#I mean like... are you kidding me just 1.2 million views??? I know reaching a mill is already a big deal.
screwpinecaprice · 1 year
Monkey Wrench - The Ghost Egg
Sharing this because this had been under my radar for 8 months???? and maybe it's the case for anyone who's seeing this post.
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silviasutton1989 · 6 years
The True Kings Ch. 8 “Win”
A/N: Wow I can’t believe I got 8 chapters out already. I won’t say much just a quick but endearing thank you to all of you who take the time to read my stories. (You make my week with every comment like and reblog)!
Rating: Teen  (angst and maybe some foul language)
Catch up: Chapter 1  1.2  2  3  4  5  6  7
Summary: We look into how Liam and Drake met and how that parallels with the way Liam deals with Drake’s engagement to Riley. (Liam fans PLEASE do not be mad at me I actually cut out a lot of dialogue and changed my ending at the last minute because I didn’t want to make him seem too much of an ass ....but he probably will later sorry.)
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“Get your lazy ass up before I get you up myself!”
Drake had always thought of his dad as the greatest man on earth. But it wasn’t until his father landed the job as a king’s guard that Drake saw him as a literal knight. From the stories his dad would tell him, he would imagine his father decked in silver plated armor, on the biggest horse, saving the king from evil doers with his mighty sword. His perception changed however the day that his father finally gave into his pleading son and allowed him to spend a day at the palace while he worked.
“Leo, how the hell are you letting Liam beat you?”
Drake sat at the bottom of the stadium as King Constantine and his guards were high at the top watching the two brothers on the track desperate to catch their breaths.
“I’m not letting him do anything, Father I’m tired we’ve been doing this all day.”
“I don’t care if you pass out down there! You win dammit!”
“How about you come from under that parasol and show me how?” Leo and Liam share a similar smirlk between them both laughing at Leo’s words.
Drake didn’t dare laugh- though he wanted to- for underneath that umbrealla Constantine's face was red and strained.
“Oh you think it’s funny. Do you know how you look right now you can’t outrun your little brother! I should be the one laughing at you!”
Their laughter stops as they see their father move from his shade into the sunlight.
“I tell you what… race again. This time Leo if you don’t win you will spend the night in the dungeon.”
“You can’t be—“
“On your marks!”
Leo brushes past his bother as they quickly get into starting positions.
“Help me out little bro?” Leo asks with a million dollar smile, his brother nods in agreement.
“Get set…GO!!!”
The boys shoot out down the track. In seconds Leo gets a starting lead his blonde locs blowing freely as he turns the curve, his dark hared scrawny brother several paces behind him.
“That’s my boy! That’s the future king!”
Drake couldn’t be sure why but for some reason he began to cheer for the underdog. “Run run you can beat him Run!!” Drake cheers.
Soon Liam begins to pick up speed and by the next curve his older brother was behind him.
Liam never let up in his pace, running as if his life was in danger. He finishes the race far ahead of his brother before falling out of exhaustion onto the tarmac.
“What the hell Leo?!” Constantine was furious bundling down the stadium, his guards in toe,  before gripping Leo by the shoulder. “What kind of king are you?”
“ I’m tired! I told you that.” Leo’s father drags him off the track forgetting Liam entirely.
“We will be here until Prince Liam is ready to go…why don’t you go say Hi….see if you can make a friend.”  Drake’s father gives him a  playful push.
Drake walks up to the dark haired boy, who’s still splayed out on the ground his chest heaving up and down as he gasps for air.
“So….um you think your dad will really put him in the dungeon?”
Liam looks up at the scraggly haired boy standing over him. “Probably not. Leo has father wrapped around his finger.” Drake offers him a hand and Liam takes it standing to his feet.
“I’m Drake.”
“Hey I bet you can’t beat me?”
Liam’s smile grows as wide.
“Oh yeah? Well I’m not going to go easy on you.” The prince says before getting into his starting position.
“Same!” Drake exclaims before following suit. The two boys count down before racing down the field neck and neck.
Drake watches on as the ball is beginning to come to a  close.
“You ok babe?" Riley asks him taking his hand in hers holding it tightly. “You're not nervous about our closing dance are you?” She says with a knowing smile. The Portovian tradition of the guest of honor must close the night in a final waltz had Drake on edge the moment Penelope mentioned it to them.
"I just don't see why we Liam can't do it. Am I agitated? Yes nervous? No." He brings his hands to the back of his neck, his tell tale sign that something is bothering him.
“Well if it isn’t our dance why do you look so…bothered?”
Drake’s eyes go to Liam. He is waltzing with the Duchess of Portovia and has that generic smile painted on his face.
“ I think Liam is mad at me.”
“Wh…why would you think that?” Riley already knew their friendship was strained since the engagement . She didn’t bother to tell Drake about how the whole unity tour started. She knew he would never want a grand wedding but he smiled through a week long of balls so far for Cordonia, for her, and…for Liam. Not wanting to stoke the fire she decided to tell Drake the tour was her idea hopefully buying Liam some time to come around.
