#I know people are saying he could come back with rewind or regeneration quirk or whatever
touyahoedoroki · 4 months
if shig really is dead then this truly is so disappointing like I can’t believe hori would kill him off like this
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chemicalmagecraft · 4 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 25
A/N: Thanks for all the positive comments, everyone! I tried to get this done quicker than the last chapter.
This is a fun chapter, by the way. For one, I realized just after publishing that Izuku just cast a temporary creation-type spell augmented with a temporary enchantment-type spell like a hundred times, and both of those were near prestige. For another, you might have forgotten considering how long ago it was (feels like it's been half a year...), but Izuku got a quest for participating in the sports festival. ;)
A skill has been created through special action! The skill 'Imaginary Architect' has been created through Bound Blade reaching MAX level!
A skill has been created through special action! The skill 'Item Enchantment' has been created through Elemental Weaponry reaching MAX level!
I closed the text boxes that appeared while I was throwing an inordinate amount of weapons at Kacchan. Those looked insanely useful but there wasn't much rush, so I planned on setting some time aside later to read those, paying very close attention. For now, though, it was time for the rewards ceremony.
The rewards ceremony. For the Yuuei sports festival. That I won. When I went to the podium that the first-, second-, and third-place winners were supposed to stand on I felt like I was floating. "I can't believe I placed first in the Yuuei sports festival!" I thought to myself. I was about to step onto the first place plat- Oh wait I actually was floating. Huh. Weird, it felt almost natural... Luckily the podium was underground for added showmanship, so nobody actually saw me floating.
"Were you just floating, Deku?" Kacchan asked. Well, almost nobody saw me...
I scratched the back of my head. "Haha... I kinda got excited. Didn't even notice."
Kacchan looked skeptical. "How the hell didn't you notice you were floating? I feel like that's the kind of thing you'd notice."
"I'll tell you later." Then I decided to show off a bit. I activated Float, on purpose this time, and floated up onto the podium without turning around. Kacchan snorted and jumped onto the second-place spot.
"Isn't this tres magnifique?" Aoyama asked us as he got on the third place platform. Normally Iida would join him as the other person in third place, but he'd left earlier, telling us that his brother was attacked by a villain. I hoped he was okay...
After a few minutes of us waiting, Sonia alerted me that Midnight-sensei was about to announce us. The hole above us filled with smoke and bright flashes of light from fireworks as our podium started to rise. I got into what I hoped was a distinctive, but not too weird, pose as the confetti started falling on us. Well, it fell around me and on the other two. I flashed a little smile at Halitus and Juniper just before we rose into view.
"Iida is also in third place, but he had to leave for family problems," Midnight added. "Now, to present the medals, we have..." she pointed at the top of the wall of the arena, where a familiar shadow appeared.
"AH HA HA HA!" All Might shout-laughed, then jumped down in front of the podium. "I have come to present the medals!" Midnight presented the medals to All Might. He picked up the bronze medal and approached Aoyama. He smiled at him as he gave him the medal. "Young Aoyama, your resolve was impressive. Even though you suffered hardships, you persevered, and look at where you ended up. You will make a fine hero." He gave him a small hug and went back to get the silver medal. "Young Bakugou," he said as he put the silver medal around Kacchan's neck, "you have shown so much fire today, literal and metaphorical. You might perhaps want to tone down the aggressiveness just a bit, but you are very well on your way to becoming a great hero. I mean it." Kacchan grinned like an idiot as All Might went to get the gold medal.
The gold medal that he placed around my neck. All Might was giving me the sports festival gold medal I had dreamed of this moment, literally dreamed, for years! "Young Midoriya, you are... are you vibrating? And glowing?" I totally didn't stop vibrating because I totally wasn't glowing in the first place. I noticed that in my excitement that totally didn't cause me to literally vibrate I failed to notice a series of text boxes that had popped upholyshitwhatisthat.
Congratulations! The quest Sports Festival was completed!
