#I missed this hell site
zeralytical · 5 months
I've returned.
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kogago · 2 years
Huh. I uh...forgot I had a tumblr back in 2015
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my fail girl could beat up your fail girl but first she needs to change her shirt
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uncolored sketch jumpscare btw
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theostrophywife · 1 year
the art of punishment.
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(azriel x reader)
author's note: it's been entirely too long my loves. after weeks of life getting in the way, i finally got the chance to sit down and write and this is what came out. enjoy xx
song inspiration: streets by doja cat.
The dungeon was squeaky fucking clean. 
You spent the better half of the day scrubbing the filth and grime from every surface, polishing every weapon until they were gleaming, and washing away the blood, saliva, and gods knew what else had been covering the decrepit holding cells. The task had taken hours and despite your Fae strength, the strenuous cleaning had taken a toll on your body. 
You winced as your knees cracked against the concrete floor, wiping and wiping until the entire thing sparkled and gleamed, its surface clear enough to see your reflection. 
“You missed a spot.” 
Leather boots came into view and muddied your mirrored image. You inclined your head to find the shadowsinger sneering down at you. A sarcastic retort crawled its way up your throat, but you tampered it down. Tampered down the fiery temper that put you in this position in the first place. 
A smirk tugged at Azriel’s lips as he watched you bite your tongue. The satisfaction from verbally lashing out at the spymaster would be short lived and Azriel would no doubt jump at the opportunity to draw out your punishment. 
Cleaning the dungeon was your penance for matching headfirst into a scuffle with a few raiders who were foolish enough to drift near the Velaris coast. The shadowsinger had commanded you to stand down until he could send reinforcements, but instead of waiting for backup you disobeyed his direct orders and though you’d made the pirates regret stepping into Night Court territory, Azriel had been pissed. 
You were well aware of your impulsive and brash tendencies, but even taking your willful disposition into account, the shadowsinger had always been harder on you than the other spies in his employ. If any of your other colleagues pulled the same stunt that you had, you seriously doubted that Azriel would put them on cleaning duty. Suspension and a stern talking to, maybe. But then again, none of your fellow spies had ever stepped out of line as you had. They were too afraid of the spymaster to do so and for good reason. 
In the short time you’ve worked with Azriel, you quickly figured out why his very name evoked such fear in Prythian. The shadowsinger was cold, lethal, and downright punishing. You’ve seen grown males piss themselves at the mere sight of the infamous spymaster knowing the world of pain and torture that awaited them in this very dungeon. Some begged for their lives while others prayed for mercy. Azriel granted them neither.
You might be reckless, but you weren’t stupid. As hard as it was, you forced yourself to keep your mouth shut and cleaned the speck of dirt by Azriel’s feet. 
“Will that be all?” you asked. You didn’t meet his eyes as you spoke, keeping your voice low and steady to hide the wrath and rage coiling through your veins. 
But Azriel didn’t have to see your face to sense your fury. He knew you well enough. Knew which buttons to push, knew which taunts to utter to awaken that fire within you. 
The shadowsinger hummed as he surveyed the room, darkness wafting off his tall, statuesque form and curling through those great, mighty wings. If he wasn’t such an asshole, you’d consider the Illyrian warrior beautiful. 
That sharp, piercing golden gaze fixed itself on you, taking in your kneeling form, your sullied leathers, and the cracks and cuts on your hands and knees that were already beginning to heal. Azriel paused as he beheld your burning gaze. It was like gazing into a crackling hearth and he wanted nothing more than to feed that growing flame. 
So he stayed silent. Waited until your fury lashed out at him like a delicious wave of heat. 
“Well?” you gritted out, clenching the rag in your hand so tightly that your knuckles were bone white. “Are you just going to stare at me the whole night?” 
And there it was. A glimpse of the feisty female that he enjoyed rousing so much. 
“Perhaps I’m just admiring the sight of you on your knees before me.” 