“We usually run every morning…we have since we were kids rarely ever missed a day  Now every morning I wait for him and he doesn’t show. I mean maybe I'm just being crazy but...he doesn't really talk to me..just at me you know. Like he sees me but doesn't really look in my direction."
Riley can see the pain in his eyes, "I'm sure our engagement has been a shock for him. it's only been a week and with the whole tour maybe he just needs some time to process it all?"
Drake continues to watch his friend as the dance comes to an end. "Yeah maybe you're right Sutton....hey I'm going outside for a moment. Get some fresh air ok?"
"Ok but come right back don't think your going to leave me out on that dance floor alone."
He gives his fiance a quick kiss before standing from the table. "Oh I plan to dance you off your feet tonight" 
The cool night air calms him instantly. Maybe Riley's right he just needs time to process the whole thing. He wanted to talk to Liam to apologize for hurting him. But every time they were around each other Liam treated him like on of his councilmen, with a clear mental wall up blocking Drake in at any chance.
He takes one finale breath before hearing the music for the closing waltz.
"Here we go" He sighs before going towards the ballroom.
He pulls on the doors but...they don't open.
"What the hell...Hey!" Drake beats on the door, but no one answers.
"Maybe they just can't hear me or..." His heart beat rises with flashbacks of the Homecoming Ball attacks. He runs back to the veranda; glad that he remembered the back service entrance of the grand house.
"It seems Drake is missing in action at the moment." With a sly smile Liam holds out his hand to Riley . She barley notices it as she looks around the room for her fiance.
"He said he would be right back I..." She trails off as she sees all the eyes on her. Waiting for her.
"We mustn't keep them waiting Riley." 
Drake's heart is throbbing through his chest, never has he ran this fast. He zips through the service entrance running into several wait staff on his way. Finally he makes it to the ball room the crowd circling around the dance floor  He moves past the nobles trying to get a clear view of who was dancing. He finally makes it past the crowd to see Riley and Liam gliding past him. He couldn't be sure if the pain in his chest was from all the running or his heart breaking by how great they looked together. He didn't want to watch but his feet wouldn't move. 
Riley goes straight to Drake once the dance is over.
"What happened to you? You said you would be right back." she tries to take his hand but he shoves it into his pocket.
"I um..I got locked out...I tried to get back. But you two were..." Drake takes his hand from his pocket and sticks it out to Liam. "Thank you for stepping in for me." The king quickly shakes his hand trying his best to hide the shame in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Riley...I really did try to make it back. I don't know what..." He trails off at the touch of his lovers hand to his check.
"Hey it's ok there will be plenty more dances. But I think I know of a way you can make it u to me." A playful smile grows onto Drake's face as they leave the ballroom.
Liam heads to the bar needing a drink more than ever. Hoping the 2 shots of whiskey would settle the pain in his stomach.
"I know what you did just there." to his left sat Olivia. "And may I just say I didn't think you had it in you to be a vindictive ass Liam." She smirks as she takes a sip of her wine.
"I have no idea what your talking about." he states ordering another glass .
"Oh you don't?" Olivia moves his glass out of reach to get his attention. "So you didn't tell your guard to lock he door?"
Liam jerks the glass back, "Let's talk about what happened the night of the attacks, Olivia. Since all of a sudden you've decided you can actually talk to me"
"Don't change the subject." she scoffs rolling her eyes." I just came over to give you kudos. You hurt your best friend and the best thing about it is he doesn't even know. You stabbed him in the back and he turns around and shakes your hand. Ha!" she takes another long sip of her wine.
"But let me give you a word of advise. You wont win Riley's heart treating Drake like crap. Trust me I know from experience." She downs the rest of her glass. "If someone wants to be with you you would know it by now.
Liam sits at the bar for at least an hour after Olivia left. Sleep had been the lat thing on his mind in  weeks but he felt so tired. 
It's early the next morning and Drake stretches as he watches the sun creep into the sky.
"You ready to eat my dust?" Drake whips around to see Liam, stretching his legs on the stairs.
The two men share a look between them trying their best to apologize in their own way for their actions. Hoping that the silence was all that needed to be said.
"I'm not going to go easy on you." Drake says. He smiles getting into the starting position 
"Same." Liam states before following suit.
The men count down before racing down the driveway neck and neck. No one ahead no one behind.
Tag List: Ok so I do not want to upset anyone so I’m going to put this with the tags every time. If you want to be on the tag list permanently (this one is randomly selected with some permanent in as well)  let me know. If you DO NOT want to be tagged ever just send me a message I will not be upset.
@walkerismychoice @darley1101 @speedyoperarascalparty @mfackenthal  @jadedpixiescribbles @boneandfur @andy-loves-corgis   @blackcatkita @missevabean @snyggflicka @stopforamoment  @agent-zephyrkah @endlessly-searching-for-you  @indiacater  @choiceswreckedme @tmarie82 @liam-rhys @viktoriapetit @bobasheebabyficlibrary @alicars @katurrade @jlouise88 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @walkerisbae
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