#I love selectively mute Link
marvelfangeek09 · 1 year
Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks - The Ball Part I
A chapter posted from my Spirit Tracks one-shot series (that I don't think I ever poster here -oops) Hope whoever sees it enjoys it!
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almiarangers · 2 years
If I could just silent protagonist my way through life, that’d be amazing actually
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mishantics · 9 months
(sidon and link asker here) i just love how goofy sidon is compared to link. especially since he's so extroverted and theatrical, and then there's link just standing there with his thumb up cause he is mute lol
theyre like that one friend who nevr shuts up + the other who just endures. i love them both sm. theyre so silly and i love their bromance
(help okay this is coming from someone who didn't play the games cause I can't afford the Nintendo things)
But same!! They oddly contrast eachother in a funny way lol even in a friendship aspect they're vv compatible AUGH AND JUST. Sidon is such a sweetheart. Idk I guess w the amount of pressure link must be on I think Sidon would be a nice reprieve of all that (applies both ways too omg)
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sashaisready · 20 days
Starting Over: Chapter 1 - Betrayal
Mob!Bucky x Female Reader
Series Masterlist
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When Bucky throws you out of the house for a betrayal and won't listen to your side of the story, you know the only way out is through - it's time to start over. Maybe this was never going to be your happy ending.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, betrayal, mean!Bucky,
Part 2
Hi! This kinda came outta nowhere lmao. Apologies for the angst, I just needed to do an angsty/sad fic cos I'm in my feels. As always, I appreciate your comments and reblogs. This is a two part series (standalone, not linked to any of my other fics, not the same characters as in Sweet and Sour) second part coming soon...
Wordcount: 3.7k
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me, Doll. After everything we’ve been through? Was it all a lie?”
“Don’t deny it! That’s your voice on the recording! Banner proved your phone was there, it pinged there – we’ve got the proof. Even now you’re lying, you just can’t help yourself, can you?”
You had read about people being too stunned to move or speak, but you always thought it was a little embellished for dramatic effect in books. Surely, you could just push through? Surely shock did not have such a profound effect on your body that it rendered you temporarily paralysed and mute?
But you had calmly walked down the stairs towards the lobby of the house twenty minutes ago and hadn’t moved since. You just stood there now, rigid and dumbfounded, trying to understand how your entire world had just collapsed around you mere minutes beforehand. Now, you got the ‘stunned’ thing. You understood.
The aftershocks of Bucky yelling at you echoed around your head. What had just happened? You’d been sleeping peacefully just before he stormed in your shared bedroom, roaring at you before your eyes had even opened. You’d never seen him like that before. This wasn’t your Bucky, this was work Bucky. The one he’d always worked so hard to keep you from.
Why wouldn’t he listen? What did he mean, the recording? The phone ping? Your skull ached as you tried to make sense of it all. You would never do a thing like that to him. You loved him. You’d die before you purposefully tried to hurt him. Why didn’t he understand that?
You briefly considered going back upstairs, finding him wherever he was in the labyrinth of this house and straightening this whole mess out. Telling him you loved him, and he had to listen. Taking him in your arms, kissing him softly.
But the memory of the look in his eyes, the sheer rage they contained, the hatred that lay there, stopped you.
There was nothing to go back for.
You managed to pull yourself from your paralysis and move towards the hall closet near the front door. Well, it was more like a small room than a closet. An overflow from the walk-in closet just off the master bedroom upstairs. A huge space packed with a selection of Bucky’s jackets and shoes. He liked keeping some of them downstairs, getting the staff to rotate them when he wanted a change. Some of your things sat in there too - a few high-end coats, beautiful shoes. 
Correction, past tense - they were yours. Not now. 
“You’re a liar! You lied to me…Bet you loved spending my money too, didn’t you? Laughing all the way to bank as you sucked me dry…”
You screwed up your face as the memory of his voice flooded you. He was just so angry…he just wouldn’t listen. He wouldn’t believe you…
You pushed it all aside and opened the closet door, darting and shuffling through the combined thousands of dollars at your fingertips - the Dior, the Gucci, the Prada. You knew it was in here somewhere.
Then you spotted a flash of red behind one of the shoe racks in the far corner. There she was. 
You moved towards it, grabbing at the red fabric and tugging. It squeezed past the luxury shoes and revealed itself as you pulled it toward you - your faithful red backpack.
A relic of your former self.
No designer labels here, just a bag that had followed you throughout your life - high school, college before you’d dropped out, various apartment moves and vacations. The once-bright crimson colour had faded over time, but it was still sturdy and strong, still TARDIS-like in how much you could pack inside. It stuck out like a sore thumb in the closet against the glamour and opulence. 
You knew how that felt.
You unzipped it and dug through the contents. A pair of jeans, a sweater, a couple of T-shirts and your beaten-up old sneakers. Some pairs of underwear and bras. A few other simple garments. All polyblends and cheap textiles. No fancy labels to be found. No fine silks or luxe fabrics that Bucky had liked to spoil you with. 
This backpack was all you had to your name when you’d moved in here. Funny how life went in circles, because once again it was all you had now.
At the time Bucky had taken it from you and insisted you throw it away - you wouldn’t need it! He’d buy you a whole walk-in closet full of clothes! 
And he did. 
A dizzying amount. More than you could ever wear. A mix of designer labels and custom pieces that fit you perfectly. Fine tailoring and exquisite details. Dresses. Blouses. Pants. Jeans. Organic cotton t-shirts. Skirts of every length. Winter coats that had cost the same as two months of your rent in the city. Underwear sets so pretty and delicate that you were almost too nervous to wear them. 
And accessories, too. Handbags. Jewellery. Shoes. Oh, the shoes. Heels, flats, boots, sandals, sneakers and slippers. Shoes for fancy parties and shoes for hikes. Shoes for the grand vacations. Shoes for just lounging around the house. Shoes you only wore for sex.
All gone, in an instant.
It didn’t matter, anyway. You always told him you didn’t need any of it. And you weren’t lying. You’d never lied to him, despite what he believed now. You were always happiest in sweats and loungewear, you just liked being comfortable and yourself. You just liked being near him.
At the time you’d talked him round about letting you keeping the backpack - nostalgia, you know? You’d had it years, after all.
But he didn’t think you needed it. That was then, this was now. Why keep an old bag when you could get anything you’d ever want? He’d buy you a hundred backpacks, he said, he’d get your initials embroidered, he’d let you design your own, he’d have your favourite designer make you one - especially for you.
But that wouldn’t be your bag. The bag that had seen everything. Your constant companion. 
You persisted. What was one little backpack in a big old house like his? It would take up no space at all. He wouldn’t even know it was there.
He relented eventually, he’d always loved how down to earth and low-key you were. He was fond of your sentimentality. You’d never been interested in his money; you’d kept the love notes he wrote you - not the shopping receipts - but he still liked to spoil you. You deserved it. 
Or so he’d told you then. But it was a different story today. 
