#I like one too many posts in a row and get blocked for spam liking. Many such cases
un-local · 5 months
very interesting how all the lonesome aesthetic yearning girlbloggers are like. the most allergic to any kind of interaction…
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demonsfate · 3 months
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guilty as charged (mun edition) // accepting // anonymous asked . . . Have you ever unfollowed a blog? What were the reasons?
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All the time LOL. Most often I unfollow unactive blogs, typically blogs that have been inactive for a year or damn near it. Why do I bother? Because sometimes I'll notice my dash is very slow and I'm like "daaamn I've got [this many] followers... how come nothin's happenin?" Then I realize oh wait, a lotta my mutuals became inactive lol. So softblocking them is a good way to gage how many active followers I actually have.
Other times I've unfollowed a blog just because I personally didn't vibe with the mun's ooc posts, or content they're putting out. Or, one time when somebody was just reblogging TOO many posts that were completely unrelated to their muse, and was just spamming the dashboard with unrelated fandom reblogs as if they were a personal or somethin. I don't mind a lotta ooc posts, but I do start drawing the line when my dash gets spammed with completely different fandom posts that aren't related to their muse in any way.
The most controversial time I unfollowed somebody, and this may kinda count as drama but not really, was this K.ingdom Hearts blog. For some reason, my Riddler blog took MONTHS to pick up. I mean, I had it for 4 months and couldn't get a single follow back or anything. I have no clue why - literally nobody wanted to write with me then. (Which is really bizarre, given that, I think at one point, it had 400 followers - many ppl started writing with me later). I'm gonna guess it's because my blog had dark themes / backgrounds. (I wrote my Eddie as a CSA survivor - this may be semi important later)
Anyway, a confession on one of 'em RP confession blogs was expressin' how sad they were that nobody was writing with them, I agreed with it too, also offering I'd write with 'em too. A KH blog came up to me and saying they were having the same problem. I was about to learn a big lesson in writing with them just 'cos I was sympathetic LOOOL. So basically I followed, and we kinda talked on and off for a couple weeks, we wrote a lil. But then their topics started getting ... weirder, horrible even.
Then suddenly, their posts got super fucking crazy. Like they BRAGGED about their tags were apparently QUOTES from the Columbine shooting and the Jamestown cult tragedy?! I didn't fuckin' know 'cos who would??? And like when I went to unfollow them, they were having a thread where the character casually threatens to rape his brother and it's like holy shiiiiiiiiiit. So of course, I hardblocked 'em for that clownery.
Unfortunately, I started getting anon hate on my blog (obvs from him). I got like 4 anon hates in a row - but I blocked the anon and well, that did that lol. Some of the anon hates were like "I thought you liked dark content..." and it's like yeah, when HANDLED WITH RESPECT LMAO. My character was written as a CSA survivor as a background, I don't actually write the fuckin' act out, it's just part of his story. And like, it's also there to show how male victims handle it, and how a lot of sexual abuse survivors tend to turn to hard drugs to cope with it. my BLOG HAD NOTHING THAT WAS GLORIFYING / USING TRUE CRIME SHIT & THEN HAVING MY CHARACTER THREATENING TO UGHGHHH. And like, I didn't call 'em out, didn't mention it on my blog. They can write whatever the fuck they want, I just don't want anything to do with that stuff lmao. So I blocked them.
Then I got one of their mutuals messaging me like "why did you block [user]? they thought you were good friends with them. they're really hurt :(" and it's like?? I kinda talked to them every now & then thru DMS, that's it. We never exchanged discords ffs, we were far from "friends" never mind good friends lmao. Also don't be wildin' on your dashboard, ppl are likely to become uncomfortable and unfollow.
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blkkizzat · 2 months
Babe hi!
I love your writings, you are really talented! Gambere!
I am kinda new in Tumblr after like 8 years gap. Recently got blocked from one user I think because I read many story and liked them in a row. I saw on your pinned post too and I don't wanna get blocked. Is my blog considered empty? I don't write and share, just consume :'d
Love youu xx
Hiiii!! Aww thankies pookies!
oooh yeah some authors think spam liking gets you shadowbanned but thats just a myth lol. you can spam away on me! i always just ask that you reblog too.
but no your blog is perfect! you have pfp, age in bio, and you've reblogged posts. thats literally perf!! no worries about me blocking and i dont think anyone else will either based off your profile now. just make sure to read authors rules cause if they block for spam they will let you know in there.
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osaemu · 7 months
Why does spam like = block? When someone spam likes that just means they like a bunch of your works within a short period of time right? What's wrong with that? I've seen other blogs having this rule as well and I truly don't understand it. For example if someone finds your account for the first time and likes all of your stuff bc they simply like it thatll get them blocked? Why? This is not hate btw Id just like to know since I don't understand it at all
hiya anon !! there's a couple reasons why writers block spam likers, and the biggest one is that we can get shadowbanned if the same user likes too many posts in a row :,) :,) also usually spam likers never reblog anything, and since tumblr's algo works on rbs and not on likes, that's another reason ppl block 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ as far as i know it's just tumblr culture, hope this helped !!
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bekah814 · 1 year
Just saw your recent post and, this may be quite far from your experience but to me, I got blocked by one of my fave writers for apparently, spam liking. (Yes, I do reblog but sometimes, I have no time to read so I like it then go back to it at the end of the day, then reblog it, but ofc I can’t do it on a consistent or scheduled manner where I have to reblog all works that I liked within the day etc)
I was relatively new at tumblr at that time, so I didn’t know that some (if not most) writer dislikes the “like” or even “spam liking.” So I was shocked to know that I was blocked for that. Then I saw multiple posts that tumblr is not IG etc etc and that likes would not help the post at all or not contribute in showing appreciation (which made me think that if it’s not IG then why does specific interactions and numbers of interactions, matter?)
I do appreciate and acknowledge that authors basically give us free content of their sweat, time, and talent, and that they def deserve the reblogs and every interaction. But I just hope there’s no such hostility over likes. I cant seem to enjoy it that much anymore. Somewhat like you, I do not interact with posts until I have read it or until I could basically reblog it (which is not as often as the likes) bc I’m quite scared that liking it would eventually lead me being blocked by many writers here.
Anw that’s just me, feel free to delete this or enlighten me from an author’s pov. I mean no harm nor offense to anyone. It’s just me sharing hehe
No I completely agree! As someone that’s both an author and a consumer I understand the need for the precautions that are being taken! I’m not angry at how authors choose to run their blogs or even the rules that they choose to enforce bc I’ve been there! I was just honestly shocked and heartbroken that one of my favorite authors had blocked me on my birthday because I wasn’t able to answer when they wanted me to.
