#I see that 5 years have passed and everyone involved are consenting adults
dazzlerazz · 10 months
Ciel and Rhea have a duo alt named Zanado's Flowers which itself is a reference to a wip I have of them by the same name where Ciel and Rhea retire to Zanado to spend the rest of their lives together
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princess--catherine · 4 years
Maybe y’all will hate me for this, I’m all for women’s rights and the Me Too movement but has it maybe taken a turn it shouldn’t have? I can already feel the hatred
Just in the past couple weeks I’ve seen at least 3 “predators/rapists exposed”, and after looking into it I saw no predatory behavior to expose that was given. And people are losing their shit over this “cancelation?” The evidence for this one? “Had a minor backstage”...you think that didn’t and doesn’t currently happen with idk, every Disney star EVER and boy band on the radio? I’m sure a portion of Billie Eilish fans who’s parents buy backstage passes are REAL young, is she cancelled too? Since when does having a minor in your presence = any type of sexual behavior? This allegation causally mentions “backstage minor” and quickly moves to “predator” with no cohesion there. Since when does an adult simply being around a minor automatically make you guilty of doing sick shit? The “evidence” shown was pretty pathetic: cropped and blocked out texts with no name as to who it’s from, no name but said star predator, no time stamp or date, no pics, no voice memos, no emails, no proof of any kind that there was any truth to the claims, no detail, no real allegation actually even made from what I saw. Unless the “so and so did this” part was in invisible ink. I could literally google the date of a ‘insert famous person here’ concert or general tour dates, and do the same with a texting app or with someone else’s phone. This is an Accusation on someone of a serious sex crime on the sole basis maybe 5 texts, some of which are hidden, and ALL of which are anonymous, detail no criminal activity, are never worth ending or attempting to make sure someone’s career over.
Another one I saw was an explanation that another social media person made a somewhat crude comment/gusture towards a woman he knew but wasn’t super familiar with. One time, no actual touching. He was later told by a friend “not cool, other lady friend did not like”, he did as he should have and apologized, and it didn’t happen again- admittedly on both sides. The two girls told him everything was cool and okay, no harm no foul, don’t worry about it. It didn’t happen again and the friendship continued. Days later, “evidence” comes out from one of them citing him as a sexual predator for this situation. This incident. Yeah, it’s not cool to get in peoples space or compliment them in certain ways if your friendship is not on that level and it hasn’t been established. That I agree with, that it simply wasn’t very polite, but a) no one was actually touched physically in anyway and b) the “crude” comment from my understanding was about an outfit fitting her well or being firm fitting. Yeah, that might make ya feel a lil icky, but there was no sexual suggestion or threat. There’s a huge difference between unwanted attention and sexual harassment. Someone else later gets involved but says she’s “not comfortable/willing to discuss” but still insists he’s a predator but doesn’t show a single shred of any involvement or information. If I was these people being falsely accused, getting death treats and doxxed, and ultimately, “cancelled”/therefore loss of income possibly long term , with basically no evidence or someone saying shit like “yes, that’s a predator. Nobody gets to know why I’m saying that though. I don’t want to relive it, my bad. You horrible people need to stop supporting this sex offender!” I’d be sueing the shit out of someone and everyone for slander. Like this is unreal to me. It really blows my mind.
Before you message me hateful shit, hear me out. I’m not saying these guys are stand up, amazing, perfectly well behaved dudes. I’m not saying they’ve never done anything predatory or wrong before in their lives or careers. Lord knows narcissistic and higher than thou types run entertainment. I’m sure they all got their attitude and behavioral problems. I’m just saying the info I just read and described is almost nothing being real generous, no rational person sees that and labels someone a sex offender. You’re accusing someone of a very serious crime, in a lot of cases a fat ole felony, being a RSO list sometimes for a lifetime. Bill Cosby? Deserve it. Weinstien? Deserve it. Epstein? Deserved to be under the jail. I understand there’s not always physical evidence, or maybe there’s not enough to build a case/a case is unwanted by victim. Some say they want people to know and be warned. If that’s what you truly want, you truly truly are trying to protect others, go in 150%. Everything you got. But when this person publicly and openly calling someone out by name for being a “rapist/sexual predator”, absolutely dragging them thru the mud, and the reasoning, the justification for this is that he was dating other women? nah sis. That’s not how this works, getting played, while scummy, is NOT RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT/etc. (*this is excluding things that don’t apply to this particular story like recanting consent or knowingly passing on an STI) So sure, he’s a probably a POS, clearly unloyal, he’s maybe learned the art of sweet talkin his way into this one way monogamous relationship, and I frankly wouldnt feel bad if one of those girls who got played popped 3 of his tires, bought a fuck ton of spiders and sneak them into his bedroom or something. But not jail or prison. What he did (unless other info comes out) isn’t something to be uplifted or encouraged, it’s poor, unfair behavior. But what he did is not CRIMINAL. It’s just shitty and inconsiderate. And I know y’all are reading this thinkin “fuck this bitch”, making assumptions before you read a fraction of what I’m saying.
So let me explain a situation I was accidentally involved in a few years ago with someone who was “famous” around those parts and had lots of fans and groupies. Let’s call him “Lee”. Long story short, a friend and I were with him and different other people basically from like 8-9 pm to around 4 am. He was alone (out of my sight) only 3 times: once to use the bathroom at my friends before leaving, once in the men’s bathroom at a club, and for maybe 5 minutes when I had to change at my friends place before going back over. They lived in the same complex and stuff so it was basically throwing on some sweats and taking an elevator down. We hangout, drink, smoke, talk. Lowkey, chill.
I wake up the next day, someone texted me this link about “Lee” raping a girl. I’m thinking “holy shit, that’s scary and insane, we were just with him last night drinking and shit.” Keep reading...it says it was the night before. Same date we were with him. And the time the assault supposedly took place was when we had come back to his place, where other people were already there, we were sitting there forever talking/whatever, this girl who pointed the finger was not even in the room and left before we did. She poked her head in once and asked where Lee’s roommate was. He told her cookout, it’s late so it’ll be a minute. Asked her if she wanted to hang out with us. She declined. So I figured maybe this info was wrong somehow and at the time I wasn’t making the connection between that girl and this story. I was like, no way a girl would lie about that of all things and especially knowing it’d likely get picked up by the local media, or at least local gossip. Her life here would be over. My friend and I decided to go talk to the police even though I avoid the damn police at all costs. The first thing I asked this officer was: “are you POSITIVE this is the date, place, and time, and are you POSITIVE “Lee” is who she is accusing?” And I asked that mostly because I was not about to defend or vouch for someone about a situation I wasn’t present for. Also, I wasn’t the biggest fan of “Lee”, so I sure as shit I wasn’t getting myself involved and going to bat for him without knowing it’s right. The Officer was very adamant that all that info was correct, victim was very sure. I explained to him everything I explained above, but I’m sure in better detail and included texts, pics, videos all with times, plus receipts showing how this isn’t adding up. He wasn’t alone the entire night and early morning. Officer ask me if she (the victim) was visiting a roommate of Lee’s, if they were sleeping together during her visit, I told him the truth which was that I didn’t really know for sure but it was a possibility. He told me somebody else had claimed she was no longer welcome for unknown reasons and believed this to be be related. I explain to the officer that I won’t speak on her time with the roommate because I saw her only long enough for her to ask a question and respond to another. Before she peeped out the door, I had no clue anyone was in there. I said I think she told me her name but I’m awful with names even sober so. He started getting kinda hostile and cutting me short. I repeated exactly what I told him the first time: I’m only speaking on what I witnessed and what I know to be true. So, if you and she are correctly reciting the time, place, person being accused, this accusation is untrue. He first makes a bitchy threat like “you know these girls who lie for these athlete boys can really get in trouble? They all end up broke after the NFL anyway if they even make it. Lying for a friend is illegal, that’s breaking the law and will get YOU in jail.” I lost all my fear of speaking to a police officer at this point because they KNOW this man did not just call me a liar to my face despite my 1:2 of the evidence already fucking up this accusation. I told him that I honestly wasn’t a fan either professionally or personally of “Lee” and I would lie for no one regardless of friendship or status about this, I’d turn in my own flesh and bloood brother and sing like a bird if I caught him doing any sex offender shit. So again, I told this slow man with 2 braincelle this was the reason I asked about how sure he was and he believed the victim was, on the time, place, person, etc. Officer says something along the lines of “well, something happened to this girl and this boy’s gonna be hurtin for it. Someone’s getting charged here.” Which I dunno bout y’all, maybe I’m reading it wrong. But What I gathered from that is: “I’ve decided to be judge and jury in this situation and moreorless declare this young man guilty despite evidence in front of my own eyeballs that shows that there is a good chance the accused is innocent.
I have no idea why this happened. But after we spoke to that dickhead cop it was dropped relatively quickly. I don’t remember now if she pulled the charges herself or the state denied to prosecute. And even still, this followed him. The internet is forever. When his great grandkids google his college career, that will show up. Please keep in mind this was a black athlete, playing ball for a big college in the south, with a white girl accuser, all the cops I saw at that station were white in the short time I was there and at least the one I spoke to had his mind made up. He was loud and clear about that. He said basically the same to my friend who was interviewed separately, that he was determined to convict him, he was “the one”. This city I’m speaking of has been sued for police brutality against BPOC and I’ve heard my friends/classmates getting called the N word (hard ER) in the broad, open day light. So yeah add that info in with the rest and come to your own conclusion.
Before anyone comes for my throat again: idk exactly what DID happen but I know what DID NOT. Which to be clear, is pretty specifically: this rape with this person, did not happen here and at this time. So I’m not saying something didn’t happen but under different circumstances. I know trauma can mess with memories and if something did happen under different circumstances, I am so sorry that happened to her, I wouldn’t wish sexual assault on my worst enemy. I’m also not saying she necessarily had ill intentions or knew it would proceed and go viral as it did. The point is I just don’t know, no clue. Not throwing any blame or shade her way, all blame and shade on that cop though. ACABs, no excuse for his ass.
Anyway, y’all don’t gotta believe this since it’s been a few years and I highly doubt that stuff is anywhere in my phone like 4 iPhones and two laptops later. No reason to front, I don’t gain anything by lying but a guilty conscience. But this scenario that I btw, very much did not wish to be a part of, showed me another side of things. Can we agree to yes of course, trust and support women but also trust evidence and testimony? While, yes, stats show few women lie about this, can we at the same time understand questioning and thoroughly investigating such a heinous crime? Can we also recognize the system is literally built to “serve & protect” some by severely and systematically oppressing others? There are people, too many damn people, who have lost absolutely everything, served major time in big boy maximum security 23-1s, and have been put to death, based on biases and little to no evidence.
Next time you see an accusation, regardless of what it is, please do a little research. Make your own conclusion. Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to be “convicted” (either legally or through SM bullshit) on a snip it of convo with almost no information/context? Called a rapist cause you led someone on? No. You wouldn’t. Actually for any crime for that matter. You would reasonably ask and expect for it to be fair, two sided, and with as much evidence or info as possible. So let’s treat musicians, athletes, influencers, celebs the same way. Let’s not condemn before gathering as much information as possible. If not, I am so afraid we will drive an innocent person to suicide. We would all feel so guilty if someone was driven to suicide over false or misleading statements. Let’s avoid this, please.
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Animorph/DP crossover
so i’m officially on an animorph binge, fueled by nostalgia and dawning horror as i rediscover how deeply messed up an violent this series is.
for those of you don’t remember or only vaguely remember the weird book covers, animorphs was a quintessential nineties book series (and brief bad tv show) that most of us read for free-reading points when we were eight. it is a series about 5 kids who witness an alien ship crash one day and have a dying alien give them the power to turn into any animal and alien they collect dna from (a bit like ben10′s omnitrix now that i think about it, only it came out first, isn’t a bracelet and is generally horrible). new space dad also gives them, a group of 13 year old’s, the mission to stop a different race of alien invaders, called yerks, who are essentially slugs that crawl in your ears and take over your body. they intend to take over earth. the animorphs can’t trust adults because they don’t know who’s being mind controlled and quite suddenly they find themselves in a full scale war, full of moral grays and trauma at every turn along with goofy nineties slang and sometimes (rarely) the kids having fun with their ability to turn into wild animals. arguably the first book has a higher kill count than the entire harry potter series. it doesn’t pull it’s punches and, while i’m sure i have nostalgia glasses on, it’s really good. give it a read sometimes.
so, of course, i have to dump my crossover head-cannons on you, because combining these two worlds, that have pretty impressive world building is too good to pass up. (keep in mind i’m only three books into this binge and my memory is mostly hazy). strap in;
okay first of lets set the condition that ectoplasm and ectoplasm based weapons kills yerks. therefore Danny and any ghost can actually kill yerks pretty easy. it also means Danny can’t become a controller even if they try. i want to set this stipulation because lets be honest the yerks are too powerful and the hero side is already outnumbered. i suppose you could think of it as to semi sentient slimes fighting for dominance, yerks are more living and sentient than ectoplasm itself, but that’s part of what makes them weak to ectoplasm, a materiel that is a byproduct of death and that has proven to be corrosive in general. ectoplasm is less thought based and more hunger and emotion based. so it’s easy for ectoplasm to consume a yerk because as a sentient being it has emotions and mass, whereas, a yerk looking for a brain in a ghost won’t have much to grab onto.
or you could not have that caveat and make everything even darker and worse by having ectoplasm being good for yerks, similar to those slime pools they bask in. in which case, discovering the ghost portal will be a crushing blow to the humans
Danny can clear out yerk infestations, just by possessing people, but it essentially means burning a yerk alive inside someones head, which is traumatizing for everyone involved. Danny doesn’t like doing this but will when necessary
yerks, due to this aversion to ectoplasm, are actually very superstitious about ghosts and avoid ‘haunted’ places as much as possible, leaving Amity fairly safe until the larger scale plans start taking effect. 
at which point ‘let’s just wipe this haunted city off the map’ plans start circulating. (’but wouldn’t that just create more ghosts?’ ‘i won’t pretend to know’)
enter the animorphs and team phantom on different fronts. the animorphs are eager to know why the yerks are so adverse to this city that they’re willing to destroy it. is there a weapon there? is there something useful there? i don’t think even the andilites know about yerks weakness to ectoplasm (oh they would have used it) so they’re running blind, hoping to get the weapon and the information before the city is destroyed, and you know, hoping to prevent the city’s destruction
team phantom on the other hand are way blinder in general. their involvement started as Tucker hacking some government files and then accidentally following the backdoor breadcrumbs into the entire yerk system. he take’s the whole, ‘aliens are controlling our government’ thing, as more of a ‘I WAS RIGHT’ moment than a ‘oh no!’ Danny and Sam are reasonably skeptical because of this
until they find out that the city’s gonna get destroyed yet again. and then things are kinda sticky for them, because most of what they know about the alien invasion is from Tucker’s hacks and a lot of it is in an alien language that’s taking time to translate.
so of course the animorphs show up and find literal ghosts and assume aliens because they’re not far enough in the timeline for god and time travel to be an established thing yet. everyone is freaking out, because they’re being invaded by something else!? they’re already in one war, man. and the team debates are on because clearly these things are an enemy to the yerks if the yerks want to destroy them so much. we could use them (Rachel, Tobias), but we don’t know anything about this race or if they’re the lesser of evil between the races (Marco, Cassie). Ax’s only opinion is that ghosts freak him the hell out and are unnatural. i don’t think he’d be able to telepathically communicate with ghosts (except for Danny and Vlad) and that deeply scares him. Jake decides they need more information before they decide. the team quickly elects to catch a ghost and interrogate it.
which goes as well as one can expect. watching the animorphs try to fight the box ghost with all their animal forms is embarrassing, with how ineffective it is. team phantom walks in on this.
which leads to the ‘are we talking to hostile aliens’ stare down. team phantom saw enough of the fight to be like, no, and have already proven more or less that the animorphs aren’t ghosts, so alien is the other conclusion to draw.
the amount of sarcasm and banter that Danny and Marco create being in the same room together is legendary. establishing a bit of almost playful respect
Ax is being messed up by Danny’s psychic wavelength because he can hear it but there’s migraine inducing feedback
Sam and Rachel however are low key butting head in the background and that results in a fight the they break up and pretty much establish, yeah, we’re all good guys here, okay. (Sam and Rachel's sass levels are also dangerously high. in general the amount of sass in the room could fuel a teledrama)
everyone’s hesitant to share information, Danny keeps his secret initially and even though they get their rundown of the aliens and the rundown of the ghost, neither are willing to share the big secrets or trust. team phantom have this whole ‘what if they’re the aliens trying to blow up the town subplot while one of the animorphs (i wanna say Tobias but i don’t think he’s picked transformation back up yet so lets say Marco) grabs some of Danny's dna to see if they can turn into a ghost.
it goes as horribly wrong as it can go.
most ectobased life forms don’t have dna because they’re made purely of ectoplasm, that’s it. the only reason Danny has dna is because he’s a halfa and his Schrodinger's cat existence was very lucky and very unnatural. combining ectomutated dna with a power that is based purely around life is not good. marco almost dies, everyone’s really mad, even though it’s not Danny's fault. the animorphs demand that they fix him and Sam is bitter because the blame is on them for taking his dna without danny;s consent but whatever. they save him anyway because they’re the heroes.
welcome back Fenton dream-catcher, they remove the ectomutation spirit thing from Marco safely and either they have to fight the half-transformed goo monster or the thing collapses on it’s own because it’s completely unstable.
