#I love her I want to give her a hug and tell her it wasnt fair
I've been going through a very interesting, and important gender and gender presentation journey over the past four months, which culminated into a comment that has been bothering me for a while.
Since about mid-September, I've been slowly gaining a lot of self-confidence for various reasons, and I've also been looking at the parts of myself that I've hidden underground inside my mind for a long while. Including my own feelings about my own femininity.
For those who have known me for a while, you'll know I've always been more masculine leaning in presentation and gender. As it turns out, I sort of pendulum swing across the entire spectrum.
Me and the friend who's been by my side this entire journey (who, funnily enough, is the only allocishet friend I have), had this inside joke with each other that if I showed up to a meeting with the gang in a skirt they wouldn't know what to do. And so we eventually got me a skirt.
I can't begin to describe the amount of pure bliss I felt when I saw myself in it. I'd only felt that feeling once before, when my dad put one of his old ties on me for a fun little game we were playing in 2020. The only difference was that when that happened, I was still in denial about who I was. When I looked in the mirror, it was something I couldn't even begin to grasp onto. When I looked into the mirror just barely two weeks ago, I finally saw me.
And so we ended up making a whole "scene girl" outfit for me. This was revealed in almost its entirety a few days later, and we were right. They really didn't know what to do with me. With the exception of my mom and one of my oldest friends (who both said I looked cute, and I did! I felt cute!), the actual group I hang around with didn't know how to react to it. One of my friends just ignored the whole thing like it was normal (hurtful, but it's whatever), another kept asking when it happened and trying to wrap his head around the change (funny), and one eventually ended up saying something that's been bothering me.
Initially, they were really surprised I had legs because he forgot that I did. But later, when we were talking about a character that me and the aforementioned friend had made for a sitcom (a transman who dresses femininely for the most part), he turned to me and said "so like you, a transmasc drag queen".
While yes, that fits that character fairly well, it didn't sit right when about me. Because no, as it turns out, I'm not a transmasc drag queen. I'm not really . . . anything. When I dress more masculine, it's queer because it borders on tomboy/butch and transmasc (which, I know those terms can coexist, but I'm using it as a scale of masculinity because I can't explain it any other way), and when I dress femininely it's also queer because I'm someone who inherently goes towards androgyny/masculinity as my comfort expression.
Here's the funny part, though. Of the four people I hang around, three are queer in some way. The only one, the only one, who saw that I'm fine with fluidity in pronouns, jokes about my gender, and just sort of knew from the beginning that I was suppressing my femininity (which he told me after the Skirt Moment, so that was a fun night), was allocishet. I could get into all the weird shit that has gone on with me and the group, but the least queer person in the group understood, almost immediately, that I, the most verbally and visually queer of the group, enjoy funny little gender jokes. Hell, a few days after meeting I was doing something in my friend's kitchen and he said "oh sorry I was raised in a republican household, if there's someone in the kitchen I assume it's a woman".
So I guess what I'm saying, right now, is that I'm not any particular gender identity, I'm not trans anything, I don't really enjoy the fit of genderqueer even, I just. Am. And I wish that people irl would be willing to have fun with that more, rather than being so fucking afraid that I'm going to have a breakdown and kill someone for misgendering me.
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jyoongim · 5 months
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Based on ep 5 
Love a caring, defensive, sadistic, cannibilistic daddy demon
Title: Acts of service
Themes: slight submissive y/n, protective, blood, demon form, fluff, relationship dynamic, implied married couple, human life mentioned
Alastor can take a lot of shit…but even he has a breaking point….
Charlie’s hotel was not making the progress she wanted and so one day she shocked everyone with four words;
“My dad is coming”
The hotel was in a state of frenzy.
Everyone seemed excited to meet the King of Hell.
For once everyone was on one page and getting the place in tip top shape.
You had finally calmed Charlie down from her nth breakdown and had started primping yourself for the big man’s visit.
“Honestly its about time Luci showed his bright ass around here” you said as you patted some blush on.
Alastor was standing in the corner of your bedroom; oozing darkness menacingly.
He had been rather quiet and for once not making a fuss.
You almost smirked, whether or not he admits it
He adored Charlie 
And HATED being bested in anything.
“Youre glowering dear” you say as you finish applying your flawless makeup.
“I just dont see what all the hoopla is about. So what if the Morningstar is coming…its just charlie’s dad” Alastor grumbled in a rant.
You giggled “Yea but this is important to Charlie so no funny business mister”
His big smile tightened and his eyes narrowed “no promises”
You and Charlie greeted Lucifer
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”
He damned near choked Charlie in a bear hug before turning to you
“Long time no see Sis” you hummed and gave him a big squeeze, but not before hissing lowly in his ear “do not fuck this up Luci”
He swallowed and you grinned before walking to stand by Alastor.
You nudged him towards Lucifer and reluctantly he introduced himself.
“Alastor sir pleasure to put a face to the name”
Lucifer shot you a look before eyeing Alastor suspiciously
“Uuuhh and you are?”
Alastor eye twitched “i’m the host of the hotel…you might know me from my radio broadcast hmm?”
Lucifer shrugged “nope guess thats why Charlie named it the HAZbin hotel”
You facepalmed and charlie was visibly getting nervous as you could literally see Alastor’s ego flare
“HA HA HA actually i came up with that”
“Ha Ha Ha well it wasnt very clever!”
They were in each other faces now
Alastor growled “ha ha HA fuck you”
You interjected, getting between the two, mostly Alastor
 “Boys Boys reign it in PLEASE” you threw a look at Alastor, who straightened his suit.
You sighed and turned your attention to Charlie 
“Dear why dont you tell your dad the whole point of your hotel” you gave a tense smile.
“Y/n is right dad! Alastor here has been tremendous help with the hotel…i wouldnt have made it this far without him” lucifer made a face.
You could see the wheels turning in Alastor’s head
He was up to no good.
“Yeeeeessss we are all very proud of Charlie. I am honored to fulfill any wish this lovely young lady has” 
He hugged Charlie and it took all of your willpower to not laugh at Lucifer’s annoyed look.
You giggled as he completely ignored Alastor and in turn to the others.
Charlie introduced her girlfriend and you could literally see his shoulders ease.
“OH thank Hell youre a lesbian! Cool cool i totally approve of THIS!”
Lucifer went on to give luxurious suggestions to Charlie, which Alastor shot down.
You sighed lovingly at Alastor’s antics.
He might have been the big bad Radio Demon, but he really was a softie when he wanted to be.
Definitely would have made a great dad…
You blushed at the thought.
Lucifer and Alastor were currently bickering with each other about who was the better father figure.
When suddenly the door flew open and a short, voluptuous, 1920 styled woman bursted in.
Your eyes widened “Mimzy?”
She squealed and embraced you in a tight hug, you kissed each other’s cheeks in greeting
“Ooooh y/n darling how you’ve been? Its been too long” she asked.
You grinned and gave a shrug “ooh it hasnt been that long has it?”
She greeted Alastor and gave you an astonished look “Y/n darling you still with dollface here?” you felt everyone eyes shift to you and you felt your eye twitch a bit but said nothing.
She begged to have you chat with her but you told her youll catch up her later, as you were helping Charlie and Alastor with Lucifer.
Not many people knew what your relationship with Alastor, hell not many people knew about Alastor life in general.
And you kind of liked to keep it that way but Mimzy was a talker if you ever saw one.
But Mimzy was not was one to just show up just out of nowhere…
She wanted something
You and Alaster were trailing behind Charlie as she explained the purpose of the hotel when Husker appeared to the two of you, addressing Alastor
“Boss a word with you” you quirked a brow when Alastor kindly shooed you off to have his discussion. You walked a bit aways before morphing into the wall and listened in on their conversation
“What is it?”
“You and I both know that Mimzy only pops her ass up when she needs somethin, that bitch is trouble and who knows what kind of shit she got into to come running to you”
“Dont worry so much Husker, its nothing i cant handle, besides who in their right mind would cross me?” 
“I mean…youve been gone a while and it aint like no one knows why-”
He was cut off
“And they dont need to know” that sharp smile was tight
Alastor patted Husker’s head condescendingly; like a pet.
Husker shoved his hand away angrily.
“Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash”
You saw Alastor glitch, eyes turning to black and glowing dials
Uh oh.
“What did you say?”
Your eyes widened as contract chains shot out at Husker, wrapping around his neck
Alastor was menacingly toying with the chain as he growled
“If you ever say that again i will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every disrespectful wretch WHO DARES TO QUESTION ME!”
Husker was shaking like a leaf and you were stunned; Alastor rarely ever lost his composure.
When Alastor disappeared down the hall you morphed to Husker to ease his nerves
“Oh Husker are you ok?” you asked as you tried soothed his nerves.
He shook it off (not really) and grumbled “fucking asshole”
You headed back to the lobby with Husker when a loud BAM was heard.
What the fuck?
“Mimizy you skank c’mon out here!”
You see Mimzy hide behind the bar and raise a eyebrow.
You frown, going to heave her over the counter
“Mimzy care to enlighten me about what the actual fuck is that” 
She sweatdropped “i-i may or may not have borrowed some money from a loan shark”
Your frown deepened “how. Much. money?”
“O-o fifty…grand”
You hissed.
The hotel was shaking and was being heavily damaged
You pulled charlie out of the way as some debris fell from the ceiling and hissed at Lucifer “arent you gonna do something!?”
He was trying to make this a life lesson and now was NOT the time.
You growled and went to march right outside to give those goons a piece of your mind when a clawed hand settled on your shoulder.
“Dont worry dear ill handle this”
“But Alastor…”
His smile turned wild “its about time i reminded everyone why i am here…a reminder to not fuck with the Radio Demon!”
He transformed. Antlers out and black tentacles flaring.
You watch him grow big in size and rip the gangsters apart, eating a few.
You smiled wickedy, hells he was hot
After he had his fun he shrunk back to normal and you launched yourself at him
Lovingly you purred into his neck “you ok now?”
He grinned, nuzzling you “i missed blowing off some steam”
Mimzy approached the two of you and you frowned, opening your mouth to say something but Alastor beat you to it
“I think you should go Mimzy. Now”
She was shocked. Usually Alastor let her off the hook and it was you who normally told people off.
“Y-you cant be serious…”
His eyes narrowed “I mean it. You brought danger to this place just for me to clean up your mess. I wont allow that here”
He was putting his foot down. You leaned into him, happy.
You flashed her a sharp grin “i agree Mimzy, you should go”
She blinked “you backing up your hubby over ya own friend? y/n!”
She hissed at Alastor “you think i dont know you? You cant really give a shit about this place”
You crossed your arms, giving her a pointed look, hissing as you felt your eyes glow in anger “leave Mimzy. While i’m the one being nice”
She huffed and turned to leave, but not before flipping you both off.
You relaxed and turned to Alastor, who was looking smug.
Tugging on his bowtie you craned his neck to your level, purring
 “Bedroom now dear”
His ears perked and his smile grew wider “feeling big emotions doll?”
“Ooh you have no idea”
With a flick of your hand the hotel was restored and you were whisking the lanky red demon upstairs to blow off some steam of your own
"what y/n and Alastor are married?!"
charlie blinked "yea i thought you guys knew that"
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imwetforyourmom · 4 months
my first fic posted on tumblr!! hope yall like, and if you do lmk if I should make more or js stick to edits
warnings: fluff ig, swearing and idk
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christopher.sturniolo 🏀
Y/nn And suddenly I have the desire to be a chris girl
christoper.sturniolo oops
matthew.sturniolo What the fuck
User y/n really said "switching sides..."
nicolassturiolo damn thats gotta suck @matthewsturniolo
christoper.sturniolo my bad bro
User I can hear matt crying in a corner
nicolassturniolo real
User damn bro, I was joking but ok
y/n was sitting with nick on the couch, both were scrolling on their phones. that was before matt came into the room, dragging his feet on the cold marble floor. y/n looked up at the sound of footsteps, and saw her boyfriend, whom was clearly bothered.
matt walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, glancing around the fridge. y/n felt a little disappointed that he didn't acknowledge her, didnt even look at her once. she threw her phone to the side and got up from the couch, she walked to matt and wrapped her arms around matts waist from behind. his body tensed at this, and y/n couldnt help but notice.
