#I love that jiwoo is so tied up in his own mind that he can hardly even speak
misswoozi · 1 year
Hey! I’m back with my sub!Johnny agenda. So… it took me a while to think about female idols that I think would dom him and I think I have a few.
I’ll start from his very own house: SM. You Hyoyeon but my brain goes straight to Yoona. Idkw but she has a milf vibe. Those who are always smiling and acting soft with you but they lean on your ear just to whisper “if you keep acting like that I’ll have to teach a few things when we arrive home”. Just ugh. Irene is a strong candidate as well but I think he wouldn’t let her sim for long just because ✨ego✨. He knows she can and will dom him, so he’ll try to resist. Another SM babe that would dom him is Krystal. Like… look at her… in my head she had Kai all tied up and wearing a collar and that is enough to me.
You said LE and I absolutely agree she’d WRECK Johnny. She’s mean. I wanna be wrecked by her. But also I thought of Hani. She has the same Yoona vibe for me. She’s very fierce and always seemed pretty confident to me. She seems more of a soft dom, going more on the overstimulation and mocking kindly.
Last but not least. Jiwoo from kard. Hello? Have you seen that woman?? I saw her in concert and I can tell that woman emanates dom energy. She has this deep voice that make you go down on your knees in seconds and makes you follow every word she says. She is a master.
Honorable mentions that I thought could be but I don’t think it would go that long: jeongyeon, hyuna, Solar and Moonbyul (even tho I don’t think she likes men but that might be my gay delulu mind)
Sincerely yours, 🎠
in all my years of Soshi content, I have NEVER encountered dom!Yoona. I've never even seen someone hint at it or suggest it in passing. you are literally the INVENTOR of the concept and I'd love to hear more about the idea of her and Johnny together.
Interestingly, I HAVE considered dom!Hani with a sub!Neo (Sungchan actually) but he just seems so much more naturally submissive than Johnny who is,, well, Johnny lmaooo
I STILL THINK JOHNNY/IRENE MIGHT WORK but like you said it would be kinda short-term, maybe a one-time thing?
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jemmo · 2 years
seriously… who let tms2 do this? who let them do a s2 break up and actually do it amazingly? bc i was so ready to be mad if this break up was unnecessary drama, but then I thought back to s1 and my feelings when it ended. bc I adore jiwoo and seojun and I adore them together, I think they make so much sense, but that still didn’t stop this niggling feeling telling me it’s not gonna be that easy, that there are some real issues that could be difficult for them to get past, mainly seojuns status as a celebrity meaning it’s difficult for them to be together, both in public and bc of time, he’s gonna be so busy and tired that it’s gonna be hard for them to find time together, and jiwoo being so… well, jiwoo. being closed off and reserved and not sharing how he feels, how difficult that is for him and how difficult that will be for seojun who so wants to be let inside. those are things that weren’t gonna be solved overnight, and so they weren’t. they made a whole s2 about those exact issues, how these aspects of them as people clash and make a relationship hard, no matter how much they may love each other. and I just adore that. bc so many shows that end with the couple getting together, they leave us with this expectation that everything ended happily, they lived happily ever after. they don’t address what happens after you get together, when you have to be two people living together, sharing a life, going through everything life throws at you together. that’s what being together really is and it can be hard and I’m so fucking happy that tms2 is showing that, that happily ever afters take time and work, and they can hurt before they get better, that they aren’t guaranteed but have to be worked for, by both people, and they don’t happen unless those two people really, truly want it.
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ivyuns · 4 years
landing in my heart: closer
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genre: angst, slight fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: location is in north korea, jealousy, guns, car crashes, kinda rushed lol
part three of landing in my heart
landing in my heart information
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“what did you just say?”
“i would appreciate if you put the gun away from my fiancee”
“she belongs to division 11. and for those who doesnt know, shes unable to release her personal information. now if you mind, my fiancee is exhausted from her recent mission she came back from” jisung told everybody. on point, your body falls onto jisung’s shoulders, acting as if you were actually exhausted.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung offers you a cup of water and telling you to drink it to calm down. you gladly accept it as he takes a deep breath. “house inspections happens randomly, but i didnt expect it to happen today. im sorry”
“well, im sure you were equally surprised by it too, so no worries. and you showed up on perfect timing too” you smiled at him, drinking the water then looking around. “by the way, are you hurt? are you okay?” jisung asks while hes checking up on you for any hurt wounds. looking up and making eye contact, you see how his eyes were full of worry. shaking you head a no, you smile at him and was distrubed by knocks on jisungs gates.
“captain han! are you there?!”
jisung goes to open the door and sees the village women, who had heard about the news about you and offers him food. feeling like he couldnt hold any plates, they offer him to help him and take it into the house until you appear behind him.
“o-oh! nice to meet you, captain han’s fiancee” one of the women says. greeting them back, you grab one of the plate full of food from jisung. before you two could go, they ask you where your last mission was, what was it about and how was it. expecting to answer all their questions, you replied as “im sorry, i cant have my information out there”. the women gasp, shocked at they way you talked to them.
jisung tells them to go home and have a good night. doing what theyre told, they walked away and you close the gate. “is captain han really in love with her?” “is this a one-sided love?” “look at her hair, it looks so messy!” hearing all the comments they made about you made you stop your tracks, as long as jisung. gritting you teeth in annoyance, you two continued to go inside the house and ate the food they made for you two.
as you two got ready for bed, jisung made you sleep in the living room as he slept in his room. talking though the closed door, you asked him if he ever went to switzerland. “sorry if im being nosy. but i saw piano sheets and an application form from switzerland. did you have a girlfriend that you would play the piano to?” with no response from him, you drifted to sleep.
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after the years go by, yiseo is back in pyongyang. passing the gates, yiseo bumps into minseok, who smiles at her and lets her go first. yiseo smiles back and proceeds until she sees her uncle, myeongseok. “ah, look at my yiseo. you lost a lot of weight during your studies in russia.”
“damn, its always the north korean women who have the best taste” minseok tells himself, but as his bodyguard hears him, he tells them to be careful of what he says. minseok then tells him he will pay him an extra 10,000 won if hed stop nagging him, but hell pay minseok 10,000 won if he nags to him again.
as yiseo and myeongseok stops at their car outside the airport, she realized what happened to the other car. “uncle, wheres the other car?” she asks. “oh, i had to lend it to jisung” “are you going to pick it up or is he bringing it back here” “im sure i can go there and pick it up after my recital tomorrow” “huh?! are you sure? i didnt even mention you were coming back to him because he never asks about you” “what kind of woman doesnt remember her fiance?”
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the coal mine.
cheolgang enters the coal mine and enters the wire-trapper room after greeting his soldiers. the soldiers gets up from their seats and salutes cheolgang. “ive seen you all work hard, thank you”. manbok hears cheolgang and immediately salutes him. cheolgang tells manbok to follow him into the back exit.
“sir, what brings you all the way here?” manbok asks. “ri muyeok’s brother is now in the outpost. so i need you to wire his house. theres a women in there and im using it to ruin his family” as cheolgang finishes. manbok gets flashbacks about jisung’s brother.
7 years ago.
