#I know it's still running but look at the stats I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume where the opinion lies
kaelidascope · 4 months
Beauty and the Beest Remastered is LIVE
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Beauty and the Beest remastered is LIVE and she is HERE! SHE IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER
And that's not all. By popular demand, the original Beestfic - along with the deleted act 9 scene - Have been re-released back out into the wild from the vault for reading! Please mind both author's notes on these fics, and also note the severe quality drop from the classic version. I wrote this a year ago and it is not a reflection of my current skills
A final note chapter has been sent out for those who subscribed to it that also contains an art archive similar to Midnight Menagerie. Any art coming out of this fic from this point onward will be documented on the new fic :)
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Please, how do I make money fast in dol?? I've always played with cheats on cuz I'm a pussy. I've gotten better from my past no cheats on playthroughs, but still, I still would like to know from the pro, my favorite dol account. Please, tell us your ways🛐
Huh... And here I thought money is the last thing you need to worry about when you've been playing long enough on one save. Alright, I doubt anything I'm gonna say is new, but since you asked so nicely, I'll go into details with my 4 PCs and highlight their most rewarded methods.
In general, early game is always tricky since your stats are low. High Math grade and higher certain stats make things easier.
1. Lya
- She used to be a massage staff at the Spa. High enough beauty (4/6 if I remember right) or hand skill is required to work there, and high dance skill make it fairly safe. Higher promiscuity and skuldugery open chances for lewder things and more money.
- Antique hunting. At the lake. High swimming skill recommended. And down the sewer too. I only intended to grind her skuldugery, but then she started to get attached to Winter so she go hunt antique for him ever since. Then the old church yard too. Still the Ivory necklace is a no.
- Dancing jobs. Charlie's Danube street job and at the brothel. Not the strip club but the brothel. Higher skuldugery can only be grinded while encountering so yeah, she work at the brothel for a pretty long time and install the vending machine there too.
- Be a model at Niki's studio.
- Working at Sirris' adult toy shop and selling flowers at the market sometime.
- Alex farm. Invested in the Farm, make things automatic and safe, then brought things to the Harvest street for sale. It's pretty okay and leisurely too.
- The doting Hawk spouse. Yes. Sometimes she goes to the tower to relax, getting away from the dirty town. When you're with the Hawk you just have to sleep, bath, sing all day, maybe walk around the moor a bit, be pretty and wait for the goodest bord to bring things back to you and sell them to Landry later.
2. Lyah
- Being Avery escort. Yeah help very much in the early game. He still keep her company sometime now.
- Steal things from people. He make the most out of his Devil tf to get into encounter, steal, then tell people to stop. Work like a champ. His skuldugery went up fastest out of all 4 PCs.
- Bartender at Strip Club. He works there for fun and to look out for Darryl, but sometimes encounter happen. So it still counts. Vending machine still installed at the Brothel.
- Chef. The ultimate way to make money. Even without Cow tf he still make a LOT out of it, being devoid of purity and lactating mean he has lots of bodily fluids to spare. Just a few hours of "work" and remember to save some for his wife, and the money is insane.
3. Kariya
- Doing odd jobs in the street. Usually to get into encounters.
- Working at the Agency.
- Seducing someone randomly at the Pub, the Farm, at nights,... You name it.
- Get up early and pick the locks of every house or building before they open for the day.
- Playing cards with Wren. Every-single-day. They often just continue untill the lewd part happen. That's their fav part anw. And running around butt-naked with Wren too.
- Dancing and Private shows at the Brothel. Mostly for fun but their money primarily comes from these activities. Briar's most fav worker for sure.
4. "Nyan"
- Working at the Dog Pound and Sam's Cafe (waiter only)
- Doing odd jobs in the street for Housekeeping skill, sometime pick locks and steal from Danube street.
- Temple monthly allowance. Even at max Grace it's not much, but still better than nothing.
- Charlie's dancing job. Charlie offered the safe job, but Nyan often asked for the more dangerous one. Jordan asked him to investigate anyway.
- Antique hunting in the lake, etc... Nyan is still in the build, so he mostly stick with his older siblings safer choices.
Okay, there, I think that's basically things I can recall for now. Also since all my PCs are Robin protectors, they mainly stick to safer paths and don't go away from the Orphanage for too long unless they can't help it. So huge chance there are many more ways to make bigger bucks that I'm not aware of yet. Still, hope this helps!
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Sneak Peek - Chapter 3 Part 1
Hey guys! As it's getting nearer to the public release of Chapter 3 Part 1, I decide to post a sneak peek of a scene here! I used to screenshot sections, but for this one, I'll be copy-pasting the sneak peek and I'll also try reducing as many coding as possible, so hopefully, it'll be easier to read. Since it'll be pretty long, I'll keep it under the cut.
This section I'm gonna show has a lot of variations all based on a number of variables and stats, so for this particular sneak peek, I'm going to assume MC is Sarcastic and more Emotional than Stoic, is on the shorter side, knows about Jackal, and is flirting extensively with both Ash and Rin.
Note: ${ash_he}, ${ash_him}, ${ash_his} are just all variables for Ash's pronoun, so whenever they pop up, just feel free to replace them with the proper ones in your head if you want to.
A click rings out as Ash finally steps out of ${ash_his} room as well. As you had suspected, ${ash_he} ends up not wearing ${ash_his} usual leather jacket, ripped jeans, and combat boots. Instead, ${ash_he}'s decked out in a more business casual style; ${ash_he}'s wearing a black turtleneck, an unbuttoned blazer, a pair of dark-colored jeans, and black leather gloves. 
It's not ${ash_his} usual style of clothing, and you're pretty sure this outfit must be a gift from Uncle Luka, since it's totally his style, even though you're not totally sure as to the reasoning behind it. But, all in all, Ash is looking fancy as hell right now.
$!{ash_he} seems to finally notice your staring and ${ash_he} blushes. "W—Well, can't exactly enter this fancy-schmancy establishment and blending in while looking like a thug," ${ash_he} stammers out a bit, trying to get ${ash_his} flustering under control.
