#I made these for my main's pinned post but you can have them too...!! highly recommend blinkies.cafe if you ever want blinkies like these
trans-siffrin · 4 months
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Behold. blinkies.cafe blinkies for telling your friends (and any passersby) to play award-winning 2023 indie game "In Stars and Time" available now on Steam itchio GOG Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 and 5
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Bonus: Start Again blinkies. Because you should also play Start Again Start Again Start Again: a Prologue (2021) available on Steam and itchio
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vaadazen-codes · 2 months
How To Get Started Making Visual Novels
Wanna make a visual novel? Or maybe you've seen games like Our Life, Blooming Panic, Doki Doki Literature Club, etc. and wanna make something like that? Good news, here's a very basic beginners guide on how to get started in renpy and what you need to know going in! Before you start, I highly recommend looking at my last post about writing a script for renpy just to make it easier on you!
Obviously, our first step is downloading it from their website
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thankfully, its right on the home page of their site. Follow basica program installation steps and run the program. I highly recommend pinning it to your task bar to make it easier to access.
From there, you're met with the renpy app, it's a little daunting at first but let's talk about what all these buttons are for.
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This part is simple, it just lists the current projects in the chosen directory. You probably won't have any in there of your own. You should still see Tutorial and The Question!
Both of those default projects are super helpful in their own ways, i highly recommend testing out the tutorial and playing around with it just to get comfortable with some of the basics.
Create New Project
The first step to actually making your game into a game!
You'll be met with a prompt letting you know that the project is being made in English and that you can change it. You can click Continue.
From here, you'll be asked to input a project name! Put in your games title, or even a placeholder title since this Information can be changed later! (this is also the title the folder will be in your file browser, be sure to name it something you won't overlook)
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Now we get to choose our resolution!
If you have no idea what to choose, go for 1920x1080! This is the standard size for most computer monitors and laptops, but it will still display with moderately decent quality on 4k monitors too!
You can choose 3840x2160 as well. This is 2x the measurements of the default, with the same ration. These dimensions are considered 4k. Keep in mind, your image files will be bigger and can cause the game to have a larger size to download.
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Now we get to choose our color scheme!
Renpy has some simple default options with the 'light mode' colors being the bottom two rows, and the 'dark mode' colors being the toop two rows.
You can pick anything here, but I like to choose something that matches my projects vibes/colors better. Mostly because depending on how in depth you go with the ui, it minimizes the amount of changes I need to make later.
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Click continue and give it a minute. Note: If it says "not responding" wait a moment without clicking anything. It can sometimes freeze briefly during the process.
Now we should be back at our home screen, with our new project showing. Let's talk about allll that stuff on the right now.
Open Directory
This just opens that particular folder in your local file explorer!
game - is all the game files, so your folders for images, audio, saves, and your game files like your script, screens, and more.
base - this is the folder that the game folder is inside of. You can also find the errors and log txt files in here.
images - takes you to your main images folder. This is where you wanna put all of your NON gui images, like your sprites, backgrounds, and CGs. You can create folders inside of this and still call them in the script later. EX: a folder for backgrounds , a folder for sprites for character a, a seperate folder for spirtes for character b, etc.
audio - Takes you to the default audio folder. This is empty, but you can put all your music and sound effects here!
gui - brings up the folder containing all of the default renpy gui. It's a good place to start/ reference for sizes if you want to hand draw your UI pieces like your text box!
Edit File
Simple enough, this is just where you can open your code files in whatever text/code editor you have installed.
Script.rpy - where all of your story and characters live. This is the file you'll spend most of your time in at first
Options.rpy - Contains mostly simple information, like project name and version. There aren't a ton of things in here you need to look at. There is also some lines of code that help 'archive' certain files by file type so that they can't be seen by players digging in code however. Fun if you want to hide some images in there for later or if you just dont want someone seeing how messy your files are. We've all been there
Gui.rpy - where all of the easy customization happens. Here you can change font colors, hover colors, fonts, font sizes, and then the alignment and placement of all of your text! Like your dialogue and names, the height of text buttons, etc. It more or less sets the defaults for a lot of these unless you choose to change them later.
Screens.rpy - undeniably my favorite, this is where all of the UI is laid out for the different screens in your game, like the main menu, game menu, quick menu, choice menu, etc. You can add custom screens too if you want, but I always make my own seperate file for these.
Open Project - this just opens all of those files at once in the code editor. Super handy if you make extra files like I do for certain things.
last but not least, our actions.
Navigate Script - This feature is underrated in my honest opinion, it's super handy for help debugging! In renpy you can comment with # before a line. However, if you do #TODO and type something after it, it saves it as a note! You can view these TODO's here as well as easily navigate to when certain screens are called, where different labels are (super great if your game is long, and more. It saves some scrolling.
Check Script (Lint) - also super duper handy for debugging some basic things. It also tells you your word count! But its handy for letting you know about some errors that might throw up. I like using it to look for sprites I may or may not have mispelled, because they show up in there too.
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Change/Update GUI - Nifty, though once you start customizing GUI on your own, it isn't as useful. You can reset the project at any point and regenerate the image files here. This updates all those defaults we talked about earlier.
Delete Persistent - this just helps you delete any persistent data between play throughs on your end. I like to use it when making a lot of changes while testing the game, so that I can reboot the game fresh.
Force Recompile - Full disclosure, as many games as I've made and as long as I've been using Renpy, i have never used this feature. I searched to see what it does and this is the general consesus: Normally renpy tries to be smart about compiling code (creating .rpyc files) and only compiles .rpy files with changes. This is to speed up the process since compiling takes time. Sometimes you can make changes that renpy don't pick up on and therefore won't recompile. In these cases you can run force recompile to force it. Another solution (if you know what file is affected) is to delete that specific. rpyc file.
The rest of your options on this right hand side are how you make executable builds for your game that people can download to extract and play later!
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Sorry gang! that was a whole lot of text obviously the last button "Launch Project" launches an uncompiled version of the project for you to play and test as you go! Hang in tight because my next post is about how to utilize github for renpy, so you can collaborate easier!
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itspronouncedtessa · 1 year
The "English or continental" debate is problematic and ultimately detrimental to the community.
Every time I see one of these "are you one or the other" posts, polls, tweets (Xcreets?), blogs, vlogs, whatevers, I get so annoyed. Undies fully twisted.
So indulge me and let's get into this.
First things first:
This is not an attack on pickers or throwers specifically. Any knitting style is valid. If the end result is even, non-twisted stitches that you enjoyed putting together, you're doing it right.
That said, I have 3 major gripes with the concept of "English vs continental" knitting:
1. The terminology. The terms "English" and "continental" were coined during WWII, as continental is actually German and the English were (rightly, at the time) uncomfortable doing anything the German way, or admitting that that way could be more efficient.
As we're about 80 years removed from the war, it might be time to accept that neither is objectively better and that German isn't a dirty word. We can, and should, use English and German, or throwing and picking respectively.
2. It's exclusionary to new knitters. The whole picking vs throwing discussion has made it so that new knitters don't know there are other options. If you're new to knitting, you get the impression that these are the only two options and if you can't do either, you can't knit.
Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of patterns and instructional videos are written or made exclusively for English or German methods. Which means if you want or need to use a different style, you need the additional step and skill of translating the pattern to fit your method. This requires a certain level of understanding of the underlying techniques that new knitters don't have. (Which is why I prefer charts, but that's a whole different rant.)
3. It's exclusionary to experienced knitters who don't pick or throw. The term continental for specifically German knitting dismisses all the other non-German European styles.
An incomplete list:
Eastern, or Russian, where you purl clockwise instead of counterclockwise, mounting the stitch backwards and knitting through the back loop on the right side. Creates the same stitch, but can be so much smoother to execute. Also very useful if you're doing rows of YO, ssk, as it eliminates the need to reorient the stitches before knitting them together.
Norwegian, where you purl without the need to bring the yarn fully forward. This is hard to describe in words, so I highly recommend googling for a video on Norwegian purls. It's a game changer for rib or seed stitch.
Portuguese, where you tension the yarn at the front of the work, looping it over your neck or through a pin. My personal preferred main method. Super helpful for those of us who lack finger strength to comfortably tension at the back. Makes purling a breeze.
Irish or lever knitting. Done with straight needles and (mostly) one-handed. Extremely helpful for people with disabilities. Also one of the fastest methods. You should check out videos on this, the speed is magical.
Flicking (not exactly regional), which is right handed but instead of throwing, you move the right needle to grab the yarn. Also difficult to explain, so check out some videos on this, too. Its a very quick method with minimal wrist movement. If you have the finger strength for tensioning it's worth practicing this, as it's so quick.
All of these are valid techniques, most of them are from continental Europe, none of them are included in the question "English or continental?".
And all of the above doesn't even get into the non-western, non-English, non-European styles there must be around the world, that I can't find through Google, because the English speaking world only uses the above mentioned methods.
Also, knitters that use other methods than picking or throwing are wildly underrepresented in the community, giving the knitting scene a culturally very white, western European image. Knitting could be a far more inclusive hobby if we'd embrace all styles.
In short, we need to change the question to "tell me about your technique" and learn from each other. Combining multiple methods (I use 3 or 4 interchangeably, depending on the pattern) can increase efficiency and enjoyment. And if you're struggling in any way, there might be a technique out there that better suits your needs. Asking about English vs continental isn't going to provide that information.
So tell me about your technique, especially if you use or know of any knitting methods that aren't western or European, I would LOVE to hear about that. Let's share and celebrate all the ways we knit.
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skzoologist · 10 months
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word count: ~3.8k
warnings: there is a crime scene there described, mentions of past abuse
genre: angst, with a hint of crack
a/n: The last of the event's requests, done at last. This was requested by an irl friend, and since I know her very well, I made a few changes to it. Now it's focused on certain characters more and turned into angst, because we love that in this household. And my previously hidden fixation over DBH is newly lit and I only need to look at the word count to know I am absolutely fucked. But I love the world of that game too much, and look, police SKZ??? I cannot be the only one who loves the concept this much, I just know it 😔 No, police!Chan doesn't have a hold on me, what are you talking about- Anyway, Darling, hope you enjoy reading this, there's plenty of main course with a hint of fine wine there!
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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He was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. 
It was that simple.
He’d merely wanted to take a brief walk around the neighbourhood, to freshen up his mind and wind down from a stressful day of work. Nothing more, nothing less.
And yet, he somehow found himself crouched in front of a window at a house that wasn’t even his, mind you, and just bearing witness to a scene that made the breath still in his lungs. Not a single coherent thought passed through his mind, body operated purely by instinct as it stayed there, motionless, as if he himself had been turned into a statue.
The room he’d been peering into was bathed in vermillion, splashes of it everywhere: on the expensive furniture, the once shiny floorboards, even the glass he’d been peeking through. And amidst all that stood an android, his clothes pristine and untouched, looking as if he’d been put there from a completely different scenario. The light on his template was a calm blue, creating a serene light in the dimly lit crime scene.
Before he could even think about what to do next, the nearby android turned towards him, movement precise and calculated. Not a single hair was out of place on his head, expression as neutral and calm as it could be. Their eyes met, one a pair of deep cerulean, another a pair of darkness, wide and scared, pupils shrank down in utter fear and anxiety.
He knew he couldn’t run anymore, with how he’d been seen. It would only take the police to check that android's memories to see his face and pin all of this on him, while the real culprit would be left to run free and commit another crime with no shackles to restrict them.
Not a chance he would let that happen!
��Sir, don’t move and put your hands where I can see them.” - an unknown male’s voice called out to him, sending him nearly into a heart attack.
Shaking, but knowing he quite literally had no choice now if he wanted to stay alive, he slowly lifted his hand up above his head and turned around, the movements choppy and shaky. The sight in front of him made the blood freeze into his veins.
A police officer was standing there, pistol drawn and pointed right at him, the man’s presumed partner having his hands on his own holster, housing another gun, ready to be pointed at him as well. His eyes instantly glazed over, panic being the only fragile obstacle between his tears and the wide world.
