#I know it's small in the grand scheme of things
eruden-writes · 2 years
One of the hardest parts of writing for me is finding a word count that’s appropriate for an update. lol
Sometimes I’ve only written ~1k words and I’m like, “Yes, this is a wonderful part” before realizing it’s rather short.
Other times, I’ve written 3k-4k+ and I’m like, “I need to post all of this to get to the part that the readers will fucking froth over!”
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pixiis-blog · 2 months
If people are still looking for a Lovejoy replacement (like I was a week ago) I highly recommend the band SOAP! Their sound and general vibe is similar to Lovejoy without the Wilbur in it.
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andr0nap-wf · 3 months
Yknow whats, imo, worse than being turned into a random monster and losing your sanity? Being turned into a weapon of war and being FORCED to kill for the same people you either worshipped or rejected. Like, no shade to the infestation ask, but i feel like a lot of the horror comes from the frames. And the fact that EVEN ALBRECHT cared so little about human life that he designed a frame specifically to protect an Operator is just...cruel. Did he learn nothing from the Cavia?
oh definitely. the tragedy of becoming a warframe could be a 200 page essay, esp with the likes of umbra (and chroma too actually)
i think what other ask meant more is the body horror aspect of it? where yeah the infested look more gruesome. at least the frames still maintain their humanoid form and look nice (which is horrifying in its own right)
listen as much as i love albrecht, hes an asshole. he does show some level of regret but that sure as hell doesnt stop him or his martyr complex (regarding himself and throwing other ppl under the bus for the "greater good")
youd think for a guy who apparently has the uncanny ability to predict events hed have the foresight to stop before things got worse
instead he poked god with a stick and when that didnt give him the desired results he switched to hitting it with a hammer.
the source of all our problems, truly...
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poeticsdrama · 2 years
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Keep this. It is Orchid's Destiny Book. 这个你拿着。这是小兰花的命簿
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consul-valerius · 1 year
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“Me? Try to get rid of these bags? Honey, these are a family heirloom that you could never even imitate.”
I may change up Damien’s design, but one thing that will always remain are his under eye bags 😤 😤 😤 Still fiddling with things—I think I like the idea of him having rainbow hair as opposed to magic moon ring hair as it seems a bit counter intuitive for his emotions to be clockable lol But torn between these grey-ish eyes (similar to Valerius and Marisol) or dark brown eyes (similar to Donna) but we shall seeee heheh
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itspileofgoodthings · 9 months
Years ago, I asked you what the different alternate universe Maria’s were doing with their lives. Are the answers still the same?
but now I’m in the period where I have to face that I do not, in fact, have multiple lives so I have to figure out what I’m doing with my one wild and precious life and the sort of (for me, at least) ease of following a particular school-related completion course that wasn’t too hard to commit to or finish has come to an end and I am at a crossroads where it’s just like—you could choose. And on some level, in the next few years, you need to. Low-key terrifying and I hate it.
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andromeda3116 · 6 months
It’s an older fic of yours but Such Selfish Prayers is a great work that inspired me to be a better person and to have healthy boundaries, could probably say it was definitely at the start of my healing journey
I am so glad to hear that, truly. such selfish prayers is probably the most important fic I've ever written, which came as a bit of a surprise, because, as I've said before, I started it simply out of frustration with how Katara was treated in canon. I never expected to change anyone's life with it, and it's been very humbling to realize that my words have touched thousands of people. I've gotten many comments saying how readers were inspired by it, or given hope in a dark time, or even that it made them realize they wanted to pursue a different career. That it started your healing process kind of brings tears to my eyes, I'm so glad that I was able to help you.
One of the things I put into that fic was my own recent break-up and how I was processing it myself -- how do you deal with someone you love but can't be with? Who -- if you were to stay with them -- would be holding you back? And they loved you and they didn't mean to harm you but they were still wrong for you in ways you don't know how to say? Even more, he had reached out to me in what I thought -- as Katara did -- an attempt to become friends again, but was actually an attempt to get back together. The line, "I thought he was ready to be friends again, I was ready to be friends again," was a direct quote from a text I sent a friend that day, after an incredibly uncomfortable lunch date. I had to tell him that the door was closed, and wouldn't be opening again, and it hurt. That sense of "I wish I could make this be right for us just so I could stop hurting you, but I cannot choose you over me" came from a very personal place.
