#I mean we got beel content in the new lessons and it was nice but I want mooore
A rant from a tired Beel enjoyer
I can't find a nicer way to get into this, so I'm just gonna go all out and say it: Why did Solmare make our chats and calls with Beel so damn boring?
I swear, ALL this man ever talks to us about is food. No matter the situation, with Beel, it always circles back to eating somehow. He either wants an opinion on food, or he's asking us to accompany him to a new restaurant, or he's arguing with someone because of food. I mean, even our first call with him on NB it's just him calling us on accident when he actually wanted to order pizza ( a trope that has already been recycled from another call in the og game, by the way ).
And I have to say, it's tiring. It's tiring because I love this character so much and I was so ready to get better Beel content when NB came out. But no, the calls and chats with him have somehow become even more bland. And now when I get a chat notification from him I just get this overwhelming feeling of boredom, because I know exactly what's going to happen: it's going to be yet another chat where we talk about food. 🙃
You can just see there's no effort being put into these convos, especially when compared with the other characters, who we get to talk about a variety of things with. And this has been a problem ever since OMSWD, since the majority of our chats with him there were also about food. But at least we got some that weren't, for example, one of my favorites, where Beel confesses that the reason he had been missing was that he was taking care of this dying flower. Or the other chats where he talks to us about training and Fangol, or just little things like sleeping on MC's lap and wanting to do it again or whatever.
But on Nightbringer? I swear, all chats and calls so far have been nothing but repetitive and forgettable ( at least for me, that is ). And it bothers me soooo much because this only happens with him! We get plenty of different topics to talk about with the others, but Beel? Beel can only ever talk about food, or Belphie, which is… not great at all…
And it sucks because Beel has so much potential, being the lovable character that he is. But the devs only give 3 layers to him: The meathead, the family protector with survivor's guilt, and… Belphegor's twin brother 😐. That's all, we get nothing more and it's left to us to give him more depth and make him less one-dimensional.
It's disappointing, to say the least. And I haven't seen a lot of people discuss this before, so yeah.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
It's not your fault!
-> Beelzebub x Mc
Welcome to episode 1000 of 'decomposing in my drafts.' So, this one is heavy angst (with some comfort??). Please, make sure to read the content warnings and the a/n because this fic may be upsetting to some.
Mc's gender is not mentioned, and this is not proof read.
-> sequel here
a/n: I feel like I have to put a little note here saying that Belphie is portrayed VERY negatively in this post. If you don't like that, I suggest you don't read this.
Content warnings: lesson 5 spoilers (character spoiler), lesson 16 and 17(?) spoilers, blaming (literally Belphie telling Beel he is responsible for that thing), strong language, references to gambling-like activities, fighting (that gets out of hand), yelling, death threats, attempting to end somebody, broken bonds, reverse-comfort, self-sacrifice, insulting, crying
Last week, there was a lottery-type event at Akudonald's. The person who owned a ticket with a certain number could oder 300 grimm worth of free food. Of course, you and Beelzebub bought about 10 tickets in the hopes of drawing the winning number, and you succeeded.
The two of you dumped the contents of three big bags of Akudonald's food onto Beel's bed. 'We're going to have quite the evening.' you smirked, and the demon nodded his head happily, not taking his violet gaze off of the haul. Just as you were about to dig in, the door of the twin's bedroom slammed open, revealing a very distressed Belphie standing in the hallway. The youngest brother stepped foot inside the room. 'Beel, I can't find it anywhere!' he got out between pants. The avatar of gluttony looked confused. 'Can't find what?' Belphegor looked his older brother dead in the eye, the stress still apparent in his expression. 'The photo album, the one with all the pictures of Lilith. It's- it's gone!' You looked at Beel next to you, who was now staring at his brother in shock. Oh no. You knew how important their late sister was to them, and that album was, other than the occasional photo Asmo has, the only keepsake they had left of her. 'It's gonna be okay, I'll help you find it.' you offered. Belphegor sighed. 'That's nice of you, but I've almost blown up the whole house looking for it.' Then, realization hit Beel. He looked at you in worry. That thing he ate last night during his 2am hunger-attack... That wasn't a sheet cake.
