#I know what you are mike wheeler
hessolivagant · 9 months
lesbian byler because I don't know how to draw men
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Roller rink fight
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Random kiss and s5 fem byler
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Van scene <33
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 months
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yall this totally sets up byler canon in ep 5 are you joking we won
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somesaintiam · 1 month
"whatever it is...🥰🥰 - i think we should work together😍😍💞💞💞💗💗 i think it'd be easier if- we're😊 - we're a team💗💗💗💞💞*googoo gaga heart eyes*...... friends😏😏💞🥺🥺.. best friends... 😏😏💞💞💞😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗💗😘😘😜😜😜😜😳😳😳💙💙💙💙💙💙"
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stranger-theory · 3 months
Will: "'Cause.. what if they don't like the truth?"
Mike: Nods
Michael fucking Wheeler. Care to explain? This couldn't be MORE clear, my guy. My first thought was "Oh, makes sense. He's afraid of saying-"
But, oh.
"Truth"? Wasn't.. Wasn't El was quite literally begging for the truth? He knows what she wants, why does he think she wouldn't like that? Unless, it's because it's not the truth. He's not in love with her, thats why he's scared. That fucking explains it, then.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
a short teaser for s5 drops. black screen. only audio. four clock strikes. a heavy breathing. and then vecna's voice saying "i know what you are, mike wheeler". end of the teaser.
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ki-flor · 1 month
In front of every gay person is queer imagery
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mikeweasel · 2 years
Parallels between Joyce and Mike during both of El's mind dives.
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They both made her blackout out googles, held her hands and attempted to comfort her, and spoke to her when she was having trouble. Only difference?
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We never see or hear about Mike holding her afterwards. You would think after going through something like that and admitting he loved her he would, right? But they hardly even talk for the next 2 days afterwards.
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thesapphicsoldier · 1 year
This scene alone is why I’m a gay Mike truther because wtf was this
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merthurbringsmelife · 2 years
The scene with Mike and Eddie totally proves that Mike likes boys. I’m making this to prove that I’m not just creating some false idea that Mike is gay so that he could be with Will. Even when he isn’t with Will he is very queercoded. Of course I believe he and Will are endgame, but there is other proof in season 4 that Mike is attracted to men.
In the cafeteria when he is talking to Eddie, Mike is leaning into Eddie and keeping eye contact, whereas Dustin is clearly uncomfortable and trying to get out of the situation. Now I do not ship Mike and Eddie or anything weird like that, but this interaction is a clear contrast between Dustin and Mike + how they interract with other men. Not to dismiss any headcanons people may have of Dustin, but the way Dustin reacted to Eddie putting his arm around him was much more hetero than whatever Mike was doing.
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Some people think Mike just admires Eddie and wants to be like him, which is certainly a valid perception of their relationship, but we also know that Dustin admires Eddie too. The difference is that when Dustin had the chance to be close to Eddie in this scene he didn’t because why would he, right? Now I don’t know about you but if someone I thought was attractive (not necessarily a crush) put their arm around me I would want to lean in closer. If my feelings were platonic I would feel awkward.
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I don’t think Mike has a crush on Eddie but he definitely sees him as being attractive. Photos are for reference if you don’t remember the scene. Notice how Mike is clearly leaning in and Dustin isn’t, I think the Duffers and Finn Wolfhard did this on purpose.
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hessolivagant · 11 months
Heteronormativity pisses me off so much because I know for a FACT all y'all would be shipping byler if will was a girl or if Mike was a girl cuz it'd be like
"Omg (feminine alternative name for Mike) is giving heart eyes to will they're my endgame 🥺🥺" but since Mike is a boy y'all wanna be like "he thinks will is a great best bro🔥🔥💪" and then insist Mike and el are happily together, like please be fr😭😭 y'all gotta be joking atp IN WHAT FCKING WORLD IS THIS "Best bros!!"
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 years
why is it always
and never
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axquiva · 1 year
My silliest headcannon about mike is that he's terrified of bunnies because when he was four he got chased by one. There's no real reason as to why i belive this so strongly, or even when i came up with it but now it's a hill i am willing to die on.
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coolcat28 · 1 year
I feel like if byler for some reason won’t happen in season 5 Finn’s mf Noah jus won’t film anything until they write it in😭
int: mileven!
Finn: ya…the ship name
The ship name?
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moonelymagic · 8 months
What is the local village thing ? Im so lost
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occasionallykettle · 2 years
i don't think we talk enough about the fact that mike canonically thinks that loving someone means needing them, and that's it.
in the script, mike originally was supposed to say "she doesn't need me anymore, i could see it in her eyes" when describing his relationship problems with el, and not the actual argument that he had with her, which was that mike doesn't love el in the way that she wants.
we all say that el didn't know what real love meant before the end of season 4, but mike still doesn't. he doesn't know how loving someone works, and thinks that he needs to be needed to be worth loving. will, on the other hand, loves mike for who he is as well as needing him.
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bamboozled-distress · 2 years
Mike cries after the first byler kiss, you didn’t hear it from me.
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