#I know that's not part of the challenge but I do kinda wanna know haha
rianneeyre · 10 months
Director's cut of this, please!! He likes pets, because they’re so much easier to deal with than people. They don’t catch onto his social gaffes, they’re never disappointed when he messes up. They just want to be fed and watered and stroked. Touching them also doesn’t lead to sensory overload. Sometimes Cecil wants to cuddle with Carlos but it’s too much, and then he has to say no and watch the disappointment wash over Cecil’s face, so badly hidden that even Carlos can see it. It’s not that Cecil doesn’t understand – he’s been wonderful, so supportive Carlos can hardly believe it. He’s just disappointed, because he wants to touch Carlos but can’t, and those moments make Carlos feel even worse than he already does when his skin tingles from all the touches of that day.
He wonders why that doesn’t happen when he touches animals. Maybe it’s because there’s not as much social stimuli to go with the sensations. Sometimes, Carlos regrets that he didn’t major in psychology. Maybe he would’ve understood his autism better. But he thinks wanting to understand yourself is a bad reason to do a major, and anyway he’s always been more interested in chemistry and physics.
When he reaches the sofa, he spends a minute trying to arrange the throw pillows without dropping the cat. Finally, he stretches out on the sofa and places the cat on his belly. It peers into his face for a moment before lying down and pulling its paws under its body.
Carlos takes off his glasses and puts them on the coffee table. Then he begins stroking the cat, and it purrs in response. Before long, it uncurls its body and stretches out, head on Carlos’ shoulder and body draped over his chest and stomach. He smiles and watches the cat as it’s gently carried up and down by the movement of his breathing.
“I hope you’re still around by the time Cecil gets home,” he tells the cat as a yawn overtakes him. “Because he’s bound to love you.”
The cat rubs its head against him. It’s soothing and perfect, and before he knows it, Carlos is asleep.
Ooh thanks for sending this in! Deep cut!! This is from Soft Fur.
This fic was a bit of a character study of my version of Carlos and an exploration of his sensory issues in particular. I'm not autistic, but I do have some sensory issues (though not in the way Carlos does here) and I was definitely using this fic to muse about those and explore how Carlos related to himself, the knowledge and understanding of himself that he had. Looking back, it's interesting that I'm commenting in this section on how Carlos wishes he'd studied psychology to understand himself better. I at the time WAS studying psychology and it's not actually particularly helpful in understanding your own psyche or sensory system, in my experience. I also think I've found since that it's much more satisfying to know what helps you and how to manage your sensory/mental system, than it is to know about the WHY of things, which is what Carlos is speculating about here.
The overarching goal of this fic, though, was to capture something really soft and gentle between Carlos and Cecil, and I think you can see that in this passage as well. The connection that Carlos has with Cecil in cat-form here is really soothing, gentle, safe. That's something I wanted for this version of Carlos and probably also something I was longing for myself at the time of writing.
I remember I had this fic beta'ed by a friend of mine who's autistic, as a sensitivity read. I think it was the first time that that friend read any of my writing (she later read some of my other stuff as well). Particularly back then, that would've been really vulnerable for me as well. These days I'm far more confident overall than I was at 21 when I wrote this, and also more confident in my writing (though getting beta comments is still always daunting!!).
Also, I have a cat now (I didn't then) and it's funny to try to picture him acting like cat!Cecil because Caspian is about 100x more aloof. He would never be so undignified as to be a lap cat.
Hope this was fun to read!!
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icedmatchatae · 2 years
Please Teach Me? | JJK
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Pairing: Frat President Jungkook x Succubus Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff??, Comedy (enjoy my annoying humor)
Summary: You’re a succubus who doesn’t know a thing or two on luring men, and it doesn’t help that your first task in training is to get the most egotistical fuck boy in the human realm in bed, Beta Tau Sigma president Jeon Jungkook.
Warning: Uhhh where do I start? We’re going on an adventure! Seokjin is the best :D, Second hand embarrassment from our dear OC, OC is kinda ditz but smart at the same time???, also forgets she’s a demon and is confused 999.6969% of the time, Dom Sadist Jungkook (he’s so mean in a good way)/ Masochist Succubus Reader, sir kink, size kink (OC is fun size and a rag doll), dirty talk, degrading/threats lol not really, praising, her wings and tail are sensitive ;-), multiple orgasms (too many to count haha), oral (m and f receiving), tail sucking?? LOL, fingering, wing/tail play hahahah, face slapping, pussy slapping, ass slapping, spitting djdjdjdj, dumbification, unprotected sex (she’s literally a succubus, and you’re not so be safe), creampies
Word count: 18.1k
A/N: I wanna say pwp but there was a plot lol I’m not good with that. I also suck because this one-shot was TOO LONG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME GHEROGHEOGE why the fuck did I make the smut so long ;-; also I guess this could be part of Halloween LOL
I've also cross-posted this originally on AO3 as well! Enjoy~~~
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This was complete and utter bullshit.
There was no way this was supposed to be your first assigned task. Don’t the highers have pity on you?
Well, no, not really. They don’t show as many emotions as you did, yet they were relieved you even made it somewhere in the training program. But this was an outrage for you as you scanned the file sent to your dorm.
Your burgundy wings fluttered furiously while your matching-colored tail stayed straight up due to how uncomfortable you were. You scratched your head in frustration and even accidentally hitting your little horns before letting out a loud whine. You pushed through your dorm room and flew straight to your mentor with the same file that affected your being.
Some of your cohorts watched you and your high-pitched cries, being the famous failure who finally obtained her first assignment after like, what, five years?
Let’s get one thing straight—you were a succubus…in training. 
Okay, so before a succubus goes out to the realms and devours men through sexual activities on their own, they must train and understand the ways of the succubi. Succubi must learn how to lure and attract men, use their bodies in a way that is ultimately captivating to anyone of the eye, and be confident in the art of how the demons perform. During the training process, succubi take exams and complete tasks, and each has their own mentor that passes them or not. It’s kind of like school where grades don’t matter, and if you complete it well, you pass. If you don’t pass, you must repeat the same task on another subject.
In typical folklore, succubi performed sexual activities while men slept. But through training, it eases the demons into this last task until they are full-fledged succubus ready to destroy mankind.
You, unfortunately, knew nothing about anything, really. You weren’t the best learner as is. You also can’t comprehend that well until someone, i.e., your mentor, yelled at you. Throwing the profession you have for eternity, it may be a little challenging to get by. You already failed an exam or three, and you burned half of your mentor all because you simply couldn’t learn how to attract and lure men into bed. 
Luckily, your mentor decided to give you some practice rounds to fully comprehend the works and information. But every round, he’d comment on how rather than turning men on, you’ll leave them immensely uncomfortable or left with a burn.
You were held back, as the standard training for succubi was at least a year and a half, depending on how determined you were. Most of the demons you started with completed training ages ago, leaving you behind. While they’re out and about 69-ing men snoring their dicks off, you were busy trying to pass the pre-exam before going into the field.
Lo and behold, you finally passed and couldn’t be happier. You wanted to be a good succubus and prove to the highers and your mentor that you are worthy of being a sex demon. 
But how can you when you are assigned a difficult task for the first time?
“Seokjin!” You burst into your mentor’s office with teary eyes and a pout like no other. You sniffled as you found him unbothered, standing. His dick was out and hardened as he examined it through his large gold-framed mirror on the wall behind his desk. You couldn’t care about his actions as incubus and succubus were comfortable showing and performing their bodies. You were all sex demons, for fuck’s sake.
“What is it, ___? I’m scrutinizing my cock. By the way, does it look extra curved today?” Seokjin tore his eyes away from his reflection to finally look at his distraught mentee.
“No, it doesn’t! It looks more pointed and the trunk looks like it gained another ripple, but that’s not why I’m here!” You sobbed out in anger as you flew to slam the file on the surface of his desk. “Explain!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes before tucking himself back into his pants. He grabbed the file and flaunted it in front of your stressed face. “Ugh, ___…”
“Why would you give me this? I can’t do this task! It’s way too hard!”
“You’re not letting me speak and—”
“I barely passed my exam. You, of all demons, should know my performance is not as excelled and up to par to face this subject.“ You didn’t even let him explain, and you went on with your rant as you were hovering all over his space. “And—”
“Yes, emphasis on barely but you still passed with a 69%, which by the way, I would give you some extra credit if you did it on purpose but you didn’t so…” He cuts you off to clarify your argument. “Just be glad you don’t need to take that exam again after your fourth time!”
“Hey, it was number five. If you’re my mentor, at least remember the stats.” You corrected him as you wiped the tears off your face. You stuck out your tongue at him, making him do the same. “But my first task can’t be this one! It’s way too hard. Why can’t I get someone easier, like a gamer or a sweet and caring one? Why the fuck does this have to be this one? “
Your mentor pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled exhaustingly. He assumed you were going to comply with his decision. Still, alas, you weren’t because you always bitched and whined about everything he did. It made sense because everything was out of your comfort zone, and he knew. “Your choices were limited since everyone else in your year already completed theirs years ago.” He explained, though knowing you won’t fully grasp that, he added, “It was either this one or a heinous wicked bastard who mistreats women, which I still don’t understand why they give first years that option. You could get hurt, and Lilith should deal with him.”
For some reason, your bothered appearance became relaxed yet shifted into a more shy demeanor. Eventually, you gently landed on your feet, resting your wings and tail. You raised your head to face him. He was much taller and bigger than you, and so was everyone else. “B-but, I can’t. I’ll—“
“No, shh. Don’t say you’ll fuck up. Have faith—wait, have hope in yourself.” He pinched your horns lightly, helping you alleviate your frantic self. He knew you weren’t as confident in your ability. Hell, you even confided in him after your second failed exam, talking about how you felt you were lacking sex appeal, any attractiveness, your features, and your short stature that was well below average than any demon living. You even flashed your breasts at him as you complained they weren’t as big.
Seokjin never saw a succubus like you. You were the complete opposite to all things of your kind. Without your sharp horns, bat-like wings, and slithering dark tail with the end tip shaped like a heart, you could be mistaken as an angel. It was confusing and left him uncomfortable at times. But nevertheless, you were still a succubus.
“There’s a reason why the Seokjin, well-known incubus across the realms who is handsome, stunning, intelligent, funny, handsome, creative, extraordinary, handsome…did I say handsome?”
“Get on with your poorly executed speech.”
“There’s a reason why I’m your mentor.”
“Yeah, you were forced to after like three repeals.”
“Well, yes. But after I forced myself to get to know you, I realized you have much potential as a succubus, more than any demon I met. You’re absolutely gorgeous—almost as gorgeous as me—you’re also one of the most kind succubus I know and you’re very authentic.”
“Aww, thanks Jin. I appreciate you.”
“Of course, you’re still a bit of an airhead and awkward. You are wayyyy too obvious when you fuck up—“
“I take it back.” You spoke out.
“The point is you can do it. It’s literally what you are. This training is just prep for you despite all the technical things.” He reassured me and passed back the file to you. “After this, you can do whatever the hell you want.”
Though you were a bit at ease, you were still unconfident. “But how will I—”
“Remember what I said. “
“Your breasts aren’t what defines you? Every guy is obsessed with any titty?”
Your mentor raised his eyebrow, questioning why you remembered that so vividly. You merely blinked, waiting for his response. “Well, yes? But in this context, not that. Remember what your motto should be.”
“Men are simple-minded and easy?”
Your task was simple: you needed to get your subject in bed and fuck him. But what made it difficult was the subject himself, because he was a man—a human man. And you were a bit afraid of them. You heard some stuff from other demons saying how unhinged they were to the point where there were many instances that succubi got hurt and poorly bruised despite the supernatural strength demons conveyed.
Anyways, your subject goes by the name Jeon Jungkook. He was a fraternity president of Beta Tau Sigma, and through your findings, he was known to be a “fuck boy?”—whatever that was. He slept with many counterparts in college and broke hearts along the way. He excelled in academics and also came from a pretty well-off family. He was also in sports, soccer, and baseball.
That was it from the file because Seokjin redacted the rest by burning it away, including his personality, type, and interests. He did it as “a learning curve” for you to get more experience on your first task. You were about to bitch, but he interrupted you, saying you’ll have a little trip away from the demon realm.
You were still going to complain, but again, he reassured me that communication between you two would still be here.
There were photos of this Jeon Jungkook. He looked like someone who hurt you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Nonetheless, he was pretty attractive and appealing to your demon eyes. His body was muscular and ripped from his neck to his Achilles tendons. There was one of him shirtless and fucking hell, many dents and veins popping out, especially within his arms and hands. Speaking of his arms, his right one was fully decorated with tattoos. He had multiple piercings on his ears and a lip ring on his face.
Seokjin was kind enough to show you subtler pictures of him smiling and laughing which was actually cute to you. It relieved your nervousness in this task. This man was a real piece of work, yet you still knew nothing about him because you had to work for it, and you had no idea how to start—thanks, Seokjin…
Though you needed heavy guidance, you refused to ask your mentor; otherwise, he’d force you to say a statement that was not wholly true before assisting you.
So here you were: Posing as a student in the human realm on the university campus. You hid your wings and tail to look the part, which was unbearable because they were sealed inside your skin and cramped up. You wore a yellow sundress with a pair of cute little block heels while carrying a beige backpack around your surroundings.
People were on the grass in groups sleeping, studying, or talking amongst themselves, others were walking to get to classes, and some were rowdy and playing. You assumed this is typical human behavior, more so college students.
You felt out of place—no shit—this was definitely new territory you’re on. At the very least, you knew how to get around quickly, but that didn’t mean it’d be socially acceptable.
Your electronic device, which was called a phone, buzzed in your dress pocket. You pulled it out and saw that it was Seokjin called.
Once you answered, he greeted, “Hello, my lovely ___. How are you? I assume you arrived on campus. Please tell me you’re wearing something skimpy.”
“Jin, I’m uncomfortable—”
“That’s how I usually felt when you practiced—”
“I’m unfortunately not wearing anything skimpy because I’m uncomfortable—”
“Will you shut the fuck up?” You spat back as you groaned. “Anyways, I’m here and I don’t know where to start. And before you speak, I refuse to say it because that’s literally power abuse and you’re my mentor! You should be guiding me regardless!”
“Okay, okay, fine! Don’t get your cherry printed panties in a twist. Just trying to relax you.“
“You’re no—wait, how do you know I’m wearing cherries?”
Ignoring your question, he continued on with some help. “Before you went, I was kind enough to give you some information. Inside your backpack, I placed a folder in there that has Jeon’s class and practice schedule. There are some new pointers that I had redacted previously, which I kinda regret now since you’re practically clueless.”
“Whose fault is that?”
“You! I practically have to scream at you to get shit into your little head!” He screamed. “I put who he associates with, i.e. his friends, frat members.” While he further explained himself, you quickly found an empty table and sat down as you retrieved what was in the backpack. You read off the papers and scrutinized the pictures given—by the way, also attractive men surrounding him.
“You haven’t given me his interests or personality.” You questioned though you spoke as a statement.
“Even though it was my plan to not show you everything, the highers thought it was best to not give it to you.” He replied as carefully and slowly as possible. Before you could yell at him, he beat you to it. “___, come on and understand. You know nothing on how to lure men seductively. They and I thought it was the perfect way possible for you. You’d be working closely with the dude and knowing your way around a human man. If you fuck up, you fuck up but at least you know next time what to do.”
You sighed, giving up on the notion. “Okay… I’ll try.”
“That’s the spirit! Plus, you won’t die.” He encouraged you. “___, it’s a very simple task. Just fuck him.”
“I know it’s just fucking him! You don’t think I want to?” You yelled but realized where you were. You looked around and spotted a couple of groups staring at you curiously. Trying to ignore the eyes, you returned to your conversation. “I’m just scared, okay? It’s my first time.”
“It’s okay to be scared. I was like that before.”
You snorted, “Really?” Judging by the way he carried himself, scared was definitely not it.
“Well, no. I was a fucking pro, but the thing I’m getting at is that it’s natural how you feel. But you shouldn’t. You’re gonna unlock something in you that you’ve never seen before. I can promise you that.” He countered, trying his best to keep you hopeful. “I’ll be calling you or if you need urgency, just mind communicate me. You got this. You’re a pretty succubus. There’s no way human men would deny you.”
“Okay, I understand.” You nodded. You checked the time and saw it was close to when Jungkook’s schedule started. “I think I need to go to his first class, so I’ll call you later.”
“Good luck, I believe in you!” He gave you one last pep talk. “I’ll give you a little cheat, just for that! He likes the naive ones.”
“What? What does that mean?” You asked, not getting anything from that.
“Exactly, little succubus.”
You walked into the lecture hall—shit, this was huge. How could you possibly learn anything with hundreds of people here? Anyways, this was a folklore and mythology literature class but not like it matters.
Your eyes scanned the students, searching for Jungkook, but you couldn’t see him. It didn’t help that you were short as fuck, having to tip toe and scan the crowd. It also didn’t that you were blocking the entranceway and people didn’t see you there, so you were pushed down by accident and fell to the ground on your knees and hands.
“Whoa didn’t see there, you little troll.” You heard a voice from behind, followed by a roar of deep laughter.
“Hey! How dare you call me a—” You turned your body around to face the culprit and gazed up at three figures, smirking at each other.
It was him, with two of his best friends at each side—from what you remembered, they were Jimin and Namjoon. They were wearing matching jackets with you assumed their frat symbols on them, slapping palms with one another. Holy hell, they all looked so good you wanted to eat metal and scratch rust. It made you more nervous about your task, knowing they looked like that in real life. Right off the bat, you noticed how these are some cocky men by their expression and behavior, but they were the type where you enjoyed seeing it more and still say thank you for it.
My goodness, Jungkook was hot. It frightened you because how were you going to get him in bed? Willingly? He looked like his standards were through the roof.
Distracted by your thoughts, you don’t notice how they all turned to face you and cocked their eyebrows up at seeing you. A cute little thing like you staring up with your big dark Bambi eyes with an adorable pout, wearing a dress while on your knees. The combination made two of the side men weak to your oblivion.
“Oops, sorry, gorgeous.” Jimin…yeah, that one, spoke. He reached out his hand for you to use to get up, which you timidly accepted, but you didn’t dare look at him. You were blanking out.
“Thank you.” You said softly, patting down your clothes.
“Hey, what’s yo—” He couldn’t finish his sentence as you zoomed out of the classroom.
Unfortunately, you bumped into another person and fell to the ground again, to which you mumbled sorry and used your super speed to evacuate the premises.
Yup, this was gonna be difficult for you.
“What the fuck do you mean you escaped? Why?” Seokjin yelled through the phone during what humans call their lunchtime. You were alone in the school cafeteria with a triangular food with red meat and cheese. You didn’t know what it was, but you refused to ask, so now you were stuck with it.
After the class or two you skipped, Seokjin called you for updates. Of course, what you explained disappointed him. You couldn’t get mad this time, it was your fault, and you reacted way worse than you imagined.
“I panicked! Okay?” You groaned, stabbing a fork into the human food. “I fell down and saw him, and I didn’t know what to do, so I just left.”
“___, that’s not what you’re supposed to do.” Your mentor sighed. “I let this one slide, but you gotta get with the program and complete your task.”
