#I just want to draw jumin with a wide smile
ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Surprise Box for Luna
Luna gave a deep sigh as she waited for the elevator to finish bringing her up to the penthouse. It had been a week, to say the least. While law was her passion and something she enjoyed, it was a lot of work, there were challenges aplenty, and long hours were more common than she’d thought. The week had been a stressful one, made even worse by the fact that those long hours meant that she’d had little time for Jumin. Luna knew that Jumin understood, more than anyone…after all, he’d been called a workaholic on more than one occasion, and he was intimately familiar with long hours himself. But still…it made her feel bad, not having been around for him much and she was really looking forward to just spending the weekend with him, though she doubted she’d be great company, exhausted as she was.
The elevator doors dinged, sliding aside and she made her way inside the penthouse as quickly as she could, with the little energy she could.
She’d barely entered when Jumin called out to her. She smiled. He was the only one who called her that. He would have called her Luna like the others, if she’d insisted, and she knew that. Jumin was nothing but respectful that way. But he’d told her many times just how much he loved her name, how he enjoyed the way it felt on his tongue…he said it repeatedly, drawing out the syllables slightly, almost savoring them and how could she want him to call her anything else when it sounded so good spilling from his lips?
“Yeah! It’s just me,” she called back, going to start walking to where the sound of his voice was coming from, both Elizabeth and her own calico running to greet her with their little meow’s. She paused in her walking, bending down to scratch both cats behind their ears, smiling at them. Cats really were a blessing, she mused, and she was really glad that Elizabeth and her own baby had gotten along so well in the short time it had been since she’d moved in with Jumin.
“Wait by the door please,” his voice came again, his tone no-nonsense. Luna’s brow furrowed, confusion written all over her pretty face, but she did as she was told, backstepping her way to the door. Jumin didn’t often tend to give her orders in that tone, not unless there was a valid reason for it. She couldn’t help but wonder, though, what her silly, sweet boyfriend had up his sleeve this time though.
The minutes seemed to stretch into hours and after what seemed an endless wait, Jumin came up the hallway towards the front door, smiling at her. It might have been her imagination, but he looked very self-satisfied.
“What’s going on, Jumin?” she asked, cocking her head slightly to study him, one delicate finger pushing the rose gold frames of her glasses up further on her nose.
“I’m glad you asked, Luella,” he said, smiling wider now. “I fully plan on showing you, but I do have to ask you for a favour before I do.”
“A favour?”
“Yes. Could you please close your eyes?”
“Close…my eyes?” Luna repeated warily. Jumin caught onto her tone quickly.
“Please. Just trust me,” he said. And she did. Luna knew Jumin, knew he would never hurt her, and of course, she could no longer refuse. She shut her eyes tight, squinching them up and making Jumin softly chuckle.
A moment later, she felt his large, warm hands on her shoulders, gently steering her forward, his voice soft in her ear, his breath warm on her skin as he gave her additional directions. It wasn’t a long walk before he stopped her, his hands remaining on her shoulders as he moved her a step back.
“You may open your eyes now,” Jumin said.
Luella opened them. And then closed them. And opened them. The cycle repeated itself a few more times as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing, a wide grin spreading across her face without her even realizing it. She knew the room she was looking at, one of the spare bedrooms that was hardly ever used, except for before when Jihyun would spend the evening. But now it looked completely different, and she had to wonder just when and how Jumin had managed to pull this off so quickly and without her having any idea.
The room was filled, almost wall to wall, with the fanciest, most decadent blanket fort she’d ever seen. Squishmallows, ones she knew were not in her collection, gathered alongside plushies that she also knew were new, including a My Melody one she remembered admiring in a window the other day when her and Jumin were out shopping. There were books piled, a tablet set to the side, lots of plush pillows, and even water dishes set right outside the boundary of the blanket fort for Elizabeth and her baby. Knowing Jumin the way she did, it was likely there were some cat treats hidden in there and she spied, on her side, the pretty pink handheld gaming console he’d gifted her a little while back. Mellow music was playing softly, just stuff to chill out to and that always made her feel good. If she wasn’t mistaken, the song currently playing was one that she really liked by Cheeze.
As she looked around, Luna could feel the weight of Jumin’s gaze on her, studying her for her reaction and she turned to face him.
“I hear commoners call it a ‘blanket fort’,” Jumin said. “I’ve been told they’re very relaxing and fun to ‘hang out’ in with your friends and loved ones. And where you’ve been working so hard this last week, I really did want to make sure that you were given the chance to properly relax. I also bought us some new pajamas, which you’ll find on the bed, and some slippers, just to make sure the relaxation is complete,” he said, fumbling on some new words for him as he tried to explain. She could tell by the smile on his face that he was very proud of his surprise and, honestly, that he was probably just as excited as she was to try it out.
“It looks so comfortable! I can’t wait to curl up in there with you!” she told him, her tone sincere, her smile matching his.
“I’m glad. Then let’s go get on our new pajamas,” Jumin said, reaching out a hand to take hers as he led her to the bedroom.
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defudefu · 6 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUMIN ! Everything he loves in one picture ! ❤️❤️❤️
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shittylongcatposts · 3 years
You moaned, turned around and around again. Shifting restlessly in your sleep. Again and again. Jumin woke up eventually, usually it takes quite a lot to annoy him but he finally wanted to get his well deserved slumber after this long day.
When you moaned again he sighed, and made efforts to slowly wake you up. "Shh, Mc, can you try to stay calm for a minute? I really need some rest" "I'm sorry Jumin, I can't. I'm in pain."
His eyes grew wide and with just these few words he was wide awake. In pain? And he didn't even realize? In an instant he pulled you closer to him. Hugging you tightly. Quickly, he checked your forehead for any sign of fever. There was none.
"My god, I'm so sorry Mc. Should i call a doctor? What kind of pain is it?"
"It's that time of the month again, Jumin. It's...hnnnn" you wanted to explain more but another cramp left you speechless. You bent you body forward, pulling your knees to your chest. The pain was unbelieveable.
At first his hand rested on your shoulder, softly circling over your back, so lightly that you almost forgot he was still here with you. A few moments later, the young man jumped up and left you alone. Great.
Only to return with a hot water bottle that he stuffed under his arm, his hands carrying a glass of water and a small box a few minutes later.
"Here, darling. Put this on your belly." His hands crawled under the blanket, placing the hot water bottle on your belly, and searching for your hand, squeezing it to reassure you that he was there for you.
"thanks Jumin. I'm sorry I keep you awake."
"Don't worry about it." He answered quickly, placing featherlight kisses on your forehead.
"I have to apologize for my crankiness earlier. But, darling?"
"Would you like to take a pain killer? Maybe it'll let you rest again? Hm~"
"Are you trying to drug me Mister?" You frowned, trying to keep a pokerface. His eyes rested on your face and when Jumin raised one of his eyebrows, you both chuckled. "I'm joking. I'd gladly take one." You sat up, quickly downing the pill with a glass of water.
Meanwhile your husband slipped under the blankets again, making efforts to find a comfortable position for the two of you.
When you finally rested your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, feeling the warmth of his body, you felt better.
"Should I tell you a bedtime story?"
"No, just tell me anything."
"i love you darling. I love you for being you, i love the way your head lies on my chest, i love the way you draw circles on my chest right where my heart is. And i love you so much, that it's ok for me that your hot water bottle burns my thigh." His chuckle echoed through his body, shaking you with him.
"My god I'm so sorry. You should have said something." You turned away turned around so it faced the other way. Jumin quickly hugged you from behind again.
"I just did. Thank you my dear."
When he kissed your cheek you felt a rosy blush flushing the skin of your face. With a yaw, Jumin pulled away. He quickly whispered an apology, and this time it was your fingers squeezing his hand. Intertwining them with his slender fingers.
"hm" you felt him smiling against the skin of your neck.
"I love you too, my prince."
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   pairing: jumin han x reader
♡   —   tags/warnings: fluff overload <3
♡   —   a/n: This is part of @mysme-rbb​ ‘s event MysMe Reverse Big Bang! I had the opportunity to work with Maryellen, this great artist. Please check her work here, it goes along this story! <3
♡   —   length: 1.8k
♡   —   masterlist
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
You looked back at him, arching an eyebrow.
“Of course, honey. You said you wanted to experiment new things with me, right?” you asked with a smile.
“I know and I do, my love. I just don’t know if a roller coaster is the way we should do it.”
You sighed and put your hands on your hips, looking up at your husband. A couple of days ago, you had commented on the photos Yoosung had sent to the RFA chatroom. There, he was at the theme park, a wide grin on his face as he had his arm around his girlfriend. He talked on and on about how much fun they had, how many things they ate and that it had been an incredible date. Everything was fine until Jumin dared to ask what Yoosung's girlfriend was holding in her hand.
“Cotton candy?” Yoosung replied.
“Is it derived from cotton? That’s actually interesting.”
The rest of the RFA erupted in laughter, mocking Jumin’s question. You were sad Jumin wasn’t there with you in that moment as you could have avoided that awkward moment.
“I actually have never tried cotton candy either,” you stepped in but the other members were far kinder to you, explaining what the candy was made of and how it tasted. “No, I know what cotton candy is,” you corrected them. “But my mom never let me have some as a kid. My nutritionist was against it.”
After Saeyoung’s joke about both you and Jumin having nutritionists since you were babies and how “rich people were just different” and “you and Jumin were made for each other”, they moved on to another subject.
Usually, you would have let it go. Coming from an accommodated family like Jumin and being a heiress of a company you had very similar experiences as your husband and found comfort in that. But Yoosung’s picture roamed around your head the entire day and it was so obvious Jumin asked what you were thinking about as you brushed your teeth in front of the bathroom mirror.
“You know me too well,” you chuckled, mouth full of toothpaste. You spat on the sink and then washed your toothbrush as well. You left it on the small vase and then took your night face cream, putting a small amount on your fingers and then massaging your cheeks with it.
“You’re my wife, of course I do,” he replied. You handed him your cream and he imitated you, applying it to his face as well.
“Don’t you ever feel jealous about not having the same childhood as everyone?”
Jumin paused, considering your question a couple of seconds before shaking his head.
“I do,” you sighed as you massaged your forehead. “Sometimes I wished I didn’t have to learn Economics when I was eight. It would have been fun to be a kid at a theme park, you know? Eating cotton candy and trying out the different rides.”
“Is this about Yoosung’s photo?”
“Yes,” you admitted, drawing gentle circles on your jaw with the cream until you were satisfied with the result. “I just think when you’re a kid, even if you’re rich, you should get to enjoy things more, you know?”
“I don’t know why but if you say so, then I agree,” Jumin said, leaning over and kissing the top of your head. You smiled sweetly at him through the mirror. “If you’re really upset about it, I can accompany you to the theme park.”
“Really?” you asked excitedly.
He nodded. “I told you long ago. Be as greedy as you want with me.”
Jumin was deeply enamoured with you. He couldn’t picture his life without you in it and if there was anything you wanted, he would find a way to give it to you. He knew you were more than capable of buying yourself pretty things but there was nothing else he adored more than to see your eyes sparkling as he handed you a new present.
But he had miscalculated when he offered to take you to the theme park. Even with two security guards following you, for the first time in many years he was unsure for his safety.
“I just don’t think it looks safe.”
“Jumin, it’s just a rollercoaster. It’s the smallest and shortest one here- look, even five year olds are allowed,” you said as you pointed at the sign, “And with these VIP bracelets we can avoid the line, c’mon. Please?” you asked, sticking out with lower lip,
It worked like a charm.
You could see how firmly Jumin grabbed the handles as the roller coaster got faster and faster. Your arms were firmly looped around Jumin’s right arm, screaming gleefully during the first fall. In retrospective, sitting on the front line hadn’t been your brightest idea but you wouldn’t have changed it for anything. You were surprised you didn’t hear him scream so you looked up to him, holding back a laugh when you saw his lips pressed in a thin line as he had his eyebrows furrowed.
“Are you okay!?” you asked loudly but he just nodded.
When the ride was over, you stepped away and did your best not to comment on Jumin’s wobbly legs as he led the way, holding your hand tightly in his. His hair was a mess and you pulled him closer, stepping on your toes and grabbing his face sweetly.
“I love you so much,” you grinned, pressing a small kiss on his lips. Despite his shaken state, he accepted your touch and leaned into you, his muscles visibly relaxing.
“I love you too.”
As you walked around you decided to wait before you asked Jumin to jump into another ride with you. Never letting go of his hand, you walked to the different stands and were delighted when Jumin and you bought matching cat ears. You made sure to take several selfies of you both to share with the other RFA members.
You kept on looking at the different stands, being amused at magic tricks and children playing along with the parents to win different prizes. You got your eyes on a pink stuffed bunny and once the competition was over, you walked to the young man as you took out your wallet from your purse.
“Hello, how much for the stuffed bunny?”
“Those are prizes for the game, Miss. It’s not for sale.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Jumin interjected. “It must have a price.”
“It does, but…” the man paused, slightly confused. “That’s how the game works. You shoot three cans and you can get the bunny.”
Jumin and you looked at each other with a confused expression, trying and failing to understand how this worked.
“You pay $3… and you get three shots. If you take down three of those cans,” the man said, ponting at a tower of cans behind him. “You get the bunny as a prize.”
Jumin handed him the money and was given one of the guns. You smiled as the CEO of C&R wearing a pair of cat ears held a gun, squinting so he could get the cans.
But he almost hit the man.
Nevertheless, Jumin was a relentless man. Before you could notice he was trying out his luck for the fifth time but hadn’t managed to take down a single can. As Jumin paid for three more shots, you put your hand on his arm gently.
“Why don’t we let John try out his luck?” you said, leaning your head towards your bodyguards. Jumin shook his head.
“I think I’m capable of doing this for my wife.”
“Jumin, this is you taking photos again. Your hands are a little shaky,” you chuckled. “How about we try together?” you offered. Jumin’s silence gave you the green light to stand closer to him, holding the gun with him and pointing it to one of the cans. “Okay… shoot!”
Jumin pulled the trigger and one of the cans fell to the ground.
“Yes!” you screamed in excitement, jumping up and down.
Two more shots of teamwork and you held your stuffed bunny in your hands. You grinned widely as you walked with your husband across the theme park. A warm feeling crept on your face as you watched him eat cotton candy at a slow pace. You had already devoured yours faster than you wanted to admit.
“Thanks for coming with me here,” you said.
Jumin squeezed your hand gently. “Of course. Anything for you.”
“I just think it’s important we get to experiment these things, you know?”
“I’m not quite sure about that,” he confessed. “But if it makes you happy, then it is important for me as well.”
“But didn’t you have a good time?”
“I did,” Jumin nodded. “I just don’t understand how this experience is vital for our lives.”
“How are we supposed to try and give our son or daughter a normal childhood if we haven’t experimented it beforehand?
Jumin chuckled. “We’ll have plenty of time to worry about that.”
“What if we don’t?”
“What do you mean?” he asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
“What if… we have to worry about it right now?” you continued, a timid smile forming on your lips.
Jumin stopped in his tracks, forcing you to do so as well.
“Are you… Do you mean you’re…” he asked with an uncharacteristic quiet voice, his eyes darting from yours to your stomach.
“Four weeks,” you beamed, feeling tears forming in your eyes as you broke the news. 
Jumin’s lips parted and you watched him struggle as he chose his next words. You waited in silence, giving him the time he needed as he took all the information. It had been a week since you had been late and after an inconclusive home test, you had gone to the doctor, wanting clarification. After an ultrasound, she had confirmed you were pregnant and since then you had been planning out the perfect way to tell Jumin the good news. Initially, you had decided on telling him later during dinner but your feelings got the best of you, not being able to refrain yourself any longer.
The next thing you knew is that Jumin was dropping the cotton candy on the floor and pulling you into a tight hug. You hugged him back, burying your face on his chest with a wide smile as you let happy tears stream down your cheeks.
“Thank you,” Jumin whispered against your hair. “I promise I will do my best. I will give them everything they need, I will- I will come back from work earlier, I won’t accept as many business trips. I will let them be themselves, I don’t care if they’re loud or quiet or popular or shy, I just- I will let them be happy. I swear, I will do my best.”
You nodded pulling away from his hug a little to press a kiss on his trembling lips.
“I know you will. That’s one of the reasons I chose you,” you reminded him.
Jumin wiped the tears from your face as you laughed again, overwhelmed by the knowledge you were about to start a family with the man you loved the most. 
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Hi!!!!!!!! I just love jealous RFA so what their (plus minor duo but only if it’s not too much) reaction would be if girl confessed and they thought it’d be for RFA but turns out it’s for MC? And I love your chibi drawings that’s so precious >~<
Ohho, aren’t you precious? I actually love this concept omg thank you so much for your request!! Sorry it took me a bit to get it written out ;;; - luna xx
warnings: none really? just a bit of jealousy and possessiveness haha
• He’s literally so butt hurt
• He’s so used to admirers swarming the two of you to get his autograph or try to pine for his number
• While he gladly gives autographs for fans and even pictures, he always respectfully declined those who asked for his number
• He just loved seeing the slight tint of red on your cheeks when you got jealous and that’s why he wasn’t normally so forceful of telling other people no when they asked for his number
• Until one day you had went to go grab some water during one of Zen’s breaks at rehearsal
• One of his coworkers, a beautiful woman with long black hair and the perfect figure strolled up she reminded him a bit of Jumin honestly
• He was actually a little nervous to tell her no because he didn’t want to cause a scene but he would do it for you because he loves you
• So he begrudgingly held out his hand and she plops a piece of paper into it, a smirk on her face as he takes a deep breath
• “Look, I know that you and I work together but that doesn’t mean I’m available—”
• “Tell them that when they’re done with you, they should give me a call.”
• That’s when it clicks for him as he notices the way her dark eyes loom over your approaching figure, her tongue licking her lips as she winks at him then walks away
• He’s so infuriated that it hurts
• “Everything okay, Zen?”
• He rips the paper into so many pieces you didn’t even think that was possible
• “How about you go home, MC; I’ll tell you about it later.”
• You laughed for ages and teased him about it for weeks because, well
• “You’re not the only hot one in this relationship, Zen.”
• He’s always super bashful when girls in his class try to ask him out because he rarely finds himself attractive
• You were the same in a way; you were more confident than him, but still shy when people complimented you
• So while the two of you are on his campus, you holding flashcards in front of him to help him study
• You started to smile at a girl that approached the two of you, cheeks blazing pink as she stuttered over her words
• Her blue eyes were wide as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, looking as if she was taking deep breaths to calm herself
• “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’ve seen you both around for a while, and I just…well…”
• Yoosung turns just as pink, brows furrowing as he stutters over his words too
• “I appreciate it but I am taken!”
• For a moment the girl furrows her brows in confusion, adjusting the straps of her backpack as she tilts her head
• “Um…okay? Anyway, I think you’re really attractive and so; please accept my letter!”
• Both of your jaws drop as she kneels down and hands the letter towards you, hands trembling as you take it and nod
• “Aha, um…thank you?”
