#I love love love drawing angrboda's hair
kuroarimiyazaki · 2 years
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IDK about y'all but, personally, I cannot wait for Atreus and Angrboda's Excellent Adventure. This took a lot longer than I hoped it would but it was really fun overall!
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feathered-serpents · 9 months
Just wanted to say im in love w ur adult atreus design!! I really cant see atreus as an adult being that one adult design that’s floating around lol, like where did the black hair come from?? Love the rendition of it but its js nor atreus idk kf i make sense omg, but i hope to see more of him!!
Aw thank you!! I don't think I've seen the design you're talking about (black hair???) but yeah, most of the adult Atreus designs I saw were just a little too... rugged? Too Kratos basically lol. I def wanted to stick with what I thought Atreus would actually WANT to look like when he was grown up without thinking too much about paying homage to Kratos (though I did put in the bear-skinned cloak for the symbolic representation of Kratos' love and influence always being with him, and the red cloth for a more direct visual tribute)
A little shameless repost of my designs, including Angrboda as a treat <3
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I need to draw these two again soon, they are still just skittles for my brain
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stupidrant · 9 months
Some atreboda headcanons, prompts & AU’s that ive thought of that i think you guys may like?
Idol!/singer!angrboda, fan!atreus
Vampire!angrboda, werewolf!atreus
arranged marriage that actually works out
Fated/destined/twin flame love 
Sun!goddess angrboda, moon!god atreus
Atreus shoots a cupid’s arrow at angrboda not knowing she already had feelings prior 😒
“No matter where i go, i will always carry you with me” 
princess of jotunheim x prince of midgard/asgard
Boat date while rowing through the waters of vanaheim bc she absolutely loves the view there
Atreus makes angrboda a knife 🥲
Angrboda’s baking chronicles ft atreus
Clumsy first kiss
Angrboda playing with his hair causes him to grow out his hair just for her 😭😭 (this is me hoping they grow out his hair next game)
Atreus likes to bite her affectionately 
atreus the type to be like “bro my hand is mad cold we gotta hold hands” and angrboda fell for it now theyre holding hands 🙄
Atreus writes a song for angrboda 
Siren!angrboda, sailor!atreus (slightly inspired by a convo with @bellaaldamas)
Cuddling in their animal forms 🦊🐺❤️
Atreus gets yelled at by kratos and is annoyed but if he gets sent to the corner by angrboda, he’s heartbroken 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Atreus has piles of drawings of angrboda trying to perfect every little detail abt her but he feels no matter how much he does a amazing job, nothing can compare to the real life 🥲
If there was a family photobook, angrboda would secretly take some of baby atreus photos 😎
While finding the giants, atreus visits angrboda frequently but recently he feels more homesick than ever before. He asks if he can see her again (he just seent her like 3 days ago) and the gods of [insert mythology here] says no 😠yet he sneaks to see her anyways 😭
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stalkerofthegods · 11 months
Loki Deep dive
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Signs he's reaching out- seeing the Snaptun Stone, Large numbers of spiders, Fire seeing his symbols and things that remind you of him in a dream, a close brush with danger, Dreams of Loki speaking to you, Repeated appearances of any of the animals related to Loki, sudden obsession on him or seeing things related to him that you wouldn’t regularly notice
Days & holidays! - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Yule, Sep 5 UPG (tumbler meme devoted to him day) , Julaften, Saturday, April fools, Lokablót
Equivalent- logi  (the personification of fire), Prometheus, Tantalus, Jesus, Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, anasi, Bacchus, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Elegua, Eshu, Prometheus, Veles, Coyote and Crow
Dislikes- in my experience he wasn’t a fan of Hermes, he doesn’t like Heimdall (Heimdall kills Loki ) 
Married- he is married to Sigyn! (the goddess of Victory)   Also, Loki’s first wife (Angrboda who was a Jotun ) taught Loki magic, later he devoured her heart because she was an ‘evil’ witch.
Zodiac- Aries and Gemini 
Siblings - Blood Odin, Hellblindi and Balyestyr
Devotional- volunteering to help survivors of trauma, helping with orphanages, and those who are in need, laughing at yourself.
Animal - Coyote, Salmon, Snakes, Foxes, vulture, Quiscalus quiscula, wolves, serpents, cats, falcon, butterfly, raven, flies, dragons, spiders.
colors - yellow , green , red, pink, neons, purple, gold, silver, Black, violet 
offerings - Candy, Atomic Fireball (he loves alcohol ex- tequila, rum, brandy, and mead, but he does get tired of it beacuse it’s offered so much), Pez, Pixie Sticks, cookies/pastries, caramel apples. Speaking of apples, He loves red food (ex-Red Velvet) He likes things with a lot of pepper spice, or even just the peppers themselves (habaneros seem to be a favorite), good whiskey, bread, knives, whatever reminds him of u, also baked goods, or anything really, you can give him just sugar or just food, whatever says “LOKI!!”, he also loves caffeinated drinks!, he likes cinnamon, chocolate, Tobacco, weed, cheesecake, especially with berries,  old granddad brand of alcohol, and hard cinnamon flavored or spicy liquor, and spicy runs and mulled wine! Carmel golden apples!  He also loves Nutella, I would recommend giving whatever you think he would like, he likes new things I heard.
Number - 13  and Kaunaz, Naudiz, Thurisaz, number 3, The Berkana rune, 
Planet- Pluto, Dark Moon
To do in his honor  - Inner Child work, Llaughing at yourself, Accepting that no one and self is perfect, and mistakes are okay, Feeling all of our feelings, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, being creative, working with children or the elderly, collecting and sharing jokes, going on a walk, get lost, go on an adventure with friends or fellow outcasts, go clean up a local park in his honor, do something ur scared of, joke in their honor 
What he favors in devotes - Passion and drive, inc stubbornness, a go-getter, hunger for life, child like playfull Ness
God of - Celeverness, change, Creation, Cunning, Divine, Discovery, Humor, knowledge, sex, Seduction, shapeshifting, trickster (mischief), wit, truth,  temptation, the hearth, nature. 
Patron -outcasts (black sheep), earthquakes, changing cycles of the moon, nature, fire itself.
his weapon- Lævateinn
Herbs - daisy, mistletoe, Lavender, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Clove, Hemp, Holly, Mistletoe, Cedar, Juniper, Elder, “yellow rattle” plant, lokasjóður, “Loki’s Purse” (a plant), Loki oats, wild oats, birch, alder, mullein, acorns, Aspen trees (UPG)
Preferred coffee- very very sweet. (I also heard he likes mocha) 
Remind me of him - smiling, laughter, dancing, knives, horns, flowers, trees, flies, foxes, rings, black nail polish, masks, spiders, red hair, cat eyeliner look, eyeliner, blue eyes, plastic toys, nature 
Blessings - sharper knives (be careful they may be blunt one second and then sharp)
Tarot- The magician, Wheel of Fortune, the sun, the devil, the tower, the magician, 
Signs - spiders, vultures, snakes, seals, foxes, flies, wolves, Dandelions, coyotes 
Alter decorations - boats, kids' toys, anything listed here really.
Scents - He likes cinnamon, mulled wine, cotton candy, and peaty whiskey and yew, but nothing strong or overwhelming or alluring and anything too feminine, he also dislikes super masculine colognes. He likes Pine, cinnamon, sugar & spice, honey, and wild berry incense and dragons blood incense 
Animals• Fox, spiders,Flies, salmon horses, vultures 
Crystal• Volcanic and Sulfurous stones (ex. Obsidian Gypsum, Hematite, etc.)((is associated with tectonic activity)), pyrite (fools gold), color-changing stones, Bloodstone, Xlead calcite, Sunsgone, Stones associated with the air element, red stones, Stones of any other color you associated with Loki (ex- red Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Ruby), Stones that scream “LOKI!!”, but mostly - Red Jasper, Amber, Garnet, Goldstone; Plastic, Acrylic, Glass, Gold, Bronze, Silver, Magnesium, Orange calcite, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye, kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood, Yellow calcite
Symbols•fox, Knox, web, Tangles, snakes, Flies, salmon, horses, Mistletoe, (I've also heard vulture, hawk, skull
Names•known as sky traveler, Ve, or, father of monsters, Flamehair, “that bastard” (UPG), Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur and I'm sure there's more. (I’ve accidentally called him Taco Bell before myself.) 
Mortal or immortal • immortal, but has apples to live longer, suspected the Apple effects last YEARS (like more than 100+ years. Because he is not “old” or dead yet, and in mythology, they take it to stay young and live forever.) and ragnorok
Vows/omans• Blood brother with Odin, Loki swears oaths that he will devise a scheme to cause the builder (of the wall of the asier home) to forfeit the payment, whatever it may cost himself.
