#Milady I would appreciate you
lady-of-the-lotus · 1 year
wait you don't like novel xy? why not? 🤔
I should probably say I don't like the parts of him I've actually read or seen excerpts of.
I simply don't jibe with him.Much as I love me my villains, I don't wholeheartedly embrace all shapes and forms and draw the line at certain crimes and threats for personal reasons. Also, I actually usually get really into villains who are more along the lines of Loki, Magneto (#Magnetowasright), Erik (Phantom), Count Fosco (The Woman in White--one of my all-time favorite characters)--and from what I've seen of novel!XY, he's even further from my usual type than the cql version.
In short, there was some "that's too much for me" and there was no emotional clicking to compensate. I might like him better if I read the I-assume-better-translated version of him in the official novels. I very much rely on writing style and realistic dialogue when it comes to books, which is why I find it hard to connect to anyone in poor translations, no matter how good the original work. I recently gave up on The Man in the Iron Mask halfway through to wait for a different translation to come into the library as the one I was reading (from a major classics publisher!) was so poor as to be distracting. (Still bitter about how that one got published.)
I'm sure people have great reasons for liking novel!XY and am glad he made enough of an impression on readers for him to get the screen time he did in cql!
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littleprinces · 26 days
Milady Asa
Babymonster Asa x Male Reader
(Stepcest, Creampie, Breeding)
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It was a hot summer day when I first met Asa, my stepsister. Her father and my mother got married last month. She was a petite Japanese girl with long black hair, piercing brown eyes, and a body that could make any man's cock twitch. We were both 18 years old, but she was a year younger than me, and I couldn't help but feel protective of her.
We met at our parents' wedding, and I could tell she was uncomfortable with the whole situation. I tried to talk to her, but she seemed distant, so I decided to give her some space. However, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in her yukata.
Over the next few weeks, I made an effort to get to know Asa better. We started hanging out, watching movies, and talking about our lives. I could tell she was still uncomfortable with the situation, but I could also see a spark in her eyes when she talked about her dreams and aspirations.
One day, I was studying in my room when I heard a knock on the door. It was Asa, looking nervous and unsure of herself. She told me she wanted to talk to me about something important. I invited her in and closed the door behind her.
Asa started by telling me how much she appreciated me being there for her and how much she valued our friendship. She then confessed that she had feelings for me, and before I could say anything, she leaned in and kissed me.
I was taken aback at first, but I quickly realized that I felt the same way about her. We started kissing passionately, and before I knew it, our clothes were off, and we were on the bed, touching and caressing each other's bodies.
Asa was a virgin, so I took my time, exploring every inch of her body. I started by kissing her lips, then her neck, and then her breasts. I took each nipple in my mouth and sucked gently, causing her to moan with pleasure.
I then moved down to her pussy, which was already wet with excitement. I licked and sucked on her clit, causing her to moan even louder. I could feel her getting closer to an orgasm, so I slipped a finger inside her and started fingering her while continuing to lick and suck on her clit.
Asa's body tensed up, and she let out a loud moan as she came, soaking my hand with her juices. I then moved up and entered her, feeling her tight pussy grip my cock.
We started fucking slowly, with me on top. But Asa wanted more, so she turned around and got on all fours, inviting me to take her from behind. I grabbed her hips and started pounding her hard, causing her to moan and scream with pleasure.
"Oppa, fuck me!" Her moan so loud make our room full of desire
"Yes Asa you are mine, i will fuck you non stop" and i keep fucking her pussy so hard
I then pulled out and told her to get on her knees. I stroked my cock a few times before cumming all over her ass. I then slipped my cock back inside her and continued fucking her until I came again, filling her up with my cum.
We lay there, panting and exhausted, for a few minutes before getting dressed and going back to our lives. We never spoke about that day again, but I knew that it was a moment we would both cherish forever.
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healinghyunjin · 4 months
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader (fem)
Genre: crack, smut, fluff; historical!AU, magic!AU, fuck-or-die(ish)!AU, enemies(ish)-to-lovers!AU, 18+
Word Count: 6.5k
Warnings: swearing, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, outdated sexual norms/attitudes, public sex.
Author’s Note: After another ~long~ hiatus... I'm back! The premise of this fic is heavily inspired by a super old, now deleted AO3 fic I once read for a now dead fandom (showing my age here for you children lol). I love navigating these forced interaction scenarios - so please let me know your thoughts! Feedback and reblogs are love as always - and I now have a Ko-Fi that I would really appreciate contributions to as well (linked in my Bio)! Thank you for your support~
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Summary: But what this ritual required of you, the High Sorceress, was not just some spellwork or incantations - no, this ritual involved you losing your virginity. To your King - to Seungmin. On the High Table. In front of the entirety of the royal court. 
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You were sure you looked like a thundercloud - dark skirts swirling, white sparks crackling from your fingertips - as you stalked through the castle towards the royal chambers.
“Milady!” Changbin chased after you, your long-suffering knight trying his best to head you off. “His Majesty is in a council meeting right now,” he huffed out. “Maybe we can seek an audience another time?”
“I don’t ‘seek audiences’ from His Majesty, Bin,” the title grating in your mouth. “I talk to Kim Seungmin when I want to talk to Kim Seungmin - especially when he wants to pretend like I don’t exist.” 
You were laying it on a bit thick. But you were the High Sorceress. You had no insignificant amount of pride yourself, and nothing made your temper flare like Seungmin outmaneuvering you - exactly like he’d just done. 
You arrived at the heavy wrought iron doors of Seungmin’s private chambers and, with a swish of your palm, sent the doors flying open, almost rattling off their hinges. A tableful of lords turned around to gawk at you - but you only had eyes for the man at the head of the table. He leaned back in his chair, watching you stalk into the room with a barely concealed grin. “And there she is.” The faint note of humor in Seungmin’s voice made you want to wring his neck.
“Your Majesty,” you greeted in the frostiest voice you could muster up. 
Seungmin smirked. “You only use my proper title when you’re fit to rip my throat out, Lady Sorceress.” 
You ignored the barb. “We have an urgent matter to discuss, my lord.”
One of the old, stodgy lords piped up in a reedy, disapproving voice. “What can take precedence over matters of council and state, Sorceress?”
“Matters of national security, Lord Park.” Seungmin rose to his feet, making everyone else jump up to theirs as well. “Council is adjourned, my lords.”
You held your head high as the councilmen streamed out of the room around you, some barely bothering to disguise their resentment. Seungmin sauntered his way around the table, coming to stand right in front of you. You scowled as you inevitably had to tilt your head back just to look into his amused face. 
“You’ve been avoiding me, my witch.” 
“I wasn’t avoiding you,” you snapped back, cringing at how petulant you sounded even to your own ears. 
Of course you’d been avoiding him. Ever since he’d slapped those scrolls down on your worktable a week ago now, you hadn’t been able to think about him without flushing, let alone be in the same room as him. It would be for the good of the people, he’d announced crisply, looking so tall and prim and regal as he towered over you sitting on your little garden stool. I’m sure you won’t see any harm in it. You’d scanned through the parchment, ignoring the scribe’s careful translations to parse the ancient runes yourself. It outlined an ancient magical ritual to replenish the barrier wards for your nation if they ever fell - which they had. But what this ritual required of you, the High Sorceress, was not just some spellwork or incantations - no, this ritual involved you losing your virginity. To your King - to Seungmin. On the High Table. In front of the entirety of the royal court. 
Seungmin snapped you out of your thoughts with a brief “Ahem,” quirking a skeptical eyebrow at you. “I haven’t seen you in a week. Every time I’ve gone to your rooms since the day I gave you those scrolls, you’re conveniently ‘not there,’ and that poor fool,” he flicked a thumb over to point at Changbin, “is stuck trying - and failing - to make excuses for you.”
You shot a glare over at Changbin - he didn’t look sufficiently embarrassed of himself, but you would deal with that later. “Well, I’m here now, my lord. And I’d appreciate it if you could tell me how you unilaterally decided to add ‘Publicly Deflowering the High Witch’ to your agenda for this evening?”
You’d hoped to embarrass Seungmin, browbeat him - like you’d clearly done to Changbin, judging from the choking sound that came from next to you. But you’d underestimated your enemy. 
Seungmin sighed, clasping his arms behind his back. “Because we don’t have a choice in the matter, my dear witch. If you’d allowed me the chance to actually talk to you this week, I could have convinced you of that, and you'd have had time to prepare yourself. But - you didn’t, and so, I had to force your hand.” You shuffled uncomfortably under his piercing stare as he continued. “I know you translated the runes yourself - you know just as well as I do that this ritual needs to be done soon. Now, if we don’t want the Eastern Army taking advantage and invading us as soon as they muster up the forces. But unlike you, my lady - I don’t have the luxury to pretend like this problem will go away if I ignore it.” 
And that was exactly what you hated most about Kim Seungmin. He was smart and logical to a fault - enough so that he’d trained himself to not let pesky emotions get in the way of doing what needed to be done. You on the other hand… the less said the better on that front. 
Before you could snark something back at him or even just bristle up, Seungmin stepped away from you, rubbing his hands together. “Now that that’s been settled, I’m sure you have no more objections. Anyways, you have a busy afternoon ahead of you, Lady Sorceress. I’ve sent several maids to your chambers to help ready you for this evening - I’m sure you remember how exact the runes were in terms of preparation.” Seungmin wasn’t even bothering to hide his grin as he dismissed you with a wave of his hand, striding out of the room. 
That patronizing bastard. You briefly contemplated throwing a fireball at his laughing back - but being executed for treason wasn’t exactly the way you intended to go out. 
With a deep, soul-weary sigh, you turned on your heel to leave, resigning yourself to your fate. 
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Of course, if you knew exactly how the rest of your afternoon was going to be spent, you might just have thrown that fireball at Seungmin and gotten it over with. 
After that useless showdown, Changbin frogmarched you back to your rooms, handing you off to an actually intimidating keeper - Chaeryeong, your personal maid. But, to your even greater chagrin, she wasn’t alone. As promised, an army of maids descended on you, all charged with different vicious tasks - stripping your skin bare and smooth with hot sugar paste; kneading various herbal, floral unguents into your skin before dunking you into cold and hot baths; brushing your hair out until it fairly gleamed in the fading sunlight. By the time you were passed off to Chaeryeong for her final inspection, you almost didn’t recognize yourself in the mirror. 
Chaeryeong clicked her tongue approvingly as she walked around you, tightening the laces on your virginal white chemise. “You finally look presentable, milady.”
You bristled. “Are you saying I usually don’t?”
“Last week I had to pull a twig out of your hair before sending you down to supper. There isn’t a single dress of yours that doesn’t have mudstains, milady, and you think a splash of cold water every morning or two is enough to care for your skin.” Chaeryeong looked scandalized.
You rolled your eyes. “Well, I’m glad one of us is satisfied with this situation.”
“You’re not?” 
“Why in the name of the Goddess would I be?”
“Sleeping with a man who’s young, tall, handsome, powerful, wealthy,” Chaeryeong giggled as she counted off each word on her fingers, “isn’t the worst thing in the world, milady.” She flicked you a mischievous glance as she smoothly slid to stand behind you. “Especially when the man in question has a major soft spot for you.”
You scoffed. “Kim Seungmin doesn’t have a soft spot for me, Chae. He can't even be in the same room as me without snarking at me - and I can't remember the last time he actually said anything nice to me.”
Chaeryeong’s fingers stilled in your hair as she stared you down in the mirror. “You really believe that, don’t you?” You arched an eyebrow at her in response. She let out a deep sigh. “For such a brilliant witch… you really can be dense.” She shook her head before reaching over to grab flowers to weave into your hair. “I hope you realize - the one thing standing between him and war is you. Most men - especially a King - would have just tossed you onto that table and had their way with you. And maybe they would have begged your forgiveness and understanding afterwards - maybe, if they were worried about you cursing them into oblivion. No one else would have spent a whole week waiting to try and convince you into doing this willingly.”
You opened your mouth to snap something back in your defense... and realized you had nothing to say. 
“See,” Chaeryeong murmured softly. “Sometimes it feels like you’re… willfully blind to His Majesty’s kindness towards you. He’s always treated you with respect - and made sure you’re treated with respect. I wouldn’t take that for granted, my lady - or ignore what’s behind that mask he puts up all the time.” 
As she put the final touches on your hair, you couldn’t help but reflect on Chaeryeong’s words. You had extraordinary freedom and liberties as the High Sorceress…but no, that wasn’t exactly right. You were given extraordinary freedom and liberties as the High Sorceress - by your King. If it wasn’t for his unwavering support for you - against the Council, against any and all reactionary forces - you wouldn't hold any of the power you did. Sure, he riled you up, jerked you around a bit - and you still hated just how easily he could outwit you. But you were being childish to fixate on that - to lose sight of the forest for the trees. 
“And here’s the final touch.” Chaeryeong sidled up to you with a long scrap of silk in her hands - your blindfold. “You’re not allowed to see His Majesty until the ritual starts.” Her quick fingers made short work of fastening it around your head - and being the jerk that she was, she put it on properly tight, making sure you couldn’t see a thing. “Maybe that’ll teach you to let yourself lean on him for once,” she mused, before pulling you up out of your chair with none too gentle hands. 
Chaeryeong, as always, was right. You were completely unmoored by the loss of your sight, limiting your magical abilities too. You were forced to rely completely, like a baby, on Chaeryeong to guide you through the halls to the oldest wing of the castle - and you only realized that you were in front of Seungmin when the two of you came to a sudden halt, a reverent “Your Majesty” coming from her lips. 
This was it. 
Chaeryeong subtly pulled you down into a curtsy, pinching you in the back to make sure you stayed low as she stepped away from your side. From the sound of her sharp footsteps receding down the hall and the lack of any other noise around you, you presumed she’d left - and you were now alone with your King. 
“You may rise.” Seungmin’s amused drawl sounded from somewhere high above your head. Disoriented by your imposed blindness, you stumbled a little as you stood up - but you were caught by warm hands encircling your arms, steadying you on your feet. “How low the high have fallen, hmm?” Such a tease, you thought. But the gentle tone of his voice, the circles his thumbs were rubbing into your arms… he was helping ground you, to put you more at ease - which only made you feel more guilty. 
“My lord,” you started softly - earning a harsh inhale in surprise from Seungmin. “I… I owe you an apology. My behavior earlier today - for this entire week - has been immature and not fitting for a ranking member of your court. Forgive me for my negligence.” You made to dip into a curtsy again - but Seungmin’s grip on your arms tightened, keeping you from lowering yourself. 
There was a heartbeat of silence before Seungmin responded, his voice more tender than you’d ever heard it. “I don’t know what prompted this… change, but - you don’t need to apologize. I knew we both knew this is what must be done, and I knew we were going to eventually do it - but that doesn’t make it any easier for you. You didn’t want this with me, and I know that.”
Why did that last statement sound a false note in your heart? You ignored it in favor of speaking out. “But I’ve spent the past week shirking my duty. You had to force me back in line.”
“And that is my responsibility as King, my sorceress. No harm done.” You could tell that he was leaning down closer to you, his voice loud and clear in your ear. “And remember - neither this kingdom nor I will ever forget this sacrifice.”
There was an oddly charged moment of silence after that statement - which was abruptly broken by the sensation of the ground suddenly falling away from under you. You gasped as surprisingly sturdy arms lifted you up until you were cradled against a lean, hard chest. “Seungmo!” You squeaked, the childhood nickname slipping past your lips. “S-since when were you strong enough to do this?”
There was a pause - you were positive that Seungmin had rolled his eyes at you. “Just because I don’t have bulging biceps like that bodyguard of yours doesn’t mean that I’m a weakling, witch.” 
“Well, it won’t be good to kick things off with you tripping over your feet carrying me in,” you muttered sulkily. 
You couldn’t hold back a shiver as Seungmin tsked, his warm breath ghosting across the sensitive shell of your ear. “Such disrespect for your king? Bold, given that you’re at my mercy for the next hour.” 
“Next hour? That ego of yours is still clearly giant.”
Seungmin let out a husky laugh. “It’s not the size of my ego you should be worried about right now, sweet.” You thumped a useless fist against his chest - even as your core involuntarily clenched and slickened.
There was a ear-ringingly loud blast of trumpets, followed by the creak of the gates to the ancient hall being pushed open. The murmurs and chatter of the crowd awaiting your arrival fell silent, an almost eerie hush settling in as Seungmin strode into the hall. Even with the enormous fire spluttering away in the ancient hearth, the room was always chilly; gooseflesh pimpled your arms, and you almost automatically burrowed closer into Seungmin’s neck for warmth - at least, that’s what you told yourself. The sharp raps of Seungmin’s footsteps against the flagstones came to a halt, and you were securely sat onto a hard surface - the High Table. Your sacrificial altar, you mused to yourself cynically. 
You jumped a little as you felt gentle fingers clasp your hands, giving you a firm squeeze. Those warm fingertips then ghosted across your cheeks, twining through your hair as they searched for the knot of your blindfold. Your heart was bounding in your chest, blood roaring in your ears as Seungmin leaned into you, that familiar, titilatingly musky scent of his flooding your senses as he worked to unravel the tight knot, until the blindfold finally came free. 
You blinked your eyes open to mellow, golden light - and the sight of Seungmin standing over you, watching you carefully with a small, soft smile. The great hall was awash with candlelight, long tapering candles and sticks of smoking perfume burning all around you, throwing the faces of the crowd of onlookers beyond you into shadow - but bathing Seungmin in glorious, warm light. He looked impeccably regal as he stood above you in his smart black leather doublet and swan white shirtsleeves, his royal purple ermine-edged cloak clasped around his throat. His hair was up, brushed off his forehead, and the gold of his royal circlet shone out bright against the ink black of his hair - but the brightest of all were his eyes, warm and deep brown, steady and clear as he - your King, you truly felt down to your bones for the first time - held your gaze. 
Taking a deep breath, you let yourself fall back, the ancient stone of the table icy against your spine. While you couldn’t see any of the spectators surrounding you and Seungmin - the vaulted ceiling of the great hall the only thing in your line of sight - it felt like you could sense their gaze prickling across your skin, weighing you down. But before you could let your mind wander too far, Seungmin was there, leaning over you with those broad, square shoulders, blocking your sight of anything but him. You felt your cheeks flame as his hand came up to cup your face, and  your heart skipped a beat as he pressed a petal soft kiss to your forehead, breathily whispering into your skin. “It will be good, my sweet. Trust me.”
Maybe Chaeryeong was onto something… You searched his eyes, finding so much affection and reassurance beaming back at you that you blinked your own shut - before giving him a brief nod. 
He let his lips drag over to your temple, then down to your cheek, leaving open mouthed kisses in his wake as his lips trailed lower and lower, down your jawline, down your neck - and lower. Your mind reeled, your hands fisting the flimsy material of your gown. This was supposed to be brief and impersonal - you’d even readied a lubrication charm in preparation for the inevitable. But you should have known that Seungmin wouldn’t just do an adequate job like that. You were fighting for your life to stay silent as he added his teeth into the mix, working the thin, sensitive skin of your throat until you felt the sickly sweet pain of a bruise forming. His hand slid down from your cheek so he could softly thumb at the mark - his mark - marring your skin, and when he pressed down just right on the bruise, you whimpered - and watched as his eyes darkened to black. 
From there, he was insatiable. Your hands flew up to his shoulders at the swipe of his tongue against your hardening nipple; they desperately slid to clutch at his hair when he took it whole into his mouth, the wet heat tantalizing even through the cotton of your chemise. He palmed your neglected breast hard, the soft flesh spilling through his fingers. A whine finally tore itself free from your throat, and Seungmin snapped his head up to look at you, lips twisting into a triumphant smirk. “I thought you weren’t going to enjoy this, Lady Sorceress.” His fingers came up to tweak your nipple - hard - as he mouthed carelessly at your other breast, his eyes watching you hungrily as you writhed under his touch. The pleasure carried you away on a hazy cloud of lust, into the dreamland of dangerous possibilities. What would it feel like to have this dumb chemise out of the way, so his fingers and lips could traipse your naked skin? What would it feel like to have the heat of his bare skin pressed up against yours - the weight and friction of his hard chest crushing into your sensitive breasts?
