#I know that’s not the best terminology but I am feeling spicy and trying to type fast
yolkcheeks · 9 months
So here’s a take which I think is downright tepid yet still am deliberately putting here instead of FB on account of boomer relatives likely making themselves annoying!
If anyone actually believed that it is a few bad apples and cops as a whole are mostly good family men invested in protecting all citizens in the area they serve out of a sense of civic duty- you know, your basic copaganda fairytale- all you have to do is look at what the police themselves do to see it ain’t so.
like, ok, we know by now that Uncle Politics Guy and Karenus Bluelinea ignore any statistics which don’t suit them and will whip out special pleading every time there’s another incident where a cop brutalizes or murders someone unless there’s a oner showing the whole thing, in which case there’s one of the bad apples.
So in their view of the world, most cops are good guys with guns and a few totally different people slip through. They also can see that a huge swath of the population does not trust cops and judges the incidents they say are fine a lot more harshly. We know they know this due to the way such folks will bring up how hard it must be for heroic innocent good guy cops to be subject to such vitriol. So, to recap, cops are mostly good, and there’s a loud and growing public sentiment they are not, damaging their PR and morale.
What would be the logical response for the cops in such a scenario? Probably to take steps towards:
Removing the Bad Cops, not just when they do something egregious and the public outcry is so loud they are forced to act, but as a preventative measure because they are Good Cops who Want to Protect People Actually- it would really hurt morale even more to keep one of the guys ruining it for everyone else around!
Retraining the Kinda Bad Cops; to the degree that there might be some Bad Apples who Totally Still Deserve a Chance, it would also be in the interest of a culture predominantly populated by civic minded people to make sure all their members are upholding the law, not just because it is their job, but because they’re Good Cops who Care.
Of course sharing PR which directly addresses the people who are upset; whether the perceptions are reasonable and realistic or awful mean liberal bullying of the poor innocent cops, the public clearly no longer trusts the police. That’s a big issue for how police are supposed to function, so you would expect to see campaigns that directly address that loss of trust. Probably something that tells the public about the strides above, maybe even cite some sort of external oversight or study that shows their particular department is so full of very good cops who never get violent with the citizens they are sworn to protect.
But, I know this is not a shock to anyone who follows me, that is not what we seen happening with police departments across the US (in the specific only because I can’t speak to other countries’ cops). What do we see?
Cops who have been a repeated and expensive problem for their department get promotions and often their pattern of misconduct only comes to light when they finally are caught murdering or brutalizing someone and gain national attention.
Cops who have done things which would get them fired from any other job, who are not disciplined at all or who are put on desk duty until attention dies down.
Cops who show a clear disregard for human life, from laughing at the “low value” of a young woman brutally killed by an on-duty officer, to writing up reports in which a victim they judge as undesirable (usually sex workers, PoC, unhoused people, and other demographics who are overall subject to discrimination) as having “no human involved”
Cops making fun of, blowing off, and showing extreme resistance to any professional development which challenges bias or otherwise overlaps with DEAI training.
Cops who do try to bring attention to injustice within their department being stymied, intimidated, and (special shout-out to the NYPD) subject to involuntary commitment to shut them up which is subsequently memorialized as a full color enamel challenge coin showing a rat in a straight jacket. Oh and can’t forget the more recent incident where they beat one of their own to death “accidentally” during a “training exercises” like an extra fucked up sparagmos.
Cops who are high ranking within their hierarchy demonstrating the expectations of police culture by not just ignoring but engaging in all of the above.
Of course neither list is exhaustive, just taking a bird’s eye view of what you would expect from an organization which aims to protect and to serve, and what we actually see happening. These actions point to an organization that not only is refusing the judgement of a large fraction of the populace which the fairy tale claims they serve- and that they serve everyone is definitely part of Uncle Politics Guy’s perspective because folks who pity the poor wittle cops love to crow that the libs will be crying for police back if we actually defund/demolish/even slightly discipline the cops. “Who will you call when [racism, usually]?” they ask, implying that in their view, the good guys with guns cops would currently be useful to protect even you, callow cad that you are, from the very scary evil criminals.
These actions point to an organization which not only refuses that judgement, even if they are super sincerely sure it’s not accurate or merited, but rather than demonstrating a commitment to being the good guys with guns, they refuse to engage in anything which would prevent, counter, or clean up after their messes. Remember that reporter who lost her eye while covering a protest? Remember the cop spraying the seated college kids directly in the face with chemical “disincentives”? Rough rides ring a bell?
They get more violent when someone tries to hold them accountable or points out their actions. They insist on special treatment and the law can’t touch them. They use violence on and off the job as a first response to fear, anger, mild annoyance, and will swear up and down they “feared for their life” even when footage comes out showing that no rational person would believe they were in danger, never mind someone who is supposed to be trained in deescalation and non-lethal force.
Cops do not act like an organization of do-gooders with a few fellas who just were too jumpy for the job and made a mistake they feel just awful about. Cops act like an organization which knows it has power and feels entitled to wield it against anyone who opposes them, from protesters to their own men when they try to speak up. Cops behave consistently like they believe they are above the laws which they supposedly enforce despite not knowing them.
You know, when there’s one bad apple in actual apples, it spoils the whole barrel, and farmers don’t fuck around with letting their whole harvest turn. Not the first by far to point that out, but it merits saying. Cops don’t even turn the barrel over to salvage the good ones and the barrel itself is shot through with fungus. You can ignore everything other than what happens to be audio or video recorded and what police themselves say and it still paints the same picture.
#yolkcheeks talks#caution: a take#ACAB#didn’t realize this was gonna be so long I just had a stray thought on my way to PT#I know the back the blue fuckers wouldn’t even do that#because they don’t really believe that#even if they assume the lib media is exaggerating to the greatest degree possible they do know what the score is#they just agree NHI#I was just thinking about how batshit insane it is when you think about the reality which bootlicker greatest hits suggest#I know that’s not the best terminology but I am feeling spicy and trying to type fast#like I just tried to imagine the frutiger aero desktop wallpaper of that world#one glossy stock image of Copmerica#and it falls apart if you look at it for more than a second#they see horrific things happening at the hands of the people who#again supposedly in their view#are the good guys who you can rely on when there is trouble#and are just fine with it#that’s fine#it doesn’t count for some reason#they’re still my precious boys#and they shouldn’t cave to those wild and dangerous libs insisting on#looks at notes#stop killing us#get remedial Good Boy lessons Aka days when you sit around and drink coffee#while a nice consultant with a glasses chain explains how to save the department money by calming the fuck down#but they do spend thousands of dollars on speakers who froth them up to see anyone suspicious as a monsterous wolf#in the US in any interaction with a cop you have to remain aware that#whatever SVU told you#they have been trained to be jumpy and treat any situation in which they feel the slightest bit threatened as mortal peril#fuck cops :)
3 notes · View notes
sapphire-writes · 9 months
Bandaids & Butterflies (modern hospital AU)
Do No Harm part 2 || masterlist || next part
pairing: doctor!Aemond Targaryen x doctor!Reader
summary: Your week continues at Citedal General. You try to figure out what ails Cece Lannister while tensions rise between you and Aemond.
word count: 4.1k
disclaimer: yall, I am not a doctor, I am simply a Grey's Anatomy stan. If something is off or incorrect please just suspend your disbelief! I am trying my best to make it as accurate as possible but its just for fun!!
warnings below the cut!
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warnings: medical terminology, medications, CT scan, blood, infectious diseases referencing spicy times but nothing explicit in this chapter
dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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“What happened to you?” little Cece Lannister says when you walk into her room the following day, “You look terrible.”
There’s something about kids; like they’ve been force-fed truth serum and have to say the first thought that comes to their mind. You cock your head to the side, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. 
“Cerelle,” her mother hisses, cheeks red at her daughter’s brutal honesty. 
“What?” Cece says, eyebrows creasing together, “She does.”
“It’s okay, really,” you tell Mrs. Lannister, as she scolds her daughter again, “Maybe I should get a bed next to you.”
Cece shakes her head, golden curls vibrating as she does. Her hospital gown hangs too big, drooping off her thin shoulders. You wonder if she’s been eating much more than the ice cream they serve after dinner. 
“No roommates, please. I like my alone time; I get to choose whatever station I want,” she says smiling, holding the remote control to the television on the wall. 
“How’re you feeling this morning Cece?” you ask, reaching for the chart that hangs at the foot of her bed. 
The nurses of Citadel General are on top of everything; without them, the hospital would not be able to function. You flip through her chart, eyes scanning her nighttime vitals. 
“Okay,” Cece says, tugging the ear of her stuffed lion.
“I see they increased her muscle relaxant,” you note, “Did you have a hard time sleeping?”
“She always does but I think the spasms are getting worse, especially at night,” Mrs. Lannister says, concerned in her voice. 
“Are you gonna have a scar?” Cece chimes in, pointing to her temple, mirroring where your stitches are.
“Probably not,” you tell her, giving Mrs. Lannister a small smile, “The doctors here are pretty good you know.”
Cece leans over in her bed, pulling out a small toy doctor kit. 
“I’m a good doctor too,” she says, rummaging through the bag, “Tyrion has had extensive surgical procedures.”
She points at her stuffed lion, and you suddenly notice the different array of bandages and band-aids covering the golden fur. 
“Oh has he?” you ask, as Cece pats the bed beside her. You move to sit on the edge of the bed, holding her chart across your lap.
“Yes,” Cece says, holding out an assortment of bandaids for you to choose from, “I’ll let you choose. I like pink the best.”
You smile, pointing at the pink bandaid with yellow paw prints decorating it. Cece smiles, approving your choice. She peels the backing before pressing the bandage over your stitches, gently pressing on the edges to make sure it sticks.
“There, much better,” she tells you.
“Thank you, Dr. Lannister,” you tell her, which causes her to smile.
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“There she is!” Jace calls as you arrive at the nurses' station. His face scrunches as he looks at your forehead, “Nice bandaid.”
“Thanks,” you say, touching the pink bandage, “Courtesy of Cece Lannister. You run that CT scan for her yesterday?”
“You mean after the ruckus you caused?” Jace asks, leaning against the nurses' station, “No, Baratheon put me in the pit. Which is probably where I will stay for the rest of my life.”
“Did anyone get a CT?” you ask, frowning at his theatrics. 
“Um after you left Cory was supposed to cover her labs and stuff,” Jace tells you, “I’d ask her she’ll know-”
“Know what,” Sara says, placing a handful of clipboards between you, “I’ve been on scut duty all morning. Does anyone know why Baratheon is in such a foul mood?”
“Fouler than usual?” Nettles says, stepping up beside you. 
“I’m not sure if I’m able to determine that,” Sara says, groaning, “But she definitely seems angry.���
“Excuse me! Excuse me!” Cory says, weaving through residents, holding two coffee cups above her head, “Seven hells, doesn’t anyone know how to walk in this place?”
“Apparently not,” Nettles comments, as Cory holds a coffee out to you. 
“For you. Figured you’d need the extra caffeine,” she says as you take the cup. Her smile turns down into a frown, “What is on your head?”
You roll your eyes. This is clearly going to be a whole-day occurrence. 
“Interns!” Dr. Baratheon’s voice calls out, and you all turn, straightening yourselves. 
Dr. Baratheon looks down at her clipboard, before bringing her steely blue eyes to look at the five of you. She sighs, flipping through her pages. 
“Martell, now that Dr. Y/L/N is back I want you to assist me on Lyonel Beesbury’s Whipple this afternoon; You can write that on the board,” she says, nodding to herself. 
Cory lets out a soft ‘yes’ before quickly rushing across the hallway. Nettles’ jaw tightens and you can tell she’s disappointed to have not been asked. 
“Waters I want you shadowing Dr. Targaryen today in pediatrics, Dr. Y/L/N you may join her,” Baratheon continues.
Your heart lurches.
“Dr. Baratheon, I’m supposed to get Cece Lannister that CT scan,” you tell her, as she raises a brow.
“That’s fine. After that bring it to Dr. Targaryen up on peds, she’ll be interested in seeing it,” Dr. Baratheon says, returning her gaze to her clipboard.
“She?” you ask the question leaving your mouth before you can stop it.
Dr. Baratheon sighs, placing her clipboard across her stomach. Her eyebrows lift toward her hairline, blue eyes fiery.
“Yes, she,” Dr. Baratheon quips, “Was there someone else you thought I was referring to?”
“No ma’am,” you say, shaking your head. 
“Good,” she says, eyes moving past you, “Snow, Velaryon, you’re in the pit.”
Sara and Jace audibly groan. Baratheon gives them a stern look which stops their complaining.
“No drama today,” she says sternly, “Understood?” 
You all murmur words of agreement, and Dr. Baratheon brings her eyes back to your face; they flicker up to your forehead. 
“Take that thing off,” she comments, shaking her head and walking down the hall.
“She’s right. You look silly,” Nettles tells you.
“I can’t take it off, it was a gift from a sick kid. You know how much bad luck that will bring me?” you tell her, walking down the hallway.
“Speaking of bad luck,” Nettles says, smiling, “When are you going to tell me about how you know Dr. Sexy?”
“Dr. Sexy?” you say through a laugh, “Not the greatest name.”
“Girl but he is sexy,” she says fanning herself, “Guy’s name should be McDreamy.”
“McDreamy, Dr. Sexy, it’s nothing,” you tell her, “We….we may have hooked up. Once! That’s it and it was before I knew he worked here.”
“You bad girl,” Nettles hisses, though she’s smiling; her eyes bright, “How was it? Does McDreamy live up to his name?”
“Literally the best sex of my life,” you tell her, “But we already decided it can’t happen again.”
“What?” she says, her smile dropping, “It’s not like he’s your boss, he’s a coworker! People fuck coworkers!”
“What happened to not shitting where you eat?” you tell her.
“Girl you already did, might as well see it through! Especially if he’s that good,” she says, leaning closer, “Just….how good, if I may be so bold.”
You wet your lips, trying to fight your smile.
“Five orgasms good,” you admit and Nettles squeals loudly, jaw dropping.
“That does it,” she says, “You’re getting Dr. Sexy back. Do it for me.”
“Don’t you need to get to peds?” you ask, “And see…Dr. Targaryen?”
“Yeah I noted your confusion around that,” she says with a sigh, “Dr. B was talking about Dr. Helaena Targaryen. You know, renowned pediatric surgeon? She does fabulous research on infectious diseases as well; she came and spoke once when I was in med school about…”
Your mind trails off as Nettles speaks, still focused on Aemond. You hadn’t seen him today and yet he was all you could think about. Since dropping you at home you hadn’t spoken, besides the text he sent you. The door couldn’t still be open. Could it?
“...especially in the southern climates like the Summer Isles, Sothoryos, and Naath..are you listening to me?” Nettles says, punching your shoulder slightly, “Right. Anyway, Sounds like you’re boning her brother.”
“Brother?” you ask, connecting the dots, “Shit. He did say he moved back here for family. But a family full of doctors?”
“You really don’t know anything, do you?” Nettles says, shaking her head, “Sorry. That sounded mean. But the Targaryens are like a huge deal in the medical world.”
“I mean, I’ve seen names on research,” you admit, “And maybe a Ted Talk or two but….I mean I didn’t even know his last name when we…I didn’t realize..”
“You’d come straight into the lion’s pit?” Nettles says with a chuckle, “It’s okay, girl. But I’m giving you some homework. Seriously, look them up. Learn a thing or two.”
“I can’t google Aemond,” you tell her, “It’s just…I don’t know that doesn’t feel right.”
“Understandable,” she says with a shrug, “I mean, Spark Notes version, they’re a huge name within the medical community. Big money, big name, big influence. So don’t go pissing any of them off.”
“Right,” you tell her, “Got it.”
“I’m heading to pediatrics,” Nettles says, pressing an elevator button, “See you soon?”
“Yeah,” you tell her, “Just have to get this CT and I’ll be there.”
“Cool. Later, klutz,” she teases as the doors open.
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Cerelle Lannister’s CT scan takes much longer than anticipated. The wait is long and the small girl trembles when being taken into the machine, legs flailing each and every way. Only when they’re strapped down is she somewhat still enough to enter the machine. 
“I feel like a mummy,” she says when the straps are secured, “Being put in a sarcophagus.” 
“That’s pretty spooky,” you tell her with a grin.
“I like to pretend when I’m scared,” she says softly.
You reach out and take her hand.
“No need to be scared of this. The machine is just really loud, that’s all. I’ll be just outside,” you assure her.
“Okay,” she says softly, squeezing your hand. 
She does great, staying as still as she can the entire time. You praise her through the microphone and wave as the nurses escort her back to her room, wheeling her in a small wheelchair. Her stuffed lion was safely on her lap. You’ve noticed she rarely lets go of the toy. 
You sit in the room outside, watching as the scan produces results. Forehead creased, you click through the images as someone knocks on the door. You turn, smiling at Jace leaning in the doorway.
