#I remember watching Interstella and thinking how cool it was
Getting nostalgic for the first time hearing Discovery by Daft Punk all those years ago 🥹
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honourablejester · 1 month
Tagged by @theoutcastrogue to press shuffle on my general listening playlist 10 times and relate the results. Thanks!  
I don’t have spotify or what have you, I usually listen to music on youtube on my laptop. But I’ve got a couple of playlists I’ve made, and if I shake them a bit, what comes out is:
Konya Wa Hurricane, Kinuko Omori/’Priss & the Replicants’. (It’s the opening song for the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series, the cyberpunk anime series of the 80s. In universe, it’s a song by one of the main characters and her band, aptly named Priss and the Replicants, which I love).
Sin City, Meredith Brooks. (I’m pretty sure this was from/for a Nic Cage movie, let me look this up, yes, Snake Eyes. But it’s a good noir sort of a song. “Change the names to protect the guilty, you’ll never leave Sin City … where you are king”).
Short Change Hero, The Heavy. (I’m 90% sure I first heard this song on a TF2 machinima, but it’s such a cool vibe for a post-apocalyptic western sort of deal. “This ain’t no place for no hero, this ain’t no place for better man. This ain’t no place for no hero to call home.”)
Power of the Night, Terrence Mann/’Johnny Steel’. (I’m starting to realise I have a lot of songs from various soundtracks on my lists. This one is from Critters, supposedly from the in-universe rockstar the alien hunters take the shape of. It’s a pretty sweet rock song though, and I do love Terrence Mann).
Keep the Streets Empty For Me, Fever Ray. (An eerie, drifting track that I think is about urban emptiness. Great thing to listen to at 4am on a thin night).
Labirynt, Zbigniew Preisner. (Again, if you want something drifting and eerie and vaguely unsettling. I cannot for the life of me remember how I stumbled across this, but it’s beautiful).
Spanish Train, Chris de Burgh. (Spanish Train & Other Stories was one of the tapes that always came on car journeys when we were kids. Chris de Burgh is one of the things from my childhood that really stuck. I love his story songs. Spanish Train is a fabulous little folk tale about god and the devil playing poker for the souls of a damned train).
Splitting the Atom, Massive Attack. (I found this because of the video, because the video is wild. A slow pan through a fractured black glass city to find the bizarre source of destruction at the centre. But the song itself is also great, a slow, dark, threatening rhythm. I also like their song Angel, and it’s also on my playlist).
Fancy, Reba McEntire. (I do not, as a general rule, listen to much country music, but I do like a few by Reba McEntire. This one is dark, about a girl whose mother sells her into prostitution because they desperately need money, and the woman the girl became coming back later after she’s made a life for herself to forgive her for it).
Starlight Brigade, TWRP. (This one was, again, because of the video, but it’s such a fantastic video. If they made a whole damn show of this, a-la Galaxy Rangers, or an animated music video move a-la Daft Punk’s/Leiji Matsumoto’s Interstella 5555, I would absolutely watch it. And the song itself is a fantastic synthy cheerful unabashed sci-fi cheese, and I love it).
I'm too scrambled for tagging right now, but anyone who wants to showcase their weird music choices, feel free to blame me!
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nameless-triune · 9 months
20, 38, 4 and 8 for the music asks!
20. im glad you asked. have a picture of gaspard augé :] i just think hes neat
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38. its more of a parody than a cover, but neil cicierega (otherwise known as lemon demon) put out a completely ridiculous version of while my guitar gently weeps by george harrison. neil's parody is called while my keytar gently weeps.
