#I made a very bold move and I'm worried it was the wrong choice
llycaons · 2 years
I am feeling. what do they say. burned out. I am graduating in less than three months while becoming increasingly convinced that my personality is not suited to this field in such a way that I could make it work, but the mental and emotional toll it would take would drain of the relatively few resources I have. if I don't find a very specialized job with a ton of very supportive, very communicative, and very patient co-workers and supervisors, I'm looking shit out of luck
also. I have zero motivation to do the research assignments. it's so frustrating because I really tried but I still can't tell what I'm actually supposed to be writing about so it's like trying to grasp an eel underwater in the dark. whatever, I guess I'll just see what people post and go off that
0 notes
stellocchia · 3 years
Since I really enjoyed yesterday's stream I decided to do one of my overly long analysis on it
So, here's my analysis of (DSMP LORE) Healthy Competition
Dialogues will be color-coded as usual, so here's what I used: Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo
As always I am incapable of brevity, so everything's under the cut
The stream starts with a conversation between Phil and Wilbur in which Wilbur admits that he hasn't been to visit Phil in a while, which makes Phil's later threat about throwing him out feel that much more ridiculous since Wilbur clearly doesn't really live with him either way...
"Alright, it's got one for Phil, one for Ranboo, and one for Techno. Is that all that live here? Just you three?" "Yep, just us three, just chilling"
The only reason why I'm singling this out is that it was right after the mention of Techno's birthday and Wilbur was pointing at the seats occupied by the 4 members of the Syndicate so it feels slightly weird that Niki wasn't mentioned at all. But also it's technically not a lie, she doesn't live there and she only comes around for the Syndicate meetings.
Another thing to add is that Wilbur did notice the chest Ranboo left for him and consciously decided to ignore it.
"I must admit I've come to you with a bit of a- a bit of a proposition. You're into propositions Phil? Are you a bit of a 'propositions' kinda guy?" "Oh, depends, depends. You- you've had some pretty... let- let's just say, uh- not- not a great track record on propositions that you've had in the past" "Alright... I mean, I'm trying to move past that"
I wonder what exactly Phil is referring to here. Because, like, Wilbur did bad things, don't get me wrong, but what's his track record with "propositions" in particular? Because he isn't talking about "Tommy, let's be the bad guys" here since he doesn't know about that. Is he talking about Wilbur founding L'Manburg? But then again, I don't think Wilbur interpreted it that way. I think that, from Wilbur's reaction, he clearly interpreted it as a jab at him exploding L'Manburg (which is the one thing he's trying to move past) which would be extremely hypocritical from Phil since he did the exact same thing but worse.
Also, I really do think that Wilbur is trying to move forward. He's lonely and he has the lowest possible opinion of himself so it doesn't feel weird that he'd want to move on. He isn't putting the work in it right now and he hasn't really changed, but he does seem to want to (though I think he may not know how).
"He [Quackity] didn't seem afraid of me, which is cool. Not many people- I mean you don't seem afraid of me. You aren't afraid of me, are you Phil?" (little look into Wilbur's mind and his fear of isolation once again. And this is fear of isolation, he's worried that other people are afraid of him and therefore are only waiting for him to step out of line so that all their fears would be confirmed)
"'Cause I'm not afraid of you [Phil]" (bold words for someone who spent who knows how long lying to his dad because of a crippling fear of disappointment...)
"Technoblade spent his entire time taking down the establishments, what he left is, as predicted, a power vacuum for a new establishment to come in" (in case it wasn't obvious, Wilbur is not the biggest fan of anarchy. And he actually got this one criticism spot on, indeed all taking down L'Manburg did was getting 4 new governmental-like structures to sprout in its place)
"Phil, I want to make a burger van" *Phil sighs and walks away* (I'm more sure now that Phil really meant "creating L'Manburg" as Wilbur's bad track record with propositions)
Wilbur repeating 4 times that he has no ulterior motive with the burger van managed to make me think the exact opposite. That said that ulterior motive may just be to create a safe little home for himself and Tommy for all we know honestly. Also, the whole thing with Phil trying to convince his grown-ass kid to go play with the neighbor kid and Wilbur throwing a tantrum in response was hilarious...
"If he's [Ranboo] shit you gotta come help me okay? If he's shit you've gotta come be burger boy with me, okay?" (he still is mistrustful to an extreme and pretty childish admittedly)
"Why is he [Phil] treating me like a kid?! Why is he treating me like a little baby?" (remembering how Wilbur treated Fundy I think it may be a family problem)
Another interesting thing to point out is that Wilbur was openly scared of the spider attacking him here, and fights it off, but he doesn't move away from the explosion later on and he didn't move away from the exploding creepers last stream. Other people already made this connection, but I do think it may be a sort of way to punish himself. Specifically, it's brought up later on that he thinks he got off easy for what he did, so he's using what he hurt others with (explosions) to hurt himself now as a sort of punishment for that. Which is another indication of just how much his stay in Limbo didn't help with his mental health.
"Am I being- is this [Ranboo having both cows and wheat] a setup?" (the paranoia never left)
"Ranboo I'm gonna go out on a limb here: do- do you wanna be friends?" "Su-sure yeah, I don't see why not" (I think that at this point it was still just Wilbur following along with what his dad told him to do and trying to find out more about Ranboo. That does seem to change later down the line)
"And then we decided that it [the 'cookie' outpost] was too much trouble so we kinda just left it" (So we have confirmation that the cookie outpost was abandoned)
"We're not gonna annoy Quackity" "That's good" "We can't annoy- we can't annoy him because we're simply put- we're simply put gonna be making...- I got the real estate! He's giving me the area and we're gonna be making a competing business"
Wilbur says this as if he wasn't perfectly aware that this would annoy the sh*t out of Quackity. As if the point of it wasn't exactly to annoy Quackity. Or well, annoying him isn't the end goal, it's just the means to an end. We don't know the actual end goal (though I think Wilbur still wants to either be let into Las Nevadas or actually instate a rivalry between them as he said, one of the two).
"We [he and Quackity] were a part of the same cabinet during New L'Manburg or whatever" "Cabinet?" "Yeah a cabinet is like-" "Was this- was this with Tubbo?" "Yeah yeah" (...) "So you were part of the old L'Manburg? I didn't know that actually, I thought you were a bit of an independent"
Once again: Wilbur is missing A LOT of knowledge. He wasn't aware that New L'Manburg had a cabinet and he wasn't aware that Ranboo was ever part of the country either. He has a lot of misconceptions about what happened during the time he was dead so it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that his views on a lot of things are as warped as they are. Wilbur is getting to his conclusions with an incomplete and sometimes wrong set of data.
"Do you dislike anyone Ranboo?" "Not too much I don't think. I mean there are other people I don't, like, agree with what they've done of course, but I think that everyone is just a product of what they've gone through and everything so if you understand that then you understand the person!"
There is nothing inherently wrong with Ranboo's reasoning here. It's true that most people are a result of their environment and, once you understand what they've been through you can understand them better as a person. It's also fine that he personally doesn't want to hold grudges. But that way of thinking isn't applicable to those who have been hurt by others, sure they can reach an understanding, but an understanding of a person doesn't justify shit and doesn't change shit unless that person works towards repairing old broken relationships. It just all sounds like a nice way of thinking about things in theory, but in practice, it just takes away responsibility from those who have wronged others to fix things and moves it to those who have been wronged. (Ranboo isn't advocating for everyone to think that way though, but I know the fandom will).
Either way, they arrive in Las Nevadas and Wilbur talks about how their place doesn't benefit the consumer and puts down 3 signs.
"I've been trying to think of a name for it [his and Tommy's area], I'm thinking about 'Paradise'"
There are two possible reasons for the name that I can think of:
1) It's in reference to Las Nevadas itself and how Las Nevadas is based on Las Vegas, the famous city of sin
2) It could be a reference to Tommy insistently calling Las Nevadas Paradise in the last stream and Wilbur trying to convince him that their place is the true Paradise
Wilbur does decide to make the Burger Van right at the border which really feels like a very obvious provocation. The other thing is that he makes it clear that he wants the van to be red and white which could be a random choice, but really feels like a reference to Tommy (since they are famously his colors) or an imitation of their opposition. Or both considering how much Tommy liked the restaurant of the opposition and the fact that Wilbur is still trying to convince him to stay.
"I'm not very fond of blue" (at this point it's obvious that Wilbur has quite a bit of pent-up animosity against Ghostbur. I wonder if it is because it still feels like people liked the ghost more than him...)
"Like, the Cookie Shop, I don't even know if it was a cookie shop, to begin with, because it was a little... fortified if I'm entirely honest, I realize that now" "Really?" "Yeah did you not see- oh wait- that giant stone structure?" (Ranboo really did fail to realize that the cookie shop was actually a military outpost, huh?)
"See, I like Tubbo. He's strong-headed, he doesn't let people push him around, you know?" (this is both an interesting change in what he thinks of Tubbo if he actually thinks that and further confirmation that Wilbur isn't a fan of people he considers to be 'followers')
"Why do you claim that you're so 'peaceful' and 'neutral' and yet somehow appear in almost every conflict this server's had since I died?" (since I saw people claiming this is manipulation already, just know that it isn't. He's just confused because, admittedly, Ranboo is a confusing guy and Wilbur doesn't really know him at all)
"Ranboo, why did you come to help me?" (...) "And then also I just think, you know... you can, you know- I think- I think you're an alright person, you know? So I wanna- I did kinda wanna get off on a better foot with you then what happened-" "Why?" "Just because I don't really like having the thought that people don't really like me" "Nonononono not the bit about the right foot, the 'why don't you think I'm a bad person'" "Well I mean, I think that you did bad things, but like, I think that you also went through things that made you that way and then I also think that you've changed now (...) but I think that now you've- apparently you've been away long enough that I think that if anyone goes away for that long eventually they'll have a thought about their morality and everything and maybe become a better person because of it"
I know this quote was absurdly long, but it is one of the most interesting conversations of the whole stream and it is really important and it tells us quite a bit as well. For one thing Wilbur was left quite emotional from someone simply admitting that he's an "alright person" and that they think he's capable of changing and this does bring him to open up to Ranboo right after. What Ranboo says to be exact is that anyone would have changed after going through what Wilbur went through and that change could be positive and while I completely disagree with it, it's clearly something that Wilbur needed to hear.
Now as to why I disagree with the notion that 13 years of semi-complete isolation could change anyone for the better should be rather obvious. But if it isn't, well, that's torture to put it simply. Psychological torture. Just like abuse it's one of those things that only cause trauma and a worsening mental health state and we see this with Wilbur because he didn't change, he only became more self-deprecating. Hurting someone doesn't make them become a better person all of a sudden, that's really not how it works. Hurting someone makes them become more traumatized.
"I think I scare people" ( as I said, immediately opening up about his insecurities)
"I think that a lot of people share your idea, but they share your idea in trying to- trying to keep me from hurting them" (for a bit here Wilbur talks about how he feels like everyone else is just waiting for him to step a foot out of line, which does really show that he's still interpreting all his interactions with people through the lens of his paranoia and self-deprecation, because no one is really interacting with him with that objective in mind)
"Dream's had his comeuppance and I've not" (this seems to be the crux of Wilbur's insecurity. This idea that he got off scot-free for his crimes, the idea that the only difference between him and Dream is the punishment that's been bestowed upon them which, of course, is wrong, but he doesn't know this, because he doesn't actually know why Dream's in prison)
"I've been investing into the wrong areas Ranboo, I've been investing into the wrong people" (This is either a reference to Tommy, to Phil, to Quackity, or to all of them)
"We're kindred man, we get each other" (the reason why he thinks that is because he seems to think that Ranboo has a similar type of paranoia to what Wilbur experience himself and he's not entirely wrong. Ranboo is deathly afraid of conflict and of being disliked so much so that he never stands up for anything in fear of angering others)
Little definition of "neuroticism" for you all since Wilbur kept mentioning it: neuroticism, one of the Big 5 personality traits, is typically defined as a tendency toward anxiety, depression, self-doubt, and other negative feelings.
I'd say it's quite fitting for both characters...
"I feel like life dealt us the same cards and the difference is that you built your trust by showing people your cards whilst I- I keep them close to my chest and I feel like that may be the big difference" (I felt like this was interesting. Especially knowing how much Ranboo actually doesn't share and how much he actually also keeps close to his chest)
They talk about tubbo in general for a bit and about what's been going on the server in general. Ranboo also that he's part of both Snowchester and the arctic commune (mostly the latter though).
"This has been chill, this has been good, I'm excited to show Tommy. What's your opinion on Tommy?" "Oh, he's- he's great. Tommy's awesome" "I agree I agree" "Definitely gone through a lot but I think that it's made him a good person" "Well you seem to think that everyone going through something at least gives them some merit you said" "I mean, yeah. I mean if- if no one- the only really bad people are the ones who are just evil because- just because and they don't have any reason why"
Included the whole thing here because if I stopped at Ranboo saying that Tommy going through trauma is what made him a good person it would have sounded really bad. As things are I think that that was just poor wording on his part and that this mostly goes back to the mentality he expressed before about how people sometimes do bad things because of the environment they're in pushing them and this idea he seems to have that actual hardships (like 13 years in Limbo or whatever he knows about what Tommy has been through) can encourage people to be better which is... sort of naive honestly. Again, trauma isn't a catalyst for the betterment of a person, and any improvement Tommy has made came from his self-reflection, not what he's been through.
After they're done with the van Wilbur brings Ranboo to their competing establishment and asks him to smash the windows, which Ranboo does with no hesitation whatsoever. After that Wilbur proceeds to place down one single block of TNT in a corner and Ranboo starts being a little more hesitant.
"You trust me right?" (I feel like that was a trick question considering how their common paranoia is the thing that Wilbur praised in Ranboo before)
Wilbur hands Ranboo the flint and steel to detonate the piece of TNT which Ranboo does, albeit with some hesitation.
"You passed the test, good job man, you go back to the van (...) Ranboo- Ranboo... I'm proud of you man. You've taken a side, you've proven that you can choose a side"
Quite a few people have already pointed out how similar this scene was to the time Wilbur tested Tommy in season 1 to decide if he was fit to be his right-hand man. In both situations, Wilbur gave someone a chance to cause some destruction against someone on the opposite side. Tommy passed the test by refusing to do so and showing that he was willing to uphold his morals and what he believed in. Ranboo passed the test by doing the exact opposite, by showing that, as much as he talks about how he chooses people and not sides, he's not willing to prove that even when all he would need to do to do so is doing nothing.
And it's an interesting scene to analyze as a parallel to that, but it's also interesting to note that Wilbur knows about Ranboo and Tommy griefing George together. He knows that Tommy was the only one to face any consequences for it (not that exile was actually the consequence for the griefing, but this is from Wilbur's point of view). Now putting this in the context of Wilbur seeing himself in Ranboo and thinking that he himself got off scot-free explains this next part perfectly in my opinion.
