al3zthecat-blog · 5 days
I love this.
Like, at first I was suspicious about Kabru and totally thought he was going to be a villain, but then I realized it was a red herring. He has good intentions and his fixation on Laios, born from trying to find a good candidate for Dungeon Lord, evolve from that to actually wanting to understand him and be friends with him. Only, he is an idiot that is either on denial or bad at knowing his own wants 😂
Kabru cares about others and is very kind, yes he killed those guys, but not only he knows there is more at stake, and they could very well get away free from any punishment had he reported them, but condemning him under modern standards is stupid.
Yes he is thinking about killing Laios, but it's a joke, the way he is acting on those instances is way different than how he acted with the guys he killed. In all those instances he is, not only not really serious about it (except maybe with Mithrun), but it is obvious it's not something he wants to do. He helps Laios any time he can and he wants for Laios to do the right thing.
And like, let's not forget Kabru thing is that he is good at reading people and that there is a reason why he has conflicted feelings about Laios (besides actually wanting to be friends with him). Kabru is right about being wary about Laios, because one of the reason Laios likes monsters is because they kill humans. Let's not forget about that 😂
i see it often that people do not see laios liking kabru, but in reality laios does like kabru! quite a lot for a guy that (from his perspective) he just met! laios forgetting kabrus exact name is not evidence of disinterest in any way--hes only heard it a couple of times, he struggles with small details (unless you want to argue laios also doesnt give a shit about marcille, chilchuck and senshi, he also forgets small details about them. if you do think this, i think dungeon meshi may be too advanced for you. stick to bluey.), and the man has autism. like near explicitly.
laios offers food from their limited supplies because kabru showed an interest in eating monsters, and makes him an omelette so he can have something to eat even though other food was already being prepared. he listens to kabrus criticism of his behavior and mindset in trying to protect falin even though she was straight up killing people, and tries to drag kabru to safety. he watches kabru defuse the situation between himself and toshiro masterfully, and confides in him how hurt he is that toshiro is so angry and how he mustve done something truly awful to upset him like that. when kabru tells him that meeting him was the best part of his time in the dungeon, laios agrees and says its the same for him (remember: laios doesnt do empty platitudes well--if he said it, he meant it).
when kabru leaves, we get three fucking panels in a row of laios staring after him, flexing the hand kabru was just holding, and reflecting on kabrus words ("next time..?")
when kabru shows up again deep in the dungeon, chilchuck is suspicious, but laios is so excited to see him that he throws caution to the wind and lets kabru hold his hand again despite seconds later crossing succubus off his list of shapeshifters that could be appearing as kabru--a carelessness around monsters and danger laios rarely exhibits. when kabru gives his warning about the canaries, laios is grateful. he notices how often kabru saves his skin
when lycion reveals that kabru lied about wanting to eat the omelette laios made, it breaks his heart because he made that with love! he made it for kabru, and kabru didnt like it, and now he knows kabru was just playing at friendship to use him. that breaks his heart, hes distraught, but he doesnt have time to be hurt about it when marcille needs his help urgently so he turns to run to her. he apologizes to kabru and tries to leave again. he isnt listening to what kabru is saying here because kabru was just revealed as a liar and because it doesnt really cohere (kabru is stuttering and speaking in broken sentences as he tries to explain about the dungeons power) and he needs to save marcille
he doesnt believe kabru wanted to be his friend, because who would? why would laios be special enough, loveable enough, to go through the pains kabru went through, just to be his friend? but when kabru makes the intensity of his desire known, laios promises to feed him again, at a proper restaurant --and again, food is care for laios, to feed someone is to love them. marcille is still his priority bc she is in real danger but he means what he says, he really does want to start over with kabru and be real friends with him
once we hit the resolution of the story, kabru near glues himself to laios, helping him and trying to cement himself as a right-hand man, and making known his intent to support laios no matter what. in the medieval manuscript style epilogue, kabru is one of two friends that stick by laios as he becomes king. both marcille and kabru become the people closest to him (besides falin of course), two friends who will always support him, always let him know when hes fucked up and theyre mad at him, two friends who he can rely on. laios did not have to accept kabru as an advisor, he did not have to ask him to stay with him. he did that because after everything, he trusts kabru now, and knows he can count on him
while laios doesnt give any big monologues about what he likes about kabru, its very clear he does, and we know what things laios values in other people. he appreciates kabrus social skills (very clear in the post canon comic in the adventurers bible), his intelligence, that kabru WANTS to be around him and understand him even though its difficult, his strength, and frankly he does appreciate his charm (three fucking panels straight of staring after him). laios really values people with specialized skillsets who are willing to tell him frankly what they think and advise him in areas he is weak in (something we see in his relationship with... i was gonna say namari but its everyone. he does this with everyone he likes. and in the resolution kabru does this CONSTANTLY he does not go a panel without giving laios his professional opinion on how to deal with people).
in conclusion: arent you hungry, kabru? let laios make something for you
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al3zthecat-blog · 5 days
For me it was clear from those panels that this happened after the group split because Laios trying to make friends with girl Toshiro was very badly taken and everyone took Toshiro side because they thought Laios was being a creep. But Laios didn't act any different than he did with boy Toshiro, the situation only changed because of people's bias towards gender. In the canon universe the others don't intervene despite realizing Laios is bothering Toshiro because Toshiro is a guy, but in the mirror universe because Toshiro is a girl Laios action's are interpreted different (which is ironic given that canon Laios said he would totally marry him if he where in Fallin's place 😂 not a very straight thing to say IMO 😂)
The manga even has another example in the mushroom episode. Senshi is Senshi even as an elf but from an outsider perspective he is seen as less "masculine".
