#I love the art style
cheesecakeislazy · 2 months
Massive shoutouts to @yourwworstnightmare for drawing these two awesome works of art!
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This Art Piece is a small scene I’ll be adding in chapter two of my fic <3
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And also this silly sketch of Jake and Aiden “hating” each other. Your honor, they are enemies AND lovers <3
Once again- MASSIVE SHOUTOUT to @yourwworstnightmare for being so awesome and drawing all this for me! I love their art style and their personality <3 <3 <3
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
i will never stop !!!! aizen is a fine ass mf who’s perfect for these headcanons
—> grimmjow
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✰aizen is his own warning, he’s way gross, duh-con, he’s manipulative, he’s weird yall
|| tag list: @stygianoir||
♡perv!aizen who does nothing to hide his creepy behavior. he is not ashamed of himself. why should he be ? he is the most powerful being in his world and no one is going to stop him from getting what he wants.
♡perv!aizen who invited you to the hot springs when he has free time. he makes sure you have no choice but to join him of the excursion
♡perv!aizen who manipulates you into anything he wants. he has complete control over you and he gets a high from it.
♡perv!aizen who sneaks into your room at night to fuck you. he tries not to do it too often or he’ll get addicted (as if he isn’t already) but he does this routine at least five times a month. he just loves watching you squirm and whine in pleasure from his cock. on days he feels gentle he’ll use his fingers or tongue.
♡perv!aizen who cums in your panties. and he’s not the least bit ashamed of it either. the thrill he gets from seeing you wearing the panties he came in ? oh my god it’s unmatched. to the point where he might need to step out for a bit to ..take care of some business.
♡perv!aizen who makes you dress up to clean up around his place. a cute little maid outfit with adorable cat ears to match. he could sit down for hours and watch you clean.
♡perv!aizen who doesn’t like it when anyone flirts with you. actually he doesn’t like anyone even looking at you. he makes sure everyone knows who you belong to.
♡perv!aizen who uses you as a pawn in his dealings. he’s a possessive son of a bitch but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to watch the fear in your eyes as gin feels you up and tells you about all the sick things he has planned. aizen usually stops it before it goes too far but who’s to say he won’t sit back and watch ?
♡perv!aizen who got a uniform specially made just for you it’s short, revealing and very impractical to fight in. it’s amusing to him though so don’t even think about going back to the long robes.
♡perv!aizen who forces you to come along with him when he travels. he likes have a dime piece on his arm- it’s a great conversation starter. plus he gets to keep an eye on you. he’d hate to come back to see you’ve opened your legs for someone else
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the-grumbler · 7 months
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 7 months
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corvesha · 24 days
Toaster meets Toaster (w/ mini fridge in background)
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Holy this is so cool! My toaster is gonna have a panic attack, yaaay!
Are these your characters or characters from another show?
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pinayelf · 4 months
I love the stylization so much tbh!!!!!
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mpreg-ask-blog · 3 months
Quads! How exciting! How'd you find out you were pregnant?
Angel: felt like shit for a good month and a half. Only took Google and fainting on the job to find out I was having these little fuckers.
Roxy: Side note, I follow your blog and I love your art style, it’s adorable <3
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laputaskies · 7 months
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Official key art for Marin & Sari
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dracomeir · 5 months
Digital Frankness - One shot mod
Meant to play this the day it came out, but I wanted to do the art meme stuff first. Really like how more and more mods from the jp community are coming out. I've played a bunch of them the past year, and they're always great.
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mayhemutant · 8 months
I'm going to analyze every single frame of this teaser till the show releases
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ask-the-lustful-king · 3 months
ur cool me thinks ・ω・
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What would happen if I stuck my hand in your face void
If thou did put thy hand in mine "face void" nothing would happen.
Nice art :3
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
Persephone Retelling Idea
So I was watching a video essay on Lore Olympus and its flaws, and there was a part where the video creator talked about how, in Persephone retellings, Demeter is always villainized whilst Hades is glorified. I thought about this for a bit, and realized two things:
1) The most likely reason we want Persephone and Hades’ relationship to be mutually loving is because we hate the idea of a girl being kidnapped and forced into an unwanted marriage for the rest of eternity whilst her loving mother watches on helplessly. That’s why we make up versions where Persephone isn’t suffering: because it’s horrifying otherwise.
2) It would be so much more interesting to see a retelling of the myth that portrays Demeter and Persephone’s relationship as healthy and loving, then exploring their shared grief over being forcibly separated from each other 6 months a year. That would be fascinating to me, and focus on the love and loss between a mother and daughter. It could be bittersweet and beautiful.
That’s when I ended up writing this comment (then putting it in a Google Doc for later):
I have an idea for a Persephone Myth retelling that I think would be pretty fun without really villainizing anyone (besides maybe Zeus because I hate him? But he's like, not even really in it, so there's that). It mainly focuses on Persephone and Demeter, and is slightly based on my relationship with my mom as I've started getting ready for college (particularly as an autistic young adult who needs supports to function). It also later takes the idea of the Dread Queen Persephone as she girlbosses her way into a true goddess. 
Basically, Persephone is a young adult goddess (still hundreds of years old) who has a great relationship with her mother, but is still trying to figure herself out, and slightly wants to leave the nest. She isn't quite sure how to be independent in the big wide world, and she's a bit nervous. So for now, she likes to spend her time talking with her nymph friends about life and stuff. 
