#I know Kitty usually has a bad taste in fashion but her dress here is the Cindy´s dress of disney
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Mulan au (fashion)
N/A: Something merciful short just to keep this au alive.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
Genosha heard great tales about Kitty "James" Pryde and once the kingdom that used to be sexist is no more sexist( fight for equal rights is always a constant, always, but, the Queen and all the other women know how to fight now) the woman is free to do what she wants once again.
She wasn´t fired, far from that, she was almost canonized in a new Joan of Dark (a big exaggeration on their part as Kitty does not fancy being burned) and could have any job, any position she wanted...and Kitty stay there for a while, until the Queen gave birth to the princess and until the princess is now ready to rule.
Maybe, Kitty Pryde is not a person to grown roots in any place, however, when Genosha invites Kitty to a ball, something Kitty does enjoy very much, the woman has no problem in show up.
Even when she found out, thanks to her connections, that the necromancer will be there as well. In fact, she would be disappointed if he wouldn´t show up.
"Michael" Kitty speaks to one of her "sons" who is a boy with dirty blonde hair, green eyes and is taller than the others. "Do you want to take your big mom to the ball? I don´t have any date and well, you never went to a ball before"
"Sure, mom, I´ll take you there, wait, is that fancy ball in Genosha?" Kitty nods and Michael ponders for a moment letting the food on his plate get cold by the minute "will I need a really fancy outfit?"
"Ok, then, just checking"
The ball of Genosha is just like they were imaging, extremely fancy and full of powerful people, Kitty and her descendants live in a nice citadel under the mountain of Wish and across the great lake of Hope, by the names, it is clear to notice that Zaorva´s follower found the citadel and still live in peace and harmony with nature and among themselves.
Kitty Pryde is wearing a nice gall, however, not even her decedent knows if the dress is white or blue, and on another topic, while the dress may be pretty is not following the fashion.
Many women are wearing a different dress that does not match in the slightest the dress Kitty Pryde is currently wearing, but, Kitty Pryde does not seem to care.
Giving a soft smile to her descendant, the woman is fixing his tie and speaks in a calm and gentle tone. " The dresses may be different, but, those parties are the same, have fun tonight, boy, but not too much fun or else you will end up in a surprise marriage" she jokes as her lips twisted slighted.
"Har-har, is that what happened when you were young?" Michael asked and Kitty punched his arm softly.
"Brat, and...sort of, I still remember a friend of mine that dance too much with a certain gentleman and well, let´s say it wouldn´t be proper for them to end the dance so soon" Kitty speaks and Michael does not need to know more about euphemism.
King Magneto greets Kitty Pryde as if she is a friendly manner as well in a polite fashion, Kitty Pryde is not a noblewoman, but, noble blood means nothing to someone as powerful as Kitty.
(Plus Magneto knows that people can get royal blood easily. She used to be a mercenary in the past, even if she said it was for a good cause, what´s stopping her to get a noble name? What´s the importance of a noble name for a woman as powerful as Kitty)
"Miss Pryde, I´m happy you accept the invitation," Magneto notices the pretty, but, old dress along with the Davi Star(nothing wrong with the dress, per se, is beautiful and elegant, but, it gives away she is not the age she appears to have) his tone is friendly as much Magneto can have.
"Thank you, Erik," Kitty said as if she is talking to a child, well, to Kitty Magneto as young as a child, so, this time he will let that slice. "I really love balls, even if I´m out of the current fashion sense" Kitty jokes. "by the way, this is my descent, Michael Pryde, this is his first ball in Genosha"
"Then, I hope Michael Pryde enjoys the ball" Magneto replied with a smile as if talking with his own son. (Michael would frown at this comparison as Magneto and Quicksilver have a turmoil relationship) maybe this thought was too loud to even Magneto to hear or maybe Michael is being paranoid because Magneto calls for his second daughter, Lorna, to dance with Michael if Kitty is alright with that.
"I told you to have fun, boy" Kitty mess with his hair but a secret look sends a message to him. Be careful. That Michael can do.
Offering his arm to Lorna he takes the princess to the ballroom to dance. ___________________________________________
The Necromancer is in the ball a request his daughter made(that infuriates Wanda to no end) as she wishes to spend time with her father, of course, Scarlet Witch can be there for her daughter and ignore the existence of the Necromancer too.
The man does like Genosha´s parties, but, is even happier to know of all the guest that Magneto could call with such pompous and elegancy, he chose Kitty Pryde.
This prompts the man to go to talk with Kitty, their first meeting still fresh in his mind, but, no resentment is being held, and so pleased that he is using his best outfit.
He did notice the dress, out of fashion by 50 years, by no means she is ugly, but, that dress is something not even Wanda´s mother would wear and Kurt think is curious Kitty would wear something like that(unless she is trying to revive this old-style, well, like it was mentioned before, she does look good even in an old style)
"Enjoying the ball?" Kurt asked and Kitty gaze to him, her doe eyes are indeed beautiful and Kurt can see why people call her Belle(well, she has many names linked to her, some flattering and some not so much)
"Oh, yes, I´m very much. And you, Mr Necromancer? Are you going to be extra tonight? This dress is my favourite I would hate to stain with your blood tonight"
"Katzchen, I wouldn´t dream with that" He speaks in an easy tone "this is a ball that my daughter waited and planned for" this caught her attention "why waste such ball, such moment fighting when we could dance?"
"You have a way with words, Mr Necromancer!"
"Thank you, I try"
Kurt offers his hand and before Kitty takes she gazes upon a man with brown hair dancing with a woman with green hair, of course, that is Lorna Dane.
"That´s my son, that´s his first ball here," she said with warmth in her voice and is impressed how the young man is being a gentleman with the princess.
Kurt looks between Kitty and the young man feeling the excitement all of sudden. Kitty takes his hand. "Your son? Is he enjoying Genosha?"
"Michael Pryde, and yes, well, he never saw Genosha before, but, seem to be having fun" and adds "you are smiling"
"I´m happy to be dancing with you, Katzchen"
"Uhm, wait, are you here to dance with me or to make anyone jealousy?"
"Just to dance with you, Katzchen, no jealousy plot here, I promise and you can use your blessing on me"
"Already did, elf, just to be sure ...I´m a big fan of Scarlet Witch and don´t want her to be mad at me"
"...she hates me, Katzchen, it was one-night stand" Kurt won´t tell how sometimes she tells people that she conceived Talia by magic just to excluded Kurt of her life. "and you?"
"Michael? it was a marriage full of love"
Well, that won´t stop Kurt Wagner that´s for sure.
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Warnings: noncon sexual acts (sexual intercourse); tags to be added throughout series
This is dark!Bucky and dark! Loki and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your father was a bookie and taught you everything you know about numbers. After his death, you were taken on as a bookkeeper for Loki Laufeyson, resident crime boss in Manhattan. But can you keep your place in the background when a man from Brooklyn threatens to drag you to the forefront?
Note: We vibing these two bad boys so here’s chapter 2. Be safe.
Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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The dress was plain, but you were certai, nice enough for the occasion. You didn’t expect Loki’s approval, that was a rarity, but you were content in your malicious compliance. The long burgundy crepe was held up by thin straps and hugged your body enough not to be entirely baggish. You wore a thin black shawl over your shoulders as you hailed a cab and gave the closest intersection to the underground club.