“I understand.” You frowned as your eyes wandered at those around you until you reached your target. He was amongst his friends laughing and throwing things at one another, but what was interesting this time was that he had a woman sitting on his lap, nuzzling her nose into his neck. You watched as she whispered something to his ear, making him grin cheekily before he spoke something. “I see him.”
“What’s he doing right now?” Seokjin wondered curiously.
“I think he’s with his friends? I see the other two from before, but there’s more…, and a lady is sitting on him.” You stated your observation, then, out of nowhere, they began making out in front of everyone. “They’re tonguing one another. Should I be worried?”
“No, you shouldn’t. You’re a demon.” He clarified. “Again, he’s a fuck boy. He gets around, so this is probably victim number 090197.”
“Jin, you should have seen him!” You mourned. “He looks like I could never get to him, like he has a standard.”
“___, as a fuck boy, he has no standard.” He tried his best to hold back on his snappy remarks because he knew you needed as much support as required. “Little one, it’s your nerves talking. It’ll be easy for you! You’re much more powerful than those…those human men.”
You continued to keep your eyes on him as those tongues between him and the girl pushed down their throats. Why did the woman make it look so easy? You don’t know why it was so difficult for you. You were literally a succubus! A sex demon! You feed off sex. It’s not like you were clueless, having experienced it from time to time, especially with that one warlock back in Wennale. What was his name again? Taehyung? Then again, this was your first human.
“Little one, don’t you wanna pass?”
“I do! I do so badly.” You cried, although there were no tears in sight. “I just—I just need some time. I have no confidence whatsoever.”
“I’m slightly disappointed when you have me as your mentor.”
“Please, you insult me all the time.”
“Yes, I do and it should only be me. You have no right to insult yourself, okay?”
“Okay.” You grumbled, and Seokjin didn’t like that.
“No, come on! You gotta be more pumped than that! Okay?” He shouted louder, letting his pitch get higher.
“Okay!” You chuckled, feeling better about yourself.
“That’s the spirit! That’s my mentee!”
“Yeah, I’m your mentee!”
“Now get in there and fuck his brains out!” He cheered you on, and you got a little too excited…
You slammed a fist on the table, standing up. “Yeah, he’s gonna reupholster my guts like furniture and clean it out with his cum!” You screamed out in the cafeteria. You didn’t realize it until you felt people’s eyes on you with dilated pupils. You stared back, wondering what was wrong—as it was entirely normal for succubi to do this. You swiftly glanced at Jungkook, who also looked at you shockingly.
Who were you?
There was no progress in your task for the past couple of days.
You were still afraid of going up to him and seducing him. You kept your distance and watched him from far away, during his classes, lunch, practice, and sometimes even late at night as you flew up and peeped through his window when he did and didn’t have someone over. At the very least, you could get a sense of who he was and what he liked.
From what you heard and saw, he was a complete asshole and too much into his ego to let a weakness show. He mainly liked to show off his delicious muscular body when playing soccer during his practices. He loved winning—a competitive motherfucker, and sometimes picked fights.
He didn’t hurt anyone…well, physically, you guessed. But you did see many girls running away crying after he spoke to them with that evil bunny smile, saying nothing would happen between them. There was no preference in girls, so that was good for you.  
His friends aren’t any better. They walked around campus like they were kings in a castle. They were too arrogant. Holy hell, was this how human men were? Damn, though Jin was annoying, you had to be honest and say incubi and other creatures were wayyyyy better than these humans.
You sat at the bleachers with a group of students taking some kind of greenery wrapped in paper. You didn’t know what it was, but you were familiar with the scent as it was usually used to scare away woodland trolls. 
Fun fact: Succubi and trolls had bad blood with them because one of the many reasons, they always sneak into our lands and hump our kinds’ legs since they couldn’t reach them. 
You tried blending in, sometimes getting offered some, but you politely denied it. You munched on delicious granola that you discovered as you scrutinized Jungkook.
Despite his sour taste of choices, you couldn’t help but still want him. Perhaps it was the demon in you who didn’t care about any traits except having sex with men. But nevertheless, you gravitated toward him. 
Now you felt a bit more in-tuned and confident as a succubus. Now knowing he doesn’t care for types except for having a hole, you had a chance to face him. But of course, the question was, how can you not make it obvious you needed to sleep with him?
You saw that practice was over, so now you had to sneakily follow.
Pretending to be part of the group with you, you shouldered your backpack and waved goodbye, which they did back despite not knowing who you were. You skipped down the bleachers and walked in the team’s direction. You took the scenic route, feigning you were looking at trees and shrubbery, even taking pictures with the phone. You didn’t know it could do that until two days ago, so you used it to your advantage by taking pictures of Jungkook for evidential purposes.
You were finally within hearing reach as you listened to Namjoon speak. “Bro, this party tonight is gonna go hard! Jimin called and said that the drinks and tables are set up.”
“The perfect way to end a perfect week.” Jungkook smiled. You enjoyed it when he spoke. It sounded very friendly to your ears.
“Of course, you’d say that.” Namjoon rolled his eyes at his friend. “We all know that you’re gonna get lucky with some girl as always.”
“What can I say? I’m irresistible.” Ugh, such a shitty personality on a red flag—you also learned that phrase here and for that, you loved the color red. “Need someone new though. It’s like I fucked every girl, except the ones you guys had. I’d like no sloppy seconds, please and thank you.”
“I would say go for a freshmen, but it does sound a bit wrong…” Namjoon commented. “Whatever, this party is free for all. Even people from the other university near by can come.”
“Mmm, we’ll just have to see.”
A party? For all? Sounds like you could join. This could be a perfect opportunity to finally get Jungkook. You knew that much more planning needed to be done, but that could be dealt with later. You needed to tell Seokjin!
“Finally, fuck. I was thinking of coming over to the realm and drag the both of you into a room to stick his dick in you.” Seokjin said in relief through what was a video called. Damn, this device was terrific and handy to use.
It was nice to see a familiar face despite it being Jin’s fucking irking one. You missed him, but you weren’t going to tell him that, or else he’d make fun of you until eternity, which was terrible because you both were immortal.
“I didn’t know how to approach him. Every chance seemed not right?” You reasoned as you sat on the couch. Seokjin got or whatever he did—stole?— you a house to stay at during your time here. Although the outside looked deathly abandoned, the interior was similar to your dorm back home and was near the campus. The frat house, so you can say you were relatively comfortable. 
“If that gets you to sleep at night.” Seokjin snorted, shaking his head. “Well, you’re almost there and I hope that you’ll complete this task by tonight. The highers are complaining when you’re going to finish.”
You let out a laugh, rolling your eyes. “This is me they’re talking about.”
“Yeah, I know I told them that.”
You stopped chuckling to pout at him, “Rude.”
“Anyways, what are you gonna wear? Something skimpy I hope. I don’t wanna see a duvet on you. I want to see some tits and ass, maybe even an areola.” Your mentor suggested rapidly.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I brought anything like that from back home.” You shrugged.
“Please stop wearing a lot of fabric.”
“Hey! At least I’m showing some collarbone! You’ve seen how humans dress. I needed to blend in and not get noticed.” You explained. “You think I won’t get stared at if I wore a dark purple thong and a corset around campus?”
“You’ll probably give many people boners though.” He countered, making you roll your eyes. “Lucky for you, I prepared a wardrobe in your room for you to pick. It has some lingeries and short dresses you can choose from. Don’t fail me now. If you need my help, I think it’s best for you to mind communicate with me. And if you really need my help, you can just say—”
“I’m not gonna say it but I will contact you. Good bye.” You hung up before he said anything. You exhaled and paused for a while.
This was it. You were going to complete your task tonight. It shouldn’t be too bad, you told yourself. You needed to have some confidence and encourage yourself. You put on a smile before going to your room to prepare yourself.
“This is how people have fun?” You grimaced as you commented on what you saw.
You arrived inside the house at the completed crowded frat party where people scattered the entire block. You spotted students running around naked, making out that almost reached exhibitionism, vomiting by the curb, and dancing to the sounds of beats that were too loud you couldn’t even hear yourself or Seokjin think. You guess you can say it was rather adventurous, but if it excited people, then so be it.
“Humans are interesting creatures, right?” Seokjin responded in your mind. His voice was crisp and clear, almost like he was right by you.
It was dreadful.
“I also saw what you sent me. Absolutely smashable, my dear!” Seokjin applauded you, turning your cheeks into a deep pink.
As what a succubus does best, you dressed up like dicks were gonna turn red and fall off from the horniest pain they’ll ever experience. You wore a short baby pink glittered dress paired with matching platform heels that were too high for your liking. The outfit was backless, exposing your supple skin. At the same time, the front pushed your boobs up, sitting properly on your chest for everyone—specifically Jungkook to see. You decided to curl your hair into the bombshell style, a trademark for a succubus. The only thing was makeup, and you went pretty natural but still dolled up for your skin to glow radiantly under those poorly-lit frat lights.
As you walked to the party, you noticed many men follow your movement, eyeing your features and gawking at your curves. They were obvious, but you ignored them to continue doing what you needed.
“You’re definitely gonna suck all the semen out of that poor soul.” Seokjin said excitingly. “By the way, where is he?”
“I have no idea.” You shook your head, scoping out the crowd to find the handsome human. “Can’t suck the semen out if I can’t see him.” One of your feet ran into the other, causing you to trip, but you got your balance back up. “Fuck these heels.”
“Relax, I’m sure you’ll find him. The night is still young and you should enjoy yourself before coming back here for your next assignment.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. After this, I request like a month off after the mental and emotional trauma I went through.” You mentioned as you walked passed a group of people, none of which were Jungkook.
“Request denied.” Your mentor responded back. “I would like to also say that since you discovered Jungkook’s behavior, you should also note that he wants to get laid and probably before the night ends. If he does get someone and it isn’t you, then you missed your chance.”
Oh, no. You didn’t think about that. Since you overheard him saying he probably went through every girl, you had tunnel vision that he could only want you since you were “fresh.”
Oh, fuck. You also didn’t realize that there’s literally another school here, so the chances of him sleeping with somebody else new tonight was 99.9%.
What was the other 0.1% chance, one might ask?
 It was you interrupting.
“Fuck, Jin. I need to find him quickly then.” You said under your breath as you pushed through. “I’ll fuck him and leave. Dammit, why does this guy have to be ran through the freeway?”
“Better than someone who isn’t. Go get him, I’ll be here if you need it! Remember those words.”
“I’m not fucking saying them!” You seethed, pushing sweaty bodies out of your way. The body odor was through the roof, and you wanted to gag.
You weaved your way through somewhere but don’t particularly know where you were. Everything was condensed with people. Though you hated the heels, they gave you height. So you turned your head left and saw the kitchen ahead, which was somehow more empty, but you didn’t mind since you just needed some cubic centimeters to breathe. You made it to the kitchen, trying to relax yourself and adjust your outfit.
You had to develop an idea fast before Jungkook ran off with another victim. Nothing was coming to your mind, and it didn’t help when you saw a table of snacks waiting to be taken. You walked up and scanned the snacks in search of those granolas you enjoyed having. Alas, there weren’t any, which bummed you out. But you were still determined to find them.
This was a house. You were sure they had some granolas.
Suddenly, two dudes—oh, one of them was Jimin—walked in carrying a bag of ice and more snacks. Maybe they knew where the granola was located.
You went up to them while they were busy fixing everything and talking to one another. You couldn’t understand what they were saying until the other one, you didn’t know, spoke. 
“I swear that when it popped, there was so much black gunk coming out that it squirted into Yoongi’s eye.” The one you didn’t know laughed and sounded uplifting; you also wanted to laugh, but what he said confused you. 
“He told me. He wanted to beat your ass.” Jimin giggled as he dumped the ice into the jug coolers.
You confidently—or at least told yourself you were—went up to them. Their backs were facing you, so they didn’t notice you coming their way until you tapped on the unknown guy’s shoulder, hoping you got his attention. The guy thought it was one of the pledges trying to ask a stupid question to which he was gonna tell them to fuck off until he saw an absolute doll in front of him.
“Excuse me, do you have granola?” You asked with wide irises with a gentle smile, anticipating his answer as you chanted in your head he’d say yes. But he didn’t say anything to you. He kept his eyes on you, though. Then down to your figure and back up to your face. He has never seen you before.
“Do you have granola?” You repeated yourself, and now Jimin finally had your attention.
“Gorgeous, we meet again!” You could have sworn Jimin’s eyes lit up with heavy passion and jubilance. He glanced at your banging body and cursed under his breath, but you couldn’t hear.
“Jimin, you know her?” Hoseok gasped as his eyes shifted to his friend, then to you.
“Of course, bud.” Jimin smirked. “She’s in my class…I think.”
You didn’t comprehend what was happening, but you went with it. “Yes… I’m in his literature class. Hi, Jimin.” You smiled, puffing up your cheeks and eyes, making their hearts palpitate.
“You’re looking as beautiful as ever…” He slowly went silent as his slit eyes grew at you. You came up blank when you tilted your head to the side, not knowing what he was doing. You thought he would continue, but he kept his mouth shut. You blinked and were about to ask him if anything was wrong, but the unknown guy beat you to it.
“I’m Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi. What’s you name, doll?” Hoseok grinned at you.
“Ohhh.” You said in awe, now getting what Jimin was trying to do. You nodded slowly before replying, “I’m ___! Hi, Hobi.” The way you said his nickname made him feel some type of way.
“___!” Jimin raised his arms before coming up to hug you, but you were pulled back by the waist from Hoseok.
“You don’t get to hug her when you clearly forgot her name.” Hoseok scoffed, resting his palms on the tops of your hips. “Come on, doll.”
“Hey, that’s only because she ran away from me when I was about to ask her her name,” Jimin explained. His gaze went back to you as well as his smirk. “I’ve never seen you around campus before. Are you a first year?”
“Uhhh, no?” You answered. Shit, now you had to come up with some story. “I-I transferred here from somewhere.”
“Oh, it’s a part of Hell—I mean, Helena…”
“Helena?” Hoseok raised an eyebrow. “I think that sounds like from the States?”
“I think so, yeah.” You nodded, hoping they won’t ask any more questions. “I’m new here and I don’t know much, so I thought this party would help me get comfortable.” That was believable, right?
Though they tried to hide it, you saw how they shared the same evil reaction followed by a fake ass smile that no one would know except a demon-like yourself. Oh, no. This was going in a different direction than you wanted. 
“Don’t worry, gorgeous. We’ll help you get comfortable around here.” They sounded so genuine you were almost convinced, but you had to remind yourself that they were distractions. The main person was around the house, waiting for his dick to get wet.
“Thank you for your help, but I think I’ll survive.” You turned them down as friendly as possible. “But do you have granola?”
Not giving up, Hoseok nodded and grabbed your hand. Luckily, you didn’t mind, or else he would have lost one of his two personal hand jobs. “Of course, we keep them in the cabinets. We don’t usually give it out during parties, but since you’re one of a kind, we’ll let it slide.”
“Thanks, Hobi.” Hoseok thought you were so cute yet hot as fuck. He couldn’t back down if there was a slight future of you giving him the glug plug triple gorilla twist 3000. The fucker basically ran to get the bags of granola from you.
In the meantime, Jimin butted in and handed you a drink. “Here, gorgeous. I bet you’re thirsty.” When he said that, he wished you were thirsty for him. “Don’t worry, it’s from the jug. It’s our frat’s very own jungle juice made with passion and love. But be careful now. It’s a little strong.”
“What’s in it?”
“Well, various kinds of juices but alcohol content would be three bottles of tequila, give bottles of soju, two bottle of gin, a bottle of Bacardi, and a splash of vodka.” You have never heard of those things before, but you did know alcohol as demons loved to drink. Your favorite was pure distilled moonshine. You took the cup into your hand. The shorter man kept his eye contact, waiting to drink it.
You sipped, taking in the flavor and taste, and nodded. “It tastes like nothing. Just sugar water.” There you chugged down the liquid like it was cum before wiping your lips and giving the empty cup back to Jimin, whose jaw dropped.
A woman who could handle her liquor: he was hard.
Eventually, Hoseok came back with two bags of unopened granola in his hands. “Here you go, doll.” You squealed in glee, finally retrieving the crunchy golden glory that is granola. You were almost satisfied with your night…almost. You were still on the hunt for that frat president.
“Thanks, Hobi!” You praised gratuitously before pecking his cheek. You thought nothing of it as it was a customary gesture, especially between succubi. Still, you completely forgot you did this as a human. A human man.
The slight innocent touch caused a static effect on the man. His skin prickled with his hairs straight up, followed by the tingles on his erogenous points, which were behind his ears, neck, and nipples. Blood rushed from the brain through his veins, evidently reaching his growing phallic.
You gave a gentle smile before waving, leaving both men in shock and turning on. You didn’t even do anything to them, yet you plagued a memory they and their dicks will never forget.
They wished to have you.
You've been here almost an hour and still have not found Jungkook. You'd think being the main guy of this story, he would have already appeared more clearly, had more lines, and interacted with you, but nooooo, you had it hard and had to work for it.
You blamed Seokjin for this.
While you looked for him, you at least tried to take some time to have fun. Humans had fascinating ways to arouse and excite them, especially over weak alcohol. It didn't necessarily make you judge their lifestyle, but more so gained another perspective which you concluded was complete utter shit.
You eventually found Namjoon—of course, you'd see everyone else except Jeon—who was doing a "shotgun" competition. Somehow you got roped into doing it, even though you knew nothing about doing it. You asked the giant muscular man how to do so.
Long story short, you won, leaving with a drunk, dazed Namjoon following you behind Hoseok and Jimin.
Yeah, you weren't alone in the hour and started to get annoyed.
"Beautiful, where you going? Let me take you upstairs and talk our feelings."
"Don't your feet hurt in those heels, doll? I bet if I massage it, you'll feel better."
"You're so gorgeous, you make me want to throw up."
The commentary from the men wouldn't stop as they followed you like ducklings to a mother duck. You inhaled deeply through your nose, attempting to keep calm as you passed by the same group of people you saw for the 58902843 time.
"Seokjin, they're fucking killing me." You said in your mind.
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" He laughed at your misery. When you said nothing back, he knew you had a deadly glare that was the most serious he had ever experienced. He could feel you, and it frightened him. After a few seconds and a string of confidence, he gulped, "Okay, fine. Hold on." He then hung up.
"Jin? Jin! Hello, did you fucking hang up o—"
"___, are you okay? You seem distress." Namjoon called out, taking your attention away from calling out your mentor. "Do you need some help? I'm a biology major and I have an excellent stash of emergency medicine—"
"Please, we get that you're prepared and trying to impress her!" Jimin insulted his friend's attempt. "We know you just want her!"
"Like you're any better." Hoseok snorted condescendingly. "I actually care for your health, ___, so I would love to assist you with any way to relief you of your distress."
The battle of roasts began between the trio as you stared blankly at them. You opened your mouth to speak, but then Namjoon called out Jimin for not wiping the toilet seat and that there were markings. You stayed quiet and thought it was your chance to escape. You stepped back, but you felt a rigid stature behind you.
An arm wrapped around your waist, and you were about to protest when they said, "Little one, I finally found you!" You exhaled in comfort, seeing your mentor in the flesh. You couldn't restrain yourself from leaning your head into his chest.