Morals• He's morally grey 
Personality• understanding, and fast going, can be jealous and has a quick temper.
Fact• He had a wife before Sigyn and he is in a cave until Ragnorok. I also heard he like farts a lot. And sends spiders, so beware, he made spiders in Sweden mythology 
Roots• Norse mythology 
Appearance in astral or gen• red hair and fair skin but not too red or too fair. Also, blue eyes I think or green. Or anything at all really.
Children- Hel, Jormangandr, Fenir, Sleipnir, Vanir, Narfi, (from sigyn) Svadilfari,  and Einmyria and Eisa (with Glut.) He also ate a woman’s heart and bore the first witch, some say also a HUGE cat. 
Season• the month of Gemini and Aries 
Status• God and Yotan
Element- Fire, air, nature.
Personality- Loki is not always the most mature and can sometimes act like a toddler. Also chaotic Neutral. he is not an omniscient Deity, but true to his word.
Parentage • The tree Lufey and farbauti
Flame-hair, your soul burning into the night, Throwing caution to the wind And casting the die of fate, Teach me your fearlessness. Lie-smith, your sharp words like daggers, Cutting through illusions to the bone And revealing the reality we refuse to see, Teach me your clarity. Silver-tongue, whispering carefully veiled truths, Sowing shrouded mystery in your wake, And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. Gift-Bringer, recognizing all the overlooked, Giving rightly earned reward where it’s due, And in turn, blame as well, Teach me your justice. Scar-lip, ending silence in the face of injustice, Grinning down at the outcasts And rallying your voice with theirs, Teach me your anger. Pain-holder, accepting your punishment, Embracing the consequences of your deeds, And taking the fall of those who are weaker, Teach me your resilience. World-breaker, harbinger of chaos, Spitting fire upon the stagnant And carving the spear of change, Teach me your courage. Cruel-striker, slanderer of the gods, Burning the inefficient and stale, Revealing potential in the ashes, Teach me your insight. Sly-walker, throwing your mischievous grin about And casting laughter into the darkness Where before there was only despair, Teach me your joy. Shape-changer, manipulator of all walks of life, Confidently adapting to every situation, Commanding the strength of any form, Teach me your cunning. Hearth-fire, warmth of my heart, Your arms a sanctuary where none is found Light and life of the home I can always return to, Teach me your nurturing. Sky-treader, ever true to your wild heart,Letting none even try to contain your spirit As free as the sky itself, Teach me your passion. Hail Loki, And thank you, my God, For everything you bring to my life.I love you so.
- by @klawl
Links/websites/sources •
Links I recommend - 
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief, and the hard cold truth, even tho he may be cold, he is wise, and charming in many ways.
I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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wolfanitas-art · 3 years
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There are many pictures of Norse deities where they look as if the local biker gang had staged a Wagner opera. So all the more I wanted to give them a respectful and more accurate design. I gave my best to draw them with their basic and most known attributes, but still I did neither try nor want to make this an archeological reconstruction of how the Norse depicted their gods. It is still just an artist’s interpretation, I drew them how I imagine them.
Since these myths are very old and very much of them is lost, there are in parts so many different, often contradicting versions of who is how related to whom and did what where and why, that I will give you just a very simple Who’s Who:
Odin: first of the gods, one-eyed god of battle, death and poetry, father of Thor and Balder, husband of Frigg, has two all-seeing ravens, will be devoured by the wolf Fenrir during Ragnarok (the end of the world)
Thor: red-bearded god of thunder and the sky, son of Odin and Fjorgyn (the Earth), husband of Sif, guardian of the gods, drives a chariot drawn by goats, will be poisoned and killed by the giant Midgard Serpent Jormungand during Ragnarok
Loki: attractive, ambivalent, shape-shifting, mischief-making god, son of giants (mostly named as Farbauti and Laufey (the latter is the mother, btw)),husband of Sigyn, grows progressively more evil, causes the death of Balder, then bound till Ragnarok, when he and Heimdall will kill one another (they never got along)
Frigg: first of the goddesses, goddess of love, life, marriage, protection, sees much, tells nothing, wife of Odin, mother of Balder
Freya: goddess of love, lust, fertility, magic, battle, mistress of the Valkyries, a Vanir (the two god ‘clans’ were Aesir and Vanir), daughter of Njord, twin-sister of Freyr, has a magical falcon cloak and a chariot drawn by huge cats
Sif: golden-haired goddess of harvest, wife of Thor, her spectacular hair was cut off by Loki, so he had to ask the dwarfs for a wig for her, which was in all aspects like real hair, just better (the hammer Mjolnir was forged then, too)
Freyr: charming god of fertility, prosperity, sunshine, a Vanir, husband of the frost giantess Gerd, son of Njord, twin-brother of Freya, has a magical ship and a magical sword which he gives away and will desperately miss when he fights the fire giant Surt during Ragnarok (he loses).
Heimdall: golden-toothed god of protection, watchman of the gods, guards the Bifrost rainbow bridge, son of nine mothers, owns the horn of Gjall, he and Loki will kill each other during Ragnarok
Hel: the just goddess of the underworld and the dead, daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, sister of Fenrir and Jormungand, her upper half is that of a woman, her lower half is that of a dead, blueish corpse
Tyr: brave, one-handed war god, scarified his right hand so the wolf Fenrir could be bound, either son of the giant Hymir or of Odin, during Ragnarok, he slays the hellhound Garm and is killed by him
Skadi: goddess of winter and the hunt, originally a giantess, she joined the gods when she married Njord as a form of compensation for her father Thiazi being slain by the gods, put the snake over bound Loki, whose (the snake’s) venom constantly drips on his face (Skadi is quite cool and tough)
Balder: gentle, wise, beloved god, son of Odin and Frigg, Loki tricked Balder’s blind brother Hod into killing him with a mistletoe (the only thing that could hurt him), husband of Nanna (who died from shock over his death),he and his wife will return from Hel after Ragnarok
Idun: goddess of youth, provides the gods with the golden apples that grant their immortality, married to Bragi
Bragi: god of poetry and eloquence, husband of Idun, son of Odin, greets the fallen warriors at Valhalla
Njord: god of the sea, wind and fertility, father of Freya and Freyr, a Vanir, married Skadi, but they separated cause she was a mountain woman and he a man of the sea, she chose him from among the gods for his apparently very handsome feet  Prints and other nice stuff available here:  www.redbubble.com/de/people/wo…
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esepoimipullula · 4 years
So, one of the (many, many) things I mean when I say I’m a Norse-obsessed nerd who gets way too excited whenever Norse mythology or Vikings are involved or even just mentioned in Disney Duckverse & Mouseverse comics or cartoons is that I love the DT2017 episode The Rumble for Ragnarok! to bits.
Asgard! Valhalla! Male and female dead heroes in Valhalla! Norse-inspired architecture! Impending Ragnarok! Vikings being crazy about wrestling, which is actually kind of weirdly fitting if you consider glima! Vikings having a sense of honor! Vikings hating overly greedy people! Beakley picking “the Shieldmaiden” as her stage name, and her costume having a winged helmet because it’s supposed to be over-the-top and kind of ridiculous and we clearly see nobody else in Valhalla wears anything like that! The person on the writing team who apparently has my same taste in mythical figures and, instead of whipping up Odin and Thor (whom I do love, too, but come on... you can’t always use them!) as usual, went, “Hey, guys, you know what would be cool? If Loki’s kids were loved and appreciated and had lots of admirers and weren’t cast away or tortured or killed!”...
Anyway, right after watching the episode, I already had my own headcanons about Jormungand and Hecka and Fenrir being siblings like in the myths. And about Fenrir really being the Biggest Wolf Ever but also able to transform into the Regular Wolf form we see in the episode and another, unseen Anthropomorphic Wolf form, yet preferring the Regular Wolf one during matches because the crowd loves the whole “good boy” schtick and it’s also useful to trick opponents into underestimating him. And about attitudes towards Ragnarok actually having shifted only fairly recently (for Norse standards) and Jormungand being really a pretty decent guy, just way too addicted to the crowds’ cheers and praise after millenia of being considered a monster and a harbinger of unspeakable doom, making him even more insecure and prone to get in over his head and lose control than Dewey and...
