#I mean I guess luckily most of the refs that need to be done are staliens
chisatowo · 2 years
Oh god artfight is coming up that's right fuck I have so many refs I need to make fkfndkd
#rat rambles#oc posting#I wanna remake all of last year's by then but since I only have done 8 so far that still leaves 10 lol#and thats not even counting all the refs for characters that dont have refs yet I wanna make refs for#I mean I guess luckily most of the refs that need to be done are staliens#WAIT I forgot abt mase's ref its actually only 9 that need to be done#I believe aris and fydd are the only human kids that still need refs#I should rly get to aris soon so her new design can have a proper ref but also idk if I should make it pre or post goop incedent#both of her past ones have been bur in both of her past ones it happened before the main story started up#originally the staliens were gonna be the main main characters and the human and stalien stories werent going to run parallel#but now it takes place more mid story so theres a LOT more time spent with her pre goop design#plus now with her actual big design change I feel like showing both would be good#but I actually havent gotten around to properly designing new post goop aris yet#I probably will have her wearing her braids more often post goop for similar reason that uni has her hair pulled to the side#basically so it doesny get goopy and slowly disolve and stuff#my main thing is Im not sure which style to go for as her default#like I could justify her wearing more hairstyles but as an artist who likes consistant character designs Id rather not lol#oh also I updated the colors of dodie's ref to fix her eyes and make her skin look a lil less dusty so I might repost it in the morning#I decided to go with half n half since the more I looked at em all the more I just rly liked it most#but anyways as far as fydd goes his design hasnt changed at all but Im like super rusty with drawing him#Ive actually tried doing his ref a couple times but gave up since his face is stupid#hate beaks grr grr bark bark#the staliens hopefully shouldnt give me too much trouble but Im worried abt busy and dancer#Ive been rly struggling with drawing them recently specifically their anatomy for some reason#idk Ill figure smth out#I should rly do beats first I think I feel like asside from mason's hers looks the worst#plus I like drawing her lol#after that I should probably do alpha since she has her mane now#idk if I should try to showcase her post flower paracite design or not tbh but I probably wont#Ill need to settle on one at some point for my own sake but its not like I particularly need ppl to know abt it for now
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silyabeeodess · 4 years
FusionFall: Thoughts on the Latest Update
So...guess who played through the whole update in one sitting?
I don’t usually give my thoughts on games themselves--if I do, it’s typically in regards to story and worldbuilding rather than gameplay--but there was so much to unpack with this that I feel like I want to cover some points. Some of this is just my personal thoughts, some of this will be a critique, and some of this--since I do post headcanons, stories, and a few theories--will be in regards to my approach on those now that we’ve been given new information.  As this will contain spoilers, I’m leaving the info below the cut.  That said, let’s begin:
To start out, I’d like to cover progression.  I played with my lvl. 36 character, like I’m sure many of you have/will, and while I can’t speak for anyone playing this and receiving these missions on lower levels--when they’ll be getting other missions and the Nanos they need to level up at possibly the same time--as a result, I felt that the new World Nano missions we were given flowed really nicely.  One thing that is both a gift and a curse with FusionFall is that, while it has vast areas to explore, rather than level up following a singular route like some games, you can do a bit of running around if you don’t stack your missions properly.  Luckily, this doesn’t feel tedious simply because there is so much to explore and thanks to the quick travel system. However, for more experienced players who have already run through everything, I could see this being a little stale.  The newer missions ran a pretty set path within a mostly singular route, so you could run from destination to destination rather than hopping from the different areas in the game.  If they add updates with a similar scale, I hope they continue with this trend. 
There were two new locations to explore in the game: Harada-Bridges Records and a digital world.  Both are amazing!!  I’m a sucker for this kind of worldbuilding anyway--I’ve made a huge list of products, stores, etc. in FusionFall and the Cartoon Networks shows just so I can pull them in to my stories rather than use generic stuff--but this took the cake. The team didn’t need to go this far, but they did.  And I love them for it. The record studio had posters for bands and refs to some of the cartoons, it added more to the lore with the Gangreen gang and fleshed them out a bit, and they just looked awesome.  I mean, look at this: The first words out of my mouth on seeing the digital world were literally, “Oh Mama!”