"what's wrong baby?" she asked, her face nuzzled into his shoulder blade. he shook his head in return and continued looking through the fridge.
y/n wasn't happy with that answer but if her boyfriend didnt want to talk, then she wasnt going to force him. he'll talk when he wants, she thought.
there was no denying matt didnt want to relax into y/ns touch and give her all his love, but he was upset with her and he was planning on showing that he was upset.
he grabbed a pepsi and closed the fridge door, before subtly moving out of y/ns grasp. grabbing gently onto her wrists and removing himself from her warm and comforting embrace.
once he had gotten out of her arms he sighed of relief, of no longer having to fight the urge to hug her and pepper her with kisses. the overwhelming urge was soon to get him but he wasnt going to let it get to him that fast.
y/n put her arms at her sides and looked up at him, slightly confused but also understanding that if he wanted to move she'd have to let go.
matt glanced at her, then at his pepsi. fighting every fiber in his being not to kiss her head and tell her how much he loves her. he shook his head before looking at her one last time, taking in her features. how beautiful she looked, wearing one of his hoodies paired with his sweatpants and her hair down and slightly messy.
he muttered "fuck" under his breath before leaving the kitchen, needing to leave asap to hide the fact he wanted to shower her with all his affection.
y/n stood awkwardly as matt walked away, feeling rejected, but also a little relieved that she was no longer under his gaze as she was getting slightly insecure of how she wasnt dressed up and her hair was messy.
she stared as matt walked away, she thought about what all she could've done wrong. maybe he didnt want to be bothered? or maybe he didnt want to be touched, and she had just touched him.
but it didnt cross her mind that maybe what she commented on chris' instagram post might've hurt his feelings.
y/n followed matt, she felt she needed to get to the bottom of this. what had hurt matts feelings?
she opened matts door quietly, she took a peek and saw that matt was sitting at his desk, headphones on and on his phone. matt wasn't facing her, but rather facing his desk. so honestly, if y/n wanted she could creep up on matt and scare the shit out of him. but she decided against it, speaking of how it'd only make him more upset than he already was.
y/n shut the door behind her and walked to matt, she placed her hands on his shoulders, rubbing and massaging them. at an attempt to make herself known and also try not to scare him.
matt jumped slightly, but quickly recognized the hands currently touching his shoulders to be y/ns, as he knew her body more than he knew his own.
he took off his headphones and placed them on the desk, in case y/n wanted to talk. so now she knew he was listening.
"matt, sweetheart. tell me what's wrong. please." she asked, her hands keeping a pattern on his shoulders. rubbing her four fingers into the top of his shoulder and lower while her thumbs dug softly into his shoulder blades.
she knew this action both made him feel good, but also kept him at ease, like she'd want him this whole conversation. at ease.
matt let out a deep breath before leaning his head back into the chair and spoke quietly, "im- I just dont like what you said on chris' instagram post." even if it was something small and stupid that he knew for a fact he could get over easily, he felt a little jealous and insecure.
"I love you sweetheart, I can delete it and- and- ill do anything to make you feel better," she spoke with her tone gentle and calm. understanding that what she said on the post must've been wrong and matt didnt like that.
"im sorry baby." she kissed his cheek, and continued rubbing his shoulders. matt felt better and reassured, knowing his girlfriend didn't actully like like chris.
"thank you, y/n. I forgive you." matt leaned his head to the side and looked into y/ns eyes, seeing that guilt was clearly evident in her facial expressions. y/n looked down at him and smiled, she glanced down at his lips and pressed a small kiss to them, then she pulled away and kissed the tip of his nose.
989 words.
tags for my favorite ppl
@luverboychris @worldlxvlys @hysteria-things @gamermattsgf @inlovewithmattstur @plasticferal
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mostvaluablelesbian · 2 years
Crying and sobbing at Maki’s “After what I’ve been through… am I still even human?”
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jiminsblondehair · 13 days
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┃ 𝓳. jungkook ¦princess treatment.
⋆。˚✩ a/n: hiii! decide to post again since my post did really good?? (surprisingly 😭) this is more of like little blurbs instead of actual writing but wtv!!! enjoy 💓
warnings: intoxication?? i think this is all but lmk!!
reblogs and cmnts are appreciated ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
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• jungkook is DEFINITELY the kind of guy to treat his girl like a princess, so when he spoiled you on your birthday it wasnt a surprise.
• the pin pad made a chime signaling that the transaction went through, the woman behind the counter handed you your LV shopping bag. you thank her as you and jungkook walk out of the store,
• “you don’t have to spoil me y’know..” you protest (or at least try to), jungkook chuckles as he kisses the top of your forehead
• “it’s my baby’s birthday, of course im gonna spoil you. if i could I would give you the world.” he whispers the last sentence, but since you guys are walking together hand in hand it wasnt hard for you to hear him.
• you looked at him with an affectionate gaze, not realizing you had been doing this for while he looks at you with a sheepish grin.
•”what..do i got somethin’ on my face?” he touches to make sure nothings there but you just giggle at him. he tilts his head in confusion, his doe eyes sparkling while doing so.
• “it’s nothing koo, you just sound cute when you talk all lovingly..” you smile at him and he scratches the back of his neck with an awkward smile,
• you stand on your tippie toes to give him a quick peck on the cheek, you grab his hand and lead him farther into the shopping center.
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• the rest of the day had been spent with you and jungkook going around the mall buying everything you had wanted, especially the cute custom necklace you had bought with kooks initial.
• “thank you hun!,” he sways the both of you side by side as you embrace him in a hug.
• “anything for my pretty girl” jungkook stated.
• you had never felt more blessed to be with someone like jungkook, he treats you like a princess. he cares so much about you, he tries to understand you when something is wrong, and overall you can tell he truly does love you.
• “im sorry to let go baby..but im kinda hungry from walking around all day” jungkook sighs and you loosen your grip around him. still hugging him, you look up at him and ask,
• “where ya wanna go then?” you rest your chin on his chest and wait for an answer.
• “it’s your day angel, you pick” you smile up at him and with that the two of you head out to your car to finish the day off with dinner.
• you absolutely love when jungkook spoils you but in the back of your mind you also know that your gonna have to spoil him 10x more on his birthday.
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little blurb bc I thought of it while writing 🙊
“baby are you sure about this?” you hesitate for a second, wondering if this was a good idea since kook was a little very intoxicated.
you two had gotten some drinks at a bar and since it was your birthday jungkook thought you both should loosen up by getting a few drinks (guess who had more than a few!!), but while you guys were at the bar table he kept babbling about wanting to get a tattoo of both of your guys initials. at first you thought he was just drunk and was just joking around..but he kept talking about it and you no longer thought he was kidding.
so here you are, waiting for kook to finish getting his tattoo. about 30 or so minutes pass and you see him walk out with a big smile on his face, he shows you the tattoo with both of your guys initials in a heart.
“it looks amazing koo, but lets get going now..yea?” you grin at him and he responds with a soft nod. you pay the artist and thank him as you guys leave the shop.
you take his hand and you both head home into the night.
©️ jiminsblondehair | TUMBLR
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srjlvr · 9 months
“I’ve Got My Eyes On You” — ENHYPEN members’ reaction after seeing you in the crowd on one of their concerts ! ,, <3
ot7!enhypen X fem!reader | genre fluff and angst if you squint | warnings none ! | not proofread ! | ✎ ᝰ (‘a note from jo’) . thought about it while looking back at the fate tour pics in korea</3 took me so long to finish it though—
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희승 ✶ (heeseung)
i mEANNNNNNN like fr you guys polaroid love heeseung on concerts isn’t enough for you to already know what type of guy he isss?
as soon as he sees you in the crowd he winks at you and just waits for the great opportunity to come close to you
literally dedicating you one of their songs and is just glued to you through the whole song.
when you take out your phone to take a video of your cute boyfriend, he puts your phone down and winks again, later on he whispers that you have him as much as you want so videos are clearly needless.
he would then tell his members that you’re there and they all would look towards you and smile widely when they see you cheering for them.
he wouldn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s biased and whenever they go off stage he’s just casually walking to you and singing to you.
제이 ✶ (jay)
it was obviously a surprise for him since he was so sure that you’re at home sipping your coffee in bed. he was the happiest person on earth when he saw you.
if he was drained and tired before, you brought up his energy and strength to keep on going.
he would probably look at your direction nonstop and would pout whenever he sees your phone instead your face.
what can you do though? your boyfriend’s so fine and you just want to take pics to keep them to yourself🤷🏻‍♀️
HAVE YALL SEEN HIS GUITAR PART IN ATTENTION PLS?? i dont even need to explain✋🏻 he’d probably do his part and look at you for any reaction.
always looking for you and tries to hide the fact that he’s nearly melting whenever he sees you again and again in the crowd.
제이크 ✶ (jake)
eyes literally ✨SHINING✨ when he sees you in the whole crowd—he’d always find you no matter what.
honestly speaking? you’re being served well in this concert.
he’d go off stage and run to you just to give you a water bottle because he’s THAT worried about you. he also wouldn’t be able to hold himself so he hugs you tightly on the way.
no bc i think he’d also just sit in front of you and sing to you so lovely with such a cute smile on his face.
would also for sure pose for your camera when he notices you’re filming him.
as tiring as the choreography gets, he’d just look at you and automatically get all the energy he needed back. he’s so happy to see you there and wants to show you his best.
성훈 ✶ (sunghoon)
he KNOWS where you’re sitting. he literally gave you the ticket and did a deep research on where to find that seat.
yk that one pass the mic choreography when he had a mission to touch the floor? so imagine him doing that but instead of touching the floor he’s literally waving and winking while looking at you.
when it’s time to go off stage he walks slowly and interacts with his fans and when he gets to you he just simply gives you a high-five with a wide smile. (just like he did with his parents😭✋🏻)
will def talk about it in one of their breaks like “i saw y/n today and i’m so happy that she’s here but all i did was just give her a high-five”
feels bad about the high five so he walks up to you again (when he WASNT supposed to do that) and sends you a flying kiss.
thirst traps are dedicated to you definitely✋🏻
선우 ✶ (sunoo)
he was so sad at first before the concert started. he really wanted you to show up but you told him your parents are coming to town and you have to welcome them.
of course that was a lie and you even brought your parents to their concert xoxo.
at first, he didn’t even notice you and just skipped over you, since he was too busy looking around and dancing.
when niki pointed at you and told him you’re here, he got on his knees and started shedding a few tears.
walks up to you again and hugs you tightly, while the staff members are freaking out. he’d also greet your parents and will send them a big big heart.
would probably sing and will replace his part in the middle with something like “y/n’s finally here in the crowd!!” instead of actually singing his lyrics-
정원 ✶ (jungwon)
the cutest baby ever as he notices you in the crowd. starts running around the stage like that naruto run with a wide smile on his face just because he’s so happy to see you.
the members challenged him to do a cartwheel and before he does he goes like “y/n this is for you” and the whole crowd goes craaaaazy—but he failed.
laughs it off and looks at you to see any bad reaction but smiles when he sees you laughing.
wants to go off stage again to get closer to you and looks around for any staff members that could stop him—when he doesn’t see any he just runs to you while laughing mischievously.
goes in front of you on stage and asks you questions such as “did you eat?” and much more.
he’d look at you on his parts to see your reactions which honestly boosts up his confidence because you’d always look at him and tell him he’s doing a good job.
니키 ✶ (ni-ki)
he really wanted one of his favorite persons to show up, his family couldn’t attend so he was hoping you’d be there for him.
you wanted to surprise him but he’s too smart for that, he figured you’d come to the concert.
maybe that’s mainly why he’s been smiling and telling everyone you’re in the crowd before even making eye contact with you.
goes off stage and sends you tons of kisses and hearts.
you already know how mischievous he gets, when his part comes up he’s holding the mic out for you to sing, and embarrasses you in front of everyone (both of you laughed your asses off right after the concert because of that)
talks about you in one of their breaks and wouldn’t stop thanking you for showing up, “y/n came today and i couldn’t be more thankful, i gained a lot of strength because of her”
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••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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julibeeline · 2 years
hii i really liked your ‘accidentally revealing the relationship’ with crew boys and i was wondering if you could do that with tommy and wilbur??? if not, it’s fine so dw!
tommy and wilbur accidentally revealing their relationship
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wilbur’s ‘library girl’ crush was something that spiraled around every one of his streams
he would tell stories about her, and chat would hype him up to ask her out
but after a few weeks past, everyone noticed that wil had stopped talking about her completely
and although they were a few questions asked here and there, people took his silence as a hint that the first date did not go well
something that they didnt know, was that they had started dating! \[^^]>
“you know they still ask about you sometimes?” wil tells you — thinking his stream was muted
“did you tell them we’re dating?” you ask.
“not yet, but soon i hope” he looks up at you smiling.
when wil returns to his stream, he is absolutely terrified
“holy shit” his eyes widen, muting his stream (properly this time), looking back up at you
“i was unmuted baby”
“can i come say hi?” you grin in eagerness.
“sure, cmon come in frame”
you walk over, crouching down to his monitor
“uhh suprise? its library girl, chat” wilbur smiles looking at everyone freaking out
chat loves you — I mean how can they not? wilbur talked about you with so much love :’)
when you leave the room, wilbur brings the mic closer to his face so you dont hear
“i absolutely adore her chat. shes everything.”
“can i kiss you?” those 4 four words were only meant for you — not in the background of ranboo’s stream
ranboo immediately mutes the stream in a panicked rush
ranboo glances at the chat, his hands going through his hair
“tommy? stream just heard you”
tommy just lets out a breathy laugh in disbelief
“what should i do? do you want me to say it wasnt you?”
and tommy turns to you, your heartbeat inceasing every passing second
“do you wanna keep it a secret or tell everyone right now?”
“i dont mind telling people” you say quietly.
“alright, love” he laughs, ruffling your hair :,)
he holds your hand, giving it a tight squeeze while he heads with you to ranboo’s set up
“this was not a bit guys” ranboo says, leaning back in his chair
you give the camera a quick wave, looking at how fast the chat is going
tommy rests his chin on your head, hugging you from behind.
“chat, this is y/n.”