His saying paused the trio's banter to get a glimpse of the face behind that voice. No doubt in their minds, they were impressed by seeing such a tall attractive man.
Seokjin's red dress shirt was nearly unbuttoned, leaving the last two buttons together, which revealed his illuminating golden chest. His shirt was tucked into black trousers that accentuated his lean figure. His ebony hair was gelled back, exposing his one-of-a-kind forehead and prominent eyebrows.
Your mentor eyed the trio and grinned, "I see you have some friends."
"Uhh, excuse me, who are you?" Namjoon was the first to talk, refusing to let his eyes leave the handsome demon.
"I'm Seokjin."
"I-is he your boyfriend, ___?" Jimin asked.
You wanted to throw up at the sound of that. Seokjin was handsome, but he was your mentor, and you'd rather throw a chair at him.
"Ahh, no." Seokjin smiled, which made the humans breathe in relief. "But I'm her pimp daddy."
"Uh, what is that?" You thought out loud, but judging by the expressions on the men's faces, it seemed to work?? You went with it. "Yeah…my pimp daddy."
"Oh. Does that mean we have to pay for her?" Hoseok questioned, looking like he was ready to Venmo your mentor.
"She's not for grabs." Seokjin denied it, deflating their moods. "However, I have some girls you can play with for free of charge since you've been so dear to my little one." With the snap of his fingers, three succubi that you remembered you were in class with and passed their training came forward and caught the attention of the humans. Each seemed to play on a human's type as they drooled at one particular demon.
"Would you like to see my art collection in my room?" Namjoon asked the shortest demon.
"Are you up for a drinking challenge?" Jimin suggested the curviest one.
"I wanna massage you feet." Hoseok demanded the tallest one.
With arms linked with the demons, they departed in their own ways, leaving you and Seokjin alone. You sighed as you turned and looked up to Seokjin. "Thank you for once. But you do realize those three might kill them."
"True, but do you really care right now?" Seokjin shrugged, and you muttered nonsense. "You're so lucky I came. If not, you might have had an orgy which is another task, but you're not quite there yet."
"I said thank you!"
"Yeah, yeah. Just fuck the right guy, okay?" He waved it off as he, too, scoped out the area. "This place is packed."
"I know! That's why I'm struggling to find him." You whined, getting annoyed at your circumstances. "Please help me!"
"___, at this point of the task, it's really up to you."
"Please!!!!" You begged as you started bouncing in place. "Please, Seokjin. Please. Please. Please. Please! Ple—"
"Alright, fine! Fuck!" He yelled in irritation at your voice. "Anything for you to shut up!" He calmed down while you cheered in victory, waiting for him to speak. "Okay, so what do you know about Jungkook? After observing him?"
You tilted your head and gazed to the side to think. "Well, I do know he's an asshole. A little cocky? Loves to win from the sports and practices. He likes to show off? But what does this have to d—"
"So he likes to be at the center of attention?" Seokjin pointed out.
"I guess, but—"
"Think, ___." He interrupted you, but with his eyes, he pleaded. "Think and put it together. If he likes being at the center of attention…where would he be?"
Damn, was this a riddle? You never did well at those. You just gave up and went on with life. But by the look on Seokjin's face, he was desperate with you trying to realize something, and he wanted you to learn.
With that being said, where would the guy who enjoyed being at the center of attention be? 
Though you attempted to think, you couldn't hear your thoughts as a cheer of people shattered your brain, catching your focus on that. You turned your head, furrowed your brows, and were curious about the commotion.
"Hey! You bitch, focus." Seokjin snapped his fingers in front of your face, but you were to no avail. You walked away from him and followed the sounds. He groaned and rolled his eyes before footing behind you.
Hollers grew louder, and more and more humans huddled around. You pushed through the crowd, noticing how they circled around a table, giving a lot of room for it. Another uproar came into your ear as you spotted two men on each side of the table. Cups were stacked and laid out on the surface while you saw a small ball thrown into the opposite side's cup, which got another applause.
You cocked an eyebrow, questioning the excitement of throwing a ball into a cup. Again, humans and their odd interests.
Your eyes shifted towards the humans. One looked like he was struggling as his expression turned green with envy with his arms crossed over his chest. The other smiled victoriously when he shot another ball into the last cup, standing with ease. The bodies jumped in excitement, celebrating the win. Though the light was dimmed and colors splattered the room, you noticed who that was.
"Likes being in the center of attention will look for anything that grabs the people's eyes." You commented out of nowhere, surprisingly Seokjin, and made him proud.
"There's your boy right now." He nodded towards Jungkook, who pumped his fists in the air. The other guy walked away after flipping him off while the frat president blew a kiss goodbye. Coming out of the crowd, another girl who you didn't see before latched onto his body and kissed his cheek. She whispered into his ear, and his smile turned lustful with greed.
"Oh, no. He already has someone." You frowned, stomping your heel on the sticky floor. 
"It's not too late yet." Seokjin reassured. "He still has adrenaline rush from the games, he's too focused on that than pussy. You need to infiltrate somehow, but I'm not sure."
"Does anyone else want to lose at the hands of the reigning champion, Jeon Jungkook?" Another man popped into the middle. He was a bit shorter, the same height as Jimin, and had burnt orange hair. He scanned the crowd while Jungkook was too busy, practically eye-fucking the girl as he squeezed her lower back.
You couldn't let it happen.
"I'll go!" Everyone's pupils pivoted towards the high-pitched sound next to Seokjin. You raised your hand, and your voice echoed in the house, making all silent and shocked. You weren't thinking. This was all in impulse. They were staring at you with wide eyes as you stared directly at Jungkook, who had an expression you couldn't read.
"The fuck are you doing?" Seokjin spoke to you through your mind.
"I don't know but here's my chance." You shrugged.
"You, love?" The orange-haired man pointed at you.
You gulped, then nodded. You stepped forward, but again, your shoes bumped into one another, letting you trip and fall for everyone to see. 
"Son of bitch." Seokjin muttered under his breath, watching you in shame.
You were so tired of these heels that you decided to rip them off and throw them to the side, leaving you barefoot and short once again. You finally stood up and wobbled towards the table. You slammed your fist on it with determination as you stared at Jungkook.
But his stare was a bit intimidating now, so you moved your gaze to the orange man. "Yes, me! I'll play him." You nodded towards Jungkook.
"You're a feisty pretty one." Orange man smirked, then looked towards Jungkook. "Wanna play her?"
Jungkook snorted and let out a demeaning laugh, forcing you to face him and frown. "Are you serious right now? Why would I—" He couldn't finish his sentence because he met your eyes, you batting doe-eyes filled with pureness yet mystery. You looked familiar; he wanted to recognize you. A pretty face like yours should never be forgotten. "Yeah, I'll challenge her." He couldn't say no to a gorgeous sight before him.
He pushed himself away from the girl hooking onto him. She was about to complain, but he glared at her, causing her to feel insignificant and run off. His head turned back at you with a smirk you deemed his signature. You smiled back, which only made him scrunch his nose.
Fuck, he's cute.
"Hi, angel. What's your name?" His voice was smooth with so much depth.
"Uhh, ___." You replied. "What's your name, Jungkook?"
He grinned in confusion. "I see you know who I am. You don't need to ask again."
"Wait, no. Oops, forget what I said. Of course, your name is Jungkook. I had to remember it."
"You had to remember me?"
"Yeah." You nodded, then realized and said, "Wait, I know you. I mean…" You blabbered away, leaving Jungkook perplexed as he watched your glossy lips move.
It wasn't until Seokjin yelled, "Shut the fuck up and play!" Though he acted like one of the bystanders, you knew what he meant. You blinked at your mentor, then to an intimidating Jungkook whose eyes never left you.
"Are you ready to play?" Orange man said. "I'm Yoongi, by the way." That was directed towards you, but you paid no attention as your task before you had such a heavy stare it made you weak. 
"Are you ready, angel?" Jungkook asked once more for you.
"I am, but I have to tell you something." You spoke carefully, hoping you won't fuck up. "I don't know how to play."
"You don't know how to play beer pong?" He clarified what you meant, and you nodded. "If you don't know how to play, why would you challenge me?"
Your eyes grew, trying to figure out some bullshit answer. "Well…it-it looks fun. You know with throwing balls in a cup?" You said what you remembered vaguely. "I wanna try."
Jungkook hummed, slowly nodding to your reply. "You know this is a challenge, right? Also adding in that money is being betted on."
"I know!" You didn't know. "Money doesn't matter to me. I just wanna play, and maybe if anything…" You leaned in, closer to him. However, you maneuvered too fast, so half of your body slammed on the table, causing Jungkook to flinch a little at the thump. "Please teach me?"
"That was so uncomfortable. I'm leaving. Don't fuck up." Seokjin said. You glanced in his direction and disappeared before anyone could see him.
You then fluttered your gleaming eyes at your task subject. Though this move would have made Jin slap you to stop, Jungkook couldn't help but be intrigued. Maybe it was how you looked at him with those begging eyes or the tone in your lovely voice. Either way, he nodded and said, "I'll teach you, Angel. But I'm giving you a heads up." You beamed your teeth before skipping towards the opposite end of him with the table in between, waiting for him. "You can come crying into my arms when you lose."
You furrowed your brows in confusion, but without any thought, you merely nodded. "Okay, that's fine. Just teach me."
Yoongi interjected again, "Alright, people! Place your bets with our pledge, Beomgyu. Jungkook versus ___!" He pointed at two large jars that were in front of a boy. You spotted others throwing money into a pot labeled with Jungkook's name while yours was practically empty with only one bet, but it didn't really matter at this point.
"Ready when you are, JK." Orange man Yoongi finalized before stepping back.
Jungkook smirked at you, showing a faint bunny smile as he grabbed a ball. "Okay, angel. This is how you play."
He explained how the game's intent was for the players to throw the ping pong ball across a table and make it land inside the cup that had been—a type of alcohol—on the other end. Typically, there were ten cups set up in triangle formation, but as the number of cups dwindled, you could rearrange it into a straight line or triangle. You had to take turns to throw as many balls into your opponent's cup (two maximum for each turn), and if the ball did land inside, you had to consume the content inside. The person to eliminate all opponent's cups was the winner.
"You got it, angel?" He inquired after his lesson.
"Sure, I think so…" You nodded, kind of getting it. Well, not really. Every word goes from one ear to the other and floats away.
Jungkook pressed his lips into a line, "I think I should demonstrate it. Watch with your eyes, angel."
You observed the man as he stretched his limbs and neck before going into position. He dipped his ball into a cup of water on the side. He bent his knees and had a steady arm. The ball landed in a cup, then another ball went into another cup. The crowd yelled in enthusiasm as their favorite player did a double shot.
"Drink up, babe." Jungkook's arrogant aura could be seen from a hundred kilometers away. You didn't know if it turned you on or wanted him to step on you, maybe both. But nevertheless, you obliged to the game and drank the beers in four gulps. You stacked them to the side and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. "Do you get how to do it now?"
"Yes." You spoke politely. Him watching you replicated a predator waiting for its prey to make a move. It didn't make you uncomfortable but instead made you question why the fuck are you going through hoops for this fucking first task?
His instructions sounded reasonably simple, so you gave it a go. There was no conscious thought in you, so you tossed the ball. Landed. Toss. Landed again.
You hummed in pleasure before meeting Jungkook's baffled expression. "Like that?" Everyone was on pause at the moment, thinking how the hell this clueless hot bitch got it in twice?
Jungkook snapped out of it and cleared his throat. "Beginner's luck, I guess?" He shrugged, trying hard to not make it a big deal. It was his turn, and now he was committed to making you lose. He assumed you knew what to do now, so you were on your own with it. He didn't care if you were hot—well, he does, but for the sake of the game, no.
He was only able to make one in, which was fine. All is good, feeling that you won't do as well. The chances of you getting double again was rare in the game of ping po—
You got two in, and while you were drinking your losing cup. 
What the fuck?
The game continued, and truth be told, you were actually winning. You did miss a couple of times, but you had two cups left while Jungkook had four. People were rooting for you now despite the money they lost. It was because someone was better than the Jeon Jungkook and flabbergasted when there was a chance that he was going to lose his winning streak.
You felt pretty calm, in contrast to the stressed and angered human. After every turn, he grew increasingly upset at his ability and the fact that you, a hot body, were beating him. He even refused to talk to you and mumbled curses after you made a shot.
He was grateful he made two shots, making you both tie. Unfortunately, you got one in, so you had your final cup.
It was his turn again, and he was really focused as he positioned himself and took his time.
"Come on, Jungkook!" Yoongi cheered from the sidelines.
"Shut the fuck up!" Your task spat back at him that you even grimaced. 
He didn't make any, which made him punch the table, shaking the whole furniture and cups. What a nasty loser he was.
He scowled at you like an eagle, bolding his eyebrows. His tongue played with his lip ring, waiting for you to hurry it up. "Angel, what's taking long?" Though his tone sounded composed, you knew there was a poisonous ring to it.
Honestly, you wanted to get this over with, so you can at least try getting him into bed. You sighed and casually threw the balls simultaneously to make time quicker.
Two balls in one.
Something you're not getting right now but hoped for. 
There was a stillness around you as you defeated the champion. Then an uproar ripped through the air, wincing at the noise. Humans congratulated you. Even Yoongi ran up to you to hug and smell you. You awkwardly giggled, attempting to push him away, but he had quite a grip.
"The only winner who betted on ___ goes to the name of Seokjin!" Yoongi announced.
"Fucking Jin." You rolled your eyes. You had enough of Yoongi touching you. Using your super strength, you grabbed his head and pushed him off of you. He flew into the table across, ultimately breaking it down. 
While you watched the orange man in pain, you didn't notice eerily smiling Jungkook walking up to you. You only realized it when he let his hand out. You raised your head, only aware of how large he was, and took in all his features up close.
You reached his chest. His shoulders were broad and muscular, while his waist cinched tightly with a leather belt. He was literally built like a Dorito. His facial features were too unforgettable. His large rounded eyes paired with his prominent nose you wanted to sit on. Tinted pink lips pierced with a ring and glazed at sight. His arms bulged underneath that thinned blue dress shirt that should be illegal for him to wear. His tattoos followed his movement as he flexed his hand.
"Congratulations, ___." He commanded you. You peered at his hand that was in front of you. You didn't know what to do with it, but you guessed you should hold it.
You also brought your hand forward, immediately pinpointing the difference between your hands. He shook it a little, and you were about to let go, but he tugged you forward, pulling your body until it's pressed to his front. Your neck had to extend higher and was now hurting so you could look at him.
The action threw you off, so you were nervous and felt your demon heart palpitating. One had wrapped around your arm while the other held your waist. He looked down at you with a twitch and slight curve to his lips before reaching your ear and said, "I sense you were bluffing."
"You bluffed, my dear angel." He pulled back to stare at you again. If looks could kill, he'd definitely kill. Not you, though; you were a demon. "Acting like you didn't know what you were doing at beer pong, but actually did. You bluffed me."
"I really didn't play it before. I honestly had no idea what you meant other than throw ball in cup." You reasoned with a slight pout.
He didn't buy it, but the face you were making made him weak, but he didn't want you to know that. "Guess you're just good at following instructions."
You snorted, throwing your head back. "I don't know about that."
His aura didn't match your lightness. In fact, his eyes were darkened and leered into yours because he was such a sore loser he needed answers. "Then fucking tell me why you would play me. Humiliating me in front of my party." He interrogated through his teeth.
You winced when you felt his grip tighten, but not enough to not make you in danger. If he were to hurt you, you would be able to knock him out. "Fuck, Jin. Help me out!" You spoke in your head.
Sadly, the automatic reply replied, "I'm sorry. The demon you reached out to is not ava—"
You hated your mentor.
You were panicking, feeling like you weren't going to get him in bed as the conversation worsened. You needed some kind of bullshit to make his ego inflate. "I, uhh, I did it to get your attention?"
He'd be lying if he said he was surprised at your response. Of course, it had to be the reason. He actually wanted to praise you. Though he hated it, you beat him at his own game, and that was something that he would never forget.
He licked his lip and bit down his lower ones, "Really? All this for my attention, angel? You could have just asked, instead of all that hard work."
"Really?" You were in awe. You never thought about that. "Whatever, I'm shy."
"Not shy enough to do what you did back there." He decided to play with you. He released your arm to hold your soft cheek, grazing your skin with his thumb. "Just ask and I might just give it to you."
Yes, this was your chance. You could ask him to fuck you right here, but you didn't know if he liked that. He seemed to be somewhat private since you only observed sexual activity from him in a bedroom or closed area. 
"C-can we go some place more private?" You asked.
He didn't even need to say anything. All he had to do was grab your hand and lead you through and out of the crowd. As you walked upstairs with him, all your thoughts were about how you were executing this because right now, you were winging it like a fucking beast. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all…
"I fucking told you it wasn't that bad." Your mentor's voice interrupted your internal monologue, to which you refused the disrespect.
"Why are you fucking listening?"You complained.
"Well, I'm just ensuring that it's going by smoothly, duh!" He spoke. "I'll give you style points from how you were able to get him into his room though."
The opening of the door disrupted your mind conversation as Jungkook lets you go inside first. You did so before he followed behind, closing and locking the door. You inspected his room to see if there were any abnormal or normal aspects. Though you observed him, you weren't really able to see what was inside through your abilities. You weren't quite there yet.
But it was alright to know that his room was the standard layout of human men's rooms shown in training videos. Blue checked print bed sheets on a queen-sized bed, a white dresser with colognes and oil diffusers on top, a gaming desk, and a PC. Some colored lights, posters, and a display case show figurines with a guitar in the corner. 
"Nice set up you got here." You complimented. Out of nowhere, your heart began beating faster than usual. It was most likely because you felt it happening. It was anticipated in the back of your neck. The question was, just when?
"So angel, I have a small question if you don't mind answering. Well, it's more of an explanation actually." You gazed at him, seeing how he slowly paced around his room with eyes wandering around as if he had never seen his possessions before. You don't say anything for him to continue on. "The more I look at you, the more familiar you look."
You scrunched your eyebrows, then tilted your head. But he didn't give you time to respond, "Then I realized…" His piercing irises landed on you as he stepped closer and closer to you until your neck was aching at the stretch up again. "You're the one who's been watching me."
Your eyes widened. You thought you were being careful. "W-what do you mean?" You acted clueless, hoping he'd buy it.
"I mean, I feel and see your stares during lunch, class, my practices—you know you're obvious right? Sitting next to the stoners?? You're completely out of place. It's also noticeable since I've never seen you before." He listed his smirk grew by the second while you said nothing like the dumbass you were. You opened your mouth, but he spoke up, "And to answer your question, yes being never seen before is noticeable because I've seen a lot of girls and I've never seen such a hot, gorgeous, sexy angel like you before."
Was this human a mind reader? You knew he was brilliant, but damn, it hurt what little pride you had left in you.
"So tell me ___, you've been watching me like a creep, you were trying to get my attention. What is it that you want with me?"
You wanted to fuck; that's what you wanted. But the words weren't coming out, and only repetitive stammering spewed. "I-I—umm…well, you see… I-it's." You felt your cheeks heating, begging yourself to look away, but you couldn't. He affected you so much that you wanted to get lured into his nutmeg-colored irises. You stopped your stuttering and whined with a sulking frown.
