#I must have forgotten
atlantis-area · 5 months
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Throwback SHINee: Jonghyun at Inkigayo (Lucifer, 100725)
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keepthetension · 4 months
it's been days since wandee goodday episode 05 but i keep thinking about how this guy?
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ended up finding someone who cares in the same way
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lilithofpenandbook · 15 days
Something I can't stop thinking about is that Snape began the series being perfectly okay
He was actually at his best. He'd spent ten whole years in Hogwarts without the Marauders and before Harry Potter walked in.
Of course it wouldn't have been easy for him to adjust, but he did. And I just can't help but think of those first months where the other teachers got to know him, and got to realise that this boy needed them, needed their help, and took care of him. I can't help but think of how they promised him that it's okay, it's over, everyone's safe and he's not what he thinks he is. He's okay.
Like, for ten years he would have been happy. He had friends. He had a job. He had a home. Hogwarts was his home.
And then Harry Potter came and everything went wrong.
Can you imagine, him seeing Harry's face for the first time? After so many years of actually being content and happy, suddenly he sees James Potter's face, Lily Evans' eyes. Suddenly he's reminded of Voldemort who will return now, and now he's got a ticking clock, a countdown warning him that that's it, time's up, everything you've built in these ten years are soon going to break. And then come the events of the first and second year. Okay, so they're chaotic and stressful, but it's fine, they're all stressed, they're all in this together.
Then it's Harry's third year.
And that's when everything falls apart.
Remus Lupin, one of his abusers and a serious gaslight, is here in the job he wanted, and acting like everything's fine between them while simultaneously disrespecting him and forgetting to take the potion and being a huge risk to them all. Sirius Black, one of the two main abusers, is on the loose. And no one is ever gonna believe him about Lupin, are they? Suddenly it's Lupin's home. Lupin's safe space. But what about Snape? Do the past 13 years mean nothing? It seems so. And in the end, he has a complete breakdown because it's all coming down.
Then comes the goblet of fire. Okay, normal, right? But then there's moody. And there's the visiting schools. And then there's Kararoff who will not leave him alone! And then...
And then Harry Potter comes with the dead body of a teenage boy, crying and screaming that Voldemort's back.
And now Snape knows that time is up and things only get worse. Everything happens after that, from spying to dealing with that wretched Umbridge who's trying to destroy the school.
And then...
And then he has to kill Dumbledore.
And that when it all ends.
All he built in the past 16 years....
All the promises that they'd never leave him...
That they'd always look after him...
That they know he's not that person he used to be...
That everything will be okay because he has them to look after him...
They mean nothing now.
He's not okay anymore.
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fisheito · 4 months
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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webbelzebub · 22 days
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some sketches of ghost grace au! i have such an expansive dirty dudes must die au in my head i gotta write out one day
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milkweedman · 20 days
Lost one of my dpns >:( knitting with 4 rn but very annoyed at myself. Hopefully it fell out at home but I doubt it tbh
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elericelery · 1 year
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Pelicans from Horicon Marsh yesterday morning
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hotasfahrenheit · 23 days
call me crazy but i don't think this is a coincidence
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that the bullet that takes Great down in episode six (and the one in episode five yes) hits him in the same spot as the second bullet that takes down Tyme at the beginning of episode one.
also just throwing out there in case no one else has that the shirt Tyme is wearing in the beginning of the first episode when he gets shot is the same shirt he's wearing at the end of episode five.
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
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TW!!! — blood, scarring and mild body horror ahead 🥲
benny’s turn!