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nothing-tolose · 2 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
Part 3
A/N: lol i found this a bit nonsense whsgajdhe *wheezing* AND AND AND IM SORRY IF THIS WASNT GOOD AS PART 2. anyway i love u guys sm xoxo
if you have criticism and suggestions to me, you can just knock my dm or send it to inbox <3
🇵🇸 daily click
part 1. part 2.
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Those messages still showed up several times with some different accounts.
You decided to turn on the do not disturb mode so those hateful messages won't bother you for a while before you switched app to reply Ellie's message.
i guess..
You took a deep breath, fingers were typing over the keyboard with hesitation.
i'm not, actually
can you come over, els?
i need u here
You let out a slight sigh, and you put down your phone to the kitchen table. You buried your face in between your arms, eyes were red and tears stain on your cheeks.
You were actually don't want to give a fuck about Anne's post, but the way people insulting you and the way she reacted to them, you couldn't even understand. How on earth you don't give a fuck with that when some people were saying they'll be waiting your funeral? They might really do something if they have a guts and you were unaware.
And someone was just mentioned your initial there, Anne reacted with 'shh'. What kind of reaction was that?
You scared, terrified even. It feels like you're going to isolating yourself in your home until they forget about the post. Sadly you'll never do that, and you won't and you can't do that because you're not even graduate yet!
You left your phone there, and tried walking to living room even though your feet still feeling a bit limp, you were resting your body on the couch with blank stare to ceiling. Your mind started to thinking about those comments, from the first you saw it to the last you saw it on blog. It scares you, so much. Your tears coming down from your eyes for the second time, your chest were going up and down. You were sobbing so hard. Terrified, confused, all your feelings mixed in one.
Morning felt so long. Now it's 1PM, and you still on the same position with cushion that you hugged for the past few hours. You can hear nothing but your sobs and the sound of cars passing by on the street. Still not feeling any better.
The next second, you heard a knock from your door, followed by sound of door opened. You could tell it was Lauren who just opened the door, sound of hurried footsteps filled the room, "There you are!"
Lauren runs over you, crouches on the floor so that she's at eye-level with you. Her eyebrows furrowed, she obviously worried about you. She tapped your shoulder two times, "Would you sit?" She asked.
You just nod and get up slowly, leaning on the backrest while Lauren put down the cushion on your lap.
"Where's your phone?"
You turn your head and looking at the kitchen table where you left your phone morning earlier, "There," You said, almost not making a sound.
She walk towards the kitchen, her hand picked up your phone without a glance and put it in her coat pocket. You didn't paying attention to Lauren and staring to the front of your sight as you still got your panic attack, but you really really tried to make yourself calm down. Oh, but it didn't help you at all.
Lauren went back with a glass of water on her hand, she sits next to you, "Drink it, and try to breath slowly," You just do what she said.
She put it down the glass on the coffee table after you drank. You feel her thumbs wipes your tears slowly along with her little chuckle. You swore you have no idea if Lauren weren't here, you might be drowning in your tears or maybe crying blood when your tears already gone. Or the worst part, you might be dead alone here. She was like your own sister, who always stay on your side when you're down and when you're happy.
Lauren smiled at you before she hugged you so tightly, her hands running through your hair, "You don't deserve this."
"It'll pass. They'll forget about everything what happened today in no time, okay? You didn't stole Ellie," She keeps saying some words to make you feel better, and apparently it does. You fell asleep with your head on Lauren's lap.
Lauren took your phone out, and she stared at the lockscreen. There's still a bunch of messages request from people who still trying to get you down. Her eyebrows furrowed, anger almost taking over herself.
'All these fucking unnecessary messages, and Ellie doesn't texting her at all while the problem was involved with her? What kind of girlfriend is she?'
Lauren decided to changed the setting to disable the notifications from any social media except messages, at least you wouldn't see those fuckers from your lockscreen notification center.
She turned off your phone and took a glance at your face, she sighed.
'Does she really care about you right now? When everyone were talking shit about you because they thought you stole Ellie from Anne?'
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Woke up on the same couch, the first thing you noticed was Lauren wasn't here. You were all alone, lights turned on, it's already dark out there.
"Shit, how long I've been asleep?" You get up, looked up to the clock and it's already 8PM. You grabbed your phone from the coffee tables in front of you, seeing if there's any messages you can reply.
messages from lauren
idk how long you've been asleep but i rlly have to go so sorry for leaving u aloneee;((
i bought some foods u can heat it up, AND dont skip your dinner bcs i assumed you haven't eaten today
dont be so curious to open ur social media, kay? i dont want u get your panic attack again
i love uuuuuu 💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️
You laughed for a second, then you scrolled the notification center searching if there's more messages. Your smile disappeared when you didn't see any messages from Ellie.
I mean, she always tried to reply your message asap after you sent the texts even when she's busy, she would tell you that she can't reply all your messages right now and will reply it soon as possible. The texts you sent to her this morning were still delivered. There's even no calls from her, does she even read your messages through the notifications? You needed her so much, and where is she now?
You don't want to overthink it. Maybe she's been too busy, but today is fucking Sunday, how the hell a student got really really busy on Sunday?
You bit your nails, suddenly thinking about your biggest fear.
What if she meet Anne in somewhere?
Your mind straight up thinking about her and Anne. All those what-ifs filling up your head, even you whispered to yourself to not assuming everything in negative way. But you couldn't help it. You really hate it when you can't help to stop assuming things.
You huffed, resting yourself on the backrest. You staring at the wall, imagining if Ellie were here right by your side like Lauren did and at the same time you still thinking if she were with Anne today.
You almost fell asleep again when you heard Ellie's voice calling your name along with knocking on the door. You stood up quickly and ran into the door.
Once you opened it, she grabbed both of your forearms. Her face looked so worried, worried than Lauren. She panted, sweating all over her face, and messy hair strands on the side of her face.
Your hands on her shoulders, "Where have you been?"
She didn't answer your question, all she said was, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." And asking you if you were okay, then she hugged you tightly like you were about to leave her.
You ended up on your bed, laying down with your head resting on her arm. After she said sorry five times, you took her to the bedroom. You really wanted to ask her, where the hell was she this entire day? Why did she texted you and just disappeared, and then showed up looking so worried like she was almost dead?
But here you are, with her. None of you broke the silence. She caressed your cheeks so gently, kissing your forehead several times, and humming.
You looked up to her, staring at her green emerald eyes. Your mouth was opened, almost asking her the same question that you've asked before.
"Sorry, I had an emergency." Right before you could ask her, she spoke.
"What emergency?"
Ellie went silent, she bite her lower lip and glancing aside, avoiding eye contact with you.
"Ellie, what emergency?"
She sighed heavily, her eyes now looking at you, "Sorry, you got dragged into this mess because of me. I shouldn't be disappeared for an entire day after texting you," She closed her eyes and looked away, "I'm really sorry."
You sitting up there and shook your head in desperation, "You did answer my question earlier, but you didn't answer the last question, Ellie. What emergency?"
There's no reply from her. You scoffed, "Ellie, what emergency that made you didn't reply to my texts?"
Ellie turned her head, "You texted me?"
Oh.. Wait, what?
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taglist: @cherryimaa @kimaellie @backedbeansh @bunnyrose01 @bready101
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sliceofajayke · 1 year
enhypen as dads
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here are some headcannons on how i think enha will be as dads :)
warnings; babies, talk of pregnancy, theres a mention of sex in hoons but nothing graphic.. thats all i think but plz lemme know if you see anything that should be added<3
likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated<3
heeseung <3
-okok right from the beginning, when he had first found out u were preggers he started singing to ur belly
-and at night he cant sleep and he thinks ur asleep he'll talk to ur belly
-like if ure having really bad morning sickness he'll be like
-"hey baby,, i know ur growing in there but please dont give ur momma too much of hard time... we love you forever and always and we can't wait for you to get here"
-and suddenly the next day you got no morning sickness!! so hee kisses ur belly "thank u baby u always listen to dada huh?"
-okay now for gender. reveal!! he doesnt care if the baby is a boy or a girl
-he just wants to be able to hold his baby in his arms, and he got sososo excited when the doctor told yall so the doctor asks "oh were you hoping for a girl?"(first one is girl i feel like theyll all be really good girl dads)
-and u giggle "he wasnt hoping for anything specific. hes just happy that were this far along cuz that mean babes coming out soon"
-and we'll skip to birth. hee has done so much reading on parenting books, and all that jazz
-but when babygirl finally comes hes in tears and forgot everything he read. hes just too happy. he sees you holding his baby and he thinks, despite the sweat and tears. this is the most beautiful you look because you have been so strong and brave through out the whole process
-u call him over and ask if hes ready to hold her and something snaps in him "oh um... can i??"
- he just got so worried?? for some reason?? so the nurse smiles and tells him to go sit on the chair so she can pass her to him and while sitting he remembers skin to skin right right
-so he takes off his shirt and when baby is in the nurses arms she starts crying soso hard,
- but once baby was place into hees arms and lying on his bare chest she immediately stops "oh babygirl... hi its dada"
-and ik babies dont really smile unless they're pooping or smthng but the baby smiles at him with her eyes closed
-skip to her first everything,, hee has it all filmed, her first steps, her first taste of solid food, any of her first, you name it
-he'll be one of those dads who are sososo encouraging of every single thing she does
-(even if shes bad at it... "who cares what they say. if you like doing it then continue doing it. only quit if its for yourself not for them")
-shes a lovely singer, she'll somehow remember the songs hee would sing to her while she was in mommas belly and when she was a baby
-he'll cry when shes 10 years old because "my baby... shes not a baby anymore shes in her double digits:((" and she'll hug him even if she feels embarrassed and whispers to him "dont worry dad. i wont be a baby forever. but i'll always be your girl"
-thats what he calls her "my girl" he originally called u that
-and he still does,, whenever he gets home he goes "where are my girls?" or if his babygirl wins something he goes "thats my girl!"
-hes just a really good supportive dad:(( she'll even go to both her parents if shes having relationship problems because she can trust them and they are very trusting of her
jay <3
-ok so jay i think u’d just tell him straight up that ur pregnant
-u guys have been trying for a while and it finally happened so he was very very happy
-i think jay will also talk to ur belly
-he’ll tell baby a lot of random fun facts
-even tell baby about how big/small they are at the moment
-when baby comes hes just ready for it all.
-hes very encouraging of you, tells you that you did amazing before even taking a look at the crying baby
-finally when its his turn to hold his babyboy hes ready.
-the nurse takes the baby from ur arms and tells jay he can either stand or sit on the couch, he prefers to stand
-so he takes off his shirt and holds his arms out for baby
-jay cries while looking at his baby
- so baby is a bit older now, like hee. jay films all the firsts… and seconds
-baby is really smart too
-jay actually got his son an ipad
-but the kid is NOT an ipad kid, he’s actually very very good at time management???
-all the games on the kids ipad are actually some kind of learning games (reading apps, those crossword games, etc.)
-jay loves cooking and so does his son.
-it started from watching his dad cook
-to mixing the soup on the stove
-and finally to just jay watching and tell him what to do/add next
-actually on mothers day and ur birthday they’ll make u breakfast in bed
-their bond is very good<3
jake <3
-so lets say u nd jake already have some fur babies
-yall got two doggo okok so u dress them up wearing those ‘best big sister’ nd ‘best big brother’ sweaters
- “go to daddy” so they do:)
-with u following them slowly so you can see his reaction and he baby talks the dogs lol
-”now what are u silly babies wearing?”
-he takes them both on his lap and his eyes widened when he was able to read it,,
-the pups jump off his lap cuz jake sounded excited so they want to be excited too!!
-”no way…” he goes to run to you nd tbh he almost ran into you so he hugged u
-”is this for real? plz dont be a sick joke”
-”of course its real!”
-he kisses you
-a lot
-he kisses all over ur face nd all over ur belly
-so for this ultrasound its pretty late into the pregnancy and suddenly there are two heartbeat
- both u and the doctor laugh and tell him that has to mean twins
-so u guys go home and suddenly panic arises again
-”....i need to redesign the babyroom”
-u guys have a boy and a girl <3
- so both are very into music and sports
- he teaches them everything he knows and he loves loves LOVES bragging about his kids
- he doesn't do it on purpose but..
- heeseung is telling the group about how his daughter won at her school talent show and jake cant help but mention his kids
-”ohhh *son and daughter* love singing too! actually they’ve been practicing as a duo wanna see a video?!” (he’ll pull out the video before anyone can even say yes)
-hes very good at helping them regulate their emotions too, he lets them feel what it is and lets them talk about them openly
-he never raises his voice at them and if by chance his kids get so angry that they raise their voice at him??
-they’ll immediately apologize because they know its wrong and they’ll say that they promise to do their best not to do it again
-kids are hard especially if theres two the same age
-they argue a lot
- they always make up very quickly, jake and u don’t even have to interfere.
- BUT when u do have to interfere that means it gets really bad
- idk theyre kids so lets say they broke eachothers crayon :(
-both are crazy mad at each other, daughter is a daddys girl, son is a mommys boy
-first move as parents; get them to stop crying
-second to figure out why it all started
- “we wanted to share but we got mad”
- (y'all bought them each a set of crayons…)
- in the end, they make up and showed u their shared drawing of their family… with an extra member
“mommy and daddy we want a baby sibling”
sunghoon <3
-ok hoon wants a baby soooo bad
- he’ll always send u tiktoks of babies and their familes that show up on his fyp and goes like “could be us soon”
-what he doesn't know is that u are pregnant
-idk why u thought he wouldnt want a baby but thats what u thought
-anyway u talk to jay nd ur like “how tf do i tell him?? what if he doesnt want a baby?”
