#I love this song a lot
reisakumaproducer · 5 months
I need to give massive props to whoever composed Haruhikage. Even without knowing its context, it really feels like a song filled with warmth. The MyGO version feels like immense longing without the keyboard. It's beautiful
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queerwhohatesithere · 2 years
i’m convinced question…? is queer. assuming the narrator is taylor so we’ll say it’s a girl singing about a girl. i see it as her asking someone else a question while actually singing about her own experience, ex, have you ever done anything like i have? maybe she’s talking to a guy who misses a girl. she sings, “before you painted my nights a color i’ve searched for ever since.” this is reminiscent of illicit affairs colors she can’t see with anyone else. (genius lyrics agrees.) this is very queer, that her life got painted with color by this special someone and now she’s searching for it. she also asks, “did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room, and every single one of your friends was making fun of you?” now why do would their friends be making fun of them? it could just be normal friends things, or it could be them being surprised to see two girls kissing, and then once they get over their initial shock them clapping. clapping after a kiss is something you’d do for a big event, sometimes people feel the need to do it to express their support. it seems more likely with a queer pair that their friends would want to backpedal and show they were just just lightheartedly teasing. or maybe the clapping is making fun of them as well, because next taylor asks what happens next?
“did you leave her house in the middle of the night? oh did you wish you put up more of a fight? oh” she left in the middle of the night, embarrassed, wishing she’d stood up for herself more, wishing she’d stood up for her girlfriend more. “do you wish you could still touch her?” queer people have to fight to be together. it’s a struggle. we face a lot of stigma from friends and family. sometimes we end up having to give up. this narrator might be looking back wishing she had tried harder. the line about “fuckin politics and gender roles” sticks out to me as well. if the world was different, maybe things would be different. she’s also upset seeing her with a “dickhead guy.”
she also says “and what’s that that i heard, that you’re still with her, that’s nice i’m sure that’s what’s suitable” suitable is in interesting choice of words. almost like she wasn’t the right fit not for lack of passion or love but bc she didn’t fit the right image. i’m assuming this means the girl ended up with the dickhead guy?
there’s a lot of sensuality in this song. you really feel as though the narrator wishes she fought for this girl and misses her and is dying to see her again and wishes she could touch her again. “it’s just a question” but the answer to all of these questions, time and time again seems to be yes. she’s replaying the past in her head, having a conversation with herself.
anyways taylor’s songs are and always have been super layered and detailed, i think there’s a lot of different meanings to them. i really love this song and i feel like it screams gay vibes.
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cryley · 1 year
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a lil snippet of jackie and wilson - hozier <3
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mezais · 2 years
52 & Sunbeam
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Satanicpornocultshop - Comment te dire adieu?
Confession time I haven’t read this far, but judging by her wiki this song seems fitting
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st0rmyseas · 4 months
“There is no agony like being strong when no one knows you’re sick” —If I Surrender by Citizen Soldier
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magicalgirlfr · 4 months
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ma-mariarie243 · 9 months
day 1 (or 2) of drawing by absolute favorite songs
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In case you couldn't tell its "rb" by crystal p
I absolutely love this song, and i showed a playlist to my friend and she said that this one was one of the best songs in there 💪💪
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capow02 · 7 months
#34 for Wrapped!
Excellent choice! One of my absolute favourites by fall out boy :))
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kadextra · 7 months
hmmm q!roier vibes
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solidwater05 · 1 year
Lamentations lyrical analysis/rambling because I am not normal about it
Redefine how to feel human
We know Fayrouz is in denial about her mistakes, so being faced with the reality that Mariyam and Tamari are very close to human, with thoughts and feelings, hits pretty hard.
Also, automata has two definitions:
a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.
used in comparisons to refer to a person who seems to act in a mechanical or unemotional way.
The first one fits the siblings, the second one fits Fayrouz. 'How to feel human' has to be redefined because her androids are more human than she is
Redefine my kindness
Redefine what’s wrong, what’s right
So you don’t test my patience
Still about denial, she'll come up with so many reasons why she's not a bad person
Don’t expect an easy life and
Don’t expect my mercy
She's cold and, well, I wouldn't describe her as merciless, but she's not particularly merciful. I also feel like this is what she indirectly communicated to Mariyam after Tamari ran away because he expected all that.
