#I know this blog is going to be stuck in tumblr purgatory for a bit
starview-cafe · 2 years
Welcome to the View... again!
//I am an absolute stupid idiot. An imbecile. A dumb-dumb, even. I am so incredibly stupid that it hurts. It PHYSICALLY hurts. Allow me to explain. 
Some quick backstory... when I created my other account (@cosmic-coffee-core) I used a temp email because... well because it’s the easiest way to quickly create a tumblr account.
I returned home from work today to find that tumblr had randomly logged me out of my other account. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem because, normally, any person with a functioning brain would have... you know... remembered the email that they used to create their account. Or saved it to their computer’s memory. Or wrote it down on a piece of paper. Well. Let me tell you what I did. 
Nothing! I didn’t do any of those things! I didn’t do anything that would help me regain access to the account should I ever had been logged out from it! So that account is lost! To the void! Forever! And there’s not a thing I can do!
All I am able to do is create a new account, which I did. It’s this one. And KEEP RECORD OF THE EMAIL that I used to create the new account. Which I also did. So, here we are now. 
Luckily, I can reblog all the old posts onto this new blog. Since we hadn’t gotten THAT far into it, it won’t be too much of a problem. However, I did lose some of the asks in the inbox. Some of them I DID save. Most of them, surprisingly. But I did get one really good anon yesterday that unfortunately has fallen victim to my stupidity.
Anon from last night, if you happen to see this, please feel free to resubmit your ask because I was looking forward to answering it! If you submitted anything to cosmic-coffee-core before yesterday, I DO have your ask saved, however, I don’t have all the usernames saved. Sadly at this point I’m just going to have to work with what I’ve got and treat all like anonymous asks, unless you remember what you sent and want to send it in again!
If you’re still reading, would you be able to maybe share this message around so it has the best chance of reaching all of my previous followers?
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kaileyistrash · 8 months
I sure do love having this blog that maybe two of my personal friends know about 💕 therefore I can vent a little bit into the void instead of annoying the very few people who have to listen to me obsess everyday!
I have had a crush on this guy at work (cliché, I know). In my defense, I have had a lowkey crush on him for a few months now. Problem is !!!! I got a promotion about a month ago and now I’m technically an authority figure of his 🙃🙃🙃🙃 EVEN WORSE!!!! My best friend may have discovered that he also has feelings for me 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 the moral dilemma that I now face is horrendous. Like an actual movie scenario nightmare. On one hand, he might quit very soon for unrelated reasons. On the other hand, I’d hate to take advantage of his quitting for my own personal gain. So now I am stuck in this purgatorial loop of trying to put my feelings in a box and send them downstream just for them to come rushing back and smacking me in the face. This would all be so much easier if our manager wasn’t also the least professional busybody that has ever walked the earth. Because then at least I could go about my life pretending like it isn’t happening without her knowing and evil gaze upon me at all hours of the day. Because of her, I have become ultra aware of every single thing I say to every single person I interact with all day long. Does that mean I have started being even friendlier to everyone I see?? Absolutely lol. Gotta level the playing field and throw her off.
(Just an FYI, I do not manage the employees there lol. I’m just in charge of programming). Either way, I treat every person the same! I do not go out of my way for anyone in particular. I know that for sure. Certain people go out of their way to seek me for help over our manager and I guess that means they are receiving “special treatment” from me. Ugh. If I didn’t need this job and the experience it comes with, I would be gone by now.
Anyway!!!! Thank you to the void of tumblr for listening to my rant and letting me feel like I actually posted this for people to see!!
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lucasbarr · 3 years
I am obsessed with your url being emmamarywinchester. Just the idea of Emma's middle name being Mary is so heartwarming - the idea that Dean cares for Emma enough to give her a middle name, one that he's chosen, one that used to belong to his mother, and accepting her into the family like that. The idea that Emma gets to really be a member of the Winchester family, and his daughter. There's something about that that I just love so much!
Managed to hit the answer button this time lol and same anon! I mean, emmawinchester was taken (by an amazing individual and fellow Emma stan!) so I figured I’d get creative. I decided to take a hint from my fanfics and thus this blog’s name was born! In probably all of my fics (except I think 1?) I made Emma’s middle name Mary!
I have an unpublished fic where this concept is explored. The portion of S8 is done but I’m picky. It’s mostly because I want this to be a multi-fic saga that covers S8-15 but kinda stuck in a bit in S10 😂. I’m kinda stalled in where I want the plot to go, ya know? I know what comes after but that part it’s just like ugh!
Side note: The reason I created this tumblr is because no one in my life loves this show as much as I do! I’d been a lurker in the Emma Winchester tag for years but S15/Nov 5th kinda pushed me over the edge…! That being said, posting my fics has been a really helpful and fun experience! I want to write my own books and this has been helping me with that. Ok long ramble over back to your lovely ask Anon!!
