#I just want to sit down with Dumas and ask him what the heck was the point of that horrifying pages-long digression
lady-of-the-lotus · 1 year
wait you don't like novel xy? why not? 🤔
I should probably say I don't like the parts of him I've actually read or seen excerpts of.
I simply don't jibe with him.Much as I love me my villains, I don't wholeheartedly embrace all shapes and forms and draw the line at certain crimes and threats for personal reasons. Also, I actually usually get really into villains who are more along the lines of Loki, Magneto (#Magnetowasright), Erik (Phantom), Count Fosco (The Woman in White--one of my all-time favorite characters)--and from what I've seen of novel!XY, he's even further from my usual type than the cql version.
In short, there was some "that's too much for me" and there was no emotional clicking to compensate. I might like him better if I read the I-assume-better-translated version of him in the official novels. I very much rely on writing style and realistic dialogue when it comes to books, which is why I find it hard to connect to anyone in poor translations, no matter how good the original work. I recently gave up on The Man in the Iron Mask halfway through to wait for a different translation to come into the library as the one I was reading (from a major classics publisher!) was so poor as to be distracting. (Still bitter about how that one got published.)
I'm sure people have great reasons for liking novel!XY and am glad he made enough of an impression on readers for him to get the screen time he did in cql!
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notfunnydean · 5 years
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My good boy
Challenge: Good things happen Bingo Prompt: Falling asleep on their lap Pairing: Dean Winchester / Castiel Warnings: light dom/sub, kinda sub space, jealous!Dean Word Count: 2.342 Summary: Castiel wants to leave them again, to ‘check in’ with heaven. Dean hates the idea. Always did. This time he finally does something about it. Link (if posted on AO3): https://archiveofourown.org/works/22778587
“Absolutely not.”
Dean is glaring at Castiel, who is standing in the doorway of their kitchen. Dean had just made them all breakfast when Castiel announced he would check in with Heaven again to solve their problem with God.
“What do you mean?” Castiel asks, his head tilted and Dean’s heart jumps at that. He pushes those feelings away and glares even more.
“You will not go, are you crazy? The angels hate you!” Dean growls and yes, maybe he should’ve said that a bit nicer. Castiel looks angry now as well, but there is also some hurt in his eyes and Dean looks down.
“Thank you for reminding me.” Castiel says and Dean can see that Sam puts his hands together. Probably silently praying to someone to put him out of this situation. Dean huffs, but doesn’t answer Castiel.
“But, I do think we will need their help.” Castiel continues. Dean knows that he is already sulking at this point, so he tries to focus on the bacon in front of him. He happily puts it on his toast, on top of so much melted butter, that Sammy gagged before Castiel came in.
“They will only…. No, seriously Cas. Don’t go.” Dean finally says, taking a relieved breath because damn he had always said something different. He is scared.
He is fucking scared that the other angels will hurt Castiel, or do even worse things. Dean shudders, but Castiel sighs and at least steps further into the kitchen. 
Sadly he doesn’t sit down, so that Dean could try to touch him here and there, without Castiel or Sam growing suspicious of his behavior. Dean can’t help it, he knew that he liked Castiel ages ago, but lately it gets harder with each day to keep it a well hidden secret. 
“And you think you can tell me what to do?” Castiel asks finally and - oh shit he is actually lifting his right eyebrow. Dean tries very hard not to wiggle in his seat, but he presses a hand on his covered cock under the table.
“No, but Cas, seriously, what do you even expect?” Dean asks and he hopes that Sam would finally tell Castiel to stay as well. But instead his useless brother eats his fruit salad (yeah you read that right) and pretends to ignore them.
“I expect help, because we need help Dean, whether you like it or not.” Castiel says and he even crosses his arms. Dean pouts a little more obviously. Sadly that doesn’t seem to work on the angel at all.
Great with Sam’s puppy eyes everyone melts, but Dean never has that luck.
“Cas, if you think you need to go, then you should go. Ignore Dean, he’s just jealous.” Sam says and he mutters the last part into his coffee. Dean switches his pout to a glare again, this time hoping his brother would burst in flames from the heat of his glare.
Sam doesn’t.
“Fuck you, Sam.” Dean says but he has to admit Sam is right. Dean is jealous. He hates angels for a lot of things, but the worst thing about them is that they probably are worthy enough for Castiel.