"Far be it from me to criticize you." You grin, before reassuring ${ash_him}. "You look great, by the way. Really giving Uncle Luka a run for his money with how well you're pulling off his signature look."
Ash barks out a laugh at that. "Really? Maybe I should take a photo or something to commemorate this event," ${ash_he} jokes.
You perk up. "Huh, good idea. Let's do it." Ash contemplates on it for a second before complying, closing the distance between you in only a couple of steps. You pull out your phone and turn on the front camera as Ash gets behind you. $!{ash_he} bends down a bit so ${ash_his} whole face can get in frame for the shot as well, not only ${ash_his} outfit. You begin the countdown and then you grin lopsidedly while pointing at Ash before taking the picture.
You check the selfie you've just taken and show it to Ash as well. "Hey, not bad at all." Ash nods approvingly at ${ash_his} own outfit in the picture. 
"Yeah, I'm totally gonna send this to Uncle Luka right now." You open up your chat with Uncle Luka, attach the selfie, and then type: "Watch out, Uncle Luka, got yourself a stiff competition here! Be careful not to show this pic to your boyfriend!" You snicker as you press send.
Not even a minute has passed before your phone vibrates. You click the notification and read Uncle Luka's response.
"So… First, you flirted quite blatantly with Rin last night, and then tonight, you're going on a mission that doubles as a date with Ash? What a Casanova. Maybe one day you'll invite both for a date? You know what, you do you. I won't judge and I won't tell Rin about your little date, promise. No need to thank me 👍. Oh, and also, my boyfriend said that I still look better 😛."
You feel your heart beats faster at the thoughts of Rin, but then you take a quick glance at Ash and feel your cheeks warm up as well. What does this mean? Well, you're not ready to confront your confusing feelings, especially not before your first mission. You shake it off and groan internally before typing back a response: "Touché. You win this round."
Your phone vibrates again after a moment. "Stay safe, kiddo. Don't take unnecessary risks, alright? If you see something is wrong, just pull out and abandon the whole job. Nothing is worth your life. Promise me."
The worry in that text is so prevalent that you can feel it seeping through the screen. You send a final text: "Alright, Uncle Luka. Try not to worry too much, okay? Love you."
You put away your phone, but not before reading another response from your uncle. "Love you too, kiddo."
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ghostkingart · 29 days
What’s his favorite spell? Which one did he learn first? Which ones were the hardest to master/does he still struggle with?
Obviously, his upbringing in the Underdark wasn’t ideal, but were there any parts of his childhood that were normal or even pleasant? How old was he when he began training as an Acolyte?
How did he get his facial scars/markings?
From what you’ve played so far, what was his favorite quest?
Does he tell others who his mother is? Is it something people notice about him? How do they generally react to finding out?
Why did he become a bounty hunter? Does he have any bounties that he regrets letting get away, or even that he regrets taking on in the first place?
Does he himself have “tells” for when he’s lying? How well to you have to know him to notice?
How did he feel about Astarion being a vampire? Did he trust him completely? Does Valeriy let Astarion feed off him (how long did it take him to allow him)?
What are/would be their highest and lowest stats?
Aside from Astarion, which character are they closest to? (Or, if you had to ship them with someone else, who would it be?)
What do they smell like?
HI WHAT AN AMAZING THING TO WAKE UP TO! very slay of you to send me this ask thank you so much!
I'll put my response under the cut cus it got very long.
okay let's see.
1. I'm not very well versed in the dnd magic system actually 😭 so I'll speak broadly about the types of spells that exist in BG3 per class. I think Veles's favorite spell would be some form of light casting. He's afraid of the dark and likes to sleep in a room illuminated with a soft glow. A form of casting light was also probably the first thing he learned, he would've had to start with simple things. I think what Veles would struggle with most would be self protection spells. Even though they're very useful, he's usually on the offense in combat and doesn't really have regard for his own wellbeing oops, so he'd focus more on attack spells rather than protection spells.
2. Being taught reverie and having lullabies sung to him was the most normal and pleasant experience for him. Even though he never quite mastered choosing which memories to relive in trance, he still looks back at learning about it with fondness. He also had the luck of running into a fellow acolyte, slightly older than him, who allowed him to express emotions. He made Veles swear that he wouldn't do so in front of anyone else, but with him, he was safe. I'm pretty sure there's some canon explanation of when acolytes start their training, but in my head he was pretty young, up to 20.
3. Never really thought about this because, as I think I've mentioned before, a lot of character design choices were just what seemed coolest while I was making the character with my friend 😭 the scar across his nose is an homage to an OC of mine, also an original novel character, who has the same scar. But in universe, I imagine that the scar comes from a particularly gnarly sparring session, like many others. As for his tattoos I imagine it was some sort of a brand before he had it covered up and redone upon escaping.
4. Hmm... I really liked the Loviatar's blessing quest (obviously). I also liked the goblin camp and how everyone respects him there, it's actually kinda funny. In universe (beyond the gameplay but like my headcanons), Veles used to be a masked vigilante and he was only masked because he's a drow and he didn't want to scare away people he was helping. He lost his mask during the nautiloid abduction, so throughout the game he walks around in full drow glory with people being scared of or straight up mean to him. When he reaches the goblin camp I can imagine he's very confused but maybe a bit relieved too, like fucking finally, even though it isn't an ideal setting where he'd like to be respected.
1. He doesn't. This has a different canon explanation in my novel, but I'm yet to work it out in the BG3 universe. I think... Hm. It's because of his father and how he used to exploit Valeriy's powers for his own personal gain. So when he started a new life for himself in Baldur's Gate, he wanted nothing to do with that part of himself. He wanted to rely on his skill instead. Idk how canon this is for either dnd or BG3 because I know there are demigods but I'm yet to encounter one in my gameplay, but in my design Valeriy appears very human-like. There's hardly anything odd about him, he's albino but you can't really say that's too strange, it's just what he looks like. So, unless he outright uses his powers in front of you or comes clean about his parentage, you wouldn't be able to tell that he isn't even human. People tend to be scared of him in general, moreso when they find out about his true lineage. Morana in Slavic folklore is one of the only two gods who are considered "evil" so that's why. They think he must be like that, and while he does have an odd moral compass, that's more down to his upbringing than his nature, and he certainly isn't full on evil.