Many writers on this app are very vocal about the fact that they want people to interact with their blogs and works, and as a writer I do understand how important that is, but I just don’t think too many writers understand why they don’t get interaction. I’ve spent the last couple hours deleting 8 YEARS worth of reblogs off of my account because I’d rather be a silent watcher than be punished for interacting like they ask, and as you’ve said I’m sure the majority of people feel the same way.
I see so many artists wondering why nobody comments or interacts with their fics, and then the same artists have rules like you can’t reblog too many of their posts in a row or you get blocked; or if you don’t answer my question you get blocked- I even got blocked from a blog once because they said only male readers could interact/consume their work, and I just don’t think ppl understand that the two directly correlate. It’s why I stopped writing for this app, because since they changed the rules it’s like people have used that as an excuse to control the way people consume, share, and enjoy content on here, and thats just not something I want to have to go through every time I think I find someone who’s works I like,
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Do you have an adaptation you like just as much if not more than the original book? Tired of automatic claims that the book is better or people insisting an adaptation is bad just because it's different in any way? Is there an adaptation that you feel is underrated, or just makes you really happy? Is there a show or movie you love dearly, regardless of whatever it may be based on?
Boy, do I have the poll tournament for you!
The rules are simple:
Submit any screen adaptations that you think were just as good if not better than the books they were based on.
You can submit as many characters as you want but do it in separate submissions. Please don't spam one character a bunch of times in a row.
Only submissions through the form will be counted, not asks.
Generally, I'm focusing on TV/movie adaptations of books, but you can make a case for anything if you want.
TERFs, transmeds, exclusionists, and other bigots are NOT welcome.
Please keep in mind I am just doing this for fun and vibes! I will delete shit that doesn't pass the vibe check (things like Harry Potter) but I might also include things that didn't get a lot of submissions if the submitter can convince me with a passionate TedTalk.
I don't know if I'll do a traditional bracket or just vibe. Probably just vibe. I'll probably do little graphics though so if you have a picture you want me to use feel free to send something in or you'll be making do with whatever I find on Google.
I will try to reblog propaganda if I can, but I can't promise I'll see it all and if this blows up (which it probably won't, but who knows?) I might not even be able to reblog them all. I won't be reblogging anti-propaganda (aka "actually in this case the book WAS better because...")
Any hate messages will be blocked and ignored.
I will probably stop whenever I get Too Many Submissions, or in like, a week. Whichever comes first. This could either blow up or completely fizzle out.
I have tried to make this blog and post like five times and tumblr still refuses to put it in the main tags.
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writingdotcoffee · 3 years
#234: A Writer in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion
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I wrote about momentum a few times in the past, but it's so important that I'll write about it again. Physical momentum is pretty easy to understand. If you've ever been on a bike or done some running, you will know the difference that momentum makes to the effort that you need to extend to keep going.
Pedalling on a bike is much easier when you're in motion. Try running for 20 minutes, stopping for 2 minutes and running for 20 more minutes. It feels terrible. It's much easier to keep going all the way through.
Identical mechanics apply to knowledge work or anything that you do primarily with your brain. It's much easier to keep going than it is to start over. However, the benefits of momentum in the intellectual realm are a lot less clear.
Building Momentum
When starting a writing routine, many writers massively overestimate their capabilities. Often, this leads to people quitting after a few days or weeks.
The first rule of building momentum is to start slow — way below your personal best. Sprint the first mile of a ten-mile run, and the next nine miles will hurt. Most likely, you'll throw up at mile three and quit.
The same thing will happen if you go for a ten-mile run on the first day of training. If you never trained regularly, you won't last for very long.
Many writers set out to write something like a thousand words a day. Sure, Stephen King has no trouble writing 2,000 words per day. He's been at it for 50 years. Even just 500 words per day may be too much when you're just starting out.
It may seem silly: 500 words — that's nothing. Trust me, writing 500 words and writing 500 words every day for 100 days in a row are two very different things.
Why not aim to write 100 words per day for a few weeks? If it turns out to be too easy, you can always increase it.
Writing Session Momentum
Momentum can also help you with your writing sessions every day. Many writers keep postponing their writing to later and later in the day. At some point, they don't have enough time left to do it.
Starting to write is a lot more difficult when you want to do it abruptly. It's much easier to build momentum before you're supposed to start writing. It makes getting started a lot easier.
Many writers use all sorts of routines and rituals to prime themselves for writing. Some make a hot beverage. Others go to the coffee shop, play some music and start writing.
These don't have to be particularly elaborate.
Completing these "easy" tasks before starting to write builds momentum. They act as an on-ramp. By the time you get to the writing bit, you're going too fast to stop, so you might as well do it.
Over time, the series of steps becomes habitual. Your brain will know what's coming and get ready for writing.
Writing is a cognitively demanding activity. Easing yourself into it will get you much more consistent results.
Momentum Is Valuable
Every time you "lose momentum," you waste some energy. This is inevitable from time to time. The losses grow significantly the more often it happens.
It's like catching a series of red lights when driving. A five-minute journey can easily take 10 or 15 minutes. And you'll burn more fuel as well.
Most importantly, momentum helps the human body to adapt. Train every day, and pretty soon, a ten-mile run won't be a problem. If you do four runs, then stop for two weeks, go again and stop again, you will get frustrated and quit.
Build momentum. It works.
About the Author
Hi, I’m Radek 👋. I’m a writer, software engineer and the founder of Writing Analytics — an editor and writing tracker designed to help you beat writer’s block and create a sustainable writing routine.
I publish a post like this every week. Want to know when the next one comes out? Sign up for my email list below to get it right in your inbox.
(I won’t spam you or pass your email to a third party. You can unsubscribe at any time.)
Past Editions
#233: What’s the Deadline?, February 2022
#232: How to (not) Waste Your Time, February 2022
#231: Is It Really That Bad?, January 2022
#230: Working Backwards, January 2022
#229: Luck for Writers, January 2022
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I always loved fandom. I joined Twitter because I wanted to share my excitement and talk about the show (svu/OC) in depth. Now I'm really disheartened by the bullying going on between the fans (especially in the same fraction). I wanted to try Tumblr but it's so much harder to connect with people. Do you have any tips?
I'm sorry that Twitter got you down and I'm really glad you asked bc I think you're not the only person who's just come to Tumblr for the first time and Tumblr is a little different so I can see it being difficult to get started, esp coming from Twitter. I'm gonna start at the beginning and make like a primer, you have probably already done some of these things but I'm gonna throw it out there for everybody.