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It’s not anything super complicated, but it has this awesome, almost Tron-like aesthetic that’s  just beautiful.  The glowing walls with shifting colors was a great touch and the enemies fit perfectly into this.
Speaking of enemies, let’s get to them and the new combat introduced. 99% of the time, unless it’s for an event, I play solo. (It’s just what I’ve always done.) And at this point, I’ve gotten pretty good handling the controls for the game if I do say so myself.  Not that they’re overly complicated: Once you remember the buttons and what you need to look out for, you’re pretty golden.  
Some of the combat introduced actually surprised me.
The enemies themselves weren’t anything too original, a lot of them we’ve seen before, but some of their abilities will catch you off guard if you’re unprepared.  There’s a fusion monster that splits into two upon death that you have to beat, and then you later have to fight three Fusions at once, some of your Nanos abilities do nothing, and they’re constantly blasting away at you.  I died once to the 3 Fusions, but handled myself pretty well: It did, however, force me to rethink my strategy in a way I never had before, which was refreshing.  I couldn’t even attempt to take on one Fusion at a time in the group by luring one away because all of them reacted, so I ended up having to run around constantly as I was attacking in order to avoid getting bombed by fusion blasts. I like this experiment, as it breaks the old formula and gives the average player a new challenge without becoming frustrating.  I hope the team continues this!
One thing that is frustrating though, and it’s been a problem since before the update, has to do with the fusion matter in Fuse’s Lair. Keep in mind, while I’m fighting three teams of three Fusions one right after the other, I only see one Revive ‘Em all the way at the start on the map, which is huge. (I got a bit frustrated back when I had to battle Fuse because the Revive ‘Em for that was pretty far too, so I constantly kept having to run back to Fuse through a course of fusion monsters and ziplines even though the game was saving my progress during the fight.)  I get that it’s always been a thing when you tackle a boss and it’s a reasonable penalty for the most part, but when you have to go through such a massive location it gets a little ridiculous just to have one.  Especially due to the fusion matter present in the Lair.  Story-wise, it makes perfect sense: You’re in the belly of the beast, so to speak, and in most likely the location with the highest concentration of pure fusion matter on Earth.  However, where this fails in terms of gameplay is that, not only can you step in it and have no idea because everything looks the same, it’s right in the middle of walkways you’re forced to go through or in small patches you accidently step on because again you can’ t see it like in the rest of the game.  It’s a good thing I kept my Grim Tokens for a rainy day, because one tini-tiny patch literally killed me immediately after battling the last trio of Fusions despite the fact that there was no indicator I was standing in it during the fight.  It makes it hard to even find somewhere to stand to recover as you’re going through, and it’s one thing I do hope they fix even if I never have to go back to the Lair myself.
Getting to some of the story/worldbuilding stuff, again, I do love where they’re taking the game.  You can tell these guys aren’t just trying to make random missions for funsies; They’re taking plot development seriously, trying to connect various dots and add a whole new chapter for us to explore.  Of course, you know I already love it, but also, not gonna lie...
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I’m happy that it looks like I was right on the hivemind and symbiotic nature of Fuse with Planet Fusion theories. :)
As for the Belladonna/Buttercup one, I figured I probably wouldn't be right about it back then and, sure enough, the memory-loss idea was kept.  The fact that the team actually brought more to such a minor thing in the game overall pleasantly surprised me though.  While I can’t say I like the take due to the plot holes remaining, it’s not something I pin on the team as it was present in the first version of the game and even one of the devs commented on it being a little off and them needing to change some of the dialogue around it in a YouTube vid. There’s only one negative that I have to say about it and that’s an additional plot hole that was made by introducing “Belladonna” with her own separate Fusion and Nano. If she and Buttercup are one and the same, then it doesn’t really make sense that there’d be another one of her.  Memory loss or no, Buttercup’s still Buttercup and from the information we’ve been given on the creation of Fusions, her Fusion wouldn’t change just because of the amnesia unless maybe they’re going for a split personality route, but even that seems a little weak--especially since we’re shown during the mission that Buttercup maintains fragments of her memories and then she remembers her true identity pretty fast.  I think they’re working with it the best they can without tearing away from the original material though, which I really respect.  I hope we get to see where Buttercup is going in the future now that they’re doing more with her character and giving her a chance to shine.  That mission in particular felt like reading the chapter of a good comic, where you’re snapping at the bit waiting for the next issue to be published.