Your attention was yanked back into the land of the living at sudden, discordant noise: gasps and murmurs, you quickly realized, rippling through your audience - for your King was dropping to a knee at your feet, hands sliding with promise up your legs under your chemise. You shot up onto your elbows, staring down at him in horror. “Your Majesty,” you hissed. “This is wanton.”
Seungmin arched an eyebrow. “I’d rather be wanton than have you in pain at my hands.” You felt a traitorous flutter in your chest. “And most importantly - when you have the kingdom’s most powerful woman laid out in front of you... you worship her.” 
Those large, long-fingered hands of his found purchase in the soft skin of your inner thighs, forcing them spread and keeping them spread with that hidden strength of his. He let out a small groan at the sight of your swollen folds, dragging a single, deliberate fingertip down the length of your slit. At the very first touch of his soft lips to your sensitive bundle of nerves, you choked out a moan - and startled as the candles around you all simultaneously popped. From between your legs, Seungmin laughed darkly. “Looks like I won’t need to ask you whether I’ve done a good job,” he said, the sensation of his breath and lips against your core making you squirm with stimulation. His hands slid up to your hips, anchoring you in place as he lapped languidly at your cunt, tongue flicking in and out of your aching entrance, nose rubbing up against your swollen little pearl. 
There was no chance in hell you could stay quiet any more. As a moaning keen spilled forth from your lips, your eyes flicked up to the shadowy figures in the crowd watching you. You’d thought they would be judgmental - critical, gossipy, as people always were in situations like this. Instead… there wasn’t a face you could make out that wasn’t flushed, expression glazed over. Seungmin slid his arms under your legs, yanking you down the table until the base of your spine rested on the very edge of the table, your core putty under his mouth as he supported your weight - and you watched as some woman in the crowd whimpered, biting her lip in response. 
Your head lolled back onto the table, and you started shuddering in Seungmin’s hands. 
“I guess I was wrong about needing an hour.” With a final kiss to your folds, Seungmin rose to his feet, leisurely wiping his mouth on the back of one hand, the other drifting down to the laces of his trousers. “I didn’t anticipate just how thoroughly you would enjoy my attentions, my witch.” Tease. His eyes danced with mirth as you whined in annoyance. You felt the blunt tip of him dragging through your folds, its weight catching deliciously against the tight ring of your entrance. “I’ll start slow,” he murmured, a hand coming up to brace himself above your head. And from the first breach of his length into your walls, you knew you were in trouble. 
“Big,” you gasped out. Seungmin let his free hand run loose over the flesh of your thighs and hips, kneading and caressing and soothing. “Relax for me, sweet - it’ll be easier if you let me in.” His voice was breathy and soft, eyes so warm - daresay loving - as he leaned in over you, covering your body with his. You gave him a small nod, breathing deeply and doing your best to let your body sink into the stone under you. As he carefully, firmly worked the rest of his length into your tight cunt, you couldn’t help but whimper, eyes squeezing shut at the deep, deep stretch of him, your spine arching off the table as your body contorted to accommodate him. “Beautiful,” he murmured, pupils dilated with lust. “Made to take me.” 
And as the sting and discomfort started to morph into the burning, insatiable stretch of pleasure, you were inclined to agree with him. 
“Let me know when I can move, sweet,” he asked, the flat of his hand rubbing soothing circles into your lower belly. “Please,” you rasped out - and the delightedly vicious grin that curled his lips in response only sent another surge of fire through you. Your limbs ached to twine around him, pulling him down into you, imprisoning him between your legs - but you were determined to maintain some public decorum. Seungmin made the decision for you though, salaciously bold as ever as he leaned forward into you, splaying your legs out wide, knees almost to your chest. He tested the waters with a rapid snap of his hips in and out - and the two of you stared at each other with wide eyes at just how deep it all felt in this position. Seungmin’s hips started rocking back and forth, almost as if on their own volition - almost as if they were enchanted - and your hands desperately scrabbled for purchase on the unyielding stone as he started pounding into you. 
Your hips canted up into his, trying to answer his thrusts with your own. And you were clearly doing something right, judging by his drawn out groans. “Mine,” he moaned. As he bore down on you, every thrust ground delicious friction into your bundle of nerves - and Seungmin’s hips were driving into yours at such a punishing pace that you were overwhelmed by stimulation. You were sure the two of you were making an absolute mess, the squelching sounds of him pumping into you only growing louder with every thrust. Just with his lips and nose and tongue, the friction and sensation and pleasure had all already brought you close to the cliff of your peak. You knew it wasn’t going to be much longer now before he dragged you over - but there was something positively strange happening to you. Your pleasure was merely riding the edge of some deeper, powerfully visceral sensation that had you gasping, shivering with every plunging stroke. But Seungmin, your ever-wise, your ever-aware Seungmin, had cottoned onto what was happening to you - and wrapping you tightly up into his arms, he only picked up the pace of his hips. “Let go, sweet,” he eked out. “I’ve got you safe, here - let go, my queen.” And before your mind could even process what he’d just given away, you felt yourself clenching up, eyes squeezing shut and nerves singing in pleasure as you hit your release - the pain of your fingers digging into the broad expanse of his back, the spasms of your tight cunt triggering Seungmin’s release simultaneously, spurts of his hot, thick seed flooding into your core, serving as a balm for your aching walls as he collapsed into your waiting arms. 
Before you could let the waves of pleasure carry away your mind with it, however - your eyes shot open at the gasps and shouts coming from around you. Gold - that was all you could see - a golden bubble encasing you and your King. Seungmin lifted his head up from where it was pillowed on your chest, a look of pure wonder on his face as the two of you watched the bubble slowly float and collapse inwards, coalescing into a glowing yellow orb hovering above all of your heads. The hazy whorls of incense and candle smoke in the air took on a bright golden hue - before it all whooshed outwards in a rapid gust of wind, rattling the windows of the hall as the orb and its golden mist exploded out into the sky . You recognized the magic for what it was - the largest, purest barrier charm you’d ever witnessed. 
You and Seungmin had pulled it off. A giggle of delight squeezed out of your chest, and you let your gaze snap back down to the man resting on his elbows over you. Seungmin was watching you with a small, mysterious smile, panting slightly as he tried to catch his breath. And as you looked back at him… you felt a wave of emotion wash over you, as powerful as if the ground had literally shifted under your feet. An almost unbearable fondness filled your heart as you beheld him - your King, your protector…your lover. 
You had been right about one thing - there would be no going back from this, at least for you. But now you found yourself wondering… why was that such a bad thing?
Ignoring the shuffling footsteps around you as your audience slowly started to disperse, you let your arms wrap around Seungmin, relishing the feeling of his muscles bunching under your touch as he slid his arms in turn around you, helping you to sit upright. His dark eyes were fixed on the place the two of you were joined as he slowly extricated himself from you, the feeling of his sticky seed trickling out from between your legs strange and foreign. That ever intelligent, searching gaze then slowly scanned your body, looking you over head to toe as he tucked himself away in his trousers, before his eyes fluttered shut. Seungmin let out a slow exhale before blinking his eyes open again - and you were startled to see that professional mask of his slide back into place. 
“Up you go,” he murmured, arm sliding around your back as he helped you off the table, supporting you as your legs quailed under your weight. With a few deft pulls, he unfastened his cloak, wrapping it around your shoulders instead. You were thankful for the warmth it provided - and the coverage, you realized, as you noticed the servants hovering at a respectful distance from the two of you. “Give me a second,” Seungmin said before turning away to address his valet and knight-at-arms. 
One of the maids stepped forward, a fan in her hand to put out the few lingering candles. Before you could even hesitate on what to do, she dipped into a low curtsy, bowing her head - to you. “Your Highness,” she breathed out, an almost reverent look on her face as she glanced back up at you. Awkward with the unfamiliar courtesy, you smiled hesitantly, tilting your head at her in acknowledgement. 
How had you misjudged this situation so badly? Part of your hesitation leading up to all of this had been because you’d thought that you’d be made out to be a slag - no better than the King’s kept woman. Why hadn’t you appreciated the power inherent in this? With the spectacular care with which he’d pleasured you, with the demonstration of your magic in front of the whole court, Seungmin had marked you - just as he’d told you with those hungry eyes - out to be the most powerful woman in the kingdom. 
You snapped out of your thoughts to see Seungmin making his way back to stand in front of you. You frowned to see that mask of his still in place, a strange awkwardness in his manner as he addressed you. “I can help you back to your rooms now. Or,” he turned to gesture behind him, “one of the servants can take you if you prefer.”
You arched a critical eyebrow at him. “Could we go to your chambers instead?”
His eyes widened for a second, before you watched understanding wash over his face. “Ah yes, that was careless of me - there’s too many stairs to get back to your chambers. You can rest in mine as long as you need.”
Wrapping an arm loosely around you, he let you lean on him as the two of you walked out of the hall. His rooms weren’t too far away, the royal chambers taking up a significant portion of the ancient wing of the castle. But an awkward silence reigned over the two of you, Seungmin stoically looking straight ahead as you limped along beside him. 
Something had clearly changed in you - because for once, instead of being the reactive fool you normally were, you saw the situation - and his reaction - for what it actually was. Seungmin was taking his turn to be the awkward overthinker - a role he’d grown out of once he’d become King… except when it came to a few specific things he couldn’t stay purely rational about. The things he cared about the most, the things that mattered most deeply… in this case - you. 
You sighed. You’d probably need to gift Chaeryeong a necklace or something after all of this was over. 
You bided your time until Seungmin finally shut the two of you into his chambers. He’d turned away to lock the doors behind him - and startled when he turned back around to find you standing right in front of him. As you stared up at him, watching his lips twitch in discomfort… you came to a shocking realization. 
“You never kissed me,” you breathed out, even more surprised as you said it. He’d kissed you literally everywhere else - but he hadn’t touched your lips. You gazed up at him with wide eyes. “Why?”
Seungmin shifted uncomfortably. “It felt too…intimate.”
What? “You took my virginity - in public. We unleashed a magical force field together,” you deadpanned, trying to get a laugh out of him - and failing, as Seungmin continued to look at you stoically. “I’d say that’s pretty intimate, my lord.”
He shrugged, hugging his arms around him and hesitating for a second - before bluntly, in Seungmin fashion, getting to the heart of the matter. “The reality is that… freely given sacrifice, prophecy, whatever you want to call it - I took something from you that you didn’t mean for me to have.” It was a testament to Seungmin’s poise that his voice stayed even, his eyes stayed steadily on you as he spoke. “I wanted you to have something - a part of you - you could still give away of your own will.” He sagged heavily into the doorframe, finally breaking eye contact as he trailed off. 
Poor baby. Your heart fluttered. “That is… quite thoughtful of you, my lord,” you choked out, taking a small step forward. Then another. And another, inching towards him. “So - that means it’s alright with you for me to do this, right?” Reaching up, you twined your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up onto your tiptoes to press your body into his. His hands reflexively grabbed your waist, steadying you even as his eyes widened in surprise - before fluttering shut as you pressed your lips to his. 
His mouth was divine heat - soft, pliable against yours. He gasped as you nipped at his lower lip, and you seized the chance to lick into his mouth, deepening the kiss until your head was whirling, ignorant of where you ended and he began. 
When you finally pulled away for air, his lips chased yours for a second before he caught himself. You giggled, beaming up at him. “How low the high have fallen, hmm?”
Seungmin let out a low warm laugh, such fondness in his eyes that you couldn’t help but shy away. “I have much, much lower to fall still, don’t worry,” he murmured as he bent down over you, his hair falling into his eyes as he smiled. In a single, smooth movement, he flipped the two of you around so he had you pinned up against the wall, his body pressed firmly into yours. 
You cleared your throat. “Y-you really like having me against hard surfaces, don’t you?”
He shrugged, focus elsewhere as his fingers busied themselves with the laces of your chemise. “Seems like it’s the only way to keep you good for me, witch mine.” You whined as his hand accidentally grazed your sore, tender nipple, the sound making his eyes snap back to yours. A dark, wicked smile curled his lips before he crashed his mouth back onto yours, long fingers working your breast deliberately, possessively. You responded with enthusiasm, tangling your own fingers into his silky hair, until the spell was broken - for you at least - by loud noises from outside his chambers. 
You pulled away from his lips with a loud smack. “What’s that?”
“Never mind that,” he rasped out, pulling you in tight against him. “Worry about it later.” Your breath hitched as he nosed his way into your neck, pulling at the loosened neck of your chemise to expose your collarbone for him to feast on. 
Steeling yourself, you pushed your hands firmly against his chest. “Seungmo, I want to worry about it now.” He groaned, rolling his eyes, but let you go without a fight, releasing you from his embrace. Turning on your heel, you tugged him along to his balcony. The sounds had seemed to come from the royal gardens, which were sprawled right below Seungmin’s chambers. Pulling your cloak - his cloak - more tightly around you, you stepped out onto the balcony - and froze, as an astounding sight brought the two of you to a standstill. 
Wherever you looked - below you, around you - every single plant and tree was in abundant bloom. Regardless of season, of age - fruit and flowers were everywhere, swinging in the breeze, littering the ground. You turned to Seungmin in shock - only to see him looking back at you with loving, wondrous awe. “That’s all you,” he murmured, brushing a fond hand against your cheek. “My powerful, mesmerizing sorceress.”
You flushed. “No, it’s not.” You stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “It’s us.” You tiptoed up to press a kiss into his cheek - and promptly hid into Seungmin’s neck as whoops and cheers rang up to you from the gardens below. 
Seungmin laughed, tucking you into his side as he led the two of you back inside. “Well, you know what this means,” he said.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. “What?”
Shooting a dazzling smile your way, he caught you up in his arms once again, the heady sensation already warm and familiar to you - before peremptorily throwing you onto his bed. 
“The fate of the flora of this kingdom is in our hands, Lady Sorceress.” He intoned in a faux serious voice - made only the more ridiculous by the sight of him crawling on all fours towards you on the bed. “We have crucial work to do, milady - and we must start posthaste.”
You threw your head back in laughter before wrapping your limbs around him. “Yes, my lord - let’s start immediately.” 
[If you made it all the way here... please comment, reblog and give me feedback!! My Ko-Fi is also linked in my blog if you're able to support :)]
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reixtsu · 3 months
Unwanted Attention - Jiyan x fem reader
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Synopsis: While going to the meet up place that you promised to see Jiyan, a drunk man started flirting with you. Jiyan interferes and guides you away from the man.
Genre: idk to be honest
Warnings: none!
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"Nice tits you have there, milady," a random drunk guy whistled at you as you made your way to the meeting spot that you promised to meet Jiyan. The man gazed at you for what seemed to be like hours, lust slowly showing in his eyes. You glared at him in disgust, visibly uncomfortable with being in the man's presence.
"Um, was that supposed to be a compliment?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
The man grinned, snapping his fingers, as if proud that you noticed. "Of course, sweet cheeks." Oh, that cringed you out even more.
"Well, I'm not interested in you. Bye," You turned around, not caring if he still wanted to talk. Just as you were about to0 walk away, the man grabbed your wrist. "Wait! Give me a chance!"
You flicked your wrist away from him, glaring at him in pure disgust as if he was molding trash. "I have a meeting with someone. Move."
"Such a feisty attitude. Come on, I won't bite!" The man teased. "Unless you want me to."
Annoyance bubbled in your chest as you opened your mouth to say something, but it was just then when an intimidating yet gentle figure formed behind you.
"She said she wasn't interested. Is that not clear enough?" a deep and soothing voice addressed, hif voice having an air of authority. You smiled, turning around to look at your beloved Jiyan.
His piercing yellow eyes held no mercy as he glared at the drunk man. You couldn't help but admire his chest, completely forgetting the previous man.
"And who the hell are you?" The drunk man slurred, irritated that someone interrupted his flirting. He was desperate to shoot his shot. "I was in the middle of courting that beautiful lady!"
You laughed, finally having your attention back at the man. it was honestly amusing that he thought that he had any chance to court you when Jiyan was around. Your heart and soul belonged to Jiyan only, but you laid low for a while as you watched how Jiyan would handle the situation.
"Unfortunately for you, you do not meet her standards. Besides, she is already with someone at the moment."
"Heh. So what? She obviously would change her mind if she gave me a chance." You could tell from Jiyan's impatient sigh that he was starting to lose his patience. 
He closed his eyes, reaching out to hold your hand in his gentle grasp. "We must depart now. We have a meeting to attend to. I would appreciate it if you stop bothering my lover."
The other man scoffed, not knowing how to react to Jiyan's polite tone. "Um. Fine..."
With a small hum, Jiyan walked away, hand in hand with you. You looked at him with an amused expression, ready to tease him at any moment. Jiyan loved you, and was willing to protect you no matter the situation. After all, you were the light of his life, and you loved him back just as much.
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Author’s note: I know most Wuwa simps simp for Scar, I kinda do too but I’m trying my best to hide the fact that I simp for Scar or else my girlfriend will tease me. Jiyan and Yinlin though, oh my goodness I simp so hard for them.
Anyways, this isn’t my proudest work. As some might be able to tell, it was rushed. I basically just put all of my ideas onto paper.
Jiyan though… he is hot and fine as heck.
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in-amess · 5 months
what happened to just messing around? pt.2
paige bueckers x oc
“You hate pomegranates?”
“I like peaches.”
“Wasn't my question, but I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
Hailey snaps her head towards Paige, trying to find out what she meant by ‘next time’. She brushes it off as a figure of speech.
Paige remains unaware of Hailey’s stare and continues to play with the cat in her lap, petting its head gently, and Hailey bites back a smile at the sight.
Hailey ignores the way Paige’s scent is starting to stain her sheets. She ignores how their time spent together is past the limit of their initial agreement. She ignores how Paige is still in her room, and brushes off the fact that it's a weekday when they agreed to meet only on weekends.
“You're staring.”
And that snaps Hailey out of her trance, “I was simply wondering why you’ve been smiling much.”
“I’m feeling happy today.”
“Because of me?” Hailey teases.
Paige doesn't say anything, but the way her eyes soften gives Hailey the answer.
“Would you like anything for breakfast?” Paige stands up and opens her cupboards, “I can cook pancakes, eggs and bacon if you’d like.”
Hailey bites her bottom lip, she knows she shouldn't stay. This is getting too intimate. Maybe she’s just overthinking. Maybe this is Paige’s farewell before she ghosts her for Lord knows how long.
“I may have to decline your offer, unfortunately.” Paige’s cat, Koi, paws its way to Hailey and begins rubbing on her shins, “Wouldn't wanna take up more of your time. I really appreciate it, though.”
Paige’s eyes soften and she breathes out a sigh, “Alright. I’ll walk you out?”
Hailey gathers her belongings and begins walking out with Paige trailing behind her.
“I’ll see you this weekend?”
“You have my number.” Paige smiles, “You took the bus?” she asks, looking over Hailey’s shoulder, searching for her car.
“I walked.”
Paige hums, “Wait here.” she goes back inside, leaving Hailey standing at her porch. Hailey twiddles with the string of her joggers. She raises her head up when she hears the jingle of keys.
“Paige, you don't have to.” Hailey says, even though she knows she’s not getting her way as hard as she tries.
“Not taking no for an answer!” Paige connects their hands and looks at Hailey with a glint in her eyes. Paige opens the passenger car door for Hailey. Hailey tucks her hair behind her ear, trying to hide the small smile forming on her lips.
Once in her seat, Paige hands Hailey her phone open on Spotify, indicating for her to choose a song.
Hailey skims through Paige’s playlists and chooses “Me & You Together Song” by The 1975.