2. In my novel's canon there were multiple wars he fought as a mercenary and because he has a long lifespan, he even found himself in multiple wars on opposing sides at different points in history. Not sure how that applies to dnd/BG3 lore but basically after the wars' end, he realizes he only sees himself as a weapon, but wants to do something that's at least perceived as good (since people who have bounties on them aren't always the bad guys yk) and he figures he'll just do that to utilize his skill and get some money for drinking lol
3. He doesn't let his bounties get away, he's very efficient. Even if he has to use his powers, he will get them in the end. Whether he regrets his bounties is an interesting question because he's rather impersonal in his job. He sometimes feels bad... Because he knows when people are lying, if someone starts pleading with him not to kill/capture them, he can tell if they're genuinely guilty or not. He drinks to forget these moral dilemmas though, he's in it for the money.
4. Valeriy rarely lies because he's actually, ironically pretty bad at it. To be clear, he wasn't born blind, he was blinded, but he was very young when that happened, and compared to his long lifespan, let's just say it's been a while since he could last see. Because of this he isn't very good with social cues and tells of people lying so he doesn't know how to act in order to lie for himself. Sometimes it works because his eyes are pretty expressionless, but usually he won't even dare try. In any case, he doesn't really have anything to hide other than his mother's identity, with which he deals by saying half-truths and white lies, something he can handle better than outright lying.
This also begs the question, if he's bad at lying, how can he tell where someone else is? For this I've decided to go the Daredevil/Toph Beifong route of things and say that he doesn't in fact read social cues, but people's physical reaction to lying. This implies that people who can control themselves well enough can actually lie to him (like Azula in ATLA) but people rarely can. Also he sometimes bluffs tbh, he tells people he knows they're lying and they just cave.
Anyway none of that really answers your question, I'm just a big lore yapper. Basically his tells are that he gets nervous and fumbles with words a lot. If he can stay calm then he's in the clear, but this is rare for him. He's only used to "lying" about his mother, he's well practiced in it, but anything else? You wouldn't have to know him very well to be able to tell he's being insincere.
5. He did not care about Astarion being a vampire. He didn't trust him, not because of him being a vampire, but because Astarion approached him with very obvious ulterior motives. They build trust over time as Astarion realizes he'll have to tell half-truths of his own if he ever wants to win Valeriy over, and ends up opening up more than he initially intended. Astarion never tells Valeriy he's a vampire, he figures this out on his own, and in a pretty dramatic scene involving a knife to Astairon's throat while they're in bed, just when Astarion thinks he has Valeriy in his grasp, he confronts Astarion. It all comes out and Valeriy genuinely doesn't care about him being a vampire, he just wants answers as to what his true motives are. When he finds out about Cazador, he pretty much immediately says they should kill him together. Thing is Valeriy is developing feelings and hey, killing an evil vampire overlord must earn him some money so it's a win win.
6. So due to the course of the story being completely different to canon, Valeriy and Astarion never have the same pre-ascension interactions as Astarion and Tav do. Pre-ascension Astarion is just hiding everything the entire time so he doesn't even try to feed on Valeriy, Cazador forbids it and that's it. But post-ascension, when Valeriy is properly whipped and in love (I mean they both are but you get Astarion to admit it), he sure as hell lets himself he Astarion's juice box pretty easily.
1. Based on my opinion and not on the playable character, Veles's highest stat would be intelligence and his lowest stat would be charisma. Valeriy's highest stat would be charisma and lowest would be dexterity.
2. Veles is very close to Wyll and Karlach. Wyll because they have this shared experience of being "heroes" even if they do take a different approach to heroism, and well, Veles has something to learn from both Wyll and Karlach about how a lack of emotions and suppressing them don't equate to strength. They help him open up and be vulnerable, sometimes even more than Astarion who, as we all know, has his own damn issues.
In the Astarion x Valeriy AU the other characters don't appear as they would in the game, Valeriy has a few close friends who are all OCs. But if the other characters did/do appear, he'd really like Karlach and Shadowheart.
Who I'd ship them with other than Astarion can be greatly impacted by my second and third favorite characters being Karlach and Wyll and how, if I get a chance for a second and third playthrough, I'll definitely romance them. Buuut I'll try to be more objective. So, if it wasn't Astarion I truly think Veles would work well with Wyll and Valeriy with Shadowheart, or maybe Karlach. Oops, the answer was still predictable 😭😭😭
3. Interesting question!! I imagine Veles would really like flowery and sweet smelling perfumes. Not sure such nice things are something they have in the Underdark at all, so once he discovers them he'd be all over that. He likes to take care of his hair too, so lots of scented oils and whatnots would be what he smells like most often.
Valeriy... Unfortunately I do think he wouldn't take as much care of himself 😭😭 He probably smells like alcohol and tobacco most often. I don't think he'd be too sweaty unless he's fresh from a fight because he actually prefers not to wear armor, he thinks it's useless and just slows him down. But yeah, definitely alcohol and tobacco most often.
Thanks again for giving me this wonderful yapping opportunity!! This turned out very long, but I enjoyed every second of answering this ask 🫶🫶🫶
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 year
Yelling "It's not a sex thing, I swear!" as your sleeves flap about. LOL.
Newly alerted piss kink? 🎤🎤 Tell the audience more.
The anesthesia is so good. Damb it. It's definitely a hardcore and interesting extension of somnophillia. He tells you he has to put you under bexause he can't trust you not to wiggle or panic during the procedure. (And that makes you start to sweat. What does he mean panic during the procedure? Is he going to do something scary during it?) You don't have time to really freak out though, he's already turning some knobs and pressing the mask against you. He cuts off your scared questions with some soothing. "It'll all be over soon, relax. Breathe in." It's kind of romantic how he looks you in the eyes as he does it. (Really, he wants to see your eyes roll back and flutter closed.)
