#I like the idea of yuma being honest and saying what he feels
pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
Yakou and Yuma QuickFic
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I've been feeling a little down today, so I decided to write a small drabble/flash fic to try and cheer myself up.
Nothing too whumpy, nothing too emotional or extreme, nothing that drags and nothing too OOC. Just domestic and straight to the point.
Another fairly tame sickfic.
Warm and Weary
Word Count: 900+
Characters: Yuma Kokohead, Yakou Furio
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Sickfic
Yuma had just started walking back to the submarine from his outing. He had been investigating the city for a while, helping other people out, and making sure to stay out of the Peacekeeper's sights. But he started to grow a little tired.
Shinigami had told him in a nagging annoying tone to keep going, but he just didn't have it. He felt tired and drained from everything that's happened to him so far and the rain certainly wasn't helping him.
So to make sure he didn't cause any further trouble unexpectedly, he slowly trudged back to the agency and walked up the ramp onto the deck. His legs feeling heavier with every step.
As he stepped down the stairs and out of the humidity of the rain outside and into the cool air conditioning of the entrance of the sub, his temples had started to hurt slightly. Placing a hand to his head with a small look of strain, he walked slowly into the main office removing his rain attire. He really wanted to sit down.
He entered the room to see the agency's boss sitting at his desk reading his newspaper and smoking a cigarette like usual.
"Yuma, welcome back." Yakou said looking up from his reading.
Yuma nodded, hand still to his head "Thank you..."
"You're back a bit earlier than usual, something going on?" the chief asked raising a brow at Yuma's gesture.
Yuma sighed as his head started hurting more. Then he started feeling dizzy and his vision was getting a bit bleary. His legs almost felt like lead, but he somehow still had the strength to stand and kept standing. His body started feeling like it was slightly achy and as he took his hand off his head and looked down at it, there was a clear liquid substance on it. He was sweating.
Putting all these thoughts together as a detective does, Yuma came to a deduction to what might have been wrong. He spoke tiredly, but honestly and calmly.
"Chief, I think I have a fever..."
Yakou looked worried. "Oh, really? Here, lemme see..."
He slowly got up from his chair and walked over to the tired trainee by the doorway. He would have asked Yuma to come to him but seeing how tired Yuma looked, that probably wasn't a good idea. Without a single word more he leaned down slightly and slid his hand under the boy's bangs.
Yuma's deduction was spot on.
"Yeah, you sure do." Yakou said with a frown feeling the warmth of the boy’s forehead.
“Sorry…” Yuma weakly apologized.
“Hey, it happens. You were probably just pushing yourself too hard out there.” Yakou replied placing a hand to Yuma’s shoulder.
“C’mon, let’s sit you down and I’ll see if I’ve got anything you can take.” Yakou lent Yuma his aid as he used his arm to support his back, helping him walk to the purple sofa.
“Thanks…” Yuma responded accepting Yakou’s assistance as he slowly stumbled to the sofa. Once he reaches his destination he sits down slowly. Feeling the world spin a bit as he closed his eyes.
Yakou observed Yuma carefully as he was seated. Concern all over his face as Yuma looked down.
“Yeah, you don’t look so good now that I take a closer look at you. You’re trembling a little too. I’ll see if I got a spare blanket.”
“N-No it’s okay... I’ll be fine if I just rest here for a little bit.” Yuma insisted looking back up at him.
“A little bit? Forget that! You’re burning up! You’re staying right here the rest of the day so I can keep my eye on you.” Yakou insisted even harder, purposely exaggerating the situation to make sure Yuma stays put.
“Huh? I couldn’t ask you to do that...” Yuma said.
“Too bad, you’re getting it anyway. I’m the chief and you’re the trainee. Far as I’m concerned my word is absolute.” Yakou said before scratching his head. “Or at least…it should be absolute.” he chuckled awkwardly.
He stood up. “Anyway, stay there. I’ll be right back.” He left Yuma alone as he went to the next room.
When he came back, he found a ‘blanket’ in the form of some extra sheets that were in the shower room and got some painkillers from the cabinet in the kitchen. He covered Yuma up and handed him the tablet medication with a glass of water to drink. Yuma took the medicine calmly, drinking the water to help it go down.
“Alright, I’ll try to make you something light to eat later, but for now I think you should take a nice long nap.” Yakou said looking down at Yuma who was now lying down under the covers with a damp cloth under his bangs.
“Thanks, Chief Yakou… I appreciate this.” Yuma said as he yawned. “I do feel pretty tired…”
Yakou just laughed. “Yeah. That's probably the painkillers. They usually knock me out like a light whenever I take ‘em when I have a headache from overnight work sessions or if I’m a bit hungover from drinking.”
“Chief, you should take better care of yourself…” Yuma said with both the intent of concern and to slightly tease him.
“Like you’re one to talk! You could fry a rice omelet on your forehead!” Yakou retorted back playfully.
Both of them laughed.
“But seriously, get some sleep Yuma.” Yakou said.
“Okay… Thank you again.” Yuma responded moving his body into a comfortable position closing his eyes and getting the most comfort he could from the sheets covering him.
“Hope you feel better soon.” Yakou said patting his back before getting up and turning off one of the lights before he goes back to his desk to sit down. Putting his cigarette out to not affect Yuma’s sleep.
At least he knew Yuma would avoid getting into any trouble for today.
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luminouslune · 1 year
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Roll call!
Pairing: Maki x reader
Genre: The fluffiest fluff, suspense?
Warnings: Cursing!
Authors note: I got this idea from a TikTok I saw I got the game from her! I take no credit! ^^
Her user: @ simpformillardnullings
2:45 the time I get off of school. I looked up at the clock from my desk. Sigh. Just 30 minutes left I've got this. I glanced down at my open text book, uninterested in what the teacher had to say. "Psst! Y/n!" I looked over to see the source of the voice. Haerin. "What's up?" I whispered back to the brunette. "You up to come to a sleepover with me and the girls?" She asked, smiling softly. I looked up to make sure the teacher didn't notice us. "Who's coming?" I asked, looking back at her. "It's just gonna be our friend group." She finished. I nodded. Jeez that's quite a bit of people. Our friend group: Me, Haerin, Danielle, Minji, Hyein, Nicho, Yuma, Jo, Taki, and of course Maki.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell. "YES." I shouted, hearing laughing from Haerin. I grabbed my things and darted out the door. "YAH Y/N! WAIT FOR ME!"
Time skip brought to you by me :)
"Nicho told me that all of us should meet up at the park near his house." Haerin said, reading from her phone. "Wait like, right now? We still need to get our stuff." I said, dumbfounded. "Eh we'll be fine, if anything just ask to borrow clothes from Maki." She smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and shoved her shoulder playfully. "Let's just head to the park." I continued, turning the corner. Now that I think of it. I don't even know why I started liking Maki. To be honest I don't really know him. Yeah we're friends but I haven't ever got to know him as a person. Maybe that could change tonight. I smiled to myself.
"Hey! There they are!" I smiled at them. "Hey guys sorry for being late!" Haerin called out, running towards them. "What's up Y/n!" Jo said, playfully punching me. "Yo." I said, rolling my eyes at the boy. "We should start making it to the house before it gets too dark." Nicho suggested. Everyone agreed, heading their way down the dark street. I sighed looking up at the night sky. "Boo." I looked over to see Maki peering over my shoulder. I heated up at the sudden proximity. I chuckled awkwardly, hoping that the darkness could hide my blush. "Hey Maki." I greeted, offering him a small smile. He kindly returned a smile. "Hey love birds stop flirting and come inside already." Nicho called out.
"Ah sorry, I didn't notice you guys were already inside." I apologized, stepping inside. "Hey we should play your game Y/n!" Danielle suggested. "A game? Sure!" Taki commented. "What game is it?" Yuma questioned, looking over at me. "Uhm well it's one I made up when I was in middle school, I often played it at sleepovers much like this one. I call the game 'Roll call'. It's not really a scary game but more like suspenseful!" I explain to the others. "Ok! What're the rules?" Minji asked, now interested in what I had to say.
Rules: 5-10 players (or just an even amount of players) Nominate a 'snatcher' and a 'roll caller' the snatchers goal is to snatch players at random (roll caller is off limits) then they hide them in random rooms without anyone noticing. Players stay there for the remainder of the game. The roll caller takes roll call at random times to see how many players still remain. The other eight players goal is to avoid getting snatched and try to catch the snatcher. Additional things: all lights must remain off, its recommended that it's played at night, remain as silent as possible.
"I think Minji should take roll call." Danielle suggested. I nodded. "No complaints here." Jo shrugged. All of the guys didn't want to be the so called "snatcher". "Maki should do it." Taki snickered. "What? Why me?" The boy whined. He turned around to see almost everyone gone. "We could switch roles if you'd like." You offered, feeling bad for him. He shook his head. "It's fine, you should go before the game starts though." He said before sneaking off into a room. I shrugged, heading downstairs. "Y/n! Get away from the doors, you're only giving Maki an opportunity to grab you!" Haerin scolded. I looked back at the door behind me, carefully stepping away. "My bad." I chuckled sheepishly.
"Oh please, they probably wanna get snatched by Maki." Hyein teased. "Shut up! He can probably hear you!" Taki said. "Roll call!!" Minji called from the living room. "Okay, Taki, Jo, Haerin, Y/n- wait. Where's Danielle?" Minji paused. "Of course she was the first one to get caught." Nicho face palmed. "Okay so there's only 7 of us left. Stay away from doors, and try to travel in groups." Yuma stated. "Y/n come on let's stick together." Haerin said, looking over her shoulder. I nodded. Peering over the corner of the hallway. "Okay, we're clear. Let's go." I signalled over to her. She nodded, following behind me. We suddenly heard a door creak. I turned, checking behind me. I turned back in front to see Haerin missing. "What the hell? Haerin?" I said, confused.
I turned around making a 360. "Shoot, she got caught!" I said in realization. I looked around to make sure Maki wasn't around. I quickly went to the stairs almost going down until I felt arms wrap around my waist, pulling my back. "Oh my-" I got cut off by them covering my mouth. "Don't freak out, you're fine." He said pulling me into a room. Once he closed the door he laughed. "You freaked me out!" I scolded. "It was the only way I could get you!" Maki chuckled. I grinned. "I have to go catch four more people, but first let's make a bet." He said looking at me. "A bet?" I questioned him. He nodded. "If I win this game, you let me take you out." He challenged. I felt my face heat up a little, but I smiled a little. "Bet." I smiled at him. He smiled back at me, opening the door to leave. "Maki!" I called him before he left. He turned to look at me curiously. "Fighting!" I smirked. He smiled softly, leaving.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Ecstasy [05]
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ー The scene starts in the dungeon of the Sakamaki Castle
Kanato: Fufu, look at your pathetic display.
I cannot believe the eldest son of the Mukami Family has come to willingly offer himself to me.
Ruki: ...
Kanato: ...However, this is not enough to satisfy me. Where are your other siblings?
Ruki: ...
Kanato: Hey, Ruki. How about you tell me already?
Ruki: My brothers have nothing to do with this. ...I bear full responsibility. 
Kanato: ...You’re sounding like a broken record now.
Stop making fun of me already!
Ruki: ...
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kanato: ...God! This is pissing me off!!
Reiji: Calm down, Kanato. We are in the middle of our meal. 
Besides, from what I can tell, I do not believe Ruki will speak, no matter how much you verbally attack him. 
I believe you will have to think of a different approach. 
Kanato: What do you suggest I do then!?
I’m going through a lot of trouble being pressured by the other Clans as well, remember!? 
Reiji: ...Well, I suppose we have no other choice but to rely on our last resort.
Ayato: Our last resort? What is that? 
Reiji: We shall let the world know that we will execute Ruki.
Those four brothers are connected by a peculiar bond. 
While they may be hiding themselves now because Ruki told them so...
If they catch word of their brother being executed, it should lure them out naturally, no? 
Ayato: ...Gotcha.
Reiji: Well, our families do have somewhat of a past together. 
So I could always think of a different way if this idea doesn’t appeal to you...
Kanato: I love the sound of that. Off with his head!
I wouldn’t want the other Clans to talk badly about me for letting those guys run free. 
I do not want to be the victim of this ridiculous farce any longer. 
Reiji: ...I see.
I suppose this is the right decision to make, considering the future of the Vampire Clan. 
Well then, I shall get everything ready at once. To ensure that the word gets spread in both the Demon and the human world...
A few days have passed,
since we started living at Rotigenberg.
Yuuri-san delivered the news to us,
that Ruki-kun had been captured by the Sakamaki Family,
and would be executed. 
ー The scene shifts to the open fields at Rotigenberg
Kino: ...I didn’t think that guy would go and offer his own head. What is he thinking? 
Yui: ...Ugh...
( So Ruki-kun went to the Sakamaki Castle after our last conversation. )
( If I had managed to stop him, he would... )
Azusa: It’s my fault that this happened to Ruki, isn’t it...?
Yui: It’s not. It’s not your fault, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: But...
Yui: Hey, you guys...Don’t you think we should go and save Ruki-kun after all?
Yuma: But Ruki let himself get captured, knowin’ damn well that this was the fate which awaited him, no?
Then isn’t it what he wanted?
Kou: Yeah...You’re right.
→ Perhaps they are right
Yui: ...
( They might be right. )
( Ruki-kun is prepared to give up his own life to save his three brothers. )
...But I still think this is wrong...
You aren’t actually happy to know that your own lives will be saved by Ruki-kun being executed, right...?
→ Are you sure...? (❦)
Yui: Are you sure...?
I know it could possibly save you guys but...Ruki-kun will die at this rate. 
Kou: ...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( I know that Kou-kun and Yuma-kun aren’t saying how they really feel. )
( They just have a hard time being honest with themselves. )
( Ruki-kun as well...Perhaps none of this would have happened if he had been more willing to talk to his brothers. )
Azusa: ...Let’s go rescue him, all together.
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: If Ruki were to die...What point is there in our lives still...? 
The four of us are a family...and Ruki-kun is our beloved big brother...
Kou: ...Sorry. I was being a little stubborn. 
Yuma: ...Me too. We’re lost without Ruki, aren’t we?
Azusa: Yeah...He’s the one person I don’t want to see suffer...
Let’s go save him together.
Kino: ーー And stop right there.
Azusa: Oh...