"Don't get all shy with me now." He chuckled at your vulnerable state, thinking how cute you were being. "I'm asking a simple question that I'm sure you know how to answer. Now I'm gonna ask again. What do you want with me?"
You had to fight your panicking. You needed to do this; you needed to stop restricting yourself. You had to be explicit, but too much, a little subtle. But most importantly, you must be confident. "I-I-I wanted you to teach me." Fucking smooth like butter with the confidence.
Now it was his turn to be confused, mimicking your puzzled expressions. "Teach you what?"
You cleared your throat before continuing, "You—you know how you, like, get around, like fuck other girls?" You stated. He kept silent as you pointed out the facts. "I was wondering if you could…teach me…how to fuck?" Once that sentence came out of you, you regretted saying it. Teach you how to fuck, really? If anything, it should have been the other way around, dumbass. "I don't know this sounds so stupid. I'm so sorr—"
You stopped talking when he let out a hardy laugh. You could feel his solid chest bouncing, pressing further into your front. "Angel, angel, angel. You're such a cute one." He shook his head and sighed. He wrapped his strong hands around your hips, lightly squeezing them. "Like I said, all you have to do is ask."
"Really?" You questioned, eyes bulging in glee. "Then fuck me, please? I want it now!"
He liked how excited you were, sounding desperate as you went through bridges just for dick. But hey, he wasn't complaining. This was going to be fun for him. "I would be glad to, but, you have to earn it." His arrogant smirk dropped into a stoic frightening glare. "Get down on your knees, slut."
Okay, that was out of pocket. He sounded so serious, but go off. You blinked back, "Okay."
"Okay, what?"
"Okay, Jungkook?"
"No, no, you short bitch. It's sir to you." Your jaw dropped at the insult, but you just went with it, hoping this would be over soon.
"Okay, sir. Sorry, sir." You muttered, and your tone made Jungkook annoyed. He threaded through your hair and pushed you down to the ground. You huffed as you steadied on your knees. However, you were too short, so he had to maneuver you both until he sat on his gaming chair, legs wide open. His crotch leveled with your head. You observed how it was growing harder without even being touched.
"What, you don't know how to give a blow job?" Your task snarled, thinking you were so eager yet so naive. He held your strands, bringing you closer to him.
You actually didn't know how to, despite being a fucking succubus. You kinda skipped that course practice as well as the sex toy lessons Seokjin scheduled for you. It wasn't your fault that they consistently landed on the same day Lilith and her team gave out free slushies.
But being clueless about this, you had to reach for help. "Seokjinnie!! My favorite mentor in all realms. Please help me now!!!" You begged through your mind.
"Hello, Succubus hotline. Darling, you are live." Seokjin chirped from the other side.
"I have to suck a dick and I don't know how! I'm just staring at his crotch and I'm afraid to look up because I know he's sneering at me."
"This is what you get for missing your lessons!" He scolded. "Why don't you go on with your 'teach me' method."
"My angel, are you deaf? Do you not know how to give a blow job?" Jungkook growled, tugging on your head and making you hiss in ache.
"I told you I wanted you to teach me, sir." You pouted. "Please teach me how to please you, sir."
Jungkook's expression softened at the sight of you, but it wasn't enough to wipe off the harsh demeanor he gave you. "Fine, I'll teach you. Just unzip me first, the fabric is chaffing my dick." He commanded, keeping his contact on you.
"Damn, he's vicious." Seokjin heard Jungkook speak.
You nodded and said, "Yes, sir." At least you were compliant. You unbuckled his pants and threw his belt to the side before unzipping his pants. He scooted himself up as you yanked down the fabric until it reached his knees. You spotted his bulge trying to escape his boxers. The view of the darkened wet spot made you drip down your cunt. You pulled them down, revealing his prized possession before sitting back down.
It was a given that humans weren't as big as incubi or other creatures, but Jungkook was definitely up there in the biggest you've seen. His cock looked heavy and unusually on the thicker side. He had three distinct veins, the most evident ranging from the base to the tip on the middle left. His mushroom head was aching red, oozing with pearlized pre-cum. Your succubus senses were coming in, and you could practically smell the sex seeping out of him.
You wanted to touch him, so you did without thinking. You practically manhandled it, causing him to cringe in pain. "You stupid slut, don't just grab it like that! What's wrong with you?!!"
His complaints were similar to those from Seokjin. The only difference was that it turned you on and secreted your essence onto your panties. "I'm sorry, sir."
He groaned, lightly rubbing your head with his thumb. "I want you to lick the head first." He instructed, waiting for you to move. You nodded before obliging. With your warm tongue, you dainty licked the reddening head from one side to the other to the leaking slit.
"Hey, try sucking on the top. Don't do it like a lollipop, kinda like you're gulping your spit. Swirl your tongue." Seokjin recommended, and you took any advice he gave. You did what he said, earning a satisfying growl from your task.
 "Fuck." Jungkook moaned. "Like that, angel. Your mouth is so warm and soft."
The slight praise made your eyes light up red. Fortunately, Jungkook's head was thrown back, and your normal eyes returned. You rolled your tongue over him and suckled on it.
"Use your hand. Don't squeeze tight, but have it firm." He implored. You again followed, stroking his shaft, even grazing the long vein to which he whined hard. You felt your original form attempting to break out, but you forced yourself to not do so as the act of sex was present.
"I think you're getting it. I think you should be fine. I wish to no longer help you. It's all on you know." Seokjin announced happily, but you weren't.
"Wait, Seokjin, please stay. I need support." You pleaded.
"It's your task, little one. I can only go far with guiding. You should know what to do!" He answered. "Plus I refuse to see you fuck someone. I don't want nightmares."
"Please, I'll even surrender and say the phrase—"
"Bye, darling!!"
"Seokjin, you have a massive demon dick that I wanna fuck!" You were supposed to say it in your head, but judging by the uncomfortable silence in the atmosphere and the deadly stare Jeon Jungkook gave you, you actually didn't.
His anger spewed out of him as his nostrils flared and the sides of his lips twitched. If he had tried, he would have had steam coming out of his ears. You still held his throbbing dick, but your mouth wasn't on him anymore. The way he looked at you made you smaller than you already were. Your next steps into this were nonexistent, unknowing what to do but knowing it was never a good sign when you call the wrong name in bed.
"What the fuck did you say?" He seethed, his voice going an octave lower.
"Uhh…Jungkook, you have a massive demon dick that I wanna fuck?" You snickered awkwardly and uneasily.
He still had a grip on your hair, fastened his hold, and used it to pull you up to meet his enraged face. You whimpered as your heart rushed into your chest. "You didn't say my name. Who the fuck is Seokjin?"
"I-I-I…" You had no answer. You were blanking out, so all you did was shrug. "I'm sorry, sir."
Jungkook coerced a patronizing laugh, "I don't think you're sorry. Perhaps you're just another stupid little girl, unable to remember anything."
"Well, angel." He leaned forward, and with his other hand, he grasped your cheeks and squeezed them together for your mouth to open up. "I'm gonna make you remember nothing but my name."
Before you could even respond, he pushed your head down and slammed his enormous cock down your mouth and deep into your throat. Your eyes nearly popped out of your sockets, and you groaned around his dick from the sudden movement. Both of his hands were in your hair. He didn't give you time to adjust as he bobbed your head up and down his length, hoping you were gagging. 
But you were a succubus. There was no gag reflex. Your hands were on the sides of his thighs for support. Your lips caressed his wet cock while your tongue laid flat under the heaviness. Tears breached through your tear ducts at the amount of pain yet pleasure you were receiving. You mewled with each thrust, even gulping all the saliva and pre-cum emitted.
You were messy, and he could tell you weren't experienced in this, but he relished how easily submissive you were. He pondered how far you were willing to go with him because he had a few things to do with stupid and naive yet sweet and kind girls like you.
"God, your mouth is good." He moaned, and though he mentioned a being that didn't like your kind, you weren't really caring. You wanted sex. You needed it. Your senses were begging to come out, but you weren't ready for it. Your mind and body fought against each other as a fat cock was in your mouth.
One hand unraveled off of your hair and brushed down your body. It was a plus that you were tinier than his usuals. He literally was able to reach your ass at an arm's length. He pulled the end of your dress-up to reveal your black thong. He stretched further to meet your soaked middle. You were practically dripping through the thin waste of fabric, so he pushed them to the side.
You whined at the feeling, getting slowly impatient with the act. You were getting weaker by the second, your mind slowly becoming a puddle.
"Fuck, you're so fucking wet." He slotted a finger through your folds, collecting your wetness. He passed through your perineum and landed on your puckered anus, rubbing circles around the rim. The slight action surprised you, gasped in a frenzy, accidentally biting his duck. He heaved painfully, ready to punish you but something unexpected happened because say goodbye to your hold on yourself because you were free and released.
Out came your familiar burgundy wings blooming out your back and ripping through the dress with your matching tail slithering out your tailbone. Your little horns emerged from your head that completed your succubus form. It didn't help that you were unaware of what happened to you. But Jungkook did.
He watched it happening, and he was fucking terrified.
"Holy fuck!" He pushed you off by the shoulders, distancing himself from you. He wheeled himself back with his chair, shaking like a wet kitten with enlarged pupils at what he witnessed. "Ahhh, get away from me!"
"What, what happened?" You questioned his horrific expression. But you answered your own question when you felt your tail swiveling around and noticed how you were elevated off the ground.
You cursed under your breath at your big mistake. You weren't supposed to reveal yourself to a human, especially when you were still in training. It was a safety precaution if other creatures in the realms roamed on Earth and caught you in your act.
The trauma in his eyes was still evident and nearly consuming his entire being as he was unaware that his dick was still out and hard. You needed to settle him, so he won't panic, and you could continue getting him into bed.
"Calm down, please?" You floated towards him with your palms out to indicate no harm. But he wasn't having it as he attempted scooting further away from you.
"I'm not fucking calming down, you fucking freak troll. Get away from me!"
You gasped at his intensive insult, going too far for your liking. You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest. "Excuse me! Not even a minute ago, your dick was down my "warm and soft" throat. Just because I have wings and tails doesn't mean I'm not any different from the person you met."
You were sulky and knitting your eyebrows together. Even if he was in a state of distress, he thought you were still cute and sexy. But he really wanted to know what the hell was happening.
He gulped and lifted his trembling hand to point at your new features. "A-are those real?"
You looked behind you to understand that he was asking about your wings or really anything that wasn't human-looking. "Yes."
"Really? No, you're lying! What?! How?" He threw many questions, completely baffled at this. Sure, you were floating right in front of his naked eyes, but he could have gotten pranked. He did have a controversial reputation. 
You shrugged, "I'm not gonna lie, although it would have been better if you didn't know." You whined in annoyance, picturing the future for you. "Fuck, I'm gonna get into trouble!"
"Well, now I know, and I want to leave." He was about to get up, but you went closer to him, and his initial response was cowering away from you.
"Wait, don't leave!" You begged, pressing your palms flat in front of your face as you looked down. 
"Okay, then you leave! You're in my room anyway." He demanded. "I don't want some weird as—"
"Wait, please! Let me explain!" You decided to be truthful and hoped you could still get what you wanted. It seemed like the only thing you could have done. 
Jungkook contemplated your request. He still had no idea what was going on and exactly where you were, but he concluded that you weren't a human and wouldn't kill him. You held your airhead aura and cluelessness so high, murdering him wasn’t coming to your head at all.
So he decided to stay silent and waited for you to explain. He nodded, cueing you, to which you sighed in relief. 
Knowing Seokjin abandoned you and would have probably killed you if he found out what you did, you were actually grateful you had to do this on your own for once. First of all, you disclosed that you were a succubus in training. You described your entire situation and how you came into the human world before revealing that he was your first task and that you needed to have sex with him. 
"I know it sounds crazy, but it really isn't. Succubi and other creatures are conscious about humans and your folklore and supernatural beliefs, so we stay hidden…for the most part." You joked a little to lighten the mood. However, when he didn't reciprocate it back, you stopped. "Look, I mean no harm. Well, I could kill you…" He cocked an eyebrow at you and gasped quietly. "But I won't! I don't have all my succubus powers. I didn't even have the mental capacity when I was assigned to you. I still am not! So please, help me out. I promise I'll get out of your hair once this is over. I'll even provide a cupcake!"
His deafening silence shot your anxiety through the roof. You didn't want to fail this. You didn't want to go through this process again. It happened many times in the past, and you certainly didn't want it to repeat. You wished he accepted you. It couldn't be that bad, but not every day someone saw a real-life succubus in action.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when the blank-faced Jungkook stood from his chair, fists clenching on each side of him. Fuck, you don't think this was going to end well.
But to your surprise, he stomped his way to your levitating stature. You weren't that high up. In fact, you met his height, leveling with his face. He shortened the distance between you two before raising his hand to slap your face. 
You winced in pain, holding your gradually reddened cheek. You were about to protest when you gazed into his eyes. You felt his demeanor become malicious. His jaw clenched, sharpening his feature. He rolled his tongue across his teeth as he snatched your hair with one hand and your leg with the other. He threw your form on the bed with a harsh thud, laying you on your stomach. 
"Wait, Jun—"
He slapped your ass to shut you up before he used his strength to rip your dress completely into shreds, throwing it to the side. You gasped, feeling the cold air brushing through your skin. "Shut up, you fucking whore, and it's sir!" He spanked the same place to which you hissed in pleasure. "Get on all fours or else I'll punish you."
You simply followed directions in fear yet enthusiasm as you were going to get laid in the night. You mentally cried in joy, but this wasn't what you were excepting.
Lastly, he destroyed your thong, finally leaving you in nothing. With your position, he could clearly see your rounded, plumped ass, tail swaying side to side, and wings wagging endearingly. Jungkook groaned at such an erotic sight before him, something completely new but not at all disgusted.
His fingers strolled across your body, roaming from the curve of your spine down to your hips and then the flesh of your ass. He was careful not to touch your succubus qualities just yet. "So you were basically made to be a slut?"
"Sir, I-I'm not a slut!"
"Huh, you literally told me you were a sex demon and doesn't that mean you fuck for a living?" He provoked with a smirk creeping up on his ruthless demeanor.
You pondered at the thought, "Well, when you put it that way—"Slap! You inhaled intensively as you heard and felt the sharp spank on your nether lips. 
"Don't fucking talk back to me." He quarreled, giving you another slap, to which you groaned and bit your lips to ease the soreness. You refused to say stop because he riled you up in ways you haven't experienced before. "You're gonna be a good little slut and take what I give you. Understood?"
"Y-yes, sir."
Without warning, he flipped you on your back with a bounce to your landing. You could get a good look at him—holy hell, he was absolutely captivating with his intense intimidating gaze on you. You didn't even notice that he stripped his clothes off in mere seconds of not seeing him. You didn't feel nervous or scared. Warmth spread across your body as your eyes danced around his toned muscular torso. That was definitely a sight you wanted to see again.
You watched as Jungkook climbed over your body and straddled on top of your shoulders until his weeping cock was right in front of your face. The slit leaked his translucent fluids, dripping down his lengthy shaft. Some of it landed on top of your décolletage. 
"Open your mouth." He ordered, lacing his fingers through your hair. His dick poked your cheeks and nostrils, then swiped his swollen tip on your lips like he applied lip balm. You stared back at it as you licked your lips, then opened it wide for him. He pushed the head in your mouth with a hefty groan. You latched on, puckering your lips around the thickness. He lightly tugged on your strands, urging you to look up and stare. There you were with your dark, lust-filled eyes, waiting for anything he commands. Fuck, he thought he won the golden ticket.
"Look at me when I fuck your small mouth." He said before snapping his hips forward, letting his cock disappear inside you. You groaned around him as your eyes glowed crimson before returning to their normal color. Though he was frightened, he noticed no suspicious activity, so he continued on, making a harsh yet slow pace with his thrusts.
Your esophagus wrapped around him, throbbing with each stroke. The moans coming out of you sounded like you were drowning. The tears running down your face with your eyes bloodshot exhilarated him to go even faster. His tip stabbed the very end of your tender throat continuously. You were aching, but it felt sooooo good.
Using his unused hand, he reached behind him to get you more stimulated until he felt your sticky puffy petals. Just a singular swipe through caused your hips to jerk towards his finger, wanting more pressure on it. Your minuscule doing doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook when he lets out a chuckle. "You're a needy little angel." You hummed noncommittally, vibrations stimulating his cock. "Be a good one and suck my cock. I'll give you what you want." You eagerly nodded that Jungkook's lips twitched at your adorableness. He wondered how you were a succubus yet acting like this. 
"Don't go too hard, but hollow your cheeks around them." He instructed you. You did what he said despite not knowing if you were doing it right. But with the louder groans that left his mouth, you felt confident. "Fucking good demon." He praised, and pearls of your wetness came out of you. "Ahh, you like that, don't you? Filthy slut likes getting praised."
While he thrusts, you hollowed your cheeks and suckled through the length as it went in and out of you. He played with your sodden folds, yet cautious to not touch your clit to tease you. You whimpered, begging with your eyes. Your fingers gripped onto his sheets as you got impatient.
Jungkook pushed himself into your mouth, pressing harder into your throat. Though you had no gag reflex, you surprisingly gagged around his cock, producing more saliva around and down your chin. "You take what you get." He pulled out, and as he was about to go back in, he quickly slid two of his thick fingers in your pussy.
You moaned with your eyes rolling back, feeling the rush of pleasure all over you that you couldn't help but reach your high quicker than usual. He felt your walls convulse around his appendages. You weren't back down from your high when he aggressively pulled back, causing you to fuss around. 
"Dumb little demon, you came without permission." He smacked your overly sensitive cunt, to which you sobbed. He raised his fingers up to his lips to slurp up your cum, even moaning at the sweet taste. His cock withdrew from your red drooling lips. You had a breather, gazing at him with your fucked up expression. He hissed in astonishment, enjoying the way you looked.
He got off you before grabbing your form and scooting his head between your legs. He sniffed. "Fine, if you're so needy, I'm gonna make you cum." So with that, he licked a strip of your petals and jammed two fingers into your hole. You screamed and arched your back at the pressure.
You couldn't do anything but wrap your fingers into his ebony locks. Your mewls amplified through the room when he reached your breast to pinch and twist your nub. He attacked your cunt with his mouth before wrapping around your clit. He listened to your sounds as he curled his fingers until he found your spot.
"S-sir!" You wept, feeling another knot forming in your stomach. "C-c-can I—"
"Cum, bitch." He didn't have to tell you twice as you felt the rush of familiar warmth spread through your limbs, quivering like a damn dog in wet water. Jungkook guided you through your bliss, unlike last time. However, when you assumed you would only feel the aftershocks, Jungkook continued his actions, letting you wince at the overstimulation.
"Nope!" You felt him smirking at your pussy before going back to devouring it. Oh no, you were reaching another high. Your orgasms were like going on a rollercoaster; you were up and down, up and down, but you weren't getting off of it any time soon. You came again, and again, and again, and again until you begged him off of you.