The bag had been hastily stashed here in the closet the first day you moved in and had been there ever since, languishing amongst the Italian tailoring. 
Until now.
Part of you wondered if deep down you had always known this day would come. Maybe your gut had sensed it was all too good to be true, and you knew you needed to store a parachute for the inevitable fall. 
You sniffed, wiping away the threat of more tears. There would be time for that later. 
You looked down at the slip you wore, the slinky, silly nightie thing he’d bought you that you’d worn to bed. Not very practical now you’d be out on the street. 
Your brain suddenly switched into survival mode, most likely in an attempt to stop yourself from falling apart, but you couldn’t think about it all now. You needed to find somewhere to stay. And you couldn’t do that in a silk nightdress. 
You quickly shrugged the gown off, leaving it in a tangled pool on the floor of the closet and mentally apologising to Martha who would have to pick it up tomorrow. You grabbed the backpack and pulled on the jeans, a bra, one of the tees and the sweater. You rolled the Dollar Tree socks onto your feet. Kicked on the sneakers. It was all a little musty from being folded up in the bag for so long. But it would do. 
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the closet mirror and gasped. Aside from the wild eyes and tear-stained face, you looked like a version of yourself you hadn’t seen in a long time. Another life.
Hello again.
Next: where to go. The obvious places were Wanda’s or Nat’s homes. And you’d go there. Either would work. Either would welcome you with open arms, being the true friends that they were. Bucky’s betrayal had made you question everything you knew about love, but not the faith in your friends to catch you when you fall. That was unshakeable. 
Maybe you could alternate who you stayed with until you got back on your feet, so you weren’t too much of a burden to either. You just couldn’t face either of them tonight, you needed to be alone. 
You frantically rummaged through the backpack again until you found what you were looking for at the very bottom. You let out a little yelp of relief.
The battered old wallet had seen better days, but it was hanging on. You opened it up and breathed a sigh of relief that you’d never transferred your driver’s license into the Gucci wallet Bucky had given you on that first day. Thanks, lazy past self. It wasn’t like you’d driven much anyway, not with his all drivers on the payroll and the Uber account he’d loaded onto your phone. 
The wallet also contained debit and credit cards you’d never cancelled but hadn’t touched since Bucky gave you your very own black card. It was funny how you used to obsessively count every penny and now you could charge whatever you wanted without a second thought.
Not now, then, you corrected. You needed to get used to your life with Bucky being referred to in the past tense.
“You were working with the feds this whole time, Doll? Is that it? You were all laughing at me? Laughing at how easy it was to let you in? The cute little waitress doing her ‘oh shucks!’ routine, catching me hook, line and sinker?? God I’m such a fucking idiot…”
You stifled a sob, but continued hunting through the wallet.
You thought about your purse sitting out on the side table by the front door. You could take that with you and charge a hotel room it. He probably wouldn’t even notice such a small charge amongst his wealth, and even if he did, he wouldn’t begrudge you a few bucks for a roof over your head for one night. Would he?
No. Enough. 
He had ended it. He had implied you were a leech. He didn’t listen, he didn’t trust you. He didn’t believe you. If he truly thought you’d done what he said…he couldn’t ever have loved you. Not really. 
No more spending his money, even though you never really felt comfortable doing so anyway. The showdown tonight had confirmed your biggest fears - he’d always resented you for spending his cash. You couldn’t live like that anymore. 
Besides, you didn’t want him to know where you were. Not that you thought he’d come after you…but still. 
Fortunately, the wallet had a ream of stale bills stuffed in one of the sections. You exclaimed in excitement; you remembered them now. It had been your last day at your waitress job. You’d quit right before you came over to this place to move in, and Lou had given you the rest of the week’s pay plus tips. You had fought him on it, insisting you didn’t need it - but Lou had asked you to take it. For his sake.
“I want you to be happy, hon’,” he’d told you kindly when you had shared your plans. “And I know you’re a smart girl. But you’re getting mixed up with…a different kinda world. A…different kind of guy. You never know when this might come in handy”.
You’d frowned at him at the time, not quite sure what he meant. But as you stood there in the closet clutching the cash, you sent him a silent thank-you for his foresight. God bless Lou. He was exactly right.
You shoved the money and the wallet back into the red bag and moved from the closet into the hallway. The house was completely silent. If Bucky knew you hadn’t left yet, he’d made no effort to stop you. You admitted that a tiny part of yourself had hoped he’d come after you and admit he’d made a terrible mistake.
But he wasn’t coming. 
You slung the backpack over your shoulder as you headed to the front door. As your hand curled around the handle, you turned and took one last look at what had been your first real home. What you’d hoped would be your last home. 
You looked over at your phone which you’d tossed onto the dresser next to the closet in your panic. You briefly pondered taking it, but it wasn’t yours anymore. You’d buy a burner in the morning and get a new cell plan once you were back on your feet. 
Wow. You were surprising yourself with this pragmatism. But you also knew you were hanging on by a thread.
But the fact was - you’d survived before Bucky, and you’d survive after him, too. You always kept going. You’d been dirt poor before, you could do it again. You’d been alone before, too. You’d been alone most of your life. 
You could do it again.
‘Tenacious’ - that’s what Nat had called you once. You weren’t sure if you agreed with her at the time, but now you wanted to prove her right. You wanted to be the person she believed you to be. 
You already knew it would be much harder now, as you’d had a taste of the other side. How the other half live, as they say. Before, you didn’t know any different - you didn’t know what you were missing. Now you absolutely did. Not just the money…the comfort…but being cared for, being loved. 
On some level, you’d always known this wasn’t going to be your happy ending. You knew deep down that the house of cards would eventually fall, because it always did. 
You just wished you weren’t always right. 
You opened the door and stepped out into the dark.
You walked for thirty minutes towards the city. Bucky lived on the outskirts and most of the journey had been leaving his estate along the single, winding road that led up to his property. None of his men paid you any mind. Not the ones with guns pitched up along the perimeter. Not those waiting in cars half a mile from his house, keeping an eye out for any potential threats as they did every night. They all knew who you were, so word must’ve spread fast. Otherwise they would’ve been falling over themselves to check on you and find out why the boss’ girl was out walking by herself at this time. 
You wondered if Steve or Sam had put a message out on the comms. ‘They’re over. Don’t worry about her anymore’ or words to that effect. Something cold but concise. That’s how this operation worked. 
You’d developed friendships with some of these men. Chatted to them and even brought them coffee when they kept watch on cold nights. You would watch then from the windows and tell Bucky you were worried about how freezing it was out there, and he’d laugh it off and say it was part of their job and they were fine. But they were always grateful when you came out with a thermos, always told you how much it meant to them. 
All of it forgotten in an instant, you were disposable as anything else in Bucky’s empire. You understood that now. Just like when he wanted a new car or a new watch, he’d toss away the old model - then find himself something newer and shinier. 
You walked a little further as signs of civilisation starting to appear and Bucky’s acres of land disappeared behind you. A gas station. A boarded-up strip mall. You were a little frightened walking alone by yourself, but the sheer adrenaline your situation propelled you forward. 