Hold your breath and walk on ice
For any less would hurt me
This might mean that she's also very fragile, and 1- anything going against her plans is wrong because she's controlling, and 2- she's been hurt before and every time it happens it hurts more
Restarting, rebooting null programs
Running, debugging their brains
Forging and sorting successes
Things will never be the same
I think this is just emphasizing the clinical tone, but also how she's not the same as she was before. This could be that she's changed inside even if her cold attitude remained the same, or that she developed that attitude after everything that happened? I don't think so but eh, it's still possible
Tear apart, break the neglected
Carelessness widens the fault
'The neglected' are her ex-husband and the siblings, but she 'tore them appart' unintentionally and/or unconsciously, which from her point of view makes it even worse
Suppressing relapsed indignation
I just think she suppresses her feelings because she's not ready to deal with them and everything they imply
Rising steam through superheated bolts
Idk what this means
I’m only working smart
Tear out a broken heart
Rewire, take it higher than we’ve ever been
Again, repressing her emotions so they don't interfere with her work (also, repressing that Tamari running away hurt her so she could still work on Mariyam)
A land unknown, to bring her home a perfect twin
This one puzzles me. The 'perfect twin' is Mariyam, but why does she say 'her home' if obviously Mariyam didn't exist before being created? Is Fayrouz talking about herself in the third person for some reason?? But then I don't see why it'd say 'twin'
Either way, the point is that Mariyam was supposed to be perfect
Perfection you could’ve never been
This is both about her ex-husband and Tamari, but I think it's specifically comparing Mariyam and Tamari and how Mariyam was everything that Tamari 'could have never been', maybe because he reminded Fayrouz of her ex-husband so she's projecting all her negative feelings about him on them after they ran away
Read it and weep
Pay attention to the finer print
'Finer print' means details not immediately obvious, like how she hurt her family. She says she should have payed attention to it because she keeps making mistakes that make everything worse, but she only notices them looking back
Read it and weep
We’ll recreate a scarlet sin
Not sure what this is supposed to mean. Perhaps it's related to her neglect?
Forging a stronger core
That’s the price of war
Another confusing one. It makes me think of reluctantly becoming stronger because of pain, while it would be preferable to not be in pain at all
Brace for the fate you’ll face
For following the path you’ve paved
This just means 'you had it coming'
You don’t know what I’ve been through
Your roots are where I’ve planted you
Fayrouz, possibly talking to Mariyam (or even Tamari) when they ran away, justifying her actions because she's been through a lot, and because they wouldn't exist without her, so they owe her everything
Reflections of the past
I see him in your faces
I still wonder why
He never came back that day
The reason why she treated the siblings like that is because they remind her of her ex-husband. (Bonus: the instrumental for the line 'he never came back that day' is very similar to the one for 'now you're all alone' in EWN. Fayrouz is all alone now)
My hands are filthy as can be
Beneath the skin, tarnished by rogue machinery
Meaning that she has done many bad things, and she tries to hide them, but Mariyam and Tamari running away 'tarnish' her cover and change her to the point it's impossible to hide anything
My stomach’s churning, throwing up my grief
Anatomizing your synthetic humanity
And we're back to the very first line! She's still thinking about how the concept of 'humanity' is more complex than she thought at first, and this time, she realized that it means that Mariyam and Tamari are also human and have lives, much like herself and her ex-husband
Failed to recognize warning signs
And I let it happen thrice
You’re once more lead astray
Self explanatory, she never realized that there was anything wrong until her ex-husband, Tamari and Mariyam left.
Something I’ve never understood
The question I’ve overlooked
Am I the one to blame?
And she never understood why it kept happening, until she realized that it was her fault. She had been running from this fact for so long but it only made everything worse
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guccigarantine · 8 months
new grandpa farm episode…
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leolaroot · 2 years
🌌 falor's journey 🏕️
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butchtoro · 1 year
oh this song is about being attacked by monsters we're really in it now
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angstics · 1 year
frank said stream!
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the-mob-mentality · 1 year
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