Tears streamed down your inflamed horny face. You breathed heavily, chest rising and your body frail and feeble. You weren't as weak. In fact, you could go more rounds, but you were—in Seokjin's words—lazy as fuck that your strength went down to the ability of a human.
Through heavy eyes, you glimpsed at Jungkook, who tried licking all your cum around his lips before wiping it from the back of his hand. "So…" He lapped his hand messily. The taste was so addicting; was it cherry-flavored? "As a succubus, what can you do?"
"What do you mean?" You rasped and cringed at your voice.
 "Like do you have powers? Anything to spice up sex?"
You needed a moment to think. Sometimes you forgot you were a succubus until Jin had to hit your horns and chase you down, which caused you to fly away. Catching your breath, you answered, "I can, uh, I can morph my body into what you like? Like, I can grow my boobs, change my personality, have fur on my body, I don't know whatever you're into."
He hummed mindlessly, "Just the way you are is fine." You didn't know why his sentence made your stomach flutter with insects. It was all tingling and friendly. "But I do want you to accept my kinks."
You nodded, "Which is…"
He snatched your body and turned you like a spinning top so that you looked at him upside down while his cock was still displayed in front of you. He couldn't see your face, only your body. He didn't bother to tell you as he held your jaw unhinged and rammed himself in your mouth as fast as a human could. You gulped and gagged around him, but when he shoved his fingers again in your red petals, you squealed so much with everything happening to you. 
He could see your throat down to your spreading, shaking legs. His cock bulged through your throat, making his ego increase. His balls swatted your face. Your tail squirmed from under while your wings were being squished in between you and the bed. There was no time for adjustments. He wanted to get himself off.
His strokes were aching hard, making you cry with the amount of pressure. His appendages making your cunt yell. You couldn't even do anything, just letting him, have you. "Stupid fucking angel only good for cock. Well, actually you suck at head. I don't think you're gonna pass…"
Your pupils dilated. "No!!" You spoke with your muffled mouth and shook your head. You refused to fail, and somehow you believed his words.
"The fucked whore wants to pass?" You nodded your head vigorously and whined. "Well, if you can satisfy me." His pace was now instant, and your body reacted well to his liking. You noticed him getting sloppy while he quickened his fingers deep in you.
It was only a matter of time until he slammed into your mouth again, and the gush of his cum splashed down your throat. You gargled and sobbed profoundly, also meeting another round of ecstasy. But only this time, a stream of your fluids leaked out, surprising your task.
"Fuck." He grunted as your mouth milked him. Once you both came down, he pulled out and saw the whites in your mouth. It was a sexy view for him, but you amped it up when you gargled it and gulped it down, showing your now clean mouth.
He was still hard, and he wanted more from you. He was greedy, greedier than usual, so he held your waist and flipped you again like a rag doll, putting you on your hands and knees. You were so small. He liked it so much to throw you around. 
He caressed your plumped ass and stretched apart your cheeks, showcasing your asshole and puffed cunt. The ends of his mouth curled upwards. He wanted a closer look at your puckered hole, but your cute tail wagged happily, blocking his way.
"This fucking tail is in the way." He tugged on it, and that's your nerves triggered. 
Your pupils dilated, producing a bit of froth in the corners of your mouth. You yelped aloud as if you were in pain. "Ahhh, no!"
His smile dropped with big eyes. He feared he hurt you, maybe even past your limits. Though you were a sex demon, he didn't really know much about your kind. "A-are you okay, ___?" He lets go of your end.
You sniffled before glancing behind your shoulder with your pout. He could have sworn your face made him feel all different kinds of emotions. "It's sensitive…"
He quirked an eyebrow at you, then at your still limb. Carefully, he wrapped his fingers around it and rubbed it down gently. He noticed your right eye twitch and inhaled sharply before moaning softly. His attention shifted down your spilling pussy, realizing it was your g-spot. 
"So you like that, angel?" His arrogance shined through his growing smirk and your writhing. "Of course, you do. How about your wings?" His other hand went for your fluttering wings, making you yell in a higher pitch.
"Sir, too much!!" This was really testing your limits. Humans never touched succubi or even incubi's wings as it showed weakness. If they did, the sex demons would kill them off the bat because your kind was supposed to be dominants.
He held onto your tail and wings before positioning his tip with your hole. He played with your clit as you squealed to secrete more wetness. Once he thought it was enough, he slowly pressed his length inside of you. The head was the thickest part of him, and you thought he would have mercy on you.
But you thought wrong.
In one go, his dick impaled into your cervix. You screamed bloody murder at the aching stretch to your wrecked walls. He didn't bother for you to adjust as his penetrations were rampant and harsh. You gasped for air, fisting the sheets under you as he played with your tail, stroking its length and then pinching its pointed end.
"You love having my human dick inside of your demon pussy?" He ridiculed, and you didn't bother to wipe off the arrogant smile on him. You barely could speak, so you blabbered nonsense and nodded. "You're going stupider than you already are!" Your arm reached behind without thought, trying to grab anything. He intertwined your fingers together to keep you in place.
However, he also roughly yanked your tail, which led you to see sounds in the nose as you went back into an orgasm. Your body acted like a screenshot as the pleasure impacted your veins. Your pussy gripped tightly around his cock while he eased you through it. What shocked him was the fact that the end of your tail sprayed cum into his face. It made him flinch, but it gave him an idea that made his smirk wider.
He enveloped his lips around your tail's end and sucked off the fluids. You went into a flurry of raptures, and small pumps of orgasms came your way. You squeaked and throbbed all over, crying buckets at the pain. You couldn't handle it anymore. You were breaking.
"E-en-enough, sir." You mewled, shoving your head into the pillow to lessen your cries. His tongue twisted around your end, earning a long wail from you. "Pl-please!" He popped off your tail, pleased with his doings. While still inside of you, he tossed you on your back once more, revealing your drained, perspiring figure.
"You're beautiful." You couldn't hear him as there was an ongoing ringing in your eardrums. But he guided your arms around his neck and pulled you closer to him. He clutched onto your waist firmly that you know there'll be marks the following days. He fucked you harder, literally rearranging your insides while gawking at you.
Your tits bouncing all over your chest, hearing the sloshing of where you both met, your noises that should be the number one song on Billboard Top 100. Your sobbing and tears were drugs to him, becoming addicted in the short span of knowing you. He couldn't get enough of it. 
You had your tongue out and flapping around, hoping it could get you more oxygen in your lungs, but Jungkook begged to differ.
"Open your mouth." Like a true submissive, you did it. He gathered so much saliva and spat a glob onto your tongue. Not needing him to tell you, you swallowed it and breathed heavily. He grunted before placing his face in the crevice of your neck. He tongued on the surface, creating darkened hickeys all over.
"Please, hurry, sir." You admitted defeat, wanting this to be over already. You could barely even grip around him without trembling. Why were you such a fucking weakling? 
"Almost there, angel. I promise." After three pumps, he finally painted your insides white. He whined into your ear, nibbling on your lobe. Ropes after ropes as your cunt milked him dry. The feeling of his cum sparked you once again as you had your final high. Being as sensitive as ever, your tail sprinkled your cum over the both of you as if it was rain. Your eyes illuminated rubies and absorbed the semen into your body, accidentally draining some of Jungkook's life out, but he didn't notice it as he thought he was too fucked out.
"Fuck, you're so good for me." Jungkook exhaled, lifting his head from your neck to see your broken state. Without thought, which he never does, he leaned forward to kiss your lips innocently. You assumed it was a sort of gratitude. 
You tried kissing him back, but you didn't want to move. You felt dead like you were going to die. Your energy was nonexistent and probably won't be back until the following year. Yet you wanted to cheer as you finally completed your task. But fuck, Seokjin was going to be mad at what you did.
Oh, well. That was a problem for another time. Right now, all you wanted to do was pass out and fall asleep for seven years.
"Congratulations on completing your first task!" Seokjin said elatedly as he threw confetti at your face. You were finally back in your realm, specifically Seokjin's office, after three weeks of being in your dorm. After finishing your task, you left Jungkook, and the human realm before their sun rose. You wanted to get out and finally be in the comfort of your room as you recovered from the night.
You were going to lie because it was honestly incredible, almost too much for your liking. No creature ever got you off like that, and you were bewildered when a human man made you cum in ways you didn't think about before. Though it was a task, you don't believe another job will get your cum like Jungkook did. You pondered on that thought while viewing your mentor frolicking around his space, continuing to throw confetti that you knew he'd tell you to clean up.
"Only 99 more to go!" He announced as he smiled. "Well, actually…you did complete a couple more since this subject had a remarkable history of interests."
You shrugged and brushed it off. You floated on his desk and hovered above as you crisscrossed your legs. "Yeah, hooray for me. Seokjin, I have a question or two, maybe even three."
"Yes, my little mentee? I'm so happy. Even the highers are raving ab—"
"With my other tasks, does it always have to be a different subject?" You questioned, interrupting Seokjin's glee.
Your mentor tilted his head in wonder. He hummed, "Well, it's recommended to have different subjects to gain knowledge of the variety. But most of the time, no, except like three tasks, only because you need another p—"
"Perfect, can I have Jungkook as my task helper?"
It has been over a month since Jungkook last saw you. He woke up to an empty cold side of his bed with all the traces of you disappearing overnight. At first, he didn't bother to care. He usually kicked the girls out of his room once it was over or when he'd wake up. Your departure helped him out a lot. But with you…you…well, you were a demon, so of course, you were different.
Though he went on with his life, even continuing his fuck boy streak, he couldn't stop thinking about you. He didn't want to be honest with himself, but he wanted to see around campus. But he knew it wouldn't happen since you were a succubus. It was all for your training, and that was it.
Maybe it was the way you looked, how you acted, or just perhaps you were not human. He couldn't comprehend why he thought like this. Perhaps you injected some potion that caused him to lowkey simp for you. But after the brief encounter, he knew you weren't as bright to do that to him.
Whatever, the point is that you were unforgettable in his brain, and he only wished to see you again but knew it wasn't going to happen. 
He sat at a coffee shop, trying to do some work before his partner for his class showed up. As he was too focused on his screen, he didn't notice someone sitting opposite of him until they cleared their throat. Though a bit irritated by the disruption, he eventually looked up and lost breath.
You were in the flesh—gorgeous and alluring flesh—smiling at his baffled state. He stared with round, wide eyes with his lips slightly parted. No words can describe how he was feeling, but he knew that he liked that you were back. Millions of questions and sentences ran through his head. He wanted to say so much to you, but you beat him to it.
But not with a hello, not how he was feeling, but—
"Sir, do you think you could teach me again?
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A/N: Sequel Here!
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vermillioncrown · 1 month
@rozaceous and i were like "ah, well, the commenting etiquette on something that's more 'purely' smut than before is expected" but that's so fine. we have this.
(under read more to not torture people lol)
@sunshinerotting replied to your post “(@rozaceous) dpnf outtake: eternally clear id of...”:
timmerson count: 26 oh my boy loves a symbol of affection. sex dream starting with verbal reassurance that they like him and want him to keep living w them. its 2:47 in the morning i’ll be more coherent tomorrow but timm. TIM. i can see his parent issues. he’s right abt them but like to the left?? also the scathing pillow princess line. looks like SOMEBODY hasn’t learned u don’t need to work to earn peoples love. especially not on your BIRTHDAY TIMOTHY oh i love him. someone tell him he’s doingva good job he obviously needs it. lonely man
​tim wants to be wanted, wants to be needed, needs to feel like he's earned being wanted. roz and i have talked about how kinks are just manifestations of your needs but in a sexual way (one of your most vulnerable ways), so like. ofc.
the fuccboi korvin image really leaked into his brain though huh. that was a lot. also the stains was that like a permanence thing. was the lease really eating at him. “we have all day” OH RIGHT ABANDONMENT damn. fuck tims parents fr differences btw this n korvin allie extra. idk like. pet (derogatory) vs. pet (affectionate) yk. like his brain is lowering him in a way they are they aren’t. still love but more like an object ?? 3am i’ll come back later don’ttt reveal your secrets im not done yet :*
he knows enough during waking moments that korvin's not like that. but he's also...he fears that? this links to the later replies on what allie vs korvin represent for tim in dpnf, and part of the "challenge" is korvin being like this. goading him. which is really tim being mean to himself rn, but he kinda likes it. a big thing with tim drake is wanting to show that he can Handle something (part of earning regard and want).
HAHA so, he's also very into the mystique of the twins, the "alien" nature, and the sticky, gooey stains are a bit like an alien feel to it. and it's a visceral sign of want. he does wanna be probed by an alien so bad lmao. until the almost-robin mystique wears off, he'll see them as larger than life, and that's where the pet (derogatory) comes in. there's a bit of himself feeling less, but there's also this keen want to be seen as "picked" and "special" to them.
the lease can be taken that way, but it's also like, dream logic (in the same way with the go-bag and his t-shirt lol). roz and i were cackling abt tim's priorities (we also had to retroactively mention the lease in ch 9 bc we forgor too)
(you have so much analysis I gotta do a reblog to not hit post limit 🥰)
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
✨PAC18+ Channeled Messages From Your FS..... 💘💋💘
🪬Some of you say you wanted channeled Messages from your Future Spouses. But with more detail.💋 Thank You @fae-ngel for the details of the channel's message from y'all future spouses. If some of you guys feel offended about the religion thing don't read this. In the last pile. You can pick more than one pile. Remember this is a general reading.
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👋🏽Hey baby, I hope that you are doing okay. I haven't been on my best behavior lately. I wanna tell you something, but I can't. For years I have been lied to. Cheated on and stabbed in the back. Since yesterday I got hurt by a friend. I almost got into a bad fight with one of my friends. I've been out drinking, partying, and smoking. Keeping myself distracted so I won't fucking hurt myself. So I want to cry 😭 so bad. But I can't. I hate that I have to keep a fucking smile on my face. I hate I have to deal with my responsibility without any fucking help. I need help. Not professional. But love help, nurturing help, and support help. I wish someone who is right now out there to help me. But there isn't. I know I can't quit my job. How am I supposed to feed my kids? Feed my family, feed my team. Of course, feed myself. Every time I tried to get a little piece and quiet to myself. Somebody or something always gets in the way. This fucking ex of mine is always on me. Yeah, I know it's my fucking fault. But hell I'm trying. I know I keep getting robbed and played by her. But I won't lie to you. I don't like to be alone. I get scared when I'm alone. I know right, the person who's complaining about wanting to be alone. I don't like to be with my thoughts. It is scary sometimes. You get it right! I've lived in darkness my whole life. Until my kids came along. But still... These thoughts, and memories. It’s scary. That's even half of the shit. I'm telling you about. Anyways, let me tell you something.. I've faced a lot of challenges in my life. Face them!! I did. I dream about you constantly, so my question is this. When are you going to come to me? I've been waiting and waiting for you. I know it sounds impatient. But I am❗. Whatever you go through right now or for a while. Fight that shit. Close your eyes and pretend I'm there fighting with you not against you. Because whenever I close my eyes can see it. You are with me every single time. Fighting my life with me. I know I go thinking that your energy is in my ex. But it isn't but it isn't. Okay, don't be mad at me! I can feel your anger when I said that. Haha 😂. Baby, you should go out and date other people. You shouldn't wait on me. That's kinda fucked up for you to wait on me. While I'm stuck! I should ask myself this! To My future wife! Should I keep you stuck with me? Tuh Hell NOO!! I wouldn't want my daughters to be waiting on some dude they haven't met yet. I haven't met you yet... Ooh, I have a song for us. That's a song I'm dedicating to us. I hope you like it. I just haven't met you yet. Once I do! I'll be screaming 🙀 saying YAY!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You take my breath away every time I see you in my dreams. The sad part is when I wake up early in the rising... That's right I said Rising! I took your word!! Haha 😂 anyway, when I get up I can't remember your face. Do you honestly think about me? Answer these questions for me. I'm serious Comment it down if you have to. How come you don't invite me back into your dream? What's keeping you from me? Did I do something wrong? I hope that didn't. Maybe, you should talk to me in the middle of the night. With your lights off and just call me in. I bet I'll come to you in a heartbeat. I mean Duh, I am your husband. Well not yet! I hope I can be your husband. It would be an honor to be your husband. This life, the next life, in the stars.. Or whatever I hope I come down being your husband or wife forever. I am your partner. You know what so fucking funny! I think you send me a message in my dream. But fucking deadasss!!! For the life of me, I can't remember! Do you get like that? But For the real answer. The funny thing is. I am crazy about you but again I haven't met you yet. I know you probably won't talk to me! But hear me out. Don't be mad. Please, please 🙏🏾 I won't forgive myself if you are mad at me for this. Hold up let me get myself together. Okay, (clear throat) I told my ex about you. I told her I fantasized about you when I'm sleeping with her. When she was kissing me I wiped that shit off fast.
Whenever her back is turned I wiped her lips off of me. These lips 💋 are yours. My body is yours. But again, I am sorry for the wait but I ain't sorry that you got to wait. I know it sounds harsh. Let me tell you why!! Because your mind, body, heart, and soul are mine. That isn't fair to someone else to have to take it from me. I'll hunt them down if anyone touches you. Even from a far distance, I'll still hunt those dudes down if they ever try. So yeah I haven't been on my best behavior. Now you know why. Anyways, I love you darling. Remember that's your name always with me... Darling.
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🌟Hello, my cupcake.
How's my cutie doing? I just wanted to tell you thank you. Thank you for still believing in us and our connection. You holding out strong. I've never had anyone who holds out like that. Thank you. I am dating around. Just putting myself out there. My advice to you is don't check up on me. Don't check up on me on social media, videos, or anything. I want you to start dating yourself. I want you to focus on yourself. So we both can become a little closer🙏🏾. It seems that you were afraid of me. I came to you into your dream today. Don't you remember? But you kept swerving around. So I stop following you for a minute. Until you called out my name in my dream. Only you know who this is. Keep it to your chest. The reason why I say date yourself is because I'm scared for you to find someone that's out there for you. You'll forget about me. I know I never experience someone like you and you never experience someone like me. Are you ready to? I feel like I kinda am ready to experience someone like you. I wanna get to know you a little bit more. Your energy and your spirit are here with me. I know it is your spirit next to me. I can feel it next to me. I told you a little bit about my past. I've cried to you. I am so comfortable with you. You know what's so funny... You always lay on me in your dreams. I can tell that you are comfortable with me too. Shush 🤫 that's a good thing. I'm glad you didn't judge me for my past. The mistakes I've made. You let me tear it down. Thank you. Do you know how special you are? I feel that you've been through a lot. Oh, damn! When you laid on me. I didn't just cry because of my past. I've cried to you too. Are you ready to start a new life with me? A new family with me. Our marriage, relationships, and our kids. Are you ready to be my wife/husband? Ask yourself this baby. It is scary once we are in it together. It's going to be hella fucking scary. But one thing I know today is that we will have each other. I haven't met you yet. But one thing is. I wanna dedicated a song to you real quick. Listen to both songs. I'm serious. They are for you, baby. Slowly listen to my words. Let my words from my song speak to you. Just as your present speaks to me. Your spirit talks to me all the time. I talk to myself all the time. I never thought in my life, I felt this way about you. The closer I'm getting towards you. I can feel you getting stronger. I'm not joking about this. I know I may sound 📢 crazy. I'm being honest with you. Anyways, I'm done talking right now. I'm assigning you homework. Those two songs give you! You better tell me what these songs mean to you. I can feel our connection getting stronger and closer. But of course, I keep thinking it was someone else. But it isn't. I know it's you. I just have to convince myself more.
