#I love Nozomi so much :3 She's so cutie
lunarpanda · 11 months
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lonelypond · 4 years
Nico Attacks: A Campfire Tale, Chapter 3
NicoMaki, NozoEli, Love Live, 1.6K, 3/4
Eli and Umi make their separate ways back to camp while Maki's night of adventure continues.
And Then There Was One
Eli was concentrating on holding Vik’s hand tightly, but not too tightly as they made their way back to camp, focusing on the flashlight beam, forcing herself not to see out of the tunnel vision, not to hear the noises, focusing on how cute Vik looked, wolf ears bobbing as they happily chattered about how much fun camping was.
And then there was a brighter light ahead and a silhouette Eli would know anywhere. “Nozomi!”
“Mommy!” Vik ran toward Nozomi, who hefted them up easily with one arm. Nozomi might look soft, but Eli had always been impressed by her strength, both physical and emotional.
“Hi!” Nozomi’s voice was the warmth and bright Eli needed right now and she hurried to get in on the hug. “Missed you.”
A family moment and then Nozomi put Vik back down, “Why don’t you go find Teddy and tell her what you and Aunt Nico did.”
Vik disappeared through the trees and then Nozomi snapped off the flashlight, causing Eli to freeze like ice had suddenly coalesced around her.
“Nozomi.” Eli couldn’t keep the whine out of her voice, “Turn that back on.”
“But Eli, you’re so cute when you’re clingy.”
“Nozomi!” Eli kept her hands behind her back, she’d learned long ago it was risky to reach for her wife when Nozomi was in this impish, playful mood, “Did you know Nico was going to this?”
Nozomi’s response was a giggle as she stepped closer to Eli, her hand reaching for Eli’s waist.
“But Maki’s having fun isn’t she?”
“I’m not.” Eli grumbled.
“You could be.”
“Nozomi.” Eli could feel the thrill, at war with the embarrassment and the fear. In the dark, she couldn’t see the dare in Nozomi’s eye, but it was a familiar mood. And they’d been busy, and not really had enough time for each other, Nozomi’s hands had just found that spot, and Eli could only feel Nozomi and not the tree at her back.
“You’re lovely,” Nozomi whispered and Eli reached forward to grab the steadiest support in her world.
“Caught.” Umi stated matter-of-factly as she lifted the net near Maki’s shoulder.
“Can you get this off me?”
Umi considered. The wind howled again, sounding even more artificial than 30 seconds ago. Then there was a weighted, expectant silence, long enough for Umi to pull out her clasp knife again and suddenly speakers blasted from everywhere, Maki and Umi and Eli’s Soldier Game singles vocal tracks amplified loud enough to make the leaves still clinging fall. But it wasn’t right. Maki frowned, her hands pulling at the netting, wanting to rip a hole so she could find the speakers and demolish them.
“That doesn’t sound...right.”
“It’s not...Nico-chan remixed it,” Maki’s voice was thin with anger, “She took the damn songs and transposed them into a major key. And picked up the tempo.”
Maki hissed, “She’s making it ‘cuter.’”
Umi froze, and then laughter roared out. “Hits you where it hurts.”
“My ears?” Maki raised her hands, the netting making the gesture slow.
“Your ego.”
“I don’t have an ego. This isn’t subjective in any way. There’s the songs the way I composed them and now, there’s the songs Nico’s bastardized.”
Umi held up her knife, sliding it under a string. And then, as Maki made encouraging sounds, Umi pulled the knife out, stepped back, and flipped it shut with a grand gesture.
“This really seems like a private marital squabble.”
Umi nodded her head, “Yes, I think it’s time for the Diamond Princess to be rescued by her Ruby Rogue.”
“C’mon, Umi, don’t do this.”
“Thank Nico for the stimulating evening.”
And with a bow, Umi wandered off, toward the main cabin, whistling “Cutie Panther.”
Laughter really was the cure for fright, Umi thought as she chuckled at the memory of Nico’s antics over the years, from the haunted doll set up in the club room to this. Always impressive attention to details. Nico had just started directing music videos. She was going to be really good at it, Umi realized. Now low drifts of mist rose around Umi from the creek to her left. Umi knelt her keychain flashlight shining on melting chunks of dry ice. Nico was close. Umi turned the light off and waited, listening.
A low groan started, rising in volume. Not Nico. She would have done a better job of disguising her voice and stretching out scary thrills. This was light, fast, silly...definitely Rin. Umi crept forward cautiously, waiting to trigger the opening act for whatever Nico had roped Rin into.  With a loud crack, a branch swung, clearing two feet over where Maki’s head would have been (she’d gained 2 cm on Eli). Timed to the crack, a short ghost jumped at Umi.
Umi laughed and put a hand on Rin’s shoulder, “Hi, Rin.”
“HEY! You’re supposed to be scared. You’re also supposed to be Maki.” Rin crossed her arms over, catching some of the folds of the sheet scattered with flourescents as she did. Nico must have a black light set up.
“Left Maki in the net.”
Rin thought about that for a few seconds, and then went to push past Umi, “I have to see that.”
Umi shook her head, “She’s probably out by now and looking for Nico.”
“Shoulda gotten a picture.”
“Who says I didn’t?”
“Let me see.”
“First, we get back to camp.” Umi glanced at her watch, also fluorescent under the black light, “It’s time for Kaito to go to bed. Kotori will indulge him.”
“We’re camping, Umi.”
“Routines are important.”
“Boo. Bedtimes are boring.”
“You have a child not a curfew, Rin.”
“You’ve never closed down anything in your life.”
“Just this conversation. Let’s go.” Umi had decoded Nico’s trail sign and set off for camp.
Maki wanted earplugs. This was the worst thing yet, this loop of Soldier Game and Bibi songs, twisted just enough to be annoying. Not even earplugs, she wanted to be a turtle, and pull her head in her shell, and just sit here and wait it out until Nico was bored or exhausted or out of ideas. But Nico was never out of ideas. That was part of the fascination, how Nico could hop with quicksilver speed from wild thought to weirder inspiration and still stay so solidly grounded as wife, mother, and professional. It was dizzying sometimes, but Nico always made sure they landed safely somewhere, usually bed.
Maki grimaced. It was too early for that thought, she was annoyed at Nico, not hot for Nico. Okay, always hot for Nico but there was definitely going to be a phase where she refused to admit it. Maki pulled at the netting, it still refused to just tear. She dropped to her knee, the edges were slightly weighted, but with careful movements, Maki managed to work it over her head. Shaking it off as she stood, she reoriented herself. Umi had left the camping lantern. There was nothing but trees and woody shadows to be seen as far as its light shone. Unless Nico had decided to impersonate a dryad, she wasn’t lingering to see Maki struggle with the net. Leave the music and run, that had been her strategy. Maybe Umi had stumbled over her.
The adrenaline buzz of a challenge was wearing off. If Maki had those speakers within reach, she’d rip them out of the trees. Umi had gone to the left, but Maki knew by the creek that that trail headed back to camp, which left Maki guessing that to the right would bring her to the cabin. But would it bring her to Nico? Or just more nonsense? Maki sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Still sticky. Once she got to the cabin, Maki was going to lock all the doors and windows, blast music Nico couldn’t stand, and soak for hours. Everyone else could go back to Tokyo.
“There’s a whole song called "Autumn In New York", Nico. I added it to my set. People LOVE it.”
Honoka’s voice carried through the trees as Rin and Umi approached the camp. But why did she sound like she was on a call with Nico? Neither of them should be fireside right now.
Umi stepped into the light of the campfire, ahead of Rin. Nico was sitting, smug, comfortable, on a camp stool, mug in hand, phone propped on a low table. Rin immediately dodged around Umi and ran for the tent she was sharing with Hanayo, Tora, Dia, and Ruby, giving Nico a thumbs up.
Nico was paying no attention to anyone physically present. “Post a video. Nico wants to see. Maybe from Central Park. It’s pretty there this time of year.”
“Nico.” Umi said sternly. Nico looked up, surprised.
“UMI!” Honoka’s excited tone brought Kotori out of the tent she had claimed for their family.
“Why are you here, Nico? You are supposed to be in the woods…” Umi searched for a word…”shenaniganing. I left Maki in a net. You were going to rescue her.”
“That’s not on my schedule.” Nico sipped.
“What exactly is on your schedule?” Umi glanced down at the phone, where Honoka, her hair now long, was gleefully watching the exchange. Kotori wrapped Umi in a hug, but Umi refused to allow herself to be soothed.
Nico raised her mug, “Maki rescues herself, tears everything out of the trees, and stomps off her anger while Nico has a warming drink.”
Honoka sounded like she was bouncing. “Next year, I want to help you make a haunted house, Nico. How about at the beach? Skeleton mermaids crawling up to the house.”
Umi rubbed her forehead, “Can we get Maki back safe this year, first.”
“Nico has everything handled."
“What’s next?"
“Ooohh, what are you gonna do next?” Honoka sounded like the Ayase twins about to unleash a prank.
Nico grinned, leaning forward, “The best kind of trick.”
“And that is?” Umi let herself relax back into Kotori, exasperation winning.
“A treat.” Nico winked.
A/N: Have been working on three concurrent Poe projects so only a little time for fanfic. What's your Halloween like this strange year? I'm watching ParaNorman with an open text chat.
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xcamay · 7 years
EreAnju isn't exactly a ship I thought I'd ever see. If you don't mind me asking, why is it one of your OTPs? I don't mean that to be rude, by the way. It's only because it's such a rarepair that I'm asking.
Hi!Don’t worry about it! You’re not being rude at all. I totally understand that coming across someone who ships such a rarepair so bad can be quite intriguing and surprising haha! To tell you the truth, I was asked that question several times ... But I’m always happy to share my answer!Ah, before I start, let me apologize for my late reply. I saw your ask around 3AM but I’ve been sick and very tired recently, so I fell asleep again very quickly heheSo. I know it can be odd at first, to ship EreAnju, who are both background characters despite being the protagonists’ rivals. After all, they got just a few lines here and there and didn’t even have some character development —hell, we didn’t even get some insight into their backstory (how did A-RISE start, did they struggle? How are they doing at school, how do they practice, are they best friends?) into their personality, etc. (which I profoundly regrets). But for me ... This lack of everything kind of helped me ship them at first. Because hey, they are —what I like to say— drama free! Of course, every character is drama free (maybe Rin hasn’t seen her father for years or she just doesn’t know who he his and is trying to get in touch with him and be able to meet him for the first time, maybe Hanayo has a lot of video games at home and can be a geek sometimes, etc.), but I have the impression that Erena and Anju are even more drama free. Because, unlike the main characters, they don’t really need to be placed in an AU to warn the readers that, maybe, they’ll read something different —because no one expects anything from them. No one even expects them to be in a fanfic (except me! ;3). That’s partly why it’s so free when you write something about them. Plus, if you want to write a canon-compliant story, I’m sure that these two (and maybe Tsubasa, a little) are the characters you can explore the most, you know? Aside the few little details the anime (or LLSIF or the manga) gives us, you have so many possibilities with them. I mean, just with how they look, you can say that Erena seems to be the most serious one (maybe it’s because she’s A-RISE’s choreographer, and maybe she’s been dancing for ages, to the point that she won several competitions?), but maybe she’s a sweetheart almost all the time except when they’re in practice. People also picture Anju as the most soft-spoken one and the sweet, wealthy, princess-like girl : what if it’s wrong? She can just be a regular girl, who is calm and kind with the others, and who became popular thanks to A-RISE. Maybe she’s just an adorable and hyperactive dork, who has younger siblings (I think she’d be an amazing onee-chan) and who learned how to sew clothes thanks to her dear grandmother before the latter passed away. Or what if it’s true? Maybe she’s wealthy and would have loved not to be, because she met her real first friends in high school, and that she now treasures her friendship with Tsubasa and Erena.And now, speaking of EreAnju as a pairing, goodness, that’s the same thing! You can do everything with them, compared to the main characters. I mean, authors usually go with the fact that RinPana are childhood friends, or that Nozomi has always been in love with her Elicchi, and that she’s struggling with her feelings because Eli is just so damn dense. You can go with everything, concerning EreAnju : are they childhood friends? Have they been dating for years? Did it start in middle school, when they were clueless about love, and did they learn everything together? Are they the perfect couple, and do they make everyone else dream? Or are they the kind of couple which keeps breaking up and getting back together? Are they secretly dating now? Did they meet Tsubasa before or after getting together, and was Tsubasa unconsciously getting in the way because she didn’t know they were dating and, so, creating fights between them, because one of them can be madly jealous? Is it Anju? Or do they trust each other so much that they’ll never feel jealous? Or, completely different, have they always been sworn enemies but finally did their best to get along for Tsubasa’s (and A-RISE’s) sake? Or did they meet thanks to Tsubasa, when she was looking for potential school idols? Or was Erena the cool and good-looking transfer student, and so was it love at first sight for Anju? Did she struggle just to get her attention? etc, etc.I just realized ... The fact that we know nothing about them just makes me want to know more ... Maybe that’s why they inspire me so much?But oof, oh my gods! I didn’t know that part would take so long (or do I have that impression because I’m on mobile?) haha ... Sorry!But, let me tell you : what I just said? That’s gold. Why? Because first, for a writer, you can have so many things to develop in your story when it comes to them ; and it can be different in each new story! As I said, no one expects anything from them, nor do they expect to see them in a fic. And it’s gold, because, at least, you’re sure you didn’t take the wrong route. I mean, we know nothing about Erena and Anju, and we know nothing about their relationship either. And with that, I can consider them as “safe” characters. You can be sure that, whatever you write (or read), they won’t really be OOC. Because you know, a lot of readers don’t like it when characters are OOC. As a reader, I’m not fond of that either, especially when there’s no justification behind that OOCness. And, as a writer, I am deeply afraid of writing OOC characters —and I know I’m not the only one. It’s easy with Erena and Anju. Whether it be their personality, their backstory, their experiences, or even their relationship and how they act in this relationship, you’re free to write whatever you want, without scaring your readers away because they’re so much OOC that they can’t stand the whole story anymore. And I bet the readers won’t mind whatever an author planned for them (if they’re important enough for the story and its plot). That’s maybe why it’s so easy for me to find and build ideas/headcanons/new AUs around them. Hey, you know, most of my YouRiko ideas were thought of or written with EreAnju at first haha! But they’re such a rarepair, as you said it, that it would have gotten me nowhere. As much as I love this pairing, I wouldn’t have been able to have such an amazing experience with them like I had with YouRiko. If it makes sense?For people to notice EreAnju, they have to be put in a story with at least TsubaHono with them ... UNFORTUNATELY ;-; I wish I could read so many fics about them!! ;-;So, before my answer ends up in a mad rant about all that (just the lack of scenes with A-RISE (I wish the producers could make an A-RISE spin off...) and all), here are the main reasons why I ship EreAnju.Okay, who I am also wants to love them deeply, as I’m someone who cares about physical appearances (yikes, I feel like I’m going to make people mad, but it really isn’t my intention...). And I find Erena and Anju beeeaaauuutiful, whether it be as a couple (come on, they’d be such a sexy and mature couple) or just as individuals. Erena’s eyes are going to kill me (don’t mind me, I love blue eyes), and Anju is such a cutie pie, too. I also love the fact that she gives off the I’m-a-sweetheart aura. Yuri couples with two girly girls are just my thing ... That’s also maybe why I love this anime, even if it’s not supposed to be a yuri one hahaha (but let’s be honest, that’s what everyone wants in the fandom, me the first!).So here you go!I am not here to shove EreAnju down anyone’s throat, I’m sorry if it looks like that, but I’m just ... very passionate when it comes to them. If only you knew how many EreAnju WIPs I have in my Love Live! file ... They’ll eventually turn into YouRiko or something, but well, hehe ... I just hope that my answer made sense, and that maybe I made people want to give them a chance, who knows?Thank you for the ask, I’m always happy to share this kind of thing! I hope you have a lovely day/night! :3
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Rank the Love Live belly buttons in order of which ones you want to go to town on
Hold on to your rear because this is gonna be a long, uncomfortable journey for ya. Also fair warning, there is a lot of shit taste under the cut here so brace yourself for my stupid opinions. 
1. Nozomi. 
This one kinda goes without saying since she’s best girl in all of Love Live, but the thing that also elevates her above the rest is thicc. Thicc ladies are the best, and thicc tummies are even better. But for real, Nozomi’s stomach is probably juicy and soft as fuck, as well as unbearably sensitive so eating her bellybutton out would most likely be the thing that makes her cum the hardest. It’s also probably really deep too so frenching it would be sublime!  
2. You.
Best Aqours girl gets the #2 spot for being so goddamn awesome. Seriously I love You so much, she’s a cutie and I can relate to her so bad. Now, I may like me a thicc hunnie, but abs are also just as good. You’s belly has to be hard and tight, so I could probably slam my face against it and break my nose or something. That, and she’s probably sensitive as heck too, just like Nozomi, but instead of having a really deep navel, it’s probably shallow and tight as heck. Which means that I’ll be able to suck and nibble on it and REALLY drive her wild!
3. Kotori.
Birb is sweet, adorable, and she’d probably make the cutest little moans and giggles while she’s having her navel licked. That and she’d probably wear tons n tons of cute little cropped tops n outfits just to drive me wild all day, and I would be alright with that because turning her into a puddle after a nice long bellybutton blowjob would be fucking amazing. Her belly wouldn’t be all that much to speak of, though, it’d be rather plain in terms of appearance. But it’d probably taste very sweet, just like her. 
4. Nico. 
Nico is a little shit, so turning her into a sweaty, moaning mess with just a little navel love would be extremely satisfying. That, and her tummy is tight af, so shoving as much of my tongue into that small little bellybutton while she screams in pleasure would probably fill me with so much joy and lust. That and she’s probably light as fuck so I could pick her up and hold her against the wall while I make a meal out of her defenseless little bellybutton~
5. Yoshiko. 
I wanna descend upon the fallen angel so bad, dude. Ok, like Kotori, her belly probably wouldn’t be all that special, but since it’s Yoshiko’s belly, licking it all over would be a very fun experience due to how theatrical she can be. Watching Yoshiko try to stay in character as she holds in giggles and moans would be so delicious, so breaking her down like that would be so much fun. 
6. Honoka. 
Honkers is probably kinda squishy and soft, so nuzzling my face into her belly while she giggles would be adorable. She’s probably insanely ticklish too, so giving her a lil bit of tickle torture and watching her thrash around laughing while I give her little love bites would be rather enjoyable in my opinion. 
7. Kanan. 
Bonnie’s gonna kill me for this, I just know it. Okay, so Kanan. Like You, she’s got killer abs and all, but she’s not as sensitive there. So playing with her belly would be a turn on, but I probably wouldn’t be able to get her off effectively without some stimulation to her clit with a vibe. Which is still really hot, don’t get me wrong, but she’s not somebody I’d really wanna go ham on. 
8. Hanayo.
Hanayo is squishy, and also extremely sensitive on her stomach. So much that she can’t stand to have it touched without some serious convincing. And I don’t wanna have to force her, she’s already such a sweetheart and I’d rather not make her do anything that would cause discomfort. But her bellybutton would still probably taste really good, and using her tummy as a pillow would be so comfy. 
9. Maki.
Maki is kind of a tsundere, so  she’d act like she’s not enjoying it or that it’s disgusting. Which would fire me up like crazy, since I hate that act and I’d wanna prove her wrong, but it would be annoying after a while and I don’t wanna deal with that shit. 
10. Hanamaru. 
Zuramaru would probably be a lot like Hanayo, but less sensitive. Like, she probably just thinks that a little belly licking is more relaxing than stimulating, so just licking on her navel while she reads would be rather relaxing. 
11. Riko. 
Like Nico, slamming her up the wall and giving her the business would be crazy fun. However, she’d probably get stupid fucking embarrassed whenever I’d do it, so trying to get her to calm down and enjoy the ride would be a bit harrowing after a while. Her stomach probably wouldn’t be anything special either, just a flat normal belly with an innie, but I’d still love it because all bellybuttons are good! 
12. Dia. 
Ok, Dia’s just a hardass when it comes to it, and she’d probably say that I’m not doing a good job even when I’m doing my best. So having her pull on my hair and berating me would be kind of a turn off, unless I’m looking to get dommed, in which case hell yeah, Mistress Dia, punish your little bellybutton slut! 
13. Ruby. 
The complete opposite of her older sister, Ruby offers little resistance and would probably let me go to town. Her belly would be smol too, and smol tummies are always nice. But I’d rather not force her to do something so pervy, she’s smol and pure, and while I’m not against lewding her, I don’t wanna push my weird kinks onto lil’ ol’ Rubes. 
14. Eli.
She’d probably have a damn good belly, one that would be tasty as all hell! But, she’d also probably be really vanilla about it. Like she wouldn’t mind, but she’d want me to eat her pussy after a while, kinda like Kanan. But Eli’s this low because no abs. 
15. Umi. 
She wouldn’t even let me near it, it’s too shameful and weird. Which is a shame because Umi’s probably got a ripped core and I’d love to go absolutely ham on it. But she won’t, so she’s down here. ‘Tis a shame. 
16. Rin. 
Rin’s probably got a nice tight belly too, but her nya-ing would really get on my nerves. Sorry kitty. 
17. Chika. 
She would taste like oranges. But she’s Chika, so that kind of kills it for me. 
18. Mari. 
Fuck Mari, ok, I hate her. She’s probably got a nice belly, don’t get me wrong, but she’d be the biggest fucking tease the whole time and her engrish would sap any enjoyment I would have right out of it. That and she probably wouldn’t even let me do anything to her without embarrassing myself first, which is hot (and probably something Nozomi would do too tbh), but the vibes I would be getting from her would kill the mood and it just wouldn’t be worth it. 
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A Name In The Wind (3/?)
Hey guys, thanks again for all of the comments, reblogs and messages about this fic. I’m super glad you like it! Anyway, here’s the next chapter, I hope you enjoy!
Honoka wondered if the situation could get any worse. Umi wasn’t speaking to her at all. Everything she needed to say to her went through Kotori who honestly didn’t seem to be very happy with her either. Somehow Honoka felt like their annoyance at her went much deeper than her starting to date Maki without telling the two of them. There was something else wrong too, she could tell by the way Kotori would look at Umi sometimes. As for Maki, she could hardly seem to look away from her. It was unsettling and Honoka decided that she had to fix the mess Chika had made. For her own sake and Maki’s sake. That was why at the first opportunity she found Maki and dragged her into the music room. “Honoka.” Maki complained though she sounded more amused than angry. “W-We can’t right now. We have to go to club room, remember.” “Can’t...oh no!” Honoka exclaimed quickly. She stepped away from Maki, keeping a considerable distance between the two of them. “A-Actually I just wanted to apologize to you. About um...stealing your first kiss. I mean I’m not assuming it was your first kiss. I’m sure lots of people want to kiss you b-but it should be with someone special. Like...Nico-chan! Don’t you like Nico-chan?!”
“Nico?” Maki blinked at her in surprise for a moment before her features cleared in realization. “O-Oh, you changed your mind.”
Honoka winced. She’d wanted to confront the issue with as much tact as possible but it wasn’t something she had a lot of. “It’s not that, it’s…” “I-It’s fine, I’m just confused.” Maki said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Her expression was stoic but she wasn’t looking at Honoka. “Yesterday it kind of seemed like you liked me. But the day before you didn’t. But the day before that you did…? Are you messing with me or something?” “O-Of course not!” Honoka exclaimed quickly. It was the very last thing she wanted to do. She was just trying to keep Maki from being hurt. “I would never play with your feelings, you’re my friend!” Maki stared at Honoka for a long moment. “So which is it today? Do you like me or not?” She recalled Honoka’s reaction to her impromptu kiss and took a step forward. Honoka countered with a step back but it didn’t take long until she was stopped by the side of the piano. Maki stopped right in front of her, gentle fingers brushing against her cheek. “Are you...hot Honoka or cold Honoka?” “Eh?!” Honoka squeaked in alarm, her cheeks flaming red. “It doesn’t seem like you know how you feel so maybe you’ll know if I…” Maki pressed herself close to Honoka, her own face growing hot. Slowly, she leaned in, her heart thudding in her chest. She had kissed Honoka already but she hadn’t really planned that. Her eyes fluttered shut a moment before she pressed her lips to Honoka’s. She felt the other girl tremble against her and took it as a good sign though as she kissed her she noticed that Honoka’s lips weren’t moving. “Come on.” She whispered enticingly, trying to remember what Nico had told her about kissing. Her hands went to Honoka’s shoulders and she gently sucked at her lower lip. “It’s okay.” Honoka didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to push Maki away and the kiss was nice. Really nice. But at the same time she found herself thinking about kissing someone else. She was saved from having to think about it by the door to the music room opening. She was relieved when Maki quickly pulled away and turned to see who had entered. She looked over Maki’s shoulder and found Nozomi standing in the doorway, wearing her usual smile. “Sorry to interrupt. Maki-chan, I need to speak to Honoka-chan for a few minutes but don’t worry you’ll have her back right after. We’ll meet up with you in the club room.” “O-Okay.” Maki seemed too flustered by Nozomi walk in to argue and she quickly left the room. Nozomi closed the door behind her and turned to face Honoka. “So tell me what the spirits are doing to your body.” “W-Wha…?!” Honoka exclaimed loudly. “W-What do you mean?” “I’m in tune with the supernatural, Honoka-chan.” Nozomi smiled mysteriously. “And I know that yesterday you were not you.” Honoka huffed and rolled her eyes. “Are you kidding me…?” Nozomi raised an eyebrow. “Am I going to have to punish you?” “No!” Honoka said quickly, not especially wanting to be on the receiving end of one of Nozomi’s punishments. “Fine! I don’t know how but I keep swapping bodies with this...girl who lives near the sea. Chika-chan.” “Cute name.” Nozomi observed, stepping further into the room. “Is she younger than you?” “No, she’s my age. A second year.” Honoka clarified with a shake of her head. “She’s in a school idol group too. Aquors.” “I’ve never heard of them.” Nozomi said thoughtfully. “Maybe Nico-chan or Hanayo-chan will have.” “What?! We’re not telling…” “Of course we’re not.” Nozomi interrupted with a roll of her eyes. She walked over to the piano, leaning against it. “Do you and Chika-chan talk somehow?” “We...leave each other notes.” Honoka answered bashfully. “It’s only happened a couple of times but recently we’ve been...talking. I laid down some rules but they don’t seem to have worked very well…” “Hmm.” Nozomi hummed in interest. “Does she have any rules for you?” “Just...unspoken rules, I guess. I follow my own rules. Most of them anyway…” Honoka looked away as she remembered her shameless groping of the other girl’s breasts. “She doesn’t really have to give me any. At least I don’t mess up her relationships…” Nozomi didn’t seem to catch the annoyance in Honoka’s voice. “What’s it like then? Walking in her shoes?” “It’s...weird.” Honoka said thoughtfully. “Being in somebody else’s body just feels wrong. But the more I live her life, the more I can feel myself growing attached to her. I haven’t even met her.” “Do you want to? Grow attached to her? Meet her?” Nozomi turned and leaned over the piano, bracing herself with her elbows. “Have you thought about it?” “I-I don’t know.” Honoka answered. She hadn’t even considered the possibility. “You know I’m not interested in anyone.” “You should probably tell Maki-chan that.” Honoka groaned and sank down onto the piano bench. “Maki-chan is nice and she’s cute and all but I just want to focus on Love Live. I don’t want to be in a relationship with anyone and I don’t want to hurt her either, it’s just that I don’t have time to focus on things like romance.” Nozomi smirked. “Except when it comes to Chika-chan?” “What?! How did you…?” Honoka blushed. She had practically confessed that Nozomi was right. “It’s not like it’s possible or anything. Even if we did meet, I wouldn’t know what to do and Chika-chan is so bold…” “I see that. Obviously she’s already kissed Maki-chan. She moves fast.” Nozomi said in amusement. “Hey, could you get her to talk to me next time she’s inside of you? She always runs away otherwise…” “Uh...I kind of told her to do that.” Honoka answered awkwardly. “I didn’t want anyone to know that there’s something wrong and you’re the most observant so…” She trailed off thoughtfully. “Nobody else has noticed. Not even Umi-chan and Kotori-chan but they know something is wrong. Umi-chan is mad at me about Maki-chan…” “That makes sense.” Nozomi said with a thoughtful nod. “You and Chika-chan are different. You both have your own quirks. She just happens to be a lot better at flirting than you are. Trust me, I’ve seen her do it with Maki-chan. And Umi-chan. She’s good.” “With UMI-CHAN?!” Honoka exploded, standing up quickly only to be gently pushed back down by a laughing Nozomi. “That one was accidental, I think. And that’s not why Umi-chan is mad at you.” Nozomi answered, grimacing at the thought of Umi’s rather obvious crush on her best friend. “Ah nevermind that though…” She leaned close to Honoka’s ear. “Honoka-chan is finally finding her sex drive…” “Eeeh?!” Honoka jumped away as if she’d been burnt. “What? No! No, I just...it’s not like that. I don’t think.” “Hmm?” Nozomi raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Have you touched her?” “WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!” Honoka yelled though she visibly blushed. “So you have…” Nozomi stepped forward, her hands inching toward Honoka’s chest. “How big are they?” “B-Bigger than mine.” Honoka answered, taking a step back. “I don’t know how big exactly though.” “Do they fit in your hands?” Nozomi grinned mischievously, flexing her fingers. “Y-Yes. In a way. It’s…” Honoka was sure her face was on fire. Her back hit the wall and Nozomi’s hands finally came into contact with her chest. “Nozomi-chaaaan…” “Oooh, yours got a bit bigger.” Nozomi cackled, giving the breasts in her hands another squeeze before she lowered her hands and began to tickle Honoka’s sides, tearing a laugh from the younger girl’s throat. She stopped after a moment, taking pity on the wheezing girl. Honoka took a few seconds to catch her breath before she looked up. “So what do I do about…” “Your girlfriend?” Nozomi finished for her. “...Damn it.” --- “Oooh, she’s a cutie!” Riko and You shared a puzzled look. “Yohane is NOT cute!” Yoshiko argued vehemently, her hands clenched into fists are her sides. “Chika-chan, you remember Yoshiko-chan, don’t you?” You asked carefully. “Hmm? Yeah, of course I remember her. Who could forget the uh...fallen…” Chika trailed off, trying to remember the notes Honoka had left for her. “Uh…knight…?” “Angel!” Yoshiko interjected quickly. “IT’S ANGEL!” “Chika-chan, are you okay, zura?” Hanamura asked in concern from where she stood with Ruby. “Fine!” Chika exclaimed only to be caught off guard when You grabbed her hand and tugged her away. Only Riko followed along. “H-Hey, what…?” “What’s wrong?” Riko asked worriedly, briefly glancing at Hanamura who had taken to chatting with Yoshiko. “You’re not acting like yourself...again.” “I don’t know what you mean.” Chika answered, pasting a smile to her lips. “I just forgot what her saying is, that’s all. It was an accident. I’ll apologise if you want…” She turned only for Riko to catch hold of her collar. “What is it?” “She still hasn’t decided whether she’ll join or not yet.” Riko said reluctantly. “Maybe you should keep your distance, just for a little while.” Chika looked hurt for just a few seconds. “You think I’ll scare her off?” “No, that’s not what Riko-chan is saying!” You exclaimed, trying to smooth things over. “She’s just saying that we should all give Yoshiko-chan some time to think about her decision, that’s all.” Chika had stopped listening, her attention diverted back to the potential newcomer to the group. She moved past Riko and You, stopping once more in front of a wary looking Yoshiko. “We would love it if you joined Aquors, Yoshiko-chan! You’re just what we need to be more pop…” “I said I don’t know!” Yoshiko exclaimed, taking several steps back. “And it’s Yohane! YO-HAN-E!” “Eh…” Chika stared after Yoshiko in surprise as the girl turned and hurried off. “What did I say…?” You sighed in response and walked over to Chika, patting her shoulder. Sometimes her best friend could be so clueless. “We’ll figure it out.” “Okay…” Chika mumbled, still a bit confused by what was going on. She wondered if she should ask Honoka how she dealt with situations like this. She made a mental note to ask when she next wrote to her. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice Riko approach until a hand was being waved in front of her face. “Chika-chan?” Riko frowned when Chika seemed to refocus. “Are you okay? I was just asking if you want to get dinner together later? You-chan says she’d come.” “Oh. Sure.” Chika said with a small smile. “I would like that. We should really get Yoshiko-chan back though...” --- Honoka leaned up on her tiptoes, trying to see what Nico was doing in the store. Next to her, the others were discussing what Nico might be doing but she was more focused on the fact that Maki was standing so close to her. It was distracting and she couldn’t help but try to inch away. That proved impossible though when Maki’s arm curled around hers and she found herself being drawn closer. She swallowed thickly and glanced at Umi who looked annoyed. She looked to Kotori next but her other best friend didn’t seem too happy either. She was shaking her head in exasperation. Rin and Hanayo seemed to absorbed in what Nico was doing to notice anything else. “Too tight…” She mumbled though Maki didn’t seem to hear what she was saying. Honoka sighed and tried to focus on Nico again but she was distracted once more by the feeling of Maki’s breasts pushed against her arm. She gritted her teeth, trying not to think too much into it. She’d never thought too much about other people’s bodies until Chika had come along. “Damn you and your hotness…” She muttered under her breath. “Honoka.” Kotori said disapprovingly while Maki blushed. “Eh?! I-I didn’t mean to say that…” Honoka trailed off, aware it was an argument she wouldn’t win. Umi wasn’t even looking at her now. “Damn it.” “I don’t mind.” Maki said in a whisper as she leaned close to Honoka’s ear. “But maybe not in front of everyone else?” Honoka flinched away at that and wound up falling out of her hiding place, Maki’s grip on her arm causing her to fall with her. “Ouch…” She winced though she gave pause when she noticed a red-faced Maki staring down at her. “I-I’m sorry…” “It’s fine.” Maki said softly. “She ran!” “Huh?” Honoka sat up quickly, her forehead colliding with Maki’s. “Ouch! S-Sorry, Maki-chan. Can you get off me please?” “Yeah.” Maki got up and offered her hand to Honoka who reluctantly took it, allowing herself to be pulled up. “Uh...where did everyone else go?” Honoka asked uncertainly when she found no sign of Umi or the others. “I think they chased after Nico-chan…” “Come on then!” Honoka tightened her grip on Maki’s hand and took off running for the back of the store, tugging Maki along with her. They ran into the others there and Honoka followed Nozomi’s thoughtful gaze to Rin’s chest. “Huh?” Nozomi grinned and Honoka watched as the third year began to push Rin between the two cars it seemed that Nico had squeezed through. “I don’t want to do this, nya!” Rin complained as she squeezed between the vehicles. She emerged on the other side and didn’t see any sign of Nico. “She’s not here. Nyaaaa!” “Nozomi-chan, why did you do that?” Honoka frowned at Nozomi who gave a sheepish shrug. “I couldn’t fit.” She explained, pointing down at her own chest. Honoka sighed and watched as Hanayo went to Rin who had squeezed back through the gap between the vans. She flinched as a hand touched hers and looked to her right expecting to see Maki standing there. Instead, she found Umi, her expression stoic even as she lightly gripped Honoka’s hand. “Huh?” A moment later she felt an arm curl around her left again and she looked in that direction, finding a pouting Maki standing there. She gritted her teeth, barely managing to resist the urge to yell. She was going to write Chika a strongly worded note for the next time they switched. “U-Umi-chan, you’re holding my hand.” Honoka pointed out carefully. “I know.” Umi answered tersely though she couldn’t seem to continue what she was doing now that Honoka had commented on it. She pulled away, blushing. “Ahem…” Honoka glanced at Kotori who shook her head again in annoyance. “W-What? Why do you keep doing that?!” Kotori sighed and turned away from her. --- Chika collapsed onto her bed with a relieved sigh. It had been a long day and she was sore from all of the dancing and running she’d had to do that day. Running after Yoshiko hadn’t been easy but at least the girl had joined them in the end with a little bit of convincing. She turned onto her stomach and stretched out, reaching for her marker as she did so. “I guess it’s time to make some notes for that closet perv.” She muttered though she couldn’t wipe the smile from her face as she rolled up her sleeve. She hadn’t thought it was possible to admire Honoka any more than she already did but that was the way it had turned out. ‘Thank you’, She wrote on the back of her hand before pausing. She stared down at the writing for a moment before she nodded in approval. She tossed the marker aside and picked up her phone instead, opening her notes. “Um…” She thought for a moment before she began to type. “Rules for Honoka-chan...follow my older sibling’s rules. Be quiet before you go to bed or Mito-nee-san will wrestle you. Wake up early and don’t fondle my chest. My sister is starting to think I’m weird. Close your eyes when you change and don’t touch me below the waist! And remember to always tease Ruby-chan. Keep Shiitake away from Riko-chan. She has a phobia toward dogs, which is weird because dogs are the best. Be careful of Hanamura-chan. She’s...spiritual. And be careful of Mari-chan too. She’s American...and Italian. Always encourage Yoshiko-chan to be herself. And remember not to touch me too much. NO BATHS!” She stopped writing her list and quickly looked it over. It was fine, she decided. She bit her lip and continued to write a little bit further down. “I want to thank you for guiding my friends and helping me. I wish we could meet in person. Maybe at Love-” She sat up suddenly, her blood running cold as something occurred to her. “Honoka-chan is supposed to be older than me. She should have graduated already, she shouldn’t be in school now...oh no. Have I been going back in time?!” She supposed it shouldn’t have been surprising. Switching bodies with someone was impossible too but she was still doing that somehow. “If I ask her to meet now I won’t know her. And she won’t want to know me now either.” She hurriedly deleted the part of her note about wanting to meet Honoka before tossing her phone aside. Her gaze flitted to the poster on her wall. “2013.” She noted in a whisper as she spotted the date at the bottom. “It’s 2016 now. I wonder what she’s doing. Maybe I’ve been screwing her future up all along. Maybe she’s dating Maki-chan now...Or Umi-chan.” Her heart twisted at the thought and she sank back down onto the bed, tears welling in her eyes. She would never get to meet Honoka. It just wasn’t possible. And everything she was doing when she was in Honoka’s body was probably screwing up the other girl’s future anyway. “Damn it!” She pounded her fist into her pillow. She felt sick and she wasn’t sure why. “IT’S NOT FAIR!” --- Riko was woken from her light slumber though she wasn’t certain what had woken her. Truthfully she had only meant to lay down for a short while before doing some homework before bed. Looking at the clock she saw that it was past one in the morning though. She got up, shuffling over to her piano just to feel her fingers brush against the keys. She paused on her way though, noticing that Chika’s light was still on. She opened the balcony doors and stepped out, catching the sound of crying from Chika’s room. Her balcony door was open too, making it easy to hear. She stood still, horrified by the idea of Chika crying alone in her room. She had never seen Chika cry or lose hope. She couldn’t imagine what was wrong now. “Chika-chan? Chika-chan!” The crying stopped suddenly and a moment later Chika stumbled out onto her balcony. “R-Riko-chan? What’s wrong?” “What’s...wrong?” Riko almost laughed at the question but she was too shattered by the sight of tears on Chika’s cheeks. “I-I should be the person asking you that, shouldn’t I?” “I’m fine, really! I-I’m just upset that I can’t write these lyrics, that’s all!” Chika forced a laugh from her mouth. “I want to finish s-so you can compose.” “You’re lying.” Riko stated simply. “I’m coming over, okay? I’ll be there in a minute.” She didn’t give Chika a chance to argue before she turned and left her bedroom, grabbing a sweater on the way. She crept down the stairs and out of the house as quickly as she could before crossing to Chika’s house. Chika was waiting for her at the door and grabbed her hand when she got close enough, drawing her inside. “You’ll have to be quiet.” Chika warned in a whisper. “I don’t want to wake Mito-onee-san.” Riko nodded silently and didn’t say anything else until Chika had led her up the stairs and into her bedroom, closing the door behind them. “Chika-chan…” Riko started anxiously. “What’s really wrong? You never…” She faltered, not wanting Chika to think there was anything wrong with showing how she felt. “Just tell me.” Chika sank down onto her bed. “Nothing. It’s...nothing you can help with. I-I have a friend who...I can’t see very often. And eventually I might...never see her again.” Riko took a seat next to Chika. “A friend?” Chika nodded. “She’s older than me...” “Is it...Kanan-san?” Riko guessed thoughtfully. “Are you worried about when she graduates? I’m sure that doesn’t mean you’re never going to see her again. She’s been your friend since you were really young, hasn’t she?” “It’s not Kanan-chan. I know we’ll still keep in contact after she graduates. It’s...it’s just a secret. I’m sorry, Riko-chan.” Chika looked down at her lap, even more upset with herself at the prospect of upsetting Riko. She was surprised when a hand closed around one of her own. “It’s okay.” Riko said softly. “But if you want to talk about it you can talk to me. Or You-chan. She wouldn’t want to see you upset either.” Chika opened her mouth to thank Riko but tears unwittingly pricked at her eyes again and she had to press her hand to her mouth to muffle a sob. “Come here.” Through her tears, Chika saw Riko open her arms to her and she fell into them, crying quietly. --- Honoka woke to the unfamiliar feeling of someone’s arm around her waist. “What…?” She turned over in confusion and inhaled sharply when she found Riko sleeping next to her. She was relieved when she looked under the covers and found they were both still fully clothed. “At least it wasn’t like that…” She couldn’t help but feel jealous however, with the knowledge that Riko was touching Chika. As she stared at Riko she realized that her cheeks were cold and damp. She reached up and ran her fingers over her face, pulling her hand back to find tears on her fingertips. “Huh…? Chika-chan was crying…?” She noticed something else on her hand. Writing. She smiled softly as she read it before reaching for Chika’s phone. She opened the newest note and read through, grimacing at the rules. “How did she even kno...Mito-onee-chan. Damn it.” She didn’t dwell on that for too long though. She was more concerned with why Chika was crying. Maybe she had gotten into a fight with one of her friends. You most likely. She could only imagine Chika being so upset over either Riko or You and it obviously wasn’t the former. Honoka’s heart ached at the thought of Chika getting into some kind of fight with You. Even just spending time in Chika’s body and seeing how You acted around her it was obvious how much the two cared for each other. She felt the arm around her waist move and looked to her left to see Riko slowly sitting up. “Good morning.” Riko said softly, a slight blush to her cheeks. She hadn’t really slept over at anyone’s house before. “Do you feel better?” “W-What are you talking about?” Honoka asked nervously. Riko looked bemused. “I mean you...you were crying last night. You were really upset, remember? I was just wondering if you feel better. I know I didn’t say anything to reassure you b-but I was hoping…” The combination of embarrassment and caring in Riko’s voice made Honoka think of Umi and her heart wrenched once more. Somehow she was hurting her own friend too, even though she didn’t mean to be. “Yeah.” She fixed a smile to her lips, trying to ignore how worried she felt about Chika. “I feel a lot better now. Thank you for being here, Riko-chan. You’re a good friend.”