You hadn’t been this dressed up since your regrettable prom night. Then you were still naive enough to dream about a Lizzie Maguire fairytale. You hadn’t even been arm candy that night, you had merely been a ploy to make some other girl jealous. You’d left early upon the realisation. ‘Fuck ‘em’, your dad had given his usual snipe and since your inner monologue tended to echo him.
A decade later, a little more than, and your cynicism had aged like a stringent and oaky whiskey. You hooked the strap of your small beaded clutch around your wrist as you got out of the cab and peered down the street. Streetlights illuminated the smoke blowing up from the sewer and distant neon light stared back at you from the end of the block.
You would appease Loki and whatever game he was playing. You knew his moods, his tricks. He grew bored often and quickly flitted to his next delight. You suspected he was merely reminding himself of his power after a near disastrous war. And you, too.
You descended the iron steps and knocked on the painted door. The tiny slat slid open and a muffled din wafted through. “Slate,” A voice cut through the night and you replied swiftly, “Pyramid”. A heavy lock turned and you were let into the dark corridor.
You’d been here once before. You were sixteen, your father had been with you. He’d played a game of Hold ‘Em with Diablo and won a few times too many. The two of you had barely escaped before the droopy-eyed owner caught on. That was long ago and yet, nothing had changed.
There was a thick velvet curtain at the end of the hallway. The doorman escorted you to it and pulled it back to reveal a bright room full of men in tailored suits and women draped off their arms like peacocks. You shook your head and stepped through. You needed a drink. You needed an excuse to turn back. But you went on.
Loki was slender but tall, a few inches above most men. You saw him amid the crowd, a snifter held to his nose as he inhaled the scent of the dark liquor. You passed a man in a crushed velvet jacket and his eyes caught yours. His arm was around a slinky redhead distracted by another boisterous guest. He winked and you scowled.
You wove through the bodies and appeared at Loki’s shoulder.
“Where do I get some of that?” You pointed to his glass and he looked down his long nose at you. If he was surprised, it was hard to tell. Only the slight part of his lips cracked his stony veneer.
“Darling, I’d stick to the wine,” He preened.
“Darling?” You scoffed. “You know my name.”
He smirked and turned to you entirely. He was overt as he looked you up and down and touched the fabric at your waist.
“I thought I said to wear something nice,” He muttered. “At least I can see your eyes.”
“You told me to wear a dress. Should I have gone with the black victorian number?” You challenged.
He considered you as his smirk fell.
“Kitty has found her claws,” He taunted. “Best she keeps her growls to herself.”
“I don’t understand why I’m here,” You said. “Tell me you couldn’t find a better date among your harem.”
“Harem? You make me sound a king,” He mused. “As you are so generous to yourself. This is not a date, darling.”
“Then what is it? Is it really necessary for you to wag your--”
“Watch it,” He warned as he pointed his long index finger at you. “You’re not playing at this anymore. You are made or you are burned. There is no in-between.”
“I tend to doubt your concern for my standing so long as my work benefits your own,” You said. “So forgive my suspicion.”
“Your father was on the scene, he made a name, as detestable as it is, and your grandfather has not been forgotten either,” He said. “We are both a part of this city’s legacy.”
“Mm,” You arched a brow. “I still don’t believe you.”
“Believe what you will.” He shrugged. “But best to start thinking for yourself before another does it for you.”
You squinted and looked around. A woman in a feather dress carried a tray of tall wine glasses. You preferred another taste but you would settle for the pale chardonnay. You beckoned her over and took one as Loki perused the room.
“Is this all you do at these things?” You sipped. “Coil like a snake in the corner?”
“I observe. I learn.” He grinned. “And the snake does not bow to the mice, rather they cower before him.”
“Poetic,” You said dryly. 
“Well,” A deep voice came from your left and you looked to the man you vaguely recognized. His golden brocade was embroidered with dragons; a gaudy Oriental knock-off. Finely tailored but still ill-fit to his person. “Is that Georgey’s girl?”
You greeted him with your usual straight-lipped stare. You batted your lashes sharply and he chuckled.
“I remember you,” He carried on. “You’ve grown.”
“As have you,” You gestured to his stomach, poorly hidden beneath the gauche jacket.
He laughed even louder and turned to Loki.
“I did hear you had the bookie’s daughter,” He boomed. “I wouldn’t trust that ilk to keep my books but call me prudish.”
“Don’t you worry, I wouldn’t touch your books over my father’s dead body,” You snorted. “Even I couldn’t untangle that knot with a blade.”
“Oh, I see,” Diablo shook his head. “The mouth on her.”
“Yes, rather endearing, isn’t it?” He sneered.
“Not sure anyone else would agree,” Diablo said. “The prettier one’s are much quieter.”
“Yet--” You began.
Loki raised his hand to silence you. You clamped your ships and your nostrils flared in anger.
“Let us excuse ourselves,” Loki gestured Diablo away. “And discuss in private, yes?”
“Best while everyone else is distracted,” Diablo replied and peeked over at you. “I dread our next meeting.”
“As do I,” You assured him.
Loki looked at you from the corner of his eye as his lip curled. He directed Diablo away from you and you watched them go, a smirk slowly spread across your face. You never wanted to make your father proud but he would’ve been beaming. 
You finished your drink and searched for a table to dispose of it. You set it down carefully on a tall corner table and slipped your shawl down around your elbow. You glanced around. You thought of fleeing as Loki was distracted but you knew he wouldn’t forget you. In fact, it seemed he had grown intent on you for whatever reason.
A shadow blotted the edge of your vision and you turned to greet your assailant. You were slightly surprised to find Bucky Barnes closing in. He smiled and tilted his head as he stopped before you. He wore a deep violet jacket over navy trousers, his eyes shone in the contrast.
“I wasn’t sure you got my invitation,” He said.
“Invitation?” You shook your head. “What--”
“Loki, he-- I mentioned I’d like to see you again,” He said staunchly. 
“What?” You scrunched your brow.
“I like the colour,” He admired your dress. “But I think a different cut might suit you better.”
“Oh, I didn’t take you as a purveyor of fashion. Well, nothing beyond a g-string and stilettos.” You huffed.
“Ah, I run a pretty classy joint,” He winked. “My girls have nothing but the best, even if it isn’t much.”
You pushed your shoulders back and looked around once more.
“Well, I was not told my presence was at your whim,” You said. “In fact, my being here is entirely undesirable.”
“If I had my way, sweetheart, you’d be doing a lot more than just standing here in that pretty little number,” He snickered.
You looked at him sharply.
“I need a drink,” You stormed off in search of the girl in the feathered dress.
You sensed him following behind you but ignored him. As you made to swipe a glass from the tray, he reached around you and grabbed it first. He caught your hand before you could take another and drew you back to him as he placed the slender flute into your hand.
“I wasn’t done, sweetheart,” He closed your fingers around the glass. 
You were livid. Had Loki brought you here to whore you out? Another pawn to secure his peace?
“Loki’s my boss but he is not my pimp,” You pulled away from him. 
“I didn’t say that,” He said. “I didn’t think it, either.”
You flicked the glass at him so the chardonnay splashed across his front and dripped down his face.
“Not interested,” You snarled and swept away with the empty glass.
“Sweetheart,” He sang from behind you. “I wouldn’t do this.”
“Get away from me,” You rushed away from him towards the door. “If you see Loki, tell him I’ll see him at the shop. To be frank, I don’t care either way.”
