#I only watched jojo last year but better late than never
earthaquila · 6 months
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JOJO reference happened before the actual JOJO animation was made
Explanation if you need one: Daidouji is voiced by Koyasu Takehito, who also voiced DIO in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. DIO is known for many memes but especially yelling "MUDAMUDAMUDA" (it's no use). In the screenshot above Daidouji is actually saying the same dialogue.
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intomymindspace · 4 years
Video Games ✰ Tendou Satori
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Video Games covered by The Young Professionals
tendou satori x gn reader
Through the Summer and the Fall // Haikyuu!! Songfic Series
a/n: hi everyone, I'm sorry for a posting a week late! I’ve been really unmotivated as of late for personal stuff but also because I'm lowkey still a little bummed that my Bokuto fic (definitely totally am not plugging it rn - totally do not click the link, ahaha 🥺) didn’t do as well as I hoped it would. But no matter! Here is the Tendou insert, as promised! It’s not the best, and I definitely have a bit of writers block and am behind schedule. I wish I could write his character and for him better considering how much I love him. Next will up be flattykawa 😌 and I will be posting it hopefully soon to help make up for last week’s missed post. I've also changed up this blog and have given it hopefully a better look - there is a new theme on desktop!
Warnings: part 3 spoilers for jojo’s bizarre adventure that include character death, my bb tori being insecure about him and his body but I love him and his flat a$$ so much, and as always, we clown on flattykawa in this household but all in good favor
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It was a rainy day, and Tendou was quiet and content as he sat on your bed, reading the new Weekly Shonen Jump magazine that he had just been mailed. He had let Ushijima read it earlier - but as always, he only read the advertisements. You sat beside him on the floor, his long legs dangled off the edge of your bed, his foot brushing your arm every now and then. You were playing the new otome game you had bought a week ago on your console. On days like this, the two of you often fell into comfortable silences when hanging out with each other - and today was no different. There was nothing to do other than school work and go to practice - but even then, it wasn’t necessary for the third years to attend anymore. Not since they lost in the finals against Karasuno. 
He was pulled away from the panel he was reading when he heard you gasp - his crimson eyes flitting to your monitor to see what had happened.
“What happened?” You turned around to look up at him, an excited look on your face.
“Murasame Jinnosuke confessed his love for me! I didn’t expect it to happen so fast into the game.” He looked back at the screen to see a handsome samurai on your screen. Snickering, Tendou ruffled your hair.
“Good job, now just see if you can get a real guy to confess his undying love for you.” Squinting at him, you slapped his leg playfully.
“You’re supposed to be nice to me, Tori-kun.”
“When am I not?”
Ever since you had taken the place of Shiratorizawa’s volleyball club manager two years ago as a first year, you quickly bonded with the strange amalgamation of players. It had been a running gag between the third year players to find out what type of guys you liked. You could always be found on your phone during breaks playing otome games - and that was the beginning of the years of playful torment from your fellow classmates.
It wasn’t that you weren’t attractive or that you didn’t gain attention - every Valentines Day you always received several confessions and chocolates, but you always rejected them as kindly as possible. For someone who played as many otome games as you did, they were surprised to say the least when you had always declined the advances of many classmates, saying that they just weren’t your type with a kind smile on your face.
It was Tendou’s turn to squint as he turned his attention back to your screen as you continued to play through the game. He scoffed at some of the things the fictional samurai said to you - what was so special about him anyways?
This is my idea of fun
Playing video games
Tendou shut his manga volume, and he noticed your curious eyes looking at the cover. Smirking playfully at you, he poked your forehead.
“Suddenly interested in pirates?” You sat back, rolling your eyes.
“Maybe. Who’s the character on the front?” He stared down at the covered, humming.
“Shanks. Say, I never thought you were one to go for a tough-looking guy.” He held a mischievous grin on his lips.
“Ha! Sure. Keep thinking that, Tendou.” He feigned a gasp.
“You used my last name too? With no honorific? No nickname? The rudeness! I’m so hurt!” You couldn’t help but egg your friend along.
“Hmm, maybe I should start watching One Piece if he’s in it…” But before Tendou could clap back, Yamagata slid into the seat next to you, a teasing smile on his lips.
“Ah, so that’s your type, huh? Tough-looking guys with scars?” You rolled your eyes at the libero. “I’m pretty tough too, aren’t I?”
“As if.” But it didn’t stop them from the teasing.
So what if you maybe did prefer more muscular guys? Tendou didn’t understand why the thought hurt his feelings so much. He may not have the bulging muscles, but he was just as strong. He sighed to himself, watching you from across the table as you shoved Yamagata playfully. Why would you want to like someone like himself anyways?
It's you, it's you, it's all for you
Everything I do
Tendou entered your dorm room unannounced as he always did - but this time he was surprised to see you in tears as you huddled in your blanket, staring at the tv. The first thing you usually did was banter with him about his bad habit of not knocking, but all he could do is stand shocked in your doorway.
Instantly, his gleeful eyes turned blood red. Shutting your door behind him, he quickly made his way over to you, his eyebrows furrowed, a scowl on his lips.
“Who do I have to beat up?” A million thoughts were running through his head - were you made fun of? Did someone reject you? Did you receive a bad score on an exam? He wrapped his arms around you the second your tear-filled eyes looked up at him.
“Who did it? Who hurt your feelings?” His genuine care and questions only made you cry harder into his chest.
“Dio.” You said, but it was too muffled for him to hear. Pulling back, he gave you a quizzical look. You pointed at the scene that was unfolding on your tv.
“Dio killed Kakyoin.” Tendou immediately smacked a hand to his face. His eyes flickered to the screen to see a tall, muscular character slumped against a water tower, a hole in his torso with text on the screen saying “Kakyoin Noriaki has died.” He couldn't help but laugh.
“You want me to beat up the mighty and powerful vampire lord and stand user, Dio Brando? For killing the guy who licks cherries weird?”
Slapping his arm, you pouted at him through your ugly tears. “Don’t make fun of me! I really liked him.” Tendou kept on snickering as he rubbed your back.
“I know, I’m sorry. But it’s just too funny to just not tease you.”
As ridiculous as it sounded, Tendou wondered if you would ever cry for him the way you cried for Kakyoin. He smiled to himself as he stared down at your face that was still buried in his chest - he hoped you wouldn’t notice how fast his heart was beating at the notion of you coming to him for comfort.
Maybe your type was animated men.
I tell you all the time
Heaven is a place on earth with you
Tendou put his jump comic down and just watched your gameplay - he was too distracted by his thoughts of you to focus on the new chapter of My Hero Academia.
He couldn’t help but pine over you. You had been so open and kind to him from the first time you met him - he remembered that day with ease. You had looked so confident walking into the volleyball gym, introducing yourself to the players as their new manager.
He was genuinely surprised that you weren’t turned away by his quirks - and he was thankful that above all, you treated him just like you treated everyone else.
It seemed so easy for you to become friends with the other first years at the time. You found commonalities with each of them, and you even managed to break Ushijima out of his shell by the time you all first went to nationals. Tendou remembered the hours upon hours that the two of you spent together - whether it was hanging out in the dorm watching animes, giving him tips and encouragement on the court during timeouts, or quality conversations on long bus rides to and from games. If you had never joined as manager, Tendou would’ve never guessed that the two of you would become as close friends as you were now. And he had always been a good guesser.
As he stared at you, controller in your hand, he remembered why he realized he liked you so much - it wasn’t because you shared a strong love for manga and anime. Okay, well, maybe it was, but it wasn’t the commonality. It was because you understood and even empathized with escaping through these fictional stories.
He knew what it was like to want to escape - to want to find paradise away from everyday life. On the court, Tendou could sneak into the small slice of heaven that he visited when he played volleyball. Off the court, he wanted nothing more than to have you safe in his arms as the two of you escaped into the world of whatever show you had chosen to binge that day.
To him, you were just as heavenly as the defeated looks on his opponents’ faces that he craved to see - maybe even more.
Tell me all the things you want to do
I heard that you like the bad girls, honey, is that true?
You squealed excitedly as you waved the game in front of Semi’s face after practice had ended.
“Semi-semi! Look what just came in the mail!” He pushed your hand out of his face, scoffing.
“I can’t see it if you’re rubbing in my face like that, idiot.” The setter had a smile on his face nonetheless, making you laugh as he took a look at the game. His eyes widened.
“No way, Castlevania Judgement?!?!” You nodded proudly, smiling at Tendou and Ushijima as they walked over to see what the commotion was about. The middle blocker gawked at the game you held in your hands - the third years had been talking about the release of it for at least a few months now.
“You jealous? If you want, we can play after dinner.” Semi quickly nodded, and you looked at Tendou and Ushijima for their answers.
“What, when have I ever said no to wanting to play video games with you?” To his reply, the captain simply nodded.
“Thank you for your invite. I am happy to attend as well.”
Tendou and Ushijima sat on the edge of your bed as you and Semi sat in front of your tv, switching the controller after every chapter of the game. Ushijima had no interest in actually playing the game - and Tendou knew he would get a chance to play with you later. Semi was more excited for the game than he was anyways.
You couldn’t contain your excitement as you gushed over one of the main characters, Simon Belmont. From the looks of it, he was a powerful fighter - and Tendou sighed once again - he was super muscular and tough-looking too. You were too invested in the gameplay with Semi, that you weren’t paying attention to the conversation Tendou sparked with Ushijima.
“I don’t get what’s so special about him anyways.” The redhead had a pout on his face, his arms crossed. Ushijima was very aware of the middle blocker’s crush on you - his friend often coming to the captain for his advice. While Ushijima had almost no experience and knowledge at all in terms of dating, he was always observant of the people around him, and was very blunt.
“Tendou-kun, if you like them so much, it would just be better to ask. It is pointless to be jealous over every fictional character they like.” He couldn’t help but gawk at the monotonous tone and the serious look on his captain’s face.
“I’ll raise you a better one. It’s pointless to ask because their standards seem to be so high anyways.” Ushijima couldn’t help but stare at his friend.
“And why should that stop you? They’re not real.” Tendou sighed, exacerbated.
“I get it, I get it! I know they’re not just going to pop out from the screen or anything.”
“But that doesn’t mean those aren’t their same standards to people they prefer in real life,” Tendou admitted, and Ushijima knew he hit the reason why. Tendou may be tall, but he was lean and lanky. The muscle he had was nowhere near that of any of the fictional guys you crushed on. What could you possibly want from someone way weaker - someone like him?
“They are not the type of person to go completely for the way someone’s body appears. If that were the case, they should’ve confessed their attraction to either myself or Yamagata by now, based on your logic. Besides, they told me they liked you.” Tendou couldn't help but roll his eyes, placing a hand over his heart.
“Wakatoshi-kun, you wound me. Of course they like me - they wouldn’t be my friend if they didn’t. Couldn't you at least sugar coat your advice sometimes?”
It's better than I ever even knew
They say that the world was built for two
Before the prefectural qualifiers in the fall, Shiratorizawa managed to snag a practice match with none other than Aoba Johsai. While there was clear tension throughout the entire time, the teams kept interactions outside the court lines as light-hearted as possible. Seijoh managed to snag victory during the first match, but Shiratorizawa hit back just as hard, winning the second match.
The boys were currently loading their bags into the bus as you supervised them, reminding them to triple check that they had everything. You were almost caught by surprise when a volleyball rolled towards you, hitting the back of your foot gently.
“Sumimasen.” You heard from several meters behind you, making you turn around. It was the Great King himself, Oikawa Tooru, that was slowly jogging towards you - it almost seemed like he was doing it in slow motion. Your fellow teammates heard the setter, their eyes sneakily following him as he got closer to you. They couldn't help but snicker at their so-called sworn enemy - it was obvious by the way that his aura sparkled around him and the smoulder on his face that he had rolled the ball your way to get your attention.
“I’m so sorry, could you get that for me?” You nodded, a polite smile on your face. The great Oikawa was definitely handsome, to say the least - and Tendou couldn't help the childish frown that filled his features. As you picked up the ball and handed it back to the setter, he flashed you a heart-stopping, pearly white smile.
“Thank you,” he said, taking the ball from you, brushing your fingers in the process. “You are the manager for Shiratorizawa, right? I didn’t catch your name earlier.” Oikawa ran a hand through his silky hair as you gave him your name.
“Wow,” he flashed you another smile, “such a beautiful name for someone just as gorgeous.” Semi couldn’t help but let a snort out at Oikawa’s compliment.
“Thank you.” You took the complement in stride, deciding it would be nice to say something back. “You played great today, Oikawa-san.” He laughed jovially.
“Thank you, you’re very kind. And cute. Would you be interested in catching boba with me sometime? I know a cute place that has good milk tea and milk bread.” Tendou rolled his eyes at Oikawa’s words. It probably was his plan all along - to try to bewitch the manager of Shiratorizawa. When Tendou saw a smile grow on your face, he couldn’t help but feel defeated. Were you actually going to say yes to him?
“I’m very flattered Oikawa-san. But I’m sorry, I must decline your offer.” Oikawa’s eyes widened in surprise. The Great King? Being rejected? “You’re not really my type.” You turned around, making your way onto the bus, leaving Oikawa with his jaw on the ground, the ace on Seijoh’s team as well as your teammates laughing their asses off at the scene that had just unfolded in front of their very eyes.
“That’s what you get, Crappykawa! You should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa!”
“Iwa-chan, that's not funny! I feel like my heart has been broken into thousands of pieces!”
“Well, if they’re gonna hit it, they better hit it til it breaks!”
“Pfft, I’m actually not surprised they didn’t say yes to him.” Semi commented, placing his duffle bag into the storage compartment. Tendou’s head quirked at the statement.
“Why’s that?” Reon asked, storing his things as well, making Semi and Yamagata snicker.
“Did you see how flat his ass was? I’m 100% sure their type is thicker guys. Like their ace, or something.” The three of them burst into laughter, Tendou only slightly laughing along as well. Ushijima only grunted in disagreement as he shut the compartment’s door.
“I believe their type is actually redheads.” All of the third years looked at their captain with wide eyes and dead silence - before laughing even harder. Semi slapped Ushijima’s bicep lightly, bending over. Tendou’s eyes widened - Ushijima was not the type to joke around, right?
“I didn’t think you actually knew how to crack jokes, Ushijima-kun!” The olive-haired man only looked down at his fellow third years in confusion.
“I am not joking. I simply just decided to ask them earlier, and I am only relaying the answer they gave me.” They couldn’t help but bend over, Yamagata even wiping tears from all the laughing.
“Stop! Your bluntness is only making it worse!” By the way the rest of his teammates reacted, Tendou believed Ushijima really must have been joking - in his own way. He had just picked a hair color different from Oikawa’s, right?
“Good one, Wakatoshi-kun.” Tendou let out a chuckle, giving his friend a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
And baby, now you do
Tendou’s eyes widened as he relieved all the memories. Was Ushijima actually serious? He had never asked his friend about it - but perhaps it was because he was too scared to actually know the truth. Quickly, Tendou pulled out his phone and googled each of the characters - Shanks, Kakyoin, and Simon. The samurai was still on your screen, and he flipped through the tabs on his internet browser, trying to find the similarities.
Obviously, they were all built rather strong - but Tendou couldn’t get what Ushijima said out of his head. They were all redheads, after all. Why hadn’t he noticed this before? He looked back at you, your attention still on the otome game. Should he ask you? Would it be weird? Tendou thought about texting Ushijima, but he quickly decided not to. He already knew what his friend would say. Right after he called your name gently, you set down the controller and turned to look up at him.
“What’s up, Tori-kun?” He had never felt this nervous before - it wasn’t even like he was going to confess to you or anything either.
“Uh - what’s your type? Like, in guys? I promise I won’t tease you this time, I just want to know.” Surprisingly, you smirked at him. What were you thinking?
“You gonna brag to Eita and Yato that you finally found out after all these years?” The apparent blush on Tendou’s cheeks only spread further.
“What? No, I wouldn’t do that… Unless I had to,” he said, trying his best to come off as his usual teasing self. This only made you snicker at him.
“I’m surprised you guys haven’t beat it out of Toshi-kun yet. I already told him a few months ago.” Tendou’s eyes widened at what you said.
“Huh?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Yeah.” He couldn’t believe how casual you were about it. You were always so hellbent on keeping it from them - but perhaps it was because they made such a big deal out of it in the first place. Tendou didn’t exactly know how to respond to you - he was still trying to process the realization. So he had guessed wrong this whole time?
After sitting in silence for a couple of seconds, you gave him a playful smile. “Redheads,” you said, turning around and picking up your controller. Ushijima’s words echoed with yours in his brain.
Besides, they told me they liked you. Tendou let out a choked noise.
“I’ve made a mistake!”
You burst out laughing at Tendou’s exclamation. Setting your controller down once more, you stood up and turned, leaning your elbows against your bed. “You guys really are that oblivious, huh? Even Toshi-kun saw that I liked you. He went so far as to ask me about it too.” You propped up your head with your hand, staring at him. Getting past his initial shock, Tendou settled back down.
“How shallow of you,” he teased, leaning his head closer to yours. “I can’t believe the only reason why you like me is because my hair is red, yanno?” In return, you inched your face up closer to his as if you were challenging him.
“I know,” you said smugly, your eyes flickering down to his lips, “I’m such an awful friend. I’ll only break your heart once I replace you with another redhead.” He smirked as he noticed where your eyes had glanced. Tendou may have been oblivious, but he wasn’t called the Guess Monster for nothing.
“I’m guessing that you want to kiss me right now, hmm?” He asked quietly, dangerously moving closer to you - your faces now only mere inches apart. A blush crept onto both of your cheeks. You answered back, your voice nearly a whisper.
“Why don’t you find out for yourself, Guess Monster?”
Immediately, Tendou closed the distance between the two of you. Your lips were warm and soft, making him wish he had at least put on chapstick earlier. His heart was beating so hard inside of his chest that he was afraid you’d hear it, but you said nothing as the two of you pulled away. Saying nothing, he only smiled as he traced his fingers up your neck, cupping your jaw. Pulling you into a deeper kiss, he sighed contentedly as he felt your hands trail up his torso.
Kissing you felt like paradise.
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As always, thank you so much for reading!! please like, reblog, and follow 🥺
~ Crystal
through the summer and the fall masterlist
blog masterlist
buy me a ko-fi! (but only if you want to and can)
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The following day, Tendou met you at your door to walk with you to lunch. With your hand in his, the two of you took your sweet time making your way to the cafeteria to meet up with the other third years. Today, Coach Washijo had asked for them to play a practice match against the Miyagi first years he was holding a training camp for. You decided to tag along since you had nothing planned to do for the weekend.
As you talked about a weird dream you had, Tendou couldn’t help but gaze adoringly at you - he couldn’t believe that you liked him, or that you were actually dating him now even if it had only been about twelve hours. The two of you waited in the lunch line, his chin resting on top of your head as he held both of your hands from behind you - it felt so natural to touch you. He could tell that people were staring - but none of it mattered when all he needed was the sound of your excited voice and the blatant look of love in your eyes.
Stepping away from your back slightly, he moved forward to gently place a kiss on your cheek - and that's when he heard the yells. The both of you turned to find your fellow third and second years staring at the two of you with wide eyes and mouths catching flies. Goshiki accompanied the team as well, his face beat red. Ushijima was behind the flustered first year, a rare half-smile on his face.
“Afternoon guys!” You had said it so casually as you leaned back into Tendou’s arms, allowing him to place a cheeky kiss on your temple - making Semi gag and Yamagata nearly tear up.
