#I know ace week is over by now but I'm holding onto the vibes
mrbonsaibones · 11 months
hmmm....thinking about....maybe writing ace/aro caitvi for the first time....might be fun.....might help me figure some stuff out....hmmm......
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evening-winds · 1 year
(for context: the design on archaludon's front is giving massive hammerlocke gym uniform vibes....... which, obviously, got me daydreaming about raihan's surprise appearance in the sv dlc with his new evolved ace......... which resulted in this)
the kitchen table was scattered with travel brochures, each of them advertising a different location with bold colors and excessive superlatives. beach resorts, nature trails and tourist attractions from all over the world were vying for their potential readers' attention.
instead of comparing possible travel destinations like he was supposed to, raihan found himself transfixed by only one brochure, wistfully gazing at the page with the picture of the paldean evolution of duraludon.
"pining for archaludon again?" his husband chuckled, peeking over his shoulder.
raihan sighed, not bothering to deny the obvious. "i kinda want one," he admitted and accepted the hot mug of tea leon was offering him.
leon sat down on the chair next to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "there's only one thing you can do, then," he said. "you have to go to paldea." he neatly stacked some of the brochures to make room for his own mug and a plate of scones with jam. "take on the gyms and become a champion while you're at it."
raihan groaned into his tea. the joke was old, and he had never found it particularly funny. he had never wanted to take on another region's league, even though he had all the skill needed to become champion anywhere else, because of leon. because why would he give a hoot about a championship if his one true rival, the love of his life, wasn't there? if anyone knew his stance on the matter, it was leon. "oh, come off it, you - -"
"i'm coming with you," leon interrupted him matter-of-factly. "naturally."
the paldean system, with the possibility of multiple people being able to hold the champion title simultaneously, was like the polar opposite of what the galar league had been during leon's at the time unbeatable reign. he had gained more self-awareness since his loss; the stagnation had been unhealthy, for both galar and himself. so maybe the paldeans were onto something with that system of theirs. whatever the case, we wanted to see and experience it for himself. he wasn't all that interested in being a champion in two regions (well, ex-champion in the other, to be precise), but everything that came before the so-called champion assessment appealed to him – for obvious reasons. despite enjoying the gym challenge, he had never had the chance to do it again, having won the first championship cup he had participated in and now having his hands full running the battle tower.
all of this leon explained to raihan in between mouthfuls of scone. "and don't try to pretend you're not interested, too," he concluded with a knowing grin. "i know you, darling. you live to compete, and you love a good challenge."
again, raihan had no room for argument. he couldn't help the smile breaking out on his face. "you're right." he gave the brochure one more once-over. "so you'd be okay with it?" he asked, turning his eyes back to leon. "going to paldea?"
leon's grin only widened. "i'll catch you a third applin once we're there," he announced blithely, slipping his arm around raihan's middle, "so you can get its paldean evolution, too."
raihan's heart swelled with affection. how could he say no to that?
and so, on their next wedding anniversary, instead of the usual week-long holiday, they took a longer leave of absence and went to paldea to take on the league, just like they had done back home as kids some twenty years ago...
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torikawa · 4 years
Tōru Oikawa FanFiction Part #1
'Mixed Realities' a love story between [F/N] [L/N] and Tōru Oikawa.
This Fanfiction includes the following~
Happy Ending
Sexual Themes
Explicit Words
Friends to Lovers
Strangers to Lovers
Sad scenarios in the Middle
[F/N] = First Name
[L/N] = Last Name
[N/O/S] = Name Of School
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[F/N] [L/N], a girl who attends to [N/O/S] was known to be a Huge Otaku and the newest Manager of the Boys Volleyball Team. She's a huge fan of the Anime Haikyuu! Looking up to the Characters especially Oikawa. She thought of him as such an amazing character who deserved the world! She basically Simped for him whenever she could.
"Did you see the new Episode?! Oikawa showed up for less than a second but I think I fell for him all over again" [F/N] said with a grin spreading across her face, her eyes glued onto the Screen Shot she took of him.
"Here she goes again." Julien muttered under his breath, glaring daggers into [F/N]'s smaller figure.
"Oh come on! Hearing her rant about her 2D Boyfriend is honestly funny-" Ace laughed in.
"No wonder she's still single, too busy SIMPING for guys who don't exi-" Interrupted by a sharp smack on the shoulder, Leon choked on his food.
"Oh come on! You can't deny that he's the hottest Character in Haikyuu!!" [F/N] chimed in between the boys Laughter.
"You say that about every guy in Haikyuu." Julien dead panned.
"You're just salty that I don't talk about Sakusa as much!"