Completion Rewards: 10000 EXP, 10000 Skill Fragments, Quirk menu unlocked, Mending unlocked, Blackwhip unlocked, Singularity unlocked
Bonus rewards for performance
Placed first in Obstacle Race: Swift as the Wind title, 5000 EXP, 5000 Skill Fragments, +2 to all stats, A copy of the Quirk of one member of Yuuei of your choice added to Quirk Shop
Placed first in Cavalry Battle: Cavalry Leader title, 5000 EXP, 5000 Skill Fragments, +3 to all stats, A copy of the Quirk of one participant of Cavalry Battle of your choice added to Quirk Shop
Placed first in Tournament: Champion of Yuuei title, 10000 EXP, 10000 Skill Fragments, +10 to all stats, The copies of the Quirks of the people you defeated unlocked, Copies of the Quirks of the other participants of Tournament added to Quirk Shop
Your level has increased by one! (x2)
Okay. That was... something. Several somethings stacked on top of each other, actually. I had actually forgotten all about that quest. I mean I know I just got first place in the Yuuei sports festival, but those rewards... Sure I didn't get any milestones from the stat boosts, but +15 to all stats. And it was pretty obvious what "A copy of the Quirk of..." meant, and that was ludicrous on its own even if there was a pretty big downside..."
"Young Midoriya, are you okay?" All Might asked me. "You've been staring at the air and muttering for a while now and even knowing what your Quirk is I'm starting to get worried."
I jumped. "Oh, sorry! I'm fine, I just got a really surprising quest reward." I looked at Kacchan and Aoyama stealthily, noted that they were staring at me, and then had Sonia whisper in his ear.
"I'd like to talk to you later. Hopefully it's not a pressing matter, but it's kind of serious."
All Might nodded. "I understand, young Midoriya," his voice whispered in my ear, just like I'd done with him. "You should have free time later. I'll meet you in my office." He then turned around to address the audience. "This was an amazing sports festival, folks! These three fine young men took the top three, but if could have gone very differently! Who knows, maybe in an alternate universe young Tokoyami reached third place, young Todoroki was in second, and young Bakugou was the one who won out in the end? It's that aspect of the sports festival that I admire the most! The way that everyone works their hardest and challenges each other for the spot at the top! It's wonderful! Now, there's one last thing I'd like to say to the students!" He pointed to the heavens. "Say it with me, folks!"
"PLUS ULTRA!" everyone in the stands shouted at once, at the same time that All Might said, "Thank you for your hard work!"
I checked out the Quirk menu, which I'd found in the main menu, while I walked to All Might's office. It was a menu that looked like the skill menu, except it was divided into two sections. The first one, labeled Quirks, looked like a list of all the Quirks I had unlocked and man was that an amazing sentence to have just thought. I put aside the two popups asking me to pick from a long list of Quirks, which luckily didn't have a time limit so I would scroll through those later. The first one on the list was surprisingly enough not The Gamer, which was the second. Instead it was that Singularity Quirk I'd gotten with the rest of the quest rewards. I tapped it, bringing up the text box.
Singularity (Emitter)
A distortion in the fabric of reality that can pull in anything, even the immaterial. It fuels The Gamer's miraculous power.
Usage does not use MP but instead lowers HP and MP regeneration, scaling with usage. Overuse causes HP and MP regeneration to stay lowered for longer.
Well that raised more questions than it answered. I... guess it made sense, considering the fact that my mom's Quirk let her pull in small objects, but it was also completely out of left field. I sighed and put it aside for now. I had a lot on my plate already, Singularity probably wasn't going anywhere. I checked The Gamer. That one didn't have anything surprising, just what I knew already from Gamer's Mind and Gamer's Body. Actually, I checked my skill menu and noticed that Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body, One For All, and presumably the other Quirks that were in my skill menu were gone. I checked the rest of the Quirks from One For All. They looked about right. Mending was a rewinding Quirk that only worked on inanimate objects, which I was actually really excited to play with. It was time manipulation! Blackwhip, meanwhile, had slightly confusing wording, but it looked like it was energy tentacles. That one old Spider-Man theme song may or may not have played in my head when I read it.
Then I looked at the Quirks I got from the tournament. Brainwashing, Half-Cold Half-Hot, Engine, and Explosion. All of them were powerful Quirks, and now I just had them. I felt like they were there, but they weren't... active, I guess. The same went for the other Quirks aside from Singularity, The Gamer, and One For All, now that I thought about it. After a moment of thought I "activated" Explosion. My hands tingled for a second. I carefully, carefully triggered it.