So in this S8 AU (where Emma, natural, is resurrected) Dean just straight up calls her Emma Mary Winchester and she’s just looks at him like ???? 🤔 Dean then awkwardly has to explain what middle names are and how parents pick them because of their significance. And since this is pre-Mary resurrection, Dean feels there is no better tribute to his mother than to name his little girl after her. It’s their first real step in bonding post-Purgatory.
I actually contemplated having Emma change her name entirely once being resurrected. However, as I started fleshing out how I see her and how Dean sees her, I decided against it. In that scenario though, Emma would have been her middle name, as an homage to her past struggles.
For funsies here are some other names I considered for Emma’s middle name/alternate first name:
Millie (for about half of the first draft of that fic her name was Millie until I just wasn’t vibing with it).
Joanna “Jo”
Samara (In an incarnation where Dean decides not to look for Sam and he stays with Benny. DeanBenny FTW! They’d also somehow stumbles on Kevin)
Bobby John (lol no not really 😂)
Anastasia (mostly because it’s in Greek origin and means resurrection)
Fun fact! When it comes to fem!Sam in any incarnation I’m weird about their name because I just think Samantha is burning! Idk I guess it’s just because I’ve been in the fandom for so long it’s just that I’ve seen it, ya know? I guess I just prefer Samara because it different and not used as often. Idk why, I just like the meaning of Samara more. 🤷‍♀️
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Group Ask 72
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said: 
 Hey I read this fic a few weeks ago but I can’t find it it was abo I think and Steve would scent the other avengers and they were a pack and he didn’t know he was doing that and They were on a mission and Bucky joined I think in an old hydra building and Bucky got separated for a while and he thought Steve left him and there was these weird mutant dogs if u can find itd be great thank u so much!!!! I started reading Stucky recently and ur blog has been so helpful
asterisktrash, insomnia1999, kittybrownjs, dracusfyre and a bunch of anons wrote in with Heat Stroke by cleo4u2, xantissa* (complete | 243,892 | E ) *references to past noncon
Anon 2 said:
hello! i’vr searched very through the blog to make sure i didnt miss a post but im still having trouble finding this fic: bucky gets the courage to ask steve out so buck cooks dinner and makes it all romantic but then steve comes home from a date with a woman?? help please and thank you <3333
Anon 3 said:
I sent this a little while ago but I think it got eaten. It’s a war time set fic where bucky is a demon or angel (?) but he’s basically the reason that steve is big because the serum didn’t work - it was bucky who did it. also he looks like he does because he said he stole the face from some dead soldier he thought was pretty but it’s actually just a toned down version of bucky a real face. i think it was internalized homophobia and undernegotiated handcuff/restraints too
alexdecampi, the-littlesparrow, kittybrownjs, dracusfyre, commanderpigeon and anon wrote in with Demonique by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) (complete | 39,031 | E) - AO3 restricted
Anon 4 said:
I’ve been looking for this fic literally forever. Steve is a teacher (I’m not sure if he’s pre or post serum) and Bucky is in the military. Steve’s coworkers don’t know about Bucky, until he shows up to surprise Steve at school one day. That’s all I remember and I would love to find it. Thank you so much!
Anon sent in Inside the Pocket of Your Ripped Jeans by kasunn (oneshot | 4,348 | T)
Anon 5 said:
I remember there was this IW fix-it fic where it was canon up until the snap and Steve went to purgatory or somewhere, met Hela, and lost his finger (?) / time to revive everyone who got dusted. Do you happen to know which fic this was? Thanks!
Anon sent in Night Crossing by fallingvoices (oneshot | 21,261 | M)
captainrogers-barnes said:
Hi!! I’ve searched high and low for this fic but I can’t seem to find it anywhere!!! It’s similar to Venus in vibranium but Bucky signs up to a program for the government and Steve picks Bucky to piss fury off. Buckys meant to get a arm and a full university ride and Steve feels bad so he gives it and go and I think they fall in love?? Thank you!!
Anon sent in Heart of Fools by Claudia_flies (complete | 55,824 | E) - heed the tags!