"Tch." He looked away, his nose scrunching up along with his mask.
"Pfft, don't be mad Juju!" [F/N] squeezed Julien's cheek through his mask, pink scattering across his cheeks as he swats her hand away.
He muttered a small 'whatever' before he got up and walked away.
"Mmm, I think our own little Sakusa likes you [F/N]" Ace said with a snicker.
"He has a point. Julien's a huge Germaphobe yet he treat you as if you're the only pure/clean thing that exists" Leo added, his words mumbled from him chewing on his food.
[F/N] stared at her 2 Friends, dumbfounded. She slowly looked away before moving a strand of her hair behind her ear. She couldn't bring herself to see Julien looking at her as someone more than just a friend.
He was tall, handsome, smart, and above all the boy who the girls swoon over in the School. But there aren't any proof of him liking her, atleast not yet?
"I still can't believe that, but anyways! It's almost practice, we should probably get going or we'll be late" She got up slowly, slinging her bag over her shoulder right shoulder.
Ace and Leo sighed in anticipation, upset about how stupid their little manager was when it came to romance.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Gym, Julien and the rest of the Team were already practicing their serves.
"You guys are a bit late" The coach said with a sympathetic smile.
"Sorry we wer-"
"[F/N] ate so much, we had to wait for our little manager to be finished because we didn't want her left alone" Ace said with a snort. Causing Leo to burst out of laughter as he jogged towards the rest of the team.
[F/N] gave Ace a smack on the arm, her face beat red. It caused most of the boys who were practicing their serves to snicker.
Meanwhile, Julien kept his stone cold face. Simply not bothered by the fact the others were basically dying of laughter by now. Though as his eyes landed on his dear Friend, a teasing smile spread across his face.
[F/N] looked away embarrassed, trying her best to avoid Julien's teasing gaze.
After 2 hours of practicing, it finally came to an end. With [F/N] handing out each of the Players water bottles.
For Julien, she had to rub the shit out of his bottle. It was something she had to do before handing it to him. Of course at first, she was kind of offended. But now that she was one of the few people who were actually able to touch him, it made her feel special.
"Here" [F/N] said with a smile on her face, slowly handing Julien his Bottle. He stared down at her, nodding before giving a small 'thanks'
She ended up walking home alone today, Julien had to get home fast to take care of his Nephew, Ace had to go out with his Girlfriend, and Leon as usual walked on a different path since he lived in the opposite direction.
It didn't take long for her to reach her front door. She reached into her pockets and pulled out her keys, professionally sticked it into the keyhole with a turn, causing the door to open.
"I'm home!" [F/N] screamed out, but then a sudden shock hit her. Her parents were off on a vacation, so she'd have to live alone for a few weeks. "Oops- Forgot"
Slowly, she took her shoes off. Placing them ever so gently against the shoe rack before ascending the stairs of her house. But then, that's when she realized. Something felt so off about her surroundings, but why?
[F/N] continued her way towards her bedroom slowly, her legs shaking with each step she took.
Her hand pressed against the door as she pushed it open, revealing her bedroom. She stepped inside cautiously, her eyes scanning her room.
A minute passed with her standing still. And yet nothing happened. 'Huh, I guess it was just my imagination-' Though before she could step forward to enter her room fully, a large hand grasped her mouth, forcefully pinning her against the wall.
"Who the fuck are you and where the Hell am I?" The dark figure yelled out, his hand still dangerously close to choking her. She couldn't tell who this was, and she couldn't have known why the Hell this person was here in the first place!
[F/N] felt a surge of fear flow through her body as she whimpered against the touch.
"Are you gonna talk or stay quiet?"
"P-Please..- I have no idea why you're here just please let me go!"
The boy eventually let go of her neck, stepping back while letting out a sigh.
[F/N] didn't hesitate to flick the lights on, snapping her head back to the boy. Only to have her eyes widen and her mouth open. 'N-No way..-' she thought in her head.
The Boy infront of her stood at over (6'0"), chocolate brown hair, and eyes. The features of his body were all so familiar with her.
"Oi..Oikawa..-?" [F/N] muttered, loud enough for the boy to hear.
"How do you know my name" Oikawa deadpanned, his cold eyes staring down at her smaller figure.
"I...no w-way- this can't be happening I.. this is a d-dream I..-" She stepped forward, causing him to step back in confusion and fear.
He wasn't used to his surroundings, nor was he used to having to look at a mirror with his different yet similar face.
"Stay back, I don't know who you are." Tōru kept his distance from her, he didn't show any fear whatsoever. But deep down he was panicking. Where was he? How did he get here? And why was he here?