However, as for my personal stories, I’ll probably still be keeping to the Belladonna/Buttercup ideas that I had before and I’ll still leave the theory up for the sake of that theory, even though it was wrong.  There are some things I’d like to play with for stories.
Well, Fusion Fellas, looks like we’ve got a lot to look forward too and a whole new world to explore! 
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junker-town · 5 years
The 10 dumbest mistakes from NFL Week 11, ranked
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Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports
Jon Gruden went to the locker room too early, the Broncos’ poor clock management proved costly, and yep, even the refs don’t know what PI is.
If NFL Week 10 was defined by the unexpected, Week 11 was all about a return to normalcy. And just like Warren G. Harding’s presidency, this week did not lack any drama whatsoever.
It started on Thursday, when a brawl between the Steelers and Browns turned into Myles Garrett getting served an indefinite suspension for hitting Mason Rudolph with his own helmet. It continued on Saturday, with Colin Kaepernick deciding to hold his own workout rather than meet the NFL’s weird and unreasonable demands.
So yeah, the week was already A LOT before we got to Sunday. Luckily, that’s when the NFL decided to chill and give us some good old-fashioned goofiness. Most of Sunday’s dumbest mistakes were of the light-hearted variety, a nice reprieve from the more serious NFL happenings leading up to it. (The rest? All we can say is the refs are at it again.)
Overall, it was an enjoyable Sunday of football. Well, except for anyone who tuned in for the rock fight between the Bears and Rams on Sunday Night Football. We’re sorry. Next time, just watch Watchmen instead. That’s what we should’ve done.
Our poor viewing choices aside, here are the other lapses in judgment around the NFL in Week 11:
10. The Ravens tried a fake field goal (not well, mind you)
John Harbaugh has Lamar Jackson at quarterback, which means he’s got way better options on fourth-and-4 than a fake field goal carry from a tight end. And yet, Jackson stayed on the bench as the Ravens failed to fool Houston with a fake field goal from 55 yards out.
John Harbaugh called a fake FG, he lost.pic.twitter.com/pLP3VPMrXl
— Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) November 17, 2019
Mark Andrews lost two yards on the ill-devised play, making it just the fourth time in 14 attempts the Ravens had gone for it on fourth down and failed to convert.
Luckily for the Ravens, they didn’t end up needing those points against the Texans after going on to cream them 41-7.
9. Jon Gruden thought the first half was over when it wasn’t
The Bengals missed a field goal near the end of the first half against the Raiders. Apparently, Oakland head coach Jon Gruden thought that was the actual end of the half.
Not exactly! There were four seconds left on the clock and Gruden’s team had to run a play. But Gruden had already jogged off into the tunnel by himself:
Jon Gruden pic.twitter.com/1PajXimWQc
— Keith Albertson (@KeithTVGuy) November 17, 2019
Gruden eventually realized the half wasn’t over, and jogged back out. Derek Carr took a knee, and Gruden turned right back around to go into the tunnel again: Little things like the game clock are of little concern to the man!
Obviously, that’s an exaggeration. Mistakes happen. Fortunately, the potential negative effects are ... dunno, Carr going crazy and throwing a Hail Mary instead of a kneeldown, because what else do you do when your coach is gone? Think how surprised Gruden would be if he left briefly, came back, and his team had another touchdown! Or the other team had one ...
OK, that’d be unlikely. But admit it, you could totally see the Raiders doing that.
8. The 49ers had yet ANOTHER touchdown called back
Trailing the Cardinals in the second half, the 49ers got a touchdown out of tight end Ross Dwelley to take the lead.