It explains why he made sure to leave this sign:
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To me at least. This is only a theory honestly, we don't have an actual full explanation. But I do think that Wilbur may feel like the both of them never got the comeuppance they deserved, which is why he did something that's sure to get a reaction from one of the most powerful people on the server. Though considering that he also left 2 diamonds as retribution + a chest with all the materials he picked up it could have also been Wilbur's idea of a bonding moment and he could actually really be proud of Ranboo.
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Medieval Au
Princess Y/N Stark of York New must marry a man chosen by her brother, by the time she is 21. Her brother's council have the perfect man in mind, one that is terrifying and hell bent on having his Queen. But Princess Y/N's heart belongs to another, and luckily so does her hand in marriage. 'A princess is far more powerful than a king, my love. You have the power of merging families and kingdoms. You have the power of carrying hopeful heirs to the throne. You have more power than you know...'
Bold italics are flashbacks.
Series warnings: swearing, medieval views on women, arranged marriage, smut, bloodshed, violence, 18+ readers only
Part warnings: talk of arranged marriage, light swearing, slight violence, talk of beheading
<Part 5<
Part 6
The days that followed the chaos in the woods went by in a blur. Steven seemed to be in meetings none stop, his council keeping him busier than he would have liked but he was King after all. You were certain you went almost three days without seeing him. But there was always someone to keep you entertained or to spend your time with. You did miss the King's company though.
Not long after the clock had hit midnight on your last night in Brook, you found yourself walking down the hallway toward Steven's study. The sound of raised voices coming from behind the closed door made you stop just before you could raise your hand and knocked.
"ENOUGH!" Steven shouted along with what you assumed was him banging his fist down against a table. "I am not discussing this any further, Sir Alexander, please leave."
You tried to move back as quickly as you could before Sir Alexander opened the door but it seems he was far closer than you had expected.
As he stepped out, he almost bumped into you, glaring down at you like you were something underneath his shoe. "Spying on us, Miss Stark."
You glared up at him, "Certainly not, Pierce, I was about to knock on the door. And have you forgotten who you are speaking to?" You scowled at the man.
"My apologise, Your Highness." He bowed to you half-heartedly before sulking off.
You stuck your tongue out behind the wretched man's back before you turned back to face the door, only to find Steven stood leaning against his desk with a grin. You began to blush as he beckoned you in.
"Not very lady-like, Princess." He teased.
"Don't you mean, Miss Stark," You scoffed and closed the door behind yourself, "God, that man,"
Steven sighed heavily as he nodded and pushed himself up from where he was leaning. "He is infuriating... My apologies for the way he addressed you, Y/N. I will have a word with him." He said as he moved around to sit in his chair.
You shook your head, drifting towards his desk. "No need, Steven. I know what he is like... Unfortunately, he is like most men I have the pleasure of knowing." You scowled.
Steven's brow creased as he looked at you, "I hope I am not included?" His tone was light.
You shook your head with a warm smile. "Of course not, Your Majesty."
Steven watched you as you wandered around his office, running your fingertips over the surfaces. There was something troubling you, he could tell just by the way your brow was knitted together, and the soft pout you had on your lips. You were overthinking, why else weren't you asleep.
"What's troubling you, Y/N?" Steven asked.
You looked over your shoulder to him, taking in a deep breath as you took him in. He wasn't wearing his formal court attire, just a plain white tunic that was open, letting some of his chest hair peak out and breeches and boots. He was stressed, you could tell he'd been dragging his hands through his hair.
"I was thinking of you,"
Steven's face twisted with confusion, "Me?" You nodded turning your head back towards his bookcase. "I don't understand, Princess, why would I trouble you. Have I done something wrong?" He frowned.
"No," You spun around quickly, taking steps closer to his desk. "Of course not." You smiled warmly at him. "You could never do anything wrong to me, Steven."
"I hope so," Steven gave you a pleased smile as he rested his head on his hand, "So if I'm not the cause of your trouble, what is?"
"I-" You let out a frustrated sigh as you fiddled with your own hands, "You mentioned before we were attacked in the woods, something about your council forcing you to marry?"
Steven silently nodded.
"Well, I was just thinking about it... I hope you marry someone who adores you... And truly, cares for you... not just as the King of Brook but, as a person..." You blushed deeply looking down to your slippered feet. You'd forgotten you were in your nightdress. Pepper would have a heart attack if she could see you now. "You're wonderful, Steven..."
Steven groaned as he leaned forwards onto his desk and hid his face in his hands. "... Clearly not everyone agrees with you," He sighed, "Why else would Margeret have done what she had?"
Why indeed? You never understood why the Queen of Brook, Steven's wife, did what she did.
Six months after your 16th birthday, Steven and Margret were married and crowned King and Queen of Brook. They were the picture-perfect couple, or so you would have thought. Steven always been a good king. He worked hard to look after his kingdom. 'Queen' Margret didn't like Steven not paying her enough attention over the eight months they were married, not that she was lacking it and she never had anything to do with the court as a Queen should.
No, Queen Margret was far too busy with her lover. Her lover that was from a neighbouring kingdom, one that was not on good terms with Brook. Steven was a broken man for a long time after learning Margret was with her lover since before they were married.
'You look weak, Your Majesty,' Sir Alexander had hissed, 'You need to make a point with her... you know what needs to be done'. And so Steven had his wife and her lover trialled, they were charged with treason and both sentenced to death by beheading.
"I know I shouldn't speak ill of the dead..." You frowned as you thought about that woman and what she had put Steven through, "But she was a bitch!"
Steven looked up at your outburst, unable to help the crooked smile as he watched your frown deepen. He sighed deeply as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.  "... Sir Alexander seems to think her family is a good one, and I should marry her cousin-"
"Sharon!" You cut the King off, stepping as close to his desk as you could without bumping into it. "Steven you can not marry that woman, not after what she did."
Sharon was just as evil as Margaret, in your opinion. It was obvious she was jealous of her cousin, having had a crush on Steven since they were children. Sharon preyed on Steven's broken heart, wormed her way into his everyday life, trying to replace the woman who had once been his wife.
Just before your 18th birthday, Steven invited you to visit Brook for one of your first trips without Anthony. Steven had promised you could visit when the weather was warmer. He knew how much you loved the ocean there, and he kept his promise.
One night whilst you were having dinner along with Bucky and Sam, and of course Sharon, the men were making jokes, some at their King's expense. They were friends, their titles did not matter when they were joking. That wasn't the case it seemed for Sharon. She'd always hated having you around the castle and Steven because you were a princess and she was Lady Sharon. You weren't aware of her dislike to you, you had done nothing wrong as far as you knew.
"Sir James, you should not say such things in front of the Princess." Sharon hushed the knight that sat opposite you.
You grinned at Bucky, "No need to worry, Lady Sharon, you'd be surprised of the things I have heard whilst these three jest with one another."
"Perhaps it would be wise for you to stop being in their company, Princess. After all, you are supposed to be a young lady and not some thick-headed man." Sharon spoke down towards her plate.
You let out a small giggle, "I knew it, Your Majesty," You turned to look at Steven with a playful grin, "I always said you were thick." You teased, making the men once again start their laughter and jokes.
"How dare you speak to the King like so," Sharon cried out as she swung her arm through the air and hit the back of her hand against your cheek. "You wretched little child."
"Sharon, no!" Steven snarled as he along with Sam and Bucky pushed their chairs back and stood up. You held your face as tears burned your eyes, threatening to fall. "What have you done."
"Lady Sharon, we have no choice but to arrest-"
"No!" You cut Bucky off and grabbed a hold of Steven's arm as he knelt beside you, wanting to check you were okay. Your eyes were wide and teary as you looked into his. "Please, don't. It-it was a mis- misunderstanding, Steven,"
He shook his head as he reached up and slid his hand over your burning cheek. "Y/N, I-"
"Please. You can't-" You sniffled as the tears finally fell. You cleared your throat and quickly stood up, "If, you'd excuse me," You gathered your skirts and began to run towards the doors, slipping through them before they were barely open.
With a heavy sigh, Steven pushed himself up from where he had been knelt beside you and glared down at Sharon. "Why would you do something so ridiculous as that, Sharon?"
"She was insulting you, Your Majest-"
"SHE IS A FRIEND!" Steven snarled.
"SHE IS A CHILD, STEVEN!" Sharon cried as she tried to move closer to him but Steven stepped back and held his hand up in front him. "Steven-"
"I want you gone by first light. You are no longer welcome here, Lady Sharon." Steven turned his back to her, clasping his hands behind his back as he did.
"GO!" Steven ordered her.
Bucky and Sam lead Lady Sharon out of the great hall and to her chambers where she was ordered to stay until first light.
However, that wasn't what happened. When Steven had decided to retire to his chambers sometime after the incident, he found Sharon naked in his bed, begging him to forgive her for her actions. Steven ordered her to leave Brook at once.
Steven stood from his chair with a frustrated sigh, "I know, Y/N," He walked around to where you stood and leaned against his desk. "I have made sure Sir Alexander knows I have no intentions of marrying Lady Sharon." He gave you a reassuring smile as he reached up and laid his hand over the cheek that Lady Sharon had hit. His eyes moved to the other one that the bandit had hit, it had bruised quite badly but thankfully the bruise had nearly faded. "I am sorry for what happened that night." He whispered, smiling as you tilted your face into his palm as your eyes closed.
You reached up and placed your hand over his. "It is in the past, Steven, and it's not you who needs to apologise." You smiled up at him.
Steven let his hand fall from your face and quickly pushed himself from where he leaned, clearing his throat. "You best get some sleep now, Princess."
You nodded, "I shall bid you goodnight then, Your Majesty," You turned away from him but before you left, you turned back and leaned up, pressing your lips against his cheek. "I shall miss you." You smiled, "Good night, Steven," You whispered before quickly turning your back to him and leaving Steven's office before he could respond.
He stood there long after you had left. His cheeks were flushed as he thought about your warm soft lips against his stubble. He would most certainly miss you too. He always did.
Taglist: @coffeebooksandfandom @vxidnik @fckdeusername
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leviiattacks · 3 years
Two Faced | Chapter Ten
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it’s all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared, for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au ??? (at this point idek) angst, fluff, slice of life etc ?? word count :: 4k author note :: haha.... wowww it's been long since i last updated. honestly my physical and mental health have just been horrible... that's about it, i lost a lot of motivation but if you're still reading i am very thankful and i will try to deliver the story well. i tried my best but writing whilst sick is very tiresome :-) tags :: @patience-is-here​ , @chwlogy​ , @a--nonymousse​ , @imkumichan​ 
→ chapters list
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Keeping yourself cooped up within Levi's estate and never daring to step a foot outside should have been what you had done. Blackmailing him to keep you confined within the walls of your bedroom would be much better compared to the problem you have to resolve now. Perhaps if you had done so you wouldn't have collided face first into this muddle.
Jean fiddles with the ends of his button up, he doesn't take the chance to glance up at any of his superiors. He's either much too embarrassed or has nothing noteworthy to start off with.
Erwin chooses to call the shots seeing as neither you or the Viscount by your side wish to begin.
"You both understand why we're here. Correct me if I'm wrong?" The Commander looks between you, Jean and your unfortunate excuse of a husband. Suddenly it looks as if the gears and cogs in Jean's brain move without warning.
Offering a demure nod you expect for him to follow in your footsteps and do the same only he stands there looking between you and Levi.
"Wait...The two of you are? A couple?" Stunned isn't the word, Jean's completely flabbergasted.
"If you figured that out this late, I do not understand why Erwin sees you remotely fit for my team." Levi's beyond insulted at the fact he's only just understood the situation.
Jean, now more intimidated than ever before straightens his back and coughs clumsily, "Sorry." He murmurs chestnut eyes making contact with the hardwood floors.
The Commander's laced hands sit atop his desk, elegant fingers moving similar to honey on a spoon. He sighs not out of fatigue but pride. Whatever plan he's come up with has to be decent at the very least, his body language is telling you that much.
"We have a number of possibilities we can choose from. We owe that pleasure to Mr Kirstein here." Erwin offers him an almost cynical smile, you can't help but gulp thinking about how this is essentially your fault. With all the constant training sessions and team building tasks it makes sense for Jean to have completely forgot about your unspoken rule. Solely blaming him is incorrect.
Raising your arm above your head to intervene you make it known that you're aware of Levi shooting you a look of warning by returning it. It's best he knows you don't care for anyone's opinion let alone his.
"Permission to speak Commander?"
Your request is agreed to immediately with the wave of  Erwin's hand.
"It's my fault for not reminding Jean. I'll take the blame, I hadn't even told him the full story concerning me and Levi."
Levi doesn't enjoy your defense in the slightest. "I don't expect my wife to fling herself at other men and allow for them to snoop around gathering the details of our personal lives."
Scoffing you shield yourself with your arms over your chest.
"Oh dear husband. If you want to get personal do tell me where my family is?" It's an inside joke only Levi will be able to understand.
"If you call those people family your standards are disgustingly low."
"Maybe that explains why I settled for you."
Again, other's opinions are not at the forefront of your priority list. Regardless it's quite enjoyable pushing Levi further into a corner with that sentence. You see the internal struggle play out within him. Jaw clenched, hands balled together. He doesn't have an appropriate response
Jean bursts out unable to hold it in any longer, chest trembling with every quake of laughter that ripples through him you have to shove him with your elbow. For a Viscount his etiquette sure is nonexistent.
"My word, the two of you sound like..."
Levi stares at him most probably expecting something along the lines of "An old married couple."
But, no. It's nothing anyone in the room expects. That includes you.
"It's as if you're unhappy with each other..."
Not a noise is made after that. Jean isn't mistaken, your heart is miserable. You've never had many relationships to begin with, whether it be familial, romantic or platonic and for someone such as your husband to treat you the way he does - it feels futile having to navigate around the complexities. Even if he isn't really your husband it's disappointing to reflect on your marriage so suddenly.
Feeling your face droop a little you bite your bottom lip with your teeth. Hearing the truth from someone you barely expect to hear it from has an effect on you.
You're so caught up analyzing everything it takes you a minute to even register Levi grumbling and lunging forward pilfering the collar of Jean's shirt.
"Every day you prove to be more and more pathetic than I expect." Levi turns to look at you after that. His stare bores into you but he doesn't come off threatening, you assume his last remark is directed solely at Jean.
When he turns back only glaring at Jean now with even more tenacity than before. He's ready to snap but Erwin has clearly had enough of the unwanted altercation in his office.
"Enough. The both of you. This is most bothersome." At the Commander's orders Levi is silenced although it takes all of his resolve to do so.
Finally bothering you take a good look at Jean. He's calm in an incredibly out of character way.