Ahem. So, anyway, some time after watching the episode, just for fun, I tried my hand at making my duck-ified versions of Loki, Angrboda, and Sigyn, to round out the family. Unfortunately I can’t draw, so I used the Ducktales: All Ducked Out game, which means my options in terms of body type, clothing, and everything else where pretty limited. So, basically, I just shrugged and went, “you know what? Since now Ragnarok is seen as a good thing but keeps getting thwarted, Loki has been freed and told to keep himself constantly available just in case the time for him to lead the Jotnar against the gods finally comes, though of course he’s still not welcome in Asgard. Which is fine for him, because he and Sigyn are running around Midgard looking for their sons, who have just been turned into regular, non-talking wolves and cast out in some area well-known for traditional wolf-hunting or something because this is Disney and also an embarrassingly self-indulgent AU. Angrboda helps them on their search, because I hate Sigyn vs Angrboda stuff and because I ship all three of them together, but generally she hangs out in Jotunheim and then she always watches her kids’ matches in Valhalla if she can make it, which means she’s the only one who still keeps to Norse style instead of adapting to Midgard fashions or mixing the two together.”
You know, normal things a normal person thinks about.
Anyway, here they are:
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He’s meant to be some kind of hawk as a call-back to him borrowing Freyja's and Frigg’s falcon-cloacks on at least two separate occasions... though I’m sure it doesn’t come across that well. I would have liked to go for longer hair, but there weren’t that many styles available and I liked the two different colors thing this one had going on. If you pretend the second color is less pinkish and more reddish, it gives a kind of fiery effect --- and yeah, I know the fire association is actually pretty thin and likely more of a later thing, but it’s a popular thing and personally, I like it.
No, he’s not “Norse Satan.” He’s more like an ambiguously moral trickster who causes as much trouble as he fixes, is responsibile for the gods having a lot of cool stuff, is (equally or almost equally ambiguously moral) Odin’s blood-brother and Thor’s friend but eventually fucks up both relationships, and at one point fucks everything up so very, very, very badly that it starts the chain of events leading to Ragnarok.
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A regular duck, to go with my long-standing headcanon that she’s a bit of a plain Jane but Loki and Angrboda love her because of her wit, passion, and unexpected chaos-loving side. I like to think her necklace was gifted to her by Loki when they were courting, and is the one flashy thing she’s always comfortable wearing no matter the occasion.
No, there is absolutely nothing in the myths about her being forced or tricked into marrying Loki or him abusing her. Sure, she is not happy with some of his actions and their consequences for both of them, but she voluntarily sticks with him and protects him from having acidic venom constantly poured all over him.
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A big, strong, tough jotun woman! I’ve already explained about her sticking to her Norse roots, so I’ll just say that I didn’t have any ideas about what kind of bird I should make her. I actually kinda wanted to make her a dognose or something to emphasize how WEIRD her offspring with Loki is, but... whatever, guess she’s a duck, lol.
No, she is never named as Loki’s first or second wife, and she’s never connected to Sigyn in any text so there’s nothing about the two being rivals or hating each other. So I’m completely free to imagine she’s both Loki’s and Sigyn’s girlfriend. :)
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
Big Scary Love
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(Header made by the talented @flowers-in-your-hayr​)
For @a-mess-of-fandoms​ Kayla’s 1K Writing Challenge: Prompt #20 (prompt in bold in text below)
Characters: Ivar || Ubbe
Genre:  Romance
Warning: None
Rating: PG
Summary: A little brother seeks approval as he’s about to make the biggest decision of his life.
A/N: I was supposed to have written and submitted this one-shot for @a-mess-of-fandoms​​ months ago, but I suck! I have struggled with this thing so much. I have literally rewritten it 19 times. I don’t know why one-shots are so hard for me. The only have to be one scene, but I struggle with did I choose the right scene, how much do I want to say about it, did I find resolution? Needless to say, I was never happy with anything I wrote. It still didn’t turn out exactly as I hoped, but it’s close.
Congrats on your many followers! I’m sorry I’m so late.
Big Scary Love
Lothbrok’s Bar and Grille sat approximately two miles south off of exit 131B  between Kattegat and Hedeby. 
Established in 1990, the bar was built from the ground up by the Sigurdsson brothers, Ragnar and Rollo, as a place where the blue-collar people of both towns could get a good meal and stiff drink. It was also the place where Ragnar’s sons had grown up and naturally where they chose to carry on the childhood tradition of their monthly family game night. 
Dating back to when Bjorn first taught Ubbe and Hvitserk how to play Go Fish, when they were the ages of 6 and 4. respectively, the boys would meet at a table in the back of the restaurant to play games. It helped keep them close, especially since Bjorn lived in Hedeby with Lagertha and the other boys lived in Kattegat with Aslaug. But, the bar was in the middle, on neutral territory. It provided a place where they could all gather and remain close when distance and the common dislike between the adults threatened to tear them apart.  
Almost thirty years later the tradition continues at 7:30 pm on the third Thursday of the month. Bjorn and his wife Gunnhild, Ubbe along with his wife Torvi, Hvitserk and his girlfriend Amma, Sigurd with his boyfriend Kalf, and Ivar who vowed to start bringing his girlfriend, Cami, would gather, at the table in the back left corner, to play the game of choice according to whose name was next on the chalkboard. 
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Watching the door, Ivar’s brows raise when he recognizes his older brother cross the threshold. Slowly, he continues to organize the colorful money so that all the faces aligned in the same direction and before placing it back in the bank. A quick nod acknowledges the fact that Ubbe is headed to the bar to get a drink before he takes a seat at the large table in the back corner of the room, already set for the brothers’ monthly game. Tonight’s game is his pick, Monopoly.
Ubbe shivers slightly, trying to knock off the outside chill as he brushes the fresh snow from his black wool pea coat. As he approaches the bar, he removes his gloves and smiles at his younger brother. “Hvitserk,” he sings, clasping the younger Ragnarsson’s hand before drawing him into a manly hug, “How’s it going, brother?”
“Pretty good,” Hvitserk answers patting his brother on the back with a smile, “What are you doing here so early? We’re not supposed to meet for another,” he looks up at the clock built into the ship’s wheel on the far wall, “hour.”
“Ah,” Ubbe puts one his foot on the wooden rungs of the bar stool and balances his weight on his other leg while he plays with the coaster, “Ivar asked me to meet him here early.” He looks over his right shoulder toward the table in the back and holds up a finger to his youngest brother and then points to the bar to ask if he would like a drink. “Do you know what’s up with him?”
“He probably wants you to help him cheat,” Hvitserk explains as he takes the towel from over his shoulder and wipes down the side of the bar to Ubbe’s left. “The usual?” He prepares two drinks, when Ubbe holds up two fingers, for both of his brothers. “Oh, Angrboda just made a huge pot of Helga’s seafood stew.”
Ubbe’s eyes light up as he nods his head, “That sounds great. I’m fucking freezing. Send over a large bowl with bread, yeah?” He knocks on the bar twice, as is customary, before picking up the glasses and makes his way to the table.   
Ubbe sits the drinks on the table and smiles cheerfully, “Hey, baby boy.” He walks around and hugs his brother’s head before leaning down to kiss him on the top of his hair, “How you doing, kid? You good?” Receiving a pat on his forearm, he playfully pushes Ivar away before flopping down on a chair beside him.
“Hey,” Ivar answers watching his brother sit, holding an awkward smile on his lips, “thanks for meeting me early.” He takes a look out the window at the falling snow covering up his uneven footprints on the sidewalk, “It’s getting bad out there?”
“Nah, not really. Should have a good covering come morning, but nothing too bad.” Ubbe picks up his glass and takes a drink, stretching his lips across his teeth as the sour taste of the vodka gimlet settles on his tongue. He takes note of the way his brother is arranging the game pieces and watches for a moment before he speaks, “So…what’s going on? Why did I need to meet you here before the others?”
Ivar takes a sip of the Guinness Stout and picks up the Chance cards to arrange them all in the same direction, “Well, uh, Ubbe. I wanted to talk to you, about…about, Camille.”
“What about her?” Ubbe isn’t sure where this conversation is headed. He’s only met her a handful of times and she seems nice enough, though he’s not sure she’s the one for Ivar. There’s no reason for him to feel that way, it’s just something in his gut that says the relationship will be short-lived. 
“So,” Ivar takes in a deep breath. Having rehearsed his speech for the better part of the day, he struggles to remember to pace himself and breathe, “You know we’ve been together for a little over a year now and things are going in a really good direction with us. She’s moving in with me. We’ve even talked about looking for a small house together.” He looks up from the game box to gauge his brother’s reaction. Unable to read Ubbe’s face he continues, “I want to ask her to marry me.”
