#I love every single person I tagged here except for Piper
binniebutter · 4 years
i was tagged by the beautiful @flower-crown-nct thank you love!
rules: go here and make an icon of yourself!
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tagging: @hoes4hoseok @bloomingjun @unlocktxt @spookybias @cupidhaos @xfirebenderx @softbbyg0rl @yawnjunie
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judgejurythceif · 4 years
What the Seven’s relationship should have been like
We didn’t get to see a lot of the seven bonding as it was more focused on the quest, which makes sense in the story. But, I feel like some relationships people had and everyone instantly being best friends doesn’t make sense. So here’s a web of what I think the relationship between each member of the seven should have been like, with explanation.
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Pink- Dating
Dotted Pink- Crush
Close Friends- Blue
Friends- Green
Civil- Grey
Distrustful- Orange
Percy + Annabeth - Dating
Okay, I feel like this seems kind of obvious so I’m not going to go into much detail, but there were five books that built up their relationship with each other. It’s a healthy relationship and they trust each other. I might explain this in detail later why I ship Percabeth and why it’s not toxic but I’m not going to right now.
Percy + Jason - Friends
Okay, the bromance stuff was completely made up by the fandom except I think for one time where they called each other “bro.” They also have sort-of a Greek-Roman rivalry going on, but after the fight in Kansa, they seem to ditch that except for a couple of jokes about them being able to beat the other in a fight.
Percy + Leo - Distrustful
I’m pretty sure (I haven’t reread HoO in a while) that Leo didn’t like Percy. But Percy definitely didn’t trust Leo after he bombed the Romans while he was possessed. He knows that Leo wasn’t in control, but it was very important to Percy that the Roman and Greeks got along, and Leo blew up the Roman camp.
Percy + Hazel - Friends
Okay so they definitely became friends in SoN when they were on a quest. I just don’t see them becoming really close friends like Percy is with Grover and Thalia? Like, I can see them as the type of friends that talk in school, but not the type of friends that would schedule days to hang out together unless it was for a project.
Percy + Frank - Friends
Basically same as Hazel and Percy. I love their friendship, but I can’t see them trying to figure out time to hang out between their schedules.
Percy + Piper - Close Friends
Okay, this is partially influenced by posts I saw about the potential for their friendship, but I definitely see a lot of potential for their friendship without headcanons and just reading the books.
Annabeth + Jason - Civil
So, in different circumstances, like a mortal au, I can see them being friends. But in the canon universe, her boyfriend disappears, Hera gives her a clue, she goes thinking Percy will be there, and it’s some Roman kid that’s supposed to be his replacement. I just don’t see them being able to get past that and actually be friends. I don’t think she would hate him or distrust him though, because he didn’t exactly have a say in it.
Annabeth + Leo - Friends
Okay, there was so much potential in this friendship and Rick just ignored it. Annabeth and Leo both like to build (Annabeth more so the planning part of it but still), they’re both extremely smart, and they’re also both dating people that are considered the hero of their respective camps. I just feel like we could have gotten a lot more interaction from them.
Annabeth + Hazel - Distrustful
Okay, so we’re going to start this from Annabeth’s point of view: your boyfriend goes missing for months, you go to find him, and he’s just chilling with some new Roman friends he found? He didn’t even tell you anything? Time for Hazel’s point of view because that’s all I have for Annabeth: There’s this boy that shows up at camp, he’s a son of Neptune and also your cousin. He has amnesia and doesn’t remember anything except for his girlfriend. If you hadn’t know what Percy and Annabeth’s relationship was like and how well they knew each other wouldn’t you find that a little suspicious. Also as Reyna mentions, Minerva (Athena’s Roman form) doesn’t have demigod children. It would probably be harder to trust a child of someone who isn’t supposed to have kids.
Annabeth + Piper - Close Friends
It’s implied that they’re pretty close friends in canon while they’re at Camp Half-Blood, and I love that, but it’s like the second they were on the Argo ll Rick completely forgot about that. I think they only interacted once or twice on the ship.
Annabeth + Frank - Distrustful
This is pretty much the same as Annabeth and Hazel’s but a little less distrustful. I see it as more distrustful at the beginning, but as time goes on they grow closer and maybe become friends.
Jason + Leo - Dating
I will die mad that this ship isn’t canon. It had much more potential than Piper and Jason, which seemed kind of forced. I think that this ship would definitely be better if Jason didn’t wake up on the bus already dating someone, and everyone had time to figure out their feelings.
Jason + Piper - Friends
I just don’t really feel like they worked together as a relationship. Hera literally forced it together when Jason woke up on the bus. If I was Rick Riordan (and I am very obviously not since I’m making this post), I would just not have made Piper and Jason wake up on the bus already dating. You need to give them time to figure out what they actually want to do and not shove them into a relationship on the first page.
Jason + Hazel - Friends
This is purely based on the fact that they’re both Roman and I’m assuming they talk at the Argo ll meet up parties that Percy mentioned. They get very little time to talk in the books (I don’t remember them talking at all) and they never mention each other. Hazel seems sad when he dies though so it’s kind of implied they were friends. (Am I still supposed to tag for spoilers for that?)
Jason + Frank - Friends
This is again based on the fact that they were both Roman and the fact that Jason promoted Frank to praetor in the middle of a fight. You probably don’t do that if you only kind of know the person, you need to build a relationship* with each other and trust each other.
Leo + Piper - Close Friends
Hmmmmmm, okay. They definitely knew each other before Jason just popped onto the bus, and they were definitely close (possibly dating?) But I see their relationship ship as more of a sibling relationship instead of romantic. 10/10 I love them though.
Leo + Hazel - Close Friends
Okay, so. Because Frazel isn’t happening in my mind, there isn’t any weird tension between them except for the Sammy thing. So, they figure that out and through that just become really good friends. I would also die for this friendship. That was underdeveloped because Rick rushed a love triangle.
Leo + Frank - Friends
Okay, no Frazel here still so there’s no weird tension between “are you trying to steal my girlfriend?” which was the main part of their relationship. Frank would definitely be wary of Leo because of his fire powers but Calypso gave him the fireproof fabric and he made the bag for Frank’s firewood so they definitely don’t hate each other.
Piper + Hazel - Friends
Okay, this just seems like a really neat friendship to me? They don’t interact that I can remember beside the visit with Aphrodite/Venus and they don’t really talk during that. There’s definitely a lot of potential for a friendship here though.**
Piper + Frank - Friends
Okay, I absolutely love the potential for this friendship. Again, it didn’t happen because Rick is a coward but I absolutely love this and they would be such good friends.
Hazel + Frank - Close Friends
Okay, so. I put two lines between them. ‘Crush’ and ‘close friends.’ No matter what’s going on, I feel like Hazel would have a crush on Frank. He obviously doesn’t like her back, because he is two years older than her. I know that people are saying Frazel isn’t problematic, and I somewhat agree, but I feel like if Hazel was aged-up a little it would be better. No matter what, they’re definitely going to be best friends though. And Hazel definitely still carries his firewood.***
*by ‘relationship’ when I mention it, I don’t always mean a romantic relationship.
**I do really want to put all of them as friends, but I just can’t see that happening, as they were seven demigods out on a ship and told to save the world. In a random group of seven people, there’s going to be at least one you don’t like.
***Another point I wanted to put on here but don’t know where to put it is that Rick forced them all into relationships. A lot of teenagers just don’t date anyone, and that doesn’t feel reflected at all in his books, as he just pairs every single character off with someone.
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His Blood Runs Gold VII
Percy is a god: Part VII
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
Golden child,
Lion boy;
Tell me what it’s like to conquer.
Fearless child,
Broken boy;
Tell me what it’s like to burn.
-oh darling, even rome fell // p.s. (via madzie-bane)
(Tumblr: @loudthoughtswrittenwords)
“I didn’t want to be a God!” Jason bellowed. The stone columns of Olympus cracked.
“It was the only way I could save you.” A voice as soft as darkness answered.
“How could you do this to me?” Anger laced every word
“I cannot lose you Jason.”
“I don’t care. I never asked you to save me.”
“I could not– would not let you die.”
“This is not about you Percy.”
“It never is.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I want you–“ His voice broke, “I want you to live. I want you to experience everything the world has to offer. I want you–“ He was a hurricane of emotion, “I want you with me.”
“That,” Jason laughed, cold and dead, “Is the most selfish thing I have ever heard.”
“You’re calling me selfish for wanting to save my friend? What about you?” The ground shook, fractured, crumbled.
“What about me?”