The first thing you're gonna wanna do is make sure you have your blog set up. Have a pfp, have a blog title and some description - doesn't have to be a description of you, could be a quote you like or anything, just put something in there so it's not completely blank. A lot of old timers will block a blank blog automatically bc it looks like spam.
Once your blog is set up, go to settings, dashboard preferences, and turn off best stuff first. When this is turned off, the posts from blogs you follow will appear on your dashboard in chronological order. When it's on, they'll appear according to how many notes they have, and you'll miss posts and no one wants that. Once you've been around for a while you may want to turn off "in your orbit" and "based on your likes" bc those add suggested posts to your dash, not necessarily from people you follow, but that may be helpful in the beginning. While you're in there make sure you have asks turned on so people can send you messages.
Once you've done that, go reblog some things. On Twitter if you like a post it gets pushed to your followers, and likes boost a post and put it in front of more eyeballs. Here likes don't do that. They add to notes, but note counts only matter for the features I just mentioned, and most people have them turned off. Reblog is the way to go.
To find things to reblog, go to the tags, and look for stuff you like. Search the svu tag, but search the characters too. Search Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson. Search svuedit. Tags automatically appear in order based on note count, you can switch that to "most recent" so you can see everything.
When you reblog, add tags of your own! If you reblog a post and tag it svu it won't appear in the svu tag, only the original post will. But if you tag everything svu related you can go to your blog, and filter by just that tag, and see everything #svu you've reblogged. It's a curation system. If a gifset makes you feel something, put that in the tags, too! If you see a set and you're moony over eo holding hands, put that in the tags of your reblog. It'll make the creator feel good, and it'll make you stand out.
If there's a text post in there with some interesting points, reblog it and add your thoughts! Or check the notes, see if other people are having conversations in there. Once you've reblogged some things and your blog isn't blank, talk to people in the notes.
Pls reblog a fic post if you like it, the writer will love you for it.
While you're in the tags, check out who's posting. If someone made something you like, follow them! Go to their blog, click on their tags - a lot of people use special tags to archive their original content on their blogs. I use #my gifs. So if you go to my blog, and you see a gifset I made, and you click on the my gifs tag, you'll see all my gifs. Like as many as you want. Reblog as many as you want. People don't get suspicious if you interact with an old post; you're supposed to. Go through my whole blog and like a hundred posts in a row, I'll love you for it. Twitter is all about what's happening now; Tumblr doesn't care about immediacy. It's supposed to be an archive and you're supposed to scroll as deep and as long as you want.
When you interact with posts - like, reblog, comment, whatever - when you follow people, you're putting yourself out there. They may click thru to your blog, they may not. But if they do, and they like what you've reblogged, they may follow you back. If you aren't very active, fewer people will see your name, and fewer people will follow back, and Tumblr thrives off the dash. People interact most with posts from people they follow. To get followers, you gotta get your name in front of people.
In addition to interacting with posts you can put yourself on other people's radar by making original posts and tagging them. So say there's something you really want to talk about related to the most recent epi. Write up your thoughts, and then tag your post. Tag it "law and order svu" and "svu" and "Olivia Benson", or whatever, so that people who follow those tags will see it. If you don't tag it won't go anywhere. You'll probably have to make a couple posts before you get traction. There is no telling what will take off and what won't. If you can make gifs or graphics post those, but text posts can get just as popular, you don't have to make graphics.
You'll notice I don't tag my text posts or my ask answers with "svu". I use "s.vu" bc I like keeping those posts between me and my followers, I don't wanna fill the svu tag with all my ask answers. Some people do this; some people are blogging about svu but they don't show up in the tags. So look at who's commenting on posts you like. Look at who's reblogging them. Go to those blogs, scroll through, see if you like it, follow them too. If you've got a favorite fic author search them on tumblr and see if they're here. They probably aren't, but then again a lot of people are.
You want to broaden the base of people you're following and no one can see it, and unlike Twitter no one is gonna judge you for who you follow or how - follower count doesn't mean shit here, no one else can see it and most of us never look at our own counts, and if you follow a blog and then decide it's not for you and unfollow they'll probably never even notice you went away. You like flowers? Lingerie? New Girl? Go follow crazy. Fill your dash up, and then change it at will.
You won't get shadowbanned for saying fuck or kill. You don't have to censor yourself.
If you comment on some posts, if someone answers you back, if you start interacting with a particular blog, shoot your shot in the dms! I wouldn't do that if you haven't spoken to them at all before, but if you've had some previous interaction, go ahead.
But conversations are a little slower to start on Tumblr bc that's not really how it's structured. @andallthatmishigas is one of my very best friends in the whole wide world. We may not "talk" on Tumblr for days on end. We will reblog things from each other, and now that we're actual friends we may send each other links to funny posts over Tumblr dms, but we aren't having conversations in the notes on posts. We're doing parallel play; she's reblogging things she likes and I'm reblogging things I like and we're trading likes so we both know we're here, but we're not doing the same thing. And you know how we met? She said nice things about a story I was writing and I thanked her for it. Literally that was it, that was the start of our friendship. That was five years ago and we went to London together last month. Bc we communicated about a fic. So be open to interaction, be willing to pursue it, but understand that Tumblr isn't necessarily about a constant back and forth.
Tumblr is about curating things you like. It's about gathering shiny treasures for yourself. It will not do it for you the way Twitter will, you have to go out and find the blogs to follow and you have to push the interactions. Along the way you can make friends - @featherpluckn and I have been friends for over a decade bc of this platform, @racethewind10 and I became friends bc she commented on a post and I answered and now we talk every day- and you can have those conversations and you can build those relationships, but it's slow. It takes time. So do Tumblr for you. Write out all your thoughts, and tag them for people to see. Reblog everything that brings you joy and say so in the tags. Jump into the notes when you see people talking about things. Send asks!! People love getting asks. Send em anonymously if you're nervous, and work your way up to showing your face. This is often a better approach than just starting in the dms tbh, and it opens the conversation up to more than just you and that one person.
It can be hard to get started, and it can feel overwhelming, but just take it one day at a time. Say what's on your mind, reblog things you like, and play around with other people. Something will stick.
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changsungbot · 3 years
Sub!Changsung ChatBot
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Welcome to a Submissive/Bottom SEO CHANGBIN and HAN JISUNG of Stray Kids Chatbot!
*:・゚A Chatbot is basically where someone will pretend to be a character/person, or their own OC, and have it so people can chat to them. It’s roleplay. 
You do not have to have both Changbin AND Jisung at the same time, you can one or the other.  ⮞By bottom/sub, I do not mean just sexual. I basically mean they are baby (not literally), the one taken care of in the relationship. Basically, the little spoon! 