'Belphie... I'm so sorry.' the sixth born said quietly. 'I- I think I ate it...' Beel looked at the floor, despite his younger twin's burning gaze on him. You started to panic internally, but you didn't show it. You had to stay calm. For Beel. So, you grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze, in an attempt to calm him down, even if that is a little bit. Belphie was at a loss of words. 'You... what?' he stammered before turning into his demon form in a matter of seconds. 'Are you fucking serious? Can't you control that damn apetite of yours for one minute or are you just plain stupid?' the youngest brother showed anger greater than Satan's after his favorite book series got discontinued. Beel squeezed your hand tighter, still not looking at his twin. You, completely in the middle of this,had no idea what to do. Beel was clearly hurt by his brother's words but did not say anything, so you decided to try to calm the fuming Belphegor down. 'Hey, Belphie, it's okay. Beel was probably very hungry and we can always make a new album right? Doesn't Asmo have some pictures?' The avatar of sloth's head shot towards you. 'Shut up, human! Say one more word and I'll snap that pathetic neck of yours again!' you felt fear wash over you as the demon threatened you. In response, Beelzebub hugged you against his body. 'Belphie... I know you're angry, but that was mean. Mc is trying to help.' he defended you. Despite the fact he too was getting absolutely bashed by the younger demon, he defended you. 'I'm so sorry I ate the album, but please don't take your anger out on Mc.' That was the comment that made Belphie unintentionally lose every last piece of rationality. 'You're right, I should be killing you, not Mc! After all, thanks to your big fuck-up, Lilith is gone now!' Belphie breathed heavily before continuing. 'It's your fault, Beelzebub!'
Beel completely tensed up in your arms at his twin's words. He just stared at him as he was getting ready to actually kill him. Having realized this, you broke free from Beel's embrace, stepping in front of him to protect him from Belphie. 'No!' you yelled, masking your fear. You thought you would die for a moment there, but somebody had rushed into the room and restrained the avatar of sloth. 'When I heard yelling, I didn't expect shit like this to be goin' on!' It was Mammon, also in his demon form. 'Fucking scumbag, let me go! Now!' Belphie did thrash around and scream in his grip, but the second born was stronger. 'Oh, Mammon thank you!' you breathed before turning to Beel, who was shaking behind you. You softly smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek. 'Let's go sit down, okay?' you suggested. Before he could answer, somebody else burst into the room. This time it was Lucifer. Before he spoke, he looked around the room. He saw Mammon holding a very angry Belphie down, and he saw you trying to comfort a shaken-up Beel. The avatar of pride had many questions, but decided to restrain Belphegor with his trusty rope first. Lucifer sent Mammon away, and threw Belphie over his shoulder, ready to leave. 'I demand an explanation later.' he said. But, before he could go, Beel stopped him. 'Lucifer, please move me to the attic. As a permanent room.' it was almost like he was pleading. Belphie scoffed, but the oldest brother silenced him before he could say anything. 'Silence, Belphegor!' he said sternly. 'Fuck you, Lucifer! Go suck Diavolo's dick!' the youngest spat, his words like venom. Lucifer dug his nails into Belphie's back, repressing his anger. Everyone knew the avatar of sloth was in even bigger trouble now.
It was just you and Beel now. You shoved some of the Akudonald's aside and guided the demon to sit down on the bed, next to you. 'Beelzie, how are you feeling?' you said, as gently as you could. You even used the nickname you used only on special occasions. The avatar of gluttony didn't seem to react to your words, he just stared in front on him. 'Can I touch you?' you tried asking gently. To your luck, Beel nodded, so you took both of his hands between yours. 'I... I don't want him to hate me...' the demon confessed. 'We used to be so close...' and that was when the tears started falling from his face. It was the first time you had actually seen him cry. You let one hand go to wipe his tears away. 'He didn't mean what he said, I'm sure he'll apologize in a few hours.' you reassured him. the sixth born shook his head. 'N-no... he is right, it's my f-' you cut him off by hushing him. 'Beel, it's not your fault at all.' he did not look at you. 'Mc... I love you, but don't lie to me.' his words broke your heart. There was only one way to help him now, and that was telling him you sometimes could see Lilith in your dreams, and it felt real every time. 'Hey... look at me.' you asked him. Eventually, the demon carefully turned towards you. 'I can see Lilith in some of my dreams...' you started. This got Beel's attention. The tears ceased falling from his eyes as he listened to your voice. 'She says she loves all of you so much, and... she doesn't blame you.' you continued. 'She's so proud of you, Beel. She's so happy you've finally found peace after the war.' You swear you could see a smile make its way on his face. The demon released his hands from yours to press you against his chest, hiding his face in your hair. 'Next time you see her, tell her I love her. Please?'