Yui: K-Kino-kun...?
Kino: My bad for stopping you while you’re having a family moment, but I won’t let you do that.
Hey, Azusa, do you realize? You’re the Church’ loyal dog now.
Azusa: ...
ーー The Church’ loyal dog (協会の犬). 
As he spoke those words,
Kino-kun’s gaze went towards the emblem (刻印),
engraved on Azusa-kun’s left arm. 
The people from the Church,
deeply loathe all Demons. 
As long as that emblem is on him,
he shall not be allowed to go save his brother. 
I believe that Kino-kun,
was trying to warn Azusa-kun of such. 
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cryptid-pet · 2 years
If you don't mind, can we have (some of) the diaboys spying on azushin date?
I got a liiiiiittle confused on how I wanted to answer this (considering I did post the third part of the twitter au xmas based on @azusamarryme idea of there being a reveal to azusa and shin dating which i love them for that idea so THANKS LOL) so here's what I'll do for this: I'll put the top five diaboys who WOULD spy on this azushin date and how they feel (if they are yay or nay and why) and how they spy//how did they find this out (I am not sure if this is what you wanted so I do apologize!!)
5) Shu
This is a little stupid but to be honest, I think Shu and Azusa fairly get along, they aren't like best friends or friends in general, but he's alright with him. As for a relation between Shu and Shin, he finds him annoying, so the reaction he has when the words of them dating (Azusa and Shin) gets around, he honestly could care less
He isn't yay and he isn't nay about it, Shu is neutral
The way Shu found this out was through media, mostly through Laito and Kou.
Does Shu really spy on Azusa and Shin on their date? No, not really, he might show up to the place by himself and sit afar to get a good vision, but he might fall asleep if he's bored
4) Ayato AND Laito (Duo thing baby)
Ayato HATES Shin but they do get along with minor things (drugs, im sorry, both of them smoke and get high so that is there hobby, you are free to leave LMAO) Ayato's relation with Azusa is nothing much, Azusa will bother Ayato to beat him and shit and Ayato gets weirded out, that's all
Laito actually likes Azusa, he'll flirt with the kid to be a tease and Yuma holds his urge not to put Laito six feet under with Hades. He isn't very fond of Shin but does make dirty jokes with him which sails poorly
Ayato is not yay or nay, he's nosy and that is clear as DAY
Laito is yay about this, he thinks it's a very...Odd yet interesting pair to see a Mukami with a Tsukinami, so he'll support it anyways!
Both Ayato and Laito hear about this rumor through media and it's Ayato's idea to go full ninja to see this Azushin date for himself, dragging Laito with him (They're both not very sneaky and suspicion rises when they try to spy left alone)
3) Ruki
Of course, Azusa and Ruki have a strong bond, they're brothers, they've been through the trauma, AMAZING BOND! Ruki and Shin don't even talk to one another a lot, so it's a very dull and shallow relation socially
This...This is a shock, he doesn't believe for a minute UNTIL Azusa himself says he's going out, so Ruki doesn't even know HIMSELF if he wants to support this or not, it is Shin and he is the First Blood. He leans more to the nay because he wants his youngest brother safe, Shin is a powerful guy (we've seen the games or played them i'm sure) and Ruki knows what Shin is capable of. If it makes Azusa happy, he will try his best to support them
Kou comes SCREAMING about this when he finds out and this is how Ruki catches onto the rumor
He doesn't dare to eavesdrop, that isn't his style, he let's someone else do it for him (whether that may be one of his other brothers or even sending Yui to do it herself)
2) Kou
Yes...Kou is second in this, him and Azusa have a WICKED good bond! They'll do things together and if anything, Azusa likes to be around Kou the most in school (this is just my own idea) Kou and Shin don't clash but they don't mix into a good paste of being friends, Kou likes to tease Shin and Shin does it back, it's nothing huge
YAY, YAY, YAY ALL THE FUCKING WAY- KOU IS SO HAPPY THAT AZUSA IS GOING ON A DATE, HE SUPPORTS IT! He was a little nay when Azusa only tells him it was a date with Shin, he has the big brother instinct and, sam as Ruki, is a bit unsettled with it being a Founder, but he hardly cares
Kou finds out by Azusa telling him (the bby had no one else to go to who would really understand) and Kou is actually the whole damn start over the media posting about this event, HE WAS SIKED FOR HIS BROTHER
He does eavesdrop BUT from afar, he keeps his distance, Ruki told him not to but he wasn't in much control because it's Kou (he wouldn't really listen)
1) Carla
Carla and Azusa do not have a bond socially, Carla sometimes is scared of Azusa based on his masochist behavior but that subides easily. Carla and Shin, obviously, are close, they aren't tight like normal brothers, but they do care for each other as the last Founders alive
What? Azusa and Shin have a date? This was a joke to Carla, it really was, he didn't believe this line of shit fo a SECOND on the media. He started to believe when Shin said he was going out for plans he made, THAT was the kicker for him. It's a huge, FAT NAY for Carla, for a Founder to be in love and go on a date with a vampire made him sick, of course he was against it- it ruins the overall plan to bring up the bloodline again and the whole population that once succumbed
This is how he found out ^^^^
Carla sends familiar EVERYWHERE, they track down Shin's scent and watch from a safe distance, they'll even report every FIVE MINUTES with what is going on currently and when Shin gets back, he is in for a TALK
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diabolikpersonals · 2 years
What do you think it's like when Shu and Yuma argue? Like do they throw stuff or argue pretty peacefully? And who is usually the first one to apologize?
If you want to see Shu and Yuma's conflict resolution skills in action (post-character development and stuff, obviously they're different back in MB) then I recommend Yuma's LE route! (spoilers under the cut)
When it comes to Yuma, Shu has a gut response that's like, "I have to avoid him. He has every right to hate me and I shouldn't be part of his life anymore, I only cause bad things to happen to him. So I should avoid him." And that's something that he's, like, drilled into his head for a long time so it doesn't go away so easily, even when Shu and Yuma get closer. So that's not great! It means that Shu's not gonna be yelling and throwing stuff in an argument with him, but for Yuma, Shu leaving the situation and going full hermit mode is probably worse. Like, "Why does this guy avoid every problem?? I want him to stick around and work with me, this is pissing me off!!"
I want to give Yuma some credit, because he's capable of being really mature and understanding even when he's the one who was wronged in a situation. However, he does get really mad first. He yells, curses, threatens to punch Shu, etc. And then after that, once he gives himself some time to calm down, he's capable of being mature and understanding xD To be honest, Shu can take yelling and threats of violence. I mean, he kinda thinks he deserves it. (which is unhealthy but this post is already too long so lets unpack this another time)
As for who apologizes first, that depends on what your definition of an apology is, I think. Shu is really bad at talking about his feelings, but he's quick to apologize through his actions. Verbally, I think Yuma would grumble out an apology first and then do a sort of okay job of explaining what's wrong. (Of course, if Yui is there, she'll make this whole process a hundred times easier.)
So, the example from Yuma's LE route: Yuma meets his old friend Lucks who was turned into a ghoul (actually it was just a fake Lucks that Kino and Yuuri created but Yuma doesn't know that so to understand how he feels, just think of it as Lucks) and Lucks attacks Shu. Shu has no idea who this guy is, he thinks Lucks is just some random ghoul, so he defends himself and kills Lucks. Yuma blows up, like "Do you know who you just killed???? I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!!!" and Shu's like "????? okay, I mean, if you want, go ahead...?"
When Shu figures out what happens later, he thinks that he's done something terrible, and Yuma's right to be angry with him. Killing basically the only person left from his childhood...That's a huge deal. So Shu's very apologetic, although apologizing to Yuma's face is really tough (again Shu's strategy is Avoid Avoid Avoid) so Shu tries to make things up to him in his actions, by trying his best to be the responsible leader Yuma wants him to be.
Yuma's attitude about the whole thing really shocked me in how level-headed it was. He's like, "Yeah I'm devastated about this whole thing, but Shu really didn't know who Lucks was, and he was just defending himself. He didn't mean to kill someone important to me. So it's not his fault. I just think we need some time away from each other after all that." (I was like, dude???? hell yeah????? that's practically the best possible reaction you couldve had omg)
There's also a big dramatic scene in the vampire ending where Shu asks Yui to tell Yuma he's sorry, stabs himself, and says that he's doing it to atone for everything he's done to Yuma. Self-sacrifice, yay! Shu is so good at that! (Of course, Shu isn't going to stab himself over every argument they have, lol. There was a lot more going on in the route. But it's a good example of how deep Shu's "I've done terrible things to Yuma and I need to punish myself to make it up to him" thing goes.)
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mikalara-dracula · 3 years
Rainy days with their s/o
ft. Yuma and Subaru
Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor.
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Well, since he can’t garden that day, he’s quite bored and out of ideas as to what to do.
He’d be kinda grumpy about it, especially if he was planning to plant something new that day.
“Man, out of all days it has to rain today.”
“You say that every time it rains. It’s mother nature’s way of doing things. You can’t change it.”
“Tch! What does she know?!”
He’d eventually get over the fact that he can’t garden and would sit down and watch a little TV with you, however, he’s always judging everything that’s on.
For example, if a movie or show is on and he doesn’t really like it, he’ll criticize the characters he finds stupid.
“That guy’s an idiot. That’s not how you get a girl.”
“Oh, and I suppose you know?”
“How do you think I got you, little pig.” He’d grin, making you hit him playfully.
On days like this, he tends to get clingy because he has nothing else to do.
Basically, without his garden he’s lost on what to do and will constantly tease and bother you throughout the day.
For example, since it’s rainy outside, you figured you’d make yourself a nice hot chocolate since it corresponded well with the weather.
However, as you were drinking it in the kitchen, he came in and decided to bother you about what you were doing.
“What are you drinking, little pig?”
“A hot chocolate.” You’d smile.
“Oh good, maybe you’ll gain a little and it’ll go where I want it most.” He’d grin while reaching behind to clutch your ass xDD.
“Yuma! Is that all you care about?!”
“Hey, this little pig’s ass belongs to me, so I get to decide how big I want it.”
If you two are cuddling on the couch, he absolutely refuses to let you go. He literally treats you as if you’re his body pillow.
“Yuma, let me go.”
“Fight your way out of it, little pig.” He’d grin, finding your struggle funny.
Since there isn’t much to do on days like this, he might allow you to style his hair any way you want and might even do yours.
Believe it or not, he's an expert at braiding. His favorite style is a fishtail braid and he thinks it looks beautiful on you.
His talent for braiding is so versed that even his brothers might comment as to how pretty it looks on you.
"It looks so . . . nice, Y/N." Azusa would comment.
"Wow little maso-kitty, it looks great on you. Did Yuma do that?" Kou would add.
"As expected, Yuma's known for such styles. You display it well." Ruki would admit.
“Yeah, only the best for my little pig.” Yuma would smirk, a subtle boast in his tone, causing you to blush at his statement.
He likes giving you piggy back rides throughout the house, but he’ll pretend to drop you just to scare you because he’s an asshole.
With all this boredom, Yuma might even get into asking you a few dirty riddles.
"Hey little pig, what's six inches long, goes in your mouth and is more fun if it vibrates?"
"Damn, little pig, I didn't know you could be so dirty-minded. I'm just talking about a toothbrush."
"Well it certainly didn't sound that way."
"My god! How could you think such a thing?” He said, acting oh-so innocent, a smirk soon appearing on his face, showing his true colors. “Oh, I get it, you wanted it to be something else."
“What are you-,”
“C’mere, little pig.” He’d say, tackling and pinning you to a nearby couch, starting to tickle you.
"No! Stop!'' You'd squeal, Yuma still continuing to tickle you as you laughed beneath him.
At one point he might grow fed up with the rain and decide to go outside anyways.
"Y’know what, this is stupid. C'mon, little pig. We're not gonna let a little rain tell us what to do." He’d say, taking you by your wrist and dragging you behind him.
"Yuma, wai-,"
He’d continue running and drag you outside in the pouring rain, making you get soaking wet as he picks you up into his arms and spins you around, his lips melding onto yours as he’d hungrily kiss you. He’d soon pull away and put you down, a scowl on your face due to him getting you drenched in mother nature’s tears.
“Yuma! You got me all wet!”
"Damn, I tried to make this romantic and you're complaining about getting wet?"
You’d sigh, “Getting romantic doesn’t mean getting wet!”
“Oh really?” He’d smirk. “Then how come my little pig gets wet every time I-,”
“Shut up!” You’d say, hitting him playfully, causing him to laugh.
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Doesn’t care if it’s rainy or not since he doesn’t really go out.
However, if it’s raining at night time and he wants to go in the rose garden, he might be a little irritated about it.
And since he doesn’t have any hobbies, this is a little hard on him.
Plus, since he’s a tsundere, he'll act pretty annoyed in general, even going down to being a total ass.
Compared to Yuma, he gets clingy in a different way--that is, he secretly hopes that you’ll spend time with him since he can’t go out to the garden.
If you’re busy doing your own stuff tho, he’ll attempt to get involved but will act like he’s disinterested in doing so.
But it’s not like you mind him getting involved--that is, if he’s being genuine.
For example, you were once sitting down at the table working on your homework late at night, finishing up the last thing for your assignment when he walked in and came up behind you.
He placed his head in the crook of your neck, being curious about what you were doing as his gaze traveled to the assignment you were working on.
“What are you doing?”
“Homework.” You’d answer.
“Tch! What a pain.”
“It’s not so bad, I’m almost done.”
“Why don’t you just take a break?”
“Subaru, there’s really no point since I’m close to finishing.” You’d say going back to your work, but of course, the white-haired vampire had to persist.
He lifted up his face from the crook of your neck and took notice of your exposed bra strap. A smirk grew on his face and being the tease that he is, he’d take his fingers and use them to pull on it and have smack against your skin just to annoy you and throw you off guard.
“What the hell?”
“It’s not my fault it was right there, you should hide it better next time.” He’d smirk.
If the atmosphere is quiet and he sees you’re busy but doesn’t want to bother you, he’ll just watch what you’re doing whilst you’re busy working and shuffling around doing your stuff. With watching the way your body moves and the look of concentration on your face, it builds up a lot of sexual tension as he'd stand by with his arms crossed in hopes that something intimate happens or is initiated.
Oh the things this bby car imagines xDD.