A lot of that fic is from that kind of personal place, like I said in the author's note of chapter 4. And it's very much idealistic in a way that -- I will freely admit -- isn't entirely realistic. Or, it wouldn't be that simple. (Ultimately, he and I could not be friends again.) But I wrote the world I wanted to see, wanted to make possible. Believing that things can change for the better, that we can stand up for what we believe in and build a better world, even if it's tedious and crawling two steps forward, one step back the whole damn way, even if it takes all our lives and more, we can make a better world and even if we ourselves don't see it, it matters so much because we can build the foundation of that and it will last and grow -- believing that this is all possible is the first step to making it be possible.
That hope and belief may, in the real world, simply be a small candle in the swallowing darkness, but it's a stubborn one and as long as we don't let it go out, it will light the way and someday -- someday -- the light will spread.
I didn't set out to write a story about that candle, but in the end I found I had, and the fact that it's spread to thousands -- and been read (or at least clicked on) by 170,000 people (170,000, it blows my mind) -- has swept me away and, in a way, kept my own candle burning. I may be small and helpless against the tides of everything happening in the world around me, but my words have inspired and helped and strengthened thousands of people. We give each other strength and hope through these awful times, and that hope and togetherness are the things that can change the world.
So, thank you for this. I am so, so happy that I have helped you, and so, so proud of you for going on your healing journey and learning to set your boundaries, it's important and hard and worth it and scary, and I am absolutely rooting for you the whole way.
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crystal-lillies · 2 days
so after a couple weeks of busy schedule, finally allowing myself to catch up on Doctor Who with "73 Yards" and "Dot and Bubble"
haven't gotten 3 minutes into "73 Yards" and I'm so stupidly upset at the lack of opening for the episode. Just Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson's names blandly inserted at the bottom of the screen??? No TARDIS whizzing about in technicolor space imagery??? Excuse me???? I don't care if this is a more serious episode, *EVERY* episode of Doctor Who has an opening!
RTD man the fuck is this
(and back to the episode, just had to say something)
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trans-axolotl3 · 1 year
im actually so fucking upset i know its just a blog but like i've been on here since i was 16. i have made a ton of posts that were important to me! ive met so many cool people in intersex and antipsych community that are important to me! i had a lot of questions i still need to answer! there was an anon i was talking to and now i can't even find their questions or have any way to know how they are doing!!! i don't understand what i did that violating community guidelines but i really hope that @staff can give me my blog back, i had so much intersex community building and my own like. informational posts and my own intersex journey documented there. i cannot figure out what i did wrong!!!!
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engagemythrusters · 11 months
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forcebookish · 2 months
lowkey losing sleep over this twitter thing. something about just having the thought how nice and understanding the forcebook fandom is and then having a bunch of ppl dunk on me in front of their hundreds of followers for saying akk has flaws and that fandom shouldn't measure ships based on their inflated perceived health stressed me out idk
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me when my coworker is worried another guy in the office doesn't like her: Ah that sucks for her. Glad I'm not affected by that tho
Me when that same guy gives me a short teams message: Ah. Well good thing I don't care about being liked by him or not
Me after thinking about it for maybe 32 seconds: no actually I hate this
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mildkleptomania · 1 year
are you ready to see one of the sillier character concepts i've done
are you?
alright, here he is
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yes he drinks milk out of a wine glass
no he is not a humanoid cat in there, aside from maybe having slightly more handlike paws
yes he is going to make cat puns on purpose in his villain monologue while he has you strapped to his James Bond death trap table
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 months
Good morning love! I hope that you are having a good day and a good week so far! If not, pretty please hang in there. Thank you so much for being a great friend, and a creative writer who's work is amazing and a joy to read. Pretty please take care 🤍
Good morning! It's now late afternoon that I'm replying but- I read it in the morning ehaha- I hope you are too! Um I've had better weeks tbh- but it'll get better I believe and that's what counts rn- Thank you for being a great friend too- I really appreciate it. 🥺💖💖 Thank you so much- That means the world to me 🥺💖 I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading some of my works- I hope you take care too! I know it's hard, but we got this- I promise- 🥰
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that tag about the the third best thing a man can do is the dishes launched me right back to my ex not washing a goddamn dish and the incandescent rage i felt about it. i never knew what rage was until then. i realize i may have unresolved issues surrounding this lmao.
No but you were definitely right because it's not about the dishes. It's about the lack of consideration. It's about the gendered expectations. It's about men being socialized to prioritise their own laziness over their partner.
Not so fun fact: unequal distribution of domestic labour was one of the contributing factors of my parents' divorce. Not the main or only one, but definitely up there. And then my mother turned around and married a dude who does even less? My father is by no means perfect but at least he cooks. And you replace him with a guy who has never used a pan or pot or broom or mop or vacuum? Come the fuck on, how is this an improvement?
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creme-meme · 2 years
I don’t mean to spew bullshit but there’s something hilariously Kafkaesque about Jerma
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