Also playing a sort of hunting game with Law. He gives you 2 minutes to hide and then he's coming after you. You run but he doesn't, he strolls leisurely like he knows he'll find you easily. Your heart beats so fast you're afraid he can hear it. Maybe that's how he finds you, trying to calm down your beating heart rhen suddenly from around the corner BOOM Law has you in an almost headlock as he holds a chloroformed cloth to your face. You try to scream and kick but it's futile. :3
I hope you do write some goofy Dr Ace! Honestly I'm happy to read anything you write, even just sending asks is fun so it makes me really happy to hear I've inspired you. I need some Vitamin (Portgas) D (Ace) injected stat. LOL.
Putting everything below a cut :)
The piss kink thing is...it is what it is lmao. It's part humiliation and part degradation--being forced to hold it, or overstimming to the point where you can't hold it and being degraded and condescended to as a result. (There's also the degradation and dehumanization of being pissed on, but I'm still deciding how I feel about that lmao.)
You really unlocked something with the anesthesia, I swear. I've been under before multiple times and it's always a little scary even though it's perfectly safe, and I'm sure having Law there soothing you and promising he'll be right beside you when you wake up would be reassuring. At least it would be if you knew what in the hell you were going under for. But he just pats your head and tells you not to struggle, it'll take longer for it to work if you do, and he'd rather have you nice and unconscious. You just look so pretty when you're finally succumbing to it...
AHH predator/prey is such an underrated fave type of play. I love the added terror of not exactly knowing what the consequences are if he catches you, since you'll end up sweetly slumped over in his arms for a while once he does. Maybe he'll do nothing at all, maybe you'll wake up in a hospital bed with one or two things missing, maybe you'll find yourself coming to in the middle of the woods on an island and all you can hear is his laughter somewhere in the dark.
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stthdr · 2 years
Don't Cry (Gareth x F reader)
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A/n: Hi this was a request from my tiktok pls enjoy I'm not proff reading sorry Gareth and the reader are dating in this fanfic
Warning: Harmful things being said, cussing,weight comments,mainly just fluff and comfort though
Summary: Jason says some pretty harmful stuff to y/n and Gareth just wants to comfort you
Y/n pov
"You're such a freak I can't believe me and you ever had a thing for each other" Jason says to me backing me in a corner like always I just want to leave I feel tears coming to my eyes I try to say something to Jason but every time I do he says something else that hurts me "You would look better if you lost some weight" I heard Jason say that and I broke weight has always been my biggest insecurity even though on the out side people say I look fine on the inside I think I look terrible "Fuck you Jason" I said in a pretty quite voice as I push him out the way making him stumble a bit and I run out the extra classroom we were in and I went to the one place I knew I would be safe even if I didn't want to bother them I knew they would help me
Gareths pov
Me and the club were planing our next campaign when I hear someone come through the club room doors I look up to see who it was only to make eye contact with my girlfriend the person I love most crying her eyes out "What the fuck happened" I said a little louder then intended of course getting pissed off because I hate seeing her cry I get up argently to see what happens when I get to the crying girl I gently grab her face to look to see if there were any cuts or bruises like she was in a fight there was a slight bruise still healing from the other night when she fell off the bed from laughing so hard and hit her head "Jason-" that's all I hear her say before I hear Eddie say "What the fuck did he do to you" as I hear him come closer I keep looking at my loved ones face wishing to take her pain away I hated Jason for making her feel like this it's always his fault "He said more things about me and said I would look prettier if I lost weight" as I hear you/n say that my heart shatters in anger and pain for her I was going to get Jason back for him thinking he can get away with saying that shit but right now I have to deal with his mess " Baby you are perfect please don't let that dipshit that plays with balls tell you anything different" I say trying to crack a joke and cheer her up as I walk her away from the door to sit down in front of a wall and hold her close as she cried quitely into my chest I hated hearing the way her sobs got quieter in my chest like she didn't want to disturb me by crying
Y/n pov
I can't stop the tears coming out of my eyes I hate crying in front of people especially my boyfriend and the hellfire club they are all like my family so I know it hurts them to see me cry especially Gareth he hates seeing me cry but they way he comforts me is so amazing he calms me down so quickly normally just him holding is making me sobs grow quieter and my breathing become steady again "Hey do you wanna stay for the rest of the campaign planning were probably about done anyway" I hear gareths soothing voice say it makes me feel so safe "yea I would like that" I say so quietly I'm sure Gareth struggled hearing me "alright come on" Gareth says as he slowly gets up at the same time as me and he walks me over to his chair he let's me sit on his lap with me kinda stratiling him my face , facing him I listen to the boys talk about the next campaign when they finish Gareth asks me if I wanted to stay at his house for tonight I of course say yes because I love staying with him "Let's stop by and get some movies and snacks" Gareth says on the way to family video when we get there we see Robin and Steve like always we talk for a bit after picking out a few horror movies and snacks from the gas station next door on the way home I hear Gareth mumble to himself "did you say something" I ask generally curious of what he said "I'm swear I'm gonna kill Jason one day God I hate him so much who the fuck does he think he is" Gareth says that in a somewhat sarcastic but at the same time really serious way I knew he ment it because he really hates Jason especially since the whole body shameing me thing "Gareth really it's fine- " it's not fine he needs to learn he can't just talk to my girl any way he wants" I couldn't even finish before Gareth said that in a very angry tone as he pulled into his drive way " come on Gareth the great don't get to riled up " I say jokingly getting out the car I could tell he loved when I called him that and he generally enjoyed the nicknames I have for him
Gareth pov
I get out the car my face a bit red because I love the nickname y/n called me I grab the bag as I close the door I unlock the front door opening it for y/n I say hey to my mom and little sister sitting and the couch "Hey Y/n " Hayley my sister says getting up from the couch to hug Y/n god I love their relationship it's so cute that my sister love my girlfriend just as much as me "Hey Hayley I got you a chocolate bar" I hand y/n the bag when I hear that Hayley grabs the chocolate bar says thanks and runs off "You to have fun" I hear my mom say laughing as we go upstairs to my room luckily y/n didn't hear it I don't think god my moms embarrassing " Hey what movie do you wanna watch first " I say pulling the 3 movies we rented out the bag "how about the outsiders" she says going through my closet trying to find her favorite shirt to steal like always "Fine but you can't keep stealing my shirts I won't have anything to wear if you do" I say putting the movie in the thing "I'll give it back" I turn around to her in one of my Mettalica shirts "I take back what a said they look better on you" I said really meaning it "thanks I think you look better shirtless" she says making my face turn bright red "come on your gonna miss the beginning of the movie " I said getting comfy in bed I get comfy laying down only for y/n to come lay on top of me and cuddle me like a teddy bear "god I love you" I accidentally say out loud and I only realize when I look down for see y/n red faced starring back at me "sorry I don't mean to say that out-" "I love you to my pretty drummer boy" I can't even finish what I was saying before she kissed me I may hate Jason and hate when y/n crys but I will always love these nights
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iwadori · 3 years
Hiiii!!!! can you do like when you guys are supposed to meet up and they waited for about an hour or so and kept texting you you but you haven't replied so they thought you ditched them and got mad at you and stuff then they decided to go home and while on their way home not too far from their school they found you unconscious body with a large wound on you back and your head bleeding?.