Ubbe coughs down the gimlet that gets caught in his throat as he swallows. He sits back in the chair and leans against the backrest folding his arms across his chest. He tries to keep his mouth closed to let his brother finish but the words start to spill out his mouth, “Oh, Ivar,” he chuckles, “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” 
“Why because she’s Afro-Latina and not Viking? I thought you of all people would understand that our differences don’t matter to me. Hell, I’m different, and it didn’t stop her from wanting to be with me,” Ivar defends.
“Of course not, brother. I’m not a dick,” Ubbe places his hand on his brother’s arm to calm him, “I only meant that she’s your first girlfriend. I get that you’re excited, and everything is still pretty new with you two. But, you don’t have to run out and propose to the first girl that you -” he raises his brows and ducks his head to signal Ivar what he’s talking about. “You will have lots of relationships. You will meet a ton of beautiful women that will blow your mind in bed. Hell, you might even want to marry them all. We all know Bjorn tries to,” both brothers chuckle at that, “but it’s not necessary.”
“You don’t understand, Ubbe.” Ivar interrupts, “it’s not like that.”
“You don’t understand, kid. Bjorn will never release your shares from this place before you’re 30. Especially not if he knew you would be just turning it over to some girl and knowing you it would be without a prenup. Without the interest on that trust, what will you do for money, huh? Work for Hvitserk?” He raises his brow at Ivar while ignoring the flash of anger in the younger man’s eye. “Rollo and Father put every dime and ounce of sweat they had into this restaurant to give us a legacy. You are too young to remember, but there were nights when Father would not come home because he was here laying the foundation, brick by brick. There were also many times when Mother had nothing but soup to feed us all because there was no money to buy meat; father spent it all to see his dream come true. His dream was for us to have a better life and we did. When he died, we all got a piece of this place and the money from it is for our future.”
Ubbe blinks his blue eyes thoughtfully at the younger man beside him, “Besides, baby boy, you are so impulsive – as soon as you get an idea, you jump on it. You don’t always think things through. Have you really thought about this?”
“When Bjorn decided to join the Army and go to war, we didn’t tell him he couldn’t go. We let him go live out his dreams of being one of the Avengers. And was Hvitserk being impulsive when he decided that he wanted to take this place over after Helga died? He did not know the restaurant business. Liking to eat and running a restaurant are two different things, but none of us tried to talk him out of it?” Ivar rolled his eyes and slammed the game cards onto the board, “We all rallied around him and pooled our money together to help him remodel this place how he wanted. We promised that even if he fucked up we would pitch in and help keep this place afloat. My money is here, too. I should be able to have it if I want it.”
“But, Ivar…”
“I’m not finished, Ubbe,” Ivar runs his fingers through his long, loose hair and pulls it over to one shoulder, “When you decided to marry Torvi, a woman that had three children that weren’t yours, did any of us say anything? No. We could see that you loved her and that she made you happy and that was enough. And Sigurd? He was scared as hell to tell us about Kalf, but in the end, it was fine, because he’s our brother and we support each other. But why not me?”
Ubbe takes another drink and sets his cup down silently. He regards his little brother and smiles at him softly, “Because you, my little Ivar, are my baby brother and I don’t want you to get hurt.” He squeezes Ivar’s shoulder lovingly, “I have always looked out for you. I have been your legs since you were a child. You are a part of me, brother, and I must protect you.”
“You can’t protect me from love, Ubbe. She’s my big scary love,” Ivar’s eyes drop bashfully as the blush stains his cheeks.
 “Your what?”
“That’s what we call it – big scary love. You know that love you feel all the time, but sometimes you wake up in the morning and you just say to yourself, ‘I love the fuck out of this woman?’ It’s that love that after a year I still feel fluttering in my chest when I hear her ringtone and why my world spirals out of control when I see tears in her eyes. And she loves me that way, too, Ubbe. I mean, look at me,” he opens his hands in surrender, “In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. Well, she does. She loves me like that and so much more. My legs, crawling around, breaking bones, the pain, my temper...hell, she loves me despite those things. To her, they are just additional sides of me to love.”
Ubbe listens to his brother, trying to keep the tears that threaten to spring to his eyes at bay. He can hear it in Ivar’s voice that he is truly happy. Now, he regrets not getting to know Cami better, but he admits to himself that he did not think that their relationship would last. “I am happy that you found love, Ivar.”
 “She’s pregnant.”
Ubbe unintentionally holds his breath as he tries to think of something else to say, but no words will come out. Why can’t Ivar see what he’s doing? This is all the more reason for him not to make this mistake.
“That’s not the reason why I want to marry her, though.” Ivar smile doubles in size as he thinks about the prospect of becoming a father, “I’ll admit the idea of having a baby is like…fuck! But, I want to marry her because I want to make her my family. I want it all, Ubbe; a family of my own, with her. She’s it for me.”
 “So, what do you want from me?”
With a shrug, Ivar relaxes, “Your permission? Your blessing? Congratulations? I don’t know. You’ve always been my favorite brother – I guess I just want to know that I’ll still have you in my corner. I don’t give a fuck about the money from the restaurant. If Bjorn wants to be an ass and tie it up for years, so be it. I’ll get a real job and stop living off of the family name. The only thing I want is Mother’s ring. I want to propose the right way…and maybe you in my corner.”
Ubbe cups one hand around Ivar’s cheek and gives him a few hits, “My baby brother has finally grown up!” Leaning in, he places his other hand on Ivar’s other cheek before pulling his face toward him to kiss him on both cheeks, “You’re going to be a father and husband! I’m so proud and happy for you! Of course, I will stand up for you, brother. All I have ever wanted was for you to find your own happiness.” Ubbe can’t stop the laughter coming from him as he notices Hvitserk coming over to the table. “And it would be my honor to give you Mother’s ring.”
“Sorry, it took so long. Porunn was late for her shift again. Know any good people needing a job? I could use some help around here.” Hvitserk says, sitting the bowl of soup on the table. He looks at his brothers and smiles at them laughing like loons, “What are you idiots up to?”
Ubbe gives Ivar a knowing smile as he hugs him around the shoulders. “Nothing. Just our brother here has some wonderful news to share tonight when the others arrive.”
Nodding, Hvitserk punches Ivar’s arm and picks up Ubbe’s glass to toast, “Well, to whatever your news is, Ivar,” he clicks glasses with his youngest brother and finishes off Ubbe’s drink. “I’ll get you another, Ubbe.” As he turns to walk toward the bar, he yells over his shoulder, “And you’re not banker during Monopoly tonight, Ivar. You always cheat!”
 Tags:  @youbloodymadgenius​​​ @idea-garden @kol--mikaelson​​​ @mooniemouse​​​ @didiintheblog​​​ @waiting4inspiration​​​ @tempt-ress​ @where-beauty-goes-to-die @crazyaboutmotleycrue​​​ @oddsnendsfanfics​​​ @geekandbooknerd​​​ @ivarthebloodyking​​​ @honestsycrets​​​   @xbellaxcarolinax​​​  @zuxiezendler​​​ @inforapound​​​​  @a-mess-of-fandoms​
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Tagged, about my Loki
Tagged by an awesome Twin Muse, @sviker , Finally getting around to doing this myself
NAME - Loki (Laufeyson or Friggason, depending on the situation) EYE COLOUR - Bright blue-green HAIR STYLE / COLOUR - Long, black hair, shoulder length--wavy naturally, even curly, sometimes left such but brushed back, sometimes straightened HEIGHT - 6′2 CLOTHING STYLE - Depends on the situation and mood--leather and gold, regal style, clear suit, sometimes loose and flowing clothing, sometimes androgynous or non-conforming styles BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE - His intense eyes
FEARS - Never finding his true place, forever being stuck on someone else’s strings, and being bound to a conflicted need to please someone and unsure he can ever please himself. GUILTY PLEASURE - Some actual, quality television that humans have made--blame the one that presented him with Golden Girls. BIGGEST PET PEEVE - Liars who break and ruin with their misdeeds--he finds hypocrisy very annoying. AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE - To find his own hold on his life, to gain the power and place that feels right for him, and perhaps pay back pain to those who did wrong in his opinion in the process.
FIRST THOUGHTS UPON WAKING UP: What must I accomplish today? WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST: The fact that he is without a place, without a home, and his family is either torn away from him, has tossed him away, or will never be able to grasp him in a way that makes him feel real. He thinks about how he must right this himself, because no one else is going to think him worth it enough to do it for him. WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED: Did I do all that was needed? WHAT YOUR BEST QUALITY IS: A tie, between his endurance and his cunning--no matter what he’s been through, he’s climbed out of his grave and found away to thrive again.