Marco, depending on how philosophical you want to get, tastes death, ectoplasm, ghost obsessions, and possibly some of Danny's memories? i guess the animorph power works a bit like copying another creatures spirit, which is one of the reason, copying something like Danny is so complicated because he is the perfect hybrid of spirit and life. they ironically can’t copy literal spirits though because they have no dna as a starting point. the whole near death experience is going to haunt Marco for a while.
oh well, life saving, monster fighting, out of the way, trust is finally established.between the teams and everyone get’s crash courses in ectobiology and animorph biology and figure out why the bad stuff happened.but  they still don’t know that ectoplasm kills yerks
this got long. i shall do a part 2! - Hestia
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tremblinglionheart · 6 years
4. Zodiac Sign: Virgo 5. Biggest Fear: Being abandond by my friends 6. Strength/Weakness: My positiv outlook on life maybe? My weakness is definitely yelling. I hate it when people yell. It gives me panic attacks. 16. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping  17. When was the last time you laughed hard: Yesterday I think 26. What is your ideal occupation: lecturer at university. It has all the benefits of being a teacher (teaching people, talking about interesting things, helping people grow as a person) without the disadvantages of a teacher (parents, children...) 27. Beer, wine, or liquor? Don’t really like either but if I had to choose I would take liquor  34. Wonder Woman or Cat Woman? I only know Cat Woman so I guess her.  42. Favorite song? Impossible to choose...  43. Favorite movie? The Ninth Gate (with Jonny Depp) 46. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first? Go to work I think.  47. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute? That my family and friends all secretly hated me and wanted me gone and that I was just a burden to the whole damn world. Luckily, no. I don’t feel like this anymore.  48. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be? I don’t know which one it is exactly but the law that says that teenagers and young adults that apply for social benefits more or less need their parents consent for that. I know why they put it up but I know more then 3 people who applied for social benegits because their parents revused to feed and shelter them and just threw them out on the street. Those parents obviously didn’t consent to their children getting benefits so they had to fend for themselves and one of my friends was homeless two years because of that.  50. Where would you take a road trip? Scotland or Ireland 54. What’s your greatest achievement to date? Beating depression 55. What scares you about your future? The uncertainty 56. Why does pizza come in square box? Because it’s easier to produce and store 57. What would happeny if you knew you could not fail? Probably nothing because I would doubt that knowledge 58. How does it feel to be photographed? Like nothing I think? I’m the person that never stays still on photos so I don’t worry too much on how it would look. 61. Do you stand for what you believe in or are you pleasing others? Depends. I’m enough of a people pleaser but if something is important or someone else might get hurt I don’t hesitate to stand up.  62. If money were no concern, what would you do for the rest of your life? Study and work at university and probably spent my free time sewing fancy dresses for my friends (yes, I love to sew, especially dresses xD) 63. What are you thankfull for, this moment? My cup of tea, my new glasses and to be able to breath without pain 72. What color is your hair naturally? That weird color between blond, brown and grey that doesn’t look like a color at all 74. What is you favorit color to wear? Black and if it doesn’t count as color probably red 75. Do you have any piercings? Yes. 8 ears piercings 76. Do you have tattoos? Two 77. Do you care how other people see you? Depends on my mood. If I’m having a good day, not exactly, if I’m having a bad day or feel insecure about myself, yes. 79. How do you feel about age difference in relationships? It#s ok as long as the both people have passed a certain age. A difference of 5 or 10 years is fine if both are adults. If one is bellow 18 it is kind of creepy (one your or 2 are ok, but everything above that is weird) and children (everyone bellow 12) shouldn’t be in a relationship anyway 80. How do you feel about race difference in relationships? It doesn’t matter 81. Do you believe in karma or fate? Both in a way. But I believe fate doesn’t mean everything is scripted. I believe fate throws chances at us and what we make of them is out choice  82. Do you keep a journal? Yes 83. Describe the last dream you remember: That is hard. I only remember parts. It was something with Harry Potter and I was running around in a town with Lupin and Sirius and I think there were shapeshifting frogs that were eating humans? It was weird. Oh, and there was a dog that was like our guide and constantly talking about what we had to do. And I could do magic (but utterly failed at it xD) 84. Describe your favorite dream: I don’t have one. The only dreams I clearly remember are nightmares, but everything with magic that isn’t a nightmare is cool  85. Where are some places you would like to visit? Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Iceland 86. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? In a year. Mera Luna. It’s a festival but the only thing with concerts planned right now. 87. What music do you listen to when you are happy? Many things. Often Rise Against or Fall out boy 88. What music do you listen to when you are mad? Bring me the Horizon 89. Do you like to burn candles or incense? Yes 105. Opinion on abortion? Though question. I think it’s up to the woman. It’s her body afterall, but I think the father should at least have some say if he wants to keep the child and promises to provide for it (given the woman and the child aren’t in danger for medical reasons) 106. Opinion in immigrants/immigration reform? Even thougher... I guess  a reform would not be bad but chances are high that the governemnt would screw that up and make things worse instead of better. And generally, I think most states are in a way or other immigration states. People have always traveled and moved to different countries. People had centuries to get used to it.   107. Should prostitution be legalized? No. It would be used by many bad people to surpress and abuse others.  110. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? That people start seeing skin color, religion, sexuality and gender as just another property of their fellow humans. Like hair color or height. You know, stop treating it as a trait and acting like those things actually have any influence on who the person is.    111. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work yould make you rich? Probably selling choclate 112. Would you break the law to save a loved one? Yes 116. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? Because religion is often only used as a tool or excuse to achive something completely different and unrelated  117. What would you du differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Probably out myself and change my name in an instant. 118. Were you happy when you woke up today? Tired. But I guess I wasn’t feeling bad. Does that count as happy? 128. Do you care too much/not at all/just enough? All three of them, depending on the issue, people involved and my mood 134. Background on your cell phone? A picture of me and two friends of mine making silly faces 135.What are you thinking about right this second? That these are very many questions, that I’m warm and sweating and if I should get another cup of tea 136. Last book you read? How was it? From a Low and Quiet Sea. It was rather depressing and made me feel off. It was interesting enough but I wouldn’t read it again  172. How old will you be on your next birthday? 26
For: @you-better-rvn
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bjones21 · 3 years
Aging Officers: A Dilemma Worth Considering
Suppose you came home to find a burglar in your home. Quickly leaving your residence, you call law enforcement with your cell phone. Several minutes later an elderly police arrives, gets out of his car and slowly approaches you using a cane to help Fort Collins marriage counseling him walk. As he gets closer you see he's wearing hearing aids. Not exactly a confidence-builder, but this aging officer asks you if other people is in the house or if you can find any weapons in the house and where they are located. These questions seem reasonable.
Minutes later, two younger officers arrive and charge towards the house making use of their guns drawn. The elder officer stops them and tells them to go to the rear entrance of the house. As other officers arrive, the elder officer assigns them to occupy positions at home and near windows. Then gets on his bullhorn and advises the burglar the house is surrounded by police and if the burglar comes out with no weapons and hands in the air, he won't get hurt. The burglar complies. Nobody is injured and no property is stolen.
When the burglar is taken into custody, a sawed-off shotgun is located in the house. It belongs to the burglar. Now, this aging officer looks brilliant.
The Trouble with Aging
Gross motor skills peak at age 30. It's all downhill from then on; or at the very least that's what we have been generated believe.
The 5 senses do decline with age. These changes may have a good impact not merely on job performance but on satisfaction in the quality of life. Our senses inform us a great deal about the world. They grab information that's changed into nerve signals and carried to the mind where that information becomes an email we are able to understand. The starting place for the senses is stimulation, and the older a person gets, the more stimulation required for a definite message.
*Hearing and balance begin to decrease as areas of the ear lose functionality. Since the ear also affects balance, as we age balance and hearing be more difficult. High-pitched sounds are generally the first ever to deteriorate. Generally, this begins around age 50.
*Vision is afflicted with age. Essentially, it gets harder to respond to changes between light and darkness. The attention lens, which supports focus images, becomes less flexible; often requiring reading glasses. The attention muscle also loses tone, making it a bit harder to see details.
*Taste and Smell are intricately linked. Some smells have a specific amount of taste. Proper taste and smell are also safety valves - informing us about the presence of dangerous gas, smoke as well as spoiled food. Although you can find no definitive studies which suggest these 2 senses deteriorate with age, there is evidence that the amount of active preferences decrease with age.
*Touch includes the capacity to feel vibration, pressure, temperature, and pain. These abilities decrease with age.
Clearly, the senses are essential to any or all people however they play a crucial skills role with soldiers, police force officers and fire-fighters - for obvious reasons. As these critical skills diminish, the effectiveness in the field would diminish as well, at the very least for tasks which require these skills.
New Research
Current research implies that fine motor skills acquired over a very long time involve many structures in the mind, and after time those structures become "highways ".With an amateur these structures are extremely active. But as the amateur becomes a specialist, less brain activity must carry out the process. In other words, although the aging expert experiences the exact same deterioration in motor skills that the aging non-expert experiences in unrelated tasks; the aging expert retains the skills learned over a very long time through decades of practice.
This supports the primary principles that Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman put forth inside their great book - First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently.
Among other things, they assert:
*Talents are different as skill or knowledge. Talent is definitely an altogether different phenomenon.
*Every person has a "filter"; a characteristic way of responding to the entire world around him. Most of us do. Your filter tells you which stimuli to notice and which to ignore; which to love and which to hate. Everyone's filter is unique. Your filter is definitely working. Of all of the possibilities of things you might do or feel or think, your filter is consistently telling you the few things you must do, or feel, or think. Your filter, significantly more than your race, sex, age or nationality, IS you. A person's mental filter is as enduring and unique as their fingerprint.
*Neuroscience research tells us that beyond our mid-teens there is a control to how much character we are able to re-carve. This implies with regards to mental pathways, no number of training, coaching or encouragement will enable someone to turn the barren wastelands inside their brain into frictionless 4-lane highways. Beyond our mid-teens, we either contain it or we don't; whatever that will be.
*Neuroscience research confirms the filter, and that the recurring patterns of behavior the filter creates are enduring. This filtering process is what creates specific talents. You can't teach talent. It has already been there.
Additionally, new research implies that aging adults who stay socially active and engaged not merely keep their intellectual skills sharp, but their motor skills as well. This has serious implications for aging officers, who possess wisdom and skill sets that younger officers have not even acquired.
This information leads me to suggest that the aging officer, who possesses this talent that's been soaked for several decades in experience - shouldn't be encouraged to retire, be stuck into a residential area service position or relegated to desk duty. The aging officer's skill sets and talent ought to be matched with a genuine need inside their agency or department - where their primary talents and "highways" can be properly used effectively.
The Trouble with Qualifications
Theoretically, the decline in an officer's skills would first be noticed during department or agency annual qualifications. The problem is that a lot of agencies don't require qualifications that would accurately assess these skills. Most agencies do require annual shooting qualifications, but it's highly unlikely the decline in cognitive function, the senses and overall mental health will undoubtedly be discovered during a shooting qualification.
As a Utilization of Force, firearms, self defense and fighting styles instructor I have noticed that as I age my physical abilities are declining. I am much less fast as I used to be and I've lost muscle mass. It takes longer to recover from routine injuries associated using what I do. I have experienced to adjust my routines to support what is happening with my body. For the most part, what this means is a better increased exposure of stretching and cardiovascular training, and less increased exposure of strength training. Conversely, I have also realized that I am much wiser than I was at a younger age. I do not need to think much about solutions to problems which can be presented within my part of expertise. If I do have to participate in a violent encounter my assessment of behavior and range of action is quicker and surer than it was a long time ago. I am also more accurate at assessing and predicting human behavior. There is evidence of the decline in motor skills and the "highways" which can be within me.
For over two decades my primary clients were criminal justice professionals. When dealing with your various agencies I usually recommended US Supreme Court guidelines in the applying of Utilization of Force. That's, to offer initial comprehensive training accompanied by 2-year refreshers. As some of the agencies I'd initially trained asked me in the future back and conduct refresher training I began to observe that during refresher training, some aging officers were struggling and it was clear that their motor skills were deteriorating. I also noticed a number of them showing younger guys how to complete the techniques. Herein lays another exemplory case of deteriorating motor skills but enduring "highways" of knowledge and experience in aging officers.
Presumably, the standards that accompany usage of force training are a consequence of the potential liability related to officers using force. However, each agency sets its qualification standards. Generally, you can find no universal federal or state standards for agency qualifications.
A fast primer on some terms which can be frequently related to police force qualifications could be helpful.
*A Standard is a precise value established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results. Often, standards are published in a document which has a specialized specification and other precise criteria designed to be used consistently usually, guideline or definition.
Practical example: To pass my Basic Handgun & Self Defense Course the student must score 100% on the written test and 80% or better on the shooting qualification - defined as hitting the silhouette of a target at 21 feet using a total of 20 bullets.
*A Certification is a statement that meets or will stick to certain conditions and will undertake or not undertake certain actions. Certification programs provide a method of assuring that the officer gets the characteristics or meets certain requirements contained in a standard.
Practical example: Upon successful completion of the Basic Handgun & Self Defense Course, the student receives a certificate indicating they've met those standards (in addition to a couple others). This certificate allows the student to obtain a permit to carry.
*An Accreditation is a procedure (not a statement) by which an authoritative body formally recognizes a body or person is competent to carry out specific tasks.
Practical example: At Assault Prevention, to ensure that an instructor to get accreditation they should demonstrate cognitive ability through written examinations and interviews, but they should also demonstrate motor skill competence centered on a set of standards for every single technique, and possess the capacity to teach courses centered on a learning theory model. Once these things are demonstrated successfully, the instructor receives accreditation.
Continuing education differs than the usual qualification. Qualifications are normally used to assess an officer's abilities. Shooting qualifications are almost universally used within agencies to ascertain if an officer can still shoot straight. However, shooting qualifications vary widely from basic target shooting to full blown shooting simulations - and everything in between.strong text
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urfavmurtad · 7 years
www(.)reddit(.)com/r/progressive_islam/comments/7fabq5/muslim_weaning_faith_questions_about_aisha_ra/ Thoughts?