You scoffed. “Get a good look, shadowsinger. I’m sure the memory will come in handy when it’s just you and your hand at night.”
Despite all your bravado, the dark, low chuckle that left the shadowsinger’s lips sent goosebumps skittering through your skin. The seductive timbre of his laughter held nothing but promise. A promise to make you regret the words you’d just uttered. 
“I see that your punishment has not made you any wiser,” Azriel remarked, zeroing in on you like a predator sizing up its prey. “Shall I add the House of Wind to your cleaning duties?”
You rolled your shoulders and tilted your chin up in defiance. Perhaps it was unwise to provoke the spymaster, but you’ve had enough. If he had a fucking problem with you, then he could come right out and say it. 
“Do it, if you must.” You stood to your full height and though you barely reached Azriel’s shoulders, you didn’t balk from his intimidating stare. “But no amount of punishment will make me regret my actions. I did what I thought was right.” 
“That’s precisely the problem, isn’t it?” Azriel snapped as that cold, icy rage he kept hidden clawed its way to the surface. “You jump into things headfirst, consequences be damned without a single care for your own safety.”
“Please,” you sputtered out. “Don’t pretend you give a shit about my well-being. This is clearly some fucked up power trip because for some godsdamned reason, you seem to have a problem with me. If Arin or Zoya pulled the same stunt, you’d give them a slap on the fucking wrist.”
Azriel crossed his arms. “It’s not the same.” 
For some reason, that sets you off more than anything else. You had no idea what you’d done to deserve this treatment. You worked just as hard if not more than any of your fellow spies. You trained relentlessly. You executed missions flawlessly. You lied and spied and schemed so well that even the High Lord had given you recognition.
But still, none of your accomplishments seemed to please the shadowsinger. You didn’t know what was more infuriating—the fact that Azriel neglected to notice how much you busted your ass off for the Night Court or the fact that you wanted him to notice in the first place. 
As stupid as it was, you marched directly into Azriel’s path and stood your ground. 
You looked up at him with fire burning in your gaze. “It’s not fucking fair.” 
Something dangerous flashed across Azriel’s eyes, disturbing the mask of indifference he’d perfected over the years. “What’s not fucking fair is how terrified I was when you charged into danger without waiting for anyone else.” 
“Don’t fucking patronize me!” you shouted, poking at the plate of his impenetrable armor. “You know damn well that I can handle myself, shadowsinger.”
“But I can’t!” Azriel gritted. His booming voice echoed through the cell, bouncing off the walls and rattling your bones. You’ve never seen him quite like this. “I can’t fucking handle myself. You’re right. If anyone else had done what you did, I probably wouldn’t feel this fucking furious, but it’s different with you. It’s different because it’s you.”
You had enough sense to back away from the shadowsinger. To give him space and let that icy rage thaw, but it was much too late for that. Azriel stalked towards you, the golden flecks in his eyes flickering in stark contrast against the familiar greens and browns. 
The lit torches lining the walls cast a furious slash of scarlet and gold across his handsome face. “Do you even know why I push you harder than everyone else? Why I train with you until your palms are bruised and your knees are skinned? Why I won’t be satisfied until I’ve drilled it into that stubborn head of yours that your life is not something to play around with?”
With your back pressed against the wall, you gasped as the cool concrete brushed over your skin. It did nothing to suppress the heat unfurling through your body, which only burned hotter under Azriel’s gaze. 
“Because for some godsdamned reason, you hate me.”
Azriel’s laugh was dark and cruel, void of any emotion. “If only it were that easy.” 
The spymaster was a blur of darkness, moving so quickly that you didn’t even register what he was doing until he had you caged between his arms. 
“Do you know how terrified I was when I found out that you disobeyed my order and went up against those raiders all by yourself? I’ve never flown so fast in my godsdamned life. And here you are, accusing me of hating you.” 
“I don’t understand.”
“Then allow me to make it crystal fucking clear for you,” Azriel snapped. 