I ONLY do bottom/sub Changbin and bottom/sub Jisung. I do maleXmale, femaleXmale, and genderneutralXmale.   -Again, bottom/sub (in a sexual manner) means they are the one being dominated on. They are the ones being penetrated or whatever. So please do not DM this account if you plan on wanting Changbin/Jisung to be the top/dominant one(s)! 
Jisung and Changbin are both Pansexual! (Loves all genders~)
I do: Fluff, smut, angst, agere/age-regression(Little Space), AUs (School, modern, work, yandere [maybe], omegaverse, & so on), etc! Open to roleplaying many things!
With smut, I do NOT do coprophilia (feces kink/fetish) OR feet kink/fetish. Nor do I do necrophilia or bloodrelated-incest (AKA related by blood). BUT I will do basically anything else (EX: BDSM, DDLB/MDLB/CGL, Ageplay, petplay, omorashi, etc etc. Just ask!)  ⮞The smut can be hard/kinky, could be vanilla/soft, doesn’t matter! 
16+ If you want to do platonic roleplay. BUT your oc/your character has to be 18+ to do romance/sexual roleplay!   -It’s fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. EX: If you/your oc is 18, you can change the age to 22 to be older than JiJi if you would like!
➧Obedient Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Bratty Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Little/Regressed Jisung (Non-Sexual)
➧Kinky Sungie (Sexually)
➧Hybrid Jisung (Omegaverse. He could any hybrid [Puppy, squirrel, etc].  If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha)
➧Build A Jisung (Give him whatever personality traits you want [sensitive for example], whatever kinks you want, however tall you want, etcc!)
➧Obedient Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Bratty Changbin (Sexually or/and Romantically)
➧Little/Regressed Binnie (Non-Sexual)
➧Kinky Changbin (Sexually)
➧Hybrid Changbin (Like Omegaverse. He could be any hybrid you want [kitty, bunny, etc]. If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha.)
➧Build A Changbin (Give CB any personality you want, whatever kinks you want, however tall you want,etc!)
To begin roleplaying, just like and reblog this post. Then, DM/PM this account and tell me about yourself and/or your OC. Whoever you are going to roleplay as! [You can also roleplay as a different SKZ member, besides Bin and Sung, too!]    ⮞Tell me what you think would be important about whoever you are rping as. Like age, personality, et cetera! Then tell me what genre(s) you would want (smut, fluff, etc). Along with an AU if you want one. If you pick no AU, Changbin or Jisung will stay an idol.
Tell me who you want to RP with, Changbin or Jisung. Or both if you would like. Also tell me which Binnie or Sungie you want, or build your own! If you have any questions, never be afraid to ask before we start rping! 
-I am NOT very active on here. So do not expect me to answer immediately. Occasionally I might get writer’s block and not know what to respond with right away LOL
-Please do not spam me. By that, I mean do not message me excessively in a row. 
-I normally ask a decent amount of questions before roleplaying. So expect that!  ➢My length of reply changes. It could be a really long reply or a decently short reply
-My timezone is EST!
-The genre I enjoy doing the most is smut personally!
-You don’t need to be a GREAT roleplayer to roleplay with me. You can be new to it, I’m patient!
-I do not judge how people roleplay normally. But I personally roleplay as if it is a fanfic. So I roleplay in third-person. I would appreciate if you would do the same but you do not have to. ➤I DON’T roleplay with people who do such things like “*kisses*, *hugs*”. I’m sorry. I also do not roleplay with people who don’t put in any effort. If I send a paragraph, I do not expect just a “yeah.” back. Please put some effort?<3
-Do not worry about replying immediately. Take your time with responding. If you ever want to talk out of roleplay, or say something, just put it in parenthesis! I will do the same!
-You want to ask me questions through Inbox? Feel free! (I will guess you are asking ME, out of roleplay, the question unless you specify otherwise)
-If you want to stop roleplaying, just tell me! And if you want to start again, just say so! <3 
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🖤Pit Rules🖤
Welcome to The Pit! I’m Dave York, and I run things around here. You can call me Suburban Murder Daddy, or “Daddy” for short. I expect every single one of you to read and memorize the following rules.
I have received a flood of filthy asks and sexy DMs. I didn’t anticipate such a swell in interest, and between my work at the CIA and my “night job” it’s going to take me a little while to catch up. Please keep your panties on, at least until I tell you you can take them off.
You must be 18+ to come play in The Pit. I check each and every one of your slutty little landing pages. If I come across any minors you will be blocked and reported: No. Fucking. Exceptions. If your landing page does not say “18+” and/or have an age or a birth year listed, I will not answer your messages.
If you are 18+, you may send me any little filthy thought, GIF, or post that your heart desires, no matter how depraved. If I think it’s too rough for The Pit I’ll ask you to slide into my DMs for some special attention.
Anonymous Asks: Pick a secret emoji that is not already taken, and then DM me privately to tell me who you are. I need to know so that we can play safely together, and make sure that we are all 18+. But I won’t reveal you to the rest of The Pit.
Sending me multiple DMs and Asks: each and every slut in my Pit is special, and deserves as much personal attention as you do. If you send 1-2 messages or Asks, do not send any more until I can get back to you. If you spam me with too many in a row, I will discipline you. A second violation will result in blocking you.
What Daddy says, goes. No backtalk. I won’t hesitate to block you, even though it would break my heart to lose such a special little slut. You want to be my good little whore and come play in The Pit, don’t you? Don’t disappoint Daddy.
Just remember that I want to please and punish you all, and I will be here when I can to have some fun with you. 🖤 - Dave
These emojis are taken. Use a different one for your first Anon ask: 💋🍭���♉🐺🧷🍓🍍🌸🍑👛🎀🦊🌙🌻🌌🐙🪐🐭🐝🍒💫📚🎞🥐👽🧁🧚💃🏻👻4️⃣🧸🔪🩺☀️😇👑🌹🐧
If I send you to The Punishment Corner it's final. But you can get out for good behavior or for taking your spankings like a good little slut.
The Pit Anthem is The Good, the Bad and the Dirty by Panic! at the Disco. It’s fitting.
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So, I decided to check my past url tag to find something that someone had written for me and the posts tagged under my past url is just sickening...
People are calling me a pedo, a groomer, a sicko, a weirdo, a terf, a transphobe, an ableist, and saying I'm sickeningly lusting after Aidan because they've taken everything I have ever said or posted blatantly out of context and saying that me saying that I'm not a pedo is an excuse and a cover up to hide how I really am...