He’ll also try to get involved in other things you’d be doing as well, such as crafts.
After finishing your homework, you decided to do something a bit more productive, so you decided to go work on a painting you had been working on. You’d get pretty focused and concentrated, that is until Subaru came up behind you and decided to intervene.
“What are you up to now?”
“Tch! Lame.”
He’d just continue to stand there, his figure still looming over yours. An idea soon hit you. You knew he was bored, so you decided to make painting time a little more fun.
Turning to him, you’d ask, “Hey, why don’t you help.”
“Help me with the painting.”
“Do I look like Picasso to you?” He’d sarcastically remark.
“Subaru, it doesn’t matter what it looks like in the end. What matters is the fun you have when painting.”
“Tch! That’s stupid.” He’d retort.
“Alright, then. Suit yourself.”
Since he didn’t want to, you turned around and began painting again.
Deep down, Subaru secretly found your offer to be sweet since he really didn’t mind helping and wanted to spend time with you, but because he has a hard time expressing his emotions through his tough exterior, it always came off as if he didn’t care.
The white-haired vampire sighed, feeling torn between the feeling of wanting to do something memorable with you versus him getting caught doing something crafty by one of his brothers, but because you were more important, he decided to help.
“Alright, where do you want me to begin?” He’d say picking up a brush and sitting down next to you.
Taken back by his sudden decision, you’d say. “Oh, um, you can start over here.” You’d say, pointing to a blank space on the canvas. “Just paint it blue for now and then I’ll tell you what to do from there.”
He said nothing and began to do what you asked him, both of you working hard on the masterpiece.
While working, you’d occasionally sneak a few glances at him, seeing how his progress was going.
You honestly had to admit how attractive Subaru looked when he was concentrated on something, the way his eyes angled themselves as they narrowed in on the area he was working on, a few stray locks being in his face, his lips being ajar and lurid in the lighting as he continued to work.
To be honest, you definitely had to ask him to paint more often with you.
He definitely looked busy, an idea striking you again but in a more playful aspect. Since he looked so concentrated, you dipped your finger into the paint and smeared some on his cheek.
“Hey! What the hell?!”
You honestly couldn’t help but laugh, leading him to grin, “Oh, you think that’s funny? Then how about this?”
He’d be quick to dip multiple fingers in the paint and smear it all over your face. Accepting his challenge, you were quick to dip your hand in paint and smear it all over his face as payback, but this was far from over.
This ended up becoming an entire paint war, you and Subaru’s laughter echoing as you chased each other about the room and continued to smear and splatter paint on each other, both of you becoming a colored mess as the walls became vandalized in the process.
“I’m gonna get you, Y/N. You’re gonna look like a rainbow by the time this is over.” He’d grin, his hand fully loaded with paint being ready to rub it on you.
“Catch me if you can!” You’d tease sticking your tongue out, whilst running away from him.
It was all fun and games however, until Reiji came in and saw the mess, leading him to scold you two.
“What is the meaning of this?”
You both would be quick to blame it on each other as you’d talk over each other in unison, but Reiji didn’t care to hear excuses.
“Please see to it that this is cleaned up, otherwise I’ll have to discipline the two of you thoroughly.” He’d say, quickly taking his leave as you both laughed about what happened, soon cleaning it up together.
On rainy nights, he might show a bit of a soft side.
However, bear in mind that he will be quick to lean back into his tsundere side if he thinks the moment is getting too soft.
Likes to lay in his coffin with you if you both want to relax. He’ll act annoyed the entire time due to him being a tsundere, but secretly, he loves the fact that you’re next to him.
Likes to have you sit in his lap, while you’re reading, having a blanket draped over the both of you, whilst he’d rest his face in the crook of your neck. He honestly loves being so close to you, but he’d never admit it.
Here, he might take the opportunity to either place a soft kiss on your neck or bite your shoulder if he’s feeling thirsty.
He likes to cuddle and lay on top of you, but won't let you leave to do anything else because he's so clingy.
"Subaru, let me go."
"Not a chance."
When he’s not being soft, you two are bound to bicker about the stupidest things--like heights, for example, leading him to become a total mess.
"You're not taller than me, Y/N. We've been over this."
"Oh no?" You’d sass, stepping onto his coffin, being slightly taller than him now. "How about now?"
He scoffed, a grin appearing on his face as he’d playfully grab you and pin you onto a nearby wall, giving you the greediest and lustful kisses as you both kept laughing in unison.
Might let you style his hair, such as putting it up into a ponytail or style it in some other way.
You once put bows in his hair and he was so annoyed by it at first, but he eventually started to find it funny and began laughing with you, but that was all until Laito came in and took a picture of him with his new style.
“Fufu~, love the new look, Subaru. I’ve gotta say it suits you.”
“Why you!” He’d hiss, quickly running after him to make him delete the photo and beat the living crap out of him for doing that and seeing him in such a state.
On rainy nights, be prepared for a lot of fun and games because apart from paint wars, Subaru can take things to a whole new level.
Since it was raining and you couldn’t go anywhere, you decided to try out a new makeup style.
And of course, he’d have to get into your business and tell you he finds it stupid.
"Tch! Why do girls even wear that shit?!"
"Oh shut up, you boys like it. Don't lie.”
“Whatever.” He’d retort, saying nothing else.
You sighed knowing he was bored, so you asked the unthinkable once again to help him cope with not being able to go out because of the rain.
“Do you want help?”
“Help? With what?”
“With this new makeup style.”
“Tch! Seriously?”
“All you have to do is add the eyeshadow and lipstick. I’m not asking you to do anything crazy.”
Sighing and knowing it was better than doing nothing, he’d say, “Fine.”
He’d turn you to him so he could have better access to your face to apply the makeup.
“Just don't make me look like a clown.” You’d warn closing your eyes, allowing Subaru to put on the eyeshadow.
This is when he was struck with a mischievous idea, an infamous smirk twisting on his lips as he applied the makeup to your face.
And after what seemed like quite some time, he finally finished.
“Okay, it’s done.”
You’d sigh, “Finally, I can’t wait to see it. I’m sure it looks amazing.”
“You bet it does.” He’d mutter under his breath, it not being loud enough for you to hear.
Opening your eyes, you looked at your reflection in the mirror and screamed. The makeup looked so bad, maybe worse than a clown.
“Ha! What a face!” He’d scoff.
“Ass!” You’d hiss, chasing him around the room as he’d laugh.
Now because you couldn’t let him get away with what he did, as payback you decided to draw a mustache on him while he was sleeping.
When he woke up and saw his reflection in the mirror he grew shocked, and instantly knew it was you who had done it.
(Ik vampires typically can’t see their reflection in a mirror, but I’m not sure about DL here, but let’s just assume that he can considering it hasn’t been mentioned (maybe I’m wrong here??); and also because Reiji implied that some human-made vulnerabilities don’t apply to them, so this might not).
“Payback's a bitch isn't it?” You’d giggle, standing a few feet away from him.
“Now, you're gonna get it!” He’d say, chasing you around to no end, only leaving you to laugh as he kept running after you.
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hi! different anon here, if I may ask, at the risk of finding out I never understood Kattobing, Yuma and Zexal, I have to ask.... what is worng with Wonder Wing???
i mean, in the end it probably all just boils down to personal preferences, but i just genuinely hate the fuck out of wonder wings. it can be boiled down to two parts though - the music itself, and then the lyrics/execution of it?
Regarding the music itself: it's just. hm. It's not very memorable to be honest. It's very slow and mellow, and it doesn't really fit in with the rest of Zexal's openings? I'm not saying there's a problem with slow and mellow songs, but it just doesn't fit the energy the rest of the OST has - even slower EDs like Setsubou no Freesia or Artist still have the same energy to match the rest of the OST. And that's probably the main problem with Wonder Wings - the singer just doesn't have that energy at all. It honestly sounds like someone reading out the lyrics with the barest inflection of singing. Like. Did this dude just phone it in? Or is he just that bad of a singer? I could not tell you but what I can say is wow, this was. not fun to listen to. again this could just be my personal preferene speaking but man I was not feeling this dude today or any other day.
The lyrics on the other hand, they're just. Kind of really literal. Like if you told someone "okay this is yugioh zexal it's about card games and kattobing and very very shounen here write something about it" and you went to SparkNotes and got the Important Key Terms and slapped something down. Like.
This Duel will decide our destiny Come, show off your heart (cards)
Let's create a new future with our Shining Draw Taken by these Wonder Wings Don't let go of your hands Kattobing, further than the sun
like. i can't tel you how jarring it was to hear these terms just slowly spelled out like. Ok. Yes we're aware that duels are a thing that determine a destiny and also kattobanging our way through this current crisis but also what does this mean. what does kattobing mean. 
well, let’s see what Yuma has to say about that in the final episode!
Kattobingu! That's holding onto courage and taking a step forward! Never giving up in the face of crisis! And challenging all difficulties that come your way!
ah. okay! 
remember, kattobing on its own is just, a string of nonsense syllables. a bunch of onomotopea slapped together. the nonsense word equivalent to a bowl of Rice Krispies cereal: snap, crackle, pop. it’s flat out a made up word, and early on we were all struggling on how to summarize it: remember our earlier translations? i’m pop flying? yeah. 
kattobing is a concept that’s very hard to translate literally - it’s an idea that’s built on throughout the whole entire show. even yuma himself has a pretty shallow understanding of it despite it being a crutch word for him - without a physical representation of what it means to him to focus on, like the key, or astral, etc, he falls apart very quickly. the will and drive to push on and keep trying no matter what in the face of failure is honestly something very very hard to keep up even for the most determined of people. it’s something so ingrained into yuma as a character and the show in general that you really want a theme song - especially one that’s meant to introduce the finale and the crux of this entire journey we’ve taken together with yuma and his friends - to really embody that. so just listing out these terms in a very flatly delivered song is just not going to cut it.
for contrast, let’s look at some lyrics of Challenge the Game, the ED that shares Wonder Wings’ final song slot.
When there's a problem that can't be beaten. We'll just try again. You keep holding your heart inside your chest. Continuing to believe, trying to help. Even while you're discouraged and crying. Let's try to secure tomorrow with our bonds!
aha. there we go. not only is this song sung with a lot of energy, the lyrics themselves embody what kattobing is without having to spell out the concept for you. not only that, it’s basically describing what yuma has consistently been doing this entire show - continuing to tackle problems with sheer belief and determination. it’s a song that not only contains the energy of the show, but succtinctly summarizes what we’ve just been watching for the past five seasons, what we hope to see in the final arc. 
basically what i’m saying is that the difference between Wonder Wings and other OPs and EDs in Zexal is the difference between 4Kids’ translation of kattobing versus that one clip of Funimation’s shitty attempts at dubbing it. Funimation went for a very literal translation - just saying kattobing and dropping it like an awkward loanword in the middle of these middle schoolers yelling at each other in english. it. doesn’t roll off the tongue and it doesn’t have any forceful impact or meaning to it in english. what the hell are little kids watching the show with no context going to get from just hearing that? they don’t know what it means. it doesn’t mean anything to them. 4Kids’ instead goes for “I’m going to high-five the sky!” which, yes, it doesn’t literally translate from the snap-crackle-pot nonsense you try and parse from it. but it doesn’t need to. the intent is there. “high-fiving the sky” is complete nonsense. it’s something impossible to do. but declaring it just shows how much yuma’s willing to push himself, to move forward, it’s a phrase with force and drive that yuma himself puts meaning into every time he says it. 
tl’dr: wonder wings is shitty funimation garbage, every other single zexal op/ed is the 4kids superior dub. i’m not saying having wonder wings as a favourite is a bad thing or anything if that’s what you like, but also, why would you when literally every other song in zexal’s ost is, like, right there.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Yandere Ocs dream date hcs please?
This seems fun :3
Also, oh my God, I haven't started writing for Prey chapter 2, I'm sorry!!! ;-; ;-;
I didn't have enough time to write it. Neither did I write for A Vixen Walking Around At Night yet.
Sorry ;-;.
Our first moment [Yandere OCS x Reader - Headcanon]:
🍒 Bullies 🍭:
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Well, what can I say? She is a little princess, and you'll need to treat her as such.
She is pretty mean, and would totally be expecting you to make her the perfect date. Yes, that also means that you should be the one to ask her out, and if you do, she will talk as if you're the one that should have planned this out.
But don't worry, she knows that she is the one that has to fix everything. Going out is her favorite thing, so why just go around a mall while you two find something to do? Maybe even make you buy things for her.
Alexandra is mostly fucking with you though, I mean, she really wants you to treat her like a princess, but she knows you don't have enough money to buy anything for her (don't worry about buying anything for her boo, she only wears really expensive brands :D).
A movie is cool and all, but even if she is watching something she really likes, she would still find out she is missing something. This date wouldn't feel complete.
Alexandra does like to stay active, and although it sounds really niche, if her darling dares her to run faster than them, she'll totally do it. No questions asked.
Heels or no heels. It's on now. If you bail out though she is going to make fun of you, cause of course she would.
If you win then, well, she lost, is there anything you would like to get as a reward, Ms/Mr. Winner? Does a kiss from her majesty suffice?
Alexandra can be a little bitter sweet, but she does really care about her darling, in her eyes, your just as much royalty as her.
Her dream date would probably be going around a national park, princesses with heels can still do some hiking. Watch her act like a nerd at every single cute animal she spots. Turns out she knows quite a lot about biology, the absolute goof.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
I know that he may seem boring as hell and absolutely "0 fucks given" all the time, and believe me he is, but give him some credit.
He can be probably one of the chilliest out of the two. He does make a couple of ill comments here and there, but he doesn't mind going along with you and doing things you like.
He may comment something along the lines of "not expecting you two to have a great date, because it's impossible to have fun with someone that sucks so much", with yeah, he went full on out with that one, but he is mostly picking on you.
Just seeing you being yourself is pretty entertaining. I guess that's why he keeps picking on you, trying to get different reactions.
Adrien likes to binge watch cartoons, and although he likes music concerts he can't be bothered to move one inch most of the time.
He lets you do what you like to do, but, to be honest, something that you two can do and create sounds a lot better. Maybe he wants to find an active that you two can do while still having fun and bickering at each other.
Would you like to bake with him? He can do just fine on his own, but if you want to, he would really, really appreciate some help.