“you see, my little brother is studying in switzerland right now” muyeok says in the car with another soldier. “mmhm, hes a piano genius with a full scholarship. but everytime i call him, hes always sorry. maybe its because one of us had to follow our dads path” muyeok replies. “did you wanted to be on the piano path?” “nah, i wasnt into it as jisung was so i took this path” the soldier nods his head. “but he told me when he gets back, he’ll play a song for me, so im excited for that. i bet itll put me in a happy mood”
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manbok, who listens to their conversation, helping cheolgang with his favor; killing muhyeok. telling where the driver to go, they collied with muyeoks vehicle. hearing the crashing noises made manbok go numb.
everyones outside the village, looking though jisung’s car, full of excitement. eavesdropping from the gate, jisung comes behind you and tells you hes leaving. “wait let me walk you out. so those women can see what i actually look like since it was dark outside” “no, theres no time for that. also, here. tie it up” jisung gives you a handkerchief. “tie what up?” jisung turns you around and ties your hair up, securing it with a double knot.
heading out of the gate together, you pretended to play the good wife and walked jisung out of the house. before he could leave your sight, you grabbed his wrist and told him to pat you hair, as if you two were being real about your engagement. he then pats your house as everyone is disgusted at your actions. you then tell him to wave at you in which he did. waving at him back, he turns around and heads to the base, bowing at people.
the village women from last night shows up to jisungs house after bad talking about you, inviting for a kimchi battle, you refuse.
back at the base, all soldiers are in an array. “hwang hyunjin, lee felix, kim seungmin, and yang jeongin. all of you but the four of you, head to the shooting range”
with everyone gone but the five of them, they meeting in jisung’s office. “so what did you tell them” hyunjin asks. “i told them shes my fiancee” everyone gasp loudly. “guys just be quiet right now. we just need a plan for her to get back on the boat”
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as the four men walk to jisungs house as jisung himself goes to where the accident happened. as he talks to the soldier that was the guard for the place couldnt see what exactly happened since it was dark but he took note on how empty the cargo was and how the front the truck had armor. a very sharp armor.
in south korea, sehyeong calls the people who are helping him track down minseok, telling them to go to the places where he think hes hiding at. at the family meeting, both sehyeong and sejun continue to fight over who would be the next heir. sanga recommends the la vie en rose should be over if your disappearance is longer than expected.
in the village, you can see how hard life is as a north korean. telling the boys that youre off into the house to get potatoes, you noticed a little boy stealing one of the jackets. as the boys saw, they quickly ran towards the little boy and manages to stop him, as a bag of rice falls off of his pocket. “let me go! i need to feed my sister who hasnt eaten in 3 days and because of that, she cant open her eyes!”
making everyone come back to the house, you grabbed food from the cupboards as hyunjin is speaking nonsense. “you really act like this is your own house. youre giving away food thats not even yours to some boy whos lying” after putting the food into a tote bag, as well as a small blanket, youre stopped as you see jisung. “captain han! hes faking it!” hyunjin yells out. “no im not!”
“shut up hyunjin” you shut him up. jisung tells the little boy to wash his face and hands before eating so that he can prevent getting sick. after he washes he face and hands, he runs towards his little sister, who is sleeping alone under cardboard and a small sheet covering it. finally happy to feed his sister.
after that is finished, everyone gathers around and spends time with you before you leave tonight. “okay everyone! today i will give you awards to claim once we meet again” “awards!? are you a general or something?-” “and the first award goes to yang jeongin !” you say as you cut off hyunjin. “now you have two choices. you can use your prize as we see each other again or get it now. when we meet, youll get 100 million won, or get 8 corn now” “ill get the corn!”
“second prize goes to lee felix! your prize when we meet again is have lunch with jiwoo or get the tv right there” you pointed to jisungs tv. “look-” “dont worry, hell pick the first one” you whisper back to jisung. “ill pick the first one” felix gets up and claims his award.
“third one goes to the most handsome is ... kim seungmin!” jisung looks at you with disbelief. “you can have a blind date with miss korea or any award youd like” “ill choose none” nodding you head, you agreed seungmin is like the boys in south korea.
“okay thats all-” “wait what about me” hyunjin asks. “seriously? fine here, have this shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash” as you threw him the bag full of the products jisung got you earlier. “what the- captain han you really bought her this?!” “she said it was essentials”
after announcing the awards and coming to the end, jisung gets up as jealousy is on him, and goes out of the house. following him behind, you take him to your thank you gift for him; tomatoes after giving the seller half of jisungs potato sack since you didnt have any money. however, jisungs not impressed since he doesnt like tomatoes and doesnt properly treat it well. “whatever, just water it and say 10 nice things to it”
the night comes and everything leads to the end. the 4 men are back, eating corn on the mountain near the base with the moon shinning on them. “i feel sad now” jeongin speaks, stopping the silence. “after all the complications, its now the end”
you and jisung go inside the car jisung borrowed from myeonseok. heading to the dock where youre finally going home. taking off the handkerchief jisung gave you for you hair and folding it, you put it in the middle. “thank you for everything. i mean it” you told him. “we wont see each other again, right?” “probably” jisung answers. “its such a shame that you live here.” “its a shame that you live there” you chuckled at his joke, creating silence in the car once again.
parking the car near the deck, felix’s dad comes out of his boat as you two walk out. giving him the ticket, he asks if its just you. “no, the two of us. ill return after she is on the other boat” jisung says as you widen your eyes at him.
going onto the boat and sailing into the middle of the ocean. “since we probably wont see each other again, my name is yoon y/n” jisung looks at you with sincere eyes. “my name is han jisung” jisung smiles.
“ah, im a member of the haeju yoon clan. haeju is in north korea right?” “im a member of hanju han clan” “the irony!” both of you laugh, making jisung feeling happy after a while.
suddenly, a flash a light flashed the boat. “stop the boat!” yelled the other boat who was trailing behind felix’s dads boat. you and jisung hid under the boat as the boat was stopped. the police were investigating the boat. “were here to see your honesty and see if youre trading goods or smuggling humans to other countries” “why would i do that?” the police stomps on the blue hallow board, which was where you and jisung were hiding.
“open up!” was what you both heard underneath. “jisung! what do we do?! youre a soldier you should know what to do. geez” you silently yelled out. “in south korean dramas-” “what?! this is no time to talk about this” you freaked out. “im going to do something. now look at me and dont be startled. look at me and nothing else”
with that, jisung slams his lips into yours as the door opened.
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additional ending:
after you leave jisung alone with the tomato plant, jisung bends down and tells 10 nice words.
“sunshine, happiness, rose, friends, breeze, cheekies, family, flowers, love, and piano”
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
The Artist (x.m.h.) - Waning Crescent Hotel
Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if you this is the first post of this series that you see. Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent) Word Count: Ending A - 3.3k / Ending B - 3.4k
W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"I can't believe you dated him!" Mun Hee says excitedly as we stroll through the hotel.
"You don't even know the man I loved." I tell him like he's lost his mind.
Mun Hee shakes his head, "I looked at his palm. He had 16 lives!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in amazement. "That's one of the biggest amounts I've ever seen!"
I fight the smile that forces its way onto my face. Mun Hee's constant amazement whenever someone comes in with more than the average amount of lives amuses me. "I once heard of a woman with over 30 lives." I tell him.
"They go up that high?" Mun Hee's eyes grow to the size of tea cups.
"Apparently." I say, "How did he look?" I ask, crossing my arms.
Mun Hee shrugs, "Fine. I don't know how long it's been since he passed but his clothes were pretty wrinkled and he looked a bit thin."
I purse my lips in concern but remind myself that he'll change into the Minghao I remember. The first life Minghao.
"Vroom! Vroom!" A child vocalizes and accidentally barrels into my legs.
Instinctively, I reach down to steady him.
"Seok Jin!" A woman comes walking up to me with an apologetic look on her face, "I am so sorry."
I look from the child to the mother then to the father who walks up behind them. A family. In my hotel. With a child.
I force a smile to cover the nausea spinning in my stomach. What if the child is only one its first life? How could the Gods send such a child to me?
"I told you not to run in the lobby." The mother kneels in front of her son and scolds him, "Apologize right now, Seok Jin."
The child twists his hands together, knowing he's done something wrong. "I'm sorry." He says quietly.
I squat down to be level with him and meet his eyes. "That's okay. I forgive you." I tell him and pick up the toy car he dropped when he hit me, "Just don't do it again and be very careful where you walk." I remind him and hand over the toy.