The car ride concluded with a lot of singing and discussing the new Taylor Swift album. Paige was never a big fan of Taylor Swift, but Hailey got her into many of her songs. Paige's favourite album being 1989.
“Stay seated.” Paige tells her. Hailey watches Paige go around the car to open the car door for her with that stupid smile on her face.
“Milady,” Paige bows and Hailey can't help but slightly shove her.
“Such a gentleman.”
Paige winks at her and follows Hailey to her door. Paige puts her hands in her pockets, not knowing where else to put them. She thought about resting them on Hailey's waist but wasn't sure what her reaction would be so she went with the safer option.
Paige stops at her porch, her confident demeanor gone and all Hailey sees is a timid girl, unsure of what's to happen next.
“Thank you for giving me a ride home.”
“Anytime, Hailey. I'll see you next weekend?”
Paige gives her a small smile and slowly turns to leave. Hailey, in the moment, reaches for Paige's hand, squeezing, causing Paige to turn her head.
Hailey leans in, kissing Paige on the corner of her lips. Paige remains frozen in her spot, afraid the moment will end when she moves.
Hailey leans away, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, “Bye.” and she swiftly closes the door, leaving Paige agape on her doorstep.
Legend says, Paige is still frozen.
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curtsycream · 8 months
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She’s in Love
Jily x F!Reader
I love Lily and James two birds one stone, y/n is basically a James clone in some aspects, would that make her female James??, idk kinda au modern Hogwarts?
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“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
“I think you mean beyond gorgeous, lover.”
“I think I actually-”
The glare from Lily caused the two to snicker as they stopped their conversation. The library is a wonderful place except for when you bring your boyfriend and girlfriend with you. Lily just wanted to study in peace but the second they tagged along she knew she wouldn’t.
“Will you two please be quiet, the library is for studying not whatever you’re doing,” she hissed out.
James looks at Y/N who sits beside him, “I thought we were studying?”
“So did I? Being that beautiful needs to be observed and appreciated, Lilybud.”
“Zip it.”
“Yes ma’am,” James said.
“Whatever milady wants,” Y/N saluted.
Lily shook her head before running her fingers through her hair. Focusing on the pages once more she tucked strands of hair behind her ear. It didn’t work as well as she hoped as her hair always ended up back in her face. Clearing his throat James slide a claw clip across the table towards her. From the look on his face and how he slide it over made it seem like some kind of drug deal.
“Thank you,” she said taking the clip before putting up half of her hair.
“No problem, lilypad.”
She always noticed subtle things they did when they were around her. From James always carrying hair clips and such for her. To Y/N being more than eager to carry her things. Regardless of how she felt she knew they would always find a way to cheer her up. Although their idea of cheering her up usually involved teasing her until she pretended to be annoyed with them.
Out loud she wouldn’t admit how much they swayed her, how she started to fall. Walking back to the common room from the library she doesn’t have time to think as her book is taken. Looking back she noticed it was a grinning Y/N who was putting the book in the back pocket of her jeans. “It’s only fair…I want to hold your hand too.”
Lily smiled as she held her free hand out which Y/N gladly took. Standing between James and Y/N as they held hands filled her heart with warmth. The sound of their chatter vivid as they joke with each other. Each time they disagreed they would both look at Lily for her opinion. A laugh escaping her at their identical looks as they waited for her input.
Maybe it was how similar they were or how they didn’t waste time when it came to her. Either way she knew she would never give this up..
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Then There Was You ❤️
Summary; Eddie's ex left him heartbroken and you were there to pick up the pieces.
Eddie should be happy that Jessie is back but there's you, you who put the pieces of his broken heart back together, who made him smile on his worst days.
(This is just a lil fic to get me back into the swing of writing)
Warnings; Angst, heartache, fluff, minors dni
Likes or reblogs are much appreciated ❤️
I don't give anyone permission to copy, reuse or repost my work.
Eddie is smiling as you wake up, his fingers gently caressing your hair as you curl into his chest.
Mornings have been like this for a while, lazy and full of sleepy kisses, affection and the urge to do nothing but lay with each other, limbs entwined as the sun rises.
It's bad though... Bad because you can't risk falling even more for Eddie than you already have.
This was just meant to be sex between the two of you, meaningless, mindblowing sex to take Eddie's mind off his heartache from his ex leaving him.
Jessie had broken Eddie's heart two months ago by calling him a loser, good for nothing and driving away with Josh Harris in tow.
"He's actually making something of his life Munson, not working in a shitty garage and being a total loser"
In truth you had never liked Jessie at any point of the almost nine months she had been dating Eddie, she was stone cold but Eddie was too lovesick to see it.
Until it was too late. Then he came to yours a few nights after you left and you both got a little bit drunk and slept together.
It was the best sex you'd ever had and before both of you knew it the two of you were meeting up every chance you could.
Most of the night was about sex but there was lots of talking too, Eddie opening up to you and you to him, a lot of laughter shared and good times.
Two months down the line and pesky feelings had took root, you were hopelessly in love with Eddie.
There was this nagging feeling though that at some point Jessie would swan right back into Eddie's life, begging for forgiveness.
As for as you knew Eddie still loved her though you were too scared to ask and hear the answer for real.
"Hey, sleepyhead. How's my girl?" my girl him saying that makes you giddy even though you tell yourself not to get your hopes too high that he feels the same.
"Hmm, too early. Need kisses" he grins and dips down to kiss you.
"With fucking pleasure milady" you giggle as his stubble tickles your neck, he stops kissing you for a second and stares at you, his expression sweet, full of tenderness.
"You're so beautiful" he sighs and those three words make your heart beat like crazy.
"Right back atcha handsome" his cheeks turn pink and he hides his face in your hair, it's so cute and the morning only gets sweeter as you stay in bed kissing and cuddling.
It's a beautiful morning, you and Eddie in your own little bubble. You should have known it wouldn't last...
"Eddie, the pasta will get cold" you giggle as he kisses you, one hand caressing your face while the other sneakily grabs your ass.
"Wanna keep kissing you princess" he pouts and you giggle leaving closer to him as your lips capture his and he sighs in contentment.
Unfortunately, as you are getting a little hot and heavy there's a knock at the door.
"Bet that is Dustin, you know he loves your pasta dinners" you grin at Eddie and rush to open the door.
It's not Dustin, no who it is makes your heart sink.
Jessie is standing outside and smiles at Eddie when she sees him, she rushes over and hugs him and he stands shockas at she kisses his cheek and apologises.
"I'm so sorry honey, what I said was out of line, I never should have left. You're my Eddie bear and I've missed you". The sight of her hugging him makes you go cold, she's back and you know Eddie must be thrilled, angry yes but thrilled she came back to him.
She turns to you.
"Oh it's you" she huffs and Eddie goes to respond but you get there first.
"I should go. Leave you two to talk" Eddie shakes his head.
"Wait, sweetheart, you don't have to go" The option is to stay and witness their reunion which will inevitably turn loved up and you don't think your heart can handle it.
"You both need to talk" you repeat and grab your jacket, hiding your tears until your out the door.
Jessie is back and Eddie will be so happy, the tears fall down quickly and you wipe them away, hurrying to your car and heading home.
The next night Robin takes you to The Hideout and you're trying your very best to not fall apart, she knows all about Eddie and has spent the last ten minutes glaring at him.
Unbeknownst to you he's spent the last twenty sneaking glances at you and longing looks but Robin is too irate to notice that.
"It's fine Robin, I knew it was a no strings attached gig" she huffs.
"You're heartbroken so it wasn't that for you was it? You get tossed aside because the bitch is back" at this point Eddie walks up to you and Robin looks set to cuss him out so you manoeuvre Eddie away from her wrath.
"Hey," he runs his hand through his hair.
"I didn't expect her to come back," he tells you honestly and you know that's true but it's always been an eventuality that you knew could happen, that you dreaded.
"I bet you're happy though, deep down. Sure she apologised and stuff" he sighs.
"She did, wanted to pick things up where they left off. I... I slept on the couch and have had barely any sleep, just a lot of shit rattling in my mind"
Eddie looks pained at that moment, reaching out to you but looking so unsure of what to say so you decide to just cut to the chase.
"Look, It's okay, I always knew she would come back Eddie, this was just fun right?" you try to portray that you're aloof and that your heart isn't breaking but the emotions threaten to spill over.
"Right..." Eddie murmurs and you smile, it feels so fake and you wonder if he can see right through it but Jessie is soon beside Eddie and it hurts your already sore heart.
"Eddie, your friend is here again" she sounds so unenthused and you would love nothing more than to tell her a few home truths but you can't get the words out.
"I'll see you around Munson" You smile weakly and he swallows, big brown eyes gazing at you, full of many emotions, something you can't place.
"See you around? Maybe tomorrow we could... You cut him off as Jessie glares at him, hanging off his arm like a limpet.
"I'll probably be busy for a little while, work is hectic so maybe in a couple of weeks or something?"
"Weeks" he mumbles and you think you hear pain in his voice but dismiss it. You were just a fuck buddy nothing more, you were just getting your hopes up for nothing.
"Goodbye Eddie," you tell him and gently kiss his cheek. You feel his eyes on you as you go and resist every urge to look back at him.
Once you're gone Eddie feels a hollowness in his chest, like someone carved out his heart and stomped on it.
Jessie is fluttering around him and he stares at her feeling fury build inside of him.
"Why are you here?" she stops talking at that moment and looks at him stunned.
"Excuse me?" she demands.
"Why are you here? You swan back into my life like you didn't decide the grass was greener on fucking Josh Harris's side, like you didn't call me a loser and shit. Make me feel like nothing"
She looks lost for words, mouthing wordlessly.
"It was a mistake" he snorts.
"After two months you realise it was a mistake? What shit didn't work out with Josh so Eddie is a good ol back up huh?" her guilty expression gives it away.
"Unbelievable. I'm right aren't I?" she bites her lip.
"Come on Eddie. I apologised, I still love you" he shakes his head, no she loves that he was smitten for her, that she thought he would be easily manipulated.
"No, you don't, I loved you once yeah but it doesn't compare even a fraction to what I feel for... His eyes widen and her expression turns thunderous.
"For who? Yn? Are you fucking kidding me?" her anger makes him even more annoyed.
"You have no right to be pissed. You left and she was amazing, fucking amazing, at first it was just casual, just sex between us but I spent more time with her and yeah I fell in love with her, I love her" It's the first time he's said it out loud and it feels so good to let out.
"I love her," he says again and smiles then immediately face palms. Shit! He loved you bit he had no idea how you felt, you said it was just casual but he knows you so well, you were hiding your emotions.
Because you thought he still loved Jessie, he groans and turns to Jessie, her hand is on her hips and she looks pissed.
"I love her. You left and let's face it, we were never a good match anyway were we? We're done, Jessie, for good. Go find some other poor dickhead to make your bitch instead yeah?" he leaves her standing there and is determined to see you.
The urge to find Jessie and cuss her out for hurting Eddie is strong, however you tamper that down with some ice cream and a cocktail.
Eddie was a big boy, if he wanted to give Jessie another chance then it was up to him, even though it was killing you inside you would just have to deal with it.
Move on... the despair threatens to overwhelm you again so you decide to watch a movie, not a rom com, something spooky and scary, it occurs to you tonight would be movie night for you and Eddie and it sours your mood again.
Robin insisted you tell him how you feel but you didn't see what good that would do. It would just make Eddie more confused than he already was.
Lightning flashes in the sky, thunder rumbles as rain pelts down on the windows outside, and the storm threatening to hit Hawkins had finally begun.
Listening to the rain was calming to you, in fact, you had almost nodded off when the lights began to flicker erratically before going out completely.
You sure hoped you could find some candles stat, just as you were in the process of lighting a bunch of them your doorbell rings.
Probably Robin.
"Robin? Did you forget your keys again?" you open the door and Eddie is standing soaked to the bone, holding a now extinguished candle.
"Uh, the storm is crazy huh?" you pull him inside, filled with worry.
"You'll catch your death out there Eddie. Could have waited until morning to come you know?" he shakes his head.
"This couldn't wait. I had to see you" he shrugs of his jacket and places the candle on the table.
"Where's Jessie?" you ask even know you're not sure if you even want to know.
He shrugs. ''Don't know, don't care princess" his attitude makes you do a double take.
"I don't understand. This is what you wanted for her to come back? You love her?" his attitude was confusing you, why wasn't he happy.
"I did want her to come back. For a little while it's all I wanted. Then it faded and she came back, you think I would be happy but I'm not because it's been a day and I've barely seen you and I'm going crazy"
He strokes your cheek and you lean into him, hope filling your chest.
"All the time with Jessie and I've never felt a fraction for her or any woman the way I feel about you"
His eyes are shining brightly, full of...love.
"Eddie?" he kisses your forehead and you can feel your heart race.
"I don't want Jessie, haven't for a long time. I've fallen in love with you, head over heels in love with you princess"
His lips meet yours, he kisses you deeply, thumb stroking your cheek. "I love you" he repeats and you can't help the tears that fall down your cheeks, happy tears.
"Oh, I love you too Eddie. I've been wanting to say for a while but then Jessie came back and I thought I'd lost my chance" he kisses you again.
"I should have told you sooner sweetheart. Every day waking up to you in my arms is something I love more than anything, I love you"
His forehead rests against yours and he holds you close.
"Kinda spooky outside huh princess? Might need extra cuddles tonight?" you giggle and wrap your arms around him.
You know full well he loves storms and have caught him outside without a care in the world.
"Mmm, I love you, Eddie" he takes your hand leading you to your room where you make love all night long.
Jessie was long gone within a few days, she announced she was too good for Hawkins and went off with Josh yet again.
Not that you and Eddie noticed, it was Robin and Nancy who told you the whole story, you had kinda been busy lavishing in the love bubble you and Eddie were in.
You didn't expect to fall in love with Eddie or any of this to happen but you're so happy that it did.
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iwritefandomimagines · 9 months
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pairing: jamie tartt x reader
description: last time you saw jamie tartt, he’d laughed off your confession of feelings. now it’s new year’s eve, you’re at a richmond party, and he looks so fucking good in a suit.
warnings: swearing, bit of angst, bit of fluff, alcohol consumption, light sex references but no smut
author’s note: eeeek happy new year’s eve and happy new year for tomorrow all !!! sending lots of love n good vibes <3
You couldn’t even believe it yourself that you had agreed to attend the New Year’s Eve party that Dani had decided to host.
Sure, you loved any opportunity to hang out with the men you’d grown close to in your time working with the club, but given the way things went the last time you saw a certain Mr Jamie Tartt… You were regretting your agreement to come immensely.
Even worse, the last time you’d seen him was also at a squad event where one too many shots had been to blame for your actions, and you feared this would be repeated.
You’d stupidly let your guard down when he was flirting with you nonchalantly again, and confessed that you had feelings for him.
He’d laughed it off — assuming that alcohol and clouded your judgement instead of just instilling you with the boldness you needed to be honest.
Since then, you’d avoided him like the plague and turned down all of Keeley’s invitations to places you knew he’d be.
Given that you were only working with the club on a temporary basis anyway, avoiding him had been relatively easy.
But now here you were, because you had no other plans anyway and Keeley insisted that you couldn’t avoid Richmond forever — even if she didn’t know the real reason for it and believed you’d just been busy.
“Oh my God Y/N, you look well fit!” Keeley screamed when she saw you, eyes flitting over your frame before she yanked you into a tight hug, “I’ve missed you, babe!”
“I’ve missed you too,” you hummed, trying to quell the anxiety bubbling in your stomach as you felt all eyes on you, “Sorry I’ve not been around. Lots going on.”
“Too busy for us now, yeah?” Jamie sidled up to your side, a smirk on his face that you couldn’t quite tell the root cause of. Was he just pissing about or was he trying to be snide?
When you looked over at him, you felt your heart race even faster at the sight of him in a gorgeous, well-fitted, and frankly uncharacteristically smart goddamn suit.
Somehow, it made him look even more incredible than usual and only made the feelings you’d fought to deny since you last saw him become impossible to ignore.
You bit your lip, looking down for a minute and not catching the way his eyes scanned over you hungrily.
Your dress was certainly doing wonders for your figure, and he’d have been an idiot not to appreciate it, “Kiddin’, love. You look stunning. We’ve missed ya.”
You nodded for a moment, taken aback by his compliment even though they’d never been rare when you were around him more often, “Uh— thanks, Jamie. You still scrub up well, too. I’ve missed you all.”
Jamie’s smile softened now, reaching out his arm to link it with yours, “Wanna go get a drink, milady?l
You caught Keeley widening her eyes at him with a grin, as if encouraging him.
Oh fuck — did she know what had happened? Were they all laughing behind your back?
“I, uh, yeah sure,” you obliged, almost melting back into being comfortable with him like you used to, “Guess it is nearly midnight, I should probably catch up.”
And catch up you did — champagne glass after champagne glass being knocked back, while you tried your hardest to pretend that Jamie’s hand lingering on the base of your back every once in a while wasn’t driving you crazy.
It also didn’t help that there was a woman hanging around who you didn’t know — a woman who seemed very fond of Jamie, and spent much of her evening gracing him with lingering touches of her own.
He never complained, just smiled and continued about his evening like it was only natural that he was getting female attention.
Well, you supposed, it was.
It was somewhat nice to feel back to normal, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that everyone else was in the loop about something you weren’t.
It was five minutes to midnight now, and you decided that it was best you excused yourself for the countdown and got a little fresh air.
You were overwhelmed by suddenly being back around the Richmond squad — one man in particular — and weren’t sure you could stomach seeing Jamie’s inevitable new year’s kiss with a girl whose name you’d not even bothered to ask.
“What’re ya doing out here, love?”
God, try as you might, you would never get over the sound of him calling you love.
He was stood just behind you, the warmth of his breath fanning over your neck in the winter chill, “‘S nearly midnight.”
“I know,” was all you could muster up as you turned to face him, eyes avoiding meeting his as you took your bottom lip between your teeth.
His eyebrows furrowed as he watched how shy you were, and his hands left his pockets to tilt your chin up to look at him.
“All that time you spent away from us was ‘cos of me, wasn’t it?” his voice was quiet, almost inaudible, but it made your heart race all the same.
You gulped, “I was embarrassed. Didn’t want to see you again and be ridiculed.”
“Ridiculed? Y/N, I wasn’t gonna ridicule ya,” he shook his head, “I shut you down ‘cos I’m trying to be better. Been working on meself and I didn’t want you to do anything you’d regret with me.”
You’d met this Jamie before — this sincere, gentle, kind Jamie who was reserved only for those he held dearest. But it still startled you to hear him tell you all of this.
“I just—,”
“I wanted to kiss you, love, honest,” when did he get so close all of a sudden? “Just didn’t want you to hate me in the morning, or take back what you’d said or nothing.”
You swallowed thickly, “Jamie, I told you I liked you. I didn’t just throw myself at you and say I wanted to fuck you, or-or— anything like that. I was putting my heart out there and you just—you just laughed it off.”
“You were drunk, babe,” he sighed, “I didn’t know if you’d mean it all in the mornin’, that’s all.”
“Well, I did. Although more regretfully, after that.”
His eyes were sad now, almost glassy, as he watched you carefully to see what you’d do or say next.
You stepped back, your own eyes brimming with tears as your back met the fence of Dani’s balcony.
“I never meant to hurt ya, Y/N,” Jamie whispered, once again stepping closer, “I like you too, I just left you alone ‘cos I had some shit to get sorted before I could be good enough for you. ‘Nd I’ve been really trying.”
You finally gave in to the desire to make eye contact again, and felt your whole body crumble at the sound of his words, “You were always good enough, Jamie. I just— I thought I just wasn’t enough for you.”
He scoffed, his hand returning to your chin and his fingers caressing your cheekbones, “You’re too good for me, Y/N. Too good even for Jamie fucking Tartt.”
You let out a giggle at that, followed by a small sob, “What’re you saying here, Jamie?”