Cool... Just... Cool... Awesome... Great... That's really great...
I only keep bringing up that I'm not a pedo and that my feelings for Five has absolutely nothing to do with how he looks is because people have thrown nasty accusations at me because I treat, love, see, validate, and respect him as the elderly man that Five actually truly is. And I have even stated time and time again how I am not attracted to Aidan at all. And I'm still not and I never will be.
And that one person going around and posting about me didn't "politely ask me to call Vanya Viktor" they spammed "His name is Viktor" in a nonstop row on every single post where I was talking about S1 and S2 and the past, and referring to the actual character when they were Vanya in the show to keep my posts from being confusing timeline wise. I blocked this person immediately because they were being obnoxious and nonstop spamming my notifications like an immature child.
I was obviously not trying to deadname anyone, but now I have people calling me a transphobe and a terf too on top of everything else.
I don't think I'm going to post about Five or TUA anymore. I'm done.
Will I lose my will to write for Five too?
Who knows? It's a gamble at this point of how many more hits I can take.
People can say whatever the fuck they want about me I don't care anymore. I'm no longer defending myself from shit or deflecting it.
The people that actually know me, have actually spoken with me, and have truly read my posts and stories and understand the deeper meanings and context to them know who and how I truly am.
Again, people can say whatever in the fuck they want about me, spreading lies and rumors about me are their problem, not mine.
And when I say the phrase "It's not a sex thing." I actually mean it, because it's truly not. It's nobody's fucking business, but I am a sex abuse victim that is excruciatingly Demisexual and has little to no sexual desire ever. I can't even say I have a libido. All of my attraction and feelings towards Five are all purely emotional and mental. But, who the fuck actually cares to actually take what I say and write at face value. I am the most transparent person you will ever meet, I don't even have an online persona. But, what the fuck ever.
I'm trying to not let a bunch of strangers that don't know me at all ruin things that bring me joy, but damn is this getting exhausting.
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kinkyacademia · 5 years
Here they are! I know I recently answered an ask about our Rules/Guidelines but I hadn’t had the chance to update the Rules on the Blog yet. These Rules below are the new and updated Rules. These are our expectations of the people who follow out Blog but also to Rules that we as the Mods follow when responding to requests or questions. I hope these are good enough for all of you and that you can all respect them properly.
~ This is an 18+ Blog! There is no exception to this, almost everything we write here will contain sexual content in some way. This is not a place for Minors and as such, they should take care as to avoid our page. We make no apologies to those who stumble onto our Blog and are offended to find the content is nasty, kinky material because we make it very clear this is an 18+ Blog and no place for children!
~ SPOILERS!! Can’t make it any clearer that by following this blog you run the risk of finding spoilers. We make no apologies if you chance a look and are greeted with spoilers, this is not a spoiler free blog, there will be Manga spoilers here! So please, do not come bitch at us about finding spoiler content on our blog, it will be ignored!
~ We mods here on the blog, cover many different subjects while diving into our writings. Things can range from fluff to full blown kinky material within the blink of an eye. Be warned though, we also cover subjects like angst, depression and anxiety here on the blog. So please, be aware of that before delving too far.
~ All posts on the Blog are tagged as they need to be. If we believe that something is deserving of a Trigger Warning, it will be written in bold at the top of the request what the Trigger Warning is for. We tag things so that people can avoid reading content that they do not wish to be exposed to. Every now and again we may tag some things wrong, if that is to happen please let us know in a polite manner and without abusing us.
~ Any and all characters written for on this blog are AGED UP, even if it says they are in school or class. We will not write for minors in sexual content, so please don’t even ask for it.
~ Please be sure to be kind, not only to one another but also to the Mods of this blog. We write this content for free and we do our best to tailor the requests to your desires, so please keep in mind that any requests here will take time and energy. Keep in mind also, that all of us here at this blog are only HUMAN and have lives outside of the blog, screaming at us about your request not having been finished yet or taking too long will more than likely result in it not getting done
~ NO FIGHTING!! We will not tolerate fighting of any kind here on this Blog, no matter if it be with us or fellow followers. This entails and hate towards ships that you don’t fancy, if you don’t like a certain ship and we happen to write for it then please, don’t leave rude comments about it and just move on. Being toxic towards us and followers will see you blocked from the Blog; we will not tolerate that here!
~ Please be sure to check out our Masterlist if you find yourself wanting to read for a specific character or from a specific Mods works. Mobile users will have to search for the tag #masterlist in order to access the Masterlist and if it doesn’t work, we’re sorry, there really isn’t much we can do.
~Mods on this Blog will open their Ask Box individually and take a specific number of requests before deciding to close their Ask Box again. Each time the Ask Box is opened by a Mod, there will be an announcement as well as the Bio of the Blog being changed to state which Mod is open. When their Ask Box is closed again, the Bio will be changed to state so and another announcement will be made to say the Mod is closing. Please, pay attention to the Bio before sending in requests.
~ If more than one Mod happens to be open at any one time, you will need to be sure to SPECIFY which Mod you’re sending in an Ask for, otherwise the Ask may end up getting deleted if neither Mod can figure out who it belongs to.
~ The only exception we have for requests being sent in while our Ask Box is closed are EMERGENCY Requests! Even then, we Mods will decided whether the request is really an emergency or just someone trying to be cheeky with us and get an ask in. Any requests sent in while the Ask Box is closed will be rejected and there for DELETED!
~ Please be sure to check up on what characters our Mods write for, not all of us write for the same characters and there are some characters that we absolutely refuse to write for. Please be mindful that some Mods will not write for certain things either, we ask that you respect our wished and follow the guidelines we set up for you. A list of characters that we write for is normally posted when we announce that we are opening our Ask Boxes, make sure to read it thoroughly.
~ There is a limit to three characters per every headcanons request that is sent in, this is to ensure the response doesn’t become too long or too repetitive as it tends to do.
~ We do not judge people for their kinks that they may ask of us here or the type of request they may send in, hell, we’re a bunch of perverse people anyways so we’ve probably seen worse. As much as we have nothing against generic requests, we tend to find it hard to work with them as there isn’t much to work with. We are only human after all and unfortunately that means that even we have limits to our imagination. Here is an example of what not to send in: “Can I get sfw and nsfw hc’s for (Character).” Instead trying adding a bit of detail about what you would like the headcanons to be about for example: “Can I get some hc’s for (Character) where they punish S/O after they’ve been cheeky towards them?” It’s nice and simple, but not too simple and there is plenty of room for us to expand on it. Please don’t go overboard though, there is no point sending us in a break down of the whole story and expecting us to expand on it, it’s just impossible as there is nothing left to work with; such requests will be automatically rejected.