Is this not the man who trembled in his boots the first time he and Levi came into contact? It's almost as if he seems pleased with himself for drawing out such a reaction from his Captain.
Erwin shuffles through stacks of paperwork on his desk. The man needs an assistant at this point. You doubt you could find anything in that haphazard pile. Edges of crumpled paper poke out uncomfortably and Erwin becomes increasingly annoyed when he can't locate what it is he's looking for.
Just as you're about to ask if he requires any assistance it seems he's found what he's been looking for, that's if his eyes are any indication of the relief he feels.
"This." He holds up the paper, all eyes in the room are trained on it. "Under normal circumstances would not have to become an option."
"But these aren't normal circumstances?" Jean's thoughtless question is irksome when the answer is so obviously staring him down in the face.
Nonetheless Erwin nods incapable of losing his cool over something so minor.
"Sign to confirm to my proposition."
The document he places onto the desk isn't what you imagine, you can practically feel the dread climb up your throat once you're done scanning it. Jean's full name placed right next to yours in bold lettering has your stomach lurching. You don't have to read the rest to understand the new circumstances you've landed into.
To make matters worse Erwin places two rings down right in front of the both of you.
A pot of boiling hot water is what you've been thrown in.
Are you supposed to be some sort of replacement for potatoes? What's Jean in this scenario? Carrots?
"It is troublesome to have the two of you put on an act to be involved with one another but I see it as our safest option." Erwin notices your parted lips and slacked jaw. "You need not worry this isn't a marriage contract, you're simply acting."
There's no path out of this pot, you and Jean will simply have to deal with the prospect of being boiled alive.
Ah, you forgot to mention who would act as the hot water but you're sure the suspect is obvious.
Even right now Levi's fury radiates off of him, it's unclear if he was given the details of the Commander's plan beforehand but if his furrowed brow and pursed lips are indicators of the truth he must have had no idea.
Your suspicions are confirmed to be correct once Levi reaches forward plucking the paper away, it just so happens he's snatched it away the very moment Jean leans in to get a closer look at it.
"I was never informed of this."
Erwin gives him a guarded smile. "Do you have any jurisdiction over what I think is best?" Is his freezing reply.
"Yes. When it concerns my wife and another man - Correction. I meant boy."
Jean's taken aback by the subtle jab and shamefacedly shoves his hands into his pockets.
You watch the scene go down with a perplexed look the entire time. Levi's frustration seems to be legitimate yet he has no logical reason for it to ever be present in the first place. Unless he has a plan which outperforms the one you've just been given he's doing this all for nothing.
"I assure you your wife is in safe hands so long as you stop interfering."
Levi's about to bark back until he catches your confusion. He's become aware of your tilted head and telling expression and only then does he silence himself permanently not before sighing deeply, muttering an expletive under his breath.
 "I’ll sign it.” That seems to be Jean’s indirect way of asking what your choice will be.
“I... will too.” Is your hesitant reply.
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Levi only becomes avoidant after that. Half way through Erwin explaining how you and Jean have to look believable Levi just ups and leaves without a word. Perhaps you've hurt his pride but for what he's done to you it's a small price to pay and so you do nothing to make amends. He has no reason to feel uncomfortable, you aren't really his wife, you're essentially strangers. Does he even know your favourite colour? Your favourite food? Your favourite pastime?  
You doubt he does.
Jean and you are rather successful with your act. It feels pleasant having him brush your hair out of your face occasionally or lovingly place a hand on your forehead to check if you've come down with a fever. He laces his fingers with yours when others are around and when they aren't he lets the act go. It's satisfying having a cooperative partner.
Naturally Jean is still a tease, even now he makes the odd suggestive comment or two in passing but you can't say you hate it. In fact it excites you to think of a response that borders the edge of teasing and simple fun between friends.
The increasing openness between the two of you is enough for the cadets to deduce that he's most probably the noble man you wed in secrecy.
It's only been a few days since yours and Jean's newfound behaviour, thankfully you haven't been flooded with questions just yet. The higher ups sit nearby during breakfast, lunch and dinner keeping watch over the cadets. It leaves you able to eat and drink without having to handle the constant inquiring of your comrades.
However, you aren't as lucky today. A meeting's taking place and after yours and Jean's convincing act Erwin deems it safe enough to leave you unattended for a short while.
Of course it doesn't go according to plan because when you're involved when does anything ever go according to plan?
The cadets are flocked around your table at dinner as soon as they notice they've been left to their own devices. The opportunity to sit down without everyone invading your space is barely provided to you. Krista is sat to your right leaning into you rather animatedly, Annie has made herself at home sat across you which in itself is completely out of character and slightly unnerving, Annie never and you repeat never concerns herself with you.
"Why did you and Jean hide it?" Armin hovers over your shoulder as per usual. He can't be blamed for naturally being inquisitive and it does give you the opportunity to lay out the foundations of your plan. Now's your time to muster up one of your rehearsed responses.
"It would interfere with work." You respond immediately wanting to appear natural. Pondering on an answer for too long would raise suspicions.
Armin makes a sound of approval and shuffles into the seat next to Krista, that is until Ymir can be overheard telling him to move if he knows what's best for him.
"I have a question." Says a voice across the table, you don't have to look at the blonde parallel to you to know it's her.
For once Annie’s initiated a conversation with you, she’s not particularly great at keeping her intentions discreet. Maybe she doesn’t care if you can tell what she’s up to? But if that’s the case her plan isn’t all that foolproof, there's no way you're to let any details slip away.
Sharply inhaling waiting for what it is she has to say you find that her sentence never comes. Instead she shakes her head and murmurs a "Never mind.". You don't even have the time to ask her to stick around, she's already rose from her seat taking her unfinished plate of food with her, you let her go assuming she feels unwell.
"So how'd you two meet? Jean already told me earlier but I'd like to hear your side." Reiner's taken Annie's empty seat and his gaze is unwavering. The trap they've set up is a clever one. Surveying the hall for Bertholdt you know he has to be observing too. The two never operate alone.
You suddenly hate Reiner. For whatever reason he and his trio are endlessly obsessed with you, they've caught onto something that's for sure but you don't know what it is and now they've completely ensnared you with a backhanded trick. There's no way out of this, you have no idea what it is Jean said to Reiner, the chances of you providing the exact same answer are slim to none.
"My memory is really fuzzy, I don't think Jean gave off much of a first impression so I've forgot." Your horrible excuse doesn't fly by, everyone simultaneously narrows their eyes in disbelief. What you've said isn't convincing at all.
Husband and Wife yet you've forgot how the two of you met?
Fidgeting with the ring adorning your finger the cool metal isn't doing a great job at alleviating the pressure of the situation.
"Jean said the two of you hit it off almost instantly. Who's being dishonest?"
Reiner's either lying to catch you out or he's saying the God honest truth and right now all you can do is hope and pray for a miracle to sweep you off your feet. Mikasa and Jean still aren't within view. At this point you're hoping for Levi to save you, it doesn't matter how so long as you escape unscathed.
"Hey, I think we're just making her anxious with all the questions." Armin is quick to side with you, deep down you know he only does so due to the respect he holds for his Commander. You thank the Heaven's for Erwin's admirable smile and commendable leadership, it seems to be the only reason Armin believes you and Jean.
"Or she's lying." Reiner's resting his head in one of his palms, he's still boring holes right into your frame.
Your eye twitches, this is all unnecessary and uncalled for, whatever it is Reiner wants out of you it better be worthwhile.
He still eggs you on. "You walked out of the Captain's quarters. I saw you."
Standing up and leaning forward you plant your feet to the ground as firmly as you can you.
"And if she did what's it to you?"
Fighting the urge to sigh in relief you've never been happier to hear Jean's voice but something's off. His breathing sounds heavy - like he fought his way to get inside. Turning only then do you notice Mikasa standing by him. She looks equally as exhausted. There's been some sort of a struggle.
"You think it was funny getting Annie to guard the door?" He heaves and runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
"And you think hiding secrets from the rest of us is any better?" Reiner's adamant there's information that the both of you are hiding, he's not wrong but that doesn't change that he's challenging you unprovoked without a reasonable motive.
"We're hiding nothing." Unlike you Jean is sure of his words, he's confident speaking up and he seems to be able to pull off the role of a protective husband perfectly.
“I came out of the Captain’s quarters because he had access to hot water. He said I could use his shower. That’s all it was.”
Reiner quirks an eyebrow upwards and is pleased with your answer. God you’ve said something incriminating haven’t you? It's not incriminating per se but it's without doubt malleable and easy to twist.
“Jean, you were okay with your wife doing that at the dead of night?” Reiner's still leading the interrogation.
“I was the one who suggested it.”
“I don’t believe you’re a couple." If it were Reiner who said that you wouldn't care much, after all it's pretty clear he never believed it but to your displeasure it isn't him who's spoken. Ymir's lopsided grin is all knowing and you're beginning to lose your footing in this argument any second now if any more people start to side against you.
If Ymir disagrees that almost certainly means Krista has her qualms about you too, you've observed beforehand that Ymir tends to speak for Krista on occasion. This happens to be one of those times.
Krista timidly raises her hand and Ymir gives her an approving nod encouraging her to speak.
"I don't like the conflict going on but it is suspicious..."
"Why have I only ever seen you two hold hands?" She asks.
Ymir slings her arm over Krista's shoulder affectionately. "Yeah, I tell Krista I'll marry her every day of the week."
Mikasa mumbles something unintelligible, Ymir gives her a look of warning but Mikasa doesn't seem to care. Instead she repeats what she has to say loud and clear.
"Stick to only speaking when Krista is involved."
Krista holds Ymir by her arm so she doesn't get up, she knows how she gets when she's been provoked. Even if Krista has her suspicions it isn't worth Ymir gaining a permanent penalty point on her record.
Thankfully Armin cuts in. "There's no solid evidence to show they're lying and even if they are the Commander's most probably told them to. Don't you think there's a reason? Leave it be if that's the case. I trust him with our lives."
"We have a right to know." Annie's returned and insists to keep this back and forth going.
Just as you're about to fire back Jean takes a hold of your waist, you look down and seeing his large hands planted securely around your frame has your stomach bubbling with anticipation.
"What are you— "
And then he kisses you, he doesn't ask and instinctively your arms move to whack his chest but you stop yourself in time. You realize it's for the sake of your plan not falling through and so you gently place your hands on his shoulders attempting to ground yourself. It becomes increasingly difficult when you sink deeper into the kiss than you'd like to admit. Blood rushes to the tips of your ears and the thumping of your heartbeat makes it difficult to articulate any thoughts, all you really know is that you like this, whatever this is.
Jean's hands don't feel like they were made to rest against your back, they feel slightly out of place as if he's a key and you're an unmatched lock. In spite of that the circles he comfortingly rubs into the sides of your waist are appreciated, you almost forget you're in a room full of people until you're flooded by cold air.
You've been dragged off of Jean and something in the pit of your stomach has you wishing Levi isn't responsible for the interruption.
To your relief it's just Hange, they're glowing in mischief, the grin on their face shows they aren't mad. They might even find this entertaining.
"Well I be damned... maybe they weren't bluffing?" Connie's been persuaded by the looks of it and Krista's busy whispering to Ymir, you hear the faint sound of the word "Romantic" escape her lips, she's equally as convinced as Connie.
Hange smacks your back light-heartedly and looks to the door for a second. "We leave ya' both for a while and you decide to give everyone a show?"
Erwin's stood by the doorway with a humorous smile playing at his lips, Levi however is anything but amused, he glares at you with murderous eyes, he looks like he's ready to end your life then and there but you know he won't dare do so and for a second you feel braver than you ever have before. Without much thought you grab onto Jean's forearm.
"Me and my husband will get going now!" You allow your gaze to loiter when you get to Reiner. He grunts an apology and you're oh so tempted to ask him to repeat himself but you'd rather not instigate anything.
With that said and done you and Jean leave after giving the performance of your lives.
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Slowly but gradually the sky outside becomes dark.
The will to sleep left your body long ago. It's by pure luck that you even manage to catch three hours of rest. Training is the only available distraction and dying out in battle isn't favourable by any means, your boredom may as well be used resourcefully - Strapping yourself up in your ODM gear is the best option.
A quarter way through your warm up you can sense a presence behind you, the leaves rustle and the wind feels noticeably quieter. You'd bother to turn around to see who's intruded but Levi's snuck close enough for you to be able to smell his perfume from where you're stood.
"Feel disrespected? Embarrassed even?" You jab at him knowing it'll rile him up, you don't face him not wanting to give him the pleasure of seeing your face.
"Watch your mouth." he warns sharply.
Rolling your eyes you go about your business, it stays that way for a few minutes. All the while Levi stares at you darting from tree to tree, his scrutinizing gaze scalding you repeatedly.
"Y/N!" He yells at the top of his lungs.
For some unknown reason you automatically stop and lower yourself to the ground
"I have something to tell you." Comes his tense follow up. A finger of his latches onto one of the leather straps on your back.
You can't believe he's still denying the undeniable.
"You can wait till tomorrow. I'll be going to bed."
Levi doesn't seem to care for your cold response and proceeds with no warning.
"I'm jealous." His voice shakes. The grip he has on your harness doesn't let up. With your back turned to him you're still somehow able to detect the very obvious crack of pain.
Levi, jealous?
Gritting your teeth together you feel deceived.
How much longer will you have to tolerate Levi's push and pull?
“May I ask, what he is to you, my love?”
Your breathing grows heavy, tensing up you're completely shocked by the term of endearment that falls from his lips. You haven't heard it for so long, Levi sounds eerily different.
You hate to admit it but a flicker of foolish hope lights in your chest.
"Levi why would you ask— "
"Why don't you call me Lev anymore?" He whispers sounding strangled. You can't take it anymore and hesitantly look his way.
His eyes are filled with tears "I'm sorry my love, I don't know what went wrong." you falter for a second not knowing what to think.
At that moment the flicker becomes a flame.
The man who stands right before you is meant to be dead, never to be seen again. By all accounts this should be impossible, but Lev has always been a fighter.
Bitterness stings your heart, the wounds you've collected are still fresh but despite your body's protests you don't flinch when he gently takes a hold of your wrist, bringing it closer to his mouth.
"Lev...? Is that really you...?" You ask desperately.
The warm kiss he presses against your pulse point provides you with the answer you've been longing for.
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Unexpected Places (Pt. 07 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 1.9 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
<- Previous part (06)
Next part (08) ->
{Vikings Masterlist}
“(Y/N), wake up.” A faint, weak murmur fills your ears. You're still under water though, floating away. “C'mon, wake up.” A sudden motion makes you bounce, a movement too abrupt to someone who's drowning. That's when you acknowledge the air filling your lungs. Not too much, but enough to bring some relief. You can't be under water. People can't breathe under water. “You won't die, hear me? Not from the cold.”
