#I need to do the other activities to max out their laff
cathalbravecog · 1 year
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Really should be sleeping but I really just have to share that Archie my dearest finally got to Misty... At last they can see their bestie
(Their real objective is the destruction of Barnacle Bessie, the only being in existence that Archie feels negatively towards)
#game screenshots#Archie Archaeopteryx#I also got Archie to max level fishing today#I need to do the other activities to max out their laff#Since the thing with them is they're kinda a challenge toon#I keep them in barnacle boatyard main task line vise#But keep doing stuff with them like try level them up and get high lvl gags#They even have full sellbot and csshbot suits... Still gotta attempt VP and cfo with them#But I think they're good to VP run at least#Cfo I'm not so sure maybe if I level their gags a bit#Still gotta attempt lawfices with them too#But we did drag them thru cog golf once too#They can do better off now since they're stronger now since last tine#Idk it is really fun to play this way maybe not even challenging but just fun.... A way I play Pokémon and other games for example#Is that I spend extra time over leveling myself and then I continue and sweep stuff and then repeat this usually and idk why especially#Early game... It's rlly fun. I did a bit of this with frost but also I tried just. Getting stuff done fast. And also like... Its my main#And 'first' toon (that I got that far) so I experienced some stuff for the first time but now that I'm an experienced player I can do this#Stuff. It's genuinely so fun not only I have an oc I love in Toontown but also a really fun way to play the game#And cme on its fun to show off a baby toon and be like :3 HEEHEE we dragged them thru cog golf and they lived#I should go eepy now... I think I will. (Is avoiding things)
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felixstudios · 7 months
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Playing Corporate Clash Edition
Let's ignore how long it's been since I made these, okay? And ignore the massive 4th wall breaking
ALSO special appearance from some mgrs I normally wouldn't write for
Duck Shuffler
🎰He doesn't really know how to strategize, so he picks random stuff and hopes for the best
🎰Absolutely LOVES the trolley
🎰Loves to talk to basically anyone he comes across and try to make friends with them
🎰Often gets indecisive about what to do next, so he spins his slots to decide
🧠Okay, usually his intelligence is laughable and fun to make fun of, but this guy is a professional no life. He knows EVERYTHING about the game
🧠Tries to reach 150 laff as soon as possible and has absolutely ZERO fun with the game
🧠 Doesn't make friends and only talks if he's giving out battle strategies, which is... basically every round of battle even if it's just a 2 story building in Barnacle Boatyard
🧠He's kinda elitist, too
Derrick Man
🛢️Doesn't really play that often since he's not a gamer
🛢️I can't ever imagine him getting much further than The Brrrgh cause he just. DOESN'T PLAY.
🛢️Despite his inexperience and infrequently logging in, he's actually pretty decent at the game
🛢️Collects manager rewards and hoards them. He needs them all
Deep Diver
🫧He's the kind of person to not leave Toontown Central until he's maxed all of his activities, has overpowered gags, and also started a club that's now at level 100 and has like 50 members
🫧Very slow and methodical with her gameplay- she explores every little nook and cranny before moving on. Has all racing, golfing, and fishing trophies kinda thing. Gets all achievements kinda thing
🫧Loves to set up in battles and take his time with them. Yes, he will struggle a lot with Pacesetter
🫧She LOVES fishing, by the way
⛈️Doesn't really enjoy combat very much and prefers to play Toono and such
⛈️Also really likes the trolley and makes tons of trolley groups
⛈️Wouldn't progress much further than Mezzo Melodyland, probably
⛈️Tries to make friends, but others tend to find her annoying or even rude so she doesn't make very many
Land Acquisition Architect
🚦Tries to get some friends together to play with him
🚦Behind the screen, he is absolutely having a temper tantrum over EVERYTHING. Be it a gag missing or someone doing a less optimal play, he's screaming
🚦But in the game he's like SUPER DUPER NICE and makes no outward show of how angry he actually is
🚦If you befriend him, you're getting constant invites to like everything he does
⚔️Tries to max in the most efficient way possible
⚔️Will try to show off all her boss loot, but of course only in stylish ways