You breathed a sigh of relief when you eventually found a tired-looking Holiday Inn up ahead. A few of the lightbulbs on the neon sign were out, meaning it spelled out H LIDAY INN. A leaky drainpipe dripped a steady stream of water over the entrance. Oh dear. 
But it would do for now. 
You took a deep breath as you went inside and checked in at the front desk, paying for a basic room with your waitress cash. The disinterested receptionist gave you the key card and sighed with boredom, barely looking at you as she barked the directions to your room and resumed Candy Crush on her phone. She didn’t seem surprised to see a lone woman turning up in the middle of the night, arriving to a roadside hotel on foot, paying for two nights in crumpled bills. She didn’t even ask to see your ID. That all gave you a pretty clear idea of what the staff were used to here.
You passed an ancient-looking PC that guests could use, which surprisingly, as it looked like it was last updated for Windows 95, had WiFi. You made a mental note to log on tomorrow to message Wanda and Nat on social media and fill them in …and hopefully get one of them to come pick you up. 
You grabbed some chips and soda from the vending machines then walked towards the elevators. Not quite the glamorous dinner you’d become accustomed too, but it would do. For now.
You hit the button to call the elevator as you slumped against the wall, the exertion of your long walk and the evening finally catching up with you. The elevator creaked and spluttered but it finally got you to your floor. 
You scanned your keycard and swung the room door open, dumping your backpack and snacks onto the wood-veneer desk before flinging yourself onto the double bed. The no-frills basics were worlds away from the fancy hotels you were used to staying in with Bucky, but it was clean and comfortable. And most important of all, it was private. 
“Just get the fuck out. We’re done here so save your tears. Over. Finito. I don’t need some liar in my bed, being sweet to my face then sticking a knife in my back – then not even having the guts to admit to it when she’s caught red-handed”.
Finally alone, you allowed yourself to weep. To mourn the end of your relationship and the man you thought Bucky was, versus the man he turned out to really be. To grieve, to bid farewell to the life you thought you had (and would continue to have) with him, and the way you thought he saw you. It wasn’t just about losing him and tarnishing your memories, it was also grieving for a future and a life you thought you were going to have. 
“I don’t care. You’ll figure something out, sweetheart. You’re just lucky this is all I’m doing after everything you’ve pulled…”
Large, wracking sobs took over your body as you curled up on the hotel bedspread and allowed yourself to feel it all. You ate the chips and drank the soda, barely tasting either. You turned on the TV and let the black and white movie on the one working channel serve as background noise. Fatigue eventually swam over you, smothering you like a weighted blanket.
Soon there were no tears left and the well had finally run dry. Mercifully, sleep finally came for you, and you gave into it without a fight. 
And you slept. And slept. 
Bucky was at his desk looking at paperwork when Steve came back into his home office. He was doing his best to ignore the nauseating rush in his gut, trying his hardest not to think about you and the way your face had crumpled as he confronted you. Most likely it was just your guilt, anyway.
“Barton said the shipment arrived right on schedule, everything accounted for,” Steve advised as he poured himself a shot of bourbon from the small bar setup in the corner of the office. “And Sam’s out at the shipyard, running through the plan with Rumlow”.
He was desperate to address the elephant of the room and ask Bucky how he was holding up, but Bucky had previously insisted nobody bring your name up. So he didn’t. 
“Good,” Bucky replied curtly. “And Stark?”
“All on board. Said we can iron out the details next week”.
“Perfect, thanks”.
Steve nodded, downing the last of his glass as he placed it on the ornate tray and headed to the door.
“Oh, and Steve?” Bucky called out to him.
“Yeah, Buck?” He turned to face his friend.
“Do you….you uh know…where she went? After…what happened?” He asked, the tiniest hint of hesitation in his otherwise firm tone. Most people wouldn’t have spotted it, but most people didn’t know Bucky like Steve did. 
Steve shook his head, “No, Buck. Some of the men saw her leaving on foot a little while ago”.
Bucky swallowed but his face betrayed no emotion, “On foot?”
“Yeah. I guess she didn’t have a lot of options…” Steve shrugged.
Bucky nodded, “Yeah…I guess I just assumed she’d book a cab…or call one of her friends…” he said wistfully as he looked back down at the papers across his desk.
“She left her phone. Scott found it by the front door, next to her purse. I’m not sure she took anything with her, actually,” Steve mused.
Bucky frowned, “No…phone? No…money?”
Steve shrugged, “I don’t think so. But that’s good, right? You said yourself she was probably just playing a long-con to get your money too…”
Bucky’s gaze dropped back to the desk, his grip on the fountain pen he was holding tightened, the nib shaking from the force of his strength.
“You okay, Buck?” Steve asked tentatively as he watched the way the pen shook.
Any hint of vulnerability was immediately snuffed out as Bucky’s eyes snapped back to Steve. 
“Of course. Fine. Let me know what Sam says”.
Steve nodded, “Right. I’ll call him now”.
As Steve closed the door, the pen snapped in Bucky’s hand.
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floofanflurr · 3 months
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Meet Ink Frisk and Chara, an UTMV redraw
(Ink Sans belongs to Comyet)
My friends helped me figure out a whole bunch of character mashups for me to draw! I’ll be doing the rest of UTs main cast as different UTMV characters.
(Bonus image and more ramble under the cut:)
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@humankk and @bee-the-aroace-dragon said that Ink Sans would take Ink Frisk and Chara under his wing (and would keep them away from the more 18+ AUs) so have a sketch of that. Because I love the thought of Ink Sans mentoring little Color Drop.
Now for ramble! This was supposed to just be a reimagining of Ink Sans’s role in the Multiverse, though I’ll admit that I’ve named them and have a few head canons… so for anyone curious, here we go!
Color Drop:
- They prefer going by Frisk and Chara, and will answer to “Ink” if someone calls them that, but if there’s multiple Frisk or Chara around, they go by Color Drop.
- If you have need to refer to only one of them, (Why would you, though? We’re pretty much the same.) Chara answers to “Color,” and Frisk answers to “Drop.”
- Similarly to Ink Sans, they come from an abandoned AU, where Frisk was the main character, and Chara was attached to them as a ghostly narrator. Frisk was the only completed being with a soul in that world, though Chara was also fully aware.
-Frisk, however, was not originally aware of Chara’s presence as an aware being, as Chara was stuck only narrating things.
- By nature of Chara’s death, they do not have a soul of their own.
- When Frisk almost destroyed their soul in hurt and confusion and despair, Chara latched on and took it for safe keeping. It’s now stored in a recreation of their locket. This was when they both fell into the nothingness.
- Being stuck in the nothingness is where Frisk learns more about Chara and that they are aware.
- Neither of them know how to return Frisk’s soul.
- Frisk can still feel because of the proximity of their soul, but it’s more numb than they were used to. They need the paint to feel as strongly as they once did.