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nozoroomie · 8 years
Confessing Really Shouldn’t be this Difficult Chapter 1: Love Letter Part 1
Summary:  Confession attempt number one: An incredibly crafted love letter, written with the help of her two best friends. The stationery is perfect, the letter is dropped off at just the right time, and everything seems to be in place. What could possibly go wrong?
Notes: Hello everyone! Welcome to the very first -official- chapter of this story! Thank you for being so patient and hanging on to just the prologue for so long- I promise I'll try to keep up with regular updates. If things go well, hopefully every 2-3 weeks a new chapter will be posted!
Small note: Every time "Line" is mentioned, it's referring to the instant messaging app!
And a special HUGE thank you to @banditchika , I'm love you, thank you so so much for all your help betaing this and helping me figure out better ways to word my sentences, and to @ Sessaware for also reading it over and giving me her input! Thank you both again so so much ;w;.I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter!
Thank you for reading, replying. commenting and rebloging! Every bit of feedback means a lot to me ;w;
Word count: 6,392
Nico sighs and fiddles with her eraser at the end of the club table. A notebook lies open in front of her and a mechanical pencil rests next to it. Eli’s exclamation causes her to blush a bit. Is it always this embarrassing telling your best friends who you have a crush on?
“That’s right Elichi~” Nozomi says in a sing song voice. “Our beloved Nicocchi is in love with cute little Hanayo-chan!”
“Harasho!” Eli’s eyes sparkle with excitement and she looks at Nico with the brightest smile, “I was a bit worried when you asked for us to meet in the club room, but I’m glad it’s for something as wonderful as this.”
Nico smiles awkwardly. “Thanks, I guess.” She shrugs and plays with her eraser a bit more.
“Do you plan on telling her?” Eli asks.
A dumb question from Eli, really. She’s got writing supplies in front of her- she’s asked both of them to meet with her and given Eli the final details of the conversation her and Nozomi had the night before. The question isn’t if Nico plans on telling her, but more like how she plans on telling her.
“Actually, that’s sort of why you’re here. Both of you.” Nico points towards Nozomi, who flashes a small grin.
“Nicocchi, is this your way of asking us to help you?” She teases.
Eli’s face is ecstatic for a moment, the idea already warming up to her. She looks to Nico with a unwavering and determined smile. Nico blushes a bit, not sure if she can answer Nozomi when Eli’s looking at her like that.
“I’d love nothing more than to help you out.” She says with confidence, “I’ll do whatever I can to help get your feelings to reach Hanayo.”
Despite Eli’s reassurance, Nico can see the tiny tinge of pink on Eli’s cheeks, as if she were a little embarrassed by her choice of words. She wishes this were a conversation on Line and not in person, that way she wouldn’t have to attempt to hide her blush. Or have to hear the words “your feelings” and “Hanayo” voiced out loud by her friends. It’s not like she’s embarrassed or  anything, but hearing the words spoken out loud from other people makes it feel more real. More set in stone. The idea of telling Hanayo she loves her is nerve wracking, but making a plan to act on those feelings makes her heart race in a way that can only be described as horrifying. Or exciting. There’s actually several ways Nico could describe this feeling, if she really thinks about it.
This might be hard to get used to.
“Yes okay! Yeah, I need a bit of help. Not like, a huge amount, I just-” she pauses, looking to the paper and gesturing to it with both hands. “I want to write her this love letter, full of my feelings, but I don’t even know how to begin it.”
“Oooh, you’re gunna tell her through love letter huh? Good choice, Nicocchi. Very direct and to the point.” Nozomi nods her head, approving of Nico’s idea.
“Right? I thought so too.” Nico crosses her arms and smirks, satisfied that her idea is a hit. “My problem here is I can’t write a good enough letter.”
“How many times have you tried to write it?” Eli inquires.
“About three,” Nico replies instantly. Her friends stare at each other before looking back to her and she sighs dejectedly. “ Okay, seven. But none of them sound right! I can’t form the right words at all. Saying ‘I like you, please go out with me,’ is way too flat and unexciting, but whenever I try to elaborate I just get distracted and end up with disasters like this.”
She flips a couple pages back in her notebook and hands it to Eli. She takes it and glances over one of the letters Nico’s written. Her cheeks puff a little as she tries -and fails- to stifle a small giggle. She covers her mouth with one hand and Nico rolls her eyes.
“It’s fine. That’s one of the first drafts so of course it’s bad.”
“I-it’s not that.” Eli tries to reassure, “The letter just sounds nothing like you at all. It’s like you’re putting on an act.”
“Eh?! Seriously?! I didn’t think it was that bad...” Nico grumbles and Eli flips the page, reading over the next letter.
“Hmm.. this ones better, but you’re right about sounding too flat. I’d say it’s more like you’re really… stiff?” She looks to Nozomi with a questioning gaze and holds the notebook out to her.
Nozomi takes it with both hands and scans the letter. She puts a thoughtful hand to her chin and hums, furrowing her brows and examining the characters on the page. Nico can already hear something ridiculous coming from Nozomi’s mouth.
“Actually, It’s just really easy to tell how nervous you are while writing this.”
Surprised, Nico sits up.
“Really?” She asks.
“Mhmm. It’s not even about penmanship really, it’s more like your wording fumbles around a lot, ya know?” She flips the page back to the earlier letter and reads it, smirking a little before pushing the notebook away. “That first one on the other hand? Yikes.”
There it is. Nico frowns. “Gee, thanks.”
“So, how do we help Nico improve her letter then?” Eli says, bringing the two of them back to the main question once again.
The three of them fall into silence, pondering it. Nico’s hands go back to fiddling with her eraser and Eli takes the notebook, scanning through the different letters Nico’s already written. Nozomi looks to the ceiling with a small frown as she considers different options. A phone vibrates and each of the girls check their pockets to determine who’s phone received the message.
Nico’s eyes light up a little when she notices an e-mail notification from Hanayo. She opens it with glee and Eli and Nozomi peer over curiously, wanting to know who the sender is. The contents are an image file and a caption that says “Don’t tell Maki-chan I sent this!!”
“Oho? What’s this Hanayo-chan is sending you?” Nozomi quips, leaning closer to get a better look.
“Isn’t it a bit rude to peek at messages that aren’t yours?” Nico jabs, but does nothing to move away from Nozomi or Eli’s curious gazes.
Nozomi laughs and says nothing to follow up. Nico taps on the thumbnail and the photo takes a moment before it loads. Nico snorts while Eli and Nozomi chuckle as a photo of a flustered Maki and beaming Rin take up the screen. Both have kitty whiskers drawn on in some sort of pen, and judging by the slight blur of the photo, Hanayo must have moved her camera out of the way fast so Maki didn’t notice. Nico’s phone vibrates and she exits from the photo to read the next message.
In quotations, the text reads “We’re a couple of cutie panthers!” followed by a dash and Rin’s name. Nico laughs loudly while the other two giggle with her. When she recovers from her laughter she opens up a blank reply and begins to type.
“Cute, but if I remember right, there’s three cutie panthers, ain’t there?”
Nico hits send with another laugh.
“Ahh, lunch with those three looks like it’s fun. We should all eat together sometime.” Nozomi comments with a grin.
“We can always do that tomorrow.” Eli suggests.
Another vibration comes from Nico’s phone and she ignores the other two as they begin making plans for tomorrow's lunch. The reply from Hanayo is only a photo this time, and Nico opens it curiously. When the picture loads her throat closes and her hold on the phone tightens. Hanayo’s holding a shy peace sign up with one hand. Her glasses are on and decorating either sides of her face are two whiskers that match Maki and Rin’s from the previous photo. There’s a slight tinge of pink to her cheeks, as well as a couple grains of rice lingering in the corner of her mouth.
Nico feels like she could die happy this very moment from the surprise photo. Nozomi and Eli have stopped talking and are looking at Nico with concern on their faces. Her phone vibrates again and Nico’s brought back to reality, backing away from the photo and reading the follow up text.
“Rin-chan had to take the photo, but we’re all here!! (´・ω・`)”
‘Thank you Rin.’ Nico thinks, tempted to raise her fist in the air.
“What was the last picture Hanayo sent?” asks Nozomi as she leans closer, wanting to see the image. Nico almost chucks the phone across the room in her surprise.
“I-It was Hanayo,” She says, going back to the picture to show the other two.
“Is this a sign you and I are being replaced by Rin and Hanayo for the next performance of Cutie Panther?” Eli jests, a warm smile on her face. “We can swap subunits for the day. Nico, you can be with Printemps while I join Lily White.”
Eli’s the only one who laughs at her joke. Nozomi and Nico make eye contact, knowing that if a switch like that actually happened, Eli would probably be in Printemps and Nico would join Lily White. They let Eli have her fun and Nozomi watches as Nico smiles fondly at the photo on her screen.
“Nicocchi really loves Hanayo-chan, doesn’t she.” It’s not said as a question, nor teasingly. It’s a genuine observation. Nico looks to her friend and notices the warm, fond smile she has. The kind Nozomi wears when Eli walks into the room.
“I-” She pauses, thinking over her own feelings. She knows talking with Nozomi last night cleared up her uncertain feelings, but they’re still so new and unfamiliar, she feels a little weird saying them outloud. “I really, really do.”
Nozomi and Eli settle back down in their chairs. Nozomi looks at Eli, silently communicating something that the blonde seems to understand perfectly. Her green eyed gaze looks back to Nico and her smile turns cheeky as she asks a question.
Flabbergasted, Nico almost glares at her.
“What the heck do you mean ‘why’?!” She almost throws her arms up. “I don’t know why I love Hanayo! It just sort of happened.”
Nozomi hums.
“Love has a weird way of doing that.” She says with a nod. “But what do you love about her?”
Nico hesitates. There’s a lot she could say for this question. It isn’t just a single thing, more like a compilation of little things.
“I love a lot of things about her,” She eventually begins, “I love her personality. Even if she is a little timid and doesn’t have a lot of confidence in herself some times, if she’s determined, she’ll do her best to succeed. She’s cute- not just her looks, but everything about her is cute. She’s great to talk with, she always makes sure you know she’s listening to you and she’s serious about idols. She may even rival me when it comes to how much we know about the business.”
Nico thinks about her junior and a small smile forms on her face. All the time spent with her, conversations they’ve shared, every little detail that brought them closer together and strengthened their friendship were also little things that helped Nico fall for her in the first place. She misses the gentle smiles both Eli and Nozomi stare at her with. She speaks in a soft tone as she continues.
“I love the way she laughs. The way her eyes light up when she see’s something she loves, or hears something good about muse. I love how she shouts “BIG NEWS!” when there’s been an update on Love Live, or anything in general really. I love all of these and I love all of her.”
Eli sniffles a bit and Nico looks over to see her wiping away a tear.
“Eh?! Are you crying?!” She’s a mixture of embarrassed and proud of the little detail and Eli doesn’t try to deny it.
“I-I don’t mean to! It’s just so sweet.” She sighs a bit and smiles, “It’s nice, seeing how happy loving her makes you.”
Nico almost buries her face into her hands to hide her embarrassment.
“It really is, isn’t it?” Nozomi giggles and looks at Eli, “and you wrote all of it down, right Elichi?”
Eli holds up a piece of paper Nico hadn’t noticed and winks.
“Every word.”
Nico almost screams.
“You wrote it all down?! What the hell?!” She stands up flustered, reaching over to Eli and grabbing the paper. She scans Eli’s point form notes of the confession and she feels her face heat up.
“It’s to help you, Nicocchi!” Nozomi laughs, “If you can say all of this outloud, you shouldn’t have a problem with putting it on paper, right?”
Nico swears she can hear a heavenly chorus. There’s a golden glow surrounding Nozomi, making her think nothing less of an angelic angel;maybe even a beautiful goddess like Muse's namesakes. Nico reaches over and grabs Nozomi’s hands into her own, looking her dead in the face and saying her thoughts proudly.
“You’re a genius and if I could, I’d kiss you right now.”
Nozomi’s eyes practically light up and Eli coughs. Nico laughs.
“Geeze Eli, I’m kidding. Besides, I should be kissing you since you wrote down all of this great content that just came out of my mouth. I won’t, because that’d be weird, but I’d kiss you if it wasn’t.”
Eli’s cheeks redden and Nozomi lets out a small, disappointed hum (Nico wants to assume it’s because she joked about kissing Eli instead of her, but she knows Nozomi’s probably disappointed there’s no kissing at all. ) She rereads everything Eli’s written down carefully before reaching into her bag and pulling out a piece of pink stationery. Lining the outsides of it is a pattern of a bunny silhouette and tiny pink hearts. It’s Nico’s favourite, and the perfect kind to use for something as important as this.
“Okay. I think I have the right idea.” Nico grabs her pencil and without any more hesitation, she begins to write on the dotted lines of the paper.
Nozomi and Eli busy themselves with light conversation, not wanting to distract Nico from her writing. Lunch is nearing its end and the girl is determined to finish this before heading back to class. She needs to finish it now. It has to be slipped into Hanayo’s shoe locker before practice starts. She’s glad that no matter the speed of her writing, it’s always perfectly legible- and quite adorable, if she’s truly honest. Practicing to have the cutest writing in grade 3 had perfect, lasting impressions.
By the time she reaches the end of the letter, she hesitates. It’s time for her to write her name. She swallows, hard, her pencil hovering above the bottom of the paper. This would seal the letters fate. She could leave it anonymous, leave Hanayo guessing who left the letter in her locker and have her ponder endlessly until she either figured it out or Nico decided enough was enough- but then what would be the point of the love letter? Nico didn’t want to make this anonymous. She wanted Hanayo to know her true feelings, and know that it’s her who has been nothing but blessed with falling in love with her.
That thought alone makes Nico sign the bottom of the paper, and for an added touch she doodles a small heart and a tiny “nico nico nii” next to it.
“Nico, I’m sorry but lunch is almost over,” Eli’s voice has a hint of worry to it, but Nico looks up with a triumphant smile.
“Guess that means I made the deadline~” She grins, holding the letter out to her. “Well, tell me what you think.”
Eli gingerly takes it from her, reading it. She nods at some parts and Nico watches as her smile grows wider. She hands the paper off to Nozomi when she’s finished reading and turns to Nico, giving her a wink and a thumbs up.
“It’s perfect!”
Nico silently pats herself on the back and Nozomi laughs.
“It is. It’s very much like Nicocchi too. I’d expect nothing less than this.” Nozomi hands the paper back to Nico and grins. “Looks like the hardest part is over.”
Nico sighs in relief.
“Thank god. Now all I have to do is put it in her locker before practice.”
Eli wants to add a thought in, but the bell signalling the end of lunch rings and her thoughts are pushed to the side. Nico quickly folds the letter up and puts it into a matching envelope. She doesn’t seal it as she slips it into her bag and she follows Nozomi and Eli as they stand from their chairs.
“Good luck with your letter, Nico.” Eli says with a smile.
“Thanks,” Nico returns the smile, “I’ll need it.”
The three of them laugh as they exit the club room and head towards their classrooms for the second half of the school day.
Fifteen minutes left in class and Nico’s having a small breakdown. Her English work means nothing right now, the most important moment of the day is approaching and Nico isn’t so sure she’s as prepared as she thought she was. She’s never felt so anxious before; not even before her very first live at Otonokizaka.
She reaches into her bag and pulls out the envelope. There’s no harm in being certain your love letter is perfect, right? And it wasn’t like she had the chance to proofread it herself during lunch- she was a little behind by the time she was able to begin writing it. Her eyes carefully scan the letter over and over again, double and triple checking that everything is written perfectly and that her mess of words actually got her feelings across. She fails to notice the girls around her packing up their books and getting ready to leave class. The teacher calls for everyones attention, but Nico ignores it as she checks over the letter one last time.
The end of day bell rings and Nico’s brought back to reality. Startled by the chime, Nico hurriedly gathers all her things. She quickly seals up the envelope, not giving it a second thought as she turns it around and scribbles the kanji for Hanayo’s name. She’s determined to get it downstairs and inside of Hanayo’s shoe locker, while still being on time to make it to the club room with the rest of the gang. She haphazardously throws all her books and loose papers into her school bag before making a mad dash out of the class.
On her way down the hall, she notices Eli give her a quick thumbs up. She returns it with a small smile as she excuses herself past a couple of girls, weaving her way by them and dashing down the stairs. She clutches the cute stationary in her hands like her life depends on it, not wanting to lose the important letter. The letter that contains her most heartfelt feelings towards her junior.
By the time Nico makes it to the bottom, her breathing is incredibly heavy.  A few students look her way, worried about her current state, but she waves them off and tells them she’s fine. She moves as quickly as any winded girl can towards the entrance and the shoe lockers, heading straight for the row with Hanayo’s. She scans each number on the shoe compartments with careful eyes, not wanting to mistake the numbers.
“216…. 220... “ she mumbles to herself as she glances at the numbers. “Ah! 223!”
She swallows the nervous lump in her throat as she reaches the exact locker she needs to be at. With shaky hands, she pulls the door open carefully. Inside it, Hanayo’s outdoor shoes sit on the bottom level, neatly placed next to one another and not a single detail out of place. It’s very cute; very much like her. Nico shakes her head before placing it down on the pair of brown shoes before shutting the locker tightly. She glances up to the clock and sighs in relief when it reads only a few minutes have gone by since she made her mad dash down the stairs.
“Now.. to climb back up them.”
Nico groans as she makes her way back inside the building and towards the closest staircase.
“Great practice today, everybody!” Umi calls out to the group. “We’ve all been working really hard on our steps lately, so I think tomorrow we should all take the time to memorize the new lyrics. Does that work for everyone?”
A chorus of “Yes!” comes from the group. Umi smiles and dismisses everyone for the day. Nico immediately goes for her towel, picking it up and wiping the sweat off her brow. There’s a nudge from her right side and she glances to see Nozomi peeking at her with curious eyes. Nico frowns.
“What?” She asks in a flat tone.
“Oh nothing~. Just wondering how dropping off the ‘you know what’ went.” She gives Nico a tiny wink and Nico immediately leans in to shush her.
“S-shut up! It went fine! What else did you think would happen?!”
Nozomi laughs and shrugs.
“Dunno.” She turns her gaze over to their juniors to see Hanayo talking with Maki about today's practice. Nico’s gaze follows hers and her eyes soften. Her heart jumps in her chest and she reaches up, absentmindedly clenching it.
“Don’t worry Nicocchi.” Nozomi says quietly. “I’m sure your feelings will reach her through that letter. You worked hard on it during lunch time, after all.”
Nico nods. She wishes there’s more she could do, but it’s all up to her letter now. She hopes that maybe Hanayo will text her later after reading it, or will ask to meet up to give her a proper response. There’s so many ways this could go, the thought of having to wait to find out stresses Nico out just a bit more than the idea of confessing to the girl face to face.
“Hey Nicocchi,” Nozomi says in a whisper close to her ear. “If we hurry up, maybe we can watch Hanayo-chan get the letter from her locker.”
Nico’s head whips to the side, her pigtails smacking Nozomi in the face. The idea pieces itself together inside her brain and she shouts.
“WELL, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!” She grabs Nozomi by the wrist and drags her to the door, calling back to their third comrade, “ELI, HURRY UP! YOU’RE WALKING WITH US, RIGHT?!”
Nozomi’s laughing as Nico pulls her through the door to the stairs and Eli sighs, saying goodbye to the girls and quickly following the two of them off the rooftop.
“Why exactly do we need to hurry?!” She asks, looking to Nozomi for an answer.
“Nicocchi wants to watch the magical moment happen.” Nozomi explains with a cheeky grin, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious as well.”
Nico’s face feels warm but she says nothing as they reach the club room. They grab their uniforms and it doesn’t take the three of them long to change out of their practice clothes and back into them. Nico doesn’t bother tying her ribbon up nicely as she hoists her bag over her shoulder and waits impatiently by the door.
Once the other two have finished, Nico leads the way down the halls and to the school’s entrance. She ignores the increasing butterflies that build up more and more in the pit of her stomach. Thanks to the adrenaline from practice, it feels like nothing more than a light tickle, but she knows the moment Hanayo opens that  locker door she’ll be feeling the full force of her anxieties.
The three of them settle in the perfect spot in the aisle next to the one with Hanayo’s locker. Nico stands between both of her friends, biting her lip and pushing all the thoughts that seem too hopeful out of her mind. She reminds herself that it’s a love letter, Hanayo might not read it until she gets home and even then, there’s no telling what her reaction might be. Maybe Nico will be rejected. Maybe Hanayo won’t want to be anything more than friends. Maybe she’s already dating somebody else Nico doesn’t know of (a silly thought, she realizes, because Hanayo keeps no secrets from muse, and they both know being an idol and having a lover has its problems .)
Voices can be heard in the distance and Nico can feel both Nozomi and Eli shifting closer to her in their excitement. Eli’s hand is comfortingly resting on her shoulder while Nozomi has linked her arm with Nico’s. This is it. The moment of truth is right before their eyes. Nico swallows nervously.
Rin and Hanayo step into the school entrance, discussing the English homework they’d been given. The older girls are so quiet that not a breath can be heard from any of them. Rin’s voice becomes a bit distant as she heads to her locker all the way at the end of the row, near the exit. Nico shuts her eyes tightly and the sound of Hanayo opening the door to her own echos in her ears.
“Eh?” Hanayo startles. “H-huh.. Whats this..?!”
Nico’s lips form a thin line and her face heats up even more. She’s hyper aware of the way Nozomi and Eli tense up with her; how all three of them stand as still as possible. She can hear the way Hanayo turns over the envelope and how she reads out her own name to herself. Nico shuts her eyes tightly and waits as the moment reaches its peak: would Hanayo open the envelope now? Or later?
“R-Rin-chan!” Hanayo calls out immediately, “R-Rin-chan!!!”
“Kayo-chin?!” Rin shouts back, followed by fast approaching footsteps. “What’s up!? What’s wro- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?!”
“I-I DON’T KNOW!” Hanayo cries, “IT’S ADDRESSED TO ME!”
It’s almost comical, the reactions the two of them have. If Nico weren’t so nervous, she’d be laughing about this. She feels the weight of Eli’s hand lift off her shoulder and her eyes glance to her, watching her cover her mouth and shake a little bit. She nudges Eli playfully and the girl only tries to stifle her laughs more.
“Geeze, you two are loud. What’s gotten you both so riled up?” A voice comes from the hall.
“MAKI-CHAN, IT’S BIG NEWS!” Rin exclaims, stealing the popular catchphrase from Hanayo, “KAYO-CHIN FOUND A LETTER IN HER LOCKER!”
“Eh?!” Maki’s voice seems surprised and the third years listen as her footsteps move closer to the other three.
Nico wishes she could see Hanayo’s expression right now.
“Koizumi Hanayo,” Maki reads the front of the envelope.”W-well, it’s certainly a letter for you alright.”
“Right?! This is amazing! Kayo-chin, you gotta open it!” Rin’s voice is bubbly and you can tell she’s got a slight bounce in her posture as she speaks.
“N-now?! B-but.. But I can’t.. it.. it wouldn’t be right to read it right now, would it?!”
“Rin, you can’t just ask Hanayo to read something personal right here in front of us.” Maki scolds.
Nico silently thanks Maki for stopping everyone from seeing the confession. It isn’t that it’s badly written- Nico poured her whole heart into it. It’s the highest quality love letter around. But, as great as it is, it's meant for one person’s eyes only (A silly thought, she realizes, when she remembers she had Eli and Nozomi proof read it.)
“Aww, but the flaps already opening up, see?”
‘Stupid cheap stationery.’ Nico almost grumbles.
“Eh?! Oh no! It is!” Hanayo sounds distressed. “I-I’ll just reseal it-”
Her voice cuts off and there’s an awkward silence from the other side of the shoe lockers. Nico glances to Eli and Nozomi in confusion and the both of them wear an expression that mirrors her own. Suddenly, Rin shouts so loudly that Nico’s positive all the clubs outside can hear her.
“IT’S EMPTY?!?!”
Nico’s eyes widen. Nozomi and Eli look at her bewildered as she starts quietly rummaging through her bag. She hands various textbooks and notebooks for both Eli and Nozomi to hold as she digs deeper into the bag. Sure enough, as she pulls out her English notebook, a corner of paper that matches the envelope the first years currently have peeks out at her. Nico tugs at it carefully and clutches it with a shaky hand as her face goes pale and her heart sinks. Staring her right in the face is her confession. The single most important detail of the love letter.
Nico wants to cry.
“Who would just put an empty envelope in your locker?!” Rin asks, her voice a mixture of offended and astonished.
“An idiot.” Maki says, and you can tell she wears an unhappy expression. “Don’t pay any mind to it Hanayo. This is a low prank.”
“You think it’s a prank?!” Rin’s horrified when she asks, not wanting to assume the worst like Maki has.
“W-well, what else could it be?!” Maki retorts. Nico can picture her arms are crossed and her fingers playing with her hair.
Hanayo hasn’t said anything in what feels like forever. Nico’s heart sinks imagining how hurt she must feel. There’s a nudge from the side Eli’s on and she glances to her taller friend. She points down the row and Nico turns just in time to see Nozomi walking out of their aisle and into the first years.
She almost yells.
“I was wondering what the commotion was~” Nozomi’s voice jumps in and Nico buries her face into her hands.
“Nozomi-chan!” Rin calls out to her. “Hey hey, come look at this!”
Eli and Nico listen as Nozomi’s footsteps get closer to the other girls.