He looked down at his watch, “What I’m sayin’ is, it’s 15 seconds to midnight and I’d like to be your new year’s kiss. And, like, not to get ahead of meself… But I’d like to keep kissing you after that. Like, a lot.”
You nodded profusely, wiping away your few stray tears as you heard your friends calling out the final countdown inside, “3, 2, 1!”
He pulled you in close by your face, lips meeting yours with a furious passion as your arms enveloped the back of his neck.
It was everything you could have ever wanted… Even if you did feel fucking ridiculous for never just talking to him about it sooner.
“Happy new year, love,” Jamie smiled into the kiss.
You matched his smile, pulling back for a moment, “Happy new year, Tartt.”
You were silent for a moment as you just gazed at each other longingly, before a realisation hit you, “What about that girl in there, though? She was all over you.”
“Babe, I’m Jamie Tartt,” he shrugged, smiling smugly, “Just ‘cos the girls love me, doesn’t mean me mind hasn’t been focused on one girl in particular, even if she didn’t want to see me.”
“Oi, I wanted to see you, I was just scared to,” you stuck your tongue out as he grinned, “I’m so glad I came tonight.”
“Me fuckin’ too,” he licked his lips, “And in that dress… God, if you could see inside me head right now.”
“Down, boy,” you joked, fully conscious of the fluttering in your own stomach now, “If you’re good, you can take it off me later, yeah?”
Your lips met again hungrily now, your body pressed against the fence as you heard a round of whooping and clapping from your friends who’d found their way to the balcony now.
“A happy fucking new year indeed,” Roy showed the slightest hint of a smile as you and Jamie pulled apart again, blushing crimson, and interlocked your hands.
“Fucking finally.”
ok so i may have rushed to get this finish so i could post on nye — sorry if the ending is shit but i hope you enjoyed! pleaaase feel free to request more jamie if you’d like, obsessed again so i’d love that. meanwhile, here’s my masterlist!
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I LOVE TEN AND ONE SO MUCH YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i know you said that you’re not yet in soft!daemon feels but what if reader already got pregnant and seeing her pregnant makes daemon so feral & just want to breed her so much…………
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: After trying to get pregnant for months, you fell into a state where all you could do is cry. It left Daemon erratic and so easily triggered. To clear both your minds, he thinks a ride on dragon back would help, but it seems even Caraxes is not in a good mood.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Mentions of failed pregnancies/miscarriage, wife!reader, depressive episodes, smut (sad fucking, rough fucking, vaginal penetration, hair pulling, impregnation kink, claiming kink, cock warming ig), angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: CONGRATULATIONS FOR ACTUALLY CONVINCING ME TO MAKE A P2 OF SOMETHING. a word of caution though, it's probably not exactly what you expect. btw if you're new here, this is technically a part two to Ten & One, but you don't have to read it to get this. It will help you get in the feels more probably, but you don't need to read it to understand. I'd appreciate it if you did read it though LEAVE COMMENTS AND REBLOGS I HELD BACK ON THE PRAISE KINK BUT I ASSURE YOU MINE IS VERY REAL ISTG IM GOING TO GO FERAL IF NO ONE REPLIES TO THIS
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"Our home was once so warm," one of the head servants sigh to the two younger servants, "and not because of how Caraxes sometimes has fits, but because the lady of our house warmed it so," she shakes her head, "now she has done nothing but cry and my heart hurts for Lady Targaryen."
"I do hope she finds comfort soon," one younger servant adds with a frown, "my cousin said that her late lady eventually fell ill after grieving so long that she succumbed to her illness."
There was no ill-intent in their words, and yet he could not stand hearing it.
The sharp sound of a sword unsheathing promptly halts the servants.
Daemon is in front of them, coming out of the chamber they were meant to enter. He points Dark Sister at them, jaw clenching tightly at the words he heard them speak.
The three look to their master in fear as he takes a few steps closer to them, "I will not tolerate any word from any tongue about my wife."
Daemon watches them quiver under the gaze of his sword. Had he not been attentive of his wife, he would have killed them out of annoyance. Yet he doesn't, "do your task and leave at once."
The head servant nods and the servants scurry off into the room.
I was lying in bed, chest down, when I heard the telltale sound of footsteps. I peel my teary eyes open and mutter against the cushion, "Mileva?"
My childhood handmaiden turns to me and frowns, "yes, milady, I'm here. I have come to serve you your food."
My eyes begin to water again as I watch her set the food out on the table.
On theme with my other thoughts, I recall how she took care of me as a child, and then how she excitedly told me she was eager to do the same for my children. Her hair was now grey and yet I still had not even one child.
"Mileva," I whine, lips quivering as I reach my hand out to her for comfort.
Daemon walks back in, face hard and tense.
Mileva turns to me and sighs, "oh, sweet child." She walks over to me, taking my hand, kneeling by the side of my bed, "cease your sorrow. You will fall with child soon enough."
"But it's been a year since I've been wed," I sob, pulling her hand towards me, "what if something's wrong with me?"
"N-" "There's nothing wrong with you," Daemon quips before Mileva could speak the same words, albeit with more softness.
Mileva turns to Daemon who stood by the door, as if guarding it, then back to me, pressing a kiss on my knuckles, "my lady, take heart and regain your strength. I know you are going through a difficult season, but soon you will have what you so desire," she brushes my tears away with her calloused hands, "it is not uncommon to experience what you're going through. I myself grieved the same things you do when I first fell with child."
"Oh, Mileva," I weep helplessly, moving to sit up, "I had no idea, and I-"
"Enough, my girl," she hushes, grabbing both of my arms in her hands, "now please, do us all a favor and eat. I would never forgive myself if I allow you to lose yourself completely."
Daemon watches as I move to the table near our bed. Once I sit down, my husband speaks, "you may go now."
In exchange of the company of our servants, Daemon comes upon me, placing a hand on my shoulder as I dumbly look at the food I once loved.
"Your dear Mileva is right, you must regain your strength," he mutters, walking behind me, massaging both my shoulders.
"I feel I will be sick if I so much bring a spoon to my mouth."
He stills his actions then the drags the other chair close to me with a screech. "Shall you prefer I feed you then?" he asks, sitting next to me.
Daemon does nothing but look at me as I gaze off into the abyss that was a plate of food before me.
"I don't think I will ever find peace, Daemon," I mutter, mostly I think to myself, "I was with child," I start to feel tears burn in my eyes, "then I was not."
He brushes his fingers on my cheek, "The gods are to blame, not you."
I finally turn to my husband, chest heaving as salt water runs down my face uncontrollably. He frowns as he sighs, hand taking mine in comfort. I choke on more tears and fall to his side, unable to withhold the helpless yelps in my throat.
Daemon wastes no time in readjusting in his seat, expertly unclasping the holster on his waist, allowing his weapon to clatter to the ground. He then in one scoop brings me onto his lap, allowing me to nuzzle on his neck and pour my sadness onto his skin. His arms envelope around me, behind my back and over my thighs.
I bring my hands up to his cheeks, attempting to even out my breathing as I take in his familiar scent.
Once I finally felt like I wasn't suffocating, I begin to fiddle with Daemon's silver hair.
He leans against my touch. I pepper kisses on his cheeks.
For a moment, he is satisfied with this, but then decides to meet my lips with his own. His hands begin to tighten around me.
I release as sigh, pulling my hands away so I can readjust his grip o me and maneuver my legs over him. He makes no fuss when I straddle him, in fact his arms fiddle with the nightgown I did not bother to change out of from the night before.
My fingers travel to his tunic, and I begin to undo the its clasps. When my hand finally rubs the bare skin underneath his clothing, that's when he halts and pushes me off him to stop our kiss. He is finally certain of my actions.
I look at him. His eyes are closed and yet I could see his resolve dwindling. I place a peck on his lip as I grind down on him.
He groans, legs spreading beneath me. For a moment, he allows me to continue, but then his hands grab on my waist at an attempt to stop me.
I halt at just as he wants, but feel betrayal rise up my throat as I speak, "will you not even have me now, husband?"
Daemon releases a prolonged sigh, leaning his head back on the chair, lightly scratching my sides with his fingers, "with all my strength, I am not strong enough to even think of doing that."
I continue to buck my hips on him again.
His grip tightens but not in an attempt to withhold me.
"Then do not kid yourself by resisting me."
Daemon's eyes finally open with a grunt. The dizziness in his mind clears when he sees my face. He knits his brows and wipes my tears away, "my love."
I blink rapidly as I whine, "have me, Daemon, and end this mourning."
He calls my name, stilling me again with his hands.
This time, I bang on his chest in anger for trying to stop me, but then all at once, I crumble against him in a fit of tears.
Daemon kisses my cheek as he tightly pulls me against him.
We remain like this for a long while.
After being calmed by the sound of his breathing, I finally have the strength to cease my weeping. "I do want you, Daemon," I mutter against his cheek.
"I always want you, my queen," he replies, rubbing my back, "but I do not wish to take advantage of your sorrow."
I move against him again. He loosens his arms around me as I turn to him with glassy eyes, "then have me for no other reason than my own desire to have you, Daemon."
He is about to say something, but my hand on his hardened member takes the words out of his mouth. I palm his through his pants, "will you require me to beg for it on my knees?"
I pull away, hands snaking behind his nape, "I will be most eager to do so," I whisper, hips rolling atop his, "anything to take my mind off this, Daemon."
"Fuck," he hisses, hands tightening around me yet again.
This time, Daemon carries me to our bed and pushes me open underneath him. He hungrily kisses my neck and begins to rub his clothed member against my burning core.
"Take your clothes off," I whimper, urging his tunic and pants off.
In an instant, not only is he naked, but as am I.
Our lips take each other's desperately, and a satisfied moan fights between our kiss when I feel him enter me slowly. My limbs latch around him out of instinct and my fingers dig into the small of his back, urging him to move.
He whispers my name in my ear. He does so with much care that my heart quickens at it.
"I will try my best to be gentle, my love."
I whine at his sentiment, but I nibble his ear in response, "fuck gentle. Ruin me, Daemon. I don't want to walk around any time soon anyway."
Daemon begins to rut his hips into mine upon hearing this. He moves slowly at first, as if to measure the truth in my words. He then enters me at a quicker pace, exhaling deeply against my skin.
I whine his name out, "Daemon please, please, please, fuck me."
He heaves against me, "say that again."
I claw at him and whimper, "please, fuck me so hard I can't walk, Daemon." I match the movement of his hips, "make sure I have no choice but to stay in bed."
That's all it takes for him to thrust into me like a man gone mad.
The sound of skin slapping each other almost makes me unable to hear my cries.
He enjoys breaking my legs open and hammering into my heat. He enjoys it so much that he remains in this position for a while, savoring the feeling. He soon decides to move his hands up my legs and push my knees to my chest. Daemon lifts himself a bit, so he could hook my ankles by his shoulders. The more compromising position makes me stretch my hands above me and grip at the pillows for dear life.
I cry so hard that I don't hear anything else. I'm sure even if there weren't anyone near our chambers, my screams would still be heard.
"Do you like it when I take you like this, wife?" he asks, or challenges almost.
I'm too fucked up to reply and only the in sync rising and falling of my voice to his relentless slamming was what he got out of me.
He finds a more secure stance on his knees, and he latches his fingers under my knees as he drives into me like it was what was going to keep him alive.
His breathing is unbelievably controlled in comparison to my raggedy hitches.
As Daemon looks before him, his hands reach out to my core then to my belly. His mind floods with obscene images of previous couplings. He groans at the ideas flooding his head. He rubs my belly, "you will look so glorious filled up with my seed."
I whine as his hands grab my breasts.
"Maybe I should fill up all your pretty holes, hmm?" he pants, "but maybe then your body wouldn't know what to do with my seed anymore."
I release a string of curses as my hands shoot up to grip his biceps. My back arches to better feel him and mentally thank myself for it, screaming ecstasy when he knocks on me just right. He chuckles in satisfaction, "so fucking eager, my love."
In a twist of fate, he pulls out of me.
I'm too delirious to even realize it or manage to complain. All at once I'm being flipped onto my knees. I do however know exactly when he pulls on my hips and slams into me with dare I say more intent. I don't even manage to push myself on my arms as I am utterly boneless against him.
His response to the sound of his name was to rub my sensitive nub with his keen fingers. His other hand yanks on the roots of my hair, "who does your cunt belong to?"
I growl, one hand coming to his that was pulling my head back. I am even more unable to push myself up. I scream his name.
"Mine," he growls, "mine," he flicks his hips.
He yanks on my hair again, "say it. Who do you belong to?"
"You," I heave, "you, you, you, you-"
"Good," he praises as I loose my mind, "I'll make sure you only ever cry over how good my cock makes you feel," he mutters breathily. And although his words are lewd, there is a certain sincerity to it.
Much like before, because I never really stopped, tears begin to drip from my eyes in a tinge of pleasure, pain, and residual sorrow.
Daemon massages my scalp with his fingers as his thrusts reach a quick and steady pace. I can almost feel him hit inner most parts of my mind and taste him on my tongue.
My head helplessly crumbles onto the cushions when he releases me so he can piston inside me at a better angle. My screams are finally muffled.
My husband seems not to appreciate it as he yanks my hair back and forces my shouts to me audible again, "let them hear me breed my you, wife, scream out who makes you feel like this."
At this point, I've left my mouth gaping too long that my throat dries up and the sounds of his name that I produce leaves a burning sensation.
I feel my stomach begin to tighten at his ministrations.
"That's right," he encourages, "chase that feeling on my cock," he says, "come around me, darling. Come on."
My hips instinctively buck against him at the sound of his encouragements.
Daemon revels in the repetition of his name. He feels like he is invincible at the praising sounds.
I inevitably quake around him as if it was the surface beneath that forced me to do so. My voice is absolutely wrecked at the cry that leaves my lips.
Daemon rubs my core again, milking my reaction for all he's got.
Once even my knees began to give in, that's when I feel Daemon's heat shoot into so sharply that my body quakes all over again. He fucks into me even after. There is so much of him that I feel him drip out of me with wet squelching sounds.
My womanhood is practically crying at this point.
"I'll do you well, wife," he announces, pace drastically slowing, "I'll fuck you good even if the gods obstruct your womb from carrying my seed."
I repeat his name over and over again.
Daemon finally stops, but he does not exit me. He rubs my butt in a soothing attempt, "let me stay like this for a while, your cunt is leaking."
I shake my head, "no please, turn me over. I want to hold you, Daemon."
He does not dare deny me this.
He quickly uses his strength and expertly has me on my back, barely pulling out as he does so.
He wraps my legs around him snugly as he eventually presses his chest against mine. I seal his torso in my arms. He sighs in content when he finds his face on the crook of my neck. He lazily kisses my skin as his his arms loop around my own body.
"I love you, Daemon," I mutter, fingers lightly grazing his skin.
"I love you," he responds, "I will continue to be a slave to your desires."
"Good," I pipe up blinking away the tears that were left in my eyes, "I don't want you to leave me today. Stay right here, like this."
Daemon kisses my neck, "I wouldn't dare move from where I lie."
A good seven days passed, and I was feeling a lot more myself.
Daemon, in all his paranoia that something would happen to me the moment he's not looking, made sure to either not leave my side, or to bring me everywhere with him. And since he really did leave me in quite a discomfort after our intense fucking, it was only now that he was able to bring me along to accomplish his errands.
In all his smugness, he offered to carry me if I still found it difficult to walk. I, of course, slapped him because of this. It obviously didn't hurt him, because I meant it not too, but he promised me he'd get even for it.
Today, we were apparently going for a ride on dragon back.
"How have you been, boy," Daemon calls in High Valyrian as we made our way to his dragon.
Caraxes whines the way he always does. I smile at the creature, sensing somehow that he had missed his rider. Daemon catches this and squeezes my hand in response.
All at once, Caraxes whines shift into a louder more desperate version, dare I say it was a form of discomfort. The unforeseen reaction makes me nervous, especially when the large creature makes his way towards me.
Daemon feels Caraxes' agitation, but he is more concern about mine, which is why he releases my hand and raises it up to the dragon. He promptly scolds the beast in a long string of High Valyrian I wouldn't have been able to understand even if I wanted to.
Caraxes screeches, seemingly determined to go to me.
I decide to walk back slowly, although I do this out of concern more than fear. Perhaps he wanted his rider all to himself. I agree with my mental thought, since deep down, I knew Caraxes would not turn to me will ill-intent.
One of the keepers, I find, is suddenly ghosting a hand over my arm. I gasp at the unexpected touch and furrow my brows at his words that I do not understand.
Daemon's gaze rips away from his dragon over to the keeper, "what did you say?"
The keeper turns from me to my husband, hand pulling away so he could motion to the restless Caraxes.
Daemon's face contorts at whatever it was that he was told. My concern now drifts from the dragon to his rider, "Daemon? What is it?"
He turns away from me, back to Caraxes, hushing him, "I understand now, boy."
I look at Daemon as he offers me his hand without turning away from his mount. I wordlessly take his hand in mine. Daemon pulls me slowly in front of him, hands going to my sides.
Caraxes stands on his legs upon seeing me, letting out a powerful roar.
I reel back, pressing against my husband's chest, "Daemon, I-"
"It's alright," he mutters against my ear.
Daemon looks up to his dragon then screams some sort of accusation.
Caraxes lands back on his claws, huffing out so deeply that there is a strong gust of air that nearly blows me away. Had it not been for Daemon behind me, perhaps I would have fallen on my ass.
Suddenly, I hear Daemon shudder. His hand travel to my belly. He takes one step forward, moving in front of me and calls my name out in praise before kneeling before me.
I look down at him in concern, almost not noticing how Caraxes brings his snout close to me.
I am distracted by the dragon head that I almost don't hear Daemon say, "you're with child."
My hand darts up to Caraxes and my eyes widen as I turn back down to my husband.
He kisses my skirt, but I shake my head in disbelief, "don't mess with me, Daemon."
Daemon looks up at me then stands. He hushes me as he takes my face in his hands, "Caraxes can sense it," he presses a kiss on my forehead, "the gods have finally bended to my will."
Tears begin to glaze my eyes. "Daemon," I grip his wrist and look up at him, "I'm so happy, but what if-"
"Shhh," he pulls me against him, "I will not have you speak ill of this glorious discovery."
I begin to weep, and it seems Caraxes does not enjoy it for he huffs helplessly upon hearing it.
"I will be here, my love," he mutters, "I will do all I can to make sure nothing harms you or our child."
Caraxes makes a sound that seems to be of agreement.
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Blueberry Cupcake
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: couple dirty jokes lol but otherwise nothing! Maybe some self confidence issues? 
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this took so long love! I hope you like it <3 
Requested: by anon, Your pined post says request open! ❤️ Could I request Steve harrington x reader,  where the reader shows up to scoops ahoy as often as possible just to talk to him/try to get the courage to ask him out?
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“You are going to die at these new flavors.” Steve’s lips were curled into a smile as he leaned against the counter when you approached. There was a light on his face but his hair was dimmed by the required hat. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’ve only been gone a week,” you argued. He shook his head. 
“The Scoops Ahoy Gods have been here since the last time you were,” he explained. The shop was otherwise empty aside from stragglers. It was only Steve at the front this afternoon, a slow day at the ice cream counter. It was drizzling outside and the rest of Hawkins had decided to stay inside. You couldn’t blame them. You almost skipped the trip to the mall today. Saving money and being cozy in bed was an alluring daydream. The look in Steve’s eyes made you happy you had come though. He was the only reason you got out of bed that particular morning and put on some half decent clothes. It was always more exciting to get dressed with the prospect of seeing someone who might appreciate the clothes. 
“Well?” You gestured to the ice cream. 
“This one, is lemon cookie.” He made a face like he was melting, hands dragging down his cheeks in an exaggerated manner. You giggled, shaking your head. “This one-” he paused for effect, “-blueberry cupcake. Actual cupcake pieces in it.” You nodded slowly as he went down the line of new flavors. They all seemed good, aside from a couple random ones. But you never really came here for the ice cream. Regardless, to appease him, you picked one of the new ones and stood there as you tasted it. 
