#We out here folks 2024 is for the freaks
kaelidascope · 4 months
Beauty and the Beest Remastered is LIVE
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Beauty and the Beest remastered is LIVE and she is HERE! SHE IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER
And that's not all. By popular demand, the original Beestfic - along with the deleted act 9 scene - Have been re-released back out into the wild from the vault for reading! Please mind both author's notes on these fics, and also note the severe quality drop from the classic version. I wrote this a year ago and it is not a reflection of my current skills
A final note chapter has been sent out for those who subscribed to it that also contains an art archive similar to Midnight Menagerie. Any art coming out of this fic from this point onward will be documented on the new fic :)
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
happy first day of pride month 2024; please remember this month to hold your fellow queers up as high as you can, and to let them speak as loud as they need to. we are watching violent spikes in transphobia and trans panic this year as more and more bills and laws are proposed to make it difficult or impossible for trans people to medically or socially transition in the United States. we are seeing an all time high in trans panic in general- i have witnessed it personally in my own city, people freaking out about even the slightest gender non conformity. gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual and other queer folks are fighting for their rights in places like Russia and Africa. queerphobia is at a peak right now
no more petty arguing about who has it better or worse- we are upholding the entire queer community this year. your brothers, sisters and siblings with identities you don't understand need space this year. boygirls, lesboys, gaybians, fagdykes, bisexual gays and lesbians, transmasc and male lesbians, transfem and female gays all need space. intersex people need space. all trans folks, trans women, trans men, non binary people, genderfluid people, bigender and multigender people, xenogender people, and people with the weirdest genders you've ever seen need a platform to speak. nonhuman queers, disabled queers, neurodivergent queers need space. people of color with cultural identities like two-spirit folk need space. bisexuals and pansexuals have to lift each other up high and scream for each others rights. aromantics, asexuals, agender people and other aspec folks need to be heard.
now more than ever we need to unite and make our community stronger than ever. we need each other right now. let's be here for each other. even if we don't fully understand one another, it doesn't matter. we're siblings, family, whatever you'd like to call it- we are part of the same beautiful rainbow and it's time to act like it. i appreciate every member of my queer family, let's take care of each other this Pride. we owe it to each other.
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daycarefriendpickup · 5 months
Well, Well... whale 🐋? If it isn't that time of year!
Hello you lovely ballpit goers! We here at DCFP have been hard at work behind the scenes on events to make sure you have tons of entertainment this mermay to draw with!
Presenting you with... The official Daycare Friend Pickup Mermay Prompt List for 2024!
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We've got quite a variety up here for you all to choose and draw from this year! And for us to see it all, you'll have to make sure you tag it as #dcfpmermay or #dcfpmermay2024 !
Here's the prompt list broken down in more order!
1. Tardigrade
2. Pinnipeds (Seals, Walruses, Sea Lions etc)
3. Cetaceans (Dolphins, Whales, Orcas, etc)
4. Echinoderms (Starfish, Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins, Sea Urchins, etc)
5. Anthozoa (That's right folks, coral is a sea creature too! Time to pump out the creativity on this week!)
Biweekly Prompts (That means one every half a week!)
•Week One
1. Medusozoa (Jellyfish)
2. Cephalopoda (Octos, Squids, Cuttles, and Nautilus!)
•Week Two
1. Limulidae (Horseshoe Crabs)
2. Nephropidae (Lobster time babes! 🦞)
•Week Three
1. Pantapoda (Sea Spiders) [Istiophoridae AKA Marlins this week if spider things freak you out]
2. Neritidae Aka Freshwater Snails/Nerites [Tetraodontidae AKA Pufferfish if Snails freak you out]
•Week Four
1. Rhincodon (Whale Shark)
2. Carcharhinidae (Requiem Sharks)
•Week Five
1. Muranidae (Moray Eels)
2. Torpediniformes (Electric Rays ⚡)
Bonus week of The Deep
(For if you finished everything else but want to do a little more!)
1. Chaulios (Viperfish)
2. Halosauridae (Halosaurs)
The event will go on from April 28th to June 2nd to give everyone who wants to pump out those mermaid drawings all that extra time to put love and attention into these prompts!
And remember, you do NOT have to do all of them! Just do what you feel comfortable with and draw to your fishy daycare's freedom ❤️.
Get ready folks, because it's going to be a splashing Mermay here at the pickup! 🌊
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hpdrizzle · 5 days
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🌦️This is it, folks! The last weekly wrap-up post of HP Drizzle 2024!🌦️
We've had ANOTHER week of incredible works! Check out week 1 and week 2, too!
We'll post the revealed masterlist in a few days, once we've had time to properly soak in all these wonderful creations! What have been some of your favourites? ☀️ See the final week's works below the cut! ☀️
☔ Downpour [Art, G, Digital]
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: This art goes along with today's second work, Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l’Espoir. Prompt: Harry and Draco are babysitting Teddy when a magical storm passes through, rendering all magic useless. The two have to take care of Teddy the muggle way.
☔ Pleuvoir, Vouloir, l'Espoir [Fic, T, 20282]
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧Summary: Harry thought he’d just be looking after Teddy for the afternoon. Having Draco Malfoy as his co-babysitter was NOT what Harry had signed up for – especially when there’s a freak magical storm, a rain-soaked Malfoy, and more French than Harry can handle.
☔ A Rainbow in My Sky [Fic, T, 22862]
💧Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧Summary: Suddenly, the bowl spun, the insides glowed, and it emitted a burst of magic. A pair of vivid green eyes materialised inside the silver interior. "Hello," a slightly high-pitched male voice said. Severus choked back a gasp, released the bowl and stumbled backwards, his long black hair falling over his face. "Ow." The eyes darted left and right around the bowl's lips. "Why did you drop me? That hurt." Severus pointed his wand, "You teenage imbeciles have gone too far!" “Hey, why are you shouting and pointing that stick at me?” The bowl shook on the ground, and the blue lights pulsed. Green eyes suddenly rose like floating lights, eying their surroundings. "Are you my companion? My name is Harry; it's nice to meet you!"
