#I know it kinda goes against the whole idea of Amazonians
hi-there-buddies · 9 months
If you follow me, you know that I’m a crossover au person, like, I LOVE THEM lmao. One I was thinking about recently was a Voltron x DC crossover.
Of course I had Keith as Batman, and I was originally gonna have Allura as Wonder Woman and Lance as Superman. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized the while Allura’s personality fit Diana’s, her actual backstory fit much better with Superman’s. This then, in turn, made me think of a crossover where LANCE is Wonder Woman, or well, Wonder Man, and Allura is Superman (Superwoman).
And now I’m obsessed with the idea of Lance as a stand in for Wonder Woman and how fun that would be to write. His backstory could be around the same as Diana’s, being the child of Hippolyta and Zeus, but instead of killing him or something adjacent, as Amazonians would do to their sons (in some of the DC stories), Queen Hippolyta decided to go against the rules and raise him, much to the chagrin of all the other Amazonians. This could then result in a myriad of problems that he would have to face. Or if you look at other DC stories that just say boys are never born of Amazonian mothers, then his backstory could be his mother was cursed by another God who was angry at Zeus to have a son, or whatever.
I just think it would be so fun to write about honestly. Might even draw something about it.
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
Question! You said before your opinion on Perseus and Medusa. But... what's your opinion on Theseus?
oohh, Theseus, Theseus, Theseus.
TL;DR- i don't particularly like Theseus, but i think his myth is okay as long as it doesn't involve women, because he's a little shady.
okay- his myth starts out pretty great, and he's like really noble and all, and it's wonderful. but then the whole thing with Ariadne goes down and it's pretty iffy.
i know that lots of people hate Theseus because he just "abandons" Ariadne at Naxos, but if I'm remembering correctly, there's a version of the myth where Theseus is explicitly ordered by Athena to leave Ariadne because Dionysus has called dibs. and Theseus is so heartbroken about having to leave Ariadne, that he forgets to change the sails on his ship so that his dad knows that he's alive, and then his dad thinks that Theseus is dead, and kills himself. not to mention the whole affair with Phaedra trying to sleep with Theseus' son and everyone ending up dead. it's tragedy all around, and i'll be honest- i feel bad for Theseus.
but the problems with Theseus' character, as with most Greek heroes, lie with his treatment of the various women in his life. if he did indeed love Ariadne, then based on his portrayal in later myths, i feel like she's the only one he ever truly really loved, and after losing her, his character just goes down hill, fast.
first of all, there's the kidnapping of Helen (when she was 10) and him keeping her with his mother until she was old enough to be properly married. for obvious reasons, i don't think i need to go further into why this is despicable.
then there's the stuff with him helping his bro to kidnap Persephone. now, in one account (by Diodorus Siculus, 4.63.4), Theseus actually attempts to persuade Pirithous to abandon the idea of kidnapping a literal goddess, which is good I guess. but he still goes along with it anyways, and i just... Theseus is kinda dumb.
there's also some myths concerning Hippolyta- but honestly, there aren't many favourable versions of the myth to choose from:
Hippolyta falls in love with Theseus and leaves the Amazons willingly, but the Amazons get enraged and start a war
Theseus kidnaps Hippolyta
Heracles kidnaps Hippolyta, and then gifts her to Theseus as a "spoil of war"
Theseus and Heracles work together to do a little Amazonian kidnapping
Hippolyta falls in love with Theseus and leaves the Amazons willingly, but Theseus has a change of heart and ditches her for Phaedra, thus starting a war
either way you look at it, 4 out of 5 of the versions of the myth are absolutely shit and it doesn't look spectacularly good for Theseus.
still, Theseus isn't a complete shithead. during the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia, Theseus actually does punish some gross centaurs who commit atrocities against the female guests at the wedding. he also helps out my boy, Oedipus, when he's out and about wandering in the wilderness.
i guess what i'm saying is that Theseus has a... diverse personality, and idk if it's easy to say whether i love him or hate him because his myths really just depend on who's writing them.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Aladdin Queen fic John Deacon x reader Chap. 12; Happy Ending
*Author’s note*
And here it is guys, the last part of my first Disney AU fic. I want to thank everyone who gave this fic a chance and I hope to eventually come up with another Disney AU fic. But until then I’ve got another upcoming movie AU for Queen that I know you all are going to love.