“Hey there,” you greet, “Shouldn’t you be in the pit?”
“Had to sneak away for a second,” he says, “Those Cece’s scans?”
“Yeah,” you tell him, beckoning him forward, “See that inflammation there?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, leaning forward, hands on the back of your chair, “So what’s your thinking?”
“Something bacterial,” you tell him, “I mean, there’s no sign of tissue or nerve damage, her labs are stable despite her on-and-off fevers. But it's progressing significantly. She’s having trouble sleeping due to the spasms.”
“Have you ever heard of something that causes this?” Jace asks.
“No, at least not off the top of my head,” you admit, “I’m heading to peds. Maybe Dr. Targaryen will have a better idea. Nettles says she specializes in infectious diseases.”
“Oh…..yeah,” Jace says, straightening up and rubbing the back of his neck. You frown as he tenses, his friendly disposition vanishing.
“Just an idea,” you tell him, gathering your things.
You follow him out of the room. Jace seems uneasy, he rubs at his face, and the collar of his scrubs. 
“No it’s a good one,” he agrees, “I should get back to the pit---”
“Strong,” a voice calls, sending your heart racing. 
Aemond takes several strides toward the two of you, a smug smile on his face. Something in your gut tightens, the memory of your night together burning in the back of your mind. He wore a similar expression then, one full of confidence. Goosebumps erupt on your skin. You can hear his voice from that night, as he whispered in your ear while sheathed to the hilt inside of you. 
“Who’s my good girl, hmm?”
You blink, shaking your head, trying to physically expel the memory from your mind. Your cheeks heat up and you notice Jace has turned several shades darker as well, fists clenched at his side. 
“I thought you were assigned to the pit, Strong,” Aemond asks, cocking his head to the side, “I would hate to have to tell Baratheon you’re disobeying orders.”
Aemond’s sentence hits you like a slap in the face. He’s not as cool, calm, and collected right now as he was the last time you’d seen him. He’s bordering on being cruel. You glance at Jace. 
“It’s Velaryon,” Jace says, through his teeth.
“Come again?” Aemond asks, “Don’t mumble, Jacaerys, it’s unseemly.” 
“My name,” Jace says sternly, “Velaryon.”
Aemond’s mouth quirks into an amused grin. 
“My apologies,” he says smoothly, “You’ll have to forgive me, it’s easy to forget.”
“Sure,” Jace says, nose wrinkling.
“Give my best to your dad,” Aemond says, “Whichever one, you’re choice.”
Aemond turns to you, something flickering across his eyes. 
“Dr. Y/L/N,” he says with a curt nod, before walking away, hands tucked behind his back.
Jace exhales, striding over to the elevator. You follow close behind as his pager beeps.
“What the hell was that about?” you ask, stepping inside with him.
“Jace, that wasn’t nothing.”
“He was just messing with me,” Jace insists, not meeting your eyes.
“Why was Dr. Targaryen messing with you?”
“Because he’s a narcissistic pig!”
Your eyes widen and Jace sighs, shaking his head. 
“He’s….he’s my uncle okay,” Jace admits. Your eyes widen.
“Your uncle?”
“Yes, and my side of the family doesn’t really get along with his side,” Jace says, as the doors open to your floor.
“But why-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter,” Jace says, shaking his head, “I have to go. Sara just paged, some drunk deadbeat riling everyone up downstairs.”
You step outside the elevator but turn back to him.
“I want the full story, Velaryon. Not the Cliff Notes, the whole story,” you tell him. 
“Okay!” he reluctantly agrees, “Later.”
“Tonight, Dragon’s Den, tell Sara!” you call as the doors begin to close.
“So I can air my dirty laundry to everyone?!” 
“Exactly!” you call as the doors shut. 
Turning on your heel, you head down the hall to pediatrics. You can’t wait to share the details with Nettles as you push through the double doors and head to the nurses' station. 
“Excuse me,” you ask a nurse, “Have you seen Dr. Targareyn?”
“Which one?”
“Dr. Helaena Targaryen,” you clarify.
“She was just here, she’ll roll around in a moment.”
“I’m sorry…..roll?”
Just as the question leaves your lips, the sound of wheels against linoleum is heard from down the hall. A woman in light green scrubs and a white lab coat rolls on her heels down the hallway. Nettles jogs behind her as she turns, coming to a stop in front of you. 
Her silver hair is shaggy, but the resemblance to Aemond is uncanny. A large butterfly pin holds some out of her face and she smiles brightly as you greet her. 
“Been waiting for you,” she says, holding a hand out for you to place your scans in, “Aemond told me all about you.”
You nearly choke on your saliva and Nettles’ eyes go round.
“He--he did?” you squeak.
“Mhmm,” Helaena says, flicking through the scans, “Quite the first day you had.”
“Oh right,” you say, relief washing through you.
“Glad you’re okay,” Helaena says, glancing up at you, “Nice bandaid.”
“Thanks,” you tell her.
“Cece Lannister,” she muses, “What is going on with you.”
“I was hoping you’d have thoughts,” you ask.
“Has she traveled anywhere recently?” Dr. Taragreyn asks, frowning at the scans, “You’re thinking it’s some sort of infection, correct?”
“Yes,” you tell her, “And I’m not sure about her travel history.”
“Find out,” she tells you, “If you’re going to find out what this is, you need to find out what caused it and where.”
She hands you the scans, smiling once more.
“Nice to meet you,” she says with a smile, “Officially this time.”
Your cheeks heat up. She knows. She remembers. You vaguely remember Aemond speaking with his sister before leaving; you’d barely caught a glimpse of her. 
“Yeah,” you agree, smiling weakly. 
You hurry off after that, eager to get back to Cece Lannister’s room to inquire about her recent travels. Walking down the hall you enter one of the many elevators, waiting patiently as it stops on nearly every floor, doctors coming in and out. 
Then it's just you and someone else, you look out of the corner of your eye and recognize him. 
Dr. Cole smiles at you.
“How’re you feeling?” he asks.
“Better, thanks to my cool bandaid, not the stitches and rest,” you tell him, cracking a smile.
“So cool,” he says with a laugh, “I had a kid give me a bandaid covered in oranges the other day.”
“Tropical,” you comment as the doors open.
“Good to see under better circumstances,” Dr. Cole says, beginning to exit, “Ah Dr. Targaryen.”
Your blood runs cold as Aemond enters the elevator.
“Will I be seeing you this afternoon?” Dr. Cole asks, “I’ve got an aneurysm clipping if you’re interested.”
“Always, if you’ll have me,” Aemond says, and Dr. Cole nods as the doors close. 
You’re alone. With him. Alone with him. Your heart pounds frantically in your chest, anxiety making your senses heighten. The elevator suddenly feels very small, and closed in; the air not being pushed through the vents quick enough. Aemond stares straight ahead, not looking at you and not attempting to engage in polite conversation. Your stomach sours and you swallow. 
“Hey,” you say tentatively. 
You glance at Aemond out of the corner of your eye and watch him look down at his feet. You scoff softly, annoyed by his ignoring of you. The elevator hums and your anger pools quickly in your belly; flames licking upwards to your face. 
“So you’re ignoring me now?” you ask, getting no reply, “Really mature.”
Aemond continues looking at his shoes, hands folded behind his back. 
“We’re colleagues, the least you could do is make polite conversation,” you huff, pressing the elevator button once more.
You know it won’t make it arrive quicker, but you need something to do with your hands. 
“And that whole thing with Jace?” you say, pressing the button again and again, “I don’t know what your problem is, but clearly that was an asshole move--”
Your hand is yanked away from the button, long fingers wrapping around your wrist and suddenly his lips are on yours. The hand around your wrist falls and both his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
Your anger dissipates almost immediately, as you link your arms around his neck fisting the hair at the nape of his neck. The moan this causes him to release, sends your knees buckling, and he brings one hand to your ass, squeezing harshly. 
Spearmint and tea. He tastes so good, mouth so warm and soft moving against your own you can’t help but whimper as he cradles your jaw with his free hand. Desire pools in your belly, and a desperate gasp leaves your lips.
Aemond drags his lips to kiss your jaw, and your neck as his opposite hand cradles the side of your face, his thumb stroking your cheekbone. You’re so needy, so responsive to his touch, you want him so desperately, and then---
The elevator dings and you push away from each other, breathing heavily as the doors open and more residents and attendings enter. You quickly get your bearings springing out of the elevator and onto your floor. 
“Y/N!” Aemond calls, walking after you. 
Your pager goes off just as he reaches you, and you squint down at it. 
“Code White Cerelle Lannister,” you tell him, going numb with shock, “I just saw her-”
“Go,” Aemond says, before turning to a nurse, “That’s a medical emergency, page Dr. Helaena Targaryen!”
You hurry down the hallway, breaking out into a run as you enter Cerelle’s room. Dr. Baratheon is there already, Mrs. Lannister sobbing holding onto Cece’s stuffed lion. Cece’s sheets are soaked with sweat as she thrashes. 
Not sweat.
It’s as if Cece is sweating blood. 
“Hematidrosis,” Dr. Baratheon says, readying a syringe, “Push one of epi.”
“Cece it’s gonna be okay,” you tell her, as Dr. Baratheon hands you the syringe. 
Cerelle’s eyes are wide, tears streaming down her face leaving clear rivers through his red-tinged cheeks. 
You give her the epinephrine. Slowly but surely her sweating ceases, and her forehead begins to dry. Her legs spasm, stronger than before. She’s getting worse. 
“Mrs. Lannister,” Dr. Baratheon says, trying to console the weeping woman, “Mrs. Lannister it’s alright. While Hematidrosis is quite disturbing, it’s not serious.”
“Not serious?!” Mrs. Lannister says in a shrill voice, eyes wide, “My daughter is sweating blood, and you’re telling me it’s not serious?”
“Paged,” Dr. Targareyn says entering the room, “Dr. Baratheon.”
“Mrs. Lannister, this is Dr. Helaena Targaryen, one of our pediatric surgeons and infectiology specialists.”
“Infecto..what?” Mrs. Lannister says as Helaena moves around Cece’s bed. 
Cece’s eyes are panicked and she holds onto your wrist with a vice-like grip.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” you tell her, “Dr. Targaryen is just checking on you.”
Helaena brings out a penlight, instructing Cece to follow it with her eyes.
“Mrs. Lannister, have you traveled anywhere recently?” she asks, continuing her assessment. 
“Um,” Mrs. Lannister struggles to find words, placing a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes, “Yes. We got back a couple of weeks ago.”
“Naath. It was Cece’s idea, she’d been reading about the flora and fauna, she’s such a bright kid she loves all that stuff,” Mrs. Lannister says through tears.
Helaena smiles at Cece.
“I like that stuff too,” she tells the young girl, “Cece, what did you see on your trip? Any cool plants, bugs, animals?”
“L-lots,” Cece answers shakily, still holding on to you tightly.
“Tell me about them.”
“Um well…they’re famous for their butterflies,” Cece tells her, “They’re huge.”
“They are,” Helaena confirms, “I’ve never seen them in person, but I’d like to. Did you touch any butterflies?”
“Yes, but I washed my hands! Right after!”
“What color was the butterfly you touched?”
“There were so many--”
“Try and remember, the ones you know you touched.”
“Blue…..green…..one that was black and white,” she says teary-eyed, “Did the butterfly hurt me?”
“It didn’t mean to,” Helaena says softly, “They don’t know any better.”
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“Butterfly fever. It’s a bacterial infection spread in Naath,” Helaena says to you and Dr. Baratheon outside Cece’s room, “She’ll need a routine of antibiotics, I can consult with my team on a proper regime.”
She turns to you.
“Good work,” she praises, “Butterfly fever can get pretty nasty. Skin sloughing off, and so forth.”
“She’s right, Y/L/N,” Dr. Baratheon praises, “Good work.”
“Thanks,” you tell her. 
After establishing Cece’s antibiotic treatment and giving it to the nurses' station, you make your way to the intern locker room. You quickly change out of your scrubs, eager to be back in normal clothes. Closing your locker, you check your phone. Jace, Sara, Cory, and Nettles have texted saying they’re waiting down in the lobby.
You leave the locker room, putting your phone in your pocket when you see him. Leaning against the door Aemond’s head turns as you walk out.
“Hey,” he says, straightening up. He’s still in scrubs, clearly, his shift isn’t over.
He’s quiet for a moment, wetting his lips as he tries to find the words he wants to say.
“Look about earlier--”
“Aemond,” you cut him off, “We can either do this or not. You’re either in or out, but you have to make a decision.”
Aemond is silent, blue and violet eyes watching you. 
“What do you want?” he asks quietly.
“I just want you,” you answer honestly, “What do you want?”
“I….” Aemond struggles to speak, biting the tip of his tongue.
It’s not an outright rejection, but it still hurts like one. You sigh, looking down at your shoes. 
“I can’t decide for you,” you tell him, beginning to walk by, “That’s up to you.”
He doesn’t stop you as you continue to walk by, doesn’t reach out and pull you toward him. He lets you go. You find your friends in the lobby, force a smile on your face as you travel to the Dragon’s Den, and eagerly accept the tequila shots Cory buys you. There’s no text this time. 
Perhaps he made his choice. 
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note: hope you liked it!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
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yesmissnyx · 8 months
just something to note from your last poll… personally as a binary trans person i find it uncomfortable to be grouped with nonbinary people as opposed to cis people. because to me as a binary trans man i am a man the same way a cis man is, but not necessarily in the same way a nb man is. idk how others feel about it but to me it just feels othering, saying that we’re any different gender-wise. it would probably just be safer to have two more options, just an fyi :) also not meant to be any hate towards the nb options!! sorry if this is worded weird lol its late
Okay so. As a disclaimer, this might come off as condescending or snappish, but as a queer (vagueness intentional) in my 30s who's seen all kinds of identity discourse rise and fall since the 00s...I have a lot of feelings about orthodox terminology.
So. Forgive me if I'm being needlessly spicy.
It's going behind a cut, since this isn't the kind of energy I want on this blog, and I'm likely going to delete this later because I don't need T//er/fs and Tr//usc//um crawling around here if they find it 😤
This might be controversial, but I meant the slash as an and/or.
Because for me, and a lot of others, transness (and nonbinariness) IS inextricable from our binary gender experience.
I've known (and know) multiple people who identify as trans, nonbinary, AND male/female. (Myself included, depending on the day, weather, how the stars are aligning, etc. FYI.)
And...I think it's important to remember that something like a simple, quick-and-dirty poll like the one I ran...just plain isn't going to encompass the tapestry of how everyone experiences gender. And like? I think that's fine.
Expecting everyone (trans or cis or otherwise) to always express Gender Stuff in a way that fits OUR personal needs is, IMO, unproductive at best. And invalidating/hurtful at worst.
Not to mention, it's impossible. I'm not saying we can't try to be nice and accommodating toward others, but there is no simple set of rules that everyone has agreed on.
We can make requests and enforce our own boundaries, but the uncomfortable fact is that we all have our own needs, and those needs often compete.
Something that causes euphoria in one person is going to cause dysphoria in another. We all experience our transness differently, especially including the words we use to describe our experiences.
I certainly don't think the added "trans" in front of man/woman makes someone less of a man/woman. The same way I don't think lumping oneself in with nonbinary men/women does either.
Like...if you ID as a man/woman, you're a man/woman. If you ID as trans...you're trans. I separated out an individual NB option specifically because it excludes the male/female aspect, rather than includes it. (And that's not to say it even includes all the myriad nonbinary options out there, as well as people who don't use NB as an umbrella, etc.)
It's complicated. Intersectionality is complicated. Far more complicated than I'm qualified to get into, save for citing my own experiences and the experiences that have been shared with it.
Aaaand, that's all I'm going to say! Because this is something I can get really heated about, and I'm not about to go off in my happy feel-good horny time space any more than I already have!
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*deep inhale* 5, 7, 8, 11 (I know you have many things so maybe one of your favorites or one you're fixated on right now!), 16, 17, 19, 20, 22 (I think I know the answer to this), 23, 24 (I also know some of the answer to this), 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30: least favorite Animal Crossing villager and least favorite Pokemon!
YAY lots of questions!!! This will prolly post a while after the other ask you sent me cause it’s gonna take a bit XD
5. favorite form of potato?
