#I know that MBJ'S thing is that he is loyal
al3zthecat-blog · 7 months
Thinking about when talking about Shang Quinghua and the original Shang Quinghua I've usually seen that the original is portrayed as the evil twin or the dumber twin.
In the case of the second, I've read theories(?) I guess that say that Airplane was a better Peak Lord (in part because in his past life he had access to higher education) and a better spy because he had inside knowledge as the author.
This one I can get behind, Airplane having an advantage by knowing the plot would make him seem to be more capable to outsiders.
In the case of the first one I actually like to think that if they were twins Airplane would be the "evil one".
While I totally think that the reason Airplane is so comfortable doing all the shit he did is because he doesn't think of anyone (besides maybe MBJ and SY) as real people, from an outsider perspective it doesn't look like that. And while I know that the argument could be said that this would make the original SQH more devious/evil/whatever, as he would be operating with the belief that his world is real, I think that this depends on whatever original SQH was a good spy and how many and what type of atrocities he committed. Because we don't really know.
So, let's say that Airplane was a better servant/spy to MBJ in part because of his insider knowledge and past life. But that the other part is that he lacks the "morals" that would have held back the original because he doesn't see as anyone as real people.
Maybe the original had some morals. Maybe the reason MBJ fell in love with Airplane is that he was attracted not only to his loyalty but by how ruthless he is (something that for demons I bet would be attractive). From MBJ'S perspective, Airplane is, yes weak and cowardly, but also completely loyal and devoted to MBJ while at the same time kind of ruthless to anyone else.
In the case of the original SQH maybe he was not as willing to betray his sect. Like, maybe he was ambitious enough that he thought he could eventually make it so there was a treaty between CQM and the North and from his perspective he wasn't really betraying his sect. Getting rid of HHP was whatever since it was another sect and he could get behind that as long as CQM remained safe. Maybe he thought he and MBJ had an understanding of working together.
Except of course that they didn't and MBJ always planned on killing him.
Like, say MBJ knew about what was SQH'S ambitious and he was either thinking SQH would eventually betray him or that he didn't believe SQH would be capable of convincing his sect of an alliance and was just playing around while taking advantage of SQH. Either way a win for MBJ.
Then of course LBH happens and MBJ no longer has time for games, LBH wants CQM obliterated so CQM has to go and with it gone he no longer has reason to keep playing games with SQH so he kills him.
To make it more sad I like to imagine that original SQH was also fond of MBJ (maybe even in love with him) and that he did not see this happening at all.
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tcfactory · 4 months
There's an idea to me that in og!moshang sqh is a bit of a lady Macbeth. Look like the flower but be the snake underneath, he'd kill whoever and whatever if it meant getting ahead (avoiding exact words from the play cause you said you didn't like gore), pushes his husband to be the same and then gets jumpscared when the guy is willing to kill HIM to get ahead. Oops. Except narrow escape by the skin of his teeth and he shows up on the sect doorstep glassy eyed, shellshocked, covered in blood and a VERY mad armless cat-jiu with him. Hey guys. Can he call sanctuary. Is that a thing cause he'd really like to call sanctuary rn.
Kind of you to remember, anon, but I'm fine with written gore and even most illustrations too. It's photorealistic pictures of gore that squick me out real bad - one of my high school classmates emailed me photos of roadkill and people who died in car accidents and that sort of things instead of the project we were supposed to work on because he was unhappy that he got grouped with me in computer class. (He like, very awkwardly admitted a few years ago that he had a crush on me and he was mad about that, that's why he did it, but like??? WTF.) So yeah. Unless you start to send me photos of like torture victims or dead animals, I'm not bothered.
ANYWAY that's also a very good flavor of Moshang. I'm kinda wedded to the idea of MBJ being very loyal, for a demon (which might not be too out of the ordinary, now that I think about it, just look at ZZL) but like
Super pragmatic MBJ who always watches which way the wind blows? Hell yes. He will set up that death trap if LBH asks him to kill SQH and if he dies, bit of a waste but oh well. If he lives? That's his husband all right! Escapes and he does so with LBH's precious prisoner in tow, now that's a man worthy of the future Northern King!
Which does mean that inevitably, MBJ will casually show up at the Sect with all the fucking info and plans and maps they could possibly need to take LBH down because he figures out that maybe an unstable half-demon with the insanity-inducing sword is not a good horse to bet on long term, as you do. He will claim that SQH's escape was all part of the plan and SQH knows it's bullshit, but he can't do shit about it because MBJ is too useful to let him go back to LBH's side.
He can be really fucking angry about it, but that's about it. And MBJ is infuriatingly nonchalant about the ordeal he put SQH through, the bastard. Why did he even put up with this damn demon in the first place?! SQH regrets ever marrying him.
...and then they angry fuck about it and I'm not saying SQH will be less angry afterwards, but he will remember enough of MBJ's better qualities to maybe tolerate him. For now. He is going to nail MBJ to the bed for a few more rounds of angry fucking before he decides.
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greentrickster · 2 years
Loving the Hopeful Hybrid’s Househusbanding System, and wondering if you have any further thoughts regarding LBH wingmanning for MBJ, or the matchmaking shenanigans LBH and LQQ get up to (or if I’m remembering correctly MBJ gets involved at some point bc why not?)
Thank-you so much! ^U^ And, for starters? After Liu Mingyan's latest work comes out after Binghe's return (suddenly involving characters with some very interesting and elaborate tattoos), Binghe uses his 900 IQ to put two and two together and figures out who wrote it. Then super calmly doesn't tell anyone he knows. Then even more super calmly starts feeding Liu Mingyan a few stories about spicy forbidden romance that he encountered while in modern Japan and, once he's established his cover as a fellow connoisseurr of the finer things in life (aka spicy p*rn with lots of romance thrown in for flavouring), he mentioning that, hey, wouldn't a human-demon love affair be romantic? With lots of tension and potential for betrayal, but really neither of them want to betray their homes, they just want to be together, only the world won't let them? Think of the drama - think of all the opportunities to get excitingly spicy!
And boy howdy does Liu Mingyan think of them. Three volumes of a new series worth in the space of six months worth of thinking of them.
So anyway, that's Liu Mingyan and all her devoted readers set up to play spin doctor/damage control/shut up-it's-so-romantic arguments for when the Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua romance eventually comes out in the open, because Shizun likes Shang shishu, so keeping him in the sect is important.
(For all his intelligence, Binghe does not at any point realize that Shen Yuan is an avid reader of Liu Mingyan's work (especially since it doesn't currently involve him), and has a strong hunch who it's about and is just waiting for the right opportunity to give Airplane so much cheerful grief over it. Mostly because he knows nothing spicy has happened with him and Mobei-jun yet and it will absolutely kill that shitty author to know that his fictional double is getting it when he isn't.)
Beyond that, Binghe’s primarily giving Mobei-jun some quick remedial courses on human romance and dating culture, while also slipping Shang Qinghua a few tidbits on demon courtship habits, especially for the Northern realm. Thanks to his exposure to modern media, he’s gained that most dangerous and OP of powers - levels of genre-savvy! He can spot a miscommunication plot when he sees one now! So he’s working to clear up the miscommunication, and he’s using the simplest methods possible to make it harder for them to go awry by mistake.
His modern experiences with the dating scene does get a little jumbled with his memories of his home dimension’s practices, though, meaning Binghe absolutely sets his most loyal bro and his shishu on a tea date (since coffee isn’t an option). It doesn’t go very well since Mobei-jun isn’t really into tea and Shang Qinghua is still confused out of his mind at the mixed signals he’s getting at the moment. (Though, ironically, he absolutely uses it as coffee-date fantasy fodder after the fact, because an author-god can dream, you know?)
This having not worked, Binghe switches tactics and finagles Sha Hualing into creating the xianxia version of an insulated travel mug (“Okay, but why should I waste time making something that won’t help me destroy my enemies?” “...it’ll keep your hot drinks warm longer so the blood doesn’t congeal if you forget about them while you’re in your workshop and you don’t have to waste time yelling for someone to bring you more when you want it now?” “Oh dang, sold!”) Binghe then ensures that Mobei-jun gets ahold of one and tells him to give it to Shang Qinghua, since the guy drinks so much tea while trying to get all his work done, and to tell him that, since he won’t tell Mobei-jun what sorts of things he wants, Mobei-jun’s just going to have to start guessing (with an addendum to start paying attention to what sorts of things Shang shishu likes so that he can do a good job of it - paying attention to what sort of things your beloved likes and doesn’t like is important in a good relationship).
Mobei-jun is skeptical, but follows Binghe’s plan to the best of his ability, and it bears shockingly good fruit. Shang Qinghua is stunned, not his usual loud, flustered stunned, just... this is such a nice, useful gift, and it’s something he’ll be able to use with minimal explanation for how he got it, just say it’s something he found on a trading expedition, and dollars to donuts he’s missed having a nice, big travel mug with a secure lid and- oh, oh it has a little flap you can flip up to drink from it without taking the lid off. And it’s in An Ding blue. He’s a peak lord, he’s used to certain people trying to pander to him or buy him off, but this is a really thoughtful gift, and he’s not used to those in any of his lives. He’s absolutely touched. He’s making an expression Mobei-jun’s never seen before and it’s making his heart stutter.