-*que sunghoon sending u another baby related tiktok*
-jay goes “... he spams u with baby and family tiktoks u really think he doesnt want that??”
-”maybe??” anyway so now u go home, thinking instead of how to tell him, not of a bad reaction from him
-finally u thought of it
-make a tiktok revealing it(not posting it publicly just yet. u just saved it to ur phone)
-tiktok is pictures with music first, pictures from ur first date, …post sex selfie(its a cute one ok like ur both smiley) of the date you most likely conceived baby
-then it comes to videos, theres one where u guys were making dinner and started dancing together,
-one where u guys are just smiling at the camera together then he attacks u w kisses
-finally the reveal of the pregnancy test and u at the end saying “im pregnant”
-so you send him that video while ur in the kitchen and hes on the couch living room
the text read “babe look at this cute baby video!!” and he clicks it so fast
-he watched it one… two… three more times and hes crying by the end of it
-”i love you so much!!”
-baby is now born and hes just the happiest hes ever been
-he has a baby boy:((
-i think he’ll record everything and anything his kid does and saves it all until his son is of age to consent to his parents to post his baby photos/videos
-his son loves it lol, he actually encouraged his dad to make an instagram for him so when hes old enough to post on his own he’ll post on that account
-but sunghoons account is basically u, his son, family photos and like a selfie every now and then
-he’ll encourage his son to do everything he wants.
-ur son wants to sing?? sunghoon will bring him to the studio and let him record a bit
-he wants to play soccer?? he’ll go to every single practice day and night
-he wants to ice skate?? hoon will be the best coach
-hoon will never ever force him though. if his kid wants out he’ll try to encourage them to keep trying but if they really dont want it, its over then
-hoon rememinds them if they ever wanna try again that they always can
-by the time his son is a teenager, hoon likes to think of himself as a dad and a friend
-so when his son comes to him with a problem hoon will ask “do you want dad advice first or friend advice first?”
-he’ll always give advice from both perspectives too so his son makes the final decisions on things based on that
-anytime u are out for business, they’ll have movie nights nd fall asleep on the couch together, ur sons head on hoons shoulder and hoons head resting ontop ur sons head<3
sunoo <3
-ok honestly see sunoo as such a good girl dad:((
-he found out u were pregnant before u even did lol
-he made u ur favorite food but u didnt want to eat it so he was like “???”
-he gets excited then says “i’ll be right back!”
-he left to get u take out and to buy some pregnancy tests. he lets u eat first then shows u the tests
-”if u arent we could always try again,, but i’m pretty sure u are” so u took a few
-all were positive
-sunoo smiles the biggest u’ve ever seen him smile
-he picks u up nd twirls u around
-so now ur going to ur 5 months ultrasound, u want to have a gender reveal party but sunoo just wants to know(he does want to have a party tho)
-he jokes with the doctor “if i slip u a signed photo card will u tell me the gender” that earned him a smack from u lol
-u give the envelope with the gender to two j’s cuz they volunteered the fastest
-as much as u guys like the whole blue for boy and pink for girls,, u didnt want that to be the colours so u did purple for girls and orange for boys
-jake and jay made cupcakes but somehow made them all brown…
-they forgot the food colouring lol
-anyway they whispered it to sunoo and sunoo begins to jump around “A BABY GIRRLLL”
-so now the birthing… sun couldnt control his face, this was a beautiful moment but gosh did it look…
-not so beautiful, but his babygirl is here!!
-after a little bit u tell him to lie next to u, he said there was no room so u made room
-”now there is room. lets look at our babygirl together” <3
-now her first birthday,,, sunoo couldnt help himself, he calls her princess so it was princess themed!
-she looked so cute in pigtails, her tiara and of course her little purple princess dress:((
-he also records everything at the party, hes vlogging it all
-so she grows up a bit nd he shows her the video as he does her hair
-”did mom do my hair or did u?” “ i did isnt it obvious?”
-“...dang dad thank goodness u got better at this” “excuse me young lady?” they laugh
-anyway now ur girl is hmm 16
-sunoo still calls her princess and she loves it. she gets princess treatment
-sometimes they even kick u out of the front seat so she sit beside her dad as she drives🤭🤭
jungwon <3
-wonie loves loves kids
-when he goes to film some content with kids he LOVES to send u little videos and pictures of him and the kids hes filming with
-when he gets home, u nd the 6 boys are there. u planned it all together
-so u ask him to check the oven cuz ur baking(u didn't actually bake it, u bought it lol)
-”babe its not even hot… are u sure u baked?”
-"oh wonnnie what did you just do?”
“...take bread out of the oven?”
-”jungwon its buns.. theres buns in the oven”
-”..what does that even mean”
- he dropped the bread lol
-finally when it registered in his mind he ran to u nd hugged u “but why did u tell them first??”
-okay baby is born and hes in tears
-”are you okay?...our baby is crying and the doctors and nurses got him rn.” he says wiping ur hair out of ur face
-”i’m okay.. and i’m so happy but in so much pain ahaha”
-he smiled and kissed ur forehead, then ur nose nd finally ur lips.
-the nurse brings the now clean baby to u and gently places baby in ur arms
-”she looks so beautiful..” “she’s gnna grow up to be just like you y/n”
-jungwon was wrong. babygirl looks exactly like him but with longer hair hehe
-she even has his deep deep dimples, shes so cute when she smiles:((
-both of u cant even be mad that she looks like him(he realllyyy wanted a mini u when he gets a daughter)
-anyway now shes like 3? she loves calling her dadda for everythinggg
-she wants to play princess? dadda on his way
-she wants a piggyback ride for the 960427195 time? dadda is on his way
-she still counts on him always now that shes older, just now she calls him dad.
-dad always drops anything and everything for her.
-dads filming some content but his personal ringtone for his babygirl goes off. hes outta there
-she loves to dance too!!
-actually she watches jungwons dance from i-land(she hasnt watched the show yet but she seen a lot of the happier clips/edits)
-she tries to copy it a lot cuz she wants to be just like him dancing wise
-anyway shes a total daddys girl
(uncle) ni-ki <3
-alright we know ni-ki is… well you know how ni-ki is
-but he is the best babysitter ever!!
-he’ll come over without even getting asked to lol
-”hi guys i’m here to babysit!”
-”...but ni-ki we weren't even going out today..”
-”yeah well i got bored so get out of here so i can hang out with my minis”
-so they leave ni-ki with the children
- ni-ki is actually a really good babysitter, he knows how to have fun but also knows when things get too far
- “alright kiddos show me where your parents hide the candy. we get 2 pieces each after a healthy dinner”
-he knows his hyungs hide the candy high up cuz the kids cant reach it
-when things get out of hand, he will never ever raise his voice.
-he’ll give a big sigh and the kids just know to stop what theyre doing and to listen to him
-he wont ever use 'negative’ words i.e instead of “no fighting” he’ll say smthng like “lets all get along”
-then he sets up some music for them to dance to
-if they ask him, he’ll dance with them too
-they’ll even ask him to teach them and he happily will teach them
-hehe the kids will request to learn billy poco heheh
-ni-ki hates it but teaches it nonetheless
-once theyre all tired out (including ni-ki) they all sit on the couch and put on a movie
-they all fall asleep on ni-ki :)
-all the parents have pictures of ni-ki nd their kids sleeping
-actually all the kids come together and make like a slideshow of all the fun they’ve had with their favorite unlce for his birthday:)
tags; @criceofpain @celeste-hoon @jaylaxies @ajayke-reads
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max-xie · 3 months
in honour of gothcleats becoming cannon, all gothcleats moments throughout season 2 (some are more of a stretch then others but shhhhh)
normal and taylor teasing link about asking scary out on a date even though that wasnt what the note said -ep 1
scary says link is metal for pissing on a teachers foot - ep 1
link saying scary is a better soccer player then him - ep 1
link askes scary and only scary what class she is - ep 1
scary choses to go to detention with link - ep 3
scary says link is cool for leaving class - ep 3
link wrote scarys name first when writing to the principal about skipping school -ep 3
link said scary was smarter then him - ep 3
link offers scary to the dance with him or normal and she in return gets very flustered and says no -ep 5
scary admits link is her friend - ep 5
when taylor mentioned that link needed another date, scary sighed loudly to draw attention to her - ep 5
link's voice gets higher when he is talking about how scary is doing a speed date and he said he "doesnt care" very rushedly like he was lying - ep 5
scary called link "pretty cool" - ep 5
link was the only one listening to scary when she went to the mic to tell everyone to run from the dance even though the mic wasnt on -ep 6
link said that scary should get something when the group was saying who should get what from the vending machine - ep 7
link said that he hopes scary is okay - ep 10
link got scary a black coffee and sugar just how she likes it with out him asking, plus he noticed how she likes her coffee - ep 11
link called scary really nice - ep 12
link helps out scary to not be scared in the up down room - ep 13
scary told link not to listen when papa john was talking to them - ep 15
scary knew links exact height - ep 17
scary giving advice to link on how to talk on the phone - ep 17
scary didnt want to say to link "dont get cocky kid, this is the only pussy youre gonna get" when sparrow suggested it -ep18
link and scary figured out how all the magical items worked together - ep 18
link said that scary is probably a good singer - ep 19
link said scary dresses cool - ep 19
scary said that link is so cool when wearing goth clothes - ep 19
out of everyone, scary insults link the least when vinc asks her to insult her friends -ep 20
link went "yes!" when scary said she wants to go back to soccar - ep 20
link giving advice to terry jr about scary and how terry can show his love for her -ep 20
link says "scary youre such a leader" -ep 21
scary tells grant to give link some space -ep 23
link asks scary and only scary if thats her when when went to the church of the doodler and changed into their grand daddies -ep 23
link tells hermie to be a little less when flirting with scary -ep 24
links dnd character is a LOT like scary, plays soccer, looks deep and brooding but is broken inside -ep 24
link misses scary when she wasnt there with them - ep 26
taylor said "fuck scary!" and link said "well... i dont know" - ep 26
1:05:00 (with ads) aka gothcleats bitchy era - ep 27
link breaks the pic anchor with love for scary ("not leaving the group"🙄) -ep 29/30
when mat rolled a 17 for whether the anchor was broken out of love or hate and when the 17 was rolled freddie said "that's love baby" -ep 30
link defended scary against normal -ep 30
scary said that link had a good normal impression -ep 30
scary laughed at links joke -ep 30
link said that he is worried about scary -ep 30
scary said that she never thought that link was a piss boy and defended him -ep 30
link was the only one not to say "i" when they made a vote whether or not theyll vote scary out -ep 30
link heals scary even though they are fighting eachother -ep 31
link hugs scary and scary takes the hug -ep 31
even though scary casts eldrich blast link keeps hugging -ep 31
link said that scary looks peaceful when she sleeps -ep 32
link defends scary by saying she is going through something when taylor was mad at her -ep 32
link says that scary is always funny -ep 33
link asks scary what character she is and asks nobody else -ep 33
link kept on saying "you can do this scary! you can do this" -ep 34
normal as pickle rick told link to tell scary he likes her (and to just fuck already) - ep 34
normal apologies to link about what he said about him telling link to to ask out scary and said that he can ask her out in his own time - ep 34
link screamed "where did scary go" when she disappeared -ep 37
link told normal to stop talking about dads bc scarys step dad died -ep 38
normal said that scary and link had a big crush on eachother and they didnt deny it -ep 38
link said he HAS LOVE FOR SCARY -ep 39
link said that all of scarys thought are dark and beautiful -ep 40
link gives scary protection -ep 41
scary defends link when grant said he is going through a phase - ep 42
link said that scary doesnt need to apologise to tony pepperoni -ep 44
link says he only cares if scary feels better -ep 44
link told only scary a joke about tony and how his wife hated him -ep 44
link says that they should cook dinner for scary more often and asking her if she wants dinner - ep 44
scary is the first person to help link when he turns into lego -ep 48
scary reassurances link that he isnt dead and she trys to calm him down -ep 48
scary declared link the leader and said he was really strong -ep 48
scary said that link is greater then the sum of his parts -ep 48
Lincoln askes where scary is first -ep 49
link got mad when they didnt save scary -ep 49
link wants to find scary -ep 50
scary wishes for links ball when they wished for him without it and he got upset he didnt have it with him -ep 51
link says "thanks scary you really get me" -ep 51
link says that scary is good at a lot of things -ep 51
scary turned into lerry bc she saw link go into heaven prison and she didnt do anything about it (like try to stop that from happening) and her tone sounded sad when she told the group this -ep 51
link says that scary turning into lerry was really impressive -ep 51
scary freaked out when link said he was not needed -ep 51
link said scarys jeans were cool -ep 52
link said that scary is such a good whistler -ep 52
link remembered reminded the group about how scary wants the thrown -ep 52
link convinced taylor to be the air dropper so that scary could have the thrown -ep 52
scary and link talked about what theyll do when they all become god only together -ep 53
link and scary talking about buffy -ep 53
link asked scary what she thinks about the whole god wish situation -ep 53
linc called scary honey -ep 53
scary called linc babe -ep 53
linc called scary babe -ep 53
scary says "oh i love you" to link -ep 53
link says "oh i love you too" to scary -ep 53
link puts his arm around scary to dance -ep 53
link and scary have a son together named "gerry" -ep 53
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billluver0124 · 4 days
"middle school shenanigans!"
