, though a smile still tugs at his lips. “Master Plo Koon sends his deepest apologies. The Wolffe pack is still firmly entrenched on their mission and he didn’t feel it appropriate to leave them.”
There’s a general consensus of agreement among the group. Mouse catches General Kenobi's occasional glances around the table, the majority of them falling between Commander Bly and his General.
“Senator Amidala,” he begins, his voice pensive, “How do you propose to introduce your personhood bill?”
Padmé gives a warm smile. She’d been waiting for this; Mouse can tell by the way her eyes sharpen and the slight quickening of her voice. “I think we need to show the public that it’s not only the GAR that stands behind the Clones, but also the Jedi Order as well.”
Mouse makes a small sound of dissent, feeling Fox adjust next to her.
“Mous’ika?” Cody questions, “Do you not agree with the senator?” Mouse looks embarrassed as she glances Padmé’s way, but the senator looks more curious than anything. Mouse gathers her thoughts while she finishes her glass of wine. A passing server goes to refill the glass but, at her side, Fox waves him off. She wants to glare at him, but all eyes are on her, waiting.
“I’m no politician, so I’m not sure my opinion should amount to anything,” she begins, “but general public opinion about the Jedi Order is not…” She looks apologetically at the few Jedi at the table “Well, it’s not good right now.”
There’s some concerned looks flying her way. Bless. It was easy to miss what was happening at home when one was in a war zone the majority of the time. 
She reaches for where her wine should be and grabs a glass of water that hadn't been there a moment ago. She takes a sip before speaking again.
“It would be a poor decision to align solely with the Order on this one, I feel. Just a look at the holonews and you’ll see articles and op-eds questioning the Jedi’s involvement in the war.”
Fox clears his throat.
“She’s right” How sweet it was to hear those words. “We’re dealing with domestic terrorism on an unprecedented level. Nothing that we can’t handle but it’s something to take into consideration. The public feels like the Order has overstepped its bounds. It lacks policing of its own.” Fox holds up his hand when Obi-wan goes to speak. “While that may not be the case, in the court of public opinion the Order is guilty more than it is not.”
Mouse can feel him looking at her, handing the reins back over. “The average Coruscanti already is apprehensive of such a large military force within their presence. It’s going to take some doing to convince them to see the troopers as anything but soldiers awaiting orders” she finishes diplomatically.
There are speculative looks and nods around the table. “Much to think about,” Bail agrees, taking a slow sip of wine. His eyes linger between her and Fox for far longer than she likes. “Thank you.”
Mouse nods, her cheeks glowing hot from the attention. Her hand brushes against Fox’s as she sets it back down on the table. Her fool’s heart skips a beat when he doesn’t pull away immediately. She fights the urge to lace her little finger with his. Luckily, the next course comes and they both have to adjust to the changing of plates.
Her stomach is still turning in loops and food is still not something that sounds appealing in the slightest as the main course comes out. She doesn’t even remember what it’s supposed to be. It looks like it was probably delicious, roasted meat and delicate fresh vegetables sautéed to perfection. She takes a few testing bites but her plate remains mostly untouched.
“Quit pushing your food around and eat”. Of course she hasn’t forgotten Fox is sitting next to her. It must have been too much to hope he had forgotten about her. 
Again, when she glances his direction he doesn’t seem to be paying attention to her. She doesn’t acknowledge he’s said anything and listens in quietly as the others at the table chat. 
She takes another bite and chews slowly before swallowing.
“Come on, another,” he says. This time something is softer about his voice. When Mouse looks she sees him glancing at her. 
Her chest tightens uncomfortably. Why did she give him the power to do this?
She thinks for a moment that she just might be imagining things. Under the table Fox’s booted foot knocks softly against hers letting her know she wasn’t. This wasn’t fair. 
“Eat.” It’s a soft plea. He didn’t get to be soft with her anymore. He didn’t get to give orders. He’d lost those privileges.
“I’m not hungry.” 
Fox’s head turns slowly at her words. “You could have fooled me. You look like a strong wind could blow you away.”
“Let it go, Commander. You're being ridiculous,” she manages to whisper under her breath. She doesn’t realize the table has gone quiet, that half a dozen or more pairs of eyes are watching them. Fox hasn’t either.
“There are faster ways to kill yourself than starvation. I’m sure you remember at least one other way.” The sudden acid in his voice hides the sound of frustration and strikes a direct hit.
Mouse has never considered herself a dramatic person, far from it really. So the rapidly rising urge to turn and punch him in the eye comes as a surprise. The anger behind it is soon replaced by mortification when she realizes that everyone has gone quiet.
Cody’s jaw is set into a tight line, the antithesis of Bly’s slackened one. Both Aayla and Bail are staring down at their plates. Mouse doesn’t look at the others.
Fox is frozen at her side, unmoving and unspeaking. Horror is dawning in his eyes as she pulls the napkin off her lap and places it in her still full plate.
His hand fumbles reaching for hers under the table but she skitters out of his reach.
“If you’ll excuse me?” She addresses the gathered group, “I’ll be back shortly.” Hot angry tears are already starting to swell in her eyes as she pushes away from the table and makes her way from the great room. She manages to keep it together until she’s in the guest wing. She doesn’t slide to the floor in a heap til she’s in her room.
She doesn’t return to dinner.
 “You know I remember it all.”
The words catch Fox by surprise. He picks up the tumblr resting along the stone terrace wall and takes a drink as he looks at the Jedi - former Jedi- he didn’t even know what Anakin Skywalker was anymore.
“Congratulations?” Bitterness is already brewing in his gut. First Mouse and now this? Could it get any worse? Could a man not drink away his self-loathing in peace?
“The first time I met the Chancellor I was a child, but I remember it like it was just this morning. He smiled at me. It was like having someone see me for the first time. Like my Mother. Like Qui-Gon-“
Fox isn’t in the mood for this. 
“-as I got older his attention focused on me. He honed me. Groomed me for something-“
“That’s great, sir, really.” He’d failed to hold back his acidic comments when Mouse had been near. Now that it was Skywalker he doesn’t even care to try.
“Shift it Fox and listen to what the kriff I’ve got to say.”
Fox brings the glass to his lips and finishes it in one long, slow pull before taking it and throwing it out into the placid lake below. It would have felt better had it smashed. The urge to break something has been simmering on the back burner all night. Skywalker was bringing it to a rapid boil. 
“And what are you trying to say Jetii? Your life story means to me about as much as sith spit.”
Something dangerous flares in the other man’s eyes. “We’re the same, you and I.”
Fox barks a laugh, a bitter stagnant sound as he feigns turning away for just a moment only to spin right back. “You and I are nothing alike. Are you one of millions? Does your order see you as interchangeable battle fodder? Tell me your serial number, sir.”
“Your loyalty is unquestionable. You would do anything for the people you care about.” Anakin seems undeterred by Fox’s growing ire. “We both love women who are far stronger than we gave them credit for-“
“Shut up.” Fox’s voice is low, a warning growl from a wounded animal. He’d already hurt someone he’d claimed to love, said something ugly and cruel. It wouldn’t take much effort to get him to throw a swing against the man in front of him.
“-we think we know best. Sometimes we do. Then we let our own ego get in the way and we hurt the ones we love with our good intentions.”
“What about shut up don’t you understand?” Fox takes a step forward, chest out. He wants this to escalate. 
“What I don’t understand is how you can take a girl like her and purposefully hurt her. I watched her put a blaster to her-“
“ENOUGH!” Any cool Fox had left vanishes as he closes the space between them. His finger jabs into the other man’s chest, punctuating his point. “You don’t get to talk about her. You don’t get to talk about that night.” 
How dare he. In the end, who was he but Sidious’s favorite lap dog? Rage boils over as Anakin steps into the jabbing finger, making Fox take an unwanted step back.
“Yeah? You want to go there? Pretty sure I remember being there just as much as you were. I was also there when your blaster killed Fives.”
Fox can’t hide the way he flinches at the name. 
Anakin takes a slow even breath before he speaks again. “Fox, I’m not going to say I didn’t want to turn the damn thing on you and put two through your composite -Jedi way be damned- but I can look back and remember what your face looked like. When you stepped in the corner where you didn’t think anyone could see? You didn’t want to shoot Fives. You didn’t want to kill your brother.”
Fox closes his eyes, tipping his head up toward the night sky.
“She knew that too-“
“You think I don’t realize what she was doing? You think I don’t realize she was ready to sacrifice herself so I didn’t have to kill someone else I - “ He opens his eyes focusing back on the Jedi. 
“But you didn’t feel her in the Force like I did. I was as much of a mess as any of us but you know what I felt coming from her?”
Fox shakes his head. He doesn’t want to know.
“Resolve. Love and resolve. She would have done anything to keep you safe. She was the only steady one of us all.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” He’d seen it in Mouse’s eyes, that decision she’d made and would have followed through with. For him. The nightmares where she had to follow through still found him, the ones with her wide eyes staring up blank and glassy while smoke rose in tendrils from her head.
“Because we're the same. Our love was used as fuel for manipulation. It was a tool to gain our compliance. I saw a future where Padmé died. Over and over and Palp- Sidious made me think I could stop it. If I did what he said I could stop it all. Then he was dead and I still had the dream. But you know what? She would have died at my hands because of me, because of my blind, fumbling attempt to prevent it in the first place and my children -” Emotion swells in his voice.
“When I watched you tonight, when I heard what you said, I saw those very blind steps I had been taking all over again. Stop it, Fox. She doesn’t deserve it.” Anakin stops and takes a deep breath, 
“You don’t deserve it. Let the pain stop.”
Fox drags himself away from the Jedi, turning his back to stare out at the expanse of water below. “There’s no fixing what I’ve done”
“I think you’re wrong.”
“And I think you’re a fool.”
Fox feels spent. Physically and emotionally exhausted, riding the fallout of an adrenaline surge down to rock bottom after his confrontation with Skywalker.
He’s ready for bed. He needs a solid six hours of sleep. Maybe a coma? 
He wasn’t pleased with the continued attempts by others to force something with Mouse that was obviously not meant to be. He wasn’t pleased with his own behavior in response to it. He wasn’t a Hutuun, but he had certainly acted like one. Honestly, he'd rather take the butt of a blaster to his head as opposed to thinking about it anymore. 
He tried to think of something else. Personhood. Not in a million lifetimes did Fox think someone as powerful as the Chancellor of the Republic or one of its most brilliant senators would take up the torch for him and his brothers. It was bound to be a controversial bill but after listening to Bail and Padmé speak, it didn’t seem so overwhelming. It was a real possibility that the end of the war wasn’t going to mean the proverbial scrap heap. The end of the war could mean citizenship, recognition, lives outside of battle and the GAR. 
The thought left him a little lightheaded - or maybe that was the Alderaanian wine that had been flowing. 
He tries to rein in his excitement at the thought. If Fox had learned one thing in his time in Coruscant and among politics it was that politicians were exceptionally good at dragging their shebs when it came to anything good. It would require finesse and more than a little debate for the good Senator to see her plans to fruition. If anyone could do it, it was Padmé. The time frame in which she could do it was up for debate. Fox raises a brow as he looks down the hall. If the sound coming from General Secura’s room meant anything, there was some very brisk debating going on between the General and her Commander. 
Fox tries not to look at Mouse’s door as he goes to his own. He tries not to think about what personhood would mean for his vode that had broken regs and found something to fight for outside of the GAR.
 Fox is  barely in his door, already bending to remove his boots when he hears it, a soft plaintive voice in the hall. It’s instantly familiar. He’s already cursing himself. He’d done enough to her tonight. Obviously, he’d proven that he couldn’t be in the same room without hurting her. He hears her voice again and he’s pulling the door open without a second thought. 
Mouse is leaning half in the hallway. “Hello?”
The disaster that had been dinner flashes in his mind's eye as do Skywalker’s words from a short time ago.
Let the pain stop.
Clearing his throat, he steps into the hall.
“Oh Maker...” it’s not the exact thing he was hoping to hear as she laid eyes on him, but he’s sure it’s no less than he deserves. “It had to be you, didn’t it?”
Fox gives her an appraising look. Her cheeks were hot and flushed even before she’d seen him and the gown she’d worn to dinner is still firmly in place. Her gentle eyes are rimmed in red. She looks just as stunning as she had a few hours ago. 
The foundation his resolve has been built upon continues to crumble.
He chides himself. That foundation had never been strong, not when he’d asked Bail to transfer her, not when he’d seen her in her hospital room, certainly not when she’d given him the cold shoulder earlier when they’d arrived. It seemed everything about Mouse worked to destroy the barrier he’s tried to erect between them.
“What’s wrong?” He asks gruffly. He’s tired from travel and of the mental gymnastics he’d been putting himself through. Mostly though he was tired of feeling like he was fighting with both her and himself.
Mouse's eyes dart each way down the hallway as if looking for someone else to save the day. She isn’t that lucky. A particularly loud moan coming from Secura’s room emphasizes that point.
“My dress-“ a new wave of red blooms in her cheeks, “the zipper is stuck. I’ve been trying for nearly an hour and…” She glances down at the floor and her bare feet. He hates that she won’t look at him but he’s done nothing to earn that honor now has he?
He huffs taking a breath and a leap. “If you don’t hate the idea of my help, I’m willing to offer it.”
Mouse's eyes slowly rise back to his. “I-“ she’s making a decision as well. He can see it written across her face. Maker, he thinks, please give me this one chance.
“Yes. Please.” She stutters out her answer, pulling away from the door frame and moving into the suite. She glances over her shoulder as she moves as if she’s afraid he wouldn’t actually follow.
Mouse stops near a small dressing table with brushes and makeup laid out on its top. A full size mirror is immediately to its side. She watches him in the reflection. It’s the first time since the hospital on Coruscant that Fox has been alone with her. That feels like so long ago, another life and time. They’re two different people now.