And- oh, oh, I bet gifting is one of Mobei-jun’s big love languages, he’s just never learned how to do it properly, and it’s also part of why it’s so frustrating that Shang Qinghua never freaking asks for anything. Binghe teaching him how to spot what would be a good gift without having to be directly told is going to be invaluable to him! So by the time Tianlang-jun arrives at the Sect, Mobei-jun and Shang Qinghua are actually doing pretty well for themselves, it’s been... let’s say a year since Binghe got back?, everyone knows, no one can do much about it because half the sect shipped it even before they knew it was a real ship, Shang Qinghua’s gotten some slap-on-the-wrist punishments because 1) he does 64% of all paperwork in Cang Qiong and it would collapse without him and 2) he’s besties with Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qingyuan is still simping hard. And Binghe’s only had to use his extra-special ‘oh no, I’m such a clumsy shidi’ technique to ‘trip’ and ‘try to catch himself’ by grabbing onto Shang Shishu only to ‘accidentally’ just grab his clothes and absolutely shred the top half of them by mistake in Mobei-jun’s presence twice.
Binghe, with big, dewy eyes full of (false) unshed tears: “This Luo Binghe is so sorry, Shishu, he’s still learning to master his demonic heritage and suddenly having claws is so confusing-!”
Shang Qinghua: Ah-haha, it’s okay, shidi, we all make mistakes! (internally swearing because how much do you think these robes cost, and do you really think this author can’t see through your crocodile tears, why are you humiliating me in front of my king like this-?!?)
Mobei-jun: (can see one (1) entire nipple on Shang Qinghua’s chest and would like to get to know it better, maybe if he’s good he’ll get to see the other one too...? Also why is this so exciting, he’s a demon, from the demon realm, he sees people wandering around half-naked/all naked all the time, so why is it different now-?!?)
Mobei-jun is learning how tantalizing things can be when you don’t get to see them all the time, and he’s very confused and also rather aroused. And he’s going to take this knowledge and accidentally melt Shang Qinghua’s brain by showing up one day wearing his robes at a level of chest coverage that humans deem appropriate, then shuck an outer layer partway through the visit and loosen the ones underneath to show usual levels of chest again. Congrats, Mobei, you’ve accidentally gained two levels in seduction and have ensured that incident is all Airplane’s going to be able to think of for a week.
(Note: this probably wouldn’t have worked on anyone else, because Mobei-jun’s starting out with a -1 in seduction, he just has the home field advantage with Shang Qinghua.)
As for Liu Qingge and Mobei-jun meeting up and the resulting shenanigans as all three of these goofs get up to as they try to match-make for a sect leader and once-demon emperor? I think I’ll put that in another post at a later time - this one’s already gotten pretty long!
Thanks for the ask!
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saysong91 · 3 years
SQH can't die.
Well, he can, he just doesn't stay dead for longer than a few minutes.
A curse, a strange ability, his martial siblings say. But no, it's a nightmare! And a bug!
His system crashes everytime he dies! And then it just reboots and SQH is back, alive and in PAIN.
OG!SQQ discovered his secret on a mission. A good thing, it completely lifted any doubt left of him being the only survivor when MBJ attacked. A bad terrible thing, his martial siblings use his 'ability' when 'necessary'.
SQH hides this from MBJ, fearing it'll be the same with him (or worse!)
He carries every ointment and tonic to close wounds and regenerate blood in no time or else he'll lie on the floor bled out and still alive. MQF is still haunted by that.
It's painful to die but he uses it at his advantage.
After the story ends, his system fixes the bug. It's weird to actually feel scared and relieved that he'll die for real this time. He's quick to reveal this to his martial siblings (no more LQG taking him on missions cuz 'you won't die anyway').
When the ascension ceremony comes, after MBJ ordered him to go away, he thought for a moment. What if I just go? If I press the YES and the system brings me back to the other world?
And what if he died... and now he'll wake up in a fried or decompossed body?! He can't won't trust his system!
And... he knows LGJ will come. Whether he stays in this world, even if he won't be seeing MBJ ever again, at least he'll try to protect him one last time.
It's terrifying! He CAN and WILL die this time! He's afraid, trusting his meager weapons. The fire he should've stocked more on his pouch.
He awaits, anxious, and then LGJ is there.
And then he jumps down and hell breaks.
And he dies.
MBJ can't lift himself from the floor, watching painfully as SQH's body falls carelessly in a mess of blood.
His uncle's attack was way too powerful for SQH. His own power vibrates inside, his rage filling every pore. He's never been this angry, this this...
He should've protected SQH. He's weaker than his uncle, impulsive, careless. He's been testing his luck for decades and finally, horribly, it vanished.
"Well, what a pity, such a loyal dog you had, nephew", his Uncle's boot move SQH's head a little, his face falling into view. Bloody and yet smiling to the very end.
It fills him with despair and regret and a fury so hot he might combust. Yet he can barely lift a hand.
The fire circle between his uncle and him feels less powerful, less of a barrier and more of a reminder of who really tried to protect him time and time again. Against his own will, against all odds, but SQH protected him.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of the fire"
LGJ inspects his surroundings, almost bored. There's no more 'danger' but a fire.
MBJ looks back at SQH's body, lifting his hand, trying to reach him somehow. It's impossible. Blood pools around his body, slowly reaching him, mocking him, the smell wrong and awful when it reaches the fire.
He can't look, not at the smile or the blood or his broken hand. Hair plastered to his forehead with blood, ice shards forming over his skin at the lack of warmth.
He focuses on his powers, on the heartbreak and pain, on the anger. He'll live.
"It's a little risky, but I'll manage..." his uncle starts using his powers and everything in the chamber, an obstacle to climb, something.
None of them look back at the gasping human, at his eyes opening, uncertain.
He pressed YES on his last breath. Maybe he could find another way to save MBJ? Could he rewrite that part? It wasn't part of the story at the end, he could, right?
[Go Home Function Activated]
He'll miss his king more than he's willing to admit. He seriously thought about just... staying by his side. His loyal servant, yes, maybe friend if he's lucky! MBJ trusts him and seems to like him enough, right?
[Welcome back home, user_01]
He should've at least said how much he likes /loves?/ MBJ.
Waking up in a pool of blood, weak and blurry vision, is unexpected.
'System, where the fuck...?'
He's back on his body. His PIDW body anyway. Fire still rages, but there's a fight taking place. No, it's not. LGJ throws ice at the fire circle, MBJ is trying to get to his feet.
His fumbling fingers, the ones that aren't broken, look for a tonic, enough to stop the bleeding, to increase his blood again. He needs to stand. He drinks whatever he finds in his pouch, weak and adjusting to the pain and headache. Every fiber of his being screams for him to stay down, to wait and sleep and not feel anything.
But MBJ is there, he can still help. Save him. Or at least give him enough time.
He's home, and he isn't going away anymore.
MBJ finally stands, his power fighting to go off, out, too much for him to digest in an instant but he has to. He won't let SQH's sacrifice go to waste.
And then, a figure appears behind LGJ.
It takes them both by surprise, enough for his uncle to fall down under the figure, the stranger.
No. SQH.
Bloody, paler and broken lips in a horribly blue hue. Holding his uncle down with a vicious glare.
MBJ finds his strength and leaves the fire circle, already dissipating after his uncle's attempts.
He takes SQH back, carefully, pulls his cloak over his shoulder and goes finish his uncle. He doesn't kill him, but it's enouh of a warning. Next time... there won't be another chance. SQH didn't die, somehow he survived and still decided to protect him.
"My king"
He's barely on time when SQH's energy fades. He faints on his arms.
He's home, waking up in MBJ's arms.
"I'm staying, my king," he mumbles against his chest, dazed, sleepy.
MBJ smiles.
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othercat2 · 2 years
More Writer! Mobei Jun
He has/had two nom de plumes.
--The first is "Young Master of the Swan Cloak." (Note: I don't know Chinese and I am not sure how writer names work except from Airplane's pun-name.) Which would sound romantic except I am using a myth (I don't remember where from!) where swans are psychopomps, and creating a myth where Northern Desert swan-fairies are more like valkyries and if you are given a cloak, you'll be a hero, but you're also very doomed.
Mobei-Jun's early work is very uh. Okay, imagine the most depressed and miserable teenager in the world. A teenager whose misery is compounded by everyone REALLY being out to get him. Imagine the depression-writing a sad miserable teen like that is going to write. Now increase the sad exponentially.
Mobei-Jun tended to write about betrayal and revenge! He wrote about clans being destroyed from within by internal strife. There was very little of what you'd call romance. When there was romance, it was usually followed by a betrayal or the lover dying, sometimes both!