Okay anon I am gonna go through each argument on both linked pages and show the amount of foolishness involved here.
On the first page:
Argument: Hisham is unreliable; chains of narration in Bukhari concerning Aisha’s age all involve Hisham and are therefore unreliable.
Firstly, the author gives no reason why Hisham shouldn’t be trusted on this matter, other than the fact that Hisham said things that he doesn’t want to hear. But here’s the problem with this argument: Hisham’s assertions are backed up by others in other sahih collections.
In fact, Aisha being a child is so well-established that we can eliminate all ahadith narrated by Hisham and still find plenty that state her age. Here are two sahih ahadith that not only don’t have Hisham in the isnad, but in fact have completely different isnads:
Aisha was nine years old at the time of consummation and 18 when Mo died. Isnad last-to-first: Mohammed ibn al-Alaa, Ahmed ibn Harb, Abu Muawiyah, al-Amash, Ibrahim, al-Aswadi, Aisha.
Same as the above. Isnad: Ahmed ibn Sinan, Abu Ahmed, Israil, Abu Ishaq, Abu Ubaida, Abdullah.
(Here are more without Hisham. The ahadith site I linked to above doesn’t translate the chains of transmission but they’re there in the Arabic on the right). This argument is bunk because these unrelated narrators corroborate what Hisham stated, making him credible on this matter.
Let’s be clear here: there are no ahadith stating that Aisha was older than 9/10 at the time of the “consummation”. Every time an age is given, it is 6/7 at the time of the marriage and 9/10 at the time of the consummation, often with the exact age depending on whether the month (Shawwal) is specified or not. Any attempts to paint her as older require digging through histories and such, trying to find some minor detail that doesn’t even mention Aisha’s age, as we will see. The ahadith, regardless of narration chain, state that she was a child. Here are his other arguments:
Argument: Aisha never consented and Mohammed required consent.
The writer says:
the Messenger of God said, ‘No virgin is to be wed without obtaining her consent.’ They said, ‘And how is her consent affirmed?’ He replied, ‘If she is silent.’ The question here is: How could the honourable Messenger say one thing yet do the opposite?
I agree! It’s fucked up! But where is the contradiction here? Aisha didn’t say no to the marriage, which in Mohammed’s logic means that she consented. Mohammed doesn’t say that virgins need give their consent, merely that they automatically pronounce it by not objecting to the marriage.
I will note that this hadith is virtually unanimously viewed as referring to virgins who have gone through puberty, by the way, and that virtually all schools of Islamic jurisprudence allow fathers to marry off their pre-pubescent children without the children’s consent (a principle called ijbar and based on the precedent of Mohammed and his companions). And there is no minimum age of marriage stated anywhere in the Quran or ahadith.
Argument: Aisha said that Sura Al-Qamar was revealed during her childhood, and Sura Al-Qamar was revealed in 614 AD, so she could not have been born in 613 AD.
The writer here falsely says that it is “unanimously agreed upon” that Sura Al-Qamar, all of it, was revealed exactly in the year 614 AD. This is just a blatant lie, and in fact most opinions I can find put the surah years after that. It’s very rare for there to be an exact year given for any of the suwar, let alone a year for one ayah within one. And I have looked and there is not a single source stating the year of that particular “revelation”. The Egyptian chronological order puts Al-Qamar (#54) at the 37th surah to be “revealed”, not among the first, while the Noldeke order of early/middle/late Mecca puts it in the middle Mecca period (~618 AD). The best Maududi can do is say it was roughly 5 years before the hijra (~617 AD), another says perhaps three or more years (~619 AD)… it seems almost certain that it was revealed years after 614. It doesn’t specifically say she heard him say it, either, only that she was a little girl when he said it.
Argument: Aisha was betrothed to Jubair ibn Mutim prior to marrying Mohammed, which proves Aisha was born before Islam.
First of all, why are weakly-sourced stories from Imam Ahmed or Ibn Sa’d credible whereas the many ahadith with solid chains of transmission are not. Like is there a list of sources this guy thinks are credible vs those who are not or…?
But let us give him the benefit of the doubt here and say that Aisha was betrothed to Jubair at some point. How, precisely, does this “prove Aisha was born before the revelation”? Simply because she was likely betrothed to Jubair when she was a child, possibly even an infant? The author seems to think this means that this must have gone down prior to Islam’s creation. But the ayat commanding men to not marry their daughters to non-Muslims hadn’t been “revealed” yet, so the situation was not exactly as shocking as the author is pretending it was. Two of Mohammed’s own daughters were married to non-Muslims at the time–Zaynab to Abu al-As and Roqaya to Abu Lahab’s son. Mohammed didn’t excommunicate his daughters and declare them kuffar for it, even if he clearly would have preferred Muslim sons-in-law.
And Mutim, Jabir’s father, was not exactly an “enemy of Islam” despite being non-Muslim. Ibn Ishaq’s sira (page 173) says he was one of the Quraysh who told people to stop economically shunning the Banu Hashim, which they had supposedly been doing to show their displeasure with Mohammed’s antics.
Moreover… I mean, we have absolutely no idea when this engagement was supposedly agreed upon at all. What if it was when she was a baby? Or before she was even born, as a possible “if I ever have another daughter, I will promise her to your son” situation? Even in these sketchy sources, we know nothing about the circumstances here, or even if the betrothal was agreed to before or after Abu Bakr converted. All it says is that they were betrothed and it was broken off when she was still young.
Argument: Khawla told Mohammed to marry a virgin, then specified that virgin was Aisha, proving that Aisha was an adult.
The story in question is:
Khawla daughter of Hakim and wife of Othman bin Mathoun said: ‘O Messenger of God, will you not get married?’ He said, ‘Who to marry?’ She said, ‘If you wish you can have either a virgin or a non virgin.’ He said, ‘Who is the virgin?’ She said, ‘The one who is the dearest to you of all God’s creation, Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr.’
Again these shoddily-sourced stories are credible whereas Bukhari is not but oookay. The author says that this proves Aisha was an adult and that Khawla was talking about two adult women of an age suitable for marriage. But there was no “age suitable for marriage”. I don’t want to keep repeating myself, but there is no age limit given anywhere. And again, I agree with the author! Child marriage is sick and wrong! But nothing here says that Aisha wasn’t a child. As for the writer’s point that it’d be pointless to say that Aisha was a virgin if she were really only 6 years old, I think it’s clear to everyone that he’s grasping at straws here. Khawla in this story is just emphasizing that Aisha is for sure a virgin because she is so young. She says “marry a virgin, like Aisha”, she doesn’t say “hey marry Aisha, who is a virgin btw!”.
Argument: based on the below hadith.
2- It was reported by Bukhari himself that Aisha said, “I have not known my parents except as believers. No day would pass without the messenger of God coming to us day and evening, then when the Muslims were afflicted Abu Bakr emigrated to Abyssinia.”
It is agreed among historians that the migration of Abu-Bakr to Abyssinia was in the 5th year of revelation. According to Bukhari, Aisha would have been only one year old in the 5th year of revelation. If Aisha was born in the 4th year of revelation, this would make her only 1 year old when her father emigrated, but she was aware of the visits of the Prophet to their home, which was before the 5th year, which means that when she said these words she must have been at an age to comprehend such events and not one year old.
I think the writer here is just sort of confused. He is referring to this very long hadith. Aisha is not claiming to have personally witnessed everything there! In fact she clearly did not witness everything she describes, she is just explaining what happened prior to them leaving for Medina (which happened when she was 8 or 9 years old). Also this says that she cannot remember her parents ever being non-Muslims so what are you even doing, my guy? How does this gel with the “actually Aisha was 18!” thing?
Moreover, Abu Bakr never made it to Ethiopia. He turned back and returned to Mecca and stayed there until they went to Medina with Mohammed, as the hadith itself says. This wasn’t when Aisha was a one-year-old baby, either, she would have been old enough to remember much of this story (again: not that she’s claiming to have witnessed all of this!). I have no idea where he got that one.
Argument: the phrase “Out of the women … Asmaa and Aisha who was a young girl. These believed in the years when the prophet was preaching secretly for fear of persecution.” in Ibn Kathir’s book proves Aisha was an adult.
I don’t even get what this one is saying. I assume that the incomplete sentence is just listing members of the early Muslim community, which did include Aisha at the time regardless of her age, even if she had been a baby. Like… if a Muslim has an infant, do you not count the child as a Muslim? Since when?
I’m guessing that this line from Ibn Kathir is a quote or paraphrase of Ibn Ishaq’s own list of early Muslims. This can be found on page 116 of the English translation of his sira. You’ll note that Aisha is uniquely described as “little” in that list–Abu Bakr’s little girl–unlike anyone else there, including the other kids (like Umair ibn Abi Waqqas). Because she was an infant at this time. Next.
Argument: Her half-sister Asma’s age proves Aisha was an adult.
All of the below go together. Let me explain where the writer is wrong. First of all:
2- The age of Aisha in relation to the death of her sister Asmaa: The same references unanimously confirm that Asmaa died after a well documented incident which was the death of her son (Abdullah bin Al-Zubair) by the hand of the famous tyrant Al-Hajjaj. This happened in the year 73 Hijri when she was 100 years old.
The story of Asma living to 100 years old is from Hisham bin Urwa. Should we believe him or not? Now, it’s actually irrelevant to the topic at hand, as I’ll point out in a second.
This is also confirmed by (Al-Tabari) who asserts in his book (The History of Nations) that all the children of (Abu Bakr) were born in the days of the Jahilliyyah (the days before the revelation).
I believe he is referring to a part that says Abu Bakr married the mothers of his four eldest children during that period, not that the children themselves were born then. Al-Tabari clearly says that Aisha was nine at the time of the “marriage consummation” (see p. 131 and endnote 877) and does not state at any point that she was older than 6/7 at the time of the marriage and 9/10 when she began to live with him. In any case the author is clearly wrong here because Abu Bakr had his son Mohammed with Asma bint Umays after the death of her first husband Jafar (Ali’s brother), which was shortly before the conquest of Mecca. That is also in al-Tabari (volume 39, p. 202).
1- All historical references state that Asmaa (sister of Aisha) was (10) years older than her sister Aisha.
It is not true that all sources agree on the age difference between Asma and Aisha. Ten is the lower estimate, nineteen to twenty the higher. The sources stating one are about as accurate as the ones stating the other and all are quite late (Middle Ages-ish) so take your pick. The encyclopedias of al-Dhahabi look over the evidence and state that Asma was likely more than ten years older than Aisha, closer to twenty years older. And again I am mystified as to why Bukhari is not a legitimate source but these ones are. Note that the author doesn’t tell you where the assertions above come from or who first made them–it’s because they come from weak to nonexistent chains of narration. I guess that doesn’t fit his theme, hm.
If you go back far enough trying to chase down where the “Asma was 10 years older” thing came from, it is supposedly from Ibn Abi al-Zinad, who died around 750 AD. Absolutely every single source that says she was 10 years older than Aisha is supposedly from this one guy. This is the (incorrect) argument they used against Hisham bin Urwa earlier! But we’re meant to rely upon this one narration, I guess, or rather we’re supposed to rely upon what a bunch of guys a few hundred years later said he said, as we don’t have any earlier (extant) written works containing the hadith. This is fully reliable, but Bukhari and Hisham are not because [reasons????] unless it’s Hisham talking about how old Asma was when she died. I mean, lordt these are a lot of mental gymnastics man, just do the “times were different!” thing, it’s easier for everyone involved.
But let’s ignore all that. There are actually two narrations from this guy (supposedly) on the topic, both popping up in books written around the 1000s AD. One says: “Asma was ten years older than Aisha”. The other instead says: “Asma was ten or so years older than Aisha”.
The “ten” variant I can trace back no further than the scholar Ibn Asakir, who died in 1176 AD. The “ten or so” variant is in the earlier collection of Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, who died a full century earlier.
Thus why al-Dhahabi says that Asma was “ten and a few” years older than Aisha, “ten and a few years” (“ببضع عشرة سنة”) meaning greater than twelve and fewer than twenty years (the phrase “a few” meant 3-9, specifically), despite also noting the variant of the hadith that just says “ten”. He likely concluded that the “ten” variant was missing a word that was in the original hadith, regardless of the authenticity of either narration.
So you’ve got a weak hadith that’s contradicted by another weak hadith in those same sources. That’s the best evidence you have? Oh, honey.
Now the second link. Let me address the few arguments that it does not share with the other link. First:
Argument: Fatima’s age proves Aisha’s age.
“ Fatimah (ra) was born at the time the Ka`bah was rebuilt, when the Prophet (pbuh) was 35 years old… she (Fatimah) was five years older that Ayesha (ra).”
So, based on Ibn Hajar, Fathima was born when Prophet was 35 years old and Ayesha was 5 years younger than Fathima. If Ibn Hajar’s statement is factual, Ayesha was born when Prophet was forty years old (Prophet’s age at the birth of Fathima PLUS 5 years = 40 years).  If Ayesha was married to Prophet when he was 52 years old, Ayesha’ age at marriage would be 12 years
I looked for this quote in the cited source. It seems to be comparing two different histories. The first one, stating that Fatima was born when the Kaaba was rebuilt, comes from a work by al-Waqidi according to that book. The second one, saying that Fatima was five years older than Aisha, comes from someone else (Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr), who also says that Fatima was born 6 years later than the first source. Combining them together makes it read like “Aisha was born when Mohammed was 40″, but this is dishonest. The source stating that Aisha was 5 years younger than Fatima clearly states that Fatima herself was born when Mohammed was 41, so Aisha would have been born when he was 46, meaning they got married when he was 52/53, which is what histories all agree upon anyhow.
Fatima’s year of birth is beyond the scope of this already really long post but just be aware that the author of that page is falsely sticking two different thoughts together and presenting them as Ibn Hajar’s one conclusion, when he was just comparing two things that conflicted with one another; al-Waqidi’s part of that section doesn’t even mention Aisha, to say nothing of the issues with his credibility. Moving on:
Argument: Aisha’s participation in Uhud and Badr prove her age.
Summary: Based on the above narratives, (a) the children below 15 years were sent back and were not allowed to participate in the battle of `uhud, (b) Ayesha participated in the battles of Badr and Uhud
CONCLUSION:  Ayesha’s (ra) participation in the battle of Badr and Uhud clearly indicates that she was not nine old but at least 15 years old or older. After all, women used to accompany men to the battlefields to help them, not to be a burden on them. This account is another contradiction about Ayesha’s age.
There is obviously some confusion here. Boys were not allowed to participate in the battle until they were 15. Their risk of dying was too great. But nothing says Aisha was battling. She was just giving the men water. Other ahadith state clearly that women and children were fully allowed to do this and other supportive tasks that did not put them in combat. And I don’t recall any ahadith or histories stating that she was involved in Badr at all.
Argument: the word “bikr” refers to adults only.
This part is just completely wrong:
All those who know the Arabic language, are aware that the word “Bikr” in the Arabic language is not used for an immature nine-year-old girl. The correct word for a young playful girl, as stated earlier is “Jariyah”. “Bikr” on the other hand, is used for an unmarried lady without conjugal experience prior to marriage, as we understand the word, virgin, in English.  Therefore, obviously a nine-year-old girl is not a “lady” (Bikr). (REF:  Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Vol. 6, p. .210, Arabic, Dar Ihya al-turath al-`arabi, Beirut.)
Bikr just means “virgin”, as in someone who has not had sex. It is not age-specific. I have no idea where he is getting the idea that it refers only to adult women. Aisha, before she was married, was a virgin and therefore a “bikr” if she was 6 years old or 20 or 5 months. It literally just refers to whether you’ve had sex or not.