Ubbe. What's Ubbe doing here? Closing your eyes tightly, you feel like you're climbing back to the surface, back into consciousness, forcing your eyes to open. The first thing you notice is the cold, piercing, attached to your bones. Then, you realize you're being carried. “What...” You mumble, clenching your shaking hands into fists.
“There you are.” Ubbe happily says, walking fast. “We're almost there.”
“Almost where?” The lightning suddenly changes, and everything gets a little darker.
“What happened?”
“She was at the lake. The ice cracked and she fell.” Ubbe says.
“Get a warm bath to her room now!” You recognize Aslaug's voice. “Bring her close to the fire.”
The moment you're put down and feel a source of warmth, you push yourself closer, but arms hold you back. “Not that close.”
“Shit.” You curse, hands hovering above the fire. It comes back suddenly. The woods, the lake, and the ice cracking under your feet, swallowing you. How you got out, however, you have no idea, but you figure it was Ubbe. “Damn it.” You're shaking like a leaf, wishing you could sit inside the fire.
“(Y/N).” Someone calls, and when you look at your side you see Ivar and Hvitserk, both looking worried. Ivar moves faster though, dropping to the floor next to you.
“Are you alright?” He asks, hands cupping your face.
“I'm cold.” You mumble, laughing at how stupid it sounds. “I'm freezing.” Giggling, you feel as Ivar pulls you close, your body collapsing on his chest. It makes you blush, if that's even possible given how the cold has penetrated your bones. Shaking against him, you place your forehead on his neck, welcoming the warmth emanating from his skin. “Sorry, I'm soaking wet.”
“Don't worry.” He says, a hand caressing your hair. You don't know exactly what's going on, but Ivar is like a second fire right now, and you have no intention of letting go of him.
“Here,” Hvitserk mutters, and you feel a piece of fabric being laid around your shoulders.
“Alright.” Ivar fixes the blanket, rubbing your back. “You'll be fine.”
“Let's leave them,” Aslaug says in a low voice, and you notice Hvitserk and Ubbe walking away. “I'll send someone to call you when the bath it's ready.” Her voice fades away as she speaks, and then there's nothing but the low noises of the fire.
Slowly, you feel yourself warming up, the shakings finally surrendering as you sink more and more into Ivar. You don't want to think about what this means, so you barely move, not wanting whatever this is to end just yet. You almost died today. Drowned, frozen, whatever. But you did think that was the end of it. And life has so much to offer, you'd hate to lose all of its endless possibilities. Death will come one day, but first, you want to live.
“What happened?” Ivar asks, his voice barely a whisper.
“I didn't know I was at that lake, I just... I wasn't really paying attention then I heard a cracking noise.” Taking a deep breath, you remove some hair attached to your face. “Then it broke right under me and the water was so damn cold.”
“(Y/N),” Aslaug calls, and, hesitantly, you move away from Ivar, sitting up straight. “Come take your bath. You need to warm up.”
“Alright.” Nodding, you glance at Ivar before pushing yourself up.
The bath is a blessing, and you couldn't be more thankful. The warm water cleans the ice that fixated itself on your bones, and you relax in the tub. Aslaug, of course, wants to know exactly why you ended up on the frozen lake, and you have no choice but to tell her what you heard. But you beg her not to speak to Bjorn about it. You can deal with your own problems, and you don't want to make their already delicate relationship worse.
After you're clean and warmed up, she allows you to leave the bath and get dressed. You're eager to leave this episode behind and never again you'll set foot on frozen water. As you leave your room with Aslaug, her maids left to drag the tub away, you meet Hvitserk coming from the opposite direction.
“Ice lady.” He says, smiling.
“I'll leave you two to talk and go find my husband,” Aslaug mutters, and you sigh to know she will be speaking to him about Bjorn.
“How about not calling me that?” You tell Hvitserk, crossing your arms. “I almost died.”
“But you didn't.”
“Hvitserk just...” Complaining it quite useless. He'll probably only make it worse. “Fine then, call me what you like.”
“It looks like I won this battle then.” Raising an eyebrow, he gives the girls passing by a glance. “What was that, by the way?”
“What was what?” Running a hand through your hair, you still have a threat of hope he might be talking about anything else.
“Really? Do you expect me to ignore you and Ivar hugging like that?”
“I don't know what that was.” Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. “But I'm willing to find out. It's better than think too much and end up with wrong conclusions.”
“Ivar is in his room, in case you want to know,” Hvitserk says in a low voice, walking closer and giving you a glance that always makes you want to punch his jaw. “And he was very worried about you.” And he walks away, leaving you there like an idiot.
“You're putting some effort into ruining this friendship, aren't you?” Rolling your eyes, you turn on your heels and start making the way to Ivar's room, walking fast and eventually leaving Hvitserk behind.
You were feeling brave until you're at Ivar's door. Then you wonder if this is a good idea. Some things are better left alone, and Ivar is a complicated person. But still, you can't bring yourself to walk away, so you knock three times, not sure if you want him to answer. But you hear footsteps, and seconds after the door is pushed open. It still takes you by surprise how tall he is, and those blue eyes still send shivers down your spine.
“I left my necklace here.” You mutter, feeling a little stupid. “Earrings, bracelets...”
Silently, Ivar moves aside, giving you space to walk in, so that's what you do. “They're where you left them.” He mutters, but gestures at the table he has set near the fire. Following his gesture, you sit down, hands hovering over the fire. “Ubbe said he saw you wandering through the woods.” He starts, settling down on the chair across the fire. “He called, but you didn't listen.”
“Yeah, I was just... Trying to run from my own thoughts, I think.”
“What happened?” The question is the same as earlier, but it means something entirely different. This isn't about the ice cracking, it's about what led you into that situation. Raising your eyes from the flames, you find Ivar's intense stare as he leans forward, the fire illuminating his features.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to tell him. “I heard Bjorn and your father talking and when I caught my name I decided to know what was that about and... Bjorn said something about a prophecy that says he'll marry a princess and guess what? He thinks I'm the princess.” A humorless laugh escapes your lips.
“Bjorn wants to marry you?” He states, cupping his hands together, anger taking over this expression.
“I don't care what Bjorn wants, only about what I want and I surely don't want him.” It sounds mean, like you despise the man. “I won't be told what to do, not here, not anywhere else, I'm done with being just a piece on somebody else's game.”
A smile creeps through Ivar's lips, and the anger slowly fades. “That's good to know.”
“And... Ragnar said he kept me alive because he promised my father.” Looking down at your hands, you decide to share this with him as well. “That if I didn't get used to Kattegat he'd just send me anywhere. He wasn't thinking about any prophecy.”
“So you're not into Bjorn?” Ivar asks, and you stand up, rolling your eyes.
“I wouldn't have fallen into a frozen lake if I was.” Running a hand through your hair, you tell yourself not to keep bringing that up. The talking or the lake incident. Both things are better if forgotten. “I thought it made things obvious.”
“I've been seen women falling for Bjorn since I can remember.” Ivar says, resting the clutch on his lap. “Some had him, some were left with a broken heart. The older he gets, more women chase after him. Can you blame me for thinking you would be one of those?”
Turning to look at him with both hands on your hips, you chose to be honest. As honest as you can, because there are things you don't understand, things you can't put into words. “In the boat, sailing here, for a moment I thought Bjorn was... I don't know, he was being nice to me. But it didn't take long for things to... Change.” The moment you saw Ivar for the very first time, something went off... Or on, inside you. You don't know what, but suddenly Bjorn was already on second plan. But you're not bold enough to tell him that. “Then he knocked me down with a shield, made my mare bolt up a slope, and now the lake... It wasn't directly his fault but I didn't like him talking about me like I'm just a thing that he thinks belongs to him just because someone else said so.” You get angrier with every word, as the memory of everything he said comes back. Moving to the table, you grab a cup and pour some drink for yourself, taking long sips. “I'll belong to whoever I chose, and only if he wants to belong to me as well.” You only realize what you said when you can't take it back anymore. Taking a deep breath, you drink what's left before putting the cup down. “Sorry, I needed to give vent to my anger.”
“That's alright.” Ivar stands up, slowly making his way over you. “It's good to know you won't bow down. You're more Viking than some people I know.”
“More Viking? Please, I can't even hold a sword properly.” You're about to move away when Ivar's hand comes to your waist, holding you as he did on the day you almost fainted because of the head injury. It clouds your mind immediately, and when you turn back at him, your faces are only a few inches away.
“You can still learn if you want and if you don't...” His hand moves away, coming to caress your cheek instead. His fingertips are cold, but they leave a trail of fire on your skin. “I'll still admire your bravery, Christian princess.”
The way he says it makes you smile. For the first time, it doesn't come out as an insult, or in a sarcastic way. Could Ivar accept you, despite the differences between your worlds? Right now, it feels like he can.
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strawberriegirl · 4 years
𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐥𝐞𝐞.
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mark lee is a nice boy. he isn't naive like most people thought he was but, instead, he is just another sweet boy who wanted to help everyone and would never do anything wrong intentionally but, this... this he knew that this was wrong and he was ambivalent about this.
he hated how he had to swallow his pride and tell his childhood bestfriend, haechan about the little crush he had developed on his step dad's mistress. if he had known that his parents open marriage would lead to this, he never would said that he was okay with it. listening to his problem and understanding his point of view, he gave mark the idea of calling her for a night and see if the attraction he had for her was purely physical and nothing more.
"listen, all i'm saying is that make an account on the site, find her account and message her and ask her out. maybe you don't even like her in that way, it maybe the 'thrill' of it being forbidden making you this hot and bothered."
he hated how he actually he took his advice and borrowed his step dad's laptop and stalked his history, lucky for him it wasn't deleted. but poor mark didn't really have the courage to look at the messages so he begged haechan to come over and help him, even if it meant that he had to deal with his 'following his father's footsteps like a good son' jokes.
"no, thats not her! i told you she is around our age and this one looks like she is in her thirties." he said groaning into the pillow, questioning all of his and his step dads's life choices.
"so is this the missus ? user sweetcandy ?"
"she is not my missus, i have only seen her like, thrice and -" oh its her. he knows that smile, its same smile that casted a love spell on him. the same eyes that made mark this weak even though he made contact with them for a second or two. its definitely her .
he loved how she looked on top of him, neck and chest covered with his marks, riding him and grabbing his shoulders to steady herself as he sucked on her left breast, whimpering his name and mumbling broken sentences. worth all the trouble this is not he had imagined his date would end but he wasn't complaining. although he was nervous about the dinner date and panic of her recognizing him was there, the date went more than fine, even when he made a mistake of asking a terrible question.
"why do you this?"
"oh ! um i do have a job. i am an intern at this company but they don't pay me enough for my college tuition and stuff that i want. sometimes i don't enjoy it, you know ? feeling guilty for getting so much "free" expensive stuff so yeah...what about you ? you are only a year older than me so why do you do this?"
"oh i like to spoil my girls." he lied instantly to her question and regretted it the very next second. he was so busy internally cringing at himself, he missed the smile that grew on her face after hearing the words "my girls".
he loved how she leaned to kiss him on his cheek from her car seat, and then apologized for leaving her lipstick's stain. he knew she wasn't sorry at all about it and took pride in the faint mark that she left. oh i'll show her how its done. unbuckling her seat belt, she moved towards his driver seat to straddle him and kiss him as a way to thank him for the diamond ear rings he gifted her and also because she imagined to this after she saw his profile photo. he was a little surprised by her bold action at first but then adjusted himself to give her space and try to kiss her back.
she loved how she fit so perfectly in his arms and how soft his lips felt but she didn't quite like how he seemed to be so tense. maybe i misread and took it a bit too far. but little little did she know, the reason why mark suddenly got so tensed was because he had seen her do this before but with him, it was purely by accident but still he couldn't get the image of him kissing her just like this out his head. he didn't even groan when she pulled back and asked him if he was okay. it's still not to late tell her. tell her now. but instead he decided to pull himself together and said,
"i am. now be a good girl for me and go back and lie down on the backseat, i wanna taste you."
he loved it and hated it when she told him softly to drive safe and to take care of himself. in his head, a loud voice was yelling at him to tell her the truth and that she deserves to know it but he ignored it again and kissed her for the last time and apologized again for ripping her blouse like that before driving back home.
the drive back to his home was numb, quiet and dreadful. he thought about the events of the past few weeks that lead him here but he still didn't know what he was going to do about it in the future, what he did know was that he wanted to go haechan's and shout at him for convincing to do this but also thank him for convincing him to do this because he had such a great night with her.
he didn't even remember how he got back home but he did and went straight to his room ignoring his step dad, who was in the kitchen making a sandwich. he knew exactly why he was there so late at night but didn't wanna think about it. he had other, bigger problems to worry about.
he tried to fall asleep but he couldn't. his brain couldn't focus on one thought and he felt his stomach hurt a little. being left alone with thoughts was probably not good idea but he knew he had to confront them sooner or later. you should have never done this. he knew he shouldn't have especially when he knew the attraction he had for her was never purely physically. but still he did to convince himself that he didn't like her in that way but at the same time he did it to get a bit closer to her.
he is a little closer to her now and he hates it. he hates it because he likes her even more now. he hates that he knows she really doesn't want this whole 'sugar baby' thing but has no other choice. he hates that she has to go and please other older men who could hurt her and use her just to make money when she could be with him and feeling safe in his arms just like she did tonight. he hates that she is a nice and a sweet girl but not naive...just like him.
his field of vision turns blurry from the tears forming in his eyes when he finally realized the bitter reality. the room is filled with the noise of his soft sobs. at first he thought she was worth all the trouble he went and will go through but now he saw how he selfish was. she didn't deserve this. all this of his fault. it was his fault that he mistook his possessiveness for protectiveness. it was his fault that he acted like he knew who and what was best for her. he told his friend that wanted to protect his crush from older men who liked her innocence a little too much. he told him he was afraid she might get hurt or be involved in some trouble but in the end, he was the only one who hurt her.
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
Normality is Death
Chapter Thirteen ~ Philippians 1:29
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"C'mon baby lets go back to our room," Lori said to Jacey, Carl already holding her hand. Jacey nodded following a part of her family down the halls. 
"What's happening, mom?" Carl asked as he watched Lori go to the air vent feeling no air come out, "Mom? Something wrong?" 
Jacey watched her apprehensive mother, "Uh, nothing. It's just... just the air conditioning stopped." 
Lights went out soon after that too which agitated Lori more as did the disappearance of her husband. Sitting at the foot of her parents' bed, she watched as she left the room to talk to Doctor Jenner as he passed quickly. "What's wrong, Jacey?" She heard Addie call to her. 
"Please leave me alone," her hands found their ways to her ears once again seeking to block out any noise. 
"Jacey? You're scaring me... what's wrong?" Addie called to her again, causing her to look up only to see her younger brother worried, "What's wrong, Jacey?" 