Because those two weren’t simple officers, no. They were well-known for their amazing skills, tackling hard cases and solving them swiftly, as if they were mere child’s play to them. Captain Bahng and Officer Kim were highly praised and sought-after individuals in their fields, their Department quickly gaining fame and the trust of the people.
Which was why he prayed that they would believe him and how he had nothing to do with the dead body in this random house, even if there was only a slim chance of it ever happening.
“Sir, we’re going to need an ID and a clear explanation on what happened here.” - the senior officer said, his voice now much closer as he’d been inching towards the scared boy ever since. “I- I’m Han Jisung, I uh, I live down a few roads over there and please believe me when I say I don’t know what happened here. I was just taking a walk when I noticed the strange spots on this windowhereanddecidedtocheckandsawitwasbloodand–” - his words became a jumbled mess, his breath short and much too fast to be considered normal.
The officers noticed it too, how his eyes seemed unseeing, his whole body shaking and going into a panic attack. The captain quickly put his pistol away and approached Jisung swiftly, only after a quick glance at his partner, who nodded back and followed him closer, stopping a few metres away, hand still hovering over his open holster.
“Sir, I need you to listen to my voice and breathe with me. Take a deep breath in, then, breathe it out. In, out. Yes, like that! Breath in, then let it out.” - the captain instructed, a small smile dancing on his lips to appear at least a tiny bit friendlier.
Jisung followed along as best as he could, his body and mind retreating from the verge of an attack slowly, but surely. His breathing stabilised, only hitching in his throat every once in a while. Only small tremors could be seen running along his hands, the digits twitching occasionally.
“Good, you did good. I’m terribly sorry Sir, but we cannot let you go, given the circumstances. My partner here, Officer Kim, will keep an eye on you while I go in and investigate. I would be grateful if you would comply.”
While he was still a bit out of it, Jisung nodded his head so fast, it was a miracle his vertebrae were still intact. That small smile ever so slightly widened on the captain’s face before he glanced back at his partner and stood up, having been kneeling in front of Jisung this whole time. The other policeman once again curtly nodded, his eyes drifting down towards the scared boy and quietly prompting him to stand up. Jisung thankfully read the silent command and followed along, watching as Captain Bahng took his pistol out again and carefully opened the door.
The android was still standing there, the blue light of his LED spinning as it was processing new information, his eyes falling upon the new arrivals’ forms.
They felt strangely alive, causing a shiver to run up Jisung’s spine.
“Ah, you must be the android the caller mentioned before. Seungmin, can you question him while I take a look around?”
“Looking after a potential suspect wasn’t enough? You’re working me to death over here.” - the officer’s voice was light and teasing, drawing a sigh out of the older one.
Despite their playful banter, Seungmin did as he was told, calling over the android and asking it about everything, down to the tiniest of details. Jisung merely stood there in silence, mainly because he was still shaking in his boots, praying to any god out there that he would not land in jail.
All the while Chan’d been walking around the room, gloved fingers hovering around potential clues and traces. The body laid next to a table that stood there emptily, a shattered bowl and spilled food found nearby, a few of the latter’s pieces still sticking to the wall above and painting the beige surface a light brown. The puddle of blood around the body was spread wide, as if no blood was left in it anymore. Arches made with those same vermillion blotches could be seen around, staining the furniture and walls, as if the murder weapon was flung around after each stab in a morbidly graceful spectacle. Seemingly no injuries were on the body as it laid there, back facing the ceiling, forcing the policeman to leave it as it is, until the investigators came around and took photos of everything in their original state.
The house itself was big, having two stories with several rooms on each floor, all spacious and well furnished. The now dead owner must have been well-off, although that didn’t come as a surprise, the neighbourhood being closer to the heart of the city. But now as it stood there, empty, it only posed more problems, making the investigation harder with its endless potential hiding spots for easily missable vital clues.
It took the captain a good ten minutes to scan the first floor briefly, his eyes stopping at an opened magazine. Curiosity drove him forward, something in his gut telling him it was important. His fingers hovered over the marked page, the big letters in the middle confusing him, creating a slight furrow in his brows.
“Hey, Seungmin. What’s the android’s model?” “BI-800, why?” “Then where is the HS-900 model one?”
Seungmin hummed, also appalled by the situation. The two officers quietly discussed things, but Jisung saw.
The android’s light flashed in an ominous red, yet in the blink of an eye it was gone, only that usual, serene blue could be seen in its place. It made Jisung question his sanity, if he was so freaked out he was starting to hallucinate now.
“I’ll check the upper floor, stay here and watch the doors and these two. That android has to be here somewhere too, if the house owner actually bought one.” - Captain Bahng said, voice firm and turning serious.
And so the other three waited on the first floor in silence, the atmosphere so heavy, it was basically palpable. The air itself turned chilly, as if something was in the making, yet none of the humans knew about it. 
Officer Kim was already in his stance, ready to take action in a millisecond if needed, eyes sweeping over the place in a calculated manner. Jisung was just standing there, fidgeting with his hands, the skin around his nails on the verge of bleeding from the constant abuse. All the while the android just stood there, eyes fixated on the stairs, never once looking away.
As if he was waiting for something.
A few minutes later a quiet thud could be heard, barely registering in the humans’ ears. Both of them snapped their heads towards the stairs now as well, waiting for something, anything to happen.
Yet, Jisung felt the urge to look at the android who stood next to them again, as if it was an insatiable itch itself that had to be satiated.
The light on his temple was blood red, never changing its colour, no matter how long the human looked at it.
Not even a moment after this discovery did a male run down the stairs, so distressed he nearly tripped down the oak steps. Somehow he found his balance and successfully righted himself, just in time to land safely and for Seungmin to slam into him, pushing him down onto the ground. Chan wasn’t far behind, looking dishevelled and a bit out of breath, no doubt the unknown male’s doing.
That same male was writhing in the officer’s hold, trying his best to break free while shouting, begging to be released. But the small splotches of blood, both red and blue, begged to differ, putting him on the prime suspect’s pedestal, no matter how hard he cried and pleaded with the policemen.
It all happened in the blink of an eye, and Jisung somehow saw it all unfold with perfect detail, his body jerking backwards into faux safety.
The android disappeared from next to him, no, he ran there with calculated and efficient steps, a pistol drawn from one of the holsters sitting snugly in his hand, pointed right at the weapon’s rightful owner’s head. All movement ceased when a click could be heard, the gun merely the pull of a trigger away from firing.
No words were exchanged, yet the android’s demands were obvious. Their hold on the suspect lessened, allowing the male to scramble out and hide behind the robot, tall form now small and timid. His fingers were desperately clinging to that typical outfit all androids were forced to don, hold so tight his knuckles turned white. Tears were still endlessly flowing from his strikingly blue eyes, forming wet trails on flushed cheeks and long hair.
In a strange twist of fate, those strands were the exact same shade as the blood that could be seen smudged on his clothes and face, mixed with a few splotches of terrific blue.
The same blue that started spreading on the android’s white uniform, the puddle seemingly appearing out of nowhere and growing ever so slowly. Yet, he didn’t seem bothered by it, remaining in the same position and putting a comforting hand on the male clinging to him.
“Listen, I know it’s scary and you have every right to be scared, but if you lower the weapon, we can help you. Just–”
Chan’s voice was interrupted by a simple ‘No’, the word cold and firm. It left no room for discussion, planting fear in the policemen’s minds and locking their limbs into place. Nausea took its place in their guts, as if it had been waiting for this exact moment to rear its ugly head. 
He couldn’t lose his partner like this, Chan would rather take his own life with his own hands before that could ever happen.
Jisung didn’t know how he was still standing there, with dry pants no less, but he just couldn’t take his eyes off of the scene playing out right in front of him. He watched it all with bated breaths, nearly lightheaded from the lack of air his unmoving lungs failed to provide him with. His eyes were starting to water as he forgot to even blink, his body unwilling to function and let him look away, to spare him from this horrid scene.
Just as the android’s finger was starting to pull the trigger, his hand suddenly dropped down, entire body turning limp. His supposed partner clung to him for dear life, holding his body up and breaking out in another wave of fresh tears, loud sobs leaving his lips now.
A noticeable puddle of blue liquid could be seen on the android’s clothes, staining the red-haired male’s hands and the floor beneath. The machine himself was turning unresponsive, now dull, dark blue eyes slowly being hidden behind long lashes and closing eyelids, the LED on his temple turning dim, as if life itself was bidding its quiet goodbye.
Loud wails and pleas could be heard, the broken male sobbing his heart out while holding onto the android as if he himself was his lifeline, his everything. The shutting down machine’s deep violet hair was stained with his own blood, the liquid inevitably getting there with every gentle stroke the strands got.
It was utterly heartbreaking to bear witness to.
“Tell him to go into emergency mode. Right now.” - Chan’s voice cut through the air, startling both Jisung and the mourning male.
When no answer greeted him back, the captain repeated himself, somehow even more serious and firm than before.
“If you do that, we might be able to save him. But he needs to save every power he has remaining, if you want him to live.” - he continued, a determined glint in his eyes.
The red-haired male curtly nodded, taking hold of the android’s face and asking him to go into emergency mode in a hushed whisper. In a matter of seconds the order was followed, only the dim light of his LED telling them he was still alive, merely resting.
“What-, what now?” - came the question from the still crying male, glistening eyes looking up at the officers.
It was ironic, how these law enforcers were his only hope now, when they were the exact ones who chased them there.
“We get into the car and go to our base. That’s the only place he can still be saved.” - Seungmin said while Chan was already out the door, starting up the car so they could leave faster.
Jisung watched them leave, the red-haired, tall male never letting go of the android he lifted with ease. The officer noticed it as well, his eyes widening for a split-second before righting his expression and motioning for Jisung to follow them as well.
“Wait, I’m going too?!” “Well we can’t exactly let you go after all you’ve seen. Don’t worry, no harm will come to you.”
The poor witness didn’t quite believe the policeman, sweat already gathering on his forehead once more as endless possibilities of what could happen to him ran through his head. Still, he silently followed the other two, glancing back to see Officer Kim follow them out of the house.
Once they were all in the car -the android still held in the crying male’s grip-, the car sped off as the siren was turned on and cars passed by, the speed limit having been broken long ago.
“It’s all my fault. He was just defending me, but that disgusting man hurt him in his last moments. Please don’t send him to the factory or the disposal site, I’m begging you.”
Chan glanced back at the sobbing man through the rearview mirror, eyebrows furrowing a bit more as he didn’t have a grasp on the full story just yet. He had his hunches, but those were just that: hunches. He needed evidence, and the words of a desperate person were a strong start.
“We won’t, just tell us what happened.” - his voice lost its harsh edge, trying to be as soothing as it could in the tense situation. “I–... I’m an android too, and that dead body belonged to our so-called owner.”
“That explains so much.” - Seungmin commented after the silence was growing too long, his voice soft and contemplating. “He bought us together, me and Bae hyung, loving how pretty we looked. He always flaunted us around, never letting me out of the house, saying how I was a decoration only he could see. So he only sent Hyung out, making him do every chore that was outside the house. And whenever Hyung left, he…” - the red-haired android gripped tightly onto his own thigh, expression pained and untameable anger swimming in those azure orbs of his.
Jisung couldn’t help but feel empathy, doe eyes watching closely with every drop of attention he could squeeze out of his tired body and mind.
“I was abused at every given moment, strange and unknown emotions forming within me along the way. And whenever Bae got back and we were left alone, he patched me up, even though he got no command for it. It left a foreign warmth inside my chest, something that only grew as time went by. He always looked out for me silently, even though he wasn’t even how he is now, not back then. It’s my fault he became like this, just like it’s my fault we’re in this mess. He always said ‘Hyunjin, you are too reckless’, but I never listened to him. And look where that got us.”