SO until the next update stay safe, stay healthy and stay hydrated (esp. for us dealing with the summer heat right now)
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With the defeat of Paul and him being sealed in the lamp, everything that he had done to my homeland turned back to normal. The palace was rebuilt and back to brand new, Brian and Roger turned back into normal humans once again, John’s royal clothes were restored, the three Kings soon appeared free from their cage, and Simba and Nala returned to their original size.
As Paul continued his pitiless threats, Freddie and I just grinned at each other and he said as he took Paul’s lamp from my hands.
“Allow me darling. Ten thousand years in the Cave of Wonders outta chill you out.” He then tossed the lamp in the air like a ball before swinging a bat that he made appear in his hands to hit Paul’s lamp far beyond the sand dunes right to the Cave of Wonders.
I turned to see the Princes unite with their fathers hugging and kissing each other.  Their pets nuzzling their heads against their master’s legs thankful to have them back once more.  Nervously I walked towards them and when John turned towards me I said.
“I—I’m so sorry. For everything.”
“No my dear, there is no need to apologizes. How can we ever thank you?” John’s father asked.
“No, no, no there’s no reason to thank me. I just hope you can one day forgive me for my lies and deceit. Especially you John Deacon.” He looked at me solemnly.  “You deserve—so much better than me.”
“We all make mistakes.” Brian’s father said softly with a warm smile.  I nodded and took off my engagement ring and walked back towards John.  I gave him his mother’s ring back and closed his palm before walking back towards Freddie.
“(Y/n)!” John called out my name.  I turned to him and gave him a light smile and assured him with my eyes.
“You’re going to be remembered as the Greatest king your country will ever know.” I nodded before turning my back on him and grabbed the lamp.  I watched as Abu dragged the remaining parts of Carpet who had been ripped during our battle and Freddie hissed in pain as he said.
“Ohh that’s uhh—bit of a mess there Abu. Let me take care of that for you dear.” Using his magic he repaired Carpet like brand new.  He came back to life which made Abu happy to have his best friend back.
He leapt towards Carpet and the two of them hugged each other.  Freddie grinned and said.
“Aww now that’s lovely.” He then turned towards me and tutted. “Ah-ah-ah no long faces there darling. Okay I got an idea, alright? This is your last wish. Royalty was the right idea, okay? We just gotta re-route it a little how about this?” He then transformed into an Amazonian warrior and he said, “(Y/n) Warrior Princess. Defender of the weak and hunter of thieves and villains.” He then readied one of the arrows into the bow and he pulled back as he cried out, “For King John Deacon!” He then released the arrow and phased back to his normal self, “Good right?”
I shook my head at him.
“No? Okay, alright. I hear you. But this is what you need,” he then held out a scroll and unraveled it before going through the very long scroll, “See governing laws of England. See here we—ah-ha here we are. ‘Must marry a Princess of an allied country’. Now you say the right words and this law—kinda goes away. You and Deacy darling over there. Together forever.”
“Wait so—you can get rid of the law?” I asked him.
“Pfft, darling please. Like it’s that hard.” I chuckled a sigh and said as I held the lamp in my hands.
“Alright darling let’s do this. For the whole kit and kaboodle.”
“Freddie;” he shook his hands out and readied himself ready to work his magic for the final time.
“Bring it to me darling, I’m ready.”
“I wish……”
“Don’t hold back now. One final wish.”
“I wish—to set you free.”
“One princess pedigree coming—wait what?” He began to glow and his wrists began to shine as his cuffs came off of him and landed on the ground before disintegrating.  He was slowly lowered back down to the ground as he now was in his human disguise, but this time it was eternal.
Freddie was now human.
He was in full disbelief as he looked up at me down to his wrists, not believing what it was that had just happened.
“Umm…..quick, quick wish for something outrageous darling.”
“Like what?”
“I-I don’t know, wish for the Nile. Say I wish for the Nile?”
“Uhh I wish for the Nile?”
“Fuck no!” he exclaimed.  I chuckled and he chuckled back.  Tears filled his eyes as he raced right up and immediately hugged me as tight as he could and spun me around.  I held onto him, the two of us burying our faces into each other’s necks. “Thank you darling (y/n). Thank you.” I heard him whimper as tears fell onto my neck.
“No, thank you Freddie. For everything.” He set me down and he cupped my face in between his hands and he said again.
“And no matter what anybody says, you’ll always be my Princess.” I smiled and closed my eyes as I felt him kiss my forehead.
“So—what will you do with your freedom?” I asked him.
“Well…..” he turned back towards the six rulers along with Jim. “There—is this animal keeper that I would love—to spend the rest of my life with. If…..he’ll have me?” Freddie said as he and Jim walked towards each other.
