#I know I'm in the middle of another transformations cause I keep waking up super early
viridian-tay-leaf · 1 year
I've known all my life that music was important to me. As a constantly evolving & transforming scorpio it was hard to express my feelings to others and myself.
Music has always had my back in that department. It was like: "Yes! 👏🏽 You get it! This is how I'm feeling & you felt it too at a moment in time!"
I also use art to express myself as you know from previous posts, but I enjoy the process more than the feelings that come after I'm done.
💜 Keep in mind I'm a ♏ Sun, ♌ Rising, & ♒ Moon.
I say all of this this to ask:
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I was honestly so excited to see the new flufftober update when I refreshed AO3 today but wHEN I SAW IT HAD SUPER SILVER TOO that was another burst of excitement cause I love him so much
I kinda wonder; what do you think would be Espio's reaction to seeing Super Silver for the first time, and what circumstances would that "first time" happen in? Cause on one hand I'd imagine Espio would find the super form to be very alluring but on the other hand if they're in the middle of a battle he's not just gonna pause mid-fight just to marvel at his pretty boyfriend
I'm happy to hear you liked it!💕 I'm quite fond of Super Silver too; there's something about his design, the fact that his two largest quills and tuft of fur on his back raise up and his PK and said tuft become golden, that I find very appealing. Especially the fact his neck floof changes colour and rises up on his back really nicely separates him from the other two Super forms, in my opinion! And I really like the Shield of Light; not only the name, but also that it is something protective and used for defense. To me, in a way, it links towards Silver's ultimate goal being protecting others.
As for Espio and Silver's first time turning Super, I think it would be interesting if Silver actually does not know he can turn Super until that moment. Sonic might have elaborated about turning Super before in a recollection of his grand adventures, and then likely also mentioned Shadow can do the same, but I doubt Silver would immediately be incentivised to try it out himself. After all, the might of the Chaos Emerald is no plaything... but Espio can easily see he does wonder what it would be like if he could, haha! Just very innocently daydreaming about turning gold and having his powers be infinitely more strong, like a kid imagining themselves to be a superhero. It's cute to look at, but both Silver and Espio know to not go search for answers until the time is there.
And then one day things go completely to hell, like they tend to do in Sonic's world with a bit of help from Eggman. Everyone gathers the Chaos Emeralds to have a fighting chance, and Sonic turns Super to fight Eggman off; and I like to think that Silver does the same by sheer accident. I headcanon the Emeralds have a level of sentience and can reach out to people, and thus as Silver is studying them, he cannot shake the feeling he needs to get closer. Espio asks what he is doing, easily noticing that Silver is acting very off and almost like he is possessed. But by that point Silver has already reached out to the Emeralds, and Espio can only stare in shock as light engulfs him and Super Silver is revealed from there. All in all I think Espio might not be too startled once the initial surprise wears off; he can reason what happened to Silver because he knows Super Sonic is a thing, and I figure he always had a feeling it would not be odd if Silver with his PK is similarly attuned to the Emeralds to allow for such a transformation. And I like to think that turning Super comes with a sense of knowing what to do and a feeling everything will turn out okay, because they embody such positive emotions. So for Silver everything kind of 'falls into place' when turning Super, and he easily helps turn the tide of the battle after assuring Espio he is alright. If the situation allows for it Espio might catch himself marvelling a little bit, though he's got enough personal restraint to keep his head in the game and not get distracted. It would be a shame if he suffered injury while Super Silver is being all awesome and heroic, after all.
....And then the battle is won and Super Silver can depower, and because it was his first time, he basically collapses from dual exhaustion (the fight itself and the excitement around turning Super) into Espio's arms <3 <3 Espio will carry him to bed, where Silver sleeps for like a good twenty hours straight before waking up somewhat disoriented! But he's got Espio at his side to give him some water and food and fill him in on everything that has happened. Silver can dive further into what it felt like, but I think he quickly concedes turning Super is best kept only for emergencies, considering the strain it does put on him. But luckily Espio's got plenty of memories to marvel at mentally until the next time his beloved needs to turn Super! <3
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kudalyn · 6 years
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. Oh poor Atem my heart was already bleeding for the little bugger. I'm an absolute sap for self-doubting, self-bashing Atem for some reason. And THIS IS ME TOTALLY ASKING FOR MORE. How do Yugi and Atem become lovers? I bet Atem does some more self-angst stuff when he wakes up right? And how do they meet Jou and Ryou? What do they do make a living? What's their cover? So can Atem transform into multiple things or just Zorc-esque? Wahhhh so many questions.