"Uh... nothing, squirt. I'm fine," She stuttered, paralyzed by her shock, "Where's mom?" 
"Went after that Doctor. Sent me back to get you," Carl smiled, still perturbed, "You coming?" 
"Yep, Let's go, squirt."
The two younger Grimes' entered the hysterical room, passing their frightful mother on the way out, "Mom what's happening?" Lori didn't respond though, as she continued to run down the corridor and back to the room. Jacey caught wind of Jenner's words about how the French were the last ones to hold out. Well, that was until the fuel ran out. It sunk in deep with the child, there was no cure and there never will be - everything is gone.
Jacey, grabbing the hand of her brother, ran into the room eyeing the now sealed doors. "No. Did you just lock us in?" Glenn panicked, "He just locked us in!" Carl held her hand tighter, the loud noises and consternation becoming at once too much for him. Jacey saw Edwin take a seat at his desk and begin to talk to a camera. 
Bold lettering violated her eyes as the screen switched to black with the red-lettered words of '30 minutes to decontamination'. "Carl! Jacey!" she heard her mom bellow, quickly finding them. Dropping her bags, she wrapped her arms around the two children, kissing both of their heads. 
Daryl endeavoured over to the man in a fit of rage, yelling at him something Jacey couldn't quite catch but was quickly stopped by Shane. She watched as her father pleaded with the stubborn man to open the door, to which he refused. "What happens in 28 minutes?" Rick yelled to the man after he had ignored him the first time. 
"Come on!" Daryl encouraged threatening him with a glass bottle. 
"You know what this place is?!" He snapped, "We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" Jenner stops to breathe slowly, "In the event of a catastrophic power failure - in a terrorist attack, for example - H.I.T are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." 
"H.I.T's?" Rick asked. 
"VI, define," he ordered. 
"H.I.T's - high impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consist," VI continued but Jacey just blocked it out. They were going to die. They were all going to die. Rick walks over to his family joining in on their hug, mortified by the news. Jacey, however, felt okay, fine really. It didn't bother her that she was about to die - her death never seemed to scare her. What did bother her though was that her family would die too. Carl was too young to die she thought to herself. 
"It sets the air on fire. No pain," Jenner told them after VI had finished, "an end to sorrow, grief... regret. Everything." Jacey smiled through her tears, she was almost looking forward to it as dark as that sounded but she just wanted some peace, a rest. She watched as many grew angry - and in Daryl's case - violent with the doctor. 
Shane and T-dog stayed by the door throwing any and everything they had at it, but none of it making a dent. "You should've left well enough alone... it would have been so much easier," Jenner lent back in his chair, unbothered by the chaos he had created. 
"Easier for who?" Lori spat, clearly angry with the man's decision yet still a great amount of sadness in her words, knowing her children were about to die when they're lives really had just begun. 
"All of you. You know what's out there. A short brutal life and agonizing death," Jacey understood this and observed as he looked to her, "The people you lost, what was their names?" 
"Mitch and Addie," she replied not entirely sure on how he knew, while Rick looked to the man threateningly not wanting her daughter to have any part in his manipulation. 
"And you? Your sister?" he asked now to Andrea, the following was a quiet 'Amy'. "Addie, Mitch and Amy," He looked between Andrea and the girl, "You know what this does. You've seen it. Is that what you really want for your wife, daughter and son?" 
Now looking at Rick. "I don't want this," He almost cried emphatically. 
"Can't make a dent," Shane shouted to Rick, alarmed. 
"Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher," Jenner said almost comedically. 
"Well, your head ain't!" Daryl screamed, making his way over to the doctor, axe ready. Dale, Rick and Shane come together once more to hold Daryl and his clear anger issues back, "Daryl! Daryl!" 
T-dog soon wrestled the weapon off of him as Jenner continued to Rick, "You do want this. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." Lori's face drops at his words, while Jacey detaches herself from her mother and brother, planting herself on one of the many identical tables. 
"What? You really said that? After all your big talk?" Shane expectorated, almost betrayed at the doctor's words. 
"I had to keep hope alive, didn't I?" He justified to Lori. 
"There is no hope. There never was." 
"There's always hope. Maybe it won't be you, maybe not here but somebody somewhere-" 
"What part of 'everything is gone' do you not understand?" the younger girl interrupted her father, earning an approving nod from Andrea but a pained look from her family. 
"Listen to your daughter," Jenner advised, "She gets it. This is what takes us down. This is our extinction event." 
"This isn't right. You can't keep us here," Carol cried, "my daughter doesn't deserve to die like this." 
"Wouldnt it be kinder, more compassionate just to hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run out?" Carol still cries as she holds her daughter, but Jacqui nods her head slightly. 
Much like what happened with Daryl, Shane came to the doctor pointing a shotgun right at his face, but this time Rick intervened, "Out of the way, Rick! Stay out of my way! Open that door, or I'm going to blow your head off. Do you hear me?" Jenner remained emotionless as the officer continued to aim for his head. 
"Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here, " Rick reminded him. Instead, in a fit of anger, Shane begins to shoot at the computer screens randomly, everyone cowering away from the shots. "We all die, Shane!" he reminded before struggling to get the gun away from him, "Are you done now? Are you done?" 
"Yeah, I guess we all are," Shane disputed. 
"I think you're lying," Rick said to Edwin, "You're lying about no hope. If that were true, you'd have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn't. You chose the hard path, why?" 
"It doesn't matter," Jenner sheepishly said. 
"It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?" 
"Not because I wanted to. I made a promise," he proceeded to point towards the screen, "To her. My wife." 
"Test subject 19 was your wife?" Lori questioned sympathetically.
"She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?" Jenner paused, looking to Daryl, who continued to use his axe against the door no matter how useless it was, "She was dying. It should've been me on that table. I wouldn't have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world. Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was Einstein. Me? I'm just... Edwin Jenner. She could've done something about this. Not me." Jacey sighed, feeling the pain of his loss substantially. 
Rick pleaded once more, "Your wife didn't have a choice. You do. That's... that's all we want a choice... a chance." 
"You let us keep trying as long as we can," Lori added. 
Jenner moves over to the desk picking up what looked like a security pad and said, "I told topside's locked down. I can't open those." 
Seconds later, the doors open and everyone begins to rush out of them, "There's your chance. Take it" 
"I'm grateful," Rick smiled, lifting his hand for him to shake. 
"The day will come when you won't be," Jenner said before shaking Rick's hand and whispering something in his ear. 
"You can't go, you know that, right?" Addie says, her voice kinder now, which Jacey was more grateful for. 
"I know. I want to be with you again," Jacey looked to the girl reluctantly, hoping that the walker won't appear again. 
Addie's face - her normal one - came into view, blooming a big smile on the younger girls face, "And you will, love. I'm never going to leave you again, I promise." 
"I love you, Addie." 
"I lov-" Addie's voice was interrupted by a male one "Jacey, c'mon, angel, grab your things. Let's go." 
Jacey shook her head at the man she realised to be her father, "I-I'm not coming." Rick stopped, hoping his ears were deceiving him but then looked at her tear-covered face and realised. 
"No, you're not, baby. Let's go," Lori shouted from behind Rick. 
"Lori just go. Get the others out of here," he ordered his wife, "We're right behind you." The rest of the group stampeded out of the room, Lori and Carl lingering for a short minute, hoping Rick will be able to convince her to join them. 
"Tell him you're sorry, Jace," Addie whispered, holding her hand. 
"I'm sorry but I-I can't." 
"Yes you can, Jacey, please. You're not thinking straight," Rick prayed that she'd see reason and join them, but his heart stopped when she shook her head. 
"I can't anymore, dad. I'm so tired." Jacey looked around the room, seeing that not only Jenner was still here but so was Jacqui and Andrea. 
An arm snaked over her shoulder, squeezing it gently, an arm, belonging to Mitchell, "Tell him to leave, babydoll, and then you'll be with us forever."
 She smiled at his words and then returned her eyes to her father's blue ones, "You have to leave. I want to stay with them." 
"I'm not leaving you here, angel," He cried, tightly holding the sides of her face. 
"Addie was only 16, dad, Mitch was 25. We had children in our camp. I-I should've died with them. I don't deserve to live when they had to die." 
"Listen to me, Jace, you survived for a reason, okay? You don't have to agree with me, but whoever is up there, whatever is in charge made it so you weren't there. So you wouldn't die. They wouldn't want you to die here and now. Your story is not over yet. I won't allow it," Rick wailed, heavier than earlier as he watched his daughter looked to her left and right as if looking at people that weren't there, "Your death isn't going to bring them back." 
"I can't leave them, daddy," She paused, "I already hurt them enough." 
"Who are you talking about, angel?" his voice breaking slightly. 
"Addie and Mitchell," Jacey told him as if it was obvious, "I can't leave them alone again." 
"Addie and Mitchell are dead, baby. They're not here anymore," the man pleaded with his deluded daughter. 
"No," she argued, squeezing her eyes shut, "shut up. You're lying, they're here with me now, they want me to stay. She promised me she wouldn't leave again," Jacey cried, looking at Addie and Mitchell, slowly seeing them morph into their walker forms, "Oh god. No, not again, please, not again. They're going to hurt me, daddy. They're going to hurt me like I hurt them." 
"Hey baby, look at me, only me, okay?" he stopped her from looking to where he assumed she saw them, "No one's gonna hurt you. Addie and Mitchell are gone. They can't hurt you, alright? Now we've got to go, angel, before it's too late." Jacey wanted to nod, to go with him, but the grip that Addie and Mitchell had on her tightened, making her let out a small cry. 
At once, they both turned into their undead self's clawing at her skin instead of holding it, "You can't leave, Jacey. Not when you did this to us." 
"No! Shut up! Leave me alone! I want to live! I don't want to die!" Rick watched the girl breakdown her hands beginning to claw away at any visible skin. The man grabbed her hands, stopping the movement before looking over to the timer seeing it hit the 5-minute mark. 
"I'm sorry, Jacey. I'm so sorry baby," Jacey heard him cry before feeling him move away from her. 
"Jacey, look at me, sweetheart," A kind, shaky voice begged of her. Jacey turned to meet their eyes, seeing a crying Jacqui, "You gotta go, darling, please."
"I can't, Jacqui. I can't keep going on like this," She paused, "I'm not strong enough."
"Yes you are, child. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, don't ever trick yourself into thinking you're not," Jacqui apprised the younger girl.
"I'm not as strong as you think, Jacqui. Nowhere even close."
"That's where your wrong, sweetheart. You've got a lot of heart and if do say so myself a lot of balls," She smiled at her, "You're gonna survive this world, I'm sure of it." Jacqui stops speaking as she looked at the girl, aware of the mental state, "Look, sweetie, I'm not gonna force you outta that door, as much as I'd like too. I don't want you to die today, Jacey, but it seems like it's going that way so let me tell you something, okay?" Jacey nodded, "And you gotta promise me the moment you understand it you'll leave, you'll survive," she nodded once more, "Philippians 1:29; For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake." Jacey stayed silent not quite comprehending the meaning of the passage. 
"I don't understand, I don't get it, Jacqui," She cried into her palms.
"That's okay, sweetie, just breathe..." Jacqui refrained, "It means your pain has a purpose, whatever that purpose may be." 
"Do you understand now?" 
Jacey shook her head sadly, "That's okay, take your rest. I will see you once more in another life." Jacey watched as the older woman rejoined Jenner at his computer and observed as she wished that their conversation had gone another way and in some way Jenner also did.
"You have to stay Jace. You said you understood that. Everything will be better if you do," Addie warned, "If you go you will kill every single one of them out there. Do you want that? Do you want them dead? Your dad? Your mom? Carl?" Jacey shook her head manically, her mind flashing unforgiving images of their bodies eaten and unmoving, "So stay with me, my love. Stay, and I'll love you forever." 
Jacey nodded at her before muttering, "I'll love you forever too," causing Addie to smile. Jacey began to move closer to the dark-skinned girl, her face returning back to her natural one. 
"I wanna kiss you, Jace," Addie parted her lips inching towards Jace's. 
"Me too," She replied, shyness shrouding her confidence. 
But before their lips could touch, the masculine voice returned, "I'm sorry, Jacey," following a sharp twinge in her neck. Immediately, she felt a rush of dizziness hit her, Addie and Mitchell disappearing shortly afterwards, "no." She fell off her chair and into a pair of muscular arms, "I'm sorry, angel." 
"Addie," she cried before the darkness took over her. 
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theinariakuma · 4 years
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Rated: SFW
Fandom: Obey Me!
Genre: Simeon x Female!MC
Theme: Corruption
A/N: No real trigger warnings that I can think of, just a bit of a Darker take on Simeon. 
Spoilers for Chapter 16
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As far as anyone knew, Simeon was loyal in his faith. He believed and followed like a good angel, despite having seen what happened in the Celestial War. 
Lucifer and his brothers had been his friends. His family. Being forced to fight them had left a mark on his heart, one he hid deep within. Their fall and the death sentence on Lilith had been enough to shake his faith, to begin with. 
Arriving in Devildom, he knew that it was likely not the best choice Michael could have made, but he knew he had to keep his façade on and continue to push through as Michael wanted. He would remain a loyal angel. 
It had been the human that shook his faith further. 
Humans were beings Angels were not really allowed to interfere with, so getting to spend time with them was a rare opportunity. 
She was so full of faith… not in the Father, not in heaven or angels, but in all of the people she befriended. 
“Simeon!” Her bright smile was enough to make him smile. The human was soft and sweet, despite the markings he sensed on her. She was bonded to the Avatars of the seven sins. Yet, the power did not seem to corrupt her. 
“Good morning.” His smile was light, soft as he gazed at her. This young woman always made his heart seem to lighten, yet she always brought more and more questions to his mind. She made him question all he knew, all he tried to push down, and he knew that having these questions can lead to falling. 
Unlike Lucifer and his siblings, Simeon had no real support system. If he fell, he was alone. That… scared him. 
“Are you okay? You seem…” She hesitated, gazing up at him as she tilted her head, “I want to say sad, but it isn’t… quite that.” Her voice was soft, unable to find the word for it. 
The surprise that flooded him was brief before it was covered in a mask. His fingers moved to gently take her hand, lifting soft fingers up as he leaned down, a soft kiss pressed to her knuckles. “Thank you for worrying about me, little feather.” His smile was soft, hiding the deeper feelings behind a wall of charm.
Her cheeks became slightly flushed, and Simeon was gripped with a desire to make her blush more. He knew that this human woman made him crave and pulled him further into temptation. After Lilith’s decisions, relationships with humans were banned among the Celestials. The Father did not want anyone to make Lilith’s mistake again because they grew too attached to a human. 
On the RAD campus, he often saw her, typically with Satan or Mammon. He only had a couple of classes with the young woman. She was not all that magically inclined. Well, that wasn’t true... He heard from Asmo about how much power she held when Solomon had lent her some of his magic ability. 