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obaby-obeyme · 4 years
Let’s go ❗️LESSON 52 SPOILERS❗️
Previous lesson: Angel Lucifer finds Sully and MC
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You have the option of telling him you’re angels
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He’s talking about his brothers; Beel eating fruit from the orchard and Belphie constantly sneaking down to the human realm. Also Raphael seems like a jerk type of angel.
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He tasks MC and Sully to help him carry books to the library.
He tells Sully to open a certain book.
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*GASP* Luci how could you?!
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Ngl, this part was sorta intense
Lucifer asks what you are. You can the option to choose between Demon, Angel, or Human. I choose Human ofc.
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Nice, this gives us a timeline...sorta. So this is before Solomon was given the magic ring I’m guessing.
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Aww bby🥺
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-Skipped a little but he lets Satan go
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He’s referring to Diavolo.
He said something about meeting Dia.
skip skip skip You all meet up with everyone and watch the stars.
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The other brothers fell asleep. He says Beel and Belphie still sleep in weird positions as they do today. And he:
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Big brother mood🥺🥺
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Oh dear if only you knew...
So you wake up:
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Turns out it was all the fairies work. So this whole thing could’ve been a dream or vision or sorts and not really time traveling (which means it does not affect the timeline). Also, “something you wish you could’ve experienced”. Does Satan wonder what it would be like if he was once an Angel?
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“Ehe-te nandayo” vibes 😂
Last minute booking so you have to share a room with one of the boys: Satan, Mammon, Simeon, or Luke.
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Simeon is fast to jump on that train but YES DADDY PLS-
Sad news you end up getting your own room. Mammon and Luke end up sharing (LOL). You meet Simeon in the hallway.
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This lesson just makes me want to give Simeon a big hug. He really misses his brothers🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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WOW okay devs....
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Ofc I answered it wrong 😂I’m human but I’m a dumbass too!
Lesson End: You get a star each from Luke and Simeon. I forgot but I think it’s to help you become a sorcerer.
For Context if you don’t remember: Barbatos came to the cafe and ended up having to teleport Simeon and Satan to help MC. Which left him alone to man the cafe (which was a mess).
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Babatos requested that Diavolo help man the cafe and Dia asks Levi to help...can you imagine Diavolo being a cafe waiter?!
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Lucifer: “Do you think you’re fit for this job?”
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Solomon shows up and offers to help out. Diavolo declines saying he doesn’t need anymore help serving. 
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I love that Lucifer at least takes Levi with him and just doesn’t abandon him 😂
Back to present time:
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I love it. Barb is so sassy
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Ah, so Barb came to deliver supplies only to be left to deal with a mess. Poor guy, I understand why he’d be angry.
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The f’in names 😂
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And now angry Simeon (who is also terrifying)
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Simeon finds out Luci and Levi were also there but didn’t stop Solo from going into the kitchen
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The side stories are always my favorite because they’re just pure chaos.
Overall, this arc was interesting. We can’t say for sure they travelled to the past since this was a dreamlike thing the fairies did. And we finally got to kiss Simeon so hell yes. I wonder who will be the focus next. Barbatos maybe? Of course, this still continues MC’s journey to becoming a licensed sorcerer. Solo does ask for help from Barb and Asmo (in the previous lesson) so looking forward to Asmo/Barb/Solo content (maybe)! The Sorcerer and his demons 😈
Just 8 more lessons before season 3 is over (I’m assuming). Then we’ll get a break then season 4! 
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