• She scurries off before you can even turn it over, and when you do you see your name written in beautiful penmanship surrounded by hearts
• Before you can even open it, Yoosung has snatched it out of your hands
• “Wha—Yoosung!”
• His purple eyes were clouded with anger as he rips it to shreds, an almost growl escaping his lips as he grunts
• “You’re mine. No need to read this letter when it’s gonna end up in the trash.”
• You couldn’t help but laugh at his possessiveness, tackling him in a hug and peppering his face with kisses as you shook your head.
• “What am I going to do with you?”
• She’s not the jealous type usually
• Like you can mention in passing that you were hit on and it won’t phase her a bit
• When it happens in front of her though? That’s a bit different;;;;
• Men tend to hit on the both of you often so that doesn’t phase her much but when it’s women?? Uh oh
• A really sweet woman was frequenting the bakery often; she would always get the same treat and the same drink, sitting at a table by the window
• She was quite pretty; short curly hair and tanned skin that had been specially kissed by the sun
• Jaehee was making the coffee for the next order when you’d gone to check on every table, stopping at hers and asking if she’d like another
• “No, thank you but…I was wondering. Would you like to go out for dinner some time?”
• Before you’d had a chance to respond you heard the sound of ceramic crashing, the mug Jaehee was holding now in pieces on the floor as she looked in your direction
• “Ah, while I’m flattered, I do have a girlfriend…;;;”
• The woman was understanding, putting two and two together as Jaehee rushed to pick up the mug and stomped into the back area
• “Jaehee! Jae, omg why are you so mad please—”
• “Because you’re my partner and how dare she think for a second that—”
• You interrupted her with a kiss and that shut her up quickly
• “You should be possessive more often. I actually like it…”
• “Shut up, MC.”
• He has plenty of women in the business world that try to win his heart even though you’ve already done that lol
• So he’s actually quite surprised when you join him for a business meeting and he notices one of the women staring at you
• It’s so painfully obvious he’s actually offended that she isn’t hiding it
• She peers up at you through her bangs that frame her face, short hair styled perfectly as she leans back in her office chair
• Jumin couldn’t even focus and in minutes the meeting was over and she was instantly at your side
• “What?” He’s stunned, watching as she gently takes your hand in hers and kisses it
• “I’ve heard plenty about you, MC. While I’m sure Jumin appreciates you as a business asset, I would love to get to know you on a more personal level.”
• He is livid
• Before you can respond he’s wrapped an arm around you and snatched you away from her, a smirk on her face as he frowns at her
• “I’d appreciate if you let their hand go. We have business to tend to; at home. Come along, MC.”
• “Jumin oh—” He has you pressed so close to him that you can smell his cologne, your face flushed from embarrassment as she grins
• “It was nice meeting you!”
• Jumin scoffs as he escorts you out of the meeting room
• You’re shocked; he’s never lost control like that, not even when men would make passes at you during events or dinner parties
• “So, what was that?”
• “We will not be discussing this, MC. Now, would you like French, or Italian for lunch?”
• You grin as you get in the elevator with him, pressing a small kiss to his cheek
• “No matter what, Jumin. You’re the one for me.”
• He makes so many jokes about the women that fawn over him that he too his stunned when a woman confesses their love for you
• It was during an RFA party, and you’d worn a particularly flattering outfit that accentuated all the right places
• He was watching you from afar when he noticed a woman with equal beauty walk up to you, long blonde hair and brown eyes drinking you in as she slightly leaned against you
• “Oh, it looks like I’ve had too much to drink; maybe you’d like to take me home? I’ve been an admirer of yours for a while…”
• You’re so embarrassed that you don’t know what to say; a clutter of “ums” and “uhs” leaving your mouth as you tried to make sure she didn’t fall
• With you holding her up it gave her a chance to press against you even more so much so that you could feel and see most of her chest oh god Saeyoung help me
• “Oh~ I am also way too drunk and love showing off my boobs to make people like me!”
• You immediately drop the woman in shock when you see your boyfriend waltzing towards you in a dress, a long red wig swishing behind him as he lands on you
• It couldn’t be helped; you were laughing so hard that you nearly fell over, Saeyoung grinning as he sneered at the woman who looked at the two of you in confusion
• “Wait…what?”
• “Oh! I’m sorry miss um, but uh, this is my boyfriend—”
• “Who happily takes them home every night so if you’d please let us be that would be the most polite!” He says in a sing song voice, placing a hand on your chest as you snort
• You’d never seen a woman walk away so fast in your life
• “Good riddance…how classless.”
• “Saeyoung you literally put on a dress just to be petty.”
• “That’s different MC.”
• He receives admirers from all over who adore mainly his work; and it doubles when they realize how handsome the painter is
• During an exhibition he’d gathered a rather large crowd, mostly women which wasn’t surprising
• It didn’t bother you much; you trusted V, and he always made it clear that he was happy in his relationship with you to all of the women who tried to grow close to him
• You’d gone to a different section of the gallery to take a minute to yourself, staring at V’s painting of you that he’d done with a fond smile
• “While he is talented, he surely will never be able to capture the beauty of the real thing.”
• You turned your head in surprise to see a woman staring at you, red lips and sharp green eyes piercing as she held out a glass of champagne towards you
• “Oh, well um…thank you.”
• “Of course. I understand the appeal to him but…I like to think that his partner is much more enticing.”
• You couldn’t help but blush as you stared at your bubbling champagne
• Then, the familiar smell of lavender and cedar danced across your nose, your head turning to see V approaching
• “You’re absolutely right, miss. They are the most enticing, and that’s why I made them mine. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”
• He plucks the champagne out of your hand and places it on the bench beside you, whisking you away while the woman pouts and hurries off
• “Um, V?”
• He hides the two of you in a dark hallway, closed off from the gallery as he presses you against the wall
• “I don’t know how you do this all the time MC; that was painful for me to see. Promise me that I’m the only one you’ll ever look at?”
• You giggle as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pressing your forehead against his as you whisper
• “I promise. She’s no match for you, my love.”
• He seals the promise with a kiss, savoring your taste as he breathes out
• “Let’s just stay like this for a little longer…”
• He’s so shy already that when he receives confessions from women he literally shuts down
• It’s even worse when women confess their love to you like what???
• He understands because he’s knows that you’re beautiful and that you’re such an amazing person
• But you’re also his like excuse me?
• You’re enjoying your lunch in the park that you always take once a week
• You were sketching in your journal while he explained the different plants you were seeing; it was one of your favorite pass times to do before it got too late
• The two of you were unaware that your sketching and laughter had gained the attention of another, who was working up the courage to confess
• She’d finally gained said courage, walking up with a brand new journal as she cleared her throat
• “Um…excuse me?”
• You both turned your eyes towards her, freckles dotting her shy face as she handed the book to you
• “I always see you drawing and, well, you’re really good. So I wanted you to have this.”
• You were shocked; such kindness from a stranger. But this was a gift you couldn’t accept.
• “Oh, thank you so much! But I can’t accept this, really because—”
• “Because I am their boyfriend.” You didn’t expect him to speak up, head snapping towards him in surprise
• He wasn’t angry just more apologetic; he’d experienced the same fear of rejection when he was pursuing you and he knew that what she was feeling wasn’t good
• “Oh, I see. Okay. Well, I’ll leave you two alone then.”
• She walked away dejected while he reached for your hand
• “I think I’ve just experienced jealousy and I didn’t like it much.”
• You giggled, resting your head in his lap as you looked at him
• “You handled it graciously, darling. Let’s enjoy the sun then head home.”
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reifromrfa · 3 years
Surprises: Vanderwood x MC | Mysme RBB fic
Hi guys! I’m sure you’ve seen this project in the fandom, there are a lot of talented artists and writers who are a part of it ^^ This piece is for the @mysme-rbb and it was such a thrill to write it! I’ve missed writing for the fandom and I’m glad I got this opportunity to do so <3 Even luckier that I got paired with two amazing artists! 
For this first collab, I got paired with the wonderful GLX ! Please check out their instagram HERE!  We’re super lucky to have collaborated on a character we both love: Vanderwood! So I hope you enjoy the story and I hope I can write for everyone again soon ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ PS: I’ll edit this post with the link to the art once it’s out! ^^
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
In collaboration with gl.artsy 
Vanderwood chuckles and closes the car door, hoisting bags and baskets on his arms and shoulders. MC laughs and hugs the beach towels to her chest, grinning widely.
"Sorry...I'm a little excited," her grin turns sheepish but Vanderwood shakes his head, his smile mirroring her own. Seeing her this happy makes him feel things he hasn't felt before --pleasant feelings. Feelings...that a secret agent just doesn't have the luxury to be thinking about, much less feel. But he's not a secret agent anymore --he has a legal job now, one where he doesn't have to risk his life everyday or dirty his hands. Hell, the dirtiest his hands can get with his new job as Jumin's bodyguard is cleaning up after his cat.
With his free hand, he reaches for hers and weaves their fingers together.
Today is their one-year anniversary and Vanderwood wants everything to be absolutely perfect. He's not one for grand gestures and romantic stuff, but he knows celebrations like these matter to girls.
In the past year he's been with MC, he's gotten used to watching those cheesy romantic chick flicks. Never in his life did he imagine he'd be forced to watch those kinds of shi--stuff. But he's braved through The Notepad, A Stroll to Remember, Crazy Silly Love...and he's learned a lot from those movies. For one, his girlfriend ends up crying every time they watch the shows together.
Every. Single. Time.
But he'd see how immersed she is in the scenes where the guys make a big move for the girl. Vanderwood would notice how she heaves a deep sigh and wipes her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face.
Ha...he's new to this relationship thing but he's not stupid; Vanderwood knows how this works. The bigger the gesture, the happier MC will be...
He's startled out of his thoughts when MC tugs his hand, pointing at a spot on the beach. "Over there! There's a free spot there!"
Vanderwood follows after MC and starts setting up their towels and beach umbrella. This is the first step in his grand surprise for MC today: spend the morning at the beach, a place MC rarely went to. The excited look on her face is all the confirmation he needs; he did good, choosing this as the start of their date.
MC sits on the towel under the shade of the umbrella and takes off her wide-brimmed hat, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. When she opens them, she turns to Vanderwood. "Baby, this is perfect. The skies are clear, there's a breeze and there's not much people; it's almost like we have the beach to ourselves!"
Vanderwood chuckles, sitting beside his girlfriend and reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "You like it?"
At his touch, she blushes and smiles, nodding her head. "I do, Vanderwood. I really do."
He leans forward, lips quirking up into a smirk. "Good...that's real good, MC." Vanderwood can see the blush on her face deepening as he inches closer and his own heart races, eyes darting to her slightly-parted lips. As he draws nearer though, he hears a whooshing sound through the air and a distant yell: "LOOK OUT!"
His reflexes kick in and Vanderwood pulls MC against his chest then pins her against the ground, using his body to shield her from whatever it is --MC doesn't even have the time to process what's happening. But she feels herself warming, eyes fixated on Vanderwood's tense expression, at the way he's hovering on top of her, holding her protectively against him.
A second later, their umbrella is knocked over and a spray of sand flies across Vanderwood's back. He turns away and shields MC's eyes, a million thoughts already flying through his mind.
"Could it be that some agents found me? How many are there? How am I gonna get MC safely to the car? The taser's in the bag, if I could just reach it in time
"Vanderwood turns his head to look for the target-
-when his eyes fall to the white volleyball lying on the sand near them.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry, that's my fault!!!" A kid with blonde hair is running up to them, waving his hand and trying to bow at the same time. Vanderwood's eyes narrow. Wait a minute...isn't that-
"Yoosung?" comes MC's voice.
Sure enough, Yoosung's purple eyes widen as recognition dawns and he laughs, running faster. Right behind him is the silver-haired actor and Jaehee Kang, all dressed in their beachwear. Zen smiles when he spots the two familiar faces but it only lasts for a second --the moment he realizes the position the couple are in...
"YA!!! Vanderwood! What are you doing!" Zen glares at Vanderwood, pointing an accusatory finger at the Silver Spoon's bodyguard. Vanderwood narrows his gaze at the actor but hurriedly straightens himself, his face feeling warm.
"Baby, are you okay?"
"I am...what was that all about?" MC takes Vanderwood's hand and he pulls her up just as Yoosung stops in front of them, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Sorry! Zen hit the ball too hard and I received it wrong so it went flying...I didn't know it would end up here where you guys are! I didn't even know you two were going to be here too!"
Vanderwood rubs the back of his neck, wishing they'd leave him and MC alone. It's not that he doesn't like them, but today he'd like MC all for himself. "Ha...yeah, what a coincidence."
"Ya, you!" Zen jabs a finger at Vanderwood's chest, eyes blazing. "What the heck was that!"
Vanderwood looks at Zen with a deadpan look on his face. "I thought there was a threat, so I was defending my girlfriend. Will you stop having perverted thoughts?"
MC giggles. "It's true, Zen! He was just trying to protect me~"
"That's very quick thinking." Jaehee pipes in, picking up the ball. "I suppose that's what makes you a great bodyguard, Vanderwood."
"Ha...thanks." Vanderwood feels awkward still, but for an ex-agent with no family and no friends...his life's shaping out real good. Still, friends or not, he wants these people to go away and let him pamper his girlfriend. "So, now that that's settled-"
"OH! Why don't you two join us in a game of volleyball? Please!!! I'm tired of picking up the ball all the time!" Yoosung begs them, hands pressed together in front of him.
"Aww, that sounds fun! We're game, right, baby?" MC says, winking at Vanderwood. To the others, she says, "The two of us will be in a team against you guys! You'll see, Vanderwood will carry our team!"
Vanderwood can't help but feel proud at MC's words. Okay...maybe one game of volleyball wouldn't hurt. After that, they'll go back to their spot and maybe he can go swimming with MC, or get some cool drinks.
Yoosung, Jaehee and Zen stayed with them the entire time. After volleyball, they took MC and Vanderwood to their rented cabin and shared their meal. Vanderwood and Zen ended up grilling meat and seafood for the rest but it was actually fun. The non-stop chatter and laughs, the volleyball games, seeing MC enjoy herself --okay okay, it's not so bad that their first date got interrupted. But of course, Vanderwood has more tricks up his sleeves.
A long drive and a shower later, Vanderwood and MC change into more semi-formal attire as he drives them to one of the fancy restaurants in town. The restaurant is situated atop a building, with the entire floor encased in glass windows so guests can dine with a view overlooking South Korea. It's fine dining and Vanderwood has never been to a classy restaurant while off-duty; to be honest, something like this kinda suits Jumin Han more...but Vanderwood doesn't want to take MC to their regular dining spots. No, for this special day she deserves something special too.
As they're led to their seats by the hostess, Vanderwood once again intertwines his fingers with hers. "I heard this place has the best seoullangtang."
MC tugs at his hand, looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Baby, this place is really expensive...you didn't have to."
Ha...oh no, doesn't she like it?
"It's our anniversary," he tells her, lifting their hands and then turning hers so he can kiss the back of it. "Don't even think about that, baby."
MC turns red at Vanderwood's blatant display of affection. Usually, he's more reserved and careful when they're in public; she assumed it's because of his past and she didn't mind. But today, he's been more touchy and showy...MC has to admit, it's giving her heart a pleasant workout. They're seated right by the window and Vanderwood is the perfect gentleman, pulling her chair out for her and helping her onto her seat. MC feels shy all of a sudden as Vanderwood slides into his seat across her. With the dim lighting from the restaurant, the candle in the middle of the table casts Vanderwood's face in a warm glow and MC unconsciously swallows, entranced by him.
Their previous dates were never this fancy and she's not complaining --she loves wherever they are, be it the beach or the supermarket, a fancy restaurant or McFonald's. As long as they're together, she's happy.
But seeing her boyfriend all dressed up in a crisp button-down shirt and a coat, hair tied into a half-ponytail, brown eyes staring at her --she can't help but feel the depth and seriousness of their relationship. Today is their anniversary, which means she's spent 365 days with this man...more than that, of course. Ever since they met, her days have been full of color and life. MC reaches across the table for his hand and holds it tightly in hers.
"I love you, Vanderwood."
Vanderwood's glad it's kinda dark because his heart does that weird little thing and he feels his cheeks burn as a smile spreads across his face. "I love you too, MC."
She mirrors his smile and it's strange but MC feels like she did the first time she met him in person, nervous and intimidated, but at the same comforted by his presence and intrigued. This once mysterious man is hers and though she knows she's barely scratched the surface of all that he is, she can't wait to learn more about him everyday, for the rest of their lives.
"Baby, order whatever you like, okay? Haha, don't be worrying about the prices." Vanderwood says as they open their menus. MC's eyes are skimming through the dishes (half of which she can't even pronounce because they're in different languages) when she hears the sound of a familiar voice.
"I didn't expect to see you both here this evening."
Vanderwood tenses. No freaking way...
But he's been hanging around that voice for months now and he'd recognize it anywhere --his boss, Jumin Han. Vanderwood reluctantly looks at the man standing beside their table, the leader of the RFA at his side. Jihyun at least looks apologetic for barging into their date.
"Jumin! Jihyun! What a coincidence!" MC exclaims happily, smiling at them. Truth be told, she was looking forward to spending more alone time with her boyfriend, but she also doesn't want to be rude to her friends. "Did you guys just arrive?"
"Yes. A business colleague recommended this place. I would have asked for a private room but Jihyun preferred to stay close to the windows."
Jihyun laughs good-naturedly at Jumin's words. "This place is popular for their stunning view of the city, after all. We should get going to our table, Jumin, let's not bother them..."
"Have a good time, boss, Jihyun." Vanderwood gives them a little wave. "Nonsense. We haven't seen MC in a while. Perhaps we should ask for a bigger table and dine together."
You've got to be kidding me.
"Jumin-" Jihyun tries to interrupt, but Jumin is already gesturing for the host. In mere minutes, Vanderwood and MC are seated with Jihyun and Jumin. Of course...it's not all that bad. He didn't have to be so formal with his boss since they're outside of work, and Jumin knew his way around the menu; the meal Jumin ordered for them was mouth-wateringly delicious. Vanderwood had no idea which ones were good, so he's grateful for that part, at least.
But seriously...this was starting to get annoying. Would the RFA be popping up at his planned dates with MC? Vanderwood represses a sigh though, and fights the itch for a cigarette.
They enjoy their meal and, realizing he has no choice but to endure it, Vanderwood relaxes and allows himself to enjoy the company.
All of a sudden, they're bathed in a hue of colors and MC's eyes turn to the windows, widening with surprise. The sky is lit up by fireworks --something Vanderwood had arranged for. Her eyes are bright and her smile is priceless. As the fireworks paint the night sky with streaks of brilliant color, MC feels a peace inside her, knowing that's exactly what she was thinking of moments before. Vanderwood is like the scene outside, illuminating her life with the most dazzling colors.
And while MC gazes at the beautiful display, Vanderwood stares, enchanted, at the woman who brought light to his life.
The last stop of the evening is the last showing of the latest romance movie, a movie MC has been waiting for. Vanderwood settles into their comfortable lazy boy couches, glad he paid for these seats.