The deviant, now known as Hyunjin, let out a silent sigh, hugging the other machine closer to himself, as if it was even possible.
“Long story short, I supposedly messed the food up I made for dinner and got yelled at, harsh words and harsher slaps thrown my way. And before I even knew it, that man took a knife and lunged at me, but Bae hyung appeared in front of me and took the blow, taking that same knife and killing him. He told me to hide upstairs while he himself tried to hide every evidence of my existence in that house. Seems like he failed, but it’s a miracle in itself he hid so much in so little time, with that injury of his. And after all that, he cleaned himself and met you guys, or, well, saw you looking in through the window.” - Hyunjin said, the last sentence directed at Jisung as he turned towards the now surprised boy. “And how do you even know that??” “We only need a touch to transfer data and memories, didn’t you know?” - the android said, a somehow simultaneously sad and teasing smile dancing on his cherry red lips.
Jisung’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment, his eyes looking out the window as he heard the officers stifle a laugh -well, only one was trying to stifle it-. The police department where Captain Bahng and Officer Kim were stationed came into view, the building only a few streets away.
Yet when they’d reached it, they didn’t park at its designated parking lot, no. Instead they went to the underground one, the sudden darkness that was only illuminated by harsh fluorescent lights invading Jisung’s eyes. The words ‘Employees only’ were written in bold, big, red letters on a sign above, explaining why the quokka had never seen this place before.
Parking took only a minute at best, the car being haphazardly stopped right in front of the elevator doors. Everyone hurried out of the vehicle, Chan already at the elevator, waiting for it to arrive.
Once inside, the captain pressed a finger to a specific spot on the panel and pressed one of the newly appeared buttons. The doors closed and down the elevator went, confusing the poor pedestrian who was accidentally swept into all of this.
It took a minute or two for the ride to stop, but once the doors were open, Jisung’s breath caught in his throat once again. He wasn’t sure how he hadn’t just choked to death already, but he wasn’t about to complain.
There was an entire underground base underneath the seemingly average police station, fully kitted out with the best of the best technology and equipment. It felt as if he was in a movie somehow, seeing how secret agents of the government worked in the shadows, making a part of him deep inside giddy with excitement.
The few people who were there had already been looking at their leader, waiting for instructions patiently.
“Felix, I need you at the med bay ASAP. Minho, you go ahead and keep an eye on this witness. Changbin, go and get the spare parts ready and transport them to the med bay. Jeongin, start working on covering our tracks.” - the commands were swiftly given out, each and every member already moving before their orders were fully finished.
All Jisung could do was silently watch as everything happened around him, the androids whisked away and out of his sight. He hoped the injured one would survive, his heart felt for both of them. But he couldn’t say anything, too stunned from everything around him and where he was, the nerd inside him now freaking out fully and freely.
“Are these the drugs kicking in, or am I dreaming right now? I can't believe I'm in a secret base of all places, wow.” - he couldn’t help but mutter out, still not believing what had happened to him in the last few hours. “What drugs?” - came the sly voice beside him, causing him to physically jump in place, a hand placed over his frantic heart. “Fucking shit, don’t do that dude, I nearly died from a heart attack!” “Then you shouldn’t joke about drugs in the presence of police, idiot.”
Jisung’s skin burned as he looked away from the laughing male, the floor suddenly becoming much more interesting.
21 notes · View notes
miano-oscarwilde · 1 year
Self intro -to the mairuma fandom.
First I thought I'd make a comprehensive one but it's the fandom I'm highly active in that needs to know me well. - greetings, mairuma. Hello members old and new.
I'm Miano/Mia. My Pronouns - He/him. My favourite colour is rainbow 🌈 (I was 17 when I made this post.)
It's nothing else, wanted to clarify what my intentions are, why I'm here and what my purpose is. I make long posts on headcanons or write my mairuma reviews. my subject of utmost admiration in the manga is as you probably know - Gaap/Garp Goemon.
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I watched the first season before going into the manga. It was this particular scene that stole my heart. As Jazz puts it, his "pure eyes". From there on I started to hyper-fixate on him.
What I post about him
This is very important. Please read this before following me.
-I post my headcanons about him. I already did a lot and all of them were right. I update everything about him, Starting from the etymology of his name to each and every aspect related to him.
- I love his closest companion Agares Picero too. I post about their bond, how I love it more than any other bond I see in mairuma and so on.
- Fanart about Goemon, Picero
🌟See some of them here in the previous pinned post. Check out my handmade mairuma toys here.
- craft - includes dolls big and small, of Goemon and Picero (in general other characters too) . My main one is as everyone probably knows, this "big giant toy"
Why this big life sized toy?
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ID- Gaap Goemon in his first year uniform
The reason why I made him is simple. It Is the greatest tribute that I can give to my favourite character with the type of skills I have-crafting. I love him so much, just as how Opera San is loved, Azz kun is loved etc. When I love something fictional, I create - with the set of skills I have.
Derkila envisioned a demon world that is happy and peaceful and he created it. Likewise I envisioned a life seeing Goemon everyday without looking at my phone. I could see him whenever I'm home and I can talk to him. When I have tough days at school, talking to this silent listener feels so comforting and it's my favourite character too. That makes it much more effective. He is therapy to me. I'm very attached to my toys and this one is the most important to me and I didn't even buy much items for making him other than the fur cloth. All other items were recycled materials from my home itself.
So when I post how much I love Goemon, that's mostly about the Goemon in the manga. But I also feel extremely comforted by the Goemon beside me. I post about that too.
I post stylish photos of him in various outfits. I loved dress up games and now I just do it outside the screen on my selected dolls, I'm into fashion designing and I have made plenty of outfits for my Barbie collection.
I also made the doll because I can't draw always so it's a matter of time management as well. I could dress him up in his canon outfits, he has his sword too. I then take different photos.
I post a lot in Goemon tags, so if that's annoying to anyone, you can block me forever because as long as I'm here it's one of the main things I do. M!ik is the main fandom I'm in and Goemon is my favourite character so naturally I'll do whatever I can to express it.
So this is about me and what I post about Goemon. If you want to see the gist of my headcanons about him please refer this particular post. 🐙 (Search the key word 'prophecies' and scroll down if link doesn't work)
There's a lot more than that but I need time to find all of the posts. When you're scrolling in the tags and you see dolls and craft work. I'm the one 😬
Self reflection - I not only say "I love Goemon" all the time in my posts, I do headcanons, use my intellect to analyse his character, make fanart and other creative stuff. The soul of Goemon is contained in the manga and I made a big plush, experiment fashion on it and take care of it to show my affection and respect towards that soul.
I also learned things from him. Like - it's important to eat vegetables: from harvest festival.
The importance of a communal gathering: harvest festival.
I hated fish but I saw him having fish and I started to eat it too and my mom is thankful to him.
I nicknamed Goemon samurai Degozaru
Others : Irubaby- Iruma, Clara boo, mairuma mommy- Opera san. Shaxy- lied, aniki- Jazz, beautiful sensei - Ipos ichou, millipede sensei - Marbas March
I'm an Asian. I was born in South India. I can speak in three languages, English, my mother tongue and Hindi: the one priyanka chopra speaks. I play three instruments - trumpet, keyboard and flute. I play badminton.
I'm a Desi, where Bollywood is. I draw and dress up Goemon in Indian style too. I'm one of the very few Indian 🇮🇳 blogs that makes posts in the mairuma fandom and I know that most fans are from other countries. My posts reflect my culture, not always but sometimes everyone may not understand and they misjudge me. You can clarify any doubts with me.
That's all. If you have any questions you can ask me. Thank you 😊
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vaninakan · 8 days
Hi, hello! My name is Vanna, but you can call me Van, Vance, Kanga, Walden, whatever really. I mainly go by they/them, but I accept he/him as well. I'm a multimedia artist (mainly in the following fields: Illustration, Sewing, Animation, Writing, and a small bit of voice acting.) with a love for the craft. My main interests are indie games, animation, original stories, deep sea biology, biology in general, steampunk and deep exploration aesthetics (deep sea and space), funny edgelords, cosmic horrors beyond human comprehension, and cute lil guys like chinchillas ^^
Current fixations/interests: Mine and my close friend/family's OCs, Walden from Wow Wow Wubbzy, Epic Battle Fantasy, Pizza Tower/Sugary Spire, Cookie Run (Mainly ToA but also small bits from other games too), independently made art, Monster Fighter/Collector games, Turbo. Just Turbo, and probably a couple others-
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illustration commission sheet coming soon...
Links to my other socials!!
Tumblr - You're right here.
Discord - @KangaVanchilla
Toyhouse -
Note: I don't have a TikTok nor do I plan to ever make an account on there, if you see someone with a similar username to mine, that's most likely not me.
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Before you follow, just some things to note regarding my page:
- I am highly critical of the media I consume. (This includes the characters from said media that I enjoy.) I do not see things in black and white and will try to find nuance in a conversation.
+ What this means is that just because I like/love a character, it does NOT mean I condone their actions nor do I think they're "perfect little angels." Lance from Epic Battle Fantasy is a really good example of that. I love him, but I can also see how he can come across as very controversial (trust me, I know and I'm not the happiest about his portrayal either.)
- I don't have much of a 'DNI' list, really my only rule for my page is just the basic criteria of don't be a jackass. This is a safe space for people like me and if you have a problem with someone just because they don't identify with their birth gender (for example), then please leave and reevaluate why you have these beliefs.
+ I will start blocking if you do something that'll make me specifically uncomfortable or if you don't show basic human decency around me. If that happens, please don't make a big fuss about it, and just move on.
- For the most part my page is relatively safe for work, though I may share some content that has some mature themes like mild blood/lightly suggestive themes, but I will do my best to put content warnings where it's warranted cause I'm aware that not everyone who views my page will be an adult.
And that's about it from me, do note that posts do not have a consistent schedule and I may go quiet for long periods of time only to shadowdrop something out of the blue. That's mainly because I do have a life outside of social media that I like to attend to and I think it's cool to get some fresh air every once in a while.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns, feel free to let me know and I hope you have a nice day ^///^
Night a' night 💜
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* Note: this pinned message is prone to being updated whereever needed
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malumae · 1 month
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.ᐟ.ᐟ  ⸺   #𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐄 is a private writing blog scripted by shieda. orbiting a canon divergent & headcanon based REN / YINGXING from honkai star rail. highly selective, rarely follows first, mutuals only. oc, multi and crossover friendly. personal blogs and minors dni. prone to medium-high activity. a whispered memoir of: sacrifice, grief, compromise and the unyielding desire for retribution & eternal rest. heavy trigger warnings listed below.
                                   read carrd before you follow‎‎‎   /   inbox : open!ㅤ
⊹.  i won't write with anyone under the age of 20, this is for my own comfort. i, myself, am 25.
⊹.  this muse is canon-divergent meaning he heavily relies on personal headcanons. you don't have to read all the headcanons but it will help you better understand how i portray him. goes by the name REN.
⊹.  my general writing style leans towards paragraphs/novella. i do not do one-liners & i rarely spice up my replies with intricate formatting. you may format as you please, however i cannot promise that i will match it. multiple verses & multimuse blogs are okay. duplicates and ocs depend on whether i can see them actually interacting. i do not follow just to follow.
⊹.  the best way to start an interaction is to send a prompt in the ask box. send as many as you want and feel free to reply to them / turn them into threads.
⊹.  please do not follow me back/first if you are in no way interested in interacting. it is okay to softblock me if i follow you first and you do not see us interacting.
⊹.  i tend to ship where i sense there is chemistry or the chances of me getting bored are huge. note that ren is complicated to be romantically involved with and i enjoy a slow burn with angst more than fluffy slice of life connections. i am somewhat picky with ships because i want there to be real/good development. chemistry is all i ask for. ren is pansexual and demiromantic, no specific lean. this blog is brand new so i haven't explored mains/exclusives yet.