I jumped and looked around. It looked like there was nobody around to see the small explosion I just made.
I just used Kacchan's Quirk.
I laughed, then stared at my hands. Next I activated Half-Cold Half-Hot. My right side got colder and my left side got hotter. I laughed as frost spread across my right hand and fire danced on my left. Then I made a few small explosions, proving that the two Quirks were both active at the same time. I activated Blackwhip and-
System Warning: Using multiple non-native Quirks at once may lower efficacy and exaggerate downsides. This can be improved with training.
Fair enough. I turned my new Quirks off. Then I wondered how Mutant Quirks would work with that. I decided not to try Iida's Quirk, at least at first, and instead looked at the second part of the Quirk menu: Quirk Shop. The first Quirk on that part was Sludge Body. From the looks of things it was the Quirk of that sludge villain that attacked me all that time ago, though it didn't have any description aside from saying it was a Mutant Quirk and what looked like a cost in Skill Fragments. I scrolled down the surprisingly long list, though not actually as surprising when I realized it looked like the Quirks of all the people I'd gotten EXP from beating like another kind of spoil, for what I hoped was a Mutant Quirk. If it was, it was hands down the best Quirk I could think of to have it permanently on.
There. I bought it, burning through 2000 SF, and turned it on immediately.
Super Regeneration (Mutant)
Just like I'd hoped, I could turn it off at will. I used Draining Hands on myself to lower my HP by half and stifle my HP regen, then activated Super Regeneration. My HP regeneration skyrocketed for a moment, but went back down to its normal level when I turned it off. That was enough for me to be comfortable testing out Engine. Which caused my pant legs to rip when my thighs grew and sprouted mufflers. Honestly I should've seen that coming. I turned Engine off, which confirmed that turning off Mutant Quirks made the mutations automatically disappear like a Transformation Quirk, which made about as much sense as the fact that I could now copy people's Quirks and there was no indication that it was temporary. Then I tested out Mending. Like I thought, it made my pants good as new. Well, good as it was about one minute ago. That was awesome.
And then I noticed that I was standing in front of All Might's office and he was staring at me through the window, blood dripping out of his gaping mouth. A pink-haired boy wearing a matching cardigan appeared next to me with a sound like a heartbeat. He had oddly-shaped ears that had feelers on them that reminded me of Jirou's Quirk, except they curled up at the end instead of becoming earphone jacks. He was still a basic elemental, which wasn't surprising considering the fact that I'd only thought to Observe All Might at his lower-level form for affinities a week ago. Turned out he had a few points of sound affinity, so he was able to summon Seth. "This is what you meant when you said 'it's not a pressing matter, but it's kind of serious,' isn't it?" He said the quoted words in my voice, which was weird.
"Yeah. I can explain, by the way."
All Might nodded and opened the door. "Let's talk."
All Might contemplated what I told him. "I see," he said after a while. "That is... interesting."
"I was a little worried because it reminded me of what you said about All For One," I said.
All Might laughed. "You thought I was worried about that? I've seen copying Quirks before. In fact, young Monoma in 1-B has a copy Quirk. If I freaked out at every person with a Quirk that I thought could be related to One For All I'd have lost my spot as number one long ago, if not my hero license."
"Oh good," I sighed in relief.
He patted me on the shoulder. "Really, young Midoriya. Have more faith in me, please."
I rubbed the back of my neck. "Sorry..."
"You're okay, young Midoriya. I understand where you were coming from."
"Also I figured I should probably tell you about it because you're my heroics teacher and Quirk copying is probably the kind of thing you should tell a heroics teacher."
"That sounds about right."
Seth placed a tray with two cups of tea on the table. "The tea is done," he said. "Be careful, it's hot." He smiled and faded with another heartbeat.
"He seems nice," I said.
All Might nodded. "He is nice. He helps me around the house, too."
"That's good. Unless you have something you want to talk to me about, I think I should go now. I still have some time before I need to be there, but I should get back to homeroom."
"Goodbye, young Midoriya. Congratulations again."