--The second nom de plume started up within a few years of interacting with Shang Qinghua. Mobei-Jun's work started changing! The was more romance! Some of it was even steamy, or as steamy as someone who actually has very little experience with sex can be. (My headcanon is their first and possibly subsequent times were terrible because of a lack of experience and over confidence. Hopefully it was the stupid giggly kind of terrible and not the miserable kind.) The second nom de plume is "Lord of the Steadfast Mountain."
Now, the sort of plots Mobei-Jun was coming up with were action and adventure. The protagonist was surviving more often! There are actual romantic plots! The protagonist finds allies! A recurring character appears, or character type! This character archetype is loyal and wise, though not always very brave, and needs to be protected by the protagonist!
Mobei-Jun writes an arranged marriage story that becomes an epic. Said epic ends up being plagiarized in the the human lands and He is Not Pleased about this. Maybe he sees Shen Qingqiu reading it and he sort of...edges over and looms. And very politely suggests he read the version that's NOT stolen.
Shang Qinghua finds Mobei-Jun's stories and gets completely engrossed in them. He's so diverted he doesn't notice Mobei-Jun standing there, and it's very cute as MBJ asks if SQH likes them, and there's a minor misunderstanding because SQH thinks the books are just by an author MBJ likes. (but it gets straightened out.)
Similar to the Shen Qinqiu situation, only Luo Binghe is a big time fan of the epic-series, and is surprised to find it in MBJ's library. MBJ very huffily informs him that the epic series Luo Binghe loves is the plagiarized version, and they are dumb book nerd friends somehow.
Post canon, there is a book club of sorts. Possibly with demons present? I don't know. Shang Qinghua suggests one of his hubby's books, because he is Just that Proud. (Cultivators are at first surprised that authors are a thing in the demon realm. They are not *quite* a thing, demons are more oral story telling/history than written records.)
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tossawary · 4 years
Chapter 27: “The First Day” of “pride is not the word I’m looking for” quotes and commentary. Not a full list of favorite quotes or full commentary.
Right now, deep into the safety of darkness, Shang Qinghua thinks about how he never actually expected to be lying in his bed with Mobei-Jun. No, there’s a reason his sofa is comfortable enough to sleep on! That was by design too! Sure, Shang Qinghua had lots and lots of bed-related fantasies, but he had no expectations of those fantasies ever coming true. He didn’t dare to have expectations.
It’s kind of weird, lying in bed with Mobei-Jun. It’s definitely weird lying in his bed partially on top of Mobei-Jun. With the way things were headed, Shang Qinghua was admittedly fostering some hopes about those bed-related fantasies, but he still didn’t think to mentally prepare himself for the practical details. He really wasn’t mentally prepared for the softness of Mobei-Jun’s hair, for the thickness and the weight of the man’s arms, or for the coolness of his skin against the warmth of the blankets.
Fuck, now there is no way that Shang Qinghua is going to be able to see Mobei-Jun with a plunging neckline without thinking about touching the man’s bare chest. It’s a nice chest! It feels great underneath Shang Qinghua’s hands now.
He can feel a steady heartbeat beneath his fingers.
He can feel the gentle rise and fall of it with the man’s slow breaths, as the man’s eyes have fallen comfortably closed.
Shang Qinghua has never seen Mobei-Jun this relaxed.
AN: Moshang in bed together is very good. I loved writing Moshang cuddles. I think it’s really nice when they’re allowed to be soft and relaxed, and everything is understood between them. Mobei-Jun at this point has learned to treat Shang Qinghua like a particularly anxious cat sometimes - if he just stays still and relaxed, eventually Shang Qinghua will calm down and chill with him. 
Shout out to Mobei-Jun and all those years he spent trying to get some hint as to how human social everything worked, only to get nearly no help from Shang Qinghua. In this fic, part of the idea is that Shang Qinghua has been a slightly better communicator. Mobei-Jun can be a good listener when he doesn’t feel hideously embarrassed over his fuck-ups. 
“I had made plans to speak with you at some point about… this,” Mobei-Jun agrees. “But that was not why I had come to see you that day.”
“Ah, what… what was it, then?”
Mobei-Jun sighs. “I had come from a gathering of demon lords, hosted by my father at their request. They have loosely agreed to each contribute to an attack on the next conference of human cultivators,” he explains, apparently annoyed at just having to recollect this event. “My uncle encourages my father to force my involvement. He must have trouble planned… or see an opportunity for it.”
Shang Qinghua processes this, then sits bolt upright in bed. “What?!”
Mobei-Jun frowns up at him.
“There’s a demonic alliance to attack the next Immortal Alliance Conference?!” Shang Qinghua demands, leaning over the demon lord beside him.
“And you waited to tell me this?!”
“There are years left before this event,” Mobei-Jun points out.
Shang Qinghua stares at him.
Sure! But he feels like he should start planning now! He already knew that there was going to be a demon attack of some kind - the seal on Luo Binghe’s powers has to be broken - but demon lords getting involved is bad news! Multiple demon lords who are important enough to be socializing with Mobei-Jun’s father is worse news! Demon lords potentially including Mobei-Jun’s shitty father and shitty uncle is the worst news of all!
“You should warn your people,” Mobei-Jun says, dryly.
AN: Mobei-Jun doesn’t care about the sects, but he cares that Shang Qinghua cares. Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua really are villainous in SVSSS. Shang Qinghua just so happens to sometimes be on the protagonist’s (Shen Yuan’s) side and Shen Yuan has romanced a budding tyrant who has MBJ as a loyal minion. But, oof, I didn’t want to go that route with this fic. 
I mean, I considered it! I considered having Shang Qinghua be forced to bring a demon invasion down on the sect he’s come to care about and his own nephew, but that felt a little too angsty for me. It totally could have been good, I was just like, “I can’t handle that.” Plus, with the world update, it felt fitting to jazz things up a little bit - to up the ante by inviting more demon lords and also have a little role reversal by letting Mobei-Jun be the spy. This way, I think, it really feels like Mobei-Jun is on Shang Qinghua’s side. 
Shang Qinghua isn’t on the demons’ side. Mobei-Jun isn’t really on the humans’ side. But they are on each other’s side. They’re a team! 
Again, what’s more romantic than your demon boyfriend actually doing the work of growth on his own? Moshang can be a little rough and with a lot of sharp edges (on both sides, they’re both kind of mean people) sometimes, so it’s sometimes nice to remember that they can support each other too. 
Also, I’ve always been kind of curious about what Mobei-Jun’s family thinks of his relationship with a human. Mobei-Jun’s father is still alive throughout SVSSS, so it’s fun to think about ice demon politics, power and influence and loyalty in that court, and whether that factored at all into Mobei-Jun’s extremely slow-moving courting timeline of a human. 
The person at the door knocks a third time, and Shang Qinghua feels the person beside him stir. He can feel a not insignificant amount of weight shifting, a low and unhappy grumble, and cool skin brushing against his own as that person makes to get up. Possibly to handle the person at the door? Shang Qinghua here abruptly remembers many important details about his current situation that make the sect potentially being on fire seem like a not-so-bad emergency.
 “Demon invasion,” Shang Qinghua finds himself thinking. “Mobei-Jun. Fuck.”
“No, no, no! Don’t get up! I’ll get it!” Shang Qinghua cries, throwing off tangled blankets and flying out of bed. “I’ll handle it, my king! Sorry! Ahhh, sorry! I’ll take care of it, you can just stay where you are-”
Shang Qinghua, now on his feet, pushes firmly down against Mobei-Jun’s chest. He’s not expecting the man - a very, very strong and very, very stubborn demon lord - to go back down under his hand without any resistance at all. This easy obedience, this willingly being pushed down, leads to a surprised Shang Qinghua overbalancing and catching himself hard on Mobei-Jun’s chest and shoulders.
As though Shang Qinghua is actually pinning the man down.
Mobei-Jun stares up at him, eyes low-lidded, and raises his eyebrows.
Shang Qinghua is going to… well, he’s going to think about this for the rest of his life, probably.
AN: Mobei-Jun is so self-conscious in SVSSS that it’s kind of hilarious. So it’s fun to let him be a little more confident (rather than arrogant and lashing out defensively). Mobei-Jun probably thought to himself here, “You know what’ll be funny here? If I just go down now.” I feel it in my heart that Mobei-Jun is a teaser, especially when he’s relaxed and happy. 
Shang Qinghua takes the time to fix up his appearance a little more - to get rid of the “I slept with a demon” smell - because if the asshole at his door has kept it up this long, they can wait a little longer. It turns out that he didn’t really need to bother, because it’s his fellow transmigrator and most dogged critic, Peerless Cucumber.
“Bro,” Shang Qinghua says seriously. “Do you have a deathwish?”
Peerless Cucumber - Shen Yuan, Shang Qinghua has to remember to call the kid by his real name - lowers his hand with a scowl. “...One of your disciples told me to knock on your door and keep knocking until you answered,” the other transmigrator says defensively. “After I said you said to meet you in the morning.”
“...Which one?”
“Wen Shufen, I think?”