Jim turned towards the Princes and the three of them nodded telling him to get on with it.  Jim turned back around and he said.
“When do we start? Also I’d love to have some cats.”
“Yes darling, bunches of them.”
“Ten in total. We’ll save any cat off the street and heal them and give them a warm home while you entertain them with songs and music.”
“And we can run a shop together.”
“Yes a large one filled with treasures the world has to offer.”
“I was kinda thinking a more smaller one.”
“That works too.” Freddie smiled widely and he and Jim embraced each other before giving each other a passionate kiss.
*John’s POV*
I’m proud that Jim finally found himself someone to spend the rest of his life with.  He deserves to have someone, even if they were formally a genie, but Freddie seemed good for him. I felt a hand take mine and I turned to see my father.
“Come, sit with me my son.” He guided me away from Roger and Brian who were now speaking with their father’s individually. “I am sorry.”
“Father what is—”
“Please let me finish.” He said.  He looked at me with solemn eyes but I could see they held some pride in them, those strong eyes that I’ve always admired and hoped to gain one day just like him.  “My beloved son. Harold, Michael and I were so afraid of losing you boys, like we lost your mothers. That we were blind at only seeing the three small boys you three once were. Not the three strong men you’ve become. You alone have shown me what true courage, loyalty, and strength you have. You are the future of England.”
He then removed the ring of Kings from his finger and held it out to me.
“You—are ready to be the next king of all England.” I looked at him in shock.
“Yes. You know as well as I that Roger and Brian had no real desire for the throne. So their fathers and I have decided that only one king should rule all of England. And you have proven to be that one king we all need. Your friends and brothers shall be what they longed to be, and still remain as they help you rule at your side. Brian shall be your astronomer and advisor. While Roger shall help you lead your explorations and Navy.”
I—I couldn’t believe it.  I was to be crowned King of not just my kingdom, but all the kingdoms of England.  My father and uncles were planning to unity all three of our kingdoms into one sole English kingdom, and now I am it’s king.
With tears in my eyes I took the ring and stood up over my father and choked out gratefully.
“Thank you father. I will make you proud.”
“You already have. And as king, you may change the laws as you see fit.” He took my hands in his and kissed my fingers before looking back up at me proudly, “She is just like your mother was to me.” My lip quivered and I hugged my father as tight as I could as a few tears fell out.
“Wh—where is she?” I heard Freddie say.  We all looked up and I took notice that (y/n) was indeed gone.
Clever girl must’ve slipped out throughout all this emotional scenes.
“Go after her John.” My father said.  I nodded and looked down to Nala and said.
“Come on girl.” She obeyed and trailed behind me as the two of us left the palace to find (y/n).
*My POV*
Through all that emotion and finally doing what I was set out to do, I decided it was best to just slip back into my normal life, if I could.  Abu walked along my side as we left the palace and the people were once again out along the village ready to start their day.
I felt around my pocket before finally taking out the second ring I had taken from John the night of our first meeting. I grinned and placed it over my thumb when a voice called out.
“Stop right there thief! The King of England commands you.” The crowd stopped and I could hear faint whispers.  I turned around and there stood John with Nala behind him.  I raised my brow at him as I said.
“King? Does that mean I’m in trouble?” I took off his ring and held it up to show him.  He walked up toward me and said throwing my own words back in my face.
“Only because you got caught.” I felt his index finger go under my chin to lift my head up and that’s when I felt his lips immediately kiss mine.
I closed my eyes and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed through his short chocolate hair.  I felt his arm wrap around my waist as his other hand gently cupped the side of my face deepening our kiss.  We separated for a brief second before smiling at each other and kissing each other again.
By nightfall our final kiss of the day was our first kiss as husband and wife.  My entire kingdom witnessed this glorious event and all applauded for the King of England finally found his bride; me.
After we separated I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face as our friends and family came over to congratulate us.
John hugged his father and I hugged Freddie who also gave me a kiss on each cheek.  I was also hugged by my new brother in laws and dearest friends Roger and Brian.  But the greatest pleasure of all was when I had the three former kings hug and kiss me welcoming me to their family.
We all stood in a line before my people as I now represented them in our alliance with England.  Fireworks boomed across the night sky signaling celebration. Carpet came up to John and I and we got on top of him and he flew us up high into the sky over the fireworks as my people all stared and continued to applaud for us.
I turned to my new husband and he smiled down at me and tucked a strand of hair back behind my ear before the two of us kissed once more as Carpet took us far beyond the sky off to a whole new world.