If Castiel wants to date one of them, they would probably make a wonderful pair. Dean swallows. He remembers how Castiel had told him about his kiss with Hannah. Dean had wanted to gank her.
In the end it didn’t matter, because Castiel wasn’t interested in anything but a friendship with Hanna. 
Dean’s thoughts go back to the reaper, who took Castiel’s virginity and he hates that his skin feels too tight every time he thinks about it. He is glad the bitch is dead, but it hurt so bad. 
And he isn’t even talking about how she killed Castiel - that hurt on such a level, Dean still hasn’t come up with words to describe it. But just knowing that Castiel had slept with her and enjoyed it.
Sure the angel always says that gender doesn’t matter to him, since he doesn’t have a gender himself. Dean likes his body (and it’s Cas’ body now, that Jimmy is dead) and he wouldn’t change anything about it.
Dean is bi, he would for sure dig Castiel in a female vessel as well. He isn’t in love with Castiel’s body, he is in love with his… (Angels don’t have souls - dammit). 
Anyway Dean knows that Castiel thinks similar. Castiel loves people for the way they are. Heck, he even kissed a freaking Demon! Dean’s blood boils again, just seeing that had made him so angry.
So Castiel doesn’t care about gender or about entity. That also means... he just doesn’t like Dean.
“I will call you when I’m back.” Castiel says and Dean snaps out of his thoughts. He gets up before he knows it and grabs Castiel’s arm to stop him.
Dean knows normally he could never hold Castiel back, but the angel reacts every single time to Dean’s touches and pretends that Dean is strong enough to stop him.
“Let me come with you.” Dean finally says and Castiel’s eyes widen a bit. Dean tries to smile all sweetly at Castiel, but the angel doesn’t really seem happy. Sam just shakes his head and then leaves them alone.
“Humans aren’t allowed in heaven unless they are dead.” Castiel says and Dean rolls his eyes. What a stupid rule and aren’t rules there to break them anyway? Castiel is already turning around so Dean looks down.
“Please? Cas?” 
He knows it’s kinda unfair to pull that card, but maybe it would work. Castiel does stop at least and he seems to think about it. 
“Okay, but this will be an exception.” Castiel says, but Dean is already too giddy to really listen. He would show the angels that nobody touches Castiel. No matter if it’s with bad or good intentions.
“Wonderful, when do we -”
Dean almost falls to his knees, when they land in some kind of white room. He still hates flying so much and it doesn’t help that this kind of flying doesn’t need a plane. He’s a bit dizzy and looks around.
Castiel is already at one of a dozen doors and Dean nods. This seems all so weird. He was in heaven a few times before, but he doesn’t really remember it. Even if he could, he was probably not in those rooms.
“God. Not really one for interior design, huh?” Dean chuckles, but Castiel is not laughing, so he stops and then follows the angel into another room. Just as white, just as boring, but there are a dozenangels standing in the middle.
And Dean really means a dozen. Not more.
There is a woman with short blonde hair walking over to them and Dean’s eyes widen, when he recognizes Naomi. Holy shit, she looks even scarier with that blonde hair. Dean almost hides behind Castiel.
Almost, because he is Dean fucking Winchester.
“Naomi, Duma.” Castiel answers and Dean wonders why he only greets them. He really hopes Castiel is not interested in one of them. Before Dean can say anything, Naomi comes closer.
“What is he doing here, Castiel? He is not an angel and you can’t just bring your pet.” Naomi hisses and Dean wants to poke out his tongue at her, but she isn’t even looking at him and maybe Dean shudders at the nickname.
“He is my friend and I allowed him here.” Castiel says, almost as if he owns heaven and Dean grins happily at all the other dumb angels. Nobody says anything for a short minute, before Duma walks over.
Dean tries to keep a growl down as she puts her hand on Castiel’s arm. What the fuck. Angels are normally not one for touch. Castiel puts his hand over hers and something stutters in Dean’s chest.
Just as Dean wants to look away, he sees that Castiel puts Duma’s hand away from his arm and he even strokes over his trench coat, as if she left a dark stain there. Dean can’t help his smirk.
“Well we don’t have enough space for the Human.” Some dude says and points at the chairs around the table. Dean huffs loudly. They don’t have a even more stupid argument. Castiel rolls his eyes.