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES - Single dates, so he’s not distracted from seeing if who he is with is worth his time. TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED - Nearly craves them in equal measure, but love is what he aches for, even if he might deny it, even to himself. BEAUTY OR BRAINS - Brains, or they’re not worth his time, which he tries not to waste anymore.
LIE - Plenty, usually to point out the obvious, or work his way into what he needs, but at times it is also a guard. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - He believes in pieces of himself, but has yet to believe in all of himself. BELIEVE IN LOVE - Perhaps for some, he believes in loving others that deserve it, but has rarely felt like he’s experienced it for himself. WANT SOMEONE - Someone that can be his equal, but he doesn’t wallow over it, or else he would not be able to function.
BEEN ON STAGE: Yes. Loki was one to put on shows, sometimes with others, but abandoned it in his younger years. DONE DRUGS: Experimented, but didn’t do them for very long. CHANGED WHO YOU WERE TO FIT IN:  Most his life was spent changing himself, then reclaiming himself, then changing again, until he found out about his origins. Now he’s simply trying to find himself again.
FAVOURITE COLOR - Green FAVOURITE ANIMAL - Tie between snakes and wolves FAVOURITE MOVIE - Lilo and Stitch (is also a guilty pleasure, you’ll suffer if you tell anyone) FAVOURITE GAME - The few times he’s found chance to play any mortal games, its been between chess, and bubble buster.
DAY YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE - December 17th HOW OLD WILL YOU BE - Approximately 1,055 years old AGE YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY - At the Aesir equivalent of 15, to Angrboda DOES AGE MATTER - Not unless the other is below a matured (consenting) age in intimate situations, though in those situations and in normal, social ones, he usual prefers common ground or kindred energy--whether age has any bearing on that is a case by case situation.
BEST PERSONALITY - Loyal, patient, and caring, as well as understanding. BEST EYE COLOUR - No preference. BEST HAIR COLOUR - No real preference, but red hair tends to draw his attention. BEST THING TO DO WITH A PARTNER - Talk and touch in the simplest, purest ways.
I LOVE - my home. I FEEL - alone. I HIDE -  myself. I MISS - a happiness that was never really there. I WISH - I was never born, sometimes..
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skaldish · 6 years
Sigyn UPG!
February 24, 2019
Oh my gosh you guys I had the most EXCEPTIONAL experience last night and I just have to share it all! And you know me, I’m not one to share this kind of personal stuff as much these days.
After scoping online for as much as I could about Sigyn and coming up with very little, I decided to leave an offering for her and actually invite her into my home to get to know her myself. And boy howdy did I get some UPG from that experience! Because so little is known about this goddess I’ve decided to talk about it.
Disclaimer: This is ALL UPG. The only thing we know about Sigyn in lore is that she’s Loki’s wife and that she held a bowl above his head to catch dripping snake venom until Ragnarok. That’s it. The following is derived from my experiences, and you can take it or leave it as you wish.
The best way to tell this is to tell it like a story, so please account for metaphor—this stuff didn’t LITERALLY happen. Let’s be smart here.
It began when I invited Sigyn into my home with an offering of chocolate-covered strawberries, which seemed to make the most sense out of what I had on hand. One of the first things she did when she arrived was express great approval for how much I was spoiling her husband, particularly honing in on the framed watercolor I made for Loki that I keep on his side of the altar.
She and Loki were both there, and a few things became obvious at once: Sigyn’s got a really bright energy to her, and she and Loki are MADLY in love. Given any opportunity Loki would sweep her off her feet, or dance with her, or carry her, as if to say, “Who’s the arm-burden now?”
Like a goddang conversation over tea I began to ask Sigyn about herself—”So, uh, what do you DO?” My intention was to figure out what she was the goddess OF, but her reply went something like, “Oh I take care of the boys and the garden, sometimes I paint.” And I was like “huh?” because that’s not what I expected.
And then
Friends, there were IMAGES that came to mind after that moment. A cottage in a meadow, charming as heck, all wooden on the inside with carefully organized clutter and colorful glass lamps. Overgrown but well-loved and cared-for plants. A sprawling garden, well-tended to, complete with at least two garden cats. Feelings of a mild summer night and fireflies, but also the gentle cool breeze of a spring day. It all had the vibe of something Hayao Miyazaki would draw, and something Jason Mraz would sing.
Sigyn IS artistic—actually, I think the whole damn household is. Instruments everywhere and art supplies. The house is FULL of DIY furniture and things. I got the very strong impression that Loki acts as Sigyn’s muse, happy to be WHATEVER she desires in order to spark joy and inspiration in her (this is my experience with Loki as well! I think he loves artists). It’s such a lovely relationship I could die.
In the kitchen I was shown the tea cupboard, and OH MY GODS YOU GUYS this woman has so much TEA! A tea for every reason! Colds, relaxation, stomach pains, sleep, you name it! And it struck me right then that Sigyn was very prolific at low magic: Kitchen witchery, green witchcraft, herbal remedies, etc. You know, more of the earth-based things as opposed to Frigg’s and Freyja’s lofty Seidr.
At this point I began to get a sense of what Sigyn looks like. Bear in mind, this is just how my brain interprets her since deity appearances are metaphorical to me: A woman on the cusp of entering middle age, with a middle-sized build, dark blond hair, hazel eyes, olive-toned and sun-darkened skin, and a couple of sun-spots and moles. Her face is charming and charactered, but definitely NOT the “young maiden” or “hollywood beauty” I previously imagined. She has some serious Cool Aunt vibes to her, actually.
As far as personality goes, she’s fun and playful at her default, bright as a sunflower, but her eyes and smile can quickly take on a cunning look to foretell some quip she’d say. She’s sharp. I got the sense she’s very fond of doublespeak—saying one thing and meaning another:
“Angrboda and I exchange recipes.”—She means witchcraft methods.
“He’s a Jotunn. He needs his exercise.”—The reply to my question about whether or not it bugs her that Loki’s so promiscuous.
(Also, fun fact, I asked her about that nasty “child bride” UPG and she LAUGHED and patted her [child-bearing] hips and said something like, “You better believe I’m a WOMAN!”)
A VERY good pick for Loki. She’s more grounded than he is but still just as bent on having fun. It’s such an amazing relationship I could die and I want to protect it forever.
This all being said, I quickly began to associate Sigyn with some of the following:
Low magic: kitchen witchery, green magic, etc.
Tea (all kinds)
DIY crafting
Art for art’s sake
Gardening and cooking, particularly as magical acts
The tidiness and happiness of a home
Personal balance
Steadfastness, resilience, and personal fortitude
And here’s some miscellaneous UPG:
Sigyn’s bisexual, which pairs well with Loki’s gender-nonconformity.
I guess she has tea with Angrboda from time to time and the two are good friends.
She considers Angrboda’s children her children as well.
Vali and Narfi are young adults and Sigyn’s doing a damn fine job making sure they don’t get into trouble at their rowdy and promiscuous age. xD
She’s not much into the “rabble of the Aesir” these days and I don’t blame her for it.
I now want Sigyn to be my aunt and tell me vibrant stories on her porch during a summer rainstorm with candles and tea.
Even if you don’t agree with this UPG (and you don’t have to) I wanted to provide it here in case some of you find it useful. It really, really bugged me that all Sigyn was defined as is “Loki’s wife,” and framed in senses that reek of 50’s-nostalgia. I’m glad I finally got to know her on my own terms and I hope we’ll become great friends. ^^ She’s really a wonderful goddess and deserves tons of love.
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dailyawakening · 6 years
oh please tell me your thoughts on loki! she's actually a rather interesting character and i dont think intsys could do her justice so i would love to hear your ideas!
this response is so late because A) I’ve been trying to figure out what to draw for it and B) I’ve been trying to figure out how to structure the monster novel that by necessity needs to be attached to anything relating to my Loki thoughts. 
As a disclaimer, all of this is entirely my own invention based on the original mythology and what we’ve seen of canon; I’m resigned to the fact that there’s no real chance any of this will become part of Heroes, but this is what makes me happy personally, so I’m going to stick to it as an AU if nothing else.  So with that out of the way: let’s talk about Loki. 
I decided that the easiest way to go through this would be in the major stages of Loki’s life, with each one showcasing a different appearance (Loki’s a shapeshifter, after all).  It’s not always easy to put myths in order, but I have a pretty strong personal plot thread that runs through Loki’s myths, so let’s start at the beginning: with Loki’s early experiences as one of the Aesir. 
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Loki is not technically a god – not in the way that Odin and Thor are, at least.  Loki is a child of jotunn, and more than likely is a jotunn as well, rather than one of the Aesir, so under normal circumstances would not have counted among their number; however, Loki and Odin forged a blood pact and swore an oath to treat one another as brothers, and so Loki was adopted into the Aesir fold by bonds of kinship. 