I have never been the biggest potato person, I thought I hated them as a kid but I have realized in the last years I do like potatoes just not a ton. Anyways I enjoy baked chips, crispy shoestring fries (If fries ain’t crispy I don’t want them), my partner makes yummy homemade fries too >w< but my fave is prolly sweet potato, including sweet potato fries and also sweet potatoes baked with brown sugar, that shit is heavenly -w-
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
ALL OF THEM!! I adore water dwelling creatures so much and have always had a special interest in marine biology! But I, especially at our zoo, love seeing the penguins (they’re so interactive and love to play with you by the glass) n also sharks n stuff, but yeah I love them all <3
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
I always change into pajamas right away if we have no other plans to go out! Lounging around in normal clothes feels uncomfortable to me, pajamas feel so free and safe -w-
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
Lots of things as you said!! x3 I’m a very nostalgic person!! My fave plushie I own is a bunny named Mocha and I also have lots of games I’ve owned since I was a kid and a childhood ps2 I cherish, the old copy of KH1 I have for it, I dunno I have so much XD I also have a collection of pony figures from mlp g4 that I love, and I still have and wear this shirt I got in hot topic when I was 12 ⬇️
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16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
Hate it! Ew! Disgusting! I’m sorry for me personally it’s the equivalent of eating toothpaste on chocolate and I’m just not into it x3
17. an anxious compulsion you do everyday?
I feel I bite my nails, also I anxiously stretch x3
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
I fucking hate beans like maybe all types of them, I dunno. It’s a sensory thing I hate the bean skins or whatever it is -w-‘ I also don’t like celery it’s boring and gets stuck in my teeth which is another sensory thing XD
20. favorite disney princess movie?
Beauty and the Beast!!! I also love Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and Mulan for many reasons hehe. I love Disney history, art and such so the older movies are my cup of tea x3
22. do you have an emotional support water bottle?
I do!! You know this hehe but it’s an animal crossing one with Mabel, Sabel and Label all over it :3 water bottles I tend to get attached to and this one my mom gave me after my other one broke earlier this year. I try my best to take care of my bottle cause they’re important to me 💖
23. do you wear jewelry?
Not really a lot, I do occasionally wear this sunflower bracelet that matches with Luma’s 🌻 and I have a necklace also from them that is a rose one and I love both of those! Otherwise I don’t really wear jewelry!
24. which do you find yourself using, american or british english?
It depends XD I mostly use USA English cause I am from the usa, but on the other hand I type lots of words with spelling that is not typical usa spelling such as colour and defence. Some terminology I use out loud too but not a lot :3
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
Preeeetty low XD I think higher than others who have like NO spice tolerance but I can mostly handle some spice in like, sushi, spicy mayo, that kind of thing? But I can’t really handle a lot of it or very slowly cause not only do I get sick from spicy food but my mouth burns so fast -w-‘
27. what’s your favorite or go-to outfit?
I’m not sure if I have one! :0 going vague tho I like wearing loose t-shirts with my interests on it especially like games or whatever, I love baggy pants but I mostly only have pajama baggy pants. I guess anything comfy and casual is my go to :3
28. last meal on earth?
Gimme an all you can eat sushi platter with my favourite rolls covered in eel sauce and spicy mayo and I’ll be happy :3
29. preferred pasta noodle?
Hmm I love tortellini and ravioli a ton :3c for non filled pastas I love shells, mini shells, rotini (especially garden rotini), gnocchi, and angel hair!
30. Least favourite animal crossing villager and least favourite Pokemon!
AC villager easy!! I hate Barold and Yuka. Barold cause he’s ugly and his design just feels racist and I hate that :/ for Yuka it’s cause of personal reasons, she’s a bitch in my ACPG town and I can’t stand her XD
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Least fave Pokémon.. it’s hard I don’t like saying I hate any Pokémon but I like really don’t like these Pokémon..
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Author Spotlight: Pandorable
I wanna start a series that I’ll add to over time, and it’s being inspired by my dear friend Pandorable. She is an incredible voice, the kind of author that has the perfect balance of sexy, sweet, and sentimental. If you’re the kind of reader who enjoys strong characterizations, beautiful use of metaphor and phrasing, witty dialogue rife with dry humor, and sweet fluff that warms your heart as it bookends the kind of smut that burns your tongue because it’s so spicy, then Pandorable is for you!
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Who do they write for?
How’d you get to know the author?
We actually met through her perfect snapshots on Twitter (PeachyIcedTae). That name, plus the fact that her name on there is Parched Jimin, should hint to you how hilarious she is! I’m so glad we started chatting, because given her caliber of writing, I’ve just learned so much, and have had such a blast getting to share and create with her! 
What do you like about their work?
SO MANY THINGS. I’ll try and pick a couple that have really captured my heart, but seriously, this author is someone who will have you admiring them from the first sentence!
Her stories are always captivating and interesting, with some fun premise and strong and intriguing characterization at the heart of every single one. I love her phrasing and use of metaphor. If you can read music or are familiar with musical terminology, her writing always feels like the best legato ballad, notes connected so smoothly, never too harsh. She finds really creative and wonderful ways to describe things, from the way the outside world looks in a hasty cab ride, to the way that that the street food vendors’ dishes float up to your apartment. Always so beautiful, smooth, and vivid. Put that all together, and you get the Pandorable haze. Because of her high-caliber writing, her smooth style, and the heat from her naughtier scenes, I liken my experience as a reader to lying in a motel room after a romp with a lover, the heat sweltering, one fan pointlessly circling overhead. Her work is always immersive, poignant, and memorable.
What should I check out?
The Roommate Series, starting with The Roommate: Namjoon. This is the work that launched me into the next phase of my writing, truly. Put it to you this way -- she single-handedly moved Namjoon into bias-wrecker territory for me with this one. She also has The Roommate: Jungkook, which is just as devastating and fulfilling as TRN, and more members coming soon!
The College Years Series, which I’m still getting to know, but of which I am immediately a huge fan based on Just Say Yes! Shippers will be extra satisfied here (check the tags)!
The Stumble Upon Series, which has so many great works that I’m still absorbing! Cinematic is an absolute FAVE (who wouldn’t love Yoongi and a motorcycle?!), and The Fare is a really steamy one that is quickly making Taehyung a bias-wrecker for me as well. Pandorable is slowly making me OT7, y’all.
The Temp, a story about how you became the groups’ assistant, and ended up being so much more. Be sure to follow up with the ongoing My Heart is an Ocean, which extends the story, and contains prime examples of some of that beautiful phrasing that I mentioned!
Be sure to check content/trigger warnings before you read!
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GO CHECK OUT PANDORABLE! She’s an incredible writer, and an amazing, amazing friend. Have fun, and tell me what you think! And I’ll keep this series going and keep posting in appreciation of the writers who have impacted me!
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
SBGS ch 6
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ao3 
2:00AM | CoffeeVamp: marinette dupain cheng could step on me and i would thank her
CoffeeVamp: did you all see how bad ass that girl was
CoffeeVamp: she was just like demon spawn is robin? Well fuck you for being in paris
CoffeeVamp: and her file oml this girl does so much for paris and he classmates treat her like CRAP
Daddy: How do you know her Damian? Clearly you guys have met before. Can you really trust her with your identity?
Jesus: this girl has been keeping her own secret identitieS under wraps for years I doubt she’ll rat 
CoffeeVamp: all i ever wanted was for MDC to design smth for me but u ruined ALL my chances demon spawn !!!!
2:15 AM | TheOG: I think we can trust her
TheOG: Don’t think she trusts us tho
CoffeeVamp: yea what was with the zip ties 
CoffeeVamp: do you have smth to tell us ;))) 
CoffeeVamp: have u been getting spicy in paris ;))) 
CoffeeVamp: remember to use protection we don’t need any mini yous around
LadyLady: she’s good. I can see why Ladybug trusts her
DemonSpawn: She’s a friend I met in Paris. She can keep a secret.
2:20 AM | DemonSpawn: I regret not trusting her. 
CoffeeVamp: i cant believe that u thought someone who was nice enough to spend time wu willingly could be a supervillain
Jesus: that’s pretty fucked up man
Jesus: Surprised she didn’t rail on you more for that. I would’ve given you a beat down
LadyLady: u need a game plan to get her on your side. She doesn’t have a good reason to trust u anymore and id like it if we were on good terms with the one person that can contact lb
The OG: ^^ babs is always right
TheOG: you only have two weeks
DemonSpawn: How do I get on her good side?
Jesus: you better hope and pray because girls like that do not forgive easy
TheOG: try being her friend again
Jesus: like she wants to be his friend anymore
LadyLady: Apologize to her.
Jason is right.
It’s clear that Marinette does not want to be involved with him any longer. Marinette comes in right as the bell rings, then faces firmly ahead and doesn’t spare him a single glance. Notes that he slips to her are ignored. She doesn’t check her phone for his texts except for once, when she texts him: anything related to last night will be discussed out of school.
Instead of going home for lunch, she willingly sits with Lila, just so she can avoid him cornering her in the bakery. Damian watches them from a distance, but he’s close enough to hear most of the conversations. Most of their other classmates are taken in by some video on Alya’s. There’s a quick exclamation from the Ladyblogger, saying something about being able to meet some American celebrity, and she and the rest of the class run off to somewhere else, though not before inviting Lila and Adrien. They’re turned down, and Marinette continues to sit with the two of them.
“We’ve got a photo shoot together later today.” Adrien sounds tired. Like he’s giving up, almost. 
“Would you like to come, Marinette?” 
Damian can’t make out Marinette’s reply, but she must say yes, because Lila’s calculated facade slips away to reveal shock and interest. Lila entwines her fingers with Adrien’s, an act Adrien clearly isn’t expecting, as he flinches. 
Marinette levels a glance at Lila, who looks surprised at Adrien’s reaction, not that Damian can blame her; she practically hangs off Adrien every day, playing up their couple relationship for the media, and Adrien never reacts like this. He inches closer. Lila reaches out to touch Adrien on the shoulder, in a gesture of soothing, but Adrien flinches again, this time gaining a distant look in his eyes and starting to breath hard. Lila goes to kneel--it’s clear that Adrien is on the verge of a full blown panic attack-- but Marinette holds Lila by her arm and shakes her head, gesturing for her to wait off to the side. 
Adrien’s reactions are trademarks of an abuse victim. His reactions are rather dramatic in comparison to the clenched jaw and distant eyes that he normally sees in kids in Gotham, which leads Damian to the conclusion that this is either a more recent thing, or when he is abused, he emphasizes his weakness in attempt to get the attacker to stop. The question of who seems rather redundant; everyone knows that Adrien Agreste is the sheltered, sunshine boy who never stepped a foot out of his mansion before turning twelve. Though he models, his actions are still highly restricted. There’s not really much of a chance for Adrien’s abuser to be anyone other than the people within his immediate vicinity, so the suspects were his father, the personal assistant, his drive, or someone he works with.
He’ll have to keep this information in mind moving forward. Though Damian ordered extensive background checks on each and every student at Francois Dupont, he only read the profiles of the people in his class, and only keeps tabs on the people that are of interest.nIn Mlle. Bustier’s class, the only people who Damian is interested in are Marinette, for obvious reasons, Lila Rossi, for the sheer number of times she was akumatized during year two of Hawkmoth’s presence, Chloe Bourgeois, who may not be Francois Dupont student, let alone in France at the moment, but has a parent who currently sits at the top of his family’s Hawkmoth suspect list and has gotten countless people akumatized, and Adrien Agreste, the only person other than Marinette who hasn’t been akumatized in the akuma class. If Adrien really is being abused-- and he doesn’t really see any reason for Adrien to fake the symptoms, given that there’s really nothing for him to gain out of this situation-- that knocks him up a space on the list of Hawkmoth suspects. Victims of abuse, especially in a high profile situation, are often likely to either lash out or coop themselves up. Since he isn’t purposely excluding himself from activities, given that he converses with Marinette, Lila, and two other classmates named Nino and Alya, it’s possible that he has adopted Hawkmoth as an alter ego to pursue revenge. 
All this, of course, is mere speculation. Before making any abrupt jumps in his logic, like he did with Marinette-- though he defends himself with the fact that his thoughts on her being Hawkmoth were mere speculation, and that it was merely coincidence or a case of extremely bad luck that Marinette… what, thought he was Hawkmoth as well and then passed the information onto Ladybug? Now that he thinks about it, the whole situation seems ridiculous, and he finds that Ladybug’s lack of tact when coming face to face with her supposed arch-nemesis doesn’t befit a hero of her caliber. She seemed oddly emotional about the whole thing, like his existence as Hawkmoth was a personal betrayal. But Ladybug and Damian never met before that. Why did Ladybug take Marinette’s personal vendetta upon herself? His head hurts.
Damian finds himself walking over to their table, where Marinette is speaking in soothing tones, careful not to touch Adrien at all. He calms down enough to start breathing regularly. Even though his eyes are still watery, he looks up at Marinette with a tentative smile. Marinette looks back at him with such pure, unadulterated love, that Damian blinks slowly to make sure he’s not seeing things. There aren’t many people who show emotions that don’t have some hidden barb underneath, or an undercurrent of a different emotion alongside it. 
Then, Marinette sends a calculating look at Damian, and a briefer one at Lila and Adrien. 
“Lila, can I talk to you in private for a moment?” Although Marinette’s tone keeps to a pleasant range, Damian finds it rather familiar. Like when Alfred pulls him or one of his brothers to the side to politely tell them what they’re doing wrong and how to remedy it. But there’s a bit of genuine ferocity in Marinette’s tone, and the Italian girl steps back. 
“Adrien, I’m going to leave you here with Damian just for a second, okay? I’ll be right back, and if you need me for anything, just call.” She gives Damian a look that says if you hurt this boy, I will end you and heads off with Lila. 
“Damian,” Adrien says. He’s trying to come off as calm and cheery. He misses the mark terribly. Somehow, Damian gets the feeling that the boy isn’t very good at bottling up his emotions, odd, considering that he’s grown up partially in the limelight. “I see you’re well acquainted with our everyday Ladybug. She really is amazing.”
There’s a touch of awe, and it makes Damian uncomfortable for no good reason. 
He’s not sure how to deal with people who look like they’re about to cry. Damian doesn’t have to deal with that. Dick’s in charge of any emotional clean up that’s necessary in the public; Alfred helps his family manage their emotions in the manor. He decides that going with the flow is the best option in this situation. An everyday Ladybug. What an interesting piece of terminology.
“She is.” Damian admits,  “We’re not currently on the best of terms.” 
Damian will be surprised if Marinette even manages to civilly work with him for the rest of the week. He wasn’t expecting their subsequent interactions after last night to be the same as they were prior to her finding out that he was Robin and thinking that she was Hawkmoth, but he thought she would just interact coolly with him. Not this silent treatment. She refuses to talk to him and only looks at him with some combination of disdain and ill intent. 
He can’t manage to give her the same treatment, both because he is on a mission and because he can’t fault her for thinking that he was Hawkmoth. The situation is really, rather comical, but he spent enough time ruminating on his actions the previous night to pick up on all of the red flags that made her come to that conclusion, and even is she was a hero for a short period of time, he can’t expect someone who is, by and large, a civilian to have the same investigative capabilities his family does. If anything, he is ashamed of himself for jumping to the conclusion that she was Hawkmoth, when instead, it turned out she is working for Ladybug. 
However, the Marinette he’s seen so far doesn’t seem the type to hold grudges, especially not when it comes to any pressing issue, and he finds that all of the decisions she makes are heavily logic-based and influenced by Sabine’s values, who is definitely an upright woman if he’s ever seen one. Marinette has too strong of a work ethic to actually ignore Damian when it comes down to it, but he has to wonder why she acted so blatantly hostile to him. Her character combined with her actions just don’t match up, which means there's another reason why she’s acting this way. 
While Damian excels at extracting raw data and testimonies from people due to brute force, and is decent enough at getting people to do what he desires, determining the source of a person’s frustration, what drives a person-- he needs more work with that. He’s much better at getting people mad. And Damian doesn’t think he’s seen Marinette mad at anyone except for Celia DeVries. She has nerves made of steel and patience carved from diamond.
“I hope you figure it out.” Adrien says with such sincerity that it’s frightening. He’s surprisingly pure-hearted for a model entrenched in a mega corporation like Gabriel. The entertainment industry, particularly the fashion side of business, is a very cut throat world. Adrien doesn’t seem like a person who’s been in the public eyes for years. “Please be a better friend to her than I am. I really wanted to do more for her, but my hands are... tied.”
Lila is subdued when she and Marinette return. Her eyes dart to Adrien, and she frowns and bites her bottom lip. Then she looks away and crosses her arms. 
“Let’s get back to class. I’m excited to go to the photoshoot after school! I haven’t spent any time with you in so long, Adrien.” Marinette doesn’t sound like she’s faking it. She sounds so genuinely happy, and Damian wonders if he can make her sound like that again. If he ever made her sound like that. 
Adrien looks at Marinette, then asks Damian, “Would you like to come too?”
The look that Adrien gives him tells him to say yes, even though he can feel the cold that radiates off Marinette. Damian agrees; it’s time to try Barbara’s suggestion and apologize, and since he doubts that he’ll get a word in edgewise when they’re working together at night, he has to try apologizing sooner.
The rest of the school day slips by in a blur. 