“Ah, just for that prank, Sticky Fingers is going to be hauling fertilizer for Long Sheng Peak for a month,” Shang Qinghua says tiredly. “Bro, do not believe half the things your martial siblings here tell you. They’re pretty much all liars, cheats, and thieves.”
“Then why keep them around?”
“Ah, well, sometimes you need someone to lie, cheat, or steal.”
“...It’s nearly not morning anymore, you know.”
“Eh, I guess you get a pass this time, since I did tell you we’d have a nice long talk about things tomorrow morning. Come on in.”
AN: I don’t know if this vibe is coming across, but Shen Yuan feels a little ignored and neglected. They just got back from a mission and Shen Yuan has already been shooed off like twice. Shang Qinghua is so busy. Shang Qinghua is so experienced and so established here. Shen Yuan has latched onto SQH as his lifeline, though he’s trying very, very hard to be independent, and yet Shang Qinghua kind of has SY on the back burner most of the time. 
Not only is Shang Qinghua the author of this world, but he’s also an important figure in this world. Shang Qinghua really lives here and if the plot wasn’t looming over them, SQH would be very happy here. This place feels 100% like Shang Qinghua’s | Airplane’s world and brand new transmigrator Shen Yuan feels like an unwanted intruder. SY is still lonely and scared. 
“...Are you going to try to activate it now?” Shen Yuan asks.
“Hmmm… no, not right now,” Shang Qinghua decides, standing up off the dusty stool he was sitting on. “Cucumber, bro, I’m just not awake enough for tackling anything serious right now. Let me get a few texts and tools together first to test this thing properly, alright? Some safety equipment! Aprons and face shields! Thick, fireproof gloves! I’m still trying to figure out how to safely ask Duan Tianyu what he knows about this map the System apparently made him send me, when he might not even know what the fuck I’m talking about! Maybe he can give us some hints.”
“One of my Huan Hua not-disciples,” Shang Qinghua answers. “I picked up some extras a few deadly missions back. They’re good kids. All grown up now! Less naïve than they used to be! Duan Tianyu is teaching back at Huan Hua Palace now, so maybe I’ll have to be the one to wander over there on some pretense.”
Shen Yuan agrees that getting as much information as possible is probably the better course of action. Shang Qinghua ushers the kid out of his secret basement and his fellow transmigrator goes easily enough. Shang Qinghua complains about his shitty, no-good System on the way up for forcing them to do all the work by themselves.
“It must think everything is more ‘authentic’ if I don’t know what the fuck is going on,” Shang Qinghua suggests, removing his spiritual seal and causing the door to the secret basement to vanish. “Ah, I’ll admit that’s kind of cool to watch.”
AN: Throughout this conversation, SY is kind of reaching out, giving himself or Airplane excuses to let him stay. It’s not that he doesn’t want to cultivate, but SQH represents a sort of safety and familiarity SY doesn’t have right now. 
In SVSSS, Airplane was always pretty direct with Shen Yuan, from what I remember, but he wasn’t necessarily open. He was direct about some potentially vulnerable or personal topics, like Luo Binghe’s insanity or his own general fear of his character’s planned death, but that’s not the same as actually being vulnerable. They snap at each other, they’re pretty direct about their personal goals, but they don’t actually get vulnerable with each other by confessing their personal fears and new relationship developments. 
So I’ve tried to adopt that here, while making Shang Qinghua a little kinder and slightly more vulnerable, thanks to the efforts of Luo Jiahui. But Shang Qinghua still isn’t necessarily open here and neither is Shen Yuan. He’s just like, “Hey, it’s shit and I don’t like it either, but what can you do?” He’s not actually seriously talking about his breakdown or just how scared he is of his own plot. 
For some people, there’s a certain kind of openness in confessing things to a stranger, so it’s kind of like that too. Shang Qinghua and Shen Yuan have fallen into kind of familiar dynamics, because there’s nothing else to really do, and they are kind of acquaintances, but they’re still not friends yet. 
I think I want to have SY and SQH actually address this soon. SY feels that SQH has been kind of dropping the ball when it comes to honestly helping his fellow transmigrator, though SY, being SY, can’t quite put his finger on the lack of emotional intimacy and affection that he’s starved for right now. 
The day-in-day-out of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect can’t get him down today! He feels kind of like he’s walking on air! Sure, the work never stops and there are some fucking terrifying things ahead, but he just had a very successful mission overall! He just had a really, really successful conversation with Mobei-Jun! He and Mobei-Jun are romantically entwined and Mobei-Jun was very explicit about the fact that he expects them to be romantically entwined… pretty much indefinitely!
“There is no one else,” Mobei-Jun had said. “There will be no one else.”
Shang Qinghua fostered a lot of hopes over the years! More hopes than he felt that he should have reasonably fostered! And to have those hopes unexpectedly fulfilled like this is… really something! It’s really, really something! Mobei-Jun really isn’t the type of character to say that - to say any of the things he said, and wow, he said a lot of things back there - without meaning it completely.
Shang Qinghua doesn’t really know what to do with that.
Forever is a long time.
He understands, of course, that some things really do last an impossibly long time. He used to be pretty certain that all love matches faded eventually - that people were genuinely wildly in love… that people were sincerely in love with each other, sure… up until they inevitably weren’t anymore - but now he can’t really imagine Liu Qingge or Luo Jiahui ever getting tired of each other. Liu Qingge keeps bringing Luo Jiahui new recipes to try and rare ingredients to interest her, so she can make dishes for the two of them or her family as a whole, and Shang Qinghua can easily imagine the two of them doing that pretty much indefinitely.
Shang Qinghua can’t think about this for long, before he has to focus on greeting his disciples (it’s just Peng Hongpeng and Chen Xuan in here at the moment) and getting to work. “Good things last while they last!” he decides for now, because thinking about things not lasting kind of makes him feel like he’s dying.
AN: Shang Qinghua can’t quite bring himself to believe in a relationship lasting forever right now. Part of it is his commitment issues, but another part of it is his persisting inability to see past the looming plot. He’s still worried about Luo Binghe and the Eternal Abyss, so he’s having difficulty seeing past that hurdle, even though things like Luo Jiahui’s marriage and his new relationship with Mobei-Jun are forcing him to confront the fact that there’s still a life outside of and beyond the plot. 
For Shang Qinghua, it’s kind of a “I’ll think about that later if we all survive” thing when it comes to him and Mobei-Jun. 
“He made a mistake with good intentions and got a small injury for it,” Shang Qinghua says, as reassuringly as he can. “He’s fine! He’s in trouble with his shizun for it, though, but I’ll see what I can do about bringing you up to meet him or bringing him down here as soon as possible. I’ll do my best to make it happen!”
Luo Jiahui leans into Shang Qinghua’s side and admits, “I miss him.”
“He misses you.”
“I miss you too,” Luo Jiahui adds.
“...Ah, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” his sister-in-law says warmly. “I’d miss you even if you visited every day.”
Shang Qinghua is holding her hands, but it feels like she’s got an extra one wrapped around his heart. “Where’s that husband of yours? Doesn’t he come down the mountain every day? Should I be telling him off? Sorry I ran off with him for a little bit!”
“What does Qingge have to do with you and me?” Luo Jiahui demands. “It doesn’t matter how often I see everyone else, I still miss you and Binghe the most.”
“Hm, that’s a point! That’s a point.”
What else can Shang Qinghua do but admit that he misses her the most too?
AN: It was fun to follow up Shang Qinghua’s romantic developments with a return to his most important and longest relationship: the one he has with his “fake” sister. Luo Jiahui is and always will be important to Shang Qinghua and who he’s become. They have such a lovely relaxed feeling that’s nice to revisit. I’ve missed Luo Jiahui these past few chapters, as things get twisted up more and more in sect business. 
It would feel dishonest to the rest of the fic if Shang Qinghua’s other relationships disappeared in favor of his new romantic relationship. They all have their own importance. Mobei-Jun and Liu Qingge don’t make Shang Qinghua and Luo Jiahui any less important to each other. 
I am looking forward to making Mobei-Jun and Luo Jiahui meet again, and tackling some of Mobei-Jun’s thoughts on Shang Qinghua’s relationship with his family. Mobei-Jun has a really shitty family, so it’s interesting thinking about what family means to him and how loyalty/love plays into it. 
While he's busy plotting around the plot, there’s a hum of power behind him, the cool whoosh and crackle of a portal opening, the faint hair-rising warning of demonic energy. Shang Qinghua finishes tapping at his own face in thought, looks up at the looming shadow standing behind him, and smiles. He kind of feels like he should run away, but it's too late for that now. He held on long enough that he made it too late for himself.
“Hello,” he says.
AN: I took this almost exactly from the first chapter of Part 3 of this fic. I can’t remember the chapter number, but it was the one titled “The Inevitable Plot”. 
Parts 3 and 4 of this fic blend together a little. Part 3 of this fic kind of ends here, but I have a couple more chapters that I want to tackle before I feel that I can say we’re for sure in Part 4? I have some things I want to accomplish before we go into a slight time skip towards the Immortal Alliance Conference. 