So I agree that people are totally misinterpreting this panel (maybe because they prefer to see it as humorous?)
Also, I don't think it would make sense for girl Kabru to do this. If she has the same intentions then why break up a party that had many talented individuals? Having Laios join her party would help them a lot because all of Laios knowledge, but it could also blow up.
What Kabru wanted was to find a good candidate for the next Dungeon Lord, I don't think his intentions would change if he were a girl, even if as a girl Kabru decided to seduce Laios (instead of just befriending him) to be close to him, she would soon realize that there is no point to it because it would not register to Laios that Kabru is flirting with him 😂 and I think that she would be as obsessed as canon Kabru is about knowing and understanding Laios and becoming friends with him, even if she didn't realize this like boy Labru didn't 😂
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Every time I see a take on this panel, I get dealt -5 psychic damage.
I really really really don't think Kabru is being a "manipulative psycho girlfriend" here. He's just like... A nice guy.
For context: in the panel, Laios finds a magic mirror and asks it what would happen if various party members were a different gender. Long story short, all of his party members leave him and he's distraught.
Here Kabru is just comforting him??? It's not like she plotted for all of them to leave so she could have him to herself. The characters as their swapped genders just had different priorities that ended up separating them.
It's not like it's out of character for Kabru to be kind and comforting. In fact, here's proof
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Say what you want about him, but at the end of the day the reason he's so meticulous and careful about his words/choices is because he cares.
He cares so deeply about humanity. He wants to avoid tragedy. He hates people who prey on others for personal gain. He's not some evil, manipulative, freak who wants to rule the dungeon for power. He wants what's best for everyone (even if he's a little misguided).
He's genuinely a kind and thoughtful person and I'm sick of hearing ppl say he isn't. Get with it nerds.
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al3zthecat-blog · 21 days
Also, SQH being angry that he was forced/is being forced to be married, and there won't be sex. The only think that could make marriage worthy is the prospect of an active sexual life. Which he won't get because this is a SHAM MARRIAGE, and now he is forever doomed to never having sex because if he "cheats" on MBJ he will be getting killed, nevermind this is a sham marriage so it wouldn't really be cheating.
I am quite fond of “arranged marriage / forced marriage” concepts, so I was thinking about how that unfortunately that doesn’t really work with Moshang in a Canon AU, except then I remember that Tianlang-Jun (agent of chaos and incurable romantic) would probably LOVE the whole “oh yeah, as the so-called ‘Demon Emperor’ I can matchmake anyone I like for funsies” thing.
In the “servant to a different king” AU I proposed months ago, Shang Qinghua (without System restrictions) dumps Cang Qiong Mountain Sect before becoming head disciple and saves Tianlang-Jun and Su Xiyan. So, let’s say that in this AU, Shang Qinghua anonymously gives Su Xiyan a heads-up and does successfully become the candidate for the next Lord of An Ding Peak.
Only, in that vague time before “when Tianlang-Jun was supposed to be imprisoned” and “the ascension of the new generation of Peak Lords”, Mobei-Jun’s family gets in trouble with the newly married, new father, newly interested in politics to protect his family Demon Emperor. Linguang-Jun implicated his brother in some scheme and cozied up in the hopes of being the Demon Emperor’s “appointed” next Northern King, maybe?
Only the scheme backfires because Tianlang-Jun is a spiteful bastard (and maybe not entirely fooled by this web), so he’s like, “Hey, what if I kill the Northern King and keep his body? What if I don’t give him back afterwards?” So, Mobei-Jun’s family will lose thousands of years of inherited power. Mobei-Jun’s family is panicking over this (including Linguang-Jun), which Tianlang-Jun finds delicious, and he’s like, “Hey, what WOULD you do in order for me to let him live or at least give you back the body? Dance for my amusement here, people; I want GOOD suggestions.”
SOMEWHERE along the line (don’t know how or who suggests it), marriage to a human pops up as an idea. Tianlang-Jun is married to a human and has a half-human son. Wouldn’t that show the Demon Emperor that Mobei-Jun’s family doesn’t hate humans and didn’t try to kill the empress?
Mobei-Jun basically exists to be the next Northern King and hey, he knows a human being, so he grabs head disciple (almost Peak Lord) Shang Qinghua from An Ding Peak and brings him before the Demon Emperor. (Mobei-Jun is kind of panicking here. Whatever his personal feelings for his father are, they CANNOT lose his father’s body.) Mobei-Jun’s explanation of the situation to Shang Qinghua on the way is not very good and very confusing, but part of that is because the situation is very ridiculous because Tianlang-Jun is ridiculous.
So, young Shang Qinghua is forced to spin a forbidden love story for the Demon Emperor (and possibly a large audience of demon royalty/nobility), in which he saved Mobei-Jun’s life and they’ve been secretly seeing each other for years. Tianlang-Jun is like, “Wow, I was probably just going to destroy the body no matter what they did, but this IS good. Keep talking. I really relate to this forbidden demon-human love story you have going on. A powerful demon lord and a human cultivator? Love it!”