The boy takes the toy and holds it close to his chest while nodding.
Satisfied, I stand back up and continue walking with Mun Hee.
"How many?" I ask when we're far enough away.
"The parents both had three." Mun Hee tells me, "The boy had 12."
I nod, "He'll leave with the parents?" I ask.
Mun Hee nods.
It happens rarely but if a child under the age of 13 arrives at our hotel, the hotel's life replay doesn't occur for them because they are too young to understand it. If the child arrives alone, we usually arrange a transfer for them right away. But if they arrive with parents or siblings, we send them away at the same time as their parents or siblings.
Knowing that the boy had lived 12 lives quiets the nausea I had felt earlier. For a second, I had worried that it was his first life and felt sick that the Gods were pulling him away.
"Room?" I ask Mun Hee as we turn down another passage.
"711." Mun Hee answers.
"You said 16 days?" I question.
Mun Hee nods, "16 days."
I breath out, "Let the waiting begin."
~The Sixteenth Day~
"What's that?" Mun Hee asks from behind me, scaring me half to death, and nearly making me drop the precious painting in my hands.
"Do not sneak up on me." I warn him then turn to show him the artwork. "It's a piece of Minghao's."
"You kept it?" He gingerly takes it from my hands and gazes over it.
"It was a gift. Of course I kept it." I tell him, "I just kept it hidden."
"Why?" Mun Hee asks like that was the dumbest decision I have ever made, "I mean look at the colors! And the emotions. You can really tell he put his whole heart into this."
"Exactly." I sigh. Taking the painting back from him, I place it back in its hiding spot. "He put his entire heart into it."
"Ah." Mun Hee realizes and then moves his hands to shake the thoughts away. "Anyway, he's there already. He had asked to get there earlier."
I abruptly turn to him, "What do you mean he wanted to get there 'early'?"
Mun Hee shrugs, "I'm guessing he wanted to do some art in your garden cause he also asked for paper and a pencil."
I scrunch my face up, wondering why he would want to draw anything in that dead garden. Wanting to see for myself, I turn and walk out of my office with Mun Hee shutting the doors behind me.
"Did you know that he was a professional swimmer in 14th life?" Mun Hee questions with excitement. When I stay silent, he continues, "Yeah, a couple days ago, he spent the entire day in the pool, just swimming laps."
I nod, silently, not exactly caring about any of his lives besides the first.
"And, and in his fifth life, he ran an orphanage with his wife and, oh my goodness, the stories he told were just heartbreaking." Mun Hee continues.
I roll my eyes and wonder when he will shut up.
"Did he like wine when he lived his first live?" Mun Hee asks me.
I give him a confused look as we exit the elevator.
"He drank at least like a bottle a day." He informs me. "And apparently, in one of his lives, he told me which, I just can't remember which one, but he was a wine maker person. Really fascinating."
"Mun Hee." I stop and turn towards him.
"Yes?" Mun Hee asks with innocence.
"Don't you have a front desk to watch over?" I question, hinting that he should leave.
He doesn't understand the hint but does realize he left the front desk unattended so he quickly rushes off and I am finally left to my own thoughts.
Thankful that I wore flats today, I quietly approach the garden with the sound of pencil graphite sliding against paper guiding me.
Instead of sitting on the bench, Minghao sits at the little table off to the side. A bottle of champagne sits between two tall glasses, one of which has been filled. Minghao has his back to me and he is constantly looking between the paper in his hand and the bare tree that sits in the middle of the garden.
I move closer but my shadow elongates and crosses Minghao's line of vision.
"You weren't thinking of sneaking up on me, were you, (y/n)?" He asks, glancing back at me with a lazy smile.
"I'm just naturally quiet." I say and slide into the unoccupied chair next to him. Leaning over, I peek at the drawing he's working on. He's captured only the tree and none of the chrysanthemums.
"What do you think?" Minghao asks, tilting the paper to give me a better view.
"You gave it way more life than it actually has." I tell him my honest opinion.
"But the real tree isn't dead which means it has some life left." Minghao counters, setting the paper on the table. He picks up his filled glass and inspects the liquid.
"I'm pretty sure it's been dead since the beginning of time." I mutter.
"You never told me you liked champagne so much." Minhao comments, ignoring my mumbling.
I grab the bottle and pour myself a glass, "I do, but you were a wine lover and I liked the wines you picked. So I had no complaints." I explain and take a sip.
"And you hid the best stuff from me." Minghao places a hand over his heart before sipping from his glass.
"You know, Mun Hee's probably going to remember you for a long time." I comment, taking in his features. His long hair, his gentle eyes, his round cheeks, and his sharp lips.
"The attendant?" Minghao wonders and I nod. "He was entertaining. Had a lot of questions. Reminded me of an old friend in one of my lives. You know the kind that is like a little kid, constantly wondering why and laughing at everything you say?"
I nod, agreeing with his perfect description of Mun Hee. "He has his moments."
Minghao leans back and looks up at the glass ceiling. "So, this is where you've been hiding."
"It is." I answer his statement question. "Surprised?"
He frowns and shakes his head, "Not at all. It actually makes a lot of sense now." He looks at me, "How you said you grew poor, made it rich, but actually hated all the riches you had obtained. It all makes sense."
I rest my chin in my hand and just gaze at Minghao. Just taking in his presence and the calm that he always gave me.
"Remember the one painting we did together?" Minghao asks.
My back straightens remembering the piece very well. "The one we danced on?" I want to clarify incase I'm remembering the wrong one.
But Minghao nods, confirming my thoughts. "It never sold." He smirks. "But I had always secretly hoped it wouldn't so it was a win for me."
"It was a really big piece." I chuckle, "Did anyone have room for that?"
He giggles, "It was kind ambitious but it was my favorite."
"You were always a sucker for the abstracts." I tell him with a smile.
"Remember how we did it?" He quizzes me, rising to his feet, and holding out a hand.
I tilt my head at him curiously. Minghao bounces his hand at me, telling me to take it. Cautiously, I place my hand in his and within two seconds, I'm pulled to my feet and away from the table. Minghao effortlessly twirls me so I'm facing him with one hand on my waist and the other outstretched with mine still in his grasp.
"Remember?" He repeats his question and begins to move back. 
Without having to think much, my body follows his as we dance before the tree that keeps me tied here. I smile as the memory returns with the feeling of the cold, wet paint squishing between my toes still attached. With a song playing only in our minds, we move together like no time has passed between us. Even though it has been so long, my eyes don't linger on my feet. Instead they stay locked on Minghao's eyes which are locked onto mine. A lifetime of unspoken stories swim just under the surface and with every physical step I take, I take one more step into that sea.
With one last twirl, our movements cease but we stay locked together. Our foot prints created a map of our dance in the dirt around us. A map that will soon be gone.
"(y/n), you do remember." Minghao says happily, releasing me.
I quickly grab his hand again, "Who said you could let go?" I question.
He chuckles, "I'm not going to run away. " Minghao nods towards the table, "Plus I want to finish drawing your dead-yet-still-alive tree."
"It's dead." I correct him quietly.
"Says the one who is alive but also not alive." He smirks and leads me back to the table. Sitting back down, he picks up the paper and pencil while I scoot my chair closer and rest my chin on his shoulder to watch his process.
"Did you ever marry?" I wonder and his pencil falters against the paper.
"Do you really want to know?" He responds with a question.
I nod, "I do. I didn't stick around to find out what kind of life you had and I want to know."
Minghao sighs, "I did marry in that life." He answers.
"Did you love her?" I side glance at him.
His eyes lift from the paper and land on the chrysanthemums at the base of the tree. "I did. And I loved the three children we raised together."