“I did tell you all that they preferred redheads.”
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
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Cyneswith rolls the want to dine out with her Methuselahian boy-toy and I’m hoping we can knock this love out during this date so we never have to see him again. Naturally the road to 20 simultaneous lovers is gonna have some duds, but did we really have to start with one?? Between Cyn’s gray hair turn on and Shajar’s fitness/fatness ones the chemistry mechanic is ruining my life this generation.
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Yea that’s great, CADP, here’s an even more appropriate green face: 🤢🤢🤢
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-I don’t get paid enough for this shit. 
Random Waiter sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry we’re romancing this old bitch in front of you, oh my god.
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Mercifully CADP wastes no time falling in love with Cyneswith after this public woohoo witnessed by every townie within a 20 mile radius, and the date is a stunning success:
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LMAO. Watch Cyneswith become a pillar of the community thanks to publicly banging the elderly, she truly can do no wrong. No wonder she’s the only child Jojo acknowledges. 
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Beyond over for Don. 
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Cyneswith returns home in the glowing triumph of her platinum plumbob. She literally hasn’t even made it to the front door yet-
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-and CADP calls to ask her out again! Man, these drama professors are relentless, remember how half-alien prof stalked Gunther? Did this guy even go home or is he calling us right from the diner where we left him?? Whatever the case, hardest ‘Stay Here’ ever pressed, grandpa. 
-But I wanna go out with him again! 🌸
Yea well we don’t have time to be systematically dating these flops, Cyn, if you wanted in depth affairs you should have rolled a different LTW.
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NICE. Another fine addition to our yard of wonders! We’re still not dating you, CADP, but when we’re throwing ragers on this thing, we’ll be thinking of you with some nostalgia and a lot of disgust. 
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With Cyneswith platinum for the foreseeable future, I take a look at how everyone else is doing to ensure there aren’t any aspiration failures lurking. Ti-Ning and Frances are ultra-loved up and doing great-
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-Angel rolls the want to get engaged to Wulf as well as the want TO INVITE OVER GUNTHER AKA HER TEENAGE FLING FROM 30 YEARS AGO, FFS ANGEL-
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-and Don.. well he’s seen better days. The sad ‘go on a date’ want is killing me, I’ve considered it a given so far that he’s endgame for Cyn but they haven’t been interacting much lately, we’ll see how it goes, it might legit be over him.
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The semester ends and with it Sophie’s insane 0 studying A+ streak, which is understandable since she literally almost died. Proud of Wulf and Don for bringing their grades up since they were both doing terribly, Don especially was flirting with academic probation last semester. I guess once your gf is no longer distracting you because she’s too busy cheating on you, you start hitting the books.
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It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life.. and Sophie autonomously goes to gossip with Shajar!!! I was so shocked I unironically took a screenshot of the little action queue window, but whatever, it’s a big deal! 
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-Hey Shajar, you know who’s an even bigger turbocuck than you?? Ti-Ning! God I can’t stand that loser. 
-Haha couldn’t agree more, Sophie! 🖤 Not like I’d agree with anything you say, I have my own personality and opinions and everything!! Why are we talking about him like he’s not right here? I’m not questioning you, just curious! 🖤
-It’s my new bullying tactic! 
-It’s great! 
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-Congratulations on your ever-evolving bullying techniques, Sophie! 🖤
-Congratulations on idolizing me! Maybe you’re only a cuck and not a turbocuck after all.
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-Haha great punch, Sophie! I actually felt the nerve damage as it happened!
-Thanks, ever since my post-workout coma I’m stronger than ever!
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OMG THEY FINALLY BECAME FRIENDS. Bro I still cannot believe Cyneswith not only befriended Sophie first but is LITERALLY BFFS WITH HER. UN.REAL. ANYWAY there’s only so much blue balling I can take from these two, it’s time to find out if there’s something there once and for all. But first, we need a slight adjustment so let’s head to the nearest mirror..
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In the name of love, Shaj, come on!
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-So, Sophie.. As I’m sure you can see, I’m blonde now. And I had to sign a contract promising I won’t sue for how terrible it makes me look, so I’m legally blonde. Now that that’s out of the way..
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-..it’s Ti-Ning trashing time!
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F I N A L L Y I                 L N                L A                A L                N L                I Y L L A N I F
OK. SO NOW WE KNOW. What you do from now on is up to you, first and last time I’m intervening but these two were driving me insane.
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-And so after careful consideration, it became clear that blonde is truly my color! 
-Are you sure, Shaj? Because when I saw you upstairs you were sobbing and doing vomiting motions in front of the mirror.
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-Aw Angel, that’s not a very nice thing to say! Don’t worry sis, I love your new look! In fact, I’m so proud of the way you look I want you right there next to me when I meet potential lovers! 💗
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NOW THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE. I mean I wish I wasn’t seeing Shajar’s terrible blonde hair but Sophie’s blondeness turn on forced my hand. But the rest of this pic is what I like to see!
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Despite recent developments, Sophie remains elusive af but I’m not butting in anymore, I’m returning to my go with the flow playstyle. So Sophie once again leaves us dick in hand and goes inside to.. you guessed it, socialize with Cyneswith. Shajar follows suit.. and..
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SHAJAR. YOU FINALLY STEPPED UP. I guess there’s only so much cucking from Cyneswith one person can take!!! If Sophie rejects this I’m literally gonna die-
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And Shajar is now in love with Sophie, whereas Sophie isn’t even best friends with her yet, oh Shaj.. Well whatever, you’ll get there (I hope). ACR gets right down to business, let’s ignore Sophie thinking of Cyneswith, istg..
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Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean we literally went from first kiss ever to woohoo with 0 other interactions in between but after all those years of incelitude who can blame Shajar.
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And it’s official!!! ❤️ I’ve been convinced these two belong together ever since they were teens but I was also convinced Gunther belonged with Melody/Daniel belonged with Brittany/Jojo belonged with Frances and we remember how all 3 of those went so only time will tell.
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In the meantime let’s marvel at how uneven this burgeoning relationship is thanks to Shajar unilaterally obsessing over Sophie for half her teenhood. But she finally got her! An inspirational tale about never giving up on your dreams even when your dreams prefer your sister. 
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turkeyspamsandwhich · 4 years
With all of the new information from chapter 290, I was thinking about what could happen after the arc. And I don’t have anyone to talk to about my thoughts so I’m posting about them. This will be long and probably won’t want to read it but I hope that you enjoy it!
Even though everyone probably already knows *Spoiler Warning*
All of the debate about Dabi/Touya and what’s to happen to him, is he going to die, get consequences of his actions, or be redeemed? Honestly having him killed off would be a lazy route, since Twice is gone and Shigaraki mostly is going to die as well. And personally I wouldn’t like it because I feel Endeavor wouldn’t actually face his past. Kinda like punishing the abused and rewarding the abuser.
I also feel like the LOV will be done after this arc in a way because they’ve lost a lot of members and it may be set for the time skip after this arc with Shigaraki and AFO gone. So the idea of Dabi/Touya becoming the new main threat doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s still a possibility.
Dabi/Touya isn’t mentally well. He’s dealing with PTSD of his past and because of never getting mental help, his mind only got worse. His sense of reality is not right and he hasn’t had anyone to help him for years. Even during his abuse he had Natsuo, but after his death there was no one. His abuse broke him so severely, he only thought of ways to hurt the person who caused it and how he could get revenge. He wasn’t thinking of his family and the actions could affect them. He just wanted the world to know what Endeavor did to him. And he has every right to expose his abuser, he is the victim when it comes to the past and Endeavor cannot atone if he’s going to hide what he did. Still it does hurt the rest of the family, because it seems like they didn’t want it to go public, except maybe Natsuo but he was willing to try for Fuyumi. Does that mean Dabi/Touya doesn’t care about them? I think he does in a sense, he couldn’t stop his negative feelings for his father, so how could he stop his positive ones for the rest of his family. He may have surprised them but not gotten rid of them. I believe he cares about Natsuo the most. I’m unsure about Rei, it seems he does care with the information we have but still eh. Fuyumi, I have no idea honestly. And we know he sees Shoto as a puppet. Just because the way he outed his abuse in a selfish manner doesn’t mean he hates his family. I also feel Natsuo would play a big part if there is a redemption.
Now some of the things I’m thinking could happen. He faces the consequences of his actions. He may go to prison, because he did murder innocent people. His abuse doesn’t cancel out the wrong he has done. Thirty people lost their lives because of him. Even if those people were villains as well, doesn’t mean he had the right to take their lives. If he does go to jail I could see it similar to Overhaul, chained up forever. Or maybe the family’s influence/money could help him out and instead he’s put in a mental ward. He may be stuck there forever but he would get the much help he needs badly. I feel this is likely if he’s not killed in the arc, just like Overhaul.
Redemption. That’s a huge conflict with many people. Personally.......I want to see it, I want to see the victim get help so badly. I want to see them get help and become a better person. He still would need to face consequences of his actions of murdering people, and every terroristic act he has done while in the LOV. His actions are still his own regardless of the trauma he has faced, but if he didn’t have this trauma he wouldn’t have done any of these things. He was a broken child turned into a broken adult, all he knows is his pain of the past, he can’t move on and now he’s stuck in the cycle of abuse.
He has a problem with Shoto due to him becoming Endeavour’s new “favorite.” He doesn’t see Shoto as a person but a doll of his father’s, and he had planned to kill him, because he thought it would get him his father's love and attention. Which isn’t that strange, because I’ve seen that happen with children in abusive households. They still crave their parents' love and want it regardless of the parents hurting them. They turn their anger towards the person they think is taking that away from them, example the favored sibling.
Yet even though he's done and planned horrible things, that doesn’t mean he can’t get redeemed. Horrible people have been redeemed in anime before, ones that have done even worse things than Dabi/Touya. It’s possible for him to become a better person, maybe a good person, I don’t see him changing over to the hero’s side but more neutral. I think it’s possible, I don’t know if it will happen though. But we have seen it before and the character that came to mind was Gaara.
Now despite being a huge Naruto fan, I haven’t read the manga since the ending which was a loooooong time ago. And I’m not watching Boruto like at all, I refuse. I still remember a lot of it and there’s so many complex characters in Naruto that have done terrible things, but we’re saved and redeemed. Some even become fan favorites. Most of the characters I’m going to get into are from Naruto but I’ll get to them in a bit but right now I want to focus on Gaara.
Neglected by his family, and hated by everyone else. He was taken advantage of by his village and abused to become the perfect weapon. He killed so many people, regardless of who they were, if they had a family or not. No he wanted bloodshed and chaos, because that’s all he knew. Gaara became a psychotic killer whose goal was to everyone in his way to prove his own existence. It could be argued that he was a child at the time he did these things but that still doesn’t excuse his actions. Plus he mostly killed many more than Dabi/Touya, yet he was still redeemed. Naruto saw the pain in him and could understand why he became the way he was, even admitting he could have ended up like him if it wasn’t for his friends. He saved him and Gaara became a new person free from his past and pain. He got to have a family and gained friends. He became the Kazekage and was loved by his people, who once looked at him in fear and disgust now looked at him in admiration. He did unspeakable things but he got a second chance and did amazing things with it.
Itachi killed his whole clan, yes he did it so they couldn’t start a war but that doesn’t erase that he murdered innocent people. Even though the reason he couldn’t kill Sasuke was because he loved him too much he still left his little brother with no one and trauma. That’s horrible for a child to go through. Sasuke had nobody to turn to now he lost not only his family but he got to see his brother, who was the one person who he idolized the most. And yes later on, both the audience and Sasuke learned the truth about Itachi. He really was such a good person regardless of him being a good person he did bad things even if it was for the greater good. Once the truth was out people could relate to him, understand why he did the things he did, and he also became a fan favorite and now is seen as a hero. His trauma made him want to do good and his motives were different than Dabi/Touya’s but he still took innocent lives.
Now I want to touch a bit on this character, because they were a favorite of mine. However, I wasn’t the biggest Soul Eater fan so my knowledge isn’t as good. Crona actually had a very similar situation to Shoto and Dabi/Touya, their mother experimented on them and made them into her perfect weapon kind of like how Endeavor wanted to make his children into the perfect tool to dethrone All Might. They were mentally unwell and were made to kill people, and took many lives. Still Maka and her friends, spared them and took them in and showed them love.
The last one I want to get into is Zabuza. He was a killer for hire and did unspeakable things for money. He was willing to kill the team Kakashi, which had three children for his mission. Killing children is one of the worst things. During his journey, he met Haku and formed a bond that I don’t think he noticed until it was too late. And while his redemption doesn’t seem as grand as others, he got a pretty amazing one for what kind of person he was before. After Haku’s death, he turned on Gatō and his gang, and killed them. That saved the village directly even though he just wanted revenge. At the end, as he’s dying he gets to lay next to Haku and have a moment and that changed the way people viewed him. It left an impact on Naruto as well. His story has similarities to Dabi/Touya, they both killed to get their goal even though it wasn’t right.
There are so many more characters I could get into like Vegeta, who literally destroyed planets with whole civilizations. Isabella from the promised neverland, who fed children to demons. Obito and Nagato, who tried to end the whole world. So many JoJo characters, I can’t even begin to think of, but the point is redemption is possible.
So honestly a redemption isn’t that far fetched for Dabi/Touya, even with his crimes, and it would be nice for a villain to be redeemed because we haven’t really seen that in this series. And yes I’m a bit biased but I enjoy his characters, but now it’s mostly because I want the victim to find peace and be able to let go of the past. He is still a victim of Endeavor’s abuse, because he is still trapped in it. I want to see a victim get a second chance, but he still has to face the consequences of his actions. He doesn’t get a free pass because he was abused, it’s a reasoning not an excuse.
Also you could say the same for Endeavor deserving a second chance, but I can’t get behind a child abuser and wife beater. That’s the same reason I don’t like Overhaul like many others, touching a child in any way doesn’t sit right with me. So I was never behind Endeavor’s redemption, but I supported and understood the people who were into it. In the end, it’s up to Horikoshi about what will happen to both Dabi/Touya and Endeavor. I know either way it will be an amazing story.
Thank you to anyone who actually read my ramblings. Sorry if the formatting is weird, I typed it out in my phone. I hope you enjoyed this too long rant. And to anyone who disagrees with anything I said, I understand and respect your decision. But don’t be immature and rude about it, it’s not hard to debate people in an adult manner. We all have our own options and it’s fine to disagree but don’t be hurtful to those whose opinions differ for yours.
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@gingerreggg thanks for the shoutout
Heads Up- Part 11 (Joseph x Bust! Caesar)
That night was a troubled night for Caesar.
As a living clay figure, he was unbothered by human needs, like food, water or air. The sole exception was sleep-- he never felt physically tired, but his mind demanded rest, and even he needed some shut-eye to keep his thoughts in check.
Except tonight, sleep refused to visit him.
Caesar was troubled by the revelation of his identity. Was he once a living man? Was he really Anthonio Zeppeli returned from the dead? Caesar didn't want to believe it. He couldn't quite grasp the reality of his rebirth as a work of art.
Yet, at the same time, he felt there was no other possible explanation.
The night dragged on, slowly and arduously, and all Caesar could do was watch the wall clock slowly tick along, and see the progression of the moon across the night sky from outside the window, little standards of change that reminded Caesar of the passage of time.
Eventually, his eyes grew too heavy, and soon his thoughts calmed down as he began to dream.
Where am I, he thought to himself, as he wiped his forehead with back of his hand.
Caesar paused.
He looked down. He indeed had a hand.
And arms, and legs, and a body.
Caesar looked around. He realized he was in front of some kind of building, adorned with gothic-style structures on its top. He had been sitting directly in its shade, clad in dusty overalls and a dark shirt underneath.
"Anthonio!" yelled a voice. "Quit sitting around and get your job done!"
Caesar tried to stand up, uncertainly, as he no longer quite remembered what it was like having arms and legs. They felt strange, almost wrong, like parts of his body that shouldn't be.
"Alright, alright," Caesar told the unseen voice. "What do you want me to do?"
"Weren't you supposed to be working on your mural?" it said, and Caesar, looking up, saw a ladder leaned up against the wall.
He saw the mural, an unfinished sculpted work of a dove in flight, with above it a large, stone crucifix. This building seemed to have had once been a cathedral but was converted into a hotel and attraction, while still keeping its original visual style.
"You better get this job done soon if you want to get paid," complained the unseen voice, irately.
"I'm onto it!" Caesar yelled back. He ascended the ladder, tentatively and uneasily due to his newfound limbs, toward the top where his-- no, Anthonio's-- mural sat unfinished.
Or maybe he was Anthonio.
Caesar reached the top, and pulled out a chisel from a belt in his overralls. He didn't remember quite how to use it. Hell, he didn't even know how to use his hands.
"Maybe like this?" he mumbled to himself, chipping away at the part of the mural that was the dove's head. He struck the stone etching.
And then suddenly, it began to crack.
"Shit!" was all Caesar could cry out as the entire mural began to break apart, the elegant avian form on the mural suddenly tearing itself apart and crumbling as it did so. The entire front of the hotel began to crack.
"Anthonio!" cried the disembodied voice again.
Suddenly, Caesar felt himself falling.
He was toppling backwards over the ladder, falling fourty, fifty feet, down onto the hard, solid pavement below.
And as he looked up, the last thing he saw was the dark silhouette of a crucifix, descending upon him as it blotted out the sunlight
He felt a surge of agonizing pain, and then nothingness.
Caesar's eyes snapped open in a panic.
He was going to die.
No, he was already dead.
Caesar panicked for a moment at the realization that he couldn't feel anything below his neck. His body was gone.
And then he remembered: he didn't have a body.
Caesar looked around. He was in Joseph's room again, sitting by the tabletop. It was still nighttime, and Joseph lay snoring loudly on the bed, clad only in shorts.
Caesar sighed. It was all just a dream.
"Joseph?" he said. "Joseph..."
"Hnghhh..." groaned the artist, his eyes flickering and fluttering open. "It's still dark, Caesar. Go back to sleep."
"I can't, Jojo. I can't sleep." he said.
Rubbing his eyes, Joseph sat up in his bed and stretched out. "What's the matter, Cae? Had too much coffee before bed?" Joseph joked, knowing all too well the bust's reaction to Joseph bringing up his inability to drink or eat.
But today, the clay being had no power for snarky bantering.
"I'm just...having bad dreams lately." Caesar said sadly.
"About what?" Joseph asked.
Caesar sighed, a long, heavy sigh of grief.
"Do you really think I am Anthonio Zeppeli's soul imprisoned in a clay figure?" he said.
Joseph reached out to Caesar's shoulder, as if to hold his hand, had he had any.
"I wouldn't say imprisoned," Joseph said. "If it's true, as Suzi had said, I think you were given a second chance."
"A second chance at what? Anthonio had been a successful artist, and all I am is a clay head, useful for nothing," he lamented.
Joseph hugged his creation. "You're a living miracle, Caesar. You're a work of art with a soul, in more ways than one. You've made my life better, and a bit more colorful, since you came, and I think that's purpose enough."
"Plus, you make a great alarm clock," Joseph added jokingly. The last crack was enough to force a smile onto Caesar's distraught face.
Joseph yawned. "And speaking of clocks, it's just 2 AM," Joseph hummed. "I ought to be getting back to bed."
"Can I sleep beside you?" Caesar asked.
Joseph paused at the strange request. "Sleep beside me?" he asked.
"I mean, if it's alright with you," Caesar added, apologetically. "I've just have been really lonely."