"I'm so excited, I've heard a lot of good reviews already!" MC whispers to him, leaning close. Vanderwood chuckles.
"Baby, it's gonna be amazing." He leans closer to her, stealing a quick kiss in the dark theater. MC bites her lower lip as he pulls away, wanting to tell him how much she loves him. But the movie starts and MC has to stop herself from squealing in excitement. She keeps her hand locked with his, eyes focused on the screen.
Vanderwood feels relaxed now, knowing no one can interrupt them, knowing he can enjoy this moment with his girlfriend and sneak glances at her cute reactions.
But just thinking those thoughts has jinxed the situation. The doors to the cinema creak open and Vanderwood picks up the sound of popcorn bags and two hushed whispers. He glances at the empty seats beside him and sighs.
"Oh! If it isn't Mary and MC!"
Vanderwood curses inwardly and almost slaps his hand to his face. No. No freaking way. No damn way.
But after some shuffling sounds, Saeyoung plops down on the seat beside Vanderwood with Saeran occupying the other.
"Ohoho, I didn't know you were into romance movies, Vandy~" Saeyoung whispers before leaning forward in his seat and waving at MC. "Hi, MC! Thanks for restarting this guy's heart! If you ask me, you should have used a tase-"
"Ya! Shut up!" Vanderwood says, a little too loudly. The audience shushes him and Vanderwood slinks into his seat while Saeyoung covers his laughs with a hand.
For the duration of the movie, Vanderwood has to put up with Saeyoung's reactions and his hushed side comments. At some point, popcorn starts to fly towards the brown-haired man too, bouncing off his hair. Saeran shakes his head, heaving a sigh as Saeyoung takes another popcorn and throws it subtly to Vanderwood. The ex-agent was ready though; he catches the popcorn and throws it back to Saeyoung, who slides down his chair dramatically.
"I've been hit...Saeran ah, save yourself~~~"
Vanderwood glances at MC's face to watch her reaction and he's surprised to see her eyes fixed on him. She's biting her lower lip, trying to stop herself from laughing. Vanderwood smirks, reaching out and freeing her lower lip from her bite.
"You want a shot at the idiot?" Vanderwood murmurs near her ear. MC nods and takes a piece of popcorn then tosses it to Saeyoung, who's crawling up his chair as quiet as he can.
Saeyoung gasps and flops back down on the ground, holding his chest as though he's wounded.
"Sneak attack! Saeran, help m-"
"Okay no ;;;;"
Vanderwood stirs, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn.
Damn, what time is it?
Yesterday felt so long --with all that happened, Vanderwood feels exhausted and a little disappointed at himself for failing MC. Everything should have been perfect, but as luck would have it, the RFA just had to meddle in all his plans.
He lays in bed, blinking away his sleepiness, wondering if he can do anything today to salvage their anniversary. Absently, he reaches beside him, wanting to pull MC to his side and wake her up with kisses --but his hands come up blank.
"What the-?"
His head whips to the empty space beside him and Vanderwood sits up just as the door opens. MC comes in, balancing a small tray table filled with food.
"Baby, what are you doing?" Vanderwood asks, bewildered. He starts to move from the bed but MC makes a sound and continues moving towards him.
"No no, you stay right there," she says, eyes staring at the orange juice sloshing inside the glass. "Don't get off the bed, baby!"
Vanderwood freezes, unsure what's happening. Finally, MC lays the tray table on the bed and beams at Vanderwood. "Happy anniversary, baby!"
The brown-haired man blinks, surprised. Then a soft chuckle escapes his lips. "MC, baby...did you do all this for me?"
MC shrugs, her smile wide enough to light up the room. "Maybe~"
She carefully sits on the bed closest to Vanderwood, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Baby, yesterday was amazing! I wasn't expecting those surprises at all."
Vanderwood's brows furrow. "What do you mean..? MC...I...was gonna apologize-"
"What? For what?"
Vanderwood awkwardly scratches his cheek, not sure what to say. "Uh...ha, 'coz I didn't intend for the RFA to show up. And I mean, anniversaries aren't supposed to be celebrated like that...right? The movies we watched, the celebrations ain't like that."
Giggling, MC leans towards her boyfriend and kisses his cheek. "Oh Vanderwood, it was perfect. I had so much fun, even more so because our friends were with us celebrating our special day with us.
Without the RFA, you and I would have met in a different way. But I like our love story, because everything that has happened so far has led us to this moment, baby." She holds his hands, cheeks turning red. "I loved watching you play volleyball and grill our lunch, I loved listening to you talk with our friends, I loved catching my boyfriend all dressed up to take me on a fancy dinner, and I loved that you sat through another romance movie with me, all the while having a popcorn battle with Saeyoung."
MC squeezes his hands and all of Vanderwood's doubts vanish; his eyes fix on her, his heart beating loudly against his chest.
"Vanderwood...the girls in those movies we watch get one big gesture per movie but I got three amazing dates in one day. My friends were there to celebrate a special day with me: the anniversary of the day I promised forever to the love of my life. And I-"
Before MC could finish her speech, Vanderwood closes the gap between them and meets her lips for a kiss, pulling her close to him without toppling over the tray. MC's hands clutch the front of his shirt and her eyes close, her body tingling as he pours his emotions into their kiss.
"MC," Vanderwood says breathlessly, leaning his forehead against hers, "I love you. I'll keep takin' you out for dates, keep celebrating this day with you every year. 'Coz it's the day you and I got together, the day my life started to make more sense..." He gives her another peck and pulls her closer, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "But every day you remind me that there's more to life than fighting and running. Every day, I wanna see you smile and hear you tell me you love me."
MC giggles and wraps her arms around him. "I love you, Vanderwood." She lays her head on his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart, a heart that's tied to hers. "Yesterday was amazing but today I'm keeping you all to myself."
Vanderwood chuckles, reaching for a piece of bacon and holding it near her lips. MC takes a small bite from it and Vanderwood takes a larger chunk. "You and me all day, huh?"
MC nods, reaching for her phone. "You and me, all day, everyday." She holds the phone away from them, opening the camera app. "Happy anniversary, baby~"
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate, @mysme-rbb :) I had fun and kudos to the mods for an amazing project! 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3 (Commissions are full and closed atm ;A;)
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mrs-han · 4 years
@mrs-mc-han: Hiiiiii! Can I please please please request an MC who is super loud an extroverted! She doesn’t mean to or really even notice. she tends to yell when excited and use a lot of hand motions and laugh loudly. and she was never aware of it until she heard one of Jumin’s employees gossiping in the bathroom at C&R and goes to Jumin in tear apologizing for making him seem unprofessional. If you do this I will be so happy🥺🥺I love your work! Thank you💕
Gurrrl! I went through three different drafts because none of them felt right! But I finally settled on one! Here we go!
"Ow!! Don't -!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jumin carefully sat you up, his hand on your lower back. "I added too much pressure this time... I'm sorry, darling."
"No, don't apologize, Jumy... it's so nice of you to help me to begin with," you smiled forcibly, gripping his hand.
"It wounds me to see you in so much pain," Jumin sighed, his fingers lightly trailing over your shoulder blades. "How long do you need to rest?"
"Six weeks," you moaned, turning and burying your sulky face against Jumin's neck. "Which is impossible, by the way. What am I supposed to do for six weeks!"
"Rest, obviously," Jumin jested, poking your cheek.
"... Rest, obviously," you imitated. "I mean! What else am I gonna do? Huh? What, I can't do anything except rest?"
"Calm down," Jumin cooed, winding his arms around you. "I'll tell you what. How do you feel about coming to work with me, hm? It's remote, quiet, and you can stay in my office."
"And do nothing?" You pouted.
"I have plenty of board and card games that will keep you busy. Or, you can bring your tablet and play the games you have on there. What do you say?"
"That sounds like... a reason for you to spy on me," you smirked.
Jumin batted his eyelashes. "So what if it is?"
"That sounds like a plan," you giggled, kissing his cheek. "To coming with you to the office, not to the spying."
"Drats," Jumin said stoically, lifting you from the couch and placing you on the bed. "Did you take your medication, love?"
"I did," you blushed, realizing for the millionth time how lucky you were to be reminded. "Come here, hubby. Cuddle close."
The height of C&R's structure never failed to frighten you. You stood dumbfounded as Jumin gathered your things and grabbed your hand.
"Are you all right?" He smiled, tightening his hold.
"Did you guys expand somehow? The building looks ten times larger than when I was here last!" You smiled, throwing your arm out and flinching shortly after. "Ow! Ow..."
"Be careful," Jumin uttered, rubbing your back. "The building hasn't gotten any bigger... it seems my proposal for cat tree extension has been denied."
"You made a proposal for a cat tree extension?!" You laughed.
"Oh, look. I'm going to be late. Let's go," Jumin mumbled hastily, leading you delicately to the inside of the building.
The sights and the interior sounds were more or less the same since you had last visited. Hurried footsteps and the sound of passes that approved access mixed with the familiar smell of citrus - your senses were overtaken and overwhelmed.
"Why do you look so shocked? You were here just last week," Jumin chuckled, easing you past the security booths.
Before you could respond, you heard a familiar pair of heels making a beeline towards you. You turned and glowed as Jaehee, folders in hand, stopped and bowed towards Jumin.
"Mr. Han -"
She straightened and smiled as you crashed against her, hugging her. She tucked her folder under her arm and gave you a reassuring pat. "How have you been, MC? All Mr. Han talks about is how you injured your back."
"Even during meetings?! Jumin, shame on you!"
Jumin turned his head, hiding his flushed expression.
"Don't be too hard on him. It's a rarity to see how much he cares for someone other than his cat," Jaehee quipped under her breath.
"We're going," Jumin blurted, grabbing your arm and leading you to one of the many elevators.
"Yes, Mr. Han," Jaehee said quickly, fixing her glasses and her posture.
"What happened to your office?!" You shouted.
Jumin pursed his lips and blinked quickly. "I felt the need to redecorate."
You rushed into the office and threw your arms open. "Jumin, there are pictures of me everywhere!! OW!!"
"Don't strain yourself by yelling, darling."
Jaehee quickly closed Jumin's office door behind her. "Forgive my sudden intrusion towards this heartwarming conversation, but Mr. Han?"
"Ah, yes. The meeting."
"Jumin, you are -"
"Silly? Adorable? Quite the catch?" Jumin crooned, massaging your back.
You faltered and wrapped your arms firmly around him, giggling as he peppered kisses to your face.
Jumin hummed gently, his fingers curling over and into your hair. "I'll be back, my love. And when I come back, I'll give you the massage you deserve. Don't miss me too much."
"Impossible. I miss you already if only you knew -"
"Mr. Han," Jaehee spoke more pointedly.
"All right, all right." Jumin sighed, the stars in his eyes now replaced by businesslike determination.
"Be strong, my brave man," you grinned.
Jumin grabbed your hand, planted a firm kiss on your palm, and turned quickly, lest Jaehee fire another warning. You closed the door and bit hard at your lip as you observed Jumin's gallery.
Photos of you sleeping, smiling, holding Elizabeth the Third - even pictures of the highly publicized wedding day - were scattered with the finesse Jumin naturally possessed.
"I love you so much, you silly man," you said under your breath, running your fingers over his desk and finally settling yourself on his seat.
You managed to keep yourself busy for half an hour, drawing hearts on Jumin's notepad and playing a round or two of virtual Uno. Boredom was a hell of a demon, so you figured there was no harm in walking around.
Opening the door to his office, you peeked your head through and slid out. You were greeted with polite smiles and inclined heads as you walked through the floor, making you feel... oddly uncomfortable. No doubt, everyone was polite to you because they knew who you were - if you were to make one complaint, Jumin would take immediate action.
But you pushed your suspicions of trivial matters aside and smiled widely towards the ostensibly friendly employees.
Your brows furrowed, and your shoulders tensed the longer you were outside of Jumin's office. You understood what Jumin meant; that feeling of suffocation seemed to hover over your person and only caused more stress to your back as you unconsciously hunched.
You traveled to the café, desirous for some breathing air - there had to be some sense of normalcy where people ate. Still, heads turned as soon as your footfalls could be heard, and more disturbingly flashy smiles were shined your way.
Cramped and in agony, you retreated quickly to the nearest restroom, rubbed your neck, and yanked your phone out.
Hey, honey! Are you almost done?
Jumin usually answered you immediately, but his response still hadn't come your way. Pushing a stall door open, you slumped into the toilet seat and continued to try to work the knot on your back.
"Jumin, shame on you ~!"
Laughter reverberated through the restroom, and you froze in place.
"She's so tacky!"
"And so loud. Could you hear her from accounting?"
"Yes! No offense to Mr. Han, but the least he can do is put her in her place."
"Ha, no offense to Mr. Han, but he chose poorly. My daughter would be a much better candidate."
"Isn't your daughter twelve?"
"Well, Mr. Han does seem to go after those with a... childlike... disposition!"
Earsplitting laughter echoed through the room, through your ears. You pulled your knees to your chest and brought your hand to your mouth to muffle any outbursts of emotion.
"Considering how serious he is, you would assume! That he would choose a practical, serious woman!"
"Where is she from, again?"
"America, from how she behaves."
"That explains the lack of discipline."
You closed your eyes.
"How long would you give them?"
"Six months."
"Ji-Yu! That is far too generous! I give them! Three months!"
"Ladies, ladies. She can't live in a world as glamorous as Mr. Han's. They will divorce as quickly as they met. A country bumpkin will always return to the landfill they came from."
"Are we still on for dinner tonight?"
"Are you paying?"
Another bought of laughter resounded... then, silence. You stood slowly, legs shaking and back aching more than it had that morning.
You went from wanting full transparency to wanting the false reassurance of superficiality.
"So stupid," you murmured.
"What's next on the agenda," Jumin demanded as he walked straight to his office.
"A meeting at 1430 with Amorepacific," Jaehee answered, easily keeping pace with her boss.
Jumin slid his sleeve up, checking his watch. "Good, I have time to eat lunch with my wife."
"Enjoy your time with her, Mr. Han, but please be in Boardroom D ten minutes before the meeting."
"Yes, yes, fine." Jumin pushed the door open and was greeted by your swollen red eyes and dripping nose.
"Welcome back," you sniffed, forcing a smile.
Jumin's nonchalant expression immediately shifted to one of anxiety. His brows creased, his eyes grew, and he flew to your side. "Darling, what... why are you crying?"
Your voice quivered. "Can I go home?"
"Talk to me," Jumin urged, grabbing your hands. "Is your back hurting you? Did anyone try to come in?"
"No, no... I just... I want to go home," you cried, pulling your hands from Jumin's and covering your face.
"All right... all right, darling," Jumin cooed, grabbing his phone from his back pocket. "I'm calling Driver Kim right now -"
"No," You blurted. "I want to go home. Where I came from."
Jumin paused... then quickly snapped into action, carefully grabbing your chin. "Speak to me. Darling? Why are you saying these things."
"Who am I kidding, Jumin? I can't... I'm not cut out for this life. I'm not cut out for you, you...! You deserve way better than me. You need a woman who's mature, demure, graceful... that isn't me, and you'd be much better off if -"
"Stop," Jumin boomed.
"You just told me to talk to you!" you babbled.
Jumin's anxious eyes eased. "Is that what this is about?"
You closed your eyes. "I heard a gaggle of women talking while I was hiding in the bathroom... Jumin, they're right."
"Are they?" Jumin asked.
"Well... yeah, I mean... they even attacked you, saying how interested you were in childlike women..."
Jumin wiped your tears with his thumbs. "Mmhm. Complete strangers weighing in on the depth of our relationship... it never occurred to me that I should take their opinions to heart."
You hiccupped. "All I'm saying, Jumin, is... I didn't realize how ridiculous I made you look... I didn't consider it."
"What is there to consider?" Jumin asked gently. "You would rather take their words to heart over how happy you make me when you smile? How fast you make my heart beat when I see how eager you are to explore different things? How, in a sea of millions, your eyes are the only ones I will ever look for?"
Your lip quivered.
"Others will have our opinions of us, but you will always be my wife. No matter what is said, I will always come to you. I want you to realize this, that you may finally lean on me... that you will irrevocably trust that my love for you is infinite.
"... Jumin!" You sobbed, tears streaming down your eyes. "You weren't supposed to make me cry more!"
Jumin roughly tugged you in and held you fiercely, kissing the top of your head. "No more talk of you leaving me... don't go anywhere. Stay by my side, and rest assured that I will stay by yours."
"Forever?" You squeaked.
"And ever," Jumin whispered vehemently. "Ah... your back -"
"Don't you dare pull away from me, Jumin," you half-joked.
"... Ha. I wouldn't dream of it, my dear. What do you say we grab some lunch, hm? Your choice."
"Sure... fifteen more minutes like this, first," you replied, your mouth pressed against Jumin's chest.
Jumin laughed and rested his cheek atop your head. "Excellent plan."
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yoosungisbabie · 4 years
i can only reach you from where you are - day six
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jumin x mc
rating: T
prompt: {separation} / tears
warnings: none♡
word count: 1,687
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She’s convinced he doesn’t love her anymore. Maybe he never did.
Elizabeth the 3rd nuzzled against her hand, making her giggle as she continued petting the cat. She’d lowered herself to the floor of the foyer, knowing that he would be home soon and willing to wait.
Both of them flinched when the door clicked, opening slowly as Jumin stepped inside and saw them on the ground.
“Hello, my lovely ladies,” he smiled, setting his briefcase down as she stood to meet him.
“Welcome home,” she grinned. She walked over to him quickly, watching his eyes soften as the fatigue in them started to dissolve. Standing on her toes, she pressed a kiss quick to his cheek before she wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug.
But her heart fell, as it always did, when his arms didn’t move an inch to return her hug. She let go quickly, trying to hide her disheartened look by ducking her head. She smoothed out her dress, stepping back from him and forcing a smile.
When she looked back up at him, he looked completely delighted as he gazed at her with a soft grin. It was an unexpected sight, but she tried to appreciate it, returning his smile.
“I just finished making dinner. Are you hungry?” she asked, watching as he slid his suit jacket from his shoulders.
“For your cooking? Always,” he replied warmly, making her heavy heart feel a little lighter.
They moved to the dining room, and she prepared both of their plates as he settled into his seat at the head of the table. She placed his plate down in front of him, taking a seat and watching his expression.
“You’re so kind, darling. Thank you,” he spoke, bringing another smile to her face. She shrugged, chuckling a little.
“It was fun,” she told him, seeing him take a bite. She’d been with him at a few dinners where the food had been less than satisfactory, so she’d come to know his reactions, however subtle, quite well. It was immediately obvious she’d done well that night, which made her let out a relieved sigh.
“This tastes excellent,” he told her, gazing across at her with adoring eyes. She felt her cheeks warm, and she began to eat to hide her bashfulness.  
“Have I told you how wonderful it is to have you greet me when I return home?” he said, drawing her eyes again as she peeked up at him. He was looking at her like she was his whole world, and to think that could be true brought a smile to her lips that made her cheeks ache.