Shang Qinghua’s explanation is SO GOOD, in fact, that Tianlang-Jun decides not only to let the current Northern King live after all, but to personally throw Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun a fabulous wedding.
Tianlang-Jun: “Xiyan and I eloped, so we didn’t really get to do the whole Big Fat Demon Wedding thing, but you two can! This is great. Xiyan and I don’t have any other demon-human couples to hang out with. You two should have kids A.S.A.P. so my son can have some half-human friends around his age.” (As far as Tianlang-Jun is concerned, if they ARE faking it, he’s going to make them do the whole monkey-dance anyway just to see how far they’ll take it.)
Shang Qinghua is like, “Great! Sounds great!” While Mobei-Jun is completely stone-faced (like, more than normal somehow) because he doesn’t actually want to marry his human servant, but can’t object without bringing down all the consequences just avoided.
So Shang Qinghua has to go back to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect and say, “Yeah, I’m leaving the sect. I’m stepping down. Can’t be the next An Ding Peak Lord, sorry. I’m getting married.” And people are like, “Well, you can be a Peak Lord and married, that’s fine.” And Shang Qinghua has to be like, “Haha, yeah, no. Expect an extremely dramatic messenger from the Demon Emperor tomorrow, probably complete with fireworks and confetti. I’m kind of being willingly forced to marry the son of the Northern Demon King.”
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al3zthecat-blog · 2 months
About duplicating the food, I remember that it is not magically possible according to the law of Gamo or something. But about Harry not knowing how to cook!!! I totally feel you. It's such a small stupid thing, but I definitely have an issue with that 😂 or the fact that they feel they have to go to the fucking woods to camp when they could visit some small town and steal from a supermarket or whatever. Like, Harry, you have an invisibility cape! And even if it were about morals, since Hermione already oblivated her parents and made a bunch of preparations I don't see how it would make sense for her to forget to take some muggle money! Or ask Harry for some galleons and exchange them for pounds! Or like, since she send her parents to Australia, did she made them sell the house? Because otherwise they could use her house (and use the fidelius charm) or do like (ugh) Slughorn and squat. Like, I get some half bloods and some muggle borns (like minors) being forced to go live in the wild, but isn't Hermione supposed to be smart? And what is Ted Tonks doing living on the fucking woods!? They used his and his wives house as a safe stop for Harry, he experienced the previous war, he knew what was coming and yet he didn't have a better plan than to go hide in the fucking woods!? Reminds me of how Ron made fun of Hermione in book one about not having wood to light a fire...
deathly hallows is so weird. i remember even when i first read it at 12 being kinda like ???? because really? this? this was supposed to be the big hyped up grand finale?
obviously book 7 isn't the only book with plotholes but there are so many more than in the others ones and they were really obvious things that just felt so lazy. like suddenly people can be their own secret keepers? meaning that the plot device that kicked off the entire series now doesn't make sense? or jkr forgetting harry canonically knows how to cook. just basic stuff like that that felt so sloppy. or harry and co breaking into the ministry to steal something that umbridge might just as easily have left at home in a drawer in her house. ?? or they somehow don't have food when they're camping even tho they can do magic and can duplicate food so they could just take a ton of stuff from a grocery story and copy it forever?
plus the pacing. it has some really good moments towards the end but omg a lot of it has no sense of urgency. or i remember as a kid after reading book 6 being super hyped to see the other cool and difficult to defeat enchantments guarding the horcruxes like we saw in book 6. but nah. in book 7 they're just lying around anywhere.
it's like jkr set up this whole horcrux hunt thing and then got bored with it and wanted to get thru it as fast as possible. and then added a bunch of poorly thought out wand stuff that contradicts prior canon. there were a ton of cool things that could've been done with book 7 and instead most of it feels so rushed.
It seems we all have secret trauma revolving Deathly Hallows.
The beautiful thing about the being your own secret keeper, of course, now means that if that was the case then someone didn't tell the Potters this or they were dissuaded from this path for some reason makes Dumbledore look very suspect.
Though I personally love the idiotic plan to bust into the Ministry to get the Horcrux rather than try to find out where Umbridge lives or trying to get a hold of her when she does her shopping in the country's one shopping district of Diagon Alley. It's just so dumb.
Or the fact that the gang suddenly survives only on mysterious mushrooms they gather deep in the wilderness of Great Britain or the time they look for blackberries in the middle of winter. Ron knows there aren't going to be blackberries, tells Harry as much, but since he's come back from abandoning this very stupid mission he now believes that Dumbledore must have had a plan.
Dumbledore had a plan.
(But yes, anon, it's just a bad book filled with beautiful stupidity that felt like it should have been a video game and was oddly written as if it was a video game where most of the chapters are boring cut scenes you want to skip and the game play is things like "raid gringotts" or "fetch the sword from the bottom of a pond to destroy the horcrux".)
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al3zthecat-blog · 2 months
Also since vampires don't feel the cold then unless they are being sexually stimulated they might not react at all and remain always flat. There could also be vampires with flat or inverted nipples.
Vampire nipples are always visible through clothes, because they look like stones?