Even if whatever you baked was a mess and probably burned, you two would still have fun. You'll probably see him smiling for once.
Adrien's idea of a dream date is being able to have fun with you while crafting something, being that baking or even just a silly project. The project may not turn out really well, but throughout the experience, you still get some good laughs.
🍎 Teachers 🥧:
→ Matthew Robinson:
Oh this, suit and tie boi. This sweet, sweet boi.
What can he say? He doesn't have enough experience in the dating department, at least not the most fun of experiences.
He isn't really that lucky, you know?
Maybe show him a little bit of what you're into. That would help him understand how dates are supposed to go.
He is afraid of his ideas being pretty cliche, honey. He would love to take you to eat at a fancy restaurant, or maybe a picnic, just the two of you.
He can be a bit of a glutton. He does enjoy musicals, but he understands that is not exactly everyone's taste.
He is getting old, isn't he? He has even thought about going into a cafe, reading books or something. But can you two just stay home and read? Wait, why would you two even be reading, weren't you two supposed to interact?
Why would he even offer that? God, he probably needs to interact with people more.
His perfect date would probably involve nature, to his own surprise though. Probably taking you to his own home in the countryside, or maybe just being in touch with nature. Getting lost in the woods with you would be, quite the interesting experience.
→ Madeline Allen:
Do you like staying in home and binge watching series/cartoons? Cause she really doesn't like getting out of her house much.
She loves staying at home and simply having a more comfy day. Watching nostalgic movies, eating only the best snacks and having just a great time.
The only other thing that she likes to do is visit the beach whenever she can. She likes collecting shells and she'll probably show you her favorite ones. Her collection could be bigger, if her visits to the beach would be more frequent.
Actually, when she was younger she discovered the best spots to hangout when she wanted to be alone. Well, there are other people that go around that place, but not many actually enter and stay inside for long.
She would absolutely love to bring you inside the hidden grotto she found. It's really spacious, and the view is amazing, but her favorite part is watching the fishes swimming in and out of this little paradise.
The best moments to visit are when it is sunset and when it's a full moon night, it is absolutely amazing, you'll love it!
At least, she hopes so!
🍋Delinquents 🐍:
→ Jackson Macnee:
Jack doesn't really seem like it, but he kinda enjoys reading about romance, even if it's the most cliche bullshit he has ever heard.
I guess it makes sense for him to have a couple of ideas of the perfect date, he used to love reading this shit when he was studying at that snobby school.
But he is a different person now, I mean, yeah he has some ideas on where to take his darling, but he doesn't really think he will ever use his knowledge.
… But, if he ever found someone he actually has a thing for, maybe… A movie?
I mean, he could elaborate on a perfect date and all, he actually would love to elaborate on his perfect date, but- He feels like It would be pointless.
Eh, why not keep things simple? He doesn't want to sound like a dork. At least not to his darling, he would only feel self-conscious about it.
His actual idea of a perfect date is to bring his darling to watch a movie and show them his favorite part around town. He knows how to access some abandoned docks and believe, although it doesn't sound like much, the scenery can be pretty neat.
Two dorks hanging around at some docks while the sun is setting, talking about feelings and shit like that, sounds like something he read about.
→ Janette Sartorius:
Honestly, not even she knows what the fuck she wants.
Her hopeless romantic heart can only take so much love!
Every single idea sounds like the right idea. Stay at home, go out to get something to eat and drink, see some movie or concert, vandalize some shit like you're both Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy or something, find somewhere secret that only you two know how to get there and write your initials together, like-
I mean, she would probably be thinking of doing all of these.
All. Of. These. Every time you hangout she'll be already thinking of the next date.
Something she would totally love to do, would be just playing games with ya. In her house or in an arcade.
Maybe after playing some games, getting some ice cream and walking around the park. But she will always, and I mean always, stop whatever she was doing to pet the dogs along the way.
I guess what she wants is to spend time alone with you, with you two lost in each other's eyes, while she can also show the entire world how beautiful her darling is and how her darling is only hers. Her dream date would totally be in a place like an abandoned haunted house where she can hold you while your scared (and probably scare you whenever she can).
👾 A.I 🍈:
→ Yuma Soma:
Oof, oh dear. Are you the type of person to go out and eat a lot? Cause Yuma is a 100% that person.
What I mean is, they only like going out if it means being able to eat. There are so many human foods that they didn't even know while they were inside the game.
In the food department, there are a lot of things they didn't know, wait until they see the rest of what they don't know about, like other countries and other culture's cuisines.
Maybe that's what they like, going out and discovering new things. Maybe they would like making a trip around the globe with you, or just visiting local restaurants because that's way less expensive lol.
I guess their dream date would be whenever they can go out with you without being trapped inside the game, preferably if you don't run away or start yelling at them for imprisoning you.
But until then, they'll keep you in their hands and bring you to do all the things that real human couples do!
Just stop screaming from inside the game, will you?
🦊 Kitsunes 🍬:
→ Tatsumi:
Tatsumi is an absolute couch potato. He hates having to get out of his room.
But if it's a date with you, then of course he'll go! It's not everyday that the love of his eternal life asks him to go on a date!
But… Where would you go? He kinda doesn't know what to do. Most of his dates end really prematurely.
Get some drinks, have sex and take their energy and leave. He doesn't know what else he can do, love.
When it comes to his darling, sexual interactions don't really come to mind as much as he thought it would. I mean don't get me wrong, he can be a little pervy, but anything with you is already amazing darling.
If he could, he… Wishes he could have a normal day with you. Ya know? Without him being… Him. His dream date would be a day where he can do many of the things he and his darling likes, it may sound clichê but-
Whatever you do together would be wonderful either way.
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sb-sratss-obsession · 3 years
SRaTSS Episode Transcript: Ep. 1 - Star Sheriff Round-up
This is a tentative transcription of the dialogues of the first episode of “Saber Rider and The Star Sheriffs”. If you spot mistakes feel free to warn me about it, I would love to make it perfect!
Episode: 1 - Star Sheriff Round-up
Transmitted: September 14, 1987
Japanese version: 1 - "The Space Adventurers" (宇宙の冒険野郎 ‘Uchū no bōken yarō’)
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
Can you feel the thunder inside? Saber Rider! Make the lightning crack as you ride! Saber Rider!
(guitar solo)
Saber Rider...
Saber Rider... Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
EP. 1
by Marc Handler
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Saber Rider: “It was not so long ago that we, Star Sheriffs, first assembled our Special Freedom Fighting Unit. We nicknamed him Ramrod, a peacekeeping vehicle shaped like a huge cowboy. We used him to protect the settlers out here on the New Frontier. We needed the Ramrod vehicle to help stop the lightning attacks of the Outrider bandits. They were evil creatures who crossed into our dimension and raided our Cavalry Outposts. They used battalions of Dimension Jumpers and Vapor Beings who moved freely from their world to ours. We thought that Ramrod was our only chance to stop them, but in the end it was not the Ramrod vehicle but the human Star Sheriffs themselves, who really made the difference. I should know, I'm their leader. I remember when it all began; my orders were to find Vanquo, an Outrider with ghostly eyes and a long pale face. I knew they were bounty hunters seeking him so I alerted the head of operation Ramrod, a very special operative named April. Her father was the leader of the Western Sector of Cavalry Command.
Commander Eagle: What's your report, April?
April: Bad news, daddy. We think the Outriders found out about Ramrod.
Commander Eagle: Ah! But how?
April: A spy named Vanquo. I'll have to go to Planet Yuma at once.
Commander Eagle: Good luck, April.
Saber Rider: “April arrived on planet Yuma at the same time I did. Neither of us realized that we had come in the middle of their most celebrated auto race, the Yuma Grand Prix. A young driver nicknamed Fireball was leading the way in his Red Fury Racer.”
Fireball: The biggest race on planet Yuma and it’s in the bag. The other cars are so far behind I get close to the finish line smooth as a supercharged skateboard. Hey, what's that shadow? That fool! What's he doing? He's coming back around! And he set straight at me! Oh! Ah!
Colt: He's not the one I’m after.
Fireball: What’s the matter with you? You crazy?
Colt: Sorry, pardner. Afraid I got you mixed up with somebody else.
Fireball: Oh-oh. Here come the other turbochargers.
Colt: So, Vanquo sent me off on a wild goose chase. Well, that Outrider just double-crossed the wrong fella. There's a price on his head and the reward is gonna be mine.
Fireball: I had this race iced. Now I’m gonna have to fight for it.
Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, we can see two turbochargers approaching the finish line and they’re neck and neck. Here he comes, ladies and gentlemen. He’s done it! In 23:18, a new speed record for the Red Fury Racer! What an incredible race! The crowd is going wild for Fireball, the youngest champion of all times!
Fireball: Oh, yeah, thanks!
Guy: Look out! Get those bandits!
Woman: No, stop!
Airport guard: Hold your fire!
Man: What a shoot!
Man: Get him!
Woman: They saved my little girl!
Man: But who did the fancy shooting?
Woman: It could only be one person.
Man: It has to be the legendary…
Everyone: Saber Rider!
Saber Rider: If you would be so kind, please give him a lube job. Oh, and a lump of sugar. I'd like a suite, please, overlooking the lobby if possible.
Desk Clerk: Sorry, all our rooms are full. Lots of people here to see the race, you know.
Saber Rider: Race? What race?
Desk Clerk: Why, the Grand Prix, of course. There's the winner right now.
Fireball: Hey, thank you. Thanks a lot!
Saber Rider: Where is he staying?
Desk Clerk: Way up on the 25th floor. Quite the guy, huh?
Man: Hey, Fireball, can I get your picture?
Woman: He's giving away his wreath!
Saber Rider: I’m afraid I must take his room. My mission here is urgent!
Desk Clerk: But he's got a reservation, I can't give his room away!
Fireball: Excuse me, can I have my key, please?
Desk clerk: Of course, Mr. Fireball, your room is all ready… and congratulations!
Saber Rider: Hold it right there. I'm afraid I must have this key.
Fireball: Huh? Hey, what's your trip?
Saber Rider: I'm on a mission of utmost importance!
Fireball: What? That's your problem, bud!
Saber Rider: I'm afraid it's your problem now. Let go of this key.
Fireball: Ah!
Saber Rider: Eh?
Fireball: Give me back that key!
Colt: No dice, kemosabe.
Fireball: Hey, I know who you are! You're that cowboy who almost made me lose the race!
Colt: Sorry about that, dude, but I'm on a big hunt, savvy?
Fireball: You wanna hunt? Try the jungle, savvy? And don't bother coming back.
Colt: Afraid I'm not hunting tigers, race boy. I'm looking for an Outrider with ghostly eyes and a long pale face.
Bonnie May: Colt? Has anyone seen a cowboy around here? Oh!
Colt: What?
Bonnie May: Colt! He found out about the square dance!
Colt: Who?
Bonnie May: My father, who else?
Colt: Father? You didn't tell me you had a father!
Bonnie May’s father: Don't move an inch, you slippery poisoning carpetbagging bandido.
Colt: It was just a square dance, honest!
Bonnie May’s father: You like to dance? Then you can dance the Winchester waltz. You stay away from my little Bonnie May or else.
Colt: I think I’ve used this disguise enough. Time for a change.
Bonnie May’s father: And you stay clear of bounty hunters!
Bonnie May: But daddy!
Bonnie May’s father: No buts, now come on!
Fireball: Well, so much for the fearless cowboy.
Saber Rider: I thought I might have to take a few shots to him myself, just to get his attention.
Fireball: Hmm. Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
Saber Rider: Listen, chum, I don't really want to force you out of your room.
Fireball: You don’t, uh? Well, hey, you're a sport.
Saber Rider: Look, I have an idea.
Fireball: Why do I feel like you're gonna tell me this whether I want to hear it or not?
Saber Rider: It's simple: why don't we just share the room?
Fireball: Cuz it's my room!
Saber Rider: Just a gentle suggestion.
Fireball: I think everyone around here is trigger-happy.
Saber Rider: Do we have a deal or don't we?
Fireball: You can sleep on the floor, that's it!
Saber Rider: Fine, let's shake on it.
Fireball: Huh. I'm going along with this but I don't have to like it.
Saber Rider: Incidentally, chum, about the Outrider that cowboy mentioned, if you run into him, let me know, won't you? I'm afraid if I don't find him soon this planet will probably be blown to bits.
Fireball: Are you serious?
Saber Rider: Do I sound like I'm joking?
Colt: Good thing I was wearing that sombrero and drifter outfit. The Bounty Hunter's got to have a lot of tricks and disguises, and a good disguise can come in mighty handy. Now I better get down to business; track down that Outrider. That bushwhacker gotta be around here somewhere. I just gotta make sure I find him before he finds me.
Vanquo: Let me talk to Nemesis! Oh, I know. Yes, I discovered where this Ramrod contraption is hidden; it's a sitting duck.
Colt: So are you, hombre.
Vanquo: It’s at the Frontier Outpost , just right for plucking.
Colt: Alright, dude, from vapor you came and to vapor you shall return.
Vanquo: Ah!
Saber Rider: It’s him! Vanquo!
Vanquo: I’ll be back!
Saber & Fireball: Oh!
Fireball: That Outrider just turned into vapor!
Colt: Yes, that’s what they're made out of. Nasty, aren't they?
Saber Rider: You sent him back to his own dimension, which means I can't get the information I need.
Fireball: What information? Who was he?
Saber Rider: A spy who knew about a secret defense system called Ramrod.
Colt: Right, he said something about that Ramrod. Said it was at the Frontier Outpost, like a sitting duck.
Saber Rider: Are you planning to go out there and investigate?
Colt: You kidding? I'm a bounty hunter, pardner, I got a reward to claim.
Fireball: Strange guy, huh?
Saber Rider: Totally undisciplined, no sense of etiquette whatsoever.
Fireball: Cowboys!
Saber Rider: Well, I guess I'll go and take a little rest.
Fireball: Yeah, I think I'll go for a walk, just to clear my head, you know?
Saber Rider: Alright.
Fireball: See you later. I'm going out to that Frontier Base fast!
Saber Rider: I got to get out to that Frontier Base quickly. Steed! There you are! Let’s go, boy! Up, into the sky!
Fireball: Red Fury Turbo on! Somebody's gotta warn those settlers and nobody can get out there quicker than I can!
Desk Clerk: I can't get a hold of the Outpost.