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dawnofspeed · 7 years
so i went and saw ‘justice league’ with my li’l bro and bestie tonight.
spoilers ahead.
i want to preface my entire thing with saying that lately i’ve felt conflicted about joss wheedon’s work (and even unrelated with the deadpool 2 movie) because of joss’ whole ‘i’m a feminist but the reason i’ve been horrible to women is the patriarchy’ (and with deadpool 2 the whole... forcing a stunt person to do a stunt they weren’t ready for and got them killed).  But also as a filmmaker i know that there are tons of people who work on these films that have nothing to do with those things, so i’ve decided to keep them at the back of my mind and just focus on these slightly problematic films on their own merit. (no i won’t talk about dp2 in this. it’s just been on my mind bc i saw the new trailer and spoke to my bestie, another film graduate, about the issues with stuff tonight and yeah. soz.) ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE OPINIONS. if you like something i don’t, that’s great. all the power to you. i am literally just writing thoughts and opinions and i only just finished a film degree so... y’know. not an expert.
moving on.
i loved a lot of this movie. as a whole it was a great ensemble piece. the cast was solid, the acting was solid, the script was solid. the plot worked well. i think it accomplished setting up the justice league, introducing us to characters and their backstories while driving the story forward. i also liked that it really seemed to know its source material and kept to the actual point- superhero movies shouldn’t be completely dark. they can be fun, they can be funny, they can be hopeful. whatever problems i have with joss wheedon as a person and the things he’s said and done, i think he can write and direct well. and he knows what he’s doing. the few women in the film he also balanced well. i didn’t feel like he was ‘buffy’ing any of them (something he sorta did with kitty pryde in his astonishing x-men, as much as i loved it. although that could also be because buffy was sorta based off kitty, joss’ fave x-men character). 
i enjoyed all most of the characters. the whole justice league was great (alfred included, c’mon, he’s totally a team member at this point). i do think that diana was different in this film than her wonder woman one, there was just a different tone but you can also kinda just explain that away as this is post-steve trevor, it’s been a while since the events of ww, and that’s just what it is now. towards the end of the movie it felt more tonally in sync with her in ww, so that may be it. also bats pushing diana to lead the team? i loved that.  i’ve never known much about victor but i found his story intriguing in this, he was fun, and my reservations about him being in the flash film are totally squashed now. i maintain that batfleck is my favourite of all batmen. this movie sealed it for me and i definitely enjoy his performance more than any that came before him. i mean. i enjoyed michael keaton but he was just never totally batman for me. clark was SO much better in this movie. he was light, and funny, and 100% the superman i actually love. i didn’t want him brought back to life and then afterwards?? i was like?? nah, you’re right, clark IS a good guy. how have i never seen this before? i just hated dceu superman before this film. arthur curry is cool. i have never been a massive aquaman fan. i didn’t hate atlantis. but i just... didn’t really care? then. they made him cool, and fun, and so much potential. i’m intrigued about his backstory. i wanna know more. i wanna unpack his personality. just. wow.  but the standout? barry all the way. i was a bit anxious about how they were going to do it. i love ezra, but we’ve seen so many iterations of barry at this point that i was just really worried about what aspects they’d keep and how they’d navigate his background and his powers. but they did an amazing job. they kept his sense of humour while also maintaining his kindness, his intelligence, his zest for life and i love how even when he’s terrified he goes out of his way to do the right thing. added to his ‘i assume he’s an attractive jewish guy’ when he’s talking about his security footage. i just. love him. i do think some of his qualities are wally west?? like??? but my brother kept insisting that in the early comics barry was very playful and jokey, not just puns and dad jokes, so i’m inclined to believe him.  also alfred was a+++ i love him. alfred forever. so that clears up most of the mains. plot? well i’m gonna be honest. i know... very little about darkseid and any of that stuff in the comics. i did think it was a great way to bring in both atlantians and amazons. and that cheeky green lantern reference at the beginning. and my brother swears he saw hercules but i only know marvel’s hercules so?? i??? dunno???? i also think it had high stakes, a ticking time frame, gave them the ability to bring superman back AND create a justice league. all while never trying to cram more than one actual plotline into a film. (like. a LOT of other dc movies.) i was happy with it. i never felt like it ran too long or i got bored or any of that so i’m. yeah. great.  