My lips form a small smile in content. "Three children is less than what you had always hoped for." I point out, thinking back to our late night conversations. The ones where we'd be tangled in the sheets and in each other and just talking about our future dreams.
"I lowered the number after you left." He tells me, resuming his drawing.
"Why?" I ask, pulling away and resting my head on my fist.
"Because I was so sure that we'd have a family together. So when you left, it was like one of those desired children also left with you and I couldn't see myself happy if I had the four with another woman." Minghao explains, "It just didn't seem right."
"Did your wife want four?" I wonder, hoping I didn't take away another woman's dream.
Minghao shakes his head, "No, she always wanted just three so it worked out."
"What were their names?" I ask, curious about his life.
"Maria was our first born. Then we had Jackson. And our youngest was Renjun." Minghao recites their names as I sip from one of the champagne glasses, not caring who's it is.
"Thank you." I say, relieved when I don't hear my name among his children.
"For what?" Minghao looks at me.
"For not naming any of your children after someone like me, someone cursed." I explain.
Minghao nods in understanding, "I thought about it." He says, returning to his drawing, "But that name was saved for the fourth child."
"Even then, I wouldn't have let you name a child after me." I tell him. "My name is one that should disappear when I do. It doesn't need to be around any longer."
"Finished." Minghao holds up the drawing after placing the pencil behind his ear.
The tree that sits on the paper is a good replica of the one we're sat in front of. Leaning in closer, I let my eyes travel up and down the drawn tree.
"You even copied its cracks." I notice the shadowed divots in the trunk.
"Every little piece counts." Minghao simply states.
"I still think it has too much life in it." I sit back in my chair.
Minghao turns in his chair to fully face me, "Even after all these years, you still don't think it's alive?"
I sigh and let my eyes wander over to the tree. "That tree isn't alive. It just stands there. Day in and day out." I meet his gaze again, "If it were removed from this garden, it wouldn't exist."
He picks up his glass then does a double take. "Did you drink from my glass again?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
I laugh at his reference to me always, purposefully or accidentally, drinking from his glass. "Maybe. I wasn't paying attention."
Minghao smiles and finishes off his glass.
For the following hours, and through another bottle of champagne, Minghao tells me about his life. The places he got to travel to because his art was being featured. How Maria followed him and studied the arts. How Jackson was always getting into trouble. How Renjun was so quiet and such a daddy's boy that his wife began to joke that he definitely wasn't hers. The stories of the grandchildren he got to see.
When the stories and champagne subsided, Minghao gazed out the window with a pensive look on his face. I hold onto his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"Can I ask for one last favor?" He says, looking down at our hands.
"What is it?" I ask, worried I might have to turn him down. Some things I can do, but most are out of my control.
Minghao raises his head and meets my gaze. "Dance with me one more time?" He asks.
I smile, "Of course." I tell him and we both rise our feet.
As we dance, I get lost in him. Lost in the way his body feels against mine. Lost in the way we breath together. Lost in the way everything disappears when we step in time together. I don't know how long we dance for. But it is long enough for the orange glow to dim and for a cool breeze to remind me of what comes next.
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"Do I leave from here?" Minghao asks, leaning his forehead against mine.
"No." I whisper, "There's a car waiting for you out back."
"And you can't come with me cause I wasn't the first?" He wonders.
I shake my head, "I can't go with you." I repeat.
Minghao wraps his arms around my back and pulls me in close, "Whoever the guy is, he's one damn lucky man."
I smile, thinking of the first who is still to come. "We should get going before Shin sends his minions searching for you."
"He doesn't really have minions, does he?" Minghao asks, resting an arm around my shoulders.
"I don't really know. He's always threatening me with them but I've never actually seen them." I answer as we walk away from the garden, the two champagne bottles and two glasses sitting next to the abandoned drawing.
"What will you do while you wait?" Minghao asks, matching his pace with mine.
I shrug, "Probably the same thing I do everyday."
"Run a hotel and drink?" Minghao guesses with a laugh.
"Something like that." I agree knowing he's hit the nail on the head.
"You should start packing up your things, shouldn't you?" Minghao worries.
I shake my head, "I don't need to take anything with me when I leave. Much like you. I'll just go as I am."
"I guess that makes things a little easier." He declares, not having thought of that fact.
As we exit the back doors, Minghao takes in a large breath. We walk towards the idling car while Shin stands and simply watches us approach.
"Is he always that serious?" Minghao leans down and whispers to me.
"Unfortunately." I whisper back.
A few feet from the car, Minghao stops and faces me. I copy his movements, wondering why the sudden movement.
"Do you still have it?" He asks. "The painting I gave you for your birthday?"
I nod, "I have it stored away." I tell him.
"Hang it up." Minghao instructs me.
"Why?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows together.
"I'm leaving this world for good." Minghao explains, "And I want you to proudly show off the painting to everyone."
"But it'll make me miss you." I counter with a frown.
Minghao smiles, "Missing me is okay cause it means you'll remember me."
My face settles into sadness when I realize what he's saying.
"I know I won't remember you when I cross over so you have to remember me? Alright?" He asks, cupping my cheek and strokes his thumb against my skin.
I nod, "I'll hang it up." I tell him though I'm unsure of where I would hang it. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He says then leans down and places a light kiss to my lips. Even though it's light, it's heavy with emotions. When he pulls away, my eyes shed a few tears while his stay dry. Though he was never a big crier.
"I'll tell the Gods to hurry up with the others so you don't wait too long." Minghao tells me before walking towards the car where Shin has opened the door for him.
I watch in silence as Minghao gives me a last wave before sliding into the car. Once the door is shut, the car begins to drive away.
I sniffle and hold back a flood of tears as the car disappears into the fog. But even through my attempts, a couple tears manage to escape and make trails down my cheeks much like the ones our feet made in the paint. Long after the car has disappeared, I pull back my heavy shoulders and turn back towards the hotel to wait for the others.
In the garden, a single chrysanthemum has withered away and only two glasses and two champagne bottles remain on the table. The drawing having disappeared along with Minghao.
Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel) to choose the next guest.
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"Now it's your turn." Minghao states with a smile while I lock my hands together behind his neck.
"Finally, I've waited long enough." I joke.
"Well, your waiting is over." He says before giving me a kiss.
"Let's go before Shin comes hunting for me." I mumble against his lips.
Minghao chuckles but pulls away. As we leave the garden, Minghao confidently grabs my hand and swings it back and forth.
We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.
"So this is it?" Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. "This is the day you leave us?"
I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he's being so sappy. "Maybe I'll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year." I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.
"Don't you dare say that. You better not return here." He says angrily through his tears.
I chuckle, "I won't come back. I promise." Then I remember the painting of Minghao's that he admired. "Mun Hee, that painting in my office?"
He nods.
"It's yours now. Take it and hang it up wherever you like." I tell him and surprise widens his eyes.
"Seriously?" He asks me before looking behind me at Minghao, "Seriously?"
Minghao smiles, "It's hers to give away."
Mun Hee wraps me in a hug, "Thank you!"
"You're welcome." I tell him.
Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should've done more.
Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family's service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.
"When you leave today, you won't be able to find this place again." I inform him, "I hope that you'll be able to go and live your life happily."
Jiwoo nods, "Thank you for letting me work with you. I won't ever forget you."
I smile sadly, "You will. But thank you."
Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.
"You'd think after all these years of waiting that I'd be prepared for this day." She says through sniffles.
"Thank you, Yong." I rests my hands on her shoulders, "For everything. Thank you."
With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.
We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.
"Keep this hotel running beautifully." I tell her before Minghao grabs my hand again.
With final waves of goodbye, Minghao and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.
At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.
"(y/n)." He says when we reach him, "It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest." Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.
"The honor was mine." I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.
I'm free. I served my years of punishment and now I'm free to let my soul rest.