He steps carefully into her space as if one off movement would spook her and this would all end. This close he can smell the soft floral perfume she’s dabbed on. He can feel the heat radiating from her. Equal parts comfort and temptation rolled in one. 
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he says suddenly. Skywalker’s words haunt him. “I shouldn’t have said the things I did.” Mouse’s head cocks to the side as she watches him.
“Why did you then? I’m certainly not Cody’s type and-“
“And what?”
She steals herself. Fox can see the deep breath she takes before she speaks again, “even if I was, my interest will always lie elsewhere.”
The meaning of her words strike home. “Me? After everything?”
“It was always you.” She admits softly.
She still- she still cared for him? After everything?  After he’d nearly killed her. After he left her maimed. After he pushed her away over and over. 
More of the wall crumbles. All he’d have to do now is take one big step and he could be over it.
“So, this zipper you were talking about?” He deflects, needs another minute to think because there's too much to sort through and he can’t make more mistakes. Not with Mouse. Not with them.
She nods softly toward her left side, pulling her arm forward to show the jammed apparatus. Fox closes his eyes. Her scars stand proudly from under the thin straps of her dress. When he opens them he catches Mouse watching him in the reflection, her look is sad. 
“I can find someone else-“ 
His hand immediately drops to her hip as she tries to walk away, pulling her back and erasing the laughable space in between them. The shock shows on both of their faces.
“Easy,” he manages, and after a moment she settles against him. His thumb rubs small circles over her waist and he’s not sure if he’s trying to soothe her or himself. “I’m just coming up with a plan of action.” That draws a small smile from her but it’s all the encouragement he needs. “You need help taking your hair down?” He turns his head, the tip of his nose brushing against the soft strands still secured in their up-do.
 It’s an absolute sithshit question, she had two working arms she could remove all the pins and clips herself, they both know this. Fox just wants- he wants more time. He wants to be ready to look at the damage he’s done and not feel repulsed by it. To maybe, just maybe, not hate himself when he looks at it.
“I- yeah, that would be helpful.” She says quietly after a moment. She sits on the stool in front of the mirror, her eyes following his actions with apprehension and curiosity. Fox takes a steadying breath and begins. 
He’s never done this before, that is to say done anything more than held hairpins passed to him by senators like Padme and Chuchi on a transport after an event when they complained of the intricate styles giving them headaches or had simply needed to feel free of the bindings of senate formality. He’s seen enough though, and begins to work slowly from the base of her skull working up to the crown of her head. Mouse holds out her hand and he drops the thin pins in as he goes. As her hair begins to spill down, he watches her transform before his eyes back into the mouse he’d always known. Loose waves frame her face, still painted to perfection. Her red lips part and a soft breath escapes her as he massages his fingers along her scalp. Tension melts from her shoulders and she begins to lean back into him as his fingers rake through her hair, untangling strands until they slip smoothly through her fingers.
“You're going to make me fall asleep if you keep that up,” she says finally. The ghost of a smile crosses his face.
“Come on then. Stand up. Let’s get this thing undone before you have to sleep in it.” The stool is pushed to the side as she stands, and Fox moves a half a step back so he can see what he’s doing.
“The chain,” she says softly, catching his attention. “Unclasp it first, before the zipper. I can’t reach that at all.”
The thin gold chain hangs low on her bare back, spanning the distance between the straps of her dress. It glitters temptingly in the light, just like it had when he’d seen it earlier at dinner, when his mouth had gone dry at the mere sight of her.
Fox meets her eyes in the mirror as his hand moves softly from her right hip, up and over her back. His fingers drag feather-light over the bare skin they find. Mouse's eyes flutter shut and he can see her inhale deeply. Her skin was still as soft as he remembered. He gently scoops her hair to one side, over her right shoulder. Her eyes are still closed.
“Breathe, precious girl,” he orders softly, fighting a wince at the pet name that slips out. If Mouse cares, she doesn’t let on. She exhales slowly, opening her eyes at the end. Her pupils take a moment to adjust back to the light. “Am I ok?” he asks quietly.
“Are you?” There’s no heat or snark in her words. She’s staring at him, genuinely curious.
“I think so.” His fingers find the tiny gold catch holding the chain in place and it opens with ease.
“Can you- do you think you can do the zipper. If it’s too much to look at I-“
Fox stops her with a low sound. She hadn’t looked unsure or self conscious in the gown she wore all night. He wasn’t going to be the one to make her question it now. He’d already done enough. 
“I’m good.” 
He gently presses her left arm forward to gain access. He takes a steading breath as he looks down. The scarring spills across her shoulder, two shades lighter than her normal skin tone. He’s seen plenty of burns in his career and this wasn’t the worst but it feels like it is because he was the cause of it. A few centimeters more and he would have missed her entirely. A few centimeters the other way and-
His fingers move to the gown, easily plucking open the hook and loop closure at the top of the zipper. Mouse sucks in a sharp breath as the tips of his finger skim along the bare skin there.
“Is this ok?” he asks. She nods mutely. “I need words, Mouse,” he urges as gently as he can muster.
“It’s good.” Her voice wavers slightly as she speaks, “Go- go ahead.”
Fox can hear his heart beating in his skull. He can hear the rush of air through his lungs. Everything feels loud as his fingers slowly work at the jammed zipper. Mouse’s breathing is shallow as his fingers press into her, as they pull and twist until whatever has been keeping the closure jammed comes loose and it slides down. His fingers trail behind the zipper as it falls open.
He looks up to find her eyes on him again in the mirror's reflection. Her pupils are blown wide and her lips are parted. Fox feels the beginning wave of blood rush to his groin, the surge only becoming stronger as Mouse slowly - carefully - reaches up and slides the right strap of her gown down. She doesn’t look away from his reflection as her hand trails across her collarbone to the left strap. She pauses as if waiting for him to tell her to stop.
Fox puts the tips of his fingers over hers and together they lower the strap. He can see the rest of the scar now, can really get a feel for the size and the shape of it. It’s glossy compared to the surrounding area, as if her skin had been pulled too tight and frozen that way. She slides her fingers from the strap - laying flat against her lower arm - up, bringing his fingers along with it.
“Does it hurt?” The question slips out as her fingers glide over the surface.
“Not usually. It pulls sometimes,” she says softly, “They both do. I use lotion, try to get it massaged a couple times a day.” Fox’s eyes lock on hers. “The other option was worse.”
That’s right. She could be dead. He’s tried not to think of that the last few months, so trapped in his own guilt about hurting her that each time the psych droid brought it up he immediately countered with how she wasn’t and she had to live with what he’d done to her.
“Can I…?” He glances down and then back up. Mouse gives him a tense smile and a nod.
It feels different from how skin is supposed to feel. It feels thicker, less textured missing the fine hair that covered the rest of her arm. He traces the outline of it. It had only been glancing, the distal part of her shoulder taking the brunt of the burn from the bolt. His fingers map out the boundaries twice before he comes to a stand still.
He doesn’t want to stop touching her. 
“Where’s your lotion?”
She doesn’t question him. He can see it in her eyes, in the split second of hesitation. She doesn’t want this to stop either. 
One arm moves across her chest to hold her gown in place while the other reaches to the dressing table and wraps around a bottle. Fox takes it when offered and squeezes a small amount into his hand. 
He’s taking that step over his wall, he realizes.  It doesn’t feel like much of an obstacle anymore anyway as it lays in crumbles at his feet.
Her skin is warm under his touch, no real difference between the good tissue and the scarred as far as temperature is concerned. He works the lotion into her skin pressing his thumb in firm circles from the edges to the center. Mouse lets out a tiny sigh and it’s becoming more difficult to ignore the desire roiling in his belly. 
“Fox…”  he hums in response to the soft moan of his name, “it feels so good.”
“I missed you, Cyar’ika.” He offers tentatively as he presses in close, aligning her back against his chest. His free arm wraps around her waist holding her lightly against him. His hand falls away from her skin and his mouth descends to pepper soft kisses. She was warm. She was alive. she could be dead but she wasn’t and in the end it was because of his actions that he could still hold her, still hear the soft hitch in her breath as he sucks gently at the juncture where her shoulder and neck meet. 
Mouse’s head tips, offering him more room. Her arm falls away from her dress and reaches back behind her, cradling the back of Fox’s while he sucks a mark into her skin. A sea of red flutters to the floor as the dress falls. Fox growls as he looks up and sees the pair of them, him still in his greys and her naked except for a small lacy pair of red panties. His red. From there his eyes travel up, finding the other shot he fired. 
The scarring to her right flank is worse than the shoulder; he can see the puckered skin and the patterned appearance of healed grafting but he doesn’t feel the wave of guilt he’s felt earlier. She was alive and hot in his arms.
“Tell me to stop.” He demands quietly against her skin, “make me stop.”
Mouse’s hips press back against the hard line of his erection straining in his greys. Another low growl spills from his lips as he spins her around. Her lips are on his in an instant, messy and desperate as she presses up and into him. Her teeth pull at his lower lip. “Fox…”
His hands cradle her face as he slots his mouth over hers, breathing in the air she gives him like a gift from Fett himself. He can feel the press of her breasts against his chest, the way her hands wrapped around him and gripped at his back. 
It was a dream. It had got to be. If it was, it was  the first good one he’d had in months. Mouse whines quietly as his hands slide down and grips her hips as if they were the only thing tethering him to this reality. It’s too much and he should stop but he can’t because what he should do and what he wants to do are too wildly incompatible.  His fingers graze over the pebbled skin of her right flank. Mouse inhales sharply.
“Stop.” The word leaves her mouth with sudden desperation, like it had been pulled from her body unwillingly.  It’s like a bucket of cold water thrown over Fox as he jerks away.
Mouse turns from him, shaking her head as she snatched up a robe and quickly wraps it around herself. They’re both panting quietly.
He’d done something wrong, misread her signals. He was scum. He was an idiot. He should-
“I can’t do this again” She’s still breathless when she speaks, ruby lipstick smeared over swollen lips. “Fox look at me.” She demands quietly when he tries to turn away. “You can’t do this to me again.”
“Do what?” He can hear the desperation in his voice, he sounds pathetic.
She looks at him for a moment before she moves closer to him. He wants to turn away. He doesn’t want to hear how he’s ruined everything, how everything has become clear but it was now too late. 
Her hand comes up softly to his cheek as she looks at him through dark lashes. Her voice is barely above a whisper.
“You can’t make me want you again, not if you're going to push me away when things get hard.” She has her free arm crossed over her chest. Her tone isn’t as strong as her words. They waiver as they fall from her lips. 
He wants to make her every promise in the book before he even knows if he can keep them and it’s not about getting his dick wet.
He misses her. Has missed her every single day since the horrible event in the Chancellor’s office.
He misses her smile - the soft one she saved just for him. He misses the way she viewed the world  from a different but similar way he did. He misses planning for a future with her even if he hadn’t told her any of it. Most of all he misses the quiet moments, the times when they would just lay together and enjoy being near one another.
“It was all for you Cyar’ika.” He says with force, as if he said it sure enough he’d convince her that every action he’d ever made in regards to her was completely selfless.
“Kriff” she curses, shaking her head. Her hand falls away and he misses the warm feeling of her skin against his, “you of all people-“ she mutters under her breath before speaking clearly.
 “I get to make choices Fox. When it comes to my life, I get to weigh the risks and benefits and I get to make choices. You took that away from me. Have I loved being here?” she asks, gesturing around at the sumptuous suite, “I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t, but would I have rather been with you? Do you know that answer.”
Fox shakes his head.
“That’s right! Because you never asked. The truth is I would have rather been with you every minute of every day of the last three months. Doing paperwork, writing schedules, reviewing supply requisitions, it wouldn’t have mattered because I’d have been with you.”
“Cyar’ika, I didn’t-“
“No Fox, you didn’t think.” She sniffs lightly, her eyes bright with unshed tears, “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything in my life and you pushed me away. You turned your back on me when I needed you and now? Now you’re here and we fall into our old patterns? Not again. Not unless you can promise me you are in this 100% because I can’t do it again. My heart just can’t.” 
Fox reaches out and swipes a trailing tear with his thumb “I-“ She leans into his touch, her cheek resting against his palm as her eyes drift shut. Just one second. she allows herself that. She straightens and steps away before his eyes can memorize the image of her.
“No, don’t say anything right now. Leave. Think. Decide what it is you really want. If it’s me you can find me and let me know.” There’s a finality to her words that has him biting back any response he may have made. She steps into him, rising up on her toes and gently bumping her forehead against his own.
“I do love you,” he says quietly.
 Mouse blows out a ragged breath. “I know. You just need to decide if that’s going to be enough.” She moves toward the door, opening it. “Goodnight Fox.”
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Two
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands."
A/N: Rex's brothers are Fives, Echo, Cody, Bly and Stutter. The rest of the clones are cousins and\or uncles. Credit to @suddenly-clones for Cody’s nickname “Bubby”. A collab fic made with @ahsokatano-thetogruta. We hope you enjoy this chapter. 
Warnings: mention of trauma, abuse and mental breakdowns.
After presents everyone gets breakfast, they all head to the main dining hall. Rex is so excited to have his breakfast. Cody already told him that he could have his favorite breakfast, strawberries and waffles, it's always been his favorite. Rex walks into the dining hall, seeing all his cousins. He chuckles at seeing his adopted one year old cousin, Numa eating her pancakes, sitting between his 17 year old cousins Waxer and Boil. The young twi’lek girl is covered from head to toe in syrup, so Waxer does his best to clean up any mess while Boil just chuckles and smiles. Rex runs up to Cody, excited for his breakfast.
“Hey Cody, is my breakfast ready yet?” Rex is smiling until he sees the frown on his brother's face.
“I’m sorry, Vodika. They're all out of strawberries and waffles.” Rex feels disappointment fill him, adding to the building pile of bad things today, he was so excited for his breakfast. Rex forces a smile, he knows that Cody tried his best.