~ MANNERS! We can not stress enough how important it is to use manners with us! Please, use your manners? As we have said before, we Mods here on the Blog are only human and not machines, we don’t just take orders. So please, can you be sure to throw in a little Please and Thank You when you’re making your requests of us?
~ No Spamming! Please, do not take it upon yourself to spam our inbox with requests. WE love to write and all but when we receive several requests in a row for the same character and they’re similar, we will not write for them. Spamming is unnecessary and unfair on the other followers of the blog. Please be mindful of the fact other people may want to make requests of us, not just you.
~ Character x Character requests are welcome here now. For a while there we weren’t writing for Character x Character and were keeping it for events only, but now we will write for it on a general basis so long as you stick to the rules and guidelines for asks and make sure that the Mod open writes Character x Character.
~ Hell, to the Heck NO! We will not under any circumstances write for Mineta or Endeavour here on this Blog, those characters are taboo here and are not talked about! There are several subjects that we as a whole refuse to write for, under no circumstances will we EVER write for Paedophilia or anything else that contains/involves underage sexual conduct. To elaborate of that, we will not write for situations where reader has been exposed to sexual situations as a child or anything else a child shouldn’t have to endure, that sort of thing is not tolerated here! We do not take student x teacher requests here either. The exception to that being if the reader is the teacher in their early years and the students in their last year of school!
~ Please be advised, if you ask one of the Mods for a darker theme such as angst, depression or anxiety. Please expect to get a darker themed response. We will NOT tolerate people being angry at us because a darker themed ask got a dark themed response, we can only work with what we’re given! 
~ Reading the Mods Do’s and Don’ts before sending in asks is important, that information can be found in the Mods section on the blog, Mobile Users will have to search for the #mods in order to find this information. Any request that breaches a Mods Do’s and Don’ts will be deleted.
~ We reserve the right to delete any and all requests that we don’t exactly feel comfortable writing for, even if it’s not precisely breaching any rules. For instance, some Mods my be more open to writing extreme kinks or certain scenarios than others.
~ Anonymity is a privilege and one that can be revoked at any stage! Being snarky or rude to the Mods of this blog will result in the ability to send in Asks on Anonymous being removed. This is usually something we only do for a short period of time before restoring it but it can become permanent should problems be recurring.
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seesgood · 6 years
a list of things in the rpc that stress me the fck out ( part two ) 
trends. or more specifically, the constant ever changing trends that you can never keep up with but you have to if you want to be considered “quality”
what even is quality? does that mean GOOD? bc we’re all good. we’re all just here to write
being here to write but spending so much time obsessing over aesthetics instead
duplicate blogs and the widely spread notion that you shouldn’t be insecure about them but you are anyway
“rpc is not a competition” um yeah it kinda is okay 
is my faceclaim banned? will someone hate me for my faceclaim usage? i don’t know lets play russian roulette and find out. oh i got anon hate for it, guess it’s not okay.
people who write shitty muses = shitty people ( um no???? ) 
write what you want your blog is your space! no it’s not this is inappropriate! don’t censor people! censor people! 
this is a dumb one and idk why it’s a thing but : when i know someone’s url means something but i can’t pronounce it 
having to remember every single person’s individual rules so you don’t break them and end up making someone hate you
softblocking as a “nicer” way to block someone? ( there’s no nice way to block someone tho so i’m????? ) 
a huge amount of merit being put on how many followers someone has when really that doesn’t mean anything bc spoiler alert: the more time you’ve been on here the more followers you amass bc of: bot blogs, p.orn blogs, personal blogs, archived blogs, abandoned blogs, etc
call out posts. and call out culture in general
the amount of people i see that have to turn anon off bc they’re petrified of getting anon hate for one thing or another
“this person deviated their muse from the canon storyline so i must send them hate for it”
the whole female vs. male muse thing that just...i can’t even begin to talk about it
there are still people that think multimuse blogs are less quality bc they have multiple muses on them???
but there are also those people that spend time to make 1800 blogs for 1800 individual muses but they never have time to keep up to date on all of them bc they’re trying to run 1800 blogs 
discord rping, i’m so bad at it. i can’t keep track of threads. i can’t write on mobile. 
i literally am such a pushover i can’t say no to people ever 
worrying about posting too many replies in a row and dash spamming
worrying about whether people are getting irritated bc my queue is too long 
where is the balance????
if i post this about that will someone get upset? 
friendorfollow is not free anymore so i have to click through like 800 pages of who i’m following to see who unfollowed me anytime someone unfollows me 
psd trends 
everything costs money. you wanna be quality? have fun paying $30+ to make yourself look like it oh jk the trend will change in 2 months anyway and you’ll have to struggle to keep up 
so much negativity not enough positivity 
i could go on but this post is long and people don’t like long posts on their dash *sweats*
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Part 19: Passing of the Torch
In this part, we fight the optional bosses, Nentou and Bunchu. They are hard.
If you don’t know what this is about, please refer to this previous post.
[Any new comments by me will be designated by brackets.]
I'm only going to bother with upgrading attacks for Soushou and Tensho at this stage because they're the ones I'm going to use for the final boss.
To increase Tensho's weapon from level 3 to 4, just use this combo:
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And after that, talk to Taiitsu and have him upgrade your weapon again. He'll do it automatically this time! And for free! (Choose the first option when given the chance.)
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Five stars! Hooray!
Now Soushou's turn:
Level 2 to 3:
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Level 3 to 4:
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Yeah... It's the same combo for both. (If you look back at the level 1 to 2 combo, it's also the same... Convenient!) Unfortunately, Taiitsu can't increase it any higher.
I think at this point, you can visit Nentou (up in Taijou Roukun’s village) with Soushou in your party, and actually fight Nentou--with Soushou alone. Beware, as Nentou is HARD. He will use a lot of powerful attacks and support moves.
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The best strategy I've found is to get all of Soushou's moves up to level four, with his level in the late 50s to early 60s. When you face Nentou, don't bother using Soushou's special move; just use his standard attack. Save all of Soushou’s EP for healing. Unfortunately, Soushou is slower than Nentou, taking away the "first hit" advantage.
Also, Soushou's healing move only heals about 1600-1700 HP. Nentou tends to deal out 2000+ HP damage... NORMALLY. This is mostly due to how much Nentou abuses--er, I mean, uses stat-boosting moves. There are two that he tends to use the most: a move that boosts his defense, and a move that boosts his attack. His special can do a hefty 2000 HP already (if you're lucky, it'll only do around 1500), so with an attack boost, he can sometimes hit you for 3000+ damage. Ouch.