Before Dean knows it, they all sit down and just like the guy said, there is no chair left for Dean. The hunter smirks. Castiel sits at the top of the table and just like that Dean walks over to him.
Naomi sits on the other side of the table and Dean looks her right into her blue eyes, while he sits down on Castiel’s lap. Castiel freezes a bit, when Dean finally sits down, but he doesn’t say anything.
Dean only raises an eyebrow at the other angels. Hoping it gets the message done. He’s Castiel’s… well. Best Friend. 
Dean’s back is pressed against Castiel’s hard chest. Dean suppresses a shudder, but he actually wants to cuddle closer. It’s so damn quiet right now, but there are a lot of glares. 
Luckily Castiel doesn’t seem to be angry with Dean. Instead he puts his arms around him, his hands on Dean’s stomach. Dean holds his breath for just a minute, before he relaxes. He feels better already.
“Okay then let’s discuss our terms. I’m here because I need help to find God.” Castiel starts, acting like Dean isn’t sitting on his lap right now. Somehow that makes something warm spread in Dean’s stomach.
He feels so safe like this, even though there are so many angels around them.
Soon the angels come up with all sorts of plans, but Dean isn’t even listening, he’s just so relaxed right now. He knows that he should pay attention, because he also wants to get God, but also…
Castiel’s thumb is carefully stroking over Dean’s stomach. It’s weird but oh so good.
Dean doesn’t know how long they sit like that, but he gets bored after a while. Naomi is talking again and Dean sees that another angel tries to hide a yawn. Dean wiggles a bit to get comfortable again.
Castiel’s breath hitches and Dean frowns, Naomi’s explanations aren’t that exciting. She is not even telling them something new. Dean knew the angels were useless.
He wiggles again.
This time Castiel puts on hand on Dean’s thigh. The table is covering Dean’s midsection, so the other angels don’t see it, but Dean almost whines, because Castiel’s grip is tight.
Dean waits a few minutes, until he wiggles again. His left leg is falling asleep anyway. This time Castiel growls.
It’s just his name, but Dean shudders visible when he hears how Castiel sounds. It sounds so freaking dominant and Dean wants nothing more to submit. While this thought isn’t really a new one, it’s still just as exciting. 
It kinda feels like his personal heaven on Castiel’s lap. Heh, get it?
“Hmhm.” Dean answers and his voice is so soft. Castiel goes back to stroking his stomach and Dean tries his best to be quiet and not to move, but that doesn’t help a lot. 
His view is blurry by now and he wants to nuzzle into Castiel’s neck. He had this feeling before, sometimes after sex. Normally he just leaves the room, clearing his head or… hides under a blanket until it goes away.
But he and Castiel didn’t even have sex, Castiel is just basically cuddling him and still, Dean feels like he is floating away. Dean would at least hope for a handjob right now, but it feels wrong in heaven.
And in front of other people.
Dean wants to show this side only to Castiel, so he sits more up again. Not really knowing how to ask for the things he wants.
Luckily it seems like Castiel knows exactly what Dean is craving right now. He shoves their chair a bit back and then Dean can easily turn around on his lap. He realizes that Castiel is already half hard, when he pushes his hips against him, but they both ignore it. 
Even though Dean’s cock aches.
“As I was saying, we don’t even know his location right now.” Castiel continues as if nothing happened. Dean knows the angels are all still watching them, but he doesn’t have to see their faces like this.
He feels better, but he still needs Castiel closer. So he presses his face against Castiel’s neck, before he closes his eyes. Dean hums quietly.
“What is he doing?” Someone asks, but Castiel ignores them (he is probably staring them down), so Dean ignores the voices too. He just focuses on the good thing around him. Castiel.
He feels a hand in his hair and that helps even more. Castiel continues to strokes through Dean’s hair and Dean rubs his nose against Castiel’s neck.
“Castiel, I think you need to go.” Naomi says, while Dean smiles against Castiel’s skin. There is some weird noise and then it’s quiet again. Seems like Castiel made her finally shut up. 
He hears some people walk away and then Castiel is the one who hums quietly to him. Dean whines when Castiel makes him drink some juice, that tastes like apples, but he finishes it and then goes back to cuddling against Castiel.