Aizawa-sensei was smiling. Even though it was only a little grin it was honestly a little disturbing. "You all performed well today," He told us. "There are a few things I think you could've done better but, well, there's no such thing as perfect. Now I'm sure you're all excited to go home, so I won't keep you long. You have tomorrow and the day after off to rest up. Class dismissed." As everyone got up to leave, Aizawa-sensei said, "Oh, and I want to talk to you, Midoriya." It wasn't too loud, but Sonia made sure I heard it.
I waited until everyone was out of the room and walked up to Aizawa-sensei. "What did you need me for?" I asked.
"Shuzenji wants to see you sometime over the break. Something about your private lessons."
"Thanks for telling me," I said. Then I looked at one of the two popups asking me to pick a Quirk, the one from the obstacle race. I scrolled it down near the bottom of the Es, looking for what was probably one of the more useful Quirks for me. Jackpot. "Actually, I have something I want to talk to you about..."
Erasure (Emitter)
"I'm home!" I shouted as I walked through the door.
"Leaf hair!" Yang meowed, darting up to me. She purred and rubbed her head against my leg.
"Hey, girl," I said as I started petting her. I picked her up and started rubbing her as I walked inside.
"IZUKU!" Mom shouted as she ran into me, tears streaming down her face. She hugged me, getting my shoulder wet.
"Are you okay, mom?" I asked.
She wiped her eyes and gave me a big smile. "It's just... You won! You did it and you were so amazing and I'm so happy for you!"
I felt my own eyes water. "Ha, thank you. It was so unbelievable, to be honest." I pulled her in for another hug.
"I recorded the whole thing, if you want to watch it," she offered.
I smiled. "Yeah, let's watch it together."
She smiled. "Yeah, let's do that."
"Oh yeah by the way I can copy Quirks now."
She froze. "WHAT!?"
Annnd now I wanna write the next chapter, but I have things I have to do...
Elemental list:
Midoriya: Halitus, Dune, Rayne, Blaise, Juniper, Mifuyu, Raimon, Iggy, Sonia, and Claude
Bakugou: Pyra and Leaf
Tokoyami: Corvo
Uraraka: Nebula and Ion
Hagakure: Lucy
Tsu: Bubbles
Aizawa: Charlie and Cassiopeia
All Might: Seth
Sorry if it's not obvious, but Seth's name is a play on Stethoscope, which is kinda-sorta what the Pokemon Audino is based on. If he had a last name, by the way, it would obviously be O'Scope. You know what screw it that's canon. His name is Seth O'Scope and I love it.
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thekraziesreside · 7 years
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OK hopefully this will be the last sketchy post about Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia Em’s background and information 
Also like help me decide who to ship her with and like idk @doodlingclown @baileythebailer am I too much? Yea? Ok I’ll bury myself k bye 
Name: Em Hyde Saiaihime  Aliases: Zentai Sato (as UA student) Pre Mo (Previous Villain before All Might injury)  Eyes: Blue (green/brown) hazel Height: 5′6″  Weight: 130 lbs  Age: 27 
Short backgrounds on her Aliases
Pre Mo:
A villain given a Premonition Qurik [functions by being able to predict one move forward of the opponent that they are looking at and can look at up to five people’s next moves] 
The villains thought the reason he didn’t get negative affects was perhaps he had special DNA that allowed it to bond without draw backs to the new quirk
His job with the “league of villains” was to gather information about heroes, rogue villains, or anyone of interest who would not be easy to fend of if they caught you following them. 
History goes that he attacked a hero (the hero ended up making up this story but most people believe the hero over rumors) 
He did kill a few people: but they were intense situations one of the people he did kill was a hero who Pre Mo tried to help but they refused and backed up into more villains who killed him but he took the blame. The others were people he was stalking and the cards were not in his or his prey’s hands because he tried to save them but still failed. 
Faked his own death shortly after the supposed death of All Might’s foe because he didn’t want to be under the rule of the villains any more. 
His death basically annihilated his body so investigations didn’t think it was strange when they couldn’t find a body. But because most of his body was annihilated the dna with the quirk was gone. 