⚔️Kind of an elitist, definitely pretty rude
⚔️Likes to sit out of bounds doing nothing. Alternatively, she sits in front of the CFO doors or in DDL doing nothing just to show off her TTR elitist roots
Witch Hunter
🔱He says he wouldn't play such a childish game and says he's just gonna uninstall it
🔱Five minutes later he's in an OCLO. Also, he has 150 laff so clearly it's not too childish for him
🔱He's an elitist
🔱Would 100% quad Toon and try to act like they're not his alts, even going as far as giving them their own "typing quirks" and having fake conversations
Public Relations Representative
🧱Can't really use SpeedChat+ effectively since he glitches around and makes lots of typos
🧱Frequent misclicks and missteps
🧱Will not survive OCLO or Pacesetter very often
🧱Surprisingly loves to play the game and accidentally no lifes to 150 laff
🔔Loves to destroy Cogs with perfect damage whenever possible, for some reason
🔔His estate would be VERY cozy, which is honestly a huge feat considering its current in-game state makes it... very lonely and desolate by nature
🔔Super fashionable Toon, but he's also a little modest with his outfits
🔔He's ALWAYS gossiping in at least 3 people's whispers at any given point in time
🥪Is usually too lazy to push buttons himself, so he watches someone else play his Toon most of the time
🥪He is 100% never doing a Pacesetter himself
🥪Whenever he DOES play, it's usually easier boss fights and things that don't require much user input
🥪Sometimes gets enough motivation to play with his dad
Vice President
💡Started playing the game because he noticed his son really seemed to like it and he wanted to spend time with Cathal
💡At first, he doesn't really see the appeal of the game. But once he finds out there's a lot of strategy involved, he decides it's "like trying to find that perfect sales pitch!" and keeps playing out of personal interest
💡He'd apply to the Clash team to manage their social media accounts
💡He'd try to convince his coworkers to try out the game
☎️She doesn't really get the appeal of the game, but she'll play it anyways because her grandchildren wanted her to play with them
☎️Literally just does whatever her grandchildren wanna do
☎️She'll max her Toon... eventually
☎️She doesn't fully grasp battle strategies, but she knows enough to get by
Major Player
🎹Constantly suggesting things to be added to the allowlist so he can say ridiculous stuff {i.e. he was probably the one who wanted skibidi to be added... yes this is actually something you can say in the game}
🎹This guy would be the kind to accidentally time out in battle because he was typing a long message
🎹If you whisper to him, good luck getting him to whisper back. He... will probably forget to respond
🎹Constantly saving his teammates with PREFECTLY timed unites
Chief Financial Officer
💵Plays because Allan convinced him to do it
💵Surprisingly, he finds it enjoyable right off the bat. He especially likes battles
💵He feels a bit alienated since he's the only one who seems to find it weird and creepy that he can fight against himself in the game, so he just doesn't mention it to anyone else
💵He will have like 148 laff and the last 2 laff boosts he'll need will be his Cashbot suit LOL
🔥Mostly only plays because Graham wanted him to
🔥Wants to take his time with everything and try to actually figure out how to strategize, but he's usually too soft spoken to ask questions to anyone but Graham {who gives vague answers because he doesn't really know how to strategize}
🔥But if he makes a friend... TONS of badmouthing others in whispers happens. Much shade will be thrown and more tea will be spilled than was spilled in the Boston Tea Party
🔥Once he finally figures out how to play the game, oh you bet he's gonna use it to secretly make fun of others who don't know how to play. He knows he was once just like them, but he doesn't care
🌑He makes his satellite investors play with him so he doesn't have to wait for groups
🌑Also bosses them around from what gags they need to bring to what everyone's outfits look like {they all match and they're all in a club together}
🌑Because of all the help, he reaches 150 really fast
🌑Only helps his investors if it benefits him as well and doesn't really play with many other people
Chief Legal Officer
📚Plays because Allan suggested it to her
📚Is SUPER detail-oriented with her gameplay, so she always knows if she's in kill range. Also, she's very good at assessing the best strategy to use
📚Very no nonsense type of Cog, so she doesn't really do anything unless it's to advance in the game somehow
📚Has like 500 of each type of unite, like 7K C&Ds, 3K pink slips....