"Sure thing, no problem," Joseph said. With some effort he gently lifted up the bust, and laid him onto the bed. With his face and hair varnished, Joseph no longer needed to worry about Caesar's details flattening out when he laid him sideways.
Normally Caesar didn't like soft surfaces: he was unable to bounce, and he felt even more helpless than he already was. But this was different: embraced by Joseph, as they lay side by side, Caesar never felt more loved in his brief existence. Not just loved as a masterpiece, but loved as a person.
He felt fulfilled. He felt important.
He looked back at Joseph, who had fallen asleep again, messy-haired and shirtless, embracing Caesar's vestigal torso like a pillow, and lightly snoring. Caesar looked lovingly at him for a few more minutes, until he, at last, fell asleep.
If I could only hug him back, came the final thought in Caesar's head for the night, before weariness in the end took over, leaving both sculptor and sculpture entwined in peaceful slumber.
"Aw shit," Joseph groaned as the sickeningly sweet smell of burnt pancakes filled the early morning air. "I hope you like it well done," he joked, flipping the charred patty onto a plate.
"And that's why I'm glad you didn't take culinary arts," Suzi replied with a laugh, as she sat by the kitchen table with Caesar on the tabletop.
"By the way, I love these little elevators you made for Caesar!" Suzi complimented, examining the dumbwaiter-like contraptions Joseph built to help Caesar get up onto tables or back onto the floor. "You really worked hard to give him independence."
"He needs it," Joseph answered. "It's the best I could do for him."
Caesar, meanwhile, had plenty of questions to ask Suzi ever since she spoke of his magical origins.
"Say, how long did the clay beings live, in those legend you found?" Caesar asked, a bit uneasily. "My existence isn't just a short-term spell, is it?"
"Not at all!" Suzi reassured him. "If anything, they were said to sometimes live for up to hundreds of years!"
Hundreds of years, thought Caesar, somewhat regretfully. Would he eventually outlive Joseph? And what would he do without him?
But he shook such thoughts from his head. It just meant he still had plenty of time with his beloved sculptor, and what mattered was today. Joseph was here. He was here. And that was the important thing.
"Say, it's Sunday tomorrow," Suzi told Joseph. "If you're free, maybe we should go out sometime? It's kind of been a dull week, and I'm sure we could both go somewhere," she said. "I could use a vacation since I don't really have much else to do."
"I mean, sure," Joseph said, "but what about Caesar?"
"Take me with you," Caesar begged. "I want to get out of this house at least once!"
"It's dangerous," Joseph said. "People could see you! Or steal you! And you're so realistic-looking people might think I had an actual severed head with me if you'd try freezing up." he mused.
"I'm just a head," Caesar insisted. "You could just stick me in a box or something."
Joseph hesitated. He didn't want to put Caesar in danger. He knew the outside world had its perils, and Caesar, a mere clay figure and one without limbs at that, wouldn't stand a chance.
But he saw Caesar's pleading face.
What kind of life would it be for him to spend his whole life locked in a house? He knew Caesar had to be kept a secret. The world wasn't ready for something like him.
But at the same time, since Caesar was blessed with life, Joseph believed he needed to get to enjoy it, too.
"Say, Suzi," Joseph asked. "Do you know a place without a lot of people?"
She pondered for a moment. "There's a parkway by the beach, it's not very crowded this time of year. I mean, last I checked there isn't even anyone at all. It's completely deserted."
Joseph's face lit up.
"Tomorrow afternoon's sunset it is then," he said with a grin.
"And remember to bring us a box."
(Previous Chapter)
(Next Chapter)
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duhragonball · 3 years
BEGIN: Battle Tendency Liveblog.   JJBA Ch. 45-47
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🇺🇸🗽🧗‍♂️🧼🪀🌵Part 2, Hell Yeah!🌪️🎈🛩️🌋🚬
I'm pretty friggin' excited for Part 6 anime, and Part 6 is one of my faves, so one could understandably assume that Part 6 is my favorite.  And I post a lot of other JoJo stuff on this blog, so it's probably not obvious, but Part 2 is the best.   
I got into JoJo in 2017, watching Parts 1-4 in anime version, then reading the scanlations of Parts 5-8 while I waited for the anime to catch up.    Then I re-liveblogged the Part 5 manga because there was finally a proper translation available.   And technically the Part 8 liveblog never ended, since the manga is still ongoing.  
As I developed an appreciation for the manga, I started to feel like I should go back and check out the comic versions of Parts 1 through 4.  Where better to start than my personal favorite?   But I never got around to it, until now.
There's a few things I want to explore with Part 2.    First, I want to go through and work out why exactly I like it so much.   It's kind of tough to articulate, but usually I just say that it's fast-paced and something's always happening.   Part 1 takes a while to get going, and Parts 3-8 rely on the Stand concept, which means that each of them occasionally fall into the trap of becoming formulaic.   Part 2 doesn't have the hassle of introducing all the lore, and it doesn't have the luxury of just doing a gauntlet of Stand Battles to pad out the story.   But I think there's more to it than that.  Battle Tendency has a charm all it's own, and that's what I want to talk about.
Second, now that I've become familiar with Parts 1-7 (and most of 8), I want to go back and see how 2 holds up as part of this mythos.   BT sort of gets overlooked, I think, and that's fair, since it doesn't involve Dio, Stands, or the more outlandish costumes of the later installments.  A lot of fans write off Parts 1 and 2 for being "boring", but at least Phantom Blood carries the prestige of starting it all, and providing the origin of Dio.  Something I think a lot about is whether or not Part 2 "connects" with the later entries in the JoJo series.  It forms a trilogy with 1 and 3, and Part 4 features Joseph's legacy in an important way, but what about the later ones?   Parts 5 through 8 owe a huge debt to Stardust Crusaders for introducing Stands, and to Phantom Blood for introducing JoJo's, but what does Part 2 give them, if anything?   
Third, I'm interested in seeing how BT holds up in isolation.    It's a direct sequel to Part 1, and it ends with a prelude to Part 3, so it's clearly designed to function as part of a larger saga.   But Parts 4 and 5 really don't operate that way, and that got me thinking that maybe Part 2 is more self-contained than I give it credit for.  
But enough about that, let's get this started.
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There's two plot threads in these opening chapters.  One reintroduces Robert E. O. Speedwagon, now a 70 year old oil tycoon, and Straizo, who has succeeded the late Tonpetti as the Ripple Master.   Speedwagon has been using his oil fortune to fund a research organization called the Speedwagon Foundation, and it discovered something major during an archaeological expedition: an engraving of the stone mask, the same one Dio used to turn himself into a vampire 50 years earlier.   Note that the mummified corpse lying on the slab with the engraving has vampire fangs.   Whoever this guy is, he didn't just know about the masks, he used one personally.
It might get revealed later in the comics, but I'm pretty sure the anime version had Speedwagon explain that he primary purpose of his foundation was to learn more about phenomena like the Stone Mask, which is probably why they were digging up an Aztec temple in Mexico to begin with.   As I recall, the Stone Mask was discovered in that part of the world, and taken back to Europe, where it eventually came into the possession of the Joestar family.   Speedwagon would know this tale, and so if he wanted to find out more about the mask, he would have known where to start.   Fifty years later, he seems to have hit paydirt.
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But the mask engraving isn't why he called Straizo all the way in from Tibet.   Deeper in the temple, there's a weird looking area that looks like something from out of an H.R. Giger painting.   In the center stands this column, or pillar, if you will, and mounted on the pillar is...
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...This guy, surrounded by more stone masks.   When I first watched this part of the anime, I though the big reveal here was that there were lots and lots of Stone Masks, which would be a big problem, since Part 1 made a big deal out of destroying the one Stone Mask that started all the trouble.   And maybe the guy in the pillar was the one who invented the things, I thought, but the bigger problem is that he made so many of them.   But no, Speedwagon explains that the "Pillar Man" is not an image carved into the stone, but a living being, in some form of suspended animation.  He even has a pulse.   
So who is this guy and why did he create the Stone Masks?   Speedwagon does not care.   He only wants this Pillar Man destroyed before he wakes up, and that's the sole reason he called in Straizo.   The two of them were the only survivors of the battle with Dio 50 years ago, and Straizo's Hamon power, also known as the Ripple, can destroy vampires that were created by the Stone Mask.    So he's desperately hoping Straizo can finish off the Pillar Man the same way.   But Straizo doesn't seem as concerned about it, and he asks about Joseph Joestar instead.    So I guess I ought to circle back to the other plotline... 
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Fifty years after Jonathan Joestar sacrificed himself to defeat Dio Brando, his wife Erina and his grandson Joseph have moved to New York City.   Joseph tries to buy a Coke, but this kid swipes his wallet.   Kind of funny how Joesph's first and last appearances in JJBA are him getting robbed. 
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But the kid runs afoul of the local corrupt cops, who bludgeon him with their batons and threaten to put him in jail for 20 years unless he agrees to give them a cut of whatever money he makes from pickpocketing.   When Joseph catches up to this scene, the cop even says he's going to keep Joseph's wallet "as evidence".   I gotta say, not everything from Battle Tendency has aged well, but this police brutality stuff has become incredibly relevant.  This could be 2021, except the cop would have had a gun, and he would have shot Smokey, then Joseph because he mistook the Coke bottle for a rocket launcher.  
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Joseph tries to defuse the situation by claiming he gave the wallet to the kid as a gift, but the cop doesn't believe that story, and he wouldn't care even if he did.   He even smears boogers in Joseph's face just to prove that he can say and do whatever he pleases.    Up to this point, Joseph looks and seems a lot like Jonathan.  Later artwork tries to downplay that resemblance, probably just so it's easier to tell them apart.   The anime gave Joseph different color hair, and Hirohiko Araki himself started drawing young Joseph with aviator goggles all the time, even though he doesn't wear them that much in this story.  But starting out, the idea was that Joseph is the spitting image of his grandfather, and it almost looks like this is just an clever way to sneak Jonathan back into the story and transport him forward in time, except....
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Coming through, coming through, coming through now  
Coming through, coming through, coming through now
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Coming through, coming through, coming through 
Shake it like it's heat, Overdrive!
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Yeah, so Joseph can do Hamon/Ripple tricks just like his grandfather, and all the others guys who could use Hamon back in Part 1.   The difference is that when Joseph does it, it looks coooooool.  After breaking Officer Hulk Hogan’s trigger finger, Joseph takes a big swig of soda, because it’s awesome.
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To Smokey’s surprise, Joseph did all that badass stuff a second ago, but he’s terrified about his grandmother scolding him for it.  So Joseph wants to run for it, and that suits Smokey, so they rush off together, beginning a long tradition of JoJo’s running from things.   Enemies, consequences, you name it. 
Smokey asks Joseph how he learned how to do that trick with the coke bottle, and he says he has no idea, he’s just always been able to do it.    He knows his grandfather had the same power, but he’s dead, and so are his mother and father.  Curiously, Joseph’s father did not have Hamon powers, so it seems to have skipped a generation. 
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And that sets up the other side of the plot.   Speedwagon wants Straizo to destroy the Pillar Man immediately, but Straizo first asks about Joseph.   He had heard some time ago that Joseph had innate Hamon abilities, and he had used them once to rescue Speedwagon from a kidnapping attempt in midair.   A flashback shows us this moment, with guys threatening to ransom and kill Speedwagon, but Joseph is just chilling in the back with a Superman comic. 
Okay, time out.   This panel rules and all, but the Superman comic book didn’t start until 1939, a year after Battle Tendency begins.   Superman was featured in the 1938 magazine Action Comics, but this scene on the plane is a flashback to Joseph from his early teens.   Also, the earliest DC bullet logo didn’t appear until 1940, so what is this?  Some kind of magic, time travelling comic book?    I hope someone got fired for this blunder! 
Anyway, Joseph was content to ignore the hijackers until one of them struck him, and even that wouldn’t have upset him except he got his own blood on his clothes, which Erina bought him, so that sends him into a rage.   Speedwagon was worried that Joseph might clobber the hijackers, but instead he knocks out the pilot, then drags him and Speedwagon out of the plane before it crashes.    The main thrust of that story was that Speedwagon was more worried about what Joseph might do than the hijackers who had already threatened to murder him.   Joseph is slow to anger, but once you piss him off he’s going to go to war, and he doesn’t always think things through.
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But he’s never been trained to use his powers like Straizo’s order.  Upon hearing this, Straizo kills his own disciples, and all of the Speedwagon Foundation guys, then knocks Speedwagon himself out.   This will anger Joseph when he hears about it, but Straizo is counting on this.    As he explains, Hamon power can slow his aging process down considerably.   He and Speedwagon are both about 70 here, but he looks much younger.   Even so, he’s feeling his age, and he confesses that he always admired Dio for his immortality and power.   So now that there’s Stone Masks available, he’s decided to use one on himself, become a vampire, and become “a being that surpasses all”.  
And that’s a theme that runs through all of Battle Tendency, along with the rest of the JoJo franchise.  The main villains always seek power to position themselves above the rest of humanity.  At first, it seems kind of random for one of the men who opposed Dio to suddenly switch allegiences like this, but in truth, it’s human nature to be tempted by this kind of power.  Dio succumbed to the lure of the Mask, and now we find that Straizo would have done the same.   He just didn’t have the opportunity until now.
But the reason he’s concerned about Joseph is that he’s thinking this through.  Dio was defeated after all, so Straizo wants to eliminate anyone who could potentially defeat him.  Aside from himself and Speedwagon, the only others who know about the battle with Dio and the Stone Mask are Erina and Joseph.   Once he eliminates them, he’ll be free to do as he pleases.
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Back to New York, this is a pretty sweet drawing of a car.    I’m not a car guy, but even I can get behind this.  By now, Smokey has met Erina Joestar, and he finds out some of the backstory from Part 1.    Erina’s husband died at sea, and she was pregnant with their son, Joseph’s father, and had a baby girl whom she rescued from the same incident at sea.   The two children grew up, married, had Joseph, and died, the father in World War I, and the mother of some unspecified illness.  Perhaps out of loneliness, Erina is “unflinchingly kind” even to someone like Smokey Brown, who doesn’t seem to think he’s worthy of her favor.
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Anyway, Erina wants to take Smokey out to dinner at this nice Italian restaurant, but this racist mafia guy makes a big stink about a Black person being allowed to eat there.    Joseph gets up to kick his ass, but first he has to check with Erina to make sure it’s okay, and she’s like “Yeah, destroy that guy,” because even though she doesn’t approve of Joseph beating up people, she can’t abide disrespect to her friends.   This leads to the memorable fight scene where Joseph is like eight steps ahead of his opponent.  He goes for his brass knuckles, but can’t find them, and Joseph deduces where they are because of some bloodstains on his shirt.  He even suggests what this guy is about to say next because he’s so predictable.
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Then he dodges every blow, moving so quickly that this jerk thinks he was hitting Joseph, when in fact he was punching a hat rack behind Joseph, and somehow he didn’t notice that he impaled his hand on broken wood until Joseph explained it to him.     And honestly, this feels like the prototype for a lot of Stand Battles down the line.  I’ll have more to say on that later.
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What puts Battle Tendency over the top is how Joseph not only outwits this big lummox, but the rest of the diners at this restaurant all start applauding him for doing it.    They’re just honored to be present in this insane comic book where literally anything can happen.   “He made that asshole punch a hat rack!   This is awesome!”
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Then this dude suddenly speaks up.   He’s not only the mafia guy in charge of the first guy, but he’s also heard a hot tip about Speedwagon getting murdered in Mexico by a Tibetan man.   He knew Erina would be interested in hearing this, but he’d never met her before.  Small world, huh?  
How would this guy already know about it, though?  I guess Straizo deliberately leaked the story, specifically so Joseph would find out about it sooner, but it seems awfully convenient.   But that’s how Battle Tendency rolls.   This thing’s only seven volumes long, and we’ve got a lot of ground to cover...
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arcaneranger · 5 years
Final Thoughts - 2019 Long Shows
Dear Lord. This is where all the good shows went.
2019 was absolutely awful on a season-by-season basis (except for Summer, anyway), but that’s mostly because most of the best shows ran longer than what has become the industry norm of a single season. And indeed, heading into the new decade, we seem to be seeing a major renaissance for two- or split-cour shows, given the massive success seen by shows like My Hero Academia, Food Wars, and Haikyuu!!..particularly in comparison to the new perpetual-runners Black Clover (which, despite running for over two straight years now, is still not the most popular show of Fall 2017 by viewer count on MAL, and sits at a ‘meh’ 7.2), and even worse, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, which is faring even worse on both counts even though it premiered two whole seasons earlier and the fact that it is the sequel to Naruto.
As a reminder of my rules, the shows on this list may or may not have premiered in 2019, but they finished airing this year. The split-cour rule (stating that I judge any show that “finishes” and then premieres a “new season” within six months) didn’t come into play for any 2018 shows, but it will for Ascendance of a Bookworm and Food Wars this year, at the very least.
With that being said! 25 shows running longer than thirteen episodes finished airing this year after being simulcast, and of those…
I skipped 6:
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind, Fairy Tail Final Series, A Certain Magical Index III, Ace Attorney Season 2 and Cardfight Vanguard (2018) because I either dropped or have not finished their previous (also long-running) seasons.
Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS because the simulcast started late and also it was bad.
I Dropped 8:
Worst Long Show of 2019: The Rising of the Shield Hero
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It’s always fun to see that a show you hated from its first episode only gets more and more distasteful afterwards, but it’s less fun when a service you have to promote because they’re the legal option is forced to shove it down your throat because they had a hand in making it and it became a massive hit that your friends don’t see any issue with because the author wrote a story that justifies its hero’s patronage of the slave industry. This is my punishment for watching the whole first season of The Asterisk War before I knew better.
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world
A confusing mess from the word go, this ill-fated adaptation of a visual novel from the nineties seems like it was mostly made to cash in on the popularity of the Science Adventure series, but failed to present itself in a way that made an ounce of sense or looked remotely interesting.
Fairy Gone
Am I really the only one that saw potential here? I mean yes, it ended up a boring slog that didn’t care to move its plot in a meaningful direction, but the first episode was at least cool. I guess Izetta: The Last Witch should have taught me better.
We Never Learn
I know that I’m in the minority in terms of the male demographic for shows like this, but honestly, how are bland harem shows still this easy to market? A copy-pasted protagonist with copy-pasted waifus drag down what could be an interesting setup for a story. 
Karakuri Circus
The first episode of this one had me excited, the second and third left me bored to tears and wondering if it would continue to look uglier by the minute. I haven’t seen a three-cour show look this janky since Knight in the Area.
Having heard good things about this show from my cohorts, I do feel bad for saying I’ll probably never return to Radiant, but when you have a show that’s notably written by a European author...and it turns out to be a frustratingly standard shounen affair with middling production values, well, you can see my earlier annoyance with Cannon Busters.
Ensemble Stars
This one still gets to me. It almost looked like a male-idol show I would finally be able to get behind, what with its rebellious attitude and oddball setting...that is, until the setting got to be too unbelievable and the show began drowning its audience in side-characters because they had to squeeze every husbando from the mobile game into the story, and it all began to resemble UtaPri a little too much...but without the production value.
Boogiepop and Others
This was a hard drop, honestly. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how I felt four episodes in, before concluding that I was bored and not particularly invested, two things that should never describe the experience of watching a Madhouse show. The fact that this was the project responsible for ruining One Punch Man only made it worse. There’s a slow burn, and then there’s walking away without turning the stove on.
And I Finished 11 (holy crap that’s like three hundred episodes just on their own).