“We can just talk,” He purred. “Come on. You haven’t even given me a chance.” He caught your elbow and turned you back. “No other girl has ever thrown her drink in my face because if she had, I’d break hers. Now, I have no intention of hurting you. You see, I will look past your little slip.”
“I came here for business, or so I was told,” You said. “I am not interested in talking to you about anything beyond that.”
“Is this about the boss, hmm? This has nothing to do with him or our relationship, if that’s what you think.”
“I think you are all the same. You all just like to poke and poke and poke at each other until guns come out.” You said. “And I’m not going to be a part of whatever you two are doing.”
“Your loyalty is admirable, especially around here,” He kept hold of you. “Loki doesn’t even know what he’s got.”
“Let go,” You ripped your arm away. “I am not interested in being a comare. Especially yours.”
His brows lifted and slowly he smiled. His blue eyes twinkled and he wiped away the last of the chardonnay with his sleeve as the rest soaked into the front of his jacket.
“Comare… noooo.” He coaxed. “No, you’re not that type.”
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him. His arm shot out and he planted his hand against the wall to block you. You sighed and crossed your arms.
“Look, I know you, you’re just like the rest of them. You don’t like being told no. Little baby.” You snarled. “But I don’t like to repeat myself. So--”
“There you are,” Loki called from behind you. Bucky pushed himself straight as you looked over your shoulder. “Barnes…” He lifted his chin as he approached.
“Loki,” Bucky’s jaw squared. “I was just getting to know your little secretary, but she’s not very chatty. Hasn’t even given me her name.”
Loki snickered and peeked over at you.
“Don’t be rude, darling,” He said. You bit down and looked at Bucky and stiffly recited your name. He smirked. “She’s shy, that’s all.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Bucky countered. “I feel like you’ve been sneaky, hiding her away.”
“Well,” Loki’s arm slowly snaked around your waist. “I thought we agreed to keep to our own territory.”
You went rigid and tried to pull away. Loki tightened his hold and kept you against him. Bucky watched you squirm and his thoughts wrinkled his forehead.
“And I thought we were just becoming friends,” Bucky returned.
“Allies,” Loki corrected. “Have I not been peaceable?”
Bucky poked his cheek with his tongue as he glanced over at you. You stared at him blankly and he nodded.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He cleared his throat. “Both of you?”
“Of course,” Loki spread his hand over your hip and squeezed. “You know where to find… us.”
“I do,” Bucky affirmed and turned away.
You watched him go and wished you had more wine to throw as you stared at your empty glass. You tore away from Loki and jabbed his arm.
“What the fuck was that?” You snapped.
“That, darling, was how you play the game.” He grinned.
“You’re disgusting.” You glared at him.
“Oh, I wouldn’t deny that but you see, that man, oh, he is a tough nut to crack but I’ve finally found something he wants.” He said. “Something he really wants, not just some stretch of land.”
“No, no,” You spun and set your glass down. “No, I will not do this.”
His heels clicked behind you as you closed the distance to the curtained door. He shoved you through and pulled the velvet back into place as he grabbed your wrist.
“You will do whatever I want you to do.” He lowered his voice as his shadow loomed over you in the dark corridor. “You are good at what you do; your numbers, and I am sure you will recall a little jot in your margin. That one marked with the star.” He squeezed your wrist. “That’s you, darling.”
“Me?” You sputtered.
“Diablo, along with Viscardi, old pals with your father.” His other hand played with the strap of your dress. You gulped at the latter, the name of your father’s killer. “That bounty was not just for old Georgey, that was for every drop of his blood left. You…”
“No, no.” You said.
“I paid that bounty. I still pay it and it keeps you alive and in my pocket, until I should need you and your time has come.” He taunted.
“I don’t--”
“My father always said the best investments are people.” He touched your neck and tickled. “They are the most useful tools in this business. The most profitable.” He drew away and stroked your chin. “Know your worth, darling, and you might just prosper from it.”
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toonstarterz · 6 years
So in keeping with the recent trend of bringing back older characters, Watamote goes for a throwback and puts the OG trio into the spotlight. With Kii-chan, we got to experience how Tomoko managed to rekindle a previously strained relationship (somewhat). Will the Tomoko-Yuu-Komiyama team finally become a true circle? Or is it destined to exist as an awkwardly shaped, but cohesive oval? 
Chapter 143: Because I’m Not Popular, The Three Of Us Will Study Together
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As always, Komi’s looking damn fine with her patented punk/goth style. Those open-shouldered skull shirt, slick choker, asymmetrical skirt, and striped leggings all come together to make her look like a total rockstar. It’s delightfully contrasted by the fact that’s she’s a pervert with a baseball obsession, but being fashion-conscious does help to round out her..unsavory side.
But, Yuu, sweetheart, as much as a skater dress looks good on you, you could do without the spikes. Granted, I’m hardly an authority on fashion, and in some circles, I’m sure it looks great. But it’s doesn’t seem as...flashy as she usually presents herself. Perhaps it’s because she’s with Tomoko and Komiyama that she doesn’t feel the pressure to be overtly stylish, and is more comfortable with something more subdued.
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Man, the throwbacks just keep on comin’. What’s next, are they going to find Tomoko’s Yandere Boys Verbal Abuse CD hiding in her room?   
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Friendly reminder that Tomoko is, was, and will always be a piece of shit.
That said, Tomoko isn’t the type to be mean just for the heck of it. Her usual targets like Komiyama and Yoshida are only targeted because it’s been made apparent that they can handle it. With Komi-something, Tomoko knows that she’s not utterly irredeemable, which is why she takes any opportunity she can to milk Komi’s indecency. Because otherwise, she’ll be the bitch, and that’s a line even Tomoko won’t cross.
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This chapter should be titled, “-the four of us will study.”
Speaking of which, Yuu and Komiyama have never seen Tomoko’s big plushie before, right? They probably think that it’s evident of Tomoko’s hidden cute side but if they ever found out about all the questionable things Tomoko does to the poor thing, that idea is sure to be shattered.
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I suppose I should address the elephant in the room and ask what the hell is it with Yuu and her incessant sweating? Not even down her face or anything, but it flies off her body. Could this be her unique way of expressing hidden anxiety? That’s a scary possibility, to be sure.
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No, there’s supposed to be beer cans everywhere with inebriated kids playing footsie under the table that quickly escalated into necking and–oh, wait, this is reality. My bad.
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Ah, so these are the friends that Yuu-chan often brings up but we’ve never really seen before. They certainly look like a lively bunch, though that’s really all one can say from a single panel. Granted, if Yuu's school does have relatively inferior academics, then I imagine there’s a bit more goofing off going on here than actual studying.
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Same here. That’s the reason yours truly goes off to work at the local cafe rather work at home. Too many distractions and external stimuli at your abode, and no one to hold you accountable for slacking off.
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Not entirely sure if this is a joke lost in translation, but apparently Komiyama is humming a ditty about the Chiba Lotte Marines, namely infielder Nakamura Shougo. That’s actually kinda cute.
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Got nothin’ to say. Itou just looks adorable here. 
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This, however, is decidedly NOT cute.