“I am selfish for wanting to save you, but you are selfish for not wanting to live.”
“It is not your life. You have no right to make that decision.” Thunder was a dark rumbling noise around them. “You have no idea what it’s like, what it’s been like for me.”
“I DO!”
The world exploded.
Marble floors and stone columns crashed to the earth. Screams, screeching and panicked, were a symphony in their ears. Lightning and tsunamis clashed in a look.
“I was there, fighting the other side to your war. I was there going on quests and dealing with prophecies. I was there leading people into battle and carrying bodies out. I KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE.”
“Then you would know that there is no chance of living. There is no point.”
“There is always–“ A strangled gasp cut him off.
Percy looked down and wondered with dazed interest why there was an arrow sticking out of his chest. It was such a pretty arrow. White as snow, swirling patterns snaking around the shaft, and there on the arrowhead, a smudge of gold.
He reached out to touch it and giggled as his fingers came away wet.
Silly Percy, the arrow is not gold, that’s just his blood.
He looked up to show Jason and frowned when he saw those golden cheeks go pale as bone.
A broken sound ruptured from his friend’s throat.
“Look there’s an arrow in me.”
And then Percy Jackson sunk to his knees, fell to the fissured floor. He did not move again.
It had always seemed kind of funny how we come into the world and go out of it the same way. How we cry on an exhale and die on one too. It is a wonder why we never do anything on an inhale. Maybe because half of life is about letting go. About release. And wasn’t that what dying was?
The God of Protection and Guidance stared down at his body, watching a blonde-haired boy cradle it like delicate china. He deigned to laugh at the irony of his situation. Protection and Guidance, for all except him.
He knew he wasn’t dead because gods never really died. But did they have souls? Or was this a result of his genes, still coded with his mother’s human DNA? A tether that kept him in the mortal world. He looked around, catching his reflection in a small pool on the far side of the room. A smiled stretched his lips as he took in his appearance. A golden aura veiled his naked body, basking him in godly light.
With a dismissive glance he turned from the pool and floated towards the boy crying over his tattered clothes. The blonde looked so familiar; they must have known each other extremely well for him to look so distraught. Percy thought about trying to tell him that he wasn’t actually dead, just in limbo but he didn’t know this person. It would be an awkward conversation to have with a stranger.
A gut-wrenching sob interrupted his musings. The stranger was bowed over, tears fresh and hot spilling down golden cheeks and onto his body. His heart clenched briefly as he watched the boy break, unable to help, to comfort.
“CUPID!” He screamed, lightning flashing in those blue eyes. “Where are you?”
A shimmer of light and then a being materialized above them.
“So we meet again Son of Jupiter.”
“Where are you?” The boy screamed again.
Percy realized the god hadn’t revealed himself yet, keeping his body hidden between the folds of the universe.
“Do you remember what I said when you asked me that question four years ago Child of Greece?”
A demigod then, Percy decided moving forward to peer at the boy more closely.
“FIX THIS!” The half-blood roared, ignoring the God’s question.
“Where you least expect it, as love always is,” Eros continued.
“Why are you telling me this?” The blonde cracked, voice small, broken.
“Because Jason Grace, you are terrified of what that means. Your friend Nico di Angelo figured it out. He understood and he embraced it, but you continue to deny yourself because you are scared.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Piper broke up with me, I loved her.”
“That is not what I mean.”
“What do you want me to say?” He whispered, “Please just fix him, heal him.”
“The only way is to admit what you have been afraid to for so long.” The God of Love said softly, turning his head in Percy’s direction.
Percy gave him a smile, wicked and intrigued. The God was beautiful, the way only love can be. In another life Percy may have asked for a moment to learn who Eros was. In another life he may have learnt just what Cupid could do.
“I love him okay! I love him!” The crumbling room shook with the force of Jason’s confession.
The Son of Jupiter gripped Percy’s body, mumbling over and over, “I love him, why do I love him?”
The Arrow that had found its mark in a heart of gold, turned to rose petals and floated towards the god still hovering above the world.
“Are you happy, you sick son of a bitch?” He glared at Cupid.
“Are you?” Glinting eyes stared at the broken scene.
Eros turned to Percy, mischief flashing across his features, “Until we meet again Son of Poseidon,”
He smirked in return. With a nod the god was gone.
Before he had time to blink, he was being hurtled across space, hurtled across memories, and time. He was hurtling right to the cracking marble floor.
Percy Jackson gasped, eyes flying open. He touched a finger to his chest and suppressed a giggle when a single rose petal floated to the floor.
“You’re alive,” The boy holding him rasped.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well you got stabbed through the heart with a god’s weapon, I was worried it’d kill you despite your divine status.”
“Well thanks for worrying but I think I’m good.” He looked around, frowning at the broken columns and ruptured floor, “What happened here?”
“You don’t remember?” The blonde squinted, confusion flitting across his face.
“No, should I?”
“We fought because you made Zeus turn me into a God and our power destroyed everything,”
“Wow,” He mumbled, “We must really have gone at it.”
“Hey, do you know your name?”
He gave the god still holding him a weird look, “Of course I know my name. I’m Perseus Jackson, God of Protection and Guidance.”
“Who are your parents?”
“Lord Poseidon and Sally Jackson.”
“And-“ The blonde swallowed, “And do you know who I am?”
Percy frowned, looking at him properly for the first time since waking in his arms.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea.”
The boy with storms in his eyes burst into tears.
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
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queensdivas · 5 years
Family Christmas!
Alright Alright! Just got done watching 6 Underground and Jesus so many shorts and fics are coming. But of course after the requests and update on the great mazzello are updated. But doesn’t mean I can’t start the outline!!!
Thank you @not-john-watsons-blog​ for this request cause I thought it was super cute and just in time for the season!!!!! 
If you’d like to request something please do so and if you want to be tagged let me know!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday this year!!!!! 
@leah-halliwell92​ @mexifangorl​ @i-live-for-queen​ @its-funny-til-its-not​ @brianmydear​ @bonafiderocketqueen​ @filmslutt​ @queenwouldyourathers​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​
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The House of Christmas
By G.K. Chesterton
This world is wild as an old wives' tale,
And strange the plain things are,
The earth is enough and the air is enough
For our wonder and our war;
But our rest is as far as the fire-drake swings
And our peace is put in impossible things
Where clashed and thundered unthinkable wings
Round an incredible star.
To an open house in the evening
Home shall men come,
To an older place than Eden
And a taller town than Rome.
To the end of the way of the wandering star,
To the things that cannot be and that are,
To the place where God was homeless
And all men are at home.
Do I regret our elopement? No. Never in a million years do I regret our elopment in Blyth during his tour up around there. But I regret not being able to sit down to meet the rest of his family besides his mother. According to what I’ve seen in his photo albums. He’s got a bunch of aunts and uncles because his family is known for ummm. A lot misfire is exactly what I think is the right word for it. Now one of his Christmas presents I’ve unveiling tomorrow would be considered a misfire to most but to me I’m extremely excited. 
Our three hour drive was coming to an end as we reached his home just right outside Leicester England for some big Christmas Eve tradition that’s been breaking since he started with Queen. Which was three years ago so not only am I meeting most of his family for the first time, and not being around for three years, we’re kind of screwed! 
I rubbed my eyes a little as I sat up in the car to see John was tapping his hands on the steering wheel at the light. Gosh, it was only a three hour drive yet I felt like I’ve been asleep for about two weeks! 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty.” John had his cheeky smile on as I looked over at him to then pull down the visor to make sure I didn’t look like absolute shit. We’re good! 
“Sorry I fell asleep. The car was toasty and you know that listening to really jazzy Christmas piano always makes me relax.” Going into my purse to apply a fresh layer of lipstick. 
“Relax Iris. You look absolutely beautiful.” 
“Yeah well I’ve never had to meet a family before with us being married already so you can understand my nervousness!” Growing up in an orphanage then not being adopted can cause a little different mentality. But no sob story! It’s family time! 
“Iris. They’re going to love you no matter because you’re the only women who has stuck by my side longer than most. Like c’mon you already survived a tour schedule like mine so I knew you don’t plan on making a run for the hills.” 
“That you’re aware of Deaks.” Smirking at him as we turned into the driveway of the house to see a bunch more cars were all lined up. Before we even climbed out of the car he leaned over to cup my face to start leaving kisses all over my lips then trying to make his way down my neck. Going to be honest we haven’t done the deed since I found out because I’ve been getting cold feet, not sure why. 