Then, the four of them are out on the streets, and Damian finds their combination unnerving, to say the least. He’s still on bad terms with Marinette, and Marinette has never been on the best terms with Lila. She’s going to this shoot solely for the opportunity to be with Adrien, and something about that unsettles Damian. Still, regardless of how Damian feels, the photographer on the set of Adrien and Lila’s shoot loves all four of them.
“Fantastico! Adrien’s friends are rare finds. It’s true about what they say; beautiful people, they associate with beautiful people.” The photographer flits around Damian and Marinette, getting uncomfortably close. Damian shoots him a glare, but the photographer simply takes it in stride.
“Yes, yes, the most beautiful eyes, so passionate. The perfect measurements, too! Lara,” he calls to one of his assistants, “Get them all to makeup. These four are who I’ve been waiting for to fulfil my vision of envy. Gabriel will have to wait on his magazine spread. I’ve been inspired!” The photographer circles the four of them, like a hunter and his prey. 
Out of nowhere, the photographer grasps Marinette’s chin, and despite the initial flinch she gives-- he’s not sure whether she was going to kick or punch him, but the sudden spitfire in her eyes said she was going to do something-- she settles into a locked jaw and curled fingers. Damian sees a slight jump from Adrien as well, which seems unusual; on the way over, he talked about how he worked with this photographer before and was very comfortable with him. He regaled them with funny stories of how he tended to reference spaghetti in shoots that were less pleasant to make the models laugh. 
“Ah, Adrien, you have truly delivered the favor of Fortuna upon me. I cannot believe I never saw this earlier. You have brought this girl to shoots before, have you not? I never forget a beautiful face, even when I am focused on other things.” 
Marinette calmly displaces Vincent’s hand from her face. “Thank you for the kind words, Monsieur, but I think it best that we just watch the originally planned shoot. I am no model and have no interest in being one.”
Vincent gives Marinette a once over, like he’s not used to people disagreeing with whatever vision he has for the day. “From one artist to the next-- this project is important to me. I’ve had the idea for years, but have yet to come across the perfect models to portray it. What will it take to convince you? ”
At this, nearly all the tension that Marinette has coiled up in her shoulders dissipates. Vincent has said the right thing. “I see. Really, Vincent, I think it’s best that you continue with the Gabriel shoot. M. Agreste wouldn’t be happy if he found out that his spread was delayed.”
“But the Muse, Mademoiselle! She runs away so quickly. And the four of you are perfect.” Vincent turns to the other three. 
“Surely, you understand. Mlle. Rossi, M. Agreste, you must have felt an urge to do something so strongly that it pulls you in. And you,” he looks more closely at Damian. “You are an artist as well, aren’t you Monsieur? I can tell. It’s in the hands and eyes. Art, she comes, but she is fickle. If I don’t do this now, it will be gone forever. And the pursuit of true art means more than any Gabriel spread.”
Surprisingly, it is Adrien who responds first. “I might not understand art, Vincent, but I know what you’re talking about. The feeling of wanting to do something badly, to set yourself free…”
He twists his ring. Marinette looks at him sadly again, hands twitching like she wants to hold him to provide comfort. 
“Besides, I don’t really want to do a Gabriel spread today. I haven’t spent time with friends in a long time, and I don’t think anything could make me happier than doing a photoshoot with you three right now.”
This makes Lila look at Adrien in a curious sort of way. Not the sad look that Marinette is giving him, but one of a slowly dawning realization. When Adrien references her as a friend, she looks happy. Proud, almost. Then, she looks like she’s connecting dots in her head, and she doesn’t look happy with the conclusion that she’s drawn. As soon as the frown  touches her lips, Lila shifts back to an impeccably crafted mask. 
Damian doesn’t agree with the sentiment that they are friends. He has barely had a full conversation with the blond, though he will admit that Adrien does have more of a brain than the rest of his classmates. He looks at the ill-concealed shadows beneath Adrien’s eyes and sees Tim.
Lila agrees almost immediately after Adrien finishes speaking. “Inspiration is fleeting. Art waits for no one.”
Marinette purses her lips. She asks Vincent, “You won’t get in any trouble for this?”
“I can handle any backlash Gabriel throws at me. Heaven knows that man has pissed off one too many photographers before.”
“You can, but what about everybody else involved?” She looks at Adrien, specifically. He fidgets with his ring again, and sends Marinette a look so pleading that she sighs. “Fine. I don’t mind doing the shoot.”
“Fantastico!” He turns his gaze to Damian.
“I’ll do it.” He’s never been particularly fond of photographers, given that the invasiveness of the media has led his family to various unpleasant situations, but Cass went through a photography phase, and out of all of his ‘sibling’ relationships, he is the most willing to indulge her. 
“Will you tell us what the subject of the shoot is?” Marinette has inched closer to Adrien. Adrien pauses, stops fidgeting with his ring, and looks at Marinette. A world weary smile creeps onto his face, and his hand reaches out for Marinette’s like he wasn’t expecting himself to do that. He looks surprised when he finds his hand in hers, tenses for a moment. But Marinette doesn’t say anything, and rubs soothing circles on the back of his hand with her thumb. This seems to relax him more than fidgeting with his ring. He sags, and Damian can’t bring himself to feel anything but pity for Adrien. Lila looks curious, but not jealous. 
Vincent surveys the four of them again, a growing smile on his face. “No, I think the four of you are already perfetto. A little direction here and there, but yes, yes, this is very good.”
“Lara, bring them to makeup. You know what to do. I must set up! Don’t call Gabriel; we will most likely be taking this to a second location at sunset.” Then, Vincent is off, muttering something in Italian under his breath. 
“Thank you so much for agreeing to do this shoot,” Adrien rambles as soon as they get into makeup. “Vincent is such a great photographer and he’s taken really good care of me over the years. He’ll take good care of all of you as well.”
He continues, a little softer. “I really wanted to spend time with the three of you, together. I--I think it would be really nice if we could all be friends.”
Damian has his eyes closed because eyeshadow is being applied, but he can practically feel the surprise rolling off Marinette.
“Adrien, we are friends already.” 
“We are, but we’re not really close. The only person I talked to often was Nino, and recently, father has-- ” he breaks off, looking exceedingly uncomfortable, before speaking quickly in an attempt to speak up before losing his nerve. “But I don’t just mean friends with me, I mean the four of us. I want the four of us to be friends.”
The makeup artist who is working on Adrien shushes him, but Damian gets to open his eyes. Adrien is clearly nervous. He’s not shaking-- he is bred far too well for that-- but he has reverted back to fidgeting with his ring. He tries to bite his lip, but the makeup artist shakes her head and tuts.
The girls are both silent, and Adrien looks so nervous that he has to do something. He doesn’t think he’s interacted like this with anyone as nervous as Adrien before; his brothers were all big personalities, as were the Teen Titans. He may have come across nervous or anxious civilians as Robin, but those situations were more straight and cut, involving little to no talking. Damian decides to that a cross between how he interacts with Dick and how he interacts with the people he saves is the best bet for this situation, though his tone comes out more condescending than he planned.
“Why the four of us?” Damian can’t really see why Adrien has singled out the four of them. As far as he can tell, there’s no good blood between them. Adrien, Marinette, and Damian all harbor varying levels of dislike or discomfort towards Lila; Adrien, Lila, and Damian have all fucked over Marinette in various ways (or so he Damian assumes on Adrien’s part-- he is sure they would have been closer, otherwise); Lila, Marinette and Damian haven't talked to Adrien in any capacity that implies that they're more than mere acquaintances; Damian has done nothing that would put himself in the favor of the three. 
Adrien fidgets even more, and the makeup artist smacks him and says that she doesn’t want to have to redo his eyeliner. “I think we all have a lot in common. And, I might not be good at showing it, but I like the three of you.”
Marinette makes some noise in disbelief and Lila narrows her eyes. 
“Hear me out on this, guys. All of us try to help people when we can,”
“That’s basic human decency, Adrien,” Marinette says.
“Me, helping people?” Lila scoffs.
“We help people out more than most people do-- and Lila, you really do help people. Sure, you might not have been telling the truth about all of the celebrities or all of the charities you worked with, but you’ve helped a lot of charities throughout the years.”
Damian quirks an eyebrow. “And me?”
“I’ve heard about Silverstein and Company.” Adrien says, then continues on with his list of Reasons Why They Should Be Friends. 
“None of us like telling people about our problems.”
This is met with no resistance.
“And we’re also all lonely.”
Marinette’s makeup artist breaks up the oppressive silence, “And all good looking to boot!”
“It’s true what they say about the most beautiful,” Lila’s makeup artist says, “They’re always so troubled.”
Marinette laughs, but it’s strained. “Don’t worry Mademoiselle. We’re just being teens.”
“Loneliness isn’t a good reason to form relationships.” Lila says. Her voice is quiet. She looks off to some fixed point in the distance.
“It’s not the worst reason there ever was,” Adrien shrugs, satisfied now that he’s said his piece. His shoulders are back a little more now. Whatever happens next is up to them, not him. “And I like all of you. I think we all have very unique personalities that could work well together.”
Marinette shrugs her shoulders. “If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about relationships, it’s that initial compatibility means very little in the grand scheme of things. Relationships can work as long as you work for them. They might not be the fairy tale storyline that people chase after, but relationships that are worked on last longer. Adrien could be right. We might be able to all be good friends.”
Lila fixes Marinette with a stare. “You’re willing to be my friend? After what I did to you?”
Marinette shouldn’t be willing to be friends with Lila after what she did. In fact, after reading multiple books on healthy relationships when trying to cope with Chloe way back when, she shouldn’t be willing to be friends with any of them. It feels fucked up, but Marinette realizes that Damian, who believed she was a super villain, has the least strikes against a healthy relationship currently. 
Even though Marinette knows that circumstance doesn’t excuse any of them-- Marinette doesn’t excuse her stalkerish tendencies back when she first met Adrien, either-- she knows that the three of them are just teens who have too many responsibilities and problems on their shoulders. They’re capable of change, and as both Ladybug and Marinette, she wants to believe that someone’s past actions doesn’t mean they can’t move forward. Perhaps their current actions should be taken with a healthy dose of cynicism, and perhaps their past colors how much Marinette will be able to trust them in certain areas, but throughout her years of existence she’s seen that there is no person who has only done good in their life.
“You’ve been better lately. I respect someone who changes themselves for the better.” What Marinette doesn’t say; she’s mostly willing to try this tentative friendship out for Adrien’s sake, because Lila seems to be the only one who can get Gabriel Agreste on her side and Marinette needs her help if she and Adrien’s trust if she can ever dream of emancipating Adrien. 
Marinette is also confident that Lila is currently coming into her own, and knows that Lila didn’t have any good example to model herself after during her formative years. The fact that she’s changing now? It’s honestly pretty impressive, and even more so considering the people that are in Mme. Bustier’s class aren’t exactly cut from the most inspirational cloth. Why Lila is trying to change is something Marinette is curious about, but they’re definitely not close enough for Marinette to ask Lila that. There is also the very important fact that Lila has not been akumatized this entire year, nor has she gone out of her way to encourage someone else’s akumatization.
A small smile settles on Lila’s face. “Thank you. For what it’s worth, I am … sorry for what I did to you back then.”
Marinette hums with her eyes closed as a light layer of shadows placed on her crease. “I accept your apology. While we’re on this topic, I’d like to apologize to Adrien. I’m sorry that I haven’t been a very good friend to you. You’re an amazing person, and I want you to know that. Your self-worth should never be degraded by other people, and I really hope that you can come to rely on me.”
A watery, affectionate smile from Adrien. “Marinette, you’ve always been one of my best friends.”
“I regret what I said to you yesterday,” Damian cannot muster an apology-- he does not apologize, certainly not for doing his job, but Marinette is… useful. He needs her to accomplish her mission, and she’s kind. 
There is no verbal response from Marinette, but she’s looking at him, at least. She hasn’t looked at him all day besides the one glare she gave him that told him to take care of Adrien. 
Lila looks between the two of them. “What are you sorry for? I was under the impression that the two of you were great friends.”
He is sorry, if only slightly, but it takes a lot for him to get an apology. If anything, Marinette should be apologizing to him, for mistaking him as Hawkmoth, right? “Last night was--”
Marinette cuts him off with a sharp laugh. “Damian here thought I was Hawkmoth.”
Adrien bursts out laughing. “Oh my god, you thought Marinette was Hawkmoth? Out of all the Parisians you could choose! You know she goes around the city saving random people, right? She’s our everyday Ladybug. Doesn’t sound very supervillainy to me.”
Lila laughs too, and the tension in the preparation room finally breaks. “Please, if Marinette were Hawkmoth, she would have gotten Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous already. Have you seen what a planner she is?”
This gets Adrien to fake shudder. “It’s true. If Marinette really were Hawkmoth, she’d be so powerful. She knows everybody’s deepest fears, can kick ass and take names, and can come up with the weirdest plans that solve everybody’s problems in an instant. Imagine if she went to the dark side.”
“She would make an awful akuma.” Lila agrees. “How powerful you are as an akuma is linked to how strong you are mentally and how strong your emotions are when the butterfly lands on you. Whatever makes Marinette upset enough to have an akuma after her would probably be the result of some very strong emotions.”
“She’d be strong enough to level the entire city.”
Marinette is bright red, and if it were not for the fact that mascara is being applied to her lashes, she’d probably have her face buried in her hands. “Okay, okay, I would be an awful akuma. But I won’t ever be akumatized, so it’s fine.”
Adrien thinks of Marinette being an akuma more, and his face goes pale. “She really would be able to steal Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculouses successfully.”
“No, she’s too morally righteous to do that. She’d probably go after Hawkmoth and win while she was akumatized.” Lila looks pensive. “All akumas retain most of their original personality traits, just exaggerated. Some even have some semblance of control over their actions.”
“If that wouldn’t be one of Anime’s top 10 betrayals, I don’t know what is. Hawkmoth akumatizes Marinette and then she rightfully kicks his ass.”
“Guys,” Marinette hisses. “I won’t ever become an akuma. Never.”
“You say that like you can refuse Hawkmoth,” Lila laughs. “You can certainly go after akumas, but refuse them? No way.”
Adrien zeroes in on Marinette’s hesitance. “Have you?”
Marinette shifts in her seat, her mouth set into a grim line.
“You have,” Adrien says with a touch of awe. Damian is impressed too; no reports of people being able to refuse an akuma have passed through the many hours of research he’s spent scouring the internet. He understands why Ladybug put so much trust in Marinette. “When?”
This sets Marinette on edge. Her back straightens into a board. 
Lila picks at her fingernails in shame. “Did I?”
Marinette doesn’t respond, but the tremble of her mouth and her silence answers the question well enough. 
Damian doubts he’ll ever get the full story of what happened that first year when Lila arrived. Marinette isn’t one to snitch, and Lila is both unwilling and tentatively ashamed of the past. Adrien won’t answer out of courtesy. Damian will never go to any of the other classmates to hear a bastardized version of what went down. He supposes he’ll never find out the whole truth.
Marinette’s stylist claps her hand. “Okay, enough teenage angst for today. All of your makeup is done, so it’s time to get into your outfits. Let’s go, kids.”
They’re silent as they dress.
The shoot is a flurry of excitement. There are many whispered conversations, but Marinette can’t keep track of half of them. Whenever she isn’t in a shot-- which is fairly rare as she seems to be the main subject of whatever Vincent is shooting for-- Marinette focuses on what needs to happen next. Though she’s still not currently the biggest fan of Damian or the Justice League, she will give them a fair chance, because as much as she hates to admit it, she needs the help. Batman is right. Even though she wasn’t actively working on the case for the first year, she still had plenty of time to gather evidence to back up her main suspects. Her lack of expertise in technology hinders progress greatly.
Not to mention that because Marinette was so wary about hurting Adrien and so swamped trying to keep a balanced schedule, she wasn’t able to find enough evidence to feel safe in her convictions. Master Fu warned her of incorrectly accusing Gabriel in the eye of the public, and he hasn’t come out to fight since the Scarlet Moth incident. She’s tried to investigate Gabriel in his own house, but any evidence slips through her fingers. He’s a very careful man.
 Now that the promise of college is coming up, Marinette needs to take Hawkmoth down. Marinette doesn’t want to continue her schooling in France. Not anymore. She wants to go to a foreign college, where dreams of akumas won’t plague her at every step. Half the reason she finds herself on the streets as a civilian constantly is to erase the gory imagery of death and blood that linger in her mind eye from akuma battles. Seeing happy and alive citizens in all of the areas where Hawkmoth attacked make her feel better, but aren’t enough to chase away her nightmares entirely.
Marinette moves through the rest of the photoshoot in a haze. When she is in shot, she focuses on whoever she’s shooting with. Lila, with sharp green eyes, barely begins to lower her guard when Marinette directs the conversation towards past modelling shoots she’s been involved with. They interact unnaturally at first, but after starting to talk about Dior’s Spring/Summer ready to wear line, they find that they have similar tastes in silhouettes, though not in color. 