⊹.  communicate any issue you have with me. acting petty or passive aggressive will be ignored. i am too tired to entertain that kind of behavior, please just talk to me if something is bothering you.
⊹.  it is highly unlikely i ever jump straight into smut scenes and/or reblog smutty prompts. smut can be a fun addition to write for ships, that's it. dirty/flirtatious jokes and innuendos may occur.
⊹.  do not in any way pressure me for replies. please do write with me but keep in mind that replies may occasionally be sparse due to work, personal life and sometimes even timezones. thank you for reading!
⊹.  heavy trigger warning for: suicide, self harm, body horror, blood, violence, death & gore. i try to tag accordingly but if you choose to follow it is at your own risk. a LOT of the content (mostly in writing) on this blog will touch these topics. i usually tag as such: "blood tw" / "blood cw." smut will be under a 'read more' if it ever does happen but i prefer to write such content on discord in a private server & only with developed ships and writing partners i am comfortable with.
⊹. dni & drama: keep me out of it. i understand that we can't all get along and there are some really shitty people out there but i will not be blocking people left and right because of a vague post made about them or a dni added after we follow each other and interact. if we are writing and you want to softblock me because i am talking to someone you don't want to see that is more than okay. i will never hold it against you nor will i be petty or take the other person's side. please tell me though to avoid misunderstandings or me accidentally re-following you. curate your space as you see fit, i encourage it.
⊹.  credits: carrd made by me, pictures on carrd are official hsr media. pinned psd made by calisources, image in pinned drawn by deciqm. simple divider & icons made by me.
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bythepen98 · 2 years
[Long || Pinned]
I typically draw whatever interests me depending on the day, but I probably should've made a list first to make it clear what those interests are.
Note: I'm very fic reliant. I could like a show but what REALLY gets me into them is the fan content bc they tend to flesh things out more, in a way that I can understand, and make me appreciate characters/events that were not properly explored in canon. Idk if that's gonna be an issue but I'm sure there are elitist people out there who only claim canon content while bashing everyone else for enjoying fan theories and aus.
🚫Oh and some proship warning, I guess? (I've seen other artists include it so..) Excluding my notps, I'd read any story with ships I probably didn't know existed so long as: I already like one or two of the characters in the ship, the thought of them together makes me curious instead of repulsed, and if the story itself looked too interesting for me to ignore.🚫
Shows/Series I'd make or already made FA for:
Haven't caught up to the manga yet but loosely following the anime. Read quite a bit of lengthy Deku centric fics, and that + what I've gotten so far from the show are what fuels my headcanon aus when I draw them.
Tbh I only watched the og kids Naruto when I was young and any shippuden knowledge I have is a mix of posts from other fans, Google, and fics. Already said this before in an older post but I read a lot of time travel/fix its so I just assume that when similar events are included in more than 2 timetravel fics (if it's still set in naruto's timeline and not like, minato's or pre konoha), then that's probably what happened in canon. I also just Google any shippuden powers or characters I'm not familiar with, which is quite a lot but it works for me.
Finished it years ago. Memories are vague but posts from other fans and canon adjacent fics help me remember.
Finished the books years ago, probably before or around the same time as ATLA. Only properly watched 5/8 of the movies. Heavily read a lot of fics. Memories of the og content is vague and sometimes I'm not sure if what I know is canon or just widely loved fanon (like the Black library).
A MESS.....I loved it. I love the fancontent more though ngl.
Mob Psycho
Haven't seen season 3 yet but I highly enjoyed the previous seasons. I actually first watched Mob and MHA around the same time so I have a soft spot for them.
Demon Slayer
Enjoyed it. Gotta finish season 2 first
Loved season 1. Planning to watch the movie soon.
Finished it. GOAT anime.
Basically I just want to draw all my fav shonen boys (eventually). My fav action manhwa boys too. Dk when it'll happen so we'll have to see.
🩷 Ships
Deku ships, though my main ones are:
Bakugo x Deku
Todoroki x Deku
Shinsou x Deku
Shigaraki x Deku
Dabi x Hawks
Todoroki x Bakugo
Kaminari x Jirou
Shinsou x Kaminari
Toga x Ochaco
Unironically, dfo x Inko
Naruto ships
Shikamaru x Naruto
Kakashi x Naruto
Gaara x Naruto
Naruto x Hinata
Sasuke x Naruto
Sakura ships
Sasuke x Sakura
Kakashi x Sakura
....let's just include the important uchiha characters x Sakura
Shikamaru x Sakura
Sasori x Sakura
Ino x Sakura
Kakashi x Obito
Shikamaru x Temari
Sai x Ino
Lee x Gaara
Jiraiya x Oro
Minato x Kushina
Hashirama x Madara
Tobirama x Madara
Zuko x Katara
Sokka x Zuko
Zuko x Mai
Harry Ships
Tom x Harry
Harry x Draco
*insert slytherin here* x Harry
Weasley twins x Harry
Harry x Luna
Harry x Hermione
Hermione Ships
Draco x Hermione
Tom x Hermione
*Insert slytherin here* x Hermione
Weasley twins x Hermione
Harry x Hermione
Unironically, Viktor x Ron, Ron x Pansy, *insert Slytherin here* x Ron
Harry x Pansy
Blaise x Ginny
Ginny x Luna
James x Regulus
James x Snape
Snape x Lily
🚫remember me liking time travel aus? Make of that what you will//Marauders Era🚫
Luo Binghe x Shen Yuan
Luo Bingge x Shen Jiu
Mobei Jun x Shang Qinghua
Teru x Mob
Demon Slayer canon ships
Tanjiro x Inosuke
Sukuna x Megumi
Maki x Nobara
FMA canon ships
....these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Will just make edits in the future if I want to add more.
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Pinned post.
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[ID: The icon for this blog, which is a black right triangle on a brown square background, with text following the diagonal of the triangle, reading, "Let irregulars enjoy fandom too.". End ID.]
Please copy and paste the image description I write into the original post for your art, rather than simply reblogging it from me. (You can also reblog it too, if you want, thought!). Plain text (what you're reading right now) is more accessbile than ALT text because tumblr is a glitched mess.
The image description should go directly below the image being described, above comments, and stay in normal sized, black text, without italics, bold, or colors. It may be indented (like above) to make it easier to distinguish from the rest of the text in the post. This is in fact more accessible.
This blog is run by @rjalker so it's easier to keep track of which Flatland art has an ID already, and so people have an easy place to find it all.
Anyone can reblog from this blog, even if I have you blocked on my main. I block people sometimes just to filter posts and then forget to unblock...RIP
Please note: I cannot describe posts with eyeburningly neon colors, flashing lights, or audio that is difficult to hear or very fast paced.
If you list your OCs names, pronouns, and shapes in the post itself, it will make it much easier for me to describe.
Posts on the blog so far: 404 Posts still in the drafts: 1,022
Blog created on September 18th, 2023 Numbers last updated: September 7 2024
(The drafts consist of all of the undescribed Flatland art, and art that is described but I still have to tag, that I could find in the whole tag going back to January 2022, at which point tumblr started giving me random unrelated posts instead. Not sure if it ran out of Flatland posts, or just stops actually keeping track of tagged posts after a year...?)
Here is a link to a post with many places to read, watch, and listen to Flatland, all for free, because the book is public domain.
Very important note:
Very important edit: Ladd Ehlinger, the creator of the 2007 film that’s free on youtube, is an extremely racist and misogynistic conservative. He made a political ad so blatantly racist and sexist that youtube has literally resstricted it, so that you can’t share the link outside the site. Simply google his name and you will see dozens upon dozens of articles about how bigoted he is.
Please be aware of what kind of person made that movie when you watch it. His bigotry is baked into the movie, and is why he refused to actually do anything with the original political commentary from the book.
You are not a bad person if you already watched the movie and enjoyed it, but you do need to be aware of what kind of person made it and how that affected the movie, and make sure others are warned. He is also here on tumblr with the username filmladd. I highly recommend blocking him.
The tagging system for this blog is under the cut so this post doesn't get too long. More tags will be added as I find more art to reblog.
The tags in use so far, which I have saved to a notepad so I can just copy and paste them as needed.
Some tags are newer, so might not show up on all art! Let me know if there's any that should be added to specific posts, or if there's any tags you want to see to be able to search for!
please copy and paste into the original post for accessability no credit needed! It should go directly below the image and stay in regular#text without color italics or bold though you can make it indented like I have it here! Image descriptions are like subtitles for blind ppl
described images, described art, Flatland, Flatland art, Flatart,
transcribed audio, transcribed lyrics, lyrics, music,
Physical books,
Flatland a Romance of Many Dimensions, Flatland Illustrations,
Book collections, Flatland collections,
The Color Revolt, Configurationism, Circularchy,
Stylized form, Literal form,
anthropomorphized, humanoid, anthropoid,
Flatland animals, Flatland rabbit, Flatland bees, Flatland horse, Flatland chicken, Flatland dog, Flatland cat, Flatland mouse,
Flatland technology,
Flatland anatomy, Flatland worldbuilding, Flatland cosmology, Flatland structure,
Spaceland worldbuilding,
A Square, The Sphere,
The Sphere 1965, A Square 1965,
A Square, A Square 2007, A Sphere 2007,
Spherius 2007, the Sphere,
Adam the Square, Spherus the Sphere,
Kormance the Sphere,
The Grandson of a Square, A Square's Wife, The Wife of A Square, The Sons of A Square, The Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather of A Square, The King of Lineland, The Monarch of Pointland, Chromatistes, Chromatistes the Pentagon,
memes, Flatland memes,
Public domain characters in Flatland, Flatland versions of characters,
Public domain characters,
Family Trees, Comic, Animation,
Flatland OCs, Original characters, Flatland original characters,
Character reference,
Disabled characters, Characters with disability aids, Characters with glasses, Characters with visual impairment,
Disabled characters, Neurodivergent characters, Physically disabled characters, Characters with mobility aids, Characters with disability aids, Characters with prosthetics, Characters with canes, Characters with walkers, Characters with swimmers, Characters with glasses, Characters with wheelchairs, Characters with chairs, Characters with sleds, Characters with crutches, Characters with rollators, Characters with scars, Characters with facial differences, Characters with limb differences, Characters with visual impairment, Blind characters,
Queer characters, LGBTQIA+ characters, Gay characters, Bi characters, mspec characters, Lesbian characters, Trans characters, Nonbinary characters, Characters who use neopronouns, Characters who use multiple pronoun sets, Aroace characters, Aspec characters, Omni characters,
Black Characters, Characters of color,
Irregular characters, Deirregular Characters,
Werestars, Stellanthropes, Shapeshifters, dragons, serpents, weredragons,
Characters with wings, Characters with tails,
Sphereland, Flatterland, The Arts of Being, The Breaking Point, Neopronouns in Action, Flat Dreams, Flatterland, Flatland the film 2007, Flatland the movie 2007, Flatland 1965, A Visit to Numberland, Numberland, Flatland Heist 2013,
Neopronouns in Action 062, Neopronouns in Action,
Neopronouns in Action 090, Neopronouns in Action,
A 2024 Flatland Summary,
Tarzan of the Apes, Mickey Mouse,
Esther Flat Dreams, Nora Vigenere, Nora Flat Dreams,
Pollux Codex, Madelyn Schwarz-Carver, Hunter Schwarz, Marianne Smith, Michael the Misogynist Pentagon, Providence, Nature, Providence and Nature, Germs, Mr Square, A Shape,
A Son of A Square,
Frau Line,
Lily Cipher,
Ruth Galton, Ruth, Liz, Elizabeth Huntsworth, Stella, Orbis, Irene Huntsworth, Mama Huntsworth, Chief Jr, Atlas Huntsworth, Atlas, Vance,Vance Huntsworth, Elijah, Elijah Huntsworth, Jasper,Jasper Huntsworth, 01 Isosceles,
Vincent, Trey,
Hauntlight the Irregular Line, Cenotaph the rabbit aether, Sirenade the Irregular Multiangulus, Raptigan the _, Avispa Oro, Beatris Baker, Mo Guy, Unnamed characters, Billie Bob and Joe, Billie the Straight Line, Bob the Circle, Joe the Hexagon,
Jerult the Irregular Kite, Cairis Garret the Equilateral Triangle, Letel the Isosceles Triangle, Aralinda the Straight Line, Leteralinda the Straight Line, Ambrosine the Straight Line, Lucille the Straight Line, Carolayn the Kite, Tristram the Isosceles Triangle,
Arsenn Lupin, Arsene Lupin, AScrossover, Arsene Lupin crossover, Ortence Daniel, Hortense Daniel,
Flyssa of Ib-Wa, Dearg of Ib-Wa, Lieutenant Kellite the Configurationist, Grandna Tuokeli,
Angelica Tessan, A Tesseract, Abel Spherious, A Sphere, Anthony Squaur, A Square,
Vikki Line, Victoria Line, Lee Line, Jubilee Line,
Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls, GFcrossover, The Book of Bill, , Flatfalls, The Mother of Bill Cipher, The Father of Bill Cipher,
Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Ford Pines, The Axolotl, Andrew Kryptos, The Mosaic,
Randie,Gravity Falls, GFcrossover, Flatfalls,
Flatsune Miku, Hatsune Miku,
Astrum, Astrum the five pointed star, Funis, Pi,
Ted the vwindir,
A Squared shipping, Quadsphere shipping, ASquarexTheSphere, Squaresphere, Squeer,
Spacelanders, Flatlanders, Linelanders, Pointlanders, Hyperspacelanders, Exter Dimensional beings, Higher Dimensional Beings, Beings From Unknnown Dimensions, Planiversers, Numberlandians,
Walking Flatlanders, Swimflying Flatlanders,
Alternate Universe Forms,
Video, autoplay, GIF, Autoplay, WIP animation, Unnamed Animation 001, Animation,
games, downloads,
Flatland Merch, Art you can buy, Art you can print,
public domain art, public domain designs, public domain characters,
Square characters, Sphere characters,
Straight Line characters, Irregular Line characters,
Triangle characters, Isosceles characters, Equilateral characters, Scalene characters,
Rectangle characters, Irregular square characters, Kite characters,
Circle characters, Irregular circle characters,
Pentagon characters, Hexagon characters, Septagon characters, Octagon characters,
unspecific characters,
Art templates,
plush, plushies, arts and crafts,
Ty for adding it to the original,:), ID added in reblog, ID in original,:),
Plain text ID added in reblog, Original ID in ALT text, :),
10 notes · View notes
inklore · 1 year
Hey dear! How long since I wrote to you, I don't know if I can ask but could you give me some advice on how to edit/theme/customize your blog in an aesthetic way?