☔ Birthday Rain [Fic, G, 2755]
💧Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter 💧Summary: It's Albus Potter's dreaded 15th birthday party, and all he wants is for he and Scorpius to just be left alone.
☔ Split In Half Will Have To Do [Fic, T, 2755]
💧Pairing: Amy Benson/Original Male Character, Amy Benson & Dennis Bishop, Amy Benson & Tom Riddle 💧Summary: Amy has spent her entire adult life chasing clear skies.
☔ The Pleasure's in Walking Through [Fic, E, 7739]
💧Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Hermione Granger 💧Summary: Sometimes summers felt like melting. This one did, especially when Hermione visited.
☔ A Line-storm Song [Fic, E, 12626]
💧Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧Summary: Harry holds it together for five years after the war. Well—he sort of holds it together. Then his Auror partner Pansy Parkinson says it’s going to rain.
☔ Worth the hike [Fic, T, 1587]
💧Pairing: Sirius Black/Mary Macdonald 💧Summary: “I don’t want to go back to taking exams and…” She let the uncertainty of the future trail off into the crash of the waterfall. “Well, we could just stay here, but we’ll run out of cigarettes,” Sirius said.
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march 26, 2024
have you ever had to dig your baby out of rubble? you may think this sounds like a bizarre question but did you know that this isn't something rare in Gaza? because here, digging people out of rubble has become a common occurrence. and in this video you can see how these soft-hearted men feel over the moon after they've successfully finished digging and rescued this newborn out of rubble. you can see how genuinely relived they are when they pulled this Palestinian baby from the rubble of a house that Israel had completely flattened. a totally newborn, yeah, you heard that right.
what sin did this baby commit to deserve this? why did he have to endure this much pain in his/her first days of living on thus earth? wasn't she supposed to peacefully sleep in the comforts of her home along with her mom and dad? oh wait. her parents were killed when an Israeli airstrike destroyer her house. her freaking house was turned to dust within seconds by Israel. and somehow, this baby still survived. by the grace of God, he was miraculously still alive eventhough he got trapped under the ruins of her house for days.
just pay close attention and take a closer look at the way these men protect, caress, and kiss the baby. our men are exceptional human beings, they're the epitome of utmost kindness, resilience, and bravery. eventhough some folks see them as barbarian, oppressors, savages, and even terrorists, but God knows how extraordinarily admirable our men are. they hold they baby as if it's the most precious thing they've ever found in their lives. this baby isn't theirs but they love amd care about this baby with every fiber of their being.
let this be a stark reminder for all of us that we should never ever stop paying close attention to Palestinian people. they absolutely deserve our attention and our unwavering support. for God's sake, don't ever forget them.
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rottenbrainstuff · 5 months
Calgary fan expo 2024:
(Long post, apologies)
Survived! The last year I was at the artist alley at a fanexpo was I think…. 2019? and I can’t even remember the last year I was at the expo just as a regular attendee, and not as a vendor… must be at least ten years ago by now I think. I had a lot of thoughts yesterday.
But first of all I did want to say, like I said yesterday, Neil Newbon was I think the nicest actor that I’ve ever met at one of these, I really mean that.
The smaller-name actors are always more fun than the bigger names, partly because they tend to not have their heads stuck up their own asses like some of the bigger folks, but also just simply that their lineups are also much much smaller, so you have more time to actually chat with them. (Popular actors can be very much a “hi hello, my name is x, thank you! Bye! situation) All my best memories of getting autographs at cons have been with smaller actors and voice actors and stuff, hands down 100%.
And I’m serious, Neil was the nicest actor I’ve ever met at a con. He is so gracious and polite, humble, and honestly seems to genuinely love interacting with his fans. I had in my head my little lines I wanted to say, so I could make sure I said everything I wanted in the tiny amount of time they allow you to talk to the actor, and then he messed up my little script by wanting to have an actual little chat. We talked about my oldest daughter in Switzerland, and how expensive everything is there, and he said hello to my kids and talked to them a bit, and teased me a little. I said the thing I wanted to, which was to say congratulations for all the accolades and how important BG3 has been to the fans, and he said he appreciates that because the fans are why he does this stuff, truly. Honestly I think he would have chatted even more but I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by then and like that was my cue to leave. What a nice guy though? Dang.
His panel was great as well, British actors are always so interesting because they tend to take acting very academically and professionally, he had a great, smart answer for everything, and so polite even when there were some very nervous people having trouble articulating what they wanted to say. (He also said Larian was an amazing company to work for, and prioritizes their people and their fans over profit, which is so refreshing)
What a lovely dude. I was a fan before but I have to say I think now I’m a little in love.
(btw the one other actor I also really remember talking to and having a great chat with was Tony Todd, who was here like, a million years ago, also such a nice freaking guy, giant goddamned hands, we had a big chat about theater and community theater and stuff.)
Besides that, which was amazing, the whole thing was a bit bittersweet. I had a lot of feelings. I’ve been attending these expos almost since they first began, watching them get bigger and bigger and more exciting. A few years ago the expo chain was bought by an American company and.. the vibe has really changed since then. It’s not all negative, not at all: things feel really well organized now in terms of crowd control, which used to be um. Somewhat of a notorious issue for our expo, to put it mildly. But… the whole feeling of the show has also changed. Like one of my coworkers said, it feels kind of like just going to a big market. I miss the old announcer that used to come on, I miss the silly little extra events they had like the geek speed dating, I miss the Viking village that they used to have out in the front, just… the little things that made it feel less corporate and more like this exciting passionate convention for all the geeky things you like.