The level of magic she held made him curious… he knew her lineage. He did his research after he heard about her magic and despite Diavolo’s avoidance, he knew what they did. Simeon, despite knowing this, had no intention of reporting it. He believed in what they did, and why they did it. The Father may not have liked it, but Lilith deserved her life, whether as an angel or as a human. She did not deserve to be erased. 
Today was… unusual. She was alone, sitting on a bench. No Mammon, no Satan. No one was with her. The campus had emptied out rather quickly, so there weren’t many people lingering around. 
"May I?" He knew he should stay away. 
"Simeon? Of course." Her smile didn't reach her eyes and it made him glance her over, making sure she wasn't injured. When he was sure there was none, he sat with her. 
"What's wrong, little feather?" His fingers gently touched her cheek, brushing the soft skin slowly. He saw the way his touch lit a rose-colored blush on her cheeks. 
"I… they treat me differently. Since they found out I'm a descendant of Lilith." Her voice was small. "Not so much Mammon, but everyone else does…" She felt she could trust Simeon, she had since she first met him, it was why she didn’t keep the truth about Lilith a secret. 
Suddenly they all were very affectionate towards her. On one hand, it was nice… but they treated her like she was Lilith… and it bothered her. Because she wasn't any different, she was the same human girl that she was when she arrived. 
"You're not Lilith." Simeon sat back, and for a moment the mask fell. His bright smile melted down into a small frown, eyes gazing forward. 
The posture was something akin to Lucifer when he was frustrated. "I knew them… all that were up in the Celestial World. You and Lilith are similar, I cannot deny that fact. You both are kind and caring, you give people attention and hope. But… she made a choice and she risked a lot for it. She, whether they agree or not, became the catalyst to war, with her desire to save a human from illness." He heard the stories of why after she had died.
She was quiet, listening to him, all of her focus on him. She wasn’t used to Simeon being like this. This was different from how he normally was. He seemed… frustrated for her. 
"You have…not hidden things like your feelings, even if they are scrutinized." He saw how open she was with her affection for the brothers. Even the slow-growing affection with Belphégor. "You love openly and honestly." His voice was low as he gently gripped her chin, having her gaze at him. His blue eyes were locked on hers. 
Lips parted with a soft breath, "Simeon…?" 
The way she said his name made him shiver as his thumb moved to stroke her skin. He felt so many things as he looked at her, watching her cheeks darken to match his favorite roses. Her eyes were wide and focused only on him. 
The only place she should be looking at. 
There was a possessiveness that gripped him, he wanted to taste her lips, to claim her sounds… and draw her gaze every time they passed. Above all else… he wanted all of her. Selfishly, greedily, wanted her. 
The brothers had her love, her attention, had her. And he was jealous that they had such an amazing, beautiful woman at their back and they still didn't see her for herself. At least, not from only her actions. If it took knowing her heritage to finally see the woman she was, they should have been ashamed. 
“Simeon?” Her voice was hesitant and soft, her fingers gently brushing over his wrist, the touch was light and hesitant. 
“You deserve to be loved for who you are. Not who they see you as.” Simeon’s voice was low as his fingers pulled back until his hand closed around hers. 
Her hand gently held his, even as his grip was firm around hers, her touch was light, almost as if her grip had tightened it would scare him off. 
He took in her shy and surprised expression and his lips curled into a smile. “I believe I have overstepped.” He’d put the mask on and they’d pretend this never happened. 
“I… don’t know why you pretend so much.” Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. She didn’t want people to hear it, to know this side of Simeon. If he had wanted this side openly shown, he would have. “But… I am your friend. You can be yourself with me, Simeon.” Her fingers turned in his grasp, squeezing his hand. No longer afraid of scaring him off. He’d given her a gift, whether he realized it or not. 
His little feather was bolder than he expected. One bold action deserves another. 
“Thank you, little feather.” He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “The brothers are excited because they miss Lilith. But do not let them confuse you.” His advice was gentle as the mask was carefully settled in place. “They’re all stubborn, but put your foot down, make sure they see that you are you and not her. And you won’t let them act like you are her beyond heritage.”
After a moment, he stood up from the bench, adjusting his cloak on his arms. “Be a good girl.” His voice was low, and something in the way he called her a good girl made the young woman squirm under his gaze. “If you need me, for any reason, you can always reach me on the phone… Even if I am not great with it.”
When he returned to the safety of his room, the door locked, safe from prying eyes, the mask fell once again. “Damnit.” His voice was hoarse as he looked into the mirror, fingers running through his hair. Every time he slipped up with his mask, it seemed to be harder to replace the next time. His eyes were darker, sharper. He hadn’t allowed his wings out in a while, and part of him was terrified to see them the same inky shade as Lucifer’s. 
If they were like that, he knew there was no returning home.
In his mind, there was the image of the young woman he’d sat with earlier that day. If he did fall to corruption, fall from Grace as Lucifer and his brothers did it would be because the feelings he had for her.
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So i know how you love writing for Valdo Marx, and I'm fond of him now as well, and not just cuz he's basically robert sheehan.... anyway...hahaha! how bout a plus size reader x jaskier, either already together or not up to you, and then Valdo is there somewhere. And maybe a bit of feral!jaskier! Thank you as always dear heart hope you're well! 💙💚💙
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x Plus Size ReaderWord Count: 2,941Rating: TTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract @your-not-invisible-to-me @kemmastan @mycat-is-mylove @amirahiddleston a/n: Hello dearest. This went in a direction I was not expecting. I hope that you’re ok with how it went. I had fun writing it and hopefully reading it will be enjoyable too.
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“Take me through this plan one more time,” Geralt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“It’s a very simple plan, Geralt. I’m going to escort Y/N to the dance tonight as her wingman, no one we find will be good enough for her because no one on this earth is, I will dance and sing to her and woo her and by the end of the night I will give my big speech about no one being worthy of her but I love her deeply and truly and will spend the rest of my life endeavoring to prove it and she will fall into my arms and the rest is none of your business you cheeky devil,” Jaskier recited. His head was tilted back against the window he perched on, pale blue eyes gazing at the ceiling as if he were watching the scene play out.
“What if she finds someone she fancies,” Geralt asked.
Geralt didn’t repeat himself, he just leveled Jaskier with a Look. Jaskier thought over Geralt’s words for a moment, apparently not considering this possible flaw in his plan before now, and then shook his head.
“No, Geralt, don’t be silly. We’ve been traveling with Y/N for months now and no one has even so much as caught her attention a little bit. That’s certainly not going to change now.”
You had to make a change and you had to do it now.
You’d spent months pining after Jaskier, unable to summon the courage to tell him and finding no signs of interest from him. You knew that you could try and force yourself to share those feelings and potentially ruin the friendship, or you could try and move on. The dance seemed the perfect chance and when Jaskier volunteered to help find you a match, well, that was all the answer you needed. You usually dressed to blend in, years of training put into hiding your body or minimizing yourself in any way you could. Tonight, you chose to stand out. First because if you were going to find a new partner you would not waste your time on someone who didn’t see and want all of you. Second because you were feeling a little bold and excited by your choice to pursue someone. The benefit of traveling was that if things went horribly wrong you could just leave the next morning and never return. You hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but the knowledge it could helped bolster your courage. It was gratifying when you saw Jaskier go speechless, mouth agape and sky-blue eyes wider than you’d ever seen them, as you stepped out in the vibrant, emerald green dress. Your hair was plaited back in a simple but attractive way, framing your face in a way that enhanced your looks but did not try to hide its roundness.
“This’ll do then?” you asked teasingly as Jaskier stared at you until Geralt finally thwacked him in the arm to help bring him back to his senses.
“You look absolutely… Geralt I’ve forgotten words oh gods they are my whole livelihood…”
“Don’t be dramatic,” you laughed, blushing a little under his gaze.
“If you don’t take her arm I will,” Geralt hissed to Jaskier, eager to get the evening underway and over with. That snapped Jaskier out of it and he nearly leapt across the room to your side, taking your hand with unparalleled reverence.
“Here’s hoping someone else at court feels the same,” you said. Geralt watched Jaskier’s face freeze, a glimmer of fierce panic in his eyes before he recovered and offered you a smile.
This would be a long night.
Valdo Marx had come to the ball for one reason and one reason alone – spite.
True he had been one of the first to receive an invitation but it was to attend, not perform, a slight he would not forget or forgive anytime soon. He had come to drink their wine and eat their food and scoff at their doubtless subpar performers. He hadn’t come with carousing in mind though he saw flickers of interest in the eyes of many he passed. He couldn’t blame them. He was aware of his effect on people, especially when he looked as resplendent as he did tonight in his black and burgundy attire. His curls were artfully disheveled and he’d smeared just a bit of kohl around his eyes to further emphasize them, not that they needed it. He’d trimmed his mustache and goatee and applied a tasteful amount of patchouli cologne to his neck and wrists. Still, it was all for himself and to know that he had appeared and provided the quality appearance that one could expect from Valdo Marx, even if all he had planned was some smirking and sipping of wine.
And then he saw you.
Valdo’s plans immediately pivoted. He moved from his haughty lounging to standing straight up, pressing out the wrinkles in his doublet and then setting down his goblet as he made his way to you. His eyes never strayed though yours surveyed the hall and he was vaguely aware that you were talking to someone. He didn’t look at their face, briefly taking in the quality cut of their black and cerulean lined attire with an appreciative glance, but when his eyes flicked back to your face it was inclined by the other and he stopped walking.
Of course fucking Jaskier de Lettenhove, golden boy of Redania, would walk in with the loveliest creature tonight. No matter, Valdo told himself, taking up the chase again even as Jaskier led you onto the dancefloor. You may have arrived with Jaskier, but you would be leaving with him.
“Jaskier if I dance with you all night I won’t find anyone,” you protested, though a traitorous part of yourself that wasn’t as easily swayed loved the feeling of his hand in yours and the way the oceanic eyes never left your face as he led you around the dancefloor.
“You’re right,” Jaskier said, though he kept a tight grip on your hand, “After this dance as ended I shall seek out some good company for you.”
You forced a smile. You’d secretly hoped he may say no, that he wanted to be your only dance partner, but you knew this was just a fantasy and if he really did do it you’d rankle at the unearned possessiveness. Still, you were a simple woman, and you wanted to feel wanted even if just for a moment. After the dance Jaskier did as promised, guiding you off of the floor and setting you up with a goblet of wine before heading out into the fray where he would circle a few times and then return to you. He would take the opportunity to check on Geralt who was where he usually sat during parties, alone and as far away from others as he could with refreshments.
You watched Jaskier’s retreating back and tried not to pout as you worked at finding that vigor you had earlier to find someone.
“It is too early for you to be here,” a voice in an accent you couldn’t immediately placed said. You turned to see a man standing nearby, leaning his long frame against a column and smiling at you with eyes that matched your gown.
“Pardon?” you asked, your heart skipping a beat as his mouth curled into a smile.
“Persephone is supposed to stay with Hades until spring, but here we still have a whole winter’s month left and yet you stand before us,” he replied in a voice that was so low it was nearly a purr. He spoke the words quietly as though it were a secret. As though he truly had spied a goddess out of place and was trying to coax her back before the other mortals caught on. You laughed and moved closer.
“Let me guess, you fancy yourself Hades?” you teased, the courage you’d lost coming back to you.
“Alas it seems I do not have that honor. But I shall let you cast me in the roll you see fit for me to play,” he answered smoothly. You stared at him thoughtfully as the bottle green eyes boldly, but not lecherously, swept the length of your body. You felt seen by this man in a way you hadn’t in some time. It scared you. You liked it.
“Eros,” you replied. He laughed, caught off-guard but delighted by your response.
“Indeed?” he said, “Oh you must tell me your justification.”
“You look the sort to tempt maidens in all kinds of trouble,” you answered, taking a sip of wine. His eyes fell to you lips as you licked a drop from the rim of the goblet and you knew he was wondering how the wine would taste if he kissed it from your lips.
“Tempting makes it sound like there’s some sort of coercion. I guarantee every maiden I’ve met was an eager devotee of my temple, love,” he replied, raising a hand using his slender, soft fingers to brush a lock of hair out of your face. He glanced up, something catching his attention, and his lovely features grew a little bit fiercer and more wicked and fool that you were, you only found yourself more enticed.
“Geralt you were worried about nothing,” Jaskier insisted, though he addressed himself more than his friend who stared ahead with an expression that was a cross between bemusement and foreboding.
“Indeed,” Geralt said.
“Yes! We have had some lovely danced together and I left her with wine. Her favorite kind, I’ll have you know,” Jaskier insisted.
“And Valdo Marx was a part of your plan?” Geralt asked, eyes still gazing ahead. Jaskier scoffed and glanced to where Geralt look, opening his mouth to offer some witty retort but then he did a doubletake. You were standing inches away from Valdo whose eyes caught Jaskier’s. He looked delighted at the ashen pallor Jaskier’s face took. The color soon returned with vigor and before Geralt could rise from the table, Jaskier was halfway across the floor.
“Y/N,” Jaskier said, appearing at your side so suddenly you squeaked in surprise.
“Jaskier!” you exclaimed, “Good gods where did you come from?”
“Hades,” Valdo murmured.
“I just saw you talking with an old acquaintance and wanted to ensure that you were properly introduced,” Jaskier said coolly, his words directed at Valdo more than you.
“Allow me,” Valdo said, interjecting quickly, “Valdo Marx, bard of Cidaris.”
He took your hand and raised it to his lips though Jaskier looked at him as though he may physically tear his lips from his face if they touched any part of you. You looked between the two of them confused.
“Wait, you’re Valdo Marx? Oh Jaskier he’s nowhere near as odious looking as you said. Quite the opposite in fact,” you said. Valdo shot Jaskier a squinty glare which was duly returned.
“And Valdo, I know some things you’ve said about Jaskier which were equally false. And things you’ve done. Did you know that your little stunt of spreading that lie about Jaskier and the pox cost him a job which cost us the chance at staying in an inn one night?” you asked, jabbing your finger in his chest.
“If I had any idea that you were with him I never would have done such a thing,” he replied emphatically.
“Y/N come, let’s have a dance,” Jaskier said, taking one of your hands.
“Allow me to explain myself further,” Valdo implored, taking the one you had pressed against his ribcage, “I promise I’m not as bad as I’ve seemed. Or acted. And in some ways I can get so much worse.”
His eyes glinted with a promise that made your stomach flip and Jaskier’s insides burn. He roughly pulled you next to him, his hand moving to wrap a more possessive arm around your waist.
“Y/N came with me,” he snarled at Valdo.
“She’s leaving with me.” Valdo snarled back.