“Its okay, Bubby. I know that you tried, can I have a pancake instead?” Rex uses his nickname for Cody that he's used ever since he was a baby. Cody chuckles, happy that Rex isn’t too upset. He feels bad for being unable to give him his favorite breakfast like promised.
“Of course you can, Rex’ika.” Cody heads into the kitchen, grabbing Rex a pancake.
After everyone has finished with their breakfast, some of the Knights are armoured up and ready to leave for a patrol around the village not too far away from the castle. 
Yoda is the oldest Knight and has had nearly nine hundred years of experience. His second in command, Mace Windu, is thirty seven years old, but he too has had experience in battle being a knight. Twenty seven year olds Luminara Unduli and Depa Billaba were knighted only a few weeks ago, so they are both hoping to get some action soon. Twelve year old Aayla Secura, thirteen year old Kit Fisto and seventeen year old Quinlan Vos are knights in training, so going out with the older knights will give them a taste of what their duties are as knights.
"All ready to leave now, are you?" Yoda asks. The knights in front of him, wearing shiny silver armour, nod attentively as they all begin to march towards the main entrance of the castle. Yoda sees Rex walking out of the main dining hall. "Back soon, we will be, Prince Rex."
"Of course. Everything will be ready for when you arrive back." Rex smiles as he watches the knights walk out of the entrance, closing the doors behind them as they set out to go to the village. 
Rex turns away from the entrance just in time to see Anakin run into the room, followed by Artoo, he runs over to Rex.
“Come on, Rex. Let's go find Obi Wan and Cody, I don't know where they went.” Anakin doesn't wait for an answer and starts pulling Rex with him, who rolls his eyes and follows.
“Okay Ani, lets go.” He pulls his arm out of Anakin's grip, and they both head out to find their brothers. Artoo yips as he follows behind them, he nips at their feet a few times, wanting them to play.
They both walk into another room, freezing when they see the sight of 
Obi Wan and Cody kissing.
They had their arms wrapped around each other's bodies, Obi Wan cupping the left side of Cody's face, lightly tracing the scar with his thumb. It was love at first sight for the two of them. They met each other a few years ago, when Obi Wan arrived at the castle to be trained to become a knight. Now both at seventeen years old, they plan to get married at some point in the near future. Cody stroked Obi Wan’s cheek, feeling the stubble of a beard that had started growing there. 
Anakin and Rex just stood there, feeling a little grossed out and embarrassed that they walked in on them kissing like this. Being kids, they don't really understand love yet and what people do in a relationship, but they think that love is a bit gross being only thirteen and twelve years old. 
Cody and Obi Wan pulled away from each other to see the two of them just stood in the doorway, feeling their cheeks heat up a little. "Hello there you two." Obi Wan chuckles. Both the kids look grossed out, making both Obi Wan and Cody chuckle at them.
“Don’t look like that Anakin, once you’re older you’ll find someone you will want to kiss.” Obi Wan rolls his eyes when Anakin makes a fake gagging noise.
“EW!!! I’ll never want to kiss anyone, that's so gross!” Both Cody and Obi Wan laugh.
“You say that now, but you’ll change your mind once you’re older.” Anakin just shakes his head, not believing a word Obi Wan had said. Rex is standing there, laughing quietly. Cody turns to him.
“What are you laughing at Rex’ika, you’ll want to kiss too when you’re older.” Rex stops laughing and glares at Cody.
“That will never happen! Kissing is so gross.” Both Cody and Obi Wan can't stop laughing at the two young boys.
“Sure! You come to me in four years and tell me that.” Rex rolls his eyes at his brother, knowing that he’ll never want to kiss anyone. Ever. 
"Yeah right, it's never gonna happen." Rex can't hold back a smirk any longer.
"Okay. I'll hold you to that one, Rex'ika." Cody teases Rex. He then feels Obi Wan's hand take his and holds it gently, making the both of them smile lovingly at each other. 
"Quick Rex, let's go! They're gonna kiss again!" Anakin pulls Rex by his arm again and they both dart out of the room with Artoo following just behind them.
Obi Wan and Cody can't help but laugh out loud uncontrollably as the pair run out of the room. After regaining their breath, they look at one another again and lean in for a more intimate kiss, just wanting to stay here forever with each other.
Anakin and Rex ran for a while, both laughing and racing around the castle with each other down different halls. They stop when they see a fourteen year old girl looking out of a big window, enjoying the sight of the frozen lake as the snow gently falls past the window. Padmé turns to look at the two boys who just caught their breath after running around the castle. "Hello Prince Rex. Hello Anakin."
Anakin's heart skips a beat when she says his name. Rex can see that his cheeks have turned a little red, so he decides to give the both of them some alone time. Rex is very aware of their feelings for each other "I've just remembered, I promised to go and help Fives and Echo with something. I'll see you two later." He waves at the both of them, making Anakin glare at him as if to say don't leave me alone. 
Anakin hears Rex chuckles subtly behind him as he turns to look at Padmé who smiles at him kindly, so he returns the smile back to her.
Rex walks down the hall, heading to a room close by, he smirks when he finds mistletoe inside of a drawer, ready to put his plan into action. He plans to set up the mistletoe, then call Anakin and Padme into the room right under it.
Rex walks over to the doorway, grabbing a chair to stand on, he hangs up the plant. It's in the perfect place for Anakin and Padme to get stuck under it. He hops down, setting the chair back and walking out. The two aren't very far away so he calls them.
“Hey, do you mind helping us you two. We need more than three people!!” Both Anakin and Padme glance at each other, wondering what the three could be doing that could need five people. But they shrug and head out to help their friend and his younger brothers, they walk into the room, looking around to find it empty except for Rex.
“What did you need Prince Rex? And where are the twins?” Padmé asks, confused.
“Yeah Rex, where's Fives and Echo?” Rex smirks a mischievous smirk, pointing up. The two look up to see the mistletoe, blushing as they realize what this means.
“You both know what mistletoe means.” He tells them as they glance at each other, Anakin is a deep shade of red.
“Umm, you… you don't have to kiss me if-!!!” Padme presses a kiss to his lips mid sentence, it's a quick one, but sweet all the same. She pulls away, leaving a flustered Anakin looking an even darker shade of red. Padmé giggles.
“You okay, Ani?” Anakin nods, not knowing what to say. Rex holds back laughter at his friend's reaction, Padme turns to Rex.
“Do you think that he's going to be okay?” She asks,and Rex nods.
“Yeah, i'm sure that he’s going to be fine.” Rex reassures her, walking out of the room and down the hall towards the ballroom. Rex is happy that he finally got the two of them to kiss. He's known about their secret feelings for a long time, so he found this to be the best time to get them to confess their feelings to each other. 
“HEY, REX!!!!!” Rex jumps with a scream at his two younger brothers jumping out from behind one of the doors to the ballroom to scare him, Fives has Echo on his shoulders, making them
look bigger. Rex falls to the floor, feeling anger rise up in him.
Echo climbs off of Fives' shoulders as they both laugh at Rex, who is now sitting up on the floor and he does not look happy in the slightest. 
"AHAHA, Rex! You should have seen your face!" Fives wipes some tears of laughter from the corner of his eye. He is enjoying it all too much and so is his twin Echo.
Rex clearly looks annoyed as he finally reaches his breaking point. He stares down towards the floor, trying so hard to hide his frustration from everyone else in the room but he thinks now that he has finally lost it. 
Fives walks closer to him and holds his hand out to help Rex up. "Sorry, Vod. Here I'll help you-" Rex swats his hand away, causing Fives to flinch and making his smile disappear. Echo's smiling soon turns into worry too.
"You think this is funny?" He scowls a little as he gets up slowly by himself. "Y'know...I really don't need this stupid behavior right now!" Rex finally snaps at the both of them, making them feel hurt because it was only meant to be a funny joke. 
Everyone in the room goes silent as they watch Rex's anger rise with every passing moment as he continues to get angry at Fives and Echo.
A few moments later, Obi Wan and Cody are holding hands as they walk past Cody's cousins Heavy, Droidbait and Cutup, then into the ballroom to see Rex yelling at the Twins.
Cody gives Obi Wan's hand a slight squeeze, letting him know that he needs to go and sort out whatever is going on.
"Rex, what's going on?" Concern washes over Cody's face when he sees Fives' and Echo's hurt expressions. 
"Mind your own business, Cody." Rex snaps at his Ori'Vod. Cody doesn't take his tone lightly.
"What's up with you? Is something bothering you?"
"Just leave us alone…" Rex warns Cody, still keeping piercing, direct eye contact with the twins. 
"Oh I don't think so. I'm sure that whatever they did wasn't harmful enough to-"
"Shut up!!" Rex isn't having any of what Cody has to say.
Anakin and Padmé then walk into the ballroom, seeing what was going on, the tension rising with each passing moment.
"Rex, you need to chill out, now." Cody tells him sternly.
"NO!" Rex's yell echoes around the room and Cody gets fed up with his Vod's behavior. 
"That's it!" Cody tackles Rex against a wall as they both start to fight.
Rex ducks down and around Cody to pull him into a headlock from behind. Cody grabs onto the arm around his neck and throws Rex over his shoulder and onto the floor. The air is knocked out of his lungs as he sees Cody go to punch him. Rex uses a block technique to protect himself. He tries his best to counter attack with punches to Cody's side. They yell over each other, so it's difficult to tell what they are saying, but Rex curses a few times towards his brother. 
Everyone watches and gasps at the sight. Anakin looks around the room to see Stutter standing not too far away with a frightened look on his face as he struggles to keep his tears back. Anakin runs over to him to comfort him, holding him close and making him look away from the fight. 
He is only four years old and arrived at the castle a year ago. He was abused by his Father and older brothers for three years. They were all ten years old, so they always looked bigger and scarier in Stutters eyes as they yelled nasty and hurtful things at him. 
Anakin feels Stutter start to shake with fear and anxiety as he starts to remember the trauma from his past. Anakin can't stand this anymore, someone has to do something to stop Rex and Cody from fighting. "Obi Wan!" 
Obi Wan hears Anakin call out his name, knowing too that this has to be stopped. He runs over to try his best to break up the fight by pulling his boyfriend off of Rex. Cody struggles in Obi Wan's grasp that he has around him. Obi Wan decides to get in the middle of the two fighting brothers "Enough!! Both of you, just stop! You're scaring Stutter."
Rex and Cody pause and then look towards Anakin who is still holding onto the trembling four year old. Rex feels so bad now for things getting so out of hand. "I…" Rex decides to walk over to Stutter who doesn't seem to be calming down. Anakin uses his eyes to gesture down at Stutter, who is pressing his little body into him, and then back up to Rex, making Rex crouch down in front of them both. "I'm so, so sorry, Stutter." He says quietly so as not to scare him any more than he already has.
Stutter sniffles some, still pressing himself into Anakin. Rex rubs the back of his neck in guilt over what he has done.
Anakin decides to try and calm Stutter down. "Hey, it's alright. You're safe here. No one is going to hurt you. We're all here for you, including Rex." There was no movement for a moment until Stutter pulled away to look up at Anakin who smiles reassuringly down at him. 
Stutter sniffles in response and turns around to see Rex with a nervous smile, hoping that Stutter understands that he is in a safe environment now and that Rex hadn’t meant to scare him. Stutter walks towards Rex and gives him a hug. Rex wraps his arms around his little brother. "I'm sorry, Vod'ika."
"I-It's okay, O-O-Ori'Vod." He can't help but cry a little bit more into Rex, creating a little damp patch on his shirt, but he doesn't mind it one bit. All that matters is that Stutter is safe now. Rex still feels so bad for scaring his Vod’ika, especially knowing about his past. Rex and his family absolutely hate Stutter's “Family”, they promised that they won't let them hurt him anymore, and that's a promise they intend to keep. 
"Shh, it's okay now. It's okay…" Rex whispers as he places a kiss on top of Stutter's head, holding him close to him. Rex swears that he will never hurt Stutter like this ever again, he can’t stand to hurt his Vod’ika.
Obi Wan has calmed Cody down now too, giving him a quick, loving kiss on the lips before they walk over towards the crowd.
Everyone is glad that everything has calmed down now. Rex lets go of Stutter, looking around to see everyone staring at him. He feels so bad and embarrassed that he runs out of the room, heading up the stairs and into his room. He jumps on his bed and presses his face into his pillow, hot tears of embarrassment and regret wetting it.
It's been an hour since the fight and Cody is sitting in a chair, quietly thinking. He doesn’t know what to do, he tried talking to his older cousins, Fox and Thorn, both two years older than him. They told him that the way he had handled the situation was wrong and so did his uncle 99, his uncle said that he should go talk to Rex, but Cody doesn’t know if Rex would want to talk to him.
“Cody?” He turns to see Obi Wan and Knight Plo, Wolffe, Sinker, Boost and Comet’s adopted father, walk in.
“Obi Wan, Knight Plo. do you two need something?” They both look at eachother.
“You do know that you have to talk to him at some point, right Cody?” Cody sighs in frustration.
“I know, but what do I even say. I don’t know what to do this time Obi Wan, I’ve really messed things up. My dad would have handled the situation so much better than me.” Plo places a hand on Cody’s shoulder, who looks up at him.
“I know that it's hard Cody, you’re only a young man yourself. But Rex needs you right now, I can feel it in the force. Take it from me, even grown adults make mistakes.” Cody nods, and Obi Wan walks over. He grabs Cody’s hand, pressing his lips to his fingers, then to Cody’s forehead.
“He needs you, he’s hurting and he needs his big brother.”
 Cody sighs nodding again, he stands up out of his chair. “You’re right, thanks sweetheart. Knight Plo.” Plo nods, Cody thinks he’s smiling, but can’t be sure because of the mask.
“You can just call me Plo, we’re family after all.” Cody nods, heading to try to make amends with his Vod’ika.