“John I don’t want to smell like sex meeting your mother.” I pried him off me with a little disappointment groan coming from him. He’ll know tonight and hopefully he’ll understand especially after the idea how I’ll be unveiling this idea. I got John pair of baby shoes, and his mother a cute onsie that says “Grandma’s spoiled angel”. Thought it would be appropriate and hopefully if things go well tonight they’ll enjoy the surprise. 
We climbed out of the car as we heard the house was blasting with Christmas music, laughter, and even the sound of popping champagne bottles. What kind of parties does this family enjoy throwing for the holidays? He grabbed the box of gifts as I wrapped my scarf around my neck as we began approaching the house. Before we walked inside I stopped in front of him as I grabbed the box from him, putting it down on the ground then giving him one long kiss. 
“I love you John. I know I’ve been acting a little funny these past few weeks. I promise it’s nothing you done because you couldn’t do anything. Except when you accidently dropped the coffee machine right next to my feet.” 
“For the hundreth time Iris it was a complete accident!” I always remind him that because seeing him so angry just makes me giggle! I cupped his face again for a quick peck as we saw the light coming from the house. 
“HEY! YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS GET IN HERE!” A women screamed as we let go of each other to then begin our journey into the world of what most people say a family hell hole. Never experienced one of these before so get ready Iris, a cultural shock is about to happen. 
We walked inside the house to see everyone condensed into the living room, children running all around the place, and what looked like an old man sleeping soundly on the recliner. How is that even possible. 
The whole room went dead silent as every single person looked directly at John and I with our layers of coats making us look stuffed. I gulped as I began unzipping my coat till a little girl came running down the stairs. 
“UNCLE JOHN!” She screamed as she wrapped herself around his leg. 
“My goodness Aurora you have grown!” He laughed as an elderly women came out of the kitchen in a minnie mouse apron. She starred down John as she came marching out of the kitchen, even the child walked away from John. Is she his mother? I’ve always been told (by Chrissy) that if a mother doesn’t approve of their chosen girlfriend then it’s game over oh my god! 
She stood directly infront of John as we both looked at her in absolute fear from the fact she might pounce at us! I light wrapped hands around his arm just incase I have to use him as a human shield to protect our child. Sorry John I love you but this baby is a whole lot more important and I know you’d do the exact same thing for me. 
“John. You’ve gotten much skinner.” Ya know what no! If I can carry a baby in my body for nine months then I can handle any mother come at me! Okay! Here we go! 
“Mrs. Deacon. I’m Iris. I’ve heard such wonderful things about you.” Coming from behind John to hold my hand up to her ready to shake it. She looked directly into my soul as she manuvered herself infront of me with a facial expression I couldn’t even read. She gripped my hand then placed her other one ontop of it. Is his when the mother pile drives you into the floor!? Oh dear God she’s going to kick my ass!
“It’s very lovely to meet you Iris. Please come and get acquainted with everyone. And please call me mom because Mrs. Deacon makes me feel so old.” She began walking me through the living room to see everyone making room for his mother and I to sit down. Looking back at John as he just stood there with his bag of presents in complete utter shock. 
“So Iris. I’ll try to quickly introduce everyone before I have to back to into the kitchen to make sure dinner isn’t burned to a crisp. Sitting on the reclriner is great grandfather Phillip. To the left of you is who you would consider your cousin Jessabell and her husband Thomas. They’ve got their children running around here somewhere by the names of Ezekiel, Nathaniel, and Esther. And then to your left is great aunt Piper and great uncle Samuel. Now their children are Booker, Sam, Tara, and then their youngest being Natalie. I’d tell you more but I have to get back into the kitchen.” Trying to remember all these names makes me feel drunk I can’t even drink a glass of wine to help me with this whole meet and greet. God is it weird I kind of need John to bring some sort of easiness at the moment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you all.” I squirmed out of my coat for John to grab it and place it behind the couch. He then sat down next to me as I grabbed his hand as he began smiling and greeting the aunts and cousins. 
“Wheres your family Iris?” I believe Aunt Piper asked if I remember correctly. 
“I umm. Never really had a family till I met your nephew..er if that’s the right word.” They leaned forward in their chairs so eager to listen. 
“Let me guess. It was one of those situations where you rebelled from your parents because of them not liking the beatles.” They laughed as my grip around John's hand went a little tighter. I know this stuff still shouldn't bother me but there’s a reason why I don’t enjoy talking about my past because I sadly don’t have one. But at the same time when I do have to meet family and they these kinds of things, I just enjoy coming directly at their necks with this line. 
“Well I wouldn’t know teenage rebellion since I never had parents.” With the biggest smile on my face as they sunk back into their chairs as I believe Aurora brought us two cups of water. She climbed up on top of Johns lap. 
“Are you my new Aunt?” She asked as I gave her a small nod. 
“Yes. I plan on being the coolest Aunt you’ve ever had in your life!” Grabbing her from Johns lap to put her on mine. I bounced her on my legs a little as she was laughing her little head off. 
“Dinner is ready!” His mother yelled from the kitchen as she darted off my lap into the kitchen. Everyone went into the kitchen as I sat on the couch with my thumbs going in small circles. I’m still extremely nervous and the fact that ham is now the main course and me being pregnant is making me nauseous. And trying to hide this from John is just the greatest idea I ever had in my existence! 
“Feeling better?” Nodding as the smell of that ham slithered its way into the living room and around my nose. My stomach twisted in every possible way but I took in a deep breath to try to hold it back. 
“Iris. Is there something you’re not telling 
“Are you two planning on joining us or run off?” I think that was one of his uncles came into the room as we got up from the couch to walk in. 
I sat down next to his mother as everyone began passing around the serving bowls of mashed potatoes, cranberry, ya know the usual Christmas meal. The rolls were placed infront of me as I grabbed one then the ham appeared before me. Oh boy. I bit the inside of my cheeks to grab one thing of meat and passed it along. Just keep it down! Crap I can’t even have wine to help with the whole stomach thing! 
“So John. How’d you find Iris?” The green beans were next as I scooped some onto my plate as John swallowed his roll he had in his mouth. I think they’ll enjoy our little meet and greet story yet I somehow find it a little embarrasing still. 
“I was out with the boys one night with a few of our first performances. She was at the bar with her friends and I noticed her from the stage. When we got done I started talking to her and well.” My cheeks were beginning to turn red from what was going to come next. 
“This guy came up and was trying to tell me that he already had eyes on her from the other side of the bar.. She punched him in the face when he tried to take my seat.” My hnads covered my face as all the eyes landed on me in complete embarrasment. He kept trying to take his seat what was I supposed to do? Just John get pushed around? Dear God. 
“You punched someone?” His great aunt asked as I slowly nodded my head. I promise I don’t believe violence isn’t the answer for everything. But he was literally going to throw John from his seat and I couldn’t just let that happen! 
“Awesome!” I moved my hands away from my face to see everyone nodding and then his uncle clapping at what I did. Phew. 
“So Iris. What do you do for a living?” His mother asked me as I ripped off a piece of my roll. 
“I’m an art teacher at St. Gerard in Basingstoke.” I began diving into the green beans as the rest of the table began chit chatting. 
“You know something Iris. It’s been quite sometime since I’ve seen John so bubbly and happy. Not sure if he’s told you that his father died when he was young, and when it happened he changed. Became a brand new person who was afraid to get too close to people. But now to see him here playing with his cousins, it’s really wonderful to see him smile. Enough about that depressing matter, you’re an art teacher?” I nodded as I leaned forward to watch John laughing with the cousin that I don’t think I’ve put a name to a face. 
“Yes. At first I just wanted to be an artist for most of my life, but found teaching much more fun.” 
“I used to be an artist. Maybe after dinner we can swap some sketches.” She smiled which made my heart feel all warm. 
“I would love that.”
The rest of the dinner was getting to know his family, turns out John wanted to be a race car driver as a kid, had a very large interest in all kinds of flowers, and threw his cat down the stairs to see if it would land on all fours. It worked of course because that cat lived on to hate John for the rest of his life. While they were telling me this, I could tell John was completely embarrased but I still found it absolutely hilarious. 
“Now John was a lovely child of course, but also extremely sassy which he got from his father more than me. I assume you know about his sassiness?” His mother turned to me as I smirked on his face. 
“Of course. Our first date was to see MASH and when the ticket person asked if he needed two tickets. He straight up told him. “Oh my god you can see her? I thought she was just a figmant of my imagination.” Then did that stupid cheeky smile and the guy almost wouldn’t let us in.” John nodded as his mother chuckled a little as I finished the last of my Christmas pudding on my plate. 