can you pleaseease do tsukishima, yamaguchi, ushijima, bokuto (I'm sorry if that's a lot)
Haikyu Boys when you get hurt Pt 2 (Ushijima,Bokuto
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Part One Part Two Part Three
Word count: 2.6K
Genre: angst, fluff
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You were having the worst week this week,  from battling a cold and your boss making you do all sorts of extra jobs (that were definitely not under your job description.) As easter was swiftly approaching you and Ushijima had your annual plans of going to the local kids community center and helping them with an easter egg hunt. But you don’t think you can manage it this year.
Ushijima gets home from practice with 4 bags just filled with easter eggs ranging from all different sizes, “woah there Toshi, you’ve got enough there too feed all of england” you laugh  
“I don’t think these eggs will be able to sustain England Y/N” he says seriously making you laugh even harder. As you were laughing, you felt another migraine come along making your cringe in pain. “Toshi, I don’t think I can do the easter egg hunt this year?”  
He sits down next to you alarmed that something is wrong, “why what happened Y/N” he asks
“I’ve been feeling terrible all week, and I even have a migraine right now” you say to him thinking he would understand.
“That’s it?” he questions thinking what you said was a joke “I think you can handle a migraine, remember we’re doing this for the kids”
His words were making you feel slightly guilty since maybe you were being over dramatic. “Y/N if it’s really ‘that bad’, i’ll make you some tea so you can feel better,” he says going into the kitchen to start on your tea. You murmur a quiet “thank you” and you end up falling asleep, hoping that by the time you wake up your head stops pounding.
As you wake up, you realise you slept all the way through the night and over to the next day as when you look at your clock it says 12:32 pm. You look at your nightstand and saw that Ushijima wrote you a note saying:  
Y/N I've left out early to set out the easter egg hunt, I’ve made you breakfast so eat up and get prepared for the event which starts at 4pm. Please don’t forget.
Sincerely – Ushijima Wakatoshi.
You chuckle at the fondness of the note, before realising your pain. Your brain felt like it was having a live concert inside that definitely was not going to end soon but you still got up prepared for the day. You didn’t want to let Ushijima or the kids down.  
When you go to the kitchen , you see the cute breakfast that Ushijima made you consisting of all of your favourite foods and with another simple note of him saying ‘ I love you. ‘ Ushijima has always been a lovely boyfriend, treating you like the queen you are always making sure that you were okay. Of course, his bluntness and his lack of social cues was something to get used to but when you did get accustomed to it, it only made you fall in love with him more.
You got ready, feeling even more sick as the piping hot shower that you usual have, did not help as when you were showering you felt heavily faint. However, you persevered since you did not want to let Ushijima down.
You finally were prepared to leave the house, with the community center being on 15 minutes walk away you were leaving out at 3:50pm since you were planning to take your car anyways. When you leave your home, you realise that you forgot your car keys so you dash up the stairs (a bit too quickly) to go and find them. Scrambling through your draws, your head is pounding harder and harder and the more it pounds the quicker your moving making you even more faint. You eventually find your keys and you’re ready to zoom to the community center but your body gave out and you pass out tumbling down the stairs landing at your front door.
Ushijima was waiting outside of the community center waiting for you to arrive it was 4:05pm and he was wondering where you were (knowing that your place was only a 10 minute drive away) he sent you a few texts asking where you were but when you don’t respond Ushijima becomes slightly annoyed, plastering a fake smile on his face and entering the community center, starting the easter egg hunt.
The easter egg hunt came to a close at 8pm and Ushijima assumed that you would’ve showed up some time in the middle of the event, but you obviously didn’t show. After making sure that all the kids left safely Ushijima decided to call and text you more and when you continuously don’t respond and your calls go to voicemail he says ‘Y/N, im really disappointed with you right now. How could you do this to me? You said you would show up, the kids were really upset, how could you be so selfish?’
He walks to your house knocking on the door, but when you don’t immediately answer he knew something must be up now, since you haven’t responded to any of his texts and calls and didn’t show up he figured there was something deeper then you just ditching the event.
He used his key to open the door, surprised when the door hit something. He tried again hitting the ‘object’ that was laying at the door again. He carefully pushes the door to make enough room for him to fit through the gap. When he entered, he was startled at the sight of you, there you lay completely knocked out with a blood stain next to your head. He knelt down next to you and touched your cheek you were extremely cold, he had to get you to a hospital stat. He called an ambulance, panicked. Worrying about how long you’ve been out for since it would have to be atleast more than 4 hours he assumed.
You woke up in a foreign room, with your head slightly stinging. You place your hand on the back of your head and wince, then you remember you need to be at the easter egg hunt so you bolt up ready to move.  