I went to the artist alley and was curious to see if I could find some of my old con buddies, people who I had got to know over the years I attended as an artist. I was kind of surprised that I couldn’t find a single one. In fact I only recognized a handful of booths as ones I had seen regularly in the past: it seems the majority are new. In addition, the artist alley seems to be about half the size it was when I was attending. I was hoping to see old friends to be able to ask them how things were going with the show recently with the new management, but I guess the fact that none of them were there kind of speaks for itself.
Again it’s a bit sad, but in a weird way it also makes me feel a bit better, somehow. I miss doing these shows, so much, and I feel so frustrated with myself that I don’t have the energy to keep up with it anymore. This really used to be the absolute hilight of my year, once upon a time. Somehow it’s a little comforting to know that I’m not the only one who couldn’t continue to do it.
It was nice to bring my younger kids, anyways. My oldest used to really enjoy attending the expos, and I’m happy I got to share that with them as well.
I’m proud of myself - due to my anxiety I was waffling quite a bit on whether or not I should even bother going, but I feel generally that I’m happy I got over that and ended up going.
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ollieflopkins · 6 months
❄️, 🏜️(I actually didn’t even know this was an emoji until just now and totally freaked) and 🧩
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
so many possibilities here. I have so many things that I would die to see written and I have the insane idea in my head that I'll eventually get to all of them myself lol. What I'm dreaming of particularly right now is for someone to rise from the ashes and make the tastiest euros 2024 fics of Jude and trent tbh. We did not get enough fic from the wc and so this is to be our renaissance. I say this as someone who was churning out entire deledier series as England lost to Iceland in 2016 lmfao but the fics. incomparable. And who would write it...@brinywxter wrote my favorite Jude/trent so her. and probably also me lol.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
First off, any comment at all lol it's always very flattering. I try to comment on every fic I enjoy because I know it makes people feel good and affirms writers to continue writing. I especially enjoy comments on older fics because I love the idea that someone was searching for something in particular and found my work and it hit the spot. It's the greatest feeling. I do love comments from friends of course, but also friends from new folks I've never talked to! And I love comments that point out specific lines or sections and tell me specifically what they enjoyed about those parts.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Really just if it's hard to read syntax or writing/punctuation-style wise. there are certain ships and authors I don't prefer but I'll read anything in the football rpf for science unless the tags are really fucking weird.
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 3 months
Whumpmas in July 2024 - Day 1: (Re) Introduce Yourself!
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This post is part of my participation in the 2024 @whumpmasinjuly event!
Howdy, folks! I'm Deedoo! I've been a whump enjoyer for as long as I can remember, though I didn't know there was a term or community for it until somewhere in mid-2023, when I somehow stumbled across a whump fic, found the terms and tags, and the rest was history.
I'm a professionally trained artist who almost never draws (woops), though I sure do like to think about it. I got bitten hard by the writing bug a few years back, and that's been my main creative outlet for a while. I write all kinds of things, and am currently working on a (non-whump) fantasy series that I daydream about potentially publishing one day.
In terms of whump content, I have a WIP whump fic called "We Are TroubleD"! Right now there are several entries up, but they're miscellaneous entries written for a previous whump event that may or may not eventually find their ways into the proper canon story. I'm just having fun with it for now while I write the main story!
Here's a little more about me for those who might be interested:
❤️ Name: Deedoo
💚 Pronouns: she/her
🤍 Favorite season: Fall probably... I love the leaves, the colors on the trees, and of course Halloween! ... But ahhh, spring is so good too because you can go outside after a long cold winter and the flowers are blooming... It's so hard to pick just one season!
❤️ Average amount of sleep: 8 hours hopefully! My sleep schedule is all kinds of goofed up though haha
💚 Dream Job: Something where I can make art (or something that makes me feel creatively fulfilled), pays me well, and doesn't drive me into the ground due to exhaustion and/or long hours (beyond what I can handle).
🤍 Blog established date: Nov 23rd, 2023! Or at least that's when I reblogged my first ever post on here. I'm not quite sure how to check when I actually made this blog!
❤️ Username/blog meaning: I originally wanted to call my self "Whumpty-Dumpty" like "Humpty Dumpty", but that name was already taken, so I went with "Whumpy-Dumpty-Doo" like "Scooby-Doo", and specifically the show "Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!"! That theme song frequently plays in my head because of this blog. That's also why the line in my profile asks "Who whumped you?". Now you can sing along with me!
💚 Hobbies: Drawing, crafting, writing, playing video games, watching youtube, and walking!
🤍 What you love about whump: The power dynamics, the struggles, the vulnerabilities, the comfort and care (I ultimately want the whumpees to have happy or at least neutral endings!), and the journey that the whumpees take to overcome, hold on, and survive their traumas. Things can get so emotional, and sometimes it's through the deepest and darkest horrors that you can see the brightest lights at the end of it all.
Plus, the community is so creative!! I love how so much of the whumpsphere is made up of original stories, characters, and art. So many people churn out consistently amazing stuff, and it blows me away.
... Also I'm a sucker for any character who is bound and gagged. It's a freaking weakness. Sue me lmao.
❤️ Anything else to add: I hope that everyone who reads this has a nice day!
Please note that my blog is meant for an 18+ audience. There are things that I post and reblog that are mature in nature and can sometimes be NSFW and not suitable for minors.
Tags: @whumpmasinjuly-archive
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whatiwillsay · 5 months
Tayvis break up coming or just worries since they're living through their first album release as a couple and she's worried that people talking about her past relationships (and Travis with So High School and The Alchemy) is going to ruin this one?
lol gaylors and antis losing their minds over the headline and didn't even read the article. let's pretend this IS a reliable source and not just clickbait from a rag. we need to read what they actually said:
“Travis is a peacock, but he has never dated a celeb before, and she is one of the most famous women in the world. Right now he is enjoying everything and she is hoping that it stays like that.”
Nothing to see here folks.
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vangold · 10 days
Originally I planned to make this a video. But since my PC unfortunately caught the flu or something (Dr Dingus is already on it. Let's hope for the best), I guess I'll address this the old school way.