When he reaches Rex's room, he's about to knock on the door when he hears a few sniffles from the other side. "Rex?" It suddenly goes quiet on the other side and there's no response. "Rex'ika, it's me...can I please come in?" 
He's about to walk away, but he finally gets a response. "Come in." Rex's voice was slightly muffled, but it was clear enough for Cody to understand and enters his little Brother's room. 
Cody sees Rex laying down on his back on his bed, his right arm draped over his eyes, not wanting to even spare a glance at Cody. "I've come to apologise for my actions earlier. I shouldn't have started that fight. I'm sorry." He apologises, sitting down on the bed. Nothing. "Please, Rex. Just look at me."
Reluctantly, Rex removes his arm from his face and sits up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He looks a mess. His eyes are red and his nose is a little runny from crying regretful tears into his pillow. Cody goes to fetch Rex a tissue and brings it back, handing it to him. "Thank you." He wipes his nose, still a bit sniffly. "I'm sorry too, it was my fault. My day just got worse and worse, then it was all too much to handle anymore and now I've ruined Christmas. And I made Stutter cry. After all he went through before we took him in, I brought back all of those traumatic memories and-" he chokes back a sob. "And I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for being so selfish." He puts his head in his hands, huffing a deep breath out trying to stop the tears from coming back.
"Oh Rex'ika. It's alright, you haven't ruined Christmas. We all have bad days, so I understand now that you were probably just stressed, right?" Rex nods in response, not wanting to look up. "C'mere."
Rex gets pulled into a hug, feeling Cody trap him in a comforting embrace. He relaxes into his Ori'vod's arms, still having regretful thoughts racing throughout his mind. "I'm so sorry, Bubby."
"It's alright. I love you, Rex'ika. No matter what, I'll always be here for you."
"Thank you. I love you too." Rex smiles as he sits up a little, giving Cody a Keldabe kiss.
"Are you ready to go back down now?" Cody doesn't want to force Rex to do something he doesn't want to, but he also knows that staying in his room for the rest of the night isn't going to do him any good.
Rex sits quietly for a few moments, thinking quietly to himself. "Yeah. Could you go down with me?" 
"Of course." Cody smiles at his Vod'ika.
"Thank you, Bubby." Rex smiles in return.
"You're welcome. That's what brothers are for." He gives Rex a little nudge and a playful wink as they both stand up and head out of his room into the corridor, walking towards the ballroom to meet again with everyone else.
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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bi-naesala · 4 years
Bly gets pegged: the fic
There's a surprising lack of pegging content for this ship even though we all agree that Bly gets pegged by Aayla, so me and @odekiisu have decided to do something about it
You can find a preview of their art here!
(Fic is under read more)
When Aayla made that proposition to him, Bly was enthusiastic to say yes, taken by the heat of things.
Now that they’re about to do it, it’s not that he doesn’t want it anymore, but he can’t help but to be a little… nervous. It’s just that he’s never done this before, what if he disappoints Aayla? What if he’s not good enough for her?
Sensing his nervousness, Aayla leans in to kiss his forehead.
“No need to worry, Bly. It’s just you and me, right?” she says, smiling at him. She’s even more beautiful when she’s naked.
They’re already lying down on Aayla’s bed - of course they chose the privacy of her quarters for this - with their clothes already haphazardly thrown on the ground. They still haven’t done anything more than kissing and lightly touching each other, exploring their bodies with their hands.
 If her words aren’t enough to completely put him at ease, the way she begins to suck marks on his neck definitely is, causing Bly to groan at those ministrations.
“A-Aayla…” he moans, feeling already himself growing hard against her thigh. She chuckles, looking at him with mischievous eyes.
“Yes, my love?”
Instead of saying something, Bly pulls her for a kiss, letting their tongues do the talking for a while. Aayla humors him, moving so that she’s straddling him without breaking the kiss, her hands still caressing his body. He’ll never get enough of that kind of touch.
 Soon the trails she makes with her fingers begin to follow a familiar path, and Bly can’t help but to smile into the kiss.
He didn’t really think about it much when he got his tattoos, only that the golden marks looked nice against his dark skin and that they embraced his body well, but the way Aayla looks at them always makes him feel like getting them was the best decision he’s ever made.
She traces them, fingers brushing against his body. Bly can feel his skin burn at her passage. She pulls away from the kiss before leaning down to leave one on a golden patch on his chest, right in the middle of it.
“You have these everywhere,” she begins then, her breath hot against his skin. “Except…” and she travels down, cupping Bly’s ass and playfully squeezing it, “Here.”
“Maybe I will get some,” Bly chuckles, eyes tingling with mirth. “Just for you.”
 Aayla kisses him again. There are still hints of the sweetness from before in the way she presses closer, but there’s more, a kind of desire that is mirrored in the way Bly begins to grind their hips together, hissing at the delicious friction.
“So eager…” Aayla mutters against his lips, and all Bly can do is to whine in response. Yes, he is. She rolls her eyes affectionately. “Alright, I’ll move things along.”
 She begins to slide down Bly’s body, covering it in kisses as she lowers herself until she gets between his parted legs, lips just a whisper from his cock.
All Bly gets as a warning is a teasing smile before Aayla wraps her lips around his cock, taking him inch by inch. He has to appeal to all his self-restraint not to thrust into her mouth, knowing that she wouldn’t be fond of it. Still, it feels so perfect…
He gets partly distracted when Aayla begins to caress his inner thighs, going lower towards his buttocks, which she squeezes again, massaging them. She pulls her hands away for a moment and Bly wonders what she’s doing just for a moment, because soon he feels something cold prodding against his rim.
A shiver runs down his spine at the unfamiliar sensation. So far it’s not unpleasant, only so damn cold. Thankfully Aayla keeps distracting him with her mouth on his cock as she begins to also slowly massage Bly’s entrance, moving her thumb around it until the lube becomes warmer; now things are far more pleasant.
Honestly Bly had no idea it could feel this good, though they’re only just at the beginning so it might be too soon to talk.
When she begins to press her finger inside, it goes in rather smoothly. It burns a little but it isn’t anything that Bly can’t handle.
It’s certainly different, though it’s still too soon to decide if it’s a good kind of different or a bad kind of different. It might also be because at the moment Aayla’s more focused on opening him up rather than giving him pleasure per se, though she still hasn’t stopped blowing him.
 There’s a moment, however, that changes everything: at some point Aayla brushes her finger against something, a particular spot that has Bly moan out of surprise as a jolt of pleasure spreads through his body.
Aayla hums something that Bly doesn’t quite catch - though he feels the vibrations through his cock and it’s great - and she begins to rub against that spot, making Bly moan and arch against the sheets.
He almost doesn’t notice when Aayla inserts a second finger, beginning scissoring it with the one already inside. It’s still not so bad, even if he begins to feel the stretch now, but it’s still pretty manageable. Actually, it soon becomes pleasurable again, too pleasurable even.
Between Aayla’s mouth on his cock and her fingers up his ass he really doesn’t stand a chance, doesn’t he? He tries his best to stay still, knowing that if he so much as moves and gets more than he should this little experiment of theirs will be over before it even actually began, but it’s so hard! He can feel the strain in his muscles as he forces himself still, taking what Aayla gives him.
Things become even harder when she goes back to focus on the spot from before, making Bly’s body tremble under her ministrations.
 Eventually however it becomes too much, and calling out for her Bly shoots up, putting a hand on her head to push her away with more force than he would’ve used in any other occasion.
At that, Aayla looks at him with an alarmed gaze.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah…” he nods, adding then more sheepishly, “It’s just… I was very close…”
Aayla understands immediately what he wants to say, though she seems surprised by it. Bly’s about to ask her what’s that face for when she suddenly wiggles the fingers inside him, making Bly freeze and tense at the sudden unexpected pleasure.
It stops as soon as it begins however, as Aayla removes her fingers, climbing up Bly’s body again. He must look so bad he bets, all debauched and completely overtaken by pleasure.
What about Aayla then? Well, she’s perfect as always; Bly doesn’t think there’s ever been a moment in which he has thought less about her - much to his brothers’ amusement, because they never stop picking on him for that.
Bly could even argue that now, all comfortable against him with that self-assured smile on his lips, she looks better than ever, so much that he might’ve gotten flustered just at the view, something that makes Aayla chuckle and kiss his temple in a reassuring way.
“Are you still sure about this?” she asks. “We don’t have to do it.”
Suddenly, every hint of embarrassment leaves Bly’s face. He’s never been more sure of anything.
“I want it.”
Aayla smiles and she caresses his sides, making him shiver in anticipation.
��Lay down then and let me do the work.”
 A shiver runs across Bly’s spine at those words, and when Aayla puts her hands on his chest to gently push him down, he goes willingly without uttering a word.
Meanwhile Aayla takes a pillow that she then positions under Bly’s ass, so that he’ll be more comfortable. After that she gets into a better position between his legs. She looks magnificent.
Bly lowers his gaze just a little, eyes the harness she’s wearing and the fake cock protruding against his thigh. That’s much bigger than two fingers. Will he be able to take it?
“Relax,” Aayla reassures him, tenderly kissing his temple, “It’s going to be fine.”
“I know,” he replies, earnestly, “I trust you.”
 Aayla kisses him and right then Bly feels something wet prodding against his ass. He tries to relax his body as much as he can, like she told him before they began, but it’s harder than he expected.
Thankfully at least Aayla’s patient with him, stopping when she feels like he needs a pause, always making sure that he’s not hurting. She even begins jerking him off which helps Bly get distracted enough for her to push and push until she bottoms out.
She doesn’t move immediately, instead she stays still, waiting for Bly to get used to the intrusion. This time Bly can feel the stretch even more than before, but now having experienced what it feels like to be fingered, he’s pretty sure that things are going to get better soon.
“Bly…” Aayla calls for him, and as he raises his gaze towards her Bly can’t hold in a small whine. She’s looking at him like he’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
“Please,” is all he can say. There’s no need for more.
Aayla nods.
“Don’t worry. I’ll give you what you need.”
 She starts rocking her hips slowly, just enough to make Bly barely feel it. So far so good.
Once she’s sure that she’s not hurting him, she begins going faster, pulling in and out of him with more force. Bly gasps at the sudden assault, finding himself unable to do anything except take it. He can still feel the burn but it’s getting better.
Things get even better when Aayla changes the angle of her thrusts, rubbing against the spot from before, making Bly see stars - he swears he actually sees them. It feels so good that it makes him wonder why they didn’t try this before, why they had to wait until now.
It feels so great he can’t contain his voice anymore, but there’s still something missing. It’s still not enough.
“Aayla please, faster…” he manages to say, desire overflowing each and every one of his words. “I can take it.”
To Aayla’s credit, after he says that, she doesn’t hold back at all: she thrusts faster, deeper, accompanied by the sound of skin slapping against skin.
Bly rests his head back against the pillow, arching his body when Aayla brushes against a particularly sensitive spot.
 “Aayla… Aayla…” he moans, saying her name with the same devotion as a prayer, like he’s pronouncing something sacred.
She keeps one hand under his thigh, sustaining its weight with an ease that is already hot in itself, but summed up with the rest is just outright unbearable, while with the other she grabs Bly’s hand, making their fingers intertwine, and squeezes. Bly holds onto that like it’s the only thing keeping him afloat, and in a way it is.
She kisses him with the same impetus of her thrusts, parting his lips with her tongue only to shove it inside his mouth, eating up Bly’s moans as soon as they come up.
Though a bit overwhelming, Bly lets himself sink in the pleasant feeling that has taken over his body and mind, that dizzying warmth that is pooling in his lower stomach.
 Aayla presses closer, chest against chest, looking at Bly with those eyes full of fondness that it makes it hard for him to even breathe.
Certainly the feeling of his cock trapped between his body and Aayla’s, rubbing against her stomach at every thrust, doesn’t help.
At some point Aayla’s hand abandons his to rest on his cheek. She’s looking at him right in the eyes and he can’t help but to stare back, drawn by those eyes full of love that he could lose himself into.
“You should see yourself, you’re so beautiful,” she says. “I love you, Bly.”
There’s no chance for Bly to resist after she said that. He throws his head back, body arching and tensing against hers as he comes, completely untouched. It feels so intense that for a moment Bly’s convinced he’s going to pass out; it’s a high that he seems to be running on forever.
 Eventually, however, even this stops, as Aayla begins to slow down her movements until she comes to a complete halt. She waits a moment before beginning to slide out of him, leaving him feeling weirdly empty.
It takes Bly more than he thought it would to recover. He really wasn’t expecting it to be this intense.
“That was…” he manages to say as he catches his breath, but even then he can’t manage to find a word that can describe how exactly it felt.
“Good?” Aayla asks, making Bly chuckle. While he was trying to get a hold of himself, she disposed of her harness, presenting herself to Bly in all her naked glory.
“Better than good,” he softly replies, before dragging Aayla into a sweet kiss that she immediately returns.
 When they pull away they stare at each other fondly for who knows how long - not that it matters - before Bly asks:
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’m good, don’t worry,” she begins, but Bly interrupts her before she can continue.
“Let me help.”
“Are you sure about this? You don’t have to overtax yourself…” Aayla mutters, between Bly’s legs.
He grabs her thighs, gently moving her up so that she has to hold herself with her legs at each side of Bly’s head.
“Nah, I can take it.”
She just gave him the orgasm of his life and he wants to reciprocate. It wouldn’t sit right within himself to neglect her needs after all.
 As soon as she sits on him, he gets immediately to work, licking from her lick to her entrance, parting her labia with his thumbs, then works his way up, circling at her clit a couple of times before diving down again, lapping at her entrance.
He can already taste her juices - she must be so wired up from before already - and he licks his lips, savoring it. He’s not going to lie: the first time he ate her out it got a bit… overwhelming. He just wasn’t used to it! The smell, the taste, it was all new to him.
