#I know he's not shadow company or 141 but he's in the same universe because he'll eventually help the 141
the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
OC Information: "Heartthrob"
Full Name: Fariz Ahmed Shah
Callsign(s): Heartthrob
Alias(es): Captain Dad, Angel on Earth, Bird Whisperer
Nationality: First-Generation American (Indian parents)
Affiliations: U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Marine Fleet Force
Rank: Captain (U.S. Marines)
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Birthday: September 11th, 1989 (34 as of 2023)
Build: Burly
Height: 6'6"
Marks: U.S. Marine tattoo on his left forearm (a complex tattoo of an eagle and a globe with the words "Semper Fi" below it), an old bullet wound on his abdomen, a huge knife scar going down his back.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Background: Fariz is the second son of Indian immigrants and was born in Michigan. He used to be a football player and was set for being a professional football player. He heard a very inspiring speech from a recruitment officer and decided to enlist. He's been in the Marine Corps for fifteen years.
Extra: He is a sniper and spent many years as a lieutenant before the previous captain of The Tigers, the squad Fariz now captains, retired and Fariz's superiors promoted him to captain. He has a seven year-old son named Akhil.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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xxavengingangelxx · 6 months
Somewhere Only We Know 6/?
Ok, ya'll so we start getting kinda angsty again. Enter Makarov >) It does not line up perfectly with the timeline but that's what fic is for :)
Triggers: Not too many, just overly controlling, intimidating Graves as usual. Does Makarov need to be mentioned in triggers? Because he's evil AF but so damn hot. Price acting like a dad :(
Summary: 141 and Shadow try to work together with Alex and Farah to try to locate Makarov's chemical weapons and Makarov catches Val's scent.
Taglist! @bellgraves, @lily-lily131313, @unicorngirly1 (thank ya ma'am for always talking ideas!), @sharksausages, @shepgurl
You were not to come within arm’s reach of any of 141’s members. Should they come close to you, “You holler,” Graves had commanded. “Riley should help. He at least looks intimidating.”
But then again you were confused because Graves was sending you in sans mask. He wanted you to catch Makarov’s eye. If this man loved you like he’d told you last night why in the hell was he sending you into a terroristic war criminal’s lion’s den?
“You’ve done this before, Val,” Graves had assured. Yes, you had used your looks and your female curves to distract and draw in other men targeted by Shadow but you felt like Makarov was in a league all on his own.
You’d been bouncing your leg nervously the whole flight. Riley had tried placing his head on your knee in an attempt to get you to stop what must have been in infuriating, repetitive noise for him but not even that got you to stop.
“Stay onboard,” Graves had demanded. He’d moved you from one aircraft to another before 141 arrived because he didn’t want them anywhere near you.
You heard the radios and you heard Laswell saying, “You and Graves are on the same team, John. Don’t forget that.”
“I don’t forget anything,” Price responded tightly.
“Looking good, boys,” Graves commended his men. “We are a go for pre-check,” he called out before repeating the same ordered into his radio.
You heard and saw Graves laughing when he met up with Farah and Alex. That man, Graves, was an adrenaline junkie. Gaz was close by. Farah shook Graves’s hand as did Alex. Gaz did not and walked away. Price walked past Graves without acknowledging him.
You met Gaz’s and Price’s gaze from the plane but quickly looked away. You felt like just looking at them could brainwash you into doubting your stay with Graves all over again and you didn’t need that. But you still found yourself signaling the universal gesture for A-OK. Just to let them know you were as okay as you were going to get.
Their eyes said they didn’t believe you. You wondered if the rest of the team knew you were pregnant. You quickly answered yourself that unless they’d been around when Price had yelled it in that hospital, they likely didn’t. Price wasn’t a gossiper. And he certainly wasn’t going to spread your business.
“Ground team, we have visual on you,” hearing Graves’s voice over the blowing sand was a relief. At least you knew your radio was functional. Farah and Alex had heard a little bit about how you’d gone missing and suddenly turned up but there was no time to talk. You were working more closely with them than with 141. Graves’s request. You’d simply told them Graves had saved your life in Las Almas when you were abandoned. He’d given you a home.
And then all hell broke loose as Shadow Company unleased hellfire on Konni and their infrastructure. You couldn’t help but think it was adorable that Riley had been given headphones to protect his ears from the heavy sounds of artillery.
It’d been a while since you’d been in an active battlefield and the noises were sometimes overwhelming. The headphones and radios helped but it was still loud.
Your mission? Locate those chemical weapons with Riley’s help. Riley found them easily.
Your job duties were interrupted when you all heard on the radio, “Enemy helo coming in from the northeast,” from Shadow Company’s navigator.
“That’s Makarov,” came Shepherd’s confident response.
And your heart skipped a beat. You got dizzy. That son a bitch was headed ya’ll’s way.
“Shadow, gun that son of a bitch down,” Shepherd demanded.
There was some quick back and forth on the radio about the helo was firing on ground troops as well as targeting the chemicals. It all ended with, “Enemy helo’s coming down.”