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🧑🏾‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏾oh my sweetheart.
Have you been eating? I can see you putting on weight. I've been watching you left to right. How's your family doing? You told me you've been dealing with a lot of toxicity. So have I. The reason why is that my mother has been lying to me. She kept a lot of secrets from me. That I haven't even known. She told me things I wish no man or any child had to experience that shit. I felt that my mother wasn't sure about having me. I guess I was a third-party child. It was a one-night stand when she had me. But anyway, let's talk about us. I want to say to you that... You are the most important person in my life. I know I’ve kept talking about my mother. But she told me that you're nothing but a fantasy I'll never get to meet you. Never! You hear that bullshit. I tried telling my friends and other people but they laugh at me. I feel completely alone. Can you talk to me? Can I have a moment of your time? Just for a moment. Don't worry I don't live with my mother she lives with me. Even if I did live with my mother. Would you still date me? That's not the point but I'm sorry for feeling all insecure about us. I know I am the one who's holding us back. I've been wishing that you were right here by my side. Can we run away together once we meet? Please. This distance I can't deal with it. Can just two people who are meant to be just be together? That isn't fair, right? Don't you agree with me? Anyways, my shining light 💡. You light up my world when I think about you. When I talk to my boss and friends or even be on dates with different women I've been zoning out from them. Because they are boring as hell. Like ugh, I wanna have a real conversation with you. I wanna talk to you. I feel like the universe is holding us back. I'm about to say fuck it! Say, let's go ahead and find each other. I don’t care if I have to push through people and other forces get to you then I fucking will. I am tired of being patient here. What do you have to do? What do I gotta do? I am sorry for the yelling and the frustration. But I am frustrated. Anyways, this is what I'm going through. Don't worry everything will be perfect once we both lock eyes with each other. Everything is coming together soon.
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💘Ahh, are you Cupid? Because baby your arrow shoot my heart 💘. I wanna tell you my name. But I think you know my name already. Think harder and look deeper. I know a lot of women think I'm very handsome and charming and have a lot of women coming after me. Which I do. But guess what though. You swept me off my feet. The only person I wanna chase after is you. I don't know how you do it but you just do. I love how you shot fire with your words. The way you way rap, move your body, and the way you maneuver your words. God! That shit is fucking sexy. I know I should speak the lord's name in vain. However, I ain't burning in hell. Unless you coming with me. Then I'm alright with that. My health has been up and down lately. In and out of the hospital 🚑 left to right. But don't give me your sympathy. I don’t fucking need it. I know It sounds like I don't open up. But I don't. But you!! YOU!! I don't know what kind of spell you put on me. I've tried to run away from you, ignore you, block you out of my head, dreams, and energy 🔋. You are so goddamn strong. Tell me! What makes you so powerful? What do you do? Are you a witch? If you are then cast me a spell right in front of me. I don't believe in magic ✨ but for some damn reason! Boom 💣 here you come. I won't lie to you. I wanna fuck you. You are drop-dead gorgeous. But even from a distance, you torture me. I don't know if it is a good thing. So it's a good thing. No matter how hard I've tried to forget about you, there you are. It's like ugh, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?! tell me now! It's such a good feeling. I don't know how to describe this feeling. Maybe it's lust between you and me. Maybe, the truth is. I'm falling for you from a distance. I've fucked so many women just to stop thinking about you. But you won't go away from me. I hope that you know this. Honestly, you did this to me. I hope you are happy. You got me a simp for you. I talk to a psychic just to get you out of my mind, heart, and body. When I lay in bed. I can feel your head and skin on me. Especially, when you are out of the shower 🛁 😂😏😏😏. I'm a horny guy/girl. I'm always horny. But you made me feel like I'm a changed man/woman. I don't even know yet! Whatever you are doing!! Cut it out! Because I will find you❤️ I've got a lot of money 💵 I'll find you I don't know how but I will. The second I rest my head, you come straight into my dreams. You fucking siren! It's your voice and your entire aura pulls into your arms. Nah! I'm a master. Don't tell anyone this keep this between you and me. You make me weak. I can feel my bones 🦴 weak. Ugh, it's sad that you aren't here yet. So whatever you are doing!! I want you to..... Keep doing it. 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦.
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asordinaryppl · 29 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 10: Best Shot Update
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Taichi: Hmmm… Not again…
Taichi: (I figured it’d be, but… It sure is hard to get accepted….)
Taichi: (From Japanese mini theater movies, to local station mini dramas and graduate students’ films…)
Taichi: (I applied for the roles introduced to me by Sumeragi Agency and the ones I found by researching myself, but I failed all of them.)
Taichi: (... I knew I wouldn’t pass in one shot, obviously, and I haven’t lost heart just yet.)
Taichi: (My audition pilgrimage’s only just begun, I’ve gotta keep my spirits up.)
Taichi: When Mucchan failed his audition, he got even more motivated and improved his skills at the workshop…
Taichi: Instead of moping around, I should use these failures as motivation to keep goin’!
Taichi: Let’s go!
Taichi: (Maybe I should start by looking through my failed applications… Updating my profile pic might help…)
[Door opening]
Omi: …
Taichi: Hm? Welcome back, Omi-kun!
Omi: Y-Yeah, I’m back.
Taichi: (I wonder if he’s tired? He’s kinda spacing out...)
Taichi: Oh yeah! Omi-kun, you’re free tomorrow, right?
Omi: Yeah.
Taichi: I’ve got a favor to ask of you for my challenge…
Omi: Got it. You want me to take you somewhere? Around what time–
Taichi: At night, obviously!
[Motorcycle speeding]
Taichi: The wind feels so good! GO! GO! Yeah!
Omi: This reminds me of back when we did “Stranger”.
Taichi: The two of us toured like this back then too!
Taichi: So! We’ll be taking the ultimate updated profile pic with the ocean and sunrise as the background!
Omi: The seaside would be best, then. Try moving around over there a little.
Taichi: Ok! I wanna look like I’m the main character in a movie!
Omi: The splashing of the water adds some nice movement.
[Splash, splash]
Taichi: Like this!?
Omi: Yup. Looking good.
[Taichi steps out of the water]
Taichi: So? Did they turn out good?
Omi: This one’s the best shot.
Taichi: It’s so good! The sunrise’s light is also perfect! Only the best from you, Omi-kun!
Taichi: Oh, this one looks like the pic we took that day.
Omi: You’re right. Since the composition is similar, we can clearly see your growth by comparing them.
Taichi: If we take a pic like this every year, it’ll look like a record of my growth!
Omi: Haha, you’re right.
Taichi: I was able to get the perfect updated profile pic thanks to you, Omi-kun.
Taichi: Ah, I know that the world isn’t so kind that I’ll be accepted just ‘cause I’ve got such a good pic, of course~
Omi: Auditions, huh…
Taichi: Everything I’ve applied for has been a bust. I knew it’d be tough, but it still makes me kinda sad.
Taichi: So, thanks for coming with me today, even if it was just under the excuse of having my picture taken!
Omi: I’ll do this much for you any time. It helped cheer me up, too.
Taichi: But, y’know, after failing so much, it got me thinking…
Taichi: MANKAI Company’s the best, for letting all of us be lead actors as if it’s a given.
Taichi: It’s an important place I’ve got to cherish no matter what.
Taichi: That’s why, I’ve got to give back to the company and the Autumn Troupe twice as much as I’ve been given.
Taichi: If it’s to improve his popularity outside the troupe, attract more audience, and improve our ranking, Taichi Nanao will get up no matter how many times he falls!
Taichi: I’ll keep doing my best on my audition pilgrimage~!
Omi: … You’re amazing. Even after failing, you keep moving forward.
Taichi: … You still haven’t found a challenge for yourself, Omi-kun?
Omi: … Yeah. It’s not something I can talk to everyone about yet, but there’s something that’s been eating at me and I can’t focus on myself.
Omi: But don’t worry, we will be holding the workshop. The administrative position’s a nice change of pace that I’m grateful for.
Omi: Once things have settled a little, I’ll definitely find something to use as an opportunity to grow.
Omi: I can’t have you guys leaving me behind, after all.
Taichi: … You can take it slow. You won’t be late even if you end up behind us.
Omi: … Yeah, thanks.
Omi: For now, I’ll be praying all of you succeed from the bottom of my heart. If there’s anything I can do, let me know.
Taichi: I’ll do my best and lead the Autumn Troupe’s charge!
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
Hello! I saw your reqs were open and couldn’t stop myself from sending you this. Woozi’s talked about how he goes to the gym every day, so what if he and the reader had gym dates? I can’t get the image out of my that when he’s doing push ups, you’d be underneath him and each time he gets closer to the ground you give him a kiss 🥹 OR you hold on to him like a koala (kinda how he’ll hold onto the other members) and he does pushups with you on his back
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gym dates with woozi! ✧˖°.
hmm, to be honest with you, anon... i RARELY go to the gym
i exercise through lots of walking and home exercises, but gyms are so scary for me sometimes
and i feel like woozi wouldn't want to do anything with you in his actual gym he frequents besides gently spot you
but with that aside, i do think HOME gym dates with woozi would be fun..?
like if the gym was closed and he was just getting his workout in at home? ya know? so his pt wont be there?
(tbh if i was with someone like woozi, i'd just be like "ooh, good for you, go do your thing!" and just stay home and do my thing 😭)
i think woozi takes his workouts very seriously for the most part!
but if him and his s/o are alone and they have a weird suggestion (that he's comfortable with), then i'm sure he'd go ahead and fulfill after some persisting
i'm sure it'll start out more subtle, tho!
"oh, jihoon, you're about to do sit ups?"
"mhm. wanna join me?"
"i can hold your feet down."
"i know this kind of scenario... are you gonna make me kiss you every time i sit up?" he asks, laying down and propping his knees up
"i mean, the option is there for you!" you say, placing your hands on his shoes and leaning your body weight on his feet
he shakes his head before doing his first sit up
he looks at you with a stale face as you sit there with a proud smile
instead of kissing you, he bonks his forehead with yours, making you let go of one of his feet to rub your head
"ouch! hey, i'm not going to help you with this if you're gonna be like that!" you say, in complete disbelief
he's dying laughing on the floor as you sit there and scowl at him
he finds small inconveniences to his friends HILARIOUS
he regains his composure, and you both finish all the reps normally
when you're lazily sitting there, saying the last number, he leans closer and gives you a small peck on the nose before laying back down and relaxing
guys am i just desperate for small instances of love? because i want this so bad pls lord give me a woozi
"want to compete with me?" he asks as you fix your gym shorts
"as if i have any chance of winning," you counter, rolling your eyes. "i can challenge you with something."
"like what?"
"do a pushup with me on your back"
"pshhh," he scoffs, shaking his head with a bewildered expression on his face. "and if i fail, you're going to get your feelings all hurt."
"but you won't fail, right? because you're super strong?"
he shakes his head at you as he gets into pushup position
"what are you doing?"
"what are YOU doing? come cling onto me or something," he says, making you almost giggle out loud
you cling on to his body like a koala, and he stays there in the resting position, not being able to control his laughter
"this is how i have to do it? really?" he asks between laughs
"your ears are red!"
"don't look at my ears! you're touching a lot of me at once!"
"haha! i can get off if you want-"
"no, no, let me stop laughing. i'll try," he says, taking deep breaths
he finally manages to do two reps before falling back into the floor, breathing hard and laughing
you get off of him and kneel down where his face is turned
his face is all pink and you can't tell if it's from him feeling flustered or from the workout
"are you okay?" you ask in between laughs
"you're gonna be the death of me," he says, sitting up so he can bury his pink face in his hands. "why can't i say no to you?"
after that, he persists that you do some of your workouts
when you're doing weighted squats and lunges, he checks your form, ghosting your legs and upper body with his hands as he guides you
he softly corrects you and tells you it's important to do exercises in correct form in order for it to be most effective and keep you from injuring yourself
"you know you can actually touch me and move me so i can get into proper form, right?"
"you're barely touching me when you're correcting me. we're dating. i'm yours."
"oh," he says, nodding at you slowly. "wait, what did you say?"
"i'm yours..?"
"hmm," he slowly nods, but you watch him try to push away the smile growing on his face
he's definitely yours, too, but he'd never say that out loud
after that, whenever he wants you to make a micro adjustment, he gently takes your body and moves it in the way it needs to be, trying to touch you with the most respect
after you complete your workouts and you're sitting on the floor with him, you look at him with an evil smirk
"why are you looking at me like that?" he asks, pretending to be scared
"i have a new idea for you"
"uh oh"
"we already did pushups."
"like 2!"
"ugh, you're right. what is it this time?"
"i want to lay under you as you do your pushups."
"won't that be uncomfortable for both of us?"
"it'll be romantic!"
"i'm not a romantic guy."
"but you're a gym bro with a gym s/o, so you have to deal with it."
"i mean, we don't have to."
"get over here, dummy," he says, pointing towards the floor
you lay down, trying not to laugh
he gets into push-up position on top of you and he CANNOT make eye contact with you
every time he looks at you, he starts laughing, and he cannot control it whatsoever
"just hurry and do one!"
"well, i can't get low to the ground like i'm supposed to!"
"then just go as low as possible!"
he does one pushup with his eyes closed, and as he lowers closer to you, you take the chance you give him a peck on the lips
he immediately gets off of you and walks to a corner, his jaw dropped in disbelief
"i'm sorry!" you say, laughing
"you're evil! let me do my pushups!"
"okay, you can do the rest normally."
"thank you so much. seriously."
and you both finish your workouts, helping each other every so often
thank you so much for requesting, anon! i know i kind of changed the prompt around a bit to make it seem more realistic to me, but i hope you like it nonetheless! feel free to request many, many more prompts for me! ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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discotitsposts · 4 months
criminal minds rewatch is back
season 7 closing time-
obviously ep spoilers
party on the beach whooo
imagine just finding that omg
hotch running
my bird is happy
flirty hotch
rossi knows
penelope in blue 💞💞
can’t explain it but this unsub looks like the type of guy that would do this shit
shakespeare quote
ugh jj my beloved
reid’s voice 💞💞
morgan: he’s gay
this unsub kinda looks like my dad and it’s freaky
the guy who said he’s an s.a.c is kinda hot like idk what that means but damn
morgan: hack their cellphones penelope
also morgan: thank you crazy 😭😭love them
emily ur going to kill me with that blue top ugh😫
jj omg
they said jj and reid went to the gym together to speak with someone but reid is nowhere to be seen im suing
THERE HE ISi wanna kiss him so bad
it was me calling reid
omg penelope calling him 187
lol his best friend pulled his wife
wish i was the table reid’s leaning over rn
wishing i was the straw on emily’s drink rn
he’s using his victims as a therapist that’s the worst part
bro the best friend coming out of the house is low😭😭
emily in that green top i’m choking
penelope in pink omg
this shows costume department is unmatched
me when spencer breathes: 🫨🫨😫😫
i’d let spencer buy me a drink
bartender bar-t-tender our loves alive
needle in a haystack mention. more like a needle in a pile of needles ifykyk
spencer reid slam me down on that table challenge.
rossi in the tomato sauce red shirt
yuck he got violent on this poor woman. geez.
morgan though 😫
everyone in this show hot
bro gonna crush his bestie
ouch that’s gotta hurt.
reid in purple 😫😫😫😫
he kidnapped his son
you are NOT the father!
reid vest reid vest reid vest
i need reid now. vest stays on.
he’s throwing a tantrum
jj is so calming no wonder aj is doing an audio book i literally want her to comfort me when i cry.
haha she kicked his balls
morgan’s bicep bro i can’t it’s HUGE bigger than my head.
awww spencer worrying about jj brother duties
hotchsnend quote
morgan laughing
pennsylvania petite 😭😭 lmaooo
pa representation in jj🥰
lol valentine’s day
lmao the singles
reid goes home to me and his books
hotchy boy got a date
awww this is sweet i like hotch having a crush it’s so cute he’s literally so sweet omg my ♡
awwww he got kissed
the end 💞
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oh-my-may · 4 months
Very quickly I wanted to share some thoughts on Wuthering Waves so far.
I have completed the main quest up to act IV and I think it goes up to 6 in total? So I am more than halfway done with what the main story has to offer so far. I must say, although it does follow the typical anime rpg plot of recent games, I have been enjoying it!
It took me the first two chapters of the story to get behind all the game specific terms like Resonator, Tacet Fields and Discords etc. but I think as of right now I'm pretty secure in my knowledge of it.
I don't wanna get too much into the lore yet but there's so many things about the world (Solaris 3, right?) that I do not understand (yet) but given how I still have main story to play through I reckon some of my questions will be answered later. But the first thing is HOW BIG THE MAP IS? I think it might be like that for me bc I'm not used to playing open world games on mobile and maybe if I played it on PC I'd have a different impression but like... on mobile it seems huge. The Resonance Beacons are kinda oddly placed I think... like there should be a few more but maybe I'm spoiled from hyv games. From what I can tell on mobile it looks good, too. Can't wait for WuWa to come out for PS5 so I can fully enjoy how beautiful it looks. (no, I don't have a PC to play it on atm)
Scar is really cool, overall I really like the "villain" organisation so far (I know their name but wouldn't trust myself to properly spell it on here lol). Maybe bc they're some lf the only characters in this game that know what colour is lol. Scar's eng VA is *chefs kiss* and I think so far he's the most interesting character overall. Chamellya (? Is that how you spell her name) also seems really cool. Haven't met her yet in the story but I've seen several posts and I really look forward to getting to know more about the Fractuids (????or whatever their name is). Call them the Overseers, that's easier to remember and spell HAHA. Wonder what their motive is for abducting Jue and reviving the other big thing (it starts with Th I know, but can't remember it rn... Threnoid or something? Guys I told you I'm still learning)
When directly asked, Scar said that it brings the Lament and all that but like... why would they want that to happen??? Are humans bad? Is something bad gonna happen to them and they know? And what about putting TD parts into human bodies?? Why?? AND WHERE DO TDS COME FROM ANYWAY?
Okay so far for that. Also I quite like Jihnsi, which is suprising to me... I do find it weird that most characters in this game share almost the same color palette, I think it's cool that she's devoid of any color and she's just... pale. Everything about her is so pale and I think that's really cool, somehow. Just like the Overseers it makes her stand out to me.
I haven't met Jiyan yet :( Apparently I will in the next chapter but I have to level up quite a bunch until then... so lemme give you some other thoughts.
First of all I like the open world! I wanted to save exploration for until I have finished the main quests completely but since you have to level up in between the game leaves you no other choice. I haven't even unlocked the entire map yet (as I said I think it's HUGE on mobile lol) but so far it's been very cool! I like the twist they put in the puzzles, somehow they came up with new mechanisms that aren't just repetition of other games open world puzzles. I like that most challanges aren't time gated (like the sniper ones, I'd be dead if they were on mobile HAHA). Besides the challenges where you fly around as that bird and have to fly through rhose rings.. it goes so fast I can NOT control that at all on mobile. Will save those for a later opportunity ig.