She reached forward to brush her hand over his as it rested on the table, watching his eyes dim slightly at her touch. Her elation was short-lived, her smile dropping as she was thrown into a deep ocean of thoughts once more.
It had only been a few months since their engagement at the party. She was the happiest she’d ever been, but as the days passed, she began to wonder more and more if Jumin felt the same. His words were as sweet and loving as ever, but his actions were just the opposite. Sure, he made an effort to give her plenty of gifts, but that wasn’t what she cared about.
He wouldn’t touch her. Their hugs were always one-sided, and they hadn’t properly kissed since that day with Sarah in his penthouse. They always sat slightly away from each other on the couch, and the few times she’d held his hand, he’d seemed uncomfortable the whole time.  
It all made her wonder if he was really happy with her. She thought that maybe he felt as if they had rushed things after all, that he hadn’t been ready. Had he misinterpreted infatuation for love?
“My love,” Jumin called gently, making her realize she hadn’t answered his question. “Are you alright?” She blinked at him slowly, feeling a wave of emotions rising at his use of ‘my love.’
“No…” she said hesitantly, taking her hand back from his and placing it in her lap. His face fell, and he leaned closer, looking her once over.
“What is it?” he wondered. The palpable concern in his voice confused her, making a frown appear on her lips as she moved to stare down at the ring on her left hand.
“Jumin,” she said slowly, gathering the courage to meet his worried eyes. “Why won’t you touch me?” she asked, her voice breaking into a whisper. She fought against the lump in her throat, pressing her lips together as he let out a quiet, ragged breath.
“What?” he asked in disbelief, his eyes wide and puzzled. She sighed softly, looking down at both of their plates of food that would surely grow cold.
“I feel like you don’t want to touch me,” she said, glancing at the wall behind him as her hands trembled. “Or really even be close to me,” she spoke quietly, twisting her engagement ring and peeking at his expression. He seemed to be caught off guard, his eyebrows drawn down in confusion and his lips slightly parted.
“Have I given you that impression?” he asked, making her eyebrows furrow slightly.
“Yes,” she replied. He lifted the napkin that had been resting on his thigh to place it on the table, and it made her wonder if he was planning to leave. She sat up a little straighter, panicking slightly at the thought of upsetting him further.
“I-If you don’t like physical contact or prefer not to be near me like that, you can tell me,” she said quickly, glad when he didn’t move to stand. He met her anxious stare, looking wounded as he closed his eyes for a moment. She hesitated, feeling her chest begin to ache again.
“Please tell me,” she whispered, not wanting to leave the conversation without an answer to the question that had been eating at her for so long. He opened his eyes, gazing at her before sighing out.
“That’s not it,” he said, making her eyebrows raise.
“Then what is it?” she asked, unable to help the anticipation she felt for his thoughts.  
“This is all very new to me,” he said slowly, reaching up to loosen the black tie around his neck. “I have a hard time controlling myself around you, and…” He stopped, searching her eyes quickly and making her heart skip a beat. “I’m afraid if I give into that even by a fraction, I’ll make you uncomfortable.” Her mouth had fallen open at his words, but the slight tint on his cheeks as he stared at her made her almost laugh in disbelief.
“Oh, Jumin,” she breathed out, pressing a few fingers to her lips. He shook his head, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt sleeves and folding them both up once as silence fell between them.
“I’m sorry I made you think such a thing,” he said deeply, meeting her stare again. She felt the weight on her heart lessen, and a small smile turned the corners of her mouth up as she watched him.
“I wish you would have told me sooner,” she said, watching him lean back against the chair and frown. “I want to be close to you, and I want you to be close to me too,” she told him, standing from her chair to walk to his side.
She stopped just to his right, about to kneel beside his chair. As she was lowering herself to the ground, she felt his hands on her hips. He stopped her, gently shifting her weight to land in his lap. She felt her whole body flush with heat as she met his eyes, finding guilt and love in their grey depths.
She steadied herself with a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm the rhythm of her heart when he kept one hand on her waist.
“I know this is new to you, but I’m here for you,” she spoke softly, tilting her head a little as he took in her words intently. “To help you, okay?” His eyes softened once more, a smile stretching across his lips as she felt his thumb trace circles into her waist. She watched him nod, admiring her for a moment.
“Thank you,” he whispered, making her smile in return. She hummed thoughtfully, feeling her back pressing against the table.
“I’m sorry I’ve made dinner get cold,” she chuckled, hearing his gentle laugh chime in with hers.
“I don’t mind. Thank you for going to the trouble,” he said, making her bashfully bite her lip without thinking.
When his eyes were drawn to her lips, both their smiles fell, and she could feel her heart beginning to race once more. It was a long, quiet moment before he took a breath to speak.
“May I kiss you?” he asked, searching her eyes as anticipation tingled in her fingertips.
“Yes, please,” she whispered, unable to stop herself from smiling. She watched as he leaned forward, the hand on her waist stilling briefly to secure her there as their lips met. Her eyes fluttered closed as she heard him take a slow breath in through his nose. She’d missed the silk of his lips on hers more than she’d realized, but just when she thought she could drown in him, he pulled away.
Her eyes flew open, finding his already gazing at her with a warm love she’d given up hope of ever seeing again. He lifted a hand to her cheek, smiling as their noses brushed.
“I love you so much,” he whispered, the breath of his words dancing across her lips warmly. “I want to cherish you and show you just how much I care for you. Please, tell me if I ever overstep my boundaries,” he spoke, his lips brushing hers and making her gasp quietly.
“I will. I love you too, Jumin,” she said, melting into him when he didn’t hesitate to kiss her a second time. It felt like heaven when he pulled her even closer, holding her tightly against him as he kissed her time and time again.
aaaaah i really liked writing this one! i had this idea for a while before angst week, and i hope you all liked it! thank you so much for taking the time to read this! <3 
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
hey i just wanna say i absolutely love your writing/posts and i hope you have an amazing day and thar you’re doing well & taking care of yourself. i don’t have anything specific in mind so may i request just some jumin fluff? possibly with cuddles?? thank you so much! 💖💘
Aw thank you !! FLUFF! 😭🥰 my inbox really loves angst right now so I was very excited to get to this request. Thank you for being so patient !!
Sleepy - Jumin Han
You and Jumin had been married for six months already! It felt like the time had flown by with him by your side; you had lots of late, stressful nights where he was at the office all evening, but also lots of lovely memories and vacations and gifts. You wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.
You and Jumin planned to give each other traditional anniversary gifts, but the list for those didn’t start until one year. That meant you’d have to be a little creative this time around. You weren’t sure if he’d be expecting it, but you knew he’d love it regardless.
Your plan was to create a dinner that took you through your first few days together, when you really started to fall for him. You refused to let the chef help you; no, this was coming completely from the heart. You had everything set up around the house, domes over the food so that it wouldn’t get cold, and now you waited.
You took a seat at the table where the wine was sitting in its ice bucket, glasses and fancy folded napkins set out for both of you. You pulled out your phone, starting up a game to pass the time. You wouldn’t call Jumin quite yet; he hadn’t called to tell you he was on his way home as he usually did, but you didn’t want to stress him out. He’d be home in no time.
“My Love.” It was Jumin. He looked so handsome, a bouquet of roses in his hand at the door. You ran over to him and embraced him, as you always did when he got home.
“Happy six month anniversary!” You cheered, pressing a kiss to his lips. He didn’t let you escape that quickly, though, pulling you back in to draw it out.
“My love,” he whispered. Your body shook. You jumped. It was a dream. “There you are.”
You opened your eyes slowly. You were laying on the napkin, now collapsed out of its fancy position. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, and looked over at him.
“I should’ve known something was up when you didn’t answer the phone. Or greet me at the door. I’m sorry I was so late,” he had a bittersweet look on his face; he seemed happy to see you but upset that he made you wait so long that you had fallen asleep.
“What time is it?” You asked, still trying to wake yourself up.
“Midnight. Time for bed.” You had gotten everything ready over two hours ago. You were out for two hours?? But, you prepared so much for this!
“No, we can’t!” You exclaimed frantically. “I had this whole fancy dinner planned out for our anniversary... although I guess it’s over now.”
He cupped your cheek gently in his hand. You leaned into his touch. “You seem tired. We should get some rest.”
“Nooo,” you groaned, pulling away from him. “I’m all awake. Please? The food’s probably cold but it was cute so I at least wanna tell you about it.”
“I’m so sorry I was late. I feel like I’ve ruined this,” he frowned. “And you look so cute... so beautiful... but so sleepy.”
You pouted. “I’ll be okay! I’m practically wide awake now.”
He simply chuckled, shaking his head. “Okay, we can do it, on one condition.”
“We do it in our pjs.”
You hadn’t expected Jumin to propose something so outlandish for something as formal and significant as an anniversary dinner. You raised an eyebrow. “Although you look beautiful, My Love, you’ve rubbed your eye makeup across your face in your half-awake state.”
You felt so embarrassed. You had completely forgotten you had put makeup on. “Oh!” You squeaked. “That’s embarrassing. Uhm, okay. Sounds like a deal.”
You made your way over to your vanity to take off your makeup as Jumin went through the drawers to pick out matching pjs to wear. He settled for silky navy polka dots for the both of you.
He set the impeccably folded pajamas on the vanity, then leaned against the edge of it, watching intently as you removed your makeup. “May I?” He asked, a small blush forming on his cheeks. You shrugged, a soft smile making its way to your lips, and handed him the makeup wipe.
He focused his energy on carefully removing your lipstick, trying to get the product out of the folds of your lips. You let your eyes flutter shut as he worked on taking off your foundation, trusting him to do a good job. “You look like you could fall asleep any moment,” he commented.
Your eyes snapped open. You glanced at your reflection; it seemed like the makeup was pretty much gone. “So not true! Let’s get changed and get this party started.”
The two of you, pajama-clad, made your way to the kitchen. There, on the counter, was your first part of the meal. You lifted the domes, revealing some steak and asparagus. “It’s definitely cold now but... ignore that! If you’re really hungry I can microwave it or something.”
“I’m no chef but you should not microwave steak,” Jumin chuckled. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. “Why did you choose this dish, chef?”
“Like my... fourth? Day in the chat room, you went to lunch with your father and Glam. You had that “Melanin Steak” as you called it, which was actually none other than a steak prepared by Melanie of Mister Chef. But, I digress. You took the worst photo in the world of your meal. That’s the first time I realized you were an actual human being, and a pretty cute one at that.”
“If I remember correctly, it was the first time you called me cute.” His cheeks heated up at the compliment still.
“It was nice to see you weren’t perfect at everything. Plus you started cracking bad jokes. It was inevitable I’d fall for you.”
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your nose. “That’s adorable. But please don’t make me eat three-hour old steak at midnight.”
You giggled, wordlessly answering his question by grabbing his arm and pulling him to the next stop on your tour: the dining room table.
You took a seat, urging Jumin to do the same, and pulled the wine bottle out of the... now water bucket. The ice had melted. “Uhm... chilled to perfection, but not really, I have some wine here.” You poured a little bit into both of your glasses.
“Now wine at midnight I can get behind,” he smiled, clinking his glass against yours. He took a sip. “This is the first wine we shared.”
“You remember?”
“Of course I do. It’s my favorite wine. It has been from the moment I saw it stain your lips red.”
He was so... poetic. You downed the rest of the glass and stood up. “Dessert time!” You cheered. You eyes his half-full drink. “Chug, chug, chug Jumin. We’re on a tight schedule here!”
He sighed, rolling his eyes playfully and downed the drink. “I would never do that if you hadn’t asked me to. You’re turning me into a mad man, you know that?”
You giggled, showing the way to your bedroom. You lifted up the domes on the plates resting on the bed. “Strawberry pancakes and tea. The first thing you ever made for me.”
He glanced at the room-temperature tea and laughed a little, bringing it up to his lips and drinking a bit to be a good sport. “Earl Grey. Your favorite.”
“Well I know it’s not your favorite, but if I remember correctly you had Earl Grey that day as well,” you observed, tapping a finger on your chin thoughtfully.
“You’re right on the nose.”
He cut a little bit into his pancake, bringing the fork to your mouth for you to try some. You took a bite, eyes fluttering closed. “That good, huh?” He asked.
You forced your eyes open. “Nah, it tastes like cold pancakes. I think I’m just tired.”
He moved the plates to the bedside table then pulled you down to lay on the bed with him. “Does that mean we can finally go to sleep?”
“Finally,” you sighed. He wrapped his arms around you: one around your shoulders and the other around your waist, pulling you close enough that your nose brushed his collarbone.
“I really enjoyed your gift.” He looked down at you, his hair falling to your forehead and tickling you. “May I give you mine tomorrow morning? You seem awfully tired from all the excitement now.”
You shook your head, but mid-shake started to yawn. He scooched up the bed, keeping you tight in his arms, and kicked the blanket to the side so that the two of you could burrow under it. “I guess I am tired,” you said, a smile on your face.
He tangled his legs with your own, trying to get more comfortable. “Is this alright?” He asked, referencing the position. You nodded. “If there’s anything you’d prefer just let me know.”
You nodded again, burying your face into his chest to breathe in the scent of his cologne.
“You’re so perfect, my darling wife.” He spoke aloud, as though he was more thinking to himself aloud though.
“And you’re so perfect to me.” You yawned again. “I’m sorry.”
The bed creaked. Elizabeth the 3 must have jumped onto the bed. Your suspicions were confirmed when you felt her curl up in the bend of your legs. “Good night my perfect husband,” you leaned down to pet Elizabeth, “my perfect baby. Who could ask for any more?”
“Certainly not me. I’ve got everything I need right by my side.” Jumin added. You could hear the smile in his tone. He kissed the side of your head, then started to drift off to sleep.
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mysticm3ss · 5 years
Eyh! so glad to see a new headcanon blog! Can I request the RFA+V/Saeran reacting to MC being the one to give the first kiss? whether because she/he's too excited or they're having a close moment or whatever, up to you!
yes yes absolutely, i love this request!!
After ten long, anxiety-ridden days, the party was finally afoot.
And there he was–injured, yes, but alive. And smiling. At you.
Your heart stammered a frantic beat as he approached you once he’d delivered his speech, and you threw your arms around his shoulders, holding yourself flush to his chest as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
He stumbled back in surprise at your sudden affection, his arms curling around you as his nose finds your hair, keeping you close as he smiled against your temple.
Blinded by pure relief to feel him safe and warm in your arms, you didn’t give Yoosung a chance to so much as consider kissing you first before your arms were around his neck and you were tugging him in for a desperate kiss, not gracing him with so much as a hint of warning.
When you finally pull away, this boy will be a blushing, flustered mess.
It takes a few seconds for what just happened to sink into his bewildered brain, and he just kind of stares at you with wide eyes. His mouth hangs slightly agape, cheeks dusted with a blush and ears burning red as he drinks in the warmth of your eyes and the relieved tears pricking their corners.
When he finally remembers how to speak, he finds himself smiling shyly before leaning in to kiss you again.
The stars are bright and the moon glows as you sit next to Hyun on his rooftop. His leg is resting beside him in a cast, but it’s the last thing on your mind as he throws you a nervous smile, topped off with flushed cheeks.
His silver hair catches the starlight, though it’s nothing to the stars in his eyes as he swallows hard and tries to look anywhere but the soft slope of your lips.
Zen had just bared his soul to you–shared his past, his insecurities, and though you longed to pull him into a hug and find a way to make it all better, you settled for resting your hand over his own.
He stiffens, eyes wide as he looks at you like a deer caught in headlights at the contact. You can’t help but giggle as his cheeks darken, and the melodic sound has him smiling in awe.
“Y-you should leave,” he manages to whisper, his voice deep and rough as he rips his eyes from yours. “This is dangerous…”
Men are wolves MC !!1!!!!
You hum in amusement, slowly raising your hand to run your hand along the hard line of his jaw. Zen’s eyes fall shut, and he actually moans when you slowly tilt his head to fall in line with yours once more.
“What if I don’t mind a little danger?” you tease, and you can almost hear Zen’s heartbeat falter at your words. You can definitely hear his breath catch, and he keeps his eyes closed, taking a deep breath as he presses his face into your palm.
You lean in, pressing your lips delicately against his, and Zen immediately drags you closer. He whimpers into the kiss as he finally leaves his inhibitions at the door, losing himself in the taste of your lips and the softness of your skin and sweetness of dessert still lingering on your tongue and-
Zen pulls away with a groan, and you giggle, pecking his cheek and brushing a loose lock of his silver tresses behind his ear.
“Goodnight, Hyun,” you breathe, sparing him a wink as you get to your feet. “Driver Kim is waiting… will you see me to the door?”
She was even more beautiful in person.
You watch in awe as she addresses the crowd, and when you finally get to speak to her in person, you think your heart might just burst out of your chest.
Jaehee smiles at you, and your stomach erupts in butterflies. You can’t say ‘yes’ quickly enough when she asks you to move in with her and co-own her cafe.
Your chest is tight with excitement, and she’s so close–you can smell her perfume, see the slightly smudged lipstick at the corner of her mouth, and before you can think twice, you’re kissing her.
She pauses in surprise, and for a moment you thought you’d blown it, but suddenly she’s melting into your arms, her hand on your cheek as yours finds her waist.
Pure ecstasy runs through Jaehee’s veins at the realisation that you share her feelings towards you.
She’d never thought that you’d care for her as more than friends, not in a million years…
But god, Jaehee Kang has never felt so relieved to be wrong.
You kiss him during the first night you stay at his penthouse.
You’ve only known him for a week, but the bond that you two have developed is undeniable and visible to anyone who happened to bear witness to it–the RFA had never seen Jumin Han treat someone so tenderly, and his kindness towards you was only enhanced the evening you arrived at his home.
As night falls, you change into pyjamas, and Jumin walks to your room to bid you goodnight. 
You’re curled up on the bed, tangled in heavenly silk sheets with a book in your lap. Jumin sits beside you, the bed dipping beneath his weight as he loosens his tie and looks anywhere but your eyes.
“MC… I’m… glad that you’re here. Thank you for coming,” he murmurs, slowly raising his gaze to your own. He’s so close–you can hear the rustle of his clothing as he adjusts, see the beads of stubble beginning to prick his chin.
You sidle closer to him, your shoulders brushing as you lean some of your weight on him. Jumin relaxes into your touch; your gentleness is something he’s not sure he’ll ever get used to, but it’s a blessing he would rather die than live without.
“Of course,” you reply, voice swallowed by the hush of your room. Your eyes meet his, and his ears burn red as you spare a glance down to his lips.
When you dare to span the distance between you and brush your lips over his own, Jumin’s eyes widen, paired with a half raise of his brow, but he’s soon melting into you and humming contentedly against your mouth.
As you draw away, he offers you a small smile, placing a kiss to your forehead before leaving you to sleep with a gentle whisper of,
“Sweet dreams.”
Saeyoung had finally started to open up to you, after days of ignoring your affections.
You were on the phone with him, despite him being mere feet away from you. Sitting comfortably on the bed, you threw him a cheeky smile as you patted the space next to you.