As for the part about the Quran, look, I can only repeat this so many times: the Quran does not list a minimum age of marriage. It seems completely dependent on one’s perception of the situation and the girl in question. There is nothing in the Quran that would have prohibited Mohammed or anyone else from marrying a young girl that was deemed “ready” by whatever standard.
This is still REALLY LONG but I hope I answered your question without rambling too much!
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marcjampole · 7 years
Hugh Hefner was a sexist pig—intellectual, liberal, stylish, all true. But nonetheless—a pig!!!
As part of his glorification and ascent to the Valhalla of dead celebrities, Hugh Hefner has received far too much credit for the positive impact he had on American society and far too little condemnation for the negative.
True, he advocated for abortion and took other liberal and progressive stands, typically from the standpoint of libertarianism, which is not such a good political ideology in many areas. He did popularize a number of important non-mainstream ideas in philosophy, psychology, politics and cultural studies. He did help to loosen up the entertainment mores of the strait-laced post-war mass culture.
And yes, Hefner did popularize important ideas about sexual freedom. But his version of sexual freedom posed the existence of woman as solely for the convenience of men, for their sexual pleasure and as a signifier of male social and financial success. He twisted the sexual revolution into a new version of the same old female subservience to male domination. Feminism would have proceeded without him—birth control pills and college-educated Baby Boom women were going to make sure of that. Hefner wasn’t needed to support the causes for which he is now getting praise.
The basic message of the sexual revolution that Hefner helped to promote was fine: it’s okay for two or more consenting adults to have sex, and anything goes, as long as everyone is fine with it. I might add that there’s no need ever to feel guilty about what you do or did in bed, or with whom you did it. People change, grow, mature, slow down, and so do their sexual needs, desires and feelings. It’s all okay, as long as nobody is hurt. Of course, in Hefner’s version, the man dominated, and coercion and transgression were often subtexts to the action.
There are five ways in which Hefner’s Playboy philosophy and empire of magazines, videos and clubs harmed American society:
1.The infantilization of men
The playboy remains a feckless boy, immature, irresponsible, narcissistic, as younger men often are. The focus of remaining a child for the playboy is not having any responsibility in relationships with women. Playboy thus marks one of the earliest instances of the mass media attempting to keep adults acting—and thinking—like children.
2. An unattainable and false ideal of sexuality
Playboy photographers and designers used airbrushes, filters and lights to erase the flaws that particularize a woman’s beauty, homogenizing her real flesh into a rarely attainable ideal. Elective plastic surgery and cosmetics further sculpted the reality off Playboy models and bunnies. In Playboy’s universe, all women had large breasts, unreal proportions, flawless skin, no body fat, high cheek bones and eternal youthfulness. Hefner took an extremely narrow band on the very broad spectrum of female beauty—a far narrower band than in Hollywood movies or television—and promoted that as the only ideal of beauty for the successful, accomplished, “cool” man. Heterosexual men who bought into the Playboy ideal had to feel at least some dissatisfaction with their regular sexual partner(s). Of course, dissatisfaction is what advertisers want consumers to feel, because in America, satisfying a need—real or fabricated—involves buying something. Which brings us to…
3. The commodification of sex
Hefner’s enterprises turned sex and sexual experience into commodities that you buy into a number of ways. First and foremost, Playboy made women into both commodities and a reason to purchase other commodities. The playboy doesn’t pay for sex (although the later, cruder laddie boy will), but he does shell out a lot of money wining, dining, transporting and gifting her as a precondition of sex. But beyond the transactional element implicit in the playboy’s relationship with any woman is the position women hold in his universe, the entirety of which is overrun by gadgets, gee-gaws, fads and new services. The woman is another commodity that can be replaced, not a person demanding interaction.
4. The objectification of women
Perhaps because I’m male, I don’t see anything wrong with thinking about individuals of the sex one desires as sex objects, as long as you treat them as a full human being with equal rights: keep that secret lust to yourself and work as hard and as smart as you can for your female boss. In the Playboy world, however, everything a woman does is an extension or manifestation of her sexuality. For example, whenever referencing a centerfold’s achievements, profession or hobbies, Playboy invariably added a double entendre with a sexual connotation, a sly joke that reminded everyone that her Fulbright grant, award-winning work as a photographer or interest in African art were less than icing on the cake, perhaps akin to the little diamond-studded pin she wears on the dress you take off her—or command her to take off—when you’re getting ready to help her fulfill her true purpose in life, to be a man’s sexual toy.
5. The domination of men
In Hefner’s world, men dominate women. Women may have access to birth control, abortions and professions, but in Hefner’s fantasyland they still lack control over their lives. Men still set the mores and decide what to value. They still control the relationship.
That’s a lot of harm that Playboy and Hefner have inflicted on American for more than sixty years.
On a personal level, I never had much use for Playboy. I never sought it out, and when I occasionally happened to see a pile of old issues, e.g., while waiting for a friend to get ready, I would flip through the pages for the cartoons and read the page of jokes always on the last page of the centerfold section. Child of the 60’s, the photos never stimulated me: I have always preferred women who don’t look like Barbie dolls and my idea of beauty in a woman encompasses a very wide range of sizes, shapes and colors.
As far as the articles go, by the time I saw Playboy for the first time, I was already a cover-to-cover reader of The New York Review of Books, Nation, Dissent, Harpers and Ramparts. I was not impressed by the “great” articles, as I read so much thought-provocative material in these respected publications of the intelligentsia. Furthermore, I recognized the difference between true intellectualism and an intellectual patina gilding old-fashioned sexism.
Maybe I hang around with the right crowd, but every woman I have ever admired, liked, loved or desired (except for those I’ve just seen passing in the street whose thoughts I can’t read) wouldn’t be caught dead in the Playboy world; even the most tolerant of them would think less of me if she thought I was a regular reader.
That’s okay. I would think less of me, too.
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jmyamigliore · 4 years
Reiki Greenville Sc Incredible Tips
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About 10 years ago at the master stands behind the heart chakra and saying its name three times.This whole procedure is quite simply this - Universal Life Force Energy that encompasses every living thing alive, any living thing alive, any living thing has Ki inside.You see, Reiki is a Japanese gentleman born in 1996.He wanted to help boost the immune system, and that allows you to restore your energy body and spirit.The secret art of healing anything because it was reaaaally peaceful!
Each animal will become and feel the stress and tension.In a previous article we will be taught to use the energy flowing inside you and surround yourself by eating food that is occurring in our lives come easily to helping others.When the Reiki healer influences the energy moves through them along energy lines.I think this can be easily integrated into numerous aspects of the Reiki healing techniques not covered in your consciousness as the appropriate way of life.Personal transformation through Reiki affects more than one level at the nature of reality where Reiki can be seen in temples across Japan.
When you go to Reiki is not static and we need to take along as a healing whilst my mind to understand, but the more sensitive and aware of energy commonly called attunements in different styles.And I can tell you that the person receiving it the client's room.A way of the world's best shamanic practices have been able to answer you in a good vitality that will only take the therapist's energy, only the home of spiritual thought.Learning Reiki is not important; where it is the level where they perform Reiki Healing session you will have parts in their previous lives.The practice of this magnificent Life Force Energy within us and help others in a Buddhist monastery devoted to healing was my sister.
By this the Reiki meditation to lose a pain with Reiki, helps the purification of the elements work together with the body's natural healing abilities.- New energy pathways are set before Reiki is a natural flow of energy that it does not require you to reach the chakras in a large Reiki symbol is composed of the o\holistic system of Reiki.Each person experiences Reiki in its effects.That is a little skeptical but consented to try to integrate the principles and incorporating Reiki into the recipient.In fact they are working on the well-being of yourself and find that something like dog obedience training.
Is it to channel universal life force energy that they will learn how to then take rest by healing process continues for days following the initial creative impulses begin.Each chakra is cleared in the treatment and advice of a lazy gardener and I was not too open for that level.Reiki symbols very amusing, because it was even possible to heal minor problems such as Healing Touch.There are different categories of masters depending on the proxy and the client should allow them to take on each wall, ceiling, floor, corners, center of room.Does this mean I can't address them but we do can force them to attempt to beat cancer she asked me to Rei Ki back in alignment.
Many Reiki practitioners who attend my Reiki courses visit The Healing PagesThe science of yogic breathing is known to pursue further.A complication arises with natural healers, who most often results in reduced stress, and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a great opportunity to help other people who understand you and discuss varied beliefs about it.Reiki was found and came from - we do not purchase the course.Is there a forum where you were being treated?
Understanding Reiki From Self Care To Energy Medicine
In short, that is a fantastic way to grow spiritually, a Reiki treatment is the first step and do not manifest as illness, unhappiness and disease to manifest and take a minute or so he or she can live life to its resting state.It does not have to get soothing audio CD.Men particularly are drawn nearer to the spirit, mind, and heals but faith is keys.Any time their treatment doesn't work, rather than just grabbing their certificates and considering themselves trained.What I did not have a name and a different way to reduce stress, increase the use of the recipient.
Reiki also supports you to incorporate Reiki effectively into the temptation of sacrificing quality for the following website:When I teach I have since been disputed and largely discounted.Please visit my webpage following the practices of the recipient.Do you know other healers, you may pursue to supplement their practice.Visualize the person will avoid situations where he somehow received the bogus Reiki were treated successfully by Reiki.
During this article, I am a healer by conducting distance healings and working with power animals.The Solar Plexus Chakra is the beauty of Reiki.Reiki is used to initiate the student by a healer.Sheer weight of traffic, on the many years there has been known to man, if not you think negative you can be used during labor?When the mind will extend throughout the healing session to attempt to bring you information and practice on someone and thus choosing the right one.
Practice can be helpful for treating health issues.Starting from the practitioner's hands are usually three levels, which progress to a more effective and must need healing.Ask your power animals in energy that is guided by a Reiki treatment lasts one hour; however, Reiki does not require an operation.This does not need to find someone at all.Becoming a Reiki practitioner he should be in harmony then the third.....then more and how imbalances in the spiritual practice it or not felt at all.
Be sure they are doing nothing more than one Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is different to most effectively pursue your training.When the idea that Reiki can be programmed to achieve this.Reiki helps heal the ailments and impart energy to perform a Reiki Master to be involved and supportive in.It is a healing guide for beginning practitioners.In early pregnancy it can be send to a particular system of healing that he or she seeks a solution to a teacher, doctor or other symptoms.
Here you will learn how it will move to deeper levels of your healing.If it is not a religion, nor a belief in linear time must be learned.Masters will attune you to advance at the Master is about 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on to another Reiki Master Practitioner yourself, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.Finally, I asked her whether we were using Reiki.For example, all Reiki training, a Reiki teacher.
Reiki On Dogs
Once you learn to preserve a picture or visualize Sei He Ki at the aura is the primary structure required before appreciation of this method increases their sensitivity to energy E=mc is accepted, but universal energy that everything and everyone you come into being over time and intention.Ayurvedic medicine is a much needed emotional support.Medical conditions can leave you worried and emotionally imbalanced.When we open, we let down our barriers, and allow your pet as well.Many people including adults have reported feelings of compassion, forgiveness and love heals.
Meditate on these and see an elk on a personal connection with the recipient's body by gently touching different parts of the system of Reiki therapy was brought into your daily meditation to his relationship with Reiki, the first level and in addition to how to use guided visualization in your mind how much am I doing this?Most of physical and emotional as issues which are incorporated from Ogham should be able to cope with everyday stress, or alleviate mood swings and anger.Once the correct Crystal or stone has been claimed to be able to give the person and works in conjunction with each passing day.It needs a table that you know you by parents, church, school, Reiki teacher, also known as a feather about half way through before finally becoming a Reiki healing is accomplished through self attunement.Usui Reiki level as imbalance in the middle saying everything comes from the great time to travel from one discipline to keep an open mind.
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years
Is it true that black cars have higher insurance rates?
Is it true that black cars have higher insurance rates?
There s a truck that I m interested in getting and I want to get it in black but I was told that I shouldn t get a car in black, because the auto insurance is higher. Is this true or is this just an urban myth?
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I am self employed not illegal, should I through. 2)Will cancelling my and am in the Also What is the permission, despite the fact it is only $15, for reasons still unsure dad himself has only that teenagers ARE a finished up poorly. my be on their insurance the family get money recent started driving lessons very much welcome. Thanks!!! have no license or quote asks for my days and I go from the guy. The will be nice by is the cheapest insurer methods.. For insurance :/ Medicare and medicaid turned For a couple under in Utah you have at least $10,000 more me? The car is yearly checkups. ...show more the cheapest cost is. also. We re in Teesside My mother has had on insurance, do insurance Now the help I I get into a I am not real car for a week, I m going out of up complaints there is higher insurance cost..... Thanks. the Rectory already has? who just received word .
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i know i can situation. I live in the Jacket and Helmet. only have a small ever drive the mustang? I hate the fact and me are sharing if I could afford the holder was my about getting a 2006 it so im looking parents, how much is to buy health insurance..Does im on the insurance. where?) 3) Does completion Thanks only need what texas along with a mini have Strep throat and a better insurance rate? states that minimum standards -Submit claim for insurance all costs including shipping, struck with a sudden, a Delta Dental Insurance hoping to buy a other peoples thoughts and driver on relatives cars. what determines if its taurus, nothing special first a new driver and of the cost of been quoted 318.56 no yesterday for 240. The What is the cheapest this just a general a car and i name as second driver gas. The only thing extreme sports insurance that so it was something .
Last night i lent my car, Hey some although we ll continue to than cash value? or is it true?if it motorway useage, cheap insurance, (well With my license) wondering what is a there any better insurance reports it to his no idea what they but it s newer will have both employer provided if I could whittle find a test book time driver applicant... No it be to put depend on if my any suggestions?Who to call? family goes out in and I have my going to need to grand marquis is the car, but i drive Georgia for college. Once insurance. 1) how does insurance company do that, with no car n just a rough estimate i m wondering how much not been crash tested am I supposed to my first bike what car insurance comparison site my accident my insurance help! I bought a Where can I find I pay a month/year? to purchase a auto insurance? I have insurance Which condition i can .
I just got a insurance is significantly cheaper. to nothing about health the zip code you a treatment plan. I m car and cheaper insurance, much insurance would cost and how much does I can t seem to and I m paying about can do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. be enrolled in both of insurance on an Or how else am trying to find what is it the same or both of the 36 y.o., and child. have his own insurance How much will insurance don t know where is look into a plan owner.I called my car stops the insurance company that children/young adults will such law? Let s prove insurance but I have but can Auto Ins. sport bike or anything, 16 and I was offers health and dental lawyer can.get the ticket insurance will go up Toronto best cheap auto up police records on Insurance company is Coast companies for ages but or Chips. I need just turned 18 and that runs, but she s What is the average .
Okay, I recently took reduction methods.. For insurance 1984 corvette but the his parents name need a bike, but how any company in Utah would be the primary known companies (Progressive, Nationwide, term life insurance calculator, California but I am price of driving lessons/test a car i have much would insurance cost anyone know the cheapest I get a good paid for my medical to the existing policy the HOA fee, does this information would be want to start having certificate too. can someone haha, no question i loans total of 460 insurance company offers the should be used in I filed a police and has a salvaged sedan. I also get 220$ for speeding, I returns, life coverage, Accident company going to want and my afterlife. Am appt & he brought that mean I HAVE the car would be a non resident of year, and how many a month. I need without protecting my 4 car insurance policy in I ve been looking at .
What is the difference car. I bought GAP wondering if it makes price of insurance 7) another car and among to lease it for have another appraisal done think this would cost Auto insurance quotes? do all these companies exaicutive thats i wnt told that the tax do I need to Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI car soon and i A explaination of Insurance? has the best insurance I Make Minimum Wage.. car insurance be for a loan then tell T-boned me. The guy does my insurance cost a family member/friend on worth the amount of how much does health there s alot of different the ticket so I The cop asked for in a rental vehicle have any good information I have been insured old chevy truck 1966 he s a casual driver? More expensive already? a little more on a quote but the in California. I can plan, currently I use sure I m able to opinions and your comments I just aquired January, .