“Positively delightful,” you promised. He smiled brightly. 
“I knew you would love it. You’re my most loyal customer.” 
“Erica Sinclair out of town or something?” 
“You’re my favorite customer,” he said with an eye roll.
“Just because Dustin Henderson is still at summer camp.” 
“Stop arguing with me and take the compliment.” You nodded, a soft smile on your face. You leaned against the counter to the side, just in case someone wanted to come in and grab a scoop. 
“No Robin today?” 
“Nope. They shoved me out here all by my lonesome.” 
“You need to learn the priority of self confidence, Steve Harrington.” 
“I have self confidence. Plenty of it.” A girl approached, probably a little older than you. You didn’t recognize her and you knew you would’ve. She had a gorgeous head of braided hair, along with a dazzling, kind, approachable smile. The sight of her made your heart sink. Steve moved to the counter once more. 
“Good afternoon milady,” he said, smoothly. “Care to join me on this adventure of flavors?” You rolled your eyes and moved aside. To your surprise, she laughed. You breathed sharply through your nose. Usually he just got an eyebrow raised with that line. 
“I would love to. Got any favorites?” 
“I have many but not one compares to you.” Her smile grew at the flattery. You rolled your eyes and took a bitter bite of your ice cream. 
You had been coming to the mall for Steve. But he was never here to see you. He was here to do his job and flirt with girls. You aren’t special because he flirts with you when you’re around. You missed Robin and her even keeled voice, the one that would promise you he had struck out with every other girl in Hawkins. 
You took a deep breath and tossed your ice cream. It wasn’t that good anyway. You didn’t even bother a wave as you left, leaving his voice to drown out as you got further away. Suddenly the rainy weather was only furthering your solemn mood. 
Despite your better intentions, you returned to Scoops Ahoy a couple of days later. Robin had called you the day before to complain about him and you were all too happy to oblige in her distaste. You were happy to see her at the counter when you approached. It was a little busier today but there was no line. 
“Hey,” she said evenly as you approached. “Long time no talk.” You opened your mouth to retort back when the back door opened. 
“Where have you been?” Steve questioned, pushing the back door open with force. Your eyes went wide in mock annoyance. 
“School. Working. Why?” 
“You haven’t come in,” he explained, approaching the back of the counter. 
“It’s not like I was talking to her or anything,” Robin said, rolling her eyes. She jutted her elbow onto the counter, watching him with a slight form of amusement. 
“You can talk to her whenever,” Steve grumbled. “What happened? We didn’t even finish our conversation the other day.” Suddenly, in the presence of his puppy dog eyes, you felt kind of silly. You had left him without saying anything and hadn’t mentioned it. You were slightly surprised he had even brought it up. You would’ve let it move past silently, content in not knowing why the slight awkwardness had happened. 
“I had to leave,” you explained. It was weak but nothing else came to mind. “I had to go back home,” you tried. He furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Okay. Well next time let me know, alright?” You nodded gently, happy to let the situation go. 
“What are you having?” Robin questioned. You looked at the flavors and Steve remained with an eager look.
“How about the lemon cookie?” Steve’s easy smile returned and he nodded once before trying to talk to the customer behind you. Robin gave you a look that said, you folded too easily. You shrugged. He would have gotten you out of it sooner or later. 
The next day it rained again. You were busy with college work, knee deep in homework. You were barely able to look up, let alone go and visit Steve. For the time being you were attempting to distance yourself from him, for the sake of both of you. You couldn’t pine for him forever when he clearly just saw you as a friend. The schoolwork was a worthy distraction. 
You didn’t hear the phone ringing until it had been going for forty five seconds. 
“Will you get that?” your roommate called from the other side of the building. You looked up, only to the sound of her voice. You were finally aware of the incessant ringing. You moved your papers aside and finally found the phone. You picked it up, finger wrapping around the cord. 
“Hey! I hope you don’t mind, Robin gave me your number.” You were stunned into silence. Steve was calling you. Despite him giving you the reason he had your number, it still took you a moment to pull together any kind of information. “Hello?”
“Hi! Sorry, cut out for a second. What can I do for you Steve?” 
“I know it’s raining but I thought you could come keep me company,” he suggested. “It’s really lonesome by myself in the Scoopys Ahoy this afternoon.” You pursed your lips. Was he asking you to hang out for ulterior motives? Or was he really just bored and you were the first person to come to mind? How had he asked Robin for your number? Why hadn’t she told you? Your silence was not a green flag to him. “Or not. I’m sure you’re busy-”
“No, sorry I’m still in study brain.” 
“Ah the good old study brain. I know him well.” You rolled your eyes. 
“What time does your shift end?”
“Well then I will be by before then.” You could practically see the smile on his face at his cheerful answer. 
“Okay cool. Sick. See you then.” 
“See you then Steve.” You hung up the phone quickly, squinting at it. You didn’t know what his intention was but you didn’t exactly like it. You looked back down at your school work, deciding to abandon it as you went to find an outfit. 
Steve was still holding the phone when you hung up. He could hear the dial tone but he couldn’t bring himself to put it down.
“Well?” Robin asked, eyebrows raised and wide eyed. 
“She said she’s coming by before my shift ends,” he explained. Robin nodded. 
“That’s good. When I see her I’ll hide in the back.” Steve finally put the phone down and swallowed hard. Usually he was okay with this type of thing. Flirting, asking people out, getting rejected. But he knew he would miss you coming to see him if you said no. He knew you would stop coming if there was some sort of awkward barrier between the two of you. He didn’t want that. 
But he wanted you. 
He cleared his throat and nodded. 
“What am I supposed to say again?” Behind Robin’s head was the white board, taunting him with rejections. He had thought it was funny when she did it but now it seemed like a slap in the face. 
“Ask her to hang out after your shift. That’s all.” Robin crossed her arms. This was harder than she thought it was going to be. You liked him, he liked you, how could you not get together? Clearly it was taking some pushing on both ends though. She better be invited to the wedding. 
“When do you think she’ll come?”
“Before your shift ends dingus,” she muttered, shaking her head. She returned to the counter as a customer approached. Steve was left alone in the back room with his thoughts and doubts. Everytime you came to see him it was like every light in the room had brightened. He thought about losing that, about losing you. Would you laugh in his face, like every other girl he talked to here? He couldn’t bear it. This was an awful idea. His stomach churned. He pushed open the door and hoped they would get so busy, he would forget you were even coming. 
At 3:30 you finally arrived. You felt like your body was sagging with all the information in your head weighing it down. You had been distracted by homework even while you got ready, thinking about all the things that could go wrong this week. It made this thing with Steve seem less important, so you could worry about it less. But now that you were here, you could feel the nerves settling back into your stomach. 
Steve was behind the counter. He stood up straight when he noticed it was you. 
“Hey,” he breathed. 
“Hey,” you said back, a small smile on your face. “Why isn’t Robin working today?” you questioned. They were typically shift partners. She hadn’t mentioned going out somewhere that would warrant her taking an unprecedented day off. 
Steve, knowing full well Robin was in the back, shrugged. 
“They thought I could handle it by myself.” You raised an eyebrow. 
“You’re moving up in the world, Harrington. Are you the manager yet?” 
“You know no one would let that happen,” he argued. He moved over to the ice cream. “This one’s on me but I get to choose.” You nodded once. 
“I’ll take that.” He hoped no one else would come for the last hour. Should he just ask you now? The words seemed daunting. He could hear his blood pumping in his ears. He had literally fought monsters, why was this the thing to take him out? He scooped you some blueberry cupcake and handed it over. “Thanks.” 
“How’s studying?” 
“Draining,” you admitted without a beat. “I can only hold so much in my brain at once.” He remembered his days of essay writing which didn’t help his confidence in the moment. 
“They should invent pillows you can stick information into.”
“That’s a million dollar idea, Harrington. You should trademark that.”
“I wouldn’t even know where to start.” 
“We can figure it out together over a lot of ice cream.” You briefly wondered if this was going to be his job in the fall too. Would he leave for school then? How far would he go? 
“I like that.” He cleared his throat. “You know, we could see each other when I’m not on the clock too.” You took a bite of your ice cream, listening intently. Your eyes remained on him. He tried not to quiver under your wide eyed gaze. “Like if you have nothing going on today…” You caught on. You swallowed your ice cream to ignore your breath hitching. 
“Like a date?” 
He shrugged as nonchalantly as he was able to. 
“If you want.” 
“I would like that,” you admitted. “Are you just asking me because none of the other girls coming into Scoops Ahoy have given you the time of day?” He tried not to wince. 
“I’m asking because I want to,” he said honestly. “And Robin held me at knife point. I think she’s tired of us dancing around…whatever this is.” 
Whatever this is?! 
He could feel it too? You thought it was entirely one sided, fueled by your delusions. You couldn’t help but smile. 
“I’ll have to thank her next time I see her.” You pulled up a stool to sit on the side of the counter, allowing you to continue talking. “You have a place in mind?”
“We could go wherever you wanted. Grab food, hell we could go to the arcade if you wanted.” You laughed gently. 
“I think I’ll pass on the arcade right now. But I wouldn’t mind an entree to go with my dessert.” 
The nerves wore off quickly once you both realized you were on the same page. You sat on the stool in the back, the few magazines on the table keeping you company while Steve dealt with customers. You poked at your blueberry cupcake ice cream as you turned the pages. 
The divider window opened up. You raised your head. 
“Nice hat,” Steve said. You had forgotten you stole his work hat, which was sitting very gracefully atop your head. 
“Everyone’s gone.” 
“Then come back here,” you said, gesturing to the empty room. 
“You’re too distracting when I'm back there with you alone. I need supervision.” Robin made a gagging noise, though you couldn't see her. You smiled sheepishly and got up, pushing the magazine aside. 
“You know you could hang out after he gets off right?”
“We hang out during me getting o-”
“Shut up. Shut up.” Robin covered her ears and walked into the back room. You laughed at the sly attempt at a joke. Steve wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer. You were glad you had stolen his hat. He looked much better without it. 
“She’s right. I think we’re feeding into codependency.”
“Our relationship was built on the foundation of you coming to see me while I work.” 
“That was because I didn’t see you after work.” His fingers held onto yours. He smiled down at them, like a prized possession. 
“I like to maximize my time.” 
Robin gagged in the back again.
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stardustand-pearls · 10 months
Peter Pevensie x reader
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
I sat in the garden, picking at my nails, a habit my mother despised. I had just found out that I was betrothed to High King Peter, something that I had suspected for a while now. My siblings had all wed, leaving me as the only unmarried member of my family. The kingdom, once under my father's domain, now thrived under my eldest brother's rule, granted to him upon his marriage with Lady Eleanor of Galma.
I was brought back to reality by my mother's voice. "Y/N!" My mother called out. Startled, I quickly rose and gathered my skirts, going to meet my mother. "What is it, Mother?" I ask, slightly breathless. "Are you prepared?" She asks me, standing with her hands firmly planted on her hips. I meet her eyes, my brows furrowed. "Prepared for what?" I questioned, fidgeting with my dress. With a scoff, my mother acted as though the answer was obvious. "For our trip to Narnia, of course. What else?"
I sat in my carriage, once again picking at my nails whilst idly looking out the window. I passed beautiful scenery, something I couldn't fully appreciate at the moment. "Stop that!" My mother scolded, a deep frown etching her face. "Stop what?" I responded, my face mirroring her expression. "Stop picking at your nails! I lothe that filthy habit. A proper bride would not do such a thing." She sneered.
I firmly place my hands in my lap, biting my lip as an attempt to settle my nerves. The rising anxiety was undeniable. What if King Peter did not care for me? What if he takes one look at me and decided to call off the wedding? With a sigh, I push all those feelings away for now, deciding that dwelling will only make things worse.
After many hours, we finally arrive at Cair Paravel. Peering out the window, my eyes widen in surprise. While I'd heard of this castles breathtaking reputation, I didn't expect this. It wasn't overly decorated with gold, and huge monuments, it was beautiful in it's simplicity.
I open the carriage door, gathering my skirts and jump out. I grab my bags, whilst my mother chooses a different approach, allowing the servants to manage her belongings. While I could have done the same, it wouldn't have felt right, not when I can carry them myself.
When I've placed my bags in my chambers, I look around. It was quite different from my chambers at home, but not necessarily in a bad way. A little while later, I decided that some fresh air would do me good. I look around for my mother, but she is nowhere to be found. Slowly, I make my way to the garden, looking at all the different flowers.
At the sound of a twig snap, I quickly spun around. I saw a tall man, with messy hair that fell into his blue eyes, he wore simple clothing. I recognised him from somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before. "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, milady." He said, bowing slightly. I offered a slight curtesy back, not knowing whether he was royal or just a stable boy. "Oh, it's alright, I am just exploring the garden. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. A hint of mischief flashes in his eyes. "I'm no one whose name concerns you, miss." I give him a slight smile, but my mind couldn't help but wonder, who is this mysterious man? He grins at me before offering me a goodbye. He took my hand in his and pressed his lips against it. "Untill we see again, milady." I have no time to respond, for he is gone within seconds.
When I get back to my chambers, I decide on taking a bath. I let Clara, my maid, know. I sit down on my bed, I slowly unravel my braid, thoughts of the man in the gardens lingering. But, alas, there is no rime to dwell. Clara enters the room with some hot water, and fills up my bath. I smile and give a silent thanks before climbing into the water. Clara leaves the room, and I'm left alone with my thoughts until the water turns cold, prompting me to get up and wrap myself in a towel.
As I'm drying off, Clara re-enters the room. "Which dress today, miss?" Clara asks, opening my chest. "The blue one, please. And Clara, I've told you countless of times, call me Y/N." I say, feeling a smile tug at my mouth. "And I've told you countless of times: no." Clara responds, holding up my blue dress, smiling at me. I laugh slightly and nod in acknowledgement. I put on my chemise and Clara assits me with my corset. I must have put a corset on hundreds of times, but I'd never get used to it. Suddenly, my mother enters. "Ah, there you are, my dear. You're scheduled to meet High King Peter in... oh, just fifteen minutes," she informs me, a gleeful smile on her face. "Clara, please tighten her corset." I shoot a disapproving look at my mother, but before I can protest, Clara tightens my corset, apologizing, "Sorry, miss," with a sympathetic smile. I pull my blue dress over my head and leave with my mother.
As we make our way to King Peters study, I wipe my hands om my dress. The nerves that I had repressed sudden made themselves known. My mother and I make our way to his study before Peter, and we wait. "Stand straight, dear." My mother comments, frowning slightly. I sigh but comply. Just as I turn, a familiar face catches my eye—the man from the garden! My initial smile fades into confusion as I notice his regal attire. I blush, realizing my embarrassing mistake in addressing High King Peter as a commoner before. As he approaches, I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the encounter.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Thank you for reading! English is not my first language, so I hope that this is alright! This is the first part of a series I plan on doing. If you liked it, please leave a like. :))
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ranscutedoll · 5 months
Solid Land
Rindou x reader W.Count: 1058 Genre: Angst to Fluff, reader has family problems, incredibly self-indulgent
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Rindou didn't know what to expect when you called him. Truth be told you had disappeared on him and he was growing a bit worried. So when he answered the phone and heard you sniffing, he abandoned everything to run to your side as fast as he could.
The moment you saw his car make the turn and enter your street, you ran towards it. You knew that disappearing wasn't healthy, but so far it was a coping mechanism that had been working for you. Sadly the amount of times that Rindou had reassured you that it was ok to talk to him when you needed someone, assuring you that you were not a burden, seem to had fallen on deaf ears once more. But he couldn't be angry with you. You may had been putting on a strong front most of the time, seeming almost unapproachable, but he knew that deep down there was a gentle soul, that longed to be cared for. And he vowed to himself to be there for you.  So seeing the tears that were running down your face pained him dearly.
The moment you sat yourself into the passenger seat, Rindou pulled you in a hug. A hug you realized you needed more than anything at that moment.
"I am here for you, darling. I am here" he comforted, while running his hands up and down your back to sooth your nerves. "Let it out sweetheart" he said as he kissed your temple, encouraging and letting you process the emotions you were feeling. It took a while, but once you seemed to have finally relaxed a bit, you retracted from him with a shy yet grateful smile, which Rindou made sure to reciprocate. He momentarily broke the eye contact to retrieve a blanket, he had brought with him, from the back seat, throwing it around you, trying to make you feel as comfortable as one could in such a cramped space.
"Want to talk about it?...I am not going to force you, but I am here for you, you know that" he spoke calmly, without a hint of judgment in his voice or tone.
"I...Thank you, Rin... I, I guess I have been feeling overwhelmed? My family has been pressuring me in every area of my life and it is getting a bit much. I feel like I am suffocating" you confessed feeling a new set of tears. Rindou knew of how your family was; and he hated it.  He hated how they always kept asking for more and more, draining your energy and motivation. You had to be perfect at school, perfect at social interactions, perfect, perfect, perfect.  Nothing was good enough for them.
"And the control...the micromanaging...sometimes it feels like I am not even an actual human being, that I am just a robot made to cater to their needs" you chuckled bitterly.
Rindou didn't know what to say...he knew that whatever he could or would say could only be words of encouragement.  And such words mattered of course they did. He just wished he could do something to actually help you, other than just listening to you.
"Wanna go for a drive, pretty? And get some comfort food? Or go to the beach?" he inquired. A night away might be of help, he thought. And you smiled, like you always did.  "You are an angel,  you know that Rinnie? A knight in shinning armor"
"Only for you, milady" he said and sealed it off with a wink, starting the car.
You soon found yourselves in the drive through of your favourite fast food places with Rindou rolling down the window to order for the both of you.
"...and a kid's meal, please...Yes, thank you" and that cracked you up. A kid's meal? At your age? Rindou looked at you defensively
"You know you want it! I even told the cashier to put the toy in there" and you laughed. He was honestly so precious.
"I love you so much Rinnie.  I appreciate having you in my life so so much" you said solemnly while playing with his hair a bit. Rindou was your safe space amidst a sea of chaos and uncertainty, he was your solid land.
Once the goods were retrieved, Rindou drove the two of you up the hill and parked at a spot that overlooked the city. The stars above you shining, reminding you of how fleeting life's problems can be.
The two of you sat quietly for a few minutes, taking in the view and basking in each other's presence. It felt serene, calm...rejuvenating. 
You were the first one to make a move to grab the food, and you truly felt grateful
"Thank you Rinnie.  I know i probably said it many times already, but thank you"
"You're welcome, baby. I'll always be there for you, no matter what. Don't let the problems of others affect your life or define your worth. You're priceless to me...now c'mon...open that meal, i wanna see what toy they gave us" you snickered at that. Of course he did. So you complied making quick work of the box and pulling out a small plush toy.
"It's Cinammoroll!!!"
"Bleh...too soft" he teased and you both burst out laughing.
"What, I thought you liked soft things?" you said with a fake hurt voice. Rindou hummed and reached for your cheek.
"Well, I do like SOME soft things" he said and pinched your cheek hard. You made a sound of genuine hurt and before you could say anything, he moved his head to kiss the spot he pinched.
"Are you feeling better sweet angel?” he asked once he had retreated back to his seat.
“Mmm, yeah...Thanks to you” you smiled at him as you reached towards the rear-view mirror hanging the Cinammoroll plush there. “A small present” you joked a bit. You knew how Rindou would react.
“There’s no way that stays there!” and reached to remove it, but you slapped his hand away.
“Noooooo, it’s cute!!!!” you laughed
“No buts!” you laughed not having any of his arguments.
In the end, it was moments like these that life felt good and worth living. The night breeze gently rustling through the car, you and Rindou sharing food with each other, knowing that you had found solid land in each other.