Or, uh, they would have taken the lead if the touchdown counted. Instead, it was called back due to a holding penalty on Weston Richburg. The 49ers are very used to this kind of thing, as they have now had seven (7!) touchdowns called back due to penalties this season.
No, really. They had three of them in Week 1 against the Buccaneers, one against the Bengals, one against the Panthers, and one in each game against the Cardinals this season. Two were offensive pass interference calls, four were holding calls, and one was an illegal formation.
It’s worth noting that the holding on Richburg was questionable:
Seems like a ticky-tack hold on Richburg on that play. Not sure I would’ve called it. #49ers pic.twitter.com/8Hvd7a2Cvk
— Akash Anavarathan (@akashanav) November 17, 2019
And there was another one on him later in the game that made no sense (and it came immediately after the Cardinals got screwed on a bad call, so ... balance?), but still. This is officially a trend for the 49ers.
They would go on to beat the Cardinals in a game that went down to the wire, and it’s because it went down to the wire that this trend is problematic. The 49ers haven’t lost any of the games in which they’ve had a touchdown called back, but there have been some close calls. Eventually, sloppy play in and around the red zone could bite them.
7. Taven Bryan cost the Jaguars by not falling on a fumble
We can only imagine the dreams that 300-pound players have about scoring touchdowns. It had to be what Jaguars defensive tackle Taven Bryan was thinking when a fumble bounced across the turf right in front of him. Instead of falling on it and securing a possession for the Jaguars deep in Colts territory, he tried to scoop it up. You can guess how that scenario ended.
Yann gets strip sacks.@YannickNgakoue | #DUUUVAL pic.twitter.com/DNCKnml4TT
— #DUUUVAL (@Jaguars) November 17, 2019
The mistake by Bryan erased a chance to take over just outside the red zone late in the first half. The Jaguars forced a punt one play later, but got the ball on their own 23-yard line — essentially making it a 50- to 60-yard error. Nick Foles throwing an interception on the very first play of Jacksonville’s ensuing drive didn’t help much either.
6. Sam Darnold showed he needs to learn when a play is dead
A big reason the Jets drafted Darnold with the No. 3 overall pick in 2018 was because he thrives in chaos and keeps plays alive. Sometimes, though, he does that a little too much.
The Jets were in control from start to finish against Washington, so there was no reason for Darnold to force a throw into traffic when a screen play fell apart. Especially a throw downfield when he had a defender in his face.
we see you @JonBostic#NYJvsWAS pic.twitter.com/Q6Sfoan7dA
— Washington Redskins (@Redskins) November 17, 2019
The Washington offense stalled immediately, but was still set up close enough to kick a 44-yard field goal and get on the scoreboard. The interception was Darnold’s 10th of the year in only seven games.
His four touchdowns showed why the future can still be bright for Darnold, but the turnovers have to stop eventually.
5. Kyle Allen’s first of four INTs was a horrible decision all around
Sunday was not Kyle Allen’s day. The second-year Panthers quarterback threw for 325 yards, but he also had zero touchdowns and four interceptions in a 29-3 loss to the Falcons.
The first of those picks came in the first quarter, and well, it set the tone for the whole game:
Terrible decision for Kyle Allen to throw this INT. pic.twitter.com/zOWVS13REv
— Billy M (@BillyM_91) November 17, 2019
It’s the first quarter and you’re only down 3-0. Next time, just throw it away.
The Falcons’ defense came into the game with just two picks, while Allen now has nine interceptions in the last four weeks (cc: Cam Newton).
4. O.J. Howard launched himself back into Bruce Arians’ doghouse
Howard had 565 receiving yards in 10 games last season, but he’d fallen out of favor with his offense under new head coach Arians this fall. He’d been held out of the end zone and had only 2.2 catches per game until Week 10, when he emerged for a season-high seven targets, four receptions, and a touchdown.
Any argument that made about his place in the Buccaneers’ lineup was quickly undone on Sunday.
Demario Davis with an off-the-back INT @demario__davis pic.twitter.com/4Jp1cyIBN7
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) November 17, 2019
The Saints turned this opportunity into a touchdown one play later, giving them an early 13-0 lead. Howard didn’t see a target the rest of the day.