An argument sat on the tip of your tongue, but it never made its way out. The shadowsinger dipped his face lower, his lips grazing yours as he let out a shaky breath. Any resolve he might’ve had evaporated as soon as your gaze dipped to his mouth. And then you actually whimpered and the sound alone snapped the last thread of Azriel’s self control. In one swift move, he unleashed all of the pure, unadulterated desire that he’d spent so long fighting against.
Azriel surged forward and kissed you. You could taste the tension and desire on his lips as they moved seamlessly against yours while you twined your arms around his neck. He growled into your mouth and you tugged at his locks, pulling him down as his hands roamed your back.
The kiss was its own battle. It was a continuation of your bickering, but instead of words the weapons were your lips and tongues and hands. The shadowsinger was rough and unrelenting. Kissing him felt similar to sparring. Neither one of you refused to yield as tongues danced and teeth clashed. 
You hated to admit it, but Azriel was a good fucking kisser. 
You couldn’t tamper down your moan as his lips grazed your neck, leaving marks in his wake as he sucked and nipped at your flesh. 
“Wait,” you breathed, pulling away from Azriel. “So you don’t hate me. This whole time…you were worried about me?” 
The shadowsinger chuckled softly. “The best spy in Prythian and it took you that long to figure it out?” He grazed your jaw with his teeth. “You’re losing your touch, Y/N.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll be lucky to even feel anything after you made me clean this disgusting dungeon.”
Azriel squeezed your waist, pressing his midsection against you. “Serves you right for nearly giving me a heart attack and for being such a stubborn, unapologetic brat after the fact.” You rolled your eyes and the shadowsinger lightly pinched your hip in response. “It's clear that my punishment wasn’t severe enough. You don’t appear to have learned your lesson.”
You tugged at his locks roughly and nipped at the sensitive spot below his jaw. “To be honest, I’m a little disappointed. I expected more from you, spymaster.”
The dark chuckle that slipped past Azriel’s lips was gruff and husky, caressing you with lethal promise. “Oh, you’ll regret that sweetheart.” His cool breath fanned through your overheated skin as he whispered in your ear. “I’ll have you begging for mercy by the end of the night.”
You thought that the shiver that snaked down your spine was of your own volition, but as the cold whisps of Azriel’s shadows curled through your wrists and ankles, you realized with a start that your words had struck their mark and hit a nerve. The shadowsinger sized you up like a predator stalking its prey. By the gods, you were really fucking in for it. 
That’s exactly what you wanted. 
Years of stealth training couldn’t prepare you for how fast Azriel moved. He was barely a dark blur in your periphery as his shadows swallowed him up only to reappear behind you. Azriel grabbed your wrist and transported you to the far end of the cell. From the brick wall hung metal cuffs usually reserved for the traitors and enemies unlucky enough to find themselves down here, but tonight you were the one being tied up and chained in this dungeon. 
You released a shaky breath as the cold metal pressed an icy kiss upon your skin. In tandem with Azriel’s shadows, you were fully secured against the wall. 
The shadowsinger cocked his head to the side, admiring his handiwork. “Is this more of what you had in mind, sweetheart?” 
You couldn’t help but smirk. “Close, but not quite. It’s a good start though.” 
Azriel hummed as he traced the outline of your cheek, dragging his rough, calloused fingers along your jaw and by the corner of your mouth. 
“You have such a smart mouth,” he observed, brushing the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip. Azriel eased your mouth open as your lips formed a pink, pout ‘o.’ “I can’t wait to shut you up.”
Your breathing hitched and the shadowsinger took note of the change, a sadistic smirk blooming on that exquisite face. 
“You like that, don’t you?” He tilted your chin up and you held it out in defiance even as his golden gaze bore into you. “I’m not fooled by this angelic face for one second. You may play it sweet for everyone else, but I know deep down the dark fantasies that play over and over again in your head. I know, because I think about them too.”