“I don’t think that’s wise for you to do that Y/N” Ushijima says to you  
“Toshi, what happened?” you ask still in pain
“It seems you fell down the stairs and hit your head” after he said that all your memories come flooding back, and you remember rushing to the community centre, looking for your keys, and then falling down the stairs and everything going black.
“I’m sorry Ushi for missing the easter egg hunt, I really tried to get there,” you say with an apologetic look on your face  
“It’s fine Y/N of course you wouldn’t of been able to get there after falling down the stairs” he says “Also, this is proof of why you shouldn’t run down the stairs”
You eventually get discharged with the doctor telling you all you need to do is rest and stay off your feet. Ushijima took the doctor's orders very seriously, becoming your loyal servant and waiting on you hand and foot, tending to your every need. He did also make you were eating healthy and taking all your medicine so you could have the best recovery possible.  
Also, after realising that this could’ve all been avoided if Ushijima didn’t guilt trip you in the first place for having a migraine, he made sure to never ignore or dismiss when you say you are ill or have anything wrong with you even if it’s a migraine, a lost limb or a simple paper cut.
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The Olympics were coming up and Bokuto couldn’t be any more excited than he already was. Everything he’s talked about for the past month he manages to find a way to relate to the Olympics, and as annoying as it got sometimes you were just as excited for it as much as Bokuto was.  
Bokuto was heavily busy with extra practices so you were bored and lonely, since your boyfriend was at practice all the time so you chose to take up a new hobby. You decided to paint, although you weren’t an award-winning painter you still found joy in it. Being Bokuto’s girlfriend you had some slight unwanted attention on you: the usual fans of Bokuto that just followed you to have an extra aspect of him in their life's, or his fangirls that adored him.  
You didn’t mind the fangirls for the most part since majority of them were pretty tamed and did fawn over your relationship. However, there was the minority of fans that did make it known to you that they DID NOT like you at all. When you started posting your paintings, it seems their hate for you amplified since they always found the need to leave an astray of mean comments on your post. But that didn’t mainly bother you since you thought that they only had that energy behind the screen.
The days went by getting closer to the Olympics, with Bokuto always asking you every day “Y/N you are coming to my games, right?” to which you always replied “Of course Kou, I’m coming” which always made him smile.
When the Olympics came, you’ve went to all the games cheering Bokuto and the team on as they were winning round after round. Whilst this was going on, the group of girls that were sending you horrible messages and making mean posts about you weren’t stopping. At first, you didn’t care for them but it seems their posts only gotten worse making comments about your artwork, your face, your body type ect.  
You didn’t want to tell Bokuto as you felt that it would ruin his Olympic momentum and you thought you could handle it all on your own.  
It was nearing to the final game of the Olympics, and Bokuto was ecstatic he made sure that you promised you’d be there claiming that you was his ‘good luck’ charm.’ You were excited to go too, the feeling of watching Bokuto play was exhilarating seeing him fully in his element was great for you to see.
On the last game day, Boktuo was already at the stadium since him and the team had to be there earlier to practice and you planned to meet him there just before the game started at 4:30. You went to a florist before the match getting Bokuto the biggest boquet that you could buy.  
On your way to the stadium you here somebody whistle from behind you, you turn around and see a group of girls waiting behind you smirking. “Hi?” you say more like a question then a statement “do you want something from me?”
Some of them laugh, but the one standing at the front who you mentally lable the ‘main one’ steps closer to you and says “We want you to stay away from Bokuto” you realise that these were the girls sending you hate online for these past weeks.
Before you can even blink, the girls jump you, hitting, kicking and clawing at you. You are in pain, screaming and crying for them to stop and leave you alone. You lay there, letting them beat you up thinking that you’ll probably end up dead out of this. All you can think about is Bokuto, you didn’t get to wish him good luck, or give him your flowers (that you spent a fortune on) or even tell him that you loved him one last time.
You think the girls eventually stopped but you couldn’t tell because your body was throbbing and you hurt all over. You tried to get up still wanting to go to the match but you collapse going out cold.
Bokuto was scanning the crowd over and over for you, hoping to spot you there. But he couldn’t, he was wondering where you were getting sadder and sadder by the second since he really believed you were his good luck charm and he probably wouldn’t be able to win without at least seeing your face once.
They didn’t win. Bokuto knew he wasn’t playing at his best, since all his mind was on was thinking about where you were. You’ve never missed one of his games, so he was incredibly worried. After he accepted his second-place medal, he rushed out the stadium to go to your house but he was stopped by some fangirls ‘I guess signing autographs is the least I can do’ he thinks, the fans were being a bit odd today but he didn’t have time to focus on that as his mind was racing thinking about you and your whereabouts.  
One of his fans did give him an alarmingly big boquet of roses which he appreciated ‘these must of cost a fortune’ he thinks. Although it was a probably a long shot, he decided to ask the fan if he saw someone who looked like *whatever you look like* to maybe see if someone else saw you. Which the fan replied “yeah I saw them with some guy at this restaurant whilst we were going to see you!” they exclaimed.
‘A guy’ he thought ‘that most likely wasn’t you.’ Seeing Bokuto’s confusion, the fan followed up with “I'm pretty sure it was her I mean we all know who Bokuto Koutaro’s girlfriend was.” Bokuto didn’t reply just walking away making sure to thank them for the flowers.  
He was rushing towards your house on foot (since all the taxi’s and ubers were fully booked because of the Olympics) whilst running he stumbles across your passed out body all black and bruised with scratch marks and bleeding all over you. “what happened” he whispered, knowing you obviously weren’t going to respond.  
He picked up your near-dead body, and cradled you in his arms taking you back to the stadium (since he knew that getting an ambulance to come here or running to the hospital would basically be impossible.) When he got back to the stadium, he did get odd looks from strangers but he didn’t care, his only agenda was making sure you were okay.
You woke up, and saw Bokuto pacing the room repeatedly you tried to get his attention by saying his name but your throat was damaged. He eventually notices you and runs to your side, stroking your face softly and giving you a gentle hug making sure not to hurt you.  