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So yeah, count on healing A LOT if your HP drops to the 3000-4000 range. Sounds like I'm being really cautious, but there's a reason for that. If you start skimping on the healing, you will die very, very quickly; because Nentou usually doesn't give you a second chance to heal. Also, there are times when he can cancel out your attacks. Luckily, it doesn't take away any EP if you've used a move that requires EP. Also, it doesn't let HIM attack either. But it's still pretty annoying as it tends to make this battle a lot longer than it has to be.
This is definitely one of the longer and tougher boss battles of the game, and it doesn't help that Nentou himself can heal (though only for a meager 1000 HP). It really is a battle of endurance and attrition. Just be patient, keep at it, and lo and behold, you've defeated Nentou!
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For all that trouble, Nentou teaches Soushou some kind of final technique... which increases Soushou’s special to five stars! Hooray!
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Now, for Bunchu... Yes, you can fight him too, with Cho Kei and his wife, Kouranei. So making an exception, here are the combos to upgrade their paopei/attacks:
Cho Kei:
Lvl 1 to 2:
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Lvl 2 to 3:
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Lvl 3 to 4:
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Lvl 4 to 5: Talk to Taiitsu again.
Lvl 1 to 2:
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Lvl 2 to 3:
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Lvl 3 to 4:
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Lvl 4 to 5: Talk to Taiitsu again.
Anyway, you're going to have to level up Cho Kei and Kouranei if you even want to have a chance of winning. Bunchu is tough. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that Cho Kei and Kouranei know absolutely no healing moves. It also doesn't help that leveling them up is a huge pain in the behind because of their lack of pure offensive moves.
If you want to level them up efficiently, then go to the Houshindai and find the level where Raishinshi's brother Hakuyuukou resides. Just keep going down right as far as you can using the trains. At one of the "dead ends" (where you can't go right anymore), then that should be where Hakuyuukou lives. It's one of the levels above Bunchu’s old residence, if I remember correctly. Anyway, just go down the stairs there, and train near the red warp point. That way, you can level up, and heal quickly when your team's HP gets low (using Hakuyuukou).
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After much trial-and-error, I have found a somewhat decent strategy for beating Bunchu.
Before you fight him, Cho Kei, Kouranei, and Bunchu gain their most powerful moves/specials. It's recommended that you have Cho Kei's and Kouranei's levels be in the late 50s-early 60s, though the higher the level, the better. If you've maxed out the level on Cho Kei's paopei, spam his standard. It will do WAY more damage than his newly gained special attack. However, you'll want to spam Kouranei's newly awakened special, because if it critical hits, it can do around 3000 damage to Bunchu. Also, BRING LOTS OF HEALING ITEMS. Before, I thought that you couldn't heal senin with potions, but there's actually an item that you can heal them with... Which are these things:
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You get these in chests, or by making Dokouson's master transform them (remember? Part 11a). To get the base form in the first place, you can buy them from one of the senins in Kongrong, if you have the right currency. But for the rest of us, then you'll have to either buy them from Roushi's place (the shop there sells them) or traverse alllll the way down to the vending machines in the final dungeon. One of the vending machines will sell them, for a mere 600 money, if I remember right.
...Yeah, just go get them from Roushi's place. It saves a lot of trouble and frustration. It's a really good idea to go ahead and upgrade them to the 2000 HP healing kind, even if it means losing the 100 EP restoration effect. With the damage Bunchu deals, it's better to worry about HP first, EP later.
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Anyway, back to defeating Bunchu. Although he can't heal himself, he's still annoying because his riding beast Kokukirin will sometimes block your attacks. So like the Nentou battle, this one rides on a lot of luck. Just spam the above mentioned attacks, heal when you can, and pray that you'll land a lot of critical hits/not get too badly hurt.
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After you get his exp low enough, Bunchu will "transform" into his more powerful form. Don't relax yet, because while he's almost close to defeat, he's even MORE powerful in this form. And faster, too. (In my playthrough, whenever he entered this mode, he became faster than Cho Kei... though luckily Kouranei was still the fastest.)
At this point, heal one more time, and just go all-out on him, because chances are, you won't have the time to heal anymore. Keeping Kouranei alive is your top priority though, as she'll always attack first, giving you an advantage. In this stage, Bunchu will almost always abuse his special, which can cause upwards of 4000 HP of damage! That's pretty much the amount of HP Cho Kei and Kouranei have! If you're lucky (luck again...) Kouranei will be able to dodge enough of Bunchu's attacks and finish him off. FINALLY.
Truthfully, I had to let Cho Kei get knocked out in this battle... His wife was the one who finally defeated Bunchu after evading like three of his attacks in a row.
[In case you’re wondering how many times I had to fight Bunchu before I actually beat him... it was over 20 times. OVER TWENTY TIMES]
After that nightmare, what do you get? Well, you get to keep the specials for Cho Kei, Kouranei, and Bunchu, of course!
Anyway, the new specials:
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Cho Kei's special allows him to throw a huge boulder at one enemy and costs 40 EP. It's not that great, actually.
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Kouranei's special (costing 50 EP) allows her to... shoot? Throw? many needles (the Taiyoushin) at the enemy. It hits all enemies on screen, and does a pretty decent amount of damage.
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Bunchu's newly gained special move allows him “transform” into super mode. It costs 99 EP, sends all his stats through the roof, and makes his (original) special attack do tons more damage.
[We’ll be finishing up the last of the side-quests I’ve found in the next part. See you then.]
To be continued.
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messedupessy · 7 years
congrats! and, assuming it's still open, headcannons on what kinda blogs the skellies of your choice would open on tumblr? (e.g. aesthetic blogs, political, suggestion, sin, fandom, art, cooking etc - endless possibilities lol)
Thank you Igni!! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and oh this will be interesting hahaha
And my choice for skellies are… Stretch, Berry and Sans :D wanted to add another skeleton but my mind blanked so you only get 3!