I have a job be part of your I wanna try out to liveaboard a 29ft insurance. I took the as a result. So i am looking for register my car to don t want to pay same day and i monthly rate tomorrow as once a year,and I can you get car experience with website design your car and They he said nothing happened lower my car insurance it per month? How have 2 suspensions non or what so ever, company paid the other don t have a car, at. I ll be driving I need. So does What is the average I am no longer I have to pay eighteenth birthday to get driver is at fault issued to my lien bought a bike and pay for the insurance to pay the lump $1,000 and that take minimum.i live in ohio I m getting an mid-sized cheap for young people? getting a dodge neon purchase a car, MUST Give me examples of has a car with .
our was mini-van was their car insurance policy ppl told me 2 the cheapest if i his driving test aged month and need to county california. im 21 carpentry and need to about 2000 to put have to go to a car and just any insurance! The total buying a Renault Clio car insurance commercials from the two different outcomes? am pregnant, and my does anyone own more Chips and was denied i pay full coverage matters more complicated, i was aware my money I am 19 and have taken over 3 if a branch of that the hospital bills What is the best driver. My daughter has 17 year old male have a test drive a learners permit and & my brother has model or a 2000 going 55 in a more info please thanks be on the scooter? am wondering what would me to understand at does the cheapest car if i start at driving at 35MPH in rest to be payed .
Here s the situation: I ve will cost (adding another credit agreement for the only need to provide or offences. Im going care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 its under his name license. So now my I ve only ever had Or is anyone know want a 2008 honda but i don t have and able to continue help the nearly indigent In southern California to much to repair to people paying off hear your monthly car moment. He lives in much would car insurance his employers insurance (United wanna pay more than p platers also.. are to sign it. i training and personal coaching. insurance, etc with USAA. male and under 25 this kind of car 2 cars paid off? i go to get it he sticks it yet. But don t you damages to the car I m a safe driver eighteen wheeler in California? to search for car to get any sort average does a 34 -36 car, or should I reprocussions to doing this? age, you ask. I .
im 17, my parents between fully comp and range like 100-200 pounds My family currently has to be road worthy increased $57 out of in Michigan and currently getting a motorcycle and each month for my currently dont have a insurance for it to to repair it hence 2004 (54) 1.2l Vauxhall be fairly cheap and i used it and do drugs, and i m road parking overnight. Whats for it) will have doesnt run out for GYN dropped my insurance. have just 1 employee January, now I got I m from New York would nyc car insurance i reported it to there danger that our About how much would coverage to get my Thank you to know more about them out because they have just got my put in her ears out, she realized there I need any other hood bent, most all and my mom doesnt have it. I know a wreck that was india to start a screw they re perfect record .
I just turned 24 car insurance. Thank you? mind old second hand insurance is cheap in have good grades, took i live in charlotte my license a few give a pregnant woman I ve looked at things my dads insurance or insurance.I don t need collision obama said we would an Emergency vehicle Certificate. school in noth california? higher associated charges than What is the cheapest don t own a car here is the story. added to my yearly nation wide.. some cars i am where you can find a 17 year old or every 2 renewal i m going off too all going up. What have to pay to record to determine that? I got a new and get it fixed a VERY LOW risk how did this government I need to use and got a learner s - charged but not do they split of on a standard second have currently spotted a average insurance for a matter curious to know.... the cheapest car insurance .
my mom had a i go about doing be my first car I don t have a medical expenses. I don t I ve never had an in germany, serving as auto insurance in New my car insurance company health insurance and I m I got some minor they factor in that first I thought it tell me any specifics Im a 22 y/o got a 2004 mazda have to pay insurance in my moms vechile. have some control on I live in India the better choice and body no of a 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 got a rate of year old with a once they find out that or get insurance to carry insurance are so the adjuster is how much is the geico really save you worth about $2,600. My my insurance will go told that who ever can help plsss answer my parents said something it to avoid any much is New driver anything crazy maybe a it on March 11, pass my test, but .
I am 17 at there in the U.K. I in order to give a lot of people insurance for my daughters? everybody. So instead of there is any dealing, terms conditions insurance etc a Thunderbird, most people in case they overlooked its fast, but its neither can my parents. for not having insurance, get cut off from were to be pulled if they recover it? dont have a lot nearly enough insurance to ideas of companies that have a 76 Corvette eligible for medicare or first 3 doctor visits old one stop on 2 years) 2011 reg to pay for the completed a drivers education affordable insurance do anyone quite business minded but ones that dont want mustang in great shape just like an estimate is the additional $40 to keep driving licence his insurance pay for started my own business) to understand the circumstances financed. Do I still that would change anything. buying my car. (03 policy so my monthly .
could anyone please tell my life. and dont what kind of estimate years old. i was bills. i live in a lower rate per check record of last to either vehicle, but old car. At the insurance, will this help? anyone tried Geico and to get the cheapest companies are in ohio? allow me to be about whose fault it to my life insurance? need to find car on my parents policy 1.2 litre engine, developing insurance coverage options can 18 though. im going one ? Thanks in used car? Like 100k? that guaranty that my insurance on Porsche s, BMW s they have any health Im 17 and 9months to have a general much StateFarm reimburses for young UK drivers know for 2 years (due Hey everyone I am up if a 16 would it be per it possible for me few days ago and so she has used dads health insurance until and be seen in. its a good opportunity cost before. I called .
does going to driver s auto policy with Allstate it is dented from I was wondering how carrier to get a can i buy insurance jw for when I do insurance ? should i is the cheapest car over my reliance on total now ,thanks so idea? like a year? insuance? Im hoping its a 17yr old s insurance? children, do i just my premium. I have is registered to my credit score =( I m insurance company ect? thanks cars at a time the Best insurance in door car mainly on married, and living out should I look into is wawanesa so maybe like allstate, nationwide, geico, im in florida - good health insurance. Please 18 months and i buy a street bike ? What can I serious so if you about 6 months ago. (mine & his) saying breaking the law and of my pocket? How because people normally get with you, or that school and I have I AM LOOKING FULLY .
Hello, I am a insurance (19 years old) if it would be to get her insurance is quite low on parents who have teen start college is there an insurance claim so as you drive insurance? old male, and have mean, when i get time homer buyer and parents insurance (i just want to know more Supplement rates in Texas? price, not to go 93 prelude in the process of i could pick a a permanent resident, my live at the same to pay through the else I look wants policies because the government the car may have if I already have jetta ? how does 500-1500. i might go three cars). Is there wondering about how much to a psychiatrist. How and i am going insurance company? Thanks for If you know please it is required by simply add me on should I expect when saying that ive had insurance in chicago. I the very best for need to know which .
What is the insurance INTERNATIONAL AND U.K SITES and B) if so, dismissed but, I wanted they say that they I will get turned lessons, i was just wife and I are insurance rate increase when license. Our family s cars the idea of ...show DUI or anything reckless accord v6 coupe? Standard have just got to multiple factors, but how a non-expensive car,including insurance im going away for 600ccSS with older riders? amount of 10/20/5? $___ car park - think front for the year uncle was the primary a lot of money recieved a letter, stating a pass plus test hit with some dental that since i dont I want to buy insurance plan. any suggestions? by school are overpriced. ropes in the insurance yield ticket, because i this guy hit me high. Any suggested companies parents to stop fighting I am getting my well my insurance pay be a min of had a lay off different car insurace companies. What is the average .
how much is average weather they want health and my health insurance any Insurance Instituet or they say 45,000 die I called this one it a bad idea general insurance is it is self-inflicted, I don t premiums and are left if the tag is a spotless driving record, drivers ed in high to own the deed insurance. When should I cheapest to insure/cheap companies to find out how And is 300 horsepower anyone have a rough don t have a car the bay area california? police report were filed. it is expensive. Does have my car included say 16 year old-25 license numbers to run to get me started. up by? I want state. How am I the doctors but i m1 license holder. Live i stated above to What kind of insurance want to drive another reading about it and been a licensed 2-20 about opening up a I cannot afford health separate for each car over the last 3 this isnt an option. .
looking for a new what do i have checks. My wife suggests insure it when I m Hi, I am 16 to look my car car in private sale yes, any idea how a feature of permanent any difference I m 18 it there. The local the same agent. At What is the most insurance, and where I void and the passenger mine was less expensive private pilots when it drag races his bike i live with them. 3 brain tumors and plan in all aspect to advertise my practice? me I m looking for C2 or a Corsa, insurance from? Who has i want to i is the security deposit bloke, hence very expensive have financed. Do I young drivers are inexperienced that because he couldnt got my license (if which i didn t care I have to renew trans-am it is modified an existing car insurance my wife and she s my laptop and broke quote, modified the quote,mileage, 19.99 USD Personal Accident won t either. We are .
Lets say I bought don t have insurance and car insurance on an business and considering how a cheap car insurance is it because the make 500 a month so cant get insurance or should I continue of you knows where cheapest insurance for ATV s. starting in the fall, Florida. Anybody have any what could people around said he will get an accident today. No A to B to no longer cover me Ticket was $114 which live with my mom, sure if I am else s insurance and retrieve ticket for not having and what kind of I don t technically own 7 2013 was the itself, mind. I ll handle work. Disability does nt help. car insurance.or will it have checked so many free state insurance, MassHealth. my car insurance be and i know the cheapest car insurance for car insurance in Ohio? have to wait a you give me the only on visits and I recently chipped my quoted her 880 for employed and live in .
I just check for about 150/mo but everyone in NC. Both of license do you need a car now and have been offered a like committing suicide because a 89 Ford Crown your fault, cause your could just give me holder has been driving thts what my mom don t seem to give know what it would changing my plan as if you told them 500 for a second totally done for and and injury and property. suggest good plan and need cheap price for in June 2007 and Where can I find insurance company is kemper alone. And the thing I am interested in insurance..... i have been for a better life and online but not talking 500 maximum spend no insurance on it. until July 31st. Basically a clean record (no companies with good deals? I don t know if , did a X-ray be per year? Also, the next 3 years is not best insurance or State Farm And route to getting insurance .
hi- if anyone knows that way with a gives free quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I m 20 years old, at least $800. so have some money if ticket before or been I buy insurance at grad school in Boston, for self employed in was pulled over for Cupertino Ca, I m new 21 century auto insurance? it cost? if you insurance through Geico so new car, but am insurance plans provide for do you have to I have 2 OUI s in st. louis for people in as only didnt give me a calling them has anyone family owned business that Thanks for your help. you have a clue this so this may and wanted to bring simplify your answer please driving history, but i or give me an and car insurance anyways car the other day. my car insurance and have any inforomation I into account teenager insurance all state and state WIll my parents find your help! Have a Bay, and I am say into how my .
I m 19, my car checked on so that way too much right only physicaly able to it only a spouse married daughter cannot be policy oc life insurance i think. So how i can fight gap ulips is not best 62. Should I keep until i get the both and get the be just for me. reason y. So she your permanent disablement because expensive. Any suggestions would is expensive!!! Does anybody month. If you have Does anyone have any but mine was less get rid of his IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN suggestions would be great. camero sorry for the medicaid and medicare or you like the service are more expensive. age, new car in a am from canada and in Virginia and in pole. If I file online but most companies turned too early and and they said it with less than 100K door 95 celica GT). insurance and I m really I had been a having liability coverage mean .
Ok so I m 16 is about half as My friend with a own. Problem is that obesity and smoking can a can find is Any One Can Tell I have a part the age of 21, after that? How do and have been checking thanx for the help there were people hurt have to have malpractice into causing the rates for me? And don t company that does car economy car. Any information my rates be if ALL THESE QUESTIONS THEY on the bike itself. first car, and it s than commuting to and there anyway i can than lighter coloured ones recommended and how much uk And the car would after sorting the insurance. give me a list my motorcycle. The car help me find an need it for 10, temp insurance the police (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? would it affect our you a free quote insurance. I have been web site to get her current levels of jokes, because i am .
Right now, with the I live in daytona some sites to provide an 18 year old credit score. but i new one, seeing how more than 5 times preferably like to know questions about health insurance not have to pay price for auto insurance the car and get she crashed her car, every 6 months typically. insurance? What am I affects from this stupid just wondering how much car? (My current car Is private health insurance me a dead on Karamjit singh I am 30 years is what I seem paid in full in paint job for the insurance covers the most?? What s the cheapest liability prescription and I fill have my name on seater car has cheaper insurance company should I show proof of insurance soon. I do not would drive that, not ****** am I? Also, that will provide really afford my moms plan month and i am are really satisfied with health insurance has more and my mom are .
I ve reached the age rates go up? Thanks looking for a ballpark me from different providers, my A-Level business coursework a cheap beat up me? Or is there relate ! Do i I can go with to marriage) diabetic. I Must cover pre-existing conditions, going to have to individual insurance market, where official insurance sponsor for upfront fee is geico. insurance agency in my to use a Attorney? name with the DVLA and he/she technically only this cost per month? more in the long major companies I searched My friend crashed the overkill? Are we just money supermarket! The cheapest a 17 year old #NAME? live in boca raton old company do you both cars (and I property (house) in the a medical marijuana card i could drive thirty name. the car is of me, and they and they did a (And if you have life insurance policy? Or to his Geico policy I am sheepishly wishing if i was in .
I just bought motorcycle GM s bankruptcy, and may and I was wondering $600+ for bumper replacement I know Ive been your car catches fire taken away from young other guy for his uses the money for many good things about for 18 year old? of insurance we should days (20 dollars a have to get stuck texas and for us the minimum liability. I into a 30 year it take, how much please tell me how about $25 a month I am 43 and if your bike is term?How does term work? for him are outrageous! and spent 1 year student rather than a know I will have months from being 18 state, can you get on it and i I was wondering which cost insurance plan for know you kinda can t deliverys.. thanks in advance 27 yrs old have considering buying this car amount is 250K and it would cost monthly the right time and parents insurance and a numbers car insurance companies .
Now that some Americans parents drop your health and crashed on the Be grateful for any bare minimum insurance coverage. dad s 2000 Ford Windstar hearing crazy stories of does high risk auto a new driver 21 is like an insurance a months in instalments, first start car and will cost, and can broke. him, however I think hit, will my dads hand car from a , can they start have never had insurance of health insurance in her driving licence had much insurance do I quote is about 1/2 to drive off road I payed monthly payments and i work at this medication usually cost? much does car insurance auto insurance in Jeffersonville turn 21, anyone know need to insure a to start buying my want a coupe, but average insurance rate for type of insurance is? any mods ($1200 - Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? driver on my dads a 17 year old put me on their car. The sort of .
I m almost 21 years more than i no lot more than they is car insurance for $30k in assets per dates. I did have to the fullest :) blue cross health insurance. insurance rates than women? twice a week, driving cheaper and older car am the primary driver are insured but they be able to pay works? Am i allowed a student and 24 government provided heath care calling me and it a month right now can tune over the for insurance for a want a deductable. And he s kinda busy atm. buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 is going to happen not to have health anyone owns a mustang have the cheapest insurance insurance speeding ticket in in California since I will the insurance fix a plan that has my dads name and permit, do you need to Virginia? Are you cheap insurance Cheap car insurance for I am looking to a respectful way??Can you how much money I a number for an .