Given Bella doesn't remark on it I'm going to guess not always. Probably if you wear thick enough sweaters and things then you're good. But yeah, if Edward starts rocking anything but his cashmere turtlenecks then he's probably nipping bad.
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al3zthecat-blog · 3 months
It could also be a matter of mistranslation/misunderstanding 🤔 like, in the Airplane extra translation that I read they described LGJ's eyes as peach blossom. I immediately thought they mean that they were pink 😅😂 but then I saw a post on twitter where they showed the different types of eye shapes 🙃 so maybe something like that happened, which is what made someone have it as HC and then it popularized?
Got into SVSSS last quarter of 2023 after my curiosity won, so I'm relatively new to the fandom. What reeled me in was the donghua and it got me reading the fan translation of the novel later. Still haven't started with my copies of the official English translation tho.
So excuse me when I say I'm a bit disappointed that most fan art I encounter of Shen Qingqiu give him green eyes when nothing in the translation I read said anything of the sort. I've seen other fans citing the official English translation as evidence that Shen Qingqiu doesn't have green eyes. Heard green-eyed Shen Qingqiu was someone's headcanon.
The question is, why? Is this a case of giving MCs special traits to distinguish them from everyone else? Think Chibiusa with her pink hair or that guy from Yugi Oh. Heck, even Kenshin Himura is an example.
What point am I driving at here? All I know is that Shen Qingqiu is described as beautiful. He's fine even if he's drawn with dark eyes or dark gray eyes. This is why I'm more appreciative of the donghua Shen Qingqiu. My absolute favorite shot is that one of OG Shen Qingqiu during the Tea Incident.
This is not to say people should stop drawing Shen Qingqiu with green eyes. I've seen a lot of beautiful art of green-eyed Shen Qingqiu. I just hope to see more canon-aligned art of him.
I will not go into Luo Binghe's depiction. That's several cans of worms I don't have the spoons to deal with.
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al3zthecat-blog · 3 months
Thinking more about it I like the idea of Airplane having Godlike powers. So here the reason why SVSSS happened is because Airplane wrote it.
This would mean that SVSSS is a sort of self fulfilling paradox, it became real because Airplane wrote it, but he wrote it because he lived it. I guess in this scenario he would have to actually write the whole thing Unless he is also kind of the System? but in any case the things he writes (and publishes, he has to publish this things for them to become real, because the power of imagination is what makes them real or whatever) become real.
He doesn't know this, but he has fun making theories about what happened to him and whatever is real. But in any case he remembers about the plant body he gave to YQY and writes a short story about how it worked and these two finally got their HEA, which is kind of why back in SV world it does work.
Eventually SY contacts him. SY is furious that this fucker is making profit with all that happened to him, but also the more he reads SVSSS the more he realizes that what Airplane wrote is exactly what he lived through. Like, one thing would be for Airplane to write what happened but even SY's inner monologues are there.
So SY gets the idea that Airplane must still have access to The System and knows more that he told him. Meaning maybe Airplane can help him go back!
So Airplane and Cucumber bro meet each other and eventually SY thinks that maybe Airplane can write about LBH coming to his rescue and proceeds to try and bully Airplane to do this, but The Great Master Airplane is a little shit and he doesn't do anything for free, so you better pay up Cucumber bro!
SY pays Airplane to write, but Airplane decides to be careful with the whole thing and because he is also a bit skeptical and pities SY he decides to actually write something that in case it doesn't work would serve as a consolation prize for SY. (Also for him because he has come to realize that he misses MBJ and what if SY is right and he can make them go back? Doesn't that mean he could write a happy ending for him where MBJ actually apologizes to him and welcomes him with open arms instead of being angry at him for leaving? Of course that would be too OOC and if he wrote it and it happened then it would have happened because he wrote it, then again that would mean that everything that happened did so because he wrote it)
I've seen takes about Shang Quinghua pressing the Return Home button (either on purpose or by accident) and I've also read takes where the System for some reason (a glitch or a new mission) sends both SY and SQH to the modern world. And they are great BUT.....
What if SQH pressed the Return Home option (I'm thinking on purpose, but you do you) and the System sent both back home.
Let's say that the System didn't give SY that option because he isn't user number 1 and it was up to user number 1 to make this choice. Only, because the System is such an asshole it conveniently disregarded to tell either SY or SQH this.
So SQH not knowing his choice would also affect SY (otherwise he would definitely use this to get SQQ to do as he says, like getting LBH to give him the best food 😂) decides that he will take his chances on the real world. I'm thinking that he does this in part because the System actually answered when he would wake up and told him that in the real world no time has happened or that he would go back before he spilled his ramen and electrocuted himself. The other part could be that he just panicked upon seeing LGY. Or maybe he never saw LGY and was able to explore and sightsee some of the wonders of the world he wrote about and decided that this was as good as it would get here, whereas now that he lived in a cultivation setting he had so much fucking material. He could even write the danmei version of PIDW thanks to Cucumber bro!
So he activates the return home function and proceeds to write SVSSS, only he changes the name of Peerless Cucumber to another dick joke to avoid getting sued, you know, just in case.
For his part SQQ/SY hears the System saying "Activating Return Home sequence in 3, 2, 1" and he proceeds to freak out, except of course he doesn't have time to properly freak out and/or say anything before everything goes black.