At least he’s proud to say that it doesn’t bother him anymore, not with all the practice he’s had. He’s gotten used to it.
Aayla must’ve been at her limit, because as soon as Bly goes back to wiggle her tongue against her clit she grabs him by his head, finger grasping against his scalp in a desperate attempt to hold onto something - it hurts a bit, but it’s nothing Bly can’t take - and she begins to rub herself over his face.
Bly of course is nothing but accommodating, letting her decide what pace to keep. He takes just a small break to breathe through his nose, then he’s back at it again, keeping his tongue out, letting Aayla rub herself against it as much as she pleases.
 It doesn’t take her long to come. Her entire body shakes and she begins to moan Bly’s name over and over with rising urgency.
“Bly, Bly, Bly… Bly!”
He doesn’t stop licking her, helping her ride through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
 Only when he feels a hand on his chest, he stops.
“That’s quite enough.”
Aayla hops off of him, only to collapse beside him. She looks tired but completely satisfied, just like Bly.
“Thank you,” she says, caressing his chest, making him chuckle.
“I should be the one saying that,” he replies, voice still hoarse from before. He nuzzles his nose against hers, making her smile; that has to be her favorite expression of his, when she’s this happy. It makes him happy as well.
They should get up and get cleaned up - a shower would be nice - but neither of them moves, too tired to do so; besides, it would be crazy wanting to leave such a warm place.
 Aayla rests her head on Bly’s shoulder, beginning to follow imaginary trails on his chest with her finger, skin barely brushing against skin.
“So, would you say it was satisfying?” she asks then.
“Yeah…” he nods, only to add then, “I wouldn’t mind doing it again some other time. It was good.”
Aayla nods back, smiling, before drawing him closer for another kiss.
 For a while they forget about this, too busy kissing, cuddling and simply basking in each other’s presence, but they both know that sooner or later they are definitely going to repeat the experience.
Oh, Bly can’t wait for it.
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ayo-cowbelly · 4 years
Hold Me Until The Sun Comes Up (and the stars fade away)
read on ao3 here
I should be working on the next chapter of my WIP, but the plot bunny grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
I'm apologizing in advance for this one.
hope you enjoy, sorry i'm so evil, but blyla is just perfect angst fuel (a beautiful tragedy, those two).
 The first time Aayla kissed Bly was on Maridun. One of the nights they spent there, before they infiltrated the Separatist base. The night after seeing what the droids’ new toy could really do.
 Aayla had pulled Bly aside, concern in her typically-guarded eyes. For all that Aayla was companionable, she wasn’t one to open up easily. At least, not to her men. But that night, something was different.
     “You’re alright?” She asked.  
     “Yes, I’m fine- General, is everything okay?”  
     “You almost- Bly, what if-”  
     Understanding what she was saying, Bly finished, “What if you hadn’t gotten to me in time?”  
     She nodded gravely. “That weapon- it destroys every living thing, Bly,” she paused, running her hand down his cheek. They had discussed these… feelings, before, this unspoken thing between them; but they had agreed that a war was no place to explore such things. “It would have destroyed you too.”  
     “But it didn’t. You saved me, Gen- Aayla,” he corrected, remembering her request to be called by her name in private. “You saved me. I’m alright.”  
     “Bly, what if next time-”  
     “There won’t be a next time, I promise.” It was a selfish promise, they both knew it, but it was one Bly made anyway. He couldn’t guarantee he would be able to honor it, but he would fight tooth and nail to try. He loved her too much to cause her pain. “And if there is, you’ll be there to keep me safe. As always.”  
     Aayla gave him a wavering smile. “And you’ll save me.”  
     “Of course I will.”  
     “We make a good team, don’t we?”  
     “Yeah, we really do,” Bly whispered, knowing he should push her away. The way she was looking at him, touching him, it was everything they agreed not to pursue.  
     But he couldn’t do it. The soldier in him was chanting all the things that could go wrong, yelling at him to walk away, just walk away-  
     But his heart kept him there, in the arms of a beautiful Twi’lek  on a secluded planet in the far reaches of the galaxy. “Aayla, we- we said we wouldn’t do this.” Why did he have to say that? He just promised he’d save her, vowed to himself he wouldn’t hurt her, but he’d already gone and done otherwise. He could see it in the way her shoulders deflated, just so.  
     “I know,” She murmured, soft fingers tracing his tattoos. “But please, can I do this? Just once?” Before he could reply, she slowly pushed herself up and pressed her lips to his.  
     The kiss was over quickly, but the remnants of it were seared onto Bly’s skin.  
 That was the first time, when they said there wouldn’t be more.
 The second time was on their Star Destroyer, about three months later.
 That was when their past agreement unraveled, giving way to something more.
     “We said we wouldn’t do this.”  
     “Must you always remind me?” Bly said, almost irritated. He loved this woman, practically worshipped the ground she walked on, and though he had as much say in their current relationship status as she, it was… bothersome to think about, for lack of a better word. He couldn’t let himself get too upset over it- feelings fade in time.  
     Don’t they? Shouldn’t this, this unspoken thing, have waned by now? Why did it not leave him, why did it insist on burning in him? Why did he still blush when she smiled at him, his heart race when she neared, get annoyed when a shiny looked at her the way he did?  
     It should have gone away. It should’ve.  
     But it hadn’t. Instead, it grew stronger.  
     “Bly…”  Aayla started.  
     “Yes, yes, I know- we’re fighting a war, we could die any day, you’re a Jedi…” He trailed off, the anger he had been feeling slightly dampening. He couldn’t blame Aayla for their situation.  
     “It’s not that I’m a Jedi. Love is not what is forbidden. It’s just… fighting a war, something I’m not meant to do- I fear I am more prone to attachment now. I can’t let it consume me. There’s a reason attachment is not allowed for Jedi, for the fallout of such things can be disastrous. It is selfish.”  
     “I know,” he sighed, remembering how she’d explained it before. “But Aayla, we said that whatever this is would eventually go away. For me, it hasn’t. It’s just gotten worse.”  
     “Worse?” She said in a lighthearted tone. “Is it really so bad to love me?” Her attempt to lighten the mood worked just a tiny bit, but it didn’t really make Bly feel any better.  
     “You know what I mean.”  
     Aayla looked down. “Yes, I do. Very much,” she said in a hushed tone. “So what do we do?”  
     “I don’t- I don’t know.” He walked across the small training room, rubbing his head frustratedly.  
     “Maybe there is a way to love deeply without getting attached, even in war,” She uttered, sounding like she was saying it more to herself. “The Force might show me how.”  
     Bly turned back to Aayla. “What are you saying?”  
     She lifted her head, and the look in her eyes was enough to take his breath away. “I love you.”  
     “I love you too, but Aayla-”  
     “Shut up and let me kiss you, Commander,” She ran towards him and launched herself into his arms, which were waiting for her.  
 The third time she kissed him was in private on Coruscant.
 They were finally on leave, three months after the beginning of their relationship. They had been in his (thankfully private) quarters, the night they first arrived.
     “You seem upset.”  
     “I’m not upset,” Bly muttered. Aayla got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around his chest. She attempted to make eye contact with him, chuckling and rolling her eyes as he repeatedly avoided her gaze.  
     “Bly, I can literally feel emotions,” She joked. “What’s wrong?”  
     “It’s nothing,” He tried again, but quickly relented. “Just- it’s stupid.”  
     “Your feelings are not stupid, Bly. Irrational, maybe-” Aayla giggled at his exasperated expression. But upset as he was, her laughter always warmed his heart. “Sorry, fine, I’ll stop- but in all seriousness, what’s the matter?”  
     It took her a few pokes in the shoulder, a soft hit in the chest and finally resorting to holding his head in place with her hands to keep it from moving, but she finally got him to answer.  
     “I didn’t like how they looked at you.”  
     “Those men, at the bar. The ones from the other battalion. They look at you how I look at you, and I wish I could-”  
     “Bly, look at me,” Aayla gave him a kind half-smile. “Those men might think I am pretty, but they don’t look at me the way you do. You look at me like I’m beautiful, like I am beyond comparison, because you love me- and it makes me so incredibly happy. You make me happy, happier than I’ve ever been. Nobody else could ever come close to making me feel the way I feel when I’m with you.”  
     Bly had no words to respond with.  
     So when she kissed him, he kissed her back with all his love, all the words he couldn’t find.  
 The fourth time she kissed him was on Chandrila. A small squad of the 327th was stationed there to protect Senator Mon Mothma from a dangerous assassin that had been threatening her.
 Aayla and Bly had left her apartment for the night, and though they should have returned to where the squad was staying, they found they had just enough time to sneak away for a bit.
     Bly laid on top of one of the many mountains just outside Hanna City, Aayla held close in his arms.  
     “How long do you think we have?” Bly asked, fingers running up and down her arm.       
     “I’d say maybe twenty minutes, give or take,” She said quietly. Neither wanted to speak too loud, not wanting to mar the gentle night by being too noisy.  
     “This planet is beautiful,” Bly commented.    
     “Yes, it is. I forgot how much I loved it here- I haven’t been since years before the war started. I wish we had more peaceful missions like this one.”       
     “Me too; ironic, huh, considering I was made for war,” he quipped, but it came out sounding bitter. Bly mentally kicked himself for saying it, sure he had ruined this moment.  
     Aayla sat up and leaned over him, a tender but fierce fire in her eyes. “Listen to me. You may have been intended for war, but you are so much more than that. You are loyal, you are brave, kind, and smart. You make me laugh when I think I can’t, you give me hope when there is none; I love you, Bly, and I always will.”  
     She always said things with a note of finality, had a way of speaking that you couldn’t help but believe anything that came out of her mouth.  
     “You’re amazing, you know that?” He said, placing his hand on her cheek.  
     Leaning into the touch, Aayla placed a quick peck on his forehead before laying down again. She cuddled closer to him, pointing out constellations and telling stories of her previous visits to Hanna City. They stayed there, him holding her tight, and he wished he could always do this, wished they could stay here on this hilltop until the stars faded away.  
     “Aayla, I love you,” Bly whispered into the night. Though he had said it countless times before, this was different; it was final, a conviction.  
     She faced him again, kissing him softly but surely. “And I love you.”  
     It was a vow full of promises, a tether that bound these two souls together, no matter where they might end up.  
     Wherever they landed, wherever the galaxy pulled them towards, they would always come back to each other.  
 Then there was the time he kissed her.
 They were on Felucia, a place that, no matter how many colorful plants called it home, always appeared to be drained of life in his nightmares.
 How horrible, that the last time he saw the love of his life would become his worst nightmare.
     “Bly, do you think it’s droids?”  
     CC-5052 fired his weapon, despite Bly screaming not to. The countless barrage of bright blue pierced her skin, shoved her to the ground and kept her there.  
     Despite what you might have heard or seen, Aayla Secura’s death was not a silent one. Above the sound of blaster shots, you could hear her normally-composed voice screaming and begging for her love to stop.  
     Her shouts wormed their way past the chip’s defenses, reached into Bly’s mind, and he fought. He scratched and tore at the chip, the cage it placed him in. He needed to get to her, he needed to stop this, save her, stop this, please STOP-  
     Finally, when it was over, CC-5052 lowered his weapon and Bly escaped. Ripping off his helmet, he threw himself on the ground and pulled Aayla towards him. He checked for a pulse (he refused to admit what he already knew- he would not find a beating heart). He could not stop thinking of how she had just been so warm, when he had hugged her just minutes ago in private-  
     She was so warm, so beautiful; but now her electric blue skin was charred and gray and oh so burnt. He couldn’t have done this, he couldn’t have, he would never.  
     “Aayla-” Her name was the only word he could get out, the war for dominance in his mind taking a toll. He didn’t have much time.  
     “I’m sorry-” Bly hastily pressed his lips to hers, an apology, a vow, a plea for forgiveness. His tears coated her face, giving him the illusion that they were her own, that she was still alive, for she could not be dead, she couldn’t- He couldn’t bear it.  
     Hadn’t they promised to save each other?  
     He felt broken. So shattered, so torn, just like her skin that was blemished with the blaster wounds he’d given her-  
     Then all feeling was gone.  
     CC-5052 got up, turning away from the dead traitor’s body.  
     He had reports to make, troopers to check over. The traitor was not important. He had completed his mission, so it was now time to move on. Time to await new instructions. After all,  
     Good soldiers follow orders.  
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tessadoesstuff · 4 years
Run It With Love - Chapter 1
For the KOTOBER event from Tumblr!
For Day 1 - Beast
Next Chapter!
A non-linear story of Bly, Aayla, and Quinlan in the time of the Knights of the Old Republic games (about 3,800 years before the prequels) designed to be read without any knowledge of that game or time.
This story will eventually use all of the prompts from KOTOBER, although for the sake of my sanity I will be posting around 3 prompts a week rather than one a day :D
Thank you to LadyVadar and GoBayern for betaing this fic for me!
Aayla fiddles with the gloves she is wearing, even as she sends a cocky grin over to the crowded sidelines of the racing track. She scans the mass of sentients gathered at the dusty, questionably legal, sandy swoop-racing track until her eyes find where Quinlan has chosen his space. Aayla’s master is about 100 yards past the starting line, leaning over the edge of the track to wave at her. Mission has perched on his shoulders, cackling at something Quinlan must have said. The 14-year-old twi’lek is gripping Quinlan’s shoulders with her legs, her hands in the air, waving at Aayla. Admittedly, that was a very good way to get her attention and make sure she spotted them. Mission’s bright blue skin stood out from the dusty shades of green and brown worn by most of those local to Tatooine.
The organizer of the day’s races, Motta the Hutt, begins speaking over the intercom. He announces that the race would begin soon, which draws Aayla’s attention back to the track ahead of her. She tunes out the fake voice that one of the announcers is putting on – if she had to guess she would put her credits on the twi’lek girl trying to play up the stereotype of the weak, pretty female twi’lek. Whoever the announcer is, they’re repeating the fake backstory Aayla produced when she found herself in this time, declaring her the rookie racer this swoop-racing season.