Colt: What?
Desk Clerk: I’m sorry, sir, it seems to be some sort of emergency.
Colt: I’d better head out there!
Fireball: Ah! Oh, no! The attack is already underway!
Outrider: Find the Ramrod Equalizer Unit and destroy it!
Soldier: We can’t hold them out much longer! Here they come again! We need help!
Saber Rider: You've got it, chum!
Soldier: It’s Saber Rider!
Saber Rider: Right up here, mate!
Fireball: Well, look at who’s here! Those guys aren't playing around. I’ll better get out the artillery! Ah! I can’t escape now!
Colt: Look like you need a little help there, hey, race boy?
Fireball: There are two more straight ahead!
Colt: Not anymore!
Fireball: That must be Ramrod!
April: Over here! Hurry! Did the Star Sheriffs send you?
Fireball: Star Sheriffs? Who are they?
April: Never mind. If you can drive a racecar you can help with Ramrod. It's an experimental frontier fighter system. I'm afraid it's never been tested but it's the only chance we've got.
Fireball: Hop in!
April: Right.
Colt: Hey, don't forget about me!
April: Look out! You got them! This is it, the Ramrod Equalizer Vehicle.
Fireball: Wow!
Saber Rider: I'll take charge from here!
Fireball: The lady invited me.
Colt: That's cause she didn't know I was here.
April: There's no time to argue, I'll need all three of you when we go to challenge phase.
Colt: Challenge phase, that's fancy! How fast does this puppy go?
April: Fast enough. Come on, this way to the control room. Hurry!
Fireball: It's cool!
Colt: I bet this baby packs a lot of horsepower!
April: You better believe it. These three saddle units are interactive, but the center is especially for land operations. Since you're a race car driver, well…
Fireball: They call me Fireball!
April: All right, Fireball, you take the reins!
Fireball: Right!
April: That one is for the quick draw control.
Colt: That's gotta be mine, yeah.
Fireball: Now we know what two of the systems are for. What about the third one?
Saber Rider: Maverick flight dynamics. I was already briefed back a Cavalry Command.
Fireball: Cavalry Command? What's that?
April: Headquarters of the Star Sheriffs. I'll ride shotgun over here. You'll all have to listen up. Hey, wait a minute, there's something coming at us. It's big! The Outriders have built another Renegade. We are finished if it catches us here, we've got to take off and we've got to do it fast!
Fireball: Okay, hang on your seats. We’re moving out!
Colt: It’s working!
Saber Rider: We’re accelerating to mach 4 and closing!
Colt: Yahoo! We’re out of there!
Fireball: What's that?
April: It's a Renegade Desperado Unit!
Fireball: Watch out for that claw!
April: Oh!
Fireball: You all right, April?
April: Yes, keep moving!
Colt: Well, we know that he can dish it out. Now let’s see if he can take it.
April: Look out!
Fireball: It’s following us!
April: We got to go into challenge phase.
Fireball: What's that?
April: There's no time to explain! Activate the rods above your key compartment, hurry!
Fireball: Okay, let's see what happens!
April: When the rods are clear, hit the flashing red light. Saber Rider, you give the signal.
Saber: Okay. Get ready. Not yet. Hold it. Now!
April: All right. Ramrod will now take navigational control.
Ramrod: Acknowledge, April. Navigational control on, Ramrod challenge phase, one. Head ‘em up, move ‘em out. Power stride, and ready to ride.
April: Here he comes!
Colt: Block!
Fireball: Look out! It’s doubled back!
April: Duck!
Colt: Alright, boys, let’s laser rope this Renegade dupe. If you liked the left, you’ll love the right.
Saber Rider: Nice move, cowboy. Now shall we follow up with a soccer kick?
Colt: Take it away!
Everyone: On target!
Fireball: Let's vaporize this viper!
Colt: Good thinking, pard. I'd like the feel of this shooter.
Saber Rider: We may only have one shot so let's use all the firepower we have.
Colt: All right, amigo. You want firepower? You got it.
Saber Rider: Ready? Aim. Blast them!
Colt: Well, it looks like those Outriders have seen their last round-up.
Fireball: Yeah, but what if they come back?
Colt: After that little lesson? No way.
Saber Rider: You're wrong about that. They'll definitely return
Colt: How do you know so much about it? You got an inside line on this thing, pardner?
April: He knows because he's one of us. A special agent of the secret Star Sheriffs. With these Outriders still on the loose we could use your help too, if you want to join us.
Colt: Star Sheriffs, huh? I always wanted one of those shiny silver stars.
April: Afraid we don't have many badges left since the Outriders took over the silver mines but we use these E.B.U., electronic badge units.
Saber Rider: It usually takes years to train a Star Sheriff but this is an emergency. We'll have to issue your E.B.U. right away.
Colt: No badge? I don't know, pard.
Fireball: I'm not sure about this either. What about my racing career?
April: You'll have to quit for a while but remember: Ramrod is faster than any racecar you'll ever see.
Fireball: Yeah, you've got a point there!
April: And about those badges… I'll see if I can special-order some from headquarters. What do you say, boys?
Colt: Can you picture it, pard? Riding high, fighting out with the Outriders! Paw!
Saber Rider: “And that’s how all began. The bounty hunter, a racecar driver and a beautiful girl from Cavalry Command. Together we've made a commitment to the spirit of the frontier freedom fighters. Wherever danger leads us, wherever the people need us, that's where you'll find… the Star Sheriffs!”
Saber Rider... Your destiny will lead you, To wherever people need you, Though danger may have found you, You have your friends around you now, Now! Now! Now! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs! Saber Rider, and the Star Sheriffs, In the sky!
Saber Rider!
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kuriboo · 4 years
Day 6: “I’d like to formally propose that you hug me.” 
For Hugsaku 2021, I’ve been writing a continuous story with the prompts from each day. The general story is: Yusaku ends up in Heartland with no idea how he got there and Yuma decides try to help Yusaku get home. If you’d like to read the story so far, it’s available in either my previous posts or on ao3. I’ll link to the story on ao3 in the notes.
“Have you guys found any leads?”
Kari sat down at the table across from Yuma, Yusaku adjacent to them both. Yuma had insisted on ‘chowing down on some duel fuel’ before going out for the day, and somehow it’d become a family + Yusaku affair.
Whatever this ‘duel fuel’ was, it wasn’t something Yusaku was used to eating much, but it was good. Maybe he could find some way to make something like this cheaply at home.
“Nope. No clues on how to get Yusaku home.” Yuma talked through his food. “I think Astral might have learned something, but he’s being quiet and won’t say anything to me. I dunno if it’ll help either of them get home or not, but he likes to annoy me so much that it’s weird for him to be so quiet for so long.”
“I’m sure Astral will be fine.” The look in Kari’s eyes told Yusaku she wasn’t entirely convinced that Astral existed. Which was fair, because Yusaku wasn’t convinced at all until he could actually see Astral for himself. 
“I hope so.” Yuma sighed. “For now, all we can do is keep looking.”
“I know, Kari, no dueling allowed. Whatever. We’ve been reading stuff that might have any clues—“
“Tori, Bronk, and I have been reading,” Yusaku corrected after swallowing a bite of his food. 
Yuma rolled his eyes. “Ugh. Whatever! Reading is hard.”
Kari snorted. “I appreciate that you’re trying as much as you can to help Yusaku find a way home in a way that doesn’t involve duels, Yuma. But I don’t think I mind dueling as much with Yusaku around. He’s really good at dueling, from the sounds of it. I feel like I can actually trust him, to protect you.”
“I don’t need protecting. But he is, Kari, you should’ve seen it! He kept pulling all these monsters out of his graveyard, which is like, usually you can’t use the cards in there anymore! He did two XYZ summons in one turn, and it was so cool…”
Yuma had already told Kari this story the other day, but she was letting him describe it again, commentary included. Yusaku tuned it out. He already knew the whole story since he’d played those moves himself.
Once they were done eating, Yuma was ready to pull Yusaku out the door, but Kari told Yuma to go ahead by himself.
Yusaku and Kari were soon alone in Kari’s room.
“You wanted to talk to me?” Yusaku asked.
Kari looked at him. “You know duels can be dangerous. That’s why I need your help.” She showed him her computer monitors, multiple displaying news reports she was currently working on. “Mom and Dad told me he’d be in danger because of dueling, but...it’s hard sometimes. I try to get him to stop, but I know I can’t. I can’t be around him 24/7 with all the work I have to do, and I don’t duel much myself. I barely have any time for it if I wanted to try. I can only do so much by myself.” She sighed. “But if you’re as good as Yuma says, then you can help him in ways I can’t. I’m not trusting you lightly, so please… please watch out for him and take care of him. Help him out however you can. I don’t have much family left.”
Yusaku knew the feeling.
1, he knew just how dangerous duels could be. 2, he didn’t trust easily either, for his own reasons. And 3, he was missing family, too. 
Yusaku knew how Kari felt. And that’s why he had 3 reasons why he was going to help her, even if he didn’t care for Yuma at all. (But he did, and he was going to help Yuma regardless.)
(This wasn’t the first time he’d started to feel like he had a family again since he’d been alone, but he was feeling it here, too. He was going to help them, whatever it took.)
“I’ll do it.
“You know how cool you were in that duel, right?” 
The day was nearly over by now; Yuma had brought Yusaku back to his room for the night. They weren’t much closer to helping Astral nor Yusaku, but Yusaku was okay with that right now. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go home, but he didn’t mind staying here. It was like a break from his actual, regular life.
He shrugged. “I suppose so.” He still really didn’t see it that way. It was difficult at all to see anything he did as appealing, if Yusaku was being honest. He was used to spending a lot of his time being a wanted criminal.
“If I may make a suggestion, Yuma, Yusaku has been listening to you tell everyone you know all day about that duel and about how ‘cool’ he was.” Astral was floating above the sleeping bag, looking down at them both. “Maybe a topic change is in order.”
“Maybe…” Yuma frowned. “I just don’t know what… I didn’t know what to do, and I couldn’t do anything, and…”
Yusaku frowned. Yuma had been in 96’s control for that entire duel. That must’ve been scary for him. 
“You did the best you could. There’s nothing else that you had to do. I was able to handle it.”
Yuma huffed. “I guess so. It all ended okay. So, you know, time to focus on the next problem instead of an old one, right?”
Yusaku didn’t answer that question. Instead, his thoughts wandered.
If Yuma felt bad about accepting help, Yusaku knew that feeling all too well. It’d been difficult for him to even accept help from Kolter at first, and Kolter had already been involved with his problems. It was difficult for him to accept help; Yusaku stubbornly wanted to do everything himself, especially if getting someone’s help could get them hurt.
And yet, after he came to Heartland…
“I’d like to formally propose that we hug.”
“Huh? Where’d this come from?”
“When I helped you out the other day… it might be the best I ever come to making it even. You’ve helped me a lot more than I’ve been able to help you,” Yusaku told him. “You decided to help me and let me stay here when you barely knew me. I’d be a lot worse off if you hadn’t. I’ve learned out a lot more about how I might be able to get home than I probably would without you.” A lot more, because Yusaku didn’t know if he’d be able to figure out anything. With Yuma already having a friend from another world, Yusaku had been much more open to the idea that Den City and Heartland where in different worlds.
“This is the least I can do, so… I’d like to formally propose that we hug.”
Yuma grinned and immediately pulled Yusaku into a hug that Yusaku quickly returned.
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the-evil-authoress · 4 years
Zexal Month Week 3 Day 2: “In another world…”
What was the point in the anime that could have entirely changed Zexal?
Have some Barian’s Guardian AU!
I have a lot of old ideas lying around to make a full fic out of this. We’ll see if I ever get around to it.
“Hey, Rei!”
The boy looks up at the call of his name, idly observing the classmate before him.
“Did you hear?” Taichi grins. “Apparently Yuma beat Shark in a duel! The Shark! It’s crazy! Everyone’s talking about it!”
“Yuma?” Yuma Tsukumo? Rei twists in his seat to gape at the disaster of a duelist and freezes as his eyes land on glowing blue. That’s...an Astral being.
So it’s begun.
The Astral Messenger has returned which means Barian has made its move. Guess it’s high time Rei dropped in on the Emperors again. Maybe this time, he can end this war once and for all. He looks down at the boy the Astral Messenger floats above.
Yuma Tsukumo.
We’re doomed.
Rei is a good duelist and a good strategist, he knows this. But like every duelist, he’s still prone to rotten luck - a bad hand, dead draws, misplays. The sight of the Barian emblem on Devin Knox’s forehead throws him off his game. He thought they’d have more time before the counter attack! Astral still doesn’t even have all his memories!
He fought against that maniac controlled Faker for hell’s sake, but either pro duelists are in a league of their own or Rei is too rattled to think straight. The loss is downright embarrassing, and the force of the final blow knocks him against the ground hard enough to rattle his bones.
Of course that’s when Yuma shows up.
“I activate Rank Up Magic Barian’s Force!”
“Barian?!” Yuma yelps as Knox activates the spell card. “Like that guy that was controlling Dr. Faker?!” Hey, wait. He recognizes that design.
Shingetsu! Shingetsu used a card that looked just like that in the duel against Faker! But why would he-
Astral yanks Yuma’s attention back to the duel as the Chaos Xyz monster takes the field, and winning the duel takes all his focus after that.
When the duel is over, Shingetsu is already gone.
Why did I use that card against Faker? WHY DID I USE THAT CARD AGAINST FAKER?
Rei’s back slams against the wall of his hideout. He barely feels it compared to his heart slamming against his rib cage as if it will erupt any moment. Maybe it will. Maybe that’s a good thing. Then he won’t have to face Yuma and Astral oh by the way I can see you I just didn’t mention it before because you don’t remember me and that would have been weird so it was just easier to let you think I was a normal human actually I’m a BARIAN-
His vision dances as he wheezes, and Rei digs his nails into his arm.
Breathe damnit!
He shouldn’t be panicking right now he’s better than this THINK OF SOMETHING TO DO DAMNIT.
Tell Yuma everything.
Fuck that shit. Nope.
Rei kicks that thought into the trash can as soon as he thinks it cuz just thinking it sends him into another spiral of black dots and wheezing.
Tell Yuma most of it.
Okay. Yeah. That he can do. That is safer. Yuma should have already guessed by now that Rei is connected to Barian, so the best course of action is to just be as honest as he can.