Idk, even basic tips are fine, I really love seeing your blog and I think you have really good taste in aesthetics ❤️
hey lovey! it would be my pleasure to try and help you <3. i say try because my explaining skills are the absolute worst but i will do my best lmao. gonna do this in bullet points ok:
have an idea / inpisration / a crumb of what you want your blog to look like! you can find inspo literally anywhere, a friends blog even (but please remember to always ask and don't take it harshly if said person declines you doing so). pinterest is also amazing for this, looking up graphics, different aesthetics, templates, i literally have a board on my pinterest i've had for years now where i get graphic inspo or where i go when i just need to feed my creative juices to put me in the mood to create something. canva is also great, i literally go on there and look up headers, moodboards, etc and just star them for later. keywords are everything as well, so like 'aesthetic here + color, vibe, look, graphic, template' helps sites like canva and pin lead you in the right direction. same with just typing things like 'green, grunge, lovecore, etc'.
edit on desktop! now i know not everyone has a laptop or ipad or the ability to do this but i highly rec it over editing on the janky mobile app where sometimes things save and sometimes they don't. plus i always use one of the random saved user blogs i have to make a test layout / theme so if i don't like it everything on my main blog is fine, didn't change, and i didn't waste all that time on a theme i don't even want to look at lmao. so making a side blog where you do that is also great cause you can just copy and paste your nav post over, you can take the graphics you've already made and upload them onto your main without second guessing if they look good because you've already seen what it all looks like!
start small! by that i mean start with a simple theme or idea and build up from that. don't just start with seven graphics and ideas and overwhelm yourself. sometimes i just think of a color and be like yeah i'm make something with this color or wrapped around that color and i create something great.
ask a friend for help! i can't tell you how many times i've asked friends if this theme looked good or to send me inspo pics or what theme they think i should do, or even asked them to help me find resources. utilize your besties and mutuals.
not everyones aesthetic is the same! some people like messy themes, some like overdone, some like super simple. don't compare yourself to anyone!!!! everyone creates differently, everyone sees colors and aesthetics amd themes differently. no matter what you decide to go with is all your own and great and special.
etc: putting all your most important links in your nav is always a good rule of thumb (anything you really want to highlight as well), if you use pngs they're all over tumblr and pinterest 'transparent' + 'png' at the end or beginning of what you're looking for will always lead you in the right direction, and when it comes to pngs i highly rec adding them to a white background or transparent one and make the size of the background 500px and move the png halfway / towards the bottom (centered) of the background so tumblr doesn't make your header all the way at the top and ugly, don't make your nav post too long, take colors from your images / aesthetics to incorporate throughout the whole theme so everything meshes well together, don't use flashy dividers because it's not good on a lot of users eyes and unless you state a tw in the tags it's just not as cool as some people think lol.
that's all i can think of but if you have any more questions bby my pms are open!!
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OOC | Pinned Post
Boundaries, Canonized Background, & Character Information
Main Blog @number2enigma
Preferred Name OOC: Kor / Lyb
OOC Pronouns: Fae/Faer
Account Mod is an Adult
This is a DnDads (Dungeons and Daddies) ask/rp blog of an OC known as Kelsey. Kelsey is a time witch who is most notable for their efforts to prevent damage to the "design" of time. The account is managed by Kelsey at five different ages and, as all time travelers do in order to prevent confusion, each has a nickname. Posts are tagged according to the "version" posting.
"Little Kelsey" / "Lil K" • 11 years old • #lil time witch #lil k #time witch lil k
"Junior Kelsey" / "Junior" • 14 years old • #jr time witch #junior kels #time witch junior kels
"Senior Kelsey" / "Sen" • 17 years old • #sr time witch #senior kels #time witch senior kels
"Silver Kelsey" / "Silver" • 23 years old • #silver time witch #silver kelsey #time witch silver kelsey
"Psi Kelsey" / "Psi" • 30+ years old • #Ψ time witch #psi time witch #Ψ kelsey #psi kelsey #time witch psi kelsey
Current Events:
Lil K: Drawing crayon pictures for their two best friends in the whole world, @justalittlebirde and @princehen .
Junior: Hunting Rabbits.
Silver: Hunting Rabbits?
Sen: Committing arson with @methbay-best-fighter and @too-cool-4-meth-bay .
Psi: Having tea with @queen-of-the-whispering-trees .
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In-Character DMs: Ask Me! I would prefer an OOC greeting first to establish what's going on, as I am a silly goose.
Out-of-Character DMs: Yes! Highly encouraged! You are also welcome to DM me on Discord or tag me in the group server.
Anon Asks: Yes! Please feel free to ask anything. You're welcome to request that a specific Kelsey version answers, otherwise it will be left to the hands of fate. (My hands.)
Shipping: Ask Me! DM me to plan beforehand. I will only ship characters of appropriate ages, which means that if a character is shipped with one version of Kels, they are not automatically shipped with the other versions.
Tagging: I tag for common triggers and announce trigger warnings at the beginning of any related posts. This character uses medical syringes with needles, and posts may reference their use. This does not involve substance abuse, as it is in reference to the magical syringes that can remove memories. Individual posts will be tagged with a warning. I do NOT tag for spoilers, as this is a roleplay group, and the majority of what is discussed is prior knowledge within the group. I also will likely not post anything relevant to episodes as soon as they come out.
Reblogging: This account reblogs Rabbits and time shenanigans, as well as relevant posts made by other DnDads rp blogs.
Other: No explicit NSFW. Additionally, I understand if you do not wish to interact with an OC account as part of the roleplay. If I reblog something of yours, and you would prefer I don't, feel free to send an ask or DM me. I promise, I don't bite. <3
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Stats, Levelling, and Character Sheets
Character sheets are still a work in progress. I will have separate sheets for Lil, Junior, Sen, Silver, and Psi, each with levels suitable to their current statuses.
Currently planning to spec as a Clockwork Soul Sorcerer.
May multiclass with Ranger, however this is subject to change.
Ability Scores As of Level 1
(Rolled, Including Racial Bonuses)
Strength | 15 [+2]
Dexterity | 8 [-1]
Constitution | 16 [+3]
Intelligence | 7 [-2]
Wisdom | 9 [-1]
Charisma | 20 [+5]
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Kelsey has mentioned their caretaker, Titi, and alluded to the fact that it was Titi who taught them to wield time magic.
Kelsey insists that time is not a line or a stream, but a Design.
Whenever rabbits are mentioned, Kelsey behaves as if there is something dangerous about the creatures.
Lil K, the youngest, is friendly and outgoing though shy in large groups. She likes to color in crayon, although all of her drawings are incoherent scribbles.
Junior Kels is assertive, loud, and usually rude. Swears quite a bit. Mean to the people they like. And the people they don't like. And pretty much everyone.
Senior Kels is quiet, often passive -aggressive, and dislikes bullshit. When confronted with younger individuals, however, they can be gentle. They are especially cautious around those suffering from anxiety or panic attacks.
Silver Kelsey typically doesn't interact online except to share the Rules of Time. They're busy hunting Rabbits and looking for something.
Psi Kel is confident, and speaks vaguely when talking about future events that they seem to have some knowledge of. They main Boo in Mario Kart.
When two Kelseys meet, it has been stated that they have a rule that makes one of the Kelseys either leave or give up memory of the encounter. It is implied that the one who must leave or give their memory is the younger one. Junior does not like this rule.
The Kelseys are not fond of other time travelers, especially Darryl. Anyone who has messed with time is also an object of annoyance. Glenn is on thin ice, and Mr. Moustache / Scam Likely is also currently on the bad side of the Kelseys.
Dennis Anderson / Mark Likely ( @dilf-dennis ) has repeatedly mentioned that he and Kelsey are friends, but at any mention of it Psi is quick to deny friendship between them.
Kelsey keeps a notepad with them at all times.
Kelsey has always returned all of their books to the Library.
This is all I've got for now. Thank you to everyone who's been roleplaying with us so far! I've been having such a good time, and I'm excited to see what stories we all come up with together.
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residentdormouse · 2 years
All of them please :). For the comfort good game :D
💖💖Thank you for the asks!💖💖
Let me start by saying CHICKENS IS AMAZING - and I highly recommend checking out their blog!!! (I’m not sure if being asked by you makes answering with your stuff in the questions weird?? But for clarification, awesome blog, awesome stories, great friend - if you’re coming from my blog, not theirs, check them out!)
Writeblr Emoji Game: Comfort Snacks:
🍔 Share a 1-2 sentence summary of WIP:
I pulled a bunch of the characters I liked from Stephen King’s the Stand, sprinkled in a heavy dose of OC’s, and plunked them into an original world (aka I’ve cherry picked all the elements I love about previous fandom worlds and smooshed them all together). It truly is self-indulgent bullshit.
🌭 Recommend another writer’s WIP post and tell us why we should reblog it:
@heirsoflilith has an original story Fragments that has a good concept and great characters that all deserve a damn hug (mostly), and I’m anxious to see where it goes.
🍟 Share a GIF that represents your current WIP:
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🌮 Recommend a writeblr who you admire and tell us what about them you admire: @asirensrage was one of the first blogs to interact with me from the OC community, and I’m still like… seriously - wait - what?? Cause her shit is top tier! And she is an amazing friend. Super supportive, and fun, and all around great person. 11/10 love them! And I would take a bullet for Kate (Tammy Thompson take on the Upside Down), just saying.