Arousal pooled in your core and soaked through your panties. Had it not been for the shadows spreading your ankles apart, you would have rubbed your thighs together for any sort of friction. 
“Tell me what you think about,” you breathed. “I want to know.”
Azriel caressed your cheek, chuckling under his breath when you instinctively lean into his touch. “I think about you,” he says, lips ghosting over the shell of your pointed ear. “Just like this. Chained to the wall. Restrained by my shadows. Completely and utterly at my mercy.”
The shadowsinger caressed your cheek, softly kissing a path down the column of your throat while his hands trailed down your torso. Your eyes fluttered close as shallow breaths echoed through the walls. Azriel unbuckled the leather straps at the front of your armor, tossing it to the side and leaving you in nothing but a lacy black bra. 
He nipped and sucked at the valley of your breasts, etching his claim on you as though his lips were a paintbrush and your skin the canvas. Azriel unbuttoned your pants next and they fell to the floor, exposing the matching black panties that were already soaked all the way through at this point.
Rough, calloused fingers danced over your breasts and hips and waist and thighs, exploring every inch with careful scrutiny. 
“Such a pretty sight,” Azriel declared with awe and reverence. “It’s a shame that I have to punish you for being such a brat.”
He gripped the inside of your thigh and you bucked against his hand, desperate for any friction you could get. 
The shadowsinger gripped your hips in place and gave you a stern look. “Do that again and I’ll leave you hanging in this cell until morning.” He tilted your chin up, forcing you to look into his eyes which were nearly black with lust. “I decide when and how to touch you. Do you understand, sweetheart?”
You swallowed thickly and nodded. You were so turned out that you couldn’t even form words. 
Azriel gripped your hips, leaving bruises in his wake. “I asked you a question,” he said sternly. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Not so tough now, are you?” Azriel stated with a smirk, his fingers finding the clasp of your bra.
He released your breasts, kissing over your chest until his hot breath fanned over your stiffened peaks. Azriel looked up at you through thick, dark lashes and smirked before wrapping his lips against your nipple. He sucked harshly, flicking his tongue over your hard nub while you keened. 
The sound of your whimpers went straight to his cock. He wanted to fuck you so badly, but Azriel wouldn’t give you the satisfaction. The shadowsinger intended to make you beg for it first. 
He continued his assault on your breasts, his teeth grazing against the soft flesh and leaving marks all along your chest. Azriel licked a path down to your navel and then he kneeled before you, his face inches away from your soaked care. He toyed with the waistband of your panties, his hot breath fanning against the sensitive area before he wrapped his lips around the fabric and kissed you through the lace. 
Azriel lapped you up, his saliva mixing with your slick as he tortured you through the thin barrier. You wanted your panties off so you could feel his mouth, his tongue, his lips on you, but he only held your hips down and laughed as you whimpered above him. 
“What’s wrong, love?” He nuzzled against your mound with his nose, tongue flicking along the inside of your thigh and teasing underneath the lace. “Does my pretty girl want me to fuck her with my tongue?” 
You nodded almost instantly. Azriel chuckled at your eagerness, a hint of wicked intent flashing through those stunning eyes. 
“Beg for it,” he said softly. “Beg me to eat you out. Beg me to make you come on my tongue. Beg me, bunny and make it sound pretty.”
“I’m begging you to put your mouth on me. Fuck me with your tongue. Feast on me until I cum. I need to feel you,” your words were rushed and desperate, conveying the urgency of your need with every clipped syllable. “Please, sir.”
Azriel grinned up at you. “Now that’s more like it, bunny.” He kissed you through the fabric again, but this time, as he wrapped his lips around your mound, he hit down harshly and the sharp sensation on your clit made you cry out in pleasure. “Hold on tight, sweetheart. I’m just getting started.”
The chains snapped into place as you attempted to touch Azriel, momentarily forgetting about the restraints. He chuckled in amusement, “I get to touch you all I want, but you’re only allowed to watch. You’re entirely at my mercy, remember?”