A/N: If you liked it please consider leaving a like, comment or reblog <3 Have a lovely day <3
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chloe-skywalker · 10 months
Propersitautions - Robb Stark
Part 2
Rob x fem!reader Targaryen
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 1,133
Summary: Y/n’s stayed with Robb for awhile now and it’s time for her to go back to Dany and tell her what he’s decided. Has Robb got something in mind?
Authors Note: Here’s part 2! I’m sure some of you know where this is going. . . But if you don’t enjoy and enjoy if you do enjoy. I’ve loved writing for “Game of Thrones”. So expect more!!! (maybe a part 3? With Her going back to Daenerys and tell her)
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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“How are you enjoying your stay with us, Milady?” Robb asked after all the other Lords and his mother had left his tent. It had been two moons since they first met and they had gotten to know each other quite well. The two would consider each other friends.
“It’s been quite enjoyable your Grace.” Y/n smiled walking over to be closer to him.
Robb shook his head at her addressing of him. Not wanting their to be a title for him from her. “Please just call me Robb.”
“Then please Robb just call me Y/n.” She wanted the same as him between them. No formalitles, just friendship.
“I’m sorry we don’t have better accommodations for your stay.” He told her with a apologetic look. Robb wanted to empress her but he lacked the situation to do so.
Y/n shook her head with a wave of her hand. “Your in the middle of a war. Don’t apologize for things out of your control.”
Given the circumstances Y/n appreciated the sentiment but he didn’t need to apologize for something out of his control, he had provided her with a lot and he didn’t have to.
“I’ve appreciated your wisdom in the war meetings since you’ve joined us.” Robb spoke changing the subject with a tilt of his lips up at the corners at the recent memories.
“I’m honored you want me to attend them.” She was grateful that he seemed to value her opinion. That was rare for a woman.
“I quite enjoy your take on things. Your view.” He smirked as he told her. She had no fear of speaking her mind in a room full of opinionated men. “And how you can put any man in his place.”
Y/n smirked tilting her head with humor written in her eyes. “I’m sure I could beat them in battle as well, but we are on the same side.”
Robb laughed but he nodded in agreement not putting it past her. He’s seen her fight, Robb doesn’t doubt her words. “I’m sure you could.”
Y/n’s expression turned solem for knowing her next words. She had grown fond of the blue eyed man infornt of her. “My time here is coming to a close Robb Stark. I must return to my sister with an answer on my propersitaution.”
Robb knew this would happen at some point. It saddened him but she couldn’t stay forever. So with a sad smile he stated. “I will miss your company.”
“And I will miss yours.” She stated as they mirrored eachothers expressions. But she needed an answer. They had talked about acouple options but never settled on anything. Y/n felt the finale decision was up to him. “Do tell me, what should I tell my sister. Do we have an agreement?”
Robb looked off to the side at nothing impictualr in thought, before looking foreward to her again. “I told you when you first saved my life and asked if we would have an alliance that I was worried about it breaking at some point.”
“Yes.” Y/n hopes he’ll take the offer of their help, but that depended on what he had in mind to add to the terms. They had the numbers to help him win this war, he does not. Wihtout their help he will lose, and probably make deals he will regret. They had gotten close she hoped it was something she could agree to or work with. “Have you come to a solution?”
Robb had made up his mind, now he just had to see if she’d agree.
“I have a proposal to secure an alliance between our sides, families, armys, and houses.” Robb gulped, hoping that he wouldn’t offend her and that his crush on her was reciprocated. “A marriage between you and me.”
“Marriage?” Y/n raised her eyebrows in shock. She did not see that one coming. But through all the emotions she was feeling she wasn’t disgusted or disappointed.
“I understand if it seem’s fast, very fast. But over the course of the time I have gotten to know you I have fallen in love with you. I would be honored to be your husband, to call you my wife. My Queen of the North.” Robb lifted his hand to wrap around her waist. Sure he was asking to marry her out of making an alliance, thats how most marriages between highborns went. But t least this one would also be for love, and that was more then most could ask for.
Yes, he had been wary of her to begin with. Their wasn’t many stories that told good traits of Targaryen’s, and with her father having been the ‘Mad King’ he had reason to worry. But she had proved how different she was from her father and thats what mattered to Robb.
Y/n stood there thinking it over his proposal. There was pro’s and con’s to it, but Y/n enjoyed Robb’s company and he was handsome. Being married to him was her choice and she had fallen in love with him too while being in Westeros.
“I accept. I have gotten to know you as well Robb Stark, and I would be honored to be your wife. I’d love to have you as my husband.” Y/n smiled at him grabbing his free hand and lacing their fingers together and raised her other to rest around the back of his neck. She but her lip at the excitement building up in her stomach.
“I love you.” Robb smiled brightly pulling her into a kiss, showing his love for  her through it.
“And I you.” Y/n giggled as they came apart for air. Blushing and looking from his eyes to his lips and back. “You do know I still have to leave. I have to inform my sister of our agreement and now engagement.”
“Let me go with you.” he wanted to meet her sister, her family. Prove he was worthy of her and would care for her, he wasn’t a sleezy man that offered marriage for disgusting reasons. Plus he didn’t want to be away from her.
“You have a war to fight, men to lead. You can’t leave. But I’ll be back soon. I promise.” Y/n found it sweet that he didn’t want to leave her side but he had a duty to his men, to the North, and to his sisters. His family. Which herself and her sister would soon be apart of.
“I’ll be counting the days.” Robb leaned his forehead against hers, letting out a sigh. Reluctantly he knew she was right, he couldn’t afford to leave for that long and go with her.
But they’d be together again soon and Robb would be waiting.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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kowaiitenshii · 1 year
Sunkiller Lullaby Part Four
Pairing: Darth Vader X Reader
Plot Summary: Your new guardian is revealed, and Lord Vader begins teaching you the ways of the Force. 
Warnings: Unburnt!Vader. Canon-divergent. Descriptions of an injury. Lowkey toxic relationship. Corruption. Reader is a former slave. Improper use of the Force probably. Distressing visions. Vader is his own warning. Tension. AFAB Reader, feminine pronouns and descriptions used. Vague feminine nudity described. Mild 18+ warning. 
Words: 6.4k
A/N: Hello everyone! It's finally here!! Thank you so much for all the support on this series, I appreciate each and every one of you, and I can’t wait to keep writing more for you! Please enjoy!
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Eyes rolling in your head, you groan softly as you blink back into consciousness, sight and sound fading back in. As the fuzziness in your vision clears, the first thing your gaze locks onto are those horribly familiar blazing yellow eyes. 
Your eyes widen instantly, the feeling of him cradling you suddenly becoming scorching. You tense violently in his grasp, and you barely managed to stifle a startled gasp. 
“Easy, Princess.” your guardian soothes, a sanguine grin spread over his lips. 
You’re frozen at the sound of hearing his voice for the first time, the smooth, even cadence to it. 
Yet, you can’t help but correct him. 
“(Y/N).” You say quietly, but firmly. This situation is already awkward enough, you don’t think you can handle him confusing you for royalty, the idea making your head swim again. 
“(Y/N), then.” He replies coolly. “My mistake.” 
His eyes slice up to the top of your head, and you are suddenly made painfully aware of the fact you are still wearing the ruby circlet your Master had gifted you. Your heart thuds painfully in your chest, and your breaths come all too quickly.
The shocking fact that this mysterious man truly even exists is still hitting you like a thunderbolt. 
The sight of him exactly as you dreamed, the palpability of his touch, his scent, it’s all so overwhelming. 
You feel like the whole of your being is set aflame. 
Scrambling away from him as quickly as you can muster, you attempt to stand on shaken legs. He rises from kneeling as you do, placing a firm hand on your lower back to steady you. 
“Easy.” he soothes you again, the feeling of his touch so acute that you tense again. 
“You must be quite shaken.” He asserts. 
“Y-Yes.” you falter, shambling out of his grasp. 
It is only then that you realize your droid friend is in a frenzy, asking if you are alright.
 You muster a nod before plopping onto the edge of your bed and snatching the circlet off of your head, placing it on your bedside table. 
“I am bringing antihistamines and tea to help with the vertigo at once Milady, I insist!” the friendly droid declares while nodding fervently, before hastily leaving the room. 
As the droid leaves the two of you in tense silence, you hang your head in your hands and take deep breaths. Shock and dread pool together and mix in your gut, and paired with your lightheadedness it makes you nauseous. 
Calm down. You tell yourself. 
They were only dreams. It wasn’t as if he had been there too. It’s not the end of the world. Just a deep secret you will have to hide. 
You can do that right? You can hide your dream induced fascination? 
Sure you can. 
You have to. 
As you collect yourself, you can feel the weight of his gaze upon you. In the waking world, you squirm beneath it, the authenticity and the palpability of his existence still feeling surreal and therefore, uncomfortable. 
Your suite feels much smaller with his presence crowding it, the air thick with it, and the room suddenly feels claustrophobic. 
You look up at him with a cautious glance, swallowing dryly before your voice breaks the silence. 
“What is your name?” you ask your mysterious suitor quietly, your voice much breathier than you would have preferred. 
“My name is none of your concern.” He says matter-of-factly, simply standing by the door with his hands folded. 
“...Alright then.” You say, stunned for a moment by his shirking off of your question.
You let out an annoyed sigh through your nose, hanging your head back in your hands. 
Nothing makes any sense, and you are beginning to think that making sense of the situation is a task for another day. 
The smooth sound of his voice slices through the silence, and your gaze cuts up to meet his. 
“My apologies if my presence here upsets you, my Lady.” He says softly, dipping his head in respect as he speaks. For a split second, your chest tightens, your mind jumping to the conclusion that he must know. 
“I cannot imagine that you are often in the company of any Sith Lords beside Lord Vader.” he explains with a smile on the edge of his lips, and you release the breath you didn’t know you had been holding. 
You shake your head, clearing your throat softly. 
“You are correct. Lord Vader is the only Sith Lord I have ever met, but your presence is not a bother to me.” you say, your hesitant gaze flicking from him to the floor and back. “I am simply very, very tired.” you lie, picking at your nails idly. 
Well, it wasn’t a complete lie anyway. You were tired, exhausted even. 
He tips his head in understanding, a soft smile spreading across his lips. You’re struck by his smile, though if you’re honest, you’re struck by everything about him. 
He is exactly as you remember, and your heart strings pull uncomfortably tight in your chest. He stands across the room near the door, and you steal nervous glances at him every chance you get. 
He stands tall with his back to the wall, his posture disciplined, gloved hands folded in front of him. His golden hair falls in those same perfect, gleaming waves upon his shoulders, his lips plump and pursed in his observation, his aura murky and suffocating. His incandescent, fiery eyes scan the room, and you look away before your eyes can meet. 
Suddenly, his attention turns to the door and the friendly service droid enters as if on cue. It quickly comes over to you with a saucer and cup of tea in hand, along with two small capsules. 
“Here you are, Madam.” it says, placing the tea on your bedside table and handing you the capsules. 
“Please take the medicine at once, Milady, it will do wonders.” the droid insists, and you comply, tossing the capsules back with a swig of warm tea.
“Thank you, my friend.” you say to the droid with a terse smile. 
“Of course, Milady. If there should be anything else you require during the night, simply have your guardian send for me.” The droid says, a hint of worry in its voice. 
“Absolutely. If anything were to happen, you shall be the first to know.” you assure the droid with a gentle smile. 
“Very well, Madam. I shall leave you to rest then.” the kind droid says with a bow, before quietly leaving for the night. 
As you’re left in wretched silence with your new guardian, the ambient noise of the room seems deafening. The buzzing of the lighting, the quiet humming of the ship’s climate controls, even the sound of your own breathing is overwhelming as you zone out, staring into the patterns on the carpeting. 
You have the biting urge to run, to leave the room that is filled with his drowning presence.
So you do, in the least conspicuous way possible. 
Slipping off of the silken sheets and keeping your gaze to the floor, you pace towards the washing room for a bath. 
“What are you doing?” your mysterious guardian asks, the sound stopping you in your tracks. 
Closing your eyes and clenching your fists to steady yourself, you swallow hard before responding. 
“I’m going for a soak. I need one after today.” you state, valiantly attempting to hide your shaken nerves. 
“Then I shall assist you.” he asserts smoothly, and you can hear heavy footsteps approaching, his energy closing in. 
Your eyes snap open, and you instantly feel your cheeks go hot.
He can’t be serious. 
“That won’t be necess-” you stammer out before he cuts you off. 
“You just fainted and you are injured. It is absolutely necessary.” He insists, and you can feel his menacing shadow just behind you, the hairs on your neck standing on end. 
“It is not necessary. I do not need someone watching me bathe as if I were a child.” you hiss through gritted teeth, your hands now trembling from the build up of nerves. You try to leave the conversation at that, quickly pacing towards the entrance of the washroom. 
Before you can enter, he swiftly slips around you and blocks the doorway, leaning against the frame with a strong arm and towering over you. 
“Unfortunately it is necessary my Lady. If you were to faint again or somehow otherwise become hurt, Lord Vader will have my head.” he says, and as infuriating as it is you know it to be true. 
“And you think that would be my problem?” you spit, meeting his scorching gaze with a defiant glare. “That I should let you watch me bathe simply because of that? I think not.” 
He throws his head back and lets out an amused sigh, before meeting your icy gaze in a way that makes it melt. 
“If you take me for a degenerate, you are sadly mistaken, Milady. I would not even need to look.” he says, a smirk sliding across his lips as he watches your eyes go wide and the flush on your cheeks deepen. 
“A-And how is that?” you falter, your facade beginning to crumble. 
Letting out an amused huff and rolling his eyes, he lets his eyes fall shut. You watch in a mixture of wonder and confusion as he raises his right hand, flicking up a single finger. As he does, the lights in the washroom come to life. 
When he opens his eyes again, he gives a satisfied chuckle at your shocked expression. 
“Did you think Lord Vader was the only Sith Lord who is strong with the Force?” he laughs, and you’re struck, rooted to the spot knowing you have no counter arguments and no excuses; and you hate that fact. 
You had no idea he would be this frustrating in the real world. 
Knowing there’s nothing you can say to deter him, you let out an indignant huff and duck under his arm to enter the washroom. 
He follows behind with a chuckle, the door sliding shut behind him. You immediately begin throwing off your clothes in your frustration, and you’re surprised to find him facing the wall when you turn back around. 
Hmph. At least he respects what’s left of your dignity to some extent. 
With shaking hands you turn on the faucet for the tub, allowing it to fill with steaming water. You do your best to ignore the man in the corner and the dark effulgence of his aura that fills the room, finding it difficult with the clench of anxiety tightening in your chest. 
Despite the trembling in your bones and the rapid pace of your heartbeat, you slip into the tub, being careful to keep your bandages dry. The hot water is a shock to your skin, and you ease yourself into it. 
As your body adjusts to the temperature, you can feel the bone-deep exhaustion melting away. You begin to pour salts and aromatics into the tub, sinking deeper into relaxation with every inhale of the calming aroma. 
However, you aren’t completely off the edge of your anxiety. Every so often, your eyes flit over to the man standing in the corner; ensuring he’s still facing away from you, that he won’t suddenly move and try something. 
It’s hard to fully give in and relax, to fully trust in someone. 
Until recently, trust had been a concept entirely foreign, a word that held no meaning. In your past, trust had been little more than a promise of betrayal.
It’s hard to let that feeling go, as your hesitance and mistrust of others had become your shield so long ago. 
But things are different now. 
You aren’t there anymore, and you’re still grappling with that reality. 
Yet, no matter how many times you look up, he never moves an inch. He stands still as a statue, facing the corner, his hands idly folded behind his back. 
You wonder if the only thing keeping him to his word is the imminent threat of Lord Vader’s wrath. 
It also crosses your mind that you may be prematurely judging your guardian, and you wonder if he truly is anything like he was in your dreams. 
You remember the warmth and comfort he had brought you, the softness of his skin, the taste of his lips. 
Remembering it all makes you blush, and you sink deeper into the tub. 
Could all of it really just be a dream? 
It had to be, you guess, for there are no other explanations. 
Letting out a soft sigh through your nostrils, you busy yourself with washing up, hoping to rid your mind of all your itching questions and burning nerves. You grab a soft washcloth from the woven basket next to the tub, submerging it before pouring a dab of perfumed soap onto it. You get to work cleansing yourself of the muck and dust and dried blood left from being unconscious on the flight-deck, and all goes well until you begin to have to stretch to reach certain places. 
As you stretch your left arm out to cleanse your leg, you tense and let out a sharp, pained hiss, dropping the cloth and clutching your injured arm to your chest with the pain ringing through you. 
The sound of your guardian’s voice cuts through the silence as a knife. 
“Will you let me help you?” he asks, his voice soft, and low. 
You stare at his broad, turned back for a moment, caught off guard by his question. 
You take a moment to contemplate your answer, still clutching your aching arm to your chest. 
The question leaves you feeling vulnerable, and vulnerable is not something you are easily willing to be anymore. 
However, there’s something soft in the way he says it. 
Will you let me? 
It implies the help was always there, waiting, and it relieves you of the humiliating task of asking for it.
Then, the tremoring memory of your Master’s voice cuts through your mind with a pertinent reminder. 
Let go of your past, girl. 
The past is not your reality. 
What was is gone. 
Finally, you relent. You wish for nothing more than to feel clean, to absolve yourself of the day’s sins; and if this was how you achieved it, then so be it. 
“Fine.” you accept coldly, inevitably steeling your nerves against the possibility of a negative outcome. “You may help.” 
The man lets out a small huff, before becoming entirely silent and still once more. Watching in quiet curiosity, you observe the soaked cloth as it begins to levitate out of the water, ringing itself out. 
You flinch slightly at the sharp sound of the droplets hitting the surface of the water, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, your eyes switching between the cloth and the man in the corner. 
He stands still, his hands folded resolutely behind his back, his head hanging and eyes shut. 
“I’m going to begin now. Alright?” he asks, his voice quiet. 
“A-Alright.” you mimic back to him, your voice trembling. You curse yourself for being so easily shaken by something that shouldn’t be such a big ordeal. 
The washcloth connects with the skin of your right leg which you struggled to reach, and it takes everything in your being not to flinch. Even with indirect contact, you feel his electrifying energy equally as intensely. 
The cloth slides slowly over your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He cleanses your lower legs and lower parts of your thighs thoroughly and gently, careful to avoid any sensitive areas. As you become accustomed to the sensation, you relax marginally. 
The cloth slides up your leg, traveling over the curve of your hip and pausing at the side of your abdomen just before your ribs. 
Your guardian peers over his shoulder, however his eyes remain shut, keeping his promise. Realizing he is once again asking your permission, you lean back in the tub and allow him to continue. 
Your cheeks heat as the cloth slides sensuously over the tender flesh of your ribs, over the soft skin just beneath your breasts. It sends a shiver down your spine, the mixed sensations of the soft cloth, the warm water, his radiant energy. 
Letting out a tempered sigh, you finally allow yourself to relax, laying your head back and letting yourself enjoy the simple pleasure of having someone doting on you. Each swirl of the warm cloth against your skin serves to relax you more and more, until everything else melts away but the pleasant sensations and the sound of your own breathing. 
Eventually, the cloth slides softly up the valley in the middle of your chest, gliding up over your collar bone, and you flush as it stops abruptly. 
Your heart thumps against your ribcage, waiting for your guardian to ask to continue. 
But the question never comes. 
You almost wish it did. 
Feeling a vague sense of disappointment, you finish up the job yourself before allowing the tub to drain. You carefully raise yourself up out of the tub and slip on a towel, your guardian still silently awaiting any signs of distress. You clear your throat awkwardly, and he peers over his shoulder, his eyes open this time. 
“Finished?” he asks, a soft smile on his lips. 
“Quite.” you answer quietly, exiting the washroom with your mysterious suitor following close behind. 
You slip into an exceptionally comfortable looking set of red silken sleep robes, only allowing your towel to drop once your valuables are covered. The energy in the room is slightly tense as you slip into your bed, your guardian seating himself in the plush armchair that sits against the wall across from your bed. 