🍿 Share an out-of-context line from your WIP:
'Run'. It's the only word that came to Lloyd's mind. 'Run, you dumb fuck.'
"Think it's wise to cheat a stranger?"
🍩 Recommend a writeblr who is an all-around must-follow and tell us why you follow them:
@arrthurpendragon - She is the reason I was able to find so many amazing people on here. She is a fantastic person, super talented, and spreads positivity in the community. Organizing events, encouraging creativity, and promoting others works. She deserves all the love.
🍪 Share a song or music video that represents your WIP:
🧁 Recommend a writeblr who has taught you something new about writing and tell us what you learned from them:
@impuretale is the only reason I am writing in the first place, and she has taught me so much… I remember one time I hit a wall, and she listened to me bitch (😂😅😬), asked me what I wanted the character to do, and then asked me what would happen if instead of doing the wanted thing - they made it worse? And it made me realize I wasn’t looking at all the possibilities available for the moment, and the right one was, in fact, the ‘wrong’ one. But that’s just one time - she’s talked me through many epiphany moments…
🍭 Share a link to one of your recent WIP posts so we can give it some much deserved attention:
I'm behind on my story update schedule, and I reblog shit posts like a mad woman, so I don't know how far the last update post is buried, but here's a link to my main Pinned Post with links to just about everything I got so far.
🍫 Recommend another writer’s WIP and tell us why you love it:
@scienceoftheidiot has an original story they’re working on (Dead Men Talk Way Too Much) and I love what they’re doing with it!! Characters feel so real, and the concept intrigues me. Plus they have original artwork for this story (on @dr-fancy-pants) that is phenomenal.
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(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
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since i'm posting all the most important lore bits of argonus, i guess i should talk about the "stalemate shifters". no better place to start than to begin with perhaps the most prolific of them, the kelxverns.
the kelxverns (pronounced kelks-vern) are, at their bare basics, beings that can shapeshift between an elkinet and non-elkinet specie (typically a human). they were very loosely inspired by Turbo Teen, and that's only because during argonus's infancy, i was listening to a reveiw of that show (its a...very weird show.)
anyways, here's my in-depth piece about them:
    between the year 2410 to 2421, a very "cold war"-like situation is brewing between amerigia and center kingdom. both those two countries have been at arms with eachother for at least 10 years now, however now it's revealed that center kingdom has been storing their missiles in western swauda, a neighboring country. swauda and amerigia have been on rather ok terms, but ever since the new knowlage of undergound missiles have been put out, amerigia wanted said missiles out of swauda since it didnt belong to that counrty to begin with. amerigia even said they'll use their own missiles if they have to.     so, it a tense stalemate [hence forth, being called "the stalemate war"]. on one hand, center kingdom can shoot those missiles at any time. on the otherhand, amerigan can do the same thing, and shoot their own missles as well. so, most of the warfare resorts to small battles or, more commonly in this time, spying on the enemy, which is where the kelxverns come in.
     you see, shapeshifters are highly desired for warfare ever since, well, anytime a world discovers their existence, and even better when said country want to create their own. they wanted a being that could blend into elkinet society, but also could easily change into a much smaller lifeform and hide out in human society as well. this was because, ever since humans and other sophonts came in, the entirety of argonus has made it so that non-elkinets are to not be forcefully involved in any war of any sort.     however, there is an issue: under codagian laws, no transformation technology should be invented for war, regardless of how bad they want it. not only that, but any non-shifters developing any kind of transformation technology requires one to go through several round of paperwork, tests and background checks before given a permit to do so. and yet, some have exploited certain exceptions and loophole: perhaps the main example for the kelxverns was that technology wasn't directly from by the pukanis, but by other shapeshifter sophonts who weren't entirely aware of the laws and regulation regarding transformation and shapeshifting. not only that, but since pukanis dont like to get involved with any sort of warfare other than their own (not unless absolutely, positively nessisarly), they could go forth with their experimentations under their radar, so long as it's kept a secret. thus, the scientist (more specifically the amerigian scientist) went to work.     it took them many, many tries to perfect it. they've combined the DNA of both the shapeshifter and various elkinets, as well as put a bit of rat & mice DNA since it seemed to help in the process. finally, after nearly ten years, they got what they were looking for: an opaline, stone-like object filled with transformation liquid that give the user the ability to shapeshift into an airplane at will. it was just on time, too...just on time to see the end of the war.   
    of all countries to finally bring an end to the looming threat of nuclear war, it was center kingdom's northern neighbor, L'russ. l'russese royals had had enough and decided that they'll cut trade with both amerigia and center kingdom if this conflict continues. and since l'russ is a major body of import and export (primarily with livestock, food and metals), both countries had no choice but to make peace.     however, the scientist weren't deterred. they continued with their new shapeshifting technology, now under the reason for super-soldiers.
then the pukanis began to become suspicious.
however, around the time the pukanis were catching wind of this, some of the documents "mysteriously" got destroyed in a lab fire (later suspected to be arson in an attempt to cover their tracks). still, now that they were aware of the kelxvern's existences, they and more qualified shifters started to quickly take over the entire project. once the shifters took over the operation, they were finally revealed to the public.     it had been over a century since then, and the kelxverns have been among the planets most common shapeshifter. they're given all the normal rights both shifters and non-shifter have. however, many do find it a struggle to fit in, especially those where are new to being a kelxvern.
    now that we got down the history, we can now get down to the shapeshifters themselves. first things first: how are kelxverns put into this new world?
well, there are two kinds of kelxverns: created and born.
   "create kelxverns" are where the kelxverns that were create the original way, which was was through the opaline-colored liquid-filled "stone" known as premeerisite. it's actually more akin to a glass-like capsule pill, which the outside layer dissolves and releases the transformation liquid into the body. it was originally given to humans due to the original premeerisite only and inch long in diameter, however if an elkinet wishes to be a kelxvern they'd would require a premeerisite that's of size for them for it to be effective.     now, when it comes to their "Human" forms, it's not strictly humans that can be kelxverns. it is instead strictly sapient, predominantly earth-like beings that are used since they're the most capable of handling the changes. this would include beings like anthros, uplifted animals, and even sentient beings from other copy-planets of earth. the nevardian tronics like the animatronics and vulpanexes are also able to be kelxverns themselves, since they're the only non-earth-like sophont that can handle the transformations. regardless, there are two major way the premeerisite is put inside you: surgically or orally.     surgery is where they cut a hole into the abdomen, place the stone in the hole, and then sew it back up. this is the most effective way, but requires the person in question to be knock out with shifter anesthetic (an anesthetic for shifters that keeps them from shifting while under the knife). orally is where it's swallowed by said person. while this is also effective, it also has the risks of the stomach rejecting the stone and having the user throw it back up.      either way, the premeerisite will begin to dissolve within the first hour, and it could take up to 12-17 hours for it to completely dissolves. by that time, if the person got the stone surgically, the incision site would've completely healed up, leaving nothing but a scar on the skin.      once completely dissolves, they begin to transform into their new form. every created kelxvern's first transformation and what they experience can vary by individual. for some, they develop flu-like symptoms before, during and/or after the transformation. others feel varying degrees of abdominal pain, as well as the transformation itself being painful as well. there are also others that don't really feel much beyond the mild discomfort of the transformation itself, if anything at all. it can take seconds for them to change, or couple hours. sometimes it's goes strait from on form to the other, and other time it takes it's time in short "spurts". regardless, most are knocked out and place in an appropriately-size room for them to change in.      once in there new form, they'll stay like that for 24-36 hours before they're able to turn back. depending on the individual, they'll eventually have full control over it within a 1-3 week period.
    the other ones are known as "born kelxverns". they are "naturally" born, or as naturally as one can get. because funnily enough, even if both parents are kelxverns themselves, the fertilized egg wont develop inside the mother's womb and will just get reabsorbed/rejected like it would when not fertilized. so, it has to be artificially done by having the egg develop in an artificial womb. whether their child's an elkinet or the other species depends on the form the mother was in when it was done, and it usually required that both parents must be in the same form to do so. a kelxvern is also capable of having children with a non-kelxvern, so long as the other is either an elkinet or the same species as their non-elkinet form (whether that be human, anthro, etc.)     like many other shifter species, the child is incapable of shifting for the first few years of it's life, but eventually gains the ability to do so. for the one's who's parents are both kelxverns (pure kelxverns), it begins at young age and starts rather gradual, usual a bit at a time but eventually after a couple years they become fully capable of going between elkinet and human. however, when it comes to the children who only has one of their parents as a kelxvern (interspecies kelxverns), it more sudden and happens when they reach there older teen/ younger adult years (roughly 15 to 35). the sudden transformation has all the same variations as what a created kelxverns would go through, whether it be the time length, symptoms pre/post-transformation, the levels of pain/discomfort, etc..
alright, now we get into the fun stuff...
    while the non-elkinet form can be any compatible sophont, humans are the more common ones, only second to anthros and uplifted animals. throughout this part i will mostly talk about humans.
    anyways, by default the kelxverns have a total of five forms between human and elkinet, called "Phases", which from human to airplane start at the feet and tail. nobody knows exactly why they go through these, since some of the reasonings behind the phases (as well as some other stuff) was destroyed in the fire. however, one of the theories is that it's meant to provide balance.     the elkinets themselves are rather top-heavy with their large wings, and they'd constantly be tripping and falling over if it wasn't for their lower bodies. their center of gravity is at the pelvic region, often aided by a tail to keep balanced. not only that, but elkinets with longer wings require longer legs to keep said wings from dragging on the ground. it'd seems that starting from the bottom and working it's way up would make sense, as it give the individual the balance (and leg length) they'd need before going through the rest of the body (Or at least when it comes to the default transformation).      for the sake of simplicity, i drew a generic naked person turning into a generic airliner-like jet. the five default forms goes as follows:
-human     while relatively self-explanatory, there are some things that need pointing out. one of the most glaring differences between a normal human and a kelxvern in their humans form is the hairless, rodent-like tail. their human form always has a tail, even if the aircraft their elkinet form doesnt have a standard tail (flying wings like b-2 spirits, for example, don't have much apart from a thin and tiny tail). the tail can vary between 7in to 3ft long, however it's more common for a kelxvern's tail to be between 8in-1ft.     another thing that kelxverns have, physically speaking, are large and often rodent-like ears. not all kelxverns have big ears, but the ones that do are often the ones with longer tails. these larger ears are able to be moves much like that of a rat's, and just like the tail they're completely hairless. although it's clear the large ears are a callback to the present rodent/mice dna, it's not sure whether the tail is also related to the lab rodents as well or also part of the elkinet DNA. however, there is the theory that this tail lends a starting point for the elkinet tail to come in.     while we're at it, let's talk about clothing. of course, in their human form they'd wear clothing. however, in all circumstances these are not ordinary clothing, but rather shifter-friendly clothing that either changes alongside them or disappears (most commonly the latter since it's cheaper).
-theropodal     the first phase of the transformation and already alot of things have happened. beyond growing a little bigger (which is expected for most kelxverns), their legs have already starting taking shape into that of an elkinet's. while not completely like that of an elkinet's, the core aspects (ie digitigrade/avian legs and gray skin) are definitely there. alongside the legs is the tail. the tail is also taking shape, changing into the length and thickness of their aircraft form. however, it had yet to gain color, stabilizers, ect., so for now it's more theropod-like (hence the name "theropodal").     a really bizarre change that also happens is when the two holes(or three if a girl) end up becoming one cloaca. thankfully, this part of the transformation is covered up by the shifter clothing, the disappearing kind still staying on.