Villains did not know his true identity, no one was ever able to tie him with the Em Saiaihime. They also thought Pre Mo was quirkless before given the quirk which he gave himself the villain name from. So no one had a second thought when he died because a blast like that, even if he saw it coming he probably couldn’t avoid it. 
It took a while over 6 months for Em’s body to regain it’s complete functionality after basically destroying it. 
Zentai Sato: 
Applied for UA saying they had an “invincibility” quirk and was put into one of the other classes (and transferred to class 1-A *see 6) 
The school did find it strange that Sato didn’t have much educational history but it was explained away by him being an orphan and it getting lost because it was viewed as unimportant. 
Even if she had solid answers for everything while she was hiding in plain sight she was so anxious and seemed pretty aloof until people started opening up with Zentai first. 
Though one of the things that made other’s more comfortable was when someone pointed out his name was basically Hentai, and seeing his react as not some scary dark dude made the other students feel like they weren’t a threat. 
Some of the teachers found him suspicious, but they thought it would be easiest to keep a watch on him at school so they let it slide. 
They were only transferred to the class due to recommendation 
The transfer date was one day before the USJ attacks 
Reasons for going to UA were to honestly try and start over, because she knew what she did was wrong, though not all of the deaths were her fault the blame was put on her and she’d take the downfall for it even if it wasn’t true. I’d say she’s kinda a glutton for punishment because of how lowly she views herself, but she just wants to do something right. 
Reveal of Em Hyde Saiaihime: 
When Nomu was crushing Aizawa Shouta Em’s instincts were screaming at her to do something but she was trying to help the other students with the villains at hand but as soon as Tomura reached for Sue’s face she snapped [ and example it would look like is this . 3:00 to 3:15 ] 
She didn’t care if she had to reveal herself and her back story she couldn’t let people die, not again, that’s the whole reason she came to this school. To do better, to do good things. 
The students were obviously probably confused, like “dude why is one of our class mates trying to fight that thing and his boss when it just crushed sensei?” And Thirteen had a bad feeling, also where did he get that power? Like he’s just invincible not super strong? 
Continuity: When Shigaraki is talking to All Might how it’s not fair that hero’s can be violent and how Midoriya was going to kill him but to Em hopefully All Might wouldn’t get involved in this weird AU way of looking at it.  Em would be the one he’s talking to and she just snarls and tells him he’s wrong. “Because I’m not some kid who is trying to be a hero who went to attack, I went to make you go down, because you’re trying to hurt the people I want to protect.” 
She’d have to go all out to beat Nomu and get the villains to retreat as the pro heroes are on the way and man is she hurt but her [quirk makes wounds heal / time and energy build up too] body had healed enough on the outside to where when the heroes came in to help clear up the other villains and help the students she ran away. 
A note about her quirk:  She’s indeed invincible / indestructible (to a point I mean) but her quirk is more so time/space so her body still takes the damage but it heals quickly. The pain does not, so sometimes the pain is enough to make her black out and half the time its just determination that keeps her up. She’s usually in so much pain and especially in battles where she get’s banged up like that, the pain only stacks, but she has to stay conscious to keep fighting. If she even relaxes for a moment she basically passes out again. Her wounds can reopen too, so like a stab wound, while it will go away in a few moments she’d still cough up blood. It’s not a fun time and she’s not really built for endurance fighting but that’s still what she does.  The extent of her physical attacks would be that in the above clip, like strong, could kill a person but not that strong that someone who is trained to fight cannot stand their own against her. 
Reveal Part 2: 
She makes it back into the school, her id still worked to get her in because they suspected she’d try to come back and play it off like Zentai. 
Instead she came back as herself and sat in the class room before class started and formally apologized to the students for deceiving them and explaining that it’s what she thought was the right thing to do for herself and that she’s going to accept any form of punishment that the school will go through with. All this before Aizawa makes it into class. 
She doesn’t resist at all when the students are asked to get help, she doesn’t want to fight. As a few students are standing off as defense and others get help from other pro heroes and teachers she apologizes to Shouta [there are tears but she doesn’t even notice she’s crying] 
Could she easily get out of being captured? Very well, like escape artist hero is something she could very well be but she looks so down on herself she’d not even try to fight to defend herself against the heroes who she looked up to and care about. 