Loki is not truly evil, and never has been.  Loki is a mischievous spirit, fiery and wild, fond of trickery and games, and those have a tendency to get out of hand sometimes, which leads to big problems.  But Loki’s word is also their bond, and when they swear an oath, they keep it.  The myth of Idunn shows this very clearly: when Loki is captured by a jotunn, they swear to give him whatever he asks, and he asks for the goddess Idunn, responsible for keeping the Aesir young and strong.  When Loki is released, they do exactly as they swore, and lure Idunn into the jotunn’s clutches; however, when the rest of the Aesir realize what’s happened, they force Loki to promise to get Idunn back, which Loki proceeds to do. 
This oath keeping is important.  It will come up again. 
Now, because of the bond they swore, Loki was often called on by Odin to perform various tasks, many of which sent them wandering across the various realms – of course, Loki also succumbed to wanderlust sometimes when left bored too long, and had been known to wander off.  On one of these wanderings for whatever purpose, Loki met the jotunn Angrboda and ended up having a rather extended affair with her – enough that three children came of it: the wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jormungandr, and a daughter named Hel who seemed neither living nor dead.  
Loki loved those children.  They didn’t care a whit that they were seemingly strange: those were Loki’s babies, and Loki doted on them endlessly.  Eventually, though, Odin had need of Loki again and summoned them…and rather than leave the babies behind, Loki decided to bring them back to Asgard.  Now, the Aesir were significantly less thrilled about these children than Loki, but when Loki asked the Aesir to look after them in their absence (calling on Odin’s pact when he falters), they relented, and Loki left the three children with the gods. 
For a while, things were fine.  Unfortunately, Fenrir and Jormungandr in particular grew at an alarming rate, and the Aesir came to fear what monsters they would eventually become – so rather than let them become destroyers wreaking havoc on Asgard, Odin chose instead to deal with them while Loki was absent on a mission: Fenrir was bound with the ribbon Gleipnir (only managed because Tyr, the Aesir he trusted most, agreed to place his hand in Fenrir’s mouth to prove it was no trick – and he lost that hand for his deception), Hel was exiled to the realm of the dishonored dead (those who died of sickness and famine rather than gloriously on the battlefield), and Jormungandr was thrown into the swirling chaos of the Tempest before Odin used his might to quell it. 
Loki was…less than pleased when they got back.  Vascillating wildly between rage and desolation, they took out their suffering through increasingly malicious pranks on the Aesir (the theft of Brisingamen and the shearing of Sif’s hair), which ultimately ended in Loki paying the heaviest price.  Eventually, grief took its toll, and Loki gave in to a listless depression; it was their inability to care at all that made them discount Svadilfari’s strength, and they came to pay for that, too – though the price came in the form of a new child, the eight-legged colt Sleipnir that Loki bore as a mare.  Unwilling to see another child suffer the same fate as the first three, Loki gave Sleipnir over to Odin in hopes that leaving him in service to the Aesir would protect him from harm…and, at least, Loki would still be able to see the child. 
And it’s here that we reach the first turning point: realizing how unstable Loki had become owing to the loss of their children, Odin decided to take drastic action and try to ground them in the present – by arranging Loki’s marriage to Sigyn.  No one actually expected the marriage to be more than lip service, with the two leading separate lives within the same house; however, much to everyone’s surprise, Loki and Sigyn readily came to care for one another, and Loki finally began to heal from the loss of their children.  They still mourned, yes, and still worried for Sleipnir, but much of their playfulness returned as they found joy with their new wife.  Settling with Sigyn and becoming a more committed member of the Aesir led to the first major shift in Loki’s appearance, as well. 
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Loki and Sigyn had a child together: a son named Narvi who they both loved dearly.  Having a child to raise once more helped to ground Loki still further, and they finally settled comfortably into their role and came to be almost friendly with several of the Aesir.  When Thor’s hammer was stolen, Loki helped him first to find it (by using Freya’s cloak of feathers to fly to the realm of the jotunn; he promised to return it and made good on his word) and then retrieve it, and even won a new ally into the fold with their antics.  Loki and Thor traveled together as allies for a spell, no less, and had a rather harrowing encounter with a jotunn skilled in illusion (during which Loki lost an eating contest with a wildfire and had an unwitting encounter with Jormungandr, something they mourned once the truth was revealed because they had no idea).  And beyond that, Loki even came to the aid of mankind alongside the other gods, helping to save a boy from being devoured by giants when even Odin and Thor could not. 
Sadly, this period of happiness was not meant to last.  In time, Odin’s second son Baldr began to have terrible nightmares about his own death; fearing deeply for her son’s life, his mother Frigg went to every plant, animal, and other object in the world and begged them to swear to do Baldr no harm, to which they all agreed. 
And this is where things get dicey: Odin, wise and well-traveled already, had knowledge of what would come to pass at Ragnarok and after – and because of that, he knew that Baldr would rise from Hel to claim the world after the rest of the gods and men had fallen, inheriting the new and beautiful world that rose from the fire and flood.  With Frigg’s frantic attempts to keep her son alive, that prophecy would be endangered.  Odin, of course, is known as a good and honorable god…but looking at the myths more closely, it sometimes seems that he’s only ‘good’ and ‘honorable’ because he has others do his dirty work (it was his order that had Loki lure Svadilfari from his work, thus cheating the builder of his prize, after all) or claims that he acts in everyone’s best interests (as he did when he bound or exiled Loki’s first children).  
So in order to preserve his son’s ability to inherit the world, Odin went to Loki and asked him to find a way to take Baldr’s life. 
Naturally, Loki balked at that.  But Odin cited their blood bond, and insisted that it was necessary.  In the end, Loki agreed – on the condition that his family be spared from whatever followed, for there could be no doubt that there would be a heavy price to pay for this.  Odin swore it, and Loki left, discovering that Frigg had failed to ask the mistletoe for its oath and using it to create an arrow; and while the other Aesir were having a grand time throwing things at Baldr and watching them bounce off him without doing a thing, Loki tricked Baldr’s twin brother Hodr into firing the arrow – which struck Baldr in the heart, killing him instantly. 
It took little enough time for the gods to realize that Loki was behind the crime, and they proceeded to shut him out of everything.  Wracked with guilt and emotionally unstable, Loki gradually neared a breaking point, which led to the roasting of the other gods at Aegir’s house (which Loki intruded upon by pointedly reminding Odin of the same blood oath he’d cited to make Loki agree to the plot).  Realizing that Loki posed a great danger should the truth come out, Odin took drastic action: when the other Aesir, incensed by Loki’s criticisms and sharp words, hunted them down to be punished for Baldr’s death, Odin turned his youngest son Vali into a wolf and had him attack Loki’s son Narvi, viciously murdering the boy; and to make matters worse, the Aesir then used Narvi’s entrails to bind Loki to a stone beneath the earth, transfiguring them into chains before affixing a snake above Loki’s head to drip poison onto them for eternity. 
Only one stayed beside Loki through this: their wife Sigyn, who remained by Loki’s side catching the poison in a bowl (though she had to leave to empty it on occasion, and when she did the searing poison made Loki writhe violently enough to cause earthquakes).  And it is because of Sigyn that Loki remained passive for so long: her presence kept Loki calm, kept their thirst for revenge from overwhelming them, for she reasoned that if they did slip those bonds and set Ragnarok in motion, then Loki and all of their children all would die, just as Narvi had.  At least now the children had life and could have pleasant dreams – and at least now, Loki had Sigyn. 
But at some point in the very recent past, something happened: Sigyn vanished.  Loki had slept, and when they woke to the searing pain of the snake’s venom, they found that their wife was nowhere to be seen, and no amount of calling and pleading made her reappear.  That, truly, was the last straw for Loki: all their grief and despair turned to fury and hate in that instant, and the fireball they became incinerated both their chains and the snake that had so long tormented them.  In the aftermath, only one link of the chains remained intact, and Loki kept it close, fashioning it into the buckle of the belt they wear.  And without Sigyn by their side, Loki allowed that desire for vengeance to burn through them, which has led to where things stand today. 
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The shape Loki now assumes is strategic as much as comfortable, meant to distract enemies and give her more openings in combat. Everything she does is self-serving, up to and including her alliance with Surtr – hence her betrayal when he ceased to be useful.  What she seeks: her children.  Calling on Veronica to secure Naglfar and raise the Tempest, she sought Jormungandr (and still seeks him, as each foray into the Tempest has left her empty-handed); and now that Surtr’s power has been added to Hel’s army, giving her the ability to break the barrier Askr put in place, Loki seeks her lost daughter.  And in the end, she intends to make the treacherous Aesir suffer for the pain and misery they caused her and her family for so long. 