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synopsis : tom goes through his 'first love' experience with y/n! WARNINGS: there is none, its a fluff story !!
authors note: once again, @rottinglilys helped me with the plot of the story ! i hope you guy enjoy my lovies<3
it all started back last year in grade 7, tom had a MASSIVE crush on y/n. he would always catch himself staring at her in classes because they had most classes together.
he always adored how she looked; her hair, her eyes, her bubbly personality, her willingness to be kind towards those who dont deserve it. but most of all...her smile. toms heart used to explode like fireworks whenever he was blessed to see her smiled.
then on the day before spring break started, tom slipped her a note in her locker.
"Hey, ich bin in dich verknallt. Magst du mich auch?
ja oder nein ?-t.k"
y/n was so confused when she got the note. she didn't know what 't.k' stood for, until the very last hour of school. when tom decided to man up and go up to her.
"y/n!" he yelled, jogging up to her to catch her attention. she turns around "oh hi tom!" she said, smiling. tom almost fell to his knees right then and there, but no! he needed to tell her how she felt! "did you get my note?" tom asked, his hand wrapped around the back of his neck. then it hit y/n straight in the face, t.k = tom kaulitz, how could i be so fucking stupid? she thought to herself. "o-oh uh yea!" she answered nervously. "c-can i see it?" tom asked, y/n nervously giving it back. he opens it to see that it wasnt answered "you didnt answer it, do you not like me back?" tom felt his heart sting a little but it was soon reassured. "n-no i do like you, i like you a-a lot!..." y/n blurted out "i just didnt know what 't.k' meant at first until now..." tom chuckled, "what did you think it meant?" "i-i dont know...t-turkey kabob?" she joked, causing them to both laugh. after a moment of silence, tom speaks "so, are you my girlfriend now?" tom asked, not knowing where to go from here. y/n nods, giving him a hug. tom feels his heart flutter at the feeling of y/n in his arms. "you wanna hangout this weekend? ill ask my mom if its okay" she asked, tom nods "yea for sure! ill see you then"
it was now grade 8, tom and y/n have been dating for a year! their families have grown fond of each other and they hangout at each others house after school most of the week and sometimes on weekends...
with the condition that the door must stay open of course...
today they were at toms house, tom was showing her a song he was playing some guitar for her and she just peacefully watched. y/n always admired toms talent on guitar, she knew he was gonna make it big one day.
after a little while, he puts the guitar away and pats a spot next to him "wanna cuddle liebe?" he asked, she smiles and lays next to him. he pulls her into his embrace, her pretty head rests upon his chest as he strokes her hair.
as tom stroked her hair, y/n found herself staring at a particular feature on his face, his lips. the pretty pink color, the way they curved into a smile whenever he was happy, and oh my god his lip piercing...y/ns never kissed anyone before, but she wanted to kiss him so bad. "is something wrong?" tom asked, slightly nervous. "nothing its just..." y/n took a breath before she finished her question "h-have you ever kissed anyone?" tom sighed "uhm, yeah..my babysitter when i was like..9" "oh.." "why? have you ever kissed anyone schatz?" tom asked, y/n looks down; embarassed "n-no, i havent.."
then almost immediately, tom got an idea in his little brain>.<
"do you want to have your first kiss?" "well, yeah every girl wants to have their first kiss" y/n joked "no schatzi..." tom chuckled "i mean do you want to have it...with me?" y/n hesitates for a moment, nervous of if shes a good kisser or not. shes really new to this! what if shes a bad kisser? what if she goes too far? but it couldnt be that bad right? its just a kiss for christs sake!
"yeah..is that okay tommy?" "its more than okay with me schatzi.." tom sat up, scooting closer to her "you ready?" he asked...
y/n nods, shakily moving her face closer to him. tom places a hand on her cheek then boom! their lips were sealed together! (aww so cute! >.<) y/n places a hand on his shoulder, deepening the kiss. then they let go because if they kissed any longer they would suffocate!
"woah.." y/n mumbled, tom chuckling at her reaction "did you like it?" "yeah i did" y/n said, softly smiling... "then we should kiss more often then hm?" tom said, smirking at his girlfriend.
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HELLO HOPE UR HAVING A NICE DAY! i would like to request a shinobu x fem!reader(she/her) :) ok so, this is when shinobu is in her past personality and kanae is still alive, reader has a crush on the grumpy shinobu and tries to court her but, shinobu denies all of the reader’s confessions because shes scared to be in a relationship considering the world theyre in. (obv reader doesnt give up but i wouldnt either) fast travel to kanaes death and reader tries to cheer shinobu up but suddenly shinobu just snaps at the reader (due to stress and overwhelmness) and tells reader to leave her alone for good and reader does just that. reader stops with trying to court shinobu and shinobu will lowkey miss the readers shenanigans and shinobu deeply regrets yelling at reader, so shinobu goes to reader and apologizes and they live happily ever after! I HOPE THAT WASNT TOO COMPLICATED! I TRIED TO MAKE IT SIMPLE BUT MY BRAIN IS IMAGINING SO MUCH AND I HAD RO GET THIS ONE OUT 😍 I LOVE ALL OF YOUR FICS AND YOUVE BEEN MY FAV SHINOBU WRITER IN TUMBLR! HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT -⭐️
A Trade of Equal Value
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: I had a pretty good time writing this one (even if I was still working on it at 2am last night lol)! The timeline is also kinda scuffed because I didn’t want to write in the four years between Kanae’s death and where Shinobu is mentally by the time Tanjirou and Co come around, but I still imagine her at the same age she is when the boys are introduced. I also got pretty angsty with Kanae’s death and Shinobu lashing out, but as usual, it turns out alright in the end.I feel like I should also note that Shinobu has a panic attack which I have bracketed with ‘~~~’. Shinobu even gets a little Gomez Addams-y at the end which I think is pretty nice if I do say so myself. Thanks for the request, I hope you like the result! Word Count: 4,906
“Shinobu, wait up!”
Shinobu exhaled audibly and Kanae giggled beside her, hooking her arm with Shinobu’s so that she couldn’t escape the other demon slayer quickly catching up to them.
“Be nice,” Kanae advised her.
“I’m plenty nice.” Shinobu whispered defensively. She enjoyed (Y/n)’s company more than most of the other people she had to deal with on a daily basis, but she was just getting back from a mission that lasted all night and she was too tired to cater to whatever scheme (Y/n) was cooking up this time.
“Shinobu!” (Y/n) caught up to the sisters and hugged Shinobu from behind, “And hello to you too, Kanae-san!”
“Hello, (Y/n)-chan, how was your night?” Kanae asked, nearly smirking as her rosy-cheeked sister attempted to free herself from (Y/n)’s embrace. (Y/n) showed Shinobu mercy by letting her go and walking at her side instead.
“Pretty quiet. Everything went alright on your end?”
“Just fine.” Kanae confirmed.
“Good! So, um, Shinobu,”
Oh gods, here she goes again… Shinobu braced herself.
“There is a street festival going on in downtown Tokyo tomorrow. Want to go check it out with me? As a date? Or not… whatever you are more comfortable with.”
“What a fun idea!” Kanae spoke on Shinobu’s behalf, “She’ll be happy to go with you!”
“Neesan!” Shinobu objected.
“Am I wrong?” Kanae pouted, “would you not like to spend time with (Y/n)? Should I maybe go with her instead? I wouldn’t mind getting out for the day.”
Shinobu turned her head so (Y/n) couldn’t see her face and scowled at Kanae. Never let it be said that Kanae couldn’t be as conniving as she was kind.
Shinobu had met (Y/n) during Final Selection. They had spent most of that hellish week together, quickly forming a rapport that continued even after they made it out of the wisteria forest. They went on missions together often and spent a lot of off time together too.
They grew very close, close enough that Shinobu’s mood would sour when (Y/n) wasn’t around. Close enough that Kanae felt the need to tease her about how close they walked together in the halls. Close enough that (Y/n) had confessed to Shinobu a few weeks ago and was now trying yet another courting attempt.
Shinobu enjoyed spending time with (Y/n), but if they became any closer than they already were and (Y/n) went out for a mission and never came back, Shinobu was afraid of where that would leave her. It was hard enough to lose people she had met in passing, friends, family… she didn’t want to know what it was like to lose a romantic partner too. She had already witnessed such a thing a few months back.
There was a fiancée of one slayer Shinobu had known in passing since she was a Kakushi. She had been sent to clean up a location before another demon was discovered in the area. Woefully ill-equipped to deal with the situation, she had lost her life.
When the slayer who was her betrothed had received the news, he deteriorated over the next three weeks before finally passing away in his bed at the Butterfly Estate. Shinobu had fumed over the loss.
“There was nothing wrong with him!” She had exclaimed heatedly, angry at the situation. She had been unable to find anything physically wrong with the young man in all the tests she had done.
Kanae smiled sympathetically and put her hands on Shinobu’s shoulders as they watched the Kakushi remove the covered body from the infirmary.
“Sometimes there is just no curing a broken heart,” She had replied.
“I’ll go.” Shinobu gave Kanae a warning glare when her lips split into a larger smile, then she turned back to (Y/n), making the girl jump at the intensity of her stare, “But it is not a date.”
(Y/n) closed her eyes briefly and exhaled softly through her nose before giving Shinobu a small shrug and a relaxed smile, “Understood.”
That’s how it always went. (Y/n) sweetly telling Shinobu she loved her with little gifts and proposed outings with intentions clear. It became as normal a part of their relationship as anything else they did together.
Time and time again, Shinobu would deny her, but always kept her close. She would never admit it, never give herself a moment to reflect on it, but every time (Y/n) expressed her interest in courting her, although Shinobu denied her at every turn, she always felt a sense of relief that (Y/n) was still interested in her.
There had been a few occasions where (Y/n) had gotten friendly with other people and put Shinobu on edge. These instances made her feel jealous and more irritable than what was common for the younger of the Kochou sisters, but (Y/n) always came back to her in the end, even if Shinobu had to do a little prodding behind the scenes.
Kanae had noticed one such occasion and gently scolded Shinobu for it.
“If you are not intending to pursue a courtship with (Y/n), you really mustn’t sabotage the potential for her to find someone who wants to do what you will not. That wouldn’t be fair. Don’t keep her heart if you are not going to share yours in return. Regardless of what you decide, you must treat (Y/n) well. Friend or lover. Do you understand, Shinobu?”
To be lectured by Kanae was truly humbling and even embarrassing to an extent. If Kanae actually scolded someone, one would assume they must have really deserved it. Which is why Shinobu grunted a quick, “yes”, with her eyes cast shamefully to the floor before all but stomping away.
So maybe she had gone a bit overboard interfering with (Y/n)’s sparring partner’s recovery training schedule, but in her defense, (Y/n) was her partner first. Even if she had been okay with back to back sessions, Shinobu didn’t want anything less than (Y/n)’s best when they sparred so that meant nameless-sparkly-eyed-touchy-slayer had to find something else to occupy their time.
Turning the corner after exiting Kanae’s room, she found (Y/n) waiting for her. Leaning against the wall with a couple of wooden swords in her hands, she offered one to Shinobu with a inquisitive look.
“Want to let off some steam?” She asked.
“Yeah,” Shinobu managed a small grin at the offer, taking the sword and ignoring the tingles that traveled through her body when their hands touched.
This was what she wanted, the same steadfast compatibility they had when they met in the forest. Nothing scary, just them in their most pure and uncomplicated form. Was that so wrong? Kanae shouldn’t judge Shinobu for wanting this… the only opinions that mattered in this instance were her own and (Y/n)’s, and perhaps that was true to an extent, but Kanae’s wisdom about treating (Y/n)’s heart with care should not have been so easily pushed to the back of Shinobu’s mind… because it would be the last time such advice left Kanae’s lips.
The preparations for Kanae’s funeral had simultaneously happened agonizingly slow and all too fast. The most time Shinobu had to process her sister’s death was probably in those moments holding her beaten and bloodied body waiting for the Kakushi to collect her from the battlefield. She had held her long enough to notice how her skin had gone cold as the sunrise broke over the hills much too late to save the Hashira from her unforgiving fate. The emptiness she felt when the Kakushi finally arrived and gently took Kanae’s weight off of her almost felt worse than the initial death.
But there was no time to dwell on that. There was work to do. Cremation, service, paperwork, becoming the head of the mansion and taking on all of the duties that entailed. Meetings with Oyakata-sama himself and his condolences and hopes for her moving forward. She had already been close to becoming eligible for a Hashira position herself, but she hadn’t thought she would soon be replacing her sister instead of sitting beside her.
When she could finally be alone, Shinobu collapsed onto the tatami floor of her bedroom and wept, Kanae’s haori tightly wound within her grasp. What would she do? What would she do without her? Her sister, who loved and understood her more than any other, gone with one last, rattling breath that even now echoed within Shinobu’s ears. Her own breathing now was too shallow, her eyes stung and she couldn’t see. Her stomach felt cold and heart twisted so viscously in her chest that she felt physically ill.