A second, male announcer takes over as the start light ahead of Aayla starts to power on. She listens a little closer when the announcer mentions the time to beat. 23 seconds doesn’t seem too bad – she had watched racers on Taris do much better when she had watched the season opener. Although to be fair, that had been an entirely different track on a different planet.
Aayla flips the lever on the side of her speeder – no, they’re called swoop bikes at this point in time – to turn on the bike’s custom accelerator on and feels it hum to life beneath her, the extra power surging through the bike. As the lights begin to count down to the start of the race, Aayla wraps her hands around the throttle and brake controls attached to the handles of the speeder. As the go light turns green, Aayla slams the throttle trigger to the handlebar, squeezing it tight, and the bike leaps into motion.
Immediately she shifts to avoid the huge pile of debris in front of her, dodging left towards one of the ten acceleration pads placed along the track to give a boost of speed to a racer. As she passes over the pad, she slams her left handlebar forwards, releasing the speed that her accelerator has been building up. Combined, the two speed boosts send her shooting ahead. Through the air, she can feel the vibrations that mean the male announcer is commenting on something, but only barely.
Her lekku stream out behind her as she hits another speed panel and dodges between two more piles of the Hutt’s junk out on the field, the wind rushing around them as she gains speed until the only vibrations she can hear are the ringing songs of the air. She speeds over two more speed panels placed back to back, releasing her speed from the accelerator again as she hits the second pad, and its ever-so-slight slope is enough that she gets a fair amount of air as she does, and she sails over the ridge of sand left in the track by a previous racer. If her count is right, she’s ten seconds in, and almost halfway there. Her count has never been wrong in any of her practice runs.
The following pad is on the far side of the wide track, and at her high speed she only manages to clip the corner of it, but that sets her up for the next one. She squeezes between a rock arch and an artificial obstacle for a straight drive at the oncoming pad.
She takes a deep breath, and just as she reaches it, she slams both her handlebars forward to activate all of her accelerator’s speed, and then adds just a touch of brakes and twists the handlebars the way Anakin would twist the steering wheel when he pod-raced in the lower levels of Coruscant with her, and the bike shoots into the air, clearing two obstacles and sailing for a good hundred yards, despite the fact that the swoop bikes were clearly designed to hover at less than knee height above the ground.
In the air, Aayla sails over another speed pad without activating it, but the next two are in a straight shot to the finish line. On the ground, Aayla would have to dodge several obstacles to get to them, but airborne, she is able to sail right to them, landing on the tail end of the first and shooting straight at the second and final speed pad, releasing her accelerator’s speed for the last time as she shoots across the finish line.
In the end zone, Aayla lets go of the throttle, which she had been squeezing at max since the start of the race, and eases into the brace as she loops around the circular end zone. When the swoop bike finally comes to a rest, she hops off the bike and looks over to the entrance to the end zone. The gate slams open, and three figures come bounding through into the end zone.
“Bly!” She cries out, throwing her arms around her boyfriend, who gives a chuckle and hugs her back. “How did I do?” She asks. She had been moving too fast to hear when they announced her time. Bly gives a dopey grin back at her.
“22 and a half seconds. You did it! That gives you the top time today unless there are any late challengers.” Aayla grins, still full of the adrenaline from moving that fast. She can see less than half the track from where she’s standing. She leans forward and kisses Bly on each cheek, right on top of his golden tattoos.
“With a race like that? There won’t be any late challengers.” Sam comments from where they’re leaning against their swoop-bike, the Jedi checking the ignition and the accelerator on their swoop bike.
“I know! You were incredible!” Juhani adds. The cathar has one of the biggest grins Aayla has ever seen on her face, and the ponytail that is perched on the back of her head sways back and forth a little as the Jedi padawan bounces up and down a little.
“Oh please, my bike was incredible. You were okay.” Sam comments as they bang their lightsaber against the brakes. Aayla giggles, even as Juhani and Bly make twin noises of protest. “We should start heading back – we agreed to meet Master Vos and Mission outside the swoop offices,” Sam adds, and Aayla waves over one of Motta the Hutt’s employees to take Sam’s bike back to the swoop offices on one of their trailers, now that Sam has given it their thumbs up.
Once the bike was all loaded up, Aayla loops her arm through Bly’s and ducks out of the gate onto the path through the sandy Tatooine wastelands. Sam and Juhani follow one step behind them, the sand crunching under their feet as they begin their trek. The sun is beginning to set, so it is only horribly hot out, as opposed to the nearly deadly heat it had been when the races had started.
“When did you and Juhani get here, Sam? I thought the whole point of me riding this race was that you were going to be busy with our side project.” That gets a sigh out of Juhani.
“We hit a dead-end for today. Mission’s brother definitely came here with his girlfriend after he ditched Mission on Taris.” The cather offers, but that was hardly new news. They had heard as much from said ex-girlfriend when Mission had run into her on Dantooine.
“And Lena’s theory was definitely right – after she dumped Griff, he was employed by Czerka Corp for a while. Unfortunately, he’s missing right now, and the Czerka representative is being dodgy about answering any questions about him.” Sam adds on.
“The more I hear about Mission’s brother, the less I think he’s half the man she thinks he is,” Bly adds. “I mean, he was already on thin ice for abandoning his 12-year-old sister on a planet where the system is designed to oppress and marginalize non-humans like her. But every time I learn something new about him, he still manages to surprise me.” Bly grinds out. Aayla can feel his indignation strong in the force. Bly takes being a good older brother very seriously.
“And, the Czerka representative expressed that while they are too busy to look into it now, if someone were to, say, deal with their Sand People problem on the West Dune Sea, they would be more than happy to help. Not that they would be able to pay the said person.” Sam adds.
“You got to love casual, openly corrupt businesses, don’t you?” Aayla chimes in, and gets snorts of laughter from the others, so she considers it a success.
“It’s horrible. I can’t believe the things Czerka gets away with.” Juhani responds, her disapproval filling the force.
“So, what’s the plan? Do you need us to distract Mission again while you guys keep hunting down this lead?” Aayla chimes back in.
“If that’s possible? That would be ideal.” Sam responded, and Juhani nodded.
“Of course, it is. There’s another race tomorrow.” Aayla smirks.
“Maybe Mission will manage to drag Zaalbar to the race with her this time.” Bly offered, a fond smile on his face.
“I doubt it. I bet sand is a pain to get out of Wookie fur.” Sam chimes back in.
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cheer-bear-go-vroom · 4 years
First Love: Space
A/N: This is my first fic for Star Wars so I hope everyone likes it. It’s one I’ve been writing for a while and I decided to give you a portion of it. Any feedback or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Summary: Xena Vale is a force sensitive pilot for the GAR who rejected the Jedi. This is just a snippet of one of her adventures. Lots of playful banter and lighthearted teasing ensue.
“Xena?” Ahsoka called.
“Yes Ahsoka?” Xena replied from the pilots chair.
“Why did you reject the Jedi?” The young Padawan inquired.
“I was too old.” Xena replied with the answer she gave everyone who asked.
“But that’s not the real reason is it?” Ahsoka pushed.
“You are full of questions aren’t you?” Xena teased.
“I’m just curious. You’re the only one I’ve heard of that rejected the Jedi.” She replied.
“Well little one, to put it simply, I don’t like the Jedi Order. Now I don’t have anything against the Jedi themselves but I do have a problem with the rules they have to follow, no attachment, there’s only two sides of the force, love is forbidden, no possessions. Now I like my possessions very much. And well, alcohol is pretty nice too. But I also wouldn’t be able to have my one true love.” Xena replied.
“And who’s that?” The padawan asked, full of curiosity.
“Space. Nothing better than being up here without a care in the galaxy. Getting to see the stars, the creatures that thrive here, the planets from up above.” Xena sighed looking out the spaceport dreamily.
“I thought Rex was your one true love?” Anakin teased from beside her.
“Yeah well if I said that he’d get in trouble. So until the war is over it’s space for anyone who asks.” She replied, punching her friend in the arm.
“Wait, you and Rex are together?” Ahsoka gasped, clearly shocked by the revelation.
“Yeah Snips, catch up. They’ve been together pretty much since they met.” Anakin goaded.
“Clearly we aren’t as obvious as you like to say we are Anakin. Hell even Obi-Wan doesn’t know.” She laughed at her friend.
“Oh he knows. He just won’t say anything.” Her friend confessed.
“Oh so then you’re saying he also knows about a certain Jedi and their Senator friend?” She teased earning a playful wack from Anakin.
“Wait what Jedi?” Ahsoka asked.
Before Xena could say anymore the door slid open revealing her lover.
“What’s all that noise coming from in here?” Rex asked, moving up behind Xena.
“Hmm nothing my love. Just teasing our favorite General and answering some questions.” She smiled looking up at him.
“Oh I’m your love now? That’s new.” He teased placing a gentle hand on her face.
“Yeah Ahsoka knows. Anakin has a hard time keeping secrets.” She teased sticking her tongue out at the Jedi.
She placed her hand over his and brought it to her mouth placing a soft kiss to it.
“Wait, I still want to know who the Jedi you were talking about is?” Ahsoka commented.
Anakin turned red as the planet Yavin and Xena choked on a laugh. Rex only froze for a moment before looking at Xena who had a mischievous look on her face.
“Oh sweet child, you’ll realize it in time. They suck at hiding it more than we do.” Xena fell into a fit of laughter as Anakin struggled to regain his composure.
“Well let’s not forget General Secura and Bly.” Rex added, taking the heat off the mysterious Jedi.
“What!? Really?” Ahsoka seemed genuinely happy to be a part of the gossip.
“No no no, that’s just longing glances and high strung tension between the two. Aayla would never break the code.” Xena was still giggling but her tone was pure teasing.
“Anyways, back to the real question. Does Rex know who your one true love is?” Anakin asked, mischief glimmering in his eyes.
“One true love? Is there something you need to tell me Cyare?” Rex asked looking down at Xena who was now fully distracted from piloting.
“Oh yes, I’m sorry Rex. You’ve been moved to my second true love, right behind space. Almost a tie but the great galaxy has beat you by a hair.” No matter how hard she tried Xena couldn’t keep a straight face and ended up bursting into laughter.
“Well I knew that already.” Rex rolled his eyes but kept a smirk on his face.
“I’m kidding my love. You’ll always be number one.” Xena smiled at him.
Ahsoka was amazed. She’d never seen Xena smile so much in the time she’d known her.
“That didn’t go as planned.” Anakin mumbled.
“Your plans almost never work Skyguy.” Ahsoka replied with a huff of laughter.
“Alright enough fun for now, let’s get back to flying before I crash us into an asteroid field.” Xena smiled again.
“Fine, fine, but this isn’t over.” Anakin teased getting up to stretch.
“Come on Snips you could use some practice since we’re just sitting here in space.” Anakin waved his apprentice along, sending a knowing smile to his friends in the cockpit.
“So space huh? Guess we need to have a talk about where your love lies.” Rex teased taking the seat Anakin previously occupied.
“With you, every night. You should know this?” Xena replied just as fiery as ever.
“Oh I do. But I think you could use some reminding.” Rex replied cheekily.
“Oh someone’s bold today. Why don’t you come over here and remind me then.” The teasing never ceased when it came to Xena.
And before any other sly remarks could come out of her mouth Rex was on it. Pressing his lips to hers. It was like the first time, every time, for her. Always melting into him and relaxing immediately. She smiled into it and responded with just as much love as he poured into her. Unfortunately the kiss was much too short for Xena but left her in a daze either way.
“That should shut you up for a bit.” Rex teased sitting back in the other seat.
“You telling me I need to shut up now Captain?” She replied, reaching for his hand.
“So it’s Captain now? What happened to ‘My Love’? I liked that better.” He smiled at her wrapping his hand around hers.
“Hmmm I don’t know. I like the look in your eyes when I call you Captain.” Xena had mischief swimming in her eyes and a sly look on her face.
“You two done yet? I’d like to actually get planet side before the day is gone.” Anakin called from the door.
“It’s all good Anakin! Just flying a ship.” Xena yelled to the door.
“Well my love, time for me to stare out into open space for the next few hours. Try not to be too jealous would you?”
“Who me? Never. I’ll see you later Cyare.” Rex teased, pressing a kiss to her forehead before leaving the cockpit.
“Well that was fast. Didn’t think he had it in him.” Anakin teased retaking his seat.
“Will you get your head out of the cockpit? You were gone ten minutes. There’s no way Ahsoka got a work out that quickly.” Xena replied, attempting to hide the slight blush growing on her face.
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Just a heads up
because fanfiction is incoming, and you should know what you’re getting into
Here’s all the Clone Wars stuff I ship and how I ship it:
Mandatory Sidenote: I will never hate anyone for disagreeing with me, whether about ships or opinions in general or even convictions. Even if I think you’re DEAD WRONG, I respect you as a person.
What I Ship
Anakin and Padme (duh). As much as I think they’re IDIOTS, I always appreciated that they actually got married instead of just having some big long stupid affair. I like imagining AUs where they get to grow up and have marriage counseling and all those other things they needed to be sane, stable, well-balanced people.
Obi-Wan and Satine. My ghost ship. Wonderful. Perfect for AUs. I wish Rey had been their granddaughter.
Bly and Aayla (did I spell her name right?). I solidly believe there’s no support for this in canon, but technically there’s nothing that disproves it, either, and the fandom got me into it as a sort of headcanoned ship. How the fandom has built them up as characters with a relationship is cute.
Rex and Ahsoka. Wait, I know this is a bit controversial. Just let me clarify. NOT during early Clone Wars (too young), but Rebels era (and also maybe season 7?), when they’re both older, even adults, and kinda alone, and some of the only people who understand what the other has been through. We all agree they love each other. Is it romantic? I think It could grow into that.