[F/N] sighed, calming down a bit to hold herself back from bursting out into tears. She looked into Oikawa's half lidded eyes and began to explain how he was a Fictional character she looked up to, a character who wasn't supposed to exist but yet still ended up being in her room PHYSICALLY. Was this a way of God giving her a Gift? A gift of someone she treasured and looked up to the most? Perhaps.
Tōru's eyes softened, he scanned her room only to look at the merch [F/N] baught of himself. It's crazy to believe, but it's the only logical explanation; How he ended up transferring into a different reality, a different dimension. It all made sense in his head but it was hard to believe. How could this girl look so calm? Was she expecting this? Though, she was caught off guard when she realized who he was. So Oikawa shook off the thought, and eventually let out a smile.
"Is it alright if I stay here until I figure out a way to head back..?" He questioned, his head tilting to the side as his usual yet none genuine smile spread across his cheeks. He wanted to deal with this situation without having to face it alone.
"O-Ofcourse..!" [F/N] quickly looked around, before settling her bag on her [F/C] bean bag.
"Do you live alone?"
"Oh, actually I live with my Parents but they're off on a vacation for 3 weeks"
"I see~" Oikawa hummed, before plopping himself on her bed. He may look and act calm and collected. But inside he was worrying about how his friends and family would act with his sudden disappearance from his own reality.
"Are you okay? Do you feel hungry? I could cook for you if you want" [F/N] said as she sat beside him.
Tōru was caught off guard from her sudden approach, but he paid no mind. He didn't get any harmful nor dangerous vibes from the stranger.
"Actually, I'm not hungry at all. But I do have a question or two that I would like for you to answer"
"Ask awayyyy!" [F/N] said with a huge goofy grin her face, causing the setter to let out a chuckle. She couldn't keep in her excitement with having her idol infront of her.
"Pfft, now, what's your name Stranger?"
"Stra- ah right- I'm [F/N] [L/N]"
"Ah~ what a cute name [F/N]-chan! Is it alright if I call you that or are you uncomfortable with it?" Tōru asked with a tilt of his head.
"A-Actually I don't mind you calling me by my first name.. But, that means I get to call you Tōru-kun then!"
"Tōru, just call me Tōru." He replied softly.
[F/N] could practically feel her heart flutter. Was she really falling for Oikawa for real? Was he really THE Oikawa Tōru..
Little did she know, this was the start of an unbreakable bond. A bond that will soon blossom into romance.
[Original Idea, do not steal]
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fandom-games · 4 years
“I don’t hate this,” Todd admits, propping his laptop on the coffee table and leaning back into the couch. He tugs a blanket over his legs and wiggles until comfortable. “It’s quiet, no one is trying to kill us, and I’ve played more guitar in the last month than I have since like, undergrad.”
“I hate this,” Dirk says, leaning over until he’s visible on the screen as well. “I'm bored and we have no cases.”
“But no one is trying to kill us,” Todd reminds him. “That part is good.”
"And you get to listen to the Todd Brotzman play guitar, all the time,” Tina laughs, toasting them through the screen with a can of La Croix.
“The Todd Brotzman,” Dirk echoes her, turning a teasing smile to Todd. Todd wrinkles his nose in dismay, but Dirk bops forward to press a kiss to his cheek, and Todd blushes.
 They’ve barely left the apartment in months, and weekly video calls with Tina are one of the highlights at this point. The universe seems to have gotten the picture that running around is a terrible idea, and has responded by putting a complete hold on all cases. All of them. The agency is closed, but Dirk isn’t even accidentally running into baffling situations that only he can solve. No dragons, no wormholes, no taxidermied ducks. He hasn’t even found any lost cats or missing heiresses, which is frankly uncanny.
He’s honestly driving Todd up the wall – Dirk is far too used to dashing around, jumping into danger, and making trouble to adapt easily to living in quarantine – but it does help that he’s found something new to distract him.
“You guys are sickening,” Tina says, as Dirk peppers more kisses onto Todd’s face. Todd raises a hand to shove his face away, and Dirk makes a wounded noise and clutches his smushed nose.
“Ugh, you’re a rotten boyfriend,” he informs Todd, and flounces off the couch to get something from the kitchen and pretends he isn’t still listening to the video call.
“I can’t believe you guys are finally dating,” Tina says. “Like, I kinda assumed you were when we met, and then you weren’t, so I figured there was a reason?”
Todd’s eyebrows snap together. “Like what?”
“I dunno,” she shrugs. “Like, you already dated and gave up, or he was straight, or you’d sworn a life of celibacy, or something.”
“You thought he was straight?” Todd asks, incredulous. “or that – that I swore to be celibate?” He scrubs a hand over his face, half offended and half laughing. “I thought you were a fan, Jesus, Tina.”