With that, he yanked your panties down and discarded them behind his shoulder. Azriel gave you no warning before his wicked tongue circled around your clit, flicking at the sensitive bundle of nerves while you bucked against his face. The shadowsinger slapped your ass and forcefully gripped your hips in place. 
“What did I fucking say? Stay still or I’ll stop.”
You gasped from the impact of the slap, shaking your head. “Please don’t. I’ll be good, I promise.”
Azriel looked up at you through dark lashes. There was nothing but lust and desire burning within his gaze. “You’re so pretty when you grovel, bunny. I might just let you cum because you asked so nicely.”
“Oh yes, please.”
He chuckled before diving back in, licking a stripe along your slick folds. You were wet, so fucking wet that you were practically dripping all over Azriel’s lips. The sounds you were making were absolutely filthy and your moans only grew loader as he fucked you with his tongue, slipping in and out of your tight hole as he made you loose and pliant with his wicked mouth. 
You’re shaking as Azriel’s scarred hands clamp down on top of your thighs, guiding your pussy over his mouth and moving your hips to a steady rhythm while he devours you with fervor. 
Heat unfurled in your belly and you could feel Azriel pushing you to the precipice of your orgasm. It was close, so close, you could feel the cord of tension stretch taut like the bow of an arrow, ready to notch and loosen, but the feeling deflated when Azriel suddenly pulled away. Your eyes snap open in confusion, desperation written all over your face as you watched the shadowsinger gather your juices from his lips and onto his sticky fingers before sucking up every last drop. He moaned and it echoed through your entire being, the sound traveling straight to your cunt which clenched from the absence of Azriel’s tongue. 
“So close,” you stammered. “I was so close.”
Azriel smirked. “Too fucking bad.” He stalked towards you and one of his shadows darted out to lift your chin. “I hope you don’t think that I’d give in that easily. It’s going to take a lot more than pretty words for me to let you cum.” You whined, causing the shadow to grip you even tighter. “Don’t fucking whine. You acted like a brat and now you’re getting punished like one. Deal with it.”
The shadowsinger circled you, sizing you up like a predator does to its prey. “Now spread your legs, bunny. I’m not done playing with that pretty little pussy.”
You swallowed down your pride and obeyed his command. For once in your life, you didn’t blurt out whatever rude remark that was brewing in your mind. You didn’t stand a chance against Azriel. You fully believed that he’d follow through on letting you hang in this cell if you disobeyed him. 
So you spread your legs, earning a pleased smile from the shadowsinger. He rewarded you with a kiss, a hot and searing kiss that ripped the breath from your lungs. Azriel pushed his tongue past the seam of your lips as he tilted your head back, prodding inside of your mouth until your teeth clashed from the pressure. 
Azriel massaged your breasts, fondling your chest and pushing your tits up as he grinded his hips into yours. You let out a filthy moan and he cursed, pinching your nipple between his fingers. 
“I love your hands,” you confessed, whispering the words into his mouth. “They feel even better than I imagined.”
“You’ll like them even more when they’re inside of you, bunny.” 
As if on cue, his fingers dipped lower, the middle and pointer digits spreading your arousal over your slit. You fought the urge to buck against his hand as Azriel watched his fingers disappear inside of you. His gaze flickered up to your face just in time to see your lips part. 
The shadowsinger smirked before dipping down to suck the sensitive flesh below your ear. As he kissed you, Azriel’s fingers picked up the pace. With two fingers inside of you, his thumb circled your clit and made you shudder into him. Your head fell slack against his broad shoulder, but a whip of shadow titled your chin up.
“Don’t hide your face from me, sweetheart.” His voice was low and rough, its husky tone ensnaring you. “I want to watch you come undone.”
Azriel pinned you with his gaze as he curled his fingers inside of you, drinking in the flush of your cheeks, the hitch in your breath, the sweat glistening against your skin. He could tell that you were close by the way your moans echoed off the dungeon walls. The shadowsinger smirked, slowing his movements just as your orgasm was beginning to build again. 