She forces herself to ignore the fiasco that was last night, and talks to Damian about small nothings that don’t touch on anything important. When she runs out of topics, she begins to talk about Renee, and his gaze shifts to something resembling regret and some other emotion she can’t read. Dealing with whatever issues Damian has is not ideal. He’ll have to sort out his feelings on his own.
Adrien’s expressions are the easiest to read. Whenever he’s in a shot with Marinette, he is happy, plain and simple. There is less weight on his shoulders, and as Marinette attempts to cheer him up with poorly thought out puns, he looks like a kid again. He even starts punning back, and Marinette can’t believe how much she missed that. Chat Noir stopped punning a while ago, and it hurt in unexpected ways. 
Really, Marinette just wants Adrien to be happy. Adrien is Chat Noir. Her best friend. Her partner. Marinette thinks Adrien deserves the world. She wants to pave a path for him so that his entrance into the adult world is easier, because the facade Gabriel has built of a picture perfect family attempting to cope with the loss of a mother and wife isn’t what Adrien needs.
Maybe Marinette wants him to have the childhood he wasn’t afforded. Marinette clings to warm memories of her own childhood, where Maman trained her in self defense and Papa taught her how to bake when things get particularly hard nowadays. Her heart warms when she sees Adrien give shy smiles to Damian and Lila. She’s proud when he strikes up conversations with them.
In all honesty, the only part of the shoot Marinette remembers is the last section of group photos they take when they move to a second location. It’s a cold day in Spring, which means Parisian tourists are more likely to be found inside an art museum, rather than on the beach. Adrien convinces them all that they should run around the beach, and somehow, they end up playing some extremely difficult version of capture the flag, but without the flags. 
Somehow, Marinette ends up on a team of her own, for the sole reason that she’s the only one wearing white, and the person who holds the opposing team’s flag is Damian. She tackles him onto the sand, but not before both Lila and Adrien are hot on her tail. They end up in a pile, and Adrien’s laughter rings so sweet and true, that Marinette’s heart fills with love. She shifts, so her body is facing skywards instead of into Damian’s arm, and she reaches one arm across Damian’s body to grab Lila’s hand, who flinches at first touch, but relaxes. Marinette’s other hand finds itself tangled in Adrien’s hair, and despite the cold weather, Marinette is content. 
She looks towards the horizon, where the sun is setting in a million different colors, and finds herself longing for a time where every day can be just like this moment.Where there is nothing filling her head except thoughts of the people who make her happy. Her eyes shift straight up.
Where morning fades into night, the sky is so very, very, blue.
Marinette’s room turns into an organized warzone at night.
The area of her room that was previously used to hold up various sketches and mood boards for designs in progress turns out not to be an upholstered wall, but a curtain that hides two whiteboards and a small library of books on the psychology of emotional manipulation, manuals of martial arts, and various books on strategy. The shelf above her desk space holds a projector that Marinette uses to project images from her computer onto the left white board. 
“I’ll catch you up on my previous attempts and what you have to know in order for this partnership to work.” She takes her tablet out, flips through several screens, then uses her fingerprint to unlock a folder of notes. “This is a chronological list of things that Ladybug and I have attempted in order to find Hawkmoth’s location. There is a separate folder with suspects for identity that’s alphabetized. If you’re interested in more in depth analyses of past akumas, I can send that to you and your team’s emails now, as most of the information is readily available online. I’m assuming that you have a team, correct?”
“Yes, I can send their email addresses to your number.”
“No, for any information regarding Hawkmoth or superheroes in Paris, you can contact me through this number and email address. Ladybug and I both check it regularly; it’s a safer, more encrypted way of communication.” Marinettte taps her Miraculous communicator and connects it to her computer, so she can work on a bigger screen. “Which person is your main point of contact?”
Marinette contacts Oracle through video call. She doesn’t want to have to explain everything twice even if their partnership turns out to be nonviable. It takes a few moments to get through, but a woman’s face pops up on the screen. She’s a redhead and doesn’t wear a mask. Her coloring is obviously different from the rest of Batman’s affiliates, and despite her initial grievances with the white films over the vigilante’s eyes, she understand why it’s necessary; their suits aren’t magic, and there’s nothing stopping people from running facial recognition software and matching them up to people who reside in Gotham. 
“How did you get this number?” Oracle asks warily. 
Marinette moves her chair slightly so that Oracle can see Damian, who's currently looking at her tablet on her chaise. “I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, your point of contact in Paris and the one who will be working with you for the next week. As you can see, Damian’s already viewing some information that Ladybug and I have compiled over the years. Please get the rest of your team on this call. I’d like to get all of the basic information out of the way now.”
“Damian?” The girl on her screen is a dead ringer for the girl they compiled multiple files on yesterday, but she can’t get a trace on where they’re calling from, which makes her suspicious.
Damian shoots her a text, confirming that it is actually him in the room, then goes back to scrolling through the tablet.
Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Batman all appear on the screen shortly. 
“Great, the gang's all here,” Marinette says unenthusiastically. “I’ll say it one more time. I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I will be your primary point of contact during your two weeks trial period here in Paris. I’m assuming that your team has been brought up on the events that occurred last night. In order for this attempted partnership to go more smoothly, I will provide you lists of suspects, past attempts at revealing Hawkmoth’s location, and more detailed information about all of the past akumas that have appeared. These files will only be available to you for the week unless the collaboration goes successfully. Damian has already given me your contact information.”
As an afterthought, Marinette adds, “Don’t bother trying to copy any of the files. You won’t be able to. You also won’t be able to pick up on my location through this video call; I’m using a Miraculous Communicator. The magic makes it so that any technology other than another Miraculous will be unable to find any identifying location.”
Marinette knows about this thanks to Max’s brief stint as Pegasus. Though Marinette had not yet learned spells that would allow her to materialize her communicator outside of the time that she was suited up, she had Max try to find Ladybug’s location after sending him a text. He and Markov were both unable to. 
“Since the Justice League insists on sticking their nose where it does not belong,” Marinette can’t help but be bitter about this whole situation, despite the fact that her frustration with Damian has decreased. “Ladybug and I have created a plan to make full use of your resources while you’re still butting in. I’ve sent a list of which organizations need monetary support. Most are affiliated with mental health.”
“Let’s move onto how you guys as a team can help us. As far as I understand, Batman’s team is proficient in technology and investigation. For the past two years that we’ve actively been on the case, nobody has had those skill sets and been in the long term possession of a Miraculous. The police attempted investigation for the first year, but their evidence and information was largely unhelpful. I will give Damian the Miraculous Communicator that I am in possession of to use his skills with so long as he tells me what he’s doing with it and he uses it while I’m in his immediate vicinity. He can try to find out Hawkmoth’s location on it, perhaps with a greater degree of success that we have been able to.”
She goes through the checklist she made one more time, just to make sure that she didn’t miss anything. She doesn’t really expect anything much to come out of this collaboration, except for the reassurance that the Justice League won’t interfere at the end of the week. Speaking of: “One more thing. I want a notarized agreement that the Justice League will not interfere in Paris, nor will any of their agents of affiliates be sent here if this collaboration doesn’t yield information that is already known.”
“Got a lotta spark in you, don’t you, little mouse?” The vigilante called Red Hood-- the one with a helmet instead of a stupid domino mask-- laughs. 
Marinette scowls. So far, the Justice League-- particularly the vigilantes of Gotham-- have not left her with a stunning first impression. Maybe she’s a little biased,  but they certainly don’t seem to have any respect for her. Still, she only has to work with them for two weeks. “My name is Marinette, but clearly your helmet hasn’t shielded you from the memory loss that frequent concussions have clearly given you.”
“She got you there, dumb ass,” says Red Robin, a grin a mile wide on his face.
“Hood,” sighs Oracle, sounding highly stressed. Marinette decides that she is the most likeable. “Like I said earlier, we want to be on good terms with Marinette.”
“I’ll get you the documents and funds by tomorrow.” Batman’s voice is just as gravelly as the first time she contacted him. She finds that the more she hears him speak, the more pleasant she finds his voice. An acquired taste. “Even if this week is unsuccessful, the Justice League will be more than happy to continue to fund these organizations. Is there anything that Ladybug, Chat Noir, or you need personally?”
“None of us are going to use the Justice League’s funds for personal gain, Batman.” The accusations grates on her. 
“Batman means,” Nightwing shoots a look to the side of his screen. Interesting, Marinette thinks. All of Gotham’s vigilantes are in one location, judging by their backgrounds and the location tags that her communicator provides her. Perhaps they have a headquarters of some sort. Back when there were extra heroes on the Miraculous team, Marinette sometimes wished that they had a location that they could all reliably gather at without revealing someone’s identity. It certainly would have made strategy easier. “That being a hero without any support is difficult. It must have taken a toll on your personal lives. If we can aid in any way, we will. We can excuse absences or hire tutors as necessary.”
“I’m no hero.” But Nightwing’s proposal may actually be helpful. Even though Marinette is making the grades necessary to go to the colleges that she wants, her continual absence and tardies aren’t very flattering. 
Then her mind flashes to Adrien. Can she use this offer to get him out from underneath Gabriel’s thumb? Marinette doesn’t know if she can do that. He’s already in a delicate position-- and already at risk, thanks to the photoshoot earlier today-- and she’s not sure that Gabriel won’t move towards drastic measures if anything changes on Adrien’s end. If she wants to get him away from Gabriel, she may have to reveal his secret identity.
“Ladybug will make the decision for herself; she has access to everything that is said during our meetings. Chat Noir isn’t in the loop about our communications or any of the investigations that Ladybug and I have done. Ladybug says that he’s stressed in his civilian life, which is why his appearances have been decreasing,” Marinette admits. “I’ll leave it up to Ladybug to give your offer to Chat Noir. If I can get a reliable excuse to get out of class or get to class late, that would be greatly appreciated.”
“Chat Noir doesn’t know?” Red Robin sounds horrified. 
“He’s currently a high risk for being akumatized. Ladybug didn’t want to risk it.” 
Red Hood crosses his arms. “So you have more of a job than Chat Noir does in all of these Paris heroics, huh?”
Even if Chat Noir did know, Marinette would have her hand in the pie at least twice as much as him. 
“I wouldn’t say that. I’m just more available than he is.”
“And more trusted than he is,” Red Hood insists. 
It’s not that Ladybug trusts Marinette more than she trusts Chat Noir, it’s that Ladybug is Marinette. But she’s not going to admit that. Not to them, and certainly not until Hawkmoth is taken down. Maybe not even then. She can only imagine the looks of devastation that she’ll get if she does admit that she’s been Ladybug all these years. Her parents will freak out, Adrien will probably feel heart broken and betrayed, and Alya and the rest of her classmates will inevitably rail on either her or Lila or both of them. It just doesn’t sound appealing to her anymore, though she can certainly remember a time not so long ago where she so desperately wanted to expose her identity. 
“You’d have to ask Ladybug that,”  Marinette settles on. She copies and pastes one of the many messages that she has pre drafted and schedules it to send a few minutes later, so Batman’s team receives a communication from Ladybug while Marinette is at the white board. She spent all of last night preparing for this meeting, imagining so many scenarios that she barely slept. The email she’s sending will suggest what Damian should attempt to do with the Miraculous communicator that Marinette has. She adds in an extra comment that she trusts Chat Noir with her life, and that she’ll talk to him about offering him help in his civilian life, but won’t mention anything about the Justice League. 
“Why doesn’t Ladybug just use her own communicator to join in on these calls?” Red Robin asks after receiving her email.
Marinette turns from the white board, where she is listing the past three akuma attacks and where her top three suspects were at each of the times. “There may be magic surrounding her identity, but that doesn’t mean Ladybug wants more time for all of you to try to figure out her identity.”
“Sounds irresponsible of her,” says Red Hood. “Leaving a civilian to do all of the dirty work. Who are those people you have listed on the board?”
Marinette decides to let the comment about Ladybug slide. Red Hood is currently her least favorite out of all of Gotham’s vigilantes, but she has to remind herself that respect is mutual, and Ladybug hasn’t really given them much to go on.
“The top three suspects for Hawkmoth. Gabriel Agreste, the CEO and head designer of Gabriel. Nathalie Sancouer, Gabriel Agreste’s personal assistant of over twenty years. Mikael Bordeaux, CFO of Silverstein and Company's French holdings.”
Oracle takes off her glasses and wipes them. “Sounds like your top candidates are all people in pretty high positions.”
“Agreste,” repeats Nightwing. “Agreste, as in Adrien Agreste? The boy that’s in Damian’s class?”
“The same,” Marinette says, not sure she likes where he’s taking this conversation.
“Hold up,” Red Robin says after a few moments. “Why is it that Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancouer are on your list? Both Gabriel and Nathalie have been akumatized before. That should automatically take them out of the running.”
Marinette shakes her head. “That’s what I thought in the beginning, while the police were still in charge of the case. But based on my understanding of akumas, it’s very possible that Hawkmoth can transform, send out an akuma, then detransform and let themself be akumatized.”
The whole Collector incident was a deliberate ploy to throw her off. She spent at least half a year convinced that Gabriel and Hawkmoth couldn’t possibly be one in the same, despite the fact that he had the Miraculous Tome.
“What about Adrien, then? He’s the only one in your class that hasn’t been akumatized, sans yourselves, he hangs out with the people most likely to cause and become akumas, and has caused a fair number of akumas himself. Besides, he must know it if his dad’s Hawkmoth, which means he could be Mayura or even Hawkmoth himself.” Even if Red Robin presented her this theory before Marinette knew Adrien was Chat Noir, she wouldn’t have believed it. 
“Adrien is not Hawkmoth.” Marinette isn’t sure how to explain how she knows without revealing his alter ego. She can’t tell them that he wielded the snake Miraculous either, because that contradicts her earlier statement that she didn’t know any of the other holders.
“Demon Spawn,” Red Hood says. “What do you think about Adrien? You’ve been in a class with him for the past month.”
Damian finally looks up from Marinette’s tablet, blinking to bring himself back into the situation at hand. “What?”
Marinette scoffs, remembering that he thought that she was Hawkmoth. She’s not upset about it, but she doesn’t trust his ability to discern alter egos-- at least not magical alter egos. “I wouldn’t trust Damian’s ability to read people as reliable evidence to tell whether someone is Hawkmoth or not.
This causes a myriad of reactions from Batman’s team and most of them are surprisingly loud. Red Hood whoops, “Roasted,” while Red Robin laughs and pounds the desk in front of them. Oracle smiles wide, her eyes crinkling. Even Batman manages to draw a smile to his face. 
This makes Damian put down her tablet on the chaise and flush slightly. “I said I was sorry for that.”
Marinette thinks about brushing him off in annoyance but decides against it. Just based on the evidence that he gathered, it wasn't an awful assumption, and the Miraculous magic probably prevented him from even thinking about the possibility that she could be Ladybug, leading him to the next most possible conclusion. “It’s fine.”
In fact, even if Marinette can’t trust Batman and his affiliates with Chat Noir’s civilian identity, she should still try to maneuver Adrien away from his current situation. She can call it in as a personal favor to Marinette, and as long as they have human decency, they should agree to her request. She’s been gathering receipts that detail Gabriel’s systemic abuse of Adrien for years. This is a good opportunity to begin Adrien’s emancipation process. She’s currently on her way to a better friendship with Adrien, and since Batman insists the Justice League has all the resources that she wants, there’s no reason not to take advantage of them. She turns back to the camera. 
“Adrien is not Hawkmoth and wouldn’t know whether his father or personal assistant are. In fact, it would be preferable to remove Adrien from Gabriel’s care; Adrien is in danger of being akumatized because of how awfully Gabriel treats him, and I have the evidence necessary to take him to court. I just need a legal team that’s good enough to go against a billion dollar company.” And time to convince Adrien that he needs to leave. That may be a more difficult task, considering the unending love and forgiveness he’s displayed for matters concerning his father so far. Honestly, sometimes Marinette thinks that he never learned how to hold a grudge. 
“Noted. Let’s come back to that later, though. I want to talk about some other suspects you have on this list you gave us.” Oracle readjusts her headpiece and shoots a glare over her shoulder, presumably to tell the rest of her team to quiet down and get back on task. They certainly have an interesting team dynamic. They’re much warmer to each other than Marinette first expected them to be. They’re certainly closer than she and the Miraculous Team had been, when there still was a team, at least.
Oracle shares her screen. On it is a picture of Andre Bourgeois. “If Hawkmoth is able to be akumatized, then Mayor Bourgeois is one of our top suspects. The Justice League has compiled multiple lists of suspects before we sent Damian to Paris. He stopped a lot of international press for akuma attacks and has caused multiple akumas.”