🪵Genuinely finds it VERY fun to destroy Cogs
🪵He'll convince Chip to play with him
🪵Don't think he'd ever max, but he'd get close. Like... 130-140 laff kind of close
🪵Loves to spam rewards in boss fights
Chainsaw Consultant
🪚Only plays the game because Spruce wanted him to
🪚Although he won't say anything in the game about it, he gets pretty mad when people make bad choices in battle
🪚Usually plays with music turned off and sound effects still on, which many others have told him is very eerie
🪚Doesn't seem to enjoy battles very much, but he won't outwardly admit that
Chief Executive Officer
⛳Plays because Allan suggested it to him
⛳I don't think I'm surprising anyone when I tell you that the first thing he's doing is maxing golf. He'd be scary good at it too, like he'd get a perfect 9 in the hole kit and kaboodle
⛳Doesn't actually get very far in the game since the rest isn't all that interesting to him
⛳He finds it... interesting how C.O.G.S., Inc. is portrayed in the game.
💤Tends to prefer shorter playing sessions
💤Makes slow progress over the course of years
💤Also hangs out with friends quite often
💤Falls asleep at the keyboard... a lot. Like, a lot. It's just a known thing they do
👟Tries to basically speedrun the entire game
👟If he goes sad {which will be a lot since he's so under leveled}, he will blame it on anything but his own fault
👟Once he unlocks his own fight, he will spam it over and over. He's... not really sure what to think when he goes sad to himself. Did he win, or did he... lose? Is he awesome, or...? Okay, yeah, thinking about that is stupid and for losers
👟Shows off all his manager loot in a way HE thinks looks good. Whether or not it actually does... I'll leave for you to decide
Chief Operating Officer
📋Seems to genuinely enjoy playing the game
📋Doesn't really have many friends and tends to multitoon so he's "less burdensome" sometimes
📋He'd 100% apply for Clash support team {whether or not he gets in I'll let you decide} because he'd just like the game that much
📋SUPER kind and always willing to help other people out
🐐He's the one who suggested the entire Litigation Team play it
🐐He's either REALLY pissed off or super calm about battles with no in-between
🐐Tends to make a lot of... less optimal choices in battle or needs to be told what to do. He just struggles a little with strategy sometimes
🐐100% he spams forges in like every fight so he can do more damage with that extra level 8. Oh, he also loves to set up with IOUs and uses a lot of those too
Case Manager
💼You'll think this guy is muted because he won't use SpeedChat+ like, ever. I mean, he doesn't really use SpeedChat either, but he at least USES it.
💼Has gags set up to play more of a supportive role in battle, always tries to pick gags last, and generally has a somewhat more passive play style
💼He does communicate a decent amount with stickers, surprisingly
💼Already has a maxed Toon and is just working on his alt
⌨️She would play on any control scheme EXCEPT a QWERTY keyboard {or even AZERTY, Colemark, Dvorak... basically any common layout}. I feel like she'd be pretty much allergic to it lol. And yes, she does think she's better than you for it. [Author's note: I use Dvorak on my phone and my only advice is don't.]
⌨️She's the kind of person to talk on and on and on and on and... oh my Cog how is she typing this essay so fast anyways?!
⌨️During segments like the final OCLO round, she ABSOLUTELY sweats it with like pixel perfect movements. And if she had a mic, you would hear intense keyboard pressing {or whatever she's using to control her Toon}
⌨️A little rude sometimes, but she's USUALLY pretty nice. Oh, and if you befriend her then she gossips a lot
🐊He's an elitist LOL
🐊He would get soooooo mad and start cussing people out over one "mistake" and also be the kinda person to straight up leave a boss fight because of an argument
🐊Sorry, but I genuinely cannot see this guy being fun to play with
🐊Also I feel like he'd have a super old YouTube channel from TTO days of him greening people
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e6 Live Blog
“The Monster Uprising”
Sorry this is later than usual. I’ve been having some personal issues lately that have been rather time consuming. But anyway yall ain’t here for that! So let’s get on with the episode. As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read both the manga and web comic
Once again, picking up right where we left off! Suiryu finally makes his fighting debut. He’s been introduced like what, 3 episodes ago? But honestly idgaf about him nearly as much as