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stupidrant · 5 months
OH OH WHAT ABOUT THIS ATREBODA AU I JUST CAME UP WITH because i'm currently listening to both delightful and brooding classical music. these strings are making me feel things. (bars 🔥)
victorian era england, a son of a working class man (kratos is either a blacksmith in this or does manual labor), walking in a park with his two dogs (speki and svanna! <3). he is there with his sketch book, the park is where he can find inspiration & draw in peace. suddenly he comes across a shiny pearl necklace. someone has lost this, but who could it be? he looks around and sees a young lady, a worried expression etched on her face. she is pretty, has her hair tied up, a fan in her hand, wearing a beautiful gown with bows and, by jove, pearl accessories! that must be hers!
or so atreus thinks. he has never talked to anyone of the aristocracy before, let alone be in the presence of them! but he works up the courage to ask her about the necklace in his hand. it's now or never. "e-excuse me, my lady... is this yours by any chance?"
she looks up, relief washing over her. "yes, it is! oh thank you so much for finding it! i thought i was done for..." it's a prized posession, the set angrboda has on is her mother's. she would have been heartbroken if she had truly lost it, but thnkfully there's a hero around. a lanky and akward hero, but that's not important. she then asks him to help her put the necklace on, which atreus does with shaky hands and shallow breathing (he tried desperately to hide his nervousness. but it worked!).
angrboda notices the sketchbook atreus has. she reveals that she loves to draw as well, she does it often in her free time! atreus feels happy to have find someone who shares the same interests as him, and they both sit on the bench. they talked to each other for a long time, quite animatedly too.
there's no evil stepmother in this story. there is, however, a bitter and misguided grandmother. gryla wonders where the girl has gone off to now. it is time for her singing lessons and preparations for the banquet. but she spots angrboda talking to a mere lower class boy. what is this girl doing? speaking/associating with the common folk? why is she adamant in becoming a laughing stock, like her mother was? her mother's union to her father shook the aristocratic world. it was only a miracle that gryla has gotten a second chance with angrboda. there is no way she will let her tarnish the family name. gryla must set up suitors for her, dukes, earls, barons, whoever it must be! all so she can forget all about that boy and not ruin her chance (even though she's in the wrong. very much so.)
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marvelloussynergy · 7 years
Thor: Ragnarok sure didn’t disappoint—both as a film and a treasure trove of Easter eggs! The following is a guide to all the ones I’ve spotted along with any deviations from the source material (I will update this as more come to light). Note that owing to the convoluted and complex nature of comic books, I’ve tried to include only the most essential information regarding a character’s history and backstories.
Ragnarok in the Marvel Universe is very much like the Ragnarök of Norse mythology, essentially a cycle of life and death. Asgard is destroyed by Surtur (a fire demon from Muspelheim), with many of its citizens perishing. They are then reborn after some time, and the cycle starts all over again. The Ragnarok story the film mostly draws from spans Thor #80-85 (2004). During a mission to find out if Ragnarok can be stopped, Thor finds out that a group of gods known as Those Who Sit Above in Shadow consume the energy released from Ragnarok, and thus keep the cycle going. He resolves to end the cycle of Ragnarok by having it occur one last time. Thor then proceeds to destroy the Loom of the Fates, severing Asgard’s tie to Those Who Sit Above in Shadow. Of note, we have Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, being destroyed in Thor #80 (though this is not the first time it has been damaged). And with Asgard having been destroyed during the story, Thor rebuilds it on Earth in Thor #2 (2007).
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While this may be the third Thor film, it also adapts the “Planet Hulk” (The Incredible Hulk #92-105, 2006-07, Giant-Size Hulk #1, 2006) storyline as part of its narrative. The Hulk is sent into space by the Illuminati, the group believing that it was too dangerous for him to remain on Earth. Instead of landing on a planet without sentient life as intended, the Hulk’s shuttle goes off course and crashes on Sakaar where he’s enslaved and forced to fight in gladiatorial battles for the Red King. It is from this story that the film adapts Hulk’s gladiator costume, while the Hulk wearing beads is a look taken from Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1-6 (2005-09).
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In both media, Korg is a Kronan who was enslaved on Sakaar. In the comics, however, he arrives on Sakaar after his ship crash lands on the planet while trying to get back home. He went on to became a member of the Warbound, a group led by the Hulk that started a rebellion and overthrew the Red King. Also a member of the Warbound is Miek. Both incarnations are members of the insectivorid race called Natives. Unlike his cinematic counterpart, the comic book version can actually speak.
Thor threatening Loki by having Mjolnir return to him while he holds onto the trickster god is taken from The Mighty Thor #359 (1985), though in the issue he uses the tactic to have Loki undo a love spell. In the film, Loki apologizes to Thor for the time he turned him into a frog. This has indeed happened in the source material, occurring in The Mighty Thor #363 (1986). Thor, in his civilian guise, banging his “umbrella” down to reveal his Asgardian garb is a nod to how Donald Blake would strike down a stick (a disguised Mjolnir) to transform into the god of thunder. During the final battle, Thor loses an eye to Hela. A one-eyed Thor does exist in the comics—the Thor of Earth-14412 who is king of Asgard.
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Skurge is a half-Storm-Giant-half-Asgardian warrior who earned the moniker “the Executioner” after slaying many Storm Giants in battle. His double-bladed axe allowed him to open dimensional rifts and could produce blasts of ice and fire. Skurge aiding Hela in the film is similar to how he often helped the Enchantress with her schemes (albeit, manipulated into doing so). Skurge dying while fighting on the side of good is similar to how he meets his demise in the comics. In The Mighty Thor #362 (1985), Skurge dies while holding the bridge of Gjallerbru (using automatic rifles!) against the creatures of Hel, allowing Thor and his companions to escape.
In the comics Hela is goddess of death and ruler of Hel and Niffleheim. She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda—a detail understandably not carried over into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thor having a sister, however, does have precedence in the source material, though it is Angela who is the thunder god’s sibling, not Hela. Hela’s powers include enhanced strength, energy projection, teleportation, illusion casting, levitation, and the ability to kill Asgardians when in contact with their skin. She becomes weakened if her cloak is ever removed, and her true form is revealed, the left side of her face appearing decayed. Hela’s ability to manifest weapons in the movie is taken from Gorr the God Butcher. In fact, her line “What are you the god of?” is another thing taken from Gorr—a question he poses to Thor in Thor: God of Thunder #2 (2012).
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The Grandmaster/En Dwi Gast is an Elder of the Universe who has a penchant for playing and collecting games. He possesses a vast intellect and, like his fellow Elders, doesn’t age and is virtually immortal. The blue marking running from the Grandmaster’s bottom lip down to his chin is a nod to the character’s blue skin in the comics. The Grandmaster refers to his gladiatorial battles as the “Contest of Champions,” referencing the limited series of the same name (Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions #1-3, 1982). The story sees the Grandmaster challenging Death for the chance to resurrect his brother, the Collector, with both sides using heroes from Earth as pawns.
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie is an Asgardian warrior and leader of the Valkyrior, a group tasked by Odin to bring the slain worthy heroes to Valhalla. She wields a virtually indestructible sword called Dragonfang and rides winged horses. In the comics the character has blonde hair (there is a nod to this in the film with a blonde haired Valkyrie saving Scrapper 142), while the cinematic incarnation has black hair. The MCU Valkyrie’s moniker of Scrapper 142 is a reference to The Incredible Hulk #142 (1971), the first appearance of Samantha Parrington as Valkyrie.
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Bruce Banner’s analogy of how when the Hulk is in control he feels as though the Hulk is driving the car while he’s locked in the trunk is lifted from The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 (2015), which features Amadeus Cho as the green goliath.
Fenris Wolf (simply referred to as Fenris in the film) is a large wolf with the ability to change its form into that of a wolf-like humanoid. Though he isn’t Hela’s pet in the comics, she did enlist his help to bring about Ragnarok in The Mighty Thor #277 (1978).
Adorning the Grandmaster’s tower on Sakaar are head sculptures of Man-Thing (guardian of the Nexus of All Realities), Beta Ray Bill (a Korbinite warrior who wields the hammer Stormbreaker), Ares (Olympian god of war), and Bi-Beast (an android with two heads, one on top of each other).
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There has in fact been a group called the Revengers in the comics. Led by Wonder Man, the group attacked the Avengers, believing that the super hero team does far more damage to the world than they do helping it.