“It’s okay Dean. I got you.” Castiel whispers and Dean nods. He knows that. He just wishes he could… could tell Castiel what he feels. Instead he snuggles closer.
“I know I know. All good. I’m here and… and I won’t ever leave, Dean. Not for anyone, my heart already settled on you. My good boy.” Castiel whispers and while Dean hears the words, he isn’t sure if he understands them.  He loves the praise though. “Love you.” Dean mumbles, his heart beating so fast when Castiel says it too.
Castiel presses a kiss to Dean’s hair and smiles, when Dean falls asleep only seconds later. He doesn’t even mind that Dean drools onto his trench coat. 
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01littleunicorn · 6 years
For the writing prompts 8 U for graybin Please ♥ (am I abusing the fact you told me u could request more than once? Definitely yes)
Hey there!! Not abusing don’t worry, I’m always happy to write for you ^^
For explanation, the lovely person up there is my bff hence why I made an exception to the ‘’only Awakening/Fates’’ rule. She knows exactly where I am in the game and therefore knew not to ask for things happening in the later parts of the story.
Anyway first time writing for Echoes’s characters! Tobin and Gray are two of my favorites so I hope I did them justice ^^’’
8. ‘’I just want to sleep’’
U. Quiet Campsite
Pairings: Gray/Tobin
No warnings, possible spoilers if you haven’t played the game ^^
The fire had finally diedout and even the remaining ashes were now running cold. A heavy silence was reigningon the campsite, with the exception of the occasional snore coming from one ofthe soldiers. The moon was high in the sky and everyone seemed to be sleeping.
Well, almosteveryone… For what felt like the thousandth time, Tobin turned around on hismakeshift bed, trying to fall asleep.
Tomorrow would be abig day. The Deliverance was going to walk on the Sluice Gate to defeat one ofDuma’s faithful and free Luthier’s sister, Delthea. The fight ahead was notgoing to be an easy one, as those arcanists from Rigel were known to be bothpowerful and vicious, but Alm refused to abandon the young mage to her fate,despite the overwhelming odds.
Coming from a largefamily, Tobin had instantly related to Luthier’s plea to save his sister. Ifany of his siblings had found their way into that kind of danger, the archerwould have begged anyone to help him rescue them. Though, living in Ram village,the dangers he would’ve had to face would’ve been more along the line ofpredators from the woods or the occasional brigands.
In any case, he wasglad Alm had agreed to help save Luthier’s sister, no matter what other membersof the Deliverance might have to say about this decision. Somehow, it remindedTobin that his friend was still the simple man he remembered from hischildhood, even though he was changing more and more into a true militaryleader.
Their battle atDesaix’s fortress remained fresh in his mind and he clearly remembered theevent that took place there. Most of them were too busy celebrating Mathilda’srescue and their victory over Zofia’s traitor to notice, but he had been therewhen Alm found the treasure residing in the general’s vault. 
The sword was beautifullydecorated and automatically caught Tobin’s eyes. However, no matter how hard hetried, the archer was unable to pick it up. Though he might not be as strong asAlm or, even if it pained him to admit it, Gray, he stillknew his way around a sword. And this one was impossible to lift. Yet, Alm thencame and took it like it was the easiest thing to do. While Tobin might not bethe smartest guy around, it was pretty obvious to him that if you can wield aweapon that legends say no one else can lift, that must mean something!
The regal weapon wasnow sitting at Alm’s side like it was the most normal thing in the world, yet hisfriend refused to talk about it to anyone. Both him and Lukas hadn’t uttered aword on the subject, even to Clive, and the archer couldn’t figure out why. Whydid Alm choose to just dismiss this event as if it was nothing? What made himnot mention it to at least his friends?
Tobin didn’t knowmuch about war and strategy and stuff, but something did not sit right withthis situation and he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
With a sigh, thearcher closed his eyes again, trying once more to find some semblance of sleep,when a ruffle nearby caught his attention.
- Pssst… hey…Tobin… psst!
Recognizing the voiceof the annoying mercenary, Tobin simply rolled his eyes, attempting to ignorehis friend by pretending to be asleep. That was counting without Gray’sdetermination.
- Tobin…..Tooooobiiiiiiin…. pssst!!!