That Time I Was Reincarnated as a Slime (5/10 & 1/10)
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I’ll be honest, I had forgotten just how livid I was with the ending (and especially the sad excuse of a recap episode) of Slimesekai, and reading back through my write-up of it, it’s certainly coming back to me. While this year had bigger demons to fight (Shield Hero), the bad taste that Slime left me with hasn’t really faded, and the wasted premise bugs me to this day.
Hinomaru Sumo (7/10)
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What Hinomaru lacked in production value, it happily made up for in good execution and earnest heart. I can’t believe this came from the same studio as Conception, Try Knights and 7Seeds, but if they can only get out one good show a year, I’m glad that we got one bringing attention to a sport that many will joke about but few understand, respect and appreciate.
Kono Oto Tomare (7/10)
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Speaking of giving love to traditional Japanese culture, here’s a decent-if-unoriginal show about a local high school koto club down on their luck, and the troubled teens coming together under a scrappy protagonist to bring it back to life. Kono Oto Tomare doesn’t have much that you haven’t seen before, but a decently-executed club drama with Your Lie In April-inspired musical performances is more than enough to keep me interested, and since Forest of Piano kinda crashed and burned under the weight of its own self-importance this year, it was nice to have an alternative.
MIX: Meisei Story (8/10)
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It’s hard to judge MIX next to the other shows on this list because it’s almost too old-school for its own good, revelling in an eighties storytelling style that didn’t end up jiving with a wide audience this year. But at the same time, its fun character dynamics (and a very good dub from Funimation, despite them saying they’d never touch sports anime again) were very entertaining to watch, even if it didn’t focus as much on the sport it was supposedly about as much as I’d have liked.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (8/10)
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I fully admit that I’m very salty about the fact that this won Show of the Decade in Funimation’s poll while it was still on and I thought there were hundreds of more deserving shows, but I can’t deny that Demon Slayer was a very enjoyable experience, albeit one that I had notable problems with. That’s not gonna stop me from getting mad when it sweeps the Anime Awards in a few weeks, though.
Fire Force (8/10)
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I was very afraid that David Productions wouldn’t be able to match the energy of Studio Bones’ adaptation of Ohkubo’s previous work, Soul Eater, but I was happy to be proven wrong. Even if the last few episodes contained a bit too much infodumping, it was all sandwiched between jaw-dropping fight scenes that proved that the people who make Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure can still handle the reins of a more traditional action show.
Fruits Basket 1st Season (8/10)
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I know that my score for this one is a bit lower than others, but I think that Fruits Basket did pretty well in its first season, considering that it was largely spent setting up future storylines and adapting the part of the manga we’d all seen before, but with much higher production value. I’ve been familiar with this part of the story for over a decade, and the scene with Tohru and Kyo (you know the one) still made me cry. Now, we get the real plot going.
Dr Stone (9/10)
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A great start to a totally new spin on shounen, Dr Stone gives me hope for survival in the post-Shokugeki world in which we’ll soon live, as a show that wears its research on its sleeve. A complex plot weaving interesting characters in and out of a narrative surrounding a philosophical battle where both sides actually do have fair points (even if one of them is going about it in a pretty cruel manner). More please.
Vinland Saga (9/10)
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Once again, a great start to what will hopefully be years of quality storytelling, Vinland Saga made it seem like it was dragging in the middle only to reveal just what its slow burn had been leading up to, with twist-heavy storytelling and a fantastic cast to match the high visual quality of its brutal battles.
Run With the Wind (9/10)
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It’s not often that Production I.G. gets to make a complete, fully-realized show anymore, and this one was a glorious reminder of the potential of the studio in the TV space, and a great rebound for the director of Joker Game. It’s gorgeous to look at, the cast is wonderful, and the story is both realistic and idealistic in a satisfying balance. It’s a miserable process to get to the finish line in real life, but sitting back and watching this was nothing but a treat. At least, until a minor fumble at the end.
Best Long Show of 2019: Dororo (9/10)
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Speaking of complete stories, Tezuka Productions and MAPPA teamed up for a breathtaking adaptation of an underappreciated Tezuka classic that expands upon the story in exactly the right way to create a thrilling, savage, beautiful masterpiece that focuses a laser-sharp eye into the relationship between two characters in their journey to, literally and figuratively, become complete people. Also, that opening was killer.
And that’s it! That’s the fun list. Next comes the painful one. Stay tuned for the trash heap.
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
I saw your request for requests! Can I have a Kakyoin X Reader? Anything fluffy would do it ^^
Don’t get me wrong part 5 is probably my favorite part in jojo (so far) but I’m so excited to get a request for a different part! Especially for my favorite character in Stardust crusaders! 🍒
I hope you don’t mind me doing a part 4 Kakyoin? My irl Jojo friends and I have been talking about Kakyoin in part 4 a lot lately so he’s on my mind 😬
This got much longer than I intended - sorry, not sorry?
Side note I’ve been using Kakyoin’s theme in my homebrew dnd campaign. why is Kakyoin’s theme still the best Jobro theme to exist ever? 🤩
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   Bright, midmorning sunlight filtered into the kitchen of your small city home. You were cooking to get your mind off the absence of your husband, but you weren’t as successful as you would have liked. Your hands were trembling.
   Of course, you trusted the word of Noriaki Kakyoin, the man you had chosen to spend the rest of your life with, as well as that of Jotaro Kujo, his best friend. But the bombshell the two of them had dropped on you, along with everything else they had decided to explain, had your head spinning. Kakyoin had probably wanted to spend a little more time with you, to ease your worries further; but Jotaro had insisted it was urgent. And that, it was, you had to agree. But the thought of either of them getting hurt - or worse - wouldn’t leave your mind.
   You had basically grown up with Jotaro, only a few streets away from his home. You both attended all the same schools. He had always counted you among his small group of friends, on account of how you neither fawned over him like most girls nor were you interested in fighting him in a vain attempt to become popular like most boys. Several of his fan girls did not like you because of this, but it never bothered you. In fact, you found some entertainment in watching him groan even after being pushed aside by his groupies.
   But the transfer student that Jotaro returned with from a long, unexplained absence in the middle of your third year of high school was another story.
   Both of them were covered in bandages under their uniform, and both avoided any questions as to their condition. You and Kakyoin hit it off immediately, and in fact your feelings for him emerged quite quickly. The two of them became your closest friends, but there was alway something there, something you could feel but could never quite place, something that the two of them had in common that you didn’t have.
   When all three of you graduated, Jotaro left to study marine biology abroad. Suddenly you were spending more and more time with Kakyoin, and your silly childhood crush blossomed as you fell in love with him. By the time Jotaro returned to see the two of you in Japan, he was more irritated than ever.
   “Good grief you two, I was hoping you would’ve gotten together by now.” he had said. It had been mortifying, but in a way it was a blessing. After all, that was how you and Kakyoin had gotten together. Even as Jotaro dated, then married a woman he had met in America, had a beautiful baby girl, and continued his studies, you and Kakyoin remained together.
   Kakyoin had informed you when Jotaro returned to Japan from New York where he had been visiting his ailing grandfather, but that he would not be able to visit the two of them for some time as he was investigating a series of odd family events in a small town called Morioh. You were disappointed but thought nothing of it; until Jotaro showed up in your living room.
   “I’m going to need your help,” he told Kakyoin. “I can’t handle a serial killer-Stand user alongside a handful of high schoolers and a manga artist.”
   “A what?!” you exclaimed. Both men looked at you after your outburst as though they had forgotten you were there. “Stand user? A serial killer? Jotaro, you’re the strongest person I know but this still isn’t your responsibility... shouldn’t you go to the police?”
   Per habit, Jotaro sighed, tugging his hat over his eyes. “Good grief... I forgot you don’t know about Stands.”
   Kakyoin smiled, but you could tell his smile was strained; forced, on your behalf. “You’re not usually one to slip up like that, Jotaro.”
   “Both of you! Tell me what’s going on!” you demanded, getting frustrated. They were both acting as though this was nothing, as though they dealt with serial killers normally!
   Finally, after some more frustrated convincing, the two of them explained everything. Dio, and Jotaro’s mother, the involvement of Jotaro’s grandfather and Avdol and Iggy and Jean Pierre Polnareff and their absence from school as they traveled to Cairo in order to put an end to their suffering. They explained how all along they’d had spirit guardians called Stands at their sides, and how their Stands had watched over you, too. Tears pooled at your eyes as they explained how Kakyoin had nearly fell to the same fate as Avdol and Iggy at the hands of the vampire, but by some miracle he had survived. But before you could fully comprehend everything they had told you, the two men had left for Morioh.
   Honestly, it was all unbelievable. If it hadn’t been Kakyoin and Jotaro, the two people you trusted most in the world, who explained all this madness to you, you probably wouldn’t have believed it. But the existence of Stands made sense; that was the thing they had always shared, that unexplainable presence you sensed between the two of them. So you had to believe the rest of it; and Stands, they sounded wondrous; but dangerous in the wrong hands. And the two of them had just willingly returned to Morioh to hunt down a person using their Stand to deliberately kill people.
   The more you thought about it, running through every event they had described to you in detail - on top of Jotaro’s young relative Josuke - who was technically his uncle? God, it was all confusing - the harder you trembled. Kakyoin, the most precious person to you in the world, had almost never survived. You imagine every happy moment he had brought you - your wedding, meeting Jotaro’s daughter, buying the house together - and it’s almost too much to bare.
   A face full of smoke breaks you out of your revere.
   “Shit!” you exclaimed, having become so lost in your thoughts and your worry that you burned what had been cooking on the stove in front of you. All the pent up frustration and emotions are released upon this mistake, like popping the cork off a bottle of champagne. You collapse in the kitchen in tears. Kakyoin had left about a week ago, and yet you didn’t think you could stand another moment away from him.
   You sat there on the kitchen floor for who knows how long. At some point, the soft ringing of the telephone caught your attention. You weren’t sure how long it had been ringing for, so you pulled yourself together the best you could and picked it up without looking at the number. “Hello?”
   There was a familiar sigh on the other line, before the one voice that would normally fill your heart with warmth answered. “It’s so good to hear your voice. I hope you’ve been all right.”
   But now, it just filled you with worry and longing, and you struggled to keep your voice from cracking. “Noriaki, I can’t stop thinking about everything. I can’t stand this, knowing where you two are.”
   “I’m so sorry,” he replied, sounding disappointed. “But I will be okay, I promise you. Josuke, he is Joseph’s son that Jotaro told us about; he and his friends are quite talented Stand users. They want to protect their town. It reminds me of Jotaro and myself, on our journey to Egypt.”
   You could hear the smile in his voice. It was the first thing that soothed your worried heart.
   “Noriaki,” you said, after the two of you had talked for some time; mostly listening to him talk about Morioh, and what a wonderful city it was, potentially for raising children; once this mysterious serial killer was taken care of. “Let me come visit you. Just for a week, and I’ll stay safe, I promise. I feel like I’ll feel better once I meet everyone, once I see the city for myself. It’s just that... well, ever since you told me how close to death you had been before we even met, it’s all I can think about. You, dying, against this horrible person.”
   “I’m sure they don’t even hold a candle to Dio,” he gave a bitter chuckle, as if knowing what a terrible thing a joke like that would do to your heart. “I’ll... let me think about it and talk it over with Jotaro, okay? You can’t see Stands. That’s what makes this guy so dangerous.”
   Your heart clenched. “Okay.”
   “I love you.”
   You hung up the phone, and immediately went to your bedroom with a suitcase. As soon as the idea had came to your mind, you were already set. You weren’t going to give him time to think it over. Before leaving for the train station, you only emailed Jotaro of your plans.
   And when you checked your email on the train, you were unsurprised by his short reply. It honestly made you smile a bit.
   Good grief. I’m not sticking up for you.
   The train arrived at Morioh Station early in the morning. As you descended the steps to the station, you could see several students of differing ages all waiting for the bus. You were immediately charmed by the quaint, peacefulness of the town.
   And then you remembered the dark secret lurking in the shadows of the cheery buildings, and fear gripped your heart once again.
   Making your way toward the taxi stop, you were careful not to accidentally bump into anyone. It was honestly even more terrifying than you could have imagined, the idea that any of the people around you - laughing and smiling to their friends or dressed in a fine suit, speaking loudly on the phone as they headed to work for the day, even the friendly gentleman driving the taxi that came to take you to the Grand Hotel - could be the one killing innocents with a spirit they couldn’t see. You wondered what their victims knew in their last moments, what they felt as they were killed by an unseen enemy.
   You could practically hear your heartbeat in your ears as the hotel loomed over the city street. You just had to get there. Kakyoin would probably be furious with you, but you would be safe. Jotaro knew you were coming. He’d know not to let Kakyoin leave.
   You bounded up the steps of the hotel so fast you nearly forgot to pay the taxi driver. The Morioh Grand Hotel was beautiful, living up to its name; it would almost be romantic if your husband wasn’t staying there in order to catch a murderer with supernatural powers.
   The woman at the front desk, prim and well-dressed, greeted you immediately. “How may I help you?”
   “Ah, I um- I’m waiting to meet someone here... you haven’t seen two men, one with a white hat and the other with ginger hair leave, have you?”
   The receptionist looked as though she were about to explain “We can’t give away details of our guests, for security reasons you know.” when someone called your name indignantly. You turned to find just who you were looking for, a bewildered-looking Kakyoin and an exasperated, but amused, Jotaro.
   Kakyoin swept you up into a tight hug, before planting a kiss on you. Despite obviously being frustrated that you had made your way to Morioh on your own, it was also clear he was just as relieved to see you as you were him.
   “I should be furious right now,” he mumbled into your ear. “But I’m glad to see you.”
   “One week, Noriaki,” you whispered back. “Give me one week. That’s all I need.”
   When he pulled away, you beamed up at Jotaro. He mumbled something under his breath, something that wasn’t hard to take a guess at, before Kakyoin spoke up again.
   “I hate to be the paranoid husband but... I’d prefer it if you didn’t leave the the hotel by yourself,” he gave a sigh. “I want to keep you as far away from danger as I can.”
   “There’s a simple solution, you know,” Jotaro said with a smirk on his face and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he continued walking toward the door to the hotel. Presumably, the two of them had been leaving to meet with Josuke and the others. You grabbed a hold of Kakyoin’s hand, intent on going with them to meet these other Stand users. “Make sure they never leave your side.”
[A/N: This fic is already so super long I know... I just wanted to add that after I wrote all the stuff about the reader being scared that any of the people they passed on the street being the killer... well I was this close to putting in a Kira cameo at the end where he noticed that the reader had such beautiful hands, with a beautiful golden ring holding an emerald in the center (kakyoin, emerald splash, obviously) but decided against it because this fic WAS supposed to be fluff... probably a little more angst than you were expecting but i hope you all liked it! i spent my entire shift at work today imagining what i was going to write!]
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javierchvez · 3 years
winter bakin’ | jovier
pairing - javier chavez & @jojohood
time - sometime around winter break
setting - the kitchens
summary - javier and jojo make cookies for the holidays
The best part of Christmas was the baking. At least that was Javier’s opinion in previous years. This year he had something even better to look forward to, and that was baking with one of his favorite people. She might not be the most adept baker, but it was still nice to have company in the kitchen. And Javier couldn’t have asked for better company than Jojo. Grabbing the last of the ingredients, he gave her a quizzical look. “Now, the only question is…” he trailed off as if to build suspense as he reached into the drawer. It wasn’t anything that needed the suspense, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t fun to make it sound like a much larger debate than it was. “Do we want to do snowmen or the traditional gingerbread man?” Though he was asking for her opinion, he definitely made his own known by nodding his head slightly towards the former.
Jojo wasn't exactly what anyone would call the most festive person, but that didn't mean she hated the holidays. How could she, when her home back in Sherwood always went all out for them? It just meant that while she admired the holiday lights and decorations and all that stuff, she didn't usually participate in any of it firsthand. She especially didn't if it had anything to do with cooking or baking, but baking holiday cookies was a fun excuse to hang out with Javier. Not that Jojo needed an excuse -- almost without her even noticing, Javier had become one of those rare people that she knew she could hit up to talk about anything, at any time. And she must like him a lot if she was here, ready to try making cookies for the first time. "Hmmm..." Jojo said outloud as she struggled to tie her long, wavy hair back into a ponytail or bun to keep it out of the way from getting burned or something like that. She considered saying gingerbread just because she knew he wanted the other one more but she ended up going with, "Fuck tradition! Let's make some tiny snowmen!" With that, she finally wrestled most of her hair into a ponytail that stayed and she wiped her hands on the side of her pants. "So, Chef Chavez, how do we start this thing? Because I'm not kidding when I say the extent of my baking knowledge is those tv competition shows."
Javier could hardly contain his excitement when she agreed with him. He honestly would have been okay with either cookie, he just liked the way the snowmen looked and the fact that they had more icing on them than the gingerbread men. “Seriously, don’t even worry about that. That’s what I’m here for,” he said, trying to make her feel better about her inexperience with baking. “I can show you what to do. It’ll all be fine, trust me.” He’d shown plenty of people how to make things. Okay, maybe not that many people, but he was sure that he could teach Jojo a simple sugar cookie recipe. “So first, we’re going to pour flour, baking powder, and salt together in a medium bowl and use this to mix it together.” He handed her a whisk as he spoke, with his other hand setting out the measuring cup to measure out the mentioned ingredients. “And while you do that, I’ll get the butter and sugar going in the mixer.” Javier waited until all the dry ingredients were properly measured before moving on to beat the butter and sugar together and tossed her a reassuring glance. “See? So far so good. You have nothing to worry about.”
"Worried? I'm not worried," Jojo lied through her teeth in the most teasing tone she could manage. She wasn't used to the part of liking somebody that made her insecure that they'd think less of her if she proved herself talentless, but at least Javier was nice about it. He was nice about everything, and besides, it wasn't like cookies were even that hard of a recipe to not fuck up. "And I do trust you," she admitted with a sigh. It was weird to say those words and even weirder to mean it, but it felt like a good kind of weird. "Alright, let's go!" She rubbed her hands together before taking the whisk from Javier and nodded. It sounded simple enough. Just mixing together weird dry powders. And whisking itself was easy enough to do, even without paying too much attention, which was good because the best part of this by far was getting to watch Javier. Even when he was doing simple stuff like beating butter and sugar together, it was kind of sexy; he was just so casually confident in the kitchen. "Right? I don't want to jinx myself but I think I might be a whisk master already. Do you ever just eat the sugar-butter mixture by itself? Because that looks good!"
Before he had been grinning at getting to do the shape he wanted, but now that grin turned into something softer; it wasn’t everyday that Javier was told that someone trusted him. Not that he’d ever do anything to make him untrustworthy, but he wasn’t naive enough to assume that absolutely nobody had preconceived notions regarding the VK’s. Although he’d never accuse Jojo of being like that. After all, if she thought something, she would say it. She was definitely not the type to say one thing and mean another, and maybe that was why he’d appreciated the comment so much, although really it wasn’t that big of a deal. They were only making cookies, not a whole lot of trust was needed in the subject, but it was still very much appreciated to be heard. And he also appreciated the enthusiasm she exuded even while doing something she had said time and time again she wasn’t good at. Javier laughed when she called herself a whisk master and peered into her bowl, a playful gasp leaving his lips. “Wow, that’s the best whisking job I’ve ever seen. And that’s coming from me.” Her question gave him a slight pause, a look of guilt spreading over his face briefly. “Uh, yeah, but no judging me! I only did it the first time I made cookies over here because, well, it was the first time I’d made cookies with fresh ingredients. And I do not suggest eating just butter and sugar. It’s kind of gross.”