Marinette frowns. Mayor Bourgeois being Hawkmoth crossed her mind a few times, but she always decided that he was largely incapable and had little motivation. “What are your criteria for deciding who might be Hawkmoth? I highly doubt Mayor Bourgeois is Hawkmoth, despite him stopping the press.”
“We determine how many akumas a person has caused, how much damage the akuma caused to the person’s primary residence and workplace, and how well they’re connected to the people being akumatized. Andre Bourgeois has been involved in the akumatization of slightly more than half of all the akumas that have occurred, so long as we include his relation to his daughter and wife and there has been extraordinary little damage done to the arrondissements that he frequents.”
“Interesting. Share the list with the contact information I sent you earlier. You share some of the same criteria as we have come up with, but you’re drawing the wrong information from what you have. Akumas caused is also one of our criteria, as well as the damage that has been done to the person’s residence. I don’t think that a person’s personal relations play much into who ends up being akumatized, however, there’s good reason to believe that Hawkmoth is in a position of power, or at least well connected. They seem to know what’s happening in the city before it ever hits the news.” Marinette opens a program on her computer, then turns on the projector to display a map with pins. 
“We’ve been interested in the location of primary suspects at the time of akumatization; Ladybug believes that Hawkmoth’s Miraculous power is restricted to Paris. Which means that Hawkmoth needs to be in or close to Paris at the times of all akumas, which crossed Mayor Bourgeois of my list a while ago. He’s been absent for multiple akumas when he needed to go to conferences outside of Paris. The purple dots are Gabriel, the red ones are Nathalie, and the blue ones are Michael. You can see that they’ve all been in Paris every time an akuma occurred and within a ten mile radius of where the akuma was first spotted. That’s quite unusual, considering they’re all in high positions of companies that should typically have them travelling.”
 There is also the little detail that Marinette found the Miraculous Tome in the hands of Gabriel Agreste, but Marinette doesn’t feel safe indulging them with that information yet. If she tells them, they will want to see pictures of the book. 
“How haven’t you cracked this case wide open yet?” Red Robin looks at the screen appreciatively. It’s clear that Marinette spent a lot of time on this.
Marinette bristles. She may have a good amount of information, but her proficiency with technology leaves much to be desired. It took her an unnecessarily long time in order to get the map up and running. “Well, Red Robin, that might have something to do with the fact that neither Ladybug nor I knew anything about how to use technology in the way that was necessary to track him once the police handed over the case in the second year. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that falsely accusing someone as Hawkmoth could ruin their entire life.”
Master Fu warned her against direct actions against anyone on her suspect list. In fact, he outright forbade her from doing anything, and although she no longer takes his words at face value after the many bumps in their relationship, she’s not going to try to ruin any of these people without evidence. Especially not Gabriel, not when he’s Adrien’s father. 
Red Robin frowns. 
Marinette takes a deep breath. She’s too tense. She’s been taking every word that these vigilantes say as something they don’t actually mean. Marinette needs to relax. Jumping to conclusions helps no one. 
Damian’s eyes are on her, and she’s sure he’s passing judgment. She needs to get out of this situation, get out of this headspace. It’s not productive or healthy. 
“I think we should end this meeting now,” Damian says, and Marinette begrudgingly agrees with him. She knows this is his olive branch.
“You were the one who was upset at the lack of time,” Oracle points out. “We don’t have much time. We need every minute we can get.” 
“Marinette has given us plenty of information to digest for one night. We’ll regroup tomorrow and start on coding the programs to determine Hawkmoth’s location.” Damian reaches over Marinette to end the call. 
Obstinately, Marinette refuses to look him in the eyes. She’s been flip-flopping this entire day, and it’s not doing any great wonders for her mental health. Everything’s been coming to a head in these past few days, and it isn’t a good feeling. She can feel the pressure on her shoulders, the expectant gazes of all of Paris to do her duty and expose Hawkmoth, but she feels the weight of the inevitable backlash Adrien will face if her theories are true. 
The past few days feel like three years compressed. People she’s never interacted with have inserted themselves into the fray, and the big leagues have pulled out all the stops. She just talked to Batman and his team. He’s been in the hero game for decades, and she’s in the room with his son, Robin. 
Everything is just too much.
Marinette feels like she’s been a bad Ladybug. Like she hasn’t done enough to find concrete evidence of her primary suspects because she is afraid of what will happen after. She’s half surprised she hasn’t gone into hysterics yet, but then again, she’s gotten very good at holding herself together when everything around her falls apart. The added touch of an outsider makes the fragile balance she’s achieved teeter.
Damian takes her distressed appearance personally and heaves a sigh. “Look, I --I didn’t think that you were Hawkmoth all along, only for a day before everything went down. I don’t know what I wanted out of you, but your friendship was nice. I did genuinely want to be friends with you, and I still do.”
This makes Marinette feel even worse. She’s trying so hard to find fault with Damian-- which is surprisingly easy-- in order to distance herself. She can’t afford to get attached to someone who can hurt her and is likely to hurt her, because an akumatized Ladybug is the last thing Paris needs. But hearing him apologize so genuinely means that Marinette can’t summon up a negative response. She may not be able to say that she truly knows Damian, but she knows that he is a very prideful person. It can’t have been easy for him to apologize to her so openly. An acidic response rests on her tongue for a moment before she pushes it back.
“You were just trying to follow up on a lead. I shouldn't blame you.” 
“But you do.”
He hit the nail on the head. Marinette grimaces, letting her eyes flick over Damian’s hunched shoulders and set jaw. She doesn’t blame him for thinking that she’s Hawkmoth, but she does blame him for getting the Justice League more involved, which makes exactly zero sense if she evaluates the situation logically. Her heart feels like Damian is the element of change; if he never arrived in Paris, Marinette would still have everything under a better semblance of control. It doesn’t matter that Batman said the JLA had been looking into Paris for half a year, and that even if Damian weren’t sent, there would have been someone else.
It’s fitting that in order to move forward, they must break down whatever security that Marinette has built into her life, because life is just cruel enough to mess her up like that. Right now, she’s a wreck mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Marinette can feel her throat closing up. 
“It’s not your fault,” she offers. “And maybe if we get out of our current situation, we can try being friends again. But right now? I-- there’s just too much stress on me, right now.”
Damian understands this, but as he descends the steps of her ladder, Damian can’t help but wish that she felt otherwise.
“How is it that Mayor Bourgeois is not in your top three suspects for Hawkmoth? He’s stopped a lot of international press about the akuma for the first year!”
Marintte deadpans. “Honestly? The man is way too stupid to ever be Hawkmoth.”
“Haven’t we come to the conclusion that Hawkmoth is stupid though? He couldn’t steal jewelry from two untrained teenagers for years!”
Marinette decides not to take offense at that, and concedes. “Fine, maybe he should be on the list. I’d certainly akumatize Chloe and Audrey Bourgeois if I had to interact with them on a daily basis.”
will these be regularly scheduled? absolutely not, even though i have the whole thing finished because i get the feeling that i am going to Change Things sooner or later (somebody please smack some sense into me everything in this story goes awfully very soon and the plot goes wonky and AHHHH)
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Got Me Loosin All My Cool| M|
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Pairings: Jungkook X Reader | Jimin X Reader( Smut) FT- Side Tae & Yoongi
Note: Kook is in 80% of this but he’s “new” to the dynamic...so the smut is with Jimin and the OC...not Kookie!
About- Jimin and yourself take Jungkook shopping for a new suit to wear to the “Spectrum” launch party! OH, and Jimin fucks you in the backseat of your truck in the parking garage of the mall…..
OR: You know Kookie still in that “Broke college grad” phase only being with the company barley a month, and you don’t want him to feel self-conscious at the event! You’ve also been too busy to really check in with him to see how he’s adjusting! So, you thought something like this, in a more laxed atmosphere, would be a good solution! Oh and Jimin, honestly he’s just nosey as fuck and inched himself along, like nobody really invited him he invited his damn self! Also Jungook can’t underatand why the fuck your all so damn attractive...like...why!?
Jungkook’s a sweetheart and lowkey confused and whipped for everybody
Tae’s kinda being a spoiled asshole
Yoongi’s over it!
Jimin’s being a brat, he’s not use to having to “Behave” around others, espeically while your wearing “that” dress.....
-Song Reference- COOL-  Dua lipa
WC: 6K
WARNINGS: Semi-public sex/Top OC/Power bottom Jimin/ Spit play/ Cum play/ Fingering (F receiving) Cockrings/Lube (yes ppl actually use that IRL )Dirty talk/ biting, finger sucking
FINAL NOTE: This little excerpt is the prequel to the next full-length one-shot “All Eyes On Me” which is Hoseoks official ‘Intro” if you will. The full Summary for that can be found in the Masterlist which is linked below! Also if you’re new here..this is a stand-alone one-shot within my OT7Poly AU called “7 Deep” Short version: Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with!
(Sneak peek)
Jungkook’s happy I guess almost surprisingly so, I mean yeah Yoongi and yourself seemed cool in the interview, and when he did is work interview the vibe was chill. But let’s get real, we all know shit always seems better than it actually is in the interviews!
For one he honestly wasn’t expecting to be given such free reign already which is also why he’s happy as hell he didn’t listen to his roommate’s Mark and Ten and lie on his resume. Granted, everything still had to go through Yoongi first but he wasn’t just... I don’t know editing thumbnails like he thought he was actually doing real work. He’s been here barely a month and he already has reels he can add to his portfolio! Learning new tips and tricks, believe it or not, even through his internships he’s learned that some people are stingy when it comes to sharing knowledge. Yoongi however was far from that, thankfully he was well aware that just because you teach someone your “secrets” doesn’t mean you’re essentially replacing yourself! What makes you good at your job isn’t just how it’s done its how you do it!
If only Kookie could stop internally fangirling over Yoongi his life would be a little easier! He’d seen hundreds of your companies films before and being the production major he is..of course, he’d watch it the first time to jack off..then the second time he’d find himself just as if not even more turned on for the production quality. That’s something Onyx is always praised for..”Aesthetically pleasing porn”. Every morning, Yoongi would sit him down and show him something new and for the first time he finally understands what people mean when they say that someones mind is..attractive! Not Yoongi himself though, because that’s his boss and that would be weird but like his brain, ya know? Yoongi’s brian is sexy in a broboss way...I don’t know just go with it!
Anyway, Kook’s current project was actually one of his favorites so far because it was forcing him to actually challenge himself! This was something actually requested by Hoseok, who he learned was 26, the head of marketing, always bouncing around like he’s had 6 expresso shots and somehow manages to make streetwear look professional…. But anyway the task is creating trailers for films that are pc enough to not be blocked on platforms like IG but spicy enough to get ppl to wanna watch the full thing. Making a climax without the actual climax if you know what I mean. So he’d have to sit there and watch the films, try not to get hard and wanna jack off while watching said films...then take notes and screencaps of the best moments and compile them together without showing “too much”. He’s never been so thankful that he could wear sweatpants to work….because…..yeah it was hard..literally and figuratively hard...but like I said he’s happy and can pay his bills so that’s cool too!
Don’t get me wrong he still feels a little out of place at times and surprisingly enough not for the reason he expected! Two months shy of his 21st bday he assumed he’d feel a type of way because he’s the youngest but that’s not the case! Hell, they went to Nobu for lunch last week and Jin actually slid him his drunk so he wasn’t the only one not drinking!  Flashing him a cheeky little wink and whispering “Don’t tell mom” in reference to you once Kook looked back at him like a deer in headlights! It seems as though they care more about his talent than his age which is the way it should be because he knows he’s good at what he dose!
However, Onyx is kinda like those offices you see on TV, the kind he never thought where real, behind closed doors the environment is far from pc! It’s not a normal morning unless somebodies cursing out there computers! This morning he swore Taehyung told Jimin he had a shrimp dick…… There’s “that’s what she said” jokes being thrown out left and right, people cracking jokes on one another. And it’s not that he feels uncomfortable by any means again he’s a 20 y/o kid from LA it’s just ...he’s new...ya know? So he doesn’t know if he’s “allowed” to do that! So in the meantime, he just spends his days laughing until his chest hurts!
But besides that everybody’s chill , he’s still trying to learn people, regardless of how laxed the office is everybody’s busy as all hell especially Namjoon and yourself! The two of you are actually his biggest mystery, he’s never thought of marriage being something that he’d want. He’s always heard that people change, and shit gets boring, but even in a work environment that’s far from the vibe he gets from the two of you! You actually make marriage seem exciting, worth it, like a gift, not a task…..
Something else that he can’t truly wrap his head around is that your his boss, like legitimately his boss! Somebody that looks like you,I mean fuck your not even 30, you sway around the office in your little dresses and designer heels! Always dolled up hell sometimes he questions if he’s the one in some upscale porno! Actually, not just you all of you why the fuck are all of you so effortlessly attractive and put together?! To make it even worse you all know your shit too! Two days ago for example Kook went to Yoongi to ask if there was a certain way he wanted the ending credits to come into frame, and instead of Yoongi responding you did! Using terminology that had him ready to run home and pull out his “Intro to production” text box! Shit don’t make any Goodman sense...even Yoongi sitting in his office looking like he could be in one of the films he’s editing and no, god no why is he thinking this about his higher-ups?! No, no, nope try again Jeon!
However, now that we’re on this topic, there is one person that he can’t quite wrap his head around...I mean yeah he’s nice but he just seems more reserved around Jungkook than everyone else. Which is odd considering he’s the one Kook meet first, he’s actually the one that encouraged him to even submit his resume, to begin with! What makes it even odder is Yoongi and yourself actually told him that Tae was the most outgoing...it’s not that Jungkook nessercally thinks Tae dislikes him it’s just ...I don’t know, I don’t know…I guess he was just...warmer when the two of them met at Starbucks then he is now that they actually work together!
...And I guess that’s why he almost shit himself when his phone rang and the incoming name rang though as….”Taehyung Kim”...he kinda hoped he pocket dialed him and would just hand up! But wait, I guess you can’t really do that from a landline can you?? Fuckkkkkk
“I know technologies come a long way Kook, but phones don’t answer themselves ya know…” Eyes fluttering over to see Yoongi smirking at him, tone blatantly amused as he flipped through a file he had in his hands.It’s like he could sense how nervous he is too “Don’t worry about Tae, he’s more bark than he is bite, he’s literally a puppy dressed in Gucci…” Flicking his chin in the direction of the phone with a reassuring smile.
With a timid nod and shaky fingers Jungkook picks up  the call on the final ring “H-hello??”
“Jungkook? Can you come to my office in the next 5 or so minutes?” His tone wasn’t rude by any means but it also wasn’t the most inviting. Eyes fluttering overly timidly in Yoongis direction because he knew Tae was loud enough that the elder could hear and he smiled fondly, nodding in approval. Arms crossed firm against his chest, head cocked to the side, eyes squinting slightly from under his black baseball cap, as if he was now purposely trying to hear the conversation.
“Umm, yeah, yeah of course…” God, why does he sound like he’s still going through puberty right now!? Voice fluttering ina and out of an octave!
Tae just hangs up, no goodbye ...promoting Yoongi to roll his eyes, with an exasperated sigh...Jungkook just sits there for a moment, not too sure what to do!
“You’re free to go, Seok dosen’t need these until Friday and your deifiently far enough along, a little time away from your desk wont hurt! Oh, just save your stuff first though! The systems moving slow as fuck and I’m about ready to break my damn computer so I’ll probably do a system reboot while you’re gone!”
Jungkook nods timidly, swallowing so hard he’s sure Yoongi heard it, fingers scattering to do as Yoongis instructed, he literally feels like he’s going to throw up! Why does Tae make him so nervous? I mean no offense but Tae isn’t even his boss why is he more freaked out of Taehyung than is actual boss!
He hears a heavy sigh fall from behind him, as Yoongi invites himself to take a seat, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder ‘First off, you’re doing fucking great, and I mean that, so step back...and breath...” Squeezing his shoulder slightly, tone calm yet stable enough to ground the younger! 
 “Second, I’m ordering lunch from that coney up the street, Hyungs treat” He watches Jungkook go to open his mouth in protest and Yoongi just groans, loud and obnoxious, eyes fluttering to the back of his head more times than he can count!
“Don’t even try and give me that “Your not hungry bullshit” Eyes narrowing in the youngers direction challangingly “So let’s try this again, what do you want? And yes Tae can wait I already texted him and told him so you’re fine! Now go to google and pull up Leo’s menu and lets order lu-”
“Yonngggggiiiii!!!’ Whines through the studio, which only promps the man in question to slowly sink into his chair as if he was trying to make himself dissapear! And before Jungkook can even make heads or tails as to what’s happening...a pair of skin-tight leather pants, a florial silk shirt, that was sitting so low it mideswell not even be buttoned, flashy shades and windswept pastel pink hair comes strutting in... Looking like something straight out of Vouge so again he asks why the fuck does everybody look like this!?