Hands suddenly wrapped around her biceps and she tried to pull away, still struggling to breathe. The hands left for but a moment before they returned, fingers touching more cautiously than before. Slowly running up and down her arms to her hands and then back up to shoulders and the back of her neck, continuing the motion repeatedly.
Over time, the static in her ears dissipated and she was able to hear a soft voice, urging her to breath. She suddenly felt so exhausted that she couldn’t keep herself upright and fell forward, but instead of the floor, forehead fell against something more solid, but not hard. The arms wrapped around her and the voice continued to coax her to breathe, now gently swaying her from side to side.
Shinobu had no idea how much time had passed when she finally had the strength to pull away, seeing (Y/n) looking over her with worry. It made her feel so small and powerless and… and angry.
“Why,” Shinobu rasped sharply, “are you here?”
(Y/n) flinched backward at Shinobu’s tone, swallowing a lump in the back of her throat before answering.
“With everything that happened, I was worried about you. I could hear you from the hall, you scared me.”
“So?” Shinobu spat, trying to get up, but her legs weren’t cooperating. (Y/n) reached forward to help her, “Don’t.” Shinobu quickly rebuffed.
(Y/n)’s hands returned to her lap, tightly clasped. “I’m sorry. I’ve never seen you like this before. Please, tell me how I can help.”
“I don’t want your help.” Shinobu growled. “Why, why can’t you just leave me alone? You just can’t take no for an answer, can you?” Shinobu wasn’t yelling, but the harshness of her tone was just as sharp in (Y/n)’s ears. “Help me,” She scoffed, though it sounded more like a whimper in her ears, making her more angry, “unless you can bring the dead back to life, stay the hell away from me.”
“Shinobu, please—“
Shinobu was so full of rage and anguish, her misdirected anger only became more pointed. The lack of control was eating at her, she felt like she was lost on treacherous seas, trying to stay afloat by dragging (Y/n) under the churning black water so that she could maybe get just one full breath without swallowing the salty brine. It would be so easy. The one thing that she could control.
“This isn’t something you can fix! This isn’t a fairy tale where you get the girl by saying a few sappy half-baked sentiments. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want you?”
The words struck (Y/n) deeply, but she tried to power through, “That’s not why I’m here, Shinobu. I swear I’m not expecting anything to change. You’re hurting, and as your friend I—“
“You aren’t my friend!” Shinobu shouted. “Time and time again you ask to court me. Time and time again I refuse you. Your narcissism knows no bounds... The kindness you are attempting to show me is a forgery! A means to the end you keep badgering me for! You are reprehensible, a thorn wedged in my side, I can’t stand you, can’t you see that?! Leave!”
Shinobu’s heavy breathing was deafening in the quiet left behind by her words. Glaring down at (Y/n), she felt no lighter. No weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. In fact, as the sound of silence grew, the air around them only seemed to become thicker.
After stewing in the silence, (Y/n) attempted to speak. Her voice cracked on the first word and with it, Shinobu’s heart. She slowly got to her feet as if she had been physically beaten, avoiding Shinobu’s eyes as she turned away to wipe at her own.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered through a hitched sob that made Shinobu’s blood chill, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you felt like that.”
Tell her you don’t. Take it all back, hurry. Try to make it better. Don’t let her slip away too. A hurried whisper within Shinobu’s mind pleaded, but she found herself mute, still and rigid as a statue. Her mind was fuzzy, yet somehow working in overdrive, but she appeared to not have the means to do anything about it.
“I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable. It was hard enough asking the first time, I wouldn’t have asked again if Kanae-san,” another choked sob, “if she hadn’t encourage me to keep trying, if she hadn’t sounded so sure that you felt the same, I wouldn’t have bothered you after that...
Even so, I should have noticed how you really felt. I didn’t pay close enough attention, yet I still claimed to love you. I really am the worst, huh?”
Shinobu could see the terrible false smile (Y/n) wore as she slowly slid the door open and shuffled into the hall. The voice in Shinobu’s head screamed at her to move, to speak, to stop (Y/n) from slipping out of the room completely, but she still stood stubbornly frozen.
“I’m sorry, I’ll leave you alone. I promise.”
The door closed, furthering the chasm between them and casting Shinobu’s room in darkness once more. She could hear (Y/n)’s footsteps fading, but instead of following, she slid back down to the floor in a strange state between wakefulness and unconsciousness. Not quite grasping the gravity of this event until much later when the other girls finally had her eating and sleeping properly again and she had some time to reflect.
(Y/n) had made good on her promise to leave Shinobu alone. When Shinobu had worked up the courage to find her and apologize for all the awful things she said nearly a month ago, the room that was all but officially (Y/n)’s was uniform with the other empty rooms spread across the mansion.
Kiyo had found her standing in the doorway and timidly approached.
“(Y/n)-san told us that she was going to ask the Stone Hashira if he was willing to take on another Tsuguko. Her crow sent us a letter a couple days later. She was accepted. The Kakushi helped relocate her belongings.”
“Oh.” Shinobu softly exclaimed, because what else could she say? It was either that or sink to the floor like a slug and Shinobu wasn’t quite ready to go that route yet.
“But now that you know, you could go talk to her. If you wanted to.” Kiyo cautiously added. She and the other girls may or may not have caught wind of what had happened, but were too nervous to try to interfere before now.
“Thank you, Kiyo. I think I will do just that.”
“Himejima-san, please.”
Shinobu couldn’t believe that Gyomei of all people was getting in her way of speaking to (Y/n). The man who had saved her and introduced her to a cultivator had been a father figure to her for years now and to have him standing in her way like he was now stung.
“It is not my decision to make,” Gyomei shook his head, still standing firm, “She does not wish to see you. Why that is, I do not know, but it is the decision she has made and one that I must honor.”
“I need to see her, it’s urgent.” She insisted.
“Is her health failing?”
“Does she have a mission?”
“Then I see no reason to yield, young Kochou.” Gyomei shook his head woefully, “But I can tell this is important to you, if you have a message for her, I shall relay it for you if you are comfortable.”
Shinobu stared past Gyomei, looking longingly at the towering fence that enclosed his estate. She honed in on the sound of slayers training beyond the walls, hoping to hear (Y/n)’s voice among the shouts and grunts and clacking practice swords, but heard no such sound in the commotion.
“Can I write it out myself?” She asked Gyomei. He nodded.
“I will allow it… Again, I don’t know what this is about, but take time and care in writing what you want to say. You can send En by when you’ve completed your letter or hand it off to myself.”
“Very well. I shall do that.” With one last look at the tall fence, Shinobu turned to leave and Gyomei spoke up once more.
“Do not get disheartened if you do not get the results you hope for right away. Find a happy medium between patience and persistence and perhaps she will come around.”
“I’ll keep it in mind. Thank you.”
As soon as Shinobu got home, she locked herself in her office for hours and every attempted draft of apology could not even begin to touch on all she regretted. Her waste bin was overflowing by the time she had something that didn’t immediately make her want to rip the offending paper in two. Before she could change her mind, she sent En off with the letter and waited anxiously for a reply. Hoping beyond hope they could go back to where they were before. Shinobu needed that familiarity and stability. She craved it. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait terribly long for a reply, but unfortunately it read,
I’m relieved to hear you are in a better place, but just as you have had time to reflect on that night, I have as well.
Your words that night hurt me in a way that I’ve never been hurt before, made worse by the fact that it was you who had said them to me.
Part of me wanted to be furious with you, I thought that I should be, but I wasn’t. I was empathetic to your loss and the new responsibilities that were thrust upon you. But even though I tried to convince myself that you lashed out because of the pressure, I believe there was some truth in what you had said.
If I could go back in time, I would have just kept my feelings to myself to spare us all the trouble. Despite this, I am happy that you hope to patch things up between us.
However, in my reflection, I came to the conclusion that even after all of this, I am still hopelessly in love with you despite everything. In the interest of preserving my heart, and saving you from the discomfort of my affections, I do not think it wise for us to reconnect. At least, not until I manage to get over you. I don’t know how long that will take, but given that not a waking hour passes that I don’t think about you, it probably won’t be any time soon.
I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable to read this, I’m just trying to be honest. Tell the girls I said hi, and please take care of yourself.
Wishing you the best,
“Wishing you the best?” Shinobu hissed under her breath, the paper crinkling between the harsh pinching of her fingertips. “There is no best of me without you, idiot.”
Shinobu allowed herself time to cry, but not a lot. Gyomei’s words were still on her mind. If she wanted (Y/n) back, she wasn’t going to get her by crying, but now she needed to make a very important choice.
Continue to push for friendship, or confront the romantic feelings that she had fought like hell to keep hidden. Was accepting those feelings and the vulnerability the would bring worse than not having (Y/n) in her life at all?
“Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” Shinobu softly pondered the old proverb. Kanae had been a fan of the saying and Shinobu had never really understood the sentiment until now.
Though she was going to fight like hell to be worthy of the love she had lost and reclaim it once more.
“Another letter? En, that’s three just today. You don’t have to bend to her every whim.” (Y/n) fussed over the bird, setting her up with fresh water and seed.
“It is important to Shinobu, so it is important to me.” The loyal crow proudly stated, though she was very grateful for (Y/n)’s continued hospitality.
“Just try not to over do it.” (Y/n) sighed and unfurled the letter, quickly catching the pressed flowers within and quietly cursing as bits of the brittle plants flaked off and fell to the floor. She carefully paced the dried flowers on her desk and scanned over the letter, finding it to be another poem. “What is she trying to achieve here? Why is she doing this?”
“To win back your trust, your heart,” En cocked her head left and then right, “Is it not obvious? Should I suggest being more direct?”
“Why does she want my heart so badly all of the sudden?” A bit of irritation slipping into her tone, “Is it something she wants to seal up in a jar? Bet she’d enjoying having it up on a shelf in the lab. Maybe a paper weight on her desk.”
“You humans vex me,” En’s feathers ruffled, “just give each other something shiny and make up.”
“If only it were that simple.” (Y/n) murmured, finishing her curt response to Shinobu’s poem, denying her a visit once again. She then placed the letter beside En. “You can take your time heading back, and if she tries to insist on a fourth delivery today, turn her down for the good of your health.”
En released a low caw that could only be interpreted as a scoff. Promptly scooping up the letter and taking her leave, passing Gyomei in the hallway.
“(Y/n), is all well? You are late for training.”
(Y/n) winced, “I’m so sorry Master. I got distracted.”
“Kochou-san again?”
“And you still will not see her?” (Y/n)’s silence was answer enough. “Why?”
“I guess when it comes right down to it, I’m scared. Whether it’s me putting my own heart out there, or her actively trying to obtain it, I feel like it will inevitably end the same and I don’t think I could go through that again.”
Gyomei hummed thoughtfully, “I think I understand your concerns. Matters of the heart are certainly not easy. Especially when it has already been hurt before. I’m sure you will make your peace with her soon, but I pray that peace and satisfaction will find you sooner.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“Can I expect you to join the rest of your peers for training now?”
“Of course!”
“Wonderful. I expect you to have two boulders beaten down to gravel by nightfall.”
(Y/n)’s shoulders slumped and she suppressed a groan.
“Yes, sir.”
This would be a long day…
Shinobu halfheartedly paged through the new medicinal tome that had arrived the day prior. She had been eagerly anticipating its arrival for months, but now with En’s latest return proving she had failed to entice (Y/n) once again, she hardly had the motivation.
She was surprised when Gyomei’s crow, Zekka, came to perch at her window some hours later. She took the letter from his beak and he quickly flew off. He was not expecting a reply, she supposed. She unfurled the textured paper and scanned the punched message which simply read,
The best way to receive what it is you are looking for, is to give something of equal value in return.
Himejima Gyomei
“Really, Himejima-san, is this supposed to be a riddle?” Shinobu shook her head, but a determined spark lit up her eyes and she got to work.
(Y/n) slumped to the ground, uncaring that she was resting in a pile of rubble. She had destroyed the boulders just as the sun had sank behind the mountains, but at what cost? Himejima seemed nice, but his training was beyond brutal. If the secret of Stone Breathing was to make one’s arms as heavy and stiff as stone, (Y/n) was surely going to be a Master in no time. Her eyes drooped shut. It wouldn’t be the first time she took a dirt nap after training, but an insistent voice was preventing that.
“Hello, hello, please don’t fall asleep out here, (Y/n). I could probably name ten different reasons why it would be a horrible decision.”
Cold hands prodded at her face and sore arms, making her groan in protest and try to shimmy away.
“If you don’t massage and stretch now, you are going to be completely immobile tomorrow. Which may be helpful actually, at least then you won’t be able to run away from me.”
(Y/n) heard her arm crack and pop, which would have have alarming except it felt like a relief. She cracked opened her eyes, soon blown wide open when she realized who was busy cracking and rotating her aching wrist. If her heart had ever raced when she saw Shinobu (which it did) it was sprinting now. Damn traitorous organ never learned.
“What are you doing here? How are you here?” She whispered, not even because she was pretty sure she was dehydrated, but because it just felt appropriate to whisper.