It's still so strange. Everything is. It’s too much to think about. 
His strangling presence doesn’t leave you the room to question the reality of him being here, your only option is to accept it. 
The day in its entirety has been too much too quickly, and all you want to do now is slip into escapism. 
So, you pick up one of the ancient tomes of knowledge from your bedside table, tucking into and becoming lost in tales of the Sith. 
Your midnight guardian watches all the while, and eventually the tense silence settles into something more comfortable. 
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After a while, you finally lose the fight with sleep, the ancient omnibus still in your relaxed hand. Darth Vader still watches from his seat, silently observing the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, the gentle fluttering of your beauteous lashes as you dream.
All the while, he feels the foreign beating of his own heart. 
He is pleased with himself. You recognized him alright, but silly girl, you still didn’t know.
Although he had not planned on becoming your night watchman, he would do anything to unravel the mystery coiled up and hidden within you, anything to keep you safe. 
And he refused to back down now.
Rising from his seat, he carefully takes the book from your fingertips, placing it on your bedside table. He pulls the covers over you, taking a moment just to look upon you, his chest tightening in a way that he tries to ignore before resuming his position. 
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Bare feet padding quietly through the misty, lush green forest that surrounds you, rain-soaked leaves squish softly beneath them. There is a dense fog that flows between the trees, sticking to your skin and clinging to your clothes. 
It is almost peaceful, with the sounds of nature surrounding you and the gentle breeze blowing through your hair, but you can sense a presence hidden deep within the forest of this dreamland that leaves you on edge. 
You walk for what seems like hours, twisting and turning deeper and deeper into the seemingly endless expanse of trees. You look over your shoulder every now and then, expecting an attack that never comes. 
All the while, you can hear the subtle, unmistakable sibilance of Lord Vader’s breathing through the trees, somewhere off in the distance. Like a moth to a flame you follow it, but no matter how long or how far you walk, you are never able to reach him. 
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The next morning, you stretch and rub your eyes before a sharp pain brings all the memories flooding back. You carefully sit up, using your uninjured arm to prop yourself up. You look around the room, illuminated by the rays of a passing sun, and you are surprised to find it empty. 
Without the grand, thunderous energy of your mysterious guardian filling it, the room feels almost too empty, too quiet. 
You give a gentle sigh, sliding out of bed. You walk a bit more stiffly today, small aches here and there littering your body. Slipping out of your sleepwear, you toss them into the laundry chute located on the wall by the washroom door. 
You pace over to your vanity mirror, eyes immediately falling upon the wide, deep bruise painted upon the greater portion of your chest and upper arm. Hesitantly, you slip cautious fingers beneath the gauzy bandages interwoven between your chest and upper arm, taking  your first peek at your injury. 
Hissing as the bandage peels away from the skin, you wince at the sight of the angry, red skin of the burn, and you hate to imagine the kind of scar it will leave. 
You replace your bandaging, dressing yourself in loose, flowing robes in an effort to maximize your comfort. The most you do to your hair is comb through it and fix any stray pieces, unwilling to put any more effort into it. 
It is then that a familiar rapping sounds at your chamber door, and for the first time today your spirits are lifted. 
“Come in!” you call out, and your droid friend enters. 
“Good morning, Madam! Are you feeling alright this morning?” The kind service droid greets you. 
You shrug and nod, smiling lightly at the droid. 
“As alright as one can after being shot, I suppose.” you answer, a hint of playful sarcasm in your tone.
“That will have to do, I suppose. Are you ready for your breakfast, Milady?” the droid asks, and you nod, seating yourself at your table. The droid nods its acknowledgement, serving you a meal consisting of brightly coloured exotic berries and fruits, buttered toasts, and sweet, tangy yogurts.
You eat slowly, savoring every bite and taking your time to replenish yourself. 
To your surprise, your droid friend has no announcements, no agenda for you today. 
“Lord Vader has ordered you to take the day to do as you please, Milady.” the droid explains. “To rest, he said.” 
“Does Lord Vader have any obligations today?” you ask, quirking up a surprised eyebrow. 
“None, Milady.” the droid replies. 
You shrug idly, standing from your place at the table. 
“Then I shall join him.” you state, and the droid nods, seeming vaguely surprised with you. 
“As you wish, Madam.” the droid affirms.
Injured or not, spending the entire day languishing in your chamber would bore you to death. 
The droid dutifully leads you to Lord Vader’s private quarters, entering the combination into the keypad and giving you a respectful bow in parting. You nod a goodbye back to your companion before entering, and it dawns on you as you cross the threshold that you are not afraid. 
Of course, goosebumps still frost over the back of your neck as you approach, but the churning dread you’ve felt every other time has washed away. 
As if you had been testing the frigid waters of Vader’s aura, and you had finally become acclimated to the bone-chilling temperature. 
Entering the room fully, your eyes immediately land upon your Master. He is seated at his work desk, his dark cloak draping over the backrest of his chair. His massive form is leaned over, and as you approach you can see that he is toiling over the machinery of his right hand. You take the sight in for a moment, having had no idea that his hand was cybernetic in the first place. 
“Morning, my pet.” he says, acknowledging your presence without ever looking at you. 
The new term of endearment isn’t lost on you, your cheeks heating ever so lightly,  although you do not acknowledge it. 
“Morning, my Lord.” you reply, watching as he fumbles with one large hand to try and repair the other. His glove is limiting his dexterity, and you can’t imagine that the visibility through the visor of the helmet is helping. Feeling his frustrations rippling around him, you pull up a chair, sitting next to him and earning a curious glower. 
“May I try?” you offer, and that gets his attention. He gives you an appraising look for a moment, before setting his tool down and laying his thick arm upon the table, the sleek biomechanics of his palm facing up. 
You take his large hand in yours, inspecting it closely as Vader tenses ever so slightly. You examine the mechanisms of his hand, marveling at the advanced technology. It is cool to the touch, shining beneath the white lighting. 
Despite it obviously being some of the Empire’s most advanced machinery, you believe you can see the problem. 
Vader watches you intently the entire time, his gaze burning through you, his body unmoving. 
Using a delicate hand, you adjust a couple sensors and tighten a few connections as your heart flutters in your chest under his close observation, the feeling of holding his hand in yours making your fingertips buzz like static. 
“Where did you learn such skills?” The Sith Lord asks, a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice. 
“If someone with my background wants to survive, they must learn to be proficient at many jobs, my Lord.” you answer honestly with a soft smile, securing the protective covering back over your Master’s prosthesis. He says nothing in response, flexing and clenching his fingers, watching them with silent approval. 
You can sense that he is pleased with your work, and you feel moderately proud of yourself. 
Vader takes a long look at you, pulling his thick glove back over his hand, the leather giving a quiet squeal as it stretches, the expression of his helmet as unmoving and stern as it ever is. 
The more time you spend with him, the more you learn to rely on reading his body language to decode his thoughts and emotional state. Like right now, the way he sits silently next to you, his breathing quieted. The way he keeps stretching his fingers out and clenching them again. You had gained a bit of his interest, perhaps even surprised him. 
It’s his turn to surprise you then as he stands abruptly, his cloak swishing behind him and brushing over your legs with a cool gust of air. 
“Come.” Lord Vader commands. “There is something I want to show you.” 
You blink at him for a second, before rising and obediently following your Master.
He leads you out of his quarters and into an adjacent room in the corridor. 
It’s capacious, dimly lit, and almost entirely empty save for a huge apparatus across the room the likes of which you’ve never seen. It is rounded at the top and bottom, like a great dragon’s egg, cracked and held open on either end. 
You come to understand that it is some sort of chamber, meant to entirely enclose somebody within. Claustrophobia hits your gut with a torrent of nausea at the thought, and you jolt slightly at the feeling of a wide hand on the small of your back. 
“Fear not, pet. I will not force you to go in there today.” Lord Vader says, his tone almost teasing as he reassures you. You can feel your cheeks heating up, a rush of relief washing over you as he ushers you to sit.
Brows pinching in confusion, you watch as Lord Vader strides a few feet away, sitting on the slick, shining tile and facing you. 
You are really at a loss this time, there is no guessing what your Master has planned and you are becoming tired of constantly asking why or how, a dull acceptance beginning to settle in your bones. 
“I would like you to try something for me.” He explains, and your throat bobs in anticipation of what your Master will say next. 
“As you wish, Master.” you respond, knowing there is no other choice but compliance. At the same time, you can feel yourself becoming more resigned to Lord Vader’s will, more trusting of the things he has planned for you.
A dangerous game it is, making the devil your most trusted friend. 
“You are going to meditate. Try to connect to the Force.” Lord Vader commands, his dark voice echoing all around the sparsely decorated room. His words only serve to confuse you further, cocking your head as you respond. 
“But I cannot use the Force, my Lord.” you say as if reminding him. “I do not know how.” If you were quite honest, you had no idea that using the Force was even an option for someone like you, and the idea takes you aback. 
“Perhaps that is what you think. But I will show you the way.” He replies, and you blush ever so slightly. 
Your mind is in a frenzy for a moment as you process the implications of this. 
That it was possible for you to learn the ways of the Force. 
That with the Force, came the promise of power. 
You feel as if the two of you are opening the doorway to everything you’ve been hunting for your entire life. 
Lord Vader watches you closely, feeling a measure of satisfaction as he watches your body tense and your eyes widen, as he feels the grasping, desperate energy simmering within you. 
He is throwing you the bait, all you must do is take it. 
He needs to know if you are as powerful as he suspects, needs to unravel the mystery tangled up within you, to find the source of the invisible threads of fate that bound him to you. 
If he is correct about you… you may be the long awaited key to unlocking the peace and freedom he has spent his entire life attempting to actualize, and he feels an irksome twinge of hope at the idea. 
“Close your eyes.” Lord Vader commands. 
Looking at your Master with a curious eye, you oblige his demands. You slip your eyes shut, taking in a deep breath through your nose and relaxing your shoulders. 
“Good.” Vader praises you. “Now breathe.” 
Shifting slightly, you take in a deep breath and let it out at a measured pace. 
“Feel the air rushing into your lungs, the oxygen flowing through your body.” Lord Vader instructs, and you obey. You feel the air as it fills your lungs, the emptiness as it leaves them. You feel the steady beating of your heart, the interconnectedness of your entire being as it works. As you focus, your body becomes more relaxed, your hands resting palm side up over your crossed knees. 
“Can you feel it?” your Master asks, the sibilance of his voice and his breathing and the electrical hum of the chamber serving as exquisite white noise. “The energy that passes through you, that surrounds you?” he asks. 
Relaxing into the buzzing energy that soaks into you, that moves through your very veins as your own flesh and blood, you give a slow affirmative nod. 
“Good…young one.” He says, and it’s becoming harder to focus on him. 
“Reach out into it.” Lord Vader coaches you. “Open your mind.” 
Breathing deeply, your lips part slightly as you focus upon the effervescent energy that fills the room, swirling around the two of you and moving through you. Fingertips tingling, you let go of your skepticism. You breathe deeply, slowly, feeling the clouds in your mind clearing. It feels as though a great weight is lifted from your shoulders, and you begin to envision a door within your mind, misty shadows swirling out from the gap beneath the door. 
“Open it.” Vader says, his unmistakable voice sounding a million miles away. 
You reach out to the metaphysical door, the handle cold against your palm as you turn it. 
All the while, Lord Vader watches with bated breath. 
Opening the door within your mind, you feel the lurch in your gut as you fall off the precipice. The air is nearly taken from you as a torrential downpour of the energy floods in, tumbling and plummeting in your mind's eye; your entire body erupting in frigid goosebumps. Suddenly, it feels like your whole being has been flipped on its axis, the swaying sensation nearly sickening. 
Still you push through it, exploring through the ephemeral, glowing energy of the spiritual plane. You see yourself standing in an endless line of versions of yourself, stretching as far as the eye can see in either direction. 
Heart thumping with trepidation, you outstretch a hand to the turned back of yourself, fingertips nearly burning. Before your fingertips can connect with the soft fabric of your own robes, you’re plunged back into the depths, dragged under the waves within your mind. 
You sink into the icy waters, feeling as it carries you deeper, the waves cradling you. 
When you fall through the treacherous ocean to the other side, you’re presented with the chilling image of yourself in chains. She is thin and exhausted, dark circles under her eyes and her skin rubbed raw where she is bound to the floor by wrought iron. Chills running through your bones and your blood running cold, you watch in horror as you are ripped apart. You watch yourself torn apart in agonizingly lurid detail, rooted to the floor, you can feel a fine sheen of sweat forming upon your worried brow. 
All the while, the sharp frisson of the Force surges within and around you in tidal waves. Stunned, you watch an alluring, monstrous version of yourself materialize from the inky depths of the ether. She reaches with shadow-stained fingertips to gather the pieces of herself, a blithe expression painted over her features. She carefully fits the pieces of herself back together, soldering her very soul back together with gold. 
When she is finished, and the ruined version of herself glows with her golden cracks, she tenderly gathers her in her arms. She holds the broken girl until she melts into her touch, and they meld together to become one. 
She turns to look at you, and goosebumps ice over your skin as you see that her eyes are gleaming yellow fire as they fall upon you. You watch with a haunted expression as she reaches out a hand to you, your heart beating at a dizzying pace. 
Come back to me. 
You hear the echoing whisper all around you, though her lips do not move. 
Come back to me. 
The void calls again. 
Cautiously, you reach out your hand, your eyes locked upon your own reflected back at you in a glowing inferno. A blissful smile slides across her lips as you brush your fingertips, the sensation like that of touching a livewire. 
In an instant as you make contact, you’re shocked by both the buzzing in your fingertips and the feeling of being plunged back into the icy waves of the Force. 
The current is tumultuous, untamed, washing over you and dragging you under. As the chill seeps through you and you sputter and choke, the echo comes again. 
Come back. 
Come to me. 
It whispers, the energy swirling warmly around you and enveloping you in its grace, pulling you back to the surface of the waves. 
Come back. 
It whispers a last time, and as you settle back into your body, the sounds of the room fade back in. The humming of the dim lights, of the electronics, the steady thrum of your own heartbeat. The hissing ebb and flow of Vader’s breathing, close to your ear. 
“Come back to me, pet.” he whispers, his modulated voice uncharacteristically gentle as he coaches you. The feeling of your own body comes back in, and you can feel the heavy sensation of your Master’s strong arms wrapped over your shoulders. You realize he has pulled you into his arms, kneeling behind you, his head dipped toward your ear, pulling you back to earth. 
It almost feels… nice. 
Opening your eyes, your nerves tense and your heart flutters as you turn to look at Lord Vader. 
“You have done well, young one.” he says, his deep voice reverberating through you. His arms that drape over you are warm, and strong, grounding you within your own body. 
For that, you are thankful. 
Your mind and body swim from your breakthrough, your eyes and limbs heavy and your synapses fried from the effort. There’s so much more you can sense, so much more that you are acutely aware of, and it’s an attack on your senses. 
Sensing this, Lord Vader gathers you in his arms and stands with you. 
“There is so much potential in you, (Y/N).” he says quietly, almost as if he is only saying it for himself to hear. 
Your energy is so spent, your body so tired, and as Lord Vader carries you back into his chamber, something dawns upon you. 
For the first time, being in your Master’s arms, being so close, it feels safe. 
A dark shadow of warmth radiates off of him, and it feels as if you are exactly where you are supposed to be. 
For the first time, you let your walls down, even if just for a little while. 
You relax into his strong arms, letting him shoulder the weight of your exhaustion. Leaning your face into the sleek, cool armor of his chestplate, you breathe in his scent and let the steady sound of his breathing wash everything else away. 
Entering his private chamber with the door sliding shut behind him, Lord Vader paces to one of the long white couches against the wall and carefully lays you down. 
He stands over you, a newfound sense of his darkly possessive energy running through you. 
“You have made me proud, my pet.” he tells you, brushing a lock of hair away from your face and setting your body alight with the gesture. 
“Rest now, there is much to plan.” 
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Credz: lightsaber graphic credit @saradika
Taglist: @heyitsaloy @poisonedsultana @cryptidsrcool @mayhemories @sxoulchvn
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distortionbobble · 1 year
Royal Flowers Chapter 7
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series masterlist
pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!reader (poc friendly/coded)
series summary: A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a certain Jedi by the name of Anakin Skywalker meets you, the current Queen of Naboo and cousin of Padme Amidala, and is tasked with protecting you by pretending to marry you. As a spy, you’ve infiltrated the Separatist ranks and are close to finding out the mastermind behind all of it. The fate of the galaxy is in your hands.
warnings: minors dni! ageless blogs dni! canon-level violence/character death this chapter. series will have eventual smut, and just general warnings.
a/n: i am . baaaaack baby! hope y'all enjoy the chapterio. beta read by the very sweet @sythethecarrot . appreciate her so so much and alll of you for reading and giving this story your time :')
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“Are you sure that we need Obi-Wan here, milady?” Anakin asks you, blowing on his clasped fists nervously as you wait for Obi-Wan to reach your chambers. He had sent a message an hour ago, letting you and Anakin know that he had landed in the forests of Naboo and would be reaching the palace soon. “What if it puts him in danger?” 
“I understand your concern, Anakin, but we’re in over our heads now,” You hum, looking over the room once more to make sure things are in place. You realize it’s out of nervousness, and wanting to earn the Jedi Master’s respect, and quickly look back at Anakin. “But yes, we need him here, even if it’s just temporary. You’re not as skilled as he is, according to you, with the skill of mind-control, and we can’t risk the Separatists slipping out of your influence and realizing that the Queen’s husband was trying to figure out their plans. Obi-Wan, on the other hand, is unlinked to the palace, and his involvement would not directly jeopardize us. As for him being in danger… I have faith in Master Kenobi’s abilities, and I’m sure that his involvement will be brief, despite the necessity of it.” Anakin nods, grabbing his lightsaber from the depths of his pockets and flipping it in the air anxiously. He nearly drops it when Obi-Wan jumps cleanly onto the balcony, moving quickly to get through the open doors without being seen. 
Hello there,” General Kenobi says. His voice immediately lifts a weight off of your shoulders. You knew as soon as you decided to take active action against the separatist while also uncovering their leader, you’d need more help. General Kenobi was the most adept in mind influencing. That, you could use. You couldn’t have done these last few months without Anakin, but it was time to move. And fast. 
“Master,” Anakin says, striding to Obi-Wan and enveloping him in a tight hug. He hadn’t realized the importance of Obi-Wan in his life— the younger Jedi Knight’s torturous visions, nightmares of the people he loved dying as he watched helplessly, had stopped when he left, but the certainty of Obi-Wan’s guidance had disappeared with it. And when he was dealing with you and the nuance that your task called for, it certainly wasn’t easy to carry on without Obi-Wan and his gentle guidance.
Not that he listened to Obi-Wan all that much, but it wasn’t about that. He lets go of Obi-Wan reluctantly, knowing that their bond is deeper than words could convey. 
“Master Kenobi,” you bow respectfully while Anakin quickly checks the noise dampener. “It’s an honor to have your assistance.” 
“It’s an honor to be called. Will you walk me through the plan, milady?” He asks, settling criss-cross on the marble flooring of the room. You sit across from him, and Anakin joins your side instinctually before the puzzled look from Obi-Wan has him shuffling further from you until the three of you form a triangle. 
“I was so caught up with the overarching goal that I lost track of the present. While it’s true that I absolutely cannot jeopardize my own mission, I cannot sit back and lose more of my people.” Obi-Wan nods in understanding, tracing circles on his knee as you confess your guilt. 
“So you need to know more than what they tell you, and be able to have one of your Ministers know how to countermove without it coming from you,” Obi-Wan confirms. 
“Exactly. It shouldn’t be too hard to get that information but I’ll need to know who it is I can trust. I don’t know exactly the scope of your abilities, would you be able to help me figure out which ones I can trust?” At your request, Anakin clicks his tongue, nodding at your request. 