Thank you for your patience!! I don’t always have the energy to answer messages right away so sorry this is late >w
A bit more chatlog copypaste and other stuff:
Atem and Yugi’s romance takes some time to fully bloom. They’ve had a mutual attraction for a long time, but many things (atem’s bad self-esteem and yugi’s hesitance) get in the way of it, and the stress of having to be on the lam doesn’t give much room for that to grow
a mutual deep respect and endless loyalty to each other, yes, but romance not so much. Plus Atem learning he’s a walking magic bomb and Yugi having to work double time in keeping the both of them cloaked while Atem’s untrained magical signature is a giant ass beacon of HEY COME GET ME doesn’t help atem’s self-image. 
They end up fleeing the country, moving to a more sparce and less magic-focused country that’s more of a neutral ground than anything, so it’s a bit safer for them to hide out in. They spend a lot of time, some months at least constantly on the move till they find a nondescript town deep in the middle of the neutral country and settle down in an abandoned shack in the surrounding forest. (they clean it up surprisingly well)
atem feels utterly disgraced and distraught that this happened and that yugi's putting himself in danger for him, and many times tries to convince yugi to go back and plead insanity or something. yugi refuses, saying he'll never leave atem alone again when he needs him so badly.
so atem does his best to learn quickly from yugi, but on-the-run teaching isn’t the most thorough way, though Atem does learn best being shown and when under duress/challenge. Its difficult because yugi's not experienced with teaching and atem's magic works differently than his. students usually get teachers that are more experienced with their specific type of magic for ease of teaching.
atem is a fast learner though, and stubborn as fuck, and learns well enough to be able to control his magic enough it's not a danger.  though it has different skills and uses than yugi's does. it gets to the point that it's dangerous for either of them to be seen as they are, and while yugi gets skilled at disguise magic, it's not in atem's skillset and disguising for two is very draining.
So, in a fit of crazyness (as yugi called it) and late night reading, atem gets a brilliant(?) idea. he tells yugi to make him his familiar
familiars are usually made between a non-human magical entity and a humanoid, and demons fall under that non-human entity category
and atem is a demon conduit. he thinks its brilliant! familiar owners can change their familiars form at will, familiars can hide in their owner's shadows, and the owners can forcefully command the familiar in dire situations. if atem ever loses it again (something he’s terrified of doing though while he has had some close calls he hasn’t had any relapses in his training) yugi can just tell him to stop! yugi thinks he's mad - familiar contracts are not only very binding, they've never been recorded happening between two humanoids, let alone a conduit, and demon familiar contracts are tricky and can backfire.
atem insists, he'd never set any contract lines that would hurt yugi, he's loyal as fuck, and he admits that if capable he'd willingly spend the rest of his life serving yugi. not exactly a declaration of love, but yugi understands what more or less what he means
yugi's overwhelmed, tells atem he needs to think on it. atem thinks he's fucked up in more ways than one, and they have a day or two of awkwardness but yugi eventually concedes, saying that while it is very clever, it is also very dangerous. but he wants atem to be safe, and he too wants to spend his life with atem - he just didn't see it ever happening like this. something atem gets depressed over momentarily before yugi snaps him out of it and says he will never regret making his decision to save atem
they make the contract, magical circle and all, and while the magic goes a bit dodgy for a bit, it ends up working out - but with the unrealized side effect of the two of them being able to speak/see each others thoughts via soul link
atem as an awakened demon conduit had always been hyper attuned to human's emotions and feelings, being able to smell and feel them himself, but this was a whole new step. and yugi not being alone in his head was very jarring
it puts a lot of stress on them, along with learning how the contract works - if yugi asks atem to do something, if he doesn't word it carefully it comes out as a command Atem is compelled to do forcefully
like 'atem, shut up' becomes literal even if it was meant jokingly.