Not even botherng to ask if he’s interupted anything, just flinging his arms around the production manager’s neck, propping his chin on top of his head,
“I need like...20 headshots edited...in the next half hour” Jungkook watched Yoongi go completely ridgit a scowl on his face as he tried to pull away but the casting manager only held on tigher “...and before you kill me even though I drunk some of it this Amerciano is for you soooo, I feel like I’ve made it worth or while, please and thank you! ” Smiling so big his eyes dispered into his face it took everything in him not to coo and swoon all at the same damn time!
Jimin fucking Park......
That’s all she wrote for now, don’t know the post date yet, I’ve written up wo when they actually go to the mall so it’s like halfway done.....
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2386
okay so i just got the sweetest asks today?????? they're right below this and i'm cryin, i don't deserve you guys ;-;
okay so like,
today was pretty good. at first.
i went on an adventure to the apple store with joel and i even got to hold his hand as we walked through the mall (bc i was walking so slowly bc knee hurt but i wasn't about to question it) but apparently his allergy to lavender might not just be lavender?? he says perfume is spicy air to him??? so. allergy.
anyway, he got himself a new watch today. he really loves it. i'm glad. otherwise i'd need to kidnap it.
we got lunch from friendly's - he didn't realize there was one still around until i said something. when talking about lunch options, he said "i didn't realize there was a pizza hut around here," and i said, "yeah, it's just across the street from friendly's." his eyes got all big and he just went "WHAT" and i said "friendly's it is!" so we got chicken tendies and mini mozzarella sticks and fribbles for lunch. (idk if anyone doesn't know what a fribble is, but it's a friendly's milkshake, as opposed to a frappe, which is thicker.) (terminology is very important.) (even though a milkshake implies shaking milk, and that's just silly.)
but we went back to his house and watched tv for a while. we started watching eureka together since i wasn't terribly far in and everyone else i started watching with has already gone ahead and watched all of it without me.
the rest of this is like. not so good. so tw for depression, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and self-hatred from here on out, but also like, some good points for therapy.
around 7 i realized i needed to be home, so i went home. i was supposed to spend the evening playing diablo ii with andrew, but heading home meant i couldn't do that, and i felt pretty crummy about it, and i realized that my actions caused him to feel like an afterthought. which is the last thing i want him to feel like. he's one of my bestest friends, and realizing that i hurt him like i did kinda broke something in me. and it just... spiraled from there. (... honestly i almost rammed my car into a cliff face. i took my foot off the gas and hands off the wheel before i could do it though. it's been a long time since i last felt unsafe driving. yikes.) and then i realized what was happening was because of rejection-sensitive dysphoria. but just because of that, doesn't mean it wasn't accurate. that being a shitty friend isn't excusable by saying "i'm a disaster" or "i've been busy" or even "i can't keep things straight in my head" when it's really just all my fault. and there's no excuse to treat a friend like i've been treating him. and then i looked at all of my other friendships and relationships, and i saw that same pathetic disconnection in all of them, because apparently i can't make and keep fucking connections ever. because i don't get attached like normal people do. because i don't feel things like normal people do. because i don't see how my actions affect others like normal people do. and i don't get what i don't get. i'm grateful i have a therapist appointment in a little over a week. i should put a list together of things i need help with.
when i got home i was sure to send him a text and tell him how sorry i was because goddamnit if i can't be a good friend then what the fuck can i be, huh??? if i can't be a good fucking person what good things do i deserve???? none, that's fucking what. and as i drove home i started beating myself up over it. literally. when i got home, i did the same thing. it's been a long time since i last hit my head or slapped myself or punched something, never mind my own jaw. and as i was driving as i smashed my fist into the steering wheel repeatedly i said "no fucking wonder you don't have life insurance" because - surprise! - i got denied life insurance back in april or whatever when i got my new car insurance.
jesus fucking christ, even when i got home i just. couldn't handle it. my dad got me flowers for valentine's day - he always gets us stuff for valentine's day. it's always been a thing in my family - we always get things for each other. and i'm pretty sure that's why valentine's day is my favorite holiday. (i thought to myself after the cliff face passed me how awful it would be for people to process i killed myself the day before my favorite holiday, rip) but anyway, when i saw the flowers, i couldn't even continue into the room to watch tv with my parents. i just started crying again. i didn't stop crying until like 9pm. i got to give my parents their chocolates i got for them too, and i honestly didn't get to see their reactions because i took off my glasses before so i'd stop fucking crying on them. and it all just hurt so much. because i don't fucking deserve the kind things people do for me because i'm not a good fucking person. goddamn it. like, i get this is fucking stupid. "oh you're not a bad person" good people don't do what they do and not concern themselves with what others feel, especially when it's their closest friends. good people don't fucking fall apart at the slightest sign of something being wrong. good people don't fucking hurt their loved ones. so fuck if i'm a good person, because i'm fucking not. and i hate that. because if i'm not, i'm nothing. i have nothing going for me. at all. i'm really just a shit human who doesn't deserve good things. fuck.
(goddamn i'm trying, but fuck if i'm succeeding.)
but eventually, i calmed down enough to watch tv. endgame was on by then.
i didn't really eat dinner. i got my mom food from mcnaldos and i feel bad because i transferred money to my account from here to get us both dinner but then i determined i didn't deserve it so i just got her food. i determined i deserved pain so i thought about canceling my orthopedist appointment for tuesday and stopping wearing my knee brace because i deserve the pain. i inflict it on others, so i deserve it myself. found the passing thought of trying to purposefully get corona or how to best tie myself up in tarps to keep my brains from splattering everywhere. driving home... was Bad. hence this. i also half-heartedly started making a list of passwords and accounts i'd need to write down for people to notify others of my death, of how to say goodbye without causing much notice.
jesus fucking christ i have problems.
and now reflecting on it it still makes sense to me. so i apologize to everyone. i'm a disaster and i'm sorry you gotta see me like this.
there's really no need to worry - i won't act on anything. that's just not something i'm brave enough to do. i'm a fucking coward, and that's something you can count on. i cry when people's voices are raised. anyone who thinks i can take the fast train to deadville via the fuckthis express doesn't know how much of a fucking coward i am lmao
fuck this though, fuck living. i'm so bad at it.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
KC prompt: Klaus is in the middle of a bitter divorce from a horrid woman that is only fighting for custody to squeeze money out of him. In the middle of this battle enters Caroline, Klaus' ex and only real love.
Thanks, anon, I love this one. I hope you like what I did with it : )
Quid Pro Quo
“Now, why am I not surprised to find you here draining the whiskey stash?” She asked, although his gaze remained trained on the bottom of his glass.
“Because…” he trailed off. 
“Wow, no snappy retort? I think you’re slipping, Mikaelson,” she teased, taking a seat by him at the bar and gesturing to the barman for the same. 
“Do you usually harass bar patrons or am I just lucky?” He growled. 
“There he is,” she shot back. “Now, we could sit here and mope or we could come up with a solution.”
“Caroline Forbes my fairy godmother,” he muttered, taking another sip. 
“Hey, I can high tail it out of here on my pumpkin carriage if you’re going to be snarky.”
“But it wouldn’t be me if there wasn’t some snark,” he replied, his eyes finally finding hers. Usually a vibrant blue, they were dull and tired. “You look good, love.”
“I’d believe you if it didn’t sound so forced,” she joked. “I’ve missed you and your snark.” Before he could reply, she pulled him into her arms. 
His spicy aftershave intermingled with soap was intoxicating as usual. She breathed him in thinking just how much she’d missed him and just how good he felt. Not that it was anything new to Caroline, it was the usual reaction to the person you loved. 
“Why didn’t you call me, Klaus?”  
“I didn’t want to bother you,” he murmured, finally pulling away and hurriedly swiping at a stray tear. “You’re a big, hot-shot lawyer in Boston now and I doubt I’d be able to afford you.”
“If you weren’t a multi-millionaire, internet mogul maybe but stop changing the subject,” she chided. 
“Why are you the only person who can make me feel naughty like we’re kids again?”
“Because I am, we both know Katherine was always the bad influence,” she chuckled. 
Elijah, Katherine, Klaus, and Caroline had grown up together in small-town Virginia and while his brother and her best friend were married with two children, Klaus and Caroline hadn’t made the transition between high school and adulthood. 
It wasn’t as if they hadn’t tried. They were more in love than ever senior year but he was accepted to Princeton and Caroline to Harvard. They’d both agreed that long-distance wasn’t an option.
Given they were the proud godparents of Katherine and Elijah’s children and attended many family occasions together the happy couple used to joke it was only a matter of time. Caroline secretly held out hope that maybe one day they’d find their way back to each other but it wasn’t meant to be.
Enter Hayley Marshall, now Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson. She was a yoga instructor he’d met at the gym. Their courtship had been brief and Klaus not only married her but she had two of his children. 
Caroline loved his twins Olivia and Harry and spoiled them on all the important occasions but she never warmed to Hayley or the way she treated both Klaus and her children. She loved the lifestyle his money afforded her more than anything else.  
The relationship stalled but Klaus stayed in the marriage initially for his children but had recently instigated divorce proceedings. Hayley had retaliated and was taking him for everything he had. 
“I assume my sister-in-law is the reason you’re here?”
“And your brother,” she added. “They are both worried about you and, I’m not going to lie, so am I.” 
“Don’t Caroline me,” she murmured, placing her hand over his comfortingly. “She’s trying to take you for everything.”
“I could care less about the money,” he muttered. “Olivia and Harry are all that matters to me and we both know she’s only using them to get a bigger settlement.”
“So, we fight,” Caroline insisted. “What happened to the guy who could debate me under the table or beat me at chess? Your strategic skills are second-to-none.”
“Good times,” he smirked knowingly. “Although, there was an added incentive when we played strip chess.” 
Caroline shivered involuntarily, remembering that particular memory, the chess pieces scattered across the bed, the game long forgotten as they played into the night between the sheets. 
“Who knows what we could achieve if we work together?” She murmured, raising her eyebrows. 
“I thought lawyers didn’t do conflicts of interest?” 
“I don’t,” she replied quickly. “But I do know an extremely talented family lawyer called Lexi Branson who will wipe the floor with Hayley.”
“I love it when you get competitive, there’s an extremely sexy twinkle in your eyes,” he grinned, his hand finding its way to her cheek and rubbing it softly. Caroline inhaled sharply, not expecting such intimate contact after all this time. “You had an eyelash.”
She nodded, attempting to regain her composure as years of memories flashed through her head. 
“I’m curious,” he murmured. “Why are you doing this?”
“I can’t believe you even have to ask that,” she mumbled, her gaze focused on the floor. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” he clarified, his finger finding its way to her chin and pulling it upwards so she couldn’t ignore his gaze. “I love that you are so kind and caring and are always looking out for me even though things between us ended. I hope you know I never stopped loving you, Caroline. I love my children and would never regret having them but I only wish…” He trailed off.
“I’m doing it quid pro quo,” she answered using legal terminology, her blue eyes shining with unshed tears. He looked at her curiously, his confusion was evident. “A favor for a favor.”
“I know what quid pro quo means,” he said. “So, if you’re helping me with this then what do you want in return?”
“How about you win this case first and then I’ll tell you what I want, Mikaelson?” 
Fast forward three months and a custody battle win, Caroline did just that. Turns out she wanted him and to celebrate they played strip chess and to this day had no idea who actually won. 
They both figured it really was a win-win. 
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do you have any spicy hot takes you wanna drop 👀👀?? i will drop one as well, i think that everyone got carried away with the whole sympathetic and unsympathetic stuff -💫
okay so i read the first sentence and i was like ‘fuck yes time to talk about the sympathetic/unsympathetic thing’ and then i read the rest of it and yeah okay so we’re on the same page here. i have a feeling this is going to get extensive so if you don’t want to hear me complaining about stuff that you may or may not like don’t go reading under the cut. Also it's not going to be very coherent
disclaimer: i am not trying to police the fandom or trying to tell anyone that they can’t write stuff. i do my best to stay in my lane and read/consume content that i want to. these are just. feelings i have.
so on the one hand i sort of understand where the whole concept sprung from. it’s hard to write interesting longform stories without a villain of some sort, it’s not as if there’s all that many characters in the first place, and sometimes using the Dragon Witch doesn’t quite cut it. and honestly if you take away the whole ‘they’re all part of the same person’ thing it would’ve been pretty easy to assume that Deceit was the bad guy when he first showed up. he went the whole ‘ominous smirking, evil laughter’ route because he’s a dramatic little bastard, and some people were like 'my son, I love him' and others went 'evil man! Evil! He's planning bad things' and on a purely mechanical level having tags that distinguish people who think a character is good vs people who think a character is evil is a good thing, it helps you distinguish content you want to look at from the content that you don't!
HOWEVER. I think the idea of characters being 'sympathetic' or 'unsympathetic' in the way that this fandom uses those terms is innately flawed. It's black-and-white thinking and it veers close to the whole puritan thing that tumblr is so fond of. And in most cases 'unsympathetic' is just an excuse to write characters as toxic, abusive, and just downright cruel without having to explain yourself. Which is. Hm. And also just lazy writing.
This bit might be tmi but: Patton actually used to be my favorite Sanders Sides character. But back when i initially got into the fandom, I hadn't quite worked out how to filter the content I looked through yet, and I just kept seeing this... constant stream of stuff involving him being abusive to the others in a way that was hm how shall i say this. Uncomfortably familiar. especially with a lot of religious guilt themes. It's not anyone's fault, precisely, but it did tinge a lot of my fandom experience, and it maaaay be why i'm not great at writing him. Doesn't matter. The point is... There wasn't a point. I'm just still bitter about that and wanted to mention it. Maybe i'm angrier about this than i thought i was. Let's not talk about that. Let's move on with this discussion.
You'll notice that i used Janus as an example up there at the top. I can't be sure (and actually it grimly fascinates me so if anybody who's been around here longer than I have has any info on this send it over, I'd love to know) but I think that Deceit's appearance in CLBG may have marked the beginning of this whole unsympathetic/sympathetic split in the fandom. It seems a safe enough bet, anyway, especially since the earliest example I can find of any fic being tagged 'unsympathetic' in the AO3 archive is from 4th February 2018, literally the day after CLBG went up. (damn, guys, moving fast). 
The first occurrences of the 'sympathetic' tag crop up about a month later. Tumblr is impossible to search so I don't know if there was any discussion about terms, or if it was just a kind of snowball effect with people seeing the tags and tagging their own fics as appropriate (and this is a fascinating phenomena in itself!) but either way - i have absolutely no idea what happened to make people go from 'we're divided on whether this character who presents himself a villain is actually doing bad and detrimental things to the other sides/thomas/the world as a whole/innocent puppies' to 'hang on what if the other sides were kicking puppies also?'
So now this has turned from a rant about terminology into me being genuinely curious about this whole thing. I will put the rant on pause while I go scour AO3 to see when the first occurrences of the tags popped up. Please hold.
Okay. I'm going to ignore the unsympathetic tags for anyone who's not a side because i don't hate myself nearly that much (but uh for the record. There is a part of this fandom that thinks the LITERAL CONCEPT OF SLEEP IS EVIL and i'm not sure if i should be impressed or horrified. What? What???)
All of these numbers are up-to-date as of 17/06/2020, which is when I'm posting this. I'm probably not going to update that, so keep that in mind if you're reading this in the future.
In order of chronological appearance:
Unsympathetic Janus ('Deceit' at the time, of course) - first appears 12 March 2018, 191 works Unsympathetic Roman - first appears 10 February 2019, 102 works Unsympathetic Logan - first appears 24 June 2019, 59 works Unsympathetic Patton - first appears 2 July 2019, 228 works Unsympathetic Remus - first appears 17 July, 2019, 121 works Unsympathetic Virgil - first appears 31 July 2019, 71 works
...I genuinely don't know what I expected.
The fandom was much slower to spark with Unsympathetic Remus content after he first showed up, which is kind of interesting. Unless they just didn't bother to tag it? Like, I'm working with the assumption that everyone's tagging all of their content, which might not always be the case
I thought there'd be so much more Janus and Remus-tagged fics than there actually are.
It does not surprise me that Patton has the most in this category. It makes me sad but it doesn't surprise me. Why are you guys so intent on making him evil
And on the opposite side of the sympathy spectrum (similarly chronological):
Sympathetic Janus - first appears 7 March 2018, 1920 works Sympathetic Remus - first appears 2 July 2019, 965 works Sympathetic Patton - first appears 31 July 2019, 71 works Sympathetic Virgil - first appears 1 August 2019, 69 works (nice) Sympathetic Logan - first appears 8 August 2019, 41 works Sympathetic Roman - first appears 20 August, 56 works
It's actually wild that 'Sympathetic [Janus]' seems to have appeared several days between Unsympathetic Jan made any appearance.