As the series’ resident purevert, Komiyama’s crush on Tomoki has always fluctuated between two extremes: innocent, schoolgirl affection and disturbingly fetishistic lust, and this line about, um...licking Tomoki’s eye circles falls way into the latter. For the record, I’m generally nonjudgmental about one’s unharmful sexual preferences–to each their own, you know–but given Komiyama’s history, I’m genuinely concerned for Tomoki’s wellbeing should the girl ever get her paws on him. 
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Itou is canonically the strongest character in the whole series. Those powers of perception were gained through unfathomable amounts of mental destruction. 
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Self-awareness? What self-awareness?
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Is this going to be running gag now–Yuu innocently “complimenting” Komiyama with a between-the-lines insult?
I dig it.
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Some may call it slacking, I call it strategic half-assery.
Ah, so Tomoko is officially aiming for a liberal arts school. For a girl who used to have zero prospects after high school, it’s uplifting to see Tomoko with an actual long-term goal in mind. It really is the only thing she’s reasonably passionate about, and the “starving artist” lifestyle actually fits pretty well with Tomoko’s approach to the world, so good for her.
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Poor Yuu is never going to make it in the “real world”, is she?
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Checking out the play-by-play when you’re supposed to be studying? Sometimes I forget that Komiyama actually has a cute side.
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You know, given all the times when Tomoko and Komiyama are shitting at each other, these little bits of politeness between them are much more poignant. Sure, they’re being conscientious about it since Yuu’s there, but I can see this happening even if she wasn’t. See, Tomoko and Komiyama tend to mirror each other–insults are reciprocated with insults, and friendliness is reciprocated with friendliness. Even when they swing far on one side, something always pulls them back into equilibrium.
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This would’ve been a good spot to put a gag here, with Komi expecting a strikeout only to explode with joy in front of her friends when the Lotte’s make an unexpected comeback. Instead, Nico Tanigawa goes for realism, validating the more pessimistic side of Komiyama. As for why they chose this route, I actually believe its to set up a little arc for Komi. As of now, baseball and Tomoko are her saving graces, and neither is looking good right now. Ultimately, this could lead to Komi facing the reality that dreams don’t always come true, and learning to accept that.
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Yuu was definitely fishing for an answer to Nemo and Katou, and the fact that Tomoko doesn’t tell her right away is actually a good sign. Back in the old days, Tomoko would jump at the chance to “brag” about Yuu, her then-only friend because she was so insecure about their friendship falling apart. Since then, she’s made a number of meaningful friends, so that need to brag is long gone. 
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I love seeing characters describe other characters they’ve barely interacted with. Komi does see Nemo as a girl in the “sorta-in-crowd” so it makes sense that she would see her as “flashy”.
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Says the girl who also dresses super fashionably.
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Shocked, but not resentful. It’s uplighting to see Komiyama take Tomoko’s relative popularity in stride, and it’s a feeling that’s been there since the Kyoto Field Trip Arc. Despite having very few friends herself, she’s never thought poorly of Tomoko when the girl gained more friendships. If anything, it made Komiyama see her in a slightly better light now that she knows Tomoko isn’t completely irredeemable. 
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I could almost swear that Komi is doing that on purpose.
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Everybody’s Golf is that PS4 game, correct? Good taste, this girl.
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Shit, Tomoko, at least take her out to dinner first.
But it actually makes sense for why Tomoko brings it up like that. She knows that she’s at that stage in her relationship with Yuu that she just can’t casually molest her anymore (not that she should have been doing that in the first place, but still). Tomoko, the perv that she is, still has those shitty desires, but she’s more tactical about it. Like a politician. 
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Lol! Tomoko is such a jokester!
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This harks back to those times when Tomoko fantasized about being an arms dealer/mercenary. Naturally, that’s a far cry from wanting to be a golfer, which is much more grounded in reality. Even Tomoko’s reasons about the payload and being a woman carries merit. Sure, it’s ultimately a fleeting interest, but at least her dreams aren’t so...how should I say, destructive anymore.
Even deeper into the realm of reality is her interest in being an esports streamer. Being a millennial, it’s a perfectly understandable desire that fits into Tomoko’s work ethic and personality. Sure, her last experience as a streamer was an utter failure, but now she’s got a good grasp on what it really takes to be one. My guess about Komiyama doubts stem from her thinking that female streamers become popular largely on their sex appeal, which Tomoko evidently does not have by most accounts. 
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Tomokitis (noun) – a rare disease characterized by an irrational lust for little brothers with baggy eyes named Tomoki. Prolonged exposure to Tomoki will worsen the lust to the point where mere proximity will trigger it. Those afflicted are forever hopeless.
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As freaky as Komiyama is, I’m more impressed that her thirst for Tomoki overrides any disgust she may have at the possibility of being related to Tomoko. Well, Tomoki is basically a drug for her at this point, and junkies have accepted far worse to gain their fix.
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In the rare possibility that the universe decides to hook up Tomoki and Komiyama, Tomoko is going to make one hell of a cockblocker. 
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Shoot, even the cat gets a return appearance. Nico Tanigawa are really putting out all the stops lately with the nostalgia, ain’t they? 
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If memory serves, there isn’t a scene in the manga that shows Yuu being particularly interested in cats, so this was actually pulled straight from the anime. You know, that scene in the last episode where Yuu chases down a mentally broken Tomoko only to suddenly stop and pet a kitty? If they're willing to reference anime-original moments like that, then Nico Tanigawa must have fond memories of their anime adaptation.  
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Is Yuu taking about the dog or Yoshida? :p 
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Okay, so the dog. Wonder how she’d take to being compared to a pig?
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First Pineapple-chan, and now Yuu-chan. It seems pretty mandatory that anybody outside of the loop would think that Yoshida was bullying Tomoko. Of course, once you realize that Tomoko has done things that would get her on the front page of a #MeeToo article, all bets are off.
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Has Tomoko ever been this upfront about how she harasses Yuu? It was always my assumption that this was an unspoken reoccurrence between the two of them. At least the physical stuff anyway, as Tomoko is known for making “jokes” about getting Yuu knocked up. The poor girl really is too sweet for her own good.
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While Yuu may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, that doesn’t mean she’s clueless about the sexual world (she supposedly lost her virginity after all). I’m sure she’s aware that most people wouldn’t tolerate Tomoko “accidental” groping, hence why she questions how someone could not bully her for that. 
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It’s pretty ironic how even though Yoshida is probably the most transparent character in the series, Tomoko still can’t figure out if she’s friends with her. That might be Tomoko’s fault somewhat as she’s the type who needs things spelled out to her, and given that Yoshida is more of an “actions speak louder than words” girl, you can see the barrier there. At some point, one of them’s going to have to take that first step and say it to the other’s face if this friendship is going to go places.  
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Poor Yuu. The first friend of the series is the last friend to see Tomoko’s growth.
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This has been a headcanon of mine since the very beginning of the series, but I’ve always felt that Yuu Naruse had this inner sadness to her. That underneath her beautiful looks and kind personality was a girl who suffers more than she lets on. Remember, Yuu’s personality is fundamentally the same as it was in middle school, despite all the outwardly changes she made in high school. What Tomoko once called a “debut” could have actually been a survival tactic. Yuu never likes to be a bother, and her way of hiding her emotions isn’t always healthy, whether it’s holding back tears about a terrible beach, or making her friends sing for an hour at karaoke. And heaven forbid her breakup with her ex-boyfriend was uglier than she let on. Worse yet, Yuu knows her weaknesses, which only makes her self-deprecating moments hurt even more.