he learns to use nicknames more often, but atem does enjoy the nickname yugi gave him as a kid so he doesn't mind, and he knows the command could be useful in a pinch (or bad for him if yugi is in danger and forces atem to leave, but he makes yugi swear he'd never do something like that - atem knows he's probably fibbing but its the best he can do)
another thing is atem learning to live in yugi's shadow if need be, but he hardly uses it, yugi usually transforms atem into a dark dark red cat with some gold stripes, so atem can sit on his shoulder as he goes out and about so yugi only has to disguise himself, and its easier to hide one person in a crowd instead of two
also in times like that the mental link comes in very handy, but it still takes time for them to learn how to block each other off from the others minds for privacy or other stuff. they eventually get comfortable enough being pretty open with their thoughts, but that takes a while.
I’ve thought a bit on it and it’s a bit hard to decide, but I think what’ll happen is that while Anzu will be someone Yugi used to be friends with back at their old village and left behind sadly, Jou and Ryou will be two villagers living in the new town. they end up becoming friends, but friends with ‘not-Yugi’ or the disguise Yugi puts up when he goes to town. They know there’d be less of a chance of them being recognized in a different country, specially just Yugi on his own, but they don’t wanna risk it. 
I think eventually yugi and atem will reveal themselves when jou and ryou prove loyal friends, but it’d be some time before they do that. For the longest time, jou and ryou just think yugi’s this eccentric magic collector who talks far too much to his cat.
Yugi and atem will make some living doing small magic practices, ending up being mostly an apothecary than anything else because it’s simple and unobtrusive and living in the forest gives them lots of supplies. also people in this neutral country trust natural remedies a bit more than straight up magic, though yugi uses it while making any potions or poultices to make them more effective. Atem with his great memory and quick thinking ends up being a walking library, (not literally) devouring any book he comes across and collecting an even larger mental catalog than Yugi does. he swears his reading is just a past-time but yugi knows better. 
they do sometimes like small bounties or clearing out any dangerous magical critters from the surrounding area but they do it quietly and under disguise to keep things safe. 
One of Atem’s new skills turns out to be shape-shifting of some amount (separate from the shape-shifting that comes with his familiar status under Yugi)
Mainly he has to retain some sort of bipedal form, but he can add and retract wings, a tail, horns, scales and claws and other such details. He avoids anything hulking and monstrous like what Zorc forced him into in his awakening, choosing to always keep his human face and general form. His shapeshifting prerequisites are horns, claws, and some form of tail no matter how hard he tries to keep the tail from growing. That’s when his nub tail makes its most usual appearance, the shortest he can get away with (yugi loves it)
He can do some digitgrade-ness, or specific amplification like giant yaoi hand claws and stuff for offence if need be. he can’t like breathe fire or anything easily cause it requires more amplification to his body than he likes (his face/throat/chest) but if need be he’ll use it. The wings he’s never super fond of because he doesnt quite like the feel of multiple limbs he has to keep track of and coordinate, but Yugi convinces him to at least learn how to use them in case they ever need to use them. He’s glad that he can go without them. 
In any of his altered forms his speed and strength is greatly intensified, as are his senses. the more he allows himself to shift away from human the more intense his demonic urges are (aggression, hunger for magical power, general nasty emotions and urges) so he sticks to as human as possible at all times. When he’s loafing around at home with Yugi he’s rarely in any altered form unless he’s feeling in a particularly good mood (self-confident) and he allows himself to be more open. 
Also: Atem has a heck of a time trying to control his vices. His main one is gambling, though he manages to get his minor drinking problem under control with yugi’s help. Gambling is something that he just can’t seem to get rid of, but Yugi helps by setting safer stakes and bets for him to get his high off of, plus Yugi himself enjoys a good game and is a good opponent for Atem always.
So, I think this is the most of what I have so far for this au. I’d love to write it up one day, but it’ll have to wait ;v;
thank u for ur love!! feel free to ask me more stuff if you’re still curious, gives me more excuses to do worldbuilding. o/
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