There were several Remus fics that were backtagged to before DWIT was released. I ignored them because it was throwing this off a bit. there may be other problems to this effect in any of the other stats, but i’m too lazy to go back and check those all one-by-one
Sympathetic tags in general seem to be used as, hm, there's a word here i can't quite think of. Basically, 'Sympathetic' seems to be the default setting for characters like Virgil, Patton, Roman, Logan (the 'Light Sides', although i take issue with that terms as well. This isn't the time for that, though. Statistics!!) which 'Unsympathetic' used to be the default for Janus and Remus. That's become slightly more elastic of late, though. Basically if you're using the Sympathetic tag for anyone who's not a 'Dark Side' you're usually doing it to make a point of something. e.g. if you have other sides who aren't usually unsympathetic as such and you're trying to clarify that yes, these specific ones are Okay. Or if you're just being thorough. Anyway that's why LAMP seem to have less works tagged as Symp than the other two.
All the sympathetic tags for non-Janus characters seem to have sprung up in quick succession over a short period of months! I have no idea what this means but it's strange and cool to look at
If you're wondering about the discrepancy between this information and my earlier note that the first appearance of 'unsympathetic' as an AO3 tag was the day after CLBG came out - that fic in question had a general 'unsympathetic dark sides' tag, no specific tags mentioned.
Okay statistics segue over. The only point of that apart from scientific curiosity was to try to puzzle out where the fuck this all stemmed from. I still have no answers.
I need you all to understand that 'Sympathetic' no longer looks like a real word to me.
So. Remember how i mentioned how this fandom managed to make unsympathetic!Remy/Sleep a thing? Yeah. That baffles me. I haven't seen unsympathetic Dr Picani anywhere yet but I know it's only a matter of time and that lowkey horrifies me. But that's not really the most baffling thing because, uh
Well. earlier this week I accidentally stumbled into a corner of tumblr that's dedicated to unsympathetic character Thomas content. If you're a fan of that, i'd advise you to click away from this post now because i'm about to get very angry about that and i don't want to make you upset. Thank you.
What the fuck. literally all of the posts in this corner of tumblr are about c!thomas abusing the sides and being a terrible person??? ??????? ????? WHAT? can we just take a step back and. WHY? WHY are you doing this? Are we watching the same show? from a psychological standpoint, that's self-abuse and self-harm and i suppose it might be interesting if you explored it as such but APPARENTLY NO. apparently that's not what this is about. This is just about writing about someone being abusive to other people for the sake of it. there were so many posts about him 'abusing the sides by telling them they're not real people' and. OKAY so a) he wouldn't do that b) THEY AREN'T. THEY LITERALLY AREN'T REAL PEOPLE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
[deep breath]
so actually i think that kind of leads me back to the point of this whole thing.  I had a point, what? It surprises me too, don't worry. The point is (roughly) that writing characters as 'unsympathetic' isn't something that i have an objection to at all. Everybody has the capacity to be cruel! Nobody's perfect!! But with the sympathetic/un labels it seems to enforce this strict dichotomy of good vs bad. Either Logan is an abusive monster OR he's a perfect angel. Guys. That's not how it works. And it's not INTERESTING if you do that sort of thing because then you've got people being unnecessarily cruel and evil for the sake of it. They turn into 2-dimensional caricatures that only exist to be bad people. 
People make mistakes! I write about characters making mistakes all the time! Janus and Remus pulling the whole trolley problem thing in Pick A Side definitely wasn't a great thing for them to do, but I didn't tag them as unsympathetic at the time and i have no plan to do so because i don't want to write them as two-dimensional caricatures who are only capable of one of two settings on the morality meter.  (same goes for the next chapter, whenever that comes up but... let’s talk about that when i post it, maybe)That's boring. If you're going to take characters and make them into antagonists just because you can't think of anyone else to fit the role, and you're doing it by stripping away everything that makes them Them, then you might as well just stuff a paper bag with straw and cast a scarecrow as the villain instead because buddy. You're making a strawman. That's what you're doing. You can't have Patton without kindness and well-meaningness, just as you can't have Patton without the mistakes caused by those two things. Same goes for the other sides and their flaws and strengths.
And then there's the other thing that's definitely more specific to this fandom, which I think was best summarized with something i said in the comments section of Pick A Side with len at like ten minutes past midnight that one time:
(...) and not necessarily related to anything you said, but - this fandom is kind of unique in that... there's no actual bad guys or villains. (at least that's how i perceive it.) The Real Villain Is Your Poor Mental Health. people are always like 'unsympathetic deceit' or 'unsympathetic patton' and point to different points in the videos as evidence, ('i give you permission to think those thoughts' patton's being controlling - that's abuse) but like. it's all the same guy. he's giving himself permission. he's doing it to himself. imagine if we tagged other fandom characters with like 'Unsympathetic Harry Potter' when he was being mean or critical to himself. wild.
 So yeah. In conclusion: obviously people should write what they like. If they see characters one way and they want to write about them being two-dimensional monsters that's fine. I kind of wish you'd put more thought into it and make it at least interesting if you're going to do that sort of thing, but you do you i guess.
That being said. If I see any more unsympathetic!Patton content I will start crying. i want to love Goofy Dad Man the same way i used to 
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battlestar-royco · 4 years
updated faq
Round 2! I tried to shorten the answers so as not to be repetitive, and I also added new FAQs for your convenience. My past self who wrote my first FAQ annoys me, and this one is more thorough anyway, so here you go. I still can’t believe you all actually interact with me enough that I have to make one of these.
Questions up here, answers under the cut.
anti sjm basics
1. why are you an anti?
2. why are you specifically anti SJM?
3. do you like anything about SJM’s books?
4. terminology and practices
5. why do you hold SJM to a higher standard than other authors?/why do you focus on criticizing this one woman more harshly than you do men?
6. did you see what xyz stan did?
7. are you an anti for non-SJM stuff?
best of (in my humble opinion)
diversity and sensitivity
8. I have a question about writing and/or how to portray xyz identity...
9. can you please tag...?
10. is it okay if I like [x author]/[y series] even if I know they’re problematic?
11. what are your suggestions for aspiring authors who want to write diversely?
12. is it okay if I message you?
13. why don’t you post about books/shows/movies you actually like?
14. favorites?
15. book suggestions?
16. are you a writer/what are you writing/do you plan on publishing?
17. is it okay if I follow you on other social media?
18. fandom research
19. when did you start your blog?
20. how did you decide your url?
anti SJM basics
1. why are you an anti?
I love thinking critically about the media I consume. Though I wouldn’t say I’m particularly “anti” any text or author, some people classify any criticism as “anti.” To respect people in the main tags, I post in anti tags so they don’t have to see critical posts. Otherwise, I love talking about positive, neutral, and negative aspects of books.
2. why are you specifically anti SJM?
The Anti SJM Manifesto
What made you turn into an anti? x x
Rowan/Rowaelin: x x x
The fandom: x x x x x x
3. do you like anything about SJM’s books?
Yes. I like a lot of SJM’s ideas, but I don’t like how they’re executed at all. I highly enjoyed TAB, TOG-HOF, and the witch storyline of QOS. My favorite TOG characters are Manon, Chaol, Nehemia, and Sorscha. Honorable mention for Lysandra, Kaltain, and Asterin. My favorite ACOTAR characters are Nesta, Lucien, and Tarquin. Additional links: x x x x
If you want my positive thoughts on certain SJM characters, look up: “anti sjm: [character name]” and you’ll find them.
4. terminology and practices:
Anti SJM Glossary. Seeing as many of us have had bad experiences with stans and in one case, authors, we censor names so our posts stay in our own tags.
What is soap dick? From August 2018 x x.
Manongate? when KOA came out, Charlie Bowater’s promotional art (x) depicted Manon as Asian. Here’s more on why that’s a problematic and lazy decision on SJM and Bloomsbury’s part: x x.
5. why do you hold SJM to a higher standard than other authors?/why do you focus on criticizing this one woman more harshly than you do men?
SJM alone out of all the biggest YA authors has yet to make craft improvements or display a social awareness similar to what I’ve seen from her colleagues. I give all authors an equal chance, but SJM’s writing and behavior has significantly decreased in quality compared to other fantasy authors despite her books being lauded as complex and feminist works. However, I’m not perfect, so do feel welcome to send me an ask if you think I’m being unfair.
The anti SJM community is focused on women because we all mainly read women. Critiquing women doesn’t mean we are unaware, dismissive of, or silent about the issues in men’s work. The “anti” movements for the likes of GRRM do exist, but under a different name than “anti”–there are thousands of critical meta blogs, book/TV critics and reviewers, Youtubers, etc out there who discuss his flaws in depth. I also have lengthy anti GRRM, anti GOT, and anti ASOIAF tags. Finally, I personally find critiquing and discussing women’s work a lot more interesting, productive, and empowering than doing the same for men, especially because my blog’s focus is on the YA author/transformative fan community at large.
About Leigh Bardugo: x x x x x x x
About GRRM (and GOT): x x x x x x x
About Tolkien: I've only read The Hobbit and a third of Fellowship of the Ring, and I’ve only watched FotR, so I don’t say much about him at all.
6. did you see what xyz stan did?
Probably not, especially if what they did was off Tumblr. I don’t look at stan accounts unless someone informs me that my posts or I have come up in conversation on their blog. Any specific stan urls in asks will be redacted both for their privacy and my own well-being. Stans have doxxed, harassed, and discriminated against antis, including myself, so I’d rather save us all the trouble.
7. are you an anti for non-SJM stuff?
I most often talk about SJM’s books, but I’ve also been very critical of GOT/ASOIAF. Following GRRM, several other YA authors have appeared in positive, neutral, and critical lights. On the more critical side we have Cassandra Clare and JK Rowling, and a very little bit about Victoria Aveyard, John Green, Maggie Stiefvater, Stephenie Meyer, and Veronica Roth. Otherwise, I’ve talked about Susan Dennard, Rick Riordan, Leigh Bardugo, and Marie Rutkoski. Check out my YA critical tag for more. I’m also down to discuss franchises like Star Wars, Fantastic Beasts, MCU, etc, as well as TV shows. Basically anything big in genre fiction media, there’s a good chance I’ve read/watched it and I have opinions!
best of
anti SJM
Are the Illyrians MOC?
Moral Ambiguity Series
Anti Nessian
Lucien or Rhysand?
Chaol or Rowan?
why are period dramas like... that
White Feminism
a beginner’s guide to fandom racism
diversity and sensitivity
8. I have a question about writing and/or how to portray xyz identity...
First and foremost, check my “writing advice” and “writing advice: poc” tags to see if the question has already been answered.
I am black cis girl with a dual degree in women’s/gender studies and creative writing. I will best be able to answer questions regarding black characters, women, racial oppression and identity as a whole, and most questions about queer characters. There’s a chance I can provide a basic answer to questions about demographics outside of these, but I’ll most likely advise you to ask another blogger or seek out sensitivity readers.
9. can you please tag...?
Yes. Just send an ask and I’ll tag anything. I’ve turned off all Tumblr notifications for this account so I probably won’t see tag requests in comments unless you comment within a day or so of the post.
10. is it okay if I like [x author]/[y series] even if I know they’re problematic?
Absolutely. I’m not the liking-things police and I can’t control whether you like something or not. There’s no such thing as an unproblematic author or unproblematic series, so you just have to like what you like at your own discretion and with a critical eye. As long as you’re aware of the issues and not denying or ignoring them, maybe even seeking out other people whose opinions add to the conversation, you’re good. It’s exhausting to be 100% critical but harmful to be 100% uncritical, so you have to seek out critics you like and figure out how to maintain a dialogue with the text and/or the author. The balance is different for everyone but once you find it, it gets easier to keep up!
11. what are your suggestions for aspiring authors who want to write diversely?
Concepts to be aware of and tropes to avoid: male gaze, the Bechdel test, the Mako Mori test, the sexy lamp test, fridging, Orientalism, xenoface (called “the Gamora Phenomenon” on my blog), black best friend, Spicy Latina, Dragon Lady, bury your gays, disability narratives, queerbaiting.
What not to do when creating a culture.
My advice about writing POC.
Check out these blogs if you like: x x x.
Follow as diversely as possible. Follow multiple blogs, especially writing- or fandom-themed blogs, run by POC (especially women and LGBTQ+), bloggers from religiously marginalized groups, bloggers with disabilities, older bloggers, younger bloggers, international bloggers, plus size bloggers, etc. Everyone has different perspectives and opinions, so it’s best to read from multiple sources.
Magnify marginalized voices in conversations about diversity, and LISTEN to what they are telling you.
Read diversely! Read genre fiction written by marginalized people. Maybe even read some gender, queer, race, or disability theory if you like. I’m personally a fan of Audre Lorde, Anne McClintock, and Sara Ahmed, but I like a lot more.
Seek out multiple sensitivity readers for the specific identity you are trying to represent (ie if you are trying to write a Muslim woman, ask a Muslim woman to sensitivity read for you. Experiences are not interchangeable so don’t treat them as such).
Don’t let the research stop here. This is just the beginning. There are plenty of awesome and accessible resources out there if you want to know more. I started learning about this stuff on sites like Tumblr, Goodreads, and Youtube. The Goodreads review sections, especially for YA books, are so entertaining and full of commentators coming at texts with feminist, queer, and POC lenses if you look in the right spots. There are also podcasts and Youtube videos about feminism, history of queerbaiting, and such. Happy reading/listening/writing!
12. is it okay if I message you?
If we’ve been mutuals and/or we’ve interacted for a while (at least a few weeks or so), absolutely. When it comes to questions about writing or diversity advice in WIPs, I prefer asks (off or on anon is fine; if you’d like to be off anon but answered privately, you can indicate that in the ask). That way, other people with similar questions can join the discussion and I’m less likely to repeat myself. That said, I’m not opposed to messages; I just get shy around people I don’t know :). Regardless of ask or message, please try to ask the full question as clearly as possible so I can answer it to my best ability. Generally, you can expect an answer to your message or ask within a few days to a week of sending.
If you’re looking for a fight and/or if you start using condescending, rude, or discriminatory language, you will be ignored.
13. why don’t you post about books/shows/movies you actually like?
I do! :)
14. favorites?
books: Harry Potter; The Hunger Games; Six of Crows; Percy Jackson; The Winner’s Trilogy; Angelfall; The Secret History; Othello; Jane Eyre; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/The Magician’s Nephew; A Storm of Swords.
movies: Alien, Blade Runner 2049, Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, Black Panther, Annihilation, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Terminator 2, The Breakfast Club, The Lion King, Moonlight dir. Barry Jenkins, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, Tangled.
tv series: Sense8, Battlestar Galactica (2004-2008), Black Mirror, The X Files, The 100, Westworld (season 1 only), Watchmen, Homeland (seasons 1-4 only), Orphan Black, Breaking Bad, The Office, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, New Girl, Fleabag.
15. book suggestions?
Book recs!
Maxine, did you read/watch...?
16. are you a writer/what are you writing/do you plan on publishing?
I hope to publish, yes! I write mostly YA fantasy, but I also love sci fi, crime drama, and certain elements of horror so I have works in or influenced by all of those genres. I want to get my foot in the YA fantasy door first and foremost :). Check out “polysorscha writes things” if you want to know more specifics.
17. is it okay if I follow you on other social media?
As of now I keep my blog disconnected from my personal life, so I don’t share my other socials but feel free to follow me over on my main blog @ripley-stark if you like! It’s just pretty gifs and photos of my favorite movies and shows, social justice, meta reblogs here and there, and rambling in the tags. Don’t feel like you have to follow if you don’t want to; I say a lot more on here.
That being said, I have given my Goodreads to a handful of people who ask, so if you want to track what I’m reading, private message me and I’ll send you the link. In the case that I share the link with you, please respect my privacy and do not repost or share the link anywhere else unless you see me share it on my blog publicly.
18. fandom research:
In March to May 2019, I conducted a survey on my blog in an attempt to gather information about fandom through a social justice–specifically, intersectional feminist–lens. Here are the results and my analysis of the survey x. The purpose for this data collection was to write my final undergraduate research paper in one of my two majors, women’s and gender studies (the other is creative writing!), which focused on diversity and inclusion in genre fiction media and fandom. The final paper is about 11k words. I haven’t publicly published it, but message me if you’re interested in reading it! I also plan on doing more similar surveys to gather information about what audiences want to see in future media, so if anyone is interested, please send messages, asks, comments etc about what YOU want to see and/or ideas about how we can spread the info to creators. This is much bigger than just me and I can’t do it without your help. I love hearing from diverse voices and amplifying them as much as I can. Everyone’s perspective is meaningful!
19. when did you start your blog?
No earlier than the end of April or beginning of May 2018.
20. how did you decide your url?
I wish the Celaena/Dorian/Chaol love triangle resolved in a polyamorous relationship, and that Nehemia and Sorscha were thriving. Seeing as I am black, Sorscha is one of two characters in T0G who represents me. Thus, polyamorous + Sorscha. :)
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