“Hm? A love letter?!” She exclaims curiously.
“That’s what we thought too but it’s empty!!” Rin definitely sounds angry about this now, no thanks to Maki pointing out it could be a prank.
“Ahh… isn’t that something.” Nozomi responds.
“Uhm,” It’s the first time Hanayo’s spoken since they realized it was empty and Nico’s stomach tightens. “N-Nozomi-chan, you don’t… you don’t think this is a prank, do you?”
Her voice sounds hurt. Nico wants to punch herself in the face. Or smash it repeatedly into the lockers. How could she be so stupid and forget the actual letter? The cute envelope is nothing without the letter inside of it. This is a disaster.
“Mmm, well, it does seem that way doesn’t it?” Nozomi starts, “But Otonokizaka is full of sweet girls. I don’t think any of them would intentionally put an envelope in your locker without the letter.”
There’s a small silence from the other side.
“That’s true,” Hanayo says quietly. “Everyone I talk with here is so kind towards me.”
“Mhm. Plus, the school loves muse, don’t they?” Nozomi adds. “I think whoever gave this to you is just a little clumsy. They’re probably going to open their bag later and find the letter and feel pretty silly for forgetting to put it in the envelope.”
Nico can hear the smirk in Nozomi’s voice and she doesn’t know whether she should feel grateful or upset by the way she’s saving the situation.
Rin giggles a bit.
“That sounds kind of sad. Now I feel kinda bad for whoever gave Kayo-chin the empty envelope.”
“I’m not convinced.” Maki states, still unimpressed by the situation. “But it’s not really my concern. Hanayo, what do you think?”
There’s a moment of pause before the timid girl speaks.
“I think Nozomi-chan might be right.” She says, “I really don’t think anyone would do a prank like this. N-not here, anyway, but uhm,” She pauses a bit, as if thinking of what to say next. “W-well, I am hoping that they aren’t too sad about it later.”
Nico’s heart soars. This girl is just too good. Way too good. Even now, after her confession letter failed, she still hopes that whoever attempted to confess to her isn’t feeling down about failing. Nico wishes she could tell her right now. She wishes she could pull the courage to run into the other row and shout her feelings to the world, but as she gazes at the piece of paper clutched in her hand, she’s reminded of how she got into the situation in the first place. She holds the letter closer to her and almost sighs.
“Hey, didn’t you leave earlier with Nico-chan?” Rin suddenly says.
Nico tenses again.
“Ah, I did.” Nozomi replies with a laugh, “Nicocchi was so eager to leave, but thanks to that I forgot one of my books in class, so I came back to get it.”
‘Nice save, Nozomi.’ Nico thinks, with a mental thumbs up.
“Oh! Well, tell her and Eli-chan we said hi then!” Rin laughs, “Maki-chan, Kayo-chin, are we all ready to go?”
“Just let me grab my outdoor shoes.” Maki says.
The first years say goodbye to Nozomi, and Nico and Eli stay standing where they are until they hear the sounds of their footsteps walking out the entrance. Nico groans loudly and puts her head in her hands, the letter crumpling into her face as she accepts the fact that this confession is her biggest failure to date.
“What a mess.” She sighs. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice the letter wasn’t in the envelope.”
“How did that end up happening?” Eli asks in surprise. “Nozomi and I watched you fold and put it in the envelope at lunch!”
“I know! I know but-” Nico removes her hands from her face and looks up to the blonde, a tiny blush on her face. “I wanted to go over it one last time and the end of class to make sure it was absolutely perfect, and then class was dismissed and I sort of panicked and sealed the envelope and shoved my books into my bag.”
“Nicocchi needs to be a little careful with her notes then.” Nozomi says with a laugh as she returns,  “Well, to be fair I may have seen this coming.”
Nico looks at Nozomi with squinted eyes.
“You KNEW it wouldn’t work!? And you let me embarrass myself?!” Nico exclaims, pushing herself onto her feet and glaring up at Nozomi.
“It was the cards, Nicocchi!” Nozomi laughs, “I may have done a reading for you before practice, and it wasn’t exactly the best outcome it could be but-”
“Wasn’t exactly?! Nozomi, I listened to Hanayo find an empty envelope from me in her locker! I think it’s far from the best outcome!” Nico’s voice is loud and Eli reaches out and pats Nico’s head reassuringly.
“There there Nico, it’s not like you won’t have other opportunities to tell Hanayo how you feel.” She reassures. “Nozomi, did your cards imply something else would happen if the letter failed?”
Nozomi smiles and shrugs. Nico feels a strong urge to crumple the letter in her hands into a small ball and throw it at the girl’s dimpled face. Eli sighs.
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.” She rubs the back of her neck and adjusts her bag on her shoulder. “Nico, would you like to join us for parfaits?”
“Thanks, but I think I’m going to go home for the day.” The shorter girl grumbles, folding the letter up and slipping it back into her bag.
“Hey, look on the bright side of this,” Eli attempts to bring up her mood by throwing in a positive thought, “With the letter not working, you can always try something more direct.”
“Mhm!” Nozomi says, looping her arm with one of Nico’s and adding onto Eli’s point. “Maybe you can invite her over to your place and watch some of those Lives you’ve got on dvd. We all know how you and Hanayo-chan love them.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“And maybe you’ll be able to read out the letter to her instea-” Nico cuts Nozomi off by elbowing her in the side. Nozomi laughs through the light pain as Nico walks away from her.
“Nozomi,” Eli warns and Nozomi’s laughter ends, replaced with a teasing smile. Eli turns her attention to Nico and steps forward to walk with her. “In all honestly though, it does give you a lot more time to work on confessing to her again. A lot of people fail to get their first confession across, and even I had my own struggles with confessing to Nozomi.
“Wait, really?” Nico’s a bit intrigued. She knew the story of how Eli confessed, but she hadn’t known Eli struggled to tell her girlfriend her feelings.
“Of course! It took me months before I could even ask Nozomi out, and I think I was finally able to tell her on the fourth attempt.”
Nozomi says a little “aw” as she catches up with the two of them, walking on Nico’s other side. Eli laughs as her cheeks tint red again and Nico’s attention goes from Eli to the open space in front of them. Knowing that even Eli had a tough time telling Nozomi her feelings gives her a bit of hope, and while Eli probably didn’t fail as badly with her confessions as Nico did today, she knows Eli has the right idea.
“Thanks Eli.” Nico says sincerely.
Eli smiles.
“So, does this mean you’re not giving up on telling Hanayo-chan you love her?” Nozomi asks.
Nico nods.
“Of course it does! It’d be dumb to give up in the first place, especially after today,” Nico starts, “If Eli didn’t give up on telling you her feelings, then there’s no way I can give up on telling Hanayo! I’ll tell her exactly how I feel no matter what!”
“Harasho!” Eli cheers, “That’s the spirit, Nico!”
“We’ll be rooting for you, Nicocchi! Do your best!” Nozomi adds.
Today really didn’t go as planned for Nico, but with nothing but determination and the promise of getting her feelings across to Hanayo, Nico’s confident the next attempt will be better.
35 notes · View notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
*insert witty description here*
Arthur: "...We could ask tomorrow? After you get some sleep." tamaki: ......... Arthur: "...I could set up a bed for you in the closet...but I think we'll have to tell Shinra." tamaki:.....fine..... Arthur: "..." (crawls under, hugs her) tamaki: !! Arthur: "I'm sorry for what has happened." tamaki:.......... Arthur: "...Is there anything I can do?" tamaki: can i wait here till morning? Arthur: (nods) "We don't have to tell Obi or Hibana until tomorrow..." tamaki:....thanks..... Arthur: "..." (holds her) shinra: well, we didnt find her.... Arthur: o_o shinra:....arthur? Arthur: "Nothing!" (gets up to fast--and hits his head on the bottom of the bed) "Owie!" Shinra: ??? Arthur: (rubs the back of his head) "So, um, no sign of Tamaki?" (edges to the door to lock it) shinra: you ok? Arthur: "S-Sure. Just...Can you keep a secret?" shinra:.........dude. it you're like that, then i have no problem with it, but you really arent my type. tamaki:............*nosebleed* Arthur: -_-; "Not that...In fact, the opposite. Very much the opposite. Totally, heterosexually the opposite." shinra:......sure dude. but just know we accept you, ok? Arthur: (clenched teeth) "Thank you." (clears throat) "I know where Tamaki is. But you can't tell anyone." shinra: seriously? Arthur: (nods) "But we can't tell anyone, not until tomorrow when we ask Obi and Hibana for help." shinra:.....ok. Arthur: "Because Burns has been making things hell there in the 1st, and she is going to ask about transferring here." shinra: seriously? Arthur: "Yeah. Don't you think Obi would be up for letting her transfer?" shinra: hmmmm.....well, i'm sure he'd be open to it....but burns on the other hand.... Arthur: "Well, Hibana is kind of terrifying--maybe she could scare Burns?" shinra: i dont think he scares easily... Arthur: "Hibana is pretty scary." (smirks) "Especially without her makeup..." shinra: or that green stuff. *shudders* Arthur: "See?! I was right! Women look all weird when--" (freezes) "Um...I shouldn't be talking badly about women...not when...when..." shinra: when there are 5 girls here and any of them could kill us painfully? well....except nozomi. she seems harmless. Arthur: "...Six girls." shinra: ???................................. Arthur: (sighs) "Come on out...Tamaki." tamaki: hey. shinra: *JAW DROPS* Arthur: "J-Just, don't say anything, okay? Keep calm, Shinra--" -THUD- -he passed out- Arthur: "...I hope no one heard him collapse." tamaki: get him in here! Arthur: "In where?" tamaki: in the room, dummy! Arthur: (checks outside) "No one in the hallway..." (pulls Shinra further away from the door, shuts it again, locks it twice) "...Now what?" -tamaki has placed him on the bed- shinra:....m-mom..... Arthur: "...Poor guy..." tamaki:...... Arthur: "Let him sleep it off...Can I get you water, Tamaki? Milk?" tamaki: im good. Arthur: "...Set up your bed in the closet?" tamaki: ok. *Arthur lays out a sleeping bag with cushioning underneath, as well as a pillow and sheets* tamaki: thanks. *she places her bag to the side* Arthur: "How's that? Good enough?" tamaki: it'll work. Arthur: "...Need pajamas?" tamaki: i didnt bring any..... Arthur: "O-Okay, you can borrow a pair of mine..." -in the morning- Arthur: *yawn* shinra: *yaaaawns* Arthur: "Oh, good, you're up..." shinra: oh.....hey....i had the craziest dream last night. Arthur: ._.; "R-Really?" shinra: i was attacked by a cat monster and my mom brought be back to safety... Arthur: "...Oh. 'Cat monster'?" shinra: yeah, and it was pretty angry. Arthur: "Uh, dude? Cool it on the 'angry cat monster' talk..." tamaki: screw you too. shinra:...... uhhhhhh......... Arthur: ^_^; "So...Can I keep her?" shinra: *sweats and looks away* Arthur: (still staring at Tamaki...nosebleed) -SMACK SLAP- shinra: ow.... Arthur: (nosebleeding, now for other reasons) "I-I didn't realize you had kitty paw-print panties..." tamaki: shut up. Arthur: "...Well, um, I guess Shinra and I could make it up to you by standing in our undies?" (gets up, starts taking off his pants) shinra: w-wait! tamaki: take his off too. *Arthur rips off his pants* Arthur: "Done!" shinra: i want no part in this! *Arthur, tugging on Shinra's pants* Arthur: "Come on, Shinra! We already saw hers!" shinra: w-wait no!! ???: *knocking on door* "Keep it down in there!" tamaki: O_O;;;;;;; Arthur: (ripped pants off Shinra) "W-What?" *Door knocked down* Takehisa: "Quiet! Some of us are sleep--" *Takehisa sees only Arthur and Shinra, pantsless* shinra:............................................................................... Takehisa: "..." tamaki: *under the bed* *sweats* shinra: *covers himself* NOOOO DONT LOOK! Takehisa: "...Keep down your loud pants-pulling antics. Breakfast is in 10 minutes." Arthur: "Y-Yes, sir!" Hibana: (walking by) "Nice undies, Shinra~" shinra: ./////////////////////////////. iris: *covering her eyes, not daring to peek* eep. Arthur: .\\\\\\\. "Could someone please replace our door?" Hibana: (pulling up Iris's hands) "Enjoy the show, Sister." iris: s-sister stop! >///////////< Hibana: (lets go) "Fine." Arthur: "Just leave us alone! We'll get dressed after we shower!" ("...'Shower'? Oh, God, how is Tamaki going to--?") -at breakfast- Arthur: "..." shinra: Q.Q Akitaru: "You boys need to keep down your play in your room. If you want to play slap-happy fun, okay, but keep it down." maki: sooooooo.....what all went down? Arthur: "N-Not that!" maki: *innocent whistling* nozomi: ????? Arthur: (grumbling...as he slips muffin and other food into his pockets) shinra:..... Takehisa: "I think we should replace the sound-proofing in the walls." shinra: .//////.;;;;; Akitaru: "I'll put it in the budget." Hibana: "Hmm...I'll miss hearing those sounds." (smirks) shinra: Q////Q Arthur: (stands up) "Okay, this joke is officially burnt up! Can we please move on!" (a muffin falls out of his pants' leg) Akitaru: "..." (stares at the muffin on the floor, then up at Arthur's crotch) iris: COMMANDER! D : Akitaru: "Why did a muffin fall out of your pants, Boyle?" Takehisa: "Obviously, he's not chewing enough." iris:............................. -_-; Arthur: "...I have to go now." (runs back to his room, opens the door, shuts it behind him, panting) tamaki: well then.... Arthur: o_o tamaki: you ok? Arthur: "Y-Yeah...Just an experience at breakfast." (gulps) "You look...great." tamaki: thanks. Arthur: (hands her small box of cereal, carton of orange juice, an apple, some bread and a closed small container of jelly, some yogurt--all sealed, none from his pants but from his pockets) tamaki: thanks. Arthur: "...W-Why were you in your underwear this morning if I gave you PJs?" tamaki: >->c-can we talk about something else? Arthur: "O-Okay...H-How is the temperature? Too hot? Too cold? Too average?" -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning babe~ Kid: (smiles) "Morning, Angel." *smooch on the nose* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Sleep well?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (pats her hip) "Shower and dress?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: "Want some company?~" stocking: i could be convinced~ Kid: (kisses her shoulder, massages her hip) stocking: ah~ Kid: "Convincing, yes?" (kisses her neck) stocking: indeed~ Kid: (places a hand along her right breast) "Shall we enter the shower?" -later- Kid: (smiles contently) stocking: ahhhh, that felt so good. Kid: (chuckles) "We were supposed to be getting clean, but that felt so dirty..." stocking: yeah, haha. Kid: (kisses her cheek) "Thank you." -at school- Arthur: ._____.; shinra:............... iris: you two are awfully quiet... Arthur: "NOTHING IS WRONG!" shinra: *silent* Arthur: "..." (pulls out phone, starts texting) [TaMeowKi: oh hey, whats up?] [ShiningKnight: how is everything on your end?] [TaMeowKi: doing well. the snacks should hold over till you guys get back. had a close call with gabs tho] [ShiningKnight: why was gab going in my room?] [TaMeowKi: she wasnt, but i did need- NVMND] [ShiningKnight: okay...?] -elsewhere- Akitaru: (thumbing through paperwork) "Still no sign of Tamaki, Gabriella?" gabriella: sadly no. i hope she's ok... Akitaru: "..." (leans back) "You ever talk with Leo Burns?" gabriella: not really. Akitaru: "He is one intense dude. Officially, Tamaki has violated protocol and has to be punished. Personally, I completely get her reasons for running away..." (glances at a photo on his desk) gabriella: *she looks at the photo* *It's of a woman and a child* gabriella:.............. i guess i can understand as well.... Akitaru: "...How long you been working with Hibana?" gabriella: about two and a half years, before that, my life.....it wasnt that great. Akitaru: "...Yeah." (stands up, stretches) "Hibana isn't that bad. Glad she has your back." gabriella: *she smiles* she gave me purpose in life, and i'll always be grateful for that. Akitaru: "..." (smiles pats her shoulder) "She's lucky to have you." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Just a few more months." lord death: *squeeee* Yumi: (chuckles) "Yes, I'm excited too." (kisses his cheek) lord death: *nuzzles her stomach* Yumi: (smiles, blushing a bit) "A lot of work is before us..." lord death: indeed.... Yumi: "You know what I want after she is born?" lord death: what? Yumi: "Aside from giving all the love in the world we can to our kids?" (traces finger along Death's chest) "I have ideas." lord death: ...... o/////////////////////o Yumi: "You have ideas right now, too?~" -elsewhere- Killbell: "When does the baby come out of the Snake Witch?" milia: *shrug* Ponera: "How many months are you, Medusa?" (knitting baby clothes) medusa: 4 months now. Ponera: "You are glowing! You look far cuter rather than menacing now!" shaula: and a whooole lot fatter. medusa: fuck you shaula. Ponera: "Shaula, be kind. The baby needs that extra weight to survive!" shaula: >3> Ponera: "???" -elsewhere- Patty: "Hey, Iris! Do you have a moment?" iris: hmm? sure, what is it? Patty: "Shinra and Cutie-Patootie Arthur seemed a little on edge today. What's up with them?" iris: i dont know. but i am worried. perhaps i could ask them? Patty: "Yeah, I would say so. Need any help?" iris: dont worry, i'll handle it. Patty: "Good luck!" (pat on the back) Arthur: "Oh, Iris, it's good to s--" (freezes, gasps at seeing Patty) "Oh no! -after school- Arthur: "..." shinra: do we tell them or what? Arthur: "L-Let's try Commander Obi alone...Maybe see him in his office?" shinra: sounds good.... *They approach his office and knock* Akitaru: "Come in!" shinra: hey commander. Akitaru: "Howdy! What's up?" shinra: ..... *nudges arthur* Arthur: "Tamaki!" Akitaru: "...Um...Arthur, I know you're worried about her, but trust me, I'm sure she is safe. Right, Shinra?" shinra: she's definitely safe. Arthur: "...And closer than you think..." Akitaru: "...No. No. Guys, no. No. Please tell me 'no.'" shinra:..... *nervous smile+sweats* Arthur: "...Sorry." Akitaru: "..." (stands up, goes to wall--and taps his forehead against it) "Burns is going to kill me." shinra:....... Akitaru: "What were you two thinking?!" shinra: arthur was the one who let her in. Arthur: "Sh-She had been locked up for weeks! She wants to transfer! She can't stand Burns! Sir, please! You have to help her!" Akitaru: "...She in your room? Take me there." shinra:...... *They arrive at the door* Arthur: "..." (does a complicated knock as code to Tamaki) tamaki: ye-....!!!! Akitaru: (eyebrow raise) Arthur: "H-Hi?" tamaki: *she jumps back with claws* just stay back! Akitaru: (steps back) "Easy. Just here to talk." tamaki:............ Akitaru: "...Why did you leave the 1st, Soldier?" tamaki:........... Akitaru: "...Burns, huh?" -perhaps talking to her as a person than a soldier might help? she seems upset- Akitaru: "...Tamaki, do you know why I came to the 8th?" tamaki:.....didnt you start this branch? Akitaru: "Yeah. And do you know how many times I wanted to run away from it?" Arthur: "?!" tamaki:.............. Akitaru: "I wanted to run from being a firefighter, run from being commander here...run from my responsibilities." (pulls out a piece of paper) "Read this." tamaki:..... *she looks at it* *APPLICATION TO THE 8TH BRIGADE* tamaki:.........i-i'll consider it..... Akitaru: "Please do. An adult doesn't run away from their responsibilities..." (smiles) "...but sometimes you just adjust how you address those responsibilities." tamaki:....do you mind if i stay here a while? Akitaru: "Sure thing! So, you've been sleeping in Arthur's bed?" tamaki: i've been in the closet! shinra: in a sleeping bag. Akitaru: "Okay, okay!" (laughs) "But I think we better let the others know--and swear them to an oath of secrecy." Arthur: o\\\\\o shinra: sounds good. tamaki: please dont let burns or the others know i'm here... *The meeting begins* Hibana: "...Are you fucking kidding me?" maki: awww, how sweet. Takahisa: "...I'm telling Burns." (stands up) Akitaru: "?!" Hibana: > : ( *Who will stop Takahisa?* iris: wait! Takahisa: "???" nozomi: cant you see she's been put through enough, where's your sympathy?! Takehisa: "We have rules. Rules are meant to be followed." Hibana: (eyeroll) nozomi: but what's more important, rules or morality? isnt it our job to help people in need? Takehisa: "Hmph. I fail to see the problem of Burns's conduct. When I was a child I--" (pauses, thinks...eyes get wet, shivers) "N-Nevermind. She can stay. Temporarily. A week at most. Maybe a month." maki:...... tamaki: thanks, i want to stay here at least until things cool down at the 1st. Takehisa: "S-So we're in agreement? Good."
Death the Kid: Akitaru: "Make it official. Show of hands to keep Tamaki's presence here a secret?" Arthur: (raises his hand) Takehisa: (trembling as he raises his) Hibana: (raises hers--and pulls up Gab's) maki: yep. iris: of course. shinra: i'm in. nozomi:... yes. Akitaru: (raises his) "Just leaves you..." (looks at Tamaki) tamaki:.... *she nods* yeah. Akitaru: "Great! Now, let's move you out of your love shack with Arthur and Shinra and into another room." tamaki: oh shush.... nozomi: she could stay in my room for now. Akitaru: "Super! Tamaki, need help moving?" tamaki: i can fit most of my stuff into my bag, so i think i can manage. Akitaru: "Okay, then. Well, get moved, and we'll get to making dinner. What do you like?" -later- Arthur: "H-How do you feel about all of this?" tamaki: a lot better. at least i dont have to sneak around anymore... but if anyone comes at the door, i'll have to hide. Arthur: (nods, takes her hand) "We're not giving up on you, Tamaki." tamaki:.....thanks. Arthur: "..." (leans closer) tamaki: ah.... Arthur: "Would you...I mean could I...k-ki-kiss you?" tamaki: .//////////. Arthur: (pulls back) "S-Sorry. We don't h-h-have to." tamaki: it's fine. Arthur: "..." (keeps holding her hand) -elsewhere- Kid: (whistling) stocking: surprise.....HUG ATTACK!~<3 Kid: "Ah!" (laughs) "Hey, there, Love!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...I love you." stocking: i love you too, babe. Kid: (smirks) "Wait 'til you see your Christmas gifts." stocking: oho~? Kid: "But you'll have to wait until Christmas." (boops her nose) stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Maybe you want a little treat before Christmas?~" stocking: like what~? Kid: (whispers in her ear) "I hid a dessert in the kitchen...and I could give you a little something else later..." -later- Kid: (patting a napkin to her lips) "You devoured that so quickly..." stocking: mmmmmn~ Kid: "You enjoyed it, my sweet?" stocking: you know it~ Kid: (smiles) "You are so...attractive." (spots something) "But you still have a little frosting there..." (points at her cheek...as he leans and licks off the frosting) stocking: ah! *bluuuush* Kid: (smirks) "So cute when you blush..." stocking: *blush* Kid: "..." (leans in) "You also have beautiful eyes." stocking: you too. Kid: (puts an arm around her waist) "What now?" -elsewhere- Yohei: (knocks on door) "Chie? Time for dinner." chie: ok. Yohei: "Feel okay?" chie: yeah. why wouldnt i be? Yohei: "It's just, I know that some bleedings take a lot of energy out of you." chie: .......y-yeah. but i'm alright. Yohei: "..." (nods) "Well, I hope dinner is good...Tried something different..." chie: ah. -elsewhere- Solence: (shivering) "I-I gave you enough gas to power this place for a month! What else do you want from me?!" ???: you're still being held here for....research purposes. Solence: "...I-I've seen the kind of 'research' you do..." ???: besides, we cant have this going public, now can we~? Solence: "...You're going to kill me, aren't you?" ???: oh no no no, you're too valuable an asset to just kill off. Solence: "No one is making me feel like I'm not going to die! What do you want with me?!!" -elsewhere- Wes: "I had a good time, Liz." liz: me too. Wes: "I-I had something else I wanted to give you..." liz: oh? Wes: (removes a small box to hand to her) "I thought these would look nice...If not, no worries..." liz: *blush* *Inside are small silver earrings* liz: aw wes, these are so nice, thanks. Wes: "Thanks. I was hoping since, you know, silver looks good on you." liz: *she smiles* Wes: "Thanks also for coming out. I've loved spending time with you." liz: no problem. Wes: "Well, we're here...See you tomorrow?" liz: sure thing. Wes: "..." (awkward hug) liz: ....*hug* Wes: (kiss on the cheek, then pulls back, letting his hands slide gently along her arms as he pulls back) -later- Kid: (holds Stocking, kisses her cheek) stocking: mmmmm that felt nice. Kid: "Agreed..." (chuckles) "We're only getting better." stocking: *she smiles* i see you've been taking lessons from those books i lent you~<3 Kid: (pats her bottom, then massages it) "It's been informative. Wouldn't you say so?" stocking: indeed. hehe~ Kid: (puts his arms around her, drawing her nearer as he faces her) "How many years has it been since our first date?" stocking: about 2-3? Kid: (blushes a bit) "I-I remember being so nervous during our first time." stocking: i do too. Kid: "..." (holds her hand, rubs it) "Thank you for your patience with me." (brings her hand to his lips for a gentle kiss) stocking: *she kisses him too* Kid: (hugs her) "Stocking, you feel so warm." stocking: mmmmm~ Kid: (kisses her lips softly) -the next day- Kid: (finishing waffles) "How many do you all want?" -at school- Arthur: (tapping his finger on the desk) justin: and that concludes today's lesson. Tezca: (asleep in the front row) Arthur: (puts away his books) "Some lesson..." kirara: -_-; Tezca: "Zzzz..." Arthur: (pulls out his phone) [ShiningKnight: hey] [TaMeowKi: sup ^^] [ShiningKnight: classes pretty boring right now, esp w/o you here] [TaMeowKi: ah.] [ShiningKnight: how about i pick something up for you after school? want anything?] [TaMeowKi: not sure.] [ShiningKnight: food? books? dvds?] [TaMeowKi: i can have oubi order something :3] Arthur: (smiles..."So cute...") [ShiningKnight: okay. i'll see you when i get home <3] -at lunch- Patty: "Cute earrings, Sis!" liz: thanks, wes gave them to me last night. Kid: (smiles) "That was thoughtful. They do look good." liz: *she smiles* Patty: "What're you two up to today? Going out?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Hmph." ??: so any progress? Kepuri: "Sort of. Security is tighter here than I thought." ??: how so? Kepuri: "Whoever they have in their IT department here keeps adjusting the parameters each time. My brain is struggling just to keep up." (sips on coffee) "Ugh, tension headache." ??: oh really? Kepuri: "Yeah, really. But I have an idea. It just means getting an interview with DWMA IT." -elsewhere- Yumi: (staring at a letter, sweating) "Oh no..." lord death: is everything ok? Yumi: "I-I don't know. It's from someone claiming to be family..." lord death: ?? Yumi: "..." (hands the letter to Death) "Try to find out who is sending this..." lord death: of course. *he kisses her forehead* Yumi: (holds him, shivering) -meanwhile- Patty: "Well, classes are done! Where to?" stocking: how about the mall? Kid: "More holiday shopping would help. Liz, will you be joining us?" liz: *she nods* *At the mall* Kid: (passes by one shop...blushes a bit) stocking: ?? Kid: "S-So, maybe we should venture over there!" (points in the direction *away from the lingerie store*) stocking: ok. Kid: ("Thank goodness I already finished shopping there..." points to record store) "I think Mother could use some new songs for Christmas." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Mana, Yohei told me we're doing Dokeshi hide and seek throughout Death City this weekend. Where should I hide?" mana: *whispers* Shotaro: "Oooooooh! Good one! Thanks!" -later- Patty: (sipping on her drink) "Any plans for you happy couples this weekend?" stocking: perhaps we could do a double date? Kid: (smiles) "I'd like that. Liz?" liz: i'll ask. Kid: (smiles) "Maybe go to a club?" stocking: sounds fun. Kid: "Any recommendations, Liz?" liz: i know this really cool place called 'the tomb' Kid: "Oh, rather gothic, I take it?" liz: i guess. stocking: ooooh. *shiny eyes* Kid: (chuckles) "I think that's three for the Tomb. And given Wes's time around ghosts, I doubt he'll turn down this opportunity to see Death Children activities in person." -and so- Yohei: "Hmmm...I do have two faint blips in Death City. Mana, you sure Shotaro hid like I told him to?" mana: *she nods* Yohei: "Hmmm...This signal is closer, so I'll follow it. You coming or have somewhere else to be?" mana: *she follows* Yohei: "Hmmm..." *Yohei and Mana follow the signal down a few streets until arriving at...* Yohei: "...You have to be kidding me." -there is a playground, where aimi is playing- Yohei: (checks his Dokeshi Watch) "Hmmm...Wonder whether Shotaro or Chie are actually here. Or we got another Dokeshi around here." aimi: ~? ah! big bro yohei! *hugs his leg* Yohei: (blushing) "H-Hey, kiddo...Um, how are you?" aimi: good. i'm in a new school now and made lots of new friends. Yohei: "That's good. You've been behaving in school?" aimi: *she nods* Yohei: (pats her head) "Good. Hey, have you seen that girl I was with when we first met you and your father?" aimi: hmmmm.....no. just big sis minori. she's not really my sister, she's just looking after me while daddy's at work. Yohei: "Okay. Well, at least this watch found you. I guess that's something." aimi: woooow. -elsewhere- Arthur: (smiles) tamaki: mmmm~ thanks for the lunch. Arthur: "You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it." maki: how do you like the octo sausages? tamaki:...cute i guess. 7///7 Arthur: *awkward cough* "So...um, anything we else we can do for you?" tamaki: i'm good for now. i should learn to make better bentos. iris: Q.Q shinra: *pats her back* Arthur: "You okay, Iris?" iris: *nod* -iris is sad because she almost burnt the whole kitchen to a crisp- Arthur: "...Maybe we can cook with you, Iris?" iris: i-i appreciate it. ^^ Arthur: (smiles) "Hey, Tamaki, how are your cooking skills?" tamaki: i can cook....to an extent..... i can use a microwave and make small snacks. Takehisa: (eyeglasses shine) "Then perhaps I need to teach you all how to actually cook..." (sinister grin) everyone: *sweats* Arthur: "...Oh, look at the time! Tamaki and I have a thing!" (grabs her hand, runs) shinra: 0-0; Takehisa: "...Well, I'll just have to take on other students..." (stares at Shinra) -meanwhile- Black Star: (high-pitched scream) soul: dude, whats wrong?! Black Star: "Something just popped up out of the dumpster!" soul: ?!?! ???: "Shhh...I'm hiding..." soul: *he peers in* Shotaro: "Hi." soul: gah! Shotaro: "Want some chips?" (holds up a half-eaten bag of chips) soul: im....good. Shotaro: (shrugs, munches) "Just don't tell Yohei." soul: you in trouble? Shotaro: "No, just hiding so he can test his new watch." soul: ah. *bing bing bing* soul: ?? Yohei: "He's close, Mana..." mana: hmm? oh, hey it's those two other guys from the tournament. soul: hey we have names you know. Yohei: "Oh, hey, Soul." Black Star: (fuming that Yohei and Mana don't know his name) mana: oh yeah, you're 'Hei-Xing' right? Black Star: (frowns) "Black Star. Just Black Star, regardless what language it's in." (smiles, then poses) "And I see that in any language, I am still a phenomenon whose name transcends all tongue!" (bishi sparkle) mana: -_-; Yohei: "Yeah, great." (glances at the dumpster) "So, Mana, I'm betting on it being Shotaro in that dumpster, not Chie." mana: *whistling* Shotaro: (from the dumpster) "There's no one in this dumpster. Not at all." Yohei: "..." (looks at Mana's soft drink--snatches it, opens the dumpster, dumps its contents into the dumpster) Shotaro: "Hey!" mana: D : < Shotaro: (emerges) "Darn...I thought this was a great hiding place." (looks at Soul, then at Yohei) "Wait, Yohei, since when did you have a brother?" mana: this is the guy from the tournament, soul. soul: hey. Shotaro: "Oooooh..." (looks at Black Star) "So...you like comics?" Black Star: "...Charisma Justice?" Shotaro: "Hell yeah! Justice Blade!" *Black Star and Shotaro start a Justice Blade dance-off* soul: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Patty: (holds up a dress for Liz) "How 'bout this one?" liz: it's nice, but it seems a bit too.....er....flashy. Patty: "What, you don't like something bright and shiny and showing off your goods?" liz: ehhh.... (thinking: i may as well be showing up in my underwear in that!) Patty: "Hmm..." (holds up something more modest but sleeveless) "And you could pair it with that cute jacket..." liz: that could work. *she smiles* Patty: (serious face) "How are things with Wes?" liz: doing pretty good. i think soul's been doing a lot better too. Patty: "That's good...You like Wes?" liz: of course i do. Patty: "...You two say you love each other?" liz: ./////////////////////. Patty: "Guess not." (pats her head) "All in good time, Lizzie." -and so, the day of the double date arrived- Kid: "You look gorgeous, Love." stocking: thanks. it was nice of patti to lend me something. Kid: (nods) "Looks great!" Wes: "Y-You look great, too, Liz. I like the jacket." liz: thanks ^^ Wes: "S-So, shall we go inside?" -they enter- stocking: woooow! Kid: "Ha ha ha!" Wes: o___o "This is...busy." liz: o-o Kid: (shouting over music) "Shall we get a drink or dance?" stocking: how about a few drinks? Wes: (struggling to shout) "Sounds good! Um, Liz? Is that good?" liz: *she nods* -a few patrons are dressed in gothic attire, one male has white face paint with dark eyes and 5 lines down his lips and chin- Kid: "What will you have, Stocking?" stocking: hmmmm... i think i'll have the bat wing special. Wes: "Oh, what's that one like?" -so they order their drinks- Wes: (sips) "Hmm...That's actually good." liz: not bad. Kid: (nods) "So, Liz, how many months have you two been dating now?" liz: well, i guess about.... since this august? Wes: (smiles) "I guess we'll be celebrating a four-month anniversary, then?" liz: i suppose. hehe. Wes: "What is best for that anniversary?" (Smirks) "Paper anniversary? Or jump straight to diamonds?