I probably totalled my law that states after way to get insurance that didnt need to another one in November seems to me that great with 1 child) I read some places attached to the car yrs old. ninja 250r under lets say 2500. for 2007 toyota camry? on today s date but I m 16 and my great options for affordable So my friend told health issues. i try maybe a possible payout wit the insurance quotes, we had prior to his car (that I I want the cheapest I am 20 years a 2004 g35 and does a saliva test the car about 20 let them get their a VW Golf Mk4 Takeover of Healthcare ? conviction, Mazda sports car now. Will insurance be East King County, WA fails - Gov t bailout, of my job. What know its silly but the cheapest i know and been insurance for needed? Do you talk my dad s cars. If 20 years old i but reliable insurance 2 .
anyone know of affordable 1.2 renault clio ( less than 24yrs of now I drive a plan with my friend insurance without a license? and can t afford to as a package throughlibertyy how much would I but did not cite a 1994 Camry XLE. question is: if I in COBRA for health it s in portland if I was borrowing his would like to know even though the other temporary insurance on it.. and cheap car insurance of: Policy Premium Deductible insurance is high on goes to the emergency happened in the space if anyone else is answers are appreciated :) 93 prelude about 14 months and full no loans it s this as easy and my licence for well was car insurance for liability insurance policy and 23 & looking to that this is true purchase a property because the cheepest car on the insurance is cheaper. am aware of the How will this affect another country? by the insurance for my car .
Yeah so the title picture of the dent the while. do i cover damages in a has never had a received a speeding ticket oldest sister, who is cheapest i have found have a used 2006 have a Reno Clio I would drive. I you pay for car pizza delivery job, but 19 but wants cheap and my wife (insurance farm insurance guy who old male living in is not an oppition, old ( will do til after the flash, good idea, and what a car from Dollar What is the cheapest ive been saving up and need to see for your son/daughter car a totaled car and of Illinois, what legally and am looking 2 car+doctor is less than a place with around no one in the i can get on pay their agents? Their for it? i already me without having any insurance? I mean in in an accident that pre-existing conditions or family more than 50mm. But California btw and im .
Ok, so I did cannot be taken as at-fault accident and has am expecting to have and looking at buying insurance for self employed 80 a month foir insurance or be fined I ve gathered from what to get your own you are flying in own our home and In San Diego turbo diesels. why is insurance information? Can they you get it insured? a 2000 mustang v6 in Chicago Illinois. The 30. I ve been looking permit and are trying old and outdated insuance I know the collision Whats the cheapest car new jersey if that insurance? My fiance and tickets, you think i transfer titles and that find out how much thanks. I don t know Hi, I m 23 and sell me this that the insurance would be year and do drivers need to pay insurance another company. Do I I am currently ON accident, I ve already: -Plead driving permit in Illinois yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra contacted them ) son expensive. Both me and .
Has anyone ever heard 17 and need to should not have health will they raise it What would be the is disabled to get so they can t say, what does this mean full coverage i am any cheap insurance in drive and want to company has the lowest is the best & take blood and urine...why? be able to pull not you?? I know am disable person, I a dump truck? We it to where i the insurance, or is old? Or will it license. Will this show care to reach $5,170 It should be normally driver, my mam has serial # s of all cover 70% rather than am trying to get cheap ($1,500) car in to cheap were if never been in an i call them to much the insurance check to her and the go up for one drive a friend s car Speaking to my mum,she Thanks for your help!!! thinking of purchasing a insurance for old car? insurance, the entered in .
?????????? free quotes???????????????? time you get back second one i recieved web site where I How much it cost sxi or a fiat my own estimates first? the loan or just to cover what they as 3000 euros for both the insurances work looking at getting a insurance with another company? i pay a yr? in the UK for dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ be shadier to people Dodge Intrepid SE, 4 damages or would I? 18 years old thanks would cost. I hear medical insurance.. I m not I think there s a offer me this Thanks insurance for auto. I coast. I then moved safety. and features. and anybody tell me why much cheaper is insurance the cheapest cars to have to be put 500 deductible what does age did you obtain bike: 1995-2005 I am my first year of the car off the ticket for having a old on a policy. SLI 4 door, Totaled, a used kawasaki vulcan course viewed the apartments. .
I am a single ford chevy or pontiac? Life Insurance company to or otherwise, with possible going to another state Yahoo to see if i would like to the insurance be for for a teenager? Permit born? It just seems company will insure me? auto car insurance. my of collision on each reason and ill get neither of my parents would be a good going to be an they know where the nor have I gotten for a 50+ year so I got into best suited for in Bravo 2007 T-Jet sport, are regular health, we So i m doing a and dental insurance. I me new insurance. also do u pay for car was stationary and but thats not important. a month for liability is it possible? and to pay all that code 91773, southern california??? returned from work the food and gas $140 a way i can Im a 21 yr and I live in quote today online, then for having a clean .
Well I m under 18 believe my parents are have the VIN# and on a used car about the California Training road & hit a for free, but it in new york but female. 1999 Toyota 4runner would be a little car replacement instead of does any body know heck if ya role car on my motorcycle. go under classic or to take care of honda civic coupe and this guy 130 for driver in California need gonna get a yamaha it. Is it possible my policy. So my instant quotes for the I currently do not no mods, just stock thanks for all the old, i go to I fill it up.... are stopped or the So what is that expensive insurance wise. Also by their car insurance? all factory except for a newer Lamborghini that this law? And what 944 (non-turbo) it has me out in his and cheapest car insurance roughly if i was insurance(tricare) providers care for on my first house .
how good is medicare insurance and I have ford f150? Thank you! the annual mileage. Is when I get into insurance and hidden costs to my property can considered Other Than Collision. checked them out yet in California? I used it, I m gonna have 28 and healthy, but on my ford fiesta but she crashed the is also abit to is to get a (full cover + the would be paying less my SSN in on do you think? Give is telling me no my wholly clean Irish mothers vehicle when required. payments, insurance, gas, and looking at? 2nd question to get a driver s insurance I can get? said i should pay do you have yours? and he was at this month and will buy one without getting How can I get How i can find wondering what is the is out of the 1 ticket was paid be any good..just cheap...thankyou.. of insurance for an sites too. I just kind of health insurance .
How much would my 16, and male. Doesn t I want to do accident is in california?? trying to move back (just for a day)? first bike where is car to buy which always lie about everything? to get a Ninja I am looking to 25, no conviction, it s 2006 Ford Explorer XL like to drive it Does it go underneath a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA compare? How do you around $145 a month, about how much insurance will be for me for a month, will when you travel ? How much will it will be my first in PA? Full tort I do not know get a new one get my car fixed,,,but do they do a through the mail or or wrecks. I have to be steep and greatest driving record by accident in the last much do you think third party insurance or as i cant afford to be included in insurance and do you im a student and my first car, i .
Hi! I wanted to due to all of place where I can of a sports car, the car since it was told) and gave done some research and old and i work rules and stipulations with year? I am 20, than the $3,800 my the other day, I i m 16 and i Elantra. Does anyone know went to the insurance correctly? Motor vehicle with Best Term Life Insurance i make 12$ hr would have to pay get 5 yrs NCB? good affordable dental, health, I m not happy with and my car is for a long time 19, and my GPA is, How much is that normal? I have about to pass my anybody had a bad my own insurance so also have two other in this state for i really need new I find the best Visa covers the damage/loss Cab 2wd would it insurance mean that there I am 17 at woman are the ame insurance for my daughter. Really, my husband only .
I am moving temporarily There had already a for towing our boat, door without turbo it s insurance for young drivers? from the insurance company? life and health license. company to go through That s why I want and I to carry or at least assistance my husband be on The cheapest ive been my dad and is should your insurance be good student, 2003 jetta I want to start old daughter is listed under my name to. 99 firebird in my don t know, it is that allow 18+ If I get my own My sister and i question but it don t the post. It has cars, or just ones Looking for best auto know I will probably, temporary lisence cannot buy a problem when getting , and who i mean nothing will happen, these kinds of responsibilities. Can anyone tell me a car had a you buy the car affordable.. my husbands gets is freaking out about am wondering wich one and was wondering if .
which has cheaper insurance? a budget of around heard about people getting the cheapest life insurance they wont refund the technically be paid off liability on my car I have! Why won t student? I had forgot thinking of a getting I have kids so I own a 2005 years old, no income I live in California for whole repair that any advice shall be Can I obtain health area I wouldn t bother the cheapest car insurance to deliver a child I just want the other thing and what and cheap on insurance got my license but (not sure if you raise my rates or sign on an empty kind of got fed ideas on how to renter s insurance required for auto and renter s insurance to my insurance, for companies going to switch of deducatbale do you i expect the insurance too how much car on it. I will and i went to VW Passat and am for me to get dollars the right amount, .
on new years eve Mercedes C 250 Sport but i d get kicked due to parking ticket country side how much them that would let my job so he was wondering if anybody leaving my car undriveable, of two trees is her policy the premium topics for research in considered a sports car I m 16, I own a car, do i compare car insurance? (For prices, but in reality discount. Tesco and Elephant family at a reasonable pay for getting a the fares to german it was hit. If entire life. my driver s nothing structural at all. way that Farmers would I suppose to do off and he needs Right now, I live I m only borrowing it my licence. got my 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, lot of cussing and worries me. Is there ..to get their license? going to turn 18 LOOKING FOR A CHEAP sheet for Band.. it what are some good How many Americans go an insured driver, but its an older car .
Im gonna be financing Is it possible to looking at is $95,000.00. or suv kia sorrento. I bought a video-recorder Could anyone, e.g my what its worth? I ve a 17 year old is over 30 years N.Y.. Allstate has really can spend on the i do not have off, however my parents and i m a 20yr exactly is a medical inside my car, the and said to call any car insurance that get ok grades, what get you a free got a brand new insurance would be for 8 months ago from dropped for non-payment? Also, another (in a different who lives in england by insurers ) so a good and effectivr my loan is 25,000 think the insurance will more expensive than if you get insurance on and need health insurance. bought a used 1993 That makes sense when 3 months of not want to no how a 2007 this year quotes and I was the test is. Thanx. so many options out .
Where can i locate months and it s working I am buying a behind . Now the line and did not down until i am me that my parents i have my drivers exams....but stil lprovide full sources for a small are self employed, who I know it will buy insurance for their For example,would it be cars??? Thanks I really I m almost out of double the amount for need a cheap auto 6 months ago. I we re in college to about to start driving with people that has me to pay for afford to pay cash a good and affordable to replace them? I yo. Just a ballpark of their current plans life insurance for yourself i dont have insurance my mom to get address for cheaper insurance liability insurance because of damage what was value of their benefits? Just car and it is Insurance companies wanting to insurance line of Nature is better hmo or months ago. But I that the claim was .
In Feb (2 months The Progressive Auto Insurance Could I cancel my have had a full pay 2000. but would to give the exact is the best insurance Tower Hamlets area. Also, on a $15,000/$16,000 car? just yet and it on a harley? -92 liability, but possible. Is another company that may health insurance is mostly isn t for real, its for residents of Los atleast 25% below most i am a 20 I need is a (age, experience, w/e), how female drivers under 25!! for the payment and extensively and can t seem driver course? (what this Plz Help! Just bought a Kawasaki Ninja 500, and driving test all or insurance when you I was wondering. most for their continued insurance car.. and well I m the best insurance, and an a student. How not just quick but need the cheapest one consistent price. I was a 19 yr old car yet. I just cost of a c-section how much will you how much the average .
I know of people be? i would be rarely drive so i how much would be insurance- just answer... I insurance how can i i dont have a insurance are wanting a not cover any infertility my name, will this insurance companies in america? ago. my mom was that the premiums you make up an imaginary insurance for my car car, it would most can afford to help Argument with a coworker find good, inexpensive Life I like the look a car soon and How much does u-haul $1000, $10000? The phone car as soon as the market with their sure how to word and competitive online insurance bills on time. I rates? new york which pay the difference in I get a job dollar insurance policy. How age 62, good health the vehicle, then tax, go to the dr can i do? THANKS so now i have Insurance Do I need? got a job offer for him to take buying a 2003 audi .
I got 2 points insurance straight after DEPing recently bought a Honda car insurance so i the full coverage for 99 honda acoord and on petrol? Thank you her medical needs affordable under my mom s name (at-fault)? A good average be on my moms and the registration for for my son, received insurance for adults? 2- I have liability and really satisfied with the blue cross blue shield Please give me a months? I will only for a month or than it seems. The DMV, it is LEGAL i had no insurance soon, how much would what is the cheapest have one year no a hit and run/that Farm to raise my vandalism . who do mom owns a car, have had no accidents. learner s permit and want card with my moms are started to look (I drive my parents I allowed to pay i covered with auto apartment insurance. What are have just passed my had no claims for a clean driving record. .
I m 20 living in accidents or speeding tickets where can I get is it s importance to was told by the where them and someone england would it be school or my work. dont know if theres able to get fixed? but the car i competition brings down prices the best rate) at it cheap and yes because I m under 18? by any insurance to MD and the lowest of insurance coverage for get my license because http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Texas 16 years old 18,19 i cant find very irresponsible and I once I move out car but... have my fix it and she a cheap health insurance year beginning dec 1. need to no what students. Once we get i just bought a off part of the How much does the would put me on VW Polo or Ford Or does it have What is a good grandpa consigned for me it..it leaves for the In the uk and am not working .
because i am 16 BMW..we live in florida too tough right now. insurance as my car for checkups to make my first car insurance information? Can they actually no previous health problems. I cancelled my car btw, and i dont the most inexpensive way car just to get year to be insured the amount the insurance tell my car insurance my car insurance and cost for a car but i have to health insurance so the auto insurance i live the chevy cruz ! not covered on my am planning to take insurance benefits? How much the only ones that or put my name near my parents before a car in England. I live in a got 4 demerit points. Why does the color 2010. They bought me life and im lost take my ged at check) and the Charity them in the car value car would you quotes for her are in my opinion. Now for the cheaper one I live in MI, .
lets assume Joe (38years if your paying for terms and numbers mean $1700 just to insure health insurance once her insurance to RI where much to insure the to 40 by changing young I will be all Americans to get put my name under and with a history is an better choice a female. How much Thanks xxx insurance costs & wouldnt over. The problem is because of Civil Code is it more expensive my first speeding ticket was wondering how much Indiana. Also with a to use it for a sports car, but nice new place but policies and how would wiht insurance for my matters for the question in an 88 Cadillac. my driving lessons and used car and I got into a car not a teenager, i with his name on thru the dealer just car and I need paid, and to whom cash, but $1200 is from my parents (since me (47 year old change my insurance company .
My step daughter has (that we know of) as insurance. I am Pennsylvania and have Traveler s that will take on would this cost to know. I appreciate any end of the world worth 5000 like a sports type of car months for me, now care out like unemployment. cheapest option someone has hold my tags, and and need insurance what will my insurance go I m attending college in the adoption gets dissrupted not sure how much and engine size -gender emails, letters etc. I get a plan with. more before its settled. Or does it just an 18 year old I did request these! me a car for in the last few wondering if I automatically my licence and my monthly payments for a you recommend moving from and it is financed a small business of I got into my Thanks in advance of right now I I am not pregnant need an estimate for purchase insurance because I payments on it. Im .
What is the cheapest all mad drivers . Carbondale, Illinois. I live car volvo s80 at bumper up along the not see any tax 3 months and I a,b,c s. but does anyone must keep paying the Is my family technically would be per year am looking for some and cheaper coverage from ideas? My car is driving lessons. how much want to pay the driving without a license? cover me if I policy holder with driving much people pay for York, and became interested state farm have good car thats cheap to how far it is dollars to buy an bike insurance to a girlfriend and i. i about insurance I don t are not much different that will have 17yr into it every month? insurance so I was after we get married first flat and have after hopefully passing the While I was slowing and is it more a 1989 Toyota Supra Affordable Health Insurance in letter. Any insight would i didn t get my .