Fearing that theother man’s loud whispers would wake up the entire camp, the archer finallylooked at him with an annoyed face.
- Shut up Gray! Ijust want to sleep…
He didn’t truly thinkthis would be enough to really silence the mercenary and the latter proved himright by simply smiling at the exclamation and answering jokingly.
- Bah, you can sleepwhen you’re dead!
Even though he knewthis was just a jest, Tobin did not find it funny and simply responded with adisapproving look.
They were at war anddeath was following them at every step. It could come for any of them, at anytime, and every battle was a new wager with the reaper. Tobin was always afraidthe next fight would be his last, a fear Gray didn’t seem to share with all hisjoking and boasting around.
The mercenary justheld up his hands and simply added apologetically.
- Sorry, sorry… butstill, you must have a bit of time to spare for good ol’ Gray?
Technically speaking,Tobin would have been better off sleeping to regain his strength for tomorrow. Realisticallythough, he doubted he would ever manage to fall asleep any way and was somewhatcurious about what Gray wanted to talk about.
- Fine… what do youwant then?
The other man smiledat his capitulation and proceeded to bring his own makeshift bed closer. However,he sported a more serious look when he whispered to Tobin again.
- I wanted to askabout Alm… I mean… don’t you think he’s been changing recently?
The question didn’tsurprise Tobin that much and it took him back to his recent thoughts. Heanswered with a sigh.
- Of course, he’sbeen changing… but, honestly, everything keeps changing since we left Ramvillage! I barely recognize myself sometimes. Alm is just… more affected Iguess.
He didn’t want tobring too much on the subject. Whatever Alm’s reasons were for keeping secrets,they were his own and Tobin would respect that.
As for Gray, he seemedto think about it for a few seconds more, before adding.
- Yeah, maybe… Imean he’s always been kinda… different, I guess? You know, like he didn’tbelong at the village with the rest of us… I suppose it’s normal he found hisplace here, among all the knights and noble warriors. They’re more his pace, ifyou know what I mean…
There was truth inGray’s words and Tobin had to admit it. While they all had come a long way, Almhad always been the one standing out, much to the archer’s desperation. Alwaysthe brave and strong hero, it wasn’t much of a surprise that he seemed to befitting in his new leader role quite this easily. Maybe it was just his fate,who knows?
- Still, sometimes itfeels like he’s slowly leaving us behind to live this big hero life! He couldat least save some of the glory for his ol’ friends, you know.
Gray had added thatlast part with a wink, making Tobin roll his eyes once more. Gray was often goingon and on about that whole glory thing and the archer knew that was a big partof why he joined the Deliverance in the first place. It wasn’t that Tobindidn’t care about being recognized as a hero, but his main focus had alwaysbeen to bring money back for his family. The fame and glory would just be abonus… if he survived, that is.
- Say Tobe… what doyou think the future will be like for us?
His friend’s voicebrought Tobin out of his thoughts, making him reflect on the question. Truth betold, the archer hated thinking about the future. With every step, they seemedto get more and more involved in a situation that surpassed him and he dreadedwhat was coming on the horizon.
He sighed, turning onhis back to look at the sky.
- I don’t know…Heck! I don’t even know what tomorrow will look like… But, I guess, if I’mstill alive after all this, I would go back to Ram village to help my family onthe farm.
That was the planafter all. Go out there, fight to earn gold and bring it back to his family. Itseemed so simple back then.
Gray looked surprisedby his answer and he added, with an inquiring look.
- Really, that’s all?Is that really what you want Tobin?
There was a rareserious tone in his voice and Tobin was taken aback by the question. What elsewas there to want after all?
- Well… yeah Iguess…
But he wasn’t so sureanymore. Trying to ignore those new uncertainties, he turned his attention backto Gray.
- What about you? Anygreat plans for the future?
The reaction wasimmediate for the mercenary who responded, with a huge smile.
- Easy! I’ll marryClair and we will settle down and have lots of little Grays running around.Maybe I’ll even name one after you, Tobe!
As the darker skinnedman started to chuckle at what he probably considered a hilarious joke, Tobinsimply sighed.