-satyr aka midpoint     the satyr phase is the middle part between human and aircraft, and they're (quite literally) half human, half elkinet. their lower bodies now greatly resemble that of an elkinet, and their size is directly in the middle between their human form and aircraft form. at this point with the disappearing clothing, the lower half of the outfit (pants, socks, etc) may or may not be gone. though, of course, at this point bottom wear isn't nessisarly to cover up anything since now there's not much there anyways.
-half-plane     it is often said that between the satyr form and half-plane for is where the most changes happen. externally-wise, they now look almost identical to that of an elkinet. their fingers are absent as their arms become wings, their heads not only taken shape but also having the cockpit/canopy (which, like i say every time, is nothing more than skin integument), and basically everything else.     internally, on the otherhand, still has alot going on beside the changes to the organs and such. while the finger bones shrink and disappear as the arms turn into wings, the entire arm shortens and the the metacarpal that once held the finger bones is now small and instead holds all the muscles that would control the front half of the forearm. inside the mouth, they keep most of their teeth (which turn into the near-identical psuedoteeth) with the exception of the incisors. since the elkinet's remaining beak acts as the incisors, the human incisors retreat into the gums and disappear, while at the same time the beak breaks out of the jaw to come in and replace them.     however, some key difference often set them different from their final form. for one, while they're now able to glide, they're incapable of actual flight because they don't have functioning engines. typically, engines that are placed on the body are present but not functioning, while the engines that are placed on the wings have yet to come out at all. kelxverns at this phase will also retain a tuft of hair on their heads, as any and all hair/fur will simply get absorbed back into the body. sometime, if their non-elkinet form wasn't humans but, say, a kemonomimi, anthro or uplifted animal, then certain features like ears, horns and wings may still be present in this form. in addition, if the disappearing clothing wasn't gone before, it would certainly be gone now.
-airplane / elkinet     the rather self-explanatory one here. there elkinet form can be, really, any kind of elkinet aircraft. initially, though, during the development they were all stealth or reconnaissance aircraft (since center kingdom was one of the places they've came from), but when it switched from spies to super soldiers, bombers and cargo aircraft where then used. nowadays, when a person wants to be a kelxverns, they're able to choose the aircraft they want. some elkinets also have their elkinet form be that of a argonian tronic or triffinoid [don't worry, both of those are next]
   now, all kelxverns go through these default phases in the beginning, whether they were created kelxverns, pure kelxvern or interspecies kelxvern. typically, with created and interspecies kelxverns, they have a cooldown period of 15 minutes when going straight from human to elkinet in the beginnings of their powers. if they were to change into one phase, they'd then need to go all the way to the other form and wait until they're able to change back.     this is, however, only for the first few transformations. eventualy, this cooldown time becomes shorter and shorter until it's not there anymore. still, many kelverns will at least wait a few seconds before changing back.
 however, they can go a few steps further.
    kelxverns, once able to gain complete control over their default transformation, are then able to start messing around with their bodies. at the beginning, they're able to change and/or keep major body parts (head, body, limbs and tail), and so long as one of those major parts is left untouched they'll experience little to no size change like they would when transforming normally.     but, it gets more crazy. some kelxverns will start to change/keep more and more minor details like hair and ears, having more and more control over their size, and eventually they'll be able to size shift between their human/elkinet sizes. getting to this point obviously takes times, as they need their body to be able to take on more and more advanced forms before they can learn how to turn into said forms.     also, it's worth noting that the changes are proportional to their bodies, which means thing can look weird as well as posing some difficulty as well. for example, the U-2's long wings means they'd need equally long legs to keep them from dragging on the ground. not only would you look weird, you'd also would be constantly dragging the arms as well.
so, i got down some of the more important parts of it, but now it's time to get into some of the smaller (But just as important) information/trivia about these shapeshifters.
-there are ways to pre-activate the transformation with the interspecies kelxverns.     this is the route most parents go for when it comes to their child's wellness. one of the common ways of doing this is via an antishift collar. antishift collars, as their name implies, collars that keep one from shifting (commonly size shifting but also shapeshifting as well) when worn.  it use a kind of anti-shift compound inside of the collar itself, and a very weak electromagnetic impulse to keep the compound activated. it doesnt just keep one from shifting, though; it can also be set to allow one to change into certain forms/sizes, and some antishift collars also activate previously dormant shifting abilities when worn. thus, antishift collar are not only used to activate the individual's ability's, but also have them gradually change bit by bit until they're fully able to change between human and aircraft.     alternatively, there exists "activator shots" that also activates the shifting abilities, however not before the individual in question is often sent to a special facility meant to help new shifters gain control of their ability. while just as viable of an option as the collar, many people (particularly parents) often dislike the idea of being sent to another place to get a shot and learning how to shapeshift.
-sometimes kelxverns tend to get along better in elkinet society than non-elkinet ones, and even prefer to be elkinets most of the time.     this can be due to a wide variety of reasoning, often having to do with their mental health and argonus's societies' as a whole. for example, while elkinets are generally at peace with the other races, there is still alot of racisms and discrimination between the two groups. kelxverns, particularly ones that were humans, often tend to gravitate towards the elkinets, as they view them as more accepting and progressive. plus, the aircraft's larger sizes also may give a sense of security or protection (whether it be false or not).     another major reasoning is their newfound capability of flight. much like many outdoor exercise (jogging, walks, ect), flight is seen as beneficial to both physical and mental health, even more so since elkinet are practically geared to fly in the first place. it not only exercises their engines and help burn off some energy, but also provides some mental stimulation and can act as a form of meditation. combine this for man's desire for individual flight like that of a bird's, and you can see why some prefer to be an elkinet most of the time.     of course, there are some other things that play into the fact, such as most kelxvern homes being not too unlike an elkinet's home (say for some addition to make it human-friendly as well), some pre-existing mental/neurodivergent conditions, etc. however, there are plenty of mental health resources on argonus specific to shifters, and many new kelxverns (create/interspecies) are often appointed to some form of therapy/counceling as well since mental health is very detrimental to controlling one's shifting abilities.
-they can shapeshift into their elkinet forms under certain life-or-death situations.     this is known as "shifter instinct", and it's not even unique to the kelxverns. shifter instinct is many things, but in this case it is when the body forces one to shapeshift into a form that takes them out of danger, often sudden near-death situations. for example, referencing one of my stories, if a kelxvern was trapped in shallow waters and were beginning to drown, shifter instincts would kick in and they'll quickly turn into their bigger elkinet form to escape death. the weird thing? shifter instinct seemingly knows exactly if, where and when it's needed, and will immediately kick in just mere seconds.     despite the seemingly straightforward concept of shifter instinct, it's often a mystery as to it's function due to the specifics of it varying between shifter species. however, with the kelxverns it's pretty easy; most of the time it's brought by adrenalin and our flight-or-fight responses. sometime new kelxverns in their human form will suddenly shift into their aircraft form due to a sudden influx of adrenalin, often brought on by panic, stress or simply getting startled. it's also one of the reasons therapy and counseling is important for new kelxverns.
now, of course with all these longer posts, more information can and will come in other posts
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(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
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since i'm posting all the most important lore bits of argonus, i guess i should talk about the "stalemate shifters". no better place to start than to begin with perhaps the most prolific of them, the kelxverns.
the kelxverns (pronounced kelks-vern) are, at their bare basics, beings that can shapeshift between an elkinet and non-elkinet specie (typically a human). they were very loosely inspired by Turbo Teen, and that's only because during argonus's infancy, i was listening to a reveiw of that show (its a...very weird show.)
anyways, here's my in-depth piece about them:
    between the year 2410 to 2421, a very "cold war"-like situation is brewing between amerigia and center kingdom. both those two countries have been at arms with eachother for at least 10 years now, however now it's revealed that center kingdom has been storing their missiles in western swauda, a neighboring country. swauda and amerigia have been on rather ok terms, but ever since the new knowlage of undergound missiles have been put out, amerigia wanted said missiles out of swauda since it didnt belong to that counrty to begin with. amerigia even said they'll use their own missiles if they have to.     so, it a tense stalemate [hence forth, being called "the stalemate war"]. on one hand, center kingdom can shoot those missiles at any time. on the otherhand, amerigan can do the same thing, and shoot their own missles as well. so, most of the warfare resorts to small battles or, more commonly in this time, spying on the enemy, which is where the kelxverns come in.
     you see, shapeshifters are highly desired for warfare ever since, well, anytime a world discovers their existence, and even better when said country want to create their own. they wanted a being that could blend into elkinet society, but also could easily change into a much smaller lifeform and hide out in human society as well. this was because, ever since humans and other sophonts came in, the entirety of argonus has made it so that non-elkinets are to not be forcefully involved in any war of any sort.     however, there is an issue: under codagian laws, no transformation technology should be invented for war, regardless of how bad they want it. not only that, but any non-shifters developing any kind of transformation technology requires one to go through several round of paperwork, tests and background checks before given a permit to do so. and yet, some have exploited certain exceptions and loophole: perhaps the main example for the kelxverns was that technology wasn't directly from by the pukanis, but by other shapeshifter sophonts who weren't entirely aware of the laws and regulation regarding transformation and shapeshifting. not only that, but since pukanis dont like to get involved with any sort of warfare other than their own (not unless absolutely, positively nessisarly), they could go forth with their experimentations under their radar, so long as it's kept a secret. thus, the scientist (more specifically the amerigian scientist) went to work.     it took them many, many tries to perfect it. they've combined the DNA of both the shapeshifter and various elkinets, as well as put a bit of rat & mice DNA since it seemed to help in the process. finally, after nearly ten years, they got what they were looking for: an opaline, stone-like object filled with transformation liquid that give the user the ability to shapeshift into an airplane at will. it was just on time, too...just on time to see the end of the war.   
    of all countries to finally bring an end to the looming threat of nuclear war, it was center kingdom's northern neighbor, L'russ. l'russese royals had had enough and decided that they'll cut trade with both amerigia and center kingdom if this conflict continues. and since l'russ is a major body of import and export (primarily with livestock, food and metals), both countries had no choice but to make peace.     however, the scientist weren't deterred. they continued with their new shapeshifting technology, now under the reason for super-soldiers.
then the pukanis began to become suspicious.
however, around the time the pukanis were catching wind of this, some of the documents "mysteriously" got destroyed in a lab fire (later suspected to be arson in an attempt to cover their tracks). still, now that they were aware of the kelxvern's existences, they and more qualified shifters started to quickly take over the entire project. once the shifters took over the operation, they were finally revealed to the public.     it had been over a century since then, and the kelxverns have been among the planets most common shapeshifter. they're given all the normal rights both shifters and non-shifter have. however, many do find it a struggle to fit in, especially those where are new to being a kelxvern.
    now that we got down the history, we can now get down to the shapeshifters themselves. first things first: how are kelxverns put into this new world?
well, there are two kinds of kelxverns: created and born.