- Due to Chara’s lack of soul, they use the paints to help them feel things. Being closer to Frisk also helps them feel because of their mental link.
- Chara is tangible in the doodlesphere, void, and antivoid (when they want to be)
- When visiting AUs, Chara is intangible. They can also go back to just being in Frisk’s mind where no one else can see them if they want.
- Frisk is the one who makes most of the choices and actions, but they don’t talk a lot. Chara prefers to leave things to them, and mostly narrates and provides commentary.
- Chara and Frisk share a mental link where they can talk telepathically.
- Despite having different and distinct personalities, sometimes they struggle to figure out where “Frisk” ends and “Chara” begins.
- Frisk is selectively mute and uses ASL or a tablet to write out what they want to say. They speak aloud on occasion, but it’s rare.
- Frisk’s colored hair isn’t consistent. It’s constantly changing which strands are highlighted.
- Frisk’s favorite character in the AUs is Papyrus. It’s why they chose the red scarf.
- Chara’s favorite is all of the Frisks. (They also love Sans and his jokes and pranks, though they won’t admit to it, especially considering how many Sanses out there hate them)
- If you manage to separate them somehow… Things will not go well. For anyone.
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oneweirdbookaddict · 2 months
Congratulations on your milestone! Very exciting!❤️
For requests, maybe write about a Link with verbal issues?
Like, maybe one is selectively mute/apraxia of speech, one stutters, or one has like echolalia?
Thanks on the congrats!
I hope you like it!
This one fought me start to end, but it was cool to research and fun to write!! Thanks for the request!
Wind, Sky, Wars, and Four are the main focus, though everyone is there and participating!
1335 words, no warnings!
The weakest link in a chain of command is always communication. 
Wars complains about it every time they get mail- reports and letters from his Zelda and Impa will get him so riled up he has to take a walk to calm down. 
Then comes back to complain to whoever will listen about how no one can communicate and listen to orders for an hour. 
“I mean, I know I’m not there to give direct orders but for the love of the goddess I wasn’t for half of the war, either!” The captain signs furiously. “It’s like just because I’m away ‘on holiday’ it’s like they don’t have to do what I say!” 
“Your Z- Zelda t- t- told them you’re on holid- day?” Four says, looking somewhat amused. 
“Y E S!” The captain signs letter by letter for emphasis. “That was her first mistake!” 
“Some holiday this is.” Legend mutters, getting a snort from the sailor. 
“Holiday.” Wind repeats. 
“Why a holiday?” Wild asks curiously. 
“I don’t know!” Wars sighs, gesturing with his hands after the sentence. 
“Easier than explaining to them that you got sucked through an evil-looking purple portal that sent you through time and space?” The traveler asks with a frown. 
“Well, maybe, if it hadn’t already happened before!” The captain signs grumpily, poking at his letter. 
Sky chokes. “Hmm?” The Skyloftian hums, coughing over his water. 
Legend pats the knight on the back. 
“He said it happened before.” Wind clarifies, clarifying absolutely nothing to most of the crew. 
Sky makes a confused face. 
“During the war, Cia created a hole in time and space. I visited Skyloft myself and fought there. Zelda, though disguised at the time…” 
The captain’s hands slowly stop in response to Sky frantically gesturing for him to stop, finding his journal and scribbling in it frantically. 
Shoves it frantically at Four, who translates. 
“What d- d- did it look lik- ke? I didn’t- t know th- that. W- was it in my fut- fut- fut- after my t- time?”
Four sighs over the word he’d failed to pronounce, mouthing it slowly until Wind nudges him. 
Wars is halfway through his reply, Sky hanging on desperately to every word. 
“- don’t know anything about times, there wasn’t time to talk to anyone and after the battle, it was hurry rush go.” Wars signs, emphasizing the rush.
Wild glances up from the cooking pot, where he’s making individual pizzas for everyone. 
“Wind?” Wild gets the sailor’s attention. “Mushrooms on your pizza?” 
“Mushrooms.” Wind agrees, eyes still on Wars with a small, mostly amused smile. 
“Mushrooms s- s- suck.” Four mumbles, and the champion grins at him. 
“Peppers in yours, Smithy?” 
“No!” Four yelps, grey eyes narrowing when Wild laughs. 
Wars is still complaining about his letter, setting a new record with two and a half hours of complaining. 
Hyrule gestures their new record to them over the captain’s head, so only they can see. 
Though the captain falters at Legend’s snort, glancing up at the traveler. 
Rulie smiles innocently, really turning up his large hazel eyes. 
Like a puppy. 
Wars tries to look serious, but alas, no one is immune to the traveler’s eyes. 
“I don’t believe it is as big of a deal as you believe it to be, Captain.” Time says ever so formally. 
Wars sighs, slumping dramatically over the log he’d been leaning on. 
“It isn’t,” the captain agrees with a sigh. “But I still have to deal with it when I get back.” 
“Mm. Maybe we’ll all die and none of us get to go back.” Legend says way too casually. Then- “Joking. I was joking.” When every eye in the group finds him. 
“Bad one.” Sky mutters, the rare sound of his voice making them all jolt and burst into laughter. 
Legend’s cheeks flush, but he’s failing to hide his own laughter. 
Sky is almost completely nonverbal- the sound of his voice is incredibly rare. The knight must be having a good day. 
Four, on the other hand, is not. The smithy is the type of person who’s always on the move and hates being held back. His stutter- which they’re slowly realizing is a recent development for him- frustrates him at times. 
It’s a bad clash when Sky writes and Four… is their sole translator. 
Sky’s written language is too different for any of them to be able to read, and sometimes even Four struggles a bit. After centuries, writing just doesn’t stay the same. 
On top of that, they’ve… mostly figured out how to effectively communicate with each other. 
Battles were definitely still a challenge, communication being an outright struggle with them before they found a way to make it… effective. 
Fighting in predesignated pairs, if possible, people who can communicate at a moment's notice with… someone who isn’t able to. 
That one helped a lot after Sky got hurt and couldn’t tell anyone. 
They’d found him later, passed out against a tree. But no one had known what had happened, if he’d been abducted or worse. 
So they do regular check-ins with each other- Wars, Wind, and Wild. Time, Twi, and Sky. And Four, Hyrule, and Legend. 
“Four, beating yourself up over your stutter won’t help it.” Time says quietly, the smith sighing over at their oldest member. 
Nods slightly, fidgeting slightly before picking up a book. 
Wind grins and zips next to him, always enjoying looking at the pictures in Four’s smithing texts, or maps in the history ones. 
On his good days, the smithy will read or explain the context to the sailor. 
Time helps Four a lot with his stutter- apparently, the old man had a stutter when he was younger. 
They often take walks together and work on speaking. Four is really self-conscious about his speech. 
Wars, too, struggles with his disability, though it seems to be more frustration than self-consciousness. In a position of leadership, it’s understandable. 
They all silently wonder how the captain was… well, able to command soldiers on the battlefield. 