Perhaps I’m talking out of my ass, but hey, Yuu deserves an overcomplicated character analysis just like all the others.  
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And as always, Yuu, the angel she is, always puts Tomoko before herself...
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I find it admirable that Komiyama is so secure about her social life. Her tiny circle of friends and lack of some Tomoki lovin’ have never truly brought her down, and she can even make fun of herself for it. It’s much different from Tomoko’s rampant self-consciousness of the earlier days, Some may argue it’s a lack of shame as opposed to self-confidence, but Komi is clearly making the best out of it.
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Hikari, eh? Other than reminding me of a certain Pokêmon character, I wonder if that’s a joke about how Itou “lights up” when she unleashes her powers of observation.
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So, um...fujoshi anyone?
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The prices one pays to be a friend to Kotomi Komiyama. 
All in all, this was a fairly easygoing chapter, as most chapters with the OG trio are. With the emotional rollercoaster that Golden Week had provided us, it’s nice to wind down a bit and reflect on the past. That’s not to say that this is a “recap” chapter by any means. Simply that this self-reflection exists to guide our heroines into the next stage of their young lives. It may be as simple as making a new friend over a perverted Skype call, but if there’s only one thing this series has taught us, it’s that the simple things are just the start of something greater.
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
J Hope x Reader tumblr prompt.
Pairing : Jhope( Jung Hoseok ) x Reader
Genre : Mild angst 
Prompt. :
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“My showcase is scheduled for the weekend...Friday evening at seven.” Hoseok whispers against your lips, fingers gripping your bottom through the skin tight jean shorts as you straddled him, grinding down on his crotch as you grin into the kiss. Somewhere in the background the TV plays static noise, there’s a light  drip , drip  from the faulty faucet in the kitchen and the distinct scratching from out side the mesh door leading to the balcony.
 Mickey probably wants to come back in.
You pull back to smile fondly at Hobi. 
“Babe, I told you I will never miss a showcase and i meant it. Dad’s going to be pissed though. I have another party to attend on Friday.” You wrinkle your nose and his grip on your ass tightens, a bit on the painful side and it hurts a little.
But in a really, really  good way.
“What did he say?” Hoseok asks and it’s cute, the little bit of hurt nervousness in his tone. i also makes your heart ache because you know that Hoseok really wants to win your parents over. He wants to be good enough in their eyes and no matter how much you try to convince him otherwise, he always thinks he has something to prove. 
“Oh, you know. The usual. I’m not supposed to be in love with you. I’m supposed to find some chaebol...” you roll your eyes. “ But don’t worry, I’ll sneak out and try to make it back as quick as I can.” 
Hoseok hums but then the spark in his eye sort of fades. You lean down and catch the lobe of his ear between your teeth , trying to bring the mood back but Hoseok is distracted and you can’t help but sigh, clambering off him and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Stop it..” You sigh. 
“Stop what?”
“Stop thinking it matters. Whatever my parents say or do.. it doesn’t even matter, okay? i love you. I want to have your babies.” You reach out and impishly squeeze his thigh, the solid weight of it familiar and arousing . “  That’s all that matters.” 
Hoseok laughs a little at that and lightly boops your nose.
“ i want you to have my babies too. i think they’ll be cute. Like you. ” He says but the insecurity still shines through his gaze. 
You kiss him again and he pulls away hesitantly. 
It’s nothing new, 
You’ve been dating for five years, going six and you’re already twenty four. He’s twenty seven and by all acoounts you should be able to make your own decisions now. But your father was one of the rich guys in the country and he had a bit of a public image as well. 
It’s important to him that his future son-in-law should be someone of good financial and social standing. Not a  dancer/ rapper with tattoos and piercings. But all that is just the surface, you think, moving to open the door and letting mickey in. The important thing is that Hoseok is incredibly kind, hardworking and so good for you. You’ve never been the sort to receive affection easily, always wary of poepl trying to get close just because your parents are rich. 
But Hoseok’s different. 
in the six years that you’ve been together he’s never let you spend a single dime on him. Hoseok’s old fashioned in his beliefs that the man should support his woman and you indulge him most times. 
You open the door, the familiar creaking echoing through the house. 
The adorable pup quickly shuffles in , moving to jhope and you stare around at the one bedroom apartment with the makeshift Music Mixing table thingy  and and the dance studio and the countless music equipment. 
It’s a bit cramped.
Your own home is about twelve times bigger.
But everytime you have to leave this place for the night, your heart breaks. Every inch of this place is special to you , because every inch of it screams Your relationship.
 The stain on the carpet from when he’d accidentally dropped your anniversary cake. 
The little crack in the wall from when he’d actually made love to you against it. It was after his first showcase, you had both been too horny and impatient to crawl the five feet or so to the bedroom. 
And the slightly crumpled wallpaper because of the shoddy work you had both done on it. You catch sight of a small bit of subtance on the wall and lean down to pick at it with your forefing. 
“you heading home?” Hoseok asks, nuzzling Mickey. You feel your throat close up at that. 
This is home, your heart whispers. 
This is where i belong. 
“Is this your cum? Did we fuck here as well?” You frown, sniffing at your finger and Hoseok groans, grabbing a throw pillow and tossing it in your face. 
You laugh and he joins in and that’s all you need sometimes. To be able to make the boy you love laugh. Even when he had a million reasons to be sad. 
“I love you.” You say seriously and the warmth in his face is palpable.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” 
And you realize that home is not a place.
 it’s a person. 
And for you, home is always Jung Hoseok. 
When Thursday rolls around, you find yourself stuck in yet another of your mother’s kitty parties. When it ends she tells you to let ‘ the handsome Kim boy’ to drve you back and you want to scream. Kim Jun Myeon isn’t exactly bad or anything but the’s got a massive crush on you and he does a really, really poor job of hising it. And to make matters worse, you need to go to hoseok’s studio.
It’s bad enough that you’re wearing one of the girly , flowery summer dresses that Hoseok thinks are too pretentious and now if you show up with Junmyeon ( who’s wearing a fully formal button down and steam pressed slacks, wtf) you can imagine how much the other boys are going to tease you about it. 
But your maother has that look on her face which tells you that ‘ I know that it’s hard for you to stop disappointing but for once in your life listen to me or I’m going to smack you”  
And yeah, you give in . 
Jung Myeon tries to engage you in conversation but the boy is awfully boring. Or maybe you’re just used to a level of energy fater six years with Hoseok and every other guy just seems incredibly bland to you these days. Whatever the reason, you can ‘t actually hold your attention and fater a while he gives up.
When you finally pull up in front of the studio, you flinch because there’s a spare set of shorts and cropped top stuffed in the lacy white bag over your shoulder. You had hoped to change into it before seeing Hoseok. 
But Hobi is already waiting outside the studio, helmet sitting in his lap as he straddles his bike, leather jacket slung over his shoulders and graphic white T shirt saying something like ‘ Blood and sperm all over the place “ 
When Jun Myeon gets out to open the door for you, you can physically feel the burning intensity of Hoseok’s gaze. The oblivious idiot actually hugs you and you push him away weakly. 
“You should leave...” You say urgently even as Hoseok carefully buckles the helmet to the bike and climbs off the bike. He looks like he’s a second away from throwing Junmyeon against the floor and punching him. 
“Who’s this? “ Jun Myeon clearly has no sense of self preservation and you groan as he stares at Hobi. 