4. i'd have to say the beatles. i was 5 years old when i started listening to them and they were my first actual hyperfixation :]
8. my favorite band is justice!!!!!!! im just gonna talk about how i started listening to them and what i think is super cool about them
ok so last year, i was at a hotel in new braunfels, texas, and it was like. the middle of the night. i was sort of going down a youtube rabbit hole after watching interstella 5555, and one of the next recommended videos was the music video for d.a.n.c.e by justice. i remember watching it and being like "woah. these dudes are so cool" and i also had the urge to start dancing around the hotel room like a fucking idiot, but since it was the middle of the night and there were people on the floor below me, i didnt want to be That Guy, so i just sort of laid there and watched the music video, completely in awe. (off topic but that hotel sucked, i found a roach in the bathroom) after that, it took me a few months to actually start listening to their albums, but once i did, i was just. hooked. ever since then, ive been obsessed with them off and on for the last year.
what i think is super cool about justice is. well. everything, really. the way their music sounds, how their concerts are visually on-par with daft punk's alive 2007, just everything. theyre super inspirational to me!!! if you had told me maybe about 3 or 4 years ago that id be into a french electronic band that wasnt daft punk (even then, i didnt listen to them all that much, i just listened to them because my stepdad did), i probably wouldnt have believed you.
my favorite album of theirs has to be access all arenas, though audio video disco or woman are at a close second!!
and sorry for ranting, i promise i am normal about the french men :] its not like their music changed my life or anything (I AM LYING. I AM ACTUALLY VERY ABNORMAL ABOUT THEM AND THEIR MUSIC DID CHANGE MY LIFE)
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quorras · 3 years
Howdy! Care to answer 2007 (What do you think about Alive 2007?) 2008 (What do you think about Electroma?) 2009 (Do you have a favorite Daft Punk cameo/reference?) and 2010? (What do you think about TRON: Legacy?) Rock on pal.
Hi there!! 
2007: What do you think about Alive 2007?
I LOVE Alive 2007. So much. I think its a really beautiful mix both music-wise and visual-wise,, and I really wonder what it must’ve been like to listen to live, with the good speakers at night ksgjfdhkd. Alive 2007 is a little strange to me because its one of the few full albums that can really get me into a good hyperfocus state, so it’s got real personal value to me too lol,,, I think Alive 2007 also might be my most regularly re-listened to daft punk album? In the sense that... I can’t listen to only one track at time, it’s either all of them in order or nothing at all. Basically, it’s literally the most wonderful thing and I love it ksdjfghkjsd
2008: What do you think about Electroma?
Oh boy, Electroma makes me so sad but I can’t stop rewatching it. I think Thomas is a really excellent cinematographer, and I really would want to see what he does with that in the future! I think the air around Electroma is so weird (the fact that it doesn’t have any Daft Punk music, the robots aren’t named in the credits, the limited midnight hour showings, etc etc), but that just makes me more intrigued. I remember reading somewhere that the movie was meant to pose more questions, not give answers, and I think it does that wonderfully! It’s a really solid but sometimes hard to watch (because of uh.. robo death :( ) movie, and I think its a kind of... sad poetry that they used Electroma to announce their retirement since they were planning to use the film’s release as a way to retire the robot personas in 2006 (I think). Good movie, makes me cry, a billion ways to interpret, I love it and have seen it too many times lol
2009: Do you have a favorite Daft Punk cameo/reference? 
Probably their little Interstella 5555 cameo, I love their Discovery era aesthetic a lot and seeing it in animation was Really Cute!!
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Although, the new news about Daft Punk’s could-have-been cameo in TRON: Uprising probably would’ve been my favorite cameo had it actually have happened :’) dsney whyyyy would you deprive us of this!!?!?! aaajshkjfdhgfk
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2010: What do you think about TRON: Legacy?
As a movie part of the TRON franchise? I love it. It makes me incredibly sad and it’s hard for me to rewatch without getting weepy, but I love it because of the amount of stuff it’s given the fans to work with!! In terms of just soundtrack, oh my god. I ADORE IT. It’s really powerful, and i think it’s the main thing that keeps drawing people back to this movie. I think its kind of poetic to have Daft Punk make the soundtrack when Wendy Carlos was responsible for the first movie’s soundtrack and was also a huge pioneer in electronic music. I think the only complaints I have about the Legacy soundtrack is that it makes me really sad (bc of auditory anchoring, i don’t think it’s possible to listen to Adagio for TRON without thinking about how the program has lead the most tragic life ever) and also that I don’t think it includes anything from the 1982 soundtrack at all? I think it would’ve been cool to hear a mix of the two one day. Honestly, I love the soundtrack so much. It’s really strong and fits the story incredibly well. I don’t think I even have the right words to express how beautiful the tracks are, especially seeing them range from Father & Son to End of Line so quickly,, its honestly incredible!! Outlands, pt II might be one of my favorite movie soundtracks of all time, so maybe i’m a little biased too dkgjshfgjkd
Thanks for asking!! :D
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irenereru · 3 years
For the Daft Punk asks: 1993-2021.