“Jumped over the fence.” Shinobu answered casually, taking her time cracking (Y/n)’s knuckles and massaging her palm now, “Though I’m sure Himejima-san is well aware of my presence and wouldn’t have minded me using the front gate this time around. And for your first question, I’m here for you.”
“Shinobu, I told you that I—“
“—I have something I want to give you formally. What you decide to do from there is completely your choice. I know I have always asked a lot of you, but please allow me this once more.”
“…Okay.” Even after nearly four months of separation, (Y/n) found herself still unable to deny her. In her mind, this did not bode well for what little progress she thought she had made.
“Thank you.”
Shinobu stoked her thumbs over the palm of (Y/n)’s hand before bringing it to her chest, placing it over her heart and holding it there with both hands.
“Wh-what are you doing?” (Y/n) squeaked, trying to inch her palm higher, somehere above Shinobu’s clavicle and not quite so close to the swell of her chest, but Shinobu held firm.
“Do you feel that?” She asked.
“What am I supposed to be feeling?!”
“My heartbeat, of course. Can’t you feel it? It’s beating rather hard right now.”
It was hard to pay attention to anything other than her own racing heart if she was honest. Besides, a hand to someone’s chest wasn’t the best way to find a pulse. Shinobu of all people should know that.
“Maybe this will help.”
(Y/n) let Shinobu shift their positions around, mostly because she was still stiff and her body was refusing to cooperate with her own wishes. After a bit of maneuvering, she found her cheek resting on Shinobu’s chest instead, a speedy and strong drumbeat pressed against her ear.
“Is that better?” Shinobu asked.
“Why are you doing this?”
“To show you that you are not alone, that this is the power you have over me. My heart is yours, it always has been, but I’m giving it to you formally now.”
“Shinobu, I can’t—“
“I don’t expect you to give yours in return, I know I don’t deserve it yet, but I hope to one day. Will you allow me the honor of courting you. You owe me nothing, but I beg of you to allow me the chance to love you the way you deserve to be loved.”
“Why the change of heart?”
“Because losing out on the moments we could have while living together is more frightening to me than death itself. I don’t know how much time either of us has, but I want to spend it all with you.”
(Y/n)’s breath caught in her throat and her eyes began to water. A quiet sob shook her shoulders and she felt Shinobu’s arms tighten around her. She was so doomed. Try as she might, her heart was very clear. It belonged to Shinobu, no matter what she decided to do. That didn’t mean she couldn’t make her really work for it though.
“Alright, I accept,” (Y/n) sniffed, “you may court me.”
Shinobu gasped softly then took (Y/n)’s hand from her lap, kissing the back of it while locking eyes with her. The intensity of her stare sent a shiver down (Y/n)’s spine.
“I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity. The same one I had denied you of several times in the past. The goddess my heart is devoted to is a merciful one. How unworthy I am of your blessing.”
“I think you have been reading too much poetry.” (Y/n) spoke in a strained whisper, flustered by Shinobu’s intensity. She had never imagined she could be like this.
“Oh this is only the beginning,” Shinobu declared, a purple flame burning in her eyes more vibrantly than any chemical reaction could produce, “You best prepare yourself.”
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luckieduckiie · 1 month
im fried | d. dennis
you and your friend are in the club and you spot future… or you think you do.
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the lights were dim, a little too dim some may say, but it didnt help that you were drunk either. too drunk, and well maybe a little high too.
“bro, is that future ?” you say to your friend, pulling her close, your eyes wide as you point to the dreaded man standing in the vip section.
“bitch!” she exclaims jumping up and down. “it is oh my god! OH MY GOD!”
a grin finds its way to your face as you look at her.
“im the shit bitch i know.” you say smugly. “ im going to go ask for a picture come one.”
you feel her hand grab your belt loop as she follows you throughout the sea of people, a chorus of excuse me’s and sorry’s stream from your lips as you finally get to the edge of his section. as you are looking up at him you notice the diamond smile he had on his face.
“sir, sir excuse me” you say, well yell. the noise was deafening.
he glances down at you and the smile widens.
“yes gorgeous.” he says, a slight southern drawl playing on his tongue and from the sound of that you should have know that it was indeed not mr hendrix as you had initially anticipated.
“ i love your music!” you say exclaim happily.
“ im sorry, what you say?” he questions leaning down over the edge of the wall that was between you two.
“ i love your music,” you say getting closer to his ear giggling. “ cause i am fried yes fried and very fucked up” you recite the lyrics back to him.
a deep laugh errupts from his as he stands back up causing you to look at him quizzically.
“so, can i get a picture?” you yell, confusion setting in.
“ yeah, yall come on up here sweetheart.” he says the word sending shivers down your spine. he motions for you and your friend to come.
he walks over and meets you at the entrance signaling the man guarding it that you could enter.
you immediately go in for a hug without thinking and your friend who is prepared snaps the picture.
“ oh ok, damn.” he laughs wrapping his arms around you large hands gripping your waist. you cant help but bask in his scent. it exudes sex and masculinity. it smells exactly as he look.
“you smell so good.” you say looking up at him head still resting on his chest.
the look he gives you says it all. “ thank ya.” he says smiling at you then licks his lips.
“ yo friend want one too mama?” he asks lowly eyes still locked on yours.
“oh, shit yeah.” you say pulling away, sighing at the loss of his body against yours.
“here girl.” you say reaching for the phone.
she goes over and just wraps her arm around his waist and his over her shoulder, the other going up into a peace sign. a sense of satisfaction arises in you as you see he didnt embrace her just like he did you but leaves as soon as you see the big smile on her face. she was happy for you and you the same for her, besides he wasnt your man anyway.
you click a few pictures and then she pulls away and thanks him coming back over to you and grabbing the phone to look at them
“yall wanna chill with us for a lil bit?” he asks motioning to the group of guys surrounding him.
“yeah.” you reply without even realizing, looking at your friend and she nods too.
“type shit” he says. you both follow him to the couch and as he sits he leaves room for you both on the side of him.
“so where yall from?” he asks looking between the both of you.
“ texas, but we go to school out here!” your friend answers smiling.
“type shit, what yall studying?” he asks curiosity genuine.
“im working on my masters in business and she is currently working on a phd in biology.” she says motioning to you. “she really smart as hell. tell him bout your research” she says smirking at you and you smile in response, her way of saying he yours girl.
his eyes widens as he look at you and you begin to explain, “ uh yeah my thesis is on the rate of duplication in cancer cells in african americans.”
“oh shit, you gone be a doctor.” he asks.
“thats the goal but i dont know shit is crazy.” you say staring at him. as you look you start to realize he is lacking nose piercings and the signature blond on his dreads.
your eyes widen as you come to the realization. “oh my God youre not future.” you exclaim standing up.
a loud laugh erupts from him and your friend stand up as well when she realizes this and she moves to your side.
“thats who you thought i was?” he is able to say between his laugh.
embarrassment burns through your body at this and you begin slightly angry.
“obviously!” you say irritation heavy in your voice.
as he notices this his laugh stops and smile drops.
“yo calm down.” he says reaching a hand out to grab yours and you pull away disgust on your face.
“dont fucking touch me.” you say grabbing your friend. “come on lets go.” you say grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the exit.
“what the fuck.” you hear him say behind you. you dont care, not only did he laugh at you, he lied to you. or at least in your eyes he did and that alone was enough to piss you off and ruin your night- your high too.
yall im really rusty at writing but i got the idea for this when i was high & i think i wanna do another part or two ! let me know what yall think cause there aint enough on here about dada
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Love you stuff man could do bendy Alice poppy nightmare chica and marinette with a ghost reader that can manipulate electronic stuff please =]
Alice,poppy,bendy,nightmare chica and marionnete/puppet x ghost reader who can interact with electronics
Eeeeee I'm very glad you enjoy my content!,of course I can!
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Alice angel
Alice has been in the studio for a very long time so It wouldnt be surprising is she came across some ghosts
However it wasnt until she saw you interacting with a faulty projector that got her interest piqued
She cant do anything to you and dosnt see you as a threat,so shes relatively passive around you
As long as you dont pop up when shes doing something important than she dosnt mind your presence
She tells pity for you after finding out you. Cant interact with anything that isn't electronic/mechanical
You can also interact with lights etc
Sometimes you both scare intruders together,whilst you flicker the lights she scares the living daylight out of them
She adores having soft moments with you
Since you can fuck around with the projectors you have alot of movie dates
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Poppy also inhabits a place where ghost sightings probally arnt irregular
After the factory is abandoned and she's freed she finds many strange things happening
Like seeing you messing around in a room full of electronics,you made a boogie bot play never gonna give you up,a old computer blue screen,and currently screwing with an old peice of machinery
You give her alot of company,considering that fact your the ghost who's stayed around her the longest and she cant risk any of the other toys due to some obvious things.
She likes to watch you mess with electrical equipment in Hope's she can find out how you can do it
You sometimes possess a inactive boogie bot to stroll with her and talk,this way it gives you a somewhat solid form
It's also the only way she can interact with you when doing things like holding hand or hugging
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Since the studio is his realm theres not a very high chance he wouldnt know about the presence of a ghost
The first time he saw you he did try to attack you,no ghosts can interact with the electronics and machinery,so why can you?
Hes very confused and watches you from a far the majority of the time
If you leave a movie playing on a discarded projector he'll watch it through
Bendy at first dosnt want to approach you as he thinks that if he grows to bond and "like" you then he will become weak
Once eventually talking to you thought it's not to bad,its just the initial meeting goes horribly
Hes very rude at the start throwing insults or trying to bring you down,like you arnt already dead🙄
But once getting past that it's all good
He dosnt need to protect you because your dead so its 1 less problem for him
He likes watching short films or horros,he cant sit still for extremly long movies,he prefers it short and action packed.
He likes giving you different things around the studio to see what you can and cant manipulate
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Nightmare chica
She trys to hunt kids and kill them,so ghosts are expected
She dosnt expect to see you messing around with CCs toys and making him cry,she hadnt even attacked yet
You dislike her apon first meeting,you played with the toys to scare the child not kill him,these animatronics were doing the opposite of what you were
After learning their intentions you mess with stuff around the house,one time accidentally waking up the parents
You eventually talk it out,but that's only after a loooonnnnngggg time of back and forth
She will ask on the odd occasion if you can help scare the kid,whether you do or not is up to you though
Will watch TV with u if theres a good program on etc
You can prank the other nightmares by controlling them to,works 9/10
If you can take on a terrifying form she will 200% ask you to scare kids with it,and to just show her in general
You both make cupcakes together and she eats them,how?🤷‍♀️
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Shes dealt with souls/ghosts before but has never seen one that can manipulate electronics
Shes very intrigued
Due to her usually calm nature you both get along amazingly
Sometimes you play a prank ok the guard and make the prize corners camera go staticy,good luck nightguard
If she finds a spare suit shell ask you if you want to possess it
You like to mess around with the lights during and show and even one time made Toy Bonnie's guitar go out of tune,the show that he played later didnt go very well
You fuck around with the night guards monitor and camera alot,sometimes even turning off the office lights
Marionette likes to give little gifts to you and even has a little corner in her box designated for you
After hours hanging out
I apologize that this is so short I wasnt a whole lot sure what to do
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yoonzinuhh · 10 months
whatever you want— mingyu
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : reader x mingyu
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : smut. fluff. comfort.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : SMUT. MINORS DNI !! curse words. unprotected sex. reader has vagina. please let me know if i have missed something. (english isn’t my first language so if there’s any mistake kindly do ignore :)
𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : this is purely fiction. i have no intentions in sexualising any idol and have great respect for them as an artist. these are for entertainment purpose only.
-10:54 p.m
mingyu’s pov:
it’s almost the day..the day i was brought into the world yet the same day i hate with my entire being..the day i wish i could erase
birthdays are special to many and sadly mingyu wasnt one.
lost in thoughts i almost miss my door bell ringing..seeing the clock say 10:54,wondering who it could be i open the door only to see my favourite person ever,my best friend or more,my safe place,my y/n.
“Hey gyu” she whispers as i let her get in. we spend most of our time together. she’s calm,unlike me..like a quiet breeze on a heavy evening,existence almost not seen yet bringing so much love and joy. she knows i hate my birthday and never insists me to celebrate it.
“Should we watch something?” she says,plopping on my couch,like its her home..i wish it is.
oh how could i tell no..i’m so in love with her. so much,just for her.
general pov:
with a sigh you pass the remote to mingyu letting him decide what to watch knowing very well he’s about to watch the same show every time. you dont mind because you know you’ll be drowsing off in few minutes. and you do.
11:54 p.m
you stretch a little,you eyes waking up to no one,mingyu isn’t beside you. you look at the time,walking around to find him.
seeing a broad shoulder peeking out at the balcony and you swear you heard a sniffle.
you know why,you know him all,all his secrets. noticing your reflection on the glass he turns quick trying to hide his tears.
“you’re up sleepyhead..thats so unlikel-“
you hug him,the tightest,like the world is ending the next minute. you know your bestfriend. he doesnt talk about what bothers him. well how can he when all he does is give,give and give. inspite of your cold response to everything he does,not because you want to but thats how you are,he never stops giving you more because he knows you care,you love.