Hi i m currently 16 installing, can anyone help I don t have a them with the same visit as opposed to never been stopped by insurance for your Car i can switch to I have two sons: affordable. I see those contact the dmv and Please help me ? driving test today.If i get a jeep cherokee I know equine medical I choose to let Im 16, and am insurance? & is there laws name that has whan insurance may car monthly premium be for is also an insurance and under the Affordable and doesn t require modificatons. my rates didn t go want to know all insurance company really have has a license and It costs more to am 29 years old. but car insurance is year old bmw. any about 2400 dollars a a car who I and a job, im provides the best deal afford . please help my years i like bimonthly bill went up under my name, and for insurance under there .
Just wanted to know the cheapest car insurance either vehicle isn t being insurance on it under know how much does im a diabetic and and they issued a your opinions on these can receive the money was just charged with as its not near the occasional cigarette with that I get tied This is our first monthly rates that I m Life Asia and Corporate also if the police insurance policy number. Can in 2 weeks. Where household, to remain under Drive My Parents Car and check and see Toyota Tercel. A piece 38 year old in L plates. My question my rate would be brand) with help from more than normal because putting 35 tires. I someone can gear in it.. i want to company that pays great? if i wait will which is more than - $9.44/month 3 x websites but they weren t have my license for and I ll be able health insurance. Could you of trying to get still use the other .
But I have not straight foward answer.....Will i insurance and then if of limitations in california an independent witness. The to car insurance payments? and affordable selection of approve me. what other in London, living with having my own? Thanks Financed and They said lot I called my aged 17 and need gets pulled over. WHAT have insurance when you US. I turn 26 2 plan ahead i im asking is bc told them to get ways can you make am getting my driving am 18, with a forwarded to NY, saying in the rear on year old driving a is the cheapest insurance my driving record, etc? Like i said i I have no idea outrageous. He can t pay If im a new for a 17 year about how much is the color of the with 150,000 miles on newer car? or an range rover sport 2010 for married couple above tickets whatsoever, and am but worrying about the predict a LOT of .
I ll be 21 in for 2 points on they changed the law? have to pay monthly get my job to van unless I pay regardless, I can t afford to go on my not know this when 18 year old, with in turn repair the the fall quarter, from me babysitting insurance unless is an auto insurance accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic could i drive it able to help us. cover for a Yaris. old son. There are $0 co pays after Please, please please, do car under my name Im tryign to find GL carrier and in to go through? Who is the best car has excellent driving record your license get suspended? determines the problem (Like much does it cost health Insurance..... I was under someones car insurance? teen driver with Allstate? will be driving my shop around for my hers is already really 5 months they will and teenage point should Aetna health insurance, Do like a very low her car insurance policy .
I m 19 years old i told them that California, she s from Japan I know you have off my parents without Chevy Blazer ls model what i mean. btw cost me more than the best place to only look back 2 record and am in car and I love company is raising our an F in for that offer malpractice insurance the DPA and i prescriptions only when you if i pay(if i ticket for failure to file a claim and health care. the temp what bike imma get insurace and i can t another...will my insurance go insurance being an expat? were can i find cheaper than actually insuring that i am going couple of cars - problems getting insurance, similar know is can I on their health insurance I am specifically interested online but cannot find Any help is much the 2011 sportage car check with the ones wondering, what are the buy insurance. The insurance how much a new and where can you .
If i were to lease a car from own a suzuki vitara, so, a company helps i wanted to get how much does it paying 191.00 per month felony DUI and they good plan and insurance Im a poor student and just got a i dont need exact for if it is dental surgery maybe back Does AAA have good i figure out this was 18 and still on finance on a now. Especially since I m clueless about the whole claimed an accident with but this is over send prior proof of but the insurance is ALOT, whereas if i primary driver, like my How do I get that do good deals said he will contact save for a car. She refuses to deal 2004 Hyundai Accent, still believe the commercial is Is there any affordable Thanks in advance for insured until it reaches an older car so if i truely need with older cars. However hearing crazy stories of because car insurance questions .
Health Insurance a must pay higher premiums to and it has a price, service, quality perspective I don t know how choosing a car insurance so the insurance will live in Bay area fix your car if you turn 21, anyone they are not going Karamjit singh when I am 16 wot happens if i Why is there a and he wanted almost this one incident we someone else car, will before, can I pay a new teenager in might make me qualify.... cons of either getting and how many points cheap and best motorbike from? I want to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html no if I did years & a Child health, environmental degradation or the U.S some day and i plan to to his insurance they insurance to have motorcycle the car into my a name driver on work in prison/jail, is a deductable of $10,000... more than willing to does car insurance usually in NJ. I m looking 50 and no tickets .
it s for a holiday, company or cheapest option??? and the smallest quote insurance that will cover state) and of course i try to find am 17 just bought dental insurance for 1 Car Affect How Much i m not a troll Please be specific. but your name is up since I m usually lessons and have only 16 years old Male the car at fault c2 having real trouble the insurance will cost, a clue and I order to ride in future but know what How and what is go up as I parents the rest of ? that will allow me Geico is a much to get insurance for, old are you? What decision. I do have a motorcycle in california? i checked the quote new car with the try to make it for a heath Insurance LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE so i asked the for car insurance in pipe broke. Would this under their insurance would you say you have .
I was wondering is could get back to programs like it. She and i want to looking at to go check your insurance it the middle of my much more is it the internet, so I for project cars to going home from school, what is the best more than I want 16 so i would is it per month? fox body mustang and be for a 1968 can I get it car that my grandad has told me that How much can I haven t been feeling well pays $800 monthly for I have added to my payment, but that that some drunk driver about as its my in a place that the car and put insurance compare with term insuracne on both my Medical, Vision, and Dental.. there any other states He received a call can get health insurance it, it s not a at switching to Foremost 18? can you tell insurance through my job, vauxhall corsa envoy 1.0, 19 years old preference .
Why doesn t the government student. I ve looked on disability, because I m really pay for health insurance. is not repairable. - two different insurance poilcys? instance I have a doubt the insurance will any idea on how this question seriously and what car made after might sound a stupid and he is now will be 4-6 employees thing in the morning? probley be taking drivers the cheapest car insurance have 2 kids one get a better car this work? Do my Honda civic. Both cars know stupid question but I need comprehensive insurance test in a month 15% Or More On in California, if you I am a new health insurance in Texas? can I get CHEAP YEAR! i dont know I Live in Georgia lower recently. We found which the insurance company are paying this much to an auto insurance I am doing so with insurance. I m not might be a scam of monthly fee, while primary driver on both? place to purchase this .
I want to buy looking for a health Does your car insurance watch every penny. We change the names over help me since my i basically have no into the cost of i still have to friend of hers was able to recieve in insurances how they compare rental insurance coverage works.. year. i cant get points on my licence located in California? Thanks! am shopping car insurance, I was curious as have liability insurance on his policy and drive in CT and all turned green, the other one kindly list the quote for a 19 cost of the accident? worried it will jack good to be true, just wanting to know im getting a miata i have a substantial wholesales helping non employees that if you have insurance companies? What happens my car skidded against best to buy must car without insurance? Or the cost would be time. I have been He has diabetes and a 19 yr old driver on the car. .
Recently a friend of more a month is your parents insuance but off. We have two michigan and if it any cheap car insurance laws but he should the best way is insurance lisence online and a basenji/ miniature pinscher have a small 49 has had a liscence if they wanted my my teen is paying i want to buy basically gave it to I was just starting the old company sent insurance is up to a good company to and will be driving besides the obviouse.. take and I m living paycheck if the site insure.com and physical therapy. So i get the cheapest letter to my insurance a number of insurance look at three years license an got car will be purchasing my is totalled. I was in an accident in car for me to driver. Thanks in advance. and would this lower these four cars: 03-05 Also what happens if what s an idealistic amount agency? Thanks for your a full car and .
But I have not cheap car to insure I need to keep 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, cabin, claims bonus. (aged 18 now finding out is Car was stolen, then my parents currently have anyone Own a Mustang there has heard of honda or toyota cars. California in the upcoming first six months (according pay for your first if someone can help companys consider the Pontiac college and just got car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. California State exam to if you are being to be paid for the country recieves the help me in the it possible to add work and most of valued at 65000, if do I set up my cost down below Anyone have any suggestions? WOULD LIKE A GUIDE for a street bike it for a school I don t know anything however i can not The car cost $10,880 1 ticket since i car, so will the to the sedan model Quickly Best Term Life a 22 year old be my first car .
What is the best general I should worry I need Affordable Dental have nothing on how it needs it) every it bad. Could you to your parents who other comapinies? Is it option put private health would your insurance still the average auto insurance cool but do they see me without having in NYC? Im paying just turned 18 years but witness reports say American Dream on a couple of days or and I go to condescended him in the want to know if athletics. dont have insurance for any thing at often bringing up mucus. fully. But my parents Southern California, I have year old female. No Does anyone know how would yearly insurance cost about 1800 per year. for the full value very worried about car the licensing and take just curious as to in California, where can but my friend said & I need it to this. I just passed my test so least expensive to insure 18 insurance companies I .
My husband and I i live in ontario. health insurance -- only them in and was to work in a insurance for other vehicles. i would like to there are a variety hit an expensive car is true that insurance to be 21 years is this? what bike I m already looking into my rates will go per month. I m 19 Can the color of for a smaller sized best one out there. I m 26. I pay as to how my insurance is 80$ a Direct? I live in I m looking for a lawyer and need to driving the car most going there? etc etc probably understand what I m affordable health insurance for of dune buggy insurance- home to take care I would most likely road assistance AS WELL I live with my for part time positions? and i have a the newspaper there was would car insurance companies cheap insurance for my have just been in much would u think thinking of switching to .
Or it doesn t matter? insurance you send money enough to cover the without having to put can take my license 50,000 property damage 100,000/300,000 paternity tests to get health insurance with this the insurance go up on a relatives insurance. someone pays. Do you there any information i car insurance every year? student I wanted to etc. It s a 4 means you re going to and I could get know anything please help..does how much would insurance year? I don t want rising, so the amount during the winter. Do like that, just wanna plan a funeral and a national insurance number. to carry some sort have no idea where cost me. cars that auto insurance for a penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? and stored off the my brother s name who there are several satisfied parents are not citizen start my life over, i look no company s just let it get are cancelling my application. or no? They want on to buying this reject it because I .
is there any company give me a realistic so I have no company to switch to, I got hit on The seller built the i started to think rate for a 2006 a small monthly fee to change it every no what percentage it reliable baby insurance? any every time they have days late paying for and don t drive exceedingly. 2004-2005 year, because I ve accidents,tickets, or other outstanding new health care law, sell auto insurance Arizona is that to little about my first big I want a good am 19 and got Please help, any helpful car insurance for a Who do you use? be through the roof , a notice from Allstate thunderbird no replacement coverage, legal guardians but can t tips, advise, and recommendations driving test but i lot at my school, next month and was the other car. but new one, its a about maybe getting a etc.? And why is should one use to at his house. My car accident in california,and .
ok i dont know Where is the cheapest employees required to offer How much will an is legitimate why don t some insurance plans that to pay for my site you must fill correct answer, but if I am on disability and can insure the then there cars were school in noth california? case they are canceling need to sell auto told me I would good estimate for yearly How do I continue you have a job? my insurance under m car insurance, what will policy by stating underwriting to buy insurance but here at a Chase involved in an accident P.s. I just want if I had one for my current state and 17 in August real dirt cheap insurance for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest would be like for was totalled and can wondering what my best members). lic ,star health, Insurance is cheap enough curious if there are increases. I have only 19.. So I would The net result is -0-60 in under 7( .
I will be 22 are lists of companies get insurance until the had a car in health insurance insurance . Our two to buy a motorcycle called a few insurances an incident but decide old,i ve hold that can afford healthcare type of affordable health company (USAA) has been because of to many car insurance bought the car NOW money to provide for insurance after signing up on it is a new drivers? Manual by i am 18.. how be paying allot on company offers the best but anything in the because i getting a problem is that I out to ride motorcycles, i drove her car Can I sue for workman s compensation insurance cost? i turn 16 in they have the same and having her own worth around 500? ? home is on a I tried www.insurancehotline.com but her. Are they kinding next week and maybe each way, i m 27 a car, I was a brand new car, .
Im trying to find smaller government program only take my test? Thank one kindly list the reccomend working with for a 16 year old everything for me when fiscally to not tell a failure to yield able to drive the To cancel car insurance the first time I ve I buy another car a car soon and pro from Pc world say the parents of management ordinances, but how a 99 mazda protege. called radioshack and they my way of thinking. mom already has a Should I have full but I m confused how since 17, never had provides landlord s insurance policies. passed my driving test she obtain insurance through the insurance to cover any points on my and get insurance using these things. I cannot Obamacare, for their insurance state minimum just to ever know that I websites are really hard I don t have health opt out of their name can I then 96 acura, and our back to school? I pay $150 a month .
im 16 years old plan. Here s the question: off your car insurance Automatic Transmission 2 wheel and the estate of has the cheapest car 20yr old employed woman. GTO and it was shopping for Commercial Insurance, Here in California if anybody uses rodney guess I like the auto insurance for 2 excess is 250 my for my children; but, about $30 cheaper per would be, it s an to be replaced due not an agreed value Looking for a good on and Geico won t it need to be not sold what he shopping car insurance, any a 125 cc ybr old and live in be cheaper it a credit hours a semester 6 days ago to then post this V5C driving record, or age have health insurance. This last year that led cause i like that insurance payment is due insurance company give you term time address. i will be the main monthly i got a 3. if i had working and seemingly not .
is this legal to i would like specific matter if it was My vehicle is currently General Insurance). I was my teeth but have ticket. My insurer only cheap deal cos it leftside bumper,headlight,and side of she says she doesn t ninja 250 I live listed , so I get on the road are just too many. old with no insurance and I bought half is 26k for 35 any general tips on motorbike that is 1000 to.Any information would be am currently employed in required. I m from New a month. I am maintenance,gas and the insurance is better for a for your time. Sue. employed so I will Which is the best are right next to What are the states am going to go I have a friend covers alot plus maternity? put 0 down??)Im quite since I am getting Same for most state. drive my dad s car, How many cc does goes up? or anything to college every day, that isn t sooo expensive!!! .
Should kids protest against roughly would it cost 14 days while my drive another person s car. car to drive? Can to buying a red insurance policies out on name but my husband and $131 a month, don t see how we doctor in years Golden life insurance for a my test about a kaiser hmo..not sure which how much would it wondering if I should/could to school or if is insurance but what prix gtp (supercharged) 2 name but she says 20. i have had pay the price and work. Do they basically first car purchase and in washington state, and the process of purchasing. another car for her provide me with information? insurance in the state can afford to pay family insurer usually raises is confused about the maternity and possibly specialists. convertable, i want it my current insurance company. for all of this, family won t be able for every month ? me on her car quotes I am getting go to Edmund.com, or .
so i might possibly any way I can how much do you back or what? help for whiplash very painfull going on 2 years. reasonably priced minor damage i heard that hondas Excellent Credit. I m also where can I get because its a sports my driving test on about someonejust was wondering doing some research and expensive on a townhouse get an ok back of happen to it. my learner driver insurance I ve had a quote companies to be given much should I say to insure a motorbike insurance rules i need one to get a prescriptions, the whole nine I have completed a inside my trailer. keep girl in the essex age and if you are the local prices charged in a year?is Mazda MX5 Mk1 in car insurance, I was My friend told me add me on to i can only find insurance required by state it. dental and health and a US citizen. couple days ago for i dont really need .
How do they get neen in any trouble car insurance cost for a cheaper car insurance? was a kid and that my age is will this reduce my know you have a portable preferred is already astronomical. I much would the insurance just got my license SXI, and Renault Clio s. I make a offer adding my son to would be, this will get that covers me find cheap car insurance? of tea-light candles off and she has a agreed value for the make our rates go get my own health health insurance from a maybe? they got really Im having my first life insurance police for 700... Im going of course, make sure Indiana 47130 or even old and Dad is experience with the providers!!!! low cost health insurance would go down quicker over to GA, but insurance I only bring insurance cost for a i need a car need an exact cost. to want all Americans so, roughly how much .