3. The officials failed to call PI on Marlon Humphrey ... twice
Deshaun Watson got bold facing fourth-and-2 at the Baltimore 33. He launched a pass to his single-covered All-Pro wideout, then waited for DeAndre Hopkins to make a play. Except he couldn’t, because cornerback Marlon Humphrey was draped all over him.
Humphrey definitely interfered with Hopkins. It’s being challenged but won’t hold my breath they overturn it. pic.twitter.com/ajhRLAJgFW
— Steve Gallo (@SteveGalloNFL) November 17, 2019
Officials didn’t see any pass interference on the play, so Houston coach Bill O’Brien threw a challenge flag in hopes they’d reconsider. As is tradition, they did not, and instead of getting a first down at the 1-yard line, the Texans ceded the ball to the Ravens at the 33.
Hopkins voiced his displeasure with the non-call after and will likely face a fine for doing that — even though he’s very, very right.
2. The refs flagged a Cardinals linebacker for getting tackled
Pass interference is a disaster in 2019. Not because officials are any worse at figuring out whether or not they should throw the flag, but because there’s now an option to challenge and it’s mostly pointless. In almost all cases, a replay review doesn’t overturn the call on the field (the Hopkins play on this list is a perfect example).
That’s probably why Kliff Kingsbury didn’t challenge the very silly defensive pass interference call on linebacker Joe Walker.
This was called pass interference on the #AZCardinals #redsea #NFL #AZvsSF #NFLSunday pic.twitter.com/ZUwmaUC74P
— GlendaleCardinals (@YotesGlendale) November 17, 2019
His crime on the play was getting tackled by 49ers fullback Kyle Juszczyk, apparently.
Kingsbury actually pulled off the rare successful challenge of pass interference earlier in the game. If he pulled it off again, he would’ve received a third challenge, but that was a risky proposition early in the third quarter with so much game left to play. The decision paid off when Jimmy Garoppolo threw an interception a few plays later.
1. The Broncos wasted so much clock at the end of the game
Minnesota came back from a 20-0 deficit to take a four-point lead against Denver with 6:01 left. The Broncos returned the ensuing kickoff to the 40-yard line, leaving them with more than enough time for a 60-yard drive for a game-winning touchdown.
Somehow, though, the Broncos ran out of time despite the Vikings never touching the ball again.
In the first four minutes of the drive, Denver ran 11 plays (two were erased by penalties) and got 30 yards. That’s rough clock management, but hey, the Broncos still had one timeout and only needed 30 more yards in the last two minutes. That’s when they had the great idea to go even slower.
Just look at the huge 20-30 second chunks of clock disappearing between plays after the two-minute warning.
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The last play of that time suck was a clutch first down by Brandon Allen, followed by the Broncos casually allowing nearly 20 of the last 30 seconds of the game tick off the clock.
Broncos should have had more than enough time to run one more play, but look how much time they wasted after the 4th down conversion.... pic.twitter.com/dX0uSCruDk
— Zach Bye (@byesline) November 17, 2019
In the last 10 seconds, the Broncos threw three passes to the end zone and all of them were incomplete. The running game wasn’t an option because Denver wouldn’t have time to stop the clock. There also wasn’t time for a fourth-down try.
An argument could be made for trying not to score too fast, but it’s a significant problem if you aren’t leaving yourself time to score at all in the first place.
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amplesalty · 5 years
Day 14 - Monster Brawl (2011)
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Talk about your Halloween Havoc...
Through my watching of House of Frankenstein and House of Dracula, I pined for an all out fight between all the big hitters; Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula, The Wolf Man...but it never really came to pass.
Luckily, someone in Canada foresaw my need and even sprinkled a lot of Pro Wrestling into the mix. Quite frankly, I’m surprised it’s taken me as long as it has to do this one.
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The action takes place in a graveyard and is presented pretty much as a wrestling show rather than some sort of narrative movie.
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Oddly, the commentator, Buzz, has the same sort of cadence as Howard Cosell. AKA the commentator in the Olympics flashback in The Simpsons when Drederick Tatum is doing a triumphant turkey trot over the supine Swede.