“Alright I say it’s time for presents!” 
We sat down in the living room where himself and his mother sat down with me on the couch as everyone grabbed their gifts. They all began putting their gifts in the middle of the room but no name much be attached, consider it a secret santa yet John and I had no idea. That tends to happen when you’re busy with music and being a primary school teacher. None the less were about to be a very busy family. 
The little girl began passing out presents to everyone as she was eager to open hers and even everyone elses. She placed Johns in his lap as he was eager to open his since his curiosity was going absolutely wild. I was given a small box that even got me a little curious as well because truth be told i wasn’t expecting to get anything from anyone. 
“We want you to open yours first Iris.” His mother told me as everyone was starring at me again. I ripped apart the wrapping paper apart to see it was a jewlrey box which kept me in even more suspense. 
“Even though you just became apart of the family with the rest of us, we’re glad you became apart of it. We thought John was going to grow old alone.” It was a beautiful cameo necklace with a dark gold chain, the pendent was a dark blue with a white marble cut out of a woman on it. I was almost brought to tears as no one in my life has ever given me anything like this before. 
“You..you..you’re going to make me cry.” I laughed a little as I got it out of the box to hold it up. 
“John. Should’ve told me you’re family was going to make me cry.” I laughed as he helped me to clip it as I kept looking down at it. 
“Alright let’s keep going! By the way. I’m cousin Booker from Exeter.” He crawled infront of me as he passed John his gift as he recognized the wrapping paper from our little apartment. The rest of the presents were passed out to everyone as John was in complete curiosity of why giving him the present now instead of on Christmas. His mother had the same wrapping paper as well as I sat there waiting for them to open it. 
We finally made it over to John who was eager to open his box. He tore the wrapping paper to shreds immediatly as I kept my smile at bay as much as I could. He’s not expecting this and I know damn well the rest of the lot isn’t as well! Please find the little shoes adorable please find the shoes absolutely adorable!
He opened the box as confusion waved over him as he picked up the little white baby shoes. Looking at me. Back at the shoes. TO me..the shoes..to me..the shoes! C’mon John I know you’re smart! The shoes dropped as the rest of the room waited for him to say it or for it to finally click! 
“We’re..you..we..” It looked as if he was going to pass out right infront of us till he pratically threw himself ontop of me as everyone began freaking out. 
“I’m going to be a dad!” He smiled as I moved the hair out of his face as cousin Booker pratically pild ontop of us. 
“Now do I get to be the cool uncle or what?” Wait what? That..that’s not how that works..at least that’s not how I think it works. Oh well! 
“Wait get off don’t squish the baby!” John barked as we looked over to see grandma holding up the onsie in front of her. 
“It says Grandma’s spoiled Angel!” Mother cried as I managed to get John off me to see her just starring at it. 
“Hope you enjoy being a grandma!” I told her as she put the onsie on her lap to give me a very big hug!  Her only son to have her first grandchild has completely made the fact that him and I didn’t have a true wedding has been completely forgotten! Phew. 
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sunsetcurve · 5 years
Family Danger Chapter 6
It’s just that the chapter has some Thunderbolt in it… even though it’s the end of them in that way for the story. I intend to skip right on past the Dark Max segment of the story for you. If there’s some cute post-Dark Max things, I’ll send those as well. 
Getting Away
Piper watched in awe as the guys put down multiple burgers at Happy Fun Burger, and playfully elbowed Charlotte, “How’d you manage to stay sane in a room full of this at work everyday for five years?”
“Oh, you know… Ingenuity, and earbuds,” Charlotte tried to joke around. She was obsessed with checking the Souldates app every few minutes, in between apology and begging texts from Max. She ignored him up until the point of: Your visit luggage is in my hotel room. “Oh, shoot!” She debated on whether she should make him bring it to Happy Fun Burger to drop it off, but knew that Max wasn’t above following her to where she was gonna be sleeping tonight. She could have him bring it to the hotel and have to face her while all of her friends were there giving him the stink eye. He didn’t particularly care what people thought about him, though. Can you bring it to the hotel that my guests are at? He started a phone call, instead of answering her text and she got up from the table and went to take the call.
“Does anybody care that Charlotte is most likely gonna get back with a guy who is sort of turning out to be kind of a creep?” Piper wondered.
“They haven’t broken up, so, I’m counting on a make up, personally,” Jasper said. “Charlotte’s got a lot of patience in her for certain people.”
“Not us,” Ray said and Henry and Jasper laughed about it. “No, definitely.” “Absolutely not.”
Henry reminded his sister, “What happened to he’s so hot and they kiss all of the time?”
“I saw Charlotte cry tonight. I didn’t even know that was something that Charlotte could do!” Piper yelled.
“Clearly, you’ve never seen Charlotte mess up a science project,” Jasper said.
“Charlotte’s never messed up a science project,” Henry quickly interjected, but added, to Piper, “But, her work is an area that she might shed tears about. I don’t think her crying was over the guy. I think it was over what he did to her work.”
“She’s married to her work,” Jasper said.
“Well,” Henry tilted his head, then nodded, “Yeah, she’s definitely Mrs. Charlotte Work…” She came back to the table and sat back down, and finished eating, not saying much.
The group rented two suites - one for Ray and Schwoz, and the other for Jasper and Henry, but since Piper had tagged along for the trip and Charlotte had left the event with them, Ray let the kids have both of those (begrudgingly) and he and Schwoz rented another.
Charlotte was in Jasper and Henry’s suite and all three were having themselves a spa night while Piper used her dad’s card for her own space, because she had enough of all of these guys. Jasper noticed Charlotte texting a lot and figured that she and Max were still hashing things out. Henry chose to try to ignore it and move on. “Yo… So, is it too soon for me to ask about Phoebe?”
“She’s not interested, Henry,” Charlotte said, rolling her eyes. Jasper was applying a gel skin mask onto Henry’s face. Charlotte already had a clay mask on hers and was “relaxing” in the hot tub, in her undies, because her things were still with Max. Somebody knocked and she quickly got out, Henry looked in the opposite direction to avoid seeing her body exposed, Jasper absentmindedly turned his head to do the opposite. “Dude!” Henry scolded.
“We’re like family, Henry. Grow up,” Jasper said, returning to the mask while Henry now couldn’t help but to sneak a peek himself.
She grabbed a bathrobe, slipped into complimentary slippers and went to the door to open it for Max.
Henry couldn’t see him, but heard his snivelling voice. “Hey, I brought your stuff… Can we please talk to each other? I want to make this right.”
“You can’t undo past actions, Max.” She was trying to keep her voice quiet so that her boys couldn’t hear.
“I know that I can’t, but am I not allowed to make a mistake, sometimes? Is this really about what I did earlier, or is it, like all of our problems, actually about your feelings for Henry?” She jumped with a start, grabbed his arm, glanced towards her two friends, and shoved Max outside of the door to talk to him in the hallway.
Henry and Jasper glanced at each other, then made a run for it, to eavesdrop. “We shouldn’t,” Jasper gave the compulsory warning, but they did, anyway.
Charlotte complained in a low voice, “I’ve already told you that Henry and I are friends. We’ve been friends a long time.”
“Right, but you still wear his pajamas that you stole on Thanksgiving, even though they don’t fit you.”
“They’re comfortable! I gave him back four pairs that I intended to score on Christmas to avoid having to keep coming back to the pajama argument with you, and here we are again.”
Max was frustrated, even though he knew that this was petty, he strongly felt it was significant, “It’s an example, not an argument. Some of the stuff that you’ve complained to me about Henry, I wouldn’t even dream of doing to you and he gets to keep you as a best friend, but I do one thing wrong and you don’t even want to see my face, now?”
Charlotte now raised her voice, “I believed in this, you jerk! You altered my launch. You spent months supporting me and making me feel secure and confident in my work and this relationship, only to hijack the controls when it became official and set forth a motion that we can’t undo. Whatever complaints that I’ve had about Henry, he’s never in all of the years that I have known him, plotted behind my back, on my behalf or otherwise without telling me, (well, except for the time he got Bish arrested)… But, he’s NEVER purposefully interfered in my work or the success of it. He’d never have the mind to do that to me. He might hate listening to me speak about my extracurricular plans and science ideas but, I’m snappy at him at times, too. We reciprocate annoyance and we reciprocate friendship. This was something else. I was giving you my full trust, as my man. You told me I could fly, then you clipped my wings, and pulled me onto your back to fly for me. I just can't forgive this, Max. And, Henry had nothing to do with it. This time, our problem is all on you.”