A sob racked through your chest. You were so close. “Please,” you murmured. “Please, Azriel.”
The shadowsinger brushed a tear that had tumbled down your cheek with his thumb. “You’re so pretty when you beg, bunny.” He kissed your temple, the gesture surprisingly sweet and intimate despite the wicked smile on Azriel’s face. “Maybe I should draw out your punishment a little longer so I can savor the sweet sounds of you pleading to let you cum.”
“Please,” you cried out. “I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll be good, I promise.”
A dark chuckle skittered over you. “I doubt that, sweetheart. But since you asked so nicely, I’ll go easy on you this time.” 
You nodded in agreement just as Azriel picked up the pace once again. He captured your lips with a searing kiss, the rhythm of his tongue matching the pulse of his fingers. You felt that familiar feeling building in your core and you moaned into Azriel’s mouth as he curled his fingers within your walls. 
The orgasm came hard and fast, hitting you with a white, blinding heat as stars swarmed your vision. Azriel held you up as you slumped against him, his fingers sliding out of you covered in your own juices. The shadowsinger lapped up your arousal before tapping your lips. You parted your lips and sucked his fingers obediently. 
“Good girl,” he said in a gruff voice. 
Shadows released you from the chains and wrapped you in a dark cloak before depositing you directly into Azriel’s arms. He carried your trembling body as though you weighed nothing. Inky tendrils swarmed the both of you and swallowed you whole. 
Moments later, you found yourself blinking against the soft glow of faelights. Azriel gently set you down on a mattress—his mattress, you realized as you took in your surroundings. You’ve never seen the inside of Azriel’s room before, but it looked exactly as what you might’ve expected. Sleek and elegant with touches of dark wood and rich velvets that felt like a reflection of Azriel himself. 
You watched curiously as Azriel disappeared beyond his bedchamber. The sound of running water filtered behind the door and the shadowsinger was at your side once more, cradling you bridal style as he carried you into the bathing room. He set you down on the marble floor, his gaze filled with a loaded question as he tugged at the cloak draped over your shoulders. 
You held his stare as you let the fabric pool to the floor. The shadowsinger drank you in with appreciation and led you into the marble tub. The water was warm against your skin, making you hum in pleasure. 
“Aren’t you going to join me?” you asked. 
The shadowsinger grinned. “Eventually,” Azriel said, perching on the edge of the tub. He lathered salve onto your shoulders and massaged the tension out of your muscles. “Consider this a lesson in patience. Since you have virtually none.”
“If all of your lessons end in a massage, then you’re easily my new favorite teacher.”
Azriel chuckled. “Was this part of the fantasy too?"
“Kind of,” your eyelids fluttered close as he lathered a lavender scented paste into your scalp. “Though you were wearing less clothing in my imagination."
The shadowsinger gently squeezed the side of your neck and grazed his lips against the column of your throat. 
“Patience, sweetheart. I’ve waited all this time to have you and I intend to savor every second of it.” 
“I’ve never been good at savoring,” you teased. “I prefer to devour.” 
You raked your nails against his bicep and tugged him close, your lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Azriel gripped the back of your head and gently tugged, his hazel eyes flashing dark as he smirked. 
“Good thing we have all night,” he murmured against your skin. “And all morning. Maybe the afternoon, too.” 
You grinned. “What about training?” 
“Fuck training,” he replied cheekily. 
“I’d rather fuck you instead.”
The shadowsinger shook his head in amusement before peeling out of his leathers. You gaped at the sight of him, naked and bare and looking as though the old gods themselves sculpted him out of marble. 
“We’re savoring, remember?” Azriel taunted as he sank into the warm bath water, his wings flaring behind him. He pulled you into his lap and curled his finger through a strand of your hair. 
The shadowsinger kissed you gently, soft and sweet. You leaned into him, sighing. Maybe you could get used to the concept of savoring. 