Jojo rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile at Javier's surprised gasp; joking around in a kitchen together was annoyingly just as much fun as the lame people in romcoms made it seemed, and she kind of hated herself for actually puffing up a little bit at his playful compliments. Maybe it was too late for her and she was officially a fool with feelings. She'd think about that later, though. Right now, she had a handsome and hilarious boy to mock. "Um, permission to remain unjudged denied! I can't say I don't get the temptation though. It looks freaking tasty." She looked down at the mixture and then over at Javier with mischief twinkling in her eyes. "Hey, are you one of those cooks that gets weird about people sticking their fingers in your food?" she added, sticking a finger out menacingly towards the butter and sugar bowl. "Do you dare me to taste it?”
“I just told you it was gross and you still wanna try it?” Javier asked, laughing as her finger neared the mixing bowl. “I’m not one of those, no, but like I said, I really advise against it.” He made sure the mixer was off before tipping the bowl towards her. “But if you really want to do it, be my guest. Just don’t blame me when it’s the worst thing you’ve ever had. I warned you it was gross.” He had to admit, even though there wasn’t much baking being done and more messing around, he was having a great time. It was always a good time with Jojo, no matter what they were doing. “I’m about to add vanilla, egg, and almond extract though, if you’d rather wait. We’re almost to dough and that tastes a lot better than just butter and sugar.”
For someone who had never been in any relationship before and had only really seen successful ones, Jojo really had a bad habit of waiting for the other show to drop, and so she kept expecting Javier to get annoyed that she delaying their progress, or that she was just goofing off, but it felt more and more like waiting for something that wouldn't come, and that made it easier to be herself. "Yeah! You can't call something gross and honestly not expect me to try and test it out," Jojo snickered. She loved self-imposed dares and trying new shit out, and this felt like a good opportunity to do both of those things. She considered waiting for a moment so she could have the full dough experience as Javier suggested but then she just shrugged. "I'll try it when you get it all doughy too but I'm too curious right now!" Her finger swiped the edge of the mixture and scooped some up. "Cheers," she laughed,  popping it into her mouth and keeping eye contact with him the whole time. The taste wasn't as bad as she had been expecting and she covered her mouth with her hands as she laughed. "Dude... is it bad that I liked it?"
Sure, he’d definitely had worse tasting things on the Isle, but this was gross more so because of texture than anything else. Just watching Jojo eat it made him grimace, remembering his reaction the first time he’d tried the mixture. It was not at all the one she gave him now, and Javier couldn’t help but snicker. “I mean, everyone’s got different tastes?” He responded, reaching for the next set of ingredients to add to the bowl. “But I’m telling you. Nothing's gonna beat the dough. I know they say you shouldn’t eat raw dough because of the eggs and what not, but it’s still amazing. I could sit and eat an entire bowl of it, honestly. Who needs actual cookies when the dough tastes a little better?” After adding in the vanilla and eggs, Javier added the dry ingredients, setting the mixer to low and letting it do its thing. “So, thought about how you wanna decorate your snowman? Do we want royal icing or would you rather use fondant?”
Jojo felt even more like smiling at the look on Javier's face; he looked absolutely aghast, and it genuinely cracked her up that she could gross him out a little bit. And then he laughed and it made her laugh, and her heart felt light. She was still getting used to the fact that somebody's emotions had such sway on hers, but it felt so good right now. "I love raw cookie dough, man," she laughed. "I'd eat it all day, but I guess I wait until they're real cookies. That's the Christmassy thing to do, yeah? And I'm not sure. How are you going to decorate yours? Not that I'm planning on copying you, but you're the kitchen genius here! I'm not even sure I know what fondant is, actually, except that the cooking shows say it's hard to use. Which of those is more fun to lick off? I vote for the best licking experience!"
“You have no idea what fondant is? Wow, I really have failed to teach you anything,” Javier sighed exaggeratedly and shook his head. “But at least you know it’s hard to work with, and honestly it doesn’t taste great. It just makes decorations look better. Especially when you’re trying to create a scene or build something. Royal icing it is, but don’t expect it to come right off when you lick it like regular frosting does. As for how I’m decorating… I’m not sure. I guess I was just gonna do a regular old Frosty type snowman. Boring, huh?” He was really glad that they’d gotten the chance to do this, especially since she’d always said she wasn’t any help in the kitchen. It was nice to have someone other than his sister or dad in there with him, and someone he could really joke around with like they had been. Javier really felt a connection with Jojo, and it made him really happy to know that she hadn’t gotten sick of him yet. He hoped that day wouldn’t come for a long, long time, if it ever did come. For now, though, they had cookies to worry about. What the future held for them could wait; besides, it was much for fun to live in the present with her. “Ready to roll it out? You wanna do the honors?”
"It's not my fault you look hot when you're explaining kitchen stuff," Jojo complained, fake-fanning herself as if he was too sexy at this moment to even stand. "It makes it hard to listen to you when I just wanna kiss your face." She was good at saying bold stuff like that over text but in person, it made her blush a little and she let herself listen about the icing instead. "Eh, some people say boring. Some say classic. Me? I say boring," she joked, "but it'll taste delicious for sure." She nodded when asked about rolling out the cookies and she excitedly took the roller to the dough, ready to show her stuff. "You're not going to get behind me like a guy in the movies to 'show me how it's done', are you?" Jojo jested, her strong forearms making quick work of the dough.
Javier “looking hot” was something he was still getting used to; the only time he thought the word described him at all was in a literal sense, not an attractive sort of way. He scoffed lightly and rolled his eyes, muttering a “yeah, right” as he busied himself cleaning the area while she rolled out the dough. “You know, I kind of thought you’d say that,” he joked, moving the ingredients no longer needed out of the way to make room for the icing. Egg whites, vanilla, and confectioner’s sugar were pulled out instead, and measured carefully into a new bowl for the standing mixer. “Wow, do I really come across as that kind of guy?” Javier snorted, trying and failing to feign offense. He traded his expression for a small pout, adding on, “I didn’t think you thought so little of me.”
Jojo was very familiar with the sort of reaction Javier let out when she called him hot -- honestly, it was the kind of reaction she always had whenever anybody complimented her looks. She was convinced she was the worst looking in her family and just sort of weird-looking in general, but that was different; Javier was actually hot, super fucking hot. She'd thought so even before they started whatever this was. "It's true," she sighed, but otherwise let it go as they started preparing the icing and she licked her lips in anticipation for tastiness. Jojo giggled at his false-offense, raising a brow at him. "Maybe I just wanted to get you behind me," she quipped, shrugging a shoulder. "But seriously though, no. You're the least 'that kind of guy' I've ever met. It's why you're my favorite."
‘You’re my favorite,’ wow. Javier hadn’t expected to hear those words or have the kind of reaction he did; he could feel his cheeks warm as a smile tore across his face. The only people he’d been the favorite of were his father and sister, and that didn’t have nearly the same effect on him as hearing it from Jojo. “Favorite, huh?” he echoed teasingly, or at least that’s how he meant to repeat it. He was sure it didn’t come off quite like that with his cheeks still tinted with blush. It probably came off more like a schoolgirl laughing a bit too hard at a joke her crush had just told, which truth be told did describe how he was feeling at that moment a little bit. Giddy, giggling to himself in a slightly idiotic manner in response to something his crush said. Javier cleared his throat to compose himself a bit, busying his hands with the icing that was quickly coming together. “And if that’s what you really want, I guess I can show you how to pipe the icing onto the cookie. Have you ever used this stuff before? It’s kind of fun, a little like coloring if I’m being honest. Just draw a border around the area you want to ice and then fill it in,” while he explained, he separated the icing into several bowls so they could color it for whatever accessories their snowmen would be wearing. “Is the dough ready to cut and bake?”
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bre-meister · 4 years
Hi! i loved your drabbles, can you do the greens with the prompt “she doesn’t know how much he loves her, he doesn’t know she feels the same” and a confession?
It took me a looong time to write this (and I feel kinda bad because I could never find any inspiration to write your other ask) so I hope this super long post makes up for it
“This is bullshit.” 
Boomer, turned to his girlfriend, eyes wide. Bubbles almost never swore. It was something that happened, sure, but not very often and only when what she was referencing was completely serious. Boomer looked around, confused. There was nothing in their immediate area to warrant such a reaction from Bubbles. 
The two were sitting in a booth in a niche dinner that they had been coming to for years, even before they officially began dating. They had silently been watching Buttercup say goodbye to her...date? Honestly, Boomer didn’t know how to categorize it - they had, in all sense of the words, been on a double date with his girlfriend’s sister and her newest fling but it didn’t really seem to him that Buttercup was fully there the whole time.
“What do you mean?” he finally asked, “What’s bullshit?”
“That” she gestured wildly at her sister who was now standing alone on the street, her date having departed. Bubbles’ gesture turned into a friendly wave when Buttercup turned to look over her shoulder at the two still situated in the dinner. Boomer snorted at her silly antics. 
Buttercup returned the wave with a smile that didn’t seem to reach her eyes before taking off to the sky, presumably home but Boomer had a feeling she’d be making a stop along the way. Bubbles let out a deep breath, turning away from the window to face him fully.
“She should be with Butch. Those two are totally meant to be! Instead, she’s wasting her time on these random guys trying to deny her feelings. Would it be so bad if she just accepted them? If they tried to be more than just friends?”
Boomer hummed in thought. He wasn’t blind to the way that Butch felt about BC. In fact, he was pretty sure Buttercup was the only one who hadn’t realized it. 
“She doesn’t know how much he loves her. I mean, honestly, I don’t know how she hasn’t realized it yet but she hasn’t.”
“Yeah but he doesn’t know that she feels the same either and for a guy who talks as much game as Butch he’s being a real scardey cat about asking her out.” Boomer laughed at that. Butch was the dictionary definition of male posturing with only one exception - Buttercup. When it came to her, he was terrified about messing anything up.
“I’ve been left no choice.” Seeing where this was going, Boomer tried to interject.
“Sweetie I don’t think -” 
“No, I’ve given them ample time, and yet here we are.” She was already pushing past him, all but climbing over him to get out of the booth and on with her plans.
“Clearly, Butch isn’t going to make a move anytime soon and if I know Buttercup, which I do, she won’t either. “ At this point Bubbles was shrugging on her jacket, preparing to walk out the door. Boomer jumped up quickly, shoving his arms into his own jacket while nearly tripping over himself to catch up with her - she was moving quickly and the look in her eyes before she left did not bode well for their siblings.
“Bubs, what exactly are you going to do?”
She stopped abruptly, the blue of the sky meeting the deepest color of the ocean as she looked intently into his eyes. At that moment, he knew that she wouldn’t be swayed from whatever it was that she was planning.
“They’re miserable tiptoeing around each other; making one another jealous both intentionally and unintentionally. You said it yourself, Butch was going crazy about Buttercup going out with someone else tonight. If they won’t get together for their own sake I’m going to ger them together for everyone else’s sanity!”
Bommer couldn’t deny she had a point. Dealing with a jealous raging Butch gets old fast and he knew Brick had even less patience for this than he did.
“Well, when you put it that way, “ he sighed “how can I help?”
“So I take it the date didn’t go very well?”
Buttercup sighed. She knew she shouldn’t have come here, knew she should have gone straight home but she couldn’t help it. She needed to see him, touch him. Apparently, she was a masochist now - torturing herself with the one thing she wants more than anything yet knows she can’t have.
“He took one look at the way Bubbles and Boomer were acting. Like even though we were on a double date they were the only ones around for miles.” She explained at his confused expression. “So he said that I’d never shown that much interest in him and he didn’t see it happening anytime soon, so he ended it.” She trailed off slightly at the end, not that it really mattered, she knew he could hear every single word with his superhearing - what she didn’t know was how desperately he clung to every word she said, every sound she made, every laugh, every sigh, everything.
“That’s the saddest part about it though, I wasn’t upset. Well, I was just not at him.”
 “Then at what?” Butch was studious when it came to Buttercup. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to know her deepest dreams, her heart’s greatest desire, and he wanted to make those happen for her - he wanted to give her everything.
“At Bubbly and Little Boy Blue I guess, at Leader Girl and Cap boy, at Robin and Mike and Mitch and Pablo and just...everyone who seems to be able to find that type of love.” They sat in silence for a bit, each hoping the other would say something but neither being brave enough to do so. Eventually, Buttercup broke the silence.
“Maybe I just need to accept that I’ll never have that.”
“Don’t say that Butterfly,” she smiled at her and lifted her face until they were looking into each other’s eyes. For a moment he lost his train of thought, lost as he was in her green eyes - green like acid, a warning to all those who would underestimate her but he would never; he knew the power held inside her small body, knew that she could end him without much effort and he loved that about her 
No, he silently scolded himself. You’re not allowed to love things you can’t have. He shook his head imperceptibly before continuing.
“ You’ll find that. I don’t believe there’s no one out there who wouldn’t want that with you. I - “ 
I want that with you. I want it more than anything in the world. I want it so much it hurts. How have I been this blind this whole time? 
“I’m your best friend. I should know better than anyone right?” He told himself that it wasn’t disappointment he saw in her face - crushed that hope just as violently as he had all the others. It couldn’t be and he wouldn’t ruin their relationship on hope. He’d rather be just friends and be able to keep her close than not have her in his life at all.
“Best friend.” She repeated. 
Standing up she let go of his hand - something she hadn’t realized she had grabbed and was loathed to let go of - so she could prepare to leave. She shouldn’t have come. It always hurt more to leave than it did before she came yet she couldn’t stay away. Masochist.
“Bye Butch. Thanks for everything.”
Everything. There was that word again. He wanted to tell her that he would give her everything she was looking for, treat her like she was everything because she was. Instead, he simply told her goodbye. 
Buttercup hesitated at the door. She would have liked to hug him, friends hug right? She decided against it though knowing that after the night she’d have she wouldn’t be able to let go. So, instead, she went back home to her empty apartment and presented that he was there, holding her the way she wished he would. In turn, as he lay in bed just a few miles away, he held tightly to his extra pillow wishing it was her and he could hold her the way he so desperately wanted to.
she doesn’t know how much he loves her, he doesn’t know she feels the same. So naturally, their siblings conspire to change that.
Brick thought this was dumb. Who were they to meddle in the lives of their siblings? In his mind, If the two idiots couldn’t figure this shit out on their own, then they deserve the literal nonsense they are imparting upon themselves. He checked his watch before looking around the room again. Blossom was sitting next to him, tapping away at her phone - no doubt checking her emails. Bubbles and Boomer were whispering, probably conspiring, together in the kitchen. Everyone was in the same place they were five minutes ago when he’d last checked - five minutes ago when this little shindig was supposed to start. Brick Jojo was many things and patience was not one of them.
“How are you sure they're even going to show up considering they’re already late and all.”
“That’s not fair Brick, Buttercup and Butch are perpetually late to everything.” Blossom reminded him without even looking up from her phone.
“I know they are going to show up because I told Buttercup that I needed her help and Buttercup never stands me up when I need her help.” Bubbles looked very proud of herself.
“She’s right, Buttercup would drop everything if Bubbles said she needed help.” Blossom supported Bubbles whose proud look turned to a smug one.
“And I told Butch I needed his help - “
“Butch would stand your ass up in a heartbeat and you know that.” Boomer glared at his brother but didn’t try to denounce the statement.
“I told him I needed his help with a surprise for Buttercup.”
“Butch would drop anything for Buttercup.” There goes Blossom, yet again defending this plan that he oh so detested.
“Brick please just try, for me?” Blossom finally looked up from her phone only to give him the biggest puppy dog eyes in the world. He hated when she did that - she knew he couldn’t say no to those big, gorgeous pink eyes. He let out a sigh and the others took it as a sign.
Exactly ten minutes from when this shindig was supposed to start, the two greens showed up, both equally as confused as the other.
“Bubbs? I thought you said you needed help with cooking a...what was it? A ‘super special top-secret dinner’ - this doesn't seem like a secret to me.” BC voiced her confusion while taking her coat off. She eyed each person in the room and lingered just a tad longer than she perhaps should have on her counterpart.
“Boom told me he and Bubbly needed help with a surprise for you.”
“Me?” Butch nodded.
“Well, I guess you could say this is a surprise.” Boomer began nervously, rubbing at the back of his neck - a nervous tick from childhood he hadn’t seemed to shake.
“A surprise for both of you!” Came Bubbles' overly enthusiastic response.
The two greens turned to their redheaded leaders for some guidance. Surely they wouldn’t have allowed Boomer and Bubbles to rope them into this nonsense. Brick just shrugged as if to say don’t look at me. I don’t want to be here any more than you do. Blossom seemed to take pity on them.
“Look, we’ve all been talking and it seems that we’ve all noticed a running thread with the two of you and we think it’s time to address it.”
“So this is an intervention then?” Buttercup seemed tickled at the idea
“Of sorts,” said Blossom.
“Ok if this is an intervention, then what are you intervening in because last time I checked I haven't smoked since high school, and Butterfly and I don’t drink any more than any of you.”
“See? That right there! That’s why we’re here!” Bubbles was just met with more confusion. She sighed,
“The pet name, Butch.”
“What about it?” The green-eyed man was suddenly very defensive. “It’s just a nickname. We all have nicknames for each other that’s just the kind of shit that happens when you work together all the time.”
“Ya but, Butch, you’re the only one that calls me Butterfly.” 
Buttercup was pretty sure she had never seen Butch’s face that red before. Brick, who had been sitting so silently up until now, seemed to have reached his breaking point.
“Look, we’re here because, apparently, the two of you are just so blind that you can’t see you’re in love with each other.” The sentence came out so casual as if he were just stating that the sky was blue.
The greens turned to each other, mouths gaping.
“Brick!” Both Bubbles and Blossom were not happy.
“What? If you thought that I was going to sit here and play ring around the Rosie with all of you then you thought wrong. The whole point of this was to get these two idiots so they would quit complaining to us! Clearly none of you we’re willing to do it so there, you’re welcome.”
Slowly all eyes turned towards Butch and Buttercup who had closed their mouths but were still staring at one another. 
Buttercup didn’t know what to say. She should feel overjoyed right? The man she had been pinning after all this time loved her back. But there was a small part of her brain that she couldn’t ignore and it was saying that it had to be a lie - it had to be or Butch would have said something to her before then...right?
“I - you love me?” It took a moment for her to realize that the words had come from her mouth.
“I guess there's no reason to deny it at this point huh?” Butch twitched - his own nervous tick he hadn’t had any luck in shaking.
“I um,” he paused, nervously looking around at their siblings, “I don’t really want to do this here. Can we, you know, go somewhere more… private?”
Buttercup swallowed nervously before offering up her apartment as a rendezvous since it was closer than his. The two departed without goodbyes, taking off as fast as they could to reach their destination.
“Well, I thought that went well.” Brick was smirking. The three glares he received indicated that the others did not share the same feeling.
“Would you just say something?” Butch sat nervously on Buttercup’s couch as she paced in front of him.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you love me too. Say that you want to be with me before I go insane about how much of an idiot I sound like right now.”
Buttercup stopped.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“Do you really love me? Would you really look at me the way Boomer looks at Bubbles? Would you treat me with the same respect Brick treats Blossom? Would you miss me so much when I’m not around that you complain like Mike does about Robin?” She had worked herself up into a frenzy by the end of her rant.