Max stared at the ground and took a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry. I’ll never forgive myself for it. I thought if we threw in some villains, gave supers a reason to check it out, they’d come for the initial curiosity and stay for everything that you’ve made available to them. It was really more like a massive text, but I should have spoken to you about it. I thought that if I made a big move, I could finally actually win you over, from him.”
“Oooh, he’s in trouble now,” Henry whispered to himself, shaking his head and smiling.
“Win me over?” Charlotte repeated. “Max, if Henry had me - that would be my choice. Series of decisions and actions from myself would be necessary for that possibility. I’m not a trophy that someone brought out to present because of your performance at an event!”
Max dropped to his knees and lowered his head, “You want me to beg? I’ll do anything. I’ll say anything. Whatever I need to do to make it right, Charls.” Henry scoffed at that nickname. Other guests walked by and saw a damp woman in a bathrobe, wearing a clay face mask and a satin scarf wrapped around her head and a guy in front of her, on his knees.
“Let’s go talk inside,” she told him. Henry and Jasper rushed from the door. Henry picked up a menu that he reviewed while standing in the middle of the room, and Jasper fell into the hottub, fully dressed. Charlotte paused, stared at them, knowing that they had been eavesdropping, but didn’t respond. “My room’s this way,” she told Max. He telekinetically lifted her bags and followed her, without saying a word.
Jasper got out of the hottub, casually waved at them, and put his hands on his hips. “She’s gonna forgive him.”
“She loves him,” Henry said and shrugged his shoulders. Char deserved to be able to explore her feelings and she hadn’t had chances when they were younger. He just had to accept that as her friend, he’d see her relationships, good or bad, and had to dedicate himself to being there for her when they didn’t work out, as he was sure that eventually this wouldn’t.
The next morning, Charlotte walked Max out, trying to part ways before anybody else woke up, but Jasper was already up, setting up the table for breakfast and he’d woken Henry up, too. “Morning, Lovebirds,” Henry said, yawning.
Max rolled his eyes and headed out. “Later, Max!” Jasper cheered. Max forced a single hand wave. He paused at the door, stared at Charlotte, reached out to touch her chin, to which she awkwardly smiled and casually leaned away, shut the door behind him and joined her friends at the table.
“The makeup sleepover sounded lively.”
“Shut up, Hen.”
Jasper had roses on the table as he served heart shaped pancakes, “Happy Valentines Day.”
“Can you believe all of that happened in one day?” Charlotte asked out loud. They started breakfast and talked. “So, Max and I will proceed with our plans for this weekend, as usual. Everything’s already paid for, but we’re going to be rethinking some things, I’m sure.”
“Rethinking last night’s makeup encounter?” Jasper genuinely asked, “Or the breakup fodder from the launch?”
“We didn’t makeup. We decided not to continue dating, but to try to remain friends.”
“No wonder he was in such a crappy mood. You let him stay over, grown up sleepover, and still broke up with him!” Henry laughed, “Savage.”
Charlotte waved her hands in front of her and shook her head, “No, no, no. It was mutual. Everything was mutual.”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself. He was shattered when he left here.” Henry knew what a shattered dude looked like.
“He was just tired. We talked all night.”
Henry smirked, “Talked? That’s what we’re calling it now?”
“Look, a lot of talking happened, in between the other stuff, okay? Maybe we had some grownup moments of weakness throughout the course of the talking. Ultimately, we realized that if we let ourselves, we could keep doing this likely unhealthy dance for a long time, and decided that last night would be the last night for such weakness, and that we’d still be friends, if possible, and science bros, whenever needed.”
“That’s very mature of you, Charlotte,” Jasper said and passed around the strawberries.
“How did the two of you even meet?” Henry finally wondered.
Charlotte didn’t mind telling this story, “My first weekend in my new town, I wanted to explore the science community in the area, before school started, so that I could make my rounds and show my face before the first week of class stress settled in. I went to a few places, saw some exhibits and went to a few lectures. I saw him and I recognized him right away, at this inventions convention, and I tried to dodge him, but he wound up sitting by me for a panel, and the place was way too full for me to try to find another seat…”
Max stared at her for a moment while she casually, conspicuously tried to hide in her stars and moons hoodie. He waved a hand and telekinetically removed the hoodie from her head. “I thought that was you.”
“We… have never met,” she lied, poorly.
“I forget faces. I forget names. But, I don’t forget scandals. I met you when my sister worked on some errand with Captain Man, and I recognized you then, because you made a teleportation machine that was ultimately destroyed by Captain Man, but… You were working with Captain Man…”
She sighed, “I made a much less significant gizmo and the team thought they’d help me by bringing something else. They didn’t realize how popular that teleportatiob machine might be.”
“Are they complete idiots?”
“Yes. All of them. Even the genius,” she laughed. “Look… I’m just here to check out the science scene before my classes start at the science institution next week. So, I won’t start any trouble, if you don’t.”
“Why would I start trouble?”
“Maybe you forgot the scandal of the last time I saw you?”
“Oh! That. Yeah, I’m good, now.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s been a while, actually. Nothing to worry about from me, except for maybe me trying to buy you dinner.”
“I love dinner. Why would that be a worry? You know a place and I expect you to pay for it, since you invited me.”
“Yeah, You’d really let me take you? With like, no proof that I’ve changed?” Max wasn’t used to that. He had to prove himself to everyone, even his own twin.
“Well, I’ve never seen you in the news, so you can’t be a dangerous maniac. If you haven’t changed, I don’t see how me turning down a free dinner would benefit anybody.” Now, he laughed.
“You’re funny. Obviously smart, if you’re here and going to the institute and super cute. You’re either not single and don’t realize that I was asking you on date, or you’re inexplicably single and I can’t help but be curious about why.”
Charlotte looked shocked. She hadn't thought that she was being asked on a date, but now that she knew, she felt pretty exposed. She hadn’t even tried to be cute today. “Oh! Um, very single, didn’t catch on that dinner equaled to date, and I don’t know if I can. I mean I can- because my parents will allow it now that I’ve graduated, but I kinda like the thought of being friends and knowing people before I ever took the drastic date step.”
“That’s fair. Dinner as friends, then?”
“Potential friends, but still your treat.”
“A woman who knows what she wants.” “Most women know what they want. Some are just conditioned to answer the world a certain way…”
“He bought me dinner after the convention, he took me for coffee the next day, treated me to milkshakes the weekend after my classes started. He started bringing me takeout whenever I was getting bogged down with my work and forgot that I’m no longer working right next to an auto snacker. Then, when I wanted to go out for the internship, I needed a lab to work on my entry project and from there, we really started getting close…” She stared out into space.
“Wow, Char. You blew it. That dude sounds gooood,” Henry teased.
“He is good. Too good to wait around in a relationship with me that I’m not all in. I told you, I’ve got goals, plans, and a lot of accomplishments before I have a window of time to do… more serious relationship stuff.”
Jasper wondered, “So, are you two going to be friends who…” he cleared his throat, “talk?" Charlotte didn’t dignify that question with a response, and Henry laughed out loud But, mentally… Charlotte knew probably. Probably until one of them moved on or they had a bigger falling out. As long as she kept her focus on her goals and didn’t use him in the meantime. (And, being truthful, she wasn't going to forgive him for that launch stunt, no matter how many free meals she got). She just hoped that she wouldn’t forget this backbone when they spent the rest of the weekend together.
"How does a community full of superheros and friendlies get so toxic?” She wondered, having to remove certain reported posts and content flagged from the site. For a change, Henry was at her place. He had come early to snatch her up for their first spring break out of high school and he was going to be taking a vacation, finally from the Danger.
“Superheroes aren’t what you see in TV shows and movies, Charlotte. Those guys are real jerks,” Henry said. He shrugged his shoulders, “You never told me what you and bae did for Valentines’ Day after we left Metroburg. I mean, I know that you don’t care about the day, but you did have a huge release and you did unofficially take him back after his massive mess up.”
“What’d we do for what?” she asked, hardly paying attention to the question, as she was focused on removing SO MANY photos of superdudes’ junk. Didn’t know who wore the masks, but here she was seeing those things.
“Valentines’ Day. When people do the whole candy and cards bit? Romance? Love? You and Max went ahead and spent your time together and you never muttered a word about it.”