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MAX MY BOI I KNOW HOW THIS ENDS FOR YOU BUT I’M ROUTING FOR YOU ANYWAY. Oh god I gotta say, I forgot Suirya has a couple nightmare faces yikes. Also, I love how the Sea King keeps having an impact on heroes so long after his defeat. First Prisoner during the alien invasion, then Max and I know in just a bit Snek too. What a villain. Jeez, the mildly ominous music really isn’t subtle about making Suiryu out to be antagonistic, yeah? Also, this is the most we’ve heard him talk so far- Suiryu’s voice is exactly what I imagined I love it. MAX NO ITS OK I LOVE YOU ANYWAY AND SUIRYU IS A DICK ITS FINE YOU DID GREAT
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is the sixth episode this season and i STILL pause every time Zombieman is in the intro. Even his tiny silhouette at the end. just
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Ok ok back to the action. Genos makes a good point and I wonder that, too. Saitama broke his limiter through sheer willpower right, like thats crazy but also not THAT crazy. Is he REALLY the only person EVER to have done that thus far (aside from probably blast)? Thankfully no monster ever has otherwise we’d surely know about it. Is Saitama really just THAT insane? Its not even like he had an extreme desire his whole life, he just beat some crab guy and snapped one day? OH OH GENO’S PHONE OS RINGING MONSTERS! MONSTER! MO N S T ER S ! aw wait no go to the monsters hey
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OH WAIT NEVERMIND THIS IS OK SNEK SNEK S N E K OK I actually really like him?? He’s like they show’s resident butt-monkey but also just a good guy.
OH HEY THAATS DIFFERENT!?!? Wow ok so in the manga, it just happened by chance that the cheering in the stadium was so loud that no one heard the monster evacuation alarms, but here they’re setting up Bakuzan preemptively as an asshole who actively disregarded the alarm and everyone’s safety (although he kinda has a point?). Because the way he acts later on is clearly not evil enough already? I feel like that’s unnecessary but it doesn’t add or detract from anything really so whatever I guess?
FUCKIN KEK DAVE. Top tier humor ffs the random mundane name joke will never get old fite me ooh Oh good god OK Choze’s face is also terrifying oh no. Dude you don’t need a monster cell you ALREADY LOOK LIKE ONE but OK
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YASSS GENOS SLAY YAAASSSSS He finally wins a few rounds WITHOUT losing any limbs! IM JUST! SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM FIGHTING YASSS WAIT NO GO BACK HEKK so much jumping around is making this more difficult to maintain any semblance of coherency asdfghjk
HAH you know what? When I was rereading the manga and came across face ripper, I thought to myself he looks like he would be some tan/ olive/ pale purple color or something so I bet the anime will be like HAHA RED BITCH. and looky here. I’m catching on finally. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Genos my boy my son you are such a bad ass and I love you hhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAA AWAKENED COCKROACH AWAKENED COCKROACH ALREADY FUCK THIS EPISODE IS HAPPENING FASTER THAN I ANTICIPATED HECK HECK THERE GOES MY HEART RATE I THOUGHT I WAS PREPARED ALAS I AM BUT A FO O L
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HAH I think this is anime-only too?? I dont remember it Why is this so funny what the fuck?? “Dark Hell Killing” Juijitsu omg calm down you absolute edgelord literally half of that name would have been sufficient.
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FFFFFFFFFF The slowly building intense music just cut off like- I was so distracted by Bakuzam’s freaky murder face i forgot this happened DAMNIT SAITAMA i NEED my LUNGS to BREATH but no i LAFF and then the silence in the stadium turns to TRIUMPHANT MUSIC as if that was some valiant victory and THAT SOUR FACE FACE FUCK IM DEAD ITS TOO GOOD IM DEAD
Aw Tareo Sweetheart its ok noooooo also side note don’t they also mention Metal Bat is hospitalized? Hey! HEY! TALK ABOUT MY OTHER SON WE DONT EVEN SEE HIM FOREVER HEY oh oh I spoke too soon my b my b
Well shit it’s Shiny vs Shiny jeezus. I don’t have a particular issue with the coloring of Genos’ arms and such but this is just very noticable- Roach could’ve done without the SHINE. Eyyyy a complimentary Sonic for all yall SOS fans out there HAH “No matter it’s still fatal” r u sure about that child r u sure
AAHHH THE WIFE AGAINNNN yo I have A Lot Of Thoughts ™ about the females in OPM that I think I’ll make a separate post about because of the inevitable backlash of Super-S’ design.