She offers herself up to go on a trial (ok now here’s a head cannon / idea for someone to take as an OC if they want to like hit me up) by the quirk of someone else.  Their quirk is like a lie detector but rather it makes you tell the truth about what ever question is asked [also think Truth or Punishment Star Vs the Forces of Evil] but like even if you tell the truth it’s still really painful and dangerous like #bitch you could die from your injuries. And if you try to fight the truth it’s like your body being torn apart. So it’s not a fun time but she assure them that it’s the quickest way to prove she’s not lying about certain past events. And the only reason they agree is because she says that being indestructible it won’t do much damage. 
When in all reality it hurts a whole lot, like she’s coughing up blood because she doesn’t want to say anything about her past and try and excuse herself like “yeah my mother, the one person in the world who is supposed to care, hated me.” She refuses to let them know that, she doesn’t deserve their sympathy right. So she’s crying and bleeding and in a hell of a lot of pain but the trail started and she “tricked them into it” (They probably wouldn’t have agreed seeing as how inhumane it is). 
After the trial it turns out that, yeah she’s done bad things, and she’s still got a lot to learn but she’s not a villain, I mean, not really? 
She has to spend like a week in Recovery Girl’s office, the first two days she’s still occasionally spitting up blood and in so much pain that she’s crying and doesn’t notice (because the trail happens after she fights the Nomu too so she’d still be healing from that too because her quirk doesn’t make the pain heal any faster than it would for most people so she’d probably be in that pain for a month or two the most severe being then) 
Another note on her quirk:     Certain physical wounds/injuries don’t get undone (physically erased like when she gets a cut and such her skin will heal and the bleeding will stop but still holds the pain). Like a burn doesn’t threaten your life so she’d retain it like any other normal human. Same goes with if she loses an eye, her eye will probably not come back unless it’s a fatal wound. She can scar, bleed, break bones, and such as long as it’s not fatal her quirk won’t fix it.     Then again if the limb with the scar get’s cut off, and it comes back (through basically regeneration due to space rewinding/loop/worm holes) then the scars that would have been on it are gone because it’s a new limb basically.     I’m not sure if her quirk makes sense, the only reason it would be time/space correlated is like a the pause in a game or a save point would be her healthy body parts. So like if she gets an injury it’s like you reload the save but the codes still have the idea that the body is in pain. So she’s back to physical standards if she has to “recall” to it, but the pain doesn’t change and can stack. That’s why wounds that aren’t severe won’t activate her quirk to go to the “Save” because she can’t just control her quirk like that. The one thing about it she can control is ignoring the pain with her determination to protect those she cares about but her body will eventually have to face the pain and actually heal.  An Angsty Idea:     There is a point where the Villains get her, they cut her head off (it comes back, but the pain would be something kind of unimaginable, she might not be able to feel her body/ be kind of paralyzed. Her motor skills will be like a new born, trying to relearn and stuff. It might not take as long as other wounds to heal but it will be an awkward couple weeks for her and her pain would probably come in waves and make her pass out /spinal injury ya know?). They probably torture her, and end up brain washing her, she becomes a puppet, and loses her eye somehow (but not being such a deadly wound her eye would just reform and she’d have to tend the wound).     The heroes probably won’t have a choice other than killing her at some point. Or maybe the refuse to kill her but the small part of sanity she has finds a way to make them kill her. (Like someone pulls a sword away and she’d just follow through and kill herself either way, she does this in the Bleach AU). Either way, she somehow manages to get her head re-cut off. Her eye would be normal because again, “a new limb” kinda of deal, and the same goes for her brain. So she wouldn’t be brain washed anymore. But I mean, just imagine the toll of injuring your nervous system like that twice in the span of maybe a month. She’d need a lot of help, rehabilitation will probably be a must if the heroes got her back.     There’s an old myth that your birthmark is how you died in your past life, mine and hers is on the back of the neck under the duck tail part of hair. So like neck injuries scare me, but what scares me the most is like, the myth doesn’t say it would take the shape of the wound. If it did, then I’d say it was a shot to the back of the head, but if not, it could be any neck injury, like getting it cut through by a sword in the Bleach AU. 
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