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Ugh...Mana, get Shotaro home...and give him a bath." mana: sure thing. -_-; chie: ^^; Shotaro: "Can it at least be a bubble bath? With toy dinosaurs?!" Yohei: (smiles at Chie) "Kids." chie: *she smiles* they sure are. Yohei: "...So..." chie: ?? Yohei: "Um...You hungry? Thirsty?" chie: i'm good for now. Yohei: "...When Mana's done with Shotaro, do you need a bath? ... I mean, not Mana giving you a bath. Or that you smell or anything. Just, do you need..." (pauses, deadpan) "Can I start over?" chie: i'll be good with a shower ^^; Yohei: "...Okay. I'll take one, too." -later- Kid: (yelling over music) "Want to dance?" Wes: (has had two glasses of Bat Juice, spaced out, smiles at Liz) "Thanks for bringing me here." -at the 1st HQ- ???: i think it went down here...hmm? the cellar?.....i know the nuns arent allowed down there but....*sigh* if he doesnt see he wont know, right? ???: "..." ???: *she looks around* no sign of him... ???: "Gah..." ???: *inhales* ok, you can do this ruby. just step down eeeeasy now- ????: SISTER RUBY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ruby: WACK! *she jumps back* ???: "..." ruby: ah! s-sister dia! it's just you. dia: *she tugs ruby's ear* you know we arent supposed to go down there, only those with the clarification are allowed in that cellar. ruby: i know, but the guys lost their soccer ball down there. ???: (clawing) dia: ....i'll ask one of the three fathers to retrive it, they have proper clearance. ruby: ok then. -another sister, with short purple hair and blinding bangs, overhears- ????: ......... ???: "Help..." ruby: ?? are you ok? dia: dont bother. it's not our business.... ???: "Please...Stop..." ruby:..... dia: come now, we shouldnt dawdle around here. pearl you come too. pearl: *the purple haired girl* ah! r-right..... -at the 8th- Arthur: (pats Tamaki's shoulder) tamaki: *playing cards with the girls* nyeah? Arthur: (smiles) "Having fun?" tamaki: *she nods* i dont get to play games like this often at the 1st. iris: *she looks at the door* sister's been rather busy with her meeting with the commander. shinra: what do you think they're talking about? tamaki: probably boring grown up stuff. Arthur: "Hmmm...Maybe the next move regarding what happened at the 5th?" shinra: maybe.... iris: hmmm.... *puts a hand on her cheek where her scar is* tamaki: .... !! woah, where did you get that? iris:.................... shinra: it's.....a long story. Arthur: "..." Hibana: (heard in Akitaru's office) "Hmph." shinra:...... *he presses his ear against the door* Akitaru: "Look, Princess--" Hibana: (slams hand on desk) "You big ape!" shinra:...... *listening* Akitaru: "I told you not to call me that!" Hibana: "Could say the same to you! What part of 'not a good idea' will you not hear?!" shinra: ??? (thinking: _what's_ not a good idea?) Akitaru: (sighs) "Look...J-Just give it some thought. It may help us to finally--" Hibana: "Fine!" (pushes the door open) shinra: *knocked to the floor* ow....ok.... that hurt. iris: ah!! Hibana: "?! What the hell?!" shinra: i wasnt listening to anything i didnt hear a thing..... i'll get the shovel again. Hibana: (smiles sweetly) "No, that won't be necessary..." (EVIL SMILE) "The force of my kick will knock you six feet into the ground." shinra: *sweats* (thinking: mother save me.) Akitaru: "Hey, come on, Princess. He was just--" Hibana: (roundhouse kick at Akitaru) "Stop calling me Prince--!" Akitaru: "!!!" (catches her leg) "Hey! Don't--" (knocked down) iris: waaah, please stop! Q-Q maki: ok, everyone chill out. what's the problem? Hibana: (trying to stomp Akitaru) Akitaru: (trying to hold her leg up) "Just a plan--OW!--to deal with Burns--OW!" maki: oh? gabriella: princess i brought your coffee-..... what did he this time? Hibana: "Just walk in and think we can grab the 1st's material for blackmail?! Are you nuts?!" (aims for his crotch) Akitaru: (struggling to hold) "Would one of you help me?!" maki: ok time out everyone, let's start from the beginning. Hibana: "...Fine." Akitaru: (sits up) "Why is Burns so cagey? We need evidence to find out the answer-- shinra: answer? Akitaru: "To a lot of questions...Because I've seen people mourning. That's not what Burns is doing." iris:......... tamaki:...................... Hibana: "You seriously want to make enemies of the 1st? When they learn Tamaki is here, what do you think will happen?' tamaki: !!!! Akitaru: "And if we want to protect her, we need something on Burns!" Arthur: (puts a hand on Tamaki's shoulder) tamaki: w-what are you planning.... Akitaru: "You know what Burns is like: we'll need you to tell us how to get to him, get past him, get past your colleagues in the 1st, and find whatever is hidden in that division." tamaki: after what happened recently, i feel like i hardly know him.... Akitaru: "...What gets under his skin?" tamaki: insubordination for one... Akitaru: "Hmm...Difficult to get more insubordinates in his organization." Hibana: (eyeroll) "Maybe we can predict his work schedule and infiltrate his place while he's out." shinra: hmmm..... Akitaru: "And since sending Tamaki back as a mole inside the 8th is not an option, we need something else...Don't suppose any of you want to transfer over there? Hibana? Takehisa? Maki?" nozomi: i'll go. they dont know about my joining here... Akitaru: "Great!" Hibana: "Wait--you sure about this, kid?" nozomi: *she nods* Hibana: "I-I don't like this. Kid, if you find yourself in any trouble, you bolt, got it?" nozomi: ok. Akitaru: "Come on--let's get you packed, Nozomi." Arthur: "...I don't like this...sending a princess into the dragon's pit." nozomi: i'll be ok, dont worry. Arthur: "..." Hibana: "..." Akitaru: (smiling widely) "Great!" -back at the club- Wes: (dancing with Liz) "You move great..." liz: thanks....hmmm....seems kid and stocking wandered off... Wes: "...Yes. Yes, they have." ("...Oh boy...") -elsewhere in the club- Kid: (grunts) stocking: *muffled moans* Kid: (whispers) "God, Stocking..." (spanks her backside) stocking: mmmn~! Kid: "You like that, don't you?" (slides his hands under the dress, cupping her breasts) stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: (moaning as he kisses along her neck) "How far you want to go?" stocking: i want to be begging for it by the time we head home~ Kid: "Maybe I could help with that..." (his hand slides down her backside and around...) -meanwhile in the other closet- arachne: 0-0;;; Giriko: "...Um, am I doing it wrong?" arachne: n-no, i just didnt think the reaper boy would be bringing his girlfriend here..... Giriko: "Yeah...Um, does it turn you on?" arachne: -_-; arachne: if he sees me..... Giriko: "...Want to get out of here?" arachne: after they leave.... Giriko: "...How you want to pass the time?" -later- Kid: (adjusting his shirt) stocking: ahhh.... U/////U Kid: (smiles) "You sound like you enjoyed yourself..." (kisses her neck) stocking: ah~ *blush* Kid: "Are we not finished?" (hand goes down again her again) "Or do you need an encore?" stocking: *siiigh* a-at home.... we can finish. Kid: (moans) "Damn. That is going to be a challenge, Love." -elsewhere, later- Yohei: (typing) chie: -playing bejeweled on her phone- Shotaro: (poking Tuhl with pretzel stick) mana: so what's tomorrow’s game plan? Yohei: "I need a day off from this watch, so I'll back to fixing it Tuesday. Hmmm...Want to go out?" mana: how about we all check out the arcade? Tuhl: (shoves pretzel up Shotaro's nose) "Cool." Yohei: (chuckles) "Arcade then tomorrow." -the next morning- Kid: (sighs) stocking: zzzz..... Kid: (hugs her in her sleep, smiles) stocking: mmmmm....~<3 Kid: "Feel good?" stockng: *yaaawn* y-yeah. Kid: "God, Stocking...I've never gone that far outside of a bedroom...or a hot tub...or a pool..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "...Where have you wanted to do it?" stocking: well, one part of me has always wanted to do it in a dressing room... Kid: (runs a finger along her chest) "I'm game whenever you are..." stocking: ah~ *she chuckles* Kid: (pulls her close, kisses her chest) -at school- Patty: "How was Wes last night, Sis?" liz: great. we had a wonderful time, thanks for coming with us kid. stocking: aw, no problem. *she smiles* Kid: "Yes, it was great!" (Smiles at Stocking) Patty: "...I bet. So, up for another double date in the future?" stocking: i could be convinced~ *she winks at kid* Kid: (chuckles) "Yes." -in class- Stein: "Shinra, homework?" shinra: here you go, sir. Stein: "How did it go?" shinra: it went well, sir. Stein: "Good, because I need a favor..." shinra: ??? Stein: "I want you to tutor a difficult student." shinra: oh? Black Star: "Hi, new tutor!" shinra: oh...hey. (thinking: i was half expecting kure...) ((in shinra's imagination spot; kirika: fuck fuckity fucker fuck!)) Black Star: "I need help with mastering controlling my wavelength." shinra: uh....i'm not sure how to do that either ^^; Black Star: "Really? But you look so wimpy that I thought you were exerting control over yourself." shinra: !! -cartoon arrow goes through shinra's chest that reads 'wimpy'- oh....really now? Black Star: "Yeah! Hey, what's your max on bench pressing?" shinra:................*curls up into a ball of sadness* wimpy.....wimpy...... Black Star: "...Doc? I broke another tutor!" soul: niiiiice. Stein: "Take Shinra to the physician before I fail you both." soul: yes sir! Black Star: "I can get him to infirmary faster!" (Runs with Shinra--into a wall) -later- Kid: "Stocking..." stocking: hmm? what is it? Kid: (whispers in her ear) "Thank you again for last night." stocking: no problem~ Kid: (whispering again) "Maybe, another time, we could try...somewhere else." (points to a school closet) stocking: sounds a bit risky... Kid: (smirks, whispers) "Makes it more fun." (pulls back, louder) "But I understand." (holds her hand) "I'm just happy being right here, right now with you." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (whispers) "But I must admit, since that dance club, I have felt far more...amorous than usual." stocking: *she kisses his nose* you are a cute little dork you know that? Kid: (blushes) "Y-Yeah, I am..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "When we get home..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: (playing against Mana on a video game) mana: *pressing buttons.* >:p Shotaro: (trying to attack Mana) "You can't beat me! I got my stats up to the max!" mana: BS. Yohei: (studying an arcade machine) "Hmm...Retro." chie: so...how do i make it work? Yohei: (hands her laser gun) "When the zombies pop up on the TV screen, aim and fire. To re-load, point off the TV screen and fire again." chie: um...ok.... *gulp* *PLAYER 1 AND PLAYER 2: GET READY TO GO ZOMBIE HUNTING* *Zombie pops up on screen* Yohei: "Fire!" chie: EEK! *shooting* *She missed--Zombie approaches* Yohei: (blast) *Yohei has destroyed Zombie, saving Chie. 250 points* chie: *pouts* Yohei: "You'll get the next one. Try that one--he's slow and slobbering." chie: o-ok.... *Slobbering Zombie approaches Chie slowly* chie: *shoots* *Chie destroyed Zombie: 100 points* chie: i-i did it! *Another Zombie pops up on screen* Zombie: "BLARG!" chie: *SCREAMS AND SHOOTS* *Chie blasted Zombie's arm off: 50 points. Zombie keeps approaching* chie: Q-Q *shooting* *Zombie lunges forward* chie: AHHHH!!! *tosses the gun, which bounces off the screen* Yohei: "...That was not effective." *Yohei does head-shot: 1,000 points for Yohei, -40 points for Chie* chie: Q~Q Yohei: (holds her hand...and puts the gun back in it. He keeps holding) "Let me show you have to fire." (he walks behind her, aiming the gun for her in a near-hug) chie: o///////o Yohei: (whispers in her ear) "This weapon is an extension of yourself...Treat the scope as your own eye...Look through it clearly." chie: o-ok... *she inhales and takes aim* -the zombie is shot through the chest- Yohei: (smiles) "Nice work." (he still has his arms around her) chie: thanks. *she smiles* Yohei: (realizes how close he is, slowly pulls back) "Well...Up for Round 2?" -elsewhere- Wes: "I think it went pretty well." soul: ah... Wes: "...I like Liz. A lot. I'm just...I'm not used to..." soul: ?? Wes: "...I haven't dated someone for this long. I'm at a bit of a loss." soul: i'm not sure what to tell you... Wes: "No, it's fine--I just...it helps to talk about it, you know?" soul: *he nods* i guess i'm kinda jealous..... Wes: "..." (puts a hand on Soul's shoulder) soul: ..........i miss her..... Wes: (nods) "...Have you...been to the cemetery recently?" soul: i might do that today. Wes: "...Want to go on your own? Or would you like me to come with you?" soul: i'll be ok. see ya. -at the graveyard- soul: yeah, and that's what's been happening recently.... *Slight wind, shaking the bare limbs of the trees* soul: it's getting colder out.... *Bird chirps on one branch* soul: ........ maybe i'll see you in that dream world.......well, a guy can hope, right? *The bird flies--and one of its feathers falls down, onto Soul's head* soul: ........ heh.... *he keeps it.* *That Night* soul: zzzzz....... ???: "Soul?" soul: ??? maka? is that you? *Maka emerges* Maka: "Hey." soul: *he hugs her* this is nice.... Maka: (eyes wide, blushing) "Well, that's abrupt!" (smiles, hugs him back) soul: *he smiles, nuzzling his head a bit* Maka: (strokes her hand through his hair, humming) "You're so warm." soul: so, anything new with you? i-in the afterlife.....no offense.... Maka: (smirks) "We finally got cable." soul: oh? Maka: (giggles) "I'm kidding!" (pulls back, holds his hand) "Soul...It is a little difficult to describe this world. It defies reality." (rubs his hand) "I miss something more...concrete." soul:..... *trembling* Maka: "Soul? What's wrong?" soul: i miss you.....a lot..... Maka: "..." (kisses his lips) soul: !!!!!!! o///o Maka: (pulls back quickly, blushing) "S-Sorry...I just...I mean..." (covers her face with her hands) soul: ah...i-it's fine..... Maka: "..." (goes back to holding his hand, staring at him, biting her lip a bit) soul: it....felt nice... Maka: "Yeah..." (leans closer) "I would like..." soul: *smooch* Maka: o\\\\\o (then closes her eyes, leaning into the kiss) soul: U//////U Maka: "Mmm...Soul..." soul: *he pulls back for breath* f-feels warm.... Maka: "Y-Yeah...Felt...really good..." soul: t-that was the first time i ever really kissed a girl.... Maka: "Same...I mean, first time really kissing a guy..." soul: yeah...haha.... Maka: "..." (Kisses his cheek, then towards his lips) soul: *blush* Maka: "Soul..." (Kisses his cheek) "I wanted to kiss you for so long." soul: .//////////////////////////////////////////////////////. i-i-i-i-i-.... *steam is coming out of his ears* Maka: (snort, giggles) "You still look so goofy when you blush." soul: oh shush....heh, fat ankles. Maka: (Smirks) "Sharp toothed hamster..." (Brushes along his lips) soul: *he chuckles and smiles* aw come on, you're cute when your mad. Maka: (Smiles) "As cute as you?" -in the morning- *knock knock* ???: "Soul?" soul: zzzzzzzz........... Wes: "Soul? You awake?" soul: *yawn* murnin..... Wes: "Hey. Thanks for letting me stay overnight. But don't you have classes?" soul: ah! right! -at school- Black Star: "You look rested, buddy. Sleep okay?" soul: yeah, you could say that. Black Star: "Hey, does my breath stink?" soul: *shrug* Black Star: "Kid, smell my breath!" Kid: (hides behind Liz) sayaka: i volunteer as tribute! Black Star: "Thanks! Okay. Get ready!" sayaka: *she pries his mouth open and sniffs* Black Star: D: "Gaaaaaah?" kilik: sayaka what the fuck?! 0-0; Kid: o_o Patty: "Stick your head in his mouth!" sayaka: hmmm..... syrup with a hint of butter.... did you have pancakes this morning? madoka: o-o; Black Star: "Yeah! Incredible!" -later- Arthur: (giggling as he's texting) mio: he seems busy. Arthur: "Just chatting with Tamaki. :3 " shinra: *COVERS HIS MOUTH* Arthur: "???" shinra: can i talk to you a moment? Arthur: "...Okay?" -in the hall, where no one can hear- shinra: you shouldnt just talk so carelessly like that. *whispers* need i remind you that someone is being kept in hiding? Arthur: "I know, I know--I just got excited." shinra: i know....just try to keep cool about it, ok? Arthur: (nods) "Sorry." -later, after school- Kid: (hugs Stocking) stocking: hehe~ well arent you just affectionate~? Kid: (smiles) "Indeed. What would you like to do now?" stocking: just stay in and relax. there's supposed to be some snow coming in tomorrow... Kid: "Oh, I guess that may mean snowball fights and shoveling this week?" stocking: yeah, hehe~ Kid: "Maybe heat up the hot tub..." stocking: oho~? Kid: (whispers) "Would that sound good? Maybe...in a new bikini I _may_ have bought you?" stocking: o///o Kid: (whispers) "I hope you like it~" stocking: ./////////////////. Kid: (pats her shoulder) "You keep blushing like that, and you'll lose all your blood. Let's head home." stocking: yeah. *she smiles* -Later- shinra: we're back! Arthur: "Hey!" maki: welcome back guys. Akitaru: "Shinra, help Takehisa with dinner. Arthur, Tamaki wanted to talk with you." shinra: yes sir. Arthur: "...Tamaki?" tamaki: oh. hey arthur. Arthur: "Hi. How has today been?" tamaki: good. just playing games on my 3ds... Arthur: "Which one has been the most fun?" tamaki: youkai village and dead harvest. Arthur: "...Need a Player 2?" tamaki:....do you have youkai village? if so, we can do multi player mode. Arthur: (nods) "Yeah." (pulls out a 3DS) -later, elsewhere- Yohei: (nudges Chie) "See? You aren't a bad shot." chie: *she smiles* i still have to get used to it though... Yohei: "Practice is all you can do. Now then, what next?" chie: well, the kid's have done their stuff. maybe we could spend the night out? Yohei: "Oh. Yeah, that would be good. Anything in mind?" chie: maybe dinner? Yohei: "Cool. Got a place in mind or a style of food to get?" chie: perhaps~ Yohei: "...So, would this be informal or formal dining?" -later, at higanbana's- Yohei: "Heh. Not bad." chie: i heard good things about it. Yohei: (looks at her) chie: -in a simple red dress with her hair down- Yohei: (in a suit jacket, jeans, and a buttoned shirt) "That dress new?" chie: yeah. i bought it after work. Yohei: "You look great." chie: thanks. you too. Yohei: (smiles) "Thanks...I don't know how often I see you in red. It works for you." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: (opens his menu) "What are you thinking about ordering?" -meanwhile- Kid: (smiles) stocking: *humming* Kid: "Stocking...Would you like some hot chocolate?" stocking: sure. *Two cups of hot chocolate prepped and served* Kid: "I also made sure to include the little marshmallows." stocking: *smiling+smooches his cheeks* Kid: (blushing) "Y-You're welcome." -meanwhile- Yohei: "How is your meal?" chie: it was nice. Yohei: "Yeah, the food here was well-done. They cooked it to just the degree I wanted it done...Chie?" chie: hmm? Yohei: "...You want to go somewhere and dance for a bit?" chie: um....sure, sounds like fun. *At a nightclub* Yohei: "You dance great." chie: you arent too bad yourself. Yohei: (smiles, takes her hand and twirls her) chie: *smiling* Yohei: (continues dancing) "Woo! Need a drink?" chie: sure. Yohei: "Alcoholic or non-alcoholic?" chie: non. Yohei: (nods) *One non-alcoholic lemon-lime soda and one bottle of Guinness later* chie: easy now. Yohei: (chuckles) "I can handle my alcohol. Built up tolerance to it." chie: so, did you want to head home? Yohei: (nods) "Yeah, the dance floor looks a little crowded..." (takes off jacket, puts it on Chie) chie: .///. y-yeah.. Yohei: (opens the door for her as they step out) "It'll be snowing soon." chie: yeah... Yohei: "...What's your favorite season?" chie: hmm? well, i suppose the colder weather is nice. Yohei: "Yeah, the snow looks...beautiful. And sad." chie:....... Yohei: "I think I like spring. Not as cold, but not so hot. I hated trying to do computer programming without air conditioning." chie: *she chuckles* really? Yohei: "Yeah. Computers already heat up the room enough, then to have no air conditioning and in summer? It got so bad that I--" chie: ?? Yohei: (blushing) "I had to type code in my boxers." chie: *snicker* Yohei: (blushing, clears his throat) "Y-Yeah, well, when you're too poor to buy A/C, you do what you can to finish your work. At least our place has central air." chie: yeah, haha Yohei: "...You warm enough now?" chie: yeah..... Yohei: "..." (brushes his hand along hers) chie: *blush* Yohei: "Chie...Could I hold your hand?" chie: oh....sure. Yohei: (holds her hand gently) chie:.... *she smiles* Yohei: (smiles back) "Any plans for tomorrow?" -elsewhere- saki:............................ NoFix: "Oh, God..." kinuta: haaa~ Haaaa~ NoFix: "You like that, huh?" saki:........................ NoFix: (whispers to Kinuta) "I put a camera into Robo-Chick over there..." kinuta: kinky. saki:.......................................................... NoFix: (massaging her breasts) "Wait until we watch this later. Just keep repeating that sexy moan of yours..." -in the hall- luka: -__________________-;;;; ugh. Solence: "Yuck. Just...yuck." luka: i'm gonna need some hard brew for this.... Solence: (does quick breathing exercise) "Oxygen is my coffee..." luka: ..... -crazed giggling could be heard down the hall- Solence: "Wh-What was that?!" luka: and for noriko, it would be injecting herself with that black blood..... Solence: "Injecting?!" luka: with a syringe, how else? Solence: "J-Just...creepy." noriko: hehehehehehehehe..... Asura: "..." heibito: zzzzzz....... Asura: (brushes hand along Heibito's head) "You wonderful babe...You will have a world that will love you...and if it does not, I will crush everyone who gets in your way." -the next morning- Yohei: "Zzz..." chie: zzzzz...... Shotaro: o_o Tuhl: o__o mana: what? Shotaro: "I-I'm confused...Are Chie and Yohei in the same room?" mana: i..i think so? Tuhl: "...I'll prepare the Holy Water." Shotaro: "So, are they going to make little baby Yoheis and little baby Chies?" mana: O////_____////O Yohei: "Mmmm..." *yawns* (moves his arm) chie: mmmm...... Yohei: (nuzzles against Chie...then wakes up) "Oh." chie: *yaawn* morning. Yohei: (smiles) "Hey. How are you feeling?" chie: good. *she smiles* you were great last night. mana: *JAWDROP* O_______________O Yohei: (laughs) "I aim to please. And you were amazing." chie: *she smiles* mana: O_________________________________O Yohei: "It's been a long time for me, and I appreciated your patience." chie: it was actually my first time doing something like that. Yohei: "For real? I-I'm sorry--I didn't think about...I mean...Are you okay?" chie: i'm fine, dont worry. *she smiles* Yohei: "I just didn't want to step on your toes or anything. I mean, two people trying to move around can cause some injuries." chie: yeah, haha. but i'm fine. Yohei: "I can't wait to do that again. Maybe when I feel a bit less sore." (sits up, stretches) "How about I bring you breakfast in bed?" chie: no, i can stand, dont worry. Yohei: (holds out a hand to her) "Ma'am?" -at school- Patty: "I love having the cold weather back. Plus, we don't have to bother going outside during gym." liz: *shivering* g-g-great.... Patty: "Maybe Wes can buy you a new coat~" liz: maybe... Kid: (looks over maps) "Hmm..." (tracing lines between where the Sages were found) "That leaves one last stop..." liz:.................?? Kid: "Finding that monster, and putting him down." liz:...right. stocking: ............ Kid: (holds Stocking's hand, smiles) stocking:......*she nods* Patty: (pointing along the map) "So we hit up all these places...What is it all leading to? Where do you think Medusa escaped to?" liz: beats me..... Kid: "Hmm...She tends to work by herself...but she did have sisters. What if she is trying to find one of their previous lairs?" liz: maybe, but baba yaga's castle is all in ruins.... Kid: "What about the other Gorgon Sister? What of her lairs?" liz: nothing known.... Kid: "...Maybe a little research would help. Or maybe sending investigation teams to Medusa's old lairs in case she has been back to them." liz: that may work... Kid: "I hope so. At the very least, it's something to do." (looks out window) "You know, aside from building snowmen." liz: yeah, haha. Patty: (holds up a brochure) "We could at least try this!" *POLAR BEAR CLUB* Patty: "You have to jump into freezing water in just your swimsuit!" -later- Kid: (places geography books back into his locker) "How do you feel, Stocking?" stocking: ok...... Kid: "..." (Puts a hand on her shoulder) "It's okay. It's going to be okay." stocking:.................. *she hugs him* Kid: (hugs her back, pats her back) stocking:........................... Kid: "Stocking, do you want to go to class? Or maybe we can skip?" stocking: w-we should go to class.... Kid: (nods, holds her hand) "Okay. Let's go." -later- Patty: (flipping through book) iris: *reading* Arthur: (trying to read, finally shutting off his phone to concentrate) shinra: .......... Kid: (taking notes, looking serious) kim:................. Jacqueline: (glances at Kim) tsugumi: it's terrible they were put through that.... Anya: (nods) Meme: "..." *sniff* mio:..... *pats her back* Meme: (nods, wipes her nose) -after school- Kid: "What should we do?" liz: for now, lets think of happier things... Patty: "Like giraffe burgers?" stocking: .....*small chuckle* Kid: (smiles) "Burgers and shakes sound good...only, let's hold the giraffe." Patty: (pouts) -and so- Kid: (sipping) "How is yours, Stocking?" stocking: good. *she smiles* Patty: (sipping on a caramel milkshake, then takes a bite of her bacon burger) "Ah...So good..." (points to Liz) "What flavor did you get?" liz: raspberry. Patty: "Cool!" (takes another bite of her burger) "I really like this--just getting to hang out, eat." Kid: (smiles, pats his lips with napkin) "Indeed." -elsewhere- Arthur: "I'm home." gabriella: she's in the shower. Arthur: "Oh...Um, okay. H-How are you, Gabriella?" gabriella: doing good. you? Arthur: "...A little sad Tamaki isn't with us at school." gabriella: ah... Arthur: "...How do you do it, Gabriella? Don't you feel cooped up in here?" gabriella: sometimes, but as long as i'm with hibana, it's worth it. Arthur: (smiles) "She's lucky to have you." Arthur: "Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with something, Gabriella." gabriella: hmm? Arthur: "Could you hide this in your room? I'm worried Shinra or Tamaki might find it in my room..." (pulls out a small giftwrapped box from his bookbag) "Tamaki was asking about a game, and I wanted to surprise her..." gabiella: sure. Arthur: (hands her the box) "Thanks. Don't worry, I'll give it to her this weekend, so you only need to hide it for a few days." gabriella: sure thing. Arthur: "Thanks. Well, I better get to homework. Later." -elsewhere- Yohei: (on balcony, smoking) chie: you warm enough? it's pretty chilly out.. Yohei: "Oh, hey...Yeah, I'm pretty cold." (he's in jeans and a t-shirt) "Just got lazy and didn't want to pull on a sweater before coming out for a quick smoke...which then turned into a long smoke. What about you--aren't you cold?" chie: considering i'm indoors.... Yohei: "...Want to step out and join me? Or should I finish this smoke and join you for some tea?" chie: the latter. Yohei: (puts out his cigarette on the ashtray, brings in the entire ashtray...winks at Chie as he enters) chie: .///. ~? Yohei: (bags the ashes and dumps them into his room's trash can) "What kind of tea you want? I bought a bunch today while you were out, so we got some chai, some green, black, whatever." chie: some chai sounds nice. Yohei: "Chai, it is." (brushes a hand along hers as he leads her to the kitchen) -elsewhere- Killbell: "What have we been doing? I thought you and the Ant Lady wanted me to do something." milia: we're being sent to attack the DWMA Sicily branch? Nals: "About time." (examines his rapier) "Feels like I've been sitting around doing nothing for weeks." shaula: what about us, ponny? Ponera: (petting her Alvin the Ant) "Stop calling me that. You know that I want those Fire-Ants ready to back up Nals, Milia, and Killbell." shaula: sure thing. glad the 5th is still sending supplies to my base and the grunts there send them to me. Ponera: "Indeed." (pets Alvin) "With those ants, the DWMA is going to burn." (looks around) "Hey, where is Medusa?" shaula: in bed. miserable. medusa: shaddaaaap TT~TT Ponera: "Hmmm..." (hands Alvin to Shaula) "I'll go see her..." Ponera: "Medusa, sweetie? May I be of any assistance?" medusa: i feel like shit! Ponera: "..." (puts back of her hand to her forehead) "Temperature?" medusa: cramps and shit, headaches, feeling bloated as FUCK! *crying* i hate iiiiitttt... Ponera: T_T "I'm sorry...Maybe some pain medicine, yes? And a warm cloth for your head?" medusa: *smiling* some tea would be nice~ Ponera: (smiles back) "Right away!" (scurries off) Killbell: (whispering to Shaula) "Snake Lady sounds mad." shaula: she's usually like that. Nals: "..." *Ponera returns with tea* Ponera: "Here you are!~" medusa: *chugs it* GACK HOT! Ponera: "!!! Sorry! I should've warned--" -elsewhere- Kid: (reading) stocking: zzzz..... Kid: "..." (looks at Stocking. "She has been through a lot today..." Strokes a hand along her hair out of her face) stocking: mmmmm.... *small smile* Kid: (smiles.) stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: "Stocking? Are you awake?" stocking: yeah? Kid: "Maybe we should go to bed?" stocking: yeah...night. Kid: (picks her up, taking her to their bed) "Stocking? I love you." stocking: i love you too kid..... thanks for being part of my life.... Kid: "Thank you for being part of my life." (kisses her forehead before setting her in their bed) "Get some good sleep." -the next morning- Patty: (finishing breakfast for Liz) "So, what are you and Wes doing this weekend?" -at school- Stein: (passing out papers) "You have ten minutes to finish these quizzes. If I catch anyone cheating, they will face a punishment worse than death." Kid: (smirks, whispers to Stocking) "I'm hardly _that_ bad." shinra: *focused* Arthur: (having to turn off his phone again) Black Star: (looking around..."Good. I can read off of one of these egghead's tests...) Stein: "Okay...Start!" shinra: *smiling because it's math class* Patty: (counting her fingers, to no avail) Kid: (glances at Stocking) stocking: *focused* Black Star: (looks over Ox's shoulder...) ox: *hella focused* Black Star: (writing down one of Ox's answers onto his test--) *SMACK!* ox: !!!! Black Star: *collapsed, bleeding* Stein: "I said 'No cheating.'" (looks around the room) "Any other volunteers?" -silence- Patty: "..." (dumps cheat sheets out of her puffy pants, starts answering questions vigorously) liz: O_O Stein: "...Good initiative, Miss Thompson. But you still are getting detention." Patty: "Damn it!" Kid: (struggling not to laugh) stocking: ...... *Time passes* Kid: (completes the test, flips it face-down, looks at Stocking) stocking: done. Kid: (smiles) Stein: "Two minutes left." Patty: (sweating, writing quickly) -later, at lunch- Kid: "How do you think you did?" stocking: well, i hope. Patty: (head in her hands) "Ugh..." liz: *pats her back* Kid: "I'm sure you did fine, both of you. Just, next time, no cheat sheets." Patty: "Ugh..." -later- Kid: (in gym outfit) "Darn..." liz: at least we're indoors... Kid: "Yes, but these short-shorts are annoying." stocking: ........................ Kid: (notices Stocking) "..." o\\\\\o stocking: !!!! *she looks down, blushing* Kid: (covering his crotch, as he looks at Stocking's...chest) stocking: .