The battles have been fun so far. Again I have to say how dynamic the system feels it's really fun with Intro Attacks and all that, the dodge attacks are really cool and yeah... on mobile I just press buttons and can't be as smart with my moves because I barely know wtf is going on and I can't control my fingers as diligently on the tiny buttons lol. Does the mobile version have controller support yet? I think I read somewhere that it doesn't, but I'll probably be the first to jump to it lol.
(Rn I wanna mention that I saved this post until this point and finished writing it afterwards until suddenly the wifi at work disconnected and then I lost hald the post :((( so I have to kinda rewrite half of it, yaay...)
The echo system is really cool and innovative. Its pretty new to me personally as a system to exchange for the artifact/relic stuff. Its cool you can use the echos ability. I just figure its gonna be a pain to farm later, given how you're not always guaranteed to get an Echo from every enemy snd the stats are random too... I haven't gotten too much into the system yet and what set or whatever is best for each character... but I'm glad that auto euqip is a thing already haha. I'll probably have plenty of time to figure this all out later.
I have arrived at a point in the game where the game wants me to level characters... the game recommended team level 40 for the Scar fight when I had my team at 25... Currently I use Rover, Verina and Chixia and habe been quote enjoying them. I'll try and use Rover as long as possible, so far I really like her playstyle! I also like that the game basically adds two new elements to the roster: light and darkness, basically. Seems pretty cool. Do the elements interact? Haven't gotten too much into the meta yet, so are there like reactions like on genshin or just status effects? To conclude my thoughts I'd like to add that I'm not sure yet how worth it is leveling up my characters rn? I know that Verina is very good and as I said I'll try and level Rover for now, but as for the third slot... although I like Chixia I ultimately wanna get Jiyan or some other 5star lile Calcharo? I also have no idea (yet) how to effectively farm level up material. There must be something like a ley line or calyx surely, I just haven't found it yet. Overall I'd like to spend the 240 energy the game gives me but besides bosses I haven't really found something on the map... oh yeah there was spme forgery challenge ig that's like for weapon stuff? We'll see...
Since I have lots of leveling to do (6 levels to continue the main quest...) I figured doing normal quests is the most effective way to do that, although I have noticed that not all quests give Union Exp? I find that a bit odd. Also are there any of these smaller quests worth paying proper attention to? Like that tell important lore? So far I've only done a few and they didn't really seem significant ... some photo taking and infiltrating an enemy camp, which was pretty cool because Rover dressed up as one of them snd snuck arpund the camp, but it didn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things? Do let me know if there are certain quests that are really cool.
I have done Lingyangs character quest and it was pretty sweet. I liked the camera switch in the cavern a lot. He's also just generally a very cite character, he falls out of the character colour scheme and he's just adorable :( I did get him as my first 5star on the 50 pull banner... sadly I don't like his playstyle :( I think I dislike the way gauntlet characters feel on mobile? Idk. I also dislike that lightning 4star gauntlet man (forgot his name. He was one of my first 4stars and his trial felt weird playing him idk...) in terms of gameplay. I do think this is just a mobile thing for me, at least with the controls. As I said, when the game gets controller support this might change.
I'd like to mention a few things that bother me, too. No game is perfect and I do think that kuro games is definitely able to fix these things. First of all I've noticed that in the open world when expllring it's often very silent? As in... there's no background music? Idk if it's just programmed to set in very late? I know that there is music, since it does play when I log in... but when I walk through the world and change areas it's so oddly silent for so long... it's kinda scary sometimes haha. Also I often hsve the problem that spoken dialogue randomly cuts off mid sentence without any trigger? Like it just doesn't play the entirety of the sentence? And this happens quite frequently, especially in the first few chapters of the story. Also when the text appears on screen... it seems that sometimes it is so long that it doesn't fully appear on screen? It doesn't scroll down or anything the longer texts are just not displayed? Idk.
Another thing I noticed is that the Rover's voice over often seems very monotonous and almost... empty? Like there's no emotion or anything... at least for female Rover. I do like that she gets quite a bunch of spoken lines, but sometimes they seem oddly off against the other characters... one example that really botheres me wss in act 4, when Scar gets arrested (and Scars voice over is phenomenal btw!). There's this moment where he wants to flee and in the lsst second Rover jumps in and says something like "not so fast" or something like that and its just... the character is in action and there's high tension and the line just falls so incredibly flat? I think it may be a directing problem, maybe they just didn't tell her what the context was but like... it really bothered me. I generally like the Eng voice over, although I do find some of Yangyangs pronounciations weird? It irritates me how she says Huanglong a lot of times? Like I get it that its closer to the Chinese pronounciation but other characters say it with an english accent too? Or her breathy "Rover" all the time? I think this is just me but it was quite annoying.
Other than that (and I already mentioned it) it will tske me some time to get used to the colour palette of the characters... i do like the character design, but almost every character has the same colours to them? It's all mainly black with white/grey details and occasinally some shade of blue/red or green in between. Very few characters fall out of that scheme, like Encore, Verina or LingYang. Or the Overseers, but they're not playable (yet?)
Other than thode pretty minor problems I'm excited to explore the world a bunch now. Very excited to see how the story ends as of rn. The devs are very attentive to player feedback so I'm vurious to see where the game is headed. I do think it has lots of potential. As I said, I can't wait for playable Scar and just generally to explore more of the world. Are there gonna be more countries added to the world? I'd say yes as of right now but are there mentions of it in the story? Very excited for it!
Also I'm looking forward to meeting Geshulin in the story. Ive seen short clips of him and to say I'm obsessed would be an understatement. This game nails it's morally grey male characters.
I'm not used to taking screenshots during mobile games, so I have only this one of Scar for now, maybe I'll mamage to make it a habit. Bye for now! (Wish me luck on Jiyans banner)
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mysticstars02 · 3 months
KW: Miscellaneous (RAW)
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this is the best image i could use for this blog. ik there's one i really luv to use (it's the huge collab art made by yumikosudou where they transform YW characters into those gegege no kitaro art style characters you see in the right). Buuut i think it's safe to use this image here haha
Featuring two collabs with actual stories! And also some stuffs I find that Idk if it'll fit or I never seen these before lol
Cells at Work! Collab
(ngl i did not expect this to collab a series i barely know of. I don't watch but the concept looks cool!)
GeGeGe no Kitaro: Great Yokai War (?) Collab
most pure thing i ever seen. it's like seeing the interactions and the epic fights...but in chibi style XD
The Great Trial of Challenges
OH THIS ONE! I really wanna talk about this cause i think this is a pretty cool feature they add. Sadly I didn't get the main gist of this buuut I'm pretty sure this feature requires a shit ton of your playtime experiences and some competitive thinking (rambling warning btw lol)
How it works is that you have those green keys you can spend ONLY on the Great Trial and let me tell you: the Great Trial...is srsly a trial. Y'know those competitive features in the YW mainline games where you can set the rules only to specific rank of youkais (Like set the rule to an only Rank A or C battle), the Great Trial of Challenges is kinda like that...except it's very mean (It may be easy if I have some translation skills but it may be not haha XD).
Let's set up a real example coming from a KW player: If I remember, the trial is set up by 3 stages. Each stage contains restriction and certain aspects for tribe AND rank.
The 1st stage is free-for-all style meaning no restriction/rule, just put out your best team.
The 2nd stage gets a bit harder. There are now rules and restrictions. Let's say the rule for this stage says you can only use Rank A or lower youkais (I believe this also applies to Gunmashin/War Demon God's Rank???) AND you cannot use this following tribe: Enma and Kaima tribe
Now comes the 3rd stage, this time it's serious. I believe they add more rules and restriction to this stage so now, you can still use Rank A or lower BUT you are forced to use them from this tribe like you can use Rank A-C but only from the Slippery tribe. This also will go for the Gunmashin as well (You can only use the demon god's from this specific class)
Sometimes the rule will keep you using Rank Sho but you can't use Rank Paradise/Heavenly Rank youkais
Very challenging but it's also pretty cool! You may think that this looks like it's worth to try it out...yet I haven't mention why this feature is very mean. I haven't gone that far yet I also forgot how many challenges I clear (I think I clear at least 50???) BUT...there is a challenge that will forever be a wall to me before this game announce to go defunct. What challenge is that I struggle the most?
On the 3rd stage of the challenge I was on (again Idr what it is exactly), there is one rule...that is so mean idk how the f- am I suppose to do. These are the following restrictions: Rank Sho, Any tribe is acceptable, Gunmashin is allowed, you are forced...to use one youkai
A rule said to use one youkai against a team of 5 Rank Sho youkais
Part of me thinks that maybe with quick summoning, instant collision damage and bulky stat could work right? Ngl, I got my ass kicked like so many times on this freakin 3rd stage of the challenge I was stuck on (I tried to use Rank Sho Rinne on this challenge, 3 seconds later and he immediately got his ass kicked asksa)
Again, pretty cool feature for challenging players and huge props to the user responsible for the Heavenly Rank's stories (bc I'm pretty sure you unlock those scenes by completing certain amount of trials. I'm very positive you have to beat EVERYTHING and my poor brain is not enough :'''>)
Never-see-before events (well for me lol)
I found a few of these videos coming from the user who's responsible for the Heavenly Rank stories. I actually don't remember seeing these events during my KW playthrough (I might have misremember it but yeah)
More interaction with Gunmashins? Part I
More interaction with Gunmashins? Part II
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please I cant get over yamqn and the sequel, it's a masterpiece & I will always think about it. Like sometimes I can't look at gyu like he isn't a yandere and it is all because of you. some part of me also thinks he is like perfect as a yandere. ( I just don't resonate with oc lol ) for me ( I'm also broken lol😂 ) wdym one more chapter I feel like the sequel can have more chapter with more angst hurt and dark themes like in Yamqn, kinda want oc to remember her past, choose if she truly wants to be with gyu ( believe he was just another level of obsessed ), or move on, or I don't know this time what cards gyu has up his sleeve, plus it would be better to know his origin is sequel ( cause I am confused if he is immortal or not ), if oc is aware of his origin. In Yamqn, their childhood memories existed while in sequel, I don't see a snippet of that. So she didn't get any childhood deja vu? I personally wanna know more of what happened in their recent 21st century childhood ( lol ), & what's gonna happen to them. I also wanna know if they're gonna end up happily together with kids like gyu wanted? or will they again tear apart? or will they stick together albeit their toxicity, messed up ness? I have so much I wanna know about Yamqn. I'm honestly team BEOMGYU, but I wanna know what happened to Taehyun. I personally think if he had like taken an oath in the past have oc all to himself next time, I mean in this life, it would be a good drama to see the challenge tyun poses to gyu, I mean, it would also be fun to see Tyun get deranged over OC. Two deranged men, obsessed over oc, a drama to die for. Like what if in last life, tyun was like, "You will be mine, angel. in next and other lives ahead." And that becomes a sorta curse ( if that exists ), and Oc is stuck between uhm, what do I say? like between gyu and tyun, last time she had no choice but to give in gyu's whims but this time, I don't believe she is pressured? So she has a freewill? oh god if tyun confirms his dreams are true, and so are oc's. I WANNA MORE ABOUT TYUN ( coming from a team beomgyu girl lmao ) this 21st century won't let gyu and tae have a war but it'd be worth dying for to see some more drama oh lord. save me. I'm filled with yamqn ( 99%—yamqn, 1%— bone flesh blood muscles cells lol I am kidding ) Okay. so. I told you, yamqn is legendary in moablr.
haha i know what you mean. i sometimes see him and i'm like that's prince gyu right there lol
yeah it could have definitely gone on for longer but like i said since people are kinda getting bored of it it's good to end it now.
yup what does gyu have up his sleeve 😂 as for his origins, that will be revealed next chapter. oc does not remember their previous childhood no. recent childhood wasn't relevant for the story since gyu only found her in adulthood.
most of these question will be answered in the next chapter. it would be really cool to see tyun becoming crazy like gyu in the original series if oc is to choose gyu this time. him just being like "oh fuck no i will not let this bitch do this to me twice and if she likes her men mad then i'll show her fucking crazy" lmao
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itsmelb · 11 months
The ultimate Only Friends The Series resumé
So we are here at the end of the series we all couldn't wait to see the whole year. And I just wanna say some things about the series, the actors, the circumstances, my emotions. U know me I have a lot to say in general but firstly I am just so grateful to have witnessed this kinda evolution of BL series and now let's get deeper into the mess 😆
The series
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As I said it was so highly awaited that I was sure ppl would be delulu all the time. I knew that there would be beef because everyone wants mess and when they get it they can't handle it. I know ppl expect things from BLs (me too I don't exclude me) and when it isn't how it (apparently) should be (in their opinion) and it's exactly how life COULD be ppl hate, be shitty and say mean things in general.
I mean I was mad when the directors and writers cut out TopMew scenes just because "fans" hated on them (I still don't get it) but I never once hated on Ray, Boston or somebody else (like hating Khao or sb). I can say we'll that's shitty what he's done, I can say I am mad at Boston for this but as I said before life is not perfect. I also can forgive somebody when I see okay he changes for me, the other one I don't. I think ppl should not watch the series when they can't accept failure and not being perfect then. When you want a BL like in books go watch Lita or Hidden agenda or sth.
This sometimes killed my mood. But well I am obsessed with the actors of this series. And it's what kept me watching. The mess was real.
The actors
Book aka Mew: my beloved Bookie. I think he did so great. And I am not saying this just because I love him sm. He worked his ass off. He never did a role like this (playing so many emotions and naivness and all that we've seen). I am really excited to see what he is up to. I hope he gets to challenge himself again. I wish that ppl see how well he's doing. He deserves the praise for this role and all that are coming. 🍅💕
Force aka Top: I love bad boy Force. I love his smirk his laugh and him. I like how he acted the scenes from asshole to in love like a fool haha. I don't get why ppl hate on his acting. He improved sm I just want that he gets some respect. 🦊🫶🏻
-> Forcebooks chemistry was so good. All the stares and the cries and all the heavy emo stuff. I love them sm it hurts that ppl are so disgusting. They deserve the world and I am so proud to be their fan 🦊🍅💕
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Khao as Ray and First as Sand: K is so naturally talented. I like his ways. I love his eyes and his smile. I like the way he and First act and be together. I like how they both cry so beautifully. I love how First can be fierce and soft. Also his expressions are so good. Their characters were a mess and they acted the part so good.
-> I realised that they don't belong on my top list of actors anymore. I mean, dont get me wrong. I appreciate and respect their acting, and their sexyness is beyond good, but I prefer others more. It's just a feeling I can't explain it further.
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Neo as Boston, Mark as Nick: They did so good with their messy characters and all their deep shit. I like how it turned out at the end btw them. I like how Nick said, I can't be with u bc u are who u are but that's okay for u not for me though. I think that's so real. Also Boston is Boston, personally I couldn't be with sb like him but some will and it's okay. I can respect that.
-> Neo Mark did so good they grew on me. Especially Neo. He acted so good that we could hate Boston. U have to do that first. And Mark well the emotions were big!!!
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Lookjun, Nonnie, Mond, Drake, Jennie as Cheum, April, Boeing, Gap and Yo: I love the mess around them, that Mond was Boeing was such a crazy thing. Also Drakes guest star was so sexy. The girls should have been there more. I don't know... they picked them well.
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...and Mix as the first guest lol: holy shit I knew he would be there. I love him sm. And I am here for him to create chaos...and that's why..
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My personal emotional ofts rambles
The emotions I had during this series were like a crazy ride. I am happy and sad and angry and a little disappointed and that's just the half of it haha. They did well. They could have done better though. Don't cut scenes just bc ppl want it, let stories tell and let them flow, be more accepting about different love lifes, different ppl different perspectives and last but not least accept failure from characters.
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And at the end I would finally say my ranking of my fav characters I did a while ago and now I wanna do it again:
1. Mew (still on top sorry haha)
2. Top (yeah back on top really. All Mew said about forgiveness and that I agree)
3. Nick (just because I like that he looks after himself now!)
4. Sand (If he is there for u u won)
5. Cheum
6. Ray (how the tables have turned. I just don't like that he gets through with everything. Yah)
7. Boston (still last because I personally don't like his motives. And that is just my opinion)
And that's that. 💯 it was a ride. I am sad that this ended..
..but maybe we get Season 2 with Mix? I would watch it for sure 😆
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cl0wn-cryptid · 4 months
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AAAAA FINALLY 1/9 of my mane 9 inspired designs. Just warning I have a lot to say with this being the first part sorry ;w;. Still not the final design but! A good step! Ever since I started this series on a whim I’ve been absolutely fighting with these designs. After I finished the original drawing of Desert I decided on these sort of chibi refs (which originally were gonna be more simple but of course I complicated things haha). Things were going well, I got the clean up sketches done for all 9, but as I was trying to finish Pinkie’s lines I burnt out.. and I honestly just need to completely redo her again (aside from the human form which I am happy with). Pinkie and Starlight have been the biggest challenges species wise for this whole series. Honestly there’s a lot I need to change with all “pony” forms in general, aside from Trixie who’s human form I’m the most dissatisfied with. I’m not sure this’ll make sense, but when it comes to the human races I tend to just go with the popular head cannon’s (since I agree with them) or what I imagine them as. But Trixie… I went with something random for the sake of it (Hawaiian), I don’t even remember why, but I feel almost wrong for doing it because it had no thought behind it. Maybe I’m over thinking it? I’d like to hear some feedback (or even your own race head cannons for Trixie!). Either way I’m definitely gonna redo these a lot in the future after all the refs are done because there’s plenty I could improve on.. Plus.. The canvas’ are so small I lose so much detail I wanted.. Ah well..
Aside from the general stuff, here’s some info on Desert herself! Species wise I knew pretty quick I wanted to mix her with a kitsune to have a nyan cat thing going with the tails, I specifically modeled her after a fennec fox because I adore the interpretation of RD being the smallest. Then I used the rainbow bee eater for colors and used the American kestrel as some loose inspiration. Body type was super obvious for me, pear shaped and athletic, which I definitely wanna push more in the future. For the human form I’ve seen lots of people make her Latina, so I went with that (plus I just can’t see her pale-), along with Japanese because well, kitsune, thought it’d make sense. Outfit wise, while I do love the simple tomboy outfits she’s usually given I really wanted her to have some kinda athletic punk outfit, which I probably will change up later to look cooler but it’s fine for now I suppose. Some fixes I know I wanna do is make her tails less plain, and give her actual paws because I just think it’ll look nicer even if I’m a bit sad she looks more fox than pony.
Hhhh that was a lot of info dumping, but! I’d love to hear some feedback :3 I know a lot could be improved so feel free to give some criticism! Also it’s obvious but when I started these I decided on doing a little artistic top nudity.. No real reason, I just like it.
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rabbiteclair · 2 years
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okay let's try this again, this time with my brain plugged in
overall, story-wise I admire the devs' efficiency of storytelling in introducing new groups of characters, giving you a peek at the relationship dynamics between them and what makes them interesting, and then immediately proceeding to 'and now it's time for you to kill them, because you are running an RPG dungeon for hapless adventurers to dive into.' Several groups here feel like they could be the protagonists of a shorter game in their own right. sorry I killed you guys but you know how it is.