But then again, none of them are war veterans. They’re not exactly sure how it works, and they’re sure Wars’ leadership was able to make accommodations. 
Sky is the most comfortable with his speech, though he gets frustrated with his lack of ability to communicate with them. With centuries between him and his closest descendant, Hylian Sign has just changed too much for them to understand it, and Sky has a hard time understanding Wars. 
The best they’ve currently figured out, with Four knowing Sky’s written language because of what Legend dubbed ‘nerdiness,’ is Sky writing on spare parchment and Four translating. 
Wind… they’re not quite sure what Wind thinks. The sailor seems so unbothered by everything. Absolutely no embarrassment at his self-proclaimed ‘outbursts.’ 
Which is just him repeating a phrase or a few words of what someone’s said. Wind has said that yes, it’s technically a speech disorder though it’s rare. 
There’s not even a name in his Hyrule for what he has, though Wild’s called it Echolalia. The champion mentioned, very offhandedly, that he’d been diagnosed with it. 
Wild… was an odd one. Some days he was mostly nonverbal, though others he was entirely verbal. It depends on how he’s doing day by day, though a trigger could easily turn a verbal day into a nonverbal day. 
Usually, they can tell if a switch is coming, unless it’s in battle or another chaotic situation that they can’t seem to avoid. 
They all prefer the softer, more peaceful moments of sitting around a fire, or in a room of an inn. 
Some talking softly, others communicating in their own way, playing cards, reading, carving, anything they want. 
Communicating however they want, in the way that works for them, with people who accept their differences without judgment. 
With all their shared experiences, they're able to understand each other more than other people who haven't been through the same thing are able to.
And they work constantly with each other to continue that understanding.
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Update on the I'll build castles for you, my love, more regarding characters+ snippets of them+pics of them.
I finally made all the OC's for Rosinante's marine crew he is in charge of as a Commander. After some googling (seriously there is a lack of military information on the internet) I decided Rosinante would be in charge of about 200 Marines. If anyone wants to know, the ranks of Marines in One Piece are 100% based on the Japanese Navy. Here is the link if anyone wants to read more. The captain (rank above commander) is the one giving orders on the ship but the commander is the one in charge those orders are followed. Commanders are also in army sense brigade/squadron/platoon commanders and that's what I decided to focus on. Just as Hina is in charge of Black Cage Corps as a Captain, Rosinante will be in charge of two things: 1) 200 Navy soldiers 2) Assassination & Espionage Unit
I'm focusing on #2. There will be multiple brigades within the A&E Corps, and Rosinante climbs the rank of the Corps with LIGHTNING SPEED. At 20, he gets put in charge of the first unit, the most elite one. The squad gets the name after its commander's last name, but also after a nocturnal/silent animal.
Honestly, Coby became a Captain at 19, which means he already captains his own Navy ship (gotta say I screamed in joy when I saw Coby was captain I love Coby so much), so Rosinante, who is even more capable, will also be climbing the ranks quick as FUCK. I think Oda made Rosinante a Marine Commander instead of Marine Captain because Marine Commander plays the same role & rank as Doflamingo's Top Executives, which Rosinante IS. They lead a branch of the army/navy, and have their own corps/pirate teams to lead, and answer only to the captain.
“They’re not my friends.” - Corazón to Law about Doflamingo's crew
Without further ado, here are Rosinante's crew & friends :D (die mad, Doffy!)
The Crow Corps 🐦‍⬛
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(rank below Rosinante, same age as Rosinante)
Full Name & Epithet: Wulf the Direwolf
Marine Title: Lieutenant Wulf
Devil Fruit: Ancient Zoan: Model Direwolf
Height: 2.90 m (9 feet 6.17 inches)
Favourite Food: Beefsteak & Barbeque
Least Favourite Food: Hamburgers
- half-Lunarian
- Rosinante's best friend
- got his scar from fighting Doflamingo when he went to beat him up after Rosinante told him about his past. Wulf was 16, Doflamingo 18. According to Wulf, Doflamingo "wet himself" when Wulf entered his Zoan form
- befriended Rosinante because Rosinante gave him a light during a smoke break when they were 16
- wears a white tank top 99% of the time, on ceremonies and on duty as a Marine, wears the Marine cloak over his tank top
Personality: has a deep but pleasant voice, talks rough & swears a lot, can get heated when trying to help but means well, will pick a fight for the tiniest things, best wingman, observant
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Marine Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 25
Height: 1.90 m
Favourite Food: Donuts & pastries
Least Favourite Food: Potatoes
- only one with a braincell, in charge of intelligence & communications within the corps
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Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 24
Height: 187 cm
Favourite food: warm soba, anything warm with noodles
Least favourite food: salty food
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Height: 174 cm
Age: 21
Favourite food: squid & coconut
Least favourite food: stew
Favourite drink: beer, coconut milk
Least favourite drink: red wine
- pretty vulgar
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Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 24
Job: Field Medic & Surveillance
Haki: Observation Haki, Armament Haki
Devil Fruit: Telepathy Fruit
Favourite Food: Chiffon Cake
Least Favourite Food: Crabfish
- He's selectively mute bcs he's very shy. He communicates with his telepathy fruit to others, and can choose who hears his voice. Talks a bit with Rosinante & his crew; they are the only ones in entire Marines who heard him speak.
A/N: Bandi is mine, he's mine, mine mine I love him, would marry him. I love him.
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Rank: Ensign (16), Lieutenant (20)
Height (16): 164cm (16), 170 cm (20)
Devil Fruit: Bird Bird Zoan Fruit Model Owl
Favourite Food: Takoyaki
Least Favourite food: Chicken Wings
- looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you
- scariest mfr on the team
- absolute sweetheart
- breaks Doflamingo’s lower leg with Armament Haki
Now for the snippets! 😊
Wulf & Rosinante First Meetig (both are 16)
“Man, it got hot in there,” muttered the white-haired, dark-skinned teen, grabbing his white tank top, cooling himself off by flapping it. “Thanks for the light.”
He exhaled a puff of smoke.
“No problem,” said Rosinante, glancing away to the bay. 
Wulf (16) talking about fighting Doflamingo (18) with Rosinante (16)
“Get yourself comfortable, saint. Have I got a great fight to tell you about. So, there we were, docked at Oregon Island in the south bay, while your brother’s ship - some pink insult to all flamingos, really -” Rosinante giggled as Wuf continued talking, “was docked at the north bay. So I snuck out and was there within two minutes in my zoan form. Then I switched back and walked around the port a bit, looking for some form of pink.. and lo and behold, ten feet tall blond mannequin of absolute dreadful fashion was on the other side of the street talking up a girl, but she was clearly not into those tiger print pants and red leather jacket with a fucking pink fur collar, five seas, it was terrible, he’s eighteen, he should dress better if he wants to get girls.”
“Oooh, it was so good, Rosinante. I swaggered on over, but not your brother’s weird bird mating dance walk where he shoves his cock in the girl’s face. I wish I was joking, man, he actually walks like that. Chill, flamingo, what are you, a male escort -”
“Wulf -” gasped Rosinante, unable to breathe.