“All stations, enemy bird is down. Vladimir Makarov is E-KIA,” Graves’s confident voice breached the silence after the ground shook with the impact of what you assumed was the chopper crashing. You could’ve shouted in joy but you were told to maintain radio silence unless there was an emergency. Now the wreckage needed to be checked so everyone could be sure that fucker was dead.
Before you knew it, ground team, including you, were clear and that hangar was destroyed.
“Three things you can’t outrun in this life, folks: death, taxes, and me,” you heard Graves say on the radio. And that line, even though you weren’t standing next to him at the moment, you found that line kinda hot.
Your delusions of never having to meet Makarov were slashed when you, along with the ground team approached the wreckage. You made sure you follow Graves’s orders not to come within arm’s reach of a 141 team member. But when Price said the kill wasn’t confirmed you couldn’t help but jog over to where he was.
“Six to all stations. The kill is not confirmed. I say again, the kill is not confirmed. We need to search the site for PID on Makarov,” Price stated into his radio.
“Gold Eagle Actual to all stations, your orders are to stand down. We got nothin’ but fire and brimstone out there and that’s all the confirmation we need.”
You then heard the command for Price to switch channels.
“That’s what you said about your little Shadow Graves, yeah? And then he committed war crimes on one of my soldiers before takin’ her a second time,” Price added angrily.
And you only assumed Shepherd disputed you were ever hurt before telling Price again that Makarov was dead.
“He’s dead, right?” You asked when Price approached you and Farah.
“Shepherd only sees what he wants,” Farah responded.
“His name on a win, another medal on his chest. What do you see?” Price asked.
“It’s what I don’t see what worries me,” Farah responded.
Price sighed before looking at you.
“What’are you doin’ out here?” he was concerned.
“Doin my part,” you responded. “Just because…I’m—” and you forced yourself to shut your mouth before then adding, “That doesn’t mean I’m useless.”
“He shouldn’t have ya down here,” Gaz commended.  “Shows how much he cares about ‘cha. He just cares about the money.”
“If he’s alive, he’ll let us know,” Gaz changed the conversation after seeing how uncomfortable you’d gotten.
“Where and when, that’s the question,” Alex added.
Well, fuck. So Makarov would continue to haunt your nightmares.
And maybe, if your luck was bad enough, he’d actually get his hands on you. 
You were about to turn away when Price laid a hand on your shoulder. And so you hesitantly turned to meet his gaze.
“Val, please,” Price started. “Come with us,”
You shook your head. “I can’t.” And suddenly you were terrified of how Graves would react if he knew Price was talking to you about leaving with 141.
“You can get immunity,” Price continued. “All you have to do is say what happened. What they did to you. That he raped you.”
And you fond it hard not to swing on your previous commanding officer. Why did everyone keep saying that?
“I’m done, Price,” you said darkly before attempting to turn away.
“Val,” Price caught your attention again.
“We can get you a new life,” the captain added. “You can disappear with your kid. Just get away from Graves.”
“Val who’re you talking to?” and you jumped. Because that was Graves’s voice coming from your earpiece. You instantly took a few steps back from Price. Graves was talking to you on a private channel.
“We’re trying to figure out if Makarov is KIA. He might not be,” you replied, trying to keep your voice from shaking. Because you were lying. You were lying to the man in charge of pretty much everything in your life.
“Now you’re not talking to anyone I told you not to, are, darlin’?” Graves’s voice was tight, dangerous, and it almost promised violence.
“No, sir,” you lied. Again.
“Get ready for exfil,” Graves demanded. “We’re pullin’ ya outta there. You’re right about one thing, Val,”
“What’s that?”
“Makarov ain’t dead,”
You took a few steps further away from the group but you could feel the group’s eyes on you, especially your captain’s.
“How’d you know?”
“Classified, soldier,”
“I’ll let them—”
“No,” Graves said sharply. “You keep your mouth shut and you don’t tell them anything.”
And so instead of returning to base like you’d expected, you hauled your tired self onto a chopper.
Graves was there.
And he signaled you to walk over to him with his index finger. And your breath hitched in your throat because what if he knew you’d been lying? What if he knew you’d been talking to and entertaining Price when Price was trying to convince you to leave Graves?
You brought Riley with you because honestly, despite not having the dog a long time, you felt like he was already your therapy dog.
Graves gave Riley a command and he hung back without question while Graves cornered you in the back of the cargo area where no one else could see.
“You were talking to Price,” Graves said immediately. And he had you completely cornered. And he had that look in his eyes.
“You have eyes on me everywhere, what the fuck, Graves?” you snapped.
But when he grabbed you by your upper arms and tightened his grip to an almost painful level. And that made you lose your bravery immediately.
“I do,” Graves stated simply. “You’re mine. You’re not leaving and you’re never getting rid of me. You’re carryin’ my fuckin’ kid, Val.”
“We were just talking about Makarov,” you managed to squeak out. There you were, lying again.