Mechanically... not gonna get too deep into the game's overall systems at this point, but I think they did a pretty solid job of making each new story encounter an interesting challenge with something new to deal with. Once I sorted out the whole 'you don't have enough good key pages to outfit the entire library, you've gotta shuffle them around a lot or you're playing on hard mode' thing, nothing has felt ridiculously hard when I first unlocked it, but very few fights have felt all that easy either. (The 'nothing has felt ridiculously hard' part may change soon though, because somebody thought it was a good idea to fight the Red Mist again. goddamn it Angela, I just did that last game. At least dig up the Backward Clock for me to fall back on if you're gonna pull this shit.)
I'm not gonna go into every single reception, but hitting some of the highlights...
Streetlight: Probably the first group I felt really bad about murdering? Sorry Lulu. (Okay these early ones are gonna be kind of short, lbr they have a lot less going on than later stuff.)
Zwei: Whoops felt bad again. This time it was ameliorated by getting Walter's key page and going 'wait you're gonna just... let me do that? Is this actually okay?'
Carnival: is the point that made me stop and go 'oh man these devs know how to do some weird transhumanism stuff,' and that basically doesn't let up for the rest of the game. On the other hand this is also the point where I kinda sighed and started finding all the endless industrial uses for dead humans a bit on-the-nose.
Dawn: well I can see no way that killing these guys could go poorly, not like one of them will have a days/weeks-long breakdown and turn into a swarm of flaming cherubs that kill tens of thousands of people or something haha. Yuna deserved more/cooler mechanics. Solo Fixer who carries her gear around in a guitar case or something and shows up like 'hey I just beat up some crazy stuff by myself.' make Yuna cooler you cowards.
Gaze: Gaze Office is cool as hell. I love them. Love their fucking C memory management joke names. (Which are apparently also Korean puns or something.) Love their weird rainbow camera heads. Too bad that they're kinda mechanically trash. They were one of the easiest fights for me, and I've never found much use for... anything they do, really.
Kurokumo: thus begins the era of Slashing Builds. this era has not yet actually ended for me.
Bremen: I actually felt a bit bad for these guys too. I mean sure they're murderers but they seem so earnest about it, and they did get their heads messed with by supernatural forces. But also why didn't you losers give me blunt power abilities. You should really take after Sayo more. I'm sure she's a fine role model.
Love Town: [banging pots and pans together] LOVE TOWN LOVE TOWN LOVE TOWN. listen the entire story here is so absurdly horrible and over the top that it's almost funny, but I feel like if you're gonna get invested in these games you've gotta be capable of looking at 'so they all spent millennia locked in a train and unable to die until the few who still retained some of their sanity sewed their bodies together into Flesh Amalgam Creatures to fight off their zombified comrades' and pumping your fist instead of pointing out that that all seems like a bit much. Tomerry was an interesting fight but at the same time, never wanna do that again. Some of my well-meaning friends warned me to gird my stomach for this section, unaware of just how much body horror media I've consumed over the years.
Sweepers: On one hand? I kinda came out of this liking the Sweepers themselves, despite everything. Aw, they're just a big happy family, makin' their way in the world. just, Their Way just happens to involve a lot of meathooks and, uh, liquefying people to make special goo or something? On the other hand fuck this fight. Even now that I've beaten it several times, I still hate it. This begins the pattern of 'nothing that is happening here, mechanically, is moral or just.'
Shi: okay look I don't have much to say about Shi itself. this is a basically-unrelated sidebar. You know how Yujin's key page gives you that broken speed die? I am cursed so that every single big attack targets it, and always with a really high speed so I can't intercept. A boss has some once-per-fight attack that's like '8-21 damage, on hit: stagger the target, apply 5 Fragile next round'? it's gonna target Yujin's broken die, with a speed of like 6-7, every single time. My friends assure me that this isn't intentional and I'm just very unlucky, but I'm this close to retiring the page and ripping the good parts off to use elsewhere. I've seriously lost four or five big fights over Yujin suddenly getting ripped in half three rounds in, or getting smacked with a 'if this hits anybody you automatically lose the fight' attack, with no ability to defend.
8 o'clock Circus: fuck this fight. Oswald isn't in it, but I appreciate his whole deal though. Like, he's not a good guy. I'm not even sure I like him. But it takes some skill to be an interesting fucked up clown in 2023, and he manages it.
Smiling Faces: I love how even after you read their books, there's no real explanation of what their deal is. at this point the game's just like 'look, they're weird old folks who chop people up or something and like to take fat bong rips, you can probably name a dozen explanations for all of this at this point.' The fight itself is an absolute pain thanks to Deep Drag, but your reward is... being able to hit enemies with Deep Drag. I don't like smoke builds as much as most people, it seems, but I'll concede that when they do work they're great. And, I mean, I still put a smoker on most teams up until fairly recently.
Crying Children: sometimes a fight is just too fucking long. I'm sorry Phil "the big sad baby" McFixer, but if you want me to get invested in your personal character arc you've gotta limit your boss fight to like five phases tops. (Angela is exempt from this of course.)
WARP Crew: see the Love Town bullet above, but also I felt pretty bad about killing these guys too. Sorry Lesti. Also I find it very funny that part of the reason behind the VIP seats is to make sure that anybody with really expensive combat augs is not waiting for them inside the train after spending about two millennia losing their goddamn mind.
Blue Reverb/Church of Gears: I really expected this fight to be harder but let's be real I haven't seen the last of this asshole.
Cane: I'm just here for Nemo, babey.
R Corp: hhhhh. For one thing, this fight is a fucking slog, and it opens up with possibly the hardest act of its three. For another, you're gonna make me kill Myo? Really? On the upside: Rabbit-based titles for everyone. I haven't beaten this reception yet since I only tried it once so far and went in unprepared for some of the tomfoolery, but I still got within about two hits of winning, so I'm confident I'll get it next time.
Night Awls/Udjat/Kim/Dong-hwan: yesssss give me your stuff. I could've gone without having to fight the Udjat though.
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wrenrogue · 1 year
Generally Canon Compliant Kuroken AU where they end up going to the same university. They also see each other as nothing but friends and somehow were able to became roommates. One night, Kuroo drags Kenma to a party.
It's all good for the most part, but then some of the party goers are like "let's play some high school party games for the nostalgia!!" and so they do, and of course the first one is "seven minutes in heaven" and kuroo and kenma are the lucky bastards to be chosen to go first.
They both sheepishly shuffle themselves into the closet, Kuroo being like, "hahah guys we're friends this is weird nothing will happen," before they get locked in. In the closet, both boys are a bit awkward about things, both wondering if anything will happen and after 30 seconds, Kuroo finally speaks. "So, how should we approach this?"
Kenma stays quiet for a bit and then goes, "I don't mind actually going through with it, we're friends, what's the worst that can happen?"
"I dunno Kenma, you might traumatize me by being a bad kisser"
"You say that like you're any better."
"How do you know my kissing skill level?"
"Kuro, you've only kissed one (1) girl in your whole life and that was your grandma"
"All I'm hearing is that you wanna challenge me to a kiss-off"
"Fine, best kisser wins something."
"If I win, you will stop playing video games at 3am on blast and actually sleep"
"And if I win, you will clean the whole apartment for an entire month without my help and without blasting marina and the diamonds"
"Not Marina!"
"I said what I said"
"Fine, you're gonna lose anyway"
So they get closer to each other and they're chest to chest (?) when-
"Kuro, you have to lean down I can't reach your face"
"Oh right, gotta help the little guy someti-OW, was that kick to my shin really necessary?"
"You're so romantic, Kenma. I'm falling in love already"
"Please don't, that would be a nightmare."
"Agreed, I would hate to fall in love with slouchy mcgee"
"Just lean down and fucking kiss me already you gee-" Kenma never has the chance to let go of that last voiceless velar plosive because Kuroo has effectively leaned down and caught Kenma's lips in a soft kiss. He's stunned at first, but then Kenma closes his eyes and kisses back, or at least they stay connected, but don't actually move their lips.
Kuroo is the one to break the kiss. "That one sucked, we can do better." Kuroo says before cornering Kenma and leaning down again, this time Kenma is more prepared and kisses Kuroo back with more intensity, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Their lips glide against each other as Kuroo places his hands on Kenma's hips. Kenma's giving it his all and so is Kuroo, because they cannot lose to the other dammit. Kenma bites on Kuroo's bottom lip and Kuroo thinks, why the fuck not, and opens up his mouth just a bit, which Kenma immediately takes as the okay for him to slip his tongue in.
They have never french kissed anyone before, so theyre kinda not sure what theyre doing, but they're eager to one-up the other so they keep kissing to the best of their ability. Kuroo gets bold and gives Kenma a butt squeeze as he nibbles on his lip and shut up, Kenma did not moan, that was probably some cat outside, he swears.
Kenma wants payback as he drags his fingers through Kuroo's surprisingly soft hair, tugging it, Kuroo groans and Kenma takes advantage of this and pulls again, because he can't lie, that was pretty hot.
They're very much into their snogfest and they don't notice when someone opens the closet door and exposes them to everyone outside. It isn't until someone awkwardly coughs that they stop and come back to the mortal realm.
They immediately break up and are like "good time, it's time for us to leave, bye" and rush out. They are mortified for many reasons but mostly because they were kinda into the sloppy makeout session they just had, and also because they don't know who won the bet. They get home and are like, "haha yeah that happened, we should talk about it tomorrow"
Tomorrow comes and they sit across from each other on their lil kitchen table.
10 minutes pass as they twiddle their thumbs, UNTIL-
"Um, so should we just leave it as a draw?"
Kenma, not wanting to think about how he really liked kissing Kuroo is like "Uh, okay, yeah."
They try to go back to normal as best they can and treat each other like usual for the most part, but they're both kinda thinking about kissing the other 95% of the time. Kuroo would be like, "this pillow is so soft" and his mind would provide, "just like Kenma's soft pouty lips." And Kenma would stare at Kuroo's hair and think about how he would groan if Kenma tugged just right.
They were having lunch at some random restaurant one day and while Kuroo was digging into his ravioli, Kenma was thinking, was Kuroo actually attractive this whole time??? Likewise, Kuroo was like Was Kenma always this cute???, when he walked into Kenma scarfing down a bag of cool ranch doritos.
It got worse as the days passed to the point that their usual routine of bickering and slap fights were replaced with "sorry, I didn't mean to brush my elbow against your elbow, I will try not to think about how nice and soft your skin felt against mine, since that's scandalously lewd of me" and "I was not breathing in your general direction, I swear. I'm not a pervert!"
The last straw was when kenma woke up after having a wet dream about kuroo and had the epiphany that "I'm fucking Gay for Kuro why does god hate me so much????" He decides to talk to his bestie about it the next morning because this was going too far.
Kuroo, like usual, was making breakfast by the stove and noticed how tense kenma was as soon as he appeared in the kitchen. "Is everything okay, you look more tired than usual?"
"Kuro, we need to talk."
"Talk about what? Did something happen?"
Kenma sighs as he sits on the kitchen counter. He wanted to look relaxed enough so that kuroo wouldn't worry.
"Kenma, you're worrying me. What did you need to talk to me about?" because of course Kuroo would not fall for Kenma's antics.
Kenma took a deep breath. It's now or never. "Kuro..."
"I think..."
"Go on"
"I think I...hmm..."
"Use your words, kenma"
"Shut up I'm trying"
"I think..."
"You sure do think a lot"
"Kuro, I swear to god-"
"I'm sorry, I'll stop, I swear"
Kenma glares at kuroo for a minute and then takes another deep breath. "I think...I like you," he says, immediately hiding behind his hair. He shuts his eyes and waits for Kuroo's reaction and he hopes to everything that is holy that he doesn't regret what he just did.
"Kenma, hey." He feels a hand brushing his hair away from his face, but he refuses to open his eyes. "Kenma, it's okay, look at me." Kuroo speaks so softly that kenma decides to look at his friend. He's holding on to the counter so intensely that he feels his fingers hurting.
When he looks at his friend, he's taken aback by how tenderly Kuroo is looking at him.
Kuroo gently cups Kenma's cheek with his hand, ghosting his thumb against his lips. "I think I like you too," He confesses.
Kenma stays silent, processing what kuroo had just said. Everything seems to click into place as they stare at each other in their kitchen, no thoughts, heads empty, just gay.
"Should we do something...about it?" Kenma finally says.
Kuroo shivers at how Kenma's lips brush against his thumb. "I think so...yeah."
They lean forward and their lips meet once again, but this time, it wasn't for a bet. Their feather light kisses eventually became a bit more eager, a bit more passionate. Kuroo found himself in between Kenma's legs in an attempt to get closer to him on the counter.
Kuroo had moved on to leaving open mouthed kisses up the column of Kenma's neck, while kenma had his hands up Kuroo's shirt, when they smelled smoke.
"Oh fuck, the bacon!" Kuroo immediately turned around to turn off the stove, leaving kenma kiss bruised and a bit disoriented.
"Fuck, fuck, the bacon didn't make it."
"Oh god, why didn't the fire alarm go off. There's so much smoke."
"KURO" Kuroo stopped to look at kenma.
"Open a window, we can make more bacon, and I'd rather we continue where we left off."
Kuroo looked surprised at Kenma's boldness, but then his bastard energy kicked in and a smug grin appeared on his face. "You want me that bad, huh?"
"Kenma, I'm the one that's supposed to be smooth," Kuroo says, definitely NOT blushing.
"Just get over here and kiss me already."
"Only because you want me so bad."
"I'm having regrets."
"You don't mean that."
"I wish I did."
"You don't mean that either."
"Kuro, I'm waiting."
"You're so hot when you're bossy"
Kenma never finishes his thought and he's okay with that as long as Kuroo keeps kissing him, and Kuroo isn't one to disappoint.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
Even Our Private Lives Are Great Too!: Chapter 5
this happened ig
previous part (chapter 4)
next part (chapter 6)
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Yujiro: Do you have any secret tips to share?
IV: Hmm… Lemme think…
After pondering over Yujiro’s question for a moment, a small smile spread across IV’s lips.
IV: I’d say it’d be to overcome hard times together… I guess.
Yujiro: “Overcome hard times… together…”
IV: We’ve been friends even before we started making music together, you know?
IV: We’ve seen all kinds of sides to each other, and we’ve overcome all sorts of challenges together.
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IV: I get the feeling that that’s why our bonds with each other are so strong.
Yujiro: (I see… So they have intimate relationships with each other… that have existed longer than they have been artistes.)
Yujiro: Do you guys also discuss the kinds of activities that you’d like to partake in in the future?
Yujiro: It kinda seems like you’re able to communicate about things like that without needing to say them aloud.
IV: Well, even though there certainly are parts that we’d just understand about each other, we do discuss the finer details with each other as we go along too.
Yujiro understood just how important IV’s position within FT4 was, just from his facial expressions and the atmosphere around him alone.
Yujiro: (...He’s amazing. He’s definitely the pillar of support for FT4…)
Yujiro: ..I’m sorry for asking you so many questions. Though, um, IV, what is your dream?
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IV: …My dream?
Yujiro: Yeah. I’d like to hear all about it, if you’re willing to tell me.
Yujiro: I’d like to use it as a reference during our… I mean, LIPxLIP’s activities.
IV: I see… My current dream is…
Yujiro: (“For FT4 to become the best artistes in the world”, or something?)
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YUI: Ah—! There they are!
Before IV could even voice his reply to Yujiro, YUI and Aizo returned to their sides.
YUI: We had some super spicy food! Man, I’m so stuffed, I can’t eat another bite!
IV: Yeah, welcome back. You guys sure are quick.
IV: You look all chipper, YUI… But Aizo, on the other hand…
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Yujiro turned to look at Aizo, who had been dragged along by YUI, only to notice that his face was rather pale.
YUI: Aizo turned really pale in the middle of our meal yannow~!
Yujiro: He’s still pale right now, though.
YUI: Well, last time, he found the food so spicy that his eyes rolled back into his head, so I guess this is kind of an improvement.
IV: Well, if you insist…?
Aizo: YUI’s gonna… kill me someday…
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YUI: Hey, I’m not gonna do that! I’m still going easy on you, yannow?
Aizo: Eh?! You’re going easy on me?! You mean, there’s stuff out there that’s spicier than this?!
YUI: Of course there are! The world’s a huge place! There aren’t any limits to how spicy food can be!
Aizo: I’m seriously starting to… hate you, you know…
IV: Haha, sorry about this, Yujiro. It sure looks like my YUI has caused quite some trouble for you guys.
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Yujiro: Nah, it’s fine. I should be thanking him for spoiling Aizo instead.
IV laughed softly as he watched the exchange between the ever-excitable YUI and Aizo.
IV: Let’s backtrack to our conversation from earlier.
Yujiro: …Yeah?
IV: Regarding my dream… One of of my dreams has—
IV: Already come true, I think.
Yujiro: …?
Yujiro: (What does he mean…?)
Yujiro: (...But, well.)
Aizo: Please, I beg you, don’t make me eat super spicy food anymore!
YUI: What do you wanna eat next time, then? Super sweet foods?
Aizo: Does the phrase “in moderation” even exist in your dictionary?!
Yujiro: (Well, I had lots of fun today, so it’s all fine with me.)
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
Your wips all sound so good!! I’m very eager (but patient, of course) to gobble them down!!
And now I have a few questions! Feel free to only answer the ones you want :)
Are there any you’re particularly excited about? Is there one that has been influenced by your own experiences? Which one has been the most challenging and why?
I love your writing and can’t wait to see what’s in store!! I know they will all be amazing 😊❤️❤️❤️
I'm excited about them too! I'm grateful for all the events going on this summer to help distract me from everything else going on in life, lol. Long post alert because I can't help it...
So, I'm really excited about the Elucien Regency fic! Maybe regency isn't the best way to describe it, but it's kinda set in that time frame ish. It's a bit of an arranged marriage/betrothal and enemies to lovers mix. It's been a lot of fun to write! I've really liked working with their dynamic too and its been fun to explore.
As of right now, none of...wait. Oh haha. Okay. So, All I Need. It combines with being influenced by my own experiences and has been the most challenging.
Basically, the idea of the fic is this: Murder mystery. Aelin is struggling with the death of her father, convinced their is more to it than just a mugging gone wrong. There has to be more, right? She is determined to figure out what happened to him even if her life is on the line. Enter her brooding new neighbor who has few words to share and even fewer smiles. Desperate for any help she can get, Aelin enlists his help. Soon she realizes there is more to this man than she realized and as the deaths keep piling up, she thinks she could be next.
It's been really challenging because...I keep talking myself out of working on it. It could either be a 20-30k word fic posted in 2 parts. Or it could be a long fic, near 80-90k words. And I've been getting into my own head about it and if anyone would actually read it so, yeah. And then there's the bringing everything together with the plot. Because I could just cut it down to be an angsty slice-o-life fic--no murder but still has dead parents. Which I am very, very tempted to do.
Because at the heart of it, this fic is about grief and growth. I started this one about a year after my dad died. It's been a theme that I know has been present in a lot of my fics in the last 2 years since it happened, which I'm not sorry about. But it has also been hard because, ya girl ain't ok, lol. But I do like the idea of it and I was just looking over the fic this afternoon and really wanna get back ilonto it.
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