“I’m the guy who made her scream multiple times last night. And who the fuck are you?” Hoseok growls. 
You can’t fully smother the squeak of disbelief that bubbles up.
“Hoseok.. what the actual fuck.. .. Oppa, you should leave..” 
“oppa?!! Are you fucking kidding me right now? “ Hoseok glares angrily and you press a palm to his chest, glaring. 
“Just leave.” You hiss at Jun Myeon and the other boy finally frowns and moves away . 
“Y/N! i’ll pick you up tomorrow for the party...” Jun Myeon says and Hobi growls next to you. 
Once he leaves you round on Hoseok.
“What the hell, hobi?!”
“Shouldn’t i be asking you that?! You fucking called him oppa!” 
“You hate it when I call you that!!” You say surprised. 
“Yes, but i hate it more when you call someone else that!” He shouts back.
You gape at him.
“Oh my God! You’re jealous!!” You laugh in disbelief and he snarls at you.
“I’m not jealous! Why the fuck would I be jealous of that pastel pink jerk?” 
You smile and grab his wrist, yanking him close and pulling his arm around your waist. 
“EXactly...Why should you? Like you said, you’re the one who gets to make me scream..” You whisper , tip toeing and kissing his lips . The taste is oddly familiar and you frown.
“Oh my God.. are you drunk?”
Hoseok frowns. 
“I may have had a few shots...” He says grudgingly. You stare at him in disbelief.
“What... Why?” You whisper in surprise. 
Hoseok sighs.
“Are you ashamed of me?” He says finally.
“I’m always calling you to my showcases but anytime there’s a thing with your parents... you find yourself one of these straight laced bastards to tag along with...” 
You gape at him, too stunned to respond.
“Hoseok.... You..i just didn’t want to make you do something you don’t want to... “ you whisper, feeling oddly hurt.
“I know, y/n. I just...I need some time to cool down. Come on, Let’s just go home.” He walks away without looking back and you stand there feeling very upset. 
When you reach home, he goes into the studio and doesn’t even come to bed. You end up staring at the ceiling all night, wondering what went wrong and how to fix it. 
“Come with me tomorrow. To the party.” You say firmly, Hoseok stares at you. 
“The party... Come with me. i want you to meet my parents, my friends there and everyone else. And to hell with what anyone says...”
“Y/N , you don’t have to...”
“I have to go get ready ay around three. I’l;l pick you up at five and we’ll spend an hour in the party and then we can sneak back out so you can reach the club for your showcase... okay?” 
“ARe you sure...?”
“I’m so sure....You can get a good look at everyone and tell me who should be scratched off from our wedding invite list.” You grin and he smiles softly. 
“I’ll make you proud...” He says softly. 
And your heart just melts.
“i already am ... so proud baby...” You kiss the top of his head and he buries his face into the soft skin of your stomach. You thread your fingers through his hair and he sighs. 
“i just want to be good enough for you.” 
You give his ear a twist.
“You’re not just good enough for me. You’re so much more than I deserve.” He laughs and grabs you closer, tosiing you around till you’re flat on the couch. He wastes no time, straddling your waist and kissing your neck.
“i love you.” He breathes against your skin.
“Good. Now prove it..” You nip at his chin. 
“How?” He laughs, grinding down on you.
“Make me scream.” 
Author’s Note : As always requests open!! 
If you have a request from one these prompts be sure to send me an ask……
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caddyxjellyby · 7 years
Alcott Readathon 2018: Good Wives
Gossip Laurie's power of persuasion must be a nice thing to have. You see, having said that if Meg married 'that Brooke' she shouldn't have a cent of her money, Aunt March was rather in a quandary when time had appeased her wrath and made her repent her vow. :DDDDD "Amy, you are getting altogether too handsome for a single lady." OTP foreshadowing. Kitty Bryant is mentioned again. Nice continuity. The First Wedding Meg kissing Marmee is odd, and I can't imagine any non-fictional groom not being upset at it. But there are too few mama's girls in fiction and so I can't hate Meg for it. PSA: Alcohol is bad.
Artistic Attempts
I want to see, on screen, Amy getting her foot stuck in plaster so much.
This scene makes more sense if you know that back then lobster was cheap, so Amy is embarrassed at looking poor. The Tudors were a real family, and one descendant, Tasha Tudor, was an author and artist who illustrated both Little Women and a collection titled A Round Dozen. I actually didn't know about the former until just now.
Laurie's birthday gift to Amy was a tiny coral lobster in the shape of a charm for her watch guard.
And she treasured it forever as the first piece of jewelry her husband ever bought her.
Literary Lessons
It was a People's Course, the lecture on the Pyramids, and Jo rather wondered at the choice of such a subject for such an audience, but took it for granted that some great social evil would be remedied or some great want supplied by unfolding the glories of the Pharaohs to an audience whose thoughts were busy with the price of coal and flour, and whose lives were spent in trying to solve harder riddles than that of the Sphinx.
WTF Jo, the point is to have fun. And yes, some poor people do find lectures on Egyptology fun.
"SLANG Northbury" plays on the writer
EDEN Southworth
In the hope of pleasing everyone, she took everyone's advice, and like the old man and his donkey in the fable suited nobody.
very good fable, that one.
Domestic Experiences
As for buttons, she soon learned to wonder where they went, to shake her head over the carelessness of men, and to threaten to make him sew them on himself, and see if his work would stand impatient and clumsy fingers any better than hers.
Impatient to take your clothes off, eh, John?
Bread pudding and hash sounds delicious, actually.
Aunt March usually gave the sisters a present of twenty-five dollars apiece at New Year's.
I like how it says "usually" as if she sometimes decides not to.
"Twins, by Jupiter!" was all he said for a minute, then turning to the women with an appealing look that was comically piteous, he added, "Take 'em quick, somebody! I'm going to laugh, and I shall drop 'em."
LMA doesn't often get praised for her humor but she really is good at it.
I forgot that Demi was John
. Cute.
After an Amy chapter, a Jo, and a Meg, this chapter should arguably be a Beth one but it isn't.
When it comes to clothes, I am definitely Jo.
Real life reference: May Alcott was known for riding, rowing, dancing, and as a girl once shocked Julian Hawthorne (son of Nathaniel) by asking him if he didn't think it was nice for girls and boys to bathe together (as in swimming).
Poor Jo!
There's probably no trope that annoys me than "lol girls are catty backstabbing bitches" combined with the lack of boy-on-girl bullying in fiction. So I don't care for this chapter and have nothing to say about it.
I totally feel for Jo here. But it's not like Amy doesn't deserve a trip to Europe. And Jo wouldn't have wanted to be in Europe when Beth died.
Our Foreign Correspondent
I've seen the imperial family several times, the emperor an ugly, hard-looking man, the empress pale and pretty, but dressed in bad taste, I thought— purple dress, green hat, and yellow gloves.
Amy March, criticizing the queen's fashion taste.
Ha, Kate playing matchmaker.
Tender Troubles
Oh no, Beth crying over babies because she knows she'll never get to see them grow up.
Marmee is such a good parent.
she preferred imaginary heroes to real ones, because when tired of them, the former could be shut up in the tin kitchen till called for, and the latter were less manageable.
Aww, Beth thinking Jo wants her to take care of her papers.
Jo refers to Laurie as her boy which makes it sound like she considers him her son.