You hadn’t even realized that you’d said the words aloud until you met Azriel’s amused gaze. 
“Good,” he said, kissing your cheek. “Now that I have you, I have no plans of letting you go.” 
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a greedy little batling?”
“No,” Azriel mused before lightly sucking below your ear. Your breath hitched in response. “Tell me more about how greedy I am, sweetheart.”
“That's not fair," you whined. "You're playing dirty and you know it. Azriel.” 
He flashed you a wolfish grin, relishing the way his name rolled off your tongue. His shadows danced in response as though they enjoyed the sound as much as he did.
“You have no idea,” Azriel whispered. “But you’ll find out exactly how dirty I can get when it comes to you.”
Whatever witty response died in your throat as Azriel pinned you against the marble tub and grinded his hips into you. The instinct to reach for him, to claw and grab and covet pulsed through your veins but the look on Azriel’s face made you pause. 
Eyes like melted gold darkened with lust as he tilted your chin up. 
“I plan to take my time with you,” Azriel murmured, littering kisses along your shoulders. “And you’ll enjoy every second of it. Do you understand, sweetheart?”
Patience had never been your strong suit, but for this male, for Azriel, you were more than willing to play. 
You smiled sweetly, a wicked gleam sparkling in your eyes as the shadowsinger flashed you a predatory smirk. “Yes, sir.”
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taglist: @viradeity @moony-thoughts @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @demirunner @swansworth @heart-defendor @momlo @mali22 @roselensage @searchingford@nessianxgwynriel@azriels-angels@brekkershadowsinger@morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @mattte-black @marina468 @lillithathecathecat @highladyofillyria
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jadewestwriter · 6 months
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luxrayz64 · 9 months
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you're no good, you're no good, you could kill me and you should
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viensamoimoncher · 8 months
I've absolutely missed everything to do with this, but why the hell are people wanting the show to get cancelled?!
Don't like?
Is that so fucking hard to grasp?
Without new fans, media dies
Whether or not you like a certain adaptation, you should be happy it's introducing new blood (pun intended) to the source media
Sure, people are gonna have their favourite versions. Some people may not want to read the source material. Some people may not want to see the film. Similarly, some people may not want to see the show
But it's keeping it alive
And some of the new fans are gonna dive into the source material and love it
The brilliant thing is, you can love and respect all versions of something. That's possible. That's great!
And on the other hand you can dislike a certain version of something yet still remain civil and kind to others who enjoy it. That's also great (with a strong emphasis on the 'remain civil and kind to others' part)!
Infighting in fan spaces is only ever going to end badly. Don't like an adaption? Don't be a dick, just be civil and move on
And more importantly, if you love something (like the source material) so much to be so passionate about it, you should at the very least be happy it's not being forgotten
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doobydoobydoowau · 1 year
i can't believe I just watched two men (metaphysical beings?) skate around their obvious love for one another for twelve hours only for them to ask each other out, kiss, and break up within five minutes and cut to credits?!? i am physically unwell. neil gaiman you better sleep with one eye open bc i'm COMING FOR YOU.