While we are approaching Humanfall and with it the 9th Anniversary of our dear old Undertale
I actually have another big thing coming up on the same day. No better time to do this but on the day where the game was born that more or less got me here, right?
So as we say in Germany halbe Bibel, ganzer Hurensohn:
On the 15th September 2024 I officially start as a freelancing Illustrator.
I finally sorted stuff out with the Bureaucracy Tax mumbo jumbo and can do what I love as my profession. However it would be a short lived career without your support and without actual commissions and such.
Thus - order to go into this with a good start and also to celebrate it properly - I will put 20% off on all commissions prizes for the next 2 weeks
Also folks signing up on Ko-Fi or Patreon during that time - no matter the tier - gonna get one character bust with the technique of your choice for free!
Let's hope this is gonna go well. Cause if so
….hell, this is a dream coming true <33
It's a bit scary to make this step but - hey, when has freaking out about something ever stopped me anyway?! :3
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saucingthecryptids · 1 month
another goddamn server
Putting this out here on the wind too!
SaucedCryptids would like to extend to you- another goddamn MCYT server no one asked for! 18+ ONLY. NO LYING TO GET IN.
Say you came from disboard. It just is a little better. (I don't want to be bullied for using tumblr in the good year 2024) (I won't but.. lets save us all the trouble.. yeah?)
Deep in the south, old timers moved their families to try and strike big. Whether it be ranching with the vast countryside that was ready to be domineered or simply roaming on their way to populate little towns that began to sprinkle throughout the west. Sometimes, things didn't go smoothly and they were put on the run. Sometimes.. they liked causing trouble and hurtin' folk.
Whatever it is.. is completely up to fate.
What we offer:
(somewhat) friendly but VERY helpful staff!
Somewhat liveliness (it's only dead from working or overall buisness! we are adults after all!)
Lots of characters from DSMP, QSMP, Hermitcraft + Life, and more! If you don't see an SMP that has a character you want on the master list, you can ask if it's allowed too!
Semi-lit to lit/novella rp!~ Sure some of us will stick to semi-lit (and be multi-paragraph) but I am sure a few will try to match!:D
Gaming nights or movie nights whenever!
So come join, you freaks. SAY YOU'RE FROM DISBOARD.
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tryingnottofallapart · 3 months
June 18, 2024 (pt 1)
Well, well, well. I have been gone for more than a year on this page. I started reading some of my past entries, and there have been a whirlwind of changes. I don't even know how–or where–to begin.
Let me see. The last entry I posted here was on April 24th of last year (2023) and I think I was already seeing the beginning of the end with Beau, who really messed me up. They dangled this exclusivity or romantic connection above me, but it never materialized to anything. While he was alright moving on, I was left in a sort of whiplash. I really thought it would work. I had changed some of my older habits. But, in honesty and looking back, I was just hiding under the guise of the "agreeable" yet secretly anxious partner. This person came back to haunt me recently, which I will get to later. Let's just say, I ran into him publicly and the tears just started rolling.
After April, I kind of stopped dating. Well, I thought I did. But then a few weeks after the breakup (or whatever you call that) I ran into this older guy at Splash. Totally unexpected, a super sweet guy. He was the polar opposite of Beau, emotionally available, communicative, I really thought I had lucked out. But then the more I saw him, the more I realized that it was too much. Too much kindness, unearned vulnerability. And then I found out some things about him which felt off. And, I, for the first time in a while, ended things with them. They aren't really in my life all that much but they did introduce me to a new strand of friends.
Later on in June, almost a year ago exactly, the guy who I had ended things with invited me over for a pool party. And that's where I met with Shane. We were not amicable at first. He was a little bombastic, and I was just trying to drink in the hot tub in my own little world (which I have a bad habit of being standoffish but oh well). We argued and kinda made up, but in that way where its like meh im just saying sorry to make it less awkward.
Flash forward to a few months later, and I am again with Beau at the damn bar we freaking met at (oh renegades....). And low-and-behold I saw Shane with some friends, which sparked us to talk again. One conversation led to another, and we somehow became pretty good friends. I even helped him move to a new apartment, and in return, I was able to meet other queer folks in the peninsula and in the city.
I'll follow up with a part two.
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rachelminetti · 4 months
Harkive 6/6/24
Carly Rae Jepsen in the car, woke up with “Psychedelic Switch” stuck in my head and I read the Pitchfork review for The Loveliest Time yesterday, so I was fully prepared to engage. It’s a phenomenal album. Only made it through a few songs before I got to work and it’s definitely not work music.
Now listening to Paradia by Roland Bocquet on Bandcamp at work. This came from my wishlist, not sure how I found it. I’m enjoying it enough, added it to my library. Easy listening, just weird enough. 
Found this person’s list on RYM while looking up Cosmology of Eye by GHQ from Ryley Walker’s list of his top 30 freak folk albums. Here’s a link to “Lie, Live, Make It”, having a hard time finding anything else from this album on the internet. It’s heavy and hypnotic and I would like to listen to more. 
In an attempt to find more stuff from that GHQ album on Youtube, I looked through the original uploader’s videos, with no luck. Opened a few tracks in a new tab, landed on “Entering the Mist” by Eric Amlee. It’s nice and gentle, a little bit too nice and gentle for post-lunch break surfing. Looked the guy up on Google, didn’t find much, but I did find a picture of him from 2005 or something on Flickr (a goldmine of 2000s media). Ended up looking through that photographer’s collection of live music photography from the mid-2000s in Massachusetts. I’ll get back to this, because I had quite the queue lined up before I left for lunch. 
Back to that guy’s RYM list. Now on Karma by Iñaki Egaña. Exactly what I want to be listening to right now. Easy mid-70s prog, wouldn’t mind hearing this in the camp art room on a Monday morning, 11am. 1:15pm on a Thursday trapped at my desk at work will do for now. I was hoping for something a bit more psych-y, but now this second song sounds like something that would filter out of my grandma’s car speakers. Okay, no longer into this, glad I gave it a shot. 