I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opted to experience the hotel's many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.
"(y/n)?" Minghao softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, "Are you ready?"
I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."
I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Minghao securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.
In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.
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erisfiles · 4 years
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IG - @kingsbtsffs / Tumblr - @prince13jimin-kingsbtsffs
The Emperor
characters : “The 7 Dragons” Emperors; Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook. Ahn Y/n. Bang Hyunsik. Soo Jaemin
cameos : Prince Park Jihyun (Emperor Jimin’s younger brother) , Jeon Junghyun (Emperor Jungkook’s older brother, the general of his military, Jung Jiwoo (Emperor Hoseok’s older sister, his advisor), and Cha Eunwoo (a soldier of the Kim’s empire)
word count : I have no idea
Warnings for this chapter : 🚨🚨🚨Brief mention of whores and sex. Brief mention of beheading 🚨🚨🚨
genre : fluff, angst, smut, action, emperor au
Author’s note : I am sorry I have not updated in so long! I had gotten my wisdom teeth taken out about a week ago and I am still recovering!
Disclaimer : in honor of spring i am going to be using 🌸and🌷and 🌺as indent markers
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷
3rd POV
🌷Y/N stood still, the door slightly ajar, being cautious, focused on not being seen. Her breath hitched, her heart beating through her ears. Her knuckles turned white as she grasped the handle leading ti the boy. A loud silence fell upon everyone, the sudden downpour from being the only sound breaking the piercing silence.
🌺She looked at the guards standing besides the door, Y/N tilted her head to the side signaling for them to guard the main doors of the palace instead. She hesitantly held her knuckles above the door, afraid that maybe just maybe she would make the situation more worse than it already is. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, calming her nerves,p feeling her heart beat faster than normal. With a sigh, she opened the door to see the boys staring at her.
🌸Y/N looked at them, her eyes wandering around the room until she met eyes with Jimin. They stared at each other for a while, Jimin soon then ripped his gaze away from her, Y/N gulped wondering if he was mad at her. No, she knew he was mad at her. “I know you were eavesdropping.” Y/N gulped, looking down on shame and feeling her face heat up. Yoongi scoffed at her, pleased from how she cowered the moment she heard his voice. “Were you not taught not to listen to someone else’s conversation that doesn’t involve you?”
🌷Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes at her husband, not giving a damn about his title. “Oh. But I’m sure I was involved considering you were talking about ME.” Yoongi walked away from his position, storming across the room towards her. Gripping her chin between his fingers, he tilted her head up, looking into her eyes and not minding their close proximity. “Now, why would you have a problem about my fellow allies and I talking about my beautiful wife? Or should I say my Empress?” Y/N’s eyes widened as Yoongi had confidently blurted out her secret.
🌺From the corner of her eyes she saw Jimin looking down, his knuckles turning white, figure taking a shaky deep breath. She felt her heart break for the vulnerable man, the vulnerable she can’t help but to love. Namjoon trailed where her gaze was and saw Jimin, breaking the silence, he clapped his hands. “Now, it is dark outside. The festival is today and the townspeople are getting ready. We should get going, ignore the problems for right now and celebrate. Yoongi, Jimin, and Y/N please stay behind. I need to speak to you privately.”
🌸Everyone else left, passing by Y/N offering her a small smile as they’ve come to find out a lot about her in a short amount of time. Taehyung stopped in front of Y/N with a harsh gaze, her looking down as he was still an emperor. Arms hugging her tight surprised her, realizing that the person was Taehyung, she hugged him back even though she had only met him. “I’m glad you’re my sister. If they cause you any problem just shout my name and Jin Hyung and I will rescue you, princess.” Y/N chuckled, letting each other go and separating ways.
🌷The door shut behind Y/N leaving her with her brother and two important people in her life. “Would you mind explaining what Yoongi meant when he called you his queen, Y/N?” Namjoon sat down on his seat, confused as to what was going on, confused as to why it felt like Jimin had to be part of this as well. Yoongi sat at the other of the long table, opposite of a Namjoon and Jimin, sighing as he already wanted this meeting to be over. Y/N looked at Yoongi, her eyes begging for help as she didn’t know whether or not to admit or deny Yoongi’s claim. “I was just joking around, Joon. Don’t take it too seriously.”
🌺Jimin scoffed at the words that came out of Yoongi’s mouth. “That’s bullshit, Yoongi Hyung. You know that.” Yoongi glared at him, crossing his arms, amused at the younger one’s response. “What bullshit, Jimin? We’ve known each other our whole lives. You know me, a jokester. Why can’t you take a joke? Were you actually scared I took your supposed woman? Weren’t you the one begging to fuck one of my whores when you came to my palace a couple days ago? A specific whore at that...Eunhye? Was it?” Jimin froze in his spot, his gaze now softer, filled with pity, focusing on Y/N and saw how her mouth was slightly ajar, probably due to the shock of hearing what Jimin had been doing.
🌸Namjoon sighed as his two best friends were arguing over something irrelevant. His gaze went to Y/N as the two other men continued to bicker back and forth, cursing each other out. Namjoon approached Y/N and put his hand on top of her shoulders making Y/N flinch. She looked at her supposed brother with saddened eyes, smiling bitterly at him she decided not to say anything fearing that she will break down the moment she opens her mouth.
🌷Namjoon took her hand and dragged her out of the room no longer caring for the two imbeciles he both considered best friends. Y/N mindlessly followed also no longer wanting to be in the same room with Jimin and Yoongi. After being dragged for a few minutes, she suddenly bumped into Namjoon’s back startling her in the process. She looked up only to see that he took her to the throne room. Y/N looked at him confused as to why he had brought her here out of all places and instead of celebrating the festival
🌺Namjoon looked at her and gestured for her to go in first. Fire suddenly illuminated the thrown room, the hallway getting brighter and brighter as the guards lit up the torches. Getting to the last to pair of torches, three thrones emerged from the dark, one that being bigger than the other two. “Appa...uh gave me his thrown. Though, I don’t know why. I thought that his throne would best suit Jin Hyung. However, even Jin Hyun didn’t want it, he told me that it was mine and always was.” Y/N looked at him and smiled, chuckling lightly. “Hey! What do you mean you don’t know! You’ve always been a leader, Joon. Ever since we were kids, you always were. Every time the three of us would go on an adventure, you would lead us to places. Not even the guards could do that so they had to follow you too!” Namjoon laughed loudly, remembering their antics as children, reminiscing the good memories.
🌸He remembered how they would always meet up, at one point he couldn’t hide it from his dad, excitedly telling him of his newly found friend, his reaction when he put the puzzle pieces together that you were their sister. “You’re going to have your thrown up there in a couple days. I’ve already told the blacksmiths to design you a thrown. That is if you’d like to stay here, my dear sister.” Y/N didn’t know what to answer. She had always known that she was welcomed in this kingdom, in the palace, she even had her own chambers. But to be an princess was something she was not ready for
🌷”Is there something wrong, Y/N?” Namjoon looked at her in worry, his gaze following hers. She was staring at the gigantic family portrait hung up above the thrones. Her father’s and her brothers’ individual portraits along with the portraits of past Kim emperors. “Why is your mom’s portrait not there?” Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, realizing she was trying to avoid his question. “Don’t avoid the question, Y/N. Does it have something to do with what Yoongi had ‘jokingly’ mentioned back there? Are you really an Empress now?” Y/N seethed in anger at the mention of the bastard’s name. “No! I am merely a concubine.”