“Hey, don’t blame me,” Tina says, holding her hands up in defense. “You guys were the one with the whole ‘friends-to-lovers-to-friends’ vibe going on, long term.”
“…I don’t even have a response to that,” Todd says, and twists to call into the kitchen. “Hey, grab me a drink?” He turns back to Tina. “In the spirit of not being able to throw something at you through the computer, I’m just going to switch topics. How’s work this week?”
Tina and Hobbs are doing their best to keep the peace in Bergsberg, but it’s tough enough to stop teenagers from drag racing, let alone to get people to wear their masks while at the farmer’s market. “Bunch'a shits,” Tina mutters. “Joren Stone keeps calling us when someone asks him to wear a mask while shopping, and I had to literally shut down a barbecue yesterday. There were, like, forty people there.”
“Jesus,” Todd grimaces.
“That's awful,” Dirk says, sitting back down and handing Todd a glass of water, gulping from his own. They tend to drink beer (Todd) or wine (Dirk) while hanging out in the evenings, but it feels wrong to drink in front of Tina when she’s just earned her one year chip.
“You’re telling me,” Tina says. “I got into this whole thing for Hobbs, and it’s not really feeling worth it right now.”
“I can imagine,” Dirk says sympathetically. He’s pressed up against Todd’s side, and he’s warm and solid. The AC in the apartment leaves the place freezing, even at the beginning of August – it’s a good excuse to cuddle up, to share blankets, to sleep in overlapping piles of limbs and breath. “Are you still staying on his couch?”
Tina nods and twists away from the screen for a second to show off Hobbs’ living room behind her. “It makes sense – we’re both on shift pretty much non-stop lately, and someone’s gotta watch Mustard.” The cat in question chirps at the sound of her name, and Dirk instantly makes a cooing sound and leans way up close to the laptop.
“Sweetie!” he croons, setting down his glass and wiggling his fingers at the screen. “Oh sweet Mustard girl, come say hello to Uncle Dirk.”
Mustard chirps again, then scrambles up onto Tina’s lap; if Tina’s grimace is any indication, she doesn’t skimp on the claws. Mustard headbutts the laptop screen, to Dirk’s delight, and purrs loudly enough to be heard through the built-in mic.
“Oh my darling,” Dirk says. “You perfect creature, you lovely honey girl, I miss you. You are a perfect, faultless being, and I hope that Tina is treating you like a princess.”
“She’s a barn cat, Gently,” Tina says flatly, and Dirk sniffs.
On Farah’s last trip to Bergsberg, Dirk had tagged along. He’d assumed he’d also be staying at Tina’s apartment, and it took no small amount of explaining to get him to understand that this was a romantic weekend for Farah and Tina, he would not be staying with the two of them, and he was welcome to sleep on Hobbs’ couch. He was soundly adopted by the orange critter, and still refuses to believe that she isn’t a pampered housecat instead of a scraggly mouser with a predilection for sleeping on faces.
Mustard gives one final purr at the screen and hops back off Tina’s lap, leaving a drift of orange fur in her wake. Tina sighs tolerantly.
“Anyway,” Todd says, giving Dirk some serious side-eye. “Cat aside, that super sucks, and I’m sorry things are tough right now. And especially sorry that people are being such idiots, and it’s your problem.”
“Eh.” Tina shrugs. “At least I have a job that lets me out of the house. I think I’d fall back off the wagon if I were stuck at home.”
“I don’t know,” Todd says, nudging Dirk. “It has its perks.”
“No, it’s awful,” Dirk says, and huffs when Todd nudges him again. “Unremittingly terrible.”
“Really?” Todd presses teasingly. “Not one single good thing about being at home with me all of the time?”
“Not a thing,” Dirk says, trying his hardest to keep a disdainful expression on his face.
“So finally admitting that you love me –”
“Excuse me,” Dirk sputters, “but I am pretty sure that you told me first that you love me.”
“Didn’t happen,” Todd says, and almost drops his water when Dirk shoves against him, wriggles a hand under his elbow to poke at his side. “Didn’t happen!” he yells to Tina, trying to squirm away without making a mess. “You said it first! You did!”
“You’re a liar, Todd Brotzman,” Dirk laughs, and it could sting, it could be a prick into the wound of years of guilt, but it’s nothing but fond and loving and light, and Todd feels nothing but good and loved and safe.
~~ So I had no idea what this was from at first, but once I was informed and searched up a bit about it, I really enjoyed this fic! It made me laugh and smile throughout! This fic made me want to check out Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency! 98 points! -Jade
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