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Hey love 💕 Could you please suggest some MBJ/Killmonger fics that are complete? I’m dying of boredom and I just wanna binge-read
- tis’ the season series (and the blurbs), dont take it personal series, a catchfish christmas series and the blurbs), the horror of our love series, bedwarmer series (with t’challa and m’baku), musical oneshots series (i know, gangsta, gods and monsters, charm x e)-  @teakturn (all on AO3)
- i call bullshit series, no mercy series- @aloevverified (search: wmi masterlist)
- no place like home series, red bottoms series, strawberry shortcake series, into the depths series, can you handle it series, killing booth series, arguments series, crowning glory series, waiting to get home series, best friends series, line loves series-  @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- sudden reunions series, sorry loser series-  @supersizemeplz (search: masterlist)
- end in flames series- @bvlckgirlmvgix (search: erik killmonger x blackIreader)
- rekindle series- @soufcakmistress (search: masterlist)
- be careful sweetheart series- @avenging-fics
- desserts series- @forbeautyandlife
- you like what you see (may or may not be complete), me and your mama- @panthergoddessbast
- haunted heart series- @youreallyshouldtalkmore
-  mystery of the golden fang series, a map made in heaven series-  @youcantkillamutant (scroll for erik killmonger x black!oc)
- breaking boundaries & breaking walls series part 1- @kaytauru (scroll for #breaking boundaries)
- deal series- @wakandamama
- medicine series, child of mine series- @wakanda-inspired
- operation honeypot series, death of a bachelor series,  liberation series- @blackpantherimagines
- ring series- @blackpantherismyish
- fried green tomatoes series, his nightmare (or his queen) series, best you had series- @iliketowrite1996 (scroll for erik stevens x reader)
- what we used to be series, personal trainer series, on the run series,   @dacreskars (search: masterlist)
- n’jadaka’s helpful hands series-  @eerythingisshaka (scroll down page for masterlist)
- if ever there were angels series- @lesqui
-homewrecker series, grindin series, jp3 series- @shaekingshitup
- my king series- @justauthoring
- for you series- @marvellovegalore (scroll for marvel fanfiction)
- lady and the tramp series- @livingmybestfakelife (search masterlist)
- shae butter baby series- @nachtaiwrites (scroll for erik x reader)
- reckoning series, around the world and back series- @muse-of-mbaku (scroll for black panther mastersit)
- call out my name series, is it over? series- @oshaia (scroll for erikkillmonger)
- what you don’t do series- @wakandanblogger (scroll for erik killmonger x reader)
- i do care series- @cancerianprincess (scroll for erik x reader)
- havana series, snowball series, split part 1 (please read the whole series), drillmonger series, waiting in vain series- @erikismybitch (scroll page for updated masterlist you can’t miss it!)
-  heartbreak series- @artsninspo (scroll down for masterlist)
- sight series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- ember series part 1 ( do read the whole series-part of it is on her wattpad page @/nahimjustfeelingit-writes), the lagoon seiries, wet dreams series- @eye-raq (search: masterlist)
- kevin’s heart series, foot fetish headcanon (one-shot) series- @madamslayyy
- little girl series- @sweeter-thejuice (search: masterlist)
- oops series, east atlanta love letters series, loyal!erik blurg series- @another-imaginesblog
- spoiled series, thru the phone series- @princesskillmonger (scroll for erik killmonger imagine)
- blind date series- @cosmiceyegasms (scroll for cosmiceyegasms)
- dirt little secrets series,  @goddessofthundathighs (search: masterlist)
- loyalty series, changes series- @melaninmarvelgirl62
- sunsets series-  @mbakusprincess (search: masterlist)
- carried series- @ororowrites
- passenger seat series- @blackmissfrizzle
- a perfect crime series- @wikiwakanda (search: masterlist)
- my dope man series, the very best man series, home sweet home series (sequel to the very best man series), daddy time? series, go home erik series, coconut series, i love you king series, you don’t own me series-  @killmoncoochie (scroll for erik killmonger fic and coochiefic)
- a reward series-  @big-flop-energy- (scroll for leeleefic and
- hold your breath series- @njadont (scroll for erik x reader)
- leave a light on series- @mariamermaid (scroll for erik x reader)
- smoke and mirrors series (sequel is on her ao3-> madeline grey)- @lannisterkitty
- pray for me series- @thekrazykeke
- love galore series- @mbjslilthang
- bad at love series- @fandomnom
- the sweetest taste series- @wakandaforeverwrites
*- pet peeve series (currently on wattpad)- @aspacefork
- life unexpected series*, midnight fm series*, you again series (with chadwick)*, hot girl summer (with chadwick), at the oscars (with chadwick), the reader wanting a bbl (with chadwick), honey love series (with chadwick)- @lady-love-and-glitter-roses
- loving her, need you by my side, busted, planning the future, false accusations, mesy, flirt, reconnect, can’t help myself, +2, instagram bae, hello mrs. jordan, dance for you-  @plussizeappreciationfics (scroll for michael b jordan x reader or michael b jordan x plus size reader)
- oooh...we got a house house?!, test, birthday fic, he was erik... (one shot for now)- @writerbee-ffs (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
- comics are for nerds, unexpected surprise, sick times, it’ll be okay, love-  @running-on-fanfiction (search: michael b jordan)
- three times a charm?, late night shenanigans- @marvelouss-marvel
- split series (part 1) do read the series as a whole, just take both, nsfw- @erikismybitch
- red carpet tings- @mbjslilthang
- headcanons series- @atechnologicalmarvel (search: michael b. jordan)
-michael b jordan imagine where hes doing an interivew/red carpet thing and the person asks him where his gf is and not super into the hollywood life, michael and his gf get into a fights where she leaves and ends taking care of her, michael and his gf break up but still miss each other, michael and reader are dating and did a movie together and doing a cool photoshoot together, michael and you take your son to the black panther premiere and you annouces your pregnant again, imichael b jordan imagine where the reader is a famous singer and he goes to one of her concerts (she doesn’t know) and he surprises her backstage and they go out afterwards?, michael b jordan imagine where reader is a famous singer and she invites him to be in one of her music videos (where they play a couloe) and after the video they end up hooking up and start to like each other?- @fangirlfanwritings (search: michael b jordan)
- all mbj fics - @justimagaine (search: michael b jordan)
- imagine: joke, imagine: interview, having a puppy family would include...-@fandomnom (scroll for michael b. jordan)
- alphabet series (a is for arrest)*, soft kiss - @calif0rnia-lovers
*- beauty unit series- @mermaidchansons (search: michael b jordan)
- all mbj imagines- @celebrityyimaginees (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
-nike air max 97, mornings- @teachallas (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
- double trouble, movement, photo op, romcom tragedy-  @basickassandra (search: michael b jordan)
- molasses- @michaelbwriting
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chimerri · 6 years
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So... I’ve been entertaining a Scum Villain x The Count of Monte Cristo AU idea. Because it works really well. LBH as Edmund Dantes (the count), SQQ as Fernand, and SY as a millennial who got transmigrated as SQQ and now has to try and remember the details of the required class reading he was assigned forever ago. Feel free to click the read more if you’re interested in hearing me babble about this AU!
If I were to vaguely assign roles based on the novel, it would be as such: LBH- Edmund Dantes, SQQ- Fernand, NYY- Mercedes, MBJ- Luigi Vampa and Jacapo mix??, SHL or QHT- Haydee??, LMY- Valentine or Eugenie. 
If you’re unfamiliar with the premise of The Count of Monte Cristo, it’s basically the OG epic underdog revenge story about a trusting good man who is betrayed and used as a scapegoat by scumbag officials for their own benefit. He spends years in prison, and befriends a prisoner who educates him and teaches him combat. With the old man’s help, he manages to escape, befriend a band of sea merchants, and find the treasure hidden in the island of Monte Cristo. He returns to see all the officials now successful, and one of them married to his former fiance. Thus begins his plan revenge by taking on a new identity as the rich, mysterious “Count of Monte Cristo” and enacting the slow elaborate downfall of his enemies.  Anyway so SY transmigrates as the scumbag character and he's like “well shit, I'm gonna die if I betray this good pupper LBH and steal his fiance NYY, so you know what??? I'm not gonna do that.”
He can't, however, avoid the plot point that LBH needs to be wrongly accused sent prison for (X) number of years... So while he didn't do the scumbag thing of telling NYY that LBH was dead and taking her as a wife during her time of grief, he is still like “Welp I'm gonna die cause I'm the one who turned him in and boy is he gonna be pissed when he gets back. Time to prepare my funds to leave the country.”
But LBH comes back earlier than expected. Everyone is like.. omg who is this new mysterious, rich, and hot count?? 
LBH gets his revenge on all the other scumbags and SQQ is just waiting his turn because his character was the worst. LBH is treating him too kindly... maybe LBH hasn't figured out that SQQ knows his identity?? The original goods didn't figure it out, after all, until it was too late.