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I was expecting a big tournament but instead it’s separated out into two conferences; Undead and Creatures. 4 fighters in each, two of which are classed as Middleweights and two as heavyweights. The winning middleweights instantly become the champions of that conference in their weight class, whereas the heavyweights go on to face each other to decide a grand champion. That’s not a very deep roster there guys.
Here’s the card:
Undead Conference
Middleweight – Mummy vs Lady Vampire
Heavyweight – Frankenstein vs Zombie Man
Creature Conference
Middleweight – Cyclops vs Witch Bitch
Heavyweight – Swamp Gut vs Werewolf
At least they’re quite progressive in having intergender matches. I’m going for Mummy over Lady Vampire and Frankenstein over Zombie in the Undead category. The Mummy I think wont be affected much by the vampires attacks, Frankenstein I think will have a bit more about him than the Zombie.
I guess it comes down to the prowess of this individual zombie. I mean, you have perhaps the most notable and successful zombie ever in The Undertaker, if it’s anything like him then he’s a shoe in.
But there have been other zombies who haven’t been quite so successful...
Then I’m going with Witch Bitch and Werewolf on the Creature side. Can the witch use magic? What powers to Cyclops even have? Or Swamp Gut for that matter? He’s sort of like a messier Creature from the Black Lagoon. Werewolf I think will take it overall.
All fights are to the death and there all no rules. Probably for the best, I can’t imagine you’d have a good time trying to tell the Frankenstein monster that he has until the count of 5 to break his submission.
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Of course, the biggest supernatural being here is Jimmy Hart. I’m sure that guy has a painting in an attic somewhere growing old in his place.
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Jimmy’s interviewing the promoter and frankly looks bored throughout. What kind of universe is this that these monsters exist and the idea of them having this big fight is dull?
The pre-match video packages for Cyclops and Witch Bitch almost make them sympathetic to a degree. The Cyclops feels a little like Mortal Kombat as he gets a mysterious invitation to the contest. Cyclops talks about his beef with Hades, having entered a pact with him to gain the power to see the future but at the cost of one of his eyes. Witch Bitch is looked down and even spit upon until she is approached by a manager who needs a client for the big event. They talk up the Cyclops training and fighting background whilst the Witch is made out to be a total novice so I sense shenanigans.
Witch Bitch interestingly is played by Holly Letkeman, who would go on to be TNA’s Rosemary.
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I meant more like magic spells or something but the witch starts out early by kicking the Cyclops in the balls. Referee is having none of this but doesn’t give two shits about Cyclops using his smithing hammer to smash witch in the face. Rod Zapata wouldn’t have stood for this.
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Witch Bitch doesn’t care for this favouritism and promptly slashes the ref’s throat with a rusty cleaver. Geez, most ref’s get knocked by a stiff breeze, I think throat slashing was a step too far.
Speaking of Mortal Kombat, in amongst the commentary there are little voice clips like ‘AWESOME’ or ‘FANTASTIC’. I’m just waiting for someone to pop up and shout ‘TOASTY!’.
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By the way, the answer to the question of what Cyclops’ powers are? Fucking optic blasts. OP, nerf now. The witch’s manager tries to get his heat back but promptly gets his head uppercutted off.
For Mummy vs Vampire, thinking about it now, does The Mummy have the tools to kill a vampire? I mean, he’ll need some sunlight or a stake to the heart. Not feeling it.
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That’s no Mummy, that’s clearly THE YETAY!
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That pendant is some sort of artifact capable of summoning sunlight so it looks like Mummy might stand a chance.
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But it’s evidently not powerful enough as the vampire fights back and rips the heart right out of the Mummy’s chest.
The Swamp Gut does have this toxic spit attack which could be quite bad if he manages to use it but I don’t know how he’ll fare out of his watery home.
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A home documented in some sort of faux nature documentary, that’s kinda cute, especially the fake David Attenborough.
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You know, everyone really loved ‘The Planet’s Champion’ Daniel Bryan but he clearly ripped it off from this movie. Shameful.