Now I’m onto 齊豫 Chyi Yu 'OLIVE' 橄欖樹, another album from that list. From here, I learned about Campus Folk, something I’ll look more into on a day that’s not today. Shout out to Rate Your Music, seriously, I stumble on some of the coolest stuff. I got into it when I was getting into 90s PNW twee and it helped me with my radio show (The Yearly with DJ Bread!) a ton. You can find some of my lists (not fully fleshed out, I add as I go) here. I’ll probably never listen to this again, but it’s nice for now. I like hearing the vinyl crackles throughout, it’s warm. 
From another guy’s RYM list on music from 2006 (I’m far too many closed tabs away from being able to find this link again, forgive me!), I found Saloon. Extremely into this so far. Listening to “Impact”, a 2001 single. Now I’m listening to a playlist with all of the songs from If We Meet in the Future. Cannot believe I didn’t find this sooner!! This is exactly the kind of music I like to listen to as I ease myself into and out of summer. It’s gentle, like driving through a light rain. I can’t help but get glimpses of sitting at the fountain in Hyde Park Village in 2004 or 2014 and maybe now in 2024, but it’s so different now. I’ll stop at the Fresh Market on the way home, eat some fresh figs in the afternoon as the rain rolls in over the canal, the pool, the roof, all the way to the airport. 
Now onto Navigation by Arthur and Martha. Found in the similar artist section of the Saloon page on RYM. Electric, grainy twee-adjacent pop. Synthesizers can really do the trick! Wasn’t feeling it, so I switched over to Horse Blanket Weather by Po! This is much more my speed at the moment. Very soft indie pop, would have fit in nicely on my plane ride to Portland a few years ago. I have intentions to check out Rutland Records – twee ish, by Ruth Rutland of Po! and Ruth’s Refrigerator or something like that. “first foot” is an excellent song! 
The World is a Bell by The Leaf Library hovers close to the ground, never really fully taking off. I’m skipping and listening to the new episode of Bandsplain (listener mailbag!).
Following up on Monday, July 10th – didn’t listen to any more music that day, just some podcasts. Great discovery day, very satisfied.
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peppersonironi · 3 years
Sambucky Fic Recs #1
Part Two |
I have read way too many fics for these guys, so I thought it was about time to make rec lists for some of my favorite fics! Maybe I'll make it a weekly thing. That sounds fun! If anyone has specific requests, shoot me an ask! I won't do NSFW fics, but pretty much anything else great. I'll give the link to the fic, tag the author's tumblr if I can find it, give the summary, and add some comments!
This week's theme: Interviews And Public Opinion
(Listen, I'm a sucker for these fics. Even better if there's a relationship reveal! Unfortunately, there aren't many out there.)
1. When We’re Old and Gay by @exhuastedpigeon
“The paparazzi will get pictures from our wedding and call it a friendship ceremony.” Sam was frowning at his phone. “We’ll have a one bedroom apartment in the Avengers retirement community in 50 years and they’ll talk about how we’re such good buddies.”
Oh gosh I can't sing the praises of this fic enough! It's so freaking good! Honestly, it might be my favorite sambucky fic ever.
2. At Home With Captain America by @sam-and-buck
“What can you tell me about how you got to know the Winter Soldier?”
Wilson chuckles. “The first time I met Buck—Sergeant Barnes—he ripped the steering wheel out of the car I was driving on the freeway. He got on the roof, punched through the windshield, pulled the steering wheel off. Just like that.” He mimes with his hands as he describes it.
This doesn’t sound like an auspicious beginning to me, but Wilson is laughing.
Oh boy is this also a fun one! Written in the format of an actual interview, it even has a touch of a relationship reveal! (And married sambucky too! Such a treat!)
3. a very awkward interview & some people give better interviews than others by @abhorsenbranwen
Bucky sits down for a post-series interview. He is not very good at it.
Sam sits down for a post-series interview following Bucky giving an absolutely dreadful one.
Two separate fics that are connected and cover Sam and Bucky getting interviewed! Not a heavy focus on romance, but they're cute and fun! I also suggest you check out the other works in this series! I have yet to be disappointed by a single fic in that series.
4. The Captain and His Soldier by @undefined30something
Before the news anchor could answer he continued, “And you wonder why I stalled at first at accepting the mantle of Captain America when Steve handed it over to me. You can barely accept me, a black man, representing your country. What would you do if this shield was handed over to a gay man? A trans man? A bi man? How about a woman instead? What if she was lesbian? What if she was Muslim and wore a hijab? What if they were non-binary?”
They did not plan for this morning news interview to go this way, but Sam would be damned if he didn't speak up. Representation matters.
Sam is such a BAMF in this! I enjoyed this one a lot!
5. Sam Wilson: The Rebirth of Captain America by cruxcantare
July 2nd, 2024- An interview with Sam Wilson, the former Falcon and the Current Captain America
Given his predecessor’s open disdain for his fame and Romanoff’s trademark secrecy, I tell Wilson that I’m surprised that he agreed to meet with me at all. Wilson smiles easily, a toothy smile that makes me feel silly for mentioning it.
“Sometimes we gotta wait until we have something to say, you know?”
Not a lot of sambucky in here, I'll admit. And it takes place before TFATWS so it's not 100% compliant. But I found it thoroughly enjoyable! And Sam is so cool!
6. I'll Fight For You, Too by BatmanWhoLaughss
Captain America claims that he believes we can do better, but how can he say that when he doesn’t practice what he preaches?
The Winter Soldier wreaked untold havok on the world for almost half a century. The government forgave him, but should we?
The press has some thoughts about The Winter Soldier working with Captain America. Sam decides to put them in their place.
[Rated T for mild language]
Here we have some press & protective Sam! It's certainly entertaining!
Alright, that's it for today folks! Like I said, there aren't really a lot of this trope (But I love it enough to be writing my own, lol). Next week I'll see if I can find more fics for you!