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before i start i wanna clarify i hesitated a bit on posting this because lovely mutual @vor-leser just posted his benny interpretation (go look at it and follow him btw), and idk if we like mind melded or smth but our human benny’s are super similar LOL. i damn near scrapped the whole thing out of fear someone would get mad at me but i Would Not be able to start over and get this done ever so this is as good as we’re gonna get. 😭 my apologies niko love u /p
this has been like a full 7 days in the making 😭😭 the art block that i felt coming on while doing ellen and ted hit me like an optimus prime sized semi truck this week along with a depressive episode so i definitely appreciate that happening and i am not upset about it at all! /s i’m totally good so don’t worry or anything /gen, mental health is just weird and i also wanted to explain the gap in my posts 😔
i do not know how to feel about this drawing if i’m so fr with you; i’m proud of myself for AM-ified benny cause i think i got the slowly rotting from the inside out primal freak energy down pretty good, but on the other hand this feels kinda empty?? i usually have a lot more commentary squished in here but i think my brain’s a little fried 🤦‍♂��� i love drawing me some beautiful buff men though so drawing normal ben was familiar territory. however his wack ass haircut i gave him is his punishment for being a PRICK!!! go sit in the corner and think about ur actions benjamin.
like ted n the rest of the sillies i’m not straying too far from canon with his personality, he’s an ass and a murderer and a hella smart dickhead who desperately needs to be punished by the universe (thank you for that one AM). hot take i did not like his “redemption arc” in his game scenario and i don’t think with how he was throughout the entirety of his life (and also throughout the game, main example his inner dialogue) he would actually go out of his way to help the kid because he means it??? n prove he changed to the guys he killed cause he means it??? i dunno maybe AM torturing him made him have a main character “omg i’ve been in the wrong this whole time!!1” moment like the game suggests i’m just not buying it 💀 i’m sure it’s just cause bennys scenario couldn’t be too long and they couldn’t fully flesh him out which i won’t fault the game makers for. i’m a steven universe fan, i know what time constrictions can do to a plot and redemption arc 😭 looking at you white diamond…
his wife n kids are up top and they’re kinda neat to me— i was considering the hc that part of the reason manya (his canon wife) left him is because she realized she was a lesbian which would be funny as fuck considering benny’s also One Of Them Queers 😭. i think during the brief times he was home and able to parent his daughters they got really scared and tired of him, one because he’s just a very threatening powerful and overbearing man, but also because i feel like he would’ve been on their ASS about everything. grades, extracurriculars, friends, wardrobe, this guy was micromanaging his family to an annoying extreme (ofc because of his perfectionist complex). he probably loved manya and the kids in his own weird way, but it was more contractual to him than any real personal relationship. maybe he inherited that from his own parents?? i doubt he ever talked to them after he moved out.
that’s about the end of my thoughts on this fucker. 🥲 funny storyyyy i just remembered i have laundry to finish so im gonna go do that, lord help me. thank you for reading all this if you did!!!!! we’re over halfway through so who do yall want next? wanna save AM or nimdok for last? i’ll see u guys later :]]]
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bottombaron · 11 months
what's also funny abt Nandor's character is that, supposedly, he was a really big deal in his time, but none of that survived into legend. like, this whole legacy that he's so proud of is completely wiped out. no stories survived of his epic tyranny and conquests, no History Channel documentaries talk abt him or internet conspiracy theories of where he disappeared to.
imagine it was Alexander the Great's diary just hanging out at the Staten Island Heritage Museum of all places, with a plaque that said, 'This dweeb was a scared virgin who never accomplished anything'.
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
I’m sorry. But Toji loves eating pussy from the back. It’s his favorite position. He loves seeing on your knees, ass up for him. Getting to spread you up bury his face in your cunt. Hearing your muffled cries as your face is squished into the bed. The way you press back and try wiggle against him for more. And he loves how easy it is to spank you/slip a finger in your ass while he’s doing it
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
once again thinking about the worldbuilding in the riordanverse of "names are power" / "belief is power."
The Tri were only able to become immortal through convincing enough people to worship them that it became true. Monsters and immortals only exist through continued belief, and if enough people believe that they're dead or gone then it becomes true, like Pan. Their varied forms exist and manifest as they're believed in and called upon. Names call attention and epithets summon aspects. They're acknowledgement. Belief. Putting a name to a concept creates it as an individual.