🌺Namjoon shook his head knowing his sister didn’t understand the full picture. “Y/N, you’re not a commoner. You are a princess. When an Emperor marries a royal, they become an Empress ruling his kingdom with him until their death, just like the sayings in the vows.” Namjoon walked up to his throne, tracing it with his fingertips, remembering looking up at his dad from his lap as a child whenever he sat down to deal with problems. “You can choose to stay here, while also being an Empress for the Min Empire and as a princess for the Kim Empire or you can choose to stay in the Min Empire. Either way, it’s a win-win situation as you do not lose any of your titles. The decision is yours.” Y/N felt as if the world was crumbling beneath her, so much has had happened all at once
🌸”But I don’t love Yoongi. I love Jimin. I don’t want to live in an empire with someone I do not love. I do not want to rule a kingdom where I feel like I don’t belong. I want to break my oath to Yoongi. I want to be with Jimin” Namjoon’s eyes widened at his sisters sudden statement. His eyes wandering around to see if any government officials were present. “Are you insane? Y/N, once you oath yourself to someone you cannot, and I repeat, cannot break it. If you publicly announced that you want to break the oath because you’re in love with someone else it will leave you headless.” Y/N wish he said the exact opposite, was Jimin worth it?
🌷”I know what you’re thinking, Y/N. I want you to listen. Jimin isn’t the one for you and-“ Y/N interrupted him, completely annoyed with everyone has been saying around her.
“How do you know what’s best for me?! Does EVERYONE happen to know what’s best for me except for myself?! I love Jimin and you can’t change-“
“He’s cheated on you multiple times, Y/N!”
Y/N froze in her spot, her mouth ajar, eyed as wide as saucers, stuttering, trying to process everything. Everything that happens and is happening.
🌺”No. Jimin told me he loved me. I may be pathed to Yoongi but Jimin is the one who owns my heart.” Namjoon sighed, rolling his eyes at Y/N who had always been hard-headed. “Jimin...I don’t know if he told you or if you’re aware at least...Jimin has a whore for every empire. Yoongi’s, ours, Hosoek’s, and Jungkook’s. You’re not the only woman beside his mom in his life.” Y/N couldn’t understand, well, she refused to listen and understand. He let his words go in one ear and out the other. “Yoongi..., he is a good man, Y/N. Don’t let rumors of him mess up your perspective of him. For Jimin, as much as I consider him my brother, he’s only been playing you this whole time. I’m sorry. I know you love him. We’ve known for a long while that you two were involved with each other. But now that the announcement that you and Yoongi are married, it can’t continue. I will make sure Jimin is not within 6 feet of you.”
🌸Y/N’s uneven breathing was heard throughout the massive room, her knees giving up on her eventually collapsing and her sobs became more loud and clear. Her nails forming crescents on the palm on her hands on how tight her fist was. She didn’t mind the pain, the pain that hurt the most was the heart break. She shook her head vigorously, denying her brother’s claims. “No brother would say that to me. No brother would make up lies just for her to stay away from someone she loves.”
🌷Namjoon sighed again, confused as to why his sister won’t believe him. “If you think I’m lying to you just to make you stay with Yoongi and leave Jimin then...then that’s up to you. I’ll leave you to talk with the government officials. If they ever mention you, I’ll say that you speak for yourself because clearly I can’t speak for you. I won’t ever speak for you ever again. You’re an Empress now, Y/N, whether or not you want to be. This was your destiny. Now let’s walk on our own paths because now you have your own that you want to walk by yourself in.”
“No, wait, Namjoon-“
“I presume I will see you at the festival, Princess Y/N. If not, good night.”
🌺When the door closed she didn’t run off after her brother even though she knew she was in the wrong. But she couldn’t control her feelings. She hated him. She felt more immense hatred for Yoongi. She hated herself and she hated Jimin. But she hated her Emperor more. She looked at the portrait of her dad, sitting in his thrown in his hanbok with a smile on his face, the only emperor who had a smile on his face in their royal portrait. “I’m sorry,...dad. I feel I’ve already failed you.”
Y/N walked out of the frown room and out into the town considering no one knew her title she aimlessly wandered around. Eventually stumbling upon the seven emperors also aimlessly walking around with guards nearby, everyone making way for them. Y/N hid in the crowd as they stood in a line, the crowd gathering in front of the. Her eyes searched for a Jimin only for it to seem like he was out of this world. Y/N felt love and hatred towards him at the moment, to think someone had actually fooled her and used her.
🌷The General of the Royal Army’s booming voice hushed the voices amongst the crowd. “Today, we would like to make an announcement concerning all empires.” The general looked at Namjoon, receiving a nod from him and stepping up.
“These last few days have been very challenging for the allied Emperors. However, do not worry as we are trying our best to prepare for this altercation. No, it is not war, however, that doesn’t mean that this will be dealt with peace either. Along with that, my brothers and I have found news ourselves.” Silence fell amongst the crowd waiting for their Emperor to finish his speech. Y/N stood in the crowd also intrigued by what news he was going to announce.
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“I’d like for us to introduce you to Empress Y/N of the Min Empire, sister to the the Three Kim Emperors.”
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just-come-baek · 7 years
Love Game 1
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader (Hanbyeol) ft. mentions of Sehun x Irene
Genre: romcom | fluff | enemies to lovers!au | cheating!au | smut (later on)
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: Byun Baekhyun founded a company that aids people cheat on their partners, while Park Hanbyeol runs a firm that helps find evidence of infidelity. However, they both face real difficulties when they help their common friends. Regardless of the effort, they are bound to fail. Miserably, I may add.
Masterlist | 01 | 02 | ...
It was a beautiful evening; the sky in its unique shade of orange, the air unusually clean, the street musicians playing smooth jazz. The scenery was breathtaking, most certainly postcard-worthy, yet the man clothed in a fine, navy blue suit, sitting in a local cafe, a cup of espresso and a piece of cheesecake on the table in front of him did not appreciate the view, as he stared at his phone, waiting for a message from his secretary.
Ultimately, his phone rang. It wasn't the long-awaited call from his secretary, though. Rather confused, Baekhyun looked at the name flashed up on the screen; Oh Sehun—his friend, freshly married at that. Scratching his temple, Baekhyun answered the call, having no clue why Sehun wanted to reach him.
"Baekhyun, I need your help," the voice on the other side of the line quickly spoke, not even bothering to greet his friend; he just went straight to business.
"Hello to you too, Sehun," Baekhyun casually replied, heaving a deep sigh, knowing that Sehun would start his rant as soon as he made sure the other one was listening. "What's the matter?" Baekhyun encouraged, being generous enough to donate his friend a little bit of his time. Even if he managed to get another client, he'd not schedule the meeting earlier than tomorrow's morning.
"Baekhyun, you have to help me," Sehun started, and Baekhyun sat back in his chair, comfortably resting his back, throwing one leg over the other. "I told Irene I'm going on a business seminar, but the thing is, I am not alone," Sehun trailed off, hoping that Baekhyun would get the hint. Actually, he had to; infidelity was the source of his income, after all.
"Okay, it seems you have everything under control," Baekhyun commented, reaching for his coffee, taking a small sip of a hot beverage, the caffeine almost had no effect on him given how much he drinks it daily. "What's the real problem?"
"The problem is..." Sehun made a dramatic pause, almost as if he wasn't already terribly stressed, "Irene's friend's here. I saw her when I went for more ice. My marriage will be over if she sees me, Baekhyun. You have to come here, and help me out man, for the old times' sake!"
"I'm kind of busy at the moment," Baekhyun mentioned nonchalantly, enjoying the way Sehun's voice stuttered and wavered, and just reeked of desperation.
"Baekhyun, please, treat me like one of your clients," Sehun urged, balancing on the verge of begging. His marriage to Irene was too important, he just couldn't lose her for one of his meaningless mistresses. Although he didn't love Irene, his family business benefited from the merger tremendously.
"Okay, let's say that I agree, which Irene's friend? Was it Wendy? Jiwoo?" Baekhyun asked, as he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to remember how they looked like. At the wedding, he had seen the bridesmaids, yet given the amount of alcohol he had had, the image was quite blurry.