How I Ship It
(aka, the sorts of fics I’ll write and stuff I’ll draw about them)
ALL OF THEM: So clean. And I mean SO clean. My christian values are inseparable from who I am, and thus are part of how I fandom. So, based on my convictions, I never write or draw NSFW or anything sexual. I might imply married people doing married things, but in a very PG kinda way. I also avoid writing kisses if people aren’t married.
Anakin and Padme: Like I said, AUs where they get themselves together are good. Since it’s canon, It’ll show up in the background of everything it can, though. Including AUs about other stuff.
Obi-Wan and Satine: Happy AUs where they get married (openly, because secretly doesn’t sound like them), and again references in canon and AUs.
Bly and Aayla: References in other fics, both headcanon and AU. Probably not much focused on it, but hey, you never know.
Rex and Ahsoka: Headcanons, AUs, you name it. Future (post-Rebels) AUs, adorable headcanons, Mer-AU? OH YEAH. They’re just such great, close friends and that’s how all good romantic relationships start.
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pumpkin-lith · 7 years
Blyla, Any Disney Movie AU?
I had trouble deciding on the movie, but then, how could I resist tweaking that one... nothing to do with making Yoda a seagull, not at all
It starts out with a storm.
Aayla shouldn’t be swimming so close to the surface, but there are few sights prettier than a true storm, water falling down instead of surrounding her and it taste differently than the sea, sweet and cold when it hits her skin, the terrible sounds up in the skies and the wonderful flashes of light Yoda called lightning.He’s one cryptic seagull, but he knows a lot of things.
She was expecting the storm, but not the boat, and it takes a whole second for her to shake off her fascinated stare as part of the human contraption is burning, this is the first time she sees real fire, before she realises that it’s on fire and with people on board.
Aayla doesn’t stop to think about danger or warning tales. She won’t let people die, humans or not.
This is not love. It can’t be, because she didn’t even talk with the human she saved. Aayla prevented him from drowning, had to cut loose parts of the strange clothes he had (who wears metal when they can’t swim ? Humans are weird) and swam him to shore, but he was out of it the whole time, as she made sure he was still breathing and as Yoda pinched his arm with his beak to see if he would react.
She left way before he stirred, but she stayed, watched other humans run to him and clap him on the back and help him walk.
It can’t be love, because she doesn’t know him.But it’s curiosity, bright, burning, all-powering.
The price for human legs is her strength. Gone will be the muscles she spent years honing, the reflexes born from entire days hunting with her men, the ability to defend herself.She’ll have feet but will only be able to walk, a quick run will tire her out.
Aayla will only get it back if she finds a true reason to stay on land.
“Fine.” she tells the sea witch. “I’ll do it.”
If the world of humans is disappointing, she’ll only have to jump into the sea once more.There are rumors that the seawitch traps the people she makes deals with, but really, it seems pretty straightforward.
She doesn’t lose her strength only. As she needs Kit’s help to swim up, her blue skin fades to pink and her lekkus turn to hair.This wasn’t in the deal, but she supposes it’ll help her blend in… At least, she kept her clothes, though they shifted too, ending up naked would have been complicated.
“I don’t like this. Call me when you change your mind.” Kit grouches, her octopus friend looking particularly vexed to not be able to follow her for the first time.“Too stubborn, Aayla is.” Yoda points out. “Change her mind, she won’t.”“Shut your damn beak, you should.” Kit mutters before swimming up to her. “Be careful, okay ?”“I’m just exploring, Kit.” Aayla smiles. “You worry too much.”
Kit may have been right worrying, the witch said she would be able to walk only… but she doesn’t know how.
She’s about to faceplant into the sand when strong arms catch her and she’s faced back with the human that started this all in the first place.
His name is Bly and he’s sweet, helpful, supporting her as she takes her few steps, taking her back to town.He’s a soldier, working at the palace, and he doesn’t mind showing her around. Or letting her sleep in the barracks he shares with his group, who are a noisy, raucous bunch but good men. Or teaching her what she doesn’t know, even if sometimes she sees that she asks strange questions.Or braiding her hair. She misses her lekkus, but hairbraiding is very nice too.
Bly looks at her, sometimes, like he’s trying to figure something out, acting puzzled every time she trips or is tired after a mere few hours, but he doesn’t bring it up.
“Aayla, can I ask you a question ?” Bly tells her, and she perks up from her book on planes.Planes. That’s amazing, after exploring the earth, she wants to see the skies too.“Yes ?”“I… don’t be offended, please ? But… were you always this… frail ? You remind me of someone I saw only a glimpse off, but she was… well, strong enough to swim whole leagues carrying me, and…”Aayla is looking at him in surprise. He saw her ? He remembered it ?
“Forget it.” Bly mutters. “The others must be right, I must have drifted on wood, besides, you, well, she was blue, it’s stupid…”“That was me.” Aayla cuts him, grinning. “I traded strength against legs, since usually I am blue, and a mermaid.”
She laughs when he looks at her with eyes wider than Yoda’s that one time she found a bottle of "wheesky”.
Then he’s kissing her and oh, and well, she might have a reason to stay on land, after all.
“You do know that you are supposed to trick the mers coming to you for legs or whatnot, hmm ?” Ahsoka grins at the witch, spiked tail drifting lazily behind her as she watches Aayla running after Bly and decking him on the sand.“What would be the fun in that ? I find the idea of King Windu having an aneurysm over his Captain of the Guard falling in love with a human soldier way more fun.” Ventress grins back.
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redrobinhoods · 4 years
the sweetest con
AO3 Link | 1,100 words (approx)
A/N: A secret cupid gift for @aislinn-rain ! I loved the prompts you gave me and I’m really excited to finally share this with you! And a big thanks to @lilhawkeye3 for hosting the exchange with @starwarsfandomfests and all the hard work that you put in to run this event!
Set in a universe where there’s no inhibitor chips.
Summary: Bly is following General Secura through the forests of Felucia when a new order comes in, one that he hasn’t thought about in years, and he is forced to make a choice.
Bly watched absentmindedly as Aayla picked her way through the forests of Felucia, taking the obstacles before her with ease and occasionally raising her hand to lift the plant life out of the path of the AT-TEs that followed behind her and her officers, save for Lieutenant Galle. He had been sent away to answer the secured comm that had come through to the officers. Bly had wanted to stay with his general in the event of another ambush.
“Commander.” Galle’s voice came through Bly’s comm. Out of the corner of his eye, Bly could see him approaching from his left. “We have new orders.”
Bly took a last glance at Aayla before switching off his vocabulator. It had to be bad for Galle to want to keep it from the general. “Tell me.”
Galle’s voice was deep with regret as he spoke. “We’ve been ordered by the Chancellor to execute Order 66, sir.”
Bly closed his eyes and allowed himself to voice his sigh over the comms. He hadn’t considered the contingency orders in three years. He had initially, post-Geonosis, when he had first met Aayla. At that time, he had shaken her hand and decided that he could execute the sixty-sixth order without hesitation if he was commanded. But that was before. Before he had grown to love her. Before he knew her. But now, he did, and he could not raise his blaster against her. But Galle would, and Barr, and all of the men behind them. General Secura was beloved, but that would only grant her a quicker death than some.
“Bly.” Galle prompted.
Bly opened his eyes and turned his gaze towards Aayla. A bird flying overhead had caught her attention and her head turned as she tracked its flight.
“I’ll do it.” Bly rasped.
“I understand.” Galle’s hand fell from his blaster.
Bly turned his vocabulator back on. “General Secura.”
She spun around to face them. “Commander?”
He could hear Galle relaying the order to the other men over the comms. “Can I speak with you in private?”
“Of course.” She glanced past him to their men before falling into step beside him as they stepped off into the underbrush. When they were out of sight, she raised a hand to his shoulder, resting it there as they walked. “How far are we going?” She laughed when he didn’t stop or slow down.
“I don’t know.”
When her step slowed, he wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her after him.
“Bly, what’s going on?” She asked as she fell back into step beside him.
“We just got new orders. Orders to kill you.”
Her grip tightened on his shoulder and he knew that she was attempting to read his mind, his intentions. “Do you intend to kill me?”
She squeezed his shoulder once more before letting her hand fall. “Then we should run.”
They ran until they could run no further, and then they walked, staying always on the move. Occasionally, they changed directions, so long as that new direction took them away from their former men.  Somewhere along the way, they destroyed and abandoned their comms in a shallow creek that they had stopped at to refill Bly’s water flask. By the time night came, the darkness found them tucked away by the bank of another stream, under the shelter of some overhanging roots that blocked them from prying eyes.
Aayla had curled up with her forehead resting against Bly’s neck, one lek draped across his shoulders. In return, he had wrapped one arm around her back so that his hand rested on her stomach. The other hand rested on his blaster.
“What are we going to do?” She whispered, still afraid to raise her voice for fear that the men hunting them would hear her.
“Stay alive.” Bly bent over and pressed a kiss to the top of her lek. “We’re going to stay alive.”
Bly woke up to the sunrise streaming in through the windows, bathing them in golden light. He blinked the light out of his eyes as he rolled over on the bed towards where Aayla lay, limbs and lekku sprawled out in sleep. He reached out and ran a hand over her shoulder, tracing the rays of golden light across her skin until she stirred, raising her head to look towards him.
“Bly.” She mumbled, a sleepy smile stretching across her features.
“Couldn’t help myself.” He returned the smile and continued to stroke his fingers across her skin. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Gold is a wonderful color on me, isn’t it?” She laughed, rolling over so that she could set her hand on his cheek, running her fingers across the gold tags on his cheeks.
Bly closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. “I can’t argue with that.”
Months had passed since the day the order was given. Months containing some weeks of sorrow, more weeks of joy, and a few weeks of exhaustion as they had labored under Felucia’s sun to till the land they had settled on, purchased by selling some of the excess weaponry Bly’s ARC kit had held. But the land had yielded crop with enough excess to sell, to purchase necessities and put back into more seed, and of fine enough quality that Bly was able to trade for a soft piece of leather that he had gifted to Aayla to form a new headdress with. But now Felucia’s winter was upon them and the lands required less work than they did before, allowing the two of them the first lazy days they had ever had in their lives.
Aayla moved closer to Bly to press a kiss to his forehead before laying his head upon her chest so that she could wrap her arms around his shoulders.
Bly placed a kiss against her collarbone. “I was thinking of making some hotcakes for breakfast.”
“Mmm. I haven’t had hotcakes in years.” She brought one hand up to rest on the back of his head, burying her fingers in his curls. “But I could wait a few minutes more. I want to savour this a while longer.”
Bly closed his eyes and let himself melt into her touch. “I wouldn’t mind that.” With the heat of the morning sun on his back, and the heat of Aayla’s body against his own as she rest her head against his, their safety was a guarantee that could last forever.
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detroitbydark · 4 years
Fox and Mouse Finale 1/2
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Characters: Commander Fox x Mouse (reader), and more Jedi/clones/politicians than you can shake a stick at.
Summary: Fox makes plans and then remakes them...
A/N: Ladies and Lads this is it! A chapter so stupid long it required it be split in two pieces. I'm not going to make you wait and I'll be posting both this evening. I'm feeling really sentimental because this is the longest thing I've ever written and completed. I couldn't have done it without y’all. Your support and comments have helped me get through the tough periods of writing and the stress in my life as of late. This is for you guys! Thank you. I love you! 
Special thanks as always to @skdubbs and @crimson-dxwn for being there to listen to me and help me every step of the way. You are both absolutely amazing!
The crick in his neck is the least of Fox’s worries when he wakes. It wasn’t like he could call the tossing and turning he’d done for the last six standard hours much of a rest. After returning to his room, tail tucked between his legs, Fox hadn’t been able to unwind. He couldn’t lay his head down without a million thoughts racing through his head.
He loved her. 
Yes, it was something he’d known for a while, maybe even longer than he was willing to admit. He loved her more than he loved himself. For a long time he’d thought that’s how love was supposed to work. You sacrificed yourself for the things you loved. Now he’s not sure.
Mouse loved him. It was something he hadn’t hoped for, but after being near her, feeling her lips against his own, seeing the depth of emotion in her sad eyes as she’d kicked him out of her room - he didn’t question it. The issue he finds himself struggling with is hard to put into words. If he couldn’t love himself, if he didn’t think he was worthy, could he truly love her? Mouse was willing to accept him at his most broken, for his flaws and his lingering self doubt. If he couldn’t do the same for himself-
The thoughts kept him up the better of the night. He’d lost count of the times he’d walked to his door intent on barging into her room… and doing what? That’s where the plan got dicey and inevitably where he decided against any further action until first light.
Of course, by the time he’d fallen asleep he’d been so exhausted that he’d missed first light. It wasn’t until a pair of noisy male tik-tak birds jostled for the affections of a female outside his window that Fox woke.
His first thoughts were of Mouse as he shooed the noisy creatures from his open window.
He didn’t enjoy the smell of failure -or sweat - that permeated the air around him. He took a sonic shower so fast he would have set a record back on Kamino. 
He focused on the words he’d say to her. The words that would make her see that he was sorry. That his shabla behavior was a fluke that he could and would correct. That he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her if she’d just give him one more chance.
 He pauses as he slips into his armor.
The rest of his life.
He didn’t want her for a moment in time. He wanted her for all time, at his side through whatever life would throw at them. Resolve settles over him, the kind that a lifetime training for battle honed. There’s a certain peace to it.
Like any good soldier he makes a plan. When she fails to answer her door when he knocks, he goes to plan B. He knocks again. Louder.
When that doesn’t work, he moves on to plan C.
There’s a small cadre of Jedi and Clones eating a quiet breakfast on the veranda. The sun is just peeking over the waterfalls in the distance. Cody and General Secura are speaking in quiet tones over two cups of caf. General Kenobi sits nursing a cup of tea staring out over the placid lake. Like, a sore thumb, Bly sticks out, devouring whatever pastry and fruit had been piled on his plate like he was a cadet late for morning exercises. He looks up in time to see Fox and give him an encouraging smile and a wave over before taking a bite of some sort of plump sausage even Fox found to be too large.