Jo's Journal
Fritz's brother-in-law was American? Huh.
"almost forty" - See, he's not old!
Franz and Emil *squees*
Kid-me spent so much time trying to combine Bear and Beer.
♥ Fritz dancing with little Tina ♥
A Friend
"sitting with their heels rather higher than their hats" - That description has always stuck with me.
"People want to be amused, not preached at, you know. Morals don't sell nowadays." Which was not quite a correct statement, by the way.
She was beginning to feel rather than see this, for much describing of other people's passions and feelings set her to studying and speculating about her own, a morbid amusement in which healthy young minds do not voluntarily indulge.
I don't think I agree with that. I guess if passions is an euphemism for sexual passions, it makes sense why LMA would think that, but if you take it as non-sexual passions and feelings, I don't see how studying them is a bad thing. I also dislike the idea that Jo, at 20 or 21, is too young for this. She's a grown woman. Infantilization is not okay.
Ah, Jo, never doing anything by halves!
she took a course of Mrs. Sherwood, Miss Edgeworth, and Hannah More, and then produced a tale which might have been more properly called an essay or a sermon, so intensely moral was it.
The professor is in looooove.
Aww, Laurie gave up billiards for Jo.
Too old, Jo? If you say so. I'm also confused by "you'd hate my scribbling" because in past chapters he's always approved of her writing, or at least the writing he knows about.
Beth's Secret
Jo: shipping Amy/Laurie before it even happened.
New Impressions
Finally, an Amy chapter, beginning with an edited passage from A Long Fatal Love Chase. It's now three o'clock instead of five, the Germans are sober instead of plain phlegmatic, the Russians are ugly instead of uncouth, and the French are lively instead of gay. And the Oxford comma exists in this book.
Christmas? We skipped the entire autumn.
Amy prefers to drive.
"Que pensez-vous?" she said, airing her French, which had improved in quantity, if not in quality, since she came abroad.
"Large-nosed Jew" really, Louisa?
Bossy Amy is bossy
in bed
On the Shelf
Ha, John thinking he forgot an anniversary.
Seriously Meg, just let Demi cry. To misquote Samantha Parkington's Grandmary, "Discipline is what turns boys into gentleman."
In her secret soul, however, she decided that politics were as bad as mathematics, and that the mission of politicians seemed to be calling each other names, but she kept these feminine ideas to herself, and when John paused, shook her head and said with what she thought diplomatic ambiguity, "Well, I really don't see what we are coming to."
I love this sentence.
A dull chapter, but some good advice for the girls reading it in 1869. Parents should take some time out for themselves, and it's good to attempt to take interest in your partner's interests. OTOH the whole "it's a wife's duty to make her husband happy" is outdated.
I hope Sallie Moffat nee Gardiner isn't too unhappy.
Lazy Laurence
I want to be great, or nothing.
This is very much not a modern attitude, where we are constantly told to follow our dreams, shoot for the stars, dream big, and never give up. But really, it's okay to give up. Sometimes it hurts less to not try than to try and fail.
The switch from LW where only Jo gets something resembling the career she dreamed of and that fifteen years later, and Jo's Boys where everyone succeeds at their vocation is interesting.
"Quite right and proper, as the world goes, but it sounds odd from the lips of one of your mother's girls."
He's not wrong.
"You men tell us we are angels, and say we can make you what we will, but the instant we honestly try to do you good, you laugh at us and won't listen, which proves how much your flattery is worth."
How little things have changed! (In some respects.)
You've compared Amy to Juno, Diana, and Athena.
The Valley of the Shadow
Remember in Mary Anne's Bad-Luck Mystery when she goes to the library and reads this chapter to cheer herself up?
Seldom except in books do the dying utter memorable words, see visions, or depart with beatified countenances, and those who have sped many parting souls know that to most the end comes as naturally and simply as sleep.
As LMA would actually know.
Learning to Forget
I feel like all of this is Alcott working out her own feelings about her writing talent. She didn't expect to spend her career writing children's books and when young she might have dreamed of being Charlotte Bronte but she took the success that came to her.
I remember reading some conversation, I think on Livejournal, about the phrase wild oats. Someone said it was sexual and so it wouldn't be used in whatever canon they were talking about, I think Harry Potter. But since I first encountered it here I never thought of it as having a sexual connotation and was surprised at the idea.
He defines himself as Jo's Boy and clings to this identity, because it's hard to lose your self-definition.
This is the greatest love scene ever. I'm only slightly exaggerating.
I hate the musical for ruining their romance, for making it seem shallow and sudden and every second of its Amy characterization is off, completely and utterly off. I. Hate. The. Musical.
All Alone
Poor Jo, I feel for her so much.
Now, if she had been the heroine of a moral storybook, she ought at this period of her life to have become quite saintly, renounced the world, and gone about doing good in a mortified bonnet, with tracts in her pocket.
You say that as if she isn't. But if you compare them to other books of the same period, the Marches are more lively and flawed than Elsie Dinsmore.
WTF, they knew about the Amy/Laurie engagement before the wedding? That's the most surprising part of the book so far. I remembered it wrong because that's how Emil does it in Jo's Boys and he specifically mentions that he did it because they thought it was funny the first time.
"Almost twenty-five, and nothing to show for it." We feel you, Jo.
Best quote in the entire book: "Jo must have fallen asleep (as I dare say my reader has during this little homily)"
If I could draw, I would draw Laurie on his knees before Jo.
♥ Fritz playing with the twins ♥ And he bought a new suit to visit her.
What else of his does Jo prefer rampantly erect?
"I suspect that is a wise man." You
, Mr. March?
Oh gosh he
kisses her picture
. This is my favorite chapter, yes, even more than Learning to Forget.
My Lord and Lady
Madam Mother again!
"Men are so helpless, Mother," said Amy, with a matronly air, which delighted her husband.
I love that Laurie and Bhaer are friends.
Daisy and Demi
Kid me didn't get the prattling Brooke pun.
Don't you love it when fictional children act realistically?
The Bear-Man ♥
"counterfeit philoprogenitiveness"
I adore Frank T. Merrill's illustration of Demi and March with their legs in the air.
Under the Umbrella
Fritz doesn't like tea.
But owing to the flutter she was in, everything amiss. She upset the tray of needles, forgot the silesia was to be 'twilled' till it was cut off, gave the wrong change, and covered herself with confusion by asking for lavender ribbon at the calico counter.
I am Jo, again.
Ha, rainbows in his beard.
Say 'thou', also, and I shall say your language is almost as beautiful as mine." I tried saying thou once as a kid but it got me a weird look so I stopped.
He's not old he's in his prime /Master and Commander reference.
This is my second favorite chapter. It makes me so happy.
Harvest Time
♥ Laurie being all grown-up and practical.
Every room in the big house was soon full. Every little plot in the garden soon had its owner. A regular menagerie appeared in barn and shed, for pet animals were allowed. And three times a day, Jo smiled at her Fritz from the head of a long table lined on either side with rows of happy young faces, which all turned to her with affectionate eyes, confiding words, and grateful hearts, full of love for 'Mother Bhaer'.
help help I'm dying of feels
Mr. March's name revealed in the final chapter: Robert.
That sentence has four semicolons.
a family apple harvest/picnic sounds like lots of fun I want to do it.
People can look down on happy endings all they want. I like a good one.