incorrectwintersoldier said:
There's this Stucky fic I've feverishly been looking for, where post-DC Bucky is working in a coffee shop while Sam and Steve are looking for him and eventually find him, but Bucky pretends not to remember them and always spells their names incorrectly on purpose. I think it's either on AO3 or Tumblr, not quite sure, but it'd be awesome to find it. Thank you, :)
Anon sent in Steve Rogers’ Guide to Approach-With-Caution by velleities (oneshot | 10,140 | T)
inaptwritersstuff said:
Hey! Im looking for fics which has the winter soldier both amused and annoyed by how reverent steve is to him even though the winter soldier is not the same bucky. Im sorry if this is too specific. If u cld also please rec me what tags to use to find fics for this, ill be forever grateful. Thankyou. Love your blog
sciencebeam said:
Hello and thank you, you wonderful people. I've been searching for an older fic that I only vaguely remember (sorry). All or most people have magical powers, and they're all given overarching titles like "healer." Steve either doesn't have a power or is rather weak. The bit i remember most is that Bucky (and steve?) are on a train to visit bucky's sister, the train crashes, and bucky's soul ends up stuck in the soul realm for about 2 years? Steve works really hard to being him back, and succedes
rose-wolf-thorn, insomnia1999, whitewolfwintersoldier and Anon wrote in with A Silver Thread In The Darkness by 74days (oneshot | 3,464 | T)
the-last-fish-flaming said:
Hey, so I've been looking for this fic I read a while back and I don't remember much about the plot except that they were both pining and trying to confess their feelings to one another but also assuming that the other wasn't interested. I do remember this one part where Bucky gets fed up and says something like, "I'm pouring out my heart to you and you're kind of being a dick." I know that's kinda vague... any ideas?
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trevelies · 6 years
Tagged by @deanliriums​, I told you I would get around to it eventually!! Never underestimate how lazy I TRULY am...
Tagging @philosophicalotter and @angelelizabeth44​
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I started my freshman year in college (2012) when season 8 was still airing! I would lie on my top bunk and watch the current 7 seasons on my old ass iPad. I still can’t watch a season 1 ep without thinking about that dorm room. (finger guns). My roommates watched the first few with me (I think it was one of their ideas to get into the show), but then they both stopped and I kept going. I used to watch Smallville when I was younger, and Supernatural (early seasons) would play right after, so I remember seeing the promos and being scared. Lmao. Imagine.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
Absolutely Dean. Dean Dean Dean. But I love all of them. Sam’s especially been growing on me since I started writing fic. Helps me get into his head space a little better.
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
I don’t have a least favorite? But I guess just in the order of favorites, it would be Cas? But again - not really a least favorite...
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs!
uhhhh I’m gonna plead the fifth here. Plus this blog is too new for me to really have faves yet. 
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
OH GOD. (And I don’t mean Chuck.) Uh Benny, probably?? Also Jody and Jo. And Billie. And Rowena. 
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
7. John or Mary?
Hail Mary.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: “Is this guy gonna be my fave?”
Dean: “Oh no, it’s definitely gonna be this one.”
Cas: I saw a lot of spn on tumblr before I started watching, so my first impression was “oh my GOD, THAT’s what his voice sounds like???” Honestly shocking.
Jack: “Please don’t let the writers make you a villain”
9. What’s your favorite season?
Oooh I don’t really have fave seasons, I have favorite arcs? Michael!Dean in s14 obviously, the almost Michael!Dean in s5. I loved the Mark of Cain, and Purgatory arcs.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
Uh...again don’t really have faves, but I tend to not like seasons where Sam and Dean are fighting the entire time. Just... let them be brothers that bicker and love each other... please...
11. Opinions on Destiel?
I don’t really ship any pairing in the show, but like... I can definitely see the evidence in the show for why people ship Destiel???
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Sure - probably some eps more than others.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Oooh I don’t know that I can choose. I think as a whole, 1-7 were cleaner. But 8-14 has better story lines. I think that the seasons just get a little sloppier with the lore? Like it just kept getting bigger and bigger and they stopped being consistent? Like don’t even get me started on the fluctuation of angel abilities over the years. 
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
I’d have to think about it? But I think definitely Alternative Michael is my fave... It was the biggest disappointment of the show (getting cheated out of Michael!Dean in s5) and it’s the plot line that pulled me back into the show. And now look at me... writing fic about it...
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Absolutely. It’s taking away from all my Michael!Dean angst!!!!!!!! 
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
All of the above.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode(s)?
I don’t really know... I mean fuck, there’s 300 eps. And anytime I think I have a fave, I remember another really good one. Some current faves are: Nihilism, Baby, Stuck in the Middle (With You), Dark Side of the Moon, Regarding Dean, Blood Brother... I’m sure there’s a million more... Ghostfacers is fun bc of the camera filming...
18. Do you like case episodes?
I like any ep that has good brother moments, and maaaybe a little bit of Dean whump or Dean angst... because I’m a bad person...
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
I don’t know if I RELATE to any of them, but Dean is my fave hands down. 
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I genuinely thing that it has a lot to do with the cast. I think that Jensen and Jared just make the show the incredible experience that it is. When I’m watching TV or movies, I’m like... hyper conscious that what I’m watching is “acting,” and it makes the really cringy stuff so much worse. But Jensen and Jared (and everyone else) are just so... tight, and a real family, that it really makes the show so much fun to watch. There’s a million other reasons, also, but that’s probably number one.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
Kill Nick, bring back Benny. I’d kill off basically anyone to get Benny back. Okay not ANYONE... but... c’mon.... Benny... (Alex - we can team up to kill Nick together...)
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