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OH FUCK COOL SHOT COOL COOL OH FUCK THAT WAS COOL TOO OUT OF NO WHERE hey wait was that supposed to be the Hell Storm attack? WHAT REALLY. AW MAN I was getting hyped about how that would look cmon
Super-S with messed up hair is perfection just saying
Also, Tatsumaki is the definition of Yandere and its terrifying jeez.
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Terrifying, but also this. HEK
Oh weird dude seeing the Madhouse animation in the middle of season 2 is weird  not jarring which is good because at least to me that means JC staff is keeping up well enough but still weirdddd
“Everything about you disgusts me” me too snek DONT LISTEN TO HIM HES A DICK
((((((((((((((((((((ew amai mask go away)))))))))))))))))))))
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ok post credits scene i have an idea of what it might be and I’m shaking in my seat but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Good Episode GOOD EPISODE OK so my least favorite thing easily was the cop-out on Fubuki’s Hell Storm attack but otherwise my favorite thing was??? I dont know?? Like this episode was a lot of build up for next week’s episode but also so much happened anyway?? I loved seeing Genos in action and also BDSM Wife AND OROCHI AND GYORO and also also I know a lot of people have an issue with the existence of the tournament thing in general but I don’t mind it because its hilarious honestly and all of the happenings otherwise feel well balanced enough sooooooooo yeah I’m SO PUMPED for next week like bring me THE S CLASS BRING ME BRING 
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mlstymonsoon · 6 years
what gag layout type can say about a toon
[note: sorry if smth similars been done. i wouldnt know or remember kjghlkfhg but anyways this is more referring to the toons themselves and not referring to the actual players! lots of toontown societal lore-based stuff in here and how toon lifestyle affects personality n stuff idk!!!!! if u find any errors in my wordz i apologize]
✰ the conventionalists ✰
Toonupless ; The Protector
toons without the only healing gag track available to the community may seem unfeeling at first glance, but they give it their all in battle with their strongest gags and lure so toonup isn’t needed in the first place. 
more of a loner or soloist, not needing a healing gag due to not being around other toons.  might hold a guilty conscious about being unable to heal others depending on how they were raised.  some may go toonupless for not wanting the responsibility of healing; they would rather continue to attack to avoid further toon damage.  tend to be more stoic/serious than other toons and/or lack a strong sense of humor itself.  very aware toons that like to take in a lot of news.
Trapless ; The Utilizer
these trapless toons are one of the most common you’ll see around each of the neighborhoods and with good reason; they have a fair amount of defense and offense gags to choose from.
are often diligent; don’t mind the sluggish training drop can bring and power through adversity.   appreciate the flexible usage of drop with its high damage and lack of needing someone else to complete the attack, as compared to the similar trap track.  decent cognitive skills and work well alone as well as with a group.  willing to improvise if the time calls for it and can do so quite successfully.
Lureless ; The Thinker
lureless folks are an interesting bunch as they cannot stall any cogs or activate their trap by themselves. some would think it’s a poor choice, having to rely on others like that but dont worry, they know what they’re doing.
great communicators and problem-solvers.  evidently work smoothly in groups but can be just as efficient in times they are alone by giving it all they got before cogs can attack continuously.  good at making quick decisions in and out of battles.  would rather ponder their next move instead of luring all the cogs and calling it a day.  are very loyal friends and learn to trust others in times of need.
Soundless ; The Strategist
sound. the one track society tries to tell toons that you can’t live without it. its constantly the go-to in countless situations. yet soundless toons prove sound could be obsolete and they could all still survive.
prefer to take things more slow and steady.  extremely efficient; just know how to get things done.  tend to be highly experienced and clever.  good explainers and dont fear sharing their thoughts aloud.  may be notably more sensitive to loud noises and/or appreciate the quiet. ambiverted; can communicate well when needed but do need to recharge after a while.  willing to stand up for others and themselves. 
Dropless ; The Initiator 
drop has a bad reputation with these toons due to its slow-paced and tedious training which doesnt pair well with energized dropless folks’ need to always be moving forward.
prefer to be in control of their situations as much as possible.  work very well and efficiently in groups.  dislike when things dont go as they planned.  are at their best when in a fast-paced environment.  tend to be good at hiding emotions; are more likely to be passive-aggressive when upset.  most show pride in themselves but still care about others and their accomplishments.  aren’t too afraid of confrontations.