“Buttercup, I already do those things, you’ve just never noticed.” His quiet reply broke something in her - those walls she had been building up for years and years to keep these feelings down. Now, they were all coming to the surface at full force.
She wasn’t sure who made the first move, him or her, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered is that they were together and he was kissing her as if she were air and he was suffocating. She’d never been kissed like this before and she finally understood what it meant to feel those fireworks that her sisters and friends always waxed poetic about.
“Wait.” It took all the power she had to pull away.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” He seemed scared- more scared than she had ever seen him the whole time they’d known each other.
“No. I just needed to tell you, before I forgot. I love you, Butch.”
As if a spark went off the two crashed back together. This time, instead of sleeping alone and wishing, the two lay - naked, sated, happy - in each other's arms. Whispered confessions of love and wanting shared between them until sleep finally took over. Nothing would ever be the same again, but maybe that was for the best.
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Twice My Age
Show : Jojo's Bizarre Adventure/Jojo No Kimou Na Bouken
Pairing : Noriko (female Noriaki)/Jotaro Kujo
Warnings : Age-gap romance and sex along with swearing.
Characters : Jotaro Kujo, Noriko (female Noriaki), Jolyne Cujoh
Timeline : Pre-Stone Ocean
This story is based on this song :
This story is also based on the author's headcanon when she had finished reading Stone Ocean and was recovering her brain cells.
Third Person POV
It was a normal afternoon at Florida. Today was Friday, which meant the last day of the working week. Students at the school were frustratingly tapping the heels of their feet on the floor waiting for the school bell to ring and mark the end of the tiring session.
The teacher obviously minded his own business and lectured the pupils without averting his gaze from the blackboard. He kept ignoring the sounds of whispers and paper-tearing and snickers of the children, until for once he recognised one of the students who was continuously talking in his class, and decided to take some action.
"Ms. Cujoh" the teacher called out harshly as he teared his gaze from the blackboard and stared at the student.
The talkative student looked at the teacher and went silent. She had a piece of folded paper in her hand, her arm stretched out to the student for whom it was meant for. She retrieved her hand back and answered the teacher who was glaring lasers at her through his glasses.
"Yes Mr. Anderson??". "First, please stand up while you speak to a teacher" Mr. Anderson pushed his glasses up. The student sighed and stood up, putting away the paper she had in her pocket.
"Would you please answer the question which is on the board??". Ms. Cujoh read the question. She then rolled her eyes and read the question the teacher had written in white.
Prove that Cos2x = Cos^2x - Sin^2x
"What the??" The teenager reacted.
Mr. Anderson's gaze never left Ms. Cujoh. He was observing every move of her of how she was looking around the classroom, silently asking for help and her friends were giving her a shrug or a thumbs-down.
"Ms. Cujoh. We don't have all day"
After that, she knew that she would have to answer the question by herself.
"I-It's simple Mr. Anderson. Multiply both the sides by zero, and there you go. LHS = RHS".
The students roared with laughter at the teenager's statement. Mr. Anderson was actually expecting such kind of an answer from the rowdy teenager.
"Silence everyone" the teacher stomped his ruler on the table and the room became quiet. But it didn't last for long as the bell finally rung, meaning that it was time for dispersal.
The students quickly packed their bags by shoving their books and stationery inside and exited the classroom, scrambling on their feet. The whole classroom became empty, leaving the astute teenager and the stoic teacher alone.
The silence in the room grew kind of tense. So the girl started to pack her bag and leave the class. Until.......
"Jolyne". The teenager looked at the teacher. She really wanted to leave the vacated classroom and go home. Also she had successfully survived today's class. Now what was the problem??
"Your behaviour is getting worse day by day. And I'm afraid that you might need some extra tutelage for your discipline and your academics yet again".
The teenager rolled her eyes once again. She then placed one of her hands on her hip and looked at the teacher with disinterest.
"Give me a break Mr. Anderson. My answer was correct". "You can argue with the ones who will correct your answer sheet Ms. Cujoh. I'm definitely not the right person to go against with your illogical statement".
Jolyne held her fist tightly. She really wants to punch her teacher square in the face and make sure to get the glass shards of his glasses cut his eyes. But she decided to bottle her anger for now.
"Your discipline is very concerning. Also you are not taking your studies seriously. Even the previous teachers whom I had appointed to improve your etiquettes returned home with a broken nose and teeth" he said to himself.
Jolyne smirked to herself with pride.
"So I have decided to change my plans" he spoke.
"Ha!! So you finally understand, Mr. Anderson" she then crosses her arms and sits on the table while putting her leg on the other. "You will never be able to transform me into nerds like you want to. I'm what I want to be and I don't give a fuck to anyone who wants me to change".
"We will see about that" he then pushes his glasses. "Huh??" Jolyne raises her eyebrow at him. What was this thick-skulled teacher really planning to do to her??
"If it's another teacher, then do keep some extra bandages for the injuries, because I'll not go easy on them" she then cracks her knuckles.
"Now that's where I stop you Ms. Cujoh".
Jolyne then glared at the teacher.
"I'm not going to appoint a teacher to straighten you up. This time, it's a student of your age. Your own classmate".
Jolyne was slightly taken aback. A student?? Of her age?? And the student of her own classroom?? But she barely knew anyone who was good at both discipline and studies. The only persons she was aware of were mostly the divas, the jocks and the bullies.
"W-Who is this student you are talking about??" Jolyne asked. "You will meet her outside the school premises. She is actually one of my best students and has been topping her class for the past 3 years" Jolyne witnessed a sense of pride in Mr. Anderson's tone.
Jolyne became a bit nervous. Who was this nerd whom she hadn't even notice that she was in her school and her class?? And also, a girl??!!
"You might be wondering--'why a girl??' It's because I really want you to get along with her and learn whatever she teaches, and her being the same gender as you would be a good boost".
Jolyne then sniggered and got up from the table. "Just because she is a girl and is of my age, doesn't mean that I can't afford a bruise or two on her".
"I had already warned her about your..........tendency and she is perfectly fine with it. So do whatever you want to do to her, she will be alright with it as she was the one who chose to take the risk and tutor you".
What a daring one for a nerd......Jolyne thought.
Mr. Anderson then looked at his wrist watch. He then spoke "It's getting late. You may leave now".
"Oh thank you, Mr. Anderson" she said in a very sarcastic manner and she even bowed to add to her mockery as she left the class.
"And another thing Ms. Cujoh". Jolyne then looked behind at her teacher lethargically. Can the teacher just leave her already before she actually punches him??
"If you hadn't been the daughter of Dr. Kujo, I would have already expelled you. But I'm still giving you a chance because I'm sure that you too can be as disciplinary as your father".
"Alright first of all, Dad was a delinquent when he was my age. And second of all, he would have already punched your face and shove your stupid glasses into your mouth just to make you shut up if he was at my place" and she then goes away without saying anything else or looking back.
Mr. Anderson sighed as he stacked the sheets and registers he had to take home and correct. After he was done, he looked at the empty classroom once more, especially at the seat where the spiteful teenager sat.
"Hopefully you know what you are doing, Noriko.........."
*One minute time skip, brought to you by Binod*
"Stupid Anderson, he just doesn't know how to mind his own fucking business!!!!" Jolyne angrily stomped out of the premises. She then turned around to look at the clock which was installed on the school building.
It's 5 already. I need to return home fast. Dad is coming home earlier than his usual time so I better reach home before him..........
"Umm....Jolyne Cujoh??".
"What?!!" She turned to the voice. Jolyne relaxed her eyes a bit when she saw who was the owner of the voice.
It was a girl wearing the same uniform as her. The only difference was that she was comparatively shorter than Jolyne and was fairer than her.
She had her red hair down which was a bit longer than shoulder length and purple eyes, one red wavy bang was framing her pretty face and her lips were a glossy, cherry red.
"Do I know you??" Jolyne raised her eyebrow at the unknown girl.
"Not yet, but you will. My name is Noriko. I'm the one who is supposed to mentor you" she then goes closer to her and offers her hand to shake. "It would be a pleasure to get to know you better".
Jolyne observed the girl's hand. She had her nails perfectly trimmed but there was no polish on them. Jolyne then looked at her face and asked.
"Japanese??" She asked. "Yeah" Noriko replied. Jolyne then smirks and shakes her hand firmly.
"Then we will get along pretty well" she said. Noriko then smiles and brushes her bang behind her ear with the other hand. "I'm glad you think so" she replied.
Both of the girls let go of their hands and then they walk home beside each other.
"By the way, why did you say that we will get along well, judging by my nationality??" Noriko asked the taller girl.
"You see, I'm a Japanese myself".
"You are??" Noriko asked, a bit surprised.
"Yeah. I know. I may not look like that but yes, Japanese is one of my nationality" Jolyne replied.
Noriko then snickered and asked "Just how many nationalities do you have??". "Well, my mother is from Florida and my father is Japanese, Italian and British" Jolyne calculated.
"Wow, so many citizenships" she commented. "Haha, it's not that cool as it sounds like. Trust me" Jolyne joked. Noriko chuckled and slapped the taller girl's shoulder lightly which made Jolyne chuckle.
"So Noriko??". "Yes??". "Why did you choose to mentor me?? You do know that I have a certain.........reputation at school".
"I am aware of everything you do in school. Mr. Anderson has updated me everything on you".
"*Ugh* That fucker. What is he, a spy?? Did he only find me to spy on?? And not the ones who actually harass girls or bully lowerclassmen behind the school??"
"Actually, I should be the one at whom you should be angry at". "Huh??" Jolyne looked at her.
"Wait, don't tell me--". "Yes. I was the one who told him to note everything you do".
"*Ugh* Noriko~!! I didn't expect this from you~" Jolyne whined. "Sorry, but this was the only way to plan on how to get you into discipline just like how Mr. Anderson want it". "Fuck that teacher!!!" She then kicks a stray rock on the road which goes very far.
"You seem to be very strong". "Heh, thanks. It's not much, but I can surely lift a heavy table pretty easily". "I'll take a note of that. It might come handy to me when I need to move a table" she chuckled. Jolyne then laughs and Noriko too joins her.
After their laughter died, Noriko spoke.
"You are really fun to be with". "Thanks. I had assumed that you were going to be just like Anderson but you are one lively person" Jolyne said.
"Oh really?? Thank you. Actually, no one has said that to me before" she then brushed another strand of her hair behind her ear.
"What do you mean??" Jolyne asked. "I don't really have friends. Only a few classmates talk to me but only when they need my assistance".
"Huh?? How is that even possible?? You are such an amazing person. Also, you are very pretty. You should have at least a boyfriend with you".
"I don't have a boyfriend". "Oh......a girlfriend perhaps??". "No.....". "Oh, you love a trans??". "What?? No. I'm not interested in anyone for now". "Ahhh....I see".
"Say, do you have a boyfriend??". "My status is also as same as you. Even I'm not really interested in getting into relationships. It will just..........get in my way, that's why". "I understand. Love is.......a very new subject for me" Noriko said.
"Yeah.....me too.....Hell, I don't even know why Dad fell for Mom in the first place just to leave her after that" Jolyne stated. "Huh?? What do you mean??" Noriko looked at Jolyne.
"My parents got a divorce after I was born. And according to the laws, both of my parents have the rights on me. So I visit one of them after every alternate month. This month I'm staying with my father" Jolyne explained.
"I see. Your father is Dr. Jotaro Kujo right??". "Yes, the famous marine biologist. The one who wrote thesis on starfish and other marine creatures. How interesting" Jolyne said, adding a dramatic sarcasm to it.
"Honestly, I'm a big fan of him" Noriko added, a light blush on her cheeks. "What?? Seriously??" Jolyne gaped.
"Yes. I have read every report and thesis he has ever written. The way how he observes and analyses the creatures is just wonderful. I bet that he is going to be the one who will discover a new species of marine life which humanity has never seen before" she spoke with amazement.
"Ha!!! You are flattering him now. My Dad is nothing like how you think of him" Jolyne argued. "Oh really??" Noriko raised her eyebrow.
"Yes. I know he is smart and all but he is not Einstein-level" Jolyne answered. "I never compared him with Einstein, Jolyne. It's just that I really think of him very fondly, and I admire him a lot" Noriko said.
"Yeah yeah, but don't fall in love with him. He might break your heart" she joked. Noriko blushed pink. It's good that Jolyne didn't notice it, otherwise it would have been very awkward.
"Well, here we are. My Dad's house" Jolyne stopped and showed Noriko her house.
"Wow, it looks very big" Noriko looked all over the lavish bungalow.
"Heh, these are the perks of being a Joestar" she said. "Joestar?? What do you mean??" Noriko asked. "You first come inside and then I'll tell you" and so Jolyne and Noriko entered the luxurious house. Both of them removed their shoes and Noriko looked around the house with an agape mouth and wide eyes.
"Wow......this looks so much better from the inside. Just how rich are you people??" Noriko commented and asked Jolyne.
"Well, there was a guy named Robert Speedwagon who was friends with my great-great-grandfather. He then became rich after finding many oil ores out of nowhere. After he died, all of his luxuries went to my great-grandfather and that's how all of our expenses are taken care of" Jolyne explained.
"That's amazing. You guys are literally royals" Noriko commented. "Yeah. And also my great-great-grandfather was a noble in England, so he was rich even before the Speedwagon guy came" she added.
"I see" Noriko then sat on one of the loveseats. "Being a Joestar must be very lucky right??" Noriko asked. "If you think like that, you are gravely mistaken" Jolyne told her.
"What?? Really?? I can't believe this. But you guys have everything!!!.............I guess everything has it's pros and cons" Noriko told herself.
Jolyne was about to speak more, but then the bell of the house rang.
"That must be Dad. You stay here Noriko. I'll be right back" and then she goes to check the door. Since Noriko had nothing to do for now, she looks at her skirt and straightens it up a bit.
Jolyne on the other hand opens the door and sees her father standing outside, just as she expected.
"Hello Dad" Jolyne greeted. "Hello Jolyne, how was school??" Dr. Kujo entered the house and Jolyne stepped away to give him some space.
"Meh, it was fine. Mr. Anderson barked at me as usual" Jolyne told him. Mr. Kujo sniggered a bit.
"He doesn't seem to stop critisizing you, does he??". "Of course not. I bet he won't even shut up even after he is an old man and cannot even lift his hand to push his oversized glasses up" she mocked.
Dr. Kujo smiled a fraction as he removed his shoes and his coat. While he was putting his shoes on the rack, he noticed another pair of school shoes which were similar to that of Jolyne's.
"Jolyne, have you brought a classmate here?" Dr. Kujo asked.
"Uhh yeah. She is actually my mentor who is supposed to tutor me, starting from today. I hope you don't mind if she stays here".
"No, not at all" The professor replied. He then hung his coat up and headed to the living room, her daughter following her.
As soon as Mr. Kujo entered the room, he spotted the red-haired girl. She looked awfully familiar to him which made the professor stop on his tracks.
"Dad, what's wrong??" Jolyne spoke from behind her father.
"Noriaki........" He whispered.
"Noriaki?? No Dad, her name is Noriko"
Jolyne corrected.
Even her name is similar to his...........
Mr. Kujo continued to stare at the red head who was scribbling something in the notepad on her lap with a pencil.
That red hair, those amethyst eyes, and how she was concentrating on her work, everything Mr. Kujo had seen already a long time before. It all felt like Deja Vu to him. And he clearly remembers the person whom this girl reminds him of. He was his highschool lover after all.
"Noriko-chan" Jolyne calls her. Noriko looks up from her notepad to her friend.
"Here is my father, who is also your 'sole idol'. And Dad, this is Noriko, my friend" Jolyne introduced them to one another.
(Part 2)
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fantasyinvader · 3 years
Kamen Rider Saber: Finale and Series Review
Okay, before I start disemboweling this series I want to give the finale two points of props.
It was nice to see the main trio fight the big bad together rather than it just being the lead Rider.
The ending really feels nostalgic for me. It's like one of those old games or anime that tried to do something like Evangelion, mostly Star Ocean 3 comes to mind.
I was going to add another point: how the ending didn't have to rely on a cosmic retcon to turn things into a happy ending like Build or Zi-o did, leaving those who died dead and having some level of maturity. I was going to give the show that point, even if it felt like it was leading into Touma essentially becoming God, but then the show did it and...I'm going to be honest here, I was saying fuck you at the screen. Multiple times, kinda like when Doctor Who's 50th anniversary where it turns out Gallifrey wasn't destroyed, the Doctor sealed it away and just couldn't remember it. Like, that is the level of bullshit I was calling out, and with Doctor Who I only said it as an “oh fuck you” rather than just “fuck you fuck you fuck you” until I noticed I was doing this and stopped myself.
Got it? Good. Now let's put Kamen Rider Saber on the examination table, rip it open, and see what went wrong with it.
Oh my god, where to begin with this series?
You ever see a show or movie that tries to do too much for it's runtime? Maybe a book that has some ultimately good ideas, but it never fleshed them out properly? That's my biggest feeling with Saber. Individual parts of the story, some arcs and characters are good on paper. Not to mention, Touma has two incredibly sexy upgrades (the Ryuki-inspired Draconic Knight and the berserker Primitive Dragon). But there is just so much in here that, given the proper focus could have carried the show if properly developed. It's a case of quantity over quality.
But the main problem comes to it's central McGufffin, the Omniscient Tome. This book is supposed to have all knowledge and later on all stories contained within it. It's what powers Wonderworld and the Wonder Ridebooks that are the main collectable trinket of the season. But when you stop and think about it, Saber is a world where there is no free will and the antagonists are all rebelling against this in their own way. Kento's dad (former Kamen Rider Calibur) went rogue in the backstory because he was given a vision of the future through his sword, and it led to the former Saber taking up the role of Calibur and going rogue in order to learn the truth. When the other riders are turned against Touma, the argument is over how he's destined to become more powerful, making Touma seem like he's seeking power and could be a future threat. When Kento returns from the dead, he's haunted by visions of the world ending in multiple variations, leading to him trying to seal the Sacred Blades in order to stop it. But then Master Logos is revealed to be buttfucking insane, wanting to rebel against his position in the world. Then it turns out the monster faction's leader, was a former poet who lost hope when he learned that all his creations were already in the Omniscient Tome, so he decided he would end the world his way rather than the predetermined ending. And even then, the world still ended the way it was always fated to end, even with Touma disappearing to nu-Wonderworld if only for a year.
The world wasn't saved, it was destroyed and then rebuilt because Mei wrote an online post that encouraged people to share their stories, which they did in oblivion even though these guys shouldn't have seen the post at all and instead just heard her voice.
Like, maybe the nu-World has free will. I'd buy that. But when applied to the 47 episodes I've spent the last year watching (alongside the Zenkaiger crossover episode), it felt pointless because it ended the way it was foretold in the Omniscient Tome. It didn't matter that Storious was defeated, fate was not averted. It's like, the complaints people have about the MCU post-Loki. It doesn't matter that Tony decided to sacrifice himself, because he didn't have free will. He was always going to sacrifice himself. Thanos was always going to snap away half the universe, and it would always be undone because choices didn't matter before Loki's ending.
And that's not even going into how they final arc reveals that Touma can somehow create stories not present in the Omniscient Tome. That he can somehow, because the personification of Wonderworld choose him as a child, that for some reason he's the only writer in history that can do this. His catchphrase is about how he'll be the one who'll decide how the story ends, but with the idea that everything was set into stone? It's laughable.