“Who did this Y/N?” he asks with worry in his eyes  
You ignore his question and look at the silver medal wrapped around his neck making you sad “I’m sorry I didn’t make it to the match, I tried I really did try” you said with your voice sounding even worse after you said every word.  
“Don’t be silly, I’m just glad that you’re okay babe, I was really worried about you.” he said
The Medic came in and said that you had multiple broken ribs, but beside that you were fine you just needed to rest your throat and let your bruises heal. You eventually told Bokuto that it was some of his fans, he was upset that you hid this from him for so long but he was just glad that he got to you as soon as he did. He managed to play at the next Olympics and you were there fully present, with your even bigger boquet of flowers watching win gold.
Authors Note: I tried to make it as close to your request as possible, but I hope you enjoy as I really do think this is my favourite work so far.... :3 Comments and feedback appreciated.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
ThunderCats Roar - “Warrior Maiden Invasion“
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Co-Executive Producer: Victor Courtright
Supervising Producer: Nate Cash
Producer: Marly Halpern-Graser
Story by: Joan Ford
Teleplay by: Molly Knox Ostertag
Directed by: Angelo Hatgistavrou
Where the ThunderCats get roared.
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The episode begins with a game of hide and seek. No, this isn’t a metaphor for the ThunderCats having to hide from some sort of monster, I mean an actual game of hide and seek. Specifically, it's a variation where the hiders can go to a safe zone to be immune to tagging, so there's more stakes involved. Wilykit and Wilykat are the seekers, but their sibling differences are getting in the way. I really do mean differences, too; this is one episode where they are very much distinct. There won't be a lot of "Thunderkittens" here, that's for sure.
Wilykat is focused on going by the rules, doing a proper countdown before seeking the hiders. Wilykit gets bored and goes out prematurely, quickly ending the countdown before anyone could find a good hiding spot. Wilykat wants to sneak around, not alerting the hiders to their existence. Wilykit smashes stuff, because, hey, they might be in there! Gallant shares his apple with his friends. Goofus eats the apple and says "forget you, I got mine". I think one might get the point here.
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Of course, all of this smashing is not helping Wilykit with his seeking, as he gets distracted long enough for everyone else to run away. When Panthro decides to hide in the ThunderTank, something he would be around even if he wasn’t playing hide and seek, he manages to slip away because Wilykit broke something. Even Tygra, whose best idea was to hide in a pan with Lion-O because he couldn’t find a good hiding spot, manages to slip away because Wilykit broke something. Essentially, the same scene repeats three times in a row; they couldn't even be bothered to have her be distracting in a different way.
It is sort of noteworthy that it's the girl that's doing everything to sabotage the game and the boy being the sensible one; cartoons, and fiction in general, usually have it the other way around. I can't say this show is sticking to the cliches. Of course, there's a reason why it's the girl; the title should be a slight hint to that.
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They end up losing the game of hide and seek, as the rest of the ThunderCats make it into the safe zone without the Thunderkittens ever tagging them. Tygra leans in and tells WilyKit that she should learn things from her brother. They do justify why this game was such a big deal: because hide and seek is a valuable training exercise. Even WilyKat doesn't buy it, though he would have preferred if they were able to tag one guy without WilyKit's sudden obsession with smashing things.
WilyKit: I am not obsessed with smashing! Hyah! (smashes chair)
See, the joke is that she seems to be obsessed with smashing, despite saying she isn't obsessed with smashing. Aren’t our expectations subverted? I don't remember WilyKit ever being this destructive. There was the time she was destroying things in Driller, but that was an episode where everyone was doing that sans Panthro and Tygra so Panthro can be slightly peeved. Here, it's just so she can be the kind-of sort-of bad guy of the episode. There's not enough time to think about this, because an alarm sounds just as soon as she breaks the chair, and she immediately says that she didn't do it. Eh, I'll give them that.
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But no, it's not because of some meaningless chair abuse, it's a by some definitely bad guys. I mean, why wouldn't they be bad guys? They set fire to the Troll Village, they're using locusts to attack the Berbils, they're throwing boulders at a peaceful looking cottage, and they're bullying the Mole Master. They specifically point out the Mole Master as someone Lion-O knows nothing about, but they don't explain the Troll Village. We never even get to see one.
Tygra assumes that the mutants must be behind this, but Cheetara then sees them take off their hoods. Apparently, they needed to wear them just so Tygra can assume they're mutants.
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Turns out, it's not the mutants, but the Warrior Maidens. They are so not the mutants that they even have giant text saying that they are Not Mutants. It's even made out of cracked rock to show how brute they are. Right from the get go, WilyKit gets excited to see muscular women, rapidly pushing one of the buttons and giggling with a three-frame animation that I decided to spare anyone reading this with. There are some episodes that really show off that even with these designs, they can have some impressive looking animation. This isn't one of them. They can't all be winners, but can they at least have decent characters in their place?
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That is far from the end of the text, as they end up smashing through one of the walls and beating the tar out of the ThunderCats just for being near them, showing off their ultra crushing grasp, super prism refracted laser cage, and their you ain't goin' nowhere grip! It almost feels like a toy commercial, though ThunderCats Roar designs don't look like they would translate well into action figures. I feel like that would be kind of a problem for a ThunderCats revival, but that's another story.
None of this stops the fangirling from looking at these warrior women with awe. As we all know from this episode and seemingly only this episode, WilyKit likes to smash things, and they like to smash things! Who cares if those things are her teammates, they must be the coolest people ever! Even when Willa picks her up and roars at her, she's still motioning to her brother to check them out.
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Willa looks like this in Roar, by the way. She even has the added character trait of only speaking in roars, having the other Warrior Maidens doing the talking for her. No bow and arrow or any semblance of a personality besides "HULK SMASH" here, that's for sure. Admittedly, I've never actually seen an original episode with one of the original Maidens, so I can't judge based on comparisons, but what I can say is that there's not much here other than that.