Meanwhile, in the underworld, Thanatos is...busy...with a situation, so Hades is forced to temporarily take over the role of death, a job he is very reluctant to do. Why doesn't some other underworld person take care of it? Because shut up. So, Hades takes the list of people he needs to take down (to the undERWORLD THAT IS!!! *Airhorn noises*) and just kinda comes out of the earth, snatches people out of their bodies, and dips, taking them along with him. Unfortunately, one of the Fates "misspelled" a name, so instead of taking Persebhone (or maybe Kora, because Persephone’s name might be Kore for the first half), he accidently ends up taking Persephone, not realizing who she is since he really needs to get out more often. 
So Persephone finds herself in the underworld after Hades abruptly dropped her off there and went to his palace. She goes to the trial place where souls are typically tried, and the judges are surprised when they realize that she is an immortal god. They assume she got lost or something trying to visit Hades, so they send her over to his palace. She sits in the waiting room for a bit, where they are serving out underworld pomegranates as refreshments. Persephone doesn't know about the rules of the underworld, so she eats one. Dun dun dun. Then she has a meeting with Hades, who is confused until she starts explaining that she really isn't supposed to be here and why. He understandably panics at this, aware that Demeter will definitely kill him. 
Meanwhile, Demeter is having a panic attack, because she doesn't know where her daughter is. The other gods are trying to comfort her, but nothing is working, and in this arc of the story, during the parts where we see what's happening in the overworld, we will explore themes of mental health, depression, and what it is like to have a missing child. The other gods will also be having a sort of mystery thing where they try to find the missing goddess. 
Meanwhile AGAIN, Hades is trying to figure out how to contact the other gods to sort things out, but the exit to the underworld is blocked or something (basically, no one can leave rn), and he can't communicate with the other gods. They are kinda trapped rn. So he tries his best to keep Persephone calm and comfortable because NOTHING IS WRONG AT ALL- (he does break the truth to her once he realizes it really will be a few months until he can contact the others, but at first he will pretend that things are mostly fine) 
Persephone herself is feeling very overwhelmed in this crazy new place, and is more than a little stressed out. But as time goes by, Persephone finds that she really likes it in the underworld, and can find some type of beauty in it. She also discovers new parts of herself with each person she meets. But this first arc mainly explores her trying to find a place in the world without that type of support that Demeter gave her, and wondering how her growing desire to stay in the underworld will affect her relationship with her mother. 
Eventually, we get a beautiful reunion between the two, but tragically discover that Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds have permanently tied her to the underworld. So then they need to figure things out about how to live independently from each other as Persephone starts living in the underworld officially and growing into a potentially badass Dread Queen of the Underworld, Demeter tries to cope with Empty Nest Syndrome (I actually love the idea of exploring a character in her changing situation), and Hades tries to get used to living with another person and also secretly attempts to handle his new guilt complex over accidentally trapping Persephone in the Underworld.
I have a lot more ideas, but that's the basic premise.
Hades and Persephone's dynamic will be so much fun. It isn't quite romantic so much as it is besties or something (I'm gonna make them slightly close in age, since Demeter is the 2nd oldest out of the siblings, and Hades is the 4th. Zeus was also pretty young when he freed his siblings. So Hades would be a bit young around the time Persephone is born. Not super young, but young enough to seem more like an older brother or something). They are so socially awkward that they end up becoming basically friends. Since Persephone basically lives here now, Hades wants to at least make her feel comfortable and welcome, so he hangs out with her sometimes, and eventually even invites her to start helping him out with underworld stuff. They just work together well and get along pretty great in all honesty.
Persephone and Demeter's relationship would be the main focus of the story, as well as Persephone's coming-of-age. Demeter, as I mentioned above, is a mother who is dealing with grief from her child going missing, and later deals with the pieces of trauma that come with that (which she will refuse to acknowledge at first), then dealing with Empty Nest Syndrome as she has a bit of a personal crisis over that, possibly even a bit of a mid life crisis. Then she needs to deal with the realization of how happy Persephone is as she becomes an independent adult. I love the idea of working with this woman as she goes through this nonsense. She’s dealing with a lot. I love this version of her that I have in my head.
Persephone is also conflicted and unsure of herself as she begins to develop mild independence anxiety during the first arc, and her own little identity crisis during the arc after she and Demeter (temporarily) reunite.
Basically, young adult leaves for college for the first time as she and her mom both have mental breakdowns, while the young adult's cool new roommate and accidental kidnapper tries to learn social skills in the background. It's fun (and low-key funny in certain ways).
That's my idea. Yeah.
Hopefully healthier than Lore Olympus.
So, I may or may not make a small webcomic using this idea. The art style will likely be simple because not only is said art style still in the works with no fully fleshed out, overcomplicated character designs, but I want it to be relatively easy to work on and write with ease. May make this, may not. Hopefully it could be fun though, since I love Greek Mythology, and I find retellings of it to be fascinating and fun. Tell me what ya’ll think of this concept, and if it sounds interesting.
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dinodogs · 5 months
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heartbreakercupcake · 5 months
I just can't get behind people thinking the Hades art style is like bad that's just me, I mean like they're not perfect sure but theres some thought put behind them and I appreciate the attempt
but there is just some niggas you can't argue with and you just need to learn to either block or don't even bother talking to them
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natp20 · 2 years
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THEY'RE PERFECT (art by @ravennowithtea)
+ a tiny bertrand
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I love reading the comics
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