Like, my problem with Zero One's ending was the last scene. Aruto had learned a lot about the Humagears and was an advocate for them finding their own dreams as they became self-aware AI. So him trying to treat a new humagear as just an amnesiac Is  and try to help her “remember”? That felt like a betrayal of the character and what he stood for. But the post-series movie revealed that Is left a copy of herself in the Zero Two driver, and merged with the non-self aware nu-Is who the movie kept reminding us wasn't the Is we knew. Aruto even had a sobbing scene about what he was doing, lowkey acknowledging what he was doing but without overtly calling him out. It fixed Zero One for me after that last scene left me with a bad taste in my mouth that overshadowed an otherwise excellent show.
You can't fix Saber with a single movie, that's what I'm getting at here.
So, with that out of the way let's go into my thoughts on each character.
Touma: Is one of the blandest main riders in the franchise. His sense of style is probably one of the worst I've ever seen though. Like I know they like to try and give the main riders their own look rather than having them dress like normal people, like Aruto wearing a hoodie under his suit jacket alongside with his very bright shoes, but this wasn't a W or even something like Ghost (where honestly I really liked Takeru's robe-like shirts). What they eventually settled on with Touma was a stupid hat, really baggy pants, and shirts that look like they came out of a stern librarian's closest. You know, the type with her hair in a bun and their horned-framed glasses on a chain.
Rintaro:Is one of those cases where he's meant to be the secondary Rider of the series, but is overshadowed because the writer likes to use someone else more. The idea of him having to turn against the organization that raised him (like a child soldier) could have worked really well if the series had a more free will-direction. But alas.
Kento: Kento's the one character I found I could really like. His arc was more interesting during the first quarter, his return as Calibur, but then he returned to being Espada and, as much as I love that suit, he just became Touma's main cheerleader. Really, I felt like towards the end it was a waste of him, especially since he doesn't get any power ups like Rintaro did to solidify him as one of the main three. He definitely feels like a victim of rewrites or just the writer not knowing what he was doing.
Mei: The female lead. Honestly, I just found her annoying most of the time. A womanchild to match Touma's more manchild moments, with a potential romance with Rintaro thrown in to only be confirmed in a future movie. Really, she should have taken over as Espada after Kento disappeared early on (especially since she's one of the three in the Ending dance while Kento isn't).
Daishinji: I'd say best boy, but he became a background character pretty quick.
Ogami: An older Kamen Rider who is also a father to a young child? Cool, and could even have worked in contrast to Rintaro's raising as essentially a child soldier. But alas, it was not to be.
Ren: OMG. A somewhat psycho younger Rider, idolizing Kento, and his social Darwinist beliefs on strength leading to conflict as Touma gets more powerful, leading to him abandoning the team to train with an enemy monster? HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT NOT WORK! I swear, Ren should have been the secondary Rider of the series, with his changes in beliefs being used more effectively.
Yuri: One of the most competantly written characters in the entire show. One of the original swordsman who became his sword, returning after 2000 years and not only feeling the culture clash of then and now but even how the idea of what makes a hero has changed? Good boy. Also loved him using a shadow body early on during fights.
Sophia: Why are you even here?
Reika: Oh boy, the swordswoman who leads the rest to distrust Touma under the orders of Master Logos, and doesn't sway from this until he's proven to be batshit insane? And even then, reluctant to join the others? Could have been better, especially if her relationship with her brother didn't come across as incesty. Though, could we please return her to Magine in Zenkaiger? Reika hugging her was really cute, in a socially awkward type of way.
Ryoga: Reika's brother. With his powers being something out of Jojo, time manipulation powers which are a bit hard to explain. He starts them and to his opponents things seem like the fight is continuing as normal, but he really exists outside of that and then can attack from a blindspot? Could have been really good with if the series had gone Team Free Will is all I'm saying.
Master Logos: What I mentioned above, but his Rider suit is one I'm in lust with. Just laughs like a madman and you're wondering why Reika and Ryoga don't rebel against him earlier.
The Megid: Two are a waste who I never bothered to learn their names. Fall out of focus for a bit and only return to be beaten, with the sad fact that they were once human. Storious is the exception, but even then I felt he was a little too late to save the series.
Tassel: Bon Lecture! I still hate you you weirdo, even if your death scene made me feel a little sad. The fact that you treated the early parts of the show as a story you were reading? Have you seen my other complaints?
As for the message of what the show tried to say? I don't really mind it. It's encouraging people to love stories, even if they are copies (considering the controversy of Time Paradox Ghostwriter and Cheat Slayer within recent memory, I'm trying not to make jokes about Saber encouraging plagiarism). And I don't think that's a bad thing in itself. Hell, how many stories take stuff from older stories and just tweak elements to make them their own? I love the Elric saga, but that was based on old legends and meant to subvert the likes of Conan the Barbarian, and some other stories I've liked have borrowed elements from it as well. The idea that stories can be used to pass on our hopes, thoughts and dreams to others is pretty nice as well, rather than writing being a form of masturbation on the author's part.
But in the shadow of the Omniscient Tome and it's implications, I really feel the story should have taken another route.
A lot of Riders start of weak, having to introduce the plot as well as the main release of whatever trinket they want kids to gorge themselves on this year. But they usually start getting better towards the end of the first quarter, while maybe stalling a bit towards the end of the second/third. Saber was a series that I felt never really found it's legs. Too many bareboned plot threads on the go, dropping some for a while only to pick them up again after they've been forgotten about. This is not a good series, to be honest I think Zi-O and even Ghost were better, and really feel it would have been better handled in the hands of someone who could actually write. 
Not to mention, this gave me flashbacks of Power Rangers Megaforce over how much this series relied on fight scenes. Throw in greenscreen everywhere, lack of civilians...oh god, it is Kamen Rider Megaforce. And it felt like Saber was trying to have a story, unlike Megaforce, but it has the same “it’s a kid’s show, we don’t have to try that hard” energy.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
The Janitor
Boy Meets World Masterlist
“This isn’t gonna work,” Albert stressed, sitting in the ledge of the stairs by the trash can.
Race tapped his pencil on the top of the large thing, watching something off in the distance. “Is,” he corrected.
“I think you are so immature,” JoJo stated, watching as her boyfriend and best friend debated with each other.
Race looked up at her with a cheeky smile. And Albert turned to her too. “Well, that’s what it is to be a guy, honey,” he stated, nodding, almost as if he’d just convinced himself that was the case.
About then is when three young kids came back over to the bench. “Hey! That wasn’t Homer Simpson!” one of them yelled as they all sat back down on the bench.
Race shrugged, the smile never leaving his face. “Sorry, kid, I coulda sworn that was him!”
The boys didn’t respond. All of them grabbed to take a sip of the three small milk cartons to take a sip, only for the stuff to spill all over them and the ground through what looked to be pencil shaped holes.
Race and Albert laughed and JoJo rolled her eyes. “Wow, three at once!” Albert congratulated.
“And they said it couldn’t be done!” Race said dramatically as some jocks walked past and laughed right along with them at the younger kids. He walked over to the boy, giving them each a pat on the back. “Thank you, gentlemen! You’ve been great sports, thanks for playin’ our game,” he stated as they rushed away, more than likely to wash off in the bathroom.
Race didn’t feel bad. He was inspiring those kids to do the same thing three years from now. It was the circle of high school. It had been done to him, and now it was their turn.
“Oh very good. Anytime you can humiliate people who are weaker or defenseless, you should certainly go for it,” JoJo drawled, unimpressed. Albert frowned at her. And she walked away.
But Race shrugged. “See? She gets it,” he smiled.
His best friend looked down at the mess on the ground. “Yikes, that’s a pretty big mess…”
“Well yeah… but now the school janitor has got somethin’ ta do, and thus we have ensured his job for another day,” the blond boy reasoned, running a hand through his hair. “Thereby, we have helped the economy.”
Hanging on every word, Albert nodded. “Wow. We’re under appreciated,” he stated.
Tony only nodded.
And, as if on cue, the squeak of a mop bucket on wheels was heard making its way through the halls. Just as Tony might’ve turned to apologize for the mess, his entire expression fell.
“My dad is the janitor…” Race mumbled, staring out into the emptying hallway.
JoJo placed a hand on his shoulder. “Tony, there is no shame in your Papà bein’ the janitor,” she assured.
The boy looked over at her. “My dad is the janitor,” he repeated, like it should’ve made a difference.
But Albert just shook his head. “Ya know. If that’s what ya dwell on, it ain’t gonna sound good.”
“He coulda been anythin’!” Race insisted, barely catching his own bag that JoJo handed him, the one she’d been placing his books in. “My Dad has all these dreams. N’ out of all places he’s gotta be a janitor here?”
The bell rang. And Albert grabbed Race’s arm to pull him into Mr. Kelly’s classroom. “Everybody needs a job,” JoJo reasoned. “People have ta understand that.”
Race didn’t respond. He just took his usual seat in the back of the room. Jack walked by him and ruffled his hair. It made the boy smile.
But only for a moment.
“Hey, Higgins,” someone whispered beside him. “I hear our dad’s have a lot in common.”
Rolling his eyes, the boy turned to face the other boy. One he didn’t know very well. “Why d’ya say that?” he asked, already uncomfortable.
Without looking at him, the other kid smirked. “My father’s a doctor and your father’s… oh wait… he cleans toilets… my mistake,” the kid laughed.
Race did not find it funny. “Well, you’re hilarious, my friend. N’ if you keep it up, I’ll beat your face inta the ground,” he growled, his voice low and purposeful.
“Oh, but then your daddy’s gonna have ta clean it up.”
Before Race could come back with a retort, an arm wrapped around his shoulders. “Hey, hey! Everythin’ okay ova’ here?” Mr. Kelly asked, that big fake smile on his face as he looked between the two boys. “Cause if it is, we’re just gonna take a little brief break for your education. ‘Kay?” he asked. Neither of the kids responded. So Jack pat Race’s shoulder. “Great, thanks! This won’t take long.”
He let go. Race wished he wouldn’t.
He watched the man stroll back up to his desk and grab a book before leaning against the edge of the thing. “Okay, now, last time, we saw how H.G. Wells paints a real bleak picture of class differences in the future, yeah?” Jack began to lecture, keeping a somewhat steady eye on the boy in the back row. “Above the surface you have the Eloi, livin’ the good life n’ below the surface, livin’ like animals, we’ve got the Morlocks doin’ all the dirty work.”
It wouldn’t have been so bad. Race could’ve survived the period if it hadn’t been for his father having to push in the television for Kelly’s lecture. “Speakin’ of your dad,” the bully beside his laughed.
“Speakin’ of a face poundin’,” Race shot back, daring the boy to say something else.
“I know there are no pictures in this book,” Jack said, looking right at him, silently telling him to knock it off and leave it alone. “So I thought we might take a look at the film version of ‘The Time Machine’, so for one time this year, you’ll know what the heck I’m talkin’ about,” he stated, standing as Matt handed him the control to the TV. “Thanks, Matt,�� he smiled.
On his way out, his father clasped his shoulder. And then he left.
And the bully just could not keep his mouth shut. “Aww was that nice man your daddy?”
“Shut up, Crandall!” Albert hissed, ready to jump on the defensive.
JoJo turned around from the front row. “Ignore him, Tony,” she begged, really not wanting Race to lash out.
He’d been getting better about it. Really.
But he seemed to be losing it lately.
The idiot, Crandall, rolled his eyes and purposefully spilled his orange juice onto Race’s shoes. His worn, old shoes. The only pair he had. “Oops, look at that. Better go get your dad back in here to clean it up.”
Race glared at him hard as the other boy stood. Jack was already on his way over to him. But he couldn’t stop. “Why don’t you do me a favor first?” The bully paused and smirked down at him. “Go ta hell,” the blond boy growled before he pounced, taking the bigger kid to the ground and giving him a harsh punch to the nose.
“Hey! Racer! Hey! Get off of him!” Jack demanded, forcefully pulling the kid up to his chest. But Race wasn’t stopping. So Jack did what he had to do. He let Tony take him to the ground before effectively pinning the boy below him. “Kid, knock it off!”
It was only then that the boy stopped, his wrists in Jack’s hands, pinned beside his ears. The whole class was staring at him. But it was nothing compared to the way Jack was.
The boy squeezed his eyes shut tight, hoping it would all just go away.
“I’m sorry, Jack…”
Jack sighed and helped the boy up quickly. “C’mon, little buddy…” he coaxed quietly. Race allowed himself to be pulled to his feet and escorted from the room.
And all he could say was,
“I’m sorry…”
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“It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.”
This was actually really fun and like Race, I’m fucking stupid when it comes to telling stories so it was fun to think of some.
Thanks for sending this request in!
“It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.”
"Race...Ya out all the time."
Race huffed, ignoring the littles' giggles as he reached over to slap Albert over the back of the head. "Dumbass, let me talk! I wanna tell a story!"
Jack rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as he sketched the scene from the corner of the room. "These kids better be able ta sleep tanight Higgins. I don't wanna be up all night cause you and your stories."
Race huffed, rolling his eyes. There went his plans for talking about a murderer...Time to rethink.
"Alright. Cause Jackie's a spoilsport, I'll change the story." He chuckled, shaking his head as his younger siblings started to complain. "Sorry kids. Gotta listen to the old man. He makes the rules here."
"I'se only a few years older than you!" Faking insult, Jack balled up his ratty blanket and threw it at Race, chuckling as it hit him in the face. "Get on with the story ya nerd!"
"Jesus fine!" Shaking his head, Race grinned, wrapping the blanket around himself. "Right. So the full moon is a magical time but also a dangerous time. While the moon gives us light on the streets, he also brings out mysterious dangers. It is said that if you stand in his light, your mind will be twisted." He grinned, happy to have everyone's eyes on him. "You'll start to feel new urges and will find yaself wanting to do things ya've never heard of before."
"Like what?"
"Well, my dear Kai, I'm glad you asked. Have you ever heard of the sirens?"
"Well, it's said that if you stand on the bridge with the full moon shining down, you'll hear ghostly singing which will draw you towards the water. You'll find yourself with one of two urges. Some feel the need to jump into the water to investigate while others feel the urge to sing back. Singing back will help you'se keep ya freedom while following the siren's urges will spell your doom. Some say they're always out at night and will still attack, but will only sing on the full moon. Never go near the water at night, especially on the full moon. Sometimes, they'll be heard singing outside your window, in hopes of getting you to go to the water."
"Wait...You've gone across the bridge at night before! Have you heard them?"
"Why yes, I've had. I'se sang right back at them as I covered my ears 'nd ran. As ya know, 'm probably the fastest runner in 'Hattan so I was able to outrun their voices."
"So humble ain't ya?"
"When have ya beaten me in a race Finch?"
"Uh-huh. That's what I thought. Anyway. The sirens ain't the only ones that come out in the night. There are the masks as well."
Crutchie fought back a laugh, knowing exactly where this was going. After all, he and Jack were the ones who told Racetrack the story in the first place when the boy was caught attempting to sneak out on a full moon. The story had been passed down from the leader just before Jack who had used it to stop Jack himself from sneaking out
Race's grin widened at the child's question, planning to add his own twists into the story had been told oh so many years ago. "The masks are creatures that come out on the full moon. They appear to be human yet their faces are not. Their faces are inhuman or if they're strong enough to have a human face, it'll be frozen in one expression no matter what and it'll look fake. It'll appear like it's stuck in time."
"What do they do t-to you?"
"Why if they see you walking the streets, they'll take you away. If the masks getcha, you'll never be seen again until the full moon when you're there ta take people away! What do ya think happened to Dax from Queens? He turned into one of them. Everyone just says that he aged out but I'se has seen him. I looked out the window one-night 'nd BAM! He was right there on the street, starin' up at me wit' a weird ass smile on his face. It was raining 'nd he didn't even blink, just kept on staring. Next second, he was gone. The masks 'ad gotten him."
"You'se just tryin' ta tell us scary stories and not about weirdos!"
"I dunno kid. The masks and sirens are pretty weird 'nd creepy." Race shook his head before letting out a soft insulted shout as Blink shoved him to the side.
"Alright, kids. I'se'll tell ya about the weirdos I've seen at night time."
"How can ya see at night with one eye?"
"Same as I see durin' the day Mike. Anyway, I'se got a few stories." He chuckled, shaking his head. During the time Race was speaking, he had sorted through his own nightly experiences, sorting the stories from each other so he didn't slip up and tell a not so 'kid-friendly' story. He didn't feel like a repeat of last time. As friendly and cheerful he appeared, Crutchie was more than happy to hit someone with his crutch if he felt like someone deserved it. Last time Blink had told a story, the bruise had lasted over a week. Though he had to admit he made a mistake when he decided to tell the kids he had snuck into a bar and managed to steal from a drunk which ended up causing a few of the more daring littles to attempt to go near the bars. Luckily, Jack had expected this and had the more mature kids keep an eye out for anyone wandering towards the bars.
"Once at night on a full moon, I'se was coming home. I had been out a bit late ya know? It was still early enough that 'the masks' hadn't come out yet." The only reason he had mentioned Race's stupid story was that he knew the taller boy would interrupt him in an attempt to draw the attention back onto himself. "And before ya ask, this isn't the same night as the bar incident. Anyway, I was walking home yeah? I think I was only a block away from lodging actually when some really hairy lookin' fella comes stumbling outta the alley. I'm talkin' real hairy. Like hair on 'is hands, neck 'nd stuff like that. He's mumbling ta himself and stuff then he sees me. He starts coming towards me 'nd I think Great here we'se go. but instead o' fightin' me, he throws his arms round me, tells me that God blesses me and starts singin' those song thingys."
"Right that. Thanks, Jojo. So this guy is singin' and holding onto me and all of a sudden just lets me go and walks off. I watch him go and see that he does the same thing to a lamp post. He didn't even smell like liquor which just added ta the confusion. Pretty sure he kissed the lamp post as well before he just sat down, singin' ta himself." He shook his head, grinning at the laughter that followed his story. Even Jojo was laughing which meant that the risk he had taken hadn't insulted the boy who had grown up, raised by nuns.
Over the next few hours, he and the other older kids kept up their storytelling, entertaining the younger ones with tales of strange things they had seen over their short lives, even allowing Race to tell more of his stupid stories.
Finally deciding to be serious with the topic, Race grinned, cutting off Jack's cowboy story. "We'se heard that story a lot Cowboy 'nd I've seen some pretty weird shit up in Brooklyn if you'se wanted to hear."
Considering he was the only non-Brooklyn newsie who could sell there let alone stay the night meant he instantly drew their interest. After all, whenever the newsies came up with a 'strange' story, they made sure to mention Brooklyn.
"So. One night, the fellas and I were in their kitchen when this knock sounds on the door. Laughin', they all send me to go answer it and what do I get? Some stranger tossin' water in ma face! Apparently, once a week, this lady walks up ta different houses 'nd throws water at people fa no reason. Like who does that? So, I'm standing there, soaked ta the bone wit' all the fellas laughing at me so what do I do fa revenge? I go 'nd grab a bowl maself and toss it all over them 'fore rushing off, runnin all the way back here."
"You've thrown water at me!"
"Albie my dear friend...You kept fucking snoring. What was meant to do?" Grinning, he quickly dodged the punch his best friend through at him. "Anyway. There was this other guy who walked around sayin' he was a god. People were naturally avoidin' him considering he was screamin' at the top o' his lungs, dancing buck naked in the streets. The bulls came ta pick him up and he threw something in their faces, I think it was flour and takes off running, screamin' about lemons and shit." He shook his head, remembering the conversation he had with Spot after that confusing day.
Before Race could keep speaking, Jack clapped his hands. "Alright, guys. It's time fa bed. Moon's getting high and we'se got work tomorrow."