SY wakes up in the hospital, his sister found him passed out and proceed to call 110/120*. Because this is SY and he no longer can hear the System he proceeds to go in denial/repression. "Ah... It was all a dream of course" (and to be fair, this would be more of a normal reaction than how he immediately accepted he had transmigrated 😂).
Until some weeks/months/days!? (Knowing Airplane it was probably days) later, Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky starts publishing an spin off/AU of PIDW named SVSSS.
Meanwhile back on SVSSS world either (and because I love SJ and he deserves a happy ending and because YQY also deserves a happy ending and I want these two to reconcile 😭 and what are fanfics for if not to write happy endings for everyone!?!):
SQQ'S body goes into a Qi deviation and SJ wakes up (resuscitates? I'm thinking the System grabbed his soul while he was deviating and put it into storage so SY's soul could occupy the body). Obviously SJ proceeds to FREAK OUT and runs away to CQM sect.
SQQ'S body just stops working. One moment he is breathing and the next he is dead. Somewhere out there SJ wakes up in a plant body (at some point SQH tried to bring back his favorite scum villain and gifted YQY a mushroom plant body with some precise instructions to care for it without telling YQY exactly what the plant was, because he believed if someone could bring back SJ it would be his soulmate YQY, but in case he was wrong better not tell YQY why or what the plant he gifted him was for)
SQQ'S body basically becomes brain dead. Technically alive, but since there is no soul inside the body it is as good as dead (SJ comes back with a healthy plant body and reconciles with YQY in CQM)
In any of these scenarios LBH will freak out, obviously, but in the case of scenario 1 he would have no reason but to think that this like the first time SQQ lost his memories, only now he recuperated many of them and lost the ones that involve LBH. So I guess the best option for a BingYuan reunion would be to go for 2 or 3 because LBH would be looking for SQQ|SY soul not SQQ|SJ (who is alive and safe in CQM sect) but I don't really care for this pairing soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️
Upon crawling out of the earth, SJ encounters YQY who immediately knows that this is Xiao Jiu, he would have the confirmation of what he already knew, that the other SQQ was not SJ. He still has no explanation to what happened or how SQH was able to return SJ to him, but he is glad and thankful to SQH.
SQH who has disappeared. Literally, his body did a Thanos snap and became dust or simply glitched out. Because SQH was never from this world. He was born in this world and given the role of SQH but his body is technically not the one of the original but supplanted it. Similar to a changeling only it was the System and he did this from the womb.
I don't know how it would go from here, kind of a dealers choice, if you want Moshang and BingYuan(?) HEA or if CumPlane HEA in the modern world. Or happy ending for Airplane who now can dedicate time to write whatever he wants because he already has SVSSS written thanks to the System and while that sells he can concentrate in writing other things.
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al3zthecat-blog · 3 months
I've seen takes about Shang Quinghua pressing the Return Home button (either on purpose or by accident) and I've also read takes where the System for some reason (a glitch or a new mission) sends both SY and SQH to the modern world. And they are great BUT.....
What if SQH pressed the Return Home option (I'm thinking on purpose, but you do you) and the System sent both back home.
Let's say that the System didn't give SY that option because he isn't user number 1 and it was up to user number 1 to make this choice. Only, because the System is such an asshole it conveniently disregarded to tell either SY or SQH this.
So SQH not knowing his choice would also affect SY (otherwise he would definitely use this to get SQQ to do as he says, like getting LBH to give him the best food 😂) decides that he will take his chances on the real world. I'm thinking that he does this in part because the System actually answered when he would wake up and told him that in the real world no time has happened or that he would go back before he spilled his ramen and electrocuted himself. The other part could be that he just panicked upon seeing LGY. Or maybe he never saw LGY and was able to explore and sightsee some of the wonders of the world he wrote about and decided that this was as good as it would get here, whereas now that he lived in a cultivation setting he had so much fucking material. He could even write the danmei version of PIDW thanks to Cucumber bro!
So he activates the return home function and proceeds to write SVSSS, only he changes the name of Peerless Cucumber to another dick joke to avoid getting sued, you know, just in case.
For his part SQQ/SY hears the System saying "Activating Return Home sequence in 3, 2, 1" and he proceeds to freak out, except of course he doesn't have time to properly freak out and/or say anything before everything goes black.
SY wakes up in the hospital, his sister found him passed out and proceed to call 110/120*. Because this is SY and he no longer can hear the System he proceeds to go in denial/repression. "Ah... It was all a dream of course" (and to be fair, this would be more of a normal reaction than how he immediately accepted he had transmigrated 😂).
Until some weeks/months/days!? (Knowing Airplane it was probably days) later, Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky starts publishing an spin off/AU of PIDW named SVSSS.
Meanwhile back on SVSSS world either (and because I love SJ and he deserves a happy ending and because YQY also deserves a happy ending and I want these two to reconcile 😭 and what are fanfics for if not to write happy endings for everyone!?!):
SQQ'S body goes into a Qi deviation and SJ wakes up (resuscitates? I'm thinking the System grabbed his soul while he was deviating and put it into storage so SY's soul could occupy the body). Obviously SJ proceeds to FREAK OUT and runs away to CQM sect.