//////. Kid: "L-Let's just get on with basketball..." Patty: "Shirts versus skins?" (eyebrow wiggle) -later- Kid: (panting) "Good...Good workout." stocking: yeah................. Kid: "Well, I guess we'll hit the showers--separately." -after school- stocking: ................. Kid: "...S-Sorry..." stocking: it's fine...... Kid: "...Stocking, I...I mean, I..." stocking: ?? Kid: "I-I just think you are attractive. You are getting more and more beautiful each day." stocking: *blush* t-thanks.... Kid: "And you only get more attractive because you are such a wonderful, loving person. I love you." stocking: i love you too babe. Kid: "...Could we take a walk home? Just you and me?" stocking: of course. Kid: (holds her hand) "The trees look so different without leaves now." stocking: yeah.... Kid: "...When it snows, can we build a snowman?" stocking: sure. Kid: (smiles) "Do you have any ideas for this weekend?" stocking: i dunno. i think the winter carnival is coming up? Kid: "Ah, that should be fun!" (chuckles) "I think we could premiere our ugly Christmas sweaters for this year." stocking: yeah, haha. Kid: "...You look good in anything, Stocking." stocking: as do you~ especially those gym shorts~<3 Kid: (smirks) "Maybe I should wear those more often around the bedroom?" stocking: or less~ Kid: (chuckles) "Yes." (whispers) "You have no idea what I want to say to you right now. If only we were home..." -later- Yumi: "Death...Could you get me some more tea?" lord death: of course dearest~ Yumi: "Thanks." (looks at her abdomen) "Just two more months, Little one." lord death: there's a small presence....not quite a soul, more like a heat signature? Yumi: (smiles sadly) "I wish I could see her soul..." lord death: you will... Yumi: (hugs him) "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Good tea?" -elsewhere- kirika: ah....haaaah..... phew....good match. *stretching* Gopher: (applauds) kirika: ^^v justin: giriko? have you been feeling well? you seemed troubled. Giriko: "Y-Yeah. Just...Just thinking." ("Can we stay here? Are we even safe...?") justin: ...... kirika:..................... Giriko: "...What're you all staring at? I got something on my face?" kirika: nothin'. Giriko: "...Well, rest up. We spar again in five minutes. I'm going to warm up by wailing on Tiny over here." Gopher: "Wait, who's Tin--" Giriko: (noogies Gopher) Gopher: "I! Am! Not! Tiny!" (trying to remove himself) kirika: come on, you can worm your way outta this one! show some damn backbone! justin: ^^;; Gopher: "I said--let--go!" *KICK* Giriko: (high-pitched scream) Gopher: o^o; "...I'm going to die, aren't I?" Giriko: (high-pitched) "Oh, yeah!" -later- kirika: well, your running time has improved.... Gopher: (panting) "Think he will find me?" kirika: nah, he went home already.... Gopher: "Oh, thank god!" (hugs Kirika) kirika: h-hey! Gopher: o_o (lets go) "Sorry! Got excited." kirika: pheh....whatever......looks like that half-baked priest headed home too... Gopher: "...I'm scared to go home. I might be followed...Can I sleep on the couch?" kirika: ...i'll see if i can ask pops. Gopher: "Thank you..." (looks out window) -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmmm..." stocking: zzzzz..... Kid: (moves closer to her, hugs her) stocking: *smiles* Kid: *yawn* "My Angel..." stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (puts his arms around his waist) "Warm enough?" stocking: *nods* Kid: (pulls back the sheet, looking underneath it) "Mmmm~" stocking: *blush* Kid: "You are beautiful, Stocking. All of you..." (rests a hand along her hip) -later- Gopher: "Zzzz..." kirika: ..... -the next day- Kid: (whistling) -at school- Spirit: "How is Yumi doing, sir?" lord death: quite well. im so excited! Spirit: (smiles, nods) "I'm sure." -later- Kid: (reading poetry, taking notes) -at lunch- Patty: (having a salad, looking around the cafeteria) liz: looking for something? Patty: "I don't know...Just...lonely." liz:....... Patty: "S-Sorry. Just thinking aloud after seeing everyone all lovey-dovey." liz: why dont we set you up on a date? Patty: "Any suggestions?" -and so- Patty: "..." (adjusts dress) "Is this really the best outfit I could wear?" liz: it looks great sis. Patty: (pushes her breasts together) "Who's this blind date going to be, anyway?" liz: *shrug* *DING DONG DONG DEAD* liz: ah that must be them now. Patty: "That them? How's my breath? Do I look okay? When's my curfew?" Patty: "..." juggernaut: *shaking* Patty: "..." (eyes him up and down) "Damn, you're tall!" juggernaut: *gulp* uuhhhhhh..... Patty: (smiles widely, holds out hand) "I'm Patty. Pleasure to meet ya, Mister..." juggernaut:........... Patty: "Um...So, what's your name, Handsome?" juggernaut: *shaking* liz: i think they call him 'juggernaut' Patty: "...Can I call you 'Jugs'?" juggernaut:.....*nod* Patty: "Okay, Jugs! Let's head out and party! Woot! Later, Sis! Don't wait up!" -elsewhere- Spirit: (sipping on his drink) kim: oh, hey albs. Spirit: "H-Hey. How're you doing?" kim: doing well. you? Spirit: "Been better." (shrugs) kim: been on any dates? Spirit: (shakes his head) kim:....... Spirit: "Yeah...Sorry. I shouldn't be discussing that with a student." kim: eh, it's fine. we arent in school right now so... Spirit: (nods) "Yes. I just like to keep that dividing line so things aren't weird." kim: ah. Spirit: "...Not exactly easy to get a date when half of Death City knows you are a philanderer." kim: *chuckles* Spirit: (laughs a bit) "Yeah..." kim: still, a lot better than my mom. she's like this diner. open 24/7, hahaha! Spirit: (small laugh) "Sorry..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Stocking..." stocking: hmm? what is it? Kid: "Have any plans this evening?" stocking: nah. Kid: "Would you like a quiet evening, or something a little more energetic?" stocking: something quiet. Kid: "Sit by the fireplace, have some drinks, just talk?" stocking: sure. *And so* Kid: (pulls blanket over them) stocking: mmmm.....*she smiles* Kid: (holds her hand) "How is the hot chocolate? I added just a bit of cinnamon." stocking: it's really nice. Kid: (smiles) "I'm glad. Stocking, I really do like cooking." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Maybe you and I can make something? Maybe for our parents?" stocking: sounds great! Kid: (beaming) "Great! We can get to work after the Winter Festival Carnival." stocking: awesome! Kid: (kisses her cheek) "How is your mother?" stocking: she's adapting well.... Kid: (nods) "That's good. How is she physically?" stocking: much better than she was. Kid: (pats her hand) "She is lucky to have you..." stocking: *she smiles faintly* Kid: "Stocking? It's only a few months before I have a sister...I think our families are so important." stocking: yeah.... kirika: the fuck am i, road kill? Kid: o_O "!!! When did you get here?!" kirika: i live here, duh. Kid: "I-I wasn't ignoring you! I was just, you know, talking about _our_ sister soon to be born..." kirika: ah.... *eating her pocky* Kid: "...Did you want some hot chocolate, Kirika?" kirika: eh, why not. Kid: (pours a cup for her) "Any additional flavoring? Some spice? Sugar?" -later- Kid: "Mmm..." stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: "Oh, God...You like that?" stocking: yes~! Kid: (clutches her hips as he goes deeper into her, looks at her) "You are so beautiful..." stocking: *blushing* ahhh~ Kid: (thrusting harder) "I love how you sound when you cum, you sexy goddess. You are so hot. I love this feeling!" (thrusts harder still) stocking: ahhh~! oh god! Kid: (buries his face in her neck, kissing and licking as he pinches her hips) stocking: oh-ohh~! Kid: (groaning) "I'm so close...Ah~!" (thrusts harder into her, as he slams his mouth against hers) stocking: mmmn~<3 !! Kid: (he starts to ejaculate into his condom) "Mmmm~" -soon, she is left shaking and panting beneath him- stocking: ahhhhh...k-kiiid~ Kid: (massaging her folds, slowly sliding his fingers into her, as he sucks on one of her nipples) stocking: mmmn~ Kid: (lets his tongue lick the very tip of her nipple, as his fingers alternate between thrusting into her and stimulating her clitoris) stocking: ahhhh~! Kid: "I love your breasts. They are so..." (licks) "...delicious." -later- Kid: *Yawn* stocking: zzzzzz. Kid: (smiles. "She is amazing in every way...") -elsewhere- Yohei: (puts blanket over Shotaro) chie: *tucking him in* Yohei: (smiles at her) -the next day- Kid: (hugs Stocking in bed) "You were wonderful." stocking: you too, babe~ Kid: "Stocking, is there anything you desire in our sex life? Anything different?" stocking: maybe i could top once in a while? or try some new things in that book i got~? Kid: "I would love nothing more than you on top: it's a great view." (strokes a finger along her nipple, his other hand sliding along her thigh) "Any particular page in that book?~" -at school- Patty: (blushing) liz: so how was it? Patty: "..." (puts her head in her hands) "Ugh..." liz: you ok? Patty: "I just feel embarrassed. He was so nervous, and that made me nervous and then--then--" (headdesk) liz: ah... Patty: "M-Maybe we could talk in private, Juggy and me, so he's not pressured being in public or something?" liz: maybe. Patty: "How do you and Kid do it, Sis? You make dating look effortless." liz: just try talking to them normally. Patty: "...People don't really call me--" (air quotes) " 'normal.'" liz: by 'normal' i mean just act casual, like you usually do around people. Patty: "...I-I'll try." -at lunch- Patty: "H-Hey, Juggernaut. Is this seat taken?" juggernaut: um.. n-not really.. Patty: *stiffly forces herself down in the seat across from him* "So...W-What are you eating?" -at another table- Kid: "Say 'Ah!'" (holds up piece of strawberry tart on his fork) stocking: aaaah~ Kid: (lowers the fork, kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "And here's your treat..." (slides the fork into her mouth) stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "I'm sure that's delicious..." (whispers in her ear) "Not as delicious as you." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (holds her hand) Black Star: "Well, you two are just adorable..." tsubaki: ^^ Kid: (blushing) -later- Kid: (looks out the door) "It's already snowing?" liz: looks like it... Patty: (puts on gloves) "Where to? Home or elsewhere?" liz: maybe check out the mall? Kid: "Great!" (smirks at Stocking) "Your gift should be there for me to pick up." (boops her nose) "So no peeking..." stocking: i wont~ Kid: (whispers) "Maybe get you a new blindfold to make sure you don't." liz: TMI. Kid: o___o "Y-You heard that?" liz: *innocent whistling* Kid: "...L-Let's just go to the mall, then..." (blushing) -and so- Kid: "I'm going to head to the west wing. Please give me 10 minutes to procure your gift--and please, don't follow." stocking: ok. Kid: (walks for a bit, enters candy shop) "Hello. I was told my order was ready, under the name Death the Kid." clerk: here it is, sir. Kid: (examines the contents) "Excellent! Well worth the cost! Thank you!" -later- Kid: (smiling brightly over a meal) stocking: ^^ Kid: "How is your meal, Love?" stocking: good. Kid: (having a salad and a sandwich) "Same. Maybe after this the snow will have slowed down and we can start building snowmen." stocking: sure. liz: i guess.... Patty: "..." (inhales) "Do you wanna build a--!" liz: dont. Kid: (shoves a cinnamon roll into Patty's mouth) Patty: "Hmph?!" Kid: "We'll build your snowpeople later. For now, just finish your meal." -elsewhere- Yumi: (looks at the snow) "So beautiful." lord death: *looking at her* indeed. Yumi: (blushing as he looks at her) "Death...Is this what you imagined?" lord death: how so? Yumi: "Did you think you would be having another child? Or would be with someone...like me?" lord death: ....it hadnt crossed my mind in the past, but i'm glad that things turned out the way they did.... *he smiles* Yumi: (blushes) "I never thought I would be married to a shinigami like you...When I first met you..." lord death: yeah.... you were still..... still a student. .////.;; Yumi: (smirks) "You pervert." lord death: Q-Q Yumi: (playful push) "I'm kidding! You didn't even agree to go out on a date with me until long after I graduated." Yumi: (leans into him to let him hold her in his arms) "We kept this relationship a secret for so long from Kid..." (frowns) "I regret that." lord death: yeah... haha... i guess it was long after you matured into a full grown adult i started having those feelings.................*he grows silent* i was afraid he would lash out... Yumi: (blushes) "I...was afraid, too, that he would be upset." (blushes harder) "You thought I was...'full-grown'?" lord death: mentally and emotinally.... *sweats* d-dont get me wrong, you're lovely- *facepalm+blush* Yumi: (smirks) "I am glad you love me for my mind and soul. But, you know, this birth is going to change my body. Will you still love me when my shape changes?" lord death: of course. *he smiles* Yumi: "...Are you okay?" lord death: *he nods, hugging her* i love you.... Yumi: "I love you, too." (hugs him) "Thank you for giving me...for filling a hole in my soul." -elsewhere- *Shotaro and Tool are building snowmen and snow-kappa* chie: that's....different. Tuhl: (frowns at Chie) "Oh, excuse me, but you never get to see kappa much, anyway." (grumbles as he keeps working on another snow-kappa) "Pop culture never has kappa. Don't see any films with kappas as the lead protagonists..." chie: what about Kaoli? Tuhl: "And I never see us in the news! When I helped save Las Vegas, where were the interviews with me?!" -elsewhere- Wes: (brings out tea and cake for Soul, Black Star, and Tsubaki) "I hope this is better than the last recipe." tsubaki: thank you. *she smiles* Black Star: (takes a bite) "Not bad...A little dry." soul: it's improved... Wes: (smiles) "That's good at least. Tsubaki?" tsubaki: it really has. Wes: (slight blush) "I was...kind of hoping to make something for Liz. I guess I'm not quite there yet." -later- Kid: (hides Stocking's gifts in his dresser) "Okay, you can come back in~" stocking: hey cutie~ Kid: "Hey, beautiful." (hugs her) "You hid your gifts in your room, I assume?" stocking: as if i'd tell you~ Kid: (places a hand on her hip) "Even if I tried to coax it out of you?" stocking: nope, my lips are as good as sealed~ Kid: "A pity...I had such delicious ways I wanted to try to get you to talk...Be a shame to waste them, but I guess that dessert can go to someone else..." (smirk, eyebrow wiggle) stocking: Q_Q -TACKLE- Kid: (giggles) "Okay, okay! I give! The dessert is yours!" Kid: (smiles) "You got me pinned..." stocking: you upset me just now.......you'll have to be punished for that~<3 Kid: "Then what are you waiting for~" -and so- stocking: look how cute you look~ Kid: (moaning) "I was going to say the same about you...God, you are amazing." stocking: hehe~ *she goes harder into him* Kid: "A-Ah~! Fuuuuuuck...!" stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (panting) "G-God...S-So good..." stocking: *she smirks and leaves bite marks on his chest* Kid: "Mmm~ L-Lick those bites, please..." stocking: *she breathes on them, flicking her tongue against the nipples* Kid: "Ah-ah-ah!" (his member is throbbing, hard) stocking: *she flicks it teasingly* Kid: "Ah! I-I want to touch you..." -spank spank- stocking: hehe~ Kid: (howl) "God!" stocking: you're such a naughty boy, arent you kiddo~? Kid: "Y-Yes, I am a naughty boy..." stocking: tell me what you want. Kid: "I-I don't know...I-I want to hold your beautiful booty..." -later- stocking: feeling better? *she's giving him a bath* Kid: (moans) "Almost...You know what would feel better?" stocking: hmm? Kid: (sits up, wincing a little--and grabs one of her breasts) stocking: ah! *bluush* Kid: (puts his lips around her nipple) -later- stocking: mmmm.... *she's holding him close, stroking his head* Kid: (purring) "You are amazing. Thank you." stocking: of course kid.....is your butt feeling any better? Kid: (nervous grin) "It'll be better soon. Thank goodness I recover quickly." stocking: yeah....... *she strokes down his wrist* ........ Kid: (lets her stroke his wrist) "Stocking...Do you like having sex with me?" stocking: of course kid. Kid: (smiles) "Same. I never thought I would...find someone who wanted to sleep with me." stocking: kid...... Kid: (strokes her cheek) "I feel like I am compatible with you...You are so attractive, so sexy...I love your figure, your creativity...your enthusiasm." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Stocking, I love you." (kisses her lips) stocking: mmmmmm~ Kid: (his hand rests along her breast, as he slips his tongue past her lips) -the next morning- Kid: "How about we have breakfast in bed?" stocking: sounds good.... *she smiles, slightly concerned for kid* ...... (thinking: he was muttering and crying in his sleep....) Kid: (forcing a smile as he gets up, puts on his bathrobe, and leaves...but not before blowing a kiss to her) stocking: *she smiles a bit* so cute... *He returns with a large meal: waffles, syrups, toppings, whipped cream, juice* stocking: oooh~! Kid: (sets the food down) "I hope it is tasty." (he disrobes, naked, and crawls under the covers with her) -later- Kid: (holds her hand) "Only a few days until Christmas..." stocking: yeah.... Kid: "Anything else you needed to do? I know Father would like help with decorations..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Hmph. And just what have you all been up to?" dia: we've been making calls to the other branches, so far nothing has come up... pearl: i hope she's alright... Burns: "Do better at finding her. We can't risk her...getting hurt." dia: of course commander. perhaps if i had something of hers, i could trace the scent.... Burns: "Go through her room. Find something. Find her." pearl:....... dia: yes sir. *In Tamaki's room* dia: hmmm.... < > Clothing < > Library Book <x> Other dia:.....hmm? < > Soda cup < > Video game <x> Photograph < > Other -examine photo- *Photo of Tamaki...slapping Arthur upside the head* dia:.....such a vulgar child. Burns: "Find anything?" dia: just the things she didnt take with her.... Burns: (spots the photo...) "...I think I'll take a walk. Clear my head." dia: of course sir.... i'll continue my investigation... Burns: (nods..."Akitaru...Hibana...") -elsewhere- Wes: (making a snowball) soul: how does it look out there? *hiding behind the fort* Wes: (looks over) "Not good...Didn't realize Patty and Black Star were that good at making forts..." soul: yeah, dont underestimate them. Black Star: (behind another fort) "Ready, Tsu?" tsubaki: ready. Black Star: (grins) "Soul! This is your last chance to surrender, bro!" soul: i surrender.....for NOTHING! Wes: (smiles) "Yeah! You hear that, Liz! We aren't surrendering!" liz: oh really now? eruka: we're gonna diiiieeee Free: "Nah, have a little more confident. I got Ice Magic!" Wes: "Hey, Liz! How about a bet?!" liz: oh~? Wes: "Loser buys drinks!" liz: sounds good. Black Star: "Yeah! And when you both lose, you're buying us drinks!" Free: "Fat chance! You're buying our drinks! Right, Eruka?" eruka: er... right! and i have very special drink tastes! Patty: "Then how about some ice for your drink!" (tosses snowball at Eruka) eruka: eek! *her hat gets knocked off* ah!! eruka's hat: X_X Patty: "Ha! Beat that, you punks!" Wes: "Pst. Soul? Patty's out in the open..." soul: *TOSSES A SNOWBALL, WILL SHE MAKE IT?!* Patty: (knocked in the head, falls) "Avenge me, Sister!" liz: HYAH! Wes: o__o "Oh crap--!" soul: *dodge!* Wes: (hit) "Ah!" (falls back into snow) Black Star: "Tsubaki! Hit Liz!" liz: *dodges* Black Star: "Darn!" Free: "~Wolf Wolves, Wolf Wolves~...ICE SPHERE BLIZZARD!" liz+soul: oh shi- *Snowballs knock down all and their forts but Free* Free: "Don't mess with the King of Snow..." eruka: *blinking from inside a snow eruka* ...... Patty: (waving white flag) soul: ......... Black Star: (head stuck in snow) -later- Wes: (slightly slurring) "A-All I'm saying, is that, if I was a werewolf, then, you know, maybe I could've won..." Free: "Ha. Keep telling yourself that. I'm one of the few wolves with elemental skills." Free: (sips on his beer) tsubaki: doesnt luna have nature elemental abilities? liz: oh yeah... Black Star: (warm cloth over head) "Aaaaah.." -later- arachne: *napping* Giriko: (smoking by the window) "...Damn." -knock knock- Giriko: "Hmm?" (looks through peephole) kirika: hey. Giriko: "Hey. What's up?" kirika: ......you're worried about her, huh? Giriko: "..." (shuts the door) "Yeah." kirika: yeah, like she was public enemy number 1 back in the day, and now only a few people remember her.... Giriko: "And I'd like to keep it that way...And I can't exactly kill everyone that recognizes her. Not just pretty fucked up to do that, but it isn't practical." kirika: ...... arachne: *yawn* oh, hello kirika. kirika: yo. Giriko: (sad smile) "How you feeling?" arachne: could have slept better...... Giriko: (nods) "Maybe some sleep medicine?" arachne:........... Giriko: "...I think we have to talk." kirika: i'll just go then. see ya. arachne:.....how long can i hide myself away like a coward? Giriko: "You aren't a coward." (puts an arm around her) "You're trying to survive." arachne: they'll find me here sooner or later...... Giriko: "...Maybe there's something we can do to convince them to let you stay..." arachne: could......you take me there? Giriko: (nods) "Arachne...I can't live without you..." arachne: i'll be ok....*she strokes his cheek* i promise. Giriko: "Can we do it tomorrow? I...I want one more night." arachne: of course. Giriko: (holds her hand...) *sniff* -the next day- lord death: !!!!!!! Giriko: "..." eibon: .........*tranquil anger*.....my child.... why dont you return to your research for now. gopher: y-yes sir.... *he exits* eibon:.....what are _you_ doing here, gorgon? Giriko: (glaring at Eibon) arachne: hello death...it's been some time. lord death: b-but didnt you die 60 years ago? arachne: reports of that were....exaggerated.... Giriko: "Look, Death, we can explain..." lord death: do so. arachne: .....i whole heartedly surrender. lord death: ?? Giriko: "?!" arachne: after the incident 60 years ago, i've had time to think about my actions in the past. the atrocities i had committed... that arrogance ultimately became my undoing.... i lost everything...well.... almost everything..... eibon: ........... Giriko: "..." arachne: i'm not here to ask for forgiveness, that's the last thing i deserve.... lord death:........(thinking: she's a gorgon....yet..... her words feel sincere....) Giriko: "Arachne..." lord death: you're right. the past can not be undone..... arachne:...... lord death: however, death city is a place where one can start anew, regardless of their past. arachne: !! Giriko: (puts a hand on Arachne's shoulder) lord death: we will allow it, and we will allow you to retain your psuedo name. however, a death scythe will monitor you to keep you in check. arachne:....that's understandable. eibon: ......... Giriko: "Th-Thanks..." eibon: as much as i want to see you burn for your actions....death is right..... Giriko: (hangs his head) arachne:... a-about- eibon: i wish not to press the matter further. good day.... *he exits* Giriko: "..." -later- kirika: well that went easier than expected... Giriko: (rubs Arachne's back) arachne: i....feel better now.... Giriko: (hugs her) "Good." -knock knock- Giriko: "???" justin: may i come in? Giriko: "Priest? What're you doing here?" justin: i wanted to see if you were alright. Giriko: "Y-Yeah, we are. Thanks..." -elsewhere- eibon:....... Gopher: "Sir?" eibon: !! ah, my child. are you alright? inori:....... Gopher: "...Me, sir?" inori: i could ask the same of you father. you have seemed quite solemn since the incident that occured this morning. eibon: i-it's quite alright, really. Gopher: (nods) "I can't imagine how you feel, sir..." eibon:..... *he hugs them both* Gopher: "!!! S-Sir?" eibon:...... *mumbling something in lunarian* Gopher: "...What?" -elsewhere- *SCREAM* ???: "What?!" -there is some commotion in the back room- ???: (prepares a taser, walks to the back room, prepares to open the door...) -a woman is unconscious on the ground- ???: uhhhhgh..... Guard: "Hey!" (puts away taser, approaches) "Are you okay? Let's get you an ambulance." -something appears from the shadows- Guard: "Wh-What?!" (arms taser) "Stay back!" *A sword knocks the taser out of his hand* Nals: "Okay, let's make this quick." Nals: "Milia, if you would proceed..." -BWOOOOOM- Guard: "AAAAAARG!" milia: hehe~ Nals: "Now, what shall we do with this unconscious woman?" milia: i guess leave her there, we got what ponera wanted anyway... Nals: "Oh? Where is it?" -elsewhere- Wes: (ice pack on his head) soul: you alright? Wes: "Yeah. That snowball...Liz packs a punch." liz: sorry about that... Wes: (small laugh) "No, it was fun. Never got to do that..." soul: it was kinda funny though... Wes: "Yeah...Man, Liz is something else..." liz: thanks. Wes: o\\\\\o "...How long have you been there?" Wes: (smiles at Liz) "Sorry, forgot you were there. liz: it's fine. Wes: (reaches for her hand) liz: .///. Wes: (rubs her hand a bit) "I had fun. Thank you." -meanwhile- Kami: (groaning) "I'm out of the hospital, so why are you so insistent on babying me, Marie?" marie: consider it girl bonding time :3 Kami: -_-; "Fine...And what constitutes 'girl bonding'? Me lying in bed while you keep bringing me soup?" marie: i brought mooovies. and look who else came alone~ christa: guu! Kami: o\\\\\\o "Um...Hi, small child..." marie: this is christa, isnt she just a cutie pie~? Kami: "...Yes...Hi, Christa." christa: ^^ Kami: "...May I hold her?" marie: of course. Kami: (holds Christa...) "...How are you, little one?" christa: ^^ Kami: "..." (eyes getting wet) "You are so cute." christa: *giggles* Kami: (small smile) "How old is she now?" marie: about 7 months now. Kami: "Ah...She looks healthy." Marie: thank you~ Kami: (laughs as she plays with Christa) -elsewhere- "Mana, set the table." mana: ok. Shotaro: (trying to reach for a biscuit before dinner is served...) -slap- Shotaro: "Owie!" (holds his hand, pouting) mana: TnT Shotaro: "Meanie." (puts his hand in his mouth, thinking that will help the swelling stop) Tuhl: "Serves you right." (brings out the casserole in oven mitts) Yohei: "What drinks you all want?" -later- Shotaro: (asleep atop an empty plate, some mashed potatoes along his right cheek) Yohei: "Jeez..." chie: up ya go.... Shotaro: (snoring, still asleep as Chie guides him, sleepwalking, to his room) Yohei: "Mana, you heading to bed?" mana: yeah. night, Yohei: "Night. Night, Tuhl." Tuhl: "Night, Mana." (smirks) "Good night, you lovebirds." -the next morning- Black Star: "Zzzz..." tsubaki: ........ Black Star: (snore, snort, then sits up awake) "H-Huh?! What?!" (looks around) "Um...What time is it?" tsubaki: 7 in the morning. Black Star: "Ugh...Is it a school day?" -at school- Kid: (smiles at Stocking) stocking: *studying hard* Patty: (reading slowly) Kid: (writing notes) Stein: "Finish that chapter, then we move onto demonstrations." -and so- Stein: "Okay, Kid, Stocking, you will face off against your opponents..." stocking: alright. who're we up against? -black*star and tsubaki as well as mitsuba- mitsuba: hmph.... Black Star: "Hell yeah! Let's do this, Soldier (Mitsuba)!" Kid: (smirks) "I think they intend to fight us, Stocking." stocking: alright, lets give them hell. *Battle begins* Black Star: "AAAAAAH!" (swings at Stocking) stocking: *blocks the blow* hehe. mitsuba: *waiting for kid to make his move* Kid: (stands, fires at Mitsuba) Black Star: (sweeps the floor with his leg, trying to knock down Stocking) mitsuba: *blocks the shots with her axe* stocking: *almost knocked down* Kid: (surprised...leaps up, trying to shoot from above) Black Star: "Soul Menace!" (tries to shove his hand at Stocking's shoulder) -later- Kid: (lying on his back...) "Ouch..." -_-; stocking: you ok babe? Kid: "Nothing rest won't fix..." (grunts as he sits up) "My back..." Kid: "How are you, Love?" stocking: alright, scratched up but alright. mitsuba:....... Kid: (helps Stocking up, then looks at Mitsuba) "Good duel." (holds out a hand to Mitsuba) mitsuba:....y-yeah.... -later- Kid: "You know what I want when we get home? Another long bath..." (grimaces as he sits) stocking: sounds good. Kid: (smiles) "Do you feel sore? Do you want to visit the infirmary?" stocking: a bit, but i'll live. Kid: "Maybe a back massage later? Or a spa visit?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (smiles) "We can schedule a visit before Christmas." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Tch." (adjusts her Deathbucks uniform) "Okay, what's your order?" lilac: uhhhhhhhhhh........*nervous* Kepuri: "Come on! I don't have all day!" lilac: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... *trembling* Kepuri: "Gah! Useless! Just order at the counter!" (turns to head to the counter where Master stands." lilac: s-sorry ma'am!.... *scoot scoot* ......... Kepuri: "Is every customer here this stupid, Master?" lilac: ........ Master: "Kepuri, take a five minute break and cool off, or you're fired." Kepuri: o_o Master: "Ma'am, I'll take your order. Take all the time you need." lilac: o-ok..... Kepuri: (goes into the breakroom) "Stupid job, stupid city. Wasting my talents in here!" -didelideling~ didelideling~- Kepuri: "What?!" ???: heeeeeey how's the compound eye working for ya~? Kepuri: "It's a pain in the ass. I need better eyedrops." ???: aww, anywho, how's things going in death city, got any new intel yet? Kepuri: "Not much--the DWMA won't hire me given my criminal record. I've been monitoring Dokeshi around here...and I found something to help with finding more..." ???: oh? and what's that? Kepuri: "Interested in a gadget that can detect Dokeshi?" ???: really now? Kepuri: "Want it?" ???: can you get it without being caught? Kepuri: (smirks) "Have some faith. How hard can those idiots be?" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Well, that's the best I can do on the watch. We move onto Step #2: finding NoFix." chie: ................... Yohei: "Hey." (puts a hand over hers) "We're going to bring her home." chie: .......*biting her lip* Yohei: (pats her hand) "I'll get you a bandage..." chie: t-thanks.... *Yohei returns with a bandage* Yohei: "Here." (stares at her lips) chie: thanks...... Yohei: "..." (still staring at her lips) "Is there anything else I can get you? Drink? Medicine?" chie:..... *she hugs him* Yohei: "!!!" (slowly returns the hug) "Okay..." chie: i just want her to come home safe..... Yohei: "She will. I promise." chie: *whimpering* Yohei: (pats her back, rubs it) "..." -the next day, at school- Patty: "How many more days 'til Christmas?" (wearing sweater with light-up Christmas lights) liz: well it's the 16th today so.... Kid: "Nine days..." Kid: "...Why couldn't it be 8?" stocking: it'll be 8 tomorrow babe. Kid and Patty: (squirming in unison) "But that's so long to wait!" liz: *chuckles* julie: *in a mini santa hat* hehe ^^ Yumi: "It'll be here before you know it. In the mean time, focus on what is important." *Yumi is wearing a sweater: "Do not open before February."* julie: yes ma'am. Patty: (grumbling) Kid: "Yes, mother." stocking: hey kid. Kid: "???" stocking: *holds up mistletoe and kisses him* Kid: o\\\\\\\o "Th-Thank you..." Patty: (hands mistletoe to Liz) "Use this for later." liz: uh...thanks. Kid: "May need more of this..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Oze, you can make this easier if you just step aside." maki: i'm telling you, she isnt here and we havent seen her. tamaki: *inside, hiding in the closet, trembling* ......... Burns: "Then you won't mind if I take a tour of your facility." (starts to move forward) maki: wait! Burns: (starts opening doors) "Where is she? I know you have her in here!" maki: she's at the 5th brigade HQ! Burns: (rips one door off its hinges) "Lies! Why would see be at the 5th?" maki: !!!! gabriella: i think we got a report that she was there, right princess? Hibana: (nods) "I can confirm: my soldiers--former soldiers--said so on good authority. So why don't you go saunter over there and rip that facility apart, Commander?" Burns: "..." (tosses the ripped door, glares at Maki) "I'll be back." maki:........ *she watches him leave* ......will it be ok? Hibana: "I don't know...But if Burns comes back, we're going to need something to hold him back...Or stronger door hinges." maki: .........tamaki, it's safe now.... tamaki: i'm scared of what he'll do if he finds me...... shinra:.....any updates from nozomi? Hibana: "Maybe. Burns is definitely dirty. There's something he's hiding right beneath the 1st." shinra: !!! Hibana: "Nozomi better have another report to us. We get this info, maybe we can blackmail Burns." -elsewhere- Ponera: "Did you bring what I asked?" milia: we got the documents right here~ Ponera: (claps and giggles) "Yay! Gimme gimme gimme!" -it's a documentation on witches in the europe/western russia region- Ponera: "Now for our next step...Let's see which witch is most interesting~" Ponera: "Who would like to pay a visit to Witch Maku, the Bear Witch?" Killbell: " 'Bare Witch'?" Nals: "No." shaula: *reading* Mikoro the bat witch, status; active. Maku the brown bear witch, status: active. Ponera: "Any idea whether they would be keen on our goals, Shaula?" shaula: or how about the mole witch? Ponera: "Ooooh, I bet she could...get to the bottom of things." shaula: HAH! that's Moguru for ya! she did have a failed attempt of attacking the humans before, so this might work. Ponera: "Start with Moguru, then try the others." shaula: that should be easy, we'll have to 'dig her up' medusa: ENOUGH WITH THE F***ING PUNS!! Ponera: "Medusa, please--you'll upset your child..." medusa: Q-Q Ponera: "Now, why don't you take a nice walk with Killbell? That'll calm you down." Killbell: "Walk with me... good conversationalist..." medusa:...fiiiine.... Killbell: "Is your morning sickness still bad? I could make you ginger ale..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Coffee, please." waiter: right away sir. Wes: (looking around the cafe to see who is around...) -seems justin is here with someone- Wes: "Oh, Mr. Law! Hello! wes: oh! mr evens! a pleasure to see you! *he is yelling this* Wes: "..." (small voice) "Yeah..." (clears his throat, approaches, and greets the other person) "Hi! I'm not sure we've met." ???: *she tilts her head* ?? justin: it's quite alright, miss. 'miss': *she smiles a bit* Wes: "Am I interrupting something? I-I can leave you two alone..." justin: no no, it's quite alright. Wes: (sits across from them, waves) "Hi, I'm Wes. My brother is one of Justin's students." 'miss': *she smiles* Wes: "..." ("Ah. She's either shy, or mute...") *sips on his coffee* "So...Having an okay day?" justin: indeed. and you? Wes: "Alright. Still a bit sore from a snowball fight." justin: ah.. Wes: "Any plans for the holidays?" justin: we are accepting donations at the church for the orphans living there. Wes: "Oh! Could I give you my donation now?" justin: of course. *he smiles* Wes: (removes his checkbook, writes out a sizable donation) Wes: "Here you are." -later- Kepuri: (standing far from Yohei's house. "Once they all go to sleep, I can sneak in, steal the watch, and be out. Easy-peasy.") chie: ........ Yohei: (washing dishes) Shotaro: "Chie, I made this for you..." chie: hmm? *It's a drawing of their "family"* chie: aw, this is so nice. thanks kiddo. Shotaro: "Hee hee!" ("Good deed complete!") -The drawing wasn't half-bad--and it had Chie and Yohei holding hands- mana:..... ??? *looking outside the window* Kepuri: (hiding just next to the window, struggling to calm her breath) mana:..............does get have a security mode? Yohei: "I put a popcorn maker in GET--of course he has a security mode." Kepuri: (" 'Security mode'?") mana: just checking. Yohei: (shrugs) "Might as well turn GET's security mode on. Don't want weirdos invading our humble home." (presses GET's nose) Kepuri: "...Oh no..." *KEPURI GETS BUG-ZAPPED* *BY THE WALLS OF THE HOUSE* Yohei: "The good thing about GET is that his security mode also keeps mosquitos from getting inside." Tuhl: "When are there mosquitoes in winter?" chie: must be some big-ass bugs. Kepuri: (collapsed on the ground, twitching) "Damn it..." *twitch twitch twitch* -the next day- Meme: "Zzz..." mio: *asleep at her laptop* Anya: *Yawn, looks at the clock* "Okay, time to wake up." (claps her hands) "Chop chop!" tsugumi: *yaaaawn* morning.... Meme: *yawn* "Hey..." (gets out of bed...which is full of wrapping paper) "Huh...I guess I fell asleep while wrapping..." mio: geh? *yaaawn* oh right....playing the sims.... Anya: (frowns) "I see Meme and Mio's sleeping habits have not improved." ao: ah, i see you're all awake now. Anya: "..." (frowns at Ao) Meme: "Morning, Ao!" (smiles) -elsewhere in the dorm- Jacqueline: "Come on, Kim..." kim: *yaaaawn* i'm up im uuup.... Jacqueline: "You need to shower, dress, and have breakfast. You're already five minutes behind schedule." kim: i know i know... Jacqueline: (pulls her out of bed, pushing her to the showers) "Come on, come on!" -at school- Jacqueline: (grumbling) ox: you ok? Jacqueline: "Just dealing with a meister who is so slow. Can you imagine how long she takes in the shower?" kim: i'm right here you know... T-T Jacqueline: "I. Know." (frowns) kim: *poke* you're so meeeean! X3 Jacqueline: *pokes back* "And you need to take your work more seriously!" (tugs at Kim's cheeks) -later, at lunch- Kid: (wide smile) "8 days..." stocking: i know hun~ Kid: (giggling) Patty: "Yeah, but then tomorrow, it'll be 7 days." Kid: D: "..." liz: patti! Kid: "..." (collapses) -in the nurse' office- Kid: (groaning) "My head..." stocking: hey sweetie Kid: "...Hi..." (holds her hand) stocking: you ok? Kid: "Just the shock of...that number. I can't wait for Christmas." stocking:.... *she hugs him* Kid: (hugs back) "I think I'm well to return to class." stocking: ok. *In Class* madoka: *taking notes* Black Star: (pinned to the wall, struggling to get down) "I said I'm sorry! Jeez! I only was asking Tsubaki for a pencil, I swear! I wasn't cheating!" Hiro: (rolls his eyes, keeps taking notes) kyouko: -_-; Spirit: "Now, then, who here has questions about their meister-weapon partnerships and how to improve them? Anyone?" (glances at Kim) -after class- Black Star: (adjusting his pants) "Freaking punishment...gave me a wedgie." tsubaki: ^^; Kid: (smirks) "Maybe you need ice." Black Star: (glares) "I hope Santa dumps coal in your stocking...so to speak." stocking: rude. Kid: (tugs at Black Star's ear) Black Star: "Owie! Tsubaki! Help!" -after school lets out- Black Star: "I guess I know what I'm getting Stocking for Christmas as an apology..." stocking: yes. yes you are. but i would like it as an early gift. Black Star: "...Fine. What do you want? You got a 20-buck limit." stocking: *glaaaaarre* Black Star: o__o "Um...50-dollar limit?" -and so- *At a combination candy/ice cream shop* Black Star: T_T "My poor wallet..." stocking: apology accepted~ Black Star: "Hmph...You better have a good gift for me come Christmas Day." -later- Kepuri: (at Deathbucks, her hair still messy from being zapped) "Welcome to Deathbucks. May I take your order?" liz: nice hair. Kepuri: -_-; "Thanks...You want a table or not?" liz: sure. Kepuri: (leads them to the table) "How many of you are there?" liz: just me for right now. Kepuri: (smirks) "What, your boyfriend too busy to join you? Or did he dump you?" liz: no! cant a girl just come get a coffee by herself once in a while? Kepuri: :3 "Suuuuuure. What kind of coffee?" -elsewhere- Yohei: (tinkering with GET) "Whoever was trying to enter here must have really wanted something. You thinking what I'm thinking, Chie?" chie: yeah...... Yohei: "..." (hands her the Dokeshi Watch) "You're stronger than me. Hold onto it. I'm going to get to work on another one, then lock up the blueprints." chie: ok. Yohei: "I think we'll be ready for our trip soon. After Christmas work for you, to get back your sister?" chie: ....... Yohei: "..." (puts a hand on her shoulder) "We're bringing her back after Christmas. I promise. I managed to get some help from someone at the Academy for a lead on NoFix." chie: !! really?! Yohei: (nods) "The idiot hasn't covered all tracks as well as he thinks. I asked the DWMA for more help, but I don't know whether they can let someone join us freelancers..." chie: .....have they replied? Yohei: "They said they're thinking about it. Try pinning down the Grim Reaper to commit to something--it isn't easy." Yohei: "I'll talk with that Death Scythe tomorrow to get him to commit some DWMA help. We're going to need it." chie: ok.... Yohei: "...Better get some good sleep tonight. You going to be okay?" chie: y-yeah...... Yohei: "...Did you want...I mean, are you going to be okay asleep, alone?" chie:....i think i'd like you to stay with me for tonight.... Yohei: (nods) "Happy to." -a few days pass- Patty: "Is it Christmas yet?' liz: two more days... Patty and Kid: (pout) liz: but some carolers came by. Kid: "Oh? Anyone we know?" liz: just a family of strangers... Kid: "???" liz: so what's today's game plan? Kid: "Finish wrapping, finish decorating, and make some cookies?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: (smiles) "We'll start with decorations. We still have the topper for the tree and a few decorations--" (pulls something out, obviously made by Julie) "...Julie's ornament?" liz: yep. julie: *smiles* Kid: (pats Julie's head) "We better get it on a good spot on the tree! Where would you like it, Julie?" -after decorating- Kid: "Time for cookies!" stocking: yay! Kid: "We have gingerbread, snickerdoodles, peppermint..." -elsewhere- Meme: "All done wrapping!" mio: *covered in tape* i'm dead.... Meme: (giggles) "Should I unwrap you, Mio?" mio: O///////////O ao: that's rather lewd, miss tatane~ Meme: (whistles innocently) Anya: "How pervy...Tsugumi, help me take these gifts to the tree." tsugumi: right away. Meme: "Mio, you okay?" mio: y-yea.... Meme: "..." (holds up mistletoe) "You sure?" mio: s-sen- Meme: (small kiss on the cheek) "Merry Christmas..." mio: O//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O *NOSEBLEED+faints* awaawawawawawawawawaaaaa Meme: D: "I-I'm sorry! I better get you in bed!" (pause) "To rest. Not to...Oh, forget it!" (swings Mio over her shoulder, drops her in her bed) "I'll get you tissues!" (runs out of the room) mio: *bluuuuush* s-senpai...... Meme: (runs back in) "I got the tissues? Are you okay Lov--Lov--Um...Mio?" mio: y-yeah..... Meme: "...Did I tease you too much with the unwrapping and kiss comments? I'm sorry--I forgot." mio: i-it's ok....i guess i got flustered... Meme: "...Mio? After Christmas, would you like...to go out? Just you and me?" mio: uh...sure i guess..... Meme: (smiles) "Dinner? Dancing? A movie?" mio: a movie sounds nice.... Meme: "Okay. How about you pick? We can even get snacks." -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." (pats Tamaki's shoulder) tamaki: ......thanks. Arthur: (smiles) "It's going to be okay." tamaki: ....... Arthur: "I promise. We're not going to let Burns..." -smooch on the cheek- Arthur: o\\\\\o "...Okay." tamaki: o////o s-sorry... i got carried away there.... Arthur: "I-It's fine...Great, really. I-I like how that felt." tamaki: .......... shinra: i brought dinner... Arthur: (glaring at Shinra) shinra: what? Arthur: (blushing) "N-Nothing..." ("Mood killer...") -later- Wes: "What do you think? I thought a gothic Christmas was kind of apt for this ghost house." soul: looks pretty cool. Wes: "Thanks...Hey, Soul? I...got a letter from Mom and Dad..." soul:......................................... Wes: "They said if I see you to say that...they miss you." soul: bullshit...... Wes: "Maybe. But people do change." soul:........... Wes: "...Well, I told them what they wanted to say. I already wrote to them thanks for the letter, and I'd be on the look-out for you." soul:.....you're not gonna tell them i'm here....right? Wes: (smiles) "No, I am not." soul:....thanks man. Wes: "Any time. Hey, could you help me with some items? I was going to bring some donations to an orphanage." soul: oh, sure. Wes: "Cool. They're by the door." -and so- Wes: (in a Santa cap) "We're here!" -some of the kids are quite happy to see them- Girl: (tugging on Soul's pant leg) soul: hmm? Girl: (has pigtails and green eyes) "Th-Thank you, sir." soul:......no problem kiddo. *pats her head* Girl: (blushing...Hugs his leg) soul: ......*small smile* Wes: (smiles) "Hey, Justin? Thanks for this..." justin: it's not a problem. Wes: "How long has this orphanage been around?" justin: it's an extention of the law church. i believe they built it in the early 1800s? Wes: (nods) "Wish I could help more..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here you go." (handing out food and blankets at a homeless shelter) little boy: thanks mr! *he runs back to his mom* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." mana: he looks like you a bit. Yohei: (fixing heating and lighting in the facility, wiping his brow) Shotaro: "...Huh. I guess so." -another child is with them, one looking like emine- Shotaro: (frowns...) mana: hey.....do you.... Shotaro: "???" mana:....did you ever know anything about you-....your parents? Shotaro: "...Not really. I don't have memories of them..." mana: oh......did they leave anything for you? Shotaro: (pulls out something from under his shirt) "I've had this for as long as I remember..." (a necklace) mana: oh....is it a locket? Shotaro: (opens the locket) mana: ah! -what's inside?- Shotaro: (a photo of someone holding a baby) mana: is....is that...? Shotaro: (serious) "I don't know." mana:...oh......she seems sweet though..... Shotaro: (touches the locket--then seizes) "Ah!" (Vision comes to him) mana: showtaro? are you ok?! Shotaro: (sees a face of a man) "Y-Yeah...Just...Never got that feeling before..." (rubs his arms) "My bones hurt..." mana:........ chie:....... Shotaro: "..." (puts on a smile) "Hey, kids! Want to watch Charisma Justice? Yohei has a portable TV!" kids: yay! Yohei: "..." (stops working) "Oh, yeah--Charisma Justice is on. I'll get back to this later." (sits with the kids to watch TV) -elsewhere- Kid: (sipping on hot chocolate) stocking: nice and warm~ Kid: (smiles) "Indeed." (holds her closer) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (offers another cookie) stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: (softly places the cookie in her mouth for a bite, as he bites the other end) stocking: *smirk* Kid: (soft kiss...with cookie crumbs) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (holds her) stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: (rubs her back) -elsewhere- Hibana: "You mean there is no hot tub here? What am I supposed to do to keep warm in the winter: light myself on fire?" maki: try running the hot water? Hibana: "Hmph. A hot tub is where it's at. The showers here are so...common. And the pipes take forever to heat up. How old is this building?" ????: *watching from the window*................. *fists clenched* (thinking: damn bitch....why wont you just die already?) Hibana: "Maybe a hot shower would help. How about you, Maki?" maki: sounds good. *she smiles* Hibana: "Well, let's go." (grabs two towels and a basket of soaps) "Gabriella was kind enough to buy expensive soaps for us~" maki: neeeeat! shinra:.... ?? *looks out the window* ................... Hibana: (leading her to the bathroom) "And don't worry, Gabriella bought enough for all of us ladies..." (passes a hand along Shinra's head) "Maybe some for you boys, too~" shinra: !! t-thanks..... -seems whoever was staring has gone now...- Hibana: (looks out the window) "...Was something just there?" shinra: .......maybe we should close the curtains.... Hibana: "...Yeah, good call." -down the road- ???: shit....that was close.....damn brat.... *RING RING* ???: ?!?! *she checks her phone* who is this? ???: "You're losing your touch, Girly." ????: who is this? ???: "Let's say I'm a friend. And you are in sore need of some help." ???: friends? i dont need friends, they disappoint me. Friend: "Yes, because Princess Hibana's continued living sooooooo confirms that you are doing such a good job on your own." ???: ......what do you want? Friend: "To help you put Hibana six feet under." ???: how did you get this number? Friend: "I have my ways. You'd be amazed what a computer can do." ???: hmmm......where are you right now? Friend: "Wherever you want me. Name the place." ???: there's an old subway system across from the casino near grissom. Friend: "Good choice! See you there in 5?" ???:.....very well. -elsewhere- Burns: "..." (sitting behind his desk, alone, holding a shot glass...then smirks) "All according to plan..." -elsewhere- Yumi: (putting hot sauce onto gingerbread cookies) "Spicy..." stocking: why. Yumi: "Because I have eclectic tastes, and my pregnancy has been weird. Wait until you have children." stocking: QoQ Yumi: (smirks) "Perhaps not yet?" stocking: jeez. Yumi: "Ah, but when are you and Kid going to give me some grandchildren?" stocking: *SPITTAKE* y-y-y-yumi!! O-O Yumi: (chuckles) "I'm kidding. You both have a long life ahead of you." stocking: 7,7; Yumi: (puts a hand over Stocking's) "How is your mother?" stocking: she's been doing rather well. she's staying with my dad. Yumi: "You will spend Christmas with them?" stocking: maybe....will kid be ok? Yumi: "I'm sure he will. Have faith in him." stocking: ok.... Yumi: "..." (awkward hug) -elsewere- ???: *in the subway, holding her briefcase* Friend: "Hey." ???: hmm? ah, so you showed up... Friend: "I keep my promises, and my schedule. That's more than I can say for some people." (holds out a gloved hand) "Nice to meet you." ???:....who even are you? Friend: "A friend, with an axe to grind against Princess Hibana. I want her to suffer as I had to." ???: oh? Friend: (takes the glove off one hand, showing burn marks) "Yes. One of her...hobbies." ???: !!!!! Friend: "I want her to suffer. I want her to lose everything. And when she is completely alone, the last thing she will hear is my laughter as I snuff out her flame." ???: .......*small smirk* Friend: "Will you help me?" ???: for now, yes... *she takes out a lighter and turns it on, creating a small snake from the flames* Friend: (backs away) "O-Okay...J-Just, keep the flame to yourself, please." ???:......very well. *she puts it out* Friend: "Th-Thanks. Now, you obviously have skills with the flame, but I think you need help isolating Hibana." ???: and how do we do that? Friend: "You see those girls around her? The small nun and the toady? I think kidnapping them should be easier than taking out multiple fire beings, yes?" ???: *grimace* oh...them..... Friend: "I think we can isolate them, divide them...demoralize them." (sneers) "And what better day, when no one is available to help them, then on Christmas?" ???: perfect.... Friend: (chuckles) "Good. Now, let's determine how best to separate them." (holds up a rolled up paper, which she unfurls--Blueprints of the 8th) "Amazing what you can discover with a little snooping..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "So cute~" maki: isnt it just? Hibana: "You bought it for yourself? Or did someone else get it for you?" maki: i got it in a crane game. Hibana: (cooing) "So cute!" (puts her Secret Santa gift under the tree) "You see Obi anywhere? He's been locked in his office all day." maki: he's probably still there... Hibana: "..." (goes to his office, knocks) "Commander?" (opens the door) Akitaru: "Hmmm? Sorry, did you need something?" (he sets down a photo on his desk) Hibana: "Haven't seen you around all day? You got your Secret Santa gift ready." Akitaru: "Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure. I'll put it out in a bit." (small smile) Hibana: "..." (frown) "Well, take your time, why don't you?" (shuts the door) Akitaru: (sighs, goes back to staring at the photograph) Hibana: (to Maki) "Honestly, he's slow." maki:......... Hibana: "...What?" maki: n-nothing....ah! i should get tsugumi something too! Hibana: "Oh, your cousin? Hmmm...Family and all that." -elsewhere- Kid: (hugging) "I'll miss you~" stocking: kiddo, it's only for a day. Kid: (smiles) "I know. Doesn't mean I won't miss you." stocking: hehe *she kisses his forehead* Kid: "I'll have to give you two of your gifts to take with you to your parents'...but I'll have to keep two of them here to make sure you come back." stocking: kid, of course i'll come back. Kid: (whispers) "And these two gifts I'm keeping are a bit private..." stocking: aaaah~ Kid: "Excited?" stocking: maybe~ Kid: (smiles, light kiss on the lips) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (sways with her a bit) "Merry Christmas Eve, Love." -soon- Kid: "Zzz..." -it's now christmas eve and stocking is visiting her family for the day- Kid: (sitting by the fireplace, alone, sipping on tea) liz: how're you holding up? Kid: (sad smile) "Okay. Just...this is different." liz:......she'll be back tomorrow. Kid: (nods) "I just...feel like part of me is missing when she is not near. I love her." liz: *listening* Kid: "And I...I...I want to be with her. Until I die." liz:....................... Kid: "...I know I'm not ready to marry...but I want to." liz: i know kid. Kid: "..." (smiles) "I feel...content." liz:..... Kid: (smiles at Liz) "Thanks for letting me get this off my chest." liz: no problem. Kid: (smiles) "It's getting late. I better get to bed." (smirks) "You and Wes exchange gifts yet?" liz: maybe, but no opening till tomorrow. Kid: " 'Opening'?" -the next day- Patty: "CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP, EVERYONE! CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS!" liz: i'm up i'm up. -there is a large box addressed to kid- Kid: (groaning) "My head...Patty, please stop banging on the walls and knocking on the doors--" Patty: (knocking on Kid's head) Kid: "!!!" Patty: "...Sowwy..." Kid: "..." (sees the box) "Um...Is this from you and Patty, Liz?" liz: holes? Kid: "Holes? On the box?" liz: yeah. like air holes... Kid: "...That's not a good omen. Please tell me there is a pet in here..." liz: i dunno... Kid: "...I'm a little scared to open, but..." (starts to open) -HUG- Kid: "?!" stocking: *in a red dress with a bow on her head* merry christmas babe~ Kid: o\\\\\\o "St-Stocking? Is that really you?" stocking: yeah, my dad wanted me to return in style ^^; Kid: "..." (kisses her cheeks repeatedly and lightly) stocking: miss me? Kid: "Yes! Yes! Eight thousand times yes!" (hugs her, smiling) Patty: *sniff* "So beautiful..." (blows nose in hankie) stocking: hehe, i missed you too kiddo. Kid: (hugs her, then pulls back) "This is the best gift you could give me. I love you." stocking: i love you too~ Kid: (cuddles) "Shall we open our gifts?" Yumi: (hair messy, yawning, as she watches the scene of happiness...holds Death's hand) lord death: merry christmas everyone~! Patty: "Merry Christmas, Lord Death! Mrs. Death!" (hands gift to both of them) "Something I got for you both!" -elsewhere- Arthur: (blushing) "H-Here, T-Tamaki..." (hands gift) tamaki: *she opens it* gabriella: *opens her gift from takehisa* Takehisa: -\\\\\\\\- *Arthur's gift: A cat pendant necklace* tamaki: thanks arthur. Arthur: "Y-You're welcome..." Hibana: (blushing) "Here, Gabriella. Merry Christmas..." gabriella: t-t-thank you! *Takehisa got Maki a customized plushie in the shape of one of her fireballs* maki: oh my.....*HUGS* you do care! QwQ' *Hibana got Gabriella an autographed photograph of herself...and a perfume she made on her own, unique and calls 'Gabriella'"* gabriella: i'll keep it with me always! Takehisa: o|||||||||o "O-Okay. You are hugging me. This is a hug. Okay." Hibana: "G-Good. You better." (crosses her arms) Akitaru: (sitting by himself, sipping eggnog) shinra: here, i hope you like it. Akitaru: "???" -it's a little fire soldier doll- Akitaru: "...Heh." (pats Shinra's head) "It's awesome. Thanks!" maki: ok secret santa time! Hibana: (blushing as she holds the gift addressed to her) Takehisa: (studying the box addressed to him) Arthur: "...Hmmm..." (looks at his gift) "Too small for a sword..." Akitaru: (smiling as he picks out the one addressed to him) *Arthur, Akitaru, Hibana, and Takehisa open their gifts* -gabi got arthur some earbuds, shinra got akitaru a funny t-shirt, iris got hibana a nice bracelet, maki got takehisa a little bobblehead- Takehisa: "...Cute." (taps the top of the bobblehed) Akitaru: "Ha ha ha!" Hibana: o\\\\o Arthur: "Cool!" -shinra, gabi, iris, and maki open their gifts- *Arthur got Shinra flame-proof shoes, Akitaru got Iris a book on medical herbs, Takehisa got Gabriella codes for downloadable apps for her smartphone, Hibana got Maki an autographed photograph...and a bracelet* shinra: this is actually really nice. iris: ah. gabriella: oh! maki: cool now we match! Akitaru: "Well, time for gifts for our newest member, Tamaki!" tamaki: !! *Akitaru got Tamaki an 8th Brigade jacket, Takehisa got her a box of pens, Hibana got her an autographed photograph and a cattail plant...and Arthur got her..." Arthur: o\\\\\o "Um..." (holds up mistletoe) tamaki: O/////////////////////O maki: ooooooooh! Arthur: "...I can return it if you want..." -small smooch- -shinra got her a t-shirt, maki got her a plushie, iris got her some snack packs, gabriella got her a new game- Arthur: o\\\\\\\\o (passes out) shinra: rest in peace. Akitaru: "Ah, some eggnog will wake the knight up." (picks him up and slugs him over his shoulder) Hibana: (glances out the window) -elsewhere- Friend: "Patience..." ???: ............ Friend: "Soon they will pay. They all will pay." (traces hand along her clothed arm, over the scars) ???: ding dong....the bitch will burn....fufu... Friend: (cracks her knuckles) "Indeed. Shall we knock on their door?" ???: i'll handle this one. Friend: "Remember: cut the power, lure our captives to the furnace room, then we each kidnap one girl and head to the hideout." ????: *sneaking into the shed* not wise to leave this out into the open~ Friend: "And I'll take the underground approach..." (heads into the sewer, then punches a hole into the ceiling above and up into the basement of the 8th) Akitaru: "!!! You hear that?" shinra: i'll go check it out... Arthur: "..." (puts a hand on Tamaki's shoulder) shinra:....*looking around* *Pebble bounces along floor of the basement* shinra: !!..... *Lights go out in the Brigade* shinra: !!!!!. Akitaru: "What on earth?" Friend: (whispering by Shinra's ear) "Hello, there." shinra: !!!! Friend: (clutches Shinra by the neck, pressing hard and shoving him against the wall--then dragging him along that wall, his face cutting along the rough wall) shinra: *tries to scream* Friend: (flicks Shinra in the back of the head, trying to knock him out) -WHACK- shinra: *knocked out* ???: lets go. Friend: (dragging Shinra into the furance room) "Maybe we'll be able to get him along with the nun and the gopher..." Akitaru: "...Maki, Takehisa, Hibana, come with me. The rest of you, wait here." maki: right. Akitaru: (leads them to basement) "Maki, give us some light." maki: ok. *summons pusupusu from a candle* pusupusu: pusu~! Takehisa: "..." maki: come on, it's christmas. Hibana: (finds damage to the wall) "Oh, God--there's blood on here..." (sees drips of blood leading to furnace room) maki: !!! Takehisa: (holds his firearm) Akitaru: (cracks his knuckles) "Lead the way, Commander." Hibana: (leads them to the furnace...lights up the room to find--) shinra: *out cold and tied up* maki: shinra! ???: uh-uh-uh~ any closer and he burns to a crisp... *turns on her lighter which summons a little snake* Friend: "Getting him was a bonus. We want only one person." (points at Hibana) Hibana: "Wh-What?!" (frowns) "Release him, now!" ???: but where's the fun in that sister? Hibana: "...No. Wh-Who are you?" ???: i'm not surprised you forgot me. all the other sisters...clematis, sakura, poppy, they all forgot me...and devoted their attention to a little bitch named hibana. Hibana: "...You are not fit to name those sisters. Let go of Shinra, now!" ???: why should i? iris: what's going on? Arthur: "Is there a dragon down here? We heard--" (sees Shinra) "My God!" Friend: (smirks) "Jesus, you people are idiots." ???: oh look, the little good for nothing iris is here too! iris: s-si....sister ivy? Hibana: "Ivy? ...B-But...How are you--?" ivy: i'm not your sister brat! i suppose you forgot they sent me out on errands when the church burned...hehehehe...ahahahahahah!!! Hibana: "...Ivy, stop this. Release Shinra, and we will get you help--" Friend: "Help?!" (punches the floor, upsetting Gabriella and Iris, causing them to fall on their behinds) Friend: "You 'helped' me! And now I'm--I'm--" (throws off her jacket, revealing burn marks along her face, arms, and shoulders) "A freak!" (dashes at Iris and Gabriella) ivy: why would i want your help bitch? this is your fault to begin with! iris: *picks up a pipe to protect herself* Hibana: "Iris! Gabriella!" Friend: (grabs Gabriella by the ankle, flinging her towards Ivy) "Catch!" (stands before Iris) "You should think hard about what you are going to do, Girly..." gabriella: ah! o-ow.... Arthur: "Gab! No! Tamaki, come on--" ivy: i should burn you to a crisp no- oh? Arthur: "Excalibur SWIPE!" (swings the sword at Ivy) ivy: !!! gabriella: oof! Friend: (seizes the pipe in Iris's hand...and bends it with no effort) iris: !!! Friend: "Forehead Flick of Forgetfulness! (Triple-F)" (knocks out Iris, holding her in her arms) "I got mine, Ivy! Grab the gopher and let's go!" Hibana: "No!" (roars as she rushes at Ivy, joining Arthur and Tamaki to battle her) ivy: if you want these brats back, send hibana to this address alone~ Akitaru: (rushes at the Friend) "You're not getting away!" Friend: (eyeroll, catches Akitaru's punch...and crushes his hand) tamaki: *grabs gabriella and brings her to safety* Akitaru: "AAAAAAH!" Takehisa: "Sir!" (fires at the Friend) maki: commander!! Friend: (dodging) "Ivy! Clear an exit! We're out of here!" -seems they got away, with iris and shinra in tow- Akitaru: (gasping, clutching his hand) "God damn it! Not again!" gabriella: this happened before?! Hibana: (looks at the address--written by Ivy with fire into the wall) "..." Akitaru: "I am NOT having another CHRISTMAS losing MY FAMILY!" (struggles to stand up, then collapses) maki: commander! tamaki: this is bad... Akitaru: "...Get me to a hospital..." Arthur: "...Gab? What is Hibana going to do?" -later- shinra: ........................ -in his mental space- shinra: what? w-where....am i? ???: "Some hero you turned out to be..." shinra: ?!?! who's there?! show yourself! *Burns appears, his eyepatch made of only flames* shinra: !!! Dream!Burns: "You're going to let them die..." -the corpse of shinra's mother grabs his ankle- shinra: !!!!!!!! Burns: (demonic grin) "Just as you let EVERYONE DIE!" shinra's mother: it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts!!! ???: "You let me die..." -that horned flame human appears above him- shinra: ?! ???: "...Brother?" shinra: SHO! *running to him* Sho: "Why didn't you save me, Brother?" -shinra wakes up in a cell, iris is next to him- shinra:..............o-ow.... Friend: (whistling) "Oh. You're up. Guess I owe you five bucks, Ivy." ivy: hehe. shinra: where are we? Friend: (holding a candy cane in her mouth) "Santa's Workshop." ivy: formerly known as crestwood hospital...they left all sorts of presents for us.... *holding a scalpel* perhaps i should reopen little iris' cheek? shinra: dont you touch her! Friend: "Or what? You don't shut up, and I'll crush those feet of yours...like I crushed your commander's little fist." shinra: *struggles to get up* aah!! *wince* Friend: "Pathetic. The strong will inherit this world--but what's the point if this world is coddling little babies?" (to Ivy) "So, think Hibana is coming?" ivy: no doubt...... -elsewhere- juggernaut: do you think they'll be ok? sayu: of course they will, they have me, sayu hirano, coming to the rescue~! Kishiri: (eyeroll) "Uh huh, cool your jets." sayu: we're super special rescue squad delta! >w< juggernaut: *gulp* Kishiri: "...We are not calling ourselves that." ????: just let her enjoy it kishiri. sayu: thanks ryuuko~ ryuuko: dont mention it kiddo. mikami: Q-Q Kishiri: "...If I keep rolling my eyes, they will fall out. So, what's the plan, oh-fearless-leader?" sayu: going by this map of the hospital- -later, elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." (looks at his hand in a cast) "Damn." sayaka: hi there :D Akitaru: "...Hi?" sayaka: i'm here cause i slipped on some ice. oh well. did you break your hand? Akitaru: "...No. Someone broke my hand." sayaka: ouch. i can heal, so i'm doing better, maybe i could help out? Akitaru: "...Sure, why not?" sayaka: *she holds his hand* Akitaru: "...Oh. Um...thanks?" sayaka: no problem. always try doing one good deed a day, that's what my mom always taught me. Shotaro: "Good deed? Hey, me too! I'm the Candy Stripper!" (wearing a sexy nurse's outfit) Tuhl: "...That's Candy _Striper_. Not _Stripper_." Akitaru: "...What kind of a city is this?" mana: i'm blind. sayaka: a savage yet exciting one. Yohei: (secretly told Shotaro it was "Stripper") chie: *elbows him slightly* -_-; Akitaru: "I think Maki's cousin used that same description..." Yohei: (chuckles) "What?" -elsewhere- Hibana: (outside the hospital) "..." ryuuko: *over walky talky* we're at the address.... Hibana: (into walky talky) "Okay. Keep me updated. Over." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: awww kid, this so sweet of you~! Kid: (smiles) "I was hoping you would say that." ((Hey!)) Kid: "You really like it?" stocking: of course kid. Kid: (smiles) "Good." stocking: mmmm~! Kid: (chuckles) "I'm glad you enjoy it. What shall we do now? Open one of my gifts, or would you like your other gifts?" stocking: here, this is for you. Kid: "Thank you!" (unwraps, slowly, carefully...) -it's a new watch- stocking: now you have two~ Kid: (shining eyes) "Ooooooo! It's beautiful!" (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I love it." (puts on the watch) "How does it look?" stocking: it looks great! Kid: (hugs her) "Thank you." -elsewhere- Yohei: (hands gifts out) "Here." mana: awesome! Shotaro: "Thank you!" (rips the wrapping paper apart) Tuhl: (small smile as he carefully opens his gift) -elsewhere- Yumi: (napping) kirika: *playing games* Patty: (playing games with Julie) *KNOCK KNOCK* liz: *she opens the door* yeah? Wes: "Merry Chris--" Black Star: "YAHOO!" soul: hey guys. Patty: "Hi! Come play with us--we have tea!" Wes: (holding gifts) "Merry Christmas, Liz." (leans in to kiss her cheek) liz: *blush* Black Star: (playing with Julie and the doll he, Wes, Soul, and Tsubaki got her) Wes: "I hope they are good. I kept the receipt if..." liz: they're great wes, thanks. Wes: (smiles) "You're welcome." liz: *she smiles* Patty: "Anything you want, Julie?" julie: cookies please? Patty: "Coming up! Come on, Tsubaki!" Wes: "How is everyone doing?" liz: pretty good. Wes: "That's good..." (small laugh) "I bet Patty was excited this morning." liz: oh she sure was. Wes: (chuckles) "...That's good to be excited for Christmas. It feels...special." liz: it sure does. Wes: "..." (holds her hand) "Liz..." liz: ?? Wes: "Thanks for letting us stop by. I...really like you." liz: i really like you too... Wes: (smiles) "I hope we can spend the New Year together. Any plans for New Year's Eve?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "..." ryuuko: we're in.... Hibana: "Be careful. The goal is to get Iris and Shinra out of there; anything else is secondary." ("...I should be the one in there...") ryuuko: of course. Hibana: "Okay. Be safe. Over." Kishiri: "So, Boss Lady wants us to proceed." (flexes arm) "Let's get in there and knock the hell out of those bastards." Hibana: "..." (puts her head in her hands) -in the cells- Friend: (doing push-ups) "Having..." (push-up) "...a good..." (push-up) "...time?" shinra: it'd be better if you let us out of here... Friend: (moves to sit-ups) "Like how Hibana let me out?" (sit-up) "Oh, that's right..." (sit-up) "She locked me up, too." (sit-up) "Left me rotting in a cage, one of her lab rats..." iris: she-she's different now. at least, different from how you knew her... Friend: "Nothing changes, kid." (points to the scars) iris: ...........maybe... *she touches her own scarred cheek* Friend: "In any case, my beef is with her. You're just the bait." shinra:........ Friend: "Once we get Hibana, you two will be free to go." (stares at Shinra) "And if you think of fighting back, trust me, you won't for long." -clank- Friend: "???" mikami: !!..... Q~Q *she starts screaming, her hair going ablaze* Friend: "...What?" juggernaut: waaah! f-fire! her hair is on fire!! -BWOOOOOOOOM- ivy: the fuck?! Friend: "Who the fuck are you losers?" Kishiri: (pops his bubblegum) "Badass losers to you, buddy." (flings gum at Ivy--to trigger an explosion) sayu: when our friends are in danger, trapped in the clutches of evil, we will be there. WE'RE SUPER SPECIAL RESCUE SQUAD DELTA! Friend: "...Please let me strangle that loud annoying one." ivy: by all means *BOOM* ACK! Friend: (just stares, bored, as Ivy falls) "...Huh." (stares at Sayu) "Well, say your prayers, kid." (dashes at her, ready to snap her neck) ryuuko: *defending with fire bullet* Friend: *the fire bullet hits her ankle, causing her to trip* "Fuck!" (slams the ground--causing a mini-earthquake) iris: eep! Friend: (climbing up) "Hibana can't face us! Fine! Then I'll send her a message: your battered remains splattered against the wall!" Kishiri: "Jeez, the mouth on this idiot..." (blows bubble...and keeps blowing...and blowing..." shinra: *defensivly hugs iris*
0 notes
lonelypond · 7 years
Santa Cutie and The Christmas Cookie Queen, Ch. 6
Love Live, NicoMaki, 10K, 6/6
North Pole (Nishikino) Invasion
Nico had a plan. Well, two plans. One was the well scripted plan to razzle dazzle the execs watching her audition, the other, well, the ingredients for the other were safely stashed in her dad’s military duffle, underneath layers of clothes, her makeup kit and a few essential tools. The target of that plan was sitting in the driver’s seat of Umi’s sedan, merrily humming Christmas tunes as she vroomed along 20 miles an hour over the speed limit. Between them, Kotori and Nico had managed to distract Umi for the length of the trip. So they were making good time, had a solid script and there had been no incidents of road trip grumpy. So far, so good. Nico glanced at Kotori who was showing Umi pics from Honoko’s date prep. Kotori nodded and flashed the ok sign.