   "create kelxverns" are where the kelxverns that were create the original way, which was was through the opaline-colored liquid-filled "stone" known as premeerisite. it's actually more akin to a glass-like capsule pill, which the outside layer dissolves and releases the transformation liquid into the body. it was originally given to humans due to the original premeerisite only and inch long in diameter, however if an elkinet wishes to be a kelxvern they'd would require a premeerisite that's of size for them for it to be effective.     now, when it comes to their "Human" forms, it's not strictly humans that can be kelxverns. it is instead strictly sapient, predominantly earth-like beings that are used since they're the most capable of handling the changes. this would include beings like anthros, uplifted animals, and even sentient beings from other copy-planets of earth. the nevardian tronics like the animatronics and vulpanexes are also able to be kelxverns themselves, since they're the only non-earth-like sophont that can handle the transformations. regardless, there are two major way the premeerisite is put inside you: surgically or orally.     surgery is where they cut a hole into the abdomen, place the stone in the hole, and then sew it back up. this is the most effective way, but requires the person in question to be knock out with shifter anesthetic (an anesthetic for shifters that keeps them from shifting while under the knife). orally is where it's swallowed by said person. while this is also effective, it also has the risks of the stomach rejecting the stone and having the user throw it back up.      either way, the premeerisite will begin to dissolve within the first hour, and it could take up to 12-17 hours for it to completely dissolves. by that time, if the person got the stone surgically, the incision site would've completely healed up, leaving nothing but a scar on the skin.      once completely dissolves, they begin to transform into their new form. every created kelxvern's first transformation and what they experience can vary by individual. for some, they develop flu-like symptoms before, during and/or after the transformation. others feel varying degrees of abdominal pain, as well as the transformation itself being painful as well. there are also others that don't really feel much beyond the mild discomfort of the transformation itself, if anything at all. it can take seconds for them to change, or couple hours. sometimes it's goes strait from on form to the other, and other time it takes it's time in short "spurts". regardless, most are knocked out and place in an appropriately-size room for them to change in.      once in there new form, they'll stay like that for 24-36 hours before they're able to turn back. depending on the individual, they'll eventually have full control over it within a 1-3 week period.
    the other ones are known as "born kelxverns". they are "naturally" born, or as naturally as one can get. because funnily enough, even if both parents are kelxverns themselves, the fertilized egg wont develop inside the mother's womb and will just get reabsorbed/rejected like it would when not fertilized. so, it has to be artificially done by having the egg develop in an artificial womb. whether their child's an elkinet or the other species depends on the form the mother was in when it was done, and it usually required that both parents must be in the same form to do so. a kelxvern is also capable of having children with a non-kelxvern, so long as the other is either an elkinet or the same species as their non-elkinet form (whether that be human, anthro, etc.)     like many other shifter species, the child is incapable of shifting for the first few years of it's life, but eventually gains the ability to do so. for the one's who's parents are both kelxverns (pure kelxverns), it begins at young age and starts rather gradual, usual a bit at a time but eventually after a couple years they become fully capable of going between elkinet and human. however, when it comes to the children who only has one of their parents as a kelxvern (interspecies kelxverns), it more sudden and happens when they reach there older teen/ younger adult years (roughly 15 to 35). the sudden transformation has all the same variations as what a created kelxverns would go through, whether it be the time length, symptoms pre/post-transformation, the levels of pain/discomfort, etc..
alright, now we get into the fun stuff...
    while the non-elkinet form can be any compatible sophont, humans are the more common ones, only second to anthros and uplifted animals. throughout this part i will mostly talk about humans.
    anyways, by default the kelxverns have a total of five forms between human and elkinet, called "Phases", which from human to airplane start at the feet and tail. nobody knows exactly why they go through these, since some of the reasonings behind the phases (as well as some other stuff) was destroyed in the fire. however, one of the theories is that it's meant to provide balance.     the elkinets themselves are rather top-heavy with their large wings, and they'd constantly be tripping and falling over if it wasn't for their lower bodies. their center of gravity is at the pelvic region, often aided by a tail to keep balanced. not only that, but elkinets with longer wings require longer legs to keep said wings from dragging on the ground. it'd seems that starting from the bottom and working it's way up would make sense, as it give the individual the balance (and leg length) they'd need before going through the rest of the body (Or at least when it comes to the default transformation).      for the sake of simplicity, i drew a generic naked person turning into a generic airliner-like jet. the five default forms goes as follows:
-human     while relatively self-explanatory, there are some things that need pointing out. one of the most glaring differences between a normal human and a kelxvern in their humans form is the hairless, rodent-like tail. their human form always has a tail, even if the aircraft their elkinet form doesnt have a standard tail (flying wings like b-2 spirits, for example, don't have much apart from a thin and tiny tail). the tail can vary between 7in to 3ft long, however it's more common for a kelxvern's tail to be between 8in-1ft.     another thing that kelxverns have, physically speaking, are large and often rodent-like ears. not all kelxverns have big ears, but the ones that do are often the ones with longer tails. these larger ears are able to be moves much like that of a rat's, and just like the tail they're completely hairless. although it's clear the large ears are a callback to the present rodent/mice dna, it's not sure whether the tail is also related to the lab rodents as well or also part of the elkinet DNA. however, there is the theory that this tail lends a starting point for the elkinet tail to come in.     while we're at it, let's talk about clothing. of course, in their human form they'd wear clothing. however, in all circumstances these are not ordinary clothing, but rather shifter-friendly clothing that either changes alongside them or disappears (most commonly the latter since it's cheaper).
-theropodal     the first phase of the transformation and already alot of things have happened. beyond growing a little bigger (which is expected for most kelxverns), their legs have already starting taking shape into that of an elkinet's. while not completely like that of an elkinet's, the core aspects (ie digitigrade/avian legs and gray skin) are definitely there. alongside the legs is the tail. the tail is also taking shape, changing into the length and thickness of their aircraft form. however, it had yet to gain color, stabilizers, ect., so for now it's more theropod-like (hence the name "theropodal").     a really bizarre change that also happens is when the two holes(or three if a girl) end up becoming one cloaca. thankfully, this part of the transformation is covered up by the shifter clothing, the disappearing kind still staying on.
-satyr aka midpoint     the satyr phase is the middle part between human and aircraft, and they're (quite literally) half human, half elkinet. their lower bodies now greatly resemble that of an elkinet, and their size is directly in the middle between their human form and aircraft form. at this point with the disappearing clothing, the lower half of the outfit (pants, socks, etc) may or may not be gone. though, of course, at this point bottom wear isn't nessisarly to cover up anything since now there's not much there anyways.
-half-plane     it is often said that between the satyr form and half-plane for is where the most changes happen. externally-wise, they now look almost identical to that of an elkinet. their fingers are absent as their arms become wings, their heads not only taken shape but also having the cockpit/canopy (which, like i say every time, is nothing more than skin integument), and basically everything else.     internally, on the otherhand, still has alot going on beside the changes to the organs and such. while the finger bones shrink and disappear as the arms turn into wings, the entire arm shortens and the the metacarpal that once held the finger bones is now small and instead holds all the muscles that would control the front half of the forearm. inside the mouth, they keep most of their teeth (which turn into the near-identical psuedoteeth) with the exception of the incisors. since the elkinet's remaining beak acts as the incisors, the human incisors retreat into the gums and disappear, while at the same time the beak breaks out of the jaw to come in and replace them.     however, some key difference often set them different from their final form. for one, while they're now able to glide, they're incapable of actual flight because they don't have functioning engines. typically, engines that are placed on the body are present but not functioning, while the engines that are placed on the wings have yet to come out at all. kelxverns at this phase will also retain a tuft of hair on their heads, as any and all hair/fur will simply get absorbed back into the body. sometime, if their non-elkinet form wasn't humans but, say, a kemonomimi, anthro or uplifted animal, then certain features like ears, horns and wings may still be present in this form. in addition, if the disappearing clothing wasn't gone before, it would certainly be gone now.
-airplane / elkinet     the rather self-explanatory one here. there elkinet form can be, really, any kind of elkinet aircraft. initially, though, during the development they were all stealth or reconnaissance aircraft (since center kingdom was one of the places they've came from), but when it switched from spies to super soldiers, bombers and cargo aircraft where then used. nowadays, when a person wants to be a kelxverns, they're able to choose the aircraft they want. some elkinets also have their elkinet form be that of a argonian tronic or triffinoid [don't worry, both of those are next]
   now, all kelxverns go through these default phases in the beginning, whether they were created kelxverns, pure kelxvern or interspecies kelxvern. typically, with created and interspecies kelxverns, they have a cooldown period of 15 minutes when going straight from human to elkinet in the beginnings of their powers. if they were to change into one phase, they'd then need to go all the way to the other form and wait until they're able to change back.     this is, however, only for the first few transformations. eventualy, this cooldown time becomes shorter and shorter until it's not there anymore. still, many kelverns will at least wait a few seconds before changing back.
 however, they can go a few steps further.
    kelxverns, once able to gain complete control over their default transformation, are then able to start messing around with their bodies. at the beginning, they're able to change and/or keep major body parts (head, body, limbs and tail), and so long as one of those major parts is left untouched they'll experience little to no size change like they would when transforming normally.     but, it gets more crazy. some kelxverns will start to change/keep more and more minor details like hair and ears, having more and more control over their size, and eventually they'll be able to size shift between their human/elkinet sizes. getting to this point obviously takes times, as they need their body to be able to take on more and more advanced forms before they can learn how to turn into said forms.     also, it's worth noting that the changes are proportional to their bodies, which means thing can look weird as well as posing some difficulty as well. for example, the U-2's long wings means they'd need equally long legs to keep them from dragging on the ground. not only would you look weird, you'd also would be constantly dragging the arms as well.
so, i got down some of the more important parts of it, but now it's time to get into some of the smaller (But just as important) information/trivia about these shapeshifters.
-there are ways to pre-activate the transformation with the interspecies kelxverns.     this is the route most parents go for when it comes to their child's wellness. one of the common ways of doing this is via an antishift collar. antishift collars, as their name implies, collars that keep one from shifting (commonly size shifting but also shapeshifting as well) when worn.  it use a kind of anti-shift compound inside of the collar itself, and a very weak electromagnetic impulse to keep the compound activated. it doesnt just keep one from shifting, though; it can also be set to allow one to change into certain forms/sizes, and some antishift collars also activate previously dormant shifting abilities when worn. thus, antishift collar are not only used to activate the individual's ability's, but also have them gradually change bit by bit until they're fully able to change between human and aircraft.     alternatively, there exists "activator shots" that also activates the shifting abilities, however not before the individual in question is often sent to a special facility meant to help new shifters gain control of their ability. while just as viable of an option as the collar, many people (particularly parents) often dislike the idea of being sent to another place to get a shot and learning how to shapeshift.
-sometimes kelxverns tend to get along better in elkinet society than non-elkinet ones, and even prefer to be elkinets most of the time.     this can be due to a wide variety of reasoning, often having to do with their mental health and argonus's societies' as a whole. for example, while elkinets are generally at peace with the other races, there is still alot of racisms and discrimination between the two groups. kelxverns, particularly ones that were humans, often tend to gravitate towards the elkinets, as they view them as more accepting and progressive. plus, the aircraft's larger sizes also may give a sense of security or protection (whether it be false or not).     another major reasoning is their newfound capability of flight. much like many outdoor exercise (jogging, walks, ect), flight is seen as beneficial to both physical and mental health, even more so since elkinet are practically geared to fly in the first place. it not only exercises their engines and help burn off some energy, but also provides some mental stimulation and can act as a form of meditation. combine this for man's desire for individual flight like that of a bird's, and you can see why some prefer to be an elkinet most of the time.     of course, there are some other things that play into the fact, such as most kelxvern homes being not too unlike an elkinet's home (say for some addition to make it human-friendly as well), some pre-existing mental/neurodivergent conditions, etc. however, there are plenty of mental health resources on argonus specific to shifters, and many new kelxverns (create/interspecies) are often appointed to some form of therapy/counceling as well since mental health is very detrimental to controlling one's shifting abilities.
-they can shapeshift into their elkinet forms under certain life-or-death situations.     this is known as "shifter instinct", and it's not even unique to the kelxverns. shifter instinct is many things, but in this case it is when the body forces one to shapeshift into a form that takes them out of danger, often sudden near-death situations. for example, referencing one of my stories, if a kelxvern was trapped in shallow waters and were beginning to drown, shifter instincts would kick in and they'll quickly turn into their bigger elkinet form to escape death. the weird thing? shifter instinct seemingly knows exactly if, where and when it's needed, and will immediately kick in just mere seconds.     despite the seemingly straightforward concept of shifter instinct, it's often a mystery as to it's function due to the specifics of it varying between shifter species. however, with the kelxverns it's pretty easy; most of the time it's brought by adrenalin and our flight-or-fight responses. sometime new kelxverns in their human form will suddenly shift into their aircraft form due to a sudden influx of adrenalin, often brought on by panic, stress or simply getting startled. it's also one of the reasons therapy and counseling is important for new kelxverns.
now, of course with all these longer posts, more information can and will come in other posts
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