Yes, Irene. I want you to answer all of them (except the ones you don’t want to answer, of course ❤️).
Well well well, this is gonna take a while! I already answered 2011 to 2013 in this ask right here, so I’ll be skipping those!
1993: When did you first hear about Daft Punk? That’s an odd question, and hard to answer. 
During my childhood I KNOW I heard songs like Around The World, Music Sounds Better With You, One More Time, Harder Better Faster Stronger, and Technologic later on. 
It wasn’t until around 2011 when I had my first contact with Daft Punk, when on a restaurant, on a TV in the background, One More Time was playing. I could not hear the song, but the visuals catched my attention and I became fascinated. Sadly, I did not catch who’s song was that, nor the title. 
It wasn’t until Get Lucky and RAM released that I FINALLY figured out who Daft Punk were. The moment I saw the robots, when I rediscovered and watched Interstella 5555 in it’s entirety in one setting, then, was when i got hooked up to them, forever.
1994: What do you find most striking about the band? THE ROBOTS! I love the dessigns, they have SO MUC PERSONALITY. But other things I love are, obviously, their music, the “not giving a shit” actitude, and the way they worked. That’s something I admire a lot, keeping control of your works. As an artist myself, it’s something that can be really important and can help you out in the future.
1995: Do you have any favorite music videos? I love Interstella 5555 with my whole heart. The Homework MVs, specially Burnin’, hold a special place in my heart. I love that in Burnin’ the boys make a cameo for a split second, wearing odd costumes and wigs.
1996: What do you think about the Homework album? Pretty good! I love house music, and it’s certainly the album that introduced me to the genre, so... Da Funk, Around The World, they’re just absolute BANGERS. The “harder” songs on the album aren’t really my thing, tho...
1997: What do you think about Alive 1997? A bit bare-bones, not gonna lie. It’s like 45 minutes long. That’s not a lot. It certainly is something of it’s time. What I love the most are the scarce pictures and videos of that era of them playing live. You can REALLY tell they’re having a blast, specially Thomas.
1998: Do you have any favorite remixes/mash-ups? Their remix of Chord Memory is certainly one of my favorites. It really gives you a... Something. It feels like it’s telling a story, with it’s change of tone later on and then mashing both. Also, that WDPK 83.7 reference!
1999: Has your opinion of the band changed over time? Not really. It just started high and they stay high as my favorite band/musicians. They’re extremely inspiring, specially for the fact they did so many different things, but all feeling so unique to them at the same time. Them also being nice people and supporting of social rights and the LGBT community is certainly a great plus!
2000: Do you have a favorite ‘era’ of Daft Punk? Discovery. It’s the most fun, colorfull, and the one they seemed more “silly”. The robots appeared in their rainbowy marvel and odd/oversized clothes.
2001: What do you think about the Discovery album? It’s My FAVORITE! There are barely no songs I dislike. It have so many different vibes, feelings, you have vocal tracks and instrumental tracks, all with the same quality... And my favorite song from them, Something About Us, is from that album.
2002: Has Daft Punk inspired you creatively? Absolutely. Like, 100%.
2003: What do you think about Interstella 5555? They could’ve worked on that lip-sink a bit better, it’s something that ALWAYS pulls me off. But aside from that, it’s a great concept, and a very special animated film. You can tell there was a lot of care put on it.
2004: Are there any lyrics in particular that stuck with you? Within. That song just, resonates so much with me. Check out my other post with answers, I talk in depth about it!
2005: What do you think about the Human After All album? You can tell it was made in 2 weeks. They were angry, frustrated. And you get a lot of “Thomas Vibe” in that. It feels like it wasn’t a good time for them and it’s reflected in the album.