He was going to choke. Rosinante was going to choke. He was laughing so much he was crying. He couldn’t eat the crackers or he’d be put in the hospital bed next.
“She wasn’t into you,” said Wulf. He smirked cruelly at the eighteen-year-old blond pirate. “Can’t blame her, any girl in her right mind would run for the hills when you smile like a creep at them. The only girls you’re ever gonna get are the ones you pay for, because nobody would date a walking pink fur.”
Rosinante squawked like a frog. He was bent over, clutching his stomach, laughing.
“He was raring to go. I could tell. He said: You stole my fun for the night, mutt.”
“And then I said: Only seems fair for what you did to my mate, bird dick. And then. I. Smashed. My. Armament. Fist. Into. His. Face.”
“And boy, did he fly then.”
Rosinante (22) & Wulf (22) going out to drinks
“Exactly,” said Wulf. “Now move your ass, prince charming. You’re gonna get yourself a girlfriend — not a one-night stand, mind you, those don’t count! — or I won’t be called Wulf the Direwolf.”
“You don’t have a girlfriend, either, Wulf...” muttered Rosinante, letting himself be dragged along the corridor of the marine barracks.
“Keep it up and I’ll throw you all the way up to Mariejois, saint.” said Wulf.
Rosinante chuckled.
Crow Corps (all together)
“Rise and shine!” said Rosinante cheerily, pulling back the blinds of the living room.
Numerous groans filled the living room where his fellow six marines slept when the sunlight hit their faces.
“I give you thirty seconds to pull those things back, Commander.” muttered Nietzsche, face buried in the pillow, flicking open his right eye, purple iris glowing in the sunlight under his purple hair.
“I give him ten before I throw him all the way across the island and explain to his wife why she’s become a widow,” muttered Wulf sleepily, rolling over, eyes shut.
Bandi groaned inside his throat, burrowing his head into the sheet, the dark brown tousles of his hair strewn all around.
Castor and Montés were still sleeping, undisturbed by the sunlight. Castor’s snores were only interrupted with his mumble of, “Coconut oil…” as he turned around in his spread-out sleeping position, the blue bead hair tie holding his light russett bangs up while the rest of his ruffled hair laid in disarray on the pillow.
“Commander Donquixote is a sadist,” muttered Hibou hoarsely, hiding under the pillow, holding his hands pressed firmly over it so nobody could toss it off his blond head. “Sadist.”
Doflamingo & Crow Corps (after Rosinante's death)
“Hello, gentlemen,” said Doflamingo. You gasped, turning to your window. Doflamingo was sitting on the windowsill, arms crossed over his chest, the spring wind breezing in through the open space, ruffling his feathery spikes of blond hair along with the pink feathers of his coat.
A sharp, wide smile of a knife was stretched across his devastating face; your gut sunk with fear. It was sunrise of a Saturday.
Rosinante’s crew shot up at the moment they heard Doflamingo’s voice, their arms coating themselves with Armament Haki.
Wulf growled, his throat vibrating.
“You,” said Wulf.
The air grew thick with the murderous intent of six marines staring down the warlord, wishing nothing else but to kill him.
Doflamingo didn’t move, completely relaxed, lounging on the windowsill, his sunglasses and face turned toward you.
“Would you look at that,” said Doflamingo conversationally, the orange and red light of the sun casting itself on his face, painting him devillishly. “Sunrise on a Saturday.”
He sat up, uncrossing his arms. He stepped down from the windowsill. Tears threatened at your eyes. 
Wulf narrowed his black eyes at Doflamingo.
“She’s mine for the next forty-eight hours,” said Doflamingo, deep voice resounding across your living room. “So be good little marine dogs and get lost.”
Taglist: @fanaticsnail
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peachssodapop · 1 year
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I love projecting onto characters ♡
I love the selectively mute Link headcanon, sometimes I like to toss in him struggling using sign to communicate as well cause sometimes it's just like that and you have nothing
Second comic is literally based on an mlp scene, I think Link is soft spoken when he does talk
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percahliaweek · 4 months
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FAQ '24
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek is our designated tag - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Where are the prompts?
Ah, seems this has escaped containment then. You can find them HERE!
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like! Just understand that without a Tumblr post we can't exactly RB your entry.
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. That too. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Wait - what might get spoiled for me here?
The #cr1 spoilers tag should broadly cover anything TLOVM hasn't yet, but do note that Percival and Vex'ahlia pop up in Campaign 3 and so some fics might contain mild spoilers for the events of that campaign and the decades between their epilogue and now.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
Yes! HERE it is, ready and waiting for your fics! If interested in last year's fics (which definitely deserve some love), you can find them over HERE!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 5 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] Wild Magic Surge table Life events table If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were selected by a combination of admin discussion and voting in our Discord server to try and ensure a good mix of evocative prompts (we see y'all voting disproportionately for the Scars prompt! We see it!).
Where can I find last year's prompts?
You can find the list and links to individual tags HERE. Given last year was our first year, we unfortunately didn't think to tag Day 1 until after the fact (we'll need to go and clean that up).
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll last year on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode. And, with TLOVM S3 airing the next week, who knows - we might get the animated version to go with it soon! ;3
Is it okay if I only do one prompt?
This event is intended to be relaxed and fun - one entry, or seven, or fourteen, however many you want! We've tried to announce the event earlier this year, to allow for more time for everyone to work on their entries, so please don't feel pressured to do them all the week of. And if you can't finish on time, there's no pressure: late submissions will still be RB'd and added to the AO3 collection. Mind you, after a month or two we might stop checking the blog and tag regularly, so your best bet is to @ us or post in the Discord server!
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell, @blorbologist, @crithaus, @essayofthoughts and @rightpastnowhere! If you have any questions or concerns (i.e. we didn't see your post and missed RBing it :c) please let us know!
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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wip · 7 months
I’ve been getting notifications about people adding gifs that are credited to me to their posts. These are not my gifs. I assume this is a glitch that must tie back to some update on the site and likely won’t be fixed anytime soon, but is there at least a way to turn off these specific types of notifications?
Answer: Hey, @iguanodonwildman!
Thanks for this. We have contacted you directly for more information, but we also have some suggestions we would like to share.
If you upload a GIF to a post (instead of inserting a link to one or using the GIF search), that GIF becomes inadvertently “yours.” Also, keep in mind that folks can edit their post to replace your GIF at any time after the notification is sent. It would certainly be nice if there were a notification type that could be muted, separately from others (and may we take this chance to say that we would love to build this one day, only it is not clear when. While we��would like to add it… we’ve got a lot of other things we need to build first.) 
So, as there isn’t right now, if you are uploading a GIF to your post instead of inserting it, here are some temporary solutions:
First, try to avoid uploading or reposting other people’s GIFs, and use the GIF search when possible.
Alternatively, you could also copy the link to a GIF already hosted on Tumblr and paste that link into the post editor. It will insert that GIF without them needing to download and reupload it.