They tell Willa to throw these flea-bitten felines into some sort of jail for their crime of attempting to stop them from breaking and entering into their home. They need them in "jail" so they can check out all of that alien technology that's in the lair, and by check I mostly mean "smash". Smash smash smash, that's all they do. They happen to find a location, and it's very convenient for them and the plot.
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They end up in their very own Thunder Brig, which is specifically designed to disable their powers and their gadgets! Lion-O tries to do the "ThunderCats Ho", and the Eye of Thundara turns into a frowny face. I would argue what a ThunderCats Roar would even do when they're all here. Cheetara tries to run out of the room with her super speed, but the Brig sapped her speed. Even Snarf has been deactivated by the magical Brig! Dun dun dun duuun! I should have brought that up ages ago: ThunderCats Roar uses that one musical cue so much that it may as well be its equivalent to Johnny Test's infamous whip crack. (EDIT: From what I've heard, the overuse of this one cue is intentional, parodying how much the original ThunderCats used this same cue. If one doesn't know, the musical cues are taken straight from the original. My ignorance should not be used as a criticism against this show, though I could see people who aren't familiar with that could get annoyed.)
The first question anyone's going to think isn't how they're going to get out of there, but why would they even have something that seemingly only affects them in their own lair? They even bring it up only to have Tygra say that he thought it was a good idea at the time. No hint on why he would remotely think that; it may as well be no reason whatsoever. "How to learn to fight without weapons or superpowers" would have at least been a decent excuse to have it.
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Here’s the real reason: it’s so the...adults? Are they really adults? Maybe Tygra, but even that is pushing it in this episode. It’s so the not-so-kids can be taken out of the plot and essentially become damsels in distress, as Kit and Kat are the only people who can fit through the ventilator. Before they leave, Tygra tells Wilykat that he’s in charge. I mean, he might have won that all important game of hide and seek if it wasn't for that meddling sister and her sudden urge to break things!
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Wilykit and Wilykit make it out of the Damsel Room, under orders to find the button that unlocks the door to the Thunder Brig. They have to use their best stealth to get past these Warrior Maidens, as even Panthro's super strength was nothing to them. And by they, I mean WilyKat, as most of her plans boil down to things like this:
WilyKit: (flexes her not-nearly-as-big-as-the-Maiden’s muscles) Okay, I'll challenge them to an arm wrestling match, and when I beat them...
That is one of the few lines that made me smirk in this episode. There's at least some variety in the ways Wilykat deals with the maidens. We get an admittedly far too long scene of him trying to decide what smoke bomb to use, only leading to a joke where he just yells "chamomile tea" with a title card with him in a monocle appearing, and Wilykit admits that it's cool seemingly as a way to justify it. Kind of like a fistbump joke, though without the fistbump.
He also uses rope to swing a table where two of the maidens were arm wrestling, making them fall and bump their heads, knocking them out. The rest of the scenes are essentially him sneaking around and saying "sneak sneak sneak" while doing it, which is kind of going against the whole stealth angle.
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After Wilykat gets through with his masterful sneak sneak sneaking, with a few "dun dun dun duuns" in the way, they make it to the room where the button is, which is also the room with all of the monitors showing all of the calamities we saw earlier. This leads to the big plot twist of the episode: they're actually using all of that alien technology to stop those calamities from earlier. It makes...kind of a bit of sense?
It turns out, they were actually fighting the locusts, and the Mole Master turned out to be a villainous king, just as he was in the original. Driller was a villain in the original and became more of a misunderstood neutral guy in Roar, so it wasn't like knowing that would spoil this episode. As for the cottage...just guess. One might even guess who was in that cottage, too. Was he doing anything in that cottage? That is just as explained as what started the Troll Village fire. I didn't forget about that one, but if I didn't mention it, would anyone really notice?
With this proving that they were good guys after all, Wilykit's way of referring to them, not mine, Wilykat decides that maybe they would be convinced if he just politely tells them that they're heroes like they are.
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Needless to say, that doesn’t work, as Willa decides to grab him and roar at him some more. Her translator tells him he's going to go into a different cage; one a slippery mutant wouldn't get out of. Can you believe being compared to the mutants was the straw that broke the camel's back?
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Well, you kind of shouldn't, but it does look like she gets angry at this, which makes the Warrior Maidens very pleased! Turns out, they just needed to be talked to in the language they can understand: property damage!
WilyKit started the episode recklessly destroying everything she touches, including things that probably wouldn't be her property, idolizes people who destroy things that are definitely not her property, never changes her mind throughout the entire episode despite people seemingly smarter than her suggesting otherwise, and she ends up saving the day in the end. She had to learn absolutely nothing!
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To make a long story short, she ends up pushing the button. Maybe it's because she uses a chair to do it, despite WilyKat suggesting to use her fingers, so she can keep her smashing mood. Hey, if these guys have this amazing little girl that destroys property, they must be good guys!
We do get a little more backstory, including the factoid that the translator happens to be Roar's version of Nayda, but it all boils down to; we existed, we were cool, Mumm-Ra happened, we had to disappear until Mumm-Ra was defeated. Lion-O proclaims that they were the ones that defeated Mumm-Ra in an attempt to get them to be impressed, and that attempt actually works...though they assume WilyKit did it. Because she breaks stuff!
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Super Best Friends Forever Fist-Bump!
That is a fist bump, though not really a fist bump joke. Lion-O pretends he doesn't care that they decided to give Wilykit all the credit, but he clearly does and he's jealous about it.
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And yeah, that's pretty much it. If there's any other positive I can say, it's that this episode does continue something I miss from today's cartoon. Why can't we have The End cards anymore? Why has it become passe to not have cartoons end abruptly?
Granted, I really don't know why "it's over" with a childish doodle of Lion-O has any relation to this episode. It could represent Lion-O's expression when he realizes these Warrior Maidens aren't going to appear again for a while.
How does it stack up?
Yeah, I didn't like this one at all. It doesn't even have a good animation part to distract from any of this. This is the first time I have to give out this rating.
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Next, Lion-O loses the Sword of Omens! Oh no!
← Panthro Plagarized! 🐈 Lost Sword →
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