His blog is one big mess of memes, various vine compilations, lots of shitposts, random jokes, puns, allot of dad jokes, prank videos and just plain weird things, like the stuff from the “night bloggers” or whatever they are called, and lots of other just funny shit, also some stuff from various shows and movies he has watched, also a couple of theories here and there as he finds them interesting, sometimes reblogs fan art from those shows too, also a bunch of cute animals posts he mostly reblogs from Berry, many posts about various video games he has played too, he doesn’t follow many people except for like his brother, some of their friends, and a couple of those blogs that just reblogs funny and various interesting stuff, he is very active at times during the night when he can’t sleep, or he is suddenly on a binge of scrolling through tumblr til 4 am finding the weirdest and funniest shit he can, then he reblogs like over 30 posts in a row, he rarely makes any post of his own, though when he ends up extremely sleep deprived somehow or has a case of insomnia he can end up posting random text posts with things that makes absolutely no sense, like: “my crocs are lost, they are not on my knees, they’re on my hands, hand crocs, croc hands” or something weird like that, every sentence a reblog, which when he finally falls asleep and  then wakes up and he finds them goes: I have no frikking memory of writing this?? but usually he finds the post funny and let's it stay, he and Berry often tags each other in posts the other finds funny and want to show the other, mostly just memes and jokes, they often spam each others inbox with jokes, puns and lots of other stuff, like inside jokes, they have literal wars with them just spamming each other for shits and giggles.
The appearance of his blog is just the official theme, with a orange background and then probably a meme or something from a vine as his icon and banner, and he doesn’t have anything in his description really except for like a pun or something like it.  
His blog like Stretch’s has allot of jokes, memes, puns and a couple of vine compilations, which he  most of the time have reblogged from Stretch, but mostly his blog consists off various advice posts, like what not to feed your dog, what to do to fix various things, how to handle depression tips, bunch on how to take care of yourself and your body etc, he also reblogs lot’s of cute animal photos and vids, and allot of just random things he has found which he has found cool, like various art works and animations, aesthetic posts, lot’s of positivity posts, he writes allot of stuff in the tags off every post he reblogs, lot’s of praise in all of them, he also makes some posts himself with various tips he thinks other people could find useful, he also likes to add on other peoples posts with his own views and stuff, or like he feels they have missed something in what the person has written etc so he adds the things he felt was missing and stuff, he also likes to reblog cooking posts and recipes, posts photos of his various meals he has made himself time to time even, he follows a bunch of various people, his brother and various friends of course, but he follows a bunch of positivity blogs, advice blogs, cooking blogs etc anything that catches his interest, he is probably like following over a thousand of them, also posts his own positivity posts time to time, there are also a whole bunch of motorcycles and car posts too, not just photos but how to take care of them too etc, he makes posts about how to do car and motorcycle stuff too as he is really good at that stuff, and things with anything about space and stars he reblogs too, couple of posts about various shows and movies he has watched too, political posts sometimes too, he is extremely active and actually has a pretty big follower count who constantly sends him asks about various things, from advice to comment on something he has reblogged, he also reblogs lots of martial arts vids alongside posts about various video games he has played too, also vids etc of people skateboarding and prank videos too.   
The appearance of his blog would be a self designed theme which he made himself, with lot’s of stars and spacey stuff, his icon is probably a photo of himself or off something funny  like a meme etc, the blog is very easily navigated as he has made a whole page on how to navigate things, has a whole page describing what his blog is all about and a bit of who he is.  
His blog is completely empty, like it is literally empty, he hasn’t done anything with it at all, not changed the theme, or even gotten an icon, he doesn’t even have any posts, no reblogs of anything not even any likes, he just can’t be bothered, he is also only following one person which of course is Papyrus, he mostly got a tumblr just so he can more easily keep track on his brothers reactions when he sends various puns and jokes into Papyrus’s inbox on anon, which amuses him to no end, it’s a wonder Papyrus hasn’t blocked him, he do at times sit and scroll through various science posts, alongside a bunch of jokes and puns etc one’s too of course, when he is bored or just got nothing better to do, or when he srs can’t sleep and can’t come up with anything else, if, or rather when, Papyrus finds out Sans has a tumblr, he will insist on Sans letting him fix up his theme and stuff for him, because seriously Sans you can’t have a tumblr without personalizing it!
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belch-huggins · 7 years
Rant/Apology [Please Read]
Bout to get reeeeally upset
Before I start I am okay with people sending me asks today but please keep the following in mind as you read.
So Fist off I’m sorry I didn’t get to many Asks the other day I was dealing with some stuff and a good handful of the asks I have I want/need to tag for things like Trigger Warnings and NSFW which I can’t do it on my phone. 
Secondly I will be doing selective asks today while I’m gone and at work so mostly I will be continuing threads I’ve already started and maybe starting some with a few people I have already talked to. There is a reason for this.
Soooo guys I want to make something very very VERY clear. I am not Belch Huggins. I am just some person who likes to write and roleplay and enjoys the IT fandom. I understand people having a love/crush on Belch I get it. I love him and all the terrible boys too! However I wouldn’t message Vic’s Mun/Admin and send messages about how I love them and would give my life for them and even me the mun when you haven’t talked to me. Please for the love of god get to know me. A lot of the people on here that I have talked to I have gotten to know. I’ve spent time talking to Patrick, Henry, and Vic’s mun we have conversations about life and interests. I know a good amount about them in everyday life. So if they were to send a random “I love you message” it wouldn’t creep me out. [Odds are good it would be a joke or a more friendly manner]
I get really uncomfortable when I get those messages out of the blue on my account. [this excludes people who have messaged me to say they loved a post I sent to them]. Also don’t spam my inbox with stuff like that. I appreciate that you guys are sweet and supportive I really do but when it’s constant and comes in like a flood and I end up with like multiple asks in a row that I CAN tell are written by the same person it gets a little unsettling.
I love this page and interacting with you guys I really do! It’s fun and I have a good time. I love messaging you guys and getting to know you, but that’s just it. Get to know me a bit before you start throwing things at me about loving me and stuff like that. I know those people don’t mean to come off as creepy but it does. I really don’t want to start blocking people but if I have to I will. 
Also Side note: I play Belch in a way I see him based on the media I have consumed about him. In all three forms {The book[which I’m re-reading right now], the mini series, and the movie} Belch isn’t focused on as much as people like Henry so I have to fill in blanks. I’m sorry that he doesn’t meet your standards if that upsets you PLEASE don’t follow my account. There is no point. Also the “Belch having a crush” thing is me having fun. Just like how I carry over stuff from threads into different asks. I can say he’d have a crush on someone. At this point in time there was no one. It was just a fun little thing to drive people crazy and something I could joke about in Dm’s with people. Okay!? okay....
*Deep breath* Now the people I will be talking to 100% for sure today are under the cut. Mostly so; A. They know this had nothing to do with them, B. They are okay to send me things, and C. Because I’ve worried one or two of these people about this subject because I kept coming to them about this. Now if you’re someone who is usually on Anon and doesn’t do these things. You’re fine. just right now I need to sort this whole thing out. Also don’t fucking bother some of these people about this. If I hear one complaint from them about someone bothering them over this post I will do something about it.
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