“Do you want to come and lie down beside me?” 
“I’d like to… but no, don’t come down! I still think we need some distance between us. You seem to forget this often, but I’m a guy too,” he chuckles nervously. “Just know that. You’re defenseless… and you can’t be wearing things like that!”
His cheeks are almost as red as his hair, and you feel your own face burn at the implication of his words. You smile shyly, hanging up and crawling to the edge of the bed, standing up on your knees to bring yourself to Seven’s standing height.
You smirk, and he laughs, ducking his head and rubbing his hand over the nape of his neck. His glasses slide down over his nose, and you lean forward to push them back up. His cheeks flush a dark shade of scarlet as your fingertips brush over his hot skin.
Your breathing is unsteady, and Saeyoung stays deathly still as you tentatively lean forward, brushing your lips over his.
He sighs into the kiss, his shaking hands cupping your cheeks as he pulls you closer, inhaling you as desperately as the air he breathed.
The kiss exchange is broken when both of your faces split into wide grins, and Saeyoung presses a playful kiss to your nose.
You giggle, and drag him down for another kiss.
He just looked so… sad.
His eyes were cast downwards, lips curled into a frown, and you felt your heart break as he tried to offer you a smile that didn’t come close to reaching his eyes.
Your hand finds his, squeezing, and you lean forward to rest your forehead against his. 
V exhales shakily at the tender touch, leaning into you as you move a hand to gently comb through his hair. You pull away slightly, running your thumb over his jaw. He keeps his eyes closed, humming appreciatively as he leans into your touch.
Tentatively, you press your mouth to his.
V’s surprised, gasping softly into your lips, but you capture it with your kiss as your mouth slowly moves against his.
V softens against you, drawing you close and holding you tight as he loses himself in the taste of your lips and the softness of your skin.
He doesn’t deserve you–he knows that, and yet, he can’t bring himself to pull away.
Just a moment longer, his mind whispers.
But a moment turns into two, and two moments into three, and V knows that so long as you’ll allow him to hold you, he’ll never find it within himself to let you go.
He was so close. You could feel his breath on your lips, feel the heat radiating from his skin, and his face was so close to yours you could count his eyelashes.
Saeran is smirking, your heart is pounding, and it becomes too much for you to control.
Finally, you give in.
You slam your lips against his, sagging in relief against his chest as his hand meets your hip.
Saeran is, quite frankly, shocked at your sudden advance, freezing with wide eyes beneath your kiss as your lips plead with his.
He slowly returns your kiss, exploring the new sensation hesitantly, before harshly pulling away.
Poor boy has no idea how he’s supposed to react, and his first instinct tends towards anger. 
“What the hell?!” he snaps, tongue sharp and eyes sharper. His resolve shatters as he sees the hurt register in your eyes, his heart sinking as he hears your whispered apology.
You turn to walk away, still mumbling apologies, but before you can take so much as a step, Saeran is grabbing your wrist and pulling you back to him, crushing his lips to yours.
“Don’t apologise,” he breathes into the kiss. “Don’t you dare apologise for that.”
And as you smile against his mouth, Saeran can’t help but smile, too.
hope you enjoyed! please reblog/comment if you did! ^^ 
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joy1579 · 4 years
RFA with MC that secretly work at a maid cafe
>.> fun fact this list is also in order of how much i like the RFA members i love them all but i haven't played through jaehees and Zens route yet so i dont have the same connection with them (I’m currently playing Zen’s route though) 
·        He only found out when driver kim accidentally mentioned picking you up after work
·        “work? My wife doesn’t need to work.”
·        Driver kim paled before mumbling about how you had asked him to keep it a secret
·        “is she there now? Take me there. Have assistant Kang reschedule my appointment.”
·        Jumin was surprised when Driver Kim pulled up in front of a small pastel pink and purple café.
·        he was even more surprised by all the waitress dressed in short maid dress
·        his blood ran cold at the idea of so many people’s eyes roaming over his wife’s figure in the short skirt and low cut top
·        “I need to speak with mc. Tell her, her husband is here.” He said sternly
·        When you rushed out of the back room to meet him he breathed a sigh of relief at your outfit
·        It was a far more traditional maid outfit, the ankle length skirt and high collar eased most of his worries
·        “jumin how did you, it was supposed to be a surprise”
·        “my love why did you hide this from me?” he asked opening his arms for you
·        She snuggled into his embrace “honestly? I wanted to buy you a gift with my own money. You get me so many nice gifts and I wanted to make you just as happy as you always make me”
·        “darling you don’t have to give me gifts to make me happy I just want to be able to come home to you every day, to feel you in my arms like this”
·        You giggled and stretched on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek
·        “may I also ask why you are the only one in this type of costume? Of course I am glad for its more modest style.”
·        You laughed at his concern “well I’m the manager so I wear the ‘Head Maid’ costume. My friend owns the café and offered me the position I wasn’t going to accept but I thought if it was this outfit and not the, um other one it would be okay.”
·        Your voice dropped to a whisper only he could hear as you said “I didn’t want anyone but you to see me in an outfit like those, you know”
·        You could only barely make out the blush that tinted Jumins cheeks
·        His eyes though were fierce and hungry
·        You worried you might come home to a new outfit and an impatient Jumin that night
·        It was three new outfits. ;)
·        One of his friends suggested they go
·        He agreed since you had work and his finals where over
·        Just being in there had his face red
·        So when he saw you the poor boy nearly burst into flames
·        When you saw him your eyes went wide and your face burned and it was the first time you actually worried about if you looked okay in your uniform.
·        He saw you recognize him
·        Saw your face fill with color and you grab your skirt to pull it down before you turned tail and hid in the back
·        He ran after you despite the employees trying to stop him
·        You were locked in the employee restroom
·        “MC?” he called gently “MC I know it you why are you hiding?”
·        The other employees aren’t sure if they should stop him they knew he was your boyfriend and he didn’t seem angry so they decided to let you two work it out (with only minimal eavesdropping)
·        “its embarrassing” you called through the door your voice muffled
·        “but if, if you worked here why would you be embarrassed now?” he asked confused
·        “because, you saw me. I don’t care if other people see me but, you, your different?”
·        “why?”
·        “because I like you of course!” you shout as you throw open the door frustrated by his naivety
·        His cheeks turned red again and he pulled you into his arms
·        “I, I can’t concentrate when I see you dressed like that” he stutters into your hair.
·        You can’t help but giggle at the fact that he was just as embarrassed as you where
·        “can you, um can you bring home your uniform tonight?”
·        Your burst out laughing at that and he starts spluttering, trying to defend himself until finally you kiss him to shut him up
·        “I’m kind of jealous that everyone gets to see you wearing that” he mutters about a week later
·        “they get to see it on me but only you get to see it off me” you joked
·        Yoosung basically self-combusted at that
·        There were no secrets from seyoung
·        He knew, sometimes he watched your works CCTV to make sure no one tried anything, (he knew maid cafes sometimes attracted less than honorable client)
·        So when someone grabbed you at work he saw and immediately picked you up
·        The next day you notice a very familiar red haired new employee named “mary”
·        Every time a customer flirts with “mary” you have to force yourself not to laugh
·        Until the man that had grabbed you walks in you freeze
·        So does “Mary” but her stair is far more cold than your shaken one
·        “mary” insists on serving him
·        “she” flirts with him the whole time.
·        Until he pulls her into his lap the way he tried to do with you
·        Then “she” leans in to whisper in his ear and you see his face go pale
·        You’re not too sure what exactly happened next
·        You know there was a punch thrown
·        A table knocked over
·        And the guy was on the ground while his friend made their escape
·        “mary” claimed self-defense but still lost the job
·        You quit and followed your hero out the door
·        Once in the car his wig was off and you couldn’t help throwing your arms around him and kissing him
·        Even if he was still dressed as a maid
·        You two did not make it all the way home before you forced him to pull over
·        How could you wait? He had saved you
·        And skirts gave you both such easy access *hard wink*
·        You came home without changing one-day thinking Jaehee would still be finishing work in your own café
·        You were just finishing your last two weeks at your old job before working on you and Jaehees café full time
·        You sighed and immediately kicked your heels off inside the door
·        “MC?”
·        You froze
·        “what? Um is that your, uniform?” she asked
·        For lack of better words, you spread your hands lamely with a simple “yep”
·        “I have to admit it does look surprisingly nice one you”
·        You let out a breathy laugh “surprisingly”
·        “well I’ve never been a fan of the Maid motif so I never thought I’d enjoy dressing up like that”
·        “but I look nice” you pressed?
·        “yes very cute MC.” She chuckled
·        “aww you’re so sweet jaehee!” you smile and hug her
·        He found out on a run
·        He was trying a new route and saw you outside trying to draw in customers
·        He froze, his whole brain stopped working for a solid 30 seconds
·        Then he was on you, trying to cover you up (why didn’t he bring his jacket!)
·        “MC! What are you wearing?!? Don’t you know men are wolves!!!!”
·        He doesn’t want you to quit your job
·        He also doesn’t want you wearing that in front of other men
·        He is very conflicted
·        Idk I think he works out a lot to try to sort out his feeling on the matter
·        You conveniently don’t tell him that you had already put in your 2 weeks’ notice so you could focus on being his manager
·        He’s just to fun to tease
·        On the Bright side you get to keep the uniform and model it for him regularly
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mysticmelove · 5 years
*I was tagged in a winter prompt post by the wonderful @mrs-han and I couldn’t ignore it. Also I’d like to wish a merry belated Christmas and a happy new year xx
Just for the day
(Jumin x MC)
It had only started off as a joke. A lame joke where MC had begged for one of the members to be her ‘date’ over the holidays while she visited her family. She would have only been there for a day but she couldn’t bare another year of being bombarded by questions about her love life- she had to make light of the situation somehow. Zen had cottoned on to the joke, playing along with her in the messenger as he went about his yearly confession of his distaste for the holidays and his lack of a love life. Jumin, on the other hand, had not seen the humour behind her halfhearted pleas and was quick to offer up some solutions.
He recognised that she couldn’t avoid her family over Christmas but he also knew how monotonous and irritating it was to be asked those same questions constantly by people you’re meant to show the upmost respect to. So that meant only one thing: the most rational and fitting solution was for him to be her date. Jumin was the obvious decision for multiple reasons- he was the most gentlemanly, could hold conversations with ease, knew when to simply be quiet- and after a very long (mostly one-sided) conversation, Jumin had decided he would accompany her to visit her family. 
MC really wasn’t left with much choice following their conversation, he had left as soon as he’d entered. The next time they spoke was the early morning of their departure; he’d shown up on her doorstep, MC was part of the way through getting ready to leave and, even though she knew him to be a man of his word, she was not expecting him to really go through with it. He presented her gingerly with a bouquet of roses as he smiled with a hint of unease. She took them with a gentle laugh, welcoming him into her apartment, “Going to all the lengths to play the part, are you, Jumin?” 
“Well, I thought it would only be fitting.” He scanned his immediate surroundings, curious to see the inside of the apartment he’d heard so much about over time but knew so little of. “I have to be the ideal gentleman today. Limit any suspicions they might have.” 
“It’s only for the day,” MC marvelled back, fishing through the contents of her bag, “You really didn’t need to come, I was only joking around.”
Jumin shook his head with a tender smile, “No. I chose to come with you. You shouldn’t have to go alone.”
“I hope you know you’re doing me a huge favour.” She gave him one of those intoxicating smiles that he’d never seen before he’d met her, and he found himself trying to suppress the urge to smile brightly back to her. “If anything I should be paying you to come,” her laugh was even more toxic than the aforementioned smile. 
Jumin cleared his throat, regaining his stern composure, “It’s a moment away from work. We are both benefiting each other in one way or another.” 
“Well, if you want to put it like that,” MC threaded her arms into her coat, before sighing deeply: “I supposed we should get going.” We have a long day ahead of ourselves.” 
The journey itself was entertaining, albeit long. The hours that passed gave them chance to confirm any little details about their relationship: they’d been dating for three months and MC was absolutely head over heals for him- that was accompanied by another one of her laughs. And they even had the chance to speak in a less formal fashion than they had in the messenger or when being with the others. They’d made up an entire backstory as well as making general conversation all before they had even arrived at MC’s family house.
The visit itself had gone swimmingly; Jumin played the part of boyfriend extremely well and his experiences with simply being able to please people certainly paid off. He seemed to fit in very well with the family he had never met and he even managed to surprise MC with the amount he seemed to know about her. She even got the pleasant gift of seeing Jumin’s rare smile as he shot her glances across the table in response to something or another. Still, it would be ridiculous to think everything would have gone to plan and as the evening rolled around it was clear the ‘gradual’ snowfall was going to cause some issues.
Jumin had long since retired to the safe haven of MC’s bedroom by the time she sauntered up the stairs to meet him. The news of a cancelled train home meant a long night there, and not one he was quite prepared for. He had made himself comfortable, having intrigued himself with the contents of her childhood room, before perching himself on her bed to read one of the many novels that decorated the shelves. Its pages were bent several times over and its cover worn- an obvious favourite of hers and he could not blame her. The sound of her door creaking on its hinges brought him to immediate attention as he closed the book with care. He couldn’t smell it from where he sat, but her demeanour alone was evident enough that she was fairly intoxicated. MC’s hand gripped the door handle as she peered around the corner; Jumin’s eyes caught the flush of her cheeks and her beaming smile in an instant. “I’m sorry,” she cooed drunkenly, her eyes wide, “I shouldn’t have left you alone...” Jumin could see her thought process as her smile faultered ever so slightly, only for her to let out a quick chuckle or two, “But my aunt opened another bottle and suddenly I forgot what I was doing.”
He caught himself smiling at her toothy grin completely unreserved, before he could clear his throat and correct himself. “It’s nothing to apologise for. I chose to retire.” Jumin placed the book down beside him, subduing another emerging smile on his lips as he looked back to the woman in the doorframe. “I’ve been rather entertained by your selection of novels,” he traced his fingers across the title of the cover gently, “This one in particular appears to be a favourite of yours.”
MC hummed, entering the room further to take a better look at the publication. There was little elegance in the way she positioned herself on the bed beside him, yet it made Jumin smile nonetheless. She leant haphazardly against his frame as she sighed heavily, retrieving the book with slightly more care than she carried herself. She hummed once more, almost humoured by the long forgotten pages of the book, “I definitely read it more than a couple times.”
A silence fell among them and Jumin peered over his shoulder to find her examining the pages. She was so quiet and peaceful, he could have just held her there for hours despite knowing how wrong it would have been. He was here as a friend- nothing else. He sighed to himself and her eyes wandered to him questioningly. Her wide eyes were piercing, tempting him ever closer, yet he could only smirk. “What did your aunt have to say?”
“Oh!” MC exclaimed, wide eyed once more with her jaw lax and discarding the book much more carelessly than he’d imagined. “She claims she can see my future as clear as day,” she began slurring her words as her volume grew, waving her hands in some attempt to emphasise her words.
“Is that so?” Jumin humoured, turning more so now so she was now resting back against his chest and he could she her flushed face clearly.
MC nodded eagerly: “Yes! She claims that I’m going to marry you and that I’ll live some magical fairytale land with everything I’ll ever need.” She was giggling to herself as she spoke, her hands still flailing and her eyes fixed on the ceiling, until her volume finally dropped. “Isn’t that crazy?”
He found himself lost for words, he hadn’t spoken much to her aunt but he could he could see himself getting along well with her.
As though another thought had hit her, MC sat up all of a sudden, startling Jumin ever so slightly. She turned to him, perched on her knees and gave him another gentle smile. “I mean it must be crazy ‘cause the ‘man of my dreams’ is sleeping in my bed and I’m going to sleep down on the couch.”
“What?” His strong tone broke her innocent laughs, her gullible, drunken face almost looking sober at the sound of his voice.
The corner of her lips tilted upwards once more ever so slightly. “Well, I can’t let my guest sleep on a couch... and I can’t sleep with you, can I?”
Jumin could have sworn she was doing it on purpose, drawing out her syllables on the edge of her tongue and eyeing him down- in what he could only explain as seduction. He leant in closer to her, gazing at her docile features down the length of his nose. A smirk adorned him, his tone chilling yet somewhat playful as he retorted: “But it would be so ungentlemanly for me to kick a woman out of her own bed.”
In turn, she leant in closer to him, her eyes darkened and hard- even for Jumin- to read. “I thought you were against a man and a woman sleeping under the same roof before marriage, Jumin... Let alone in the same bed...”
He could smell it on her breath now- the strong scent champagne that had once danced across her tongue and now enraptured him. Hell, he could feel her gentle breath brushing against his skin with the little distance between them now. “Oh... I’m not sure if I recall saying that.”
“I’m sure you did...” MC spoke barely above a whisper, before she could downcast her gaze and laugh once more. She composed herself, returning to her sweetest grin before she questioned him: “So where am I sleeping tonight?”
Maybe it was his subconscious or the pure sight of her barely parted lips- he could never be too sure- but all Jumin knew was the second she had locked her gaze back on his, he was leaning in to kiss her and he had forgotten how he had even gotten in the situation. No more than a second, he assured himself of that, but that didn’t mean he pulled away in a haste. On the contrary, he took his time withdrawing from her puckered lips, his eyes slightly widened but he wouldn’t dare move an inch further from her. She gazed at him silently, almost in what he perceived to be wonder as she found herself lost for words. Jumin cleared his throat as modestly as he possibly could, before swallowing thickly and attempting to clear his conscience, “Forgive me... That was far beyond me, I had never planned to—”
MC had been the most patient woman- from the moment Jumin had first met her- but in that moment she couldn’t wait a second longer for him to finish his formalities. She had her lips locked back on to his quicker than he could comprehend, leaving his hands tense at his side before he dared to venture any further. Jumin found his fingers entrapped within the strands of her hair, all the while her hands were at the side of his waist and resting against his chest as she leaned over him. When she finally pulled away she couldn’t look him in the eye, but that sweet laugh did grace his ears once more. “Maybe I did,” she mumbled distantly, barely audible to Jumin.
“What was that?”
“Oh,” MC’s eyes finally trailed back up to his, her fingers creating circles over his jumper. Her cheeks flushed at the sight of his shocked features, her cheeks doing no favours to hide her embarrassment. “I might have planned this...?”
Jumin scoffed at her confession, his hand freeing itself from her locks, “Planned?”
“No.” She corrected herself before her teeth began to toy with her bottom lip. “I wanted it though...”
“But you practically begged me to reconsider coming here with you.” MC cast her eyes away from him once more and Jumin couldn’t help but hold her face, tilting her chin up in line with his own. “And yet you actually wanted me here?”
“I didn’t want you here,” she met him with a gentle whisper, but that wasn’t to say he wasn’t slightly taken aback by her comment.
“Well, that’s nice to know,” he humoured.
MC thumped him playfully against his chest with an exasperated sigh: “No! You know that’s not what I mean.”
“I know.”
Her eyebrows furrowed further, her lips pouted. “I was joking when I said I needed a fake date today... But you don’t take too kindly to jokes...”