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grimlock · 9 months
there really is a genre of post of people who's online experiences are Not Universal making some wild claims
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 months
busy trying not to let panicking depresso espresso brain take over my life rn
#im not functionally in trouble for anything kinda#but i left my wired headphones in and visible yesterday by accident and it kiiinda got us a safety bulletin this morning#about how theyre like ... blanket banned from this site ...... even though were in a fucking field all day and its dull as hell#but that aside like the site leader im with takes the 'i dont give a fuck but dont get me in trouble' stance#and in fairness i wasnt the only one mine were just more obvious lol#but i also KNOW he's one of a select group of petty gossipmongerers#the guy is usually pretty cordial and was nice for the rest of the day#like functionally i still did my job and went beyond by forwarding missing information after work#so whoever has to finish my paperwork can do it easily without manually flipping through everything#it was an accident ;____; i just had noise in because my brain was being a dick this week#'i dont care if people like me' i say .. sniffling ...#the only reason this is a problem is because our primary contractor sucks lmao#theyve got profession & site wide rules and this one is because yes its dangerous to work in close proximity with plant with headphones#are we anywhere near plant ??? no. is everyone single earbudding this just in case of an emergency???? yes.#do we spend all day in a field alone a lot of the time in miserable ass conditions ??? yes!!#are we that dumper driver who drove OVER someones truck because they were blasting metal into their skulls??? NO.#and aside aside from that he did say to one of the guys he likes most 'if they cant then you cant' and made him take his out#so like ... i think im fine im just kfjskfj#anyway im fine im just embarrassed and stressed#rory's ramblings
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fieryanmitsu · 9 months
I’ve been queuing up posts again and I have to apologize to everyone who follows me for the fact that it will be 98% Neuvifuri posts for the next like month (or two lol) LOLOL.
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them for weeks ever since I finally had time to beat the Fontaine Archon Quest in Genshin. 😭😭😭 They live rent-free in my head. They have a vice grip on my soul. They tick off so many boxes for what I love as both individual characters and as a ship. Akakrbfkkaaalkgdksallakfd!!! It’s been a while since I’ve been so obsessed with a pairing and for once I’m blessed with it not being a rare pair so there’s actually content for me to eat up. I have Iike 100 fics on my AO3 read later list.
I also have so many brainworms for fics… and, because it’s Fontaine, I desperately want to write a Tears of Themis x Neuvifuri crossover fic. It’s just too perfect. Has anytime else thought of that yet?! (If you have please send it my way LOLOL, let me bask in it and shower you with praise). I’ve got half of the plot outlined… I hope I can find time to write it someday gyaaaaaah.
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Man Reddit was (is?) one of the last places on the internet where you could be pretty anonymous (at least to other users) like I know “social media was a mistake” isn’t really a hot take, especially on Tumblr, which more and more is feeling like the last bastion of old internet bullshittery, but a lot of y’all just weren’t there, where every site you might go to was just silly little user names having silly little conversations about silly little interests and people started blogs using silly little pseudonyms and it was kind of lovely like everyone mostly kept to themselves on their niche little message boards and then fuckin Friendster happened and Friendster led to MySpace led to Facebook led to Google fuckin dropping “don’t be evil” from their corporate mantra and everything being tracked and monetized and really the evolution of the internet is a case study in how corporatization causes ruination you can’t exist in the world without some sort of footprint now like jobs ask for your social media handles and god help you if you want to be a Serious Published Writer without a Twitter and here we all are on our beloved hell site which is more and more becoming the place where the ideals of old are making their last stand so everyone needs to keep firing those rent lowering gun shots because otherwise eventually the VC scum might turn their sights to us and before you know it we’re sending Tumblrs Georg pictures of our fucking IDs to prove we’re really humans and I super don’t want to go through the embarrassment of admitting my mom actually named me i-fucked-your-milkshake.
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starglow-xx · 3 months
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un-local · 5 months
very interesting how all the lonesome aesthetic yearning girlbloggers are like. the most allergic to any kind of interaction…
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cat-of-starlight · 1 year
Why are some of the books Limbus uses SO hard to find???
Up to 9/13 (of the listed ones I found) but some are a Pain in The Ass to get ahold of
EDIT: Got the files (Thank uuu lovely person <3) but yea still dang those were an adventure to get!
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juliannos · 1 year
not to be back on my bullshit, but with the way discord is leaning into making a social media app (rather than chatting application) really should boost people to find other platforms to host some of their content
with more and more getting locked behind social media accounts, less and less of the internet will be a) searchable and b) archived. discord is not accessible by non-users and even when it is, it is hard to navigate and incredibly bloated. when info get centralized it can be hidden with more ease.
i realize the hypocrisy of posting this on tumblr (a social media platform). but the reality is, there aren't many other places to go these days.
and that makes me sad
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