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5eforgemaster · 3 years
DnD's 'Evolution' and Why We Probably Shouldn't Freak Out
So a new set of core rulebooks was announced recently. Due to drop in 2024 if I'm hearing right. Look, I don't have a ton to say on this front, but I see some folks getting a little worked up and I just want to address it. First of all, I frankly don't think this is going to be as big a deal as some folks think it is. I think what we'll see more than anything will be some coalescing of various errata and rules tweaks from Tasha's and Xanathar's. Basically, I think this is an organization effort, in line with what's happening with Mordenkainen Presents the Monsters of the Multiverse for monsters and player races. We might see some updating of core subclasses to be more in line with recent design philosophy. I don't think we're going to see any major overhauls of what already exists, given the desire for everything to be backwards compatable. So to those folks hoping to see a major paradigm shift in DnD 5e- I wouldn't hold my breath, but we can always hope. Those folks who are a little apprehensive of what this 'evolution' entails- I wouldn't worry too much. And you'll always have your old books (or PDFs, or wherever else you get your stats). And here's the thing- the only edition of DnD that matters is your edition. I can assure you that unless you're playing AL you are not playing the same game my group is, or even the same game your group will play if one of the players steps up to DM. There are still folks playing OD&D and AD&D (and having a ton of fun doing it)! Hacking the game has been in this community's DNA since day 1- Hell, Pathfinder 1e is pretty much just a very zealous hack of 3.5. If you want to see major changes, don't sit on your hands until they release '5.5' or whatever they call this 'evolution' when the dust settles, make tweaks and experiment. Find what works for you. Find your edition. All that said- I'm optimistic. In the best case, these tweaks all turn out to be for the better and we all have a great time. In the most likely case, we each love and hate a different mix of whatever they change, and we house rule as we always have. In the worst case scenario, we get a huge case study in what doesn't work and maybe plenty of inspiration to take to our tables based on what we actually wanted to see. This isn't an end-times adapt or survive scenario, folks. Don't fear the changing of the seasons. Let's just see what's out there, shall we?
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airoasis · 5 years
The 1 Bitcoin Show- Long live the 2000 BTC strong hand! Be the Tortoise, GBTC, Q&A!
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-1-bitcoin-show-long-live-the-2000-btc-strong-hand-be-the-tortoise-gbtc-qa/
The 1 Bitcoin Show- Long live the 2000 BTC strong hand! Be the Tortoise, GBTC, Q&A!
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Hey every person that is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show at present is may just the twenty eighth 2019 strong hand offended via promoting you specified beast price your wealth of bitcoin i’m confiscating all one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin bitcoin is the subsequent Bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture all right everyone if you are gazing this live variety in bitcoin meister in the chat when you have a question oh I will likely be competent to take quite a few questions in these days let’s begin off with the information what used to be in the tweet news what’s within the tweet land who this is via magnificence on who’s we bitcoin tradition is an American culture every person wants it to mirror their unusual suggestions democracy fans desired to democratic statist wanna bureaucratic socialists want its socialist it’s none of those matters and by no means will be bitcoin is a impartial meritocracy pound that like button I say it is Bitcoin is a impartial meritocracy and all this arguing over the political recommendations of a Bitcoin I say compete and do not complain that maybe a brand new announcing am i this is where the massive boys play so once more yeah if anybody’s welcome here that you can like democracy you could like communism which you could like whatever that you could be a popularity and but don’t believe you define what it’s given that nothing defines what bitcoin is there isn’t any dictator to say good that is the best way it is going to be subsequent time that’s no longer how it works in this area bitcoin is a neutral meritocracy it does not desire white guys over black guys or Asian guys over white guys or something like that you you do your satisfactory right here it is there there is no that’s over emotions are here backs of her emotions so compete and do not compete hi there Lane for those who quite a lot of persons complaining on Twitter you are losing your time compete just right luck this is where the colossal boys play so the day gone by I announced that i am gonna be back in Australia from October seventeenth well insignia Sydney from October 17th October 24th after which Adelaide from October twenty fourth unless November 26 and in honor of my trip which is many months away still so much will occur between now and October however the anyone asked yesterday in regards to the back in 2016 there used to be an public sale by using the federal government of Australia they had a cop they’d received some Bitcoin on the grounds that they made some arrests of some folks who had performed supposedly some bad matters with the Bitcoin they usually obtained the folks to present over their personal keys ouch in order that they public sale off the Bitcoin that that they had when Bitcoin was once best valued at about 600 bucks had the Australian authorities had a strong hand they would have been capable to hold onto their Bitcoin and or however probably they bailed out their entire govt i do not understand it can be fairly however however that is besides the factor so there were 5 winners of the auction and one of the crucial winners who he bought 2000 Bitcoin and again then the 2000 Bitcoin have been valued at 1.2 million dollars today they’re valued at 17 factor 5 million greenbacks and this is for all you Fiat freaks this is from June 2 29 2016 this man this person this entity some thing he has no longer he has now not moved his Bitcoin it’s all there 2000 Bitcoin what a powerful hand mm that is any individual you will have to every body must attempt to emulate lengthy live the 2000 Bitcoin holder down in Australia you are atmosphere a nice illustration and yeah I i’m wondering what your plans are if you are considering 2020 having 2024 having in no way giving it up never give it up child so that is the status that there you go there may be your answer i’d hyperlink to his tackle under and you’ll find folks have sincerely sent him bitcoins on the grounds that he received the public sale to that same handle i assume looking to get his awareness nerve who is aware of what they’re doing try the wealthy are becoming richer over there humans are giving it to him free of charge so it can be little pieces of Bitcoin and once more do not forget speaking of the rich getting richer for those who hold your Bitcoin like this man does i am definite oh my god he hoped mostly holds it at atras or he controls his possess exclusive key he gets his crypto dividends he’s acquired Wow seem on the crypto