“And?” He questioned, stroking her cheeks with the pad of his thumb.
“And I’ve wanted to kiss you for the longest time.” He lent in at her words, as if they were some type of command.
Their lips brushed together once more for a millisecond, the lingering taste of alcohol blessing his senses again. Jumin brushed away the strands of hair falling over her delicate features with care, agreeing quietly as he did so: “And I you.”
She smiled purely at his gesture, her face flushing with warmth as she leant into the palm of his hand. “So?”
“So?” He mimicked questioningly.
She spoke smugly, her once mischievous smile returning alongside the yet to be answered question. “Where am I sleeping?”
Jumin could only laugh at her bold statement- so desperate for an answer she knew he didn’t wish to answer aloud. “If you’ll allow it,” he began, removing one of her hands from his chest to hold it within his own, “right next to me.”
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
Fire Escape Nights || Saeran Choi
Summary: Saeran isn’t a many of speaking many words, but he does write them down Word Count: 1.4K
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Saeran’s journal was something everyone knew not to touch. When he first got out of the Mint Eye, he saved up for a nice, leather bound 200 page blank book and once he got it, he kept it with him everywhere. No one knew what he was writing, but they always knew not to disturb him.
Some of the RFA speculated he was writing a book. Zen was sure that Saeran was keeping a hit list and writing down everyone who’s done him wrong, complete with a full plan to murder the aforementioned people. Even Jumin theorized that his journal was where he wrote down a list of days that was important to him. So it may come to a shock that all that was in his notebook was tons of letters dedicated to you. Letters that, if they were ever to be shown to you, would cause Saeran to up and leave South Korea in shame.
Hypothetically, you were the one person that Saeran could tell everything to, but in reality, the only time Saeran was able to talk to you was when Jumin wasn’t around, afraid that he would accidentally say something to you that made Jumin catch on to the fact that Saeran was absolutely captivated by you.
He wasn’t sure when it had happened. Saeran had seen you hanging around Jumin a few times, not really paying much attention because he thought you might have been with the aforementioned, but that changed when Jumin brought you back to the next RFA party. Jumin introduced you as his younger sibling and no one seemed to take notice of the light pink dusting your cheeks or the way that when all eyes were on you, you’d scratch your nose as a nervous tick. Saeran did, and that’s the night he started writing. At first, the messages were innocent; he felt that he knew you enough to be able to talk to you about his day and what he hoped to do when he finally started to get better, but he also knew he didn’t know enough to really have anything turn personal. Of course, those thoughts were foiled when Saeran got to know you more, the messages turned into soliloquies of unrequited love and things he noticed about you that you wouldn’t think anyone would ever observe.
Saeran promised himself he wouldn’t fall in love, let alone fall in love with someone related to the RFA, an organization he was trained to hate for the longest time. However, here he was, sitting and writing about how in love he was with you every single night.
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” You asked, running your long fingers through your hair.
You and Saeran were sitting on the fire escape of the rented house you stayed in with some other students from the school you were attending. Both Jumin and your father insisted you didn’t have to live this way, but you wanted to; getting a proper university experience was something you wanted to do by yourself, no help.
“Yeah, sorry. Just distracted tonight.” Saeran replied, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.
You bumped your knee against his and Saeran’s heart fluttered at the contact. “You sure you’re not just tired? It’s,” you paused, turning to look at the clock kept near the window you access the fire escape from. “It’s almost 4am.”
“I couldn’t be more wide awake,” Saeran replied honestly, not taking his eyes off of where your knee was still touching his. “But you should go to sleep.”
You sighed, leaning back against your hands, sending a lazy smile towards the boy who sat with you almost every night. “Yeah, but if I go to sleep, what are you gonna do?”
The first night Saeran spotted you sitting on your fire escape was when he and Saeyoung got in a fight and he stormed out, searching for the solace that only midnight air could bring him. When you saw him, you called him up and if it were anyone else, he would have refused; but it was you, the person who he wrote letters to so, he scaled the side ladders and sat down next to you, indulging in easy conversation. You and Saeran quickly bonded over the fact that neither of you slept well, opting for maybe an hour or two of sleep in favor of staying up and talking, or some nights, cramming for a test you had the next day. Saeran’s favorite part of the day was walking to your apartment across town after dinner time and finding you waiting for him, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, no matter the weather.
“I could do stuff. Journal. Maybe even learn to draw.” Saeran sighed out, reaching subconsciously towards his left jacket pocket where his journal was sitting snug.
You let out a breath and turned to Saeran. “Seriously, what is on your mind tonight? It’s like you’re here but you’re also a million miles away.” You grabbed his rough hands in your soft ones and he felt his resolve melt softly. “I know you well enough to know when there’s something wrong. So what is it?”
Saeran stayed quiet, letting the outcomes of actually telling you how he felt run through his mind. You could hate him. Or you could pity him. Or a ton of other options where it would leave him heartbroken. But there was one outcome that had Saeran wanting so badly to tell you what was going on: you could maybe feel the same way.
“I promised myself I would never fall in love with you.” Saeran started and you opened your mouth to reply but he stopped you by holding a hand up. “You’re my brother’s friend’s sister, for goodness sake. But we’re sitting and laughing on a fire escape at 4 in the morning every single morning and I can’t help thinking that I am totally fucked.” Saeran let out a sigh and went to stand up, pulling out his journal. “I want you to have this. I’m gonna go for right now and leave you to process.” He started climbing down the fire escape but stopped at the last minute. “If you want want to talk to me after this, be here at your normal time. Otherwise, just leave the journal in your normal place.”
You sat there, playing with the frayed edge of the journal, not looking up to meet Saeran’s eyes, no matter how hard he tried and he sighed, shaking his head and making his way back to the house he’s learned to call home.
That next morning, Saeran felt sluggish and Saeyoung knew. He didn’t bother him, or tease him, opting to leave him alone. There were whispers on the phone, most likely about him and the fact that he was sitting in solitude without his journal.
He didn’t want to leave his bedroom but his stomach was rumbling and he was pretty sure that Saeyoung was out, doing whatever he does when he was gone. So when he walked to the kitchen and found you sitting at the table, an uneaten sandwich laid out next to you and as Saeran approached, you quietly offered it to him.
He silently took it, watching you as you pulled out his journal and handed it to him. “I added something new in there.”
Curiously, Saeran opened to the new bookmarked page and he almost couldn’t believe what he was reading as the title of that page. “Two insomniacs fall in love.”
“I’m not a writer like you, but I wanted to start the next part together.” You admitted, pushing hair that fell out of your pony tail to the side.
Saeran set down the sandwich stepped closer to you, his hand wrapping gently around your waist. “You really mean that?” The small smile on Saeran’s face was slowly creeping towards being a huge smile and when you nodded Saeran didn’t hesitate to lean in and press a small kiss to your lips.
“Jumin’s gonna kill you,” Saeyoung called from the doorway, dropping cans of PhD. Pepper on the floor and making you giggle and kiss the worry away from Saeran’s cheeks.
“Don’t worry, he’ll have to get through me to get to you.” You stepped away from Saeran and sighed. “I have to get back to class. I was just on a lunch break, I’ll see you later.”
It wasn’t a question. Saeran and you both knew that no matter what Jumin will say or do when Saeyoung tells him what’s going on between Saeran and his younger sibling, that Saeran will be on that fire escape by 10 o’clock at night, ready to hold you in his arms until the sun starts to rise.
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cafedanslanuit · 5 years
would it be ok to ask for hcs of the main 6 + vaderwood as parents to rebellious child that’s sometimes sneaks out and gets in fights please? :)
ok I got a little bit carried away but bear with me. i thought they would be extremely short but this is the longest i’ve ever written for a hc.
thank you for your suggestion!
It was supposed to be a fun story, but you found Yoosung grimacing when your son was telling you about some rank he had pulled at school. You decided to ignore it, mainly because your husband /did/ laugh at the end.
But that one morning, while he drove you both to your son’s school, you couldn’t stop thinking wheher it was a true smile or not.
It had been around 9 a.m. when you received the phonecall. Yoosung was about to leave to go to work and you were looking for your wallet, since he was going to drive you to your job as well. You were going to ignore the ringing, but when you saw it was the school calling, you got scared. Man, did that kid loved doing crazy stuff.
Last year, he had broken his arm while trying to climb a tree, trying to get a football that had accidentaly ended up there.
Instead of, you know, asking for help.
“It’s Hoon’s school”; you said, before answering your phone. Yoosung looked a you, worried.
It was a brief call. The Principal told you Hoon had gotten into a fight. When he hard your tone asking what happened, he added: “He initiated a fight with another boy. Apparently, it’s about a girl. The boy is being taken to the hospital as we speak”.
Well, fuck.
You looked at Yoosung, poor boy was so confused when you apologized to the Principal and said you both would be there immediately. You hung up the phone and told your husband what the call was about.
The ride to the school was silent.
When you entered the Principal’s office, you saw Hoon, sitting on a chair, some red marks on his face and arms, but nothing else.
The Principal repeated the story, adding the other boy was taken to the hospital because in the middle of the fight, he was pushed, fell on the ground and got a wound on his forehead. It seemed he would need a couple of stitched, but the school policy was to send them to the nearest hospital even if it wasn’t serious.
You apologized profusely over and over. You didn’t want Hoon to be kicked out. You explained it was the first time this had happened and that it wouldn’t happen again. You agreed to sign a document that said Hoon would be conditionally admitted next year, only if he didn’t get in anymore fights. You quickly signed it and handed it over to your husband.
He was giving death glares to your son.
“Honey” you said, making him look at you.
You both looked at each other for a couple of seconds. After that, he grabbed the paper and signed it as well.
On your way back home, you started telling Hoon about his punishment. No phone, no TV, no game consoles whatsoever, no going out with friends. You asked him to tell you what was the fight about, but he wouldn’t say. You sighed and decided to ask again a few days later.
When Yoosung parked in front of your home, he asked Hoon to go inside and wait for them. You looked at him, puzzled. Mostly surprised, since he hadn’t said anything since you first got the phonecall
You expected to discuss Hoon’s punishment.
“You’ve been enabling this behaviour” Yoosung muttered.
“I’m sorry how exactly I’ve been enabling this”
“Laughing at his pranks. Not taking them seriously”
“They were pranks, he had never punched someone before” you defended Hoon.
“That’s how it starts” Yoosung says, raising his voice.
Suddenly, you realize he’s been crying.
You take your husband’s hand and squeeze it softly.
“Honey, what’s going on?” you asked.
He didn’t answer. But the tears kept going.
You kissed his cheek and squeezed his hands again, reassuring him everything was fine.
“That’s how it starts” he repeated, more calmly. “It starts at pranks, constant pranks the other person doesn’t ever give back. And then suddenly, they feel the right to take it to the next level and punch you wheneer you feel like”.
Did… did this happen to Yoosung?
Oh God.
Oh God.
“Hey, c’mon, look at me. C’mon, honey”, you asked, cupping his cheeks and making him look at you. “Hoon is not a bad person. He’s not a bully. He’s, you’re right, he’s been behaving badly but he’s not a bad person. He’s…” you doubted. “He’s not on eof your bullies”.
Yoosung didn’t say anything.
He didn’t need to. You know understood.
“We’re great parents. We really are. And he’s just 14, He still has time to learn. More than that, we’re making sure he learns how to be gentler. Nicer to other people. More like you”.
Yoosung smiled.
Of course it was a fucking motorcycle gang
How he hated karma
One day, Jae came home with a leather jacket. Which was fine. He could spend his money on clothes, nothing new.
You smiled and kissed Jae on the cheek to welcome him home.
No, you didn’t care he was 17, when he comes home he has to kiss his mother.
“You know, Jae’s looking like you more and more with each day that goes by” you commented to your husband in a soft voice, trying to keep it quiet from Jae. “That jacket actually reminds me of the one you just to have when we first met” you teased Zen, grinning at him. Zen lowered his head and kissed your temple before looking at his son again. Indeed, that jacket was pretty similar to the one he used wh–
Wait a minute.
“What’s that symbol on your back?” he suddenly asked. Both you and Jae looked at him.
“What symb– ah, I don’t know. I got it from a thrift shop” Jae answered, shrugging.
Zen squinting, trying to detect the lie.
Bullshit detector 9000
“Show me your right wrist”
You looked at Jae. He was pale.
“Show me your right wrist” Zen repeated. You didn’t know why he was asking this?
“Why should I? I’m not five, you ca–”
“Show your dad your wrist” you said, supporting your husband. You decided Zen’s reason was important enough.
Relunctantly, Jae lifted his jacket and showed you both a small drawing of a skull on his wrist.
“Oh God, please tell me that’s not a tattoo” you whispered.
“It’s not” both Zen and Jae answered. Jae was now even more surprised his dad new about it.
“You know?”
“I don’t want you hanging around them anymore. Those people are bad news. You’ll start drinking and smoking and– I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.
It’s a long conversation. Zen ends up telling his son about the gang he was in when he was young and even though Jae thinking about using that information to get respected with the guys, he eventually agrees to spend less time with the gang.
He goes to his room and you hug Zen from the back, kissing him in the cheek.
“That’s some good parenting” you smiled, feeling him smile as well. “Hey, uhm- You think you still have your jacket?” you asked, whispering sweetly against your husband’s ear.
no fears
one fear
Both you and your son were terrified of Jaehee when she got angry.
So that one time Hyuk snaked out of the house to go to a party
oh boy, you feared for him
Jaehee was sitting on the couch, waiting for him.
You offered a cup of coffee and she declined.
it really was the end of the world.
Eventually, Hyuk came home, to find yuor concerned look and Jaehee’s disapproving look.
“Mom, this girl I like was going to I really, really, really–”
“I don’t care, go to your room”.
“But mom, let me explain”
“To your room”
“Mom, aren’t you going to say anything?” Hyuk asked you. You shook your head.
“You heard your mother, go to your room and think if it was really worth it”.
In the end, Jaehee took his cellphone and laptop for two weeks.
Then she had a stern talk with him.
You honestly wouldn’t have known how to deal with the situation if it weren’t for her.
god bless jaehee
It all started with a “shut up dad”
Jumin had brought her sweet little princess a car, a fancy and most of all trustworthy car.
She had solt it and bought a motorcycle instead.
When did his princess change so much?
It seemed just yesterday she was sitting on his lap, playing with his tie and grinning at him.
Once, Hae wanted to go to a party in one of the shadiest places in the city. You said no and left the penthouse quickly because you had a meeting with the lawfirm you owned. Hae stayed, arguing with Jumin.
“You can’t force me to stay!” she said, storming to her bedroom and starting to get ready.
Jumin didn’t know what to do. He tried calling you, but it went to voicemail. He thought you must be in the middle of your meeting.
So he did the next best thing.
He closed Hae’s bedroom and locked it.
He then proceeded to lock all doors (except the ones for the bathrooms) using his phone, with a fancy new security system.
“Are you kidding me?!”
“Open the door!
“What is your problem, Jumin Han?!”
“I’m going to tell mom!!!!!”
She knos Angry!MC is his one and only fear
Eventually Hae stops screaming. Jumin sighs. Best she could do is take a nap.
He decided to go to the main bathroom and take a shower to calm down.
He changed into new clothes and walked to the kitchen.
Poure himself a glass of wine ans took a sip.
He was startled when he saw you entering the penthouse.
“Wh– what are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry, Jumin, I felt bad leaving you  alone to deal with Hae. Aoki will continue without me”.
Jumin kept looking at you, wide-eyed.
“What’s wrong?”
“How did you get here?”
“I– Uhm, I opened the door?” you said, curious, jiggling th ekeys that were stil on your hand.
Jumin took out his phone, entering the security system again. Someone had turned it off.
You both entered Hae’s bedroom. It was empty.
Her laptop was on, some binary numbers on the screen both you and Jumin couldn’t understand.
“Yes, darling?”
“She can’t hang out with Saeyoung anymore”.
Double trouble
Double trouble
You gave him twins, because apparently it was a strong gene in the Choi family.
Two girls who were just trouble.
They would dress as each other sometimes and cover up for the other when one of them sneaked out the house.
You expected them to fight sometimes, but honestly they had a pretty good relationship. It was nice they were a united front.
The only thing was, it was a united front against Saeyoung and you.
You kept track of what they were doing on social media by asking Saeyoung to look over at their social media accounts.
Initially, you were against it.
But that one time, you were sure you had smelt alcohol on the breath.
Thanks to your husband’s hacking, you discovered they weren’t drinking (yet), but one of them had made out with a boy who was drinking vodka.
“Heavy hand on make out session” as your daughter had messaged her friend.
You decided it would be best to have the talk with them as a whole family, including Saeyoung.
It was not your brightest idea.
He couldn’t process the thought of his little girls doing things with boys.
“They aren’t kids anymore, babe” you had said.
But for him, they were.
So when you asked your girls if they knew what protection was, Saeyoung almost fainted.
“MC, why are you taking about s-e-x to the t-w-i-n-s?”
“We can spell, dad”
“We also know what a condom is, mom”
Rip Saeyoung
You told them all about sex education, not only about birth control, but how to cherish your body and wait for someone special. Also how important it was to me emotionally prepared for such a huge step.
They would always be trouble.
But that night after the talk, you made sure the four of you sat on the couch and watched an old kids movie together.
Just for Saeyoung’s sake.
Honestly, what were you expecting
He knew his dad used to solve his problems by punching them away
And his dad was his hero
So honestly, what did you expect
It started small,a few pushes at school.
You scolded Ryun, Vanderwood said it was okay for him to defend himself. You tried to teach there were better ways to solve problems.
But Ryun didn’t listen. And honestly, your husband didn’t either.
Once, your  son punched a guy so much, he got into big trouble.
The other parents were planning to sue and the school board was deciding whether to kick him out or not.
The only thing that stopped them was that your son was the lacrosse team’s captain.
This time, the other kid hadn’t been bothering your son. The only thing he did was asking out the girl your son was crazy about.
It was in that moment when Vanderwood knew it had gone too far.
He never went to school meetings, so when Ryun saw him entering your Principal’s office…
he knew he had fucked up
You drove them home after the Principal told you you had to wait and see it the family would sue.
You parked the car in front of your house and sighed, tired.
“MC, give us a minute, please”
You don’t know what exactly happened in that car but whatever Vanderwood said to him changed Ryun forever.
He wasn’t aggresive anymore and graduated without any more trouble.
Your husband was magic.
Pure magic.