SQQ'S body just stops working. One moment he is breathing and the next he is dead. Somewhere out there SJ wakes up in a plant body (at some point SQH tried to bring back his favorite scum villain and gifted YQY a mushroom plant body with some precise instructions to care for it without telling YQY exactly what the plant was, because he believed if someone could bring back SJ it would be his soulmate YQY, but in case he was wrong better not tell YQY why or what the plant he gifted him was for)
SQQ'S body basically becomes brain dead. Technically alive, but since there is no soul inside the body it is as good as dead (SJ comes back with a healthy plant body and reconciles with YQY in CQM)
In any of these scenarios LBH will freak out, obviously, but in the case of scenario 1 he would have no reason but to think that this like the first time SQQ lost his memories, only now he recuperated many of them and lost the ones that involve LBH. So I guess the best option for a BingYuan reunion would be to go for 2 or 3 because LBH would be looking for SQQ|SY soul not SQQ|SJ (who is alive and safe in CQM sect) but I don't really care for this pairing soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️
Upon crawling out of the earth, SJ encounters YQY who immediately knows that this is Xiao Jiu, he would have the confirmation of what he already knew, that the other SQQ was not SJ. He still has no explanation to what happened or how SQH was able to return SJ to him, but he is glad and thankful to SQH.
SQH who has disappeared. Literally, his body did a Thanos snap and became dust or simply glitched out. Because SQH was never from this world. He was born in this world and given the role of SQH but his body is technically not the one of the original but supplanted it. Similar to a changeling only it was the System and he did this from the womb.
I don't know how it would go from here, kind of a dealers choice, if you want Moshang and BingYuan(?) HEA or if CumPlane HEA in the modern world. Or happy ending for Airplane who now can dedicate time to write whatever he wants because he already has SVSSS written thanks to the System and while that sells he can concentrate in writing other things.
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al3zthecat-blog · 3 months
Thinking about when talking about Shang Quinghua and the original Shang Quinghua I've usually seen that the original is portrayed as the evil twin or the dumber twin.
In the case of the second, I've read theories(?) I guess that say that Airplane was a better Peak Lord (in part because in his past life he had access to higher education) and a better spy because he had inside knowledge as the author.
This one I can get behind, Airplane having an advantage by knowing the plot would make him seem to be more capable to outsiders.
In the case of the first one I actually like to think that if they were twins Airplane would be the "evil one".
While I totally think that the reason Airplane is so comfortable doing all the shit he did is because he doesn't think of anyone (besides maybe MBJ and SY) as real people, from an outsider perspective it doesn't look like that. And while I know that the argument could be said that this would make the original SQH more devious/evil/whatever, as he would be operating with the belief that his world is real, I think that this depends on whatever original SQH was a good spy and how many and what type of atrocities he committed. Because we don't really know.
So, let's say that Airplane was a better servant/spy to MBJ in part because of his insider knowledge and past life. But that the other part is that he lacks the "morals" that would have held back the original because he doesn't see as anyone as real people.
Maybe the original had some morals. Maybe the reason MBJ fell in love with Airplane is that he was attracted not only to his loyalty but by how ruthless he is (something that for demons I bet would be attractive). From MBJ'S perspective, Airplane is, yes weak and cowardly, but also completely loyal and devoted to MBJ while at the same time kind of ruthless to anyone else.
In the case of the original SQH maybe he was not as willing to betray his sect. Like, maybe he was ambitious enough that he thought he could eventually make it so there was a treaty between CQM and the North and from his perspective he wasn't really betraying his sect. Getting rid of HHP was whatever since it was another sect and he could get behind that as long as CQM remained safe. Maybe he thought he and MBJ had an understanding of working together.
Except of course that they didn't and MBJ always planned on killing him.
Like, say MBJ knew about what was SQH'S ambitious and he was either thinking SQH would eventually betray him or that he didn't believe SQH would be capable of convincing his sect of an alliance and was just playing around while taking advantage of SQH. Either way a win for MBJ.
Then of course LBH happens and MBJ no longer has time for games, LBH wants CQM obliterated so CQM has to go and with it gone he no longer has reason to keep playing games with SQH so he kills him.
To make it more sad I like to imagine that original SQH was also fond of MBJ (maybe even in love with him) and that he did not see this happening at all.
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al3zthecat-blog · 3 months
In the translation of the Airplane extras that I read, SQH was thinking something along the lines of how MBJ always intended to eventually kill SQH and that after CQM destruction he killed him because he was no longer useful. Now, the translation I read was not the official, but I could believe for that to be the case.
I could see that maybe MBJ always expected for original SQH to betray him and was just playing games and taking advantage of having a spy. But then LBH gave the order and he didn't think twice of taking advantage of this to get ride of original SQH.
I like this idea because the potential tragedy of it. Like, maybe original SQH never intended to betray MBJ. Maybe he even thought they were somewhat close. Maybe MBJ was the one to betray SQH. Of course, original MBJ would not see it that way, since the servant was SQH and as the King he could do as he wanted with his servants.
For your consideration:
The original Mobei-jun may or may not have actually wanted to get rid of OG!SQH. Mobei-jun strongly values loyalty, after all, and SQH had served him faithfully ever since he became a spy for the demon realm. The reason that Mobei-jun got rid of him in PIDW was due to Luo Bing-ge's takeover of the three realms and the destruction of Cang Qiong Shan and the other sects, not because of any betrayal on Shang Qinghua's part.