“Vod!” The golden yellow hues of Bly’s facial tattoos seem to glow brighter in the sun. “Su cuy’gar!” he greets happily.
Fox pauses, then pulls out a chair, grabbing a cheese filled pastry from his batch mate’s plate. “Su cuy’gar,” he greets in return. “After the sounds I was hearing last night I wasn’t sure I’d see you in one piece this morning.”
“Don’t be fooled. I’m held together by the Force and a prayer. My Aayl’ika does nothing in halves.”
Fox, even with the pressure of his impending conversation with his own love weighing on his shoulders, can’t help but chuckle as he steals the other Commander’s mug of caf. 
Bly snatches the mug back and hot caf sloshes over the edges. The commander of the 327th makes a grunt of discomfort before leaning in and sucking the drops of spilt caf from the space between his thumb and index finger.
Fox smothers a laugh with a large bite of pastry. Bly raises an eyebrow before his eyes narrow in on Fox’s mouth.
“I know red is your color,” Bly grabs a napkin and tosses it to Fox, who catches it easily, “but I didn’t believe you were a lipstick man, regardless of color.”
One swipe across his mouth brings back a small smear of star cherry red lipstick. Mouse’s lipstick. He must have missed it in the shower.
“Since I don’t see the lovely dal I’m taking it either went very well or very poorly.”
Fox takes another swipe and places the napkin down when it comes back clean. “It’s a work in progress”
Bly gives him a serious look, the easy going manner from a moment ago pushed to the back burner.
“Tell me, vod. How do you and General Secura-“ Aayla glances up when she hears her name. Fox offers a tight smile. Bly shoots her a wink. “How do you do it?”
“Well you see Fox’ika, when a clone loves a Jedi-“
“Fierfek! Bly I’m being serious!”
“We’re honest with one another” Aayla’s smooth Ryl accent interrupts whatever comment Bly was getting ready to make. She moves gracefully over from her previous spot near Cody. The Marshal Commander has now joined his Jedi staring peacefully out across the water. Fox doesn’t doubt he’s listening in.
He isn’t sure whether he should be thankful for Secura’s intervention or not. Never having had a Jedi of his own, he still has moments where he finds their presence overwhelming. Aayla looks about as intimidating as a loth kitten this morning in leggings and a loose tunic, somehow looking incredibly chic and supremely comfortable all at once. Her eyes find his, searching for something as she sits down next to her Commander. “We’ve had to learn the finer points of communication.” She looks to Bly. Adoration is written across her delicate features as her lekku twitch happily. “We have to be able to trust each other.”
“It’s work,” Bly says, taking Aayla’s hand and placing a soft kiss along her knuckles ,“but we make it work.”
“And after the war?”
Aayla sighs. “We will cross that bridge when we come to it, but I don’t know if my loyalty can remain with the order alone. Once the Force has shown you something-“ she pauses and smiles softly at Fox, “The Force works in mysterious ways, would you agree?”
“General Secura.” Cody’s voice comes from across the veranda because - of course - he was listening, “I believe you forgot to mention respect.”
Aayla smothers a smile. “Oh yes, respect is quite important.”
Fox is very quickly beginning to feel the nonexistent walls close in around him. “Yes. Yes. “ he grumbles, “I’m a lousy di’kut.”
“You said that - not us - Commander,” General Kenobi chimes in without turning his head away from the lake spread out before him.
“Beg your pardon Generals, Commanders, but I don’t need the Force to tell me that I made a fool of myself last night.” He pushes up from his seat, stealing the caf back from Bly and finishing off the dregs. The other Commander makes a disgruntled sound. “Now, if just one of you could point me in the correct direction I have some-
The voices all mingle together as they chime in and Fox sighs, rubbing his temple.
“Yes, all of that and then some. Just-“ he lets out an exasperated sound “-has anyone seen her?”
Mouse hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Really, she’d just hoped to get away for a bit. She needed to separate herself from the faces that looked so much like his and the sad looks they’d given her as she’d picked at her breakfast.
She needed to know that Fox wasn’t just a few easy steps across the hall. She’d stood with her hands flat against the door too many times for her liking last night. It was only a few steps and she could be wrapped up in him, repercussions be damned.
Mouse wanted to pretend that her ultimatum may not end with a choice she wasn’t happy with. If Fox decided he couldn’t - or wouldn’t - do what she’d asked, well, she wasn’t sure how she’d handle it.
The field, nearly half a klik from the estate, had become a favorite over the last few months. Close enough to the waterfalls to hear the rush of water over the edge - and catch some mist on a windy day - but rarely visited by locals. It was peaceful. 
The summer grasses had easily surpassed the height of her knees weeks ago and - with a little more rain and sunshine - would soon be at her waist. For now it was just long enough to make a makeshift nest when she lay a blanket down. The green stems stood proudly around their brothers and sisters squashed by the worn quilt she spread out. 
The sun shone softly through a sea of gossamer clouds, its rays warm and soothing as she lay down with a datapad to review Padmé’s personhood bill in its entirety. Mouse couldn’t help the pull of sleep. The legalese of the document and warm kiss of sun paired with the sleeplessness from the night before had her first drowsing then, finally, blessedly sleeping sheltered from the world and her problems that lay outside her ring of softly swaying pastoral grass and millaflowers.
Her dreams begin as nothing in particular. Another blessing in disguise. Nothing bad troubles her sleep, though nothing good brings tenderness either. Instead she catches glimpses of Coruscant, of Fox and the other boys of the Guard, of a tiny green-skinned twi’lek girl. Images of Luke and Leia older and toddling around with their mother and father laughing and following behind them. Slowly, the boys are filtered out, then the Amidala-Skywalker clan, even little Me’kar fades away. All of it is gone and Mouse finds herself alone in front of a tiny cottage. It has a vegetable garden along one side and rows of flowers along the other. She hears her name whispered softly, the warm rumble of it so familiar.
Her eyes flutter open, and she squints into sun spilling around a vaguely humanoid shape while her eyes attempt to adjust to the sudden change. 
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” 
She’d know his voice anywhere. Hope springs to life in her chest. He’d come to find her. Surely that had to be a good thing, right? She moves to stand, getting as far as sitting before he makes a disgruntled sound and angles himself down and onto her blanket. She watches him look around, his head barely above the tall grasses surrounding them. His gaze moves to her discarded shoes and bare feet, slowly traveling up over her calves where her dress has ridden up in her sleep. She blinks, trying to push the residual fog of sleep from her head. Fox’s gloved hand reaches out and skims over her ankle. That electric spark she’d felt at his touch last night is still there.
“Fox?” He won’t look her in the eyes. The feeling of his touch is missed when he pulls his hand away. “Fox-“ she tries again, hiding and failing to hide the slight quiver in her voice.
He holds his hand up. “I have things to say and I need you to listen to every one. I’m- I’m not sure if you’re going to like what I have to say.”
Mouse nods slowly. He’s more his namesake now, more animal than she’s ever seen him. She moves slowly to rise to her knees, afraid the wrong move, a sudden quick one, will see him breaking away.
“I can do that,” she offers slowly. Fear at what he has to say leaves a thick knot in her stomach. “If we’re going to do this, though, I need to see your eyes. Ok?”
Fox makes another sound, a small grunt of assent as she rises on her knees and puts her hands to either side of his bucket. She releases the locks, hears the gentle hiss of release. His features are schooled when she lifts it off, but she knows her Fox. Whatever he has to say is eating at him. She can see it in the dark circles that rest underneath his eyes, the exhaustion that looks almost permanent in the soft brown eyes she adores so much. Always the caregiver, she fights the urge to pull him down, make him lay his head in her lap. She wants to card her fingers through the new growth of hair, brush through the locks that were just beginning to curl and swirl at the ends until he falls asleep. 
But she also needs to know what he has to say. She needs her answer so her heart can shatter or mend because whatever it is, there will be no in between. Not with him. Not with them.
She watches him swallow, look at the sky and the soft clouds above them before bringing his attention back to her.
“I’ve made mistakes in my life,” he begins, “Some of them widely known. You- you are the mistake I regret the most.”
Mouse attempts to turn away, but she can’t. His words- it feels like she’s watching a hover train come off the rails in slow motion. Fox glances down at his hands, squeezes them into fists.
“I-“ his eyes travel back to hers, pinning her in place “I’ve called you my precious girl more times than I can remember, because to me you are the most precious gift the maker has ever deemed fit to give me. But you're not a girl. You’re a woman,. A smart, strong, caring woman and I called you a girl. When things got hard, I treated you like one, like I had never made a mistake, like I knew what was best for the both of us.”
Mouse can see it in the little ways he moves, the clench of his fingers and the way his eyes trail to her shoulder, the scar covered by the thin summer dress, that it is taking everything for him to muscle through this.
“Fox, why are you saying this?”
“Because I need you to know.” His jaw is set in a sharp line. “I need you to know that I’ve thought about you every day since you left Coruscant, that I dream about you every night. I need you to know that I’m afraid to be around you, that even with the chip gone and that- that hut’uun,” spitting the word out as if it tastes bad in his mouth, “dead, I’m scared that it’s not enough, that someone is going to say the wrong thing and I’m going to do something you won’t come back from - and there’ll be no field of wildflowers for me to find you sleeping in, because you’ll be dead and it will be my fault”
Mouse grabs his hand, forces her fingers between his until he relents and lets her hold it. Her other reaches up, strokes along his right temple and feels the telltale ridge of scar under her fingers.
“Listen to me.” It’s a firm order and his eyes go a little wide. “You are not a bad man. You never have been. You never will be. You are the reason I’m alive. Your will, your strength kept you from making a shot I know for a fact you could make in your sleep. The scars I bear are your love brought to life.”
Fox shakes his head quickly. “That is sick, cyar’ika, you were-“ 
It’s Mouse’s turn to make a sound of discontentment as she pulls at the collar of her dress, stretching it out and down around her shoulder. “Look at it,” she demands. When he hesitates, she places his hand on it, holds it down with her own. “It’s just skin, just flesh over bone. Do you think Palpatine would have allowed me to live even if you hadn’t been the one to do it?”
Her hand slides his down to her chest where she holds it high on her left breast. “This has always been yours. Do you feel it?”
Fox’s fingers twitch over her racing heart. She had to make him see. Even if this was the last moment they were ever together, he had to leave without the guilt. “This has always been yours,” she repeats again, “You protected it and I’m alive because of it.”
Fox pulls away from her with a rough exhale, shaking his head. Mouse lowers herself, sitting on her feet, pretending she doesn’t feel the pins and needles building in them. He won’t look at her as she adjusts the neck of her dress back. She’s failed. The sudden realization hits with such certainty. She was going to lose him for good.
“You are so warm. You draw people to you and take them in, claim them as yours and care for them. You’ve never seen myself or any of the other Guard as just clones. From day one you spoke to each and every trooper you met as an individual. You’ve always tried to help and for some reason I was the one lucky enough to have you helping me. Even when I was acting like osik. Even when I was gruff and dismissive. You dealt with me-“
“-And I loved you” 
Love her head screams at her to correct but she doesn’t. Fox nods.
“Someone else will come along and they’ll love you with everything they have to give.”
Mouse feels a sharp pain in her chest and tries to turn away. Fox’s curled finger catches under her chin and brings her eyes back up to his. Mouse sees something steely in their warm depths.
“They’ll give you the world. Everything I can’t. But you know what?” He lets the question hang in the air for a moment. “I don’t want anyone else to love you. That’s my job. I don’t want to lose you and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I ever put you in a position to think otherwise.”
Relief, warm and fluid fills her veins as tears threaten at the corners of her eyes. Fox watches with slow building panic.
“I- please don’t cry.”
Mouse laughs then and leans up, capturing his lips in a chaste kiss that he doesn’t respond to immediately. When she pulls back, he looks pleasantly bewildered.
“I’m not sad.” She wipes aggressively at a tear rolling down her cheek. “These are happy.”
Fox’s hands cup her cheeks, his thumb brushing away another stray tears. “Well if that’s all…”
 He leans in and captures her mouth in another sweet, delicate kiss, pours his love into it until it’s spilling over and Mouse thinks she could happily drown in the feel of it. 
When she attempts to deepen the kiss, he pulls back. Mouse bites the inside of her cheek to stop a whine from escaping.
“My self control is negligible at this point.” Fox manages a strained laugh while he cradles her face. “I don’t want to rush-“
Mouse presses forward and kisses him hard, sharp teeth nipping just this side of painful along his lower lip. The growl she’s missed over the last few months rumbles in his chest.
When she pulls back, letting his lip slip between her teeth, she can’t help but appreciate the way his eyes have darkened. His hands fall down to her hips and he stares. Just stares into her eyes, searching for something. Mouse doesn’t look away.
“You want to do this right here?” His voice is thick with the familiar gravel of lust and Mouse feels a wave of heat ripple through her body. Right here, on the blanket in the warm sun where anyone could see. There’s a certain thrill to that thought. She swallows thickly. 
“We need to slow down,” Fox repeats.
“Are you saying that for you or me? Because I’ve been waiting months to touch you,” she admits. If possible, Fox’s eyes darken more at the admission. She’s always loved his durasteel will, but right now Mouse found it more than a little irritating. 
“Cyar’ika.” His tone is warm, but the warning underneath is very clear. Ok. Fine. She could go a bit longer. 
“Can I show you something?”
A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth as his thumbs brush small light circles over her dress. 
“I suppose it depends on what you're trying to show me.” 
Mouse leans forward and the pair meet in a slow kiss, just a soft press of their mouths that neither can seem to deny. She murmurs against his lips when she pulls back. 
“Come with me.”
Link to part 2/2 here
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