“If you’re quit done fighting over me like two dogs with one bone I have something to say,” you interjected, though a part of yourself you weren’t proud of enjoyed watching these men inch ever closer to a physical altercation over you. They looked at you expectantly though whenever their eyes caught each other’s they squinted into a glower.
“Jaskier I did come with you but it was with the express intent to find someone because gods knows you aren’t interested and it’s not fair of you to try and decide who I speak with now,” you argued. Valdo preened as Jaskier stammered a bit under your glare. This was not going how he expected at all.
“I am,” he said quickly, “Y/N, believe me when I tell you that I am.”
“Oh sure because now Valdo is here and it’s a matter of pride,” you argued.
“No,” he implored take your hand up again with his, the sky blue eyes gazing into yours as they had earlier that day and as you thought about it, as they had many times before though you’d dismissed them as a foolish trick of your own love for him. “Y/N I have loved you since nearly the very day we met. I didn’t know how to tell you or if I should and, I must confess, I thought I had more time.”
“Because you didn’t think another man would be interested?” you asked, hurt plain on your face.
“Gods no, because you didn’t seem interested in others,” he explained.
“Well why would you offer to help me find a partner if you wanted me?” you demanded.
“She raises a good point. A pretty shit plan if I may say so myself. Seems the lady would fare better with a smarter, more direct partner,” Valdo cut in.
“Shut it,” Jaskier bit out fiercely before turning his face back to you, tender once more, “It was, admittedly, a plan that sounded better in theory. I was going to do this whole elaborate speech about no one being worthy of you – myself included – but how much I wanted to try and work at it for as long as you’d let me.”
The sincerity in his eyes and the words you’d wanted to hear for so long brought a tear to your eye. If he had done this five minutes before it would have been the easiest, quickest answer. But he hadn’t, and you found yourself in the unprecedented position of feeling torn between two men. This always sounded exciting and enviable in stories but now that you stood here you just felt frozen.
“Pretty works, Jaskier, perhaps the first you’ve ever spoken. But the fact remains that you have had months to make these feelings known and didn’t whereas I identified her the moment my eyes laid on her as someone I must know. And I didn’t wait for silly games. So I ask you, Y/N, what would you rather have? Someone who goes after what they want when they want it, or someone who plays the long game, taking for granted that you’ll be hanging around waiting for them?” Valdo asked.
“I do love you Jaskier,” you said. You felt Valdo drop your hand gently and you turned to face him, “But.”
The word hung in the air as both men stared at you breathlessly.
“But I cannot deny that I’m drawn to Valdo as well,” you confessed, feeling oddly guilty, “And I know it’s not how it’s supposed to be but… It’s true.”
“Perhaps a sampling,” Valdo suggested.
“You spend an evening seeing what Jaskier has to offer and you spend an evening seeing what I can do and you make your decision,” he explained.
“You’re not a platter of meats,” you scoffed. He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“I could be,” he purred. You felt Jaskier’s arm tighten around your waist.
“Unless you’re worried that I would outperform you. Yet again,” Valdo said to Jaskier. Jaskier gave a sharp, humorless bark of laughter.
“Gods no. If anything I think of you and your poor, tender feelings. I fear you would never bring yourself to perform again after being so soundly shown up,” Jaskier sneered.
It wasn’t ladylike or right or moral but you had an idea. A scandalous, daring, wicked idea. Then again, you reasoned with yourself, men did it all the time.
“Perhaps this can be settled,” you said. Again two pairs of eyes landed on you, blazing green and cool blue. “Perhaps…”
“A fuck off?” Jaskier offered. Valdo rolled his eyes at the vulgarity but you brightened and nodded, grateful someone had spared you saying it. “Well I have no reason to fear it.”
He looked at Valdo challengingly and your heart pounded in your throat. The man looked back at you and as his eyes slowly scanned your body again you felt Jaskier’s grip tighten so hard it would likely leave marks. The idea thrilled you.
“Name the time and place,” Valdo said, “It will be an unequivocal pleasure showing you up yet again.”
Geralt watched the three of you walk away, Jaskier’s arm around your waist and Valdo taking up your free hand. He debated with himself for a full five minutes about whether or not he should follow. If what was happening what he thought was happening, he didn’t want to be anywhere near it. Then again, there was an even chance that it would end in attempted murder. He took a long pull from his ale and shook his head. You could handle yourself.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
Ryoma simply shook his head in response before he'd give a verbal answer to the concerned maid.
"No. I should be asking you that question."His onyx eyes snapped towards the bear after he finished speaking of the additional motive, his chest tightening only a bit before her turn to gaze up at Kirumi again.
"Once upon a time..to keep a long story short, someone would get nervous, and holding their hand, or finger, was a comfort for them.. You never give yourself a break so, this was a test run really."
As blunt as he was, he didn't mean any harm at the last statement.
Anya would be grateful for Rantaro's shielding for she swore she felt the urge to faint beginning to burn in her brain, especially with her viciously shivering body.Her body acted as if she'd have the horrible case of the flu. Something that, would be the very last thing to worry about in here in this stupid forsaken place.
She wished she was wrong. She wished that bear was made into a pancake once again.. That that stupid --
"Hey Build a Fuck! Anya isn't everyone! So look at us, dipshit!"
The girl genius hadn't known what came over her. Maybe it'd been the anger from the fucked motive currently given. Maybe she was mentally exhausted from the Bear's Tucker and mental exhaustion was a big HELL NO for Iruma.. Or maybe she was in love --
"Sides! I'm the only hot one here that can bully Anya!So how about you go stuff yourself with tide pods and keel over and combust already?! Screw you AND your motive!"
Miu had to take a breath, yet she still stood proudly with her hands on her hips and a targeted glare down at Monokuma. The bear probably.. Wasn't the only one shocked.
Kaede's mouth had been agape, surprised at how bold Miu had been to insult Monokuma head on--
And her defending(?) Anya out of the blue when she'd just been shaking at the motive not too long ago as well .. What made Miu switch so quick?
Korekiyo would chuckle, admiring the intensity of human emotions.. Absolutely beautiful.
Anya herself would look at Miu, surprised just as much as Kaede had been, but still rather grateful. She couldn't help but give a small smile, a smile slightly weighed by the fear in the air. The inventor caught sight of her smile, her face reddening for a short minute before she'd scoff and look away.
"Do-Don't smile like that at me, nerd! Was just fucking correcting him, alright?!"
"Ah, you didn't call her Grinch T-"
She interrupted the robot, suddenly shaking him.
"Where the hell is the off button -"
Rantaro's eyes widened at Miu's sudden outburst, unsure what to think of it. A part of him had been slightly proud of her for defending Anya, but another part of him found it strange; especially from someone like Miu.
Kaito hadn't been any less confused, actually, a bit irked honestly.
Not irked by Miu(yeah, right), but more irked by the fact he hadn't been the one to say what needed to be said. Whatever! There's no time to be feeling sorry for myself, we need to stop Monokuma-
"Well, whatever. You guys may be all buddy-buddy and flirting with each other now, but soon those teenage hormones will wear off, and you'll eventually make the only logical choice; murder." As quick as he introduced the motive, Monokuma made his leave, seemingly disgruntled and bored with the vibe the entire room was going off.
So he left. And let everyone sit in their stew of 'fuck, this is really happening.'
The air was heavy with distrust, fear, and worst of all; despair. Even Kaito's spirits seemed dampened by it. Even so, the astronaut refused to be completely put out like a kitchen fire, and immediately began thinking of a solution to this garbage. "We don't need to panic about this.. I-I'll do something about it."
Rantaro narrowed his eyes at Kaito in surprise and disbelief; what could he do? Was this just an empty promise to keep everyone from losing it and start killing? Rantaro pursed his lips; he knew Kaito wasn't one to lie... And somehow, that only seemed to elevate his anxiety.
Tenko perked up, "Like a degenerate like you could possibly do anything about this! You probably don't even have a plan!" She accused, pointing her finger at him with a suspicious glare. Kaito gulped, he had been caught. "Of course I do! And... And I'm going to start thinking of one right now!"
Rantaro's shoulders dropped, and he sighed. Figures.
Himiko spoke up in a meek voice, teeth chattering slightly, "W- are we all going to die here...? I- In just two days?" Tenko suddenly started frantically moving her arms back and forth, "No! No, of course not! Because.. Because we'll fight back! Yeah!" Tenko nervously cheered, trying to trick herself into thinking they could go against those machines. She didn't have a choice but to put hopeless determination and belief in her skills. Even if those Exisals could probably destroy them in one swipe, she... she didn't want to think about that. Or else,, wouldn't that just mean it was the end?
She didn't want it to end yet. So she was ready to fight.
Kirumi furrowed her brow at Ryouma, silently wondering why he had cared if she was alright. A prisoner, huh? He sure had a heart of gold... To be worrying about an insignificant maid like her. "I don't need breaks. My needs will always be put after others." She was almost robotic in response, repeating the same motto every time like it was a mantra; almost like a broken record.
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
for a moment there I accidentally had Pierce's photo under Marian's name oop
Time to officially confirm some AU canon LGBT stuff! Each character is their own pride flag but I'll add in other stuff that's canon in universe plus some bonus stuff at the bottom.
First up is Freddy Fazbear Jr! Gay all the way.
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He's definitely the "move I'm gay" type
Was honestly super freaked out to tell his dad but went with the bold approach of bringing home his first boyfriend and blatantly announcing their relationship as such as a challenge and was honestly surprised his dad wasn't bothered by it
He was around 13 at the time and so the twins and Fred were still in touch with Maddie's parents and brother. All three were incredibly supportive (and still would be)
He absolutely had a crush on Bonnie Burnette even though he had never talked to him. Since the twins and Bonnie went to the same high school he knew of Bonnie, thought he was a dreamboat, but because Bonnie was somehow in with the popular kids (it was the money 100%) Freddy didn't even bother
Frankie Fazbear! My ace son! (The ears are wrong blame the app lol)
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Honestly doesn't even know he's ace until much later
He's had crushes before but he's never been in a relationship (part of it is the attempt to communicate since he's mute sort of stops him)
He wasn't even sure it was worth mentioning to his dad so Fred never knew
This boy can hold so much love in his heart but he's not a very physical person that's all
Fred Fazbear Sr! YES. HE'S BI.
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Only Maddie even knew he was bi. That he knew of. Some people probably figured it out with his over the top always on personality.
Fred was constantly sure that Pierce picked up on it particularly after the Christmas mistletoe fiasco but if Pierce gave a shit he never said anything.
Frankly it was amazing that more people didn't pick up on it. He was over the top about everything until a point.
While he didn't overreact to his son very blatantly announcing he had a boyfriend, he was very proud of him. It was a very Fazbear family way to come out. Even though he got so distant, he was always proud of his boys.
Bonnie Burnette! Also bi!
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Being constantly surrounded by the popular crowd and always being the sort of stand out with purple hair and stupid purple bunny ears didn't do much to make Bonnie feel like he could even tell anyone he was bi.
Really the only reason he was even in the popular crowd was he was rich.
It made him less of a target for bullies at least cause the jocks wouldn't stand for anyone messing with him.
Knew Frankie from math class and honestly wished he could have talked to the quiet kid with bear ears as an alternative to the entirety of the popular group
Sort of in the background of the AU story very quietly develops a crush on Freddy and then thinks "oh God I like the troublemaker NO"
Chandler Cicily! Lesbian!
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Would absolutely describe her sexuality as "girls"
She's starting to discover it during the AU (even if it's not a topic that comes up but that's why there's this post about stuff lmao).
She's the baby of the group since she's 16 when the story starts and relationships aren't important to her yet
But the crew still support her when later she's like "maybe I just wanna bake things for a cute girl and let her put flowers in my hair is that too much to ask" (Marian always chimes in with "mood")
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Marian Mengele! An absolute bi icon!
Listen, her one goal in life may be to find her lost childhood friend, but that doesn't mean she's solely interested in this one Irish redhead
That said she's definitely only dated redheads
She's not afraid to be open about her orientation. It doesn't bother her. She's seen as weird already what can it hurt.
That said she falls for Finn so goddamn fast when she finds him that she questions herself and then is like "no wait I'm definitely not straight"
She's very upfront with Finn about it. There's no reason to hide this from him (or anyone) and if they're a thing she wants him to know.
Finn being the wonderful human being still loves her and it doesn't bother him. Why should it? He's just happy to be with someone who loves him.
Chetana might be Chandler's fake big sister but Marian is like fake mama when it comes to Chandler finally coming out.
God bless Finn for being the kind of person to sit and let Marian braid his hair with flowers because that's one of Marian's favorite things to do when her partner has longer hair and Finn's never really bothered with keeping his hair short THESE TWO ARE ICONIC I love them
Pierce Graves! A shitty pansexual icon
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First off he absolutely knew that Fred wasn't 100% straight he had no idea how it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone
That said Pierce literally did not give a shit who knew about his sexuality
As shitty as his whole personality was he could turn on the charm easily
His parents definitely knew but he was already a punk ass rebellious teen at the time so they have him the "be careful, don't get anyone pregnant" talk and worried from afar. If it bothered them, Pierce never knew because they made sure that he could still count on them (even though at the time Pierce didn't really talk to them much about anything)
Fred absolutely knew though I mean they were good friends
He's not a romantic. He's never really had a meaningful relationship because he's not that type of person. To be honest, there's a piece of him that saw relationships that worked and wondered how that would feel but he knew that wasn't for him. He figured that out way early on when he asked his granddad why he didn't have a grandma and Mortimer Graves didn't sugarcoat the answer. "She wasn't happy with me. I gave her the choice. She could stay and be miserable with my lack of a decent personality even though I was already struggling to not be such an ass or she could go and find someone who actually made her happy. She chose happiness, and while it sucks that she drifted out of my life and your dad's, she's better off."
Pierce could frankly always tell that he was more like his granddad and as much as he sometimes wanted to know if he could even out up with a meaningful relationship, he avoided it. Better to not hurt anyone and wonder than to become the catalyst for someone else to overcome, right?
Fritz Smith! Gay!
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The shy bumbling mechanic of the early 90s Freddy's ? Gay? It's more likely than you think
He was still far in the closet in the 90s He was young, living at home still because he had just gotten out of school, and while his parents weren't super conservative, he also didn't know how they'd take it
Found a friend in the day guard Mike Schmidt early on. Mike was looking for a roommate since his last one had moved out and Fritz jumped at the chance
They are like totally boyfriends by the time they cameo in the story though
Mike Schmidt! Another gay icon!
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Mostly invited Fritz to live at his apartment because he felt bad that this poor shy mechanic was getting constantly harangued about the animatronics having problems
Was glad to let Fritz complain about it and even cry it was very stressful but Fritz needed the money
Mike liked him. It would be hard not to really. Fritz was a sweetheart.
Mike didn't ask him out till much later though he wasn't quite sure that Fritz was gay and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Luckily it didn't and as it turns out they worked well in a relationship.
