#I love these two goofs
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This is my hottest imp and skizz take yet
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sarabethsilver · 3 months
Get ready for DRAMA.
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neyxmessi · 1 year
Neymar once again a brutal victim of a Lionel Messi nutmeg 😔
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I'm considering very heavily to change up how Twins AU is structured--and by that I mean adding more Japanese-style honorifics and cultural norms over americanizing it.
However this has cause a very unintentional but hilarious effect that I cannot get over.
SO. The issue arises mostly with how one is to address people with the same last name in Japan--AKA, in this case, the Ouma Twins. After doing some research, when you have two people with the same last name, ofc it's going to get confusing if you just refer to them exactly the same, so teachers and workplaces are said to include part of the individual's first name into their last name to differentiate between the two individuals.
In this case, it would be probably that the Japanese-speaking cast (Angie not included in this ofc) who use their last names due to unfamiliarity, they would end up calling Kurochi "Oumaku-kun" and Kokichi "Oumako-kun."
The hilarity is the pun upon the fact that "Ko" is one of the many ways to refer to something as "little".
So Kokichi means "little luck," and now he's being called "little king horse" by his classmates.
Kurochi is GRINNING when he hears what his classmates have decided to call them because he goes ham with the teasing, like "Ooooooh look who's the baby, who's the little baby bwudder, who's the iddy bitty baby bwudderrrr" and Kokichi is going to DECK HIM for it.
Edit: Oumaku would translate to "King Sky Horse" fun fact, so Kurochi is just a Pegasus apparently--
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nickcharleswife · 3 months
Very very cool and exciting to realize that my first fic, Fate is Bullshit (& yet annoyingly real), just got to 4000 hits today. I’m still so proud of that project and I had lots of fun writing it. Thanks to everyone who’s read it, that means the absolute world to me ❤️
(Btw: I’ve had a few chapters of a Stiles’s POV version in the works for almost a year. No promises if it ever gets finished but just thought you should know)
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sualne · 9 months
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shopping with the worstie for the bestie
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Can i request fluff alphabet with graves? I dont mind what letters you do x
Hey! I did the first eight letters of the alphabet!
Fluff Alphabet for Graves
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
If it was up to him, then he’d go grilling with you every day. Loves teaching you how to barbecue, telling you about how hot the grill should be, what its components are, how long the meat and sausages should be on the iron, that sort of stuff. Graves also loves inviting his Shadows to a barbecue as well. That way he gets to unwind with you and them and you get to know the people he works with. Those are the small celebrations he looks forward to the most.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
On the one hand, he loves the fact that you’re independent and can go a long time without him. It’s necessary since he’s away a lot of the time. On the other hand, he does love how dependent you can be on him. Even just the small stuff gets to him, such as you having forgotten your wallet and wanting some ice cream, or you leaning into him for comfort when you’re watching a scary movie together. Yes, he loves you, but he also loves it when you need him. You’re his world, and he’s yours. He’s the big, strong man in your relationship and he’ll protect you from everything there may be.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I feel as though he’d try to give you some unsolicited advice. You’re more than welcome to tell him to shut up, though. But other than that, he’ll try to crack some jokes here and there to get you to smile again. Also not above cuddling you and holding you close to make you feel protected and loved. Your panic attack wouldn’t be the first one he’s experienced, in all honesty. Sometimes, he helps with calming down his Shadows. Will calmly talk to you, play some games to help you get your mind off things as well. Will breathe with you too, if you’re okay with that.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If it was up to him, then you’d be living on a ranch together. He grew up on one in Texas and sometimes wants to go back to that life. Just you being surrounded by cattle, sheep, horses and other kinds of animals. You’d have a nice German shepherd together and would tend to the animals together. Of course, he wouldn’t give up his PMC either, but he can dream about that sort of future. He doesn’t think it would ever become reality anyway. However, as long as he gets to spend his future with you, he’s happy.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He leans more towards being the dominant person in your relationship, but he can be passive at times as well. Usually has his hand on you somewhere as well as an act of dominance. Loves having you sit on his lap too, sometimes even in public when there are no chairs. People should know that you’re together and that he’s the one protecting you. He’s more than happy to consider your suggestions, but it’s usually him who decides where you end up going. Especially if you’re indecisive.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He’d be somewhat petty and resentful, but he wouldn’t let it out on you. He wouldn’t really let it out on anyone, he’s far too mature for that. However, you’d have to apologize to him for him to forgive you. As long as you’re being nice about it, he will. It’s rare for him to apologize unless he’s truly hurt you. When he was in the wrong about some fact he’ll usually ignore it. When he fights he gets a bit louder, his accent becomes a bit stronger, but that’s it. He won’t call you anything mean, but it will be known that he’s upset with you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s pretty grateful. Not as much as other people, though. He doesn’t always consider everything you’re doing for him. Not that he takes it for granted either, far from it, but he just doesn’t always think when he doesn’t need to. However, generally speaking, he is grateful for what you do for him. Will show it by either taking you on a nice date to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, or by taking care of your home in your stead for a while. You, too, deserve to have a day off from it all, after all.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There are plenty of things he doesn’t tell you. Sure, it may seem like he’s very open about his job, but you’ll always get the feeling he’s not being entirely honest with you. However, aside from job related things, he’s a very honest man. While he may sugarcoat some things for you sometimes, he will tell you pretty much everything. You can ask him about any personal detail and there’s a good chance he’ll tell you about it. In fact, I encourage you to do so, Graves enjoys talking about himself to you. Ask him about his plans for you and him and he’ll get quite sappy too and won’t stop talking for an hour.
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discodiscodemon · 10 months
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couple of.... sillies :^)
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
i love how the bad and phil interactions we've had thanks to qsmp are just them basically being silly and sillier, you cannot look at me in the eye and tell me both of them either have all the braincells on the server or barely one when they are together
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eternalchant · 1 year
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idk what tha hell is goin on with these guys... tbh...
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bluejaybytes · 7 months
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Peace and love on planet squit
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fulcrum-art-fox · 7 months
Carol, Kamala and Monica literally went “you know what’s the best thing to hone our new swapping ability and group coordination skills? Skipping” and they were both right and iconic for that
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applesauce322 · 1 year
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these bitches gay!! good for them. good for them..
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harrisonsbabygirl · 3 months
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mushtoons · 2 years
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goldenphoenix4 · 4 months
bau squabbling like a family playing monopoly
spencer: you should've listened to me!
derek: it wouldn't have saved that much time, reid. let it go
spencer: actually, the interchange between the 405 and the 101 freeways is consistently rated the worst interchange in the entire world
derek: why do you know that
spencer, getting out of the car: it's a government report! you work for the government and you don't read the reports?
derek, following behind him: on traffic patterns for a city 2,500 miles from where i live?
spencer: correction, 2,295 miles
derek: don't make me smack you in front of all these people
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