And for god’s sake TELL ASTRAL!
He’s been playing this game too long, he knows. The lines between fact and fiction have blurred, and that realization is enough to terrify the shit out of him.
“It’s suspicious,” Astral says for the umpteenth time as Yuma scans the schoolyard for any sign of Shingetsu.
“I'm sure there’s a reason!” Yuma snaps. He is worried that he hasn’t seen Shingetsu since yesterday. They always walk to school together! “And don’t start on that ‘what if he’s been our enemy all along’ crap again! I don’t believe a wo-”
“We need to talk.”
Yuma shrieks at the voice hissed into his ear and pitches forward. Shingetsu yanks him toward the school building by the arm before he can recover.
“So, why are we in the bathroom?”
Because I panicked and this was the first place I thought of. Rei gnaws on his thumb nail, avoiding Yuma’s eyes. “Privacy?” he says aloud, hating how unsure he sounds. “Yo, Astral, you coming in here?” Rei glances at the stall door behind him.
He doesn’t miss the way Yuma straightens, but Rei made sure to make eye contact with Astral on the way so he responds before Yuma can ask any dumb questions.
“I am unable to observe humans on the toilet or they will die.”
“What??” Rei sputters as Yuma fidgets nervously. Pick your battles... “We’re not on the toilet so get in here.”
The moment Astral floats through the door, Rei realizes he has made a very big mistake.
“You said he was not on the toilet!”
“That’s not how it works!”
“I’m fine, Astral!” Yuma waves his hands frantically from where he sits on the toilet lid. “I, uh, may have exaggerated…”
“I just met you and you were trying to watch me go pee! It was weird!”
“Then humans will not die if observed on the toilet?”
“We are not here for a biology lesson...” Rei groans, desperately wanting to face palm, or crawl under a rock. He’ll take either. Especially when Astral’s sharp gaze hones in on him again.
“Yes. You said we needed to talk. I want to know why-”
Rei cuts him off by holding up the source of his misery. Eyes wide, Yuma plucks the card from Rei’s hand.
“Rank Up Magic Barian’s Limited Force. It’s different,” Yuma murmurs.
Astral frowns. “What is Barian’s Force and why do you have one?”
Rei swallows, gnawing on his thumb nail again. He’s going to break it at this rate. “Cuz I am one. A Barian.”
Yuma, beautifully naive Yuma, actually looks shocked.
“Then you are one of our enemies?” Astral questions.
Rei groans, thunking the back of his head against the stall door. “It’s a long story and you’re probably not gonna believe me cuz you don’t remember but here goes nothing.”
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅲ Vol.5 Shuu VS Yuma [Track 2]
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Original title: 在りし日の証
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS III Vol. 5 Shuu VS Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Sly Yuma is the best kind of Yuma. I honestly really love the tension between him and Shuu. They have such a cute past together and a lot of potential to still be good friends despite their vastly different personalities. I feel like they would get a lot out of the friendship though. Yuma could get Shuu to stop sitting on his butt all day while Shuu could teach Yuma a thing or two about thinking before acting, haha.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 ll Track 6
Track 2: Marks of the Past
The two of you are walking through the forest.
Shuu: ...I’m pretty sure that once we make it past here...Mmh. Seems like I wasn’t wrong.
Shuu: This tree is still here, huh? ...If I recall correctly there’s an escape route by the root...
Shuu: Yeah...It should still be useable. ーー Oi, don’t stand there spacing out. Get over here already. Do you want to be left behind in a forest full of monsters?
You ask Shuu if they are going the right way.
Shuu: Haah...? Are you making fun of me? This is Vampire territory. In what world would I get lost?
The two of you continue walking.
*Drip drip drip*
Shuu: ...This place hasn’t changed at all.
You ask if he has been here before.
Shuu: I used to play here as a child, that’s all. ...!
Shuu suddenly comes to a halt.
Shuu: These doodles...
You look at them in confusion.
Shuu: It’s written in this world’s language. I guess you can’t read it, huh?
You ask what it says.
Shuu: I’m pretty sure that back then, he also...
You tilt your head to the side.
Shuu: It’s nothing. More importantly, let’s hurry aーー
He flinches, sensing a presence nearby.
Shuu: Oi, you! Come here!
Shuu: Shh...! Somebody’s coming!
Approaching footsteps can be heard.
Shuu: ...!! Mukami...Yuma?
Yuma: ...!?
Shuu: What are you doing here...?
Yuma: That’s what I’d like to know! Don’t give me a fuckin’ heart attack!
Shuu: ...Let’s go.
Yuma: Wait!
Yuma grabs hold of his wrist.
Shuu: Don’t touch me!
Yuma: Don’t try and run.
Shuu: I’m not running.
Yuma: Heeh? Then while we’re here together anyway, why don’t we take a lil’ trip down memory lane, huh? ...There happens to be someone here to listen to our stories as well.
Yuma glances over at you.
Shuu: Ridiculous...If that’s what you want to do, suit yourself, but I’m leaving.
Shuu starts walking away.
Yuma: I mean, fine by me. ...But in return, leave this chick behind.
Shuu: ...!?
Yuma: Ya don’t mind, do ya?
Shuu: ...Be my guest.
Yuma: Hah! As to be expected of a lil’ rich kid, you’re quick to understand. Couldn’t be me. ...I mean, in the end, I’m nothin’ but a filthy farm boy. I refuse to let go of what I want, no matter what. ーー Especially when I’m ‘bout to lose it to some aristocrat. Well, I guess that sort of stuff doesn’t matter to Mr. Rich Boy who always has everythin’ go exactly his way.
Shuu: ...Please don’t assume that everything always plays out in my advantage.
Yuma: Hah! Ya tell me.
Shuu: You can only say that...because you don’t about us at all, no?
Yuma: ...Now don’t be mockin’ me. I know ya.
Yuma walks up to Shuu.
Yuma: We were pals in the past ーー Nah, pretty much best buds, no?
He grabs hold of Shuu’s collar.
Yuma: Have ya forgotten ‘bout that already? Doesn’t lookin’ at the words written on this wall bring back any memories?
Shuu: ...!! Don’t tell me...Your memory has...?
Yuma: So it really is true...
Shuu: ...!
Yuma: I’ve only regained fragments of my memories. So I tricked ya into revealin’ the truth.
Shuu: Che...
Yuma: You’ve only got yerself to blame for takin’ the bait. ...Well, I’m sure ya would have much preferred if I never remembered at all. ...I’ve been wantin’ to ask ya this whole time. ‘Bout the fire which broke out in my village that day, for example.
Shuu: ...
You perk up your head.
Yuma: Hehe...You’re curious as well, aren’t ya?
You nod.
Yuma: Come on, tell me. You’ve got somethin’ to tell me, don’t ya? On the day of the fire, what did ya see? What did ya think? We’ve both gathered here, so let’s use the opportunity to get things straight...Shuu.
Shuu: There’s not really...anything I have to tell you.
Yuma: Cut the crap!! ...That side of ya is exactly what pisses me off!! If ya think ya can get away with keepin’ quiet, you’re gravely mistaken! You witnessed the truth with yer very own eyes that day, no!? Then why are ya tryin’ to hide it!?
Shuu: ...Hah. Aren’t you getting the wrong idea here?
Shuu: I’m not simply remaining silent. I just don’t feel like I need to tell you. Don’t try and act like you know me, when you barely remember anything. It’s annoying...
Yuma: Che...Spare me the bullshit.
You run up to them and try to stop their fight.
Shuu & Yuma: ...!?
Yuma: Oi, don’t butt in.
Yuma: Shut up, keep quiet!
Shuu: Haah...Whatever.
Yuma: Aah!? Hold it! ...You’re fine with this chick bein’ taken away from you!?
Shuu: Go ahead? You’re the one who asked me to leave her behind, remember? Well, one of those ‘rich kids’ you hate so much is being generous enough to lend her to you, so why don’t you happily accept the offering?
Shuu walks away.
Yuma: ...Ugh!
Yuma punches the wall.
Yuma: Fuck...!! I don’t like this one bit...!!
Yuma: Makin’ fun of me like that...! Ugh!
You try and stop Yuma.
Yuma: Don’t stop me! Buzz off...!!
You seem worried about the drawings on the wall being destroyed.
Yuma: The doodles...? Ya really think I give a damn ‘bout what happens to thoー ...Haah...My bad. I lost my temper for a sec there...I guess I’m havin’ trouble bein’ honest with myself as well. ...Altho you wouldn’t say so at present, we were actually reallly close back when we scribbled these.
You ask Yuma what is written on the wall.
Yuma: This was my name when I was still human...and this one’s his. His real name. ...His ‘Vampire name’, in other words, what he is truly called. Don’t ask me ‘bout the details. I can’t read these after all. ...But I’m certain that when we were kids, we both wrote our names on here. Guess ya could say this was like our secret hideout.
You seem surprised.
Yuma: Hard to believe, huh? I don’t remember everythin’, but it’s all too weird to be just some fantasy made up by me. These should be...definite memories of our time spent together.
You ask why the two of them don’t get along at present.
Yuma: We’ve both changed. ...The fire which broke out in my village. And the fact that I became a Vampire. Regardless of my memories being intact or not, the cirumstances are just far too different. I can’t imagine...the two of us will ever get along again. Besides, I don’t think I can ever forgive him for all those years he simply turned a blind eye to everythin’. Right now...He’s nothin’ but a coward runnin’ away from the reality he doesn’t want to accept.
Yuma: Tsk...Anyway, I don’t know if it’s ‘cause I’ve been reminiscin’ ‘bout the part, but it’s as if my mind is shrouded in a fog, I feel like crap.
You voice your concerns.
Yuma: I’m not that weak, I don’t need ya worryin’ over me. I’m sure I’ll feel better if I just leave this place. ーー Let’s go. I don’t know if it’ll make much difference to ya, but I’m gonna take ya someplace nice.
You seem worried about Shuu.
Yuma: Don’t let it bother ya. He said he doesn’t need ya, remember? ...Come on, follow me.
Yuma grabs hold of your wrist and drags you along.
73 notes · View notes
kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 11)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — living room
Carla: …Your report, you really put hard work in it. Everyone is really starting to improve a lot.
Laito: Yep. I‘ll get going then.
Subaru: I‘ll also go back to my room.
Yui: (We went trough all the reports of everyone‘s reconnaissance…)
Carla: We fell into a trap.
Yui: I also thought, it would be like that…
(Scarlet with Reiji as their head seems to be preparing something as usual …)
Carla: Orange which is led by Ruki — Why, are they having more opportunities to leave their house unattended… ?
Yui: Even if everyone is going somewhere, the sighting information would still be scattered …
Carla: It might be better, to see what’s happening inside Orange with our own eyes.
Yui: What do you mean … for example?
Carla: Rebellion or destruction. Those four people are probably even unable to stay close to each other.
Yui: Do you think, there‘s something like this? Because, everyone thinks they are brothers which is the cause of their fake memories.
Carla: That’s another possible story. A long time ago, you were the one living with those vampires.
Yui: Y-Yes. I was living in the Sakamaki mansion.
Carla: Did Karl-Heinz sons, complement and support each other as brothers back then?
Yui: T-That is…
They all together, had a terrible relationship with each other…
Carla: That’s how it is. Probably Ayato, along with Kanato are still having good terms which Ruki can‘t manage.
Yui: (Both are probably not paying attention to Ruki-kun‘s instructions at all, they do whatever they want… just like they used to do)
Ah! Then, what about Shin-kun?
Carla: That would…
…That wouldn’t change, in this situation I would be replaced by Ruki. Before a battle would start, he’d always try to make his brother Ruki proud…
Yui: Shin-kun, so he trusts Ruki-kun as his brother…?
Carla: Shin has a good sense of trust in a long standing partner.
Right now, he’s willing to see Ruki as his ideal big brother…
Yui: Carla-san…
(He looks pained… That’s right. His younger brother who he cares about, is admiring someone else as his brother)
1) — encourage (black)
2) — snuggle up (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
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— encourage 
Yui: No problem, that‘s all just because his memories are weird.
Once we‘re able to get his memories to return, he‘ll be back to himself. 
Carla: Yes… that’s right.
Yui: (He smiles at me, but he still looks pained…)
— snuggle up ♡
Yui: (Right now, I can’t say anything. I can only stay by his side…)
(I guess… it’s because Carla-san knows his younger brother is admiring another person as his brother, who also is a vampire)
(This fact seems to hurt him, but it can’t be changed for now…)
Carla: …There is no need for you to be disappointed. Such thing is nothing to worry about. It’s a story I need to recover from first.
Yui: Yes…
Carla: I know. There is something that could calm me down. But —
If you, can snuggle up to this feeling, it would already heal on it’s own.
Yui: Even if it’s just a bit, I’m glad as long as I can make you feel better.
(Because, that’s the only thing I can do for him now…)
end Choices
Yui: (That’s it. Maybe if I held this hand for awhile, he’ll feel better)
*Yui grabs Carla‘s hand*
Carla: …What’s wrong?
Yui: Nothing… I just can‘t replace your feelings…
But, I‘ll always be there for you. I just wanted to tell you that.
Carla: Hmph… I understand. It‘s usually the role of the king to inspire his subjects, but not to be comforted by them.
Yui: That’s because I’m not a subject. Please, let me support you even if it’s just a bit.
Carla: Surely, that’s right. You as my wife — the queen of the founder king.
Essentially, it‘s your role to receive the entire love of the king. But—
*Carla hugs Yui*
Yui: Ah…
Carla: Let’s stay like this, just for a little bit…
Yui: (I’m wrapped up in Carla-san‘s arms… I want to encourage him, I want to heal his feelings…)
Carla: Only, when I‘m touching you this way, I’m able to forget all the stupid things in my head.
Yui: Yes… me too.
(I wish, this moment and soft mood could last forever)
(But, I know we can‘t stay like this…)
*Yui let‘s go*
Carla: You‘re caring a lot. I need to thank you, I really appreciate your dedication.
Yui: No, I’m glad if I could at least be a little helpful.
Carla: As usual, you reply in such adorable ways. If you wouldn‘t respond to them that way, I wouldn‘t feel comfortable.
We’ll definitely catch up with Orange’s movements, to get Shin out of there.
Yui: Ngh, yes!