The original good's downfalls were jealousy and greed. SQQ knows better, and keeps money hidden while investing the rest on LBH's recommendations (knowing that they will fail, bc he's actually controlling them). He plans to fake his death and bolt it after the stocks crash
But what he doesn't know is that LBH has been planning to buy him out after those investments fell by offering an engagement. Make him his fiance and watch as the traitors fall into ruin blinded by their own greed and corruption.
This is as far as I’ve gotten... but if you’re interested in The Count of Monte Cristo, I really recommend the 2002 movie version! It changes the plot and ending a little bit (the book is HUGE of course they needed to change it) but I enjoyed it a lot! There’s also an anime adaptation called Gankutsuou which actually surprisingly is a lot more loyal to the book in terms of plot (which is... surprising since Dantes is part demon in that version) I really can’t imagine SQH as Alexandre Dumas... So I think it would be a pretty funny twist if all along, it was the world of a fanfic written by SQH based on the novel by Dumas LOL.
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andrcs · 5 years
hey  friends  waddup  !  i’m  jen  ,  just  turned  23  (  n  am  already  feelin  it  )  ,  from  the  gmt-2  tmz  ,  n  i  go  by  she/her  pronouns  .  i  had  about  ,  like  ,  half  an  hour  of  sleep  today n  i’m  actually  redoing  this  entire  intro  because  as   i  was  editing  the  finished  version  to  post  it  ,  i  accidentally  deleted  the  whole  thing  n  tumblr  wouldnt  let  me  have  it  back !  it’s  fine  i’m  fine   :-)  anywho  i’m  gonna  let  yall  go  n  learn a  lil  more  about  our  friend  andre !  hopefully  u  like  him  but  if  u  don’t  thats  ok  bc  sometimes i don’t  either !!
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𝐈.    𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒  :
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞   :   andre  harris  solomon  .
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞   :   n/a  .
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲   :   august  fourth  ,  1991  .
𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧   :   leo  .
𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   :  cco  of  solo  conglomerate  .
during  the  solomon’s  dynasty  ,   the  family  had  its  fair  share  of  tumbles  and  quite  a  few  scandals  .  great  uncle  abel being  arrested  after  trying  to  steal  half  his  brother’s  fortune  was  one   was  a  big  example .  may  god  bless  the traitous  bastard’s  soul  .  also  cousin  denzel  ,  declaring   in  the  middle  of  thanksgiving  dinner  he  wanted  to  be  a  opera  singer  ,  of  all  fucking  things  ,  and  giving grandpa  harrison  an  almost  stroke  ,  could  be  counted  .  no  matter  what  ,  though  ,  nothing  prepared  the  family  to  watch  the  solomon  fortune’s  heiress  coming  home  on  her  christmas  break  during  her  freshman  year  in  college  with  a  baby  bump  and  no  father  to  claim  the  child  she  carried  . 
in  the  following  years  ,  with  the  slightly  judgemental  help  of  all  of  her  closest  relatives  ,  but  most  of  all  ,  the  never  ending  support  of  her  parents  ,  gaia  solomon  managed  not  only  to  get  her  college  diploma  ,  enter  the  family  business   and  help  solo  grow  into  the  biggest  media  conglomerate  of  the  western  hemisphere  ,  one  that  had  a  solid  hand  over  pretty  much  all  aspects  of  media  and  entertainment  .  chances  are  if  you  wanted  to  publish  or  sign  a  record  label  deal  or  be  on  a  tv  show  ,  sooner  or  later  you  would  encounter  someone  from  solo  .  but   she  had  also  manage  to  raise  with  the  utmost  love  and  care  ,  no  lack  of  sacrifices  ,  and  a  healthy  amount  of  ear-pulling  ,  a  man  she  can’t  help  to  be  most  proud  of  .
andre  solomon  never  knew  who  his  father  was  ,  or  cared  to .  and  as  far  as  his  mother  was  concerned  ,  he  didn’t  have  a  father .  as  a  child  ,  he  never  felt  like  he  was  missing  anything  in  life  ,  there  was  no  angry  void  aching  to  be  filled  ,  no  painful  moments  to  remember  his  childhood  by  .  he  had  been  happy .   no  matter  how  busy  his  mom  was  ,  she  was  always  loving  and  attentive  whenever she  was  around  ,  played  baseball and  football  and  soccer  with  him  whenever  he  asked  her  to  ,  and  grandpa  harrison  was  always  available  if  the  boy  ever  needed  a  guy  figure  in  his  life .  of  course  ,  there  were  some  bumps  and  bruises  along  the  way  ,  and  a  pinky  finger  he  never  fully  got  the  feeling  back  , but  it  was  a  beautiful  ,  fulfilling  childhood  .
as  a  teenager  ,  recently  acquainted  with  a  never  seen  before  freedom  ,  and  just  out  of  puberty  ,  andre  grew  more  acquainted  with  getting  in  trouble  .  thankfully  ,  nothing  like  cousin  gina  , who  had  to  cut  off  a  part  of  her  ear  after  piercing  it  by  herself  with  her  tenth  grade  friends  .  while  rambunctious  and  mischievous  ,  he  was  always  to  smart  to  get  caught  doing  something  that  could  get  him  in  any  kind  of  real  trouble  ,  and  by  then  ,  the  family  knew  that  they  could  trust  andre  to  not  be  too  irresponsible  ,  and  even  if  they  didn’t  ,  at  least  he  had  both  ears  intact  .
 a  full  grown  adult  ,  after  getting  his  marketing  degree in  northwestern  university  ,  andre  followed  his  mother’s  footsteps  and  worked  hard  to  climb  the  organizational   ladder  and  reach  the  cco  position ,  becoming  one  of  his  grandfather’s   valued  advisors  along  the  way  .  these  days  ,  he  works  hard  to  keep  his  image  clean  and  his  professional  life  very  well  separated  from  his  private  one  ,  being  very  succesful  at  it  thus  far  .
andre can  definitely  be  considered  a  little bit   too  cocky  in  his  confidence  .  he  knows  his  strengths  and  doesn’t  believe  in  fake  humility  ,  always  eager  to  be  praised  by  whatever  actions  .  also  very  focused  ,  he  feels  as  if  he  knows  exactly  what  he  deserves  in  all  aspects  of  his  life  ,  and  doesn’t  hesitate  to  work  for  it  until  he’s  satisfied .
he  is also  ,  however  ,  a  very  fun  loving  individual  .  andre  believes  in  the  motto  work  hard  ,  play  hard  .  and  you  can  definitely  find  him  going  on  expensive  trips  to  exotic  locations  or   some  rich  person  adventure  more  often  that  he’d  like  to  admit  .  is  constantly  surrounded  by  a-list  celebrities  or  clout  chasers  who  attach  to  him  due  to  his  connections  into  the  industry  .  and  as  being  the   center  of  attention   is  one  of  his  favorite  things  ,  he  absolutely  adores  it  .
very  ,   extremely  sarcastic  and  definitely  not  the  most  outwardly  affectionate  person  ,  it  takes  a  lot  to  get  him  to  soften  up   ,   but  andre’s  also  extremely  loyal  to  those  he  knows  are  his  real  friends ,  and  always  makes  sure  that  they  are  with  him  no  matter  where  he  goes  and  what  he  gets  .
is  known  to  be  quite  the  ladies’  man  ,  and  often  lives  up  to  the  reputation  ,  even  though  he’s  settled  down  quite  happily  a  few  times  during  his  adulthood  .  he’s  not  averse  to  relationships ,  per say  ,  but  also  doesnt  want  to  jump  in  carelessly  ,  specially  when  he’s  not  felling  the  situation  .  is  frequently  engaged  in  some  sort  of  drama  with  the  girls  in  his  life  and  even  though  he  claims  to  dislike  it  ,  he  loves  all the  attention  he  gets  from  them  ( ew , i  hate  him  ,  he’s  gross  )
childhood  best  friend  /  chicago  native  ( 1 / 2 )  :  people  who’ve  known  him  since  before  he  hit  puberty  and  became  cool  and  who  are  with  him til  this  very  day  .  they  might  not  be  best  friends  for  whatever  reason  but  still  are  closer than  most  friendships  out  there . ( pearl , )
flings /  could  be  past  or  present  :  could  also  range  from  the  silliest  to  the  most  angsty  stuff  ,  andre  definitely  has  the  repertoire  for  it .
ride  or  dies  (  2 / 6  )  :  truly  ride  or  dies  ,  his  closest  group  of  friends  ,  the  ppl  that  are with  him  no  matter where  he  is  and  the only  people  outside  his  family  he’d  do  whatever for  . ( devin , watson )
exes  /  chicago  native  (  2 /  2  )  :  i  have  some  ideas  about  them  but  lets  just  say  one  would  have  ended  in  decently  good terms  and  one  would  not . ( vera , aurora )
friend  with  interests  (  0 / 2  )  : andre  has  a  lot  of  ins  with  the  media  industry  ,  and  this  person  would  definitely  have  an  ulterior  motive  to  hang  around  him  ,  whether  he’s  realised  it  yet  or  no  .