She looked like it just dawned on her what he was talking about, “I worked on the website I’d just launched and I think he cooked. He did flowers and steaks and had music playing and commented that everyone told him he needed to do something like that. He never actually said, "I was too caught up in my work to pay it attention. I had to try to fix some of the stuff his little plot affected, even made an announcement that it was a publicity stunt that the site creator wasn’t aware of, in case it comes back to bite me. Anyway, we weren’t back together. We just finished out the weekend as planned. We left our statuses unchanged for political purposes. I didn’t want people to put together that he was the publicity stunt person. It could hurt his hero rep, and he’s worked hard to shake off that villain stuff. Plus, I feel like breaking up in front of everyone right after launching a dating site could have been catastrophic for business.”
“Your relationship is a business ploy? How… Has this dude not dumped you yet?”
“Do you really want to know the answer?” She asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“Does it have to do with your grownup sleepovers?”
“You know it does.”
“No, thank you. I heard how that goes from across the suite. Nuff said.” He couldn’t help but be curious, though. Her love interest was a recovered villain, born superpowered, official superhero, who was smart enough to be an evil genius, but apparently down enough to cook for her and try to romance her… Oh, God. Charlotte has been speaking and now, she’s looking at you because you are supposed to be responding to something…
“You didn’t hear a thing I said, did ya?”
“Well… You didn’t realize that dude was trying to seduce you for the special day. Probably trying to undo your alleged mutual break up.”
“I was definitely seduced…”
“Let’s NOT!” Henry shoved his fingers into his ears. “Just, repeat whatever I missed when I zoned out!”
“I was saying that I might have to pull the plug on the site. It’s doing very little actual love connections.”
“That’s because supers don’t want love. You know what they want? To have someplace to be after a hard fight. Some soft arms around them, but not so much conversation and… Basically… They want…”
She held out her hands for him to release whatever he was trying to say and took a shot at guessing, “Booty calls?”
“So crass.”
“Superhero booty calls? That’s what my site is for?”
“To be fair, most social media has a high volume of digital get down.” She let out a frustrated grunt at that news. That was not what this was for. This was for Hen to find love, for people like Hen to find connections. Not superpowered body parts and arrangements to put them places.
“Is that what you do with your space?” Charlotte wondered.
He blushed and scoffed, “I mean… It’s more ethical than hooking up with damsels who were just rescued, like so many of us used to do!” She closed her laptop and got ready to go. “So, what’s your feaux beau science bro doing for his Spring Break?”
“Well,”- she went behind her clothesline curtain to change, “He’s on a mission, currently, so he’s probably gonna be working for the whole thing. But, I mean - he’s old enough to drink, so his Spring Breaks are probably you know - party truth.”
“Does he drink? Gross habit.”
“No, but he’s one of those snooty people that will watch everyone else drink and judge their lives in a comical manner,” she came from behind the curtain in a peach colored bikini, with a sheer cream cover up blouse over it, and a short pair of floral shorts. She went into her beauty wardrobe for cocoa butter and Henry forgot what they were even talking about upon seeing her. “Should we take any selfies before we go, or you think that Jasper will feel bad?” She asked while, rubbing her legs down to moisturize and protect.
“I think he might, but I also think we gotta. Look at how good we look.” She looked him over. She knew how good she looked. She looked good on purpose. But, Henry was just waking up looking fine, these days. He did have to do his hair, but he took good care of himself and his hair wasn’t a ton of work to maintain, so within a few minutes, he could be a total babe.
“We do,” she said, taking out her phone. After several very close selfies that she tagged him and hashtagged them as besties, despite the fact that his skin touching hers was doing something to her lately.
“Hey, Char - will you put the sunscreen on my back for me? I might need you to commit to it all week.” He smiled, anxiously, hoping she wouldn’t shoot him down and be offended that he asked.
“Most definitely. Gotta protect that glorious skin…” She felt her face grow hot. Henry did too. He blushed and nodded his head, grabbing her bags for her. “Oh, thanks.”
“We take care of each other,” he said, with a shrug. When did his shoulders get this broad? She sighed. This was about to be a long week.
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nadjadoll · 5 years
Character Interview
Okay so I was tagged a bunch of times by so many people for this and I was putting it off but I’m finally getting to it so here we go!
Thank you for the tags @noonvraith​ @foofygoldfish @devotchkas @colesphelps @statichvm @honesthearts and @outranks
Buckle up because I’m going to be doing three of these in one post
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name  ➔ ayla edwards
are you single  ➔ i think i’m kind of in that in between stage with a friend of mine...
are you happy  ➔ i try my best to be upbeat as much as I can
are you angry  ➔ funnily enough, i don’t actually remember the last time I was angry!
are your parents still married  ➔ they are, and happily so!
birthplace  ➔ edinburgh scotland
hair color  ➔ strawberry blonde
eye color  ➔ blue
birthday ➔ june 14th 1999
mood ➔ extremely worn out but optimistic!
gender ➔ female
summer or winter ➔ summer, though there isn’t much of one in gotham
morning or afternoon ➔ morning, just as the sun is rising and everything is quiet
are you in love ➔ yes  (◠‿◠✿)
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ absolutely! a lot of things can happen with just one look
who ended your last relationship ➔ i did, it broke my heart but i’ve never been a fan of long-distance relationships
have you ever broken someone's heart��➔ i’m afraid i have
are you afraid of commitments ➔ not at all!
have you hugged someone within the last week ➔ a few people actually! one being marv, the others being a very nice couple i saved from a mugger
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ well how would i know if they were secret?
love or lust ➔ love, and all the soft hugs and kisses that go along with it
lemonade or iced tea ➔ lemonade with lots of sugar
cats or dogs ➔ both! though i do prefer dogs a little more
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in, i don’t have the energy to have a wild night out
day or night ➔ day! there are about 5 days of sunny weather a year in gotham and i love every one of them
been caught sneaking out ➔  i’ve never had to, my hometown was pretty boring and my parents were always lax about me coming and going
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ so many times, there are an incredible amount of stairs in the university and i have fallen on all of them
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔ do the dogs i see on the sidewalk count? i swear if my dorm allowed pets i’d have 10 dogs by now
wanted to disappear ➔ after the accident that gave me my powers, i was really embarrassed and scared and didn’t know what to do, i don’t think i left the house for a couple of weeks after that
smile or eyes ➔ smile!
shorter or taller ➔ taller, it’s not hard to find people taller than me, being only 5′3
intelligence or attraction ➔ intelligence
hook up or relationship ➔ relationship
do you and your family get along ➔ yes! i haven’t been able to get back home to see them in a while but i talk to them on the phone at least twice a week
would you say you have a "messed up life" ➔ ironically, no. despite my powers that let me multiplicate myself, i have great parents and amazing friends and i’m so thankful for that
have you ever ran away from home ➔ i’ve never felt like i wanted to
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ never
do you secretly hate one of your friends - no! i love all of my friends 
do you consider all of your friends good friends - 100% i would do anything for them an di know they would return that feeling
who is your best friend - song! not only is he one of the first people i met when i moved here, he also has powers
who knows everything about you - song again, i feel like i can tell him anything
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name ➔ august seed
are you single ➔ no
are you happy ➔ generally
are you angry ➔ 75% of the time
are your parents still married ➔ well they’re both dead so no
birthplace ➔ a place called new york
hair color ➔ brown
eye color ➔ blue
birthday ➔ april 4th 2013
mood ➔ bored, charley and I haven’t made a good death maze in too long
gender ➔ female
summer or winter ➔ summer, the less clothes i have to wear the better
morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon
are you in love ➔ i guess you could say that
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ no i think it’s all crap
who ended your last relationship ➔ technically it was the vehicle that drove over them
have you ever broken someone's heart ➔ probably
are you afraid of commitments ➔ no never
have you hugged someone within the last week ➔ i don’t do hugs
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ i have gotten a few “odd” gifts, mainly things like teeth and fingers so maybe
love or lust ➔ lust
lemonade or iced tea ➔ what are those
cats or dogs ➔ dogs, big ones
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ neither, i like to keep to myself
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ wild night out, drinks and drugs and all the fun things in between
day or night ➔ night
been caught sneaking out ➔ i snuck out a few times from the camp my mom and i were living at, never got caught though
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ no
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔ if i want something, i go get it
wanted to disappear ➔ nope, never
smile or eyes ➔ eyes
shorter or taller ➔ shorter or same height
intelligence or attraction ➔ attraction, can’t do much without that
hook up or relationship ➔ hoop up, i don’t care about feelings. charley is the only exception
do you and your family get along ➔ i’ve never met my dad but from what i’ve heard of him, i feel like i would get along with him more than i ever did with my mom
would you say you have a "messed up life" ➔ i think some people would say that, not me though. the only thing i think i would change is bring my dad back so i could kick his ass for never being there for my mom and me
have you ever ran away from home ➔ i stuck with my mom until i was about 16, i figured i would have more fun out on my own
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ i’ve been kicked out of a few gangs i used to travel with, until i found the highwaymen
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ it’s no secret i hate most of the other highwaymen
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ i don’t have friends, people say i’m “untrustworthy” and “horrifying”
who is your best friend ➔ closest thing i have to a best friend would be charley though i hate the term best friend
who knows everything about you ➔ no one, and i’d like to keep it that way
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name ➔ scarlett campbell
are you single ➔ no
are you happy ➔ i am now
are you angry ➔ i’m pissed off someone kidnapped my baby but it’s alright, i’m doing everything i can to find him 
are your parents still married ➔ had they somehow survived the bombs, i imagine they would be or maybe not. it was always hard to tell if they really loved each other.