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anon-drabble · 5 years
role-switch headcanons
so i know this has been done before. everyone has ideas about swapping the roles in the rfa around. but here are a few that have been on my mind that i haven’t necessarily seen. 
these are just my personal silly musings, i just love the idea of swapping these characters around. you may disagree with my choices and that’s okay ♥
ao3 | ko-fi | twitter | masterpost
famous musical actress (aka zen’s previous role)
we know she loves musicals
in another story, we hear the infamous taco song
jaehee has a lot of passion that is consistently squashed
so i want her in a role that’s all about passion
she specializes in period pieces 
famous among takarazuka fans so she learned japanese to further communicate with fans
keeps her modesty but understands her fame; like in zen’s route, has difficulty accepting that she is allowed a personal life outside of work due to the nature of her job
her family still unfortunately refuses to acknowledge her but she’s happy with her newfound family in the rfa
head of corporation (not c&r) (aka jumin)
like jumin, his father raised him to be in this role
for a long time, jihyun struggled because he wasn’t completely suited to run a company
he was both too compassionate to employee’s, leading to a loss of money (but an increase in morale, which caused a rift between jihyun and his father) 
like jumin, he was mostly unhappy in the role (though perhaps he admitted it more than jumin did) when mc joined the rfa
she helped him further push against his father and he soon split the company
most employees followed jihyun as he’s always been the sort to inspire loyalty even in extreme situations
the new company is smaller but the employees work happily and well under jihyun and mc and after a year or two of working out the kinks of starting a new business, their profits increase
but the money isn’t important to them so jihyun funnels it back to his employees and he and mc regularly give to charity, gaining a reputation as philanthropists 
college student (hear me out) (aka yoosung)
we know jumin is intelligent, observant, serious, etc
but he also loves to learn new things (dark arts, embroidery, learning about mc, etc)
he loves to read
he’d be a student by choice for as long as he could, seeking multiple degrees and doctorates
he learns voraciously and pours nearly all of himself into his work
has published many academic papers widely regarded as genius
please god give me an au of mc as jumin’s college prof
jumin still works with c&r but more as an academic liason of sorts for new ventures. a consultant
photographer/painter/sculptor/artist (aka jihyun/v)
it’s never said in canon but i feel like a lot of fans agree that saeran has a lot of artistic tendencies 
probably due to his love of flowers
he could definitely be in floral arrangement but i’m taking it a step farther
he’s romantic, passionate, and has vision
mc unlocking his heart really makes his artistic side soar
he tries everything, every way to express himself
finds he enjoys charcoal drawings (the freedom of getting dirty makes him more able to express himself?)
but also enjoys sculpting pottery as a hobby (makes himself ice cream bowls)
eventually turns to glass blowing and that’s where his art really shines
assistant to jihyun/v (aka jaehee)
has always been loyal to v
instead of being given to a church and forced to stay away from v, this time seven got to stay with him
saeyoung is a capable assistant (we know he’s smart, can multitask, and will work himself to death for something he believes in)
but he still loves to have fun
he frequently tries to prank the unhappy v before mc joins, just to get v to smile/temporarily think of something other than his problems
as unwise as it may seem, eventually saeyoung takes over the finances for v
(he really does want to help and numbers have always been his strong suit)
keeps v using the latest technology, also troubleshoots the inevitable problems
saeyoung is truly a great help to v and he feels useful and valued, instead of just existing in the shadows
cultist (yoosung stans don’t hate me, i’m sorry) (aka saeran)
let’s be real, yoosung is pretty gullible 
getting him to follow rika all the way to mint eye isn’t wholly outside the realm of possibility *cough-cough yoosung’s second bad ending*
but we also know he has a very pure heart and wants to do good
he’s actually quite good at keeping the other cultists in line with rika, he’s well-liked instead of feared
like with unknown, yoosung brings mc into the rfa but she quickly makes an impact on him
talking with her allows him to break free of the elixir and the mind control
he tries to save rika (moreso than saeran does in his route [assuming he doesn’t do something in his after-ending if we ever get it])
but she’s too far gone and yoosung and mc have to leave
but thanks to yoosung’s good nature, they’re able to help the cultists more 
yoosung opens a rehabilitation facility for surviving cult members, not just from mint eye but any cult or cult-like organization
he and mc buy a large portion of land to live a quiet life with as many animals as they please and allowing themselves to be mostly self-sufficient as yoosung finds he still has problems having others provide for him
so living off the land for the most part in relative seclusion helps yoosung recover and overcome the trauma 
hacker (aka seven)
okay yes this is partly because of mlqc making kiro a hacker
just imagine zen as this old-school hacker
we know he tends to keep his technology until it just can’t turn on anymore
imagine how adept zen could be at targeting people based on his access and knowledge of older systems
yes the newest technology might stump him at first but the majority of the population doesn’t upgrade the minute a new machine comes out 
don’t worry, zen uses his powers for good
he fights against forced obsolescence (aka my personal enemy too)
can restore devices made nearly inoperable due to a forced system update so they’re usable again
protects against bloatware and unwanted but normally irremovable programs
calls himself the most beautiful hacker in the world
isn’t great at the whole anonymity thing but since he generally helps the populace, they more or less protect him as well
does not moonlight as a secret agent 
but is jaehee’s biggest fan
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alarawriting · 4 years
52 Project #7: Lord of the Kethrie
Moriy was on her way home by the cornfield path, when a voice hailed her.  "Mage-ap! Mage-ap Moriy!"
She turned, and saw a man from the village running toward her.  "Ranni! What's happened?"
He reached her, slightly out of breath.  "We've been having a problem with Kethrie raids.  They've stolen the crops from Wana's field and from Jumin's before we could harvest them, and they've been wrecking other people's.  Could you and the Mage do something about it?"
Moriy was almost reluctant to say yes.  She'd then be committed to telling Mage Willa, and Willa was not rational where the Kethrie were concerned.  But duty was duty.  "I don't see why not,"  she said, finally.  "I'll tell the Mage."
Willa was in the garden, planting, when Moriy came in.  "The villagers say they've got a problem with Kethrie raids."
Willa stiffened slightly, leaning back on her heels.  "Faelha again."  She got to her feet.  "It's more than time somebody dealt with the Kethrie once and for all,"  she said.  "And I finally have the power to do it.  It's taken me a long, long time, Moriy, but I finally have the power."
As they prepared for the summoning rite, Moriy was plagued with misgivings.  A hundred times, Willa had told her of her grudge against the Kethrie. One hundred years ago, before Willa was a mage, the Kethrie had carried off her only daughter Xathë.  It was well known that most or perhaps all of the Kethrie were former humans, changed by Kethrie magic into their own long-lived kind. Xathë had been lost to the Kethrie Lord Faelha, transformed into a Kethrie, over a hundred years ago.  But for Willa, it might as well have been yesterday. Her obsession with avenging her lost child had driven her to become a mage in the first place, and had never left her.  Moriy was sure that wasn't healthy, but what could she do? She was only an apprentice-- it wasn't for her to judge whether her master was mentally well or not, and she knew of no other mages who could judge Willa.
Now Willa intended to use the power she'd accumulated to hurt the Kethrie, possibly to destroy Faelha. Moriy wasn't sure they deserved that. The Kethrie were nuisances, but necessary ones.  Who would take the unwanted children, the bastards, the deformed, the extra mouths that the poor could not feed, if the Kethrie weren't there? There was only Willa's word for it that they took wanted children as well-- it had not happened again since Xathë was taken, more than four times Moriy's lifetime ago.
"What exactly are we going to do?"  she asked at last.  It was near sunset, and they were on a hill outside the village, in a clearing near the top.  Willa was using dried rice to draw a pattern, a wide circle in the grass.
"We're going to summon Faelha and punish him."
"I know that, Mage-lady.  You said it already.  How are we going to punish him, though?"
"We're going to lay a geas on him.  I haven't decided what yet, though."
"Doesn't the Kethrie Lord have magic of his own, though?"
"Of course.  Help me with this sigil, Moriy, there's a dear. Just make a circular outline with the rice.  I'll draw the patterns."
"If he's got magic of his own, how can you be so sure you'll defeat him?"
"What do you think I studied a hundred years for? Child, do go faster-- we have to be ready by sunset."
By the time sunset came, the sigil in rice was drawn, and Willa and Moriy had taken their places. Moriy could feel the magical force of the summoning rite, a crackle in the air like lightning, building up as Willa chanted the words of the summoning.  Moriy herself stayed in place, frozen, holding the implements-- a rock, a vial of water-- that represented the Kethrie.  The charge in the air intensified, and the boundaries between here and there blurred in the center of the circle.
Until, finally, Faelha arrived.
Impossibly, inhumanly, weirdly beautiful, Faelha's face was of no determinate sex, with a soft and childlike beauty made sharp by wild white hair piled high on Faelha's head, falling straight and long beneath the pile, and purple eyes like chips of amethyst. A slender, androgynous body, achingly beautiful.  Faelha, lord of the Kethrie-- whose soft, beautifully inhuman face bore a startling resemblance to a human mage-lady's.
"Xathë..." Willa whispered.
"You called, I've come, mage-lady.  Faelha of the Kethrie is bound to your service, at least so long as it amuses me to be."  Knifelike smile.  "So what shall it be, Mage Willa? A question answered? A task performed? Or do you wish merely to feast your eyes on my beauty?"
Moriy half-sighed. Never mind that Faelha looked, if anything, more woman than man; she wouldn't mind spending the night feasting her eyes on Faelha's beauty.  But Willa's voice broke the spell.  "You are not Faelha.  I remember. Faelha had wide shoulders and wide hips, thick legs, red hair--"
"I remember something like that, a long time ago."  Faelha made a dismissive motion.  "That was the other Faelha.  The one before me.  I'm Faelha now."
"When? When did you become..."
"When?" Faelha laughed, like breaking glass. "You people are so preoccupied with time! How should I know `when'? There's no `when' in Underhill.  All there ever is, is `now'."
"You're a woman."
"Is that a question? I feel no real need to respond to such stupidity if it wasn't a question."
"A question," Willa replied.
Faelha spun around. "Man and woman, old and young. I am the all-powerful powerless Lord of the Kethrie, child of all dualities, bright denizen of the dark, black denizen of the day."
"But you were born a woman, weren't you?"
"Don't bother me with stupid questions.  I was never truly born at all until I was born into the Kethrie."
"You were Xathë. My daughter."  Willa reached out her hand.  "Xathë!"
"I am no one's daughter and no one's son."
"You're Xathë! I know it! Xathë--"  Willa's voice was growing in strength and conviction.  "Xathë, my baby, taken from me a hundred years ago--"
"I am Faelha and none other."
"You're Xathë!" She stepped out of the circle, ran toward Faelha-- and Faelha vanished.
"Into Underhill," Willa snarled.  "No, by the gods! I won't lose her again! Moriy!"
"I'm here.
"We're going to Underhill."  She kicked apart the circle of rice.  
"How can you be sure it's Xathë? The Kethrie are tricksters-- maybe Faelha just looked that way--"
"No.  It wasn't an illusion.  I was looking for that-- I'd have Sensed it.  It was Xathë."  Willa started off down the hill.  "By the time the sun rises tomorrow, I will have Xathë back."
Underhill was under every hill at once.  This hill would do as well as any other, Willa said.  So in twilight they descended to the bottom, and Willa spoke the words of a rite to open gates as they stood in front of a rockface.  The rock slid aside, showing them a tunnel.
"This is only the entrance to Underhill.  After this, there are three magical gates in Underhill proper,"  Willa warned Moriy.  "Do you have your knife?"
"Yes, Mage-lady," Moriy mumbled, unhappily.  She was tired, and she didn't want to spend the night roaming Underhill.  More than that, though, she feared Willa's obsession.  Faelha had feared it too, she thought.  It was difficult to tell emotion on a Kethrie face‑‑ they were mobile like the faces of the mad, or a running brook, with their mobility more unreadable than blankness; but Moriy had been studying magic for five years now, and she was advanced enough to have some of the gift of Sensing.  She had Sensed Faelha's fear.  Fear made people-- and undoubtedly Kethrie, who were not that different from people-- desperate, irrational, dangerous.  And Faelha was dangerous enough without fear reckoned in.  Was Willa's obsession pushing both of them in over their heads?
"Mage-lady, are you sure this is a good idea? Have you been this way before?"
"Once," Willa said.  "I came this way once before, without magic.  But I haven't forgotten."
Willa started to walk forward into the darkness, and was brought up short by a Kethrie looking like a small deformed man, who seemed to materialize out of the shadows directly in front of her.  He raised a spear to her face.  Instinctively Moriy's hand went to her knife, and she moved forward to protect the mage.
"Halt! Who goes there!"
"I am Mage-lady Willa of Ada Village, and this is my apprentice Moriy.  Let me pass."
"No mage nor mortal shall pass this way without a token,"  the Kethrie intoned.  "Do you have a token?"
"Yes," Willa said, and removed from her pocket a small object.  She spoke a Word, tossing the object at the Kethrie.  Moriy went beet-red.  The object was a curse-charm, to cause impotence in men.  The Kethrie's spear wilted, and Willa lunged forward, grabbing the startled dwarf by the ear.
"Ow!"  He struggled and kicked.  "Let me go! Let me go!"
"No, by the Holy Names, until you swear a geas.  I charge you to answer three questions, speaking only truth and all the truth, without misdirection or falsehood, else that curse be on you and your spear all your life.  Do you swear?"  She tugged on his ear.
"Ow! Ow! Yes, I swear, I swear!"
"Good." Willa released him.
"Can you make him do that?"  Moriy asked. "I thought you couldn't make a Kethrie swear to tell the truth.  Because they have unreliable natures.  Don't they?"
"Oh, this one will tell the truth, if he ever wants to enjoy loving attentions again.  I didn't mean only the spear in his hand when I cursed him."  Willa smiled at Moriy.  "It's only an herb-witch charm, maybe not true magus art, but I find simple herb-witch charms to be the most effective in dealing with these creatures."
"Are you going to ask your questions, or aren't you?"  the Kethrie demanded.
"Yes.  The first is, what is the query of the Third Gate?"
He smiled.  "The ritual of the Daily Wheel,"  he said smugly.
"Good," Willa said.  "I thought so."  The Kethrie lost the smug expression and stared at her pop-eyed. "The second is complex. After one passes the third gate, do any more gates stand between one and Faelha's palace?"
"Don't ask that, mage-lady,"  the creature whined.  "Please don't."
"I ask, and you are charged to answer.  Tell me true."
"Would you like to take that limp thing back to your love-friend?"
He winced. "No.  No gates after the third."
"Good.  Come on, Moriy."  Willa gestured for her to follow into the tunnel.
"Ask my third!" the creature wailed.  
"I lied.  I haven't got a third.  Moriy, are you coming or not?"
"Mage Willa--" Moriy knew perfectly well that if the hapless Kethrie never answered a third question, Willa's geas would remain on him.  "You can't leave him like this!"
"Can't I? His kind stole Xathë and made her one of their own.  I can't forgive that.  And they live a long time-- this one himself may have been on that journey."
"Have pity!" the Kethrie wailed.
"Mage Willa, this one hasn't done you any harm.  Besides, if you recover Xathë, you won't have a grudge against the Kethrie, will you?"
"I shall always. They took my baby.  But very well, if it's that important to you--" She turned to the Kethrie. "What becomes of your kind if Faelha is Unnamed?"
Unnamed! A swift thrill of horror went up Moriy's spine.  Willa meant to Unname Faelha? The Kethrie screamed.  "No, no, no! Don't ask that, don't ask!"
"You would all cease to be,"  Willa said softly, maliciously.  "The magic that creates you, that keeps you alive, is bound in Faelha.  And since you did not answer-- I did-- my geas still holds.  Come, Moriy."
The creature was on his knees, moaning.  Cease to be? "Go on, Mage-lady, I'll catch up.  I want to ask a question of my own."
"To free him of the geas?"  Willa sounded slightly contemptuous.  "You have a soft heart, Moriy.  Perhaps too soft.  Do as you like."  She turned and walked into the darkness.
"You'll ask me another question? You'll free me of her curse?"  the Kethrie pleaded, piteously.
"Yes.  My question's really simple, but you have to answer completely and totally truthfully, or Faelha might be Unnamed."
The creature went white. "You would curse us so?"
"Not a curse, a prediction.  And not if you answer truthfully."  I hope, Moriy thought.  "The question is, Do the Kethrie ever take wanted children?"
"That sounds like a pretty glib answer.  Are you sure--"
"It's in our deepest places, in the magic that makes us what we are.  There must be Unwant or a child can never be ours.  No Human wanted by Humans can become true Kethrie." His spear straightened as the geas lifted.
"And is Faelha true Kethrie?"
"That's two questions. I'm under no geas."
"I know, but it's really important."
"Faelha is Kethrie.  Everything we are is bound into the power of the Faelha.  Is your real question `Was Faelha a child of Unwant?'"
"Yes.  I guess you could say it is."
"Then I answer you true.  The Faelha's heir, the child who will be Faelha, must be a physically perfect Human-- but there must be Unwant or we cannot take that one, either.  No child can be taken by the Kethrie without Unwant in the hearts of all its kin."
"Thank you." Moriy went past him into the dark tunnel, chanted a spell for sight in darkness, and ran to catch up with Willa, troubled.  The Kethrie spoke truth-- for all its conniving, it knew better than to lie with such stakes at risk.  And that meant that Willa had not wanted Xathë, then.
Willa was standing by a gate, which was guarded by two gargoyle-like Kethrie.  "There you are, Moriy.  I've been waiting."
"Sorry," Moriy said meekly.  "You could have gone on without me."
"No, I need you for the second gate.  And I might need you after, in dealing with Faelha."  She turned from Moriy before Moriy could ask how exactly she did plan to deal with Faelha, and approached the door.  "I seek entry!"
"All who enter must answer the door's riddle, or die,"  one of the gargoyles said sternly.
"This is Moriy, my apprentice.  As is my fate, so is hers."
"Mage Willa!" Moriy was shocked.  If Willa died now, Moriy's life was forfeit as well.
"So you don't have to answer a riddle, too,"  Willa said. "They'd change it on you. You're safer this way."
The door sprouted a face, a dull-looking wooden thing that spoke in a deep slow voice.  "Riddle me this,"  the door groaned.  "What goes through the door without pinching itself? What sits on the stove without burning itself? What sits on the table and is not ashamed?"
"They've changed the passriddle,"  Willa told Moriy.  
"Well, do you know this one?"  Moriy asked nervously.
"Answer my riddle,"  the door said.
"Of course I know it."  Willa turned to the door.  "The sun, is the answer."
"Correct." The door didn't look happy about it. It swung open, slowly and with what Moriy sensed was bad grace.
"There's three gates we have to get through?"  Moriy asked as they stepped through.
"Right.  Two now."
"And then what?"
"Then I find Xathë and take her home."
"But-- if she really is Faelha--"
"Don't worry about it. I've got it all worked out." They stepped out into what looked like a pebble path through a gloomy forest.  "Just follow me, Moriy, no matter what you see.  Nothing can hurt you if you stay on the path."
"You're not going to Unname Faelha, are you?"
"Moriy!" Willa turned, her voice snappish. "Will you pay attention? I've told you, don't worry about it!"  She spun back and marched down the path, her voice still sharp.  "Now come!"
Moriy walked resolutely, as creatures both grotesque and sublime called to her, trying to entice or scare her off the path.  Five years as Willa's apprentice had taught her that she could trust the mage with her life-- and yet--
What were they doing in this maze? Why were they on a quest to find Xathë? If Xathë was Faelha, wasn't she, or he, or whatever, happy enough already?