"Neither, it's Hanbyeol." Sehun stated truthfully, and Baekhyun almost hung up. No matter how much he wanted to aid Sehun, he just wouldn't willingly go to another battle with the she-devil, the antichrist, the Satan in the flesh.
"No, you're on your own, Sehun." Baekhyun announced the second he heard her name. Sinister flashbacks projected into his mind, a shiver ran down his spine, his hands shaking. He had met Hanbyeol once, and it was enough for Baekhyun to run away from any girl who was named the same; regardless of how beautiful the women were, Baekhyun would still pale at the echo of her name.
"I'll pay double," Sehun offered, hoping that Baekhyun would reconsider his abrupt decision. He hated Hanbyeol, and she hated him, but Sehun's proposition was quite tempting—it was a shit ton of money! However, was it really worth it? He'd have to cover up for Sehun, and quite possibly come face to face with the only person he detests with every fiber of his body.
"Tempting, but no, sorry, I am busy, actually, I'm meeting my client right now," Baekhyun lied, his cheek stinging at the reminiscence of the slap he had received from Hanbyeol at the wedding. "I can send one of my employees over to handle the situation, I think Lay should be available tonight," he spoke like a mindless machine, wondering if Lay really had a clear schedule right now.
"I thought you knew me, Baekhyun. I always want what is best, and there's no better than you at this," Sehun started, buttering up Baekhyun, expecting his boastful words to convince the latter. "I'll pay triple, Baekhyun, just come here and help me, will you?"
Sehun had to be joking; the second Baekhyun heard the word 'triple' he clenched his fist and bit on it, a distinctive ka-ching! rang in his ears.
"Ugh, fine. Text me the address, and I'll be there asap." Baekhyun spoke quickly, and ended the call, not even waiting for Sehun's reply. Leaving his untouched cheesecake and a half full cup of coffee on the table, he wiped his mouth with a napkin, and quickly got into his car, the location already in his GPS.
"Hi, Irene, what's up?" Hanbyeol answered the call, wiping her hands in the napkin, pushing a plate with fries away from her.
"Have you seen him yet?" Irene asked, impatient to know the details of the mission. Sehun was her husband, and even if they didn't love each other yet, she hoped the feelings would stem anyway. It hadn't been even two months since the wedding, and he treated her with the same exact indifference. She could handle the snail-like pace, yet there was something she couldn't tolerate—infidelity. If she was able to stay faithful to him, he could, too.
"No, I have not," she quickly replied, before she took a huge gulp of lime coke, "that's really strange, though. I'm at that meeting with all these businessmen and Sehun is no where to be found," she started to explain, looking over her shoulder wondering if her friend's husband finally showed up. "At first, I thought he bailed because this place is incredibly boring, since everyone seems to have a stick up their ass, but then I asked the guy who distributes the name tags, and apparently Sehun never showed up."
"Oh," Irene murmured, sounding obviously disappointed.
"It doesn't mean he's cheating," Hanbyeol instantly added, defending the guy. It was strange for her to protect her target, but she really didn't want to upset Irene. There was no proof that he cheated on her, she didn't catch him red-handed, perhaps, Sehun had a valid explanation on why he hadn't showed up yet.
"It doesn't mean he's not," Irene spoke, her voice quiet and cold, disappointment lingering in her tone. She could sense that Sehun hadn't been telling her everything, her suspicion backed with many unanswered texts, ignored calls, and a sweet scent of perfume which definitely didn't belong to Irene. They didn't love each other, but they could, and Irene was willing to try.
"Don't worry, I'll stick around for the weekend, and if anything fishy happens, I'll report it straight back to you," she reassured her, and licked her lips, "according to his payment history, he's here. If there's a woman with him, I'll find her and skin her alive for you."
"Thanks, Byeol. I can always count on you," said Irene, her voice again cheerful. Sehun might be distant to her, but she and Irene, they're fucking tight, although she wasn't always faithful to the only rule their friendship venerated—chicks before dicks, obviously.
"Yeah, anyway, I'll mingle with the other entrepreneurs, and don't forget that we're having brunch on Monday with Jiwoo and Wendy." Hanbyeol reminded her before she hung up, and hid her phone in her purse.
God, she hated these parties. Snob businessmen were gathering, drinking expensive champagne, and discussing their corporations. Normally, she'd not attend, but for Irene's sake, she did, and if it wasn't for free alcohol and appetizers, she'd already go crazy.
"Where are you, Sehun?" Hanbyeol whispered to herself, as she looked around, no familiar face ever flashed before her eyes; only men in their late fifties.
This party sucks.
"I'm here, where the hell are you?" Baekhyun yelled into his phone, as he walked into the hotel, his steps leisure, his elbow high. "What room as you in?" He questioned further, as he passed the bellhop, examining the exquisite decor; the place just screamed splendor.
"Room 304," Sehun replied quickly, putting on a bathrobe with his free hand, "I'll meet you outside, I don't really want to trouble her," he added, as he tied the velvet strip around his waist, his phone tightly squeezed between his ear and his shoulder.
"See you in a minute," Baekhyun mechanically spoke, ending the call, his head high, the gaze fixated on the elevator in front of him. Casually, he pressed the button, and the doors immediately opened, his reflection looking back at him in the mirrors in golden frames. The ride was short, yet it was long enough for Baekhyun to fix his tie and comb his hair with his long, slender fingers.
"Thank God," said Sehun, relief written all over his face. "I owe you so much for this," he sighed, the stress slowly leaving his tensed figure, as he knew that Baekhyun wouldn't let him down. Baekhyun was a professional, and it was certain that Sehun's secret was safe; Baekhyun was his warranty that Hanbyeol wouldn't catch him with another woman.
"Of course, you owe me a shit load of money," Baekhyun stated, as he looked at his friend, his stance nonchalant yet authoritative. "I'll be expecting a transfer from you on Monday, better don't be late."
"Yeah, whatever," Sehun answered with a shrug, the triple amount of money that Baekhyun had demanded for his service meant very little to nothing to him, given how rich his family is, "better tell me what's your plan, Baek."
"Since it's an emergency, the procedure is quite different," Baekhyun started, taking a sigh, as he stood on his heels, his fingers entwined behind his back, "send your lady to the hotel spa, you have to go to that business party, so Hanbyeol..." Baekhyun cleared his throat, which was bone dry, as her name barely left his mouth without vomiting, "so Hanbyeol would see you. When you're sure she saw you, I'll approach her and keep her busy, and you're free for tonight," he explained slowly, making sure that Sehun understood every detail of their plan; they only had one chance, and even the tiniest mistake could mean 'divorce' which was definitely the last thing Sehun wanted.
"You're a genius, Baekhyun. Thank you!" Sehun said, knowing that his secret was in good hands—Baekhyun's hands. "I'll get dressed and see you downstairs in a bit?"
"Sure," replied Baekhyun with utter nonchalance before he sent him a lopsided smirk, and turned on his heel, waiting for the lift to take him downstairs. "Good luck, and let's hope she won't suspect anything."
Baekhyun was standing in front of the entrance; one pair of doors separating him from the one and only nemesis of his. Moreover, not only he was going to see her, but what was beyond his comprehension, he had to approach her and maintain a conversation with the spawn of the devil itself. Surprisingly how eventful his evening has become; he surely wasn't mentally prepared for this meeting. As a matter of fact, he wasn't certain he'd be ever ready to face her.
With a deep sigh and short pep talk, he pushed the doors opened, his eyes roaming around the crowd seeking her.
"Okay, it shouldn't be that bad," Baekhyun spoke to himself, as he strolled inside, wide forced smile decorating his visage, as he bowed to some random businessmen and adjusted his elegant tie.