But why get rid of him? It wasn't as though he could defect, after all. Why wouldn't Mobei-jun just let him go, or even keep him as a servant, since he valued loyalty and Shang Qinghua remained loyal to his king?
What if Mobei-jun didn't make that decision?
What if Bing-ge did?
Shang Qinghua might have been loyal to Mobei-jun, but Mobei-jun was loyal to Bing-ge, and if Bing-ge didn't want a former peak lord of Cang Qiong Shan left alive, then... well, Mobei-jun wasn't going to disobey that order.
Just a thought.
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
Don't forget how they added a scene with sad music showing Ozai with sad eyes like we should feel sorry for this guy who feels slightly bad for burning his son's face... And then the other scene were Zuko is lying in his bed and Osai goes to see him.... 😒😑😑😑
Sorry, but having Zuko actually fight back against Ozai during their Agni Kai is just wrong. He was a child, only 13 at the time, afraid to fight his own father and was mutilated as punishment, because Ozai saw Zuko's begging and unwillingness to fight as unforgiveable weakness.
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The Angi Kai isn't meant to be a showcase of Zuko's fighting potential (that's what the Zhao fight is for), but to show the utter cruelty of Ozai.
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
While I like the idea of this bringing chaos I don't know if having the screen visible and frozen on the Go Home option would make Mobei loose it. Because I'm not sure if he would understand it? Like, we know what that means so to us it is obvious but MBJ doesn't so would he draw the correct conclusion? One of SQH'S eyes suddenly looks funny and there are floating letters following SQH, did someone curse him? What does it mean?
In any case, I like the idea that SQH is unable to see the effects the System left on him. Maybe even SQQ is unable to see that SQH'S eye looks like this, now that the System is broken. But everyone else is able to see this.
And the eye doesn't look just funny, but looking at it makes others either:
Have visions of their original fate in PIDW (not like, their whole life, but you do have a different vision everytime you stare)
Feel irrational fear/hopelessnes/horror (it's so strong that many can Qi deviate or pass out)
Know you are staring at the Creator (and whatever that knowledge entails for each person)
Know what the Creator thinks/feels about you (MANY are left with existential crisis because they now know they are only cannon fodder)
At first I thought this could be completely random, but then I realized that it is better if this depends of SQH'S mood and what he is thinking at that moment.
So if his inner monologue is about how they should respect him because he wrote the world then looking at his eye would make you experience 3 or 4. If he is angry and cursing at the person then 4. If he feels threatened or scared of his life then 2. If he is thinking about the original plot and how different the character he is interacting with is now then 1.
So now no one wants to hold eye contact with SQH now. Except MBJ.
MBJ gets to experience the first 3 once and then he only gets to experience number 4. Because once MBJ knows how SQH feels about him, that he wants to follow him for the rest of his life, that he is afraid of him but still considers him his only friend, that he is God's ideal man and SQH'S favorite person from both lifes, that SQH loves him and would do anything for him that he is obsessed with him and basically only sees him as a person and not just a character then MBJ finally gets his shit together and confesses his feelings/apologizes/kisses him/whatever problem resolution you can think of. And from then on everytime MBJ looks at SQH he only feels love.
Everyone else though is fucking scared of SQH.
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Broken System
I love it when the System breaks and gets shut down permanently, but what if it left its marks on its main user? Shang Qinghua won't be able to get out of explaining this even if he really, really wanted to.
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
Or even better. SQH never sees the world he lives in as real, but he starts loving it and enjoying living in it. He is now living the dream, he has a romantic relationship with his favorite character, so what if it's not real? He finally has it better than he did in the real world.
I saw it pointed out a little bit ago just how unfazed SQH is by all the casualties at the immortal alliance conference. and i never really thought about it before but now sometimes i just… yeah
it’s almost astonishing how much more morally grey he is than SQQ. Genuinely too focused on saving his own skin (and also following his hot fav character) to even… care about the countless teenagers who died, basically by his hand.
but it also makes sense… if this world feels fake and surreal to SQQ, who merely read about it, it probably feels a thousand times more fake to the man who created it—even if he has spent a lot more time living in it.
i just love the idea of SQH, as he slowly decides that maybe he likes living in this world—maybe it is real, slowly coming to terms with everything he’s done. but i also LOVE a grey character with no moral backbone 😩
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
Oh, I didn't mean from Cucumber 😅 I meant a dig from the author. But that's more of a Doylist take. And since I don't know what word was described in the original text it doesn't really matter 😂 not that it doesn't make it kind of funny that later SQH turns to be a sleazy because we find out he is the author of PIDW
I've been seeing a lot of Shang Qinghua is ugly lately - usually not meant negatively - and while I'm sure some people are doing it because they want him to be rep for them, a lot of people seem to be doing it because they've absorbed Cucumber's distain for the hack author and are equating moral purity/liking a character to whether or not they're good looking.
So I just want to remind everyone that one of the first things we learn about Shang Qinghua - right up there with his name and the fact that he exists - is that he's handsome but has an aura of sleaziness.
Or, to put it in terms some of you might have an easier time with: if the peak lords of CQMS were a boy band, Shang Qinghua would be that one member who looks plain by comparison until you put him with normal people and go "oh, wait, that's still a popstar".