"But I wanna hear more stories!"
"Too bad. Ya gotta go to bed Lijah." Grinning, he watched as the older boys started ushering the younger kids upstairs to get ready for bed, happy to see that there was minimal complaining...Right now at least. He knew some kids would take more time to settle down but he was prepared for that.
He stood up, following the group so he could catch up to Race. "The masks 'nd sirens? Really?"
"What? They'se good stories and you know that! Besides, correct me if I’m wrong but if I remember correctly, you and Crutchie were the ones who told me about the masks, I'm just passing on the knowledge."
Without a comeback, Jack just laughed and shook his head, watching the blond run up the stairs. He had to give it to Race, the kid had a massive imagination and if he filed away the stories to draw later, well...No one needed to know.
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collecting-stories · 5 years
17 - Racetrack Higgins
A/N: Modern AU of Racetrack Higgins because I couldn’t help myself. It’s a little all over the place probably but I’m out of practice. 
“You know, cameras have tripods.”  
“Can you just,” Race waved his hand dramatically, as if to suggest that you sit and not complain.  
It was you who had asked to hang out after school anyway. Though not because, as you had explained in text, Katherine bailed. More so because Katherine had suggested that there might be something there between the two of you.  
“You’re always spending time alone.”  
“I spend alone time with Crutchie.”  
“Crutchie is gay.” Katherine had replied.  
“I spend alone time with Finch.” You tried for a second example, annoyed that Crutchie’s orientation would deter using him as a plausible reason why hanging with Racetrack didn’t mean you had feelings for him.  
“Also gay.”  
“Damn,” you cursed, “well whatever, that doesn’t mean I like Race, we’re just friends. We hang out the same amount I hang out with everyone else.”  
“Okay,” Katherine shrugged but you knew she wasn’t handing over any victory to you, “maybe you don’t like him but he likes you.”  
“Okay yourself Kath, lets rejoin earth shall we?” You replied, rolling your eyes at her.  
“He likes you.”
“He likes that we’re friends and that I agree to do stuff like, go with him after school and wait around while he practices.” You were hard set on the never-ending and never-evolving friendship of you and Racetrack.  
“He likes you watching him practice.”  
You could only roll your eyes at her, heading off to your last class before the day ended.
So you texted Race last minute, asking if he wanted to hang out after school because you wanted to prove yourself right. There was no way he liked you. If anything you were just the overly supportive friend who was ready with a compliment or a helping hand. He had practice today, nothing serious like a class, just him practicing for his college auditions. So he offered that you could tag along, promising it would be both fun and worth your while.  
‘Watching you dance is worth my while’ you texted back. Jojo and Finch could dance too and there was heavy debate over who’s extension was better between the three but you knew you liked watching Racetrack dance the most.  
‘Your a peach’ he texted back. Accompanied by a peach and a winking emoji.  
You let the conversation die and finished your math homework in what remained of study hall.  
While you had been to the studio the boys practiced at before you usually ended up in the waiting room or the observation room that parents were allowed to sit in. Even when it was just two of them goofing off for an hour of rented time you never went in. Race said once it was because you were distracting. You took it as an insult and typically refrained from going with him to the studio. It was Finch who usually invited you along. You figured the afternoon would play out typically so you sat in one of the benches in the waiting area as Race started to head toward the studio he reserved.  
“What are you doing?” He paused in the open door way and looked over, perplexed that you weren’t following him.  
“Waiting here?”  
“Come on.” He rolled his eyes and gestured for you to follow him.  
“Oh, alright.”  
You really liked dance, a conversation you’d had before with Finch. You were not in the slightest coordinated and doing even a cartwheel freaked you out when you were a kid but you loved watching other people dance. You’d been friends with Race since you were little and he’d always been this fluid. Even as kids his handstands and cartwheels and backflips had been so much better than all the other kids. And he never teased you about not doing them yourself. At this point you probably had two left feet but that wasn’t any matter to you, dance just looked incredible and you were happy to be there watching it happen.  
You managed to keep the camera steady through the entirety of his dance, trying to watch him both in person and through the tiny screen. You were not artistically gifted in any of the ways you wanted to be but you could appreciate someone who was.  
“That was really good!” You said, handing over the camera.  
“You always say that. You said that when Jojo fell off the chair after our tap recital two years ago.” Racetrack pointed out, hitting the playback on the camera so he could watch the video.  
“Well he got right back up.”
“That doesn’t exactly win you any brownie points.”
You rolled your eyes, “nobody’s perfect Race.”  
Katherine always teased you about hanging out with Race along but it was only in the last year that you’d started to again. There was a whole two year gap when he couldn’t be bothered to spend a second alone with you. In all honesty, while it had hurt your feelings more than you would ever admit to him you had just assumed it was part of growing up. Friends drifted apart and you were lucky that he seemed to get over whatever it was that kept him away.  
“Here, I wanna run through it again.” He handed over the camera for you to record his second attempt. You’d finished half your English homework during his stretching but now that lay forgotten so that you could double as a tripod.  
“You know, Finch has one of those like, tripod’s that attach to anything. You should borrow it next time.” You pointed out.  
“Good for Finch.”  
“I’m just saying.”
“You’re the one who asked to hang out.”  
“I’m not trying to argue Race, I was just making an observation.” You replied, watching him deflate. He was always a little too ready for an argument.  
“Sorry, just, are you ready?”  
The second time looked the same as the first though judging by his face as he watched the playback you were certain it was better. He even replayed the flip for you, explaining how it was tighter. Technique you didn’t have the brain to fathom but you knew good dancing when you saw it and his was amazing.  
“You looked great both times honestly,” you confessed, gathering your books together as he stretched again.  
“Well unfortunately you aren’t on the audition panel, though if you were you’d probably just pass everyone.”  
“Not everyone.” You laughed. “Though the flip without any kind of head start will always be impressive to me.”  
“It isn’t that hard.” Race replied, “I mean, you could probably do it if you practiced.”  
“No thanks, the last time I attempted a flip of any kind I broke my leg.”  
Race frowned, eyebrows knitting together as he tried to place the memory of you in a cast, “I don’t remember that.”  
“It was two summers ago, we weren’t really hanging out. I was at Finch’s house on the trampoline and he convinced me to try a flip.” You replied, “I was casted for most of the summer.”  
“He should’ve been watching you.”  
“He was. Doesn’t mean he could stop me from landing off the trampoline.” You shrugged. “It’s old news now, but it’s only solidified my decision to never attempt gymnastics or dancing again.”  
Race grinned, “you slow danced with me at homecoming.”
“I am powerless to say no to you.” You replied, smiling. It was true after all.  
A beat passed before Race finally spoke up again, “thanks for coming along, it’s nice to have the encouragement.”  
“Anytime, I’ve never been in here before. It was kinda fun.”  
“I thought you came with Finch a lot.”  
“Usually I just meet him after or I wait in the lobby. I’ve never actually been in here. You know how he gets.” You laughed. Finch didn’t like showing anyone his routines until they were completely polished. He was more of a perfectionist than Jojo or Racetrack in that sense.  
“Oh, yeah.”  
“What’s your deal with Finch?” You asked. It was the other piece of the something that Katherine had mentioned to you. The two of them had a long standing history of being friends through other friends but you didn’t think they’d been close since sixth grade. You had all your classes with Finch that year and the two of you had grown close.  
“What’d you mean?” Race asked, shouldering his bag and heading out of the studio ahead of you.  
“I mean, you guys used to hang out all the time and now you never do. I asked Finch about it but he didn’t have a clue.” You had asked, about three weeks ago when the two of you were having a sleepover with Buttons. Neither boy seemed to know the reason behind Race not wanting to hang with Finch anymore.  
Racetrack shrugged, “just closer with other guys I guess.”  
That wasn’t it at all though. It was irrational, especially now that Finch was dating Buttons, but that didn’t mean the feelings of jealousy that Race had been experiencing towards his once-friend weren’t real. It started the same place your friendship with Finch had started, in 6th grade. Race was already friends with him because they lived across from each other but you had never shown much interest in the other boy. And then 6th grade started and it was like you couldn’t stop hanging out with him and talking about him and Race just got more and more angry thinking about it.  
His annoyance at his once friend had eased significantly when Finch announced that he and Buttons were dating but that still didn’t ease all Race’s hostility. It still annoyed him that you spent so much time and energy on Finch. That you mentioned him all the time. Finch said this or Finch said that. Davey told him he was being unreasonably paranoid and that if he wanted to not completely ruin whatever friendship he had with you and Finch.  
“What do you wanna get for dinner?” You asked, letting the topic die. Katherine had told you more than once that she thought Race was jealous, that, she was convinced, was why he didn’t hang out with you from 8th to 11th grade.  
“I’ve been craving a bread bowl lately.” Race replied, starting up his vape as you pulled out of the parking lot.  
“Panera it is.”  
For being as lean as he was, Race could put away a lot of food. A bread bowl and soup, part of a baguette, a smoothie, and a chocolate chip cookie. Plus your bag of chips leftover from the sandwich you got. He didn’t say anything during lunch and you figured he was done with the Finch discussion. You knew you shouldn’t have brought the topic up in the first place but you were bothered by his behavior toward someone that was supposed to be friends with both of you. He acted like a jealous boyfriend half the time, annoyed when you mentioned something Finch said or did or talked about hanging out with him.  
And maybe Race was done with the topic of Finch but you weren’t, not when you really let yourself think about it. The more you thought the more annoyed you became. “I still don’t get why you don’t like Finch.” You mentioned, sitting in the car with Race as you drove home from Panera together.  
“I still don’t get why we’re having this conversation in the first place.”
“Because every time I mention him you get all pissed off.” You replied, “like right now.”
“I’m not pissed off.”
“Look, what do you care anyway? He’s gay, he’s not interested in you so I don’t know why you’re so head over heels for him.”
“Head over heels? Race, what are you talking about? Finch is my friend-”
“Yeah, such an awesome friend you had to ditch all your other friends!” Racetrack snapped, throwing his back against the seat as he crossed his arms over his chest.  
“What?” You felt like someone had just punched you in the gut. He sounded so angry and hurt and you weren’t entirely sure why. “What are you talking about Race?”
“Can we just drop it?” He asked, looking out the window.  
At the next light you pulled off onto a residential road and parked your car on the side of the street. Cutting the engine, you turned to Race, who still wasn’t looking at you. “Race-”
“I don’t have any hard feelings against Finch, he’s a cool guy.”  
“Then what’s it about?”
“It’s stupid...” Racetrack sighed, “I just...I know Finch is with Buttons and there’s nothing between you guys but I didn’t know that in middle school and I just felt like I was losing my best friend to this other kid.”  
“I never liked Finch like that Race, he’s just a cool guy that I liked hanging out with. I didn’t, and don’t like him. But I do like you.”
“Yeah?” Race asked, blush betraying his attempts to remain cool under the pressure of the conversation.  
“You’re incredible Race. I don’t even know how to describe it.”  
“You too...I like you, alot. It’s stupid but...I didn’t mean to be a douche about Finch. He’s a cool guy I guess I’m just kind of jealous that you spend so much time with him.”  
“I like spending time with you more. This afternoon has been awesome, even if we did argue.”
“The arguing wasn’t all bad.” Racetrack laughed, leaning forward and kissing you on the corner of the mouth. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling as his lips brushed the edge of yours.  
I have so many newsies scenarios running through my head and I can’t think of how to write any of them. 
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And we’re back with another month wrap up! August involved a lot of TV watching (as per usual), but I feel like I watched a lot of things I’ve already talked about before (ex: The 100, Violetta). So it was a little bit harder to feature some new titles. I felt accomplished this month because I finished quite a few series. So, without further ado...let’s do this!
Spoilers!! But you knew that already :) 
So I know I’ve spoken about some of these shows A LOT recently, but I still had to include them in this wrap up because they were a good amount of the month. (Even if they feel like they were so long ago.) 
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This book to screen adaptation on Netflix following Nimue (AKA the Lady of the Lake) re-invents the King Arthur myth. It was an entertaining and enjoyable watch that makes me hope there’s a second season. There were certain parts that bothered me and I wish some characters had more time on screen, but as someone who likes King Arthur and fantasy TV I’d recommend it. 3/5 for me. 
For more on my thoughts regarding the show check out my earlier post: **Spoilers** Featuring Cursed
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A show that I’ve often been documenting my reviews/feelings after watching each episode. (That’s how you can tell IT’S THAT GOOD.) While it was a bit slow in the beginning (mainly because of it having the quality of being on a streaming service-ending on a cliffhanger for you to binge the next episode immediately kind of feel), it picked up and has easily become one of my favorites for the year. (YEAH...I KNOW. I SAID YEAR.) You can check out my page for more specific reactions in my posts, but here are some of the moments that stick out to me the most when I think about season 1.  
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I can’t wait for season 2!!
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June doesn’t feel like that long ago, but because I started season 1 two months ago (and because of the world of quarantine) it feels like a long time ago. Especially when this show is only 18-20 episodes that are each about 20/25 minutes. For me, I enjoyed season 1, but not as much as seasons 2 and 3. I definitely watched the first season slower because of this. Once the Ba Sing Se plot happened I was very invested. I enjoyed most of Book 2 in the Earth Kingdom before this, but Ba Sing Se was definitely the best. I was so impressed that they put that into a kid show. Then again, there’s so much in this show that is well done and brings up such relevant issues to a younger audience. I loved following Aang, Katara and Sakka and enjoyed Toph’s addition to Team Avatar. Overall I think Uncle Iroh is my favorite character in the show. I loved all the wisdom he had and how he saw the best in Zuko the entire time. Their team up was great and I am so happy he got his tea shop in the end. His escape from prison was amazing. I love a good redemption arc and from the start was excited to see Prince Zuko’s (it’s one of the ‘spoilers’ I knew going in). I think it was really well done and I liked how they showed him struggling with it. The last agni kai between Zuko and Azula was such a beautiful scene and the music score behind it was so chilling. I love how they chose a slow, instrumental song to play in the background. It’s not what I was expecting and it was such an awesome choice. Overall, I really liked the music and have added it to my writing playlist. I’m really glad I decided to watch Avatar the Last Airbender. 
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From one binged show starting in June to another....
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It’s crazy; you don’t think 80 episodes would go by that fast, but they do. Once you hit episode 50, I just zip by the rest in the season. So many of the plots get SO GOOD, you can’t help but watch so many episodes back to back (to back). For season 2, episode 75 was one of my favorites for the whole season. I love how some of the cast actually got to go to Madrid. (Even the intro music changed when they were there.) Diego really grew on me. I loved the added plot of discovering who his dad is! Feels very telenovela. Gregorio’s reaction was priceless-such great acting-and I loved how much it has changed his character so far. I’m excited to see where he is headed for season 3. 
Leonetta forever! The reason they weren’t together was a bit weak, but I get they needed the love triangle. Overall the Leon/Violetta/Diego love triangle was a lot stronger than season 1′s (in my opinion). It felt better developed. I enjoyed a lot of the couples this season. Frederico and Ludi are a pair I didn’t know I wanted till it happened. Olga and Ramallo actually got a kiss!!! I loved hearing Ramallo talk about how Olga is the only woman in his life. So rare to see such emotions from him. Fran and Leon’s friendship was adorable. I loved their moments in Madrid. She was their #1 shipper. I know in the beginning I said there wasn’t a lot of music and performances, but as the season progressed we definitely got a lot of new songs (which I cannot stop singing). I miss my time at the Studio and hope the third season will be streaming on Disney Plus soon. I heard it could be September 18th so fingers crossed!! 
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Filling the void that was left by Little Lunch (and produced by the same studio) is the InBESTigators! A show that follows 4 elementary students who live in Australia and solve mysteries. One of the things I really loved about Little Lunch was how serious they made really trivial, kid-like things sound. I have often described it as an Office-like children’s show, where they talk about their problems directly to the camera and give several ‘Jim’ stares and glances to the camera. With the InBESTigators it’s a similar set up where our four sleuths, Ezra, Maudie, Ava and Kyle, relay a mystery they solved directly to us the viewer, while we watch in flashback. All of the mysteries are typical things that could happen in school or home; from overwatering a neighbor’s prize-winning flowers, packages getting stolen, a lost notebook or catching a cheater during a test. All of the kids are entertaining and funny. They each have a different dynamic that brings something to the team. Currently two of the seasons are on Netflix, and there will be a third season (but who knows when it will be filmed-I’m just happy it will eventually happen). 
If you’re looking for a fun/light-hearted watch look no further. You’ll have a good time. 
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This ABC sitcom fits well on the network and like it would be on Friday nights, but has a stronger day in airing thanks to the pandemic. I hadn’t really heard much about the show and then BAM it was advertised. It felt like the network had it in its back pocket. Nevertheless, I am really enjoying it. The actors have a nice dynamic and it is very funny and relatable. I like how it represents a family with two different cultural backgrounds, but doesn’t make that the main focus of the show. Instead it is discussed naturally. Overall, I don’t know how many people know about it, so I wanted to share it as one of my picks for the month and suggest you watch it if you are looking for something both funny and optimistic. 
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I LOVE this family! As TLC is a network with predictable choices in TV shows, one about a family with multiples does not seem shocking. However, this is not your average family with multiples. At the start of the show, Karen and Deon have a total of 11 children (with only two of them being what they called ‘singletons’). They have twins, quints, and another set of twins (that would have been triplets). Her last three pregnancies were multiples and then she becomes pregnant with triplets. AGAIN! This family is considered a miracle because she had no IVF or anything like that for her conceptions. I love watching them because they seem like a great group to be apart of. They are what the epitome of family should be like. There is so much love. I know when my family watches the show we are all so impressed by how well behaved all of the kids are. People with half the amount of kids often have trouble teaching them to behave. I highly suggest giving the Derricos a watch. New episodes are now airing on TLC. 
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I know Ben Platt’s concert has been available on Netflix for a while now, but I just got the chance to watch it this month. It was SOOO GOOD and I was upset when it was over. It felt so fast! I had already added a lot of his songs to my playlists, and after watching added the last few I had missed. Now I’ve been listening non-stop. I loved how his concert welcomed us so much into his personal life. The added stories in-between songs helped to see why he created that specific one. Watching the concert was a fun time and something you should consider if you are feeling down during quarantine. 
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Every Saturday night we try to watch a movie while we eat dinner. It’s become a new tradition since quarantine began and we were unable to go out to eat or to the movies. This week Jojo Rabbit was the pick. Going into the film, I didn’t know much expect, but that it was a comedy and I assumed a satire. What I didn’t expect was how dark of a turn it would take. It’s amazing how a film can have you laughing uncontrollably at the start and then have you crying at the end. This is definitely a film I could see analyzing in a film studies class. There was so much foreshadowing and moments where so much more was going on then what was shown on the surface. I think it did a great job making the viewer think not only about the time in which it was supposed to take place, but also our current world. I know it’s a good movie when it still has me thinking about it days later. I even did some research into it after watching. Definitely can understand the hype about it and will watch it again in the future. 
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When I was putting this list together I was just starting to watch Umbrella Academy. I know, I’m late to the party, but with the newest season coming out this summer I knew it was now or never. (I just had to finish some of the other stuff I was watching first.) Currently, I only have 1 episode left in the first season and am really enjoying it. I was pretty good about spoilers going into it, so a lot of it was new to me. I made some theories on who I thought would be the cause of the apocalypse and so far I am right. I am very interested to see how this season ends and get into the next one because I heard that the majority of people liked that one more. I’ll have a more detailed review in my September Picks, I’m sure of it!  
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