“I love you, Val,” Graves released you and your hands jumped up to rub your upper arms. You wouldn’t bruise because he didn’t grasp you that hard but it had still hurt. “And you’d better feel the same about me,” he then finished with, “The sooner your realize you can’t hide from me the better.”
You. Were. Exhausted.
A Shadow had infiltrated Makarov’s group and was apparently relaying information about Makarov still being alive. The communication line had went dead raising concerns about the Shadow being identified or even being killed.
Graves was not one who liked to lose men so he immediately wanted to jump on this.
Graves had briefed you shortly after landing. The chopper had landed in the middle of nowhere. Shadows were hoping to surround the perimeter and wither actually kill Makarov or haul him in. Another win for Shadow Company and Shepherd.
You were going to be bait.
Except Graves said he hated using the term bait.
War paint was used to make you look injured. You were to pretend to be lost. Abandoned. You were told to pretend to not remember anything. To communicate that you were amnesic. Makarov liked puzzles so a confused, cute, doe-eyed, little thing like you should hold his attention while Shadows surrounded the base. Doe
“What if he recognizes me?”
“No one knows who you are, Val,” Graves assured. “You were 141 before Shadow and we’re both secret units within our respective countries.”
Your uniform was stripped of all Shadow insignia and you were only left with a black military uniform with no identifying information and a thin vest that likely wouldn’t even protect against the higher calibers.
“We’ll have eyes on you,” Graves promised. “I always have eyes on you,”
You honestly felt like he was just handing you over to Makarov but you kept quiet.
At least it wasn’t as cold as you were expecting it to be. Your homing beacon was hidden in your clothing so unless you were stripped or they checked you for bugs no one would know it was there. But what if things got a little to close with Makarov and didn’t exactly get to keep your homing beacon?
No, you’d told yourself. Graves wouldn’t let it get that far. Hell, that man hated it when other men so much as looked at you.
You knew what to look for and you saw Shadows surrounding the shady warehouse in question. You convinced yourself the place was surrounded.
You were jarred out of your thoughts when you heard someone shouting at you in Russian.
Stupid you, you replied in English and just happened to say, “No Russian.” You quickly corrected yourself and said, “I don’t speak Russian,”
You got on your knees, holding your hands out.
“Please, I don’t know where I am,” you sniffled. Part of you was acting scared but more than half of you was indeed terrified.
“American,” one of the men said as he yanked your hands behind your back and wrapped your wrists in zipties.
“I don’t know,” you replied
“American accent,” another confirmed.
You were yanked to your feet and in that moment you hated Graves. You knew he was likely steps away and that everything was under control (you hoped).
You were blindfolded and that only scared you more.
You were shoved forward after being yanked to your feet. They were forcing you to walk bent over at the waist, a common technique used in Russian prisons. You have to completely trust them to lead the way.
You were then pushed onto your knees once you got into the abandoned warehouse. And you couldn’t help but be reminded of the night Graves took you in Las Almas.
Things were dead quiet except for someone screaming in pain far away. You wondered if the Shadow who had been feeding Shadow Company intel was being tortured.
Then you heard footsteps approaching you. And while you couldn’t see, you knew exactly who it was: Makarov. You couldn’t cry and you repeated this like a mantra in your head. You couldn’t let this man see you were scared of him. You still had to act amnesic, like you didn’t even know who he was.
Your blindfold was yanked off…
And there he was, right before you.
Vladimir Makarov.
And then he said something…the last thing you expected him to say. He said it in that characteristic Russian accent he was so well known for.
“Hi, Val,”
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
I'm still not feeling like writing anything I already have in my masterlist, I just feel like posting random posts. So here's a fun fact.
If you know who Manish Joshi-Kaur is, then you know how he's dead in Stone's canon lore. If you don't know who he is, he's Stone's half-brother (one of two), specifically on his mother's side. Now the fun fact is that there was a point in time, maybe like a week into me posting about The Lions, where I contemplated doing like I how I did with Sarabi, Simba, and Nala.
I was really considering bringing Manish back to life, because I had gotten this train of thought (I guess we can call it that) about Manish having died in battle because he too was a Fleet Marine Corpsman. And if you remember in "Survivor's Guilt/Blood-Stained Hands", The Lions lost their Corpsman in a way that he definitely couldn't come back from and now they don't have a Corpsman.
I mean technically, they don't need one because Shadow Company has medics but I was really tempted to bring Manish back from the dead just so he could be The Lions' Corpsman and also I just think it would be interesting if Stone and Manish interacted because I feel like Manish is one of the few half-siblings that would accept Stone if they all knew Stone was their big brother.
Anyways, I don't know if anyone cares about this. But I just thought I'd share it with y'all since I've just been posting small things that aren't fully drabbles.
Also, I'm really tempted to create a seventh OC but this OC will not be in the same universe as all of the others because I'm thinking he'll be either another sniper for the 141 or a medic for the 141 (and if he is a medic, well, there's really no need for him to be in Stone's universe since Stone is the medic for the 141.)
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