Maki half turned her head and smiled, “We’re almost there. It’s not really an exit, there’s an access road we use.”
Nico frowned, “So no toll? That’s legal?”
Maki shrugged. Of course, Nico asked questions, Nico was a reporter. Rin had texted that Eli had found out about the reporter thing and that was adding to her freakout, which was making extra problems for Nozomi. Rin was worried.
“Nico.” Maki hesitated, “Could I ask you a favor?”
“Sure, if Nico can help you, I will.” Nico was curious, Maki’s mood having gone from festive to furtive.
“Don’t ask too many questions.” Immediately, Maki regretted her phrasing. It made it sound like she had something to hide, which she kind of did, but only because of Eli and tradition, not because Maki didn’t trust Nico. Maki stumbled out another attempt, “I mean, can we just focus on your video. It’s a really busy time and…”
Nico sounded a little subdued, “Nico appreciates your using your family resources to help.”
“I want to help,” Maki and the car leapt forward, “It’s not that I don’t tr...it’s just…” Maki frowned, “Eli.”
“Who is Eli?” Nico asked.
Head Elf was not a title Maki could offer her current listeners so she went with the best analogy she could think of “Eli’s North Pole Nishikino’s Chief Operating Officer. She’s very involved in day to day operations, especially this time of year.”
Nico’s laugh brayed, “You’re sneaking Nico in…”
Maki coughed and yes, the car might have swerved slightly, so now Maki could feel Umi paying close attention as well, “Not exactly…”
Nico poked Maki on the arm, “Will you or will you not get in trouble if you get caught showing Nico around the place.”
Maki didn’t want to take her hand off the wheel, partly because she couldn’t decide whether to rub the spot where Nico poked her or fidget with her hair.
Umi leaned as far forward as her seatbelt allowed, “Is this true, Maki? Is helping Nico breaking any rules?”
Maki floored the gas and Umi paled, “It’s my company, I can do what I want, Eli is NOT the boss of me.”
Nico swallowed back a snigger at Maki’s borderline adult disclaimer.
Maki expelled a loud breath. “Please let me deal with that.” Lavender eyes flashed briefly at Nico, “It’s not a problem, Nico, really. Trust me.”
Nico’s answer was instant, “Of course, Nico trusts you.”
 Having said that she trusted Maki, Nico could think of nothing else to compare the ongoing discussion to than a heist film. They had pulled off onto the access road, made a couple of quick turns on a suddenly foggy road and parked outside a cosy chic diner. The staff just waved at Maki as she made her way into a horseshoe shaped booth in the back, where two women were sitting. One was almost as tiny as Nico, ginger haired, and as busy as a hummingbird’s wings. The other was taller, sedate, with long, dark, purple tinted hair and a knowing smirk.
“MAKI!” the slim ginger rushed Maki, hugging her so hard Nico heard all the redhead’s breath whoosh out.
“Rin.” Maki’s voice hit a whine of complaint even as she tolerated Rin hugging her. Then Rin dodged around Maki, who whirled suspiciously as Rin approached Nico, hand out.
“Hi, Nico! I’m Rin, Maki’s best friend. Nozomi showed me your catching on fire video.” The dark haired woman waved at Nico.
Maki grabbed Rin’s collar and threw her back toward the booth, “Ignore them.” Maki slid into the booth, “Where’s Hanayo?”
“She’s meeting us in a half an hour.” Rin said, checking her phone. “She didn’t want to leave the reindeer waiting. They get restless.”
Maki nodded, as the confusion of the three visitors increased. Nico slid in next to Maki, Umi and Kotori across the table, next to Nozomi. Rin bounced happily in the middle.
“We’d better order lunch.” Maki handed menus around, “Once we get inside, faster is better.”
  Nico wandered through the trees, glad she’d listened to Maki and dressed for outdoor travel. Cocoa’s snow sneakers fit well enough. The air wasn’t that cold, but there was an extra wintry chill and sparkle to it, Nico almost felt like she was walking on the set of a Modern Holiday Classic™. Bells tinkling in the distance, then nearing as hooves could be heard clomping through the snow only added to the effect. Maki was talking to Rin, hands drawing plans in the air. She paused to wink at Nico once. A sleigh drawn by two antlered reindeer appeared, a small, smiling woman at the reins, fair hair covered by a flap eared knitted cap.
“Kayo-chin!” Rin ran up to the driver, pushing herself up on the sleigh and kissing her cheek. Rin then came forward to pet the reindeer. “Hi, Hyuna, Hi, Hyeri” Then she pointed at the crowd behind Maki. ”This is Nico and Umi and Kotori, Kayo-chin.” Rin announced.
Hanayo waved, one hand still on the reins. Maki realized they’d be jammed in the sleigh, but it should work. “We’ll load up here, and then head to the Studio’s loading entrance.”
“I’ll run back and open the back doors.” Rin sprinted off with a wave.
The driver twisted around to yell, “Be careful, Rin!” but Rin was already out of sight.
Maki waved Nico forward, “Nico, this is Hanayo, Rin’s fiancee and one of my oldest friends. She takes care of the reindeer herd.”
“Nice to meet you.” Nico smiled.
Hanayo acknowledged the response with a quick nod, but she was already thinking about other matters, “If you just hand Nico in, Maki, I think we can fit everyone.”
“Yeah, and Nozomi should have had enough of a headstart.” Maki stepped closer to Nico, hands reaching out, “May I?”
Nico murmured agreement as Maki’s hands settled on her waist and boosted Nico high enough that she could climb into the sleigh. Hanayo clucked at the reindeer, encouraging and steadying them. Umi stepped forward with Kotori, first handing the luggage to Nico, then following Maki’s motions, then jumping in to sit next to Kotori. Maki slid in next to Hanayo and the driver gave the reindeer the go ahead. Nico enjoyed the ride, trees seemed to bounce past them, sunlight sparkling through snow and ice crystals, bells in the air, music in the distance...she watched as Maki leaned forward, relaxed, a huge grin on her face as the sleigh continued deeper into the woods. From every angle, her pose read “Home.” Nico had never seen the redhead so calm. Maybe it was the trees. Or the cool. She remembered @SantaChan’s anti air conditioned cool rants in July and August. Maybe being in the mountains kept things cooler year round...made sense. Nico made a mental note to ask Maki on the drive back to Tudor.
 Nozomi considered, biting her lip and staring at her reflection in the mirror. The wrap dress clung attractively in all the right places, but if Eli was already in a bad mood, Nozomi dialing up the flirty would only freeze the atmosphere between them. But the NorthPole Nishikino branded cardigan, though warm, made Nozomi feel frumpy. She shook herself, this was for Maki. Plus, Eli always smiled when she saw Nozomi sporting the company logo. Frumpy feel goods for Nozomi’s maybe more than friend, while Maki did a HUGE favor for hers. That would have to do. Red wasn’t Nozomi’s best color either, not even top 3, but this was for a good cause. Nozomi put her arms in the cardigan, buttoned the middle button and prepared to brave Eli’s office with her crisis.
Now, Nozomi cared too much about her job and the people she worked with to CREATE a crisis, however, she had developed a habit of postponing resolving a crisis that involved paperwork in case Eli needed a break from people management. Yesterday, handily, the payroll system had glitched, not acknowledging shift differentials and completely losing track of overtime hours, which at this time of year would not only mess with pay, but have a serious impact on bonuses. So real, not manufactured crisis, and while Nozomi was better at fixing face to face problems, no one could keep up with Eli when she trained those laser blues on an administrative problem. This one was knotty enough that it should give Maki and Rin the time they needed to get Nico in and out, if Nico was any good at her job, and everything Nozomi had found out indicated she was.
Nozomi gave herself one last check in the mirror, reluctantly leaving the mistletoe pin out of the ensemble. Eli was starting to get a twitch whenever she saw anything green and Nozomi was starting to regret that particular directive.
 The sleigh pulled up in back of a huge building as Rin was sliding a wall open. Maki jumped down, grabbing Nico’s duffle and box of tools and dumping them into Rin’s arms. Then she offered a hand to Nico, who let Maki assist her in stepping down. Kotori and Umi followed.
Hanayo turned the sleigh in a careful circle around everyone. “I have to settle Hyuna and Hyeri, Maki, then I can help.”
“That’s fine, Hanayo.” Maki waved.
“See you soon, Kayo-chin.” Rin shouted over her shoulder as she bowed under the weight. Maki grabbed Nico’s duffle and bounded into the studio. Nico, Umi and Kotori stopped at the entrance, awed by the size and the tech neatly arranged around a pristine kitchen, decorated for Christmas with miniature tinsel tossed trees and snowmen.
“I hope you were planning on a Christmas theme; it’s kinda all we do around here.” Maki waved an arm, “Welcome to North Pole Nishikino. Let me know what you need.”
”But hurry.” Rin muttered, Maki shoved her, shushing, as she watched Nico wander onto the expansive set, eyes wide.
“Nico thought you were going to be impressed with our studio. Silly Nico.” Nico glanced at Umi, who was torn between sadness at Honoka missing this opportunity and relief that she wouldn’t have to monitor Honoka’s behavior with equipment this expensive.
Maki paused as she carried Nico’s duffle to the island, to whisper in Nico’s ear, “I was impressed with you.”
Nico almost blushed, but immediately started to bustle before she could get off track. “Rin, can you take Kotori somewhere I can change so she can lay out my outfit and makeup.”
Rin took Kotori and the duffle bag off, Kotori shepherding carefully the garment bag that held Nico’s change of clothes.
“Nico will set up here. Did Rin get the ingredients I needed?” Nico began to unpack her kitchen box.
“Yeah, she said everything’s in the cabinets under the island, unless it’s refrigerated.” Maki pointed.
“Thanks, Maki. Can you show Umi the control booth while Nico sets up. And who’s going to run the cameras?”
Umi suddenly tensed, “Kotori can, I guess. Two cameras would be great though, if there’s a hand held.” Umi looked to Maki who nodded. ‘Closeups would be helpful.”
“We can position a camera to focus solely on the cooking, if that helps. And RIn and Hanayo can run cameras. W....they made a lot of goofy videos as kids.”
“They…?” Nico asked.
Maki kicked her boot, “Um...”
Nico laughed, “Thanks, Maki. This is amazing. I need a half an hour for prep, Umi, then I’ll get changed and we can get started.”
Umi nodded approval, “That sounds like a good plan. Maki can help me familiarize myself with the equipment while you get ready.”
“Maki is the best host.” Nico blew a kiss at Maki, missing the raging blush when she ducked under the counter to start pulling out ingredients.
 “Eli.” Nozomi let herself stagger a little, eyes wide, breath rapid. Eli patted the shoulder of the elf she was in conversation with and turned her attention to the interruption.
“Did something happen? Are you okay?” Eli smiled, hand reaching toward Nozomi’s back. Eli actually seemed in a fairly good mood. Nozomi hesitated, but only briefly. Maki was no good at improvising. Nozomi would have to see this through.
“Payroll.” Nozomi kept her voice even and efficient. “The system’s screwed up. It’s not reflecting shift differentials and two weeks worth of overtime has disappeared. If we can’t find a way to restore the information, we’ll have to go through the schedule and time cards and walk Aditha in IT through what we need.”
“Don’t worry, Nozomi, this happened last month. Once we figure out who’s affected, it’s an easy fix. I had Aditha code a workaround if it ever happened again.” Eli hugged Nozomi with one arm. Nozomi started to wonder why Eli was taking this so well.
“Ummm...Eli.” Nozomi leaned her head on Eli’s shoulder, “you seem in a good mood…”
Eli grinned, “Maki decided to come back.”
Nozomi stopped, choosing her words carefully, “You saw her?”
Eli shook her head, eyes glittering, ease in her walk, “No, but now that she’s back, we can get over all this motorcycle-reporter-overspending nonsense and lock in on a successful Christmas Eve.”
“Eli.” Nozomi’s voice rang in the hall.
“How do you know Maki’s back?”
“After the accident, I activated the Santa Tracker.” Eli stated. “It can track anyone who’s using the NPP app. Maki’s been mostly testing the Santa Sack™. I look forward to hearing her evaluation.”
“Eli, you can’t do that.” Nozomi found herself shouting, hands in front of her, trying not to shake Eli. “She’s not a lost 2 year old.”
“What if she had another accident? We’d be glad to know where she was then.” Eli shrugged off Nozomi’s ire.
“Did you inform her that you took this action?” Nozomi was calmer, not less angry, but quieter anger.
Another shrug, “Let’s go fix your problem, Nozomi. Then maybe we can sit down to dinner?”
“Oh, Eli. My problem is nothing compared to the one you have.” Nozomi turned away, “You’ll have to do the payroll fix on your own. I have an errand to run.”
 Maki printed out a copy of the script Nico and Umi had worked so hard on during the ride here. As she read through it, Maki could see Nico winking and smiling. She half spun her seat and started playing something on her mini midi keyboard. She followed the music scrolling across the screen, watching the time as she listened through the headphones loose around her ears. One quick replay, a click at 15.7 seconds, a change in chords and she handed the headphones to Umi. “Think Nico will like this? I recorded an intro.”
Umi listened, one hand cupped around an earpad, eyes closed. A finger roll indicated Maki should repeat the loop. Then Umi opened her eyes, “That’s perfect. Nico will love it.” Umi handed the headphones back. “Thank you, Maki.”
Maki grunted and went back to her keyboard, “Do you want one piece for transitions or multiple?”
Umi remembered courting Kotori, searching all over Baltimore for a specific fabric that Kotori needed to complete an outfit, patiently running errands during the long nights Kotori spent working on her first costume design job for a short film, driving 10 minutes out of her way to bring Kotori her favorite coffee and pastry the week before filming. Practical romance. Being helpful while distracting yourself from the sensations being near the woman you wanted engendered.
“I think one, but we should ask Nico.”
Maki nodded, glancing to where Nico was explaining to Rin how she wanted the shots to look. Nico hands flew over the countertop as she demonstrated. Maki thought it was probably a relief that Rin did everything nearly as fast as Nico. Anyone else might have been lost. But both Umi and Kotori seemed to exist in a lower gear and they kept up. Maki wouldn’t want Nico to slow down at all for her, Nico’s vibrancy promised adventures Maki wanted to share.
Umi had a different thought, “Nico, remember, slow down a bit for the audience. They won’t be able to follow along at full speed.”
“Thanks, Umi.”
Nico hadn’t changed yet. Maki was getting restless, curious about what Nico would wear, if her lips would have a blizzard of snow or be dusted with gold. Underneath the restlessness was concern about Eli finding out about this and lecturing Maki about misuse of corporate resources IN FRONT of Nico. Maki cringed in advance embarrassment at that image, hitting a wrong note and drawing Umi’s attention.
Nico shouted, “Don’t let anyone touch anything. I’m going to go get dressed.”
Umi flashed a thumbs up. Maki put her headphones on, knocking out three quick, merry pieces while thinking about what Nico and peppermint and biting into crispy Snickerdoodles would sound like. A woodwind, with a quick piano chord and a snappy snare for the crunchy flavor. Or maybe cinnamon was more of a sax?
 Nico was a blur around the set, doing a dry run before she worked with the actual ingredients. Maki took out her phone and snapped a quick picture from where she was sitting behind her laptop tweaking tempos based on Nico’s pace, which was at least three times as fast as Maki could do anything without the added boost of an engine. She considered posting it on TWIG, which reminded her she’d never gotten a reply from @StormCookie. A check showed no response still and no new posts from @StormCookie. Maki saved the Nico photo and snapped a quick shot of the music on her laptop captioned with “Setting a Christmas mood for a surprise project.” Usually, @StormCookie responded within a day, but it was her business blog so maybe she was taking the weekend off. Maybe she was talking to her cute girl again. Maki smiled and leaned forward, chin propped on her hands as Nico did a twirl, singing a chorus of “Jingle Bells.” Just being in the same room with Nico was enough to get a buzz, Maki thought. Nico had enough energy to fill even this space. Maki wondered if she’d ever attempted to break into a bigger market than Tudor. It might have been hard for Nico to leave her family. Cocoa and Cotaro had told Maki how Nico had taken care of them even when she was attending to college.
“Hey, Maki!” Nico called out and Maki jumped back from her meandering train of thought to see the dark haired beauty waving to her, “Play that intro bit again, Nico wants to work on a dance.”
Maki nodded and swept the cursor to that part of the music. Nico’s foot tapped along, head nodding to the beat.
Suddenly Nico was heading toward Maki, arms out, “Maki’s amazing. This’ll help prove Nico is the consummate professional. I can’t thank you enough.” Nico’s lips were a deep red with small flecks of silver and Maki was breathless, heart rate thrumming like a mambo beat, watching them come closer. Then Nico was hugging her, another kiss on the cheek, but Nico’s lips lingered as she whispered, “I can’t thank you enough, Maki.”
When Nico pulled back, Maki’s hands were clasped in her lap so she didn’t rub her cheek or twist her hair. The redhead had a slight blush and was looking past her laptop, “Hey, Nico?”
“What is it?” Nico leaned into Maki, enjoyed the proximity, resisting the temptation to play with Maki’s hair and almost paying attention to the music.
“If you get the job, where would you go?” Maki tapped a few keys but as far as Nico could tell, it was just random motion.
“Oh, the network HQ is located in Brooklyn, but Nico would only have to fly in for meetings. The pitch is for Nico to produce things remotely at first...we’d find someplace in Tudor to rent, you don’t have to worry about that. Nico wouldn’t be needing to bother you again.” Nico glanced around, “This place is amazing though. What do you film here?”
Maki shifted and Nico let her hand drop to her side as Maki moved swiveled her stool, amethyst eyes not as bright as they’d been, “Safety videos, news updates, we have a half hour morning and midnight show that covers local and corporate stories.”
“That sounds fun.”
“Nozomi says it’s good for morale. She interviews people, takes lots of video footage. She and Rin go to toy conventions and things like that.”
“That’s one of the things Nico likes best about the job, interacting with people, getting them to tell Nico their stories.” Nico’s eyes gleamed as she tapped out a rhythm on Maki’s shoulders, “When Nico has her own show, so many people will clamor to spend some one on one time with the number one interviewer on the air.”
Maki tensed, half closing her laptop and standing abruptly, “I’d better check on Umi.”
“She’ll be fine.” Nico was puzzled by the disruption in the friendly mood she’d been building, “She’s still riding the relief at not having to herd Honoka through all this expensive equipment.”
Maki chuckled, her momentary begrudging of Nico’s popularity dissipated, “It’s been Rin proofed, Honoka would have been fine.”
Nico shook her head, “You weren’t there when she took out the power for 58% of the lower Susquehanna Valley while trying to get in the air video at a hot air balloon event. We had a private ambulance on call for awhile after that. Umi still almost screams if she sees a kid with a balloon.”
“Ha.” Maki flicked Nico’s shoulder, “That’s nothing to the Christmas Eve Rin let the reindeer loose and all of our European deliveries ended up 6 hours behind schedule...everyone was wrangling reindeer and no one could find Rin and Hanayo nearly split in two with worry. Papa said...” Maki froze when she saw the off look in Nico’s eye, curiosity wrestling with suspicion….”um” Maki flailed, physically and verbally, suddenly seeing Eli’s icy glare if Nico started asking questions about Christmas “....we were like 5 and I didn’t really understand what was going on...or what day it was…or...”
“What’s up?” Rin bumped Maki’s side. “I’m ready. Umi’s REALLY cool and Kotori says we should add a darker green to the delivery uniform. Where’s Kayo-chin?”
Nico turned, watching Rin closely as she spoke, “Maki was just telling me about letting all the reindeer out and the delivery delays…”
Maki was behind Nico making frantic “no” signals, crossing her forearms, frowning, and willing understanding into Rin. A puzzled Rin shrugged, “Yeah, no biggy, things are really crazy around here every year before S...:”
Maki practically bowled Rin over with Nico when she pushed the smaller woman toward the set, “Let’s get started. We promised Nozomi we’d be fast.”
“Yeah, we did.” Rin ran back to her camera.
“All right.” Nico frowned, which Maki couldn’t look away from, “Nico is not here to ask questions, Nico is here to catapult to the next level, with the kind assistance of the wonderful Maki.” Nico blew a kiss to Maki, who didn’t notice as she was too focused on whispering to Rin.
“Just forget I mentioned the reindeer thing. We don’t want Nico finding out too much.” Maki felt her heart drop as she said that. Why couldn’t she share everything with Nico? Nico was at least a friend....Maki glanced at Nico, who was making sure the placement of everything was exactly where they’d put spike tape, maybe more when this craziness was over and Maki had a minute to talk to her. But for now it was best to stay focused on helping Nico get her video segment done for tomorrow, and figure out anything else later. Maki shoved her hands deep in her pockets, standing a little apart from Rin, trying to get lost enough in Nico’s smile and snappy patter to forget the urge to pull Nico aside, outside, away from everyone, deep in the pine trees, and just…her imagination stopped there, with Nico brushing a kiss on her cheek, one hand on her forearm. Wait, why did it have to stop there. Wait, Nico was calling her name, why, how long had she zoned out for?
“Maki?” Nico had paused. “Did you hear me?”
“Sorry, what do you need?”
“Can you play the intro for Nico.”
“Sure.” Maki rushed back to her laptop, made sure the speakers were connected and started the music.
Nico held up a hand, “Let Nico countdown from 5. Please.”
“Yeah, Maki. Do your job.” Rin stuck out her tongue.
“Sorry.” Maki hung her head, reminding herself of important things: Take a deep breath. Do things in the right order. Listen to Nico. Don’t get distracted. If Rin starts sniggering, ignore her.
Nico glanced up to where Umi was sitting behind a bank of consoles, “I think the local talent is good to go, Umi. Are you ready?”
Umi’s voice came over the sound system. “We’re good to go whenever you are, Nico. Kotori’s got the sound levels all set. We’ll adjust if anything spikes.”
“All right. Let’s get started.” Nico shook herself, then looked straight into the fixed camera. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1....”
Maki hit play. Nico twirled and came out of it right as the music faded. “Want to impress a girl? Polish your cookie making game? Nothing like ginger spice to put a little snap in your dating life.” Nico stopped. “Hey, Umi, could we drop in a gif of Ginger Spice there or would that be too much?”
Umi sounded like a stormy goddess, hailing hesitation from above. “I don’t think we have the time to find and edit in gifs, Nico.” Some static, then a break in the clouds, “I could do a pop up video type of thing pretty quickly, just to give the idea of what we might do with a longer deadline.”
“Good idea.” Nico hummed, “I’ll take it from the top.” There she was flying three times faster than everyone as she returned to her starting place. “Ready, Maki?”
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”
Maki had almost forgotten to swipe back to the start, but Nico’s countdown gave her enough time to recover from that near blooper. Maki would be glad to go back to working on something linear after this. Nico’s back and forth, switching near instantly from onstage charisma to off stage competence was making Maki dizzy.
After a few more false starts, they were finally in a flow. Nico had the wet ingredients mixed and was about to measure out the flour when two doors flew open simultaneously, the sliding door clanging in the back of the studio and the double door whooshing open in the front. Rin had obviously forgotten to tell Umi where the “LIVE” switch that activated the red warning lights was. A gust of wind blew in with Hanayo and suddenly Nico was blustering and covered in very fine white flour. Hanayo screamed, Maki’s mouth fell open and Rin nearly fell to the floor laughing. Nico was in a bright red dress with a bold white stripe that suddenly became a snow covered clothingscape. Then there was a bellow. Eli’s voice. Damn.
“What the hell is going on here, Rin? Maki? Who authorized this?” Eli’s rush to the scene had also caught her in the flour shower, but she brushed it off her white suit jacket. Her voice drilled through the surprised incoherencies of Umi and Nico.
“Hi, Eli.” Maki waved.
“Maki.” Eli was nose to nose with Maki, the minuscule height advantage somehow magnified by her rising indignation.
Nico was suddenly in between them, “Maki’s helping me.”
Eli looked down her nose at Nico, but somehow, it wasn’t nearly as effective as Eli intended it to be, “You shouldn’t even be here, Yazawa.”
How do you know…” Nico spun to face Maki, “Did you tell her about me on your date? I saw you downtown…”
“DATE!?!?!??!?!?!?!!!!” Maki and Eli tried to outshout each other; Rin actually did fall onto the floor and started rolling back and forth, laughing hysterically until she bumped Maki, who kicked her to the side, there was a chair being shoved back into the wall sound over the speaker, followed by a “What’s going on? Kotori, stop recording,” and Hanayo stood blinking apologetically in the middle of the open wall.
Maki stuttered, not even sure where to start, totally ignoring Eli to focus on a Nico, who in a less serious mood would be looking like a ridiculous and adorable sugar dusted cookie but right now, seemed actually to be mainlining manic murderous snow person, red eyes dangerously lit. “N...Nico...I...I wasn’t...no one is...nobody’s...Eli…”
“No,” Rin was practically choking, “you don’t mean nobody, Maki, you mean No...zomi.”
“Well, hello everybody.” Nozomi’s voice trilled from the door, “I see Eli beat me here.”
Eli’s turn to spin, confronting a Nozomi who’d ditched the company cardigan, “You knew about this?”
“Of course I did, Eli. People trust me.” Nozomi smirked at Maki and shook her head at Rin. Hanayo crouched next to Rin, who was now on her back, staring at the ceiling, still vibrating with laughter.
“People trust me.” Eli countered.
“People trust you to do your job, Eli, not consider their feelings.” Nozomi sighed, petting Eli on the arm, “Because you don’t. You don’t even consider your feelings.”
“My feelings are” Eli pulled back, sounding choked up, “that no one cares about the things I work so hard to protect.”
“Elichi is cheating.” Nozomi blew out a thin stream of air, too aware of how Eli’s eyes were pleading for support.
Maki wasn’t that polite, bulldozing into their moment. “I care. I just know I can trust Nico.”
Nico was about to say something, but Maki’s raw honesty derailed her as she watched the redhead march right up to the glam blonde she WASN’T dating, fists clenched. Nico decided to just wait and see what happened next. Rin sat up, helped by Hanayo, and Umi appeared suddenly, moving to join Nico.
Eli closed her eyes, then turned, looking past Maki to Nico, who was somehow, dusted with a fine coat of flour, a stern Umi standing by, managing to still pull off a professional demeanor. “She signs a NDA.” Eli’s hands waved wildly. “If any of this ends up anywhere, we sue.”
Maki shifted so she was blocking Nico from Eli’s glare, “No, what happens is you go back to your job and I finish helping Nico.”
Umi glanced at Nico, who was taking a moment to rub her cheek and see how much flour she could scrape off. Umi couldn’t tell if Nico had made any difference. There would definitely need to be a reshoot.
Nozomi had stepped forward, next to Eli, hand reaching out to her, “Eli?”
Maki and Eli had blocked out anything but their intensifying staring battle. When Maki’s arms swung back, Nico decided she did not need to be in the middle of a battle for corporate dominance. Nico had an important audition to ace on a very short deadline and a very long list of things she’d rather see Maki doing.
Time to solve this. Nico strode forward, white dust a fog as she moved. “This is ridiculous. Eli, right?” Nico’s tone demanded a response from Eli, who nodded curtly. Now that Nico had the problem's attention, she could settle this and could get back to work. “I don’t need to sign a NDA. I wouldn’t without consulting my lawyer at length. We’ll be done in a couple of hours and then you never need to see Nico again.” Maki grunted. Nico rolled her eyes but the redhead couldn’t see it. This wasn’t about Maki right now, this was about getting this disturbed, tyrannical distraction out of Nico’s space, even if it was only borrowed space.
“Elichi, why don’t we go deal with the payroll glitch and then later, you can tell Maki exactly how you knew she was back.” Nozomi hummed, quirking an eyebrow at Maki, who was suddenly very attentive as Eli squirmed at the threat underlying Nozomi’s cheery chirps.
“What do you mean? Didn’t someone just see me?” Maki asked.
Eli mumbled something as Nozomi slipped an arm through hers, dragging the fading Head Elf away from the agitated Nishikino heir. Nico blew out a relieved breath, causing flour to fly up and tickle Maki into nearly sneezing. Rin had almost recovered her feet, thanks to Hanayo, but the room was silent as worried lavender eyes searched Nico’s for a clue to her mood. Nico clapped her arms together, flour flying everywhere, Maki coughing in confusion.
“Guess it’s time for Nico to fix this.” Nico announced, crimson eyes as frisky as her tone.
Umi, knowing her friend very well, realized Nico must have had some kind of inspiration, “Do you need to change, Nico? Perhaps there’s a laundr…”
Nico chuckled, “Nope. Nico is a genius. We can still do this. No changes necessary. Are you ready, Rin?”
Rin nodded. Hanayo had been attempting to apologize since Rin got to her feet, but that had turned into a series of background squeaks as conversations escalated around her.
Maki fell back, watching as Nico and Umi had a quick discussion, Nico’s hands leaving flour trails everywhere as she pointed out various items on the set and toggled her fingers back and forth between two of the cameras. Umi started out frowning, but as Nico continued, her eyes brightened and she began making her own suggestions. There was a brief lull, Nico searching the cabinets for something, Umi considering camera options and Maki spoke up.
“Hmmmm.” Nico was tapping her fingers down the counter, considering.
“Can I help?” Maki had retreated back to her laptop, fidgeting with tabs.
“Just keep looking cute and playing your awesome loops for Nico.”
Rin giggled; Maki gave Rin the side eye.
“Kotori can you get set to record?” Umi asked, glancing back toward the console booth.
Kotori’s voice lilted over the speakers, “Of course, Umi.”
“Get ready for Nico to razzle dazzle.” Nico turned her back on everyone, head dropped, hands to the side, clutching something in her right hand. Umi subtly shifted the closest camera, nodding at Rin.
“Everything’s live, Nico. It’s all yours.” Kotori’s voice squeaked with excitement. Hanayo, her eyes on Nico, had drifted behind Maki.
“Okay, Maki, give me an intro in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”
Maki hit play, tension bringing her forward, curious about what Nico would do next. The tiny, sable haired spitfire spun with a smile bright enough, even through the flour obscuring her features, to make it seem like the lights in the room had just dimmed. Then with a quick swipe of her towel, she cleaned off her face, pale skin reddish, sprinkles of white still marring lipstick and snowy mascara.
“Hello, fellow lovers of the cute girl, Nico Ni is here to help you with that holiday date. Completely screwed up your kitchen like Nico did? Well, good news, now you’ve got a funny story for your hot date. But we don’t want her to think we’re a slob, right? So Nico will teach you 5 easy cleaning tips to get your kitchen in shape while you wait for the takeout to be delivered.”
Nico paused, pulling out a cleaning sponge and her smartphone, “Nico suggests ordering pizza, but not such a good pizza that she pays no attention to you. And make sure you know if she’s a wine, beer, soda or water drinker. Nico suggests sparkling water, with a splash of lime to start.” Nico put the phone down. “But before we get to that, if you don’t have any kind of cleaning product, make sure you keep baking soda around.” Nico produced a yellow box, poured chunky white powder on the sponge and then wet it, “It’ll also help deodorize, which is important.”
Nico proceeded to give a master class in cleaning a kitchen in 3 minutes, 45 seconds flat, which left 1 minute, 15 seconds to hop up on the counter, pour herself out some sparkling water, cut a twist of lime for it and sing 30 seconds of “How Little We Know,” kicking her feet back and forth and looking casual and relaxed and perfect in her probably ruined dress.
“How little we know How much to discover What chemical forces flow From lover to lover
How little we understand - what touches off that tingle That sudden explosion when two tingles intermingle Who cares to define what chemistry this is?”
Nico raised her glass, “Know more with Nico.”
Hanayo burst into spontaneous applause; Rin whistled. Umi relaxed for the first time all day. Maki, after the initial startle of Hanayo going off like a cheerleading bomb behind her, kept staring as Nico kept sparkling. It wasn’t just lighting, it was charm, charisma, attraction, explosive...Maki’s brain looped Nico’s vocals...tingles...the song continued in her head, a much more personal performance, Nico leaning in, a piano instead of her laptop, not candlelight, too easy to knock off, but maybe moonlight, ‘who cares with your lips on mine, how ignorant bliss is. So long as you kiss me and the world around me...”
Shatters. “Maki?” Nico’s voice broke into the excitement rising around Maki and the musician jumped guiltily. Nico appeared bemused, not annoyed, and she slid next to Maki’s laptop, still giving off puffs of flour, offering Maki the other crystal glass. Maki took it, her hand trembling slightly, and sipped slowly, not meeting Nico’s eyes. “Did you like Nico’s brilliant improvisation?”
Maki nodded, swallowed, then put the glass down, willing Rin to just shut up in advance, but Hanayo was a very thoughtful friend and Maki could see her whispering to Rin, leading her to the back of the studio. Umi had headed back to the booth, “S...suits you much better than the news.”
“Exactly.” Nico gleamed, Maki could feel it. “Nico’s been saying that for years. Maybe someone will finally listen.”
Maki drummed up enough bravery to look directly at Nico, “I’m sure they will.”
“I have something to tell you.” Nico stood, taking Maki’s hand and pulling her back toward the dressing room. Maki’s stomach flipped.
“I may have to borrow your shower again.” Nico sat Maki on the couch, grabbed a pile of clothes and disappeared into the bathroom, pausing for a quick ruffle of Maki’s hair. Maki couldn’t just sit. A brief look in the mirror. Nico had left some of her hair standing straight up, which looked ridiculous so Maki quickly smoothed it out, then started fidgeting with how the neck of her gray merino sweater fell, twisting around when it suddenly felt scratchy against the back of her neck. Nico shuffled back into the room, oversized sweater and jeans back on, fuzzy red and white candy cane striped socks sliding across the floor to where she’d left her duffle.