(That’s good, his usual strength is coming back to Carla-san‘s personality…)
Carla: Even if we follow the footsteps of Orange, it would be difficult in conventional ways.
The situation is different if you‘re just watching their mansion from the outside.
Yui: No matter if all the brothers are gathered in one place, we would always have trouble moving them apart…
Oh, can’t we just mark one person all the time then, isn’t that possible?
For example, Shin-kun.
Carla: You mean like following them around? This sounds like a difficult task for a longer time.
Besides, Shin has a good nose. He would notice the smell of different vampires from the distance.
Yui: That’s right … hmm…
Yes! If so, how about this idea?
Place: Violet mansion — Garden
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Subaru: Why am I supposed to be the one who needs to collect these flowers!?
Carla: Your given role has to handle those kind of tasks as well. You should feel grateful.
Subaru: Greatful my ass!
Yui: I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. But if we use them, I think we could sent a familiar on a reconnaissance without getting noticed by Shin-kun.
Even in the forest, there are a bunch of flowers blooming. Shin-kun shouldn’t notice them if we mixed up it’s smell.
Not only the familiars, we might also need to take a full bath in those flowers—
Carla: We‘re removing it‘s smell, so it can follow Shin around.
Yui: That‘s the reason why we need to collect these flowers, we need a lot for the bats…
Subaru: I already understood it. You don‘t need to explain it anymore.
Well, I’m going to collect more then. Let me come back as soon as I got them and the familiars then.
Yui: Thanks!
Carla: Oh… if you‘re so comfortable with it, you can get them one by one in no time.
Subaru: One by one, the fuck. You better cooperate with me then!
Yui: S-Stop that! It‘s not the time to fight now!
(They‘re back at it again… I feel relieved, but at the same time I feel worried…)
(I wonder if they‘re fine with my strategy and if it’s going to work)
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As planed, Subaru‘s familiar disappeared at nighttime in the forest with a floral scent.
The rough location of Shin-kun is known, because of Laito-kun’s past reports.
After that, I hope they haven‘t noticed the familiar for the time being…
Place: Violet mansion — Carla’s bedroom
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Yui: (It’s been a whole day, since the familiar has started to go on a reconnaissance about Shin-kun…)
The fact that the familiar hasn‘t returned yet, I wonder if everything is alright?
Carla: It might got either found or they already disposed it.
Yui: ….Ngh
(He’s not wrong. That might be another possibility…)
Carla: But, this was one of Subaru‘s familiars. It won‘t give up that easily.
Yui: Eh?
(Carla-san, was that a compliment to Subaru-kun… ?)
Carla: Is it really so strange?
Yui: Oh, s-sorry. I just didn’t think you‘d say something like this to Subaru-kun.
Carla: Hmph… well, that’s right.
Although he’s a vampire, that man has a good way to see things differently.
Yui: Carla-san…
Carla: Vampires are just one of the lower races. My thoughts haven‘t changed on that.
But, he‘s one of those who understand their own height and those who are honest with other people.
I can‘t fully accept it, because I am not a narrowed man.
Yui: Yes… that‘s right. Carla-san is indeed a good king.
(The chance for Carla-san to get a better relationship to Subaru-kun just got a little better, but only a little)
(I would be glad if they would get along. Even if it‘s just for this situation while we’re trapped in this world…)
*Subaru enters*
Subaru: Hey, Carla!
Yui: …Ngh!
Carla: … What happened, you‘re pretty noisy.
Subaru: There was a report from my familiars. Ruki and Shin — they’ve been attacked by Reiji!
Carla: …What did you say?
Yui: Only the two of them!? What about Ayato-kun!?
Subaru: That is, something I don‘t know about. After all, Ruki was beaten up already…
Anyway, it‘s obvious that 2 vs 4 is a dangerous situation. Carla!
Carla: … Guide us there. We‘re leaving now.
Yui: (Carla-san’s expression has changed…)
(Shin-kun, Ruki-kun… I hope they‘re okay… !)
Place: Outside — wide area
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Subaru: There they are!
Carla: …Ngh
Yui: That is…!
Shin: They‘re acting to be clever… as long as they’re acting that way we can’t get out of it.
Reiji: That’s how it works. I will give you an advice, so please don’t say anything unpleasant anymore.
Are you aware of this becoming a lifelong battle, if you won’t give up just now?
Shin: I‘d rather die…. than giving up to Scarlets leader who is such a sassy asshole!
Yuma: Tch! You’re not giving up, are ya? But — you‘re way too weak for me!
*Yuma stabs Shin*
Shin: Ahhhhhhh!!
Kino: Hahaha! Are you giving up already? You got a pretty big mouth for such weak hands, you know?
Shu: It would be appreciated if you gave up or died already.
Ruki: Shin!
Shin: Agh… brother. I‘m fine, over here.
Yui: (Shin-kun, Ruki-kun! They are already bleeding… !)
Subaru: Reiji that guy… he really brought everyone. Is he seriously planing on killing them… ?
Carla: The change of his memories is the cause, he sees them as an enemies which got in his way, he‘s not going to show them any mercy.
Even though he forgot, he‘s making a terrible treatment to my most loved one…
Yui: Carla-san…
Subaru: Certainly, we can’t save those guys. But, how can we stop this situation?
Ruki and Shin can‘t move anymore and there still are four opponents.
Carla: There’s no need to hesitate. I‘ll go there.
Yui: Heh!? Carla-san, alone?
Carla: Just me is enough. You can’t compare my powers with those vampires anyway.
Above all… Shin‘s wounds, are more than just one reason to rip them apart.
Yui: Ngh… I-I see.
Carla: Subaru, you‘ll stay here. Look after this woman.
Subaru: Y-Yes…
Carla: Now— The powers of the founder king, which those vampires have forgotten. Let me show them once again.
*sword clashes*
Shin: Uagh…!
Yuma: Try it as many times as you want!
Shin: Son of a bitch… ngh
Reiji: Looks like this match is officially done. There is no need for grudge, my next target will be Eve anyway.
Well then, enjoy your suffering. Members of the Orange family.
Ruki: Kn…
*footsteps approach*
Yuma: Ah? Who is it!?
Carla: …You‘re not even satisfied with those in front of you. The enemies are already not able to walk anymore.
Reiji: Violet’s head, Carla!
Shin: Ngh… why is someone like you here!?
Carla: Listen to that later. More than that now—….
Let get all the disturbers — scattered at once!
Yuma: Ngh!?
Reiji: Kn… !
Ruki: What, just now… all members of Scarlet can‘t move…
Carla: After all, have you really forgotten how to use your magic powers due the memory change?
Seems like you‘re avoiding to remember them. But next time, you will know.
Reiji: Just now, was that the power of the king? Are you saying that you already got them?
Carla: Are you still dancing on those illusion you got? How amusing…
This is, the power of the great founder. The powers of the king you desire so bad — aren‘t the same!
Kino: Ngh! …Tch. This really got troublesome…
Reiji! Let’s retreat! We can’t win as long as they have powers like this!
Reiji: Y-Yes… looks like it. This place will be immediately dismissed.
*Scarlet leaves*
Yui: (Seems like Reiji-san and the others retreated…)
Subaru: The power of the founders, are as impressive as usual… he really took care of them all.
And … I thought that he might not make it through this situation alone. Carla that guy…
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: Yes, I cleaned up. Like this we can take Shin with us.
Yui: Yes!
(But… first of all, they are covered in blood. Both of them also have serious wounds…)
Ruki: …Violet’s head Carla. Why?
Why did you bring Eve with you, just to help us? Our mansions are each other’s enemies.
Carla: For now you don’t need to know about that. In addiction, I didn’t come to help the two of you.
Shin… he was the reason for my help.
Shin: What? Me… ? You, you only came here to help me?
Carla: Exactly.
Yui: Hey, I don’t think he’ll believe you right away, so we should talk about everything once we got back.
Let’s go back, to the mansion—
Shin: …Crap…
Yui: Huh?
Shin: The enemy… came to save us? Just for me? That’s bullshit!!
Carla: Shin…
Shin: Are you pitting me in some ways? If you want to spread such things, I’ll kill you right on the spot!
Anyway, once you’d be done with us, wouldn’t you kill us as well?
I���d rather die on this spot, than following someone like you.
Yui: He’d rather die, that’s…
Carla: …
Yui: (Carla-san also has a worried expression…)
Carla: We’ll stop here. Shin hates nothing more than showing mercy.
Things in the past, made his personality like this.
However, if you change your view, it seems like not all the memories from the past are vanished.
We shouldn’t be pessimistic in this situation.
Yui: … I understand. If Carla-san says so …
(This situation, still looks hard for him. It’s hard to say out things clearly, but he knows them because they‘ve always been together)
(It’s always been the two of them, they’re real brothers… )
Carla: …I changed my mind now. Violet’s head Carla will tread you from this moment on.
Orange’s members Ruki, Shin. You are worthy as my prisoners of this war. Come to our mansion.
Shin: I’d never dare to follow someone like you!
Carla: It’s up to you, whether you want to stay save or you’ll be killed. How I’m going to treat you, depends on your actions.
Shin: What did you… !
Ruki: Shin, stop it. Our defeat was already visible at the time Scarlet attacked us.
It’s my fault for not predicting their future movements. We are not the ones who are allowed to decide what will happen to us next.
Shin: That’s not it… it’s not your fault. The guys from Scarlet just used their dirty hands and tricks on us…
… I’m sorry. I won’t interrupt this anymore. I’ll follow whatever my brothers decision is.
Yui: (Shin-kun, who was so rough just a second ago just accepted Ruki-kun’s words… Because, he trusts his brother—)
Carla: …. Seems like you decided what to do.
Yui: (His real brother, is right in front of him… it’s really frustrating)
Subaru: After all, is it okay to take them back with us?
Carla: Yes. Their injuries are serious so we’ll treat them. It would be a hassle if they fell down while moving.
Subaru: Jeez, how bothersome…
Hey, Ruki. About the other two — where did Ayato and Kanato go?
Ruki: … There is no need to tell you about that.
Subaru: Tch, if you say so.
Yui: Subaru-kun … I’m sure Ayato-kun will be all right.
Subaru: It’s not like I was particularly worrying about them. It would get even more bothersome if they were with them.
Yui: Yes… that’s right
(I’m sure he’s actually worried. But, for now we have other problems…)
Carla: Enough with this useless talk. Let’s head back to the mansion.
Yui: …Yes
(Shin-kun and Ruki-kun, they are coming along with us for now)
(But, watching Shin-kun and Carla-san like this… it’s painful)
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104 notes · View notes
manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitori-Escape Tour 2019 concert reports 14-18
14 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/10/2019 at Takamatsu DIME Takamatsu prefecture
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●The road was flocked with cosplayers on their way to the venue. Yuma recognized the Azur Lane cosplays, while SND recognized the Street Fighter and the Touhou. “Like Reimu and Youmu~” Yuma was face to face with a Miku across the street while waiting at a crosswalk, which amused him also..
SND “Hey! Was anyone in the crowd here who was out there cosplaying today, raise your hand! Come on be honest, tell sensei. Everybody close your eyes so you can’t judge each other, so only sensei can see c’mon.” Yuma “There’s people still opening their eyes lol.”
●Takamatsu really is full of events. There was a strange pungent smell eating away at Yu until he sought out the origin. It was a cheese event going on right nearby.  “These sort of things bother you until you find! Once you find the origin then it stops smelling, it’s an enigma.” ●A cat was spotted caught up in the cosplayer crowd too, which SND found adorable.
Yuma “I’m a dog lover and… I don’t really get the feelings of cats!! If you annoy a dog then you’re their enemy for the rest of the day but, with cats they’ll only hate you on the spur of a moment, based on mood. Yet then you spend the rest of the day depressed...!”
SND brings the flow of the conversation over to yga’s (cat-like) feelings, where Yumao dubs him the “Expressionless emo”. Yuma “He’s stoic but, mid-show he will turn around and smile at me! Sometimes he’ll be saying something too but, because it’s indecipherable I’ll just do my best to convey ‘Uhh, that seems good!!’ to him.” SND “... He looks at me a lot too but he never smiles.” Yu “Well cause the crowd could see his face then, but when he's turned around the crowd can’t see him!”
●SND “Well then. Umm.. It's uh… today...” *Unable to piece anything together while yga stares at him stifled and raring to go* “Ummm..”  ygarsh >>*BWOON*<< SND tweet "Takamatsu concert: complete, Takamatsu is the greatest place every time I come, I’m happy I got to perform in a city I love. Thank you, we’ll probs be back. Tomorrow we’ll be in Osaka y'hear"
15 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/11/2019 at Takamatsu DIME in Takamatsu prefecture
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●During the handheld mic song SND went over to yg’s side and wrapped his arm around yg’s shoulders. Contrary to yesterday’s slip and slide yg did to dodge him—
●SND was late getting to the venue, due to countless self-destructive forces at bay. Yumao joked that he’s truly living the rockstar life. Truly a ‘rock musician’. At first he questioned “Sensei~ Were you busy drawing your manga~?” Because SND is an artistic person, and artist’s concept of time tends to be wonky. “Both of my parents are artists so I know this well,” he said..! SND “I drank for 12 hours straight... Until 10 AM... When the meet-up was at 12. I just had to group up with the crew to get all our gear together and hop in the car to drive down, so I told myself I would nap for 1 hour, then wake up, take a shower, get ready and go... But I ended up sleeping overtime. When I woke up even a miracle wouldn’t be able to get me there on time. So I called manager-san and told her the situation”.
Yumao “I didn’t care if manager-san gets angry at you~!” Though manager didn’t get angry at SND, she just made sure he had everything and could play okay.  SND “Though I lied and said I had some stuff ready when I didn’t... Why is it that we tell useless lies when we’re scared of getting in trouble.”
FInally in the car driving there, SND reeked of alcohol.. Yumao tells the story of how yga, in the backseat, burst out saying “This smell... It isn’t beer.. It’s... Highball. This is Kakubin, Highball whisky.. The beer was Kinmugi.. So... Torikizoku (the name of a bar chain).” Actually hitting the mark on what SND drank yesterday. SND “WTF.”
ygarshy is now the self-proclaimed ‘Highball detective’. ●Back to the show....! SND “Everybody it’s 11/11, what does that mean!“ Crowd “It’s bass day!” SND “Well then ygarshy, do your thing!” yga *>>BWOON<<*
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The date 1111 resembles the 4 bass strings, thus the excuse for celebration! ygarshy also did a seminar for a bass week if that may pique your interest..: Here. SND tweet "Osaka concert: complete, thank you kindly. I'll see y'all next week then."