also loved that no one was forced into a freakin’ love interest or hampered from saving the world or anything by romance. did think that clark waited way too long to meet up with them for the end battle. like. did he spend all that time making a new goddamn suit? what? got a hair cut? like. why did it take you so long? you’re SUPERMAN. lois told you ages ago to get moving and help out. did you spend all that time like chatting with your mum? also, sidenote: thank you trailers for not spoiling this film. i didn’t expect the superman rebirth. i went in just knowing the jl was gonna kick butt somewhere and we were gonna get introduced to them all. the marketing on this film was spot on, and i loved that surprise and being pulled through the whole movie trying to guess what the hell was gonna happen. double thumbs up. ok. i will go over the things i didn’t like. which were very few. but first i kinda wanna talk about a few other cast/character things. i’m gonna be honest. not a massive fan of amy adams as lois lane. besides the fact that to me she doesn’t look like lois lane, and doesn’t embody (TO ME) anything that lois does... she also (TO ME) doesn’t have any chemistry with henry cavill. i don’t feel a thing. sometimes i might be like awwwww, cute. but that’s more of the situation rather than any emotions i get off of them. but that’s kinda nitpicky here as she was already cast as that character and no one was going to change that for the justice league. i will admit i felt more for her in this film than any of the others, and i enjoyed her more than in the others. but she was still... not lois.  now... amber heard as mera. i will admit that amber looks like mera. and i enjoyed her limited performance and i’m sure she’ll do a great job in the aquaman film and i hold nothing against her. but. if arthur curry doesn’t need to look like comic arthur curry than. why does mera? we only had three women in the whole movie, really. two had limited parts. mera could have been a woc. she could have been not supermodel gorgeous as amber is. (i love amber i do but... who looks that goddamn gorgeous?) already the entire film felt like impossible standards of women. the amazons are varied in body shapes yes, but those costumes. then mera is AMBER. and gal is. gal. i just. there are so many races on earth. asian and hispanic women (and people) exist. not that the movie... shows that... at all.  in fact, between the dceu and the mcu there’s one hispanic character on the movie screen. and he isn’t even a superhero (yeah, the friend of antman’s. and no i’m not counting netflix. that’s not a movie screen. yes rosario dawson is awesome.) heck the cw only added a hispanic woman in the last year. before that cisco was pretty much on his lonesome. wait. that might not be right. i’m sure arrow had a guest star that moved to lot... meh. i don’t keep up anymore.  all i’m saying is... if mera had been cast woc then that would have continued right on through to aquaman too.  but i have nothing against both amber and amy. they’re doing their jobs and i wish them all the best and i will try and enjoy it as much as possible.  my few criticisms:
- ... not a big fan of the costume design. i was so confused about wonder woman’s until i remembered it was probably the one from bvs which i hated. i have no idea what was happening with superman’s. batman’s was fine. flash was fine. cyborg’s was fine. loved aquaman’s (and mera’s). the amazonians? what? why???? you could tell it was a male designer. every vital organ was pretty much on show and it was all sexy, just like how wonder woman’s skirt was shortened and the front was like almost a loincloth. just. no. 
- production design was ok? like there were very few standouts to me. batcave was pretty good, the flash cave, and anything with aquaman’s fishing village. pretty sure that was filmed in new zealand tho and those guys are on point with their pd. studying their stuff over there, man. pd orgasm tbh. ever since lord of the rings those guys are just amazing.
- camera work was great at times and then just weird in others. i think that had a lot to do with cgi demands, which i’ll get to in a minute. 
- the lighting? i mean yes, each scene requires different lighting depending on the place, time of day, people and props... but. there’s this one scene in the field with clark and lois and i was like. confused because it felt like they got first year film students to light it. it was off. and if they were trying to reproduce a field at sunset in a studio with green screen that might make sense but to me it didn’t feel like a gs scene. 
- which brings me to my next point. cgi and green screen. there felt like a lot of it in the movie. pretty sure the fight after clark is revived is green screen. the entire last battle has so much cgi that i felt like it was avengers on steroids. also kinda felt like i was watching a video game with like real people pasted in. and while i get WHY it was like that i also felt like. there could have been ways to do it differently. when i watch stranger things i know there’s cgi. but i never get that feeling, that i’m watching a video game. which is important. because i want to stay sunk into the film. not be thrown out and feel like a different medium has taken over. my challenge for jl2? keep me in the film. find a way to make the sfx stay real. possibly a nitpick but like i said, this is my opinion. so that’s it. that’s my long ass dissection and feels and thoughts. i am so looking forward to every solo movie and also being introduced to iris west and atlantis more. im me or d/cord if you wanna chat about anything or if we’re not pals you can send me a q via askbox.
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