In terms of MCU Easter eggs, the most notable would have to be Thor turning to Doctor Strange to help him track down Odin. Then there are the numerous callbacks to previous films: the play recounts Loki’s “death” from Thor: The Dark World, Hela points out that the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin’s vault is fake, the Tesseract is seen once again, Loki points out that he’s Thor’s adopted brother, Hulk thrashes Thor in a similar manner to what he did to Loki in The Avengers, Thor attempts to use Black Widow’s lullaby to calm the Hulk, the code word Thor has to use to activate the Quinjet is “Point Break” (Tony Stark’s nickname for him in The Avengers), Valkyrie suggests going to Asgard via Xandar, and Bruce attempts to turn into the Hulk by falling from a height (as he did in The Incredible Hulk).
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elsewhereuniversity · 8 years
Crossposted to AO3
In the East Hall, the Gentry are called Takers-And-Givers. Marie had her best 2B pencil stolen only to find three packs of pencils - different hardnesses, sizes, colours - in her room that evening. Charley’s bottles of milk were stolen in the first week of term but now their whole flat gets weekly deliveries of dairy far better than any bought at the local shops. Sanjeet’s flowers were decimated a week before Valentines, but now they’re the best and brightest blooming flowers on campus.
First they Take and then, later, they Give, something of equal or more value. No one seems to know how or why, it just is, until the new kid arrives in halls - a late transfer, some incident at their last uni dogging her steps, giving her haunted eyes and probably-nightmares and arms clutched close around her chest whenever someone looms too close. 
When people ask, she says to call her Ravenna. That that’s not her name, but her actual name isn’t one she trusts anymore, that it makes her feel unsafe in her own skin. So everyone in the Hall calls her Ravenna, or, sometimes, Blackbird if they know her well enough, and give her space.
She hates beyond hate to be touched.
Marie sees her one day, within touching distance of one of the Takers-and-Givers often seen around East Hall. They go by Darling - an odd moniker for a six foot creature with a greenish cast to their skin and a bird’s nest of hair, but no one would ever dare say anything to them. They stand just within arms-reach of Ravenna, watching down at the short girl with half-narrowed eyes.
“I don’t want to be afraid,” Ravenna is saying. “I'm sick of it. They say you can help with that, that you can take something away and give something in return. Can you take away my fear?”
Marie almost bolts down the hall to Ravenna, almost warns her against making a deal with the Takers-And-Givers, almost warns her against even mentioning the distance they are from normal but Darling only smiles gently, politely, not the predatory way they had when Marcus from Sumner’s Hall had tried to strike a bargain.
“No one can take your fear,” Darling says. “It’s yours. But if you give me a taste of it then I will give you protection when you are fearing.”
Marie starts backing down the hall, back towards her room, but she still sees Ravenna pause, nod, and go completely rigid as Darling bends their head to gently kiss her.
A wind blows down the hall, smelling of chickens and straw and Michaelmas daisies and Darling is vanished.
We need milk [Sent: 10 minutes ago | From: Maxie]
Please Charley, they’re puking everywhere [Sent: 5 minutes ago | From: Maxie]
CHARLEY. WAKE THE FUCK UP [Sent: 2 minutes ago | From: Maxie]
Charleeeeey. Please? I’ll pay for your coffee for the next week? [Sent: 30 seconds ago | From: Maxie]
Charley rolls out of bed and groans. Rubs their eyes with the heel of one hand and pulls on some trackie bottoms, a hoodie. Sticks their phone into their pocket, and their dorm card so they can get back into the halls.
Sumner’s Hall isn’t that far away but also: it’s cold out. They could text one of the others to let them back in, or make a libation of milk and see if Angrboda will use her tricks to get them back in the hall, but honestly, they can’t be fucked. The deal with Angrboda for free dairy is good, and they’re not about to add more clauses. Not after how much it had cost to pay Petey the Law Student for their help last time they’d made a change.
There’s crocs near the door, which they toe into and then pace down to the kitchen area to the fridge. Pull out a two-pint thing of milk, check their pockets again and sigh.
“Maxie,” they mutter. “You are paying for my coffee for a fortnight.”
When they get to Maxie’s floor in Sumner’s they see what the fuss is about. It’s a party, which is to be expected on a Friday night, and while Maxie is great at stocking up on bread, and they’d made a deal so their tapwater is the best and cleanest stuff on campus, Maxie never has enough milk.
Sometimes Charley thinks that was the price Maxie paid for the water.
The pukers are gathered in the kitchen, an array of bowls on the table, and all of them hunched over one. Maxie grins when they spot Charley, heedless of the flowers falling out of their tight curls.
“My friend,” they say. “You are the best. Stay awhile?”
Usually Charley wouldn’t but tonight, for some reason, they do. They help Maxie take care of the pukers for a few minutes, and then they go to circulate, catching up with Maxie’s flatmates.
It’s while they’re doing this they see Ravenna, her fall of dark hair and closed-in posture instantly recognisable and made worrying by the guy leaning over her, getting in her space. 
Charley’s pushing through the crowd when the guy yells, turns, and Ravenna vanishes.
They cast their eyes around, searching desperately - Ravenna was one of theirs, an East Hall-er, and she was from their flat, and everyone could tell something had happened, that she had something bad in her past. Their whole flat had met a week after she’d arrived to quietly promise to make sure she was safe as far as they could manage.
They spot Ravenna in an alcove by the door. Her head’s tilted back against the wall and opposite her–
Is that Darling? 
It is, six-foot Darling, built like a beanpole, green-tinted skin to match and they’re giving her space apart from a too-many-times-jointed hand on Ravenna’s wrist.
“Are you all right?” Darling is asking. “I wasn’t sure if I got here in time.”
Charley sees Ravenna draw a deep breath in and nod. As she leans forwards and Darling - slowly, very very slowly - wraps an arm around her shoulders, Charley meets Darling’s eyes. 
Charley knows Darling is quite aware of the iron nails they keep in their bag. They’d burned Darling’s hand when they’d tried to Take some sugar sachets back in December.
Darling nods.
They all see it, in the flat. Whatever happened to Ravenna, all her nightmares, they still dog her steps, but Darling dogs those - dogs the memories, the nightmares, and provides protection whenever someone looms too close.
Darling even appears in the kitchen area one morning when Marie reaches too close to Ravenna to take a pencil - suddenly a shadow solidified into the dark-greenish skin of Darling, a shimmering reflection of light became Darling’s smile. 
“Give her space,” they’d said, simply, and Marie retracted her arm.
Ravenna had smiled, reached back to Darling. “I know they won’t hurt me, Darling,” she’d said.
“Maybe,” Darling had said, taking Ravenna’s offered hand, “But I could taste your fear.”
Ravenna had smiled again, squeezed Darling’s hand.
Darling’s there in classes as well, at parties. In the library, in the cafe, even in the shops. When Sanjeet joins Ravenna to go to the gym he sees Darling solidify for a moment in a shadow by the door, unable to enter a place so full of iron. 
Keep her safe, Darling mouths to Sanjeet, and he nods back.
She’s from their flat after all. One of theirs to keep safe.
“Mavourneen,” Darling whispers to Ravenna one day. They’re sat in Ravenna’s room, Ravenna in her chair, Darling giving her space and perched on the very edge of her bed. “That’s my name.”
Ravenna’s hands cup her elbows, and she’s all curled into herself on the chair. Less curled into herself than she had been at the beginning, before she’d approached them and made the deal, but Darling can still see how tension rests in her bones, how fear itches at the back of her neck.
There’s an unspoken promise in giving Ravenna their name, and they wonder if she quite understands it. She understood enough to ask for the deal, to make very clear what she was asking for and to only accept will give you protection, not can. But she kept no iron with her, no salt, not a single charm or medallion to confer protection.
“I don’t know if my old name is really mine anymore,” Ravenna says, and they know she’s understood. “It doesn’t feel right, not since-” she pauses, swallows. “Not since what happened.”
They offer a hand, palm up. Ravenna takes it, slowly, and for a moment there is fear before her thumb runs over their skin and she relaxes. 
“What she did to you,” Darling says gently. “What she did was wrong.”
Ravenna smiles tentatively. “I think,” she says, “Ravenna is my real name, now. My true name.”
Darling smiles, showing far too many teeth. Their teeth are almost catlike, thin and almost translucent some of them. 
“Mavourneen,” Ravenna says softly, sounding it out. “That’s a lovely name. Does it mean anything?”
Darling smiles wider, shows more teeth. “It means,” they say, “Darling.”
Ravenna’s delighted laugh is the sweetest thing they’ve heard in years.
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