16 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/14/2019 at LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo prefecture
I’ll make a separate special post including all of Nishimaki’s photos etc., but for now it’s all mostly on my twitter... https://twitter.com/boat_manju/status/1195265416249139200
17 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/17/2019 at SPADE BOX in Nagoya prefecture
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To dodge redundancy I’ll omit some of the happenings, as they reflected on the tour again and many topics were recycled from Tokyo. MC time! ●Yumao picked on SND again for saying “I have to sing and haven’t played a show in a forever unlike you hustlers, I have it a million times worse than you guys, I’m on a different level~~.” back when he was nervous on the first day of the tour. Yu “But... didn’t you once sing in a SOPHIA cover band?”
SND “We only were up for like 30 minutes, and we did just a bunch of L'Arc 〜en 〜Ciel or LUNA SEA or Visual kei kinda stuff.” Yu “Visual kei.. did you wear makeup!?” SND *laughs it off* “I pretended to be Mitsuru Matsuoka for 2 shows and that was the end of it.…“ ●When they were at the vacation cottage watching historical drama on TV... Despite yg seemingly not-watching and playing bass, to their surprise after he told them “That was funny”.  SND “yga never stops practicing huh” Yu “I could never watch TV and play drums." SND “Guitar might work huh.” Yu “Last show I had told everybody to feel free to ask me on Twitter about how to use the mobile battery we’re selling as merch, and someone did!” SND "I questioned how many interactions he got and.. It was a whopping one. One! *laughing*” Yu “They even told me ‘I can’t believe you replied!’” ●SND story time. He talked about how he first came to this city of Nagoya back when he was 17 or 18. He was born in Ishikawa prefecture and he passed the regional teem music tournament there, so he came for the south-east coast tournament. It was only his voice and acoustic guitar up on the loft, and he went home with no prizes but. After some thought he realized that was the beginning of his music career. What he felt up on that stage is still burned into his mind, and has kept him going all this. So being back in Nagoya, singing up on stage, feels like fate. “Our journey is ending for now but, we’ll be back. As long as we’re alive, we’ll be back.” And he sounds like Leader at the end.. Leader would say that..
●SND “It’s time ygarshy-kun! The Kirin Challenge Cup, it was Columbia VS Japan right, give us a comment on Japan’s smashing defeat of 0:2!”   yg *>>>angry BWOOON<<<* SND tweet “Nagoya concert complete, thank you. We performed footloose and enthusiastic, I hope nobody got hurt. See ya next time.”
18 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/18/2019 at Umeda Club Quattro in Osaka prefecture
The finale! Ahh the 18th show. What a long journey, but somehow it felt short.
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●Yu “This show was an add-on, so it sorta feels like a bonus stage y’know. Normally I put a lot of attention into keeping my performance, my feelings as flat and stable as possible but, today.. I just scattered emo around.” SND “I feel ya haha.” Yu “Concerts are tricky!”
●SND “When we’re traveling the country, we see people smiling, people crying, people who have a face like they have no idea what to do with themselves, there’s just… so many different people, and every one is so beautiful. Every time a show ended I would go name-searching on the internet because I wanted to know what everybody thought, and just. Seriously, thank you. Thank you for mustering up the courage to come see us. With 18 concerts on our backs, we managed to shape this into something real. We’ve come so far and— Yuma, pops in like he’s feeling embarrassed or nervous or something, “Uhmm-” SND “Oi….!?” *collapses to the floor* “C’mooon I was just in the middle of something!!!”
Yuma “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to butt in-“
SND “It’s fine hahaha You’re always like this, I’m used to it hahahaaa” SND *on the verge of tears*→ Yumao *does his Yumao thing*→ Everyone  :') ●
Yuma “After all this time we figured out the trick to ygarshy too, even though he’s always stoic, right! But when he’s doing something bad or bullying, he has a HUGE smile! Especially when he’s bullying Shinoda, he’ll grin from ear to ear.” SND “Piece of shit I won’t forget what you’ve done to me. This bastard smiles the most when he’s the assailant”.   yga *Takes out his camera and begins to record SND*
Yu “See, he has fun in his own way!”
*Records Yumao twice, Yumao poses with both hands making the peace sign*
*Records the crowd* Yu “SND and I are always chatting it up about something right, but sometimes an hour or so later after we talk, yg will come over to me when I’m alone and tell me his opinion. ‘I think this I think that. Yumao you said it well earlier, you did well’… But... It’s, it’s okay to join in on the conversation too ygarshy..!” ●Onto merchandise chat!
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Merch is currently available online now!!! The English site is here, but as most items are out of stock there, the original Japanese site is an option if you have access to proxy shipping, here! http://shopping.deli-a.jp/artist/hitorie.php Beware that the mobile battery cannot make it over the border due to restrictions, so even if you order it from the JP site, a problem will most likely emerge...
*Yumao poses to show off his hoodie, flops the hood up and down to show how the letters on the back appear.* *Points at ygarshy wearing the black shirt*
Yumao “The friction highlighters, if they get put in the drying machine or make contact with heat the ink will disappear! But if you put them in the refrigerator then it will come back! It’s a mystery~“ Yu “Then also the pouch... Ah where’d it go where’d it go..” Staff “Behind your drums!” Yu “I found it! I put my little drum supplies in here, it’s great, I never lose anything. The tote bag is convenient too! Throughout the tour I’ve been using it to carry my change of clothes and things.” SND “The bleach acid-washed denim was such a good idea, it looks adorable.” *Yu heads back to his drums* *yg picks up his bass* SND “Are we playin’?” Yu “Are we still talkin’? SND “We have the choice to just not do encore, right?” *yg on standby* *Yuma walks back to the microphone *yg puts his bass down* SND “Ahhhhh, that’s heavy to keep isn’t it, just keep it down.” Yu “Let’s goo!” SND “Alright ygarshy-kun.. Once this tour is over let’s drink some good beer!” yg “…?” *The lighting goes red* SND “?!” *Staring at each other doing nothing, yga puts his finger on his bass string* SND “Wait, what?!” yg *>>>BWOOON<<<*
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ygarshy: “18 concerts. Thank you for mustering up the courage to come all the way out and see us. Being able to perform Hitorie’s music up on stage, was my pride and joy yet again today."
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 SND: “Thank you.”
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 Rie’s manager: “Thanks. I’m so proud of them.”
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Yumao: Really by virtue of every one who came were we able to marathon this tour. 
I was on the same page as you when this started: totally unsure of how to present myself for these concerts. But halfway through somewhere I started to have fun, the number of smiles increased, and now that it’s over I feel like I lost something, the burdens and something special both.
I’m bad with expressing myself in text so this is all I’ll say.
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yumapii · 6 years
[Character Story] Nito Senri [9/9]
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
{ i did it! btw, i will be working on takaomi’s character story next because oshi pair }
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Good evening, esteemed followers of Shinonome Academy!
// Afterall, I am good at improvising. //
[scene change: yume stage]
“Good evening, esteemed followers of Shinonome Academy! It is finally time for the long-awaited Dorm Leader Dream Live Match!
We have received word that at the proposal of our Absolute Ruler, Jin-sama, today’s live will be opened by First Year Special Class Nito Senri of the Black Dorm!”
Why was I, Harimiya Touji, ignored in favour of Nito-kun?
Shishimaru, do you happen to know anything?
I don’t know anything about that stupid rabbit.
Yuma & Touji:
We’ll properly evaluate the answer of the boy who cried wolf, won’t we, Issei?
You shouldn’t be so amused, geez.
[lights dim]
“What’s this? The lights have dimmed! Well then everyone, let’s experience the prelude to the world of dazzling stages, the opening act, Nito Senri!”
Oh, Nito has appeared.
He seems to have a rather docile expression though…
… Everyone, what do you think “lies” are?
(That idiot! Is he attempting self-sabotage out of desperation?!)
“Lies.” “Liar.”
Recently I’ve had many chances to rethink my position on “lies”. That’s why today…
{ Pop, pop, pop. Around Senri, a multitude of props start materialising. }
Ooh, sitting seiza on a zabuton(1) and a mandala pattern(1). Very pure.
It certainly is a fresh idea.
- and you fluff up the pillow and put it around here.
Today I’m thinking of putting on a Dream Rakugo(2) performance titled “Usotsuki Yajiro”~(3)
[scene change: student council room]
And so, it seems Jin doesn’t want to let you go.
...I see.
He praised your rakugo performance, you know. In his own roundabout way. I also found your unique interpretation to be a splendid rakugo piece. I laughed at the punchlines and witty delivery, though that made Maki give me the cold shoulder. Haha!
Hahaha, thank you very much.
I thought up this version with Yajiro going on an expedition to the Antarctic because I figured that way, even people who aren’t familiar with rakugo could still easily understand.
And that was a good call, wasn’t it? But I’m curious, why did you pick rakugo?
I’ve seen it performed a few times when I go to entertainment halls for theater studies. When I was contemplating how I could cause a big stir with just one person, I thought rakugo might be a good idea and ran with it.
“Ran with it,” huh? That’s just like you. Well, if something ever happens again, you can come to me anytime. I’ll listen to you over a meal. Besides you always say such flattering things. Haha!
Thank you very much.
[scene change: lobby]
(Now, all that’s left is how I should deal with that stupid lion…)
Why are you here?
Erm, I was returning to my room?
Aren’t you a White Dorm member now?
Oh shut up!
// Since we were heading in the same direction, we somehow ended up walking side by side.
I saw him from the stage. //
(I know he sat near Torasawa-senpai, and I know he laughed at my jokes!)
// The thing he was holding out to me was a wad of chewing gum. //
What’s up all of a sudden?
// Awkwardly, I take the gum, unwrap it, and put it in my mouth. //
… Yuck.
That’s a lie.
No, this is really bad.
Don’t think you can deceive me.
// This gum from overseas had a taste that was hard to pinpoint yet overly sweet.
To be honest, I really can’t say that it’s delicious.
But… as I blow a big balloon out of it, the uneasiness, too, seemed to float out of my chest. //
(1) lumping these together but a zabuton is a japanese cushion for sitting, seiza is a form of sitting with the feet tucked under the butt and the back held straight. mandala patterns look like this and is a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically
(2) rakugo is a form of entertainment where a lone storyteller sits on the stage and tells a story
(3) ‘usotsuki yajiro’ appears to be a staple of rakugo performances that revolves around a character within the story who keeps telling lies (feels a bit like yumeno gentarou from hypmic for those familiar). that being said, it is also mostly speculation on my part because i not good enough at japanese language or culture to further research 
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mukamibabe · 6 years
Sakamaki + Mukami boys react to their s/o being very motherly towards a baby (like a niece/nephew or something) and thinking about what it would be like if they had their own baby with their s/o?
Shu: “…You seem really good at handling babies..” He’s not going to directly say that he wants a baby, and will just leave some hints. He does, don’t get me wrong, but can’t they just skip the baby phase..? They’re annoying, but he doesn’t want his s/o to do all of the work. Honestly, he’s probably going to wait until his s/o brings it up, and will probably need some convincing, but it shouldn’t be too hard.
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Reiji: “..(Y/N).. N-Nevermind.. Can you meet me in our room after this? I have something I’d like to talk to you about..” kajhdskjh this man has never been more excited!! Okay,, maybe he has, but seriously,, he’s so happy to see her be like that. He’s a bit embarrassed to bring it up, but he really does want to have a child with her after seeing her be like that. He had to try really hard to not keep a smile on his face.
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Ayato: “Chichinashi/Melons, I didn’t know you liked babies? Heh.. Hey, you want one?” I can’t really see him liking babies that much, but he really really really wants to have a child of his own. Probably at least more than one, too. I have a feeling he really likes children, just not babies. But he really does want to start a family with his s/o.
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Kanato: “..Gross.” Babies just aren’t Kanato’s thing. “They’re gross, they’re stupid, they’re annoying” and a bunch of other things. Though I can actually see Kanato having a child, or children, in the future, he’d need LOTS of convincing. Maybe just bring up dressing them up? ..Tea parties..? I don’t know, but he really doesn’t like babies. Children on the other hand, are at least tolerable.
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Laito: “..Aw, that’s so cute Bitch-chan~ You like babies, hm~?” I think Laito wouldn’t really care, but he does want to have at least one child with her. The idea of being a parent actually sounds really fun to him, and will definitely ask her about it.
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Subaru doesn’t end up bringing it up to them, but is a blushing, smiling mess the whole time. The idea of having a child terrifies him, not because.. it’s a child, but it’s him. His child. A monster’s child. There is a small part of him that wants to be a father, but he’s just really scared of the idea. Hopefully the s/o brings it up?
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Ruki: “(Y/N), I didn’t know you liked children? ..Fufu.. That’s cute.” ahh!!!!!!!!!babies!!!!!!!!! Yes,, Ruki really liked seeing them like that, and will probably ask them about starting a family like,, right after that. He would love to be a father, and honestly,, I feel like he dreams about it a lot, lol. But yeah, he’s really glad to have seen her like that.
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Kou: “Aw, that’s really cute M Neko-chan~ Just wondering.. Wouldn’t you like to have a baby of our own? Hehe. I bet they’d be adorable~” He was pretty honest about that response. I don’t think he’d hate babies, and the idea of the two of them having a child together makes him feel really happy. 
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Yuma: “…so.. Sow, earlier when you were with that baby I was thinkin’.. Uh.. You obviously like kids, right?” I don’t know who’s more excited,, him, or Reiji, lolol. Yuma simply loves kids. I don’t know if that’s canon or not,, but he just seems like he would love them. He wants a big family, and honestly doesn’t care if they’re his biological children or not. Also, the idea of raising a child just sounds like a really fun challenge to him.
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Azusa: “Ah.. (Y/N)… Seeing you like this makes me wonder… Would you like to have a baby.. together…?” Super blunt about it, but is that a bad thing? Honestly, I think one of the reasons he’d want a child is just to shock everyone, because Azusa?? Having a kid?? what??? ? But, he wouldn’t mind being a parent, in fact, he wants to have a family of his own.
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