flirtationship   (  1 / 1  )  : first  of  all  i  hate  that  word  my  GOD  but  also  ,  would  be  a  kind  of  thing  where  they’d  both  be  feeling  each  other  but  for  some  reason  things  just  wouldn’t  progress ? ( elissa )
there is a  lot  more  but  i’ve  just  written  this  thing  twice  in  a  row  n  my  brain  is  currently  just  2  neurons  barely  communicating  so  i  should  probably  quit  while  i’m  ahead  ?  but  pls  message  me  bc  if  u  want  to  know  some  more  about  andre  or  come  up w  plots  or  just  talk  about  how  hot mbj  is   n  how  unfair  it  is  that  the rpc  doesnt  gif  him nearly  enough  ?  or  we  could  also  talk  abt  something  i  might  be  delusional  rn  so  i  have  a bunch  of  interesting  topics  ok  bye  thanks  for  sticking  around i  love uuuu
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wakandanmoonchild · 6 years
Road Trippin' HC 
The Udaku fam is at it again! (because that last trip went soooo well)
Sarcastic Queen YN trying to figure out how she got tricked into this shit again (the Queen Mother is a master manipulator)
Pregnant queen YN. (Erik: "I don't know why everybody walking around here like they can't see her pregnant ass is hormonal. He keeps 'disappearing' because she is in her second trimester and she horny."  T'Challa: "You're pregnant? I'm going to be a father?" You: didn't realize you were pregnant. Thought T'Challa was seducing you every few hours. Y'all been done had a high sex drive)
T'Challa finds out about road head from Erik (of course!) and has been trying to convince you to let him rent a separate vehicle
M'Baku doesn't come this time, his wifey just delivered him a son, he's in lurvve (YN and T are the godparents)
Shuri and Erik sit in the front, bickering over music and a R. Kelly song comes on
Erik *immediately shuts it off*
Shuri: come on Erik, I was vibin'
Erik: hell nah niggas a pedo, if you see him run!
Matter fact if you see him call me, I mean I know I tried to kill you last year but that's history. I mean tbh I wasn't even gonna do it, I wasn't even trying to really
YN: Oh you weren't trying to kill anyone when you threw Challa off the damn cliff?!
Erik: Damn nigga you all up in the front seat! Stay back there witcho lazy ass baby daddy
Like why that nigga sleepin so much?
He takin this cat thing too damn far. For real tho
Y'all stop at a store and the white clerk mistakes Erik for MBJ and he goes off (like this nigga so mad he about to add another scar to his body)
T'Challa has to pick him up and remove him
Erik: "I aint nothing like that mark ass nigga"'
Also Erik: He ain't got no respect for these african queens
Yall don't get no snacks
Queen YN is on the verge of tears. She really wanted some snacks
T'Challa rents another car so he can drive, since Erik flat out refuses to let T'Challa behind the wheel . (Erik:"You drive Shuri.")
You don't want to ride with him bc you know yall about to be lost af
Nigga think he too good to use google maps or ask for directions
But you loyal (cough cough read: horny) and could use some alone time with yo baby (that hoodie is coming off the moment he starts the car; "my love it is snowing", "turn the damn heater on")
He gets road head and then some
Y'all catch up with Erik and Shuri
Erik: "Hell nah y'all niggas two hours late. We aint wait for yall. We already ate, now we bout ta hit up this mall. There's a food court though"
Food Court?! T'Challa is lowkey offended with his spoiled ass , but yo pregnant ass is just thinking about all the variety.  you bout have plates of shit
YN: just think of it like the market but inside Kumkani.
Shuri: "brother you abandoned me to him for two hours. Two hours of being lectured about how dangerous R. Kelly is!" she rolls her eyes and goes in the store.
YN:  "yall know he got lost," you try to blame it on him but-
"she wanted to try road head" T'Challa black ass looking smug as hell
It's the hormones you whisper yell at him
YN: Aw hell naw! What we not gonna do is blast my sex life out there. You know good and well you can't last that long. With my bomb ass head?! We also had sex twice and then his lazy ass took a nap. The nap was what took so long!
And with that YN leaves them standing there in search of the food court.
To be cont'd ?
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tcfactory · 4 months
Do you wanna talk more about og! Moshang? You seem to wanna talk about og! Moshang (not blaming you, they are a very good flavor of interesting) (about your stick-mobei au or in general. Pretty please both)
Okay, so. First of all og!SQH is a very competent sneaky snake of a man and by the time he meets young MBJ he's already an inner disciple - one getting walled by people with more family contacts with him, but hey, still doing fine in this scheming business. He's not in the doomed party of outer disciples, he's the one who is sent to check what the fuck is taking them so long. He finds the injured MBJ a day or two later, after discovering that the outer disciples are all dead, and startles the injured demon into teleporting them both somewhere. He recognizes the merit of making an alliance with MBJ (partially motivated by not knowing for sure if he can take MBJ in a fight or not) so in exchange for treating the demon's injury he will help him become peak lord.
They don't really interact all that closely while SQH is still with the Sect, because he has the good sense to establish proper boundaries so they are not discovered, but they begrudgingly respect each other. SQH gives good information, MBJ pulls off the attack on the Immortal Alliance Conference without a hitch (doesn't feel the need to oversee it personally because he's doesn't feel terribly worried about SQH's safety) and things go on in more or less a normal vein. SQH has already internalized that on An Ding, disciples will just assassinate each other and die in random horrible ways because that's just life, so he's not outwardly broken up about losing disciples. HHP are desperately pointing fingers all over the place to save face, so his 'aberrant' reaction gets scrutinized until he has to flee and join MBJ full time.
og!MBJ isn't as secure in his position because og!SQH is not Airplane to hand him all the plot devices laying around, but he has an appreciation for SQH so he keeps him around in a right hand man/personal retainer/personal servant capacity because that's how he can keep him safe the best and SQH absolutely resents him for this, actually. He fought really hard to be a peak lord and now he's a demon prince's glorified butler!
Still, over time they are slowly getting to know and trust each other and grow to have an appreciation for the other (they fall into bed every now and then, no strings attached except for all the strings they have wrapped around each other already because for MBJ SQH is the safest option and SQH doesn't have anyone else willing and he's pent up, all right?) - might even develop into a proper relationship given a few more decades if not for LBH. LBH who comes out the Abyss waving around Xin Mo, who's too powerful for MBJ to fight without his ancestral power, LBH who looks at SQH and sees red at the reminder of CQMS. He tolerates SQH while it suits him, while he can use his information to get his hands on SQQ, but when SQQ is safely strung up in the dungeons and he has a solid political backing by having HHP wrapped around his fingers? SQH has to go.
What better test for MBJ's loyalty than ask him to break his favorite toy? SQH dies or they both die, it matters little to LBH. And this is just my personal hc, but I like the thought that LBH loses MBJ even if SQH dies. MBJ rationalizes it to himself, but he was more attached than he realized and only his oaths hold him there, loyal shadow at LBH's side.
NOW for that Mobei-stick AU.
In a way, MBJ is rescued into an already existing support network, a framework that has already helped someone who (although to a lesser degree) has suffered through much of what he has. They need to make adjustments, definitely, but they already went through much of this with SQQ and the end result is traumatized but mostly stable SQQ in a situationship with YQY and LQG (though for this I think I prefer YQY and SQQ as brothers and LQG as the suitor slowly realizing that he was mistaken about SQQ and falling in love despite his injuries). 
…And guess who forgot that LQG is supposed to be dead for PIDW, so let’s call that an early divergence - LQG clashes with MBJ a few times bc LQG is trying to get SQH and SQQ back from the demons and it’s through him that MBJ learns that YQY will fight the very world for SQQ’s safety if he has to. Must be nice having family who look out for you like that, he thinks. I can use this to keep SQH safe.
But all the support networks are for nothing if MBJ doesn’t have the motivation to get better. He already reached a level of detachment from the world while in captivity, he could pass on without regrets - and I have Thoughts about Airplane’s god!MBJ (essentially an ascended heavenly demon) visiting him a few times to make certain he endured, even if he never recognized himself in this primordial god of the night skies, so he might even be eligible for ascension too if they meddled enough. SQH becomes his guiding star, his anchor to the world - in his mind he already repaid every debt and wiped every slate clean, he had no expectations for any rescue or aid, so he has complicated feelings about SQH coming for him after all. If anything, he thought they would put him out of his misery if they ever overcome LBH. So at least at first he has no other motivation for working on his recovery than to cause SQH less stress, because SQH took it upon himself to see him back to his position as northern heir because he thinks he owes MBJ a life debt.
On the other side, SQH always chafed against how much power MBJ had over him, but now that the tables have turned he Does Not Like this. Not at all. Get back on your feet and start bossing him around again, you shithead, he doesn’t like being in your debt. MBJ insists there is no debt, but of course there is, otherwise why would SQH bother with such a stupid demon!!! Don’t you dare imply that he cares because he does not!!! (He’s in so much denial.)