Next: An Old-Fashioned Girl
0 notes
chocolotte · 7 years
List #02
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
The most difficult thing would be what to read. I love reading but my taste ranges from YA princesses and mermaids to Greek Mythology to Charles Bukowski’s novels to some real good old-fashioned horror. However I would probably have them read “Bloem en vlinder” [Flower and butterfly] which is a children’s book that I keep reading and rereading over the years because its meaning changes to me a lot and it’s beautifully illustrated, so yeah, they would get my honest thoughts on that since it means a lot to me.
I would probably have them watch The Real O’Neals and (not or!)  F.R.I.E.N.D.S. It might sound crazy but there’s a little part of me in all of those characters somehow. I watch TOO many TV shows but those are the only ones that matter. When it comes to movies, I’d have them watch Love Actually or Jurassic Park which are the only movies I like rewatching.
Then finally, I’d let them listen to Introducing Me by Nick Jonas; My Wish by Rascal Flatts and probably ever single song in my UNDERWEAR PARTY playlist.
2. Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? If so, who?
I think my writing comes from two different points. On one side, I have the mind of a teenage girl who’s perky and loves romance and the unique little things in a story, the details that do or don’t matter to the story line. So I would say John Green. And I love a good plot twist every now and then and all these things that make more sense/come together further on in the story, so maybe Lemony Snicket as well.
On the other hand I tend to write rather cynical and dark, with a hint of pure lust. I don’t usually post it, it’s a side of me that I’d rather keep to myself for now. Maybe that’s why I don’t go out and search any books of that genre either, but if this reminds any of you of a writer, feel free to let me know!
3. List your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
- One Direction (music/band): I want to say Harry. I don’t know him personally but at first he seemed a bit of a cheeky lad. [I quote him (and myself): “My worst habit is... probably being naked all the time.”] I think he found a nice way to grow up in, he seems really kind and friendly and a benefactor. That’s not completely who I am yet, but it is who I aspire to be. And when it comes to his art (so singing and songwriting) he writes things that are important to him and is just a huge fan of his own work which applies to me as well.
There’s no other fandom than One Direction that I’ve completely succumbed to because it’s time consuming and probably bad for my health. Lately I’ve taken it down a notch on fandoms but here are a few others I’ve been in/a huge fan of:
- The Selection Series by Kiera Cass (book series): I identify a lot with Marlee. Sweet, little Marlee who unfortunately fell in love with someone she wasn’t supposed to fall in love with. I think everyone’s felt that attraction to something wrong before. Myself included. I identify with a few things from a few characters like Maxon who puts on a smile to hide his scars; America who isn’t afraid to speak up and who’s a walking contradiction when it comes to feelings, she has them but she’s afraid of them and she wants to show them but then she doesn’t; Celeste who hides behind her femme fatale persona (which I don’t have except when there’s a lens on me but still).
- John Green fandom (does he have a fandom??) (writer): Everything about John Green is me. Except he’s more successful and a better writer.
- The Vamps (music/band): I don’t know if any of them apply to me, honestly. Maybe Brad’s dog.
- Twilight (movie):  Probably Rosalie because I think I would regret being frozen in time after a while, especially when it comes to doing the little miracles of life like having a child or breathing. (Also, the first thing I would do as a vampire is probably kill someone in a very dramatic manner for some twisted revenge reason?)
- Winx Club (animated TV series): Bloom because her element is fire, she’s always trying to help, feels like the new kid sometimes etc.
P.S.: There should really be a fandom for James Corden because I worship that man.
4. Do you like your name?  Is there another name you think would fit you better?
My name is Lotte which according to the webbernet means free man. It’s also a name of a fish otherwise called sea devil. Alas, I think I have the best name out there, just saying. It’s part of who I am so I can’t imagine myself with any other name but I’ve always loved the name Emma!
5. Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do?
A human being. Besides the fact that I’m pretty lazy, I don’t do anything interesting? And I’m often more worried about existing than about what I’m doing in my life.
6. Are you religious/spiritual?
I was born and raised a Catholic but I don’t really think there’s one almighty force out there. I do however like to believe in magic and karma.
7. Do you care about your ethnicity?
I care in the sense that I’m aware I’m very privileged just because of my skin colour but I will never use that against someone and I wouldn’t mind having another ethnicity. 
8. What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
Easily Harry Styles, Taylor Swift and R.M. Drake.
9. Are you an artist?
In the sense that I like to create new things and express myself, yes.
10. Do you have a creed?
I believe in the truth and equality, loving each other and respect.
11. Describe your ideal day.
On my ideal day, it doesn’t matter what the weather is like, or who I’m with or where I am. My ideal day would just be spent with people I love (including myself!), maybe discovering a new place or rediscovering an old one and have delicious food in it. It would be a day that doesn’t end when the night falls but when it ends, you’ll have cheeks that hurt from smiling and a content longing to get in bed with your dreams.
12. Dog person or cat person?
13. Inside or outdoors?
Inside. I admire the outdoors but mostly from inside, sorry.
14. Are you a musician?
I can play ‘do re mi’ on the piano, that’s about it.
15. Five most influential books over your lifetime.
1) Bloem en Vlinder 2) Pluk van de Petteflet 3) The Selection - Kiera Cass
16. If you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
I hope so!
17. Would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
It is a little more positive sometimes than who I am. Maybe I’ll balance that out soon with some writing, but I’m not comfortable enough for that right now.
18. What’s your patronus?
According to the Buzzfeed quiz I have a doe, which means: You had a dark side to you that people too often remember, but deep down, you’re actually a courageous, loving person. You like to wear the color black and have no problem telling it like it is.
According to the Quotev quiz I have a dragon which means:  The Dragon is one of the more unique patronuses.  Those with a Dragon patronus tend to be strong on to the inside and out and protective.
19. Which Harry Potter house would you be in? Or are you a muggle?
20. Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
I’d love to be in Wonderland or back in the 70s
21. Do you love easily?
I’m afraid so.
22. List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
This was very eye-opening, and not in the good way
1. Sleeping 2. Tumblr 3. Obsessing over something/Overthinking 4. Getting sad or mad about what I’m overthinking 5. Draw/Write/Taking pictures
23. How often would you want to see your family every year?
I still see them every day now, I really can’t say how much (I want) that would change?
24. Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
I firstly had read this as “mind-melt” and my thoughts immediately raced to Harry Styles wowie. But, I’m guessing you mean whether I have felt telepathic with someone, as in merging our brains, thinking the same way? Yes, I have it all the time with my sister and my friend Ben.
25. Could you live as a hermit?
I think I could pull it off. I at least have more potential than anyone else in my family haha. Although I think I might go slowly insane without social contact after a long period of time.
26. How would you describe your gender/sexuality?
Female and bisexuality
27. Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
I think it is. You can easily tell when I’m feeling lazy, sleep, confident, happy by the way I dress. And my hair’s always a mess so that pretty much sums me up as well. 
28. On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
If they know how to set me off, an 8. In general life, probably way less.
29. Three songs that you connect with right now.
- You R In Love by Taylor Swift
- My Wish by Rascal Flatts
- Meet Me In The Hallway by Harry Styles
30. Pick one of your favorite quotes.
“Faites que le rêve dévore votre vie afin que la vie ne dévore pas votre rêve.” - A. De Saint-Exupéry. [English: Make the dream devour your life so that life does not devour your dream.]
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