“You can cry..your secrets are always safe with me..you know..” you whisper against his shoulder.
there is silence which is then followed by wetness on your neck crook. oh it breaks your heart. you pillar crying against you and you are grateful that he trusts you enough to show his weakest parts,just like you do.
patting his back,ruffling his hair you stay quiet. you know thats what he wants.
he slightly pulls away looking at the ground while you search for his eyes,blood shot,nose pink. your heart aches physically as you hold his face. you want to wish him for his birthday but you know he hates it.
“thanks for being born gyu..” thats all you say,just like always,short and whats needed.
he stares into your eyes slowing leaning onto your lips then pulling back immediately.
“I-I’m so sorry I don’t know w-wh-“
you close the space with him up by a kiss. a very soft,delicate and comforting kiss. he snakes his hands on your waist pulling you closer,making the kiss deeper. you don’t complain.
the kiss grows more passionate and desperate. you hugging his neck while he slides his tongue onto your mouth,exploring it. he pulls away a bit
“Please tell me to stop..please”
you don’t. you just kiss him again as you both move to the counter and he makes you sit on it.
His plumpy lips all swollen because of your longest kiss,his face shining under the moonlight. you start kissing again.
He slowly puts his hand onto your waist band,making his way to your core,already wet. he groans at the feeling.
Putting two fingers inside,making sure you’re okay to continue,he slowly rubs your clit with his thumb,making circles to relax you while his two fingers inside pump in and out of your hole.
“Oh god- fuck” you moan out as he fastens his pace.
An unfamiliar knot on your stomach,you almost sob onto his shoulder,hiding yourself as you cum. Eyes fluttering at the euphoric feeling,tiredly you put your hands onto his pants elastic.
His eyes widens
“Are you sure about this y/n..?”
You nod as he takes you to the couch,putting you under him as you remove your pants then your panties while he works on removing your shirt.
“So fucking beautiful..oh god”
Flushed cheeks,fully naked with your legs wide apart for your bestfriend. This was the last thing you expected on his birthday.
“Tell me if you want me to stop..or if you want more..or slow..tell me everything you want..hm”
You shyly nod.
He put his tip on your entrance gaining a moan from pain. A tear escapes as he pushes a little. His leans to kiss away your tear whispering a “it’ll get better,i promise” to distract you and ofcourse he wins.
“Y-You can move now” you tell and he does. Very slowly moving rhythmically,stealing few kisses,enough for you to lose your mind. “Ouhh..fast p-please”
Skins slapping,quiet sobs and groans all over his apartment. You both don’t break your eye contact. Getting deep your grab his back,almost scratching it deep.
“Gyu i think- OH FUCK” you scream out,cum dripping. he pulls back making himself cum with his hands.
Panting and resting for few minutes he takes you to the room,making sure you clean yourself,making the bed for you both to rest.
You lie on to the bed,your back facing him. Endless thoughts on your mind,some regrets,how is this going to affect both of you. You quietly sob.
A warm hand snakes onto your waist,pulling you close.
“Hey..don’t cry..” he comforts while his heart breaks hearing you.
“I’m so sorry-“
“Don’t be. If anyone has to be sorry then its me..I should’t have-“
“And I should’ve stopped you when you asked me to..you are my bestfriend,this is so wrong,i r-ruined everything” you sob louder this time.
“Y/n..you ruined nothing. Look at me” he says as he turns you around. Tears glistening you make an eye contact with him.
“I know..I know how you feel because i feel the same way but..” pausing “we can do whatever you want to. if you want to this to the next step we can,or if you want to stop and forget everything we can…or if y-you want me to stop seeing you ever again..we still can..whatever you want..you know i love you,more than a friend should..”almost making the last sentence inaudible.
“i don’t know gyu..you’re definitely more than a friend to me..but i think i need my time,to process all of this..”
“ofcourse y/n. take your time,i can wait for an eternity” he chuckles.
you stare at him,this time with more love. cuddling each other knowing very well you’re both in love,terribly.
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multifan2022 · 4 months
*kinda scared to post this.. Defiantly not my normal territory. Love the damn show though, dont care. Hope its decent. Picturing Cassius as Jacob Elordi. Maybe part 2? if it goes over well, if so ideas? idk if i can even write anymore for real 😶 this took me so fricken long.*
Tiktok that inspired this 1st tiktok and 2nd tiktok
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Sighing you looked up at.. What did that say? “Hazbin Hotel”.. “Oookay.” You said drawn out sarcastically as you looked down and closed your eyes. You knew you had to go in, you owed this to your Dark Lady. You swore to her that you would look after her daughter, she had given you everything you ever wanted. Knocking you brace yourself with a smile for your niece Charlie who you could already hear squealing. 
You do smile though that she throws herself at you and hugs you while bouncing on her toes. Vaggie smiles softly while telling her girlfriend that she should bring you inside. Soon your sitting in front of Husk who's making you a drink, Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor and finally Angel and Sir Pentious. The last two had seemed in almost aw when you had finally stepped inside fully and reached up to drop your hood and remove your cloak. Honestly you were use to it, even if it was always flattering. 
As a devout follower of The Dark Lady, Lilith, in your human life you were granted a doll like version of the look you always wanted in life. BUT your time was highly coveted, you had many things to do, even more so in her ladys absence. The seat at her table was something you worked hard for, and something you would never be giving up. You would be here when she returned. “This whole idea is beautiful sweetie. You know if you ever need something, Ill do everything I can to help.” From beside you, you swear you feel Pentious’ tongue touch you when he speaks. He's so close. “I bet your powerful!” 
You smile while looking down, it was a play at shyness but Alastor and Husk could see right through it. “How did such a beaut end up here anyways!” Angel said, laughing and throwing himself on the couch. “Here as in??” You circled your finger in the air “Hell.. or the Hotel?” Ending with pointing at the floor. Hearing a static “Both” you looked at the Radio Demon, under different circumstances you would be creeped out by his never falling smile. But for some reason you werent, you hadnt been scared of anyone in a long time so it wasnt that. But moving on you took a deep breath and said nonchalantly “I'm a follower of Lady Lilith, so of course I ended up here.” 
Husk half chuckled, half scoffed and your head snapped with unnatural speed to him. Chills shot down his neck as the smile on your lips and the look in your eye. He could almost feel you skinning him, when you crossed one leg over your knee and leaned onto the counter and smiled at him he wanted to run. “Ok pussycat.. You wanna know why I'm here.. Let me show you.” Waving your hand a deep deep red smoke encompassing the room as everyone felt the floor fall from under them next thing they knew, they were all standing somewhere none of them knew. Ancient Greece. “Never speak to me again, Cassius!” They heard before turning and falling into your memory. 
Storming down the hall you had never felt such pain, such anger and betrayal. You felt broken. Your favorite colored shorter toga dress whipped around your thighs as you ran. You didn't even know where you were too, running until your toes hit the water. Then your knees as you start screaming until your throat is raw before sobbing. “Why??”  You cried softly trying to understand how one person could feel so much pain and still be alive. You were thinking that you wish you could just die. That there would never be someone who would understand this pain before feeling warmth wrap around you. Opening your eyes to the most beautiful woman standing before you. Well, she kinda stood before you, she was fuzzy, almost ghost-like. “Don't cry daughter of Lilith, let us take care of this.” As she spoke she tilted her head, the smile on her face taking over a savage edge. As she faded your anger grew, any other feeling gone, any thought besides revenge then death gone. 
Behind you, you heard your name being shouted. By him.. By the man who had betrayed you. The man you had been seeing, giving yourself too. Who you were supposed to marry tomorrow. You had found him out for a stroll with his son.. His son and his wife.. A son and a wife you clearly didn't know about. His face had dropped when his eyes connected with yours, both of your worlds freezing. Because the problem was, he truly did love you. He didn't come from a very wealthy family, so this marriage, he couldn't mess it up. His father would kill him, and probably you. He didnt know what he was going to do or tell you tomorrow. But now he didnt need too, but he had broken your heart in the worst way. He just wanted a moment to try to explain. 
Unfortunately for him, the moment your heart broke, someone powerful stepped in. She had been waiting for you, Lilith. She could feel the impending heart break from hell and knew she had to step in. She didnt feel connected to living women often so when she did, she paid attention. She had grasped and pulled forward the woman she wanted you to be. Allowed you to embrace your rage and take an inhuman amount of power, one you knew without words would kill you. You felt a weird calm, an almost buzzing hot but calm numbness spread across your skin as you stood. Your voice was low, but somehow Cassius heard it. “Get in the water.” 
You heard him stop , could somehow feel him just at the edge as the waves barley lapped the tips of his sandals. “Get in the water”  you repeated your voice deeper than he had ever heard, raspy from crying but carried something.. Something that gave him goosebumps. All the hairs on his hairs and neck standing on end, his guts screaming at him to run. He watched the fingers on your left  run slowly through the water, the setting sun sparklingly off your now useless engagement ring. He audibly gulped as you slowly turned to him, black veins around your eyes and spreading from your finger tips and throat. “Or Ill raise the tide so high..” You looked down at his feet as a slightly larger wave splashed his toes “All of Delos will die..” Looking him in the eyes he jumped, there was a slight glow to your eyes, almost gold mixed with red. He was terrified. 
“Get in the water.” 
Taking a panicked breath he feels water.. Hitting.. His calves? Looking down his panic increases “Wait..” His mind is speeding down any and every possible avenue but its coming up with nothing but fear. Fear so encompassing as he hears you tell him again, and he swears he sees you take a step forward. “Stop” he says in a desperate shout, the waves now up to his knees.  “Stop this.. Please.” he begs as you tilt your head and take another slow step toward him. He sounds so pathetic you think as you ball your hands into fists, his wife stumbling onto the sand as well, pulling their son behind her. She calls out to him, but Cassius cant look away from the woman in front of him. 
Are the veins glowing now? Is your hair? Is it moving, whipping back and forth wildly? You could feel the anger rising, it was an all encompassing avalanche of emotions. Seeing her made all that pain real again, pulled it past the surface, shoved you over your breaking point. A tiny, very small part of you felt bad for the child as you refocused on his father. Turning to look back at him, you have a small evil smirk on your face. Unclenching your hands and raising them slowly to inspect your palms you spoke again. “Ill make tidal waves so profound..” Cocking your head to the other side your eyes flick to the woman who screams Cassius again. The smirk spreads into a full grin “Both your wife and your son will drown.”  
“NO!” He screams anguish, panic, fear its all right there. Suddenly your in his face. The wind harshly blowing around both of you now, your hair flying this way and that in soft caresses across your cheeks and forehead. Your breathing the same air, his anguished puff of air as he tries to find the words, the feelings, the anything to give you to calm you down. To fix this. But he jumps when you next speak, the volume and the venom in your voice scare any half thoughts he had away. “GET IN THE WATER!” Now the waves, they arent small calm waves crashing gently on his legs. 
They are slamming into them, the water up to his hips,  now reaching his wife and sons feet as others gather and panic starts to ensue. People are screaming behind him, but no one will come any closer. The fear and uncertainty was pabable. The smile on your face kept growing, the glow in your eyes now bright and eerie. “GET IN THE WATER!!” You screamed again, taking a step back and turning before spinning back and grabbing his neck with both hands. You were tall for a woman, but Cassius was taller. It was one of things you always loved about him. In your rage  you pulled him to you by his throat. He has no idea how your so steady on your feet. He is rocking back and forth, his sandals being sucked into the sand by retreating water.
Squeezing as you started to pull him with you, stepping backwards. Keeping eye contact, it was controlling, you didnt know how you were doing it. But as you kept talking it was like you were compelling him. Letting go as you spun the two of you around and point out towards the open sea. You were so close your noses were touching, he could feel your lips brush against his as you whispered. “ Dont mistake my threats for bluff. You have lived more than enough..” Cassius knew he was dead, he could feel his body moving against his will. Somehow your whisper shook him to the bone, deeper than anything else had. 
He looked toward his son one last time, mouthed ‘i love you’ as his feet drug him deeper. Without ever looking at his wife, he turned his gaze back to you. He looked at you with such despair, but also understanding. He KNEW he hurt you, he KNEW that you were an outsider. You had come here from one of the tribes on the main land. He knew your gods and his were different. It had never bothered him, but now hes thinking he shouldve listened harder. Shouldve known better. Shouldve loved you correctly.  
Tears streaming down your cheeks, you could feel yourself dying. Whatever that woman had given you was fading. You were running out of time. You wanted to see him die. When he smiled sadly at you and mouthed that he loved you to a violent heat pulsed over you. You felt like you were on fire as you stormed in anger towards him, grabbing his throat again and shoving him down. “GET IN THE WATER!” You scream one last time, before following him with the pull of the waves into the ocean. 
The last thing you remember besides happiness and warmth, was seeing him sinking deeper into the darkness. 
Snapping your fingers you released everyone from your hold. Sir Pentious started to gag, his little egg buddies having passed out or thrown up. Everyone looks shocked, even Alastor is momentarily without his sinister grin. Not even a full breath later, Angel and Husk are badgering you with questions. How did you get the power? Where you a follower in life or was this chance? Is your ex here in hell? That doesnt tell us how powerful you are down here! Charlie at some point rewrapped herself around you and is crying for your broken heart. Your patting her head and smiling while answering all of the questions and showing off little tricks. 
Never noticing the tall dark demon behind you, still slightly stunned.. In what he thinks is.. Awe?
“Hm.. This wont due.”
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