Of course, Clair wasalways the answer. Ever since the young woman had rejoined the Deliverance, shewas practically all the two guys ever talked about. How beautiful she was andwho would win her heart. Tobin had to admit he didn’t have much hope for thatlast part though. If Clair was always chastising Gray about his flirtinghabits, she was at least talking to the mercenary. Beside a salutation duringtheir first meeting, Tobin had never managed to exchange anything more with thePegasus Knight, making his chances even slimmer than the laughing man’s besidehim.
Yes, Clair wasgorgeous, strong… and completely out of his league. He should just give up atthis point.
- Sure… well, Iwish you the best luck then mate… Make sure she doesn’t kill you before sayingyes…
He thought hisattempt at a joke would be enough to stop his friend from prying forward, butGray’s laugh died out almost instantly as he looked at Tobin with concern.
- Since when are youso okay with Clair and I? I mean, I know we agreed not to fight over it but…I mean, I thought you would still wanna have a chance, no?
Being a competitive man,Tobin had always strived to beat Alm or Gray at anything. Yet, he also knew hehad to choose his battles and that was a fight he had already lost.
- What chance? Shedoesn’t even look at me. Compared to Alm, or even you, I have no way of everwinning her heart. She’s a sophisticated noble; I’m a lowly commoner… that’swhat it is.
He then turned tosmile dryly at Gray.
- But don’t let thatstop you from trying for what you really want. Maybe, miracles can come true.
He added that last partmostly as a jape, although the mercenary didn’t seem to catch it. Looking atthe sky and nibbling on his bottom lip, Gray was obviously lost in thoughts andTobin had to call him twice before he responded to his name, with a bashfulsmile.
- Sorry, I was justthinking….
The need to tease wastoo strong to resist.
- I saw that and itlooked hard to do…
- Oh! shut up Tobin!
The archer simplychuckled at the mercenary’s exclamation before asking, more seriously.
- Nah, but really,what’s troubling you? Isn’t marrying Clair your dream?
Gray simply sighed,seemingly searching for his words, before answering.
- Sure… but,like… maybe that’s all it is. A dream, I mean…
He then turned backto look at the sky as he added.
- This journey’salready crazier than what I could’ve ever imagined, yet… I don’t know, maybeI just enjoy dreaming too big…
Somehow, Gray’s wordsfelt really relatable and Tobin could only nod in agreement, whispering back.
- Yeah… I know thatfeeling.
For a moment, the twoboys fell in a comfortable silence, with only the stillness of the nightsurrounding them. In this restful atmosphere, Tobin could feel his eyes closingas he yawned silently, slowly falling asleep.
- Say, Tobin…
Gray’s voice wakedhim up from his sleepy state and he turned his attention back to his friend.
- Hum?
- No matter whathappens tomorrow, or even later… we will always stay together, right?
There was a reallyserious tone in his voice, one Tobin didn’t hear often, and almost a hint ofworry. Gray sounded truly afraid that he might lose him someday and Tobin suddenlyrealised he seemed to be sharing the same fears. At the thought of losing the mercenary;of not seeing him again; of not hearing his dumb jokes once more, the archercould feel a void in his heart and blaming it on their long lasting friendshipdidn’t feel quite right.
But that was too muchthinking for this time at night.
- Of course… westarted this together and we’ll finish it together.
And, with a smile, hejokingly added.
- Besides, no matterhow hard I try, I could never get rid of you anyway.
- Hey!
The exclamation was accompaniedby a playful hit on the shoulder, as both boys started laughing loudly, tryingto stifle it enough to avoid waking their fellow soldiers.
They were both still smilingwhen Gray put his hand on the archer’s shoulder, adding with a familiar smirk.
- And, you know, lifewould be quite boring without you, my Tobi-poo!
The possessive use ofthat appellation and the gesture were enough to make Tobin blush slightly, but hesimply responded with an audible grunt.
- Aw…come on, youknow I hate that nickname.
Gray smirks just grewbigger as he winked at him.
- Oh! I know…
Then, with a yawn anda large grin, the mercenary lay down on his bed, whispering.
- Well… good-nightTobi-poo!
Remaining annoyed by theuse of the ridiculous pet name, Tobin barely answered before lying down again, hopingto be able to fall asleep this time.
But he already knewthis was a lost cause. As he closed his eyes, Tobin could still feel the heaton his face and, in the midst of all his swirling thoughts, all he could seemto think about was Gray, with his loud laugh and his dumb grin…
Damn it!
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