birthplace ➔ i was born right here in the commonwealth
hair color ➔ blonde
eye color ➔ brown
birthday ➔ sometime in september, i never cared much for birthdays
mood ➔ currently apathetic
gender ➔ female
summer or winter ➔ winter, after it snows and just before sunrise
morning or afternoon ➔ afternoon
are you in love ➔ hopelessly so
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ i thought i did when i met nate, now i’m not so sure
who ended your last relationship ➔ i guess the nuclear bomb did. i had plans on leaving nate and taking shaun the day they dropped, they beat me to it.
have you ever broken someone's heart ➔ many, i do regret some of them
are you afraid of commitments ➔ in my younger years i was a wild child and would have said no. these days i’m more hesitant to those kinds of things
have you hugged someone within the last week ➔ yes, i was having a bit of a down day the other day and all i wanted to do was hold piper, thankfully she let me
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ haha i’m sure i have, i suppose piper was one of those at some point?
love or lust ➔ a healthy mix of both
lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea, it’s hard to find now of course but it reminds me of the days before the war
cats or dogs ➔ hm neither, i’m not really an animal person
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ many regular friends, it’s good to have lots of people on your side
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ romantic night in is the way to go for me nowadays
day or night ➔ night, the commonwealth just seems more peaceful at night
been caught sneaking out ➔ many times, i was a bit of a party girl years ago, it drove my parents nuts and they tried everything to keep me in
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ oh a lot, high heels + the stairs in diamond city do not mix
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➔ yes, once upon a time i thought i wanted nate but he wasn’t who i thought he was
wanted to disappear ➔ towards the end of my marriage that was the plan. but now he’s gone and i don’t regret saying i’m glad about it
smile or eyes ➔ eyes, they say a lot about someone
shorter or taller ➔ either works for me
intelligence or attraction ➔ little bit of both
hook up or relationship ➔ old me would have said hook up but i’m really getting used to having piper around long term
do you and your family get along ➔ i wouldn’t say we necessarily “got along”, my parents and i had our ups and downs, they didn’t quite understand who i wanted to be. but we loved each other in our own ways
would you say you have a "messed up life" ➔ well let’s see i was married to an asshole, our country got bombed, i was locked in a freezer for 200 years, my son was kidnapped by a secret institution and now i have to figure out how to survive in the wasteland that used to be my home
have you ever ran away from home ➔ that was always a thought it the back of my mind, not because i hated my home but because i wanted to go out and do my own thing, be my own person. i never did but now i wish i had gone through with it
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ there was a time i had gotten into a bit too much trouble and i thought for sure i would be tossed out but no, they let me stay but i had to watch my step for quite a while
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ no
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ that would be a strong way to say it. i do love them but i try to keep a bit of distance
who is your best friend ➔ piper
who knows everything about you ➔ it’s actually nick, he’s a very good listener and god knows i’ve needed to vent to someone
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Hey babe!! I see you're also a Rick's fan... so I just wanna know if you know any good Frank&Hazel fanfic (btw, what's the name of their ship??) Or Leo and Calipso... anyway, any of the HOO pairings?? Thanks!
Hello love 💜 Ahahahahaha dO i kNoW aNy GooD hOo fAnFiC?!?! (picture that with the spongebob meme lol)I laugh because have like a 10 page word document dedicated to good PJO fanfic. That fandom is my home and the reason I read fanfic, and the first ever fic I posted was a angsty Jasabeth/Percabeth fanfic, so yeah, you could say I’m pretty knowledgeable on the subject lol 😂 I don’t actually ship Frazel and Caleo very hard? But I have loads and loads of Percabeth recs and some pretty good Jasper recs so get ready 😎Below is a list of my favorite and highly recommended pjo fanfic authors in alphabetical order, because I love them all relatively equally. Their names are links to their masterlists (for the most part) and their descriptions include what they usually write, and personal faves of mine. If you check their tags, chances are they’ve written Caleo or Frazel at one point or another. Here we go!1) ananbeth (Hannah) is AMAZING and I love her and I recommend everything she has ever written. The first link is to her masterpost, and the second is to her general pjo fic tag because she I don’t think she’d updated the masterpost in a while. My favorites are probably the Wimbledon AU that she’s working on right now with Sophii, which Grover, Jason, Piper, Reyna, Sally, and Paul are present in. Lips Like Sugar is also really good, as well is the rest of that series, and that’s all fluffy Percabeth kisses. She mostly writes a lot of Percabeth, and Jasper are usually dating in the background of her fics. Both of those I have just listed are Percabeth.2) bananannabeth (Ashlee) is a ray of sunshine and happiness, and is single-handedly responsible for two of my all time favorite pjo fics, and I love her. I’m trash for the skater!percy AU, and Ashlee wrote my favorite interpretation of that - Skateboards and Snapbacks; Rachel, Piper, Jason, Grover, Frank, Hazel, and Leo do show up, but they’re not big characters, as it is a Percabeth fic. She’s also responsible for a fantastic fwb AU, also known as the Brunch AU (found towards the bottom, in the smut category of her masterpost), which Jasper are pretty present in, although it is one again a Percabeth fic. She also has a few small Frazel and Jasper pieces, and a lot of angst if you’re into that. Here is her general writing tag.
3) blackjacktheboss (Sophii) is a goddess. An actual real live goddess. I fuckin love Sophii. She doesn’t write very much fic, she usually goes for long lists of headcanons, but even still she builds absolutely gorgeous AUs, and I scroll through her tags for hours, and I love her so much. She’s responsible for one of my favorite AUs ever, the Ichor Group AU, which is a brilliant concept, and the first thing she ever wrote for it was actually Tratie smut lol. I linked the last page of her tag, so that you can read in order :) She’s also a massive Tratie (Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner) fan, and has converted me into Tratie trash as well, so I recommend that tag a lot. Other than that, she’s got all sorts of AUs and headcanons and wonderful edits on just about everyone, so I recommend poking around :)4) greenconverses (Jess) is the reason I started reading fic ever in the first place. I love and worship Jess. She’s just ... wow. Jess is a queen, basically. I have no words for how much I love Jess, so every time I try to explain it it’s underwhelming but I just love her so much. Right now she’s got a killer Roman!Percy AU going, which is amazing, and!! some Caleo!! (that I haven’t read but will vouch for because it’s Jess), and some great Jasper/Percabeth as spies, and she wrote one of my favorite teacher AUs ever but I can’t find it 😩 but if you poke around, it’s there, and it’s amazing.5) ignitesthestars (Hannah) is fucking amazing in every single way, she is so fuckign spectacular, and wonderful and just. She is just. Wow. Right now she’s writing a fucking amazing fic that I am embarrassed to say I am super into, because it’s lukeabeth, and she goes so far as to call it the tire fire au, and I’m so upsettingly into it because her writing is THAT good (the first link is part 1 the second is part 2). This is her general fic tag because her masterpost hasn’t been updated in a while. This is one of my favorite pieces by her because um yum but also wow, and here is her analysis of it. 
6) son-of-rome (Dan) is the self-proclaimed Angst Lord and absolutely fantastic and I love him. He also has an extreme love of Jasper, so if you’re ever in need of Jasper, he’s your guy. Also if you’re ever in need of aggressive sobbing due to immense angst and pain, he’s good for that too. He’s also really funny and secretly a softie and all-around wonderful. This is one of my favorite fics (Percabeth) but also it made me sob so so so much, so like, read it with a grain of salt... honestly, I recommend just going through Dan’s fic tag for hours because that’s what I did and I mean it’s very depressing but also he’s an amazing story teller and you can’t go wrong :) He also has a fantastic non-angsty rendition of the skater!percy au that I can’t find right now because his blog isn’t super organized but, it’s there somewhere!