Fritz's parents had to take some time to get used to it when finally Fritz got the nerve to tell them but as soon as they did there was no end of support from them
Mike's parents were the opposite which was mainly why he already lived by himself but oh well he got a cute boyfriend and cool parents-in-law later it was kind of a win
Daniel Hartford-Dunn! Gay!
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Presenting Maddie's older brother!
outside universe fact, he's loosely based in my actual cousin who lives in California with his husband.
He's 7 years older than Maddie was. Despite that, they were still close. Maddie's parents wanted more kids but struggled to get the two they had.
He's an accountant for a corporation and his boyfriend (and later his husband) is a pilot.
Last time he saw his nephews in person was at Maddie's funeral. He misses them terribly but over the years less and less contact came from his brother in law
Sometime in 2006 though he ends up getting a call from his nephews and there's this great reunion.
He's just. This chill older guy. Who loves his family. And doesn't care what people think.
Since I can't put anymore photos, here's the bonus content!
-as mentioned last night Dr. Phillip Guy is on the ace spectrum. I don't have anymore details about that at the moment unfortunately.
-Charlie Emily is a lesbian. The Emily twins were born in 1980. They haven't appeared in the AU yet even as cameos but they exist. Considering in AU canon the Emily family is alive and well in Hurricane, Utah without an Afton to be found, Charlie's dating her childhood friend Jessica at around the time the AU events are happening.
-Sammy Emily is trans and bi. Both Henry and his wife (who I know I at one point named but don't remember what it is anymore) love their two daughters to pieces.
That said I'll make a post at a later point introducing the Emily family because so far I've only officially given the design for Henry and not the rest.
In line with canon, Spring Bonnie/Springtrap can be counted as gay.
While Fred kept the shows at the diner pretty simple and straightforward, there was definitely this subtle underlying idea that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear were a content gay couple although if asked it was easy to present them as friends. At least, that was during '81-'82
Fred also had Henry help him program in a special one time only song called Springtime for his and Maddie's anniversary in 1983, which was of course a love song. Fred always thought of that as being mostly for his wife, and partially as a turning point thematically for the two characters.
Henry was on board with this. They still kept it subtle, but there were clear moments where it was pretty much certain that the only way to interpret Spring Bonnie and Fredbear was as a couple. It was either so subtle that no one was bothered or Spring Bonnie's chosen voice was so ambiguously non-binary that no one thought it was odd.
Fred had plans for it to become more "canon" but never got to implement them since Spring Bonnie got damaged before he could.
Springtrap, being sentient and able to later interpret his emotions, is very confused about how he as a machine was meant to feel about this character he knew but the more sentient he becomes the more aware he is that he misses Fredbear and that he loved him. It's the cause of a lot of internal conflict for him. But he can be counted in the category of LGBT characters in the AU.
Happy pride month ya'll! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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osakaso5 · 5 years
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Mitsuki Izumi Twelve Hits! Rabbit Chat Part 2: Request Hits 1
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for getting together on such short notice, everyone! We'll be accepting requests for Mitsuki-san's RADIO STATION Twelve Hits! here.
Tsumugi: Once again, we managers are here to monitor your progress and the content you post. I look forward to chatting with all of you!
Mitsuki: Thanks for joining!
Banri: Hello, Mitsuki-kun. I look forward to your show.
Rinto: Re:vale is happy to be here.
Kaoru: So are we. Thank you for always looking after TRIGGER.
Iori: Finally, a project  that compliments Nii-san  as an entertainment personality. I look forward to this.
Mitsuki: Thanks, Iori! Your show was great, so I'll try to be just as good!
Iori: It's likely because I was so conscious of you. I used your talks as a reference for what kind of tone and topics to use in order to make myself more pleasant to listen to.
Yamato: Yeah, same here.
Mitsuki: You were awfully sloppy for someone who used me as reference, lolol
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Tsumugi: I think we should start accepting requests from youngest to oldest, as usual. Tamaki-san, go ahead!
Tamaki: Yup
Tamaki: I want Mikki to rank us
Mitsuki: Rank you?
Tamaki: It'll be a ranking for everyone here.
Tamaki: Like who'd be the best at changing light bulbs that are really high up, or who'd be really good at dancing
Riku: Tamaki! You're just picking things you'd have a high rank in!
Tamaki: Hehe
Iori: In that case, you should ask him to rank us from most to least intelligent.
Riku: Not you too, Iori! Maybe there's one that I'd have an advantage in?
Tamaki: Whatever, I just wanna be Mikki's number one! And everyone else's, too!
Mitsuki: Oh, Tamaki! You can be so cute sometimes!
Mitsuki: But isn't Tsunashi-san tall enough that he could reach really high up, too? And he's a really sexy dancer!
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Ryunosuke: Me!? You're making me blush. Maybe I'll be Mitsuki-kun's number one?
Gaku: You've got good taste as always, Izumi Senior. Our Ryu's just as good!
Tenn: This is Ryu's dancing we're talking about. Of course it's good.
Kaoru: Obviously!
Ryunosuke: You guys..! I'm so happy you'd say that!
Nagi: This will not do. The ranking should be fair and square. Why not have Mitsuki rank us based on whose face he thinks is the most beautiful?
Mitsuki: Nagi, lololol You're real confident about this one, lolololol
Nagi: :-)
Tamaki: Nope! It's gonna be a ranking for who likes King Pudding the most
Momo: Straight to the point! (∩´∀`)∩⌒☆
Yuki: You're the number one of that even without a ranking ^^
Tsumugi: Let's just wait until the broadcast to find out what kind of ranking it'll be! lol
Tsumugi: Iori-san, you're next!
Iori: I want him to do a gastronomical report. It'll be difficult to do over radio, but I'm sure Nii-san's a good enough of a talker that he can convey the appearance and taste of a food without visuals.
Iori: Since his birthday is near, you should reserve a special treat for him. Like the strawberry and chocolate mousse that comes served in a rabbit-shaped mug.
Iori: I read
Iori: I read in a gourmet magazine that it was exceptional.
Mitsuki: Huh! That sounds pretty good! I wanna try it!
Mitsuki: If this request doesn't make it on the show, you should tell me where the place that sells it is. We should eat it together, so I can hear your thoughts on it too!
Iori: Right. If you insist, then I'll come with you.
Riku: Iori, you're hugging your phone really ha
Iori: Manager, we'll leave my request at that.
Riku: Iori! Don't just randomly take my phone away!
Tsumugi: W-well then, would you tell us your request, Riku-san?
Riku: Yeah! I want him to do psychological tests. There's this app that you can use to do it really easily!
Mitsuki: Oh yeah, our group's been all over that stuff lately. They do them in the dressing room sometimes!
Riku: The "Body Part You're the Most Confident About" one from a while ago was fun!
Mitsuki: Yamato-san's answer was his upper arms, lol
Yamato: Mitsu, don't drag me into this.
Tsumugi: What did you answer, Mitsuki-san?
Mitsuki: Oh, you wanna know!? I'm  too embarrassed  to say it myself, lol What do you think it was?
1. Your eyes?
Mitsuki: People do tell me that my eyes are big. Are you trying to say that you like my eyes?
2. Your legs?
Mitsuki: I'm a pretty fast runner, but I don't know if that's the kinda confidence they were looking for.
3. Your upper arms?
Mitsuki: Nope! That was Yamato-san, lol
Mitsuki: Sorry, but you got it wrong!
Riku: Wasn't the correct answer your lips?
Mitsuki: No! My mouth!!! And anyway, it was just a dumb test, lol
Kaoru: It's very bold of you to say that your lips are your strong point.
Mitsuki: It's not my lips, I just thought maybe my big mouth makes my smile cuter..!
Tsumugi: It would be fun to listen to you doing tests on air!
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, are you ready to go next?
Tenn: Yes. My suggestion is a free talk. Maybe he could use a few of IDOLiSH7's songs as a starting point.
Tenn: Mitsuki Izumi is a great talker, right? I'm sure his fans would love to hear about memories tied to each of the songs, too.
Mitsuki: Whoa... Kujo...
Mitsuki: I'm getting a little emotional over here...
Tenn: Why now?
Mitsuki: You praised me as a good talker, but I'm also happy that you thought about what our fans would like!
Nagi: Well done, Kujo-shi. Everyone is awaiting for a talk centered around our music.
Tenn: I just thought I'd pick something everyone could enjoy for the grand occasion. That's all.
Mitsuki: Crap. I'm gonna become an even more hardcore fan of yours, lol
Riku: Wow, Tenn-nii can even charm Mitsuki!
Mitsuki: I stan all of TRIGGER equally, though!
Sogo: I can relate.
Iori: N-nii-san..?
Mitsuki: I'm coming to your next concert with a Kujo uchiwa!
Gaku: Hey, bring one for me, too.
Ryunosuke: And me! lol
Mitsuki: I'll bring all three, lololol
Tsumugi: TRIGGER's next concert is going to be a lot of fun!
Tsumugi: Nagi-san, you're next!
Nagi: I want to give a present to Mitsuki.
Mitsuki: A present? Not a request?
Nagi: I shall recite a play I've made just for you. I will create something wonderful in your image, so please allow your listeners to hear it, as well.
Mitsuki: You're making an entire play, even though it might not even get picked for the show!?
Nagi: It is for the sake of you and your fans. I will pour all my love into it.
Mitsuki: Seriously!? I bet a play from you is gonna be some really moving stuff!
Mitsuki: Thanks! I look forward to it!
Nagi: ;-)
Kaoru: I enjoy theater sometimes, myself. In that regard, I'm also looking forward to it.
Rinto: I see! You've got a very sophisticated hobby!
Kaoru: Thank you.
Tsumugi: Sogo-san, it's time for your request!
Sogo: I want him to yell for all the listeners who are starting a new phase in their lives.
Sogo: I'm sure lots of people are worried about turning over a new leaf right now. I want him to give them his support over the radio.
Mitsuki: That's a really nice request, as you'd expect of Sogo!
Sogo: You're always giving me energy by pushing me forward. I'm sure hearing your cheerful voice will give strength to other people, as well.
Sogo: Your voice holds a lot of power, after all.
Yamato: Yeah, I know what you mean. And not just because he's loud (lol)
Nagi: It must be the way he faces others in an honest way. He has a beautiful voice.
Sogo: I hope they'll get to hear him talking energetically.
Mitsuki: Whooa! What's gotten into you three..?
Mitsuki: And anyway, you can listen to my voice whenever, not just on the radio!
Mitsuki: But I'm really happy you'd say that.
Mitsuki: When you say stuff like that, I just...
Momo: Mitsuki, are you crying?
Mitsuki: Yeah well, I just feel  so happy... Hehe.
Momo: You're so honest and cute!
Yuki: What about me?
Momo: You're handsome and cute (*´∀`*)
Mitsuki: Ah, sorry, can we take a break?
Mitsuki: I tried to grab a tissue, but I'm all out of them...
Sogo: I'll come bring you some of mine.
Mitsuki: Sogo~~~~!
Tsumugi: It makes me very happy to see how loved Mitsuki-san is..!
Tsumugi: Shall we take a 10 minute break? We'll chat again a bit later.
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niksixx · 5 years
Runaway Train
Requested: By @groupie-jime
Pairing: The Dirt! Tommy Lee x Reader
Description: A song fic based on “Runaway Train” by Soul Asylum. Song lyrics are bold and italicized.
Warning: Drugs, blood
A/N: Reblog and comment 😊
*Picture is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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“So tired that I couldn't even sleep
So many secrets I couldn't keep
Promised myself I wouldn't weep
One more promise I couldn't keep”
Tommy stared at the white powder on the gold platter in his lap, struggling to keep his eyes open and his brain focused. The party at Vince’s beach house had gotten too loud and out of control which resulted in Tommy trying to fight a pounding headache in the bathroom while attempting to snort the rest of his cocaine.
Cocaine had been Tommy’s drug of choice since Mötley Crüe was formed four years ago. It was easy to get and stimulated his senses. The indescribable feeling of happiness was a bonus.
More recently though Tommy could feel himself drifting away from reality. The overwhelming sensations provided by the stimulant only lasted for a short time before Tommy grew angry, irritated, and undeniably exhausted. He’d use the coke to stay awake, but there was no way he could fight it.
A dark red liquid mixed with the powder. Reaching up, Tommy ran his fingers over his nose, wincing when he pulled them back, examining the blood. This wasn’t the first time it happened.
When Tommy felt a tear fall from his eye, he immediately shoved the dish off his lap and stood up from the toilet, ramming his fist into Vince’s bathroom mirror. Blood poured out of his knuckles, but that was the least of his worries.
He wouldn’t cry. He refused to show weakness. Was he struggling with internal demons? Yes, very much so. But Tommy had promised himself that he would never show anyone or even himself how much he was struggling. His addiction had gone from awful to unmanageable in a span of weeks. He was spiraling out of control. All the promises he made to himself didn’t seem worth it anymore.
“It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep
There's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray
He was surrounded by drugs day in and day out. The more he tried to fight the urge, the more his body craved the high. Capsules, needles, pills, powder, it was all too much. He needed to stop, needed to fight, but where was the will to survive?
The boys wouldn’t help him; No one could. Tommy was too far into the drugs to pull himself out of the madness. He wouldn’t move from bed, he wouldn’t shower, brush his teeth, or eat. He was empty. There was nothing left but the shell of a man who once had a perfectly healthy, stable life.
“Can you help me remember how to smile
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded
Life's mystery seems so faded”
If Tommy thought the drugs ruined his life, he was dead wrong. You would be the death of him. Your sweet smile, caring demeanor, and eager-to-help personality had Tommy falling head over heels in love with you.
Tommy kept everything inside until the very first day he met you in rehab. He found himself crying, spilling every ounce of bottled up pain. You didn’t look at him or treat him different. You listened and listened until there was nothing else left to say. Rehab was a dreary place, but your passion made Tommy want to get better. And he swore that if he stayed sober for a year after leaving rehab, he’d spend the rest of his life coming up with new ways to show his gratitude.
“I want to be happy. I haven’t smiled in months. There’s no reason to.”
Out of all the men and women that enrolled themselves into rehab, Tommy was your favorite. You didn’t want to be biased, but one look from the long-haired drummer with the sad hazel eyes had your legs feeling like jelly. You were his doctor, he was your patient, and all you saw was a man in need of some help.
“It all happened on the tour,” Tommy breathed raggedly. “The parties were accompanied by alcohol, and the alcohol turned into drugs. I couldn’t stop. It felt so good in the beginning.”
“And it’s going to feel even better when you’re clean. You want that, don’t you?”
Tommy nodded. “More than anything.”
There was so much pain etched on his face, you vowed to yourself that no matter what it took or how long it would take, Tommy Lee would leave rehab happy, healthy, and sober.
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