2006: What do you think about the Musique album? The only good thing from it is that they FINALLY re-released Musique and those remixes! Also, in the special version, you get the Interstella 5555 DVD, which is how I got the movie myself physically!
2007: What do you think about Alive 2007? It’s just great. I wish there was an official version of the entire concert edited by them, where you could see the visuals, the vibes, and the boys all in one enjoying themselves. I’m sad I couldn’t go see them, but at the time I just did not know who they were, and I was only 11. I remember seeing their pyramid on TV when they came to Spain in 2006! I thought it looked really extra, and it really is.
2008: What do you think about Electroma? It’s heartcrushing. I have the feeling they could’ve cutted the ending a little, and I don’t really get why of the dunes looking like a woman and going like, inside the vagina... But still. Also, I can not laugh when they wear the human masks. They’re so ugly x’D Is that how they see themselves?
The bathroom scene ALWAYS gets me. GM08 getting extremely mad and frustrated, while TB3 tries to hold on to what’s left until it can’t be recovered... That says SO MUCH about them, about the robots, as characters and people. You can really get what they’re feeling.
The ending, though... That ending. My god. Everyone always talks about TB3′s death, but the one that really got me the most is GM08′s. It seemed like he wanted to keep going, but finding himself alone ends up being his demise. They need each other. And when he tries to reach to his self-destruct button but cannot, and he just stares in the distance... I really, REALLY felt that.
2009: Do you have a favorite Daft Punk cameo/reference? I talked about the Burnin’ video before, but if I have to think of something else... I think their cameos in different productions are great. Like Sebastien Tellier’s videos of the songs he made with Guy-Man, one with magazines with drawing of GM08, while on the other he appears as a background guy, face partially covered... Also Thomas’ cameo in the movie Realité, where his wife is one of the secondary characters, where he just, again, appears for a split second. I find those really funny.
2010: What do you think about TRON: Legacy? It had a lot going on, but it’s story just... Was bad. The effects are cool (except for the guy they tried to make look younger), and I love that Daft Punk just kept vibing when the fight breaks out at the club. Aside from that, that’s all.
2014: What’s your favorite moment of Daft Punk at the GRAMMYs? The hug. Come on, that’s like, the loveliest thing ever. You can tell how happy and emotional they were. They even had to hold Thomas’ hand because his helmet fogged on the inside.
2015: Do you have friends who like Daft Punk? Hmm... Does all the cool people I’ve met in the fandom count? ;D Specially @edbangingrobot and @invader-777 they’re the coolest people ever <3
2016: What Daft Punk collaborations stood out to you? Probably the one with The Weeknd, but only because of their AMAZINGLY COOL COSTUMES, more than anything. Those have to be my all-time favorite looks for the robots.
2017: Did you get to see Daft Punk live? No :(
2018: How does Daft Punk fit into your taste in music? They have that disco-electro-house vibe I LOVE so much. Why do you think Discovery is my favorite? x’D Tho my tastes go all over the place, if I’m honest. You just have to take a look around my Spotify playlist to see what I’m talking about.
2019: What Daft Punk song makes you smile? One More Time, Digital Love, Voyager and Give Life Back To Music. If you wanna make me get in a good mood, play those.
2020: Did Daft Punk help you get through tough times? They certainly helped me focus on something. I found them in one of the toughest, darkest times of my life. Just had to drop out of school due to my mental illness, only to be abandoned by my old friends, while my family did not listen to me about my depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. Not only that, but we also moved for the third time in a decade, and it wasn’t for fun reasons. Having Daft Punk’s music there as a new discovery to me certainly helped, with their cheerfull, thoughtless songs for a time where everything felt too much.
2021: How are you “holding on” after the split? I am extremely sad we will never get to see the robots again. They’re a really important part of my life. Just like their music. All I hope is that they’re in good therms, and that they’ll be happy for now on. We do not know the reason, but there surely was one behind their decission. If any of them does make something new in the future, I’ll make sure to check it out. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done things aside from Daft Punk.
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