It’s a weird situation where MBJ cares about SQH’s emotions first and only finds his own eventually along the way (and it’s a glacially slow slide from ‘this is my safe person I cherish them a lot’ to a point where he rediscovers his infatuation and falls in love and he’s independent enough that SQH accepts that it’s a feeling MBJ had before and it isn’t just a side effect of their current situation.)
SQH first really does think he’s here for that life debt, but he stays after MBJ starts becoming independent again - which is, physically speaking, far earlier than anyone expects because LGJ gets him a scroll with an ancient technique to form limbs from black ice. MBJ kinda withholds the information that he can do this for a while because 1. he doesn’t want to invalidate the work the humans are putting into his prosthetics and 2. said prosthetics (armored shells forged to go around the bones of his limbs that LBH kept as a trophy) are less energy-intensive to use so he prefers them to the ice - and makes up excuse after excuse so he doesn’t have to face his emotions about MBJ as long as possible.
Like. The whole thing is much too slow and drawn out for me to ever write in full - maybe I could do some oneshots from various points in the timeline though… - but the end state is very much Peak Lord SQH (who has somehow reformed his reputation along the way) and his husband MBJ ( he turns down the throne in favor of one of LGJ’s sons who doesn’t turn out to be a good-for-nothing after all, because the Peak Lords are ascending sometime in the next century and after all he went through, MBJ is allowed to be a little sticky and join SQH, as a treat).
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Hey girl hey. Could you please suggest good complete Killmonger/MBJ/Adonis series?
Heyyyyyy!!!👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾!! I sure can!!
- tis’ the season series (and the blurbs), dont take it personal series, a catchfish christmas series and the blurbs), the horror of our love series, bedwarmer series (with t’challa and m’baku), musical oneshots series (i know, gangsta, gods and monsters, charm x e)-  @teakturn (all on AO3)
- i call bullshit series, no mercy series- @aloevverified (search: wmi masterlist)
- no place like home series, red bottoms series, strawberry shortcake series, into the depths series, can you handle it series, killing booth series, arguments series, crowning glory series, waiting to get home series, best friends series, line loves series-  @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- sudden reunions series, sorry loser series-  @supersizemeplz (search: masterlist)
- end in flames series- @bvlckgirlmvgix (search: erik killmonger x blackIreader)
- rekindle series- @soufcakmistress (search: masterlist)
- be careful sweetheart series- @avenging-fics
- desserts series- @forbeautyandlife
- @panthergoddessbast
- haunted heart series- @youreallyshouldtalkmore
-  mystery of the golden fang series, a map made in heaven series-  @youcantkillamutant (scroll for erik killmonger x black!oc)
- breaking boundaries & breaking walls series part 1- @kaytauru (scroll for #breaking boundaries)
- deal series @wakandamama
- medicine series, child of mine series- @wakanda-inspired
- operation honeypot series, death of a bachelor series,  liberation series- @blackpantherimagines
- ring series- @blackpantherismyish
- fried green tomatoes series, his nightmare (or his queen) series, best you had series- @iliketowrite1996 (scroll for erik stevens x reader)
- what we used to be series, personal trainer series, on the run series,   @dacreskars (search: masterlist)
- n’jadaka’s helpful hands series-  @eerythingisshaka (scroll down page for masterlist)
- if ever there were angels series- @lesqui
-homewrecker series, grindin series, jp3 series- @shaekingshitup
- my king series- @justauthoring
- for you series- @marvellovegalore (scroll for marvel fanfiction)
- lady and the tramp series- @livingmybestfakelife (search masterlist)
- shae butter baby series- @nachtaiwrites (scroll for erik x reader)
- reckoning series, around the world and back series- @muse-of-mbaku (scroll for black panther mastersit)
- call out my name series, is it over? series- @oshaia (scroll for erikkillmonger)
- what you don’t do series- @wakandanblogger (scroll for erik killmonger x reader)
- i do care series- @cancerianprincess (scroll for erik x reader)
- havana series, snowball series, split part 1 (please read the whole series), drillmonger series, waiting in vain series- @erikismybitch (scroll page for updated masterlist you can’t miss it!)
-  heartbreak series- @artsninspo (scroll down for masterlist)
- sight series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- ember series part 1 ( do read the whole series-part of it is on her wattpad page @/nahimjustfeelingit-writes), the lagoon seiries, wet dreams series- @eye-raq (search: masterlist)
- kevin’s heart series, foot fetish headcanon (one-shot) series-@madamslayyy
- little girl series- @sweeter-thejuice (search: masterlist)
- oops series, east atlanta love letters series, loyal!erik blurg series- @another-imaginesblog
- spoiled series, thru the phone series- @princesskillmonger (scroll for erik killmonger imagine)
- blind date series- @cosmiceyegasms (scroll for cosmiceyegasms)
- dirt little secrets series,  @goddessofthundathighs (search: masterlist)
- loyalty series, changes series- @melaninmarvelgirl62
- sunsets series-  @mbakusprincess (search: masterlist)
- carried series- @ororowrites
- passenger seat series- @blackmissfrizzle
- a perfect crime series- @wikiwakanda (search: masterlist)
- my dope man series, the very best man series, home sweet home series (sequel to the very best man series), daddy time? series, go home erik series, coconut series, i love you king series, you don’t own me series-  @killmoncoochie (scroll for erik killmonger fic and coochiefic)
- a reward series-  @big-flop-energy- (scroll for leeleefic and 
- hold your breath series- @njadont (scroll for erik x reader)
- leave a light on series- @mariamermaid (scroll for erik x reader)
- smoke and mirrors series (sequel is on her ao3-> madeline grey)- @lannisterkitty
- pray for me series- @thekrazykeke
- love galore series- @mbjslilthang
- bad at love series- @fandomnom
- the sweetest taste series- @wakandaforeverwrites
- pet peeve series (currently on wattpad)- @aspacefork
- life unexpected series*, midnight fm series*, you again series (with chadwick)*, hot girl summer (with chadwick), at the oscars (with chadwick), the reader wanting a bbl (with chadwick), honey love series (with chadwick)- @lady-love-and-glitter-roses
- loving her, need you by my side, busted, planning the future, false accusations, mesy, flirt, reconnect, can’t help myself, +2, instagram bae, hello mrs. jordan, dance for you-  @plussizeappreciationfics (scroll for michael b jordan x reader or michael b jordan x plus size reader)
- oooh...we got a house house?!, test, birthday fic, he was erik... (one shot for now)- @writerbee-ffs (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
- comics are for nerds, unexpected surprise, sick times, it’ll be okay, love-  @running-on-fanfiction (search: michael b jordan)
- three times a charm?, late night shenanigans- @marvelouss-marvel
- split series (part 1) do read the series as a whole, just take both, nsfw- @erikismybitch
- red carpet tings- @mbjslilthang
- headcanons series- @atechnologicalmarvel (search: michael b. jordan)
-michael b jordan imagine where hes doing an interivew/red carpet thing and the person asks him where his gf is and not super into the hollywood life, michael and his gf get into a fights where she leaves and ends taking care of her, michael and his gf break up but still miss each other, michael and reader are dating and did a movie together and doing a cool photoshoot together, michael and you take your son to the black panther premiere and you annouces your pregnant again, imichael b jordan imagine where the reader is a famous singer and he goes to one of her concerts (she doesn’t know) and he surprises her backstage and they go out afterwards?, michael b jordan imagine where reader is a famous singer and she invites him to be in one of her music videos (where they play a couloe) and after the video they end up hooking up and start to like each other?- @fangirlfanwritings (search: michael b jordan)
- all mbj fics - @justimagaine (search: michael b jordan)
- imagine: joke, imagine: interview, having a puppy family would include...-@fandomnom (scroll for michael b. jordan)
- alphabet series (a is for arrest)*, soft kiss - @calif0rnia-lovers
*- beauty unit series- @mermaidchansons (search: michael b jordan)
- all mbj imagines- @celebrityyimaginees (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
-nike air max 97, mornings- @teachallas (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
- double trouble, movement, photo op, romcom tragedy-  @basickassandra (search: michael b jordan)
*= incomplete
*- cheater series- @erikismybitch
-adonis is imrpessed with the reader’s boxing skills , reader says to adonis it’s either or me or bianca series*, adonis and reader are married ahd shring thier first christmas with their twins and new dog- @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
*-missing brown eyes series, it’s always chilly in philly, balance, senior-itis- @cosmiceyegasms (scroll for cosmiceyegasms)
- whatchamacallit series- @goddessofthundathighs (search: masterlist)
*-  rrush series- @shedyou (scroll for adonis creed x reader)
*- 6 am series- @writerbee-ffs (scroll for adonis creed x reader)
- just a friend- @killmongerkink
- let’s undwind, why do you fight series* (part of the series in on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes), fresh out a fight, baby fever, i object ( on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes), wrong place ( on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes) , my first was adonis johnson ( on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes)- @eye-raq (search: masterlist)
-  lights on, fight night @killmongerdispussy (scroll for adonis x bianca)
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