And that's so fascinating when you start applying it to demigods. How much of their abilities are based on belief in themselves, in expectations of each other, in their parents' expectations of them? We've seen mortal figures who became immortal in some form or another because they were remembered. Even the lares - ancestral house gods, who persist because they're remembered. They have a legacy.
At what point does a demigod achieve that status? Rumors and whispers about them so persistent that they slowly become true. "I heard that Jason Grace is the son of two gods, does that make him a god?" "I heard Percy Jackson defeated a titan single-handedly. That he can create hurricanes without breaking a sweat. That he can control blood." After awhile, after enough rumors, does it become impossible to tell where they end and the legends begin? Isn't that what being a demigod is; half-legend?
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toskarin · 4 months
*chuunibyou voice* You test my patience with these long posts, worm. Reblog another, and not even your pathetic 'demon blade' will be able to save you!
I was wondering what this could possibly be about and then I saw face off in my notes like a fucking spectre
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lululawrence · 3 months
Okay y’all so my birthday is in 56 days according to google and I have written something stupid like 190 fics, so if I were to celebrate my birthday by reblogging my own fic posts at a rate of something like 3-4 a day (or more… depending on how long it takes my ass to get organized like that lmao), would I just annoy the shit out of you? 😂😂😂 then again, I am turning the big 4-0 so maybe I’ll just do it anyway cause happy birthday to me I’ve gotta celebrate somehow right??
Anyway. If you have strong opinions one way or the other lemme know 😂😂😂 on the post, in DMs, or even via anonymous ask if you are scared of hurting my feelings or something lmao
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gasstationpopcorn · 7 months
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mira-likes · 1 month
So my rewatch has arrived at s2, and it's interesting to discover how I'm seeing ep1 with new eyes now.
I remember thinking that s2 started somewhat off in terms of tone, leaning too far into comedy.
I had not noticed at the time, as I have now, that ep1 gave us a momentary glimpse into a world where Fan Xian really did die, and what it would mean.
And particularly how it would mean Chen Pingping being ready to FUCK SHIT UP. It's like Fan Xian is his last tether to restraint. Once Fan Xian is gone, he's done being hinged nice and is about to go apeshit.
As I've said before, s2 convinced me that Chen Pingping hates the emperor and will destroy him with the exploding wheelchair. Well, the dude seems READY to press that button in ep1. His finger is ON that button as he waits to meet the emperor.
In the corridor before the imperial study, Fan Jian rages at Chen Pingping for having doomed Fan Xian with his schemes, and demands to know--what now? And Chen Pingping is like, I'll pay with my life. But there's a bunch of people I'm taking down with me.
And he has absolute MURDER in his eyes until he hears that the emperor got the second message and calmed down (and so they realize that Fan Xian has faked his death).
Chen Pingping, upon learning that Fan Xian is alive after all:
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Chen Pingping communicates his vision on two other occasions during this episode. When he initially hears Fan Xian died, he summons the entire bureau and is like, be prepared because due to this death the world is about to fall into chaos.
(He doesn't say "because I'm on my way to murder the emperor," but it's implied. To me.)
And he gives a corresponding answer to Yan Ruohai when he asks, what if Fan Xian had died for real? His answer is: a lot of blood would be spilled.
And the episode is comedic in many parts, sure. But that bit is CHILLING??
Like, Fan Xian has NO IDEA how close he came to unleashing havoc on the country with his fake death.
And we don't even know what the emperor would have done. He legit freaks out when he hears Fan Xian died, and summons Chen Pingping in a thunderous enough manner that it's clear he's expecting someone to pay with their lives, too. (And then he's extra furious at Fan Xian for causing him to have these distressed feelings. So he'll make Fan Xian jump through extra hoops to "come back to life".)
Anyway: it's a lighthearted episode, for sure. But it's got some hella dark undercurrents that I didn't notice the first time.
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