The commentators make a point of how deadly the toxic spit can be and warn that the Werewolf doesn’t want to get into any close quarter combat. Aside from the fact that that’s pretty much all the Werewolf has, he clearly wasn’t listening as he opens up by going for a headlock. That’s the problem with this all out, fight to the death monster jamboree, you can’t open a death match with a corner and elbow tie up.
Turns out that tocix spit wasn’t nearly as deadly as they made out as the werewolf shrugs it off. Swamp Gut gasses out like he was Yokozuna and has his stomach exploded by a top rope splash.
In Frankenstein vs Zombie, I’m now thinking maybe there’s a slight edge for the zombie. They’re both generally quite slow, shuffiling beings but I’m not sure if the Frankenstein monster has that killer edge. It make take him a while to cotton on to what’s happening, plus his structural integrity might come into question. We all know zombies like to bite, it could start ripping off all those loosely stitched together limbs. Plus the zombie was trained by Kevin Nash, clearly he’s going all the way in this thing.
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Nash ends up giving the Monster that killer edge he needs by way of killing the Doc via hatchet to the back. To be fair, he started it by smashing the zombie in the head with a wrench. After a touching ‘father and son’ moment in the death throws of the Doc, The Monster hulks up and curb stomps the zombie into oblivion.
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The zombie gets some small measure of revenge as his death somehow signals all the other corpses in the graveyard to raise from their grave. The Monster just growls and scares them off so they settle on eating Nash instead. 2011 wasn’t the best year for Nash, that being the time he invaded the Summer of Punk (”Would you like to see the text message on my telephone?”) and ended up in that ladder match with HHH.
The werewolf has become something of a defacto face here, talking about how monsters took everything from him and now he’s out for his revenge. The Monster has reverted to some sort of angry foreigner gimmick. Looking at this from a purely logical point of view, I’m not seeing how Frankenstein can stop the Werewolf if he needs a silver bullet to do it.
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Apparently by just tearing his skull apart like King Kong with that T-Rex. Bullshit! Monster Squad clearly taught us that the werewolf’s head should just re-assemble at this point.
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But, like all good wrestling shows, you need to setup your hook for your next big event. So the lights go out and out comes Zombie Kevin Nash to Wrestlemania IX things and go face to face with the Monster! Given that the Monster is billed at 8 feet tall and that Nash goes nose to nose with him, the wrestling world has been underselling him the entire time.
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Nash rips the belt from the Monster’s shoulder and stomps on it in an act of defiance and disrespect not seen since Shane Douglas threw down the old NWA title back in 94.
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And like something out of a Rocky movie, the two go to punch each other as we freeze frame to black. There was no sequel...
I feel like this is stuck in this awkward middle ground, too much monster for a wrestling show and too much wrestling for a monster movie. I don’t think presenting it as a straight up wrerstling show helped either, possibly down to the surroundings. There’s just no spark to it, without the crowd involvement it just feels hollow. Whilst it’s fun to poke fun at it, it doesn’t really reach the level of cheese I was expecting.
I get what they were going for with the graveyard set and everything but I think that having a more narrative driven feel would have worked better. Maybe talk about how business has been in the toilet and, to try and grab ratings, they capture these monsters and have them fight in actual arenas with real crowds. Maybe the monsters break loose and attack the fans, only for the big babyface to swoop in and save the day.
How about a Hulk Hogan movie? He’s probably not done too much acting in a while and we all know how he likes to go over, brother, there’d be something fun about seeing him giving the big boot and big leg drop to the Franksenstein monster.
Or, and there is no way you’d ever get this cleared, have the monsters closer to actual real wrestlers. Gangrel as the vampire, that’s a given. But you could have the re-animated corpse of Chris Benoit as the zombie. Maybe stitch together The Monster from all these other dead wrestlers to great some sort of super wrestler that inherits all of their abilities?
But clearly what let this down was the workrate of all involved. It’s just kick/punch the entire time. And where was the selling? Guys are getting hit with tombstones, I mean literal tombstones and not piledrivers, and they’re just popping right back up like they’re one of the Road Warriors. Who taught these guys to sell? They’re greener than Frankenstein’s Monster.
0 notes