All of those amazing writers also have great fic rec tags (except for Dan, whose tag is just fic) which are really really helpful. But just off the top of my head, other great writers include percyyoulittleshit, suchastart, romanitas, rongasm, flyingcrowbar, and many many others I can’t think of off of the top of my head. So yeah, check those out, and if  you want more, let me know, because I definitely got ‘em, lol
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So Nat @haroldjagger Allison @littlebird006 and Amina @alototalk all tagged me to do Piper and Harry for Leesh @mackabees‘s super awesome couple thing and because I’m a natural procrastinator it’s taken me like a week but here it is and thanks for tagging me, this ended up being a blast to write
rules: choose a couple of fave photos/gifs/manips/etc of your ship! copy and paste the questions down below! answer as if you’re the characters that have been tagged! then tag some more of your fave ships/characters to answer next!
pretty sure everyone has done this already so yeah, here we go
Make breakfast: harry
Cuddle the other for no reason: piper, probably, but harry definitely doesn’t mind a cuddle
Sleep on the couch after an argument: piper would probably make a big show of pulling out the extra sheets and sleeping on the couch if they got into a fight but she’d be regretting it when she was trying to fall asleep on the hard couch and harry would come down in the middle of the night and find her shifting on the couch and she’d pretend she was still mad at him but when he held out his hand and said ‘come on, petal, i miss you in bed’ she wouldn’t hesitate to take it
Drive and who is most likely to ride shotgun: harry’s driving if they want to get wherever they’re going without him pulling out all his hair with stress over piper’s terrible driving
Choose the music in the car: it’s a back and forth between them
Get jealous: both; piper’s would be more obvious, and harry’s would probably get him a bit possessive and hot and bothered
Break the expensive gift rule: harry because he’s fucking loaded
Remember anniversaries: both
Sneak sweets in the shopping cart: PIPER
Hog the covers at night: bertie
1. What do you do when the other is upset?
Piper: Harry is the worst when he’s upset because he gets all broody and he never wants to talk about what’s bothering him so usually its easier to let him come to me. He just has to work through things on his own sometimes and when he’s ready he’ll come talk it through with me. i just give him the space he needs until he’s ready to let me know what’s bothering him and then I just offer him whatever advice or support I can.
Harry: Piper is probably at the other end of the spectrum. She gets very emotional about things very easily, whether it’s anger or sadness or someone hurting her feelings. Usually I try and talk her down a bit so she isn’t so swept up in her emotions and then just help her in whatever way that she needs, whether its just to talk, or to help her find a solution, or even just to give her a hug.
2. Who is more romantic? Give examples.
Piper: Harry is definitely more romantic than I am. He’s always doing little things, like making me breakfast in bed, or offering a back massage after a long day, or surprising me with a date. And he’s got this habit of saying these things completely out of the blue that make my heart just melt. Or my toes curl, but usually he’s whispering those little things in my ear instead.
Harry: Okay, maybe I am a bit of a romantic, but Piper has her moments too. I mean, sure, she’s not the greatest cook --
Piper: hey!
Harry: -- and usually her schemes for dates somehow go wrong in the end and she once threw my back out trying to give me a massage but she always makes the effort and that’s what really matters.
3. What do your families think of your relationship?
Harry: My family have only met Piper over video chat and not in person but she’s still managed to win them over completely, naturally. I’m pretty sure my mum was just happy that I’d found someone to be with who understood me and loved me because I was so resistant to relationships in the past because of my job
Piper: It’s the same for me. My mum loves Harry. She’d been on me to settle down for ages which was ridiculous because I was only 23 and how many 23 year olds do you know that are settled down -- anyway, I’m pretty sure the fact that Harry was the one that managed to trap me into marriage so young made him a god in her eyes
Harry: What do you mean trap you? Of the two of us, I’m pretty sure I was the one being trapped.
Piper: You’re damn lucky I trapped you, I’m a blessing
Harry: There’s no one I’d rather be trapped by
Piper: You are such a bloody softie, honestly.
4. If you had to wear a couples costume for Halloween, what would you go as?
Piper: Couples costumes!! I have the perfect idea!
Harry: ... oh here we go
Piper: We would definitely dress up as Mulder and Scully, which is perfect because I’m a redhead and technically a doctor too and Harry’s very... uh...
Harry: No, go on, finish that sentence. What particular quality of Mulder’s do I embody so perfectly in your mind
Piper: I mean, even you can’t deny that you’re a bit of a conspiracy theorist
Harry: I’m a spy, I’m supposed to be skeptical, it’s part of the bloody job description!
Piper: Okay but you can’t deny that’s something Mulder would say too
5. Are you both earlier risers? Or do you both sleep in? Or is there one of each?
Harry: Piper would sleep in until the evening if she had the option, she is definitely not an early riser
Piper: And Harry is inhuman and likes to rise before the sun basically every day
Harry: I just prefer getting an early start to my day and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Although, I can be persuaded to stay in bed a little longer in the morning. With the right incentive, that is.
6. Do you have any routines at night? Before bed, in bed, etc.
Piper: Nighttime routines can be a bit of an ordeal with the kids. They’ve gotten used to things being a certain way and some of them don’t like having the plans deviate. Basically, I’m in charge of getting Violet ready for bed and tucking her in and Harry tackles Jack and keeps an eye on Sara who insists on doing everything on her own. And we swap out story time with the kids so one week Harry will do stories with Sara while I do stories with Violet and then we’ll swtich. And Jack just usually goes along with whoever picks him up first because he just likes a good cuddle before bed. So does Harry, for that matter.
Harry: There’s nothing wrong with liking a good cuddle. It’s nice, sometimes, after all the hustle and bustle during the day at work and with the kids to just lie with Piper in my arms and just be together. When she’s not in the mood to read before bed, she sort of likes to just burrow against me and snuggle in and I really like that time. Except when she gets a bit handsy during cuddle time
Piper: Excuse you, you love when I get handsy during cuddle time because it generally means you’re going to end up getting off
Harry: Maybe, but don’t pretend you don’t have ulterior motives too
Piper: Oh, I’m never pretending, I always have ulterior motives and luckily for me, you’re very easy to convince.
7. What nicknames do you have for each other?
Harry: Piper will always be my petal
Piper: I don’t really have any nicknames for Harry, although every now and then I’ll call him ‘baby’ by accident and he never seems to mind
8. Say you had a child, who is the strict parent and who is the lenient parent?
Harry: I think we’re both pretty balanced actually. I wouldn’t say either of us is more lenient or more strict with the kids than the other one is.
Piper: I definitely agree. I think I always expected it to be me being the lenient one and Harry being the strict one, just because of our personalities, but the kids bring out a playful side in Harry that sort of mellows out the stricter habits he’s picked up over the years from his job, and I think I’m okay with being firm when I have to.
Harry: The important thing with Piper and I is that we’re on the same page with how we deal with the kids getting emotional or acting out. We’re all about talking in this family, rather than getting angry or upset, and I think that helps a lot
Piper: But we’ve got three amazing kids so it’s not too hard to keep it balanced. You know, I think, overall, we’ve done a pretty damn good job raising our family.
Harry: I couldn’t agree more.
9. Would you rather go to a fancy restaurant for a date or stay at home and watch movies with pizza?
Piper: I think movies and pizza is more common with us because of the kids so I always think its really nice going out to a fancy restaurant once in a while just to keep the romance alive.
Harry: I agree, I love taking Piper out. Seeing her all dolled up always drives me crazy and I always have a good time teasing her a bit and making her blush to get her all riled up so when we get back to an empty house and the kids are away, we can relive some excellent past dates we’ve had
Piper: Thank god Louis and El take the kids for the night because it’s always a struggle keeping quiet on date night
10. What first attracted you about the other person?
Piper: Obviously Harry’s incredibly handsome so that helped attract me to him but I think the thing that really sealed the deal was that he was so confident but that there was a gentle side of him underneath it. When we first met, I was a bit thrown off my how assertive he was but also thought it was incredibly sexy. But it wasn’t until I saw how sweet he was, how kind and tender and loving he was with me even though we’d only just met, how he cared about me and wasn’t ashamed to show it -- that’s when I knew it was love.
Harry: I was hooked on Piper after that very first phone call, just at the sound of her voice. All the way home from that mission, it stuck with me and I couldn’t shake it, and I just knew I had to meet her. And now here we are, years later, and I’m lucky enough to wake up to that voice every single morning. 
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