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
Are the demons ABO and humans ABO biologically different or is it just a social difference? Because I once read a fic where Omegas "heats" were not actually about sex but they just became very aggressive and territorial. I think making the difference somewhat biological would add to the cultural differences. Like, yes Omegas are the "carriers" but maybe Omega Demon's are different from human ones in that they are stronger or maybe Alpha Demon's are weaker than human's in that they have less control of their reactions. Maybe Omega Demon's use scents to manipulate Alpha Demon's so a strong AD is one that can resist/keep his head (and that's why Beta's are valuable) despite Omega's using scents. And I don't mean for sex, just like in general. Using scents for intimidation or to make someone docile or susceptible. Whereas Alpha human's are physically stronger than OH and the one's that use their scents to manipulate, etc. And to make it fucked up, in the case of human's maybe it's more about sex. So human Alpha's do use that to take advantage of Omegas.
This would also make that LBH has "the best of both worlds" and make him even more fucked up in PIDW.
And in the case of Moshang it would contribute to the cultural differences. Not only is Airplane from the modern world that has no ABO dynamics, but the society he has lived in this life has a different dynamic to Demon society. So he is basically immune to Demon Omegas, which once Mobei realizes this, he is baffled about why SQH swore loyalty to him. To make it more Hilarious maybe Airplane forgot that Demon's have atypical ABO dynamics so he thinks that Mobei is either an Alpha or a Beta.
The problem with SVSSS Omegaverse AUs is if I want to keep it close to canon I have to ignore the fact that in any Omegaverse version Tianlang-jun was definitely the one to birth Binghe
Because I can't imagine an Omegaverse SVSSS where Su Xiyan isn't an Alpha who knocked up Tianlang-jun
Tbh if I was to write Omegaverse SVSSS Demon Omegas would be top of the food chain in the demon realm and omega/omega relationships are common amoungst top demons. Betas are second rank as they are useful for not losing their heads. Alpha's can be very powerful and respected especially when paired with a powerful omega, but most alphas are an oppressed minority and kept as pets by omegas.
Whereas it's more typical a/b/o dynamics in the human realm
And because of Airplane's bullshit Binghe is a human Alpha AND a demon Omega
Shen Qingqiu is an omega because of Shen Jiu angst but a byproduct of Without a Cure is it is basically a suppressant and Shen Yuan spends most of his time as Shen Qingqiu as basically a beta which helps him miss cues
Everyone thinks Shang Qinghua is a beta or they know he's an alpha but forget it because he acts more like a Beta. The only one who is always hyper aware he's an Alpha at all times is Mobei
Mobei and Sha Hualing are obviously omegas
Liu Qingge is a beta. This surprises most people but I argue that's why he's socially clueless
Yue Qingyuan is presented as an alpha because his Shizun wanted him to be but he actually is/was an omega though no one knows. Lots of potential for angst
My Qingfang is a beta
Qi Qingqi Alpha
Ning Yingying - Omega
Ming Fan - Alpha
Liu Mingyan - Alpha (people on the forums speculated that this is why she didn't get any sex scenes with Binghe but also forbidden romance was appealing)
Zhuzhi-lang....Alpha I think. Lends to how he lower rank in Demon society and has low self esteem
Linguang-Jun is a beta. The fact his nephew is an Omega and therefore more respected adds to his hatred
Which is all interesting but if it was Tianlang-jun pregnant Binghe would be raised in the demon realm by both his parents because Su Xiyan would burn down Huan Hua Palace to get to her pregnant Omega
Which means any AU I write is going to be far from main canon
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
While I don't know the word used to describe his aura in the original text (or the exact definition of said word) the definition of sleaziness is both:
the fact of being dirty, unpleasant and not socially acceptable, especially because sex is involved
Although I don't think this is definition that SY meant it could be a little dig from the narration at the fact that this is Airplane who wrote hundreds of words of porn.
​the fact of being immoral or unpleasant in character
SY knows that SQH is a traitor and doesn't seem to have a good opinion of SQH'S character so it could be that while recognizing that he is attractive his knowledge makes SQH less attractive to him. He already has a negative opinion of SQH so he is basically dragging his feet about admitting that SQH is attractive.
I've been seeing a lot of Shang Qinghua is ugly lately - usually not meant negatively - and while I'm sure some people are doing it because they want him to be rep for them, a lot of people seem to be doing it because they've absorbed Cucumber's distain for the hack author and are equating moral purity/liking a character to whether or not they're good looking.
So I just want to remind everyone that one of the first things we learn about Shang Qinghua - right up there with his name and the fact that he exists - is that he's handsome but has an aura of sleaziness.
Or, to put it in terms some of you might have an easier time with: if the peak lords of CQMS were a boy band, Shang Qinghua would be that one member who looks plain by comparison until you put him with normal people and go "oh, wait, that's still a popstar".
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al3zthecat-blog · 4 months
The height difference between MBJ and SQH is also not a lot, only 13cm , you don't have to crane your head that much with that difference 🙃
I need everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, to know that Bingqiu have the same height (1 inch really doesn't make any visual difference) and the same twunk body type.
Aesthetically you can go bonkers with your choices but don't push heteronormative art conventions onto my weirdo4weirdo gays please.
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