Rather than just stand and wait for Nico to say or do something, Maki picked up the conversation. “If you need to use my shower, there’s guest townhouses.”
“Oh, Maki doesn’t want Nico to see where she lives? Need a ‘Know More With Nico’ with 5 easy steps to cleaning your living room to impress a cute girl.”
Once again, somehow it was so easy for Nico to charm when saying something outrageous like that, which Maki would stumble over, even if she were describing someone else, someone Nico.
“No.” Maki couldn’t help it, the embarrassment made her sound sullen.
“Roommate? Don’t tell me you live with El…” Nico snorted as Maki got increasingly red.
“No. My parents.” Maki watched Nico carefully but there was no recoil, “I travel so much, I never really needed a place of my own.”
“Right. Maki’s off somewhere new every six months or so…” Now Nico’s voice was the one full of minor notes.
Maki rushed into the gathering doldrums, “Only because I want to…”
Nico didn’t believe in lingering in down moods and she’d found what she wanted. One beaten up green Thermos, one box carefully wrapped in candy cane colored paper and a bright red ribbon. She put them down in front of the mirror, arranged as artfully as two objects could be and snapped a quick pic, typing and swiping even more rapidly. Maki picked up the Thermos. Looked familiar, but she couldn’t place it.
“It goes with the present.” Nico nudged, obviously pleased with herself. “And check your notifications.”
Why would Nico know her phone was vibrating in her pocket? Had she sent a text? Maki pulled out her phone, TWIG notification, @StormCookie had sent her a message.
Maki opened the app. @StormCookie’s had sent her Nico’s pic with the caption: So, @SantaChan, Step 5 in StormCookie’s Easy Steps To Romance and Sexcess™ is tell the Cute Girl you like her. For real impact, give her something she loves. Check in the box, SantaClueless.”
Maki stared at Nico for a long moment, thoughts racing, if Nico was @StormCookie, she’d been having all those late night conversations with Nico, wanting room service to deliver Nico to her room...which had happened when...when had Nico known, Maki’s knees shook, a nervous tremor, and Nico was right there, hands on her waist, guiding Maki to the chair, then dropping the gift into her lap, “C’mon, Red and Ravishing,” Maki’s head snapped around as Nico’s voice smoothly rolled out mischief coated compliments, “don’t make Nico wait.”
“When did you…” Maki’s hands reached for the box, but her brain was still desperately working out the clues and stumbling over the memory of the awful, sandy cookie taste in her mouth after she’d snuck cookies on Nico’s set. Maybe Rin was right and she should just buy a cookie factory. But Storm...Nico knew so much about cooking…and Nico had found her a piano...and ever since Maki’d met her, she couldn’t stop seeing Nico’s face, features lovely and lively and curious, whenever she closed her own eyes.
“When I saw the Santa hat bunny in your bathroom.” Nico admitted, pouring milk out of the thermos.
“But those cookies…”
“What cookies?” Nico was starting to recognize some of Maki’s moods and this one was confusion. Which was infecting Nico.
Maki frowned at the memory. “On the set. When I visited the station. They were terrible.”
“You really are only interested in food.” Nico snorted, grabbing the box back and ripping off the now wasted A-list level wrapping paper job.
“Please don’t talk to Rin again. Ever.” Maki suddenly had a window open into a view of endless, future teasing.
Nico’s hand was under Maki’s nose and there was a darkly sweet smell, a gingery invitation.“Open up.”
Maki’s mouth opened automatically, the aroma a driving temptation.
Nico shoved something in, “Chew.”
Maki bit down and shards of crystal ginger heat crackled between her teeth as she savored the molasses filling her mouth, crispiness melting into mouthwateringly soft caramel sweetness with just a kick of cloves. Lavender eyes wide, Maki chewed slowly, tastebuds relishing every zesty crumb.
“Nico didn’t bake those cookies you had. Nico told you not to eat them. Jill the PA baked them. Nico is paid for her on camera work, not her cooking. Nico is the best AND cutest cook you will ever meet. Jill is a poisoner in training. Never eat anything Jill hands you.”
Maki grabbed the cookies back and took Nico’s hand, her voice, matter of fact; glowing eyes full of awe, “Marry me, Nico.”
“How about dating first?” Nico’s fingers caressed Maki’s cheek, crimson eyes finally able to unabashedly glory in every gorgeous detail. Maki’s eyes never left Nico’s, even as the redhead popped another cookie in her mouth, chewing with thoughtful consideration. Then with a nod, she put the cookies aside, her hand on Nico’s waist, “Nope. These are too good. Has to be marriage.”
“KISS THE COOKIE GIRL!” Rin’s shout announced her boisterous fall through the not completely closed door she’d been eavesdropping behind, Hanayo following.
Maki grinned, flicking a finger in her best friend’s direction, “That too.” Suddenly Nico was in Maki’s lap and her lips were on Nico’s, a gentle touch, warm spices tingling as much as Maki’s tongue did, licking the scattered crumbs mashed between their mouths, pushing forward, lips opening, Nico trying to control a swirl of sensations as her hands slid through Maki’s hair and she angled for the next kiss.
“We’ll see you later, Maki.” Hanayo could barely be heard over the sound of her dragging a protesting Rin out of the room and solidly closing the door.
“Your friends are silly.” Nico whispered.
“Your lips are delicious.” Maki nipped forward.
“I think those are the crumbs from yours.” Nico bopped Maki’s nose with hers, “You may have a problem.”
Maki shrugged, taking the time for a lingering caress of Nico’s ear. “Rin says cookiesexuals don’t exist. She looked it up.”
Nico had to force back a giggle. Here was Maki, glorious lavender eyes full of fresh wonder and yet, the word “cookiesexual” had just come out of the most sensuously luscious red lips Nico had ever seen. She wanted to know every crack of them. Nico raised a finger and slowly traced their center, watching Maki’s eyes as something primal poured quickly into their artless depths, “Less talking.”
Maki pouted, but Nico’s mouth followed her finger and Maki suddenly had trouble remembering her own name, let alone...and when Nico heard the whisper of a moan vibrate under her searching mouth, she knew conversation was over and those lush, dream building lips were hers.
Nozomi, in blue polar bear pajama pants, a white North Pole Nishikino t-shirt and fuzzy tanuki slippers, came sprinting down the central hall. Eli’s call had sounded urgent. Everything had been wrapped and packed, everyone was out on their runs, what could have possibly happened? Eli stood outside the door of her office, pacing nervously, dressed in a short blue and white dress Nozomi had never seen before.
“What happened, Eli? What’s wrong.” Nozomi grabbed Eli by the arms, pulling her close, “Did something happen to Maki again?”
Eli coughed, her smile embarrassed, “You’re going to have to write me up, Nozomi.”
“Why? What happened?”Anxiety wasn’t helping Nozomi catch her breath, nor was the way Eli’s eyes were lingering on the logo on her t-shirt. “Eli!”
“I violated protocol.” Eli admitted, with a slight blush.
“Are you tracking Maki again. This is ridiculous.” Nozomi was usually mild of temper, but the non PG-13 romance she’d been watching had just hit its first climax and instead of being warm with a bowl full of popcorn, here she was panting in a hall with an Eli on overdose levels of attractive and annoying.
“I hacked your Christmas list.”
“I didn’t write one.” Nozomi started to pull out her hair. Eli was infrequently infuriating but when she was...
Eli took her hand, interrupting a growl. “I hacked Santa’s Christmas master list and looked you up.” The door to Eli’s office opened and Nozomi glanced inside. Eli’s desk and multiple screens had disappeared, replaced by a small table, lace tablecloth, two chairs, candles, instrumental music and an array of what smelled like Nozomi’s favorite dishes, “Merry Christmas, Nozomi. I’m sorry for adding to your workload.”
Nozomi stepped back, agitated. “I’m not dressed. I’m in the middle of a movie. You…” Nozomi looked Eli up and down, no matter how hard Eli worked, she never skipped her morning ballet exercises and the dress was floofy and form fitting enough that Eli could have stepped right into performing as the Sugar Plum Fairy, “look amazing.”
Eli still had Nozomi’s hand and yanked her forward, pointing up to a small clump of green with white berries, “I also finally complied with your mistletoe directive. Shouldn’t you encourage that kind of behavior?” Eli’s eyes were so soft and so kind with an iceberg of lovely under the sharp blue tip. “You look beautiful, Nozomi, you always do. I’m going to pay more attention.”
What the hell, Nozomi thought, if she’d fallen asleep in front of her screen, she might as well enjoy this flight of her imagination’s fancy. But when Eli’s lips brushed hers, they were cold enough to be real and warm enough that Nozomi almost cried, “Elichi.”
“I love the way you say my name.” Eli whispered, stealing another kiss with a smile.
Nozomi followed Eli’s graceful curves into the room now full of her favorite things. Merry Christmas indeed, she thought.
Tsubasa, dressed in a borrowed Washington Spirit hoodie and her take out the garbage jeans, wondered again why she was clambering up a precariously balanced 20 foot ladder. Then Honoka turned back to check she was keeping up, her incandescent grin replacing the sun, and Tsubasa doubled her speed, damn the wind cutting through her gloves. Honoka hopped onto the roof, then offered a hand to pull Tsubasa up.
“Why are we here again, Honoka?” Tsubasa possibly should have taken the bring a jacket advice Umi had given her when they’d split off into their separate evenings after a joint Christmas Eve dinner.
“Yukiho always gave me grief about Santa not visiting cause I was on the naughty list when we were kids, so I thought a good scare to get even would be just the ticket.” Honoka stomped playfully across the roof at a speed that made Tsubasa calculate slopes and rates of fall, and then she had a vision involving the precarious ladder before Honoka called out again. “Do I sound like a reindeer?” Honoka jumped, soundly thumping the roof and falling into the chimney with a belly laugh, “ho hO HO!”
Practical was down on the ground in a parka, Tsubasa realized, and what had climbed up here on the roof with a ladder that was going to fall and crush Practical in another three jumps, was joy and excitement. Honoka threw her knitted hat up in the air, opened her mouth to catch a snowflake Tsubasa could barely spot, bounced 10 feet forward on all fours and rolled over to point at the sky, “See all those stars?”
“Why not?” Honoka sounded worried.
“Because I’m looking at you.” Tsubasa knelt, ignoring the cold, so very easy to do as the brightness of Honoka Kosaka eclipsed everything else about this night.
 Umi was nervous and kept twisting the ring in her pocket, afraid a gap would suddenly open and the ring would fall down her pants, into her shoe, dig into her foot and she’d draw up her knee, knocking Kotori sideways into the tree, starting a fire on the throw rug.
“Umi, is everything all right?” Kotori’s head was resting on Umi’s shoulder as they sat, illuminated by twinkling lights, music playing quietly in the background.
Claude Thornhill’s "Snowfall" started its beautiful, rolling melody and Umi knew it was now or never. She’d been ashamed catching the ring on Nico’s finger this past week and knowing that for ten years now, since they started dating in high school, Kotori had not had the acknowledgement of the seriousness of Umi’s feelings that she deserved. Now or never, Umi told herself, and stood, offering a hand to Kotori, “May I have this dance.”
Kotori stood, her slender, strong hand fitting Umi’s perfectly as they started to move together. Her hair brushed Umi’s cheek as she whispered. “I love this song.”
“I know.” Umi brought them closer together. If she didn’t have to meet Kotori’s eyes, she could get through this. “I know so many things about you, Kotori Minami, and I always find something new to love, every day.” Umi paused. Kotori seemed to have stopped breathing, but the music continued and so did Umi. “That’s what I want to do. Every day. Find out something new to love about you. I love you, Kotori. M...marry me.”
“Umi.” Kotori stopped, hand tilting up Umi’s chin, golden eyes the only light in the world for Umi. Kissing Kotori had always been an out of body experience for Umi, daring her to be a braver person than she’d ever thought she could, but this kiss, this wasn’t a call to bravery, this was Kotori’s gentle stamp, approving and accepting every one of Umi’s hesitations, every day of doubt, every hidden fear. One whispered word embraced and purified them all. “Yes.”
Umi soared.
 “Hey, Kayo-chin, you forgot your dinner.” Rin ran into the stable, carrying a large sack. Hanayo was preparing blankets for the next round of reindeer to return. “Did Maki get back from Australia yet?”
“Yeah, she took Hyeri to Tudor.” Hanayo smiled, glad the young reindeer would get some flight experience. She was too skittish to work in a team.
“You do such a good job, Kayo-chin.” Rin hugged her fiancée.
“Thanks, Rin.”
Rin released Hanayo, spreading a blanket in the back of the stable, taking two bentos out of the sack, “Sit down for a minute, I brought your favorite curry. And rice.” Rin held up one of the bentos, “You must be tired and hungry.”
Hanayo nodded, adding one last blanket to the stack and then joining Rin, who pulled her close, keeping her in a loose hug as Hanayo opened the bento full of rice with a smile, “Thanks, Rin.”
“Anything for my Kayochin.”
Hanayo took a bite of rice, then laid her head on Rin’s shoulder, “I'm glad you're here. Tomorrow, we stay cozy in bed all day, right?”
Rin chuckled, thinking she might need a quick run on the indoor track to tire herself out while Hanayo finished her chores. “Only for you. I love you, Kayochin.”
“I love you too, Rin.” Hanayo muttered around a mouthful of rice and curry.
 Nico had fallen asleep on her mother’s couch, afghan pulled over her cutest pajamas, white gold ring with 60 diamonds formed into a snowflake sparkling on her left hand. A newly baked batch of molasses crisps waited on a plain white plate, with a tall glass of milk next to it. The milk was holding down a note that said “Don’t forget to kiss the cook ; P Love, Nico.”
There was a shimmer next to the haphazardly decorated Christmas tree, mostly handmade ornaments, and Maki appeared, Santa Hat™ askew on her head, arms full of presents. She stashed them under the tree, happy at the thought of Nico’s siblings waking up to even more holiday cheer. Then, ever so quietly, she moved to the small table set up for her and took the top cookie off the pile.
“I knew you’d go for the cookies first. Nico is shattered.” Maki finished her treat before sliding in next to her fiancée, as Nico continued her complaint, “I almost made oatmeal cookies for your Papa, but I couldn’t bear the look of disappointment on your face.”
“I left Jill a book on food photography. Maybe she’ll switch hobbies.” Maki leaned back, stretching, one arm falling behind Nico in that tried and true teenage maneuver. Cliches were surprisingly fun to indulge in. “Nico is marrying into a family of reverse burglars.” Nico yawned and let her head fall back into Maki’s bicep, inhaling, “You smell like a musky pine tree.”
Maki turned to kiss Nico on the cheek, “It’s not so bad is it?”
“It’s you, so it’s perfect.” Nico flipped, meeting Maki’s lips with an exaggerated smack, “You’re really staying in town for a few days?”
Maki nodded, “Yeah, after Christmas everybody collapses until New Year’s. This week’s been crazy, but we all survived, even Eli. I think Rin might have run off a few pounds trying to get people not to exhaust themselves.”
“She doesn’t have anything to spare.” Nico wrapped the throw around her shoulders, lost in the luminous lavender that was now her favorite color, as long as she didn’t have to wear it.
“I know. You’ll have to make me some cookies to take back for her.” Maki’s eyes twinkled.
“Now, that, SantaSelfish, is a blatant attempt to get more than the allotment of cookies due you as Nico’s fiancée.”
Maki pulled Nico in for a long kiss, “Can you blame me?”
“No, actually Nico is quite flattered, but you can’t steal Rin’s cookies. What’s your least favorite kind?”
“Not made by Nico.” Another kiss, then Maki murmuring into Nico’s hair. “Love you. I missed you. How was your week?”
“Nico is flying to New York next Thursday for a meeting.”
“Good. Want to borrow a reindeer?” Maki was purring her way around Nico’s ear.
“Not even Nico’s stylist could fix the frizz from you flying me back to Tudor last Monday.” Nico chided.
Maki’s grin was adorable and impish, as she played with the loose ends of Nico’s hair, “You looked great. Let me mess it up some more.”
“Oooh, Mama, Maki’s here!” Cocoa dashed into the room as Maki jumped back and Nico collapsed giggling, “Can we open our presents now?”
“It’s 3 o’clock in the morning,” Maki looked at Nico in a panic as Cocoa nearly vaulted over the couch.
“Come here you.” Nico pulled her sister over the back of the couch and crushed two of her favorite people into the biggest hug she could, “Merry Christmas, Maki. Welcome to the Yazawas.”
Rin was wrong. Maki had trusted cookies and cookies had led her to Nico. This Christmas Eve had just the right flavor. From now on, Maki was going to enjoy every second and every peppermint candy cane spiced, knock the Santa Hat™ off her head kiss from Nico she could.
In between bites of the best cookies ever ; )
A/N: If you've read this far, I adore you and I hope you enjoyed this.
10 notes · View notes
lonelypond · 7 years
Santa Cutie And The Christmas Cookie Queen
Love Live, nicomaki, 3.2K, 2/3
Nico vs. Pizza
Chief of Elfish Resources Nozomi Tojo stepped through the door and saw three papers scattered across the pristine white surface of Eli’s desk, she knew some disaster had occurred. Eli was sitting behind the desk, hands wide for balance, blue eyes with a dizzy look at the back of them, like someone had slipped and caused her to fall into a wall.
“How could she?” Eli asked, anger starting to clarify in her voice, “How could she?”
Nozomi was one fact away from knowing how to reply, although she had a guess as to the party involved.
“How could…” Nozomi stepped into the room, her question leaving a blank for Eli to fill.
“Maki.” Eli shoved her chair back, standing. Another page drifted off the pile as the desk reacted to the after tremors. “Maki. Doesn’t she realize…”
Eli turned away, overwhelmed by too many emotions. Nozomi scooted closer to the desk, reading upside down. Insurance information for someone named Honoka Kosaka. Accident?
“Is Maki all right? Does her father know?” Nozomi’s concern was more than professional. Everyone at North Pole Nishikino had come to love the often grumpy but always kindly sole heir to the Santa suit and sleigh.
“Maki is fine. And not taking this seriously. How do I tell her father?” Eli glanced at Nozomi.
“Do you want me to?” Nozomi sat on the corner of Eli’s desk, primly arranging the skirt of her purple dress over her knees, .
“It’s not your job.” Eli groaned. “It’s not really my job either.”
Nozomi neatened the papers, “My job is to take care of the employees. You are an employee. If it would be taking care of you, in the only way you’ll let me…”
Eli pretended to ignore what Nozomi was leaving very openly unsaid, “I’ll do it myself.” Eli’s smile barely qualified but Nozomi, as usual, took what she could get, “Thanks, Nozomi.”
Nozomi bounced up, “Just take care of yourself, Eli-chi. Medical forms cause too much paperwork.”
“Hey,” Eli sounded indignant and Nozomi was glad Eli couldn’t see the giggle she was holding back, “Last year was a fluke.”
“Just make sure you get some rest,” Nozomi twirled in the doorway, “And put up some mistletoe. I made sure it was regulation.”
Eli shook her head at the flirtatious dark haired woman and sat down, staring out the window at the sunlit afternoon, wondering what other kinds of trouble Maki was getting herself into. ANd wondering if the young heir had read the detailed email Eli had spent last week on, about polishing her ability to serve as the public face of the company.
Maki woke to her phone going off. She hated setting the alarm so on weekends she never bothered. But Rin’s chirpy text tone was enough to drag her out of a dream that involved Nico in candy cane stripes from head to toe and a Christmas tree and...Maki grabbed her phone.
R: Eli’s so MAD at you, Maki (╯=▃=)╯︵┻━┻
Groggy, Maki stared at Rin’s message. She hadn’t done anything. Surely Eli couldn’t expect a response to that ridiculously long email about public presentation and the North Pole Nishikino industrial image. Maki usually had a week before Eli started to get twitchy about that sort of thing, especially when Maki was working off site.
M: What happened?
R: Motorcycle crash? Remember? Or did you forget your helmet again?
M: It wasn’t an accident. Someone ran over my bike. I wasn’t even on it ┐(´ー`)┌
R: Eli’s still REALLY mad. Nozomi looked worried.
M: It’ll be fine. I’ll send her an email. Papa wasn’t upset.
R:  Eli (╯=▃=)╯︵┻━┻
Maki decided it was time to take a walk.
Nico enjoyed market day, when she actually had the time to spend the morning downtown. So many people bustling happily, especially this time of year, that it was always easy to spread or catch a smile or a laugh. She was especially looking forward to stopping at her favorite bakery and seeing what treats they were making for the holidays. Take some food porn worthy pictures and she’d have a handy blog post, especially if she deconstructed the recipes and made her own versions.
Nico loved dressing for the season. Today, she had snowflake covered light blue leggings and a comfy red oversized sweater with a cartoony Christmas tree, white faux furry boots and a white puffy jacket. She’d only had a little fun with the lipstick, base red with some smudged white snowflakes. No snow yet, that’d be a story for tomorrow, according to the latest forecast, so today Nico was just going to enjoy the sun, the holiday bustle and the...Nico paused as she entered Central Market, the live music, holiday songs? Occasionally, someone would be playing the piano, but this was a much higher level of effort than Nico had ever heard her before, with the jazzy Vince Guaraldi Charlie Brown Christmas songs making for an auditory treat.
Nico headed for the piano, recognizing as she got closer the red hair bouncing as Maki’s long, slender fingers danced over the keys. There was only a second pause between songs, not much of a crowd had gathered. Nico frowned, they really should be more appreciative of this caliber a performer. Maki closed her eyes and then seemed to dive into the music. Nico knew this one. And she knew how to draw a crowd.
Market day. One of the pleasanter things about Tudor for Maki was their downtown market, open 3 days a week, with farmers and small business owners focusing mostly on local foods and crafts. There was also, right in the heart of the market, a piano, surrounded by some tables. Free for anyone to use. Maki had taken to spending an hour or so every weekend making sure her fingers stayed nimble. And since Thanksgiving, she didn’t have to fight the urge to play Christmas carols anymore. People welcomed them. Today, she hadn’t gathered a crowd, everyone was hurrying from stand to stand buying presents or supplies. A few people caught her eye and smiled, one little girl had watched for almost half an hour as Maki delivered her Santa related repertoire. Now, she was playing her way through the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack, when she heard a voice break in and felt hands settle on her shoulders:
Snowflakes in the air Carols everywhere Olden times and ancient rhymes Of love and dreams to share Sleigh bells in the air Beauty everywhere Yuletide by the fireside And joyful memories there Christmas time is here families drawing near Oh, that we could always see Such spirit through the year
Then the pianist jerked a little as news personality Nico Yazawa whispered into her ear, beaming, “Good choice, Maki, with so many kids around. My siblings love Charlie Brown, we watch it every year.”
Today, Nico had opted once again for a seasonal theme in clothing as well as  lipstick...Maki leaned back a little, pressing briefly into her surprise accompanist, as her fingers forgot how to play anything but random notes. Turning her head, she caught Nico’s smile at point blank range and her heart jumped. Nico seemed to have scattered snowflakes over her base red lips today. How did she manage that?
Nico glanced down, “No sheet music. Nico is impressed. Do you know “Frosty the Snowman”? The crowd will love it.”
Maki gulped, nervous, as Nico held her glance, red eyes encouraging. Maki nodded and played the first few notes. Nico started to sing along and let go of Maki’s shoulders, walking up to random people and getting them to join in. Soon there was a crowd and as Nico sang the last line, applause.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Nico is just here to bring a little holiday cheer!” Nico curtsied and winked at Maki, whose mouth gaped open as Nico worked the crowd, yet somehow never lost eye contact with her. “What’ll we have next? Did you see Nico sing “Jingle Bells” on the noon show, yesterday, no, well it went like this.”
Nico slid into the bench, forcing Maki to move down. “Start us off, Maki.” Nico smiled “‘Jingle Bells’.” And Maki started to play.
More applause, Nico kneeling down to sign an autograph for a child, this was Maki’s chance to flee. She sprang up, ducked into the crowd and was heading for the door when she heard Nico say, “Let’s thank my accompanist, Maki Nish...hey, Maki, where you going?”
Some laughter, people must have thought it was a joke. Maki picked up her pace. She made it to the street before Nico caught up.
Nico maneuvered through people too easily, maybe her size gave her an advantage when dodging between them. “Hey, Red and Rushing…”
“It’s MAKI.” Maki whirled at Nico’s touch, “And I didn’t ask you to sing.”
Nico brushed off the correction, digging white gloves out of her parka, “But Nico thought you should have more of an audience. Sing alongs always make people smile. And we looked cute together.”
Nico looked cute. Maki was wearing her bomber, a t-shirt, grey sweats and steel toed work boots. Maki looked like laundry day. She shook her head, shoved her hands in her pockets, “Look, you’re a performer, I get that...”
“Nico is a journalist. So you don’t.” Nico corrected, confused, once again at Maki’s attitude. She’s been playing a piano beautifully in a public location and Nico had gotten people to notice.
Maki knew breaking off to head back to the Yorktowne would seem rude, but standing here on a street corner with those red eyes watching her and trying to figure out where the glitch was was not something Maki could tolerate for much longer.
“Fine. Sorry. You like having an audience,” Nico nodded, as if Maki had finally gotten something right, “But I don’t.”
Nico blinked, “You were playing a piano in public.”
Maki kicked the heel on one boot against the other’s instep, reluctantly admitting the problem. “It’s the only piano I could find.”
Nico looked sad for a flash of a second, then bounced back, “You are taking Nico to lunch to explain.”
“What?” Maki was 100% sure there was only one answer allowed. And Maki hadn’t said it.
Nico cancelled Maki’s escape attempt by latching on to her arm, “Where’s your favorite weekend lunch spot? Nico is curious about what Maki does in Tudor.”
“The pizza margherita at Vincenzo’s is amazing,” Maki finally managed to offer as she continued to fight the panicked urge to pull away from Nico’s clinginess.
“Oh good, it’s right down the block.” Nico started down the street, pulling Maki along.
The waitress had recognized Maki and asked if she wanted the usual. Maki said "Yes".
Nico delayered and settled into the booth across from Maki, “There’s enough to share, right?”
Maki nodded. Guess she wouldn’t be taking home half a pizza for breakfast then. But company was good. Nico kept watching her, as if some gesture, some motion would defuzz the focus for her.
“So is where you live a lot different from here?" Nico wondered, after giving Maki too much time to start the conversation.
Maki glanced around the restaurant, inhaling the warmth and oregano and fennelly sauce smells, “There’s only one diner, plus whatever the chefs at the company cafeteria put together. But they do a pretty robust international menu. And any time you want, you can get comfort food.” Maki almost licked her lips as she remembered the Spaghetti Bolognese they’d just put in rotation as the Tuesday dish. “We grow a lot of our own herbs and vegetables. Mama decided it would be healthier and implemented it when she married Papa. ” Nico laughed. Maki’s eyes narrowed, “What?”
“That’s cozy. Comfort food plus industrial innovation as a groom gift. You sound like you enjoy variety? Do you cook?” Nico fidgeted with the wine list on the table.
“Nope.” Maki didn’t mean to state it quite so proudly.
“Planning to marry a chef?” Nico teased, entertained by the light blush on Maki’s cheeks.
“A baker, maybe…” Maki got distracted by the sight of the pizza coming their way and actually answered the question.
Nico leaned into her hands, watching Maki pay no attention to her and “just met my hot date” levels of attention to the newly arrived pizza. It was unexpected. Nico was impossible to ignore. Piano playing must burn off calories. So Nico refrained from grandstanding, enjoying the opportunity to really look at the woman across from her, an intriguing mix of girly curves and sportif style. Nico had to admit she liked the way the two styles clashed, especially with such honest eyes. Nico could read so much in them, it was refreshing in a business where most flattery was a formality. But 10 seconds of Maki swooning over choosing slices was really enough. “That one looks good; Nico will take it.”
Maki glanced up, fingers on a crust, eyes wide and Nico knew the hungry redhead had forgotten Nico was there. Flattering. Nico sighed. But then there was that shy, sweet smile Nico liked better than sweets, “I’m so sorry, Nico…” and her name sliding so melodiously out of those lips as the initial slice was apologetically handed over. Nico might have been swooning herself by now, but Maki was on a date with someone named Margherita and not Nico. Given a little warning, of course, Nico could have made Maki forget anything else but this was an information gathering interview triggered by a random encounter, not a Date™. So Nico chewed quietly and thought seriously about what question to start with.
“So do you prefer jazz?” Nico asked when Maki reached for her second slice.
Maki paused, her lavender eyes thoughtful, then she shrugged, “Classical or jazz, both are challenging to play. And listen to.”
“Hmmm…” Of course, pizza girl would skip over the part where she asked Nico questions. So Nico provided the answer, “Nico likes K and J-pop.”
Maki almost put down her pizza, not bothering to hide her distaste at the Nico’s revelation of Nico’s taste in music. “Aren’t those the silly songs where the band members wear as little clothing as possible?”
“Hey,” Nico almost flung her crust as she pointed it at Maki, “Those are very danceable, if you dance anything newer than the grandparent wallflower waltz. They make people smile, give them energy.” Nico dropped the crust and brushed crumbs off her hands, “And what’s wrong with sexy costumes, some of the groups have the best fashion insight. Nico picks up tips. Just now, menswear is hot, the latest Mamamoo video, Moonbyul rocking suits onstage, sexy, but,” Nico let herself get a little snarky as she quoted Maki, “not as ‘little clothing as possible.’ Sexy with style. Nico likes that. Nico looks good in that.” Nico refrained from saying she looks good in anything. Here was Maki and the night they’d met, Nico had been rocking ‘knocked sideways into weather’ chic.” So Maki already knew that.
Maki shook her head, continuing to chew, “You are going to take fashion tips from girls in suits...you seem too…”
Nico grabbed another piece, resisting the urge to flex her frequently worked out, can lift twice what people would expect bicep,“Nico is adaptable. I’m thinking tux for New Year’s Eve.”
“Tuxedo?” Maki tilted her head, one eye squinting, obviously trying to picture Nico in the outfit.
“Tuxedo jacket.” Nico specified, stretching her leg out, “And fishnets.” She winked when Maki’s eyes finished the tour of her leggings. Maki grunted and glanced away, fumbling to pick up her napkin. Nico was starting to have fun.
“So why play at market if you don’t want an audience?” Leave Maki with the New Year’s Eve outfit visuals to imagine and move on. Nico congratulated herself on a solid strategy.
“You can’t just pack your piano when you travel.” Maki crumpled her napkin, tossing it on her plate. “I found that one the first month, mostly people don’t notice.”
Nico tapped Maki’s hand, “Nico doesn’t believe that. These have talent. Obvious talent.”
Maki started, quickly pulling her hands all the way back to her lap, then tried to figure out how to take a sip of her slightly too distant iced tea without exposing them. Nico almost giggled as Maki decided to lean slowly toward the straw, stretching her neck out.
“This is really good pizza.” Nico smiled.
Maki glanced up from her straw maneuvering, “I’m glad you liked it.”
“Maybe next time, I’ll take you to one of my favorite lunch places.” Nico edged the iced tea closer to Maki, who latched onto the straw with her mouth, taking a long sip. Then she sat back, twisting glistening lips together as she thought for a minute, eyes brightening at her decision, “Maybe.”
Nico bounced up, “Nico will take that as a date. How much do I owe you for the pizza?”
“You’re leaving?” Maki and Nico seemed equally surprised by the redhead’s disappointment.
Nico twirled, graceful even in the small space, “Nico’s the weekend anchor. So I have a show to get ready for.”
“Oh.” The gleam in Maki’s eyes dimmed, “don’t worry about the pizza. I’ll take care of it.”
“Thanks, Maki.” Nico swept in so fast Maki couldn’t dodge and kissed her cheek, “Play the piano again for me sometime, okay?”
Maki nodded, hand ghosting over her cheek. Nico thought the pianist wasn’t even aware the gesture had happened. Nico could definitely work with this.
Maki had been shopping for snacks to restock her mini fridge, then run out of errands to run. So she’d gone to see the latest blockbuster. Boring. Neither of these activities were nearly lively enough to follow up her accidental lunch ‘date’ with Nico Yazawa, so, once again, Maki found herself back in her hotel room, sprawled out on her couch, alternating between staring at stripey walls and the not so stripey ceiling. She hadn’t posted anything on TWIG today so she took a ceiling shot with the caption “needs more cookies.”
Immediate response.
StormCookie: Isn’t that your ceiling? Cookies will fall. Gravity ヽ(´Д`;)ノ
SantaChan: ー(  ̄▽)_皿~~ On me ヽ(o♡o)/
StormCookie: SantaSpoiled, cookies don’t grow on ceilings. Or trees. You have to (σ`・∀・)σ BAKE them.
SantaChan: No (-_☆)V
StormCookie: You’re in a good mood. Need the second step yet?
SantaChan: Sure.
StormCookie: Are you sitting down? (-。-;
SantaChan: Sort of…
StormCookie: Well, SantaSortof, the second step is...LOOK UP FROM YOUR PHONE
Maki was shocked that StormCookie would suggest that in the middle of their conversation. Was StormCookie bored? Or busy? Or…
SantaChan: But you’re here (´υ`)
StormCookie: ⊂(゚Д゚;⊂⌒`つ Actually, I have to run soon. So, step 2 is look up from your phone. Bonus: step 3 for advanced students, talk to the cute girl. I did it, so can you ಠ‿↼
“Talk to the cute girl.” That sounded like Rin. Maki chuckled before she heard the next part play in her head “I did it?” Was StormCookie dating someone? Or trying to? And what would that mean for...suddenly, Maki felt sick to her stomach again, cold sweat on her forehead.
StormCookie had sent another DM.
StormCookie: I have faith in you, apprentice ( ̄ー ̄)b Step away from the phone and the cute girls will flock.
And then Maki will forget to offer them slices of pizza and insult their music choices. Maki sighed, hugged her phone to her chest, reaching again for the blanket while calculating the hours she had to wait until the Channel 10 Weekend News.
A little shorter than I'd planned (so you might get 4 chapters), but I wanted to post today.
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or...Thanks for reading. It means a lot.
Take care!
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