get dividends that man has gotten considering the fact that uh 2000 census back within the day I mean to be money crypto dividend he might be he bought it let’s assume he got 10% 10% he would have achieved higher that’s 200 extra Bitcoin he obtained if he hurted his beat castrum to pickle so that’s a reminder to each person in the market the general public provider announcement that i like to present and if you hold your Bitcoin you get interest for your Bitcoin by way of the crypto dividend approach we now have gotten the be cash trip to dividend the be gold crypto Givaudan there may be stories there’s going to be a there were a there’s going to be a airdrop crypto dividend mmw CMW we have mentioned that earlier than but how so much in crypto dividends has this man gotten oh my god I imply he’s obtained again with be money if he convert if he did it right you obtained more in Bitcoin with V cash than most folks have in Bitcoin unbelievable triple digits worth of crypto dividends he is gotten so uh yeah you could be that guy too let’s examine we received a query over right here no longer a question but my mom has now acquired dermis in the sport simply purchased her first chunk of Bitcoin so chuffed for her good dude thank you for the comment and your mother is notable extra moms shall be getting in the Bitcoin soon adequate and Bitcoin primitives mentioned he pounded the like button that’s good thank you Romek you getting pumped for the 2014 having with the aid of then 99% of all Bitcoin might be mined that is actual that is over what I imply what’s going to the sector be like that once ninety nine% of all Bitcoin shall be mined through Ellie all correct the that a Norwegian fan mentioned that the 0.33 greatest Finance website online in internet site in Norway released an editorial click on crypto wintry weather is over and i hyperlink to it under its a Norwegian however which you could with no trouble translate it and he says it could name some fomo in Norway first-time Norwegian on the spot media is writing whatever basically constructive a very good signal good that is exceptional and that i like you dudes in Norway I was once there a 12 months in the past city that like button for Norway just right that their mainstream media is leaping on it khalsa FOMO available in the market come on Norwegians purchase this get into it you guys are intelligent once more there are numerous Norwegians which might be in into it I after I used to be in Bergen I spoke at the meetup there after which in Norway I met in Oslo I met any individual Norwegian Bitcoin enthusiasts and that that still watch this exhibit correctly excellent for that now so we got right here it can be Tuesday again to work in the united states Bitcoin in your Fiat freaks the price did not alternate very a lot gbtc though I obtained my eye on the gbtc it is up to eleven point four three which means that that the Fiat freaks that buy into the gbtc whether or not or not it’s for their 401k or whatever their causes are instead of wanting to keep the real thing they’re valuing Bitcoin at eleven thousand four hundred and thirty greenbacks ok that is quite strong there so eleven point 4 three is the gbtc quantity and that’s where the interprets into so that’s uh that is lovely strong stuff proper there for it for you Fiat freaks and just a taste of the of the longer term and speaking of pumps the the bsv individuals you realize they’ve been pumped in today with their uh you recognize copyrights and whatnot but as i’ve warned earlier than and this isn’t a this is simply knowledge that’s available in the market the next day to come in Toronto and Thursday in Toronto they’re having an event assume extra BTC BTC Bitcoin FUD seeing that that’s the real Bitcoin Bitcoin fide to come out of there and who is aware of what beasts SV rumor will come out out of there anticipate a pump it’s centralized assume that they’ve some thing planned around the Jim Jones their leader and yeah we will see what Jim Jones don’t do not forget don’t drink the kool-aid in Toronto on Wednesday and Thursday be careful ok but i do know they it’ll in most cases pump and should you occur to have it value your wealth and Bitcoin becoming some Bitcoin do not don’t do not do the reverse and spend your beneficial Bitcoin on that on the kool-help oh man okay moving on I one other thing oh I wish to remind every body sports moisture calm that is the place my podcast are and there are some bonuses over there should you if you I do bring back some historic shows and reconfigure them and mix some ancient indicates from 2015 and it is interesting to listen to some of my classics that have been reinvigorated over at exercises monster.Com don’t forget follow me on twitter assault vault-tec HB alt pound that like button and disrupt meister calm that you can watch in every single place 1300 cryptocurrency related indicates that i’ve been a part of during my career here within the Bitcoin space who so much has transformed for the reason that 2013 this guy Jiji he has an editorial a publish 21 classes what I’ve learned from the falling down the Bitcoin rabbit poll what I’ve learned from falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole there are some good ones there guys I link to it under i am not gonna quote the complete factor take the time to read it can be some good reading April first for you Fiat freaks we had a biga we had a big pump egde in terms of the dollar may just first around then there was once a pump too so now we have received June first popping out that’s this weekend would will this Monday deliver the primary weekday this coming Monday will will it bring to Bitcoin do you Fiat freaks the first June workday i would not worry about it too much nevertheless it’s whatever to don’t forget once more worth your wealth and Bitcoin you are just right here for the experience little one watching in phrases of the Fiat cost so speakme of men and women who do not value their wealth in Bitcoin versus humans who do price their wealth in Bitcoin the the traders versus the holders right here this is John rabe he says a tortoise a tortoise with the proper grand method will consistently beat a hare with the flawed one deferral of gratification individuals be the tortoise you may have got that grand strategy the long-time period thinking you’re no longer that spaz the care that is just a trader and valuing his wealth and bucks no no be the tortoise a tortoise with the proper grand procedure will continuously beat the hare with the fallacious one don’t forget that each one correct Romek you mentioned if any people asked some questions right here this indicates gonna answer if you had been a guessing man what year do you consider the primary Bitcoin transaction will probably be initiated in house black stream satellite does not rely k I see what you imply me up there for that to happen or some authentic trade being run up there asteroid mining or the moon mining but once more it would be just a few gimmick of an astronaut that’s a giant fan of Bitcoin or or chinese language astronaut what do they name them a tech gonna tack no longer that may be fine if a insurgent brilliant well no he could be if a chinese language astronaut just made up our minds he was gonna ship some colossal coin up there a way some by some means and however the chinese language executive generally would not end his life afterwards so it could be an American astronaut will get get