For those unsure how to copy image links, you right-click and select “Copy Image Link.” On Android, you tap and hold on an image, select “Share photo,” and copy the URL. iOS does not provide a way for us to do this in our iOS app. 
Alternatively, what works well is that you can get the first GIF in any post by pasting the post’s permalink into the GIF search. Bonus point: this will also embed any static image like a GIF, complete with a credit link. The only downside is that only the first image is returned, so GIFsets are out of the question unless you want to use the first GIF.
We hope this helps, and thanks for getting in touch with this. 
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deancasbigbang · 11 months
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Baby's Driver
Author: entropic_saudade
Artist: Sketcheun
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy, Past Bobby Singer/Karen Singer, Past Bobby Singer/Crowley,
Length: 141699
Warnings: Major Archive Warnings: Graphic Depiction of Violence Other Warnings: Alcohol Use, Recreational Drug Use (Marijuana), Gun Violence, Canon-Typical Child Abuse, Canon Character Death, Minor Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Illness , Medical Treatment, Ableism, Kidnapping, References to Torture, PTSD, Canon-Typical Trauma
Tags: Heists, Music, Neurodivergent-Coded Characters, Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Car Chases, The Mixtape, The J-Turn, Selectively Mute Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean has been working as a getaway driver for Crowley for 14 years, and has survived by developing a few simple rules: always pick the right music, keep an eye on the time, never give out his real name, and most importantly, make no personal connections with anyone on the job. Making no personal connections with anyone new is easy when he has difficulty talking in his own words. Enter Cas, who, in order to pay for his nephew Jack’s life-saving medical treatment, decides to break bad by joining Crowley’s operations. Unlike most of his brothers, he’s new to the world of crime, but their driver’s skills and quiet demeanor have a way of reassuring him. Throughout the course of several months, their rules fall to the wayside as they fall for each other, each unable to say the words ‘I love you’ for differing reasons. Cas’ past family life complicates things when Lucifer comes around wanting to know how Cas is getting the money to pay for Jack’s treatment. Everything comes to a head when Dean is kidnapped for one final job. A Baby Driver-inspired AU.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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thv-jk97 · 8 months
Sharing my thoughts about the negative take from that H*BE stylist about LWA because I need to put them somewhere, so forgive me for this post. For context, the stylist said that the MV is using disabilities and those who face discrimination as inspirational material and that they’re “romanticizing disabilities”, and while I can genuinely understand what they were trying to advocate for, their take also completely ignores massive elements of the MV as a whole, whilst also making grand assumptions about the artists (Tae and IU) that they cannot possibly know.
Listen, everyone has the right to interpret any piece of content how they see it and they’re also entitled to feel how they feel and share their opinions, but it becomes problematic when they start making baseless assumptions along with the point they’re trying to make. Claiming that IU and Tae are rich cishets with no disabilities(implying that they are privileged and not discriminated against) is such a WILD assumption to make (let’s not forget that IU does actually have a hearing impairment).
I do think that there should be conversations about who should be able to tell what stories or portray what character, especially in huge projects in mainstream media, but there has to be room for flexibility. Are we going to require people to reveal everything single thing about themselves in order to prove that they can represent a specific demographic fairly? That’s a completely unreasonable expectation, and in some circumstances, it could literally be unsafe. And their assumptions do not contribute to a constructive dialogue about this topic at all.
Not only that, but their critique sort of implies that the MV equates having disabilities to being a victim, but that isn’t what I personally got from the MV. Their characters literally fight until the very end, in their blind and deaf/mute states, and are never actually shown as weak. And it’s just another assumption that the “love filter” takes away their disabilities, when in reality, IU still uses sign language even when Tae is looking at her through the camcorder – what is shown is a world where they don’t have their injuries anymore (injuries that were sustained in this dystopian world) and their lives are more than just fear and running. The concept of “love wins all” is that they made it to the very end of the world together and are ultimately taken out by the shittiness of this world that they’re living in – not by their disabilities.
The stylist also goes on to imply that the ambiguity of the MV is an issue because they end up wearing traditional hetero outfits (since when is sexuality linked to pieces of clothing?), and if it were meant to mean something to the queer community, they wouldn’t have included that. Which makes no sense because that’s the beauty of art – it’s meant to be interpreted however the viewer sees it, and so many people in the queer community did actually take comfort in the symbolism they interpreted from the MV.
To be honest, I can’t help but question the motive of their rant, because from where I’m standing, this person works for a billion dollar company that literally capitalizes on using the queer community for good sales (fanservice, etc)(mind you, this is only one of H*BE’s many offenses) so their issues with this metaphorical MV seem to be a bit selective (aka taking issue with things that don’t affect their livelihood). Also gonna add that they literally have posts supporting Zionists (who raised money specifically for the IDF), so it really seems like selective activism atp.
Tae and IU have both consistently shown that they are massive advocates of inclusivity and equality, so to be accused of exploiting minorities and their struggles is actually so upsetting. People can label it whatever they want, but IU’s decision to change the title of the song was not about “saving face”, it was showing empathy for a minority when she learned that they were bothered by the original title. And for this person to insinuate that Tae and IU are tone deaf and clueless to the strife of those who have been discriminated against is just plain disrespectful and such a projection based on their own personal interpretation and assumptions.
Anyway, sorry for this long-winded post. There’s never a day of peace and I am siiiiick of it.
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
Hunted for the ask game?
ask game link
• First impression
I saw him first on the Razor chapter. There was a lot going on there, so I didn't have many thoughts besides, "Oh! Another guy! 'Hunted', huh? Wonder what kinda chapter he's from–"
• Impression now
Such a good little critter. I just love how understated its kindness and understanding personality is, and yet still so so effective. The kinda person that can connect to and help out anyone if it has the energy for it. But can also become a source of tiredness as all that emotional awareness can be a lot. High-empathy autist <3
• Favorite moment
Gotta be the Eye of the Needle fight. It's just– it's great. Seeing Hunted so confident and sure of your own victory was sooooo satisfying after seein' how fearful and anxious it was in Beast. And Ada finding satisfaction in your more tricky play and learning something new is just– URGH. So good.
• Idea for a story
There's the Hunted-Primrose focused arc I wanna do for Heathens, ofc. But for something different– I kinda wanna write a story about human Hunted struggling with body dysmorphia and feeling like it's not supposed to be human– maybe I'll do smth like this for Echomirror.
• Unpopular opnion
Honestly? I'm not really into portrayals of Hunted becoming/acting more like a predator (all the power to the people who likes it tho, you do you)– idk, it's just not as interesting to me as seeing a little guy overcome adversity despite the odds. Also don't see Hunted being as intense as some portrayals made it out to be. It's very understated and generally a calm/quiet person, and I like leaning into that while still making it a Cryptid.
• Favorite relationship
Writing Heathens made me really fond of Hunted and Primrose/Damsel's relationship. I just think they'd get each other really well. They're simple people, with simple goals/wants, who just want to livr a happy/peaceful life. And the idea of Hunted helping someone who isn't very naturally apt for fight how to survive is just very dear to me.