"The next task will be yours, Moriy,"  Willa said. "I got as far as the second gate, but there was a trial by combat."
"Ah."  Moriy nodded.  This was something she understood.  She was a big girl and muscular, and long before Willa had taken her as apprentice she had been a champion wrestler among the children. Though a mage-ap's training was demanding, Willa had encouraged her to keep up with her physical skills as well. Too many mages, Willa among them, were helpless in a physical fight.  Moriy touched the knife at her side, lightly.  If it came to a fight, she was prepared.
They came within sight of the second gate, and Moriy revised her opinion of her own preparation.  Two Kethrie guards were standing watch, and there was a huge, shambling hulk of a Kethrie in front of the door.  Moriy swallowed.  "Is that--"
"They had an ordinary Kethrie, last time,"  Willa whispered.  "Blast and wither.  I shouldn't have mentioned it."  She shook her head.  "Xathë, why are you fighting me? It's Mother, dearest.  I've come to take you home."
"She can't hear you."
"Oh yes she can. If Xathë is Faelha, she knows everything that goes on in this domain."  Willa sagged and sat down on a rock, hard.  "And she's set a task too hard for you‑‑"
Moriy sized up the big Kethrie.  She was unsure of their goal-- but she didn't want to disappoint the wizard, and she had to believe Willa's intentions were honorable, in the end.  Willa was a good woman.  She wouldn't do something as destructive as Unnaming someone‑‑ that must have been an idle threat.  "He looks beatable,"  she finally said, Sensing out her enemy's limits.  "Big, but slow.  And stupid as a brick."
"You think so?"
An image of Faelha flowed to life in front of them, a ghostly illusion.  "Why don't you both go home?"  Faelha asked.  "Underhill is no place for your kind."
"Xathë!" Willa reached for the image.
"Xathë me no Xathës, I am no child of yours.  Now go away!"
"If we can pass the gates, you cannot deny us passage,"  Willa said.
"You endanger us, mage Willa.  You threaten and confuse.  You shall not pass through the gates."
"If we can defeat the tests of the gates, you cannot stop us."
"I warn you once, mage.  Get out.  Go home. While you have legs to carry you and eyes to see your path."
"We shall not. Xathë, I will free you."
"I need no freeing! I am no Xathë! I am Faelha, Lord of the Kethrie, and if you do not leave my realm I'll kill you!"  The image sparked with fury.
"You cannot kill us until we've passed the three gates,"  Willa said.  The image winked out.  "Come, Moriy."
The guards challenged them. "Who would pass must win trial by combat!"
"I'm the Mage-lady's champion,"  Moriy said, stepping forward and trying not to be too frightened.  She was 20 years of age.  Five years ago, before she entered Willa's service, she had been living on the streets of the city, far away from here.  She had been big for a young girl, but there were many bigger, and so she'd had to learn how to defeat those bigger than she was.  "What's the combat?"
"Two falls out of three, against the Yorthal, champion of the Kethrie!"
Two falls out of three. Right.  As the creature shambled forward, she calculated where she needed to apply leverage.  Its hands reached out for her, but she darted under them and threw all her force at one of its legs, pushing it off-balance.  Once she had it precariously balanced, all it took was a good shove and it fell over.
It got up, with a menacing expression on its face.  Moriy stood outside its easy reach.  This time, it protected its leg, so Moriy played a dodging game, trying to work her way under its defenses.  It twisted about repeatedly, grabbing for her.  Once she was careless, and it hit her-- a glancing blow, as its leverage was terrible, but strong enough that it sent her flying.  Moriy staggered back and fell on her backside.
"Moriy!" Willa shouted.  "You can't lose now!"
Moriy got up as the Yorthal lumbered at her again, and dodged out of its way.  It swung for her, but she leapt back, weaving and bending. Her heart pounded-- if the Yorthal hit her again, it'd be over.  So she was careful, but not overcautious-- she needed to take risks to win.  She lured it and tangled it, making it overbalance itself in the course of trying to reach her, with its legs twisted and its arms out and waving.  Then she grabbed one of the arms and pulled, as hard as she could.  The Yorthal, off-balanced anyway, toppled forward. Moriy dodged out of the way as it crashed into the mud and splattered her.
"My champion wins. Open the gates!"  Willa ordered.
There was a storm brewing on the other side.  Moriy could feel the charge building up in the air.  "The next step will be the easiest,"  Willa said, as they stepped into the wind.  "Though they think it'll be impossible."
"The ritual of the Daily Wheel?"
Wind built and whipped at their hair, trying to steal Willa's words away.  "Yes.  They don't expect me to know what ritual they mean."
"But-- even I know the Daily Wheel!"  The Daily Wheel was a rite spoken at births and deaths, invoking the cycle of nature.  It had only the magical potency that birth and death rites gained through constant usage-- it was a rite, not a spell.
Willa shook her head. "So do they.  But none of you know it all."  She began to run.  Moriy followed suit, as the wind built to an even higher pitch, and the rain began to fall lightly.  
"Why are we running?"  
"Because we're close!"
The storm broke.  The heavens-- or rather, the roof of Underhill, the skin of the Earth-- opened, and drenched them.  Wind whipped rain into their faces.  The last gate had no guards, but no handles either-- it could only be opened by magic.  "Moriy! Draw a protective circle and don't leave it, whatever you do!"
As Moriy obeyed, Willa stood in front of the gate, and began to pace a circle, quartered by a cross. She chanted.  The words were the Daily Wheel, and Moriy frowned.  What had she meant, none of them knew it all? The words she spoke were none but the ones Moriy knew.
"Night become day.
Day become night.
Girl become woman.
Dark become light.
Boy become man.
Woman become crone.
Man become dust
And leave her alone.  
Let the Circle turn."
She walked the circle around and around, until the borders and inside quarterlines of it seemed to glow, seemed to spin.  Then she stopped in the center of the circle, at the place where the crossed lines met, as the circle spun clockwise around her.  Willa threw her hands up to the sky, and shouted a second verse-- one Moriy did not know.
"Woman to girl!
Man become boy!
Sun return east!
Backwards we twirl
As shadows turn solid
And dust becomes man
Let the Circle turn backward!"
There was a sound like lightning, cracking the air, and the wheel Willa stood inside stopped and reversed direction.
Time in Underhill was weak enough to be wrenched backward, but the strain was tremendous.  The plants outside Willa's and Moriy's protective circles grew tiny and disappeared into the ground as the gates crumbled to dust.
"Spin forward!" Willa shouted, and the circle she had made stopped, and faded.  She stepped out of it.  "It's safe, Moriy.  Come on!"
Moriy stared disbelievingly at Willa as she left the circle.  "You-- turned time backwards.  That can't be how you're supposed to do it..."
"It's not.  The gate recognizes Kethrie who speak the Wheel, and lets them through, but it wouldn’t open for us, Daily Wheel or no, because we’re not Kethrie.  I had to get creative for us."  She shrugged. "Reversing the Wheel wouldn't work outside Underhill-- time's too strong outside.  As it is, there'll be earthquakes out in our world‑‑ but if I get to Xathë, it'll be worth it."
"Earthquakes? We're supposed to protect the village, not give it earthquakes!"
"I don't think anyone'll be killed.  Moriy-- this is why I became a mage.  The only reason.  I wanted revenge on the Kethrie-- I never dreamed I could recover Xathë.  But that's all I ever wanted, all I ever dreamed.  I'll have my daughter, whatever the cost!"
They stood on a hill, overlooking a vast city.  On another hill, far beyond the city, there was a palace.  An army of Kethrie were surging up the hill toward them, armored and equipped with magical weapons.  None of the weapons were of iron, but stone and leather and magical blades would kill them just as dead as steel weapons would.
"How are we going to get through that?"  Moriy demanded.  She was badly shaken.  Didn't Willa care at all for the village she'd protected the past twenty years? Moriy cared, and she'd only lived there five.  
Willa laughed. "Faelha!"  she called.  "I know the laws of your domain! I have passed through the gates, so I may go where I wish!"  She turned to Moriy.  "Take my hand!"
Moriy reached to her mistress.  As their hands touched, it was as if an electric current went through her--
--and they were elsewhere. Inside a vast hall, as impossibly beautiful as its sole occupant.
Faelha stood before them, as androgynous as before, despite Moriy's knowledge of Faelha's original sex. All the Kethrie were changed from human norms.  Most became grotesque gargoyles.  Faelha had apparently been beautified by the change, but given more than one sex.  The features, neither precisely male nor female, and yet not neutered either, were now twisted in a mocking smile. "You have come a long way to see me, Mage Willa,"  Faelha said softly.  "You have damaged my world and your own."
"Xathë." Willa reached out. "Xathë.  My daughter--"
"You abandoned your daughter to the Kethrie.  Did you not? Born out of wedlock, the child would shame you.  You begged the Kethrie to come--"
"I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!"  Willa screamed.  "How do you know? You were a baby! You can't remember what I said, what I did--"
"I am Faelha.  I am the Kethrie.  All that my predecessor did, all that all my ancestors did, I know. I don't remember you myself-- but I do know that the human mother of this Faelha gave her child away.  The fact that she later sought to take the child back is irrelevant.  Once a parent gives a child to us, that child is Kethrie for all eternity."
"No!"  Willa's face was dark with fury.  "I won't lose you again! Xathë--"
"I am no Xathë of yours! I am Faelha, Lord of the Kethrie! I have indulged you thus far-- my debt to you, for giving Xathë to the Kethrie and to her new life, my true life. I could have destroyed you at any time. But I showed forbearance.  That is about to end."
Faelha was lying, Moriy realized suddenly.  Passion gave power to magic, and Willa's passion was a mad obsession.  Faelha could not stand against her approach, even with all the resources of Underhill.
"Go away.  Now! Before it's too late!"
Willa pressed her palms together and began chanting.  "Rannian, Kilian, Dagarris, Konj, Rachelis, Kandra, Lohara, Kyri, Aquiel, Sariel, Jabaran, Lacan..."  The names were of powerful beings-- called demons in some places, and saints, angels, or even gods in others.  Calling on the names gave Willa power, which began to build around her.  Hastily, Moriy drew a protective circle around herself. If there was going to be magical combat between Faelha and Willa, no protection she could give herself would really be enough‑‑ but she had to do something.
Faelha hurled magical energies at them, trying to disrupt Willa's chant. "Madwoman,"  Faelha hissed.  "Go home! You risk your life and your apprentice's! Leave me be! Go home!"
Nothing stopped Willa's chant.  Not Faelha's transformations into serpents and wyrms and firedogs; not the cracking of the floor underneath her, for her own protection was a shield of energy, and did not need the pattern of a sigil.  But Moriy did, and when the floor shattered, her protection was destroyed. She went flying, thrown by an energy backlash into a marble column.
"I'll kill your apprentice!"  Faelha screamed.
Willa continued the chant.
In that moment, sick and dizzy from the blow to her head, Moriy saw her own death; concentrated energies at Faelha's fingertips, and Willa chanting on, oblivious.  Or ignoring her.  Willa would sacrifice anyone to recover Xathë‑‑ even the village she had worked to protect so long; even her own apprentice.  
Faelha hurled the gathered levinbolt at Willa, who simply absorbed it into her growing power. "Should I kill the 'prentice because the master is a fool?"  Faelha raged, and Moriy realized, shocked, that the Kethrie Lord did not want to kill her.  "Get out, mage, or I'll kill you!"
The power Willa had gathered turned the air white around her.  "I Unname thee,"  she said, and the power had a focus.  The words echoed, reverberated, cutting out the underpinnings of reality.
Faelha screamed.  With the power Willa had built up, simply speaking the words had cut Faelha off from the powers of the Kethrie Lord.  Moriy tried to get to her feet, but the world was spinning, and she fell back.  Mage Willa, no! she wanted to scream, though her voice would not obey her.
"Faelha, Lord of the Kethrie, I Unname thee.  By the names of St. Arion and St. Amadeus, I Unname thee.  None bear the name Faelha.  None bear the title Lord of the Kethrie."
"Oh no no no," Faelha wailed, and seemed to crumple inward.  "Have mercy, mage-lady! Mercy! Don't take my name!"
Only by Unnaming Faelha could the Kethrie Lord be Named Xathë again.  Moriy knew now what Willa intended: to make Faelha a nameless cipher, and then reshape what was left into Xathë, lost in infancy a hundred years ago. And she didn't care who she killed to do it-- a village, her own apprentice, or even an entire race.  If Faelha only died, a new one could be appointed. They were not immortal, after all, merely long-lived.  But if Faelha was Unnamed, none could ever bear that name again.  And Faelha was the Kethrie, the linchpin of the magic that preserved them.  If there were no more Faelha, there would be no more Kethrie.
"By the names of St. Belial and St. Barradis, I Unname thee.  None bear the name Faelha.  By the names of St. Charles and St. Corrie, I Unname thee.  None bear the name Faelha.  By the names of St. Dariel and St. Doraine..."
"No," Faelha begged, falling prostrate at Willa's feet.  "I beg of you, no! Please! My people-- my people--"
As Willa continued to chant the names of saints, beings of power, Faelha screamed.  The beautiful features had dulled, and the luminescent purple eyes had turned glazed and grey.  Willa continued, relentlessly.  Her magical shield was gone, all her power focused into ripping a Name out of the cosmos, but Faelha no longer had the power to fight her.  From the place where she'd been thrown, Moriy could see Faelha writhing in anguish as the name was stripped away.
Where are the Kethrie? Why aren't they stopping this? Moriy thought wildly.  Someone could stop Willa physically now-- her shield was gone, and she wasn't paying attention.  Surely, the Unnaming of Faelha was the worst thing that could possibly happen to them, and surely they could stop it if they were here-- so why didn't they come? Or could they? Were they bound somehow? Had they fallen into some helpless stasis when the rite began?
Faelha had spared Moriy's life.
She had to stop this.
Moriy staggered to her feet. The world spun wildly, and she had to lean on the wall.  Willa chanted on, and Faelha sobbed, crumpled on the floor.  Willa had gotten to saints' names that started with S.  When she reached Z, it would be ended, and Faelha would be no more, Unnamed forever.
How could Moriy stop the rite? In her condition, how could she disable Willa? Willa was no fighter, but Moriy couldn't see straight-- and Willa was insane.  She would strike Moriy down if Moriy tried to interfere.
Unless Moriy struck her down first.  If she went in with her knife and struck while Willa's attention was elsewhere...
No! There must be another way! she thought, begging, praying to all the gods to give her another solution.  There was none.  Willa was on W.  If Moriy didn't act now, a whole race would be wiped out.
She staggered forward, as Willa pronounced the name of St. Yuaris, and plunged her knife into Willa's back.
The energy Willa had built within herself backlashed through Moriy, grounding itself.  For a moment, she was transfixed, magical energy sleeting through her body and paralyzing her.  Then the energy was gone, and she and Willa collapsed.
A soft moaning woke her. Moriy struggled to sit up.  Her head felt somewhat better, and she could see properly.  Willa lay on the floor in a heap, blood oozing out around the knife.  Moriy ripped off part of Willa's cloak, pulled out the knife, and bound the wound.  
"Oh, Mage-lady, Mage-lady,"  she whispered, agonized.  Willa was an old woman.  Magic had kept her middle-aged and fit, but Moriy's blow had cost her too much vitality-- she seemed to have shrunken into a wizened crone, one who could not survive a knife in the back.  Though Moriy had been careful to strike no vital organs, the blow itself was deadly.
She looked up.  Could Faelha--? But Faelha was sitting in a fetal ball, rocking back and forth, moaning.  The beauty was gone, leaving Faelha gray and somehow strangely unformed.
"Who am I?" the mostly-unmade creature asked. "Who am I, who am I, who am I?"
"Faelha," Moriy said.  "You are Faelha, Lord of the Kethrie.  That's your Name."
With that, the magical energy Willa had lost to the ground seemed to rush out of the walls, the floor, the aether itself, and fall into Faelha.  The features changed without truly altering, becoming those hard and beautiful lineaments of the Kethrie Lord.  The eyes lost their glaze and shone forth like violet gems.  Slowly Faelha straightened and stood.
"Mage-ap Moriy of Ada Village."  Faelha's voice was uncharacteristically soft and gentle.  "You struck down your own master to save me, didn't you? To save all the Kethrie.  And you gave me back my name."
"I couldn't let her kill all the Kethrie,"  Moriy said, feeling tongue-tied.  "Anyway, you didn't kill me when you could have."
"I did not do enough for you to warrant this."  Faelha's head shook in negation, or perhaps amazement. "Ask of me three boons. Anything in my power to give is yours."
"I want you to save Mage Willa's life,"  Moriy said.
Faelha looked disturbed. "So she can attack me again?"
"I have sworn you boons."  Faelha waved, and Willa filled out, her features returning to those of a middle-aged woman and the wound under the bandages closing.  "It is done.  Next?"
"Heal her mind, if you can.  Make her forget there ever was a Xathë."
Faelha smiled, slowly. "Wise.  Yes, wise."  Faelha knelt and touched Willa's forehead.  "Dear mother, I am dead.  I died abirthing,"  Faelha whispered in a childlike voice.  "Seek me no more, for I am gone."
"Will that-- what did you do?"
"Her daughter Xathë was stillborn.  To heal the children of other women, Willa became a mage.  No Kethrie stole her child.  This is what she remembers."
"You can do that?"
"Not of my own will, no.  Normally I only have such power over Kethrie.  I must be given it over humans by a human's request.  And your last?"
"Leave Ada Village alone.  Don't take our crops, don't play tricks on us, just leave us."
"Fair." Faelha nodded.  "Ada Village will be off-limits for your lifespan, Mage-ap Moriy."  A frown darkened the beautiful features.  "But don't you want anything for yourself? I could grant you wealth, fortune in love, a beautiful countenance, fame--"
"I've asked three boons already.  That's all you offered."
"Oh, Moriy." Faelha smiled, almost tenderly. "Such a noble child.  You will credit yourself as a mage. Here."  Out of the aether, Faelha conjured a small flute on a string. "You did not ask, so I shall give. The debt I owe you is worth more than three boons paid to other people.  If ever you or one you have willingly given the flute to, without trickery or force, are in grave need, play on this and I will come.  But the need must be grave, or I will be angry."
"I-- I can't accept such a gift from you--"
"You must.  I will bear no debts.  I owe you my Name and my people's existence, Moriy; I must repay."
Faelha was right; the Kethrie could play tricks, but if they owed a debt, they were bound to repay it. "All right.  I-- thank you."  Moriy took the flute.
"It is owed you, nothing more."  Faelha stepped back.  "I will send you both home, then."
And in a moment, they were lying outside the protective wards of Willa's cottage.
Willa lay on the grass, sleeping peacefully, injuries to body and mind healed without scar.  Moriy was less fortunate.  The memory of Willa abandoning her to Faelha's whim would not leave.  But now that Willa was free of her obsession, perhaps Moriy could forgive her for leaving her to die.
And maybe someday Moriy could forgive herself for striking her down.
She bent down and lifted the mage, carrying her inside.
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