Much to his dismay, he spotted her in an instant; she was wearing a navy dress which terribly matched his suit. If he had to be objective, he'd even dare to say that she looked hot, yet given their brief history, he had to refrain himself from turning around and leaving Sehun on his own. Regardless of how pretty she looked, Baekhyun's judgment was clouded by the lousy memory.
The moment the waiter approached Baekhyun, he gladly took a glass of champagne, and gulped it down in one go. He needed it, he just wouldn't approach her without any preparation. Perhaps, she'd be a little bit more bearable if he fueled himself with alcohol. Normally, he was confident and brave, yet right now, he had to drink some more to boost his courage.
"Fancy seeing you here," Baekhyun spoke as he approached her and obtained her attention. She recognized his voice immediately; her figure slowly spinning around, a dreadful expression written all over her face. If Baekhyun hated her with pure passion, the animosity she felt toward him was twice as strong.
"I wish I could say the same," she muttered, as she eyed him from head to toe, not caring if he could hear her.
"Ouch!" Baekhyun pressed his hand against his chest, faking the pain that she caused with her harsh words. "Actually, I can't say I expected a warmer reception," Baekhyun commented, looking away, almost as if one look into her eyes would turn him into stone. "So... what brings you here?"
"It's a CEO gathering, and I am a CEO." Hanbyeol answered vaguely, not sparing him a glance either; his presence was repellent enough to handle. "What about you?" She asked, although she couldn't care any less about his reason; she only wished he'd go away after the small talk.
"Pretty much the same," Baekhyun replied, snatching another glass of champagne. "It's a perfect place to hand out business cards, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess," she agreed with a nonchalant shrug, finishing her alcohol.
"Though, it'd be way more pleasurable if Sehun didn't force me to go to that boring seminar in the afternoon. I thought I was going to die out boredom. At least, they provide food and alcohol." Baekhyun spoke casually, as he stared at her profile, examining her reaction when he mentioned Sehun's name. Just as he expected—she turned her head, their eyes locking for a brief moment.
"Sehun's here? I had no idea," Hanbyeol effortlessly lied, trying her best to look surprised, yet calm, so Baekhyun wouldn't figure out that she knew. So Baekhyun wouldn't fathom the reason behind her presence. She was going to bust Sehun with another woman, not get caught spying on him. "Well, it's a small world, isn't it?" She added, looking at Baekhyun, checking him out, approving his clothes and styled hair.
No matter how much she despised him, she couldn't deny that he was quite handsome.
"Yeah, it is," Baekhyun agreed, as he readjusted his tie, and put his hands into the pockets of his expensive suit. "Anyway... would you like to have a drink? I could use some," Baekhyun proposed, as he noticed Sehun in the crowd. Unlike Baekhyun, Sehun wasn't accustomed to this kind of stress, and it could be pretty risky for them if Hanbyeol approached him and started talking. Right now, it was Baekhyun's duty to keep her away from Sehun.
"I don't think so," Hanbyeol casually rejected his offer and turned around to leave him alone, yet if only he didn't grab her shoulder, she would be out of his side. "I said that I didn't want to, Baekhyun." She spoke, abruptly yanking her arm out of his grip.
"Come on, it's one drink, I'm not asking you to have sex with me," Baekhyun explained, trying to signalize that he didn't have wrong intentions. If she really thought that he was flirting with her, she was terribly mistaken, probably as wrong as it was possible. "For the old times' sake?" He smiled at her, almost as if he tried to seduce her.
"For the old times' sake all you can get is a kick in the nuts," Hanbyeol retorted, smirking when she saw Baekhyun's pain expression, as he was perfectly aware that she was capable of fulfilling her threat.
"Pass," Baekhyun replied with a sheepish smile upon his face, and took a step back, his hands immediately hovering above his crotch.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," she spoke, and turned around to leave. Baekhyun couldn't let that happen, especially when she was about to head toward Sehun.
"Are you still dwelling on the past?" Baekhyun asked, following behind her. "Whatever happened, happened; let's just forget about it." He proposed, but Hanbyeol only scoffed, as she continued to walk away from him.
Baekhyun couldn't be serious. Why did he urge her so desperately to talk to him? She was perfectly aware how little she meant to him, if anything, Baekhyun was supposed to avoid her like the plague. It was the only logical development of their relationship; they ought to restrain their contact to the very minimum. The most adequate behavior should be leaving one room when the presence of the other party spotted, and what Baekhyun tried to propose was the exact opposite.
What was his hidden agenda?
"I already did," Hanbyeol stated casually, not even sparing him a glance, "though, I still don't want to hang out with you."
"It's just one drink, relax." Baekhyun carried on, as they approached the bar, and raised his hand to obtain the bartender's attention. "My treat."
"Drinks are free," Hanbyeol said matter-of-factly, as she sat down on the stool, and Baekhyun immediately occupied the seat beside her. "Okay, cut the chase. What do you want from me?" She asked, being fed up with Baekhyun's insistent attitude. She didn't want to be anywhere near around him, and he must've felt the same; why did he bother?
"I don't know anyone here—"
"You know Sehun," Hanbyeol interjected, trying to prove him that he had better options than pestering her.
"Yeah, but I spent the whole day with him, I want to throw up when his face flashes in front of my eyes. He's my friend, but there are limits." Baekhyun explained with a cheeky smile, hoping that she understood him. Sighing, Hanbyeol looked at him, as he ordered drinks for them. He was irritating, but she realised that he wasn't going anywhere; if she could get rid of him, he'd already be out of her sight.
"Okay, whatever," she spoke, as she sipped on her sweet drink, her eyes seeking Sehun in the crowd. In her opinion, he didn't act like a person in the affair; he was somewhat relaxed, making casual conversations with businessmen in their fifties, not even sparing a single glance at the beautiful women who accompanied them.
"Hi, there," said a man who just approached the bar, one hand laid on the counter, the one one gently pressed against the small of her back, "can I get you a drink?" He asked, giving Hanbyeol a wide smile.
"She already has one," Baekhyun interjected, immediately jumping off his stool, "and she's with me," he added, as she swiped the man's hand away. "You're welcome, I protected you. He won't bother you anymore."
"You're the one bothering me, Baekhyun." She retorted, shaking her head in disbelief, as she sighed and bit her straw. "Besides, he was kind of cute, if anything, you just cockblocked me."
"I'm trying here," Baekhyun defended himself, returning to his seat. "It'd be much easier if you told me why you hate me so much."
"You really don't know?" Hanbyeol asked, looking him in the eyes, trying to determine whether he was seriously this shameless or simply ignorant. "Okay, fine. Let me enlighten you," she started, and Baekhyun gingerly nodded his head, waiting for the explanation. As far as he remembered, it had to have something to do with Sehun's and Irene's wedding.
"Please, do. I really want to know."
"At the wedding, we flirted with each other and it was really nice," she started, and Baekhyun responded with a gentle bow, taking in the information, "but later, I saw you making out with someone, and I was seriously pissed when after the toast you came back to me as if you just didn't shove your tongue down other woman's throat. All the attraction disappeared like a snap of fingers."
"Really, that's it?" Baekhyun asked with his eyebrow raised upwards. "Aren't you a bit melodramatic? It's not like we were in a relationship."
"It doesn't matter, Baekhyun." Hanbyeol answered calmly, a polite smile upon her face. "Don't get me wrong, but I know a little something about players, and I can tell when I see one."
"Well... I know a little something about relationships," Baekhyun started, making Hanbyeol interested in whatever he had to say, "why even bother to be with someone when eventually it's going to fall apart?"
"Relationships don't fall apart without a reason; people just stop trying. It's not going to last if you don't care to maintain it," Hanbyeol fought back, even if she didn't want to discuss that matter with him.
"Yeah, I agree, and that's why I don't do relationships."
"Good for you."
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