• Favorite headcanon
Hunted having a speech impediment– being either semi-verbal or selective mute. Especially in a post-construct scenario where it now has to use its own throat to talk. It's Way Too Difficult at times, and it often prefers non-verbal communication.
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bokettochild · 1 year
@isasan347 your tags on my last post
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First of all, you are right, Legend is indeed everything, my man has no chill
Secondly, I feel like you're missing out on what (at least to me) seems the more obvious answer: Little Mermaid Au with Legend as Ariel
Legend is a collector, it's one of his nicknames. he collects things from the world outside of his own, and sometimes within his own. He strays outside of where the goddesses wish however and through pure bad luck gets struck by lightning and lands on a shore where he's found by one of the locals whom he then befriends, falling in love with one of them even.
Link is even a mute in most depictions!
Like, merperson Legend who gathers cool stuff, but dabbles too closely with the human realm and get's cursed as a result (he's not stupid enough to make a deal with a witch). Turned into a human, he ends up on shore for the first time in his life, only to meet a young sailor girl who chases the horizon and whom he once rescued. She doesn't recognize him, but she sees someone in need of help and takes him home. Him being a selective-mute makes communication hard, especially when he's sort of nervous around her anyways because she's so pretty? But hey! There's all sorts of cool things on this Koholint place! And things to do! And maybe being a human isn't so bad? Except trouble comes and some stranger, who looks suspiciously like the person who cursed him, appears and tries to win Marin's affections, even enchanting her in order to do so.
Legend looks into what's happening and learns about magic tomfoolery that's threatening both the land and sea worlds and determines to end it once and for all and take out eth socerer who caused this all and-
I mean, the stories can blend so easily! You don't even have to change much! Just make Legend's life previous to Koholint happen underwater instead of above, and boom! Little Mermaid!
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sleepyfitz · 2 years
König x Y/n drabble(?)
Literally had a random König brainrot at 2am yesterday where König always keeps eye contact with y/n, an instant telepathy when they communicate. I need to get this out of my chest cs i love him sm <3
I'm not really a god-tier writer esp writing hcs so please bear with me T 3 T)/
Warning: None.
Your relationship with König involves alot of communicating with each other through talking and eye language.
It can be just talking about each other's pet peeve, favourite meal and past times. As time progresses, you and könig opened up about each other's pasts.
So both of you had developed a deep bond with each other that sometimes you and könig could instantly link from looking at each other.
König may be selectively mute when he's uncomfortable or around soldiers he barely recognize. You can sense his restless gaze on you, and you would immediately knew he's uncomfortable. Other times you and könig would looked at each other in unison, knowing that both of you had agree to the same thought. Like that one spiderman meme pointing at the same spiderman--
He will look at you and go 'I don't wanna goooo T^T' when both of you were forced to go to a post-successful mission party this one night.
It was mostly because of the younger recruites celebrating prolly their first successful mission in a while. Price was up for a free wiskey and his cigars, Ghost and Soap long gone since their arrival back to the base, and Gaz's just chilling. On the other hand, You were dragged along with König, despite declining the offer, exuding more exhaustion than both of you had already feel. They knew both of you are introverts, but like they say the more the merrier.
So you and König entered the pub nearest to the base, mostly famous for soldiers to hang out. Both of you sat on the stool nearest to the exit.
Two butter beers later (yes butter beer exists in this pub cs i said so-) König nudges you with a suggestive eye. In an instant you knew what he was trying to say;
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, my little maus?' small patches of butter beer foam latching around his pretty little grin. You grinned back, eyes glittering with excitement knowing what comes next. 'Let's get out of here, mein liebchen'.
You look left and right making sure no one's looking around before leading König out of the pub. Giggling and stumbling on flat grounds like the good chaotic couple you are as both of you walked back to könig's room, where you both spend the night showering and cuddling the night away with each other's warmth to a deep slumber.
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Hiya, me again! I’m loving your deep dives into character and plot for BotW/TotK, so I was wondering if you might like to give me your take on something I’m ruminating on for a WIP. I’d totally welcome others pitching in too! The question is this: what do you think that an emotional “breaking point” would look like for Link during TotK? He canonically masks his emotions to an extent and seems to have a history of trauma responses that include shutting down and dissociating, but what happens when it all gets to be too much? When a friend who’s trying to be helpful or sympathetic unwittingly presses too hard into an emotional sore spot and Link - already barely holding it together with everything that’s going on - just snaps? With everything bottled up so tight, what happens if the bottle explodes at the worst possible time: while he’s in the presence of others? Does he lash out? Break down? Flee? Some combination of all those, or something else entirely? I have my ideas but I’d love to get more takes!
Oooooohhhhh hi hi hi
I LOVE character analysis study time to determine how they would behave in a fic. I think Totk Link definitely shows far more emotion than we the players get to see and I think the best part of the game in general to determine that is the chase in Hyrule Castle.
As we know, Link canonically does go mute when he’s feeling a lot of emotion. But, he shows more emotion than is let on. Buliara tells us that Link is legitimately frazzled, utterly focused on ‘Zelda’, and in a space where he may “miss a wrung” in his haste to get up to the observation deck. And as he chases Zelda down and gets to the Sanctum, his expressions change for “oh my god Zelda is right here, I can see her” to “something is off. This isn’t Zelda” as she speaks. I can’t explain it properly, but this is that final nail in the coffin that YES. Zelda is the light dragon. She is going to be forever.
That is absolutely DEVASTATING. Because we know at this point in the game, Link is AWARE that it’s not the real Zelda that’s been seen across Hyrule. But he’s still so desperate.
And after the battle with the sages coming to aid him, everyone else is speaking and Link is just kinda there until Riju addresses him. And she goes “you should come to Lookout Landing too, Link”
While from a gaming perspective, that’s the way the game points the players back to Lookout Landing and of course Link isn’t going there with everyone else, because once the cutscene ends, Link will be by himself for the player to control.
However, in this case, we could argue that this was incredibly emotionally taxing for Link and he is at a breaking point.
So I think for him, it’s a sign that he will go mute and in a sense ‘run away’. He will seek a place to be alone and not surrounded by others who expect things of him. His breakdown point is led with a trauma response of becoming selectively mute and then seeking a safe place to break down with no one around him.
It’s so unsettling because for most characters, you get that explosive reaction, the one that erupts all of their emotions to whoever pushed them a tad too far… but Link’s trauma and his own training as a soldier creates an even worse response.
He doesn’t lash out in front of people. He doesn’t even let them know what he is thinking.
For a Link who is now far more expressive than he was previously, to shut down again and be mute, completely dissociating around some of his closest companions… that’s a LOT. And it’s a lot different from a writing perspective, but I think an internal breakdown, completely oblivious to the people around him, and a steady blow up once everyone is gone or he fled the area to be alone could be very emotionally impactful!
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