the say ok non gimmick smart gimmick sensible it might be like 2021 or 2022 like a u.S.A.Astronaut announcing i like Bitcoin so much I need to send it and NASA saying okay you are able to do it however for a official transaction but trade-wise I mean there may be not going to be businesses up there unless I mean i might love it if it used to be in 2040 but it customarily is not going to be until 2050 until and once more this isn’t a knock on this Bitcoin this can be a knock on me are me being very conservative concerning the progress of space exploration and house industry on the a part of the folks down here on earth howdy man i’m hoping Elon Musk takes it to the following level critically and it relatively will get ramped up and might be it is going to be as early as 2030 however a 2040 is like my prediction however some NASA astronaut he’ll most of the time do some gimmick in in 2022 or anything very well just right excellent query and of course Mike please Mitnick child once more the first trillion air on the planet possibly will be a will likely be a a bitcoin individual and with a bit of luck he will put money into the the space of race and house colonization house exploration space trade come on be that calm Winkle I speed be the primary trillionaires and do that o.K. Last last one of the crucial day here well first we are going to consider Bitcoin having biggest supply shock in the historical past of fiscal markets arising in 20 now with that in mind with that in mind if you do not know that the most important provide stock in the historical past of fiscal markets is developing in 2020 and you are simply as pure trader you realize you’ve gotten traded stocks before are you and now you are gonna trade Bitcoin and you don’t know what the having is at all and so they’re so much they are guys like that who have significant followings and so they and so here is a comment that Jordan Lindsey had in a thread that was talking about any such dudes I have no idea which one they were speaking about that you could say this about most tradition no he has no inspiration about Bitcoin market cycles the coming halving of adlescent rewards and shortage I is not going to even go past that as it’s enough so yeah these ordinary merchants do not recognize Bitcoin they do not have an understanding of Bitcoin they have no idea concerning the markets I mean despite the fact that it can be all out there have you learnt the final 4 years the 200 ten thousand block concept the upcoming having and the shortage part that there is there may be nothing there is nothing it hasn’t been an asset like this earlier than they don’t get it they only put it a 3rd on a common chart and quite a few men and women purchase into it I say that is it is a totally extraordinary horse this is a thoroughly distinctive breed persons it gold would not have a having stocks and bonds shouldn’t have habits that there isn’t a 4-year cycle so hey there’s there’s gonna be numerous so-called wise merchants which can be gonna make bitcoin predictions with all that now not in my they’re not so smart if they don’t know about these normal fundamentals and that is why you can’t be a dealer that’s now not that is why you can’t look into these charts there was any one by some means motives in to having all this ok that’s it that is a bit distinct but don’t be a trader be a holder comprehend the having know the supply shot arising in 2020 all right that’s it no person no person else has any questions bitcoinmeister your shirt what are your thoughts on Al see yes good first of all I put on this shirt due to the fact cryptography he gave it to me and i suppose it can be a particularly just right watching shirt I adore it but bitcoin is my factor dude and you realize like factor without doubt is a high to your all coin like coin will survive i might never ever spend fiat on it and in case you have like coin i’d simply trade it in for Bitcoin as soon as possible and that that’s about it all correct i am Anna meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister but I do i love Charlie Lea I feel he’s I feel he is a quality guy a wise guy oh yeah you understand what I what I used to be walking today I used to be fascinated with it it can be funny um I I need to talk about you like coin creeks or possibly these are lightning like coin freaks these are just folks who were retaining like coin they bought they there is so many blamers of charlie chief he bought at the high he saw the highest and it ruined litecoin in row he knew he had within data oh it’s all his fault to start with it can be your fault for proudly owning litecoin it is your fault for owning a cryptocurrency that has a founder who can sell it do you see do you see the difficulty here you bought right into a cryptocurrency that has a centralized leader so he used to be gonna do some thing at some point and that’s that’s the enormous change between Bitcoin and all the relaxation there may be their centralized chief that may do anything like that that may freak out a whole market and cause men and women to whinge for a whole year about decentralized chief because there may be none so that’s an additional part of private accountability in the entire litecoin part i just need i wanted to put that up available in the market however yeah don’t go round playing in charlie blame yourself for buying a cryptocurrency the place there is a centralized leader all right and sooner or later romic juice a bitcoin mind in the ultimate years maybe below the longer term dust restrict good that is proper bitcoin is way more scarce than individuals fully grasp we’ve inside knowledge yeah you recognize that that is this is the house of insider know-how which shouldn’t even be insider know-how they having is just not insider understanding but it’s all of the 80 percenters and all the charters the flippers they don’t they don’t understand it they need to focus on different matters you recognize pretty ladies and charts whatever and but Charlie Lee offered his light point for Bitcoin of direction he’d i’m going to use his wealth most commonly charlie lead by no means made it a secret that he’d love Bitcoin I mean he said it on my exhibit earlier than he gave me he used to speak about his his holdings he would say what his public holdings are what percent was once in Bitcoin charlie is satisfactory charlie is fine but it’s your it is your guy’s fault that you simply purchased the foreign money a cryptocurrency the place that thing would occur private responsibility is the new counterculture and notice usa says howdy from Southern Maryland love your content enjoy your date that yeah summit where you Salisbury what a part of japanese Shore Southern Maryland or in Charles County us Southern Maryland i assume you already know what it can be incorrect you you’re in almost always Charles County japanese Shore Ocean city Salisbury that fairly isn’t Southern Maryland that is jap Shore of Maryland Maryland’s a freak state each person for those who ever ever seen it like that I anticipate whilst you say Southern Maryland you are speaking about Charles County or some some somewhere around there o.K. I am adam meister the bitcoinmeister i am from Baltimore County Risley the Baltimore County Meister found that like button down bend that Bell button and click on on all those squares tech Balti CHP DLT powerful hands see you guys within the chat
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