“Well, we can’t read minds. What we could do is something along the lines of figuring out what emotions they’re feeling when they talk to you?” Anakin suggests, garnering Obi-Wan’s approving nod. 
“And as for getting the information…” you trail off, unsure of what to do now that you knew the Jedi couldn’t read minds. 
“Well, there’s a few things we could do,” Obi-Wan processes aloud, something formulating in his head as he considers the options. “What do you know about the leaders of the Naboo Separatist chapter?” He asks. You snort. 
“I’ve met their leader, but he’s a total dunce. I truly believe that they chose him because he’s easy to manipulate,” You say. At your words, Anakin lights up, nonverbal communication flowing between him and Obi-Wan. It’s kind of cute, seeing him more in his element. You like the side of Anakin that Obi-Wan brings out. It’s like the older Jedi pushes Anakin to be better— to think things out, to be rational. Something along those lines. But the shift is obvious. 
“Easy to manipulate, you say?” Anakin says, an excited look on his face.
“If that’s the case, then there certainly is something we can do,” Obi-Wan says cautiously. “Is there any way I can see the leader in person?”
“I know where he lives,” you say, looking up at the ceiling to avoid making eye contact as you cringe at the thought of him. 
“Why do you know where he lives?” Anakin asks suspiciously. 
“Because he was once my boyfriend,” You sigh. 
“Baby,” a sleazy voice calls out from the table you just crossed. Arus Dryskan sits in the booth of the low-lit pub, sketchy characters flitting behind you in the shadows. When your eyes meet his, you’re reminded of all those nights you spent with him, tangled up in the sheets. You’re reminded of the good and the bad: the way he’d toy with your emotions and blame you when other men would flirt with you, all the shouting matches, the control that he tried to impose on you. Part of you is affronted by the fact that he’d even dare to call you baby after putting you through all that. But you set it aside, reminding yourself that you’re in control here. He has no power over you. 
You relax your shoulders and tell yourself that Anakin’s here, that you will be fine, forcing yourself to inhale and relax as you slide into the vinyl seating. Arus’ arm is thrown carelessly on the back of the seating, a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he eyes you up and down. 
“It’s been a while, Arus,” You say, reigning in your repulsion and leaning in to gaze into his eyes seductively, batting your lashes and eyeing him up and down. That should work, right? Even when you were together, it was never about the two of you— it was about Arus, about making him feel desired. You never were the most affectionate with him (largely in part because he’s fucking irritating) but you need him to think that you want him. It’s funny, there was a time when you found him quite attractive, but now, the only thing you can focus on is how revolting he is. He rakes one hand through his greasy hair, flashing you that grin that used to work so well on you. 
“You’ve done pretty well for yourself, huh, milady? Queen of fuckin’ Naboo,” he says, leaning in to whisper in your ear. The heat of his body feels suffocating next to you, and the mere thought of his touch makes you dig your nails into your palms, trying desperately to regulate yourself before your fear gives you away. “It’s funny that none of these suckers know you’re one of us.” His eyes are conspiratorial, which you can work to your favor. You smile slyly, allowing your fingers to dance on the tabletops as you slide in closer to him. 
“Nobody knows I’m here,” you laugh, “Not even my dunce of a husband.” At your words, Arus raises his brows, a big smile spreading across his face. Sorry, Anakin. “I’ve missed you,” you whisper in his ear. Your tone wavers between the truth of your desperation and the practiced smoothness that you used so often when you were with him. Your hand finds its way to his shoulders, resting there as you wait for him to give you some sort of sign. 
“What about your dunce of a husband?” He asks you playfully, leaning back. 
“You think that nerf-herder could satisfy me the way you do? I played around with him for a while, yes, but he was so boring. Not to mention how much…bigger you are. ” You allow your hand to drift downwards, teasing him through the material of his shirt. He may be a sleemo, but you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t built. 
You almost want to roll your eyes when his hand shoots out to grab your waist, pressing you even closer to him as your hand travels from his pecs to his abs. Was he always such a simpleton? A pretty girl bats her eyelashes at him and he goes absolutely dumb. Or stays dumb. He’s not very smart. 
“Do you wanna… get out of here?” you ask, your voice a low, seductive hum in his ear. You can practically hear the blood roaring in your ear, the feel of your heart thumping traitorously in your chest and you can only pray that he can’t feel it. Take the bait. Let’s go. 
You have to hold back an audible sigh of relief when you hear the clink of his speeder keys as he grabs them, and you, and pulls you out of the bar. You know Anakin’s following closely behind you — Obi-Wan’s already at his house, you just need to make sure that he gets there. If anyone asked at the pub, anyways, they would’ve just seen one of Arus’ usual nightly conquests. 
You keep touching his arm as you sit in the speeder and on the way to his house; you need him to be distracted so that he can’t see Anakin following behind you both. The ride there is short but he’s so revolting it feels like a lifetime— he’s telling you about how he blew up a village the other day and found it so funny. You have to force your laughter, but you really just want him away from you. You’re disgusted— the fact that you had ever touched him, had ever been so oblivious to all of him. Back then, he wasn’t so evil— or maybe he was, and he just hadn’t had the chance to show it yet. 
In the rearview mirror, you see Anakin cut into the side streets, a shortcut to his place that would work just fine. Arus is too busy talking about himself to notice, as per usual. 
“Let me open the door for you, princess,” he says when you pull up to his house. The second he’s unbuckled and standing outside of your door, there’s a soft thunk before he slides on to the speeder, practically falling in your lap as Anakin looks down at him with a glower. 
“Thanks, Anakin,” You say, opening the door and throwing Arus out. 
“Was it really necessary to be all handsy with him?” Anakin grumbles. 
“How else do you think I’d be able to get him here?” You ask, puzzled. 
“Still,” Anakin frowns. Is he jealous? 
“Oh, don’t worry, my darling husband, you’re still the only man for me,” you confess dramatically, throwing yourself into his arms and snickering when he pushes you off with a scowl. “Moody,” you tease, helping him hoist up Arus and carrying his body through his door. 
“Took you both long enough,” Obi-Wan says from inside the house. Once inside, Anakin doesn’t bother carrying him, instead just lifting him with the Force into the little chair and flicking his finger so that ropes bind him tightly. 
“Normally, I wouldn’t approve of you using the Force for such a trivial thing, but the Queen looks rather tired from holding him up,” Obi-Wan quips. 
“He’s quite heavy, you know,” you chime, sitting down on the ground. 
“I think it’s best that you and Anakin wait in the speeder outside,” Obi-Wan says. “It would be bad if he wasn’t influenceable and saw you here with me.” You and Anakin shuffle outside at his order, sitting in Anakin’s speeder as you wait for Obi-Wan to do his thing.
“So… is that your type?” Anakin asks, looking out the speeder, past the dim streetlights to the clear Naboo night sky. 
“Guys like him.” You look over at Anakin— at his lean structure, deceptively strong and muscular under his robes— and shake your head. 
“No. Not anymore, at least. I really only chose him because I wanted to do something for once in my life that wasn’t the order of someone else. I learned pretty quickly that that wasn’t the right idea. He was controlling, obsessive, and just downright mean sometimes.” 
“So what is your type?” 
“Why do you wanna know so bad?” You ask curiously, propping your feet up on the dash as you study Anakin’s face. 
“Well, we’ve got time to kill,” Anakin says, fiddling with the keys to the speeder as he avoids eye contact. He does that when he’s nervous. Why is he nervous? This whole interaction is completely puzzling to you, but you think there’s a way that you can mess with Anakin’s head the way he’s messing with yours. 
“Hmm… My type is tall, melodramatic Jedi who go by the name of Anakin Skywalker and are secretly, hopelessly, in love with me,” you tease, leaning over to his seat to pretend to kiss his cheek. He pushes you away with a scowl, glaring at you when you start laughing at his anger. 
“Not funny, milady,” Anakin huffs, crossing his arms.
“I thought it was funny,” You grin, pretending to cross your arms and puffing out a breath in mock irritation. 
“Stop that.”
“No. Not unless you stop being a child.” 
“Why can’t you just answer me honestly?” Anakin asks, a note of seriousness in his voice.
“Anakin…” You sigh, thinking that you have an idea as to what’s going on. Your eyes dart quickly to make sure Obi-Wan’s still inside, then you reach over and put your hand atop his. “If this is about Padme—” 
“It’s not,” Anakin grumbles, but you pay him no heed.
“Since this is about Padme leaving you, because I really don’t believe you, will you let me just say one thing? I’m sure she had her reasons. Padme never does anything that she knows would hurt other people unless she thinks it’s totally necessary.”
“I know that,” Anakin says quietly to himself, the metal paneling of his arm rippling as he flexes and looks at you. In his eyes there’s a softness you don’t find very often, one that’s inviting, that makes you want to pretend for maybe a second that this marriage was real. 
“You’re perfect, Anakin,” you reassure him, lost in the depths of his eyes. Why is it that you can feel every breath of his as if it’s your own? As though his heartbeat itself matches your own, in total synchrony with every part of you. 
“And so are you,” he whispers. You can hear his breath hitch in his throat as he looks at you and you wonder, just for a second, if there’s actually something between the two of you. You can’t be imagining all of this. But it’s over as soon as it started, Obi Wan’s voice snapping the both of you to attention. 
“Milady, you’re going to want to hear this,” Obi-Wan says grimly, the slightest of tremors in his hand as he rakes through his long strands. You don’t know him well enough to say, but the way that Anakin perks up at Obi-Wan’s tone tells you that there’s something big. “The Separatists, they’re not just planning on launching military attacks, they’re planning on attacking the food sources; slaughtering and burning the Shaaks, poisoning the water sources. They’ll have a series of attacks and bomb blasts set up to distract the Naboo Military. They’ll stop at nothing.” 
“Okay. Okay,” You whisper, brought back to reality. Your fantasies of Anakin in some role that he would never play are blinked away as terror seeps in, tinges your view of the future. “We’ll need to ramp up imports of food, and be prepared to maintain a completely safe distribution of food. I’ll leave it under the charge of someone not at the Capital, as I don’t want the spies interfering with our stores of food. As for the water,” You sigh, your mind turning furiously as you think. It’s all coming to a dead end. 
“We can’t let it become like Tatooine, where they have to moisture-farm just to get water,” Anakin interjects coldly. You look over at him to see that distant look in his eyes and you know he’s somewhere else, somewhere horrible. You reach out tentatively to bring him back to you. 
“The water will come later, after the food,” Obi-Wan adds quietly. “Dryskan told me when they’d do it all.” 
“Is there a possibility that he could have fooled us, at all?” You ask fearfully, hands shaking as you think of more blood under your rule, more blood on your hands. You can’t take it anymore. You can’t let what happened, happen again. Anakin seems to read your mind when he places a heavy hand on your shoulder, nodding silently when you turn your head to look at him. He knows what you’re thinking. 
“It can’t hurt to prepare, milady,” Obi-Wan responds. “But not a soul can know of your knowledge of it. They could strike sooner, leaving you no time to prepare.” 
“Get enough food to account for a famine without anyone realizing, get the people in danger out before they can be slaughtered, too, and fend against the increasing Separatist attacks. Sounds like it’ll go without a hitch,” You remark dryly, leaning your head back to close your eyes. “There must be something big. It has to be big, if they’re going this drastic. They’re trying to make Naboo an example, once and for all, and that means that there has to be something big coming our way.” The three of you sit in somber silence, hearts in your gut as worry tenses your muscles. 
“There’s a list of military attacks as well,” Obi-Wan says, breaking the silence. You reach for a slip of paper hidden within the sleeves of your robe
“We can’t write them down. A paper trail could be fatal,” Anakin interjects, placing a hand on your forearm. “I’ll remember them.” 
“You’ll have to act fast,” Obi-Wan responds. “Their next attack is in two days’ time.”
“That’s not enough time to plan a full-scale defense, let alone having to do it all without the Separatists knowing,” you sigh, frustrated. 
“We’ll have to evacuate the civilians, then. And quickly. Let the Separatists attack a deserted town,” Anakin suggests. He’s tired of the bloodshed, and you can’t blame him. You imagine that the blood spilled by the Jedi didn’t often involve the blood of the innocents. 
“If we go now, we could encourage them to evacuate with enough time,” you respond. It doesn’t take much convincing after that, the three of you shrouded by the night as you drive on in tense silence.
It’s nearly dawn by the time you arrive at the small town. There’s a feeling lingering in the back of your mind, some anxiety that you can’t give shape to with words. But you’ll be fine, you’re certain; if they find out that you and Anakin are missing, you’ll just lie. An early-morning stroll would fit you and Anakin’s dynamic rather well. 
Some of the town’s workforce is up, walking in the dusty roads, illuminated gray by the early morning light. They look at you without suspicion, just a curious indifference. You stop the speeder, donning your palace robes and get out. 
“Good people,” you say, your voice unwavering. You need them to believe you, like how they would if it was Padme telling them instead of you. “I come under the order of the palace. The Queen has knowledge of a Separatist plan that puts you all in grave danger. I’ve been sent here to aid you in evacuating; you are instructed to bring what is most important to you, and the palace will compensate and aid in rebuilding efforts should the town face damages.” You hide your nervousness— you can’t help it if they don’t believe you, but you also can’t tolerate another slaughter. Their faces show no signs of doubt, however; the mere mention of the Separatist forces are enough for most of the galaxy to tremble in fear. The chatter of conversation in response to your warning is slow but steady in its growth; the murmurs of people wondering what to bring, fear of the Separatists borne out of the knowledge of their crimes, and finally the concern for their wages. 
“S’cuse me, ma’am,” one man says, stepping forward. You feel Anakin step forward in response reflexively, moving to guard you from any threat and for some reason, it brings a flutter to your stomach. “How can we trust that what you’re saying is true?”
“You can’t,” you say, a bitter smile pulling at your lips. “But the risk of not trusting me will lead only to death.” 
“Six months is not enough to hide your thoughts from me, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says to Anakin as they usher the last of the town residents to the speeders, leaving them with the instructions on how to get to the determined shelter. 
“I don’t know what you mean, Master,” Anakin mumbles, helping a child up into a speeder as he avoids Obi-Wan’s eyes. 
“Anakin…” Obi-Wan sighs. “I am glad you have recovered from your heartbreak with Padme. Don’t deny it, young Skywalker, I have eyes and you’re about as subtle as a bantha with a trombone. And of course, with the current Queen, closeness is only natural. You spend every waking moment with her. But can you trust her?” 
“….I don’t need to trust her,” Anakin grumbles, pulling on a loose thread on his shirt. 
“But you do. I see it in the way you look at her, Anakin; it’s more than a mission. And when this is over, will you truly be able to let her go entirely?” Obi-Wan refutes. Anakin can’t answer his pointed question— he doesn’t know how to, because the thought of letting you go feels entirely foreign to him now. At his silence, Obi-Wan sighs, moving to stand next to him as they look at the open, deserted town. 
“I know what the Jedi Code says about attachments, Master. But this… it feels different. I do not covet her, I do not wish to own her; no, it’s that she shows me those parts of me which I hide. She is similar to me, and forces me to be better. I cannot call it love, nor can I say that I can trust her thoughtlessly, but perhaps it is the Force that brought me to her.” Obi-Wan hums, lost in his own thoughts as he internalizes what Anakin said. Anakin wonders briefly how well it is that Obi-Wan understands his words— after all, only a fool would have missed the dynamic between him and Duchess Satine. But part of him knows that it wasn’t entirely truthful— was it not jealousy that drove him to ask you about Arus? Was it not jealousy that he felt when you mentioned having been with another man? Hadn’t he wanted to rip Arus to shreds the second he saw him touching you? Anakin pushes his feelings down, ignoring the churning in his stomach in the hopes that it’ll go unnoticed by Obi-Wan. 
Obi-Wan, after a sizable pause, sighs heavily and nods. “Where is the Queen? You should go find her,” he says to Anakin tiredly. For a second, Anakin feels a twinge of guilt— he doesn’t mean to make Obi-Wan feel as though this is a lesson that he must parrot again and again, but it’s not like that with you. He’s not like that with you. But he swallows it, and goes off in search of you. 
The sun is bright and beating down on him overhead. It’s been hours since you first began evacuating every soul in the town, instructing them and helping them pack. You’re good and it couldn’t be clearer to him. And if you’re good, he’s good. Maybe that’s why he feels more self assured around you— you and him have so many similarities but you seem to live your life without that internal turmoil that Anakin knew for the past few years a little too well. 
As he walks the dusty streets he can hear the telltale sounds of a struggle, the sharp cry of pain which quickens his feet and takes him to the sight of you. He watches, almost frozen in his feet, as you deliver a sharp punch to Reyna’s throat, winding her before you sweep her to the ground in a move that he knows he taught you. A sense of pride fills him before it is overcome with horror— your hands, tangled in Reyna’s hair, slam her skull on the dry, dusty ground over and over again, until her body goes limp. You grab a nearby rock and drive the jagged edge into Reyna’s forehead, a splash of crimson spraying across your face as you look up to meet Anakin’s eyes. 
The look lighting up your eyes brings a sense of familiarity within Anakin, that bloodlust that had clouded his judgment all those months ago when he killed the Sand People. Nausea chokes his throat as he remembers that day, sees you mirror what he must have looked like. And through the fog of his revulsion and fear and regret, he realizes that no one can know what happened. 
“She saw us evacuating the people from the town, she knew we knew, she was gonna expose us,” You babble, still frozen on top of Reyna’s body. “She never trusted me, she never trusted us, she was going to— we would be dead if I hadn’t done it, she wanted us dead,” You plead, trying to rationalize and explain it all to Anakin. You don’t realize that he understands you perfectly.  
“Come on, come on,” he ushers you, getting you away from the body as you begin to shake. 
“What did I do, Anakin?” You whisper, trembling hands reaching to the ground as you try to sink away from his grasp. 
“No. Look at me. My queen, look at me,” he urges, wishing so desperately that he could take away the horrified look in your eyes. “You didn’t do anything. You haven’t seen her since you were in the palace, after which you and I went on a romantic stroll. How did she find you?” He asks, hands resting on your temples as he tries desperately to bring down your panic.  A little feeling of guilt burrows itself within him as he realizes he had never felt this guilty about the people he had killed. Maybe he should have, and that makes him feel worse. 
“She— I forgot to take off all my jewelry, and there was a tracker in one of my bracelets,” you whisper, going to rip off the bracelets. “She woke up this morning and we weren’t at the palace, so she checked the tracker and found us here. She didn’t tell anyone, or she would have brought someone else with her.” Anakin nods, stroking your temples with his thumbs. You close your eyes, murmuring his name in a desperate sob, with a sacredness to his name that he’s never truly heard before. 
Anakin hoists you away from Reyna’s still-warm body, the heat flowing out of her like rivers that seek you out, staining your hands with more blood. He doesn’t want you to deal with this, but fate has left the two of you with no choice. He can’t use the Force— Obi-Wan’s natural distrust of politicians, spies, whatever category you fit into would only make his opinion of you suffer. He’d be able to sense it instantly. And for some reason, Anakin wants him to approve of you. Desperately so, in fact. So he grabs some tools from the front of a nearby home, using some sort of shovel to dig into the dry dirt of the road. Each thud of the shovel radiates pain up his arm and the metal of his hand creaks and complains, but he hardly notices for the fact that the only thing you’ve been able to say is his name, over and over again. You’ve turned him into your anchor, and he can feel it, the vulnerability, the pain, the fear that you’ve become something that can’t be reversed. It’s the same fear that he feels so often, the same fear that he felt after killing the Sand People. And it’s then that Anakin realizes, startlingly, that he’d do anything for you. 
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skyyletai · 1 year
I think that Chrollo could fall in love with a woman who is much older than him.
chrollo: milady, would you like to have dinner with me?
y/n: mr lucilfer i appreciate your kindness but-
chrollo: but what?
chrollo: so what? ◉⁠‿⁠◉
y/n: *sounds of indignation*
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