✰ the non-conventionalists ✰
Throwless ;  The Go-Getter
possibly one of the most common unconventional layouts out there in toontown. many wonder why these toons would dare to leave out such a foundational and useful gag track. reasons vary but one thing’s for sure—they’re up for it.
dont mind having to mix things up a little; flexible.  are very aware of their strengths and know their limits. courageous to do the unexpected and enjoy doing so, even if some effectiveness is lost in battle.  less likely to prefer sweets as their favorite choice of food.  tend to be very experienced in battles; knowledgable.  probably would laugh if a toon tried to underestimate or belittle them.
Squirtless ; The Achiever
these toons lack the complementary gag track to the other deemed-essential, throw. being able to stop training squirt at a lower level than throwless folks who need at least cream pie makes this choice favorable, but still always raises the question of why. to which they say: why not?
prefer to not appear too out-of-the-ordinary in most battles. take pride regardless in themselves. more predictable than their throwless counterparts.  might dislike getting wet more than the average toon—good luck finding them at donald’s dock. down to face a challenge every now and then.  quick-thinkers who tend to choose their gags first when in a group.  mentally prepare themselves for potential situations that could occur.
Semi ; The Supporter
toons whom would once be considered an uber now are high laff with the same few gag tracks they had when they were low laff. these wild toons know what efficiency truly is.
may not say aloud to their teammates what their only gags are, as to simply adapt and work fast with what the others are choosing to use.  like to live in their own little world; creative and imaginative.  enjoy pushing limits and taking risks.  try to remain a step ahead of everyone else in battle.  may be more likely to having a carefree, easygoing personality.  absolute workaholics who always feel like they need to be doing something. 
Uber ; The Survivor
the special little guys who go big or go home!! ubers with their low laff leaves them much more vulnerable to cog attacks but their maxed gags make up for what little health they have. they'll fight just as well as any 100-laffer!
have to always be working hard to afford all the gags they’ll have to keep buying after they go sad numerous times.  dont let setbacks get them down.  strong-willed toons always living on the edge—got nothing to lose.  chill to talk with, very social and grateful and enjoy the company of others.  modest as hell.  good listeners and willing to cooperate.
✰ the toon citizens ✰
Gagless ; The Worker / The Young
gagless toons simply do not get involved in cog-related business and work in another field such as doctors, nurses, mechanics, store workers, therapists, chefs, cops, caretakers, and so on. these toons are often overlooked but are vital to the toontown community, which is why when kidnappings-by-cog occur, it gets taken seriously and large groups go to search for and save them. 
toons may start gag training only to decide they’d prefer to not continue on with a cog-fighting lifestyle. they’ll have to return their gag pouch to officials, however. toon workers aren’t allowed gags as they work so much with their chosen profession there isn’t need to carry them. but cogfighters can have part-time jobs if they want. worker toons also significantly are lower in laff, as they cannot go fight cogs and aren’t assigned toontasks. they can partake in leisure activities such as fishing or gardening when not working and earn laff in this way. for their full-time joining of the toontown workforce, they also will receive 5 laff from flippy himself. thus making the lowest possible laff for gagless toons 20, and the highest 37.
tend to be the most tranquil of toons, not wanting to partake in any fighting or action.  dont necessarily seek attention.  very responsible and respectable.  appreciate all that cogfighters protect them from and do what they do in honor of them.  its hard to group these toons altogether bc theres so many different possible professions for them!
Becoming A Cogfighter
besides the workforce being gagless, young toons also are gagless in the sense they aren’t old enough to safely become a cogfighter. toons receive their gag pouches and first tasks at 15 yrs old which is represented by their starter laff meter. however, young toons can get their pouches and start training gags as young as 12 only with parental guardian consent and kids consent as well. no parents forcing kids to start training when they dont feel ready. overall choosing to wait is done more than choosing not to wait.
generally until they can start training, young toons are educated on cogs and their threat and how they’ll eventually become a cogfighter. and can do activities, ride the trolley, make art, swim, play and overall enjoy being a kid w/o responsibilities!! some toons are overly eager to start training so they may convince their parents to let them early. which is all fine and dandy until that eagerness and immaturity leads to.......Bad Things
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