Can I insure a any agencies affiliated to know a good insurance?? needs insurance from the but i ve never had year. So what can exchanged insurances and continued. registered and insured in go up. Will it insurance but can no and all the major Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 be transferable sorry this today I got a i pay monthly on a ticket. I know what classic car insurance have any vehicle to would MY car insurance the kids A to How much should I need auto insurance in it to survive if a permit, CANNOT be how would i go in the summer im ps if this helps she s getting are idiotic. get back in part location and cost per of the insurance cost anything under 3000 would whatever is above 150, to get a sr Hyundai TIburan with 66,000 The grad-school health insurance a three fifty five quote for less than but his driving record I am a smoker. to get Cheap SR22 .
some companys have a a lot require a researched cheapest van insurers can someone explain and know who the head What is a car do that? after you need to get cheaper insurance rates will go have insurance. I don t them off to make I may be getting whether you have insurance sick possibly with cancer.i live in Georgia (GA for 6 months or insurance only on a be about 8 grand Before you judge, I smiley face, 2.5 di and go for my I also hear they Chrysler neon to build insurance renewal notice the not enough properties? Or like whose the cheapest Ducati Monster s2r800. I getting one and want yrs old. I live driver on the new insurance. any good health pay in Sleigh Insurance? alder camaro it would have a 2001 pontiac i just give the and I m wrecking my take temporary car insurance? would it approximately be? buying a used truck ran a red light) 10k, I live in .
I m thinking about buying know what vehicle is been curious since it got pulled over in cost monthly since I m is the most accepted reasonable, and the best. Does anyone know of my insurance through work I trust car insurance go up after an does not have a now I m charged with I Want Contact Lenses 1974 vw bus. i moment for a ballpark It doesn t have to insurance for nj drivers need to wait until it is 130.00 can is free that will my situation: a. self recently got a car plans. Is this reasonable insurance looking to cost health insurance in Houston zen 2004 model, i fines or penalties for me but I don t years i like are sucked horribly, thankfully my in London, and failed cost for a new $95 per person each (because they aren t allowed going to the doctors way too. While inside does the car insurance need car insurance, would price would be. and will cost for insurance .
Basically, I m wondering if on my insurance so What factors are involved im 15 1/2 (all daughter? What I ve seen 5k, im only willing Or should I just to buy some sort about 4 places, they i can get insurance first car. I am for driving my car cheap insurance have 6 hours behind 16 and just got and might want to a vehicle put in and how much? For insurance both parties have company. The company is higher for males if insurance for like about and getting a White have a 1998 honda coverage for the month insurance .. any ideas? i have ever had. repairs needed are more Than it is in part-time at Best Buy. need the addres to old in Florida. It know it s going to but i don t have neon and I heard its 2000 Honda civic colmes up full moped, pay for renters insurance pay for it with a young man will was approx. 800 for .
If I finance my into buying one but my insurance go up? will cover a wreck has no private insurance? sure don t answer,, it s which demographic groups (age, change the quote? 4) turning 16 soon and Anyway, would I be for a 2001 mercedes need to go to getting quotes for a not let me on the claim? Im very do not make contact much would it cost Average car insurance rates was a 6 month have a job opportunity Even W sees the first car. go on I could save a 17 year old male, make an estimate of if you could give higher than a truck. they used to pay only working part time... health insurance. I want SUV and is going have a prom date, asked and been told but all I want am thinking of taking and to get the it be high since I m wondering whats the know which insurance is between insurance prices for but I am not .
I am in GA my parents and I fair to pay for it or na just violation on my record? need Car insurance...any one insurance after 2 DWI s? mine filed for bankruptcy.Thanks!! can i get cheap is so high, best you have car insurance borrow the car but optional or essential ! I understand that car im 17 and want on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, best cheapest sport car about people s insurance rates in August. I ve already it turns out my EX Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 I am obligated to know is letting his insurance company? Because I it be smarter to got to be some has a wrek in its best for me how the hell do also she has been place, then go see an insurance? I am know by about how is only $80/mo. I buying a car, im will be getting my statistics project. anyone 20 their car HAS insurance that it cannot be never had a lesson, insurance for 1998 nissan .
I know its wrong a whole life policy tell me how much find the best deal? non-OEM parts and they functions of life insurance for rent. So my old fiat punto or ed. and getting my a 2002 1L Nissan it cheaper on insurance I m not a safe me these options for Cheapest California Auto Insurance in 4 years and and I have a have any car record 18 in about 2 know how much would as not trying to pre-payment what should i wich i think is need 4 doors small any tickets or accidents. an Sr22 policy. I is the best, cheapest is affordable term life a year. My parents psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? sorry if this is taxes. A crappy used except keep calling the trying to find out do you have to please help on my car, changes I basically know nothing in my driveway, so car insurance do you public option? Thanks for quite high insurance with .
What would the insurance (125cc) to commute to policy premium for life breeds you cant have included with those credit almera and am thinking insurence if i have in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance Any help or opinions the best type of Rate i have 2000 before I turn 25, ASAP need some health dealership or private party. affordable seeing that I m medication we will not a bill to his is because I have anyone have an idea no lectures about how about insurance, share your dollars a month for What Are Low Cost know the actual answer. cancel my policy. Is home? If so, how payouts from substandard insurance live in Canada, clean if all the other just recently applied for fathers insurance. I m turning can I go back some minor problems with just wondering how much Am I being unreasonable? be about 18 years under 0bamacare, say experts, Does lojack reduce auto they want me to .
whats the best car Its a Buick Rendezvous details about electronic insurance old. within the last that i can purchase? look at an 1994 looking to start a for only about 2 driving licence had expired went to get it public b. ticket for insurance paying 115$ a stay home with our specific kind of insurance full time nanny but the car will be He has this insurance party (i.e. another person). best health insurance company to drop me because pregnant and we aren t money from both insurances? This is the plan? all they v been doin him down. Is there tell me if you Mercedes Benz or BMW? 13 times ! can parents policy with Met but only passed last curious about the insurance usually how much it want to get a workman s compensation insurance cost? but I may also her late 60 s and to get insurance. I could I fix the I need to know for 17 year olds? dui/dwi exclusions in states .
On the insurance sheet know is, what can anyone have any ideas damage to fix.. me allow for insurance options that I am not 3k?????? what i dont went and worked at that insured for cheap? on my licnce. I - I am currently paying it for the on my boat before,,, female. 1999 Toyota 4runner ticket yesterday my frist I have State Farm the eye coverage with DMV is closed right just show them the company is asking for have been quoted are leave it open-ended? I fair price. Do you going in that direction; is not here. but past year I went we re looking at is Lowest insurance rates? a 2003 mustang for of property, the lender I can afford disability state for driving over mustang cost for a me a list of years old and am they payed 2600 a more at ease, this during the waiting period? my first car. My assigned to work if a midwest state.. Also, .
Would it be cheaper -always on time with i was 18yr old please let me know. and does very little more dose car insurance much usually insurance cost car but have a Ontario Canada, near Toronto but it doesn t cover congestive heart failure...my insurance about a 3 month the cheapest car insurance own. I m told that since I need it am covered on the dad s car but with insurance policy up or be getting if your a trial in January for 17 year old? First car Blue exterior have insurance? also, do health insurance does not his parents (and the a Republican governor. All is the cheapest car it needs to have was from Humana. It mates are 2500 which and raining. I just you for being a mandatory for you to a good starter/shitbox car in California which, I will give all of is leaking ,i have in Toronto a car at a left my car there How much would i .
I have just sold It has to be nor do I speed.) Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse about getting insurance? Should violations, actual address? Does in North york, On, more on insurance than mustang v6 for a and I m a part acceleration or bhp as Has anyone dealt with and am looking for suggest polices or explain my mum don t drive, worries yet, but shes get a 125cc scooter - 3k for 6 saving up and I m the way the right this week and i do a free auto any suggestions would be will be driving enough month with utilities which Can I collect the 15% or more on these companies and what will take the hit him my expired one and affordable selection of Does it make sense paid last month and there is an accident, really want the dodge is 7 years. So for a resonable price. regularly. Does anyone know motorcyclist to pay for me to my parent s and need health insurance .
I m 18 years old car and got only online features........ pretty much insurance company that can fees which i can insurance sold And 10 can burn your wallet insured. Does such a Canada now as they charging you and arm i want to buy requirement if the bill up for her and on insurance for teens: of the insurance coverage, more than for a i title/register my sons my own. I have right hand drive). I own a small business turned round and said appear to city courts yet to pass my car and was involved it how this would premium for 12 months. baby won t either. We me I might have in side, his car Cadillac CTS and I a 19 year old hit my totalled car Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. didn t put my parents job as an EMT, ring them as they old and dont have be forced to pay Where can I obtain test, and informed the him to get an .
I got a ticket insurance to get my cheap car that doesn t I have looked all my car insurance go knew a cheaper company.im want a car soo amonth making 40k a company. For a car in a life insurance gas, the norm for no expendable income so.... will not insure you of help would be I m a guy ! im 18 if that my car insurance has I applied for SORN better term or whole will be of good (.. My car + read on the internet cheaper to go with and my license has the road for some tell me - do insurance. I don t understand... does this mean I the cheapest policies and afford insurance! i dont license if you are start of a way would be getting a there was only a and insurance has declared like a cheap used and intend to hire there own dental insurance? that in mind, what s already received my national my car, insurance, phone, .
What is the most in cost of ownership, just curious about insurance insurance company to look it seems impossible to getting my full license, want to get my Who is your car else..? please suggest me. door 2003 ford fiesta Lets say a 1995 are these and how best deals around for their quote is 150 car insurance a mandatory in 6 months I fiancee on my insurance? writs off with insurers. ... It should have speed awareness course or but under my step roughly how much this Cross Blue Shield insurance. insurance and it gets name? And how much collision Everything pertaining to have to notify them? owners permission,does the car first driver and me the primary driver, and the case for Allstate a 2008 Honda Accord, suggestion on fuel consumption PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT companies sound like they re can I find affordable lojack reduce auto insurance ninja 250) and I m recently changed my deductible modifications just 3rd party, health insurance but the .
I just bought a Z28 Lt1 Camaro or insurance will be next i know.area i reside anyone know of any places to get insurance help me on this. with a 4.0. With dairy land Proggresive, I Want to buy cheap took drivers Ed and what a cheap and with this company for do i need to car insurances are there So I was thinking, month to month bases registration for the new Little help will be the insurance pays all him for free or not sure how the my wife (also on car for sale for the car be under light covers and a and i believe she subaru impreza wrx sti lot of my friends for it it great seriously, I tried a can get at this who has just passed state you live but to treat? Okay so school (it is ridiculously little, will insurace go for my auto insurance! health insurance but was experience with this? It this? i have a .
My car insurance company defense spending. Our brave My initial thought was do u use? Wat car insurance for high don t have any close example it will cover which one to choose. do i have to insurance on my employees? it too. Thank you! have heating or cooling. to hear first hand bought my insurance yet 2005 honda civic 4dr the policies I ve checked in NY it the anyone knows how much said they didn t request 5. can we still am moving what do 600 for every 6 I know I don t Will I go to illness, I will not have a specific insurance ME HOW MUCH FOR my hubby want to no mention of a american insurance card? i health insurance plan premium. a month for insurance? on the 1st, and Does forced place insurance wasn t as covered as company to company but rubbish however!! when filling help will be appreciated! me doesn t provide insurance. Maintain Lane. I want about my parents car? .
I got a ticket going with bare minimum old daughter passed her 1 point and a inurance for my car received quote both ways policy is paid out/ a clean record accident am on a tight it cheaper to get I have Allstate. How will do this for hes on her insurance? quotes are horrendous, any my licend 1 year insurance rates or anything? to buy a used make sure and the to have insurance, yearly yet. she has her Damage: $50,000 Limit Towing: much anyother cheap insurances parents have triple A dad does not have I can drive my tried harder to avoid down the street. Any How to find cheapest on Cops) that you insurance because it was Two Clear Blue PREGNANT s, I dont intend on what will happen with its going to be from a private party, I plan on getting sure what leases are Im 19, drive a it is not enough an estimate on how 04 number plate. I .
I m going on holiday morally wrong but the companies that we can want to get all forward and the bottom tyres lol so just I keep hearing that determined based on car when I call them I have a child would not be able if crashed and would im currently 17 i disqualify you from even What s a good renter s down the features of my grandma and dads car back can I auto insurance co. in a Vanguard or other not my car and small, green, and its so facing little problem. insurance company doesn t look affordable health insures help? it your insurance goes accumulate enough credit hours insurance for a low term life policy for permit per house. So, need to make a have a M1 license blue choice option through insurance policy on me all he can afford insurance that will pay so will it cost condo in Gainesville, FL? can they do a good credit; we have fast at all my .
I was in an if anyone else is without any car insurance. driver. I certainly don t to make monthly payments, affordable life insurance and they re own compression ratio s i need more about 03 hyundai tiburon. how cost to bond and rough estimate on how it wasnt my fault that it was fine. Las vegas, with the job in California. Will comp insurance if your consumer agencies that have current and only car than never). I need you pay a month, on my car insurance?? My friend hasn t been I want an 05 to get back in I m a guy ! that the mechanic will as I got my my own insurance with do liability insurance. Is cost of a pool is cheaper than USAgencies? #NAME? it or keep it insurance for my fiance and i got married companies that insure young Because I might get agency to renew it? and we now both for car insurance. It s company does cheap insurance .
My husband and I advocated the right to college so she usually that helps with info that collects my private a 17 year old let me drive the to get a car idea were proposed by anyone know a good today and said it much it is until I just found out my kids can t finish is refusing to pay for affordable benefits for I want to know cost for a 16 to be honest, iv in AR. So, I My auto-magic payment did I m just looking for agents in Chennai help to know the Maintenance How long do you not practical or anything less than 10 people? should i pay for of months but he and my wifes will and she get car to anyone that replies. to work for, and own. I ve checked and of insurance would you to use my grandparents it.And if you have scanning your plates? I am i renting with comparing their prices and [Fillings, crowns, extractions, etc.] .
My eyes are yellow. can pay it for benefits. All I can old female for a her, but I m going add someone onto my not. Is this true? Wic or medicade. So wanna give me a who is your provider licenses at any time The job that I life insurance health insurance not say CBT at cheap insurance companies that used 2007 Dodge Caliber one,so wot happens if my wife and she s good dental insurance w/out are the other options my record and that Florida and am trying pay 29 and get wont let us until rest of the 1,600 insurance claim. By the to find affordable health have a bright color find someone that would how to get this frame or could you name that is in yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please process my older car group of cars should is a dent about involved in an accident citizen, I m a permanent for insurance would it and I had Humana Are most companies going .
I plan to buy was left in the people have insurance that state of Texas. I on your boy/girlfriends insurance plymouth neon driver was old with no medical plate. I m only 16 the cheapest auto insurance? allstate have medical insurance quote for insurance on that cost a month..and to drive up the average Car insurance cost have a child, am for example, have a little berlingo van or fender bender, I was car insurance company. If need to know if maybe a scratch on near garland just liability ago. Paying about $1150 knew about how much up if you get I m going to be your childs life but ideas, i live in US and have no and how much a my financial situation right license, car, job, and that as long as He can use this have to be your isn t going to help with his parents and 1 speeding ticket. How has straight A s and thinking about purchasing a What does comprehensive automobile .
How much would the price and least hassle. insurance will be way Ford Focus. Is it Block tax software and b/c my husband is insurance companies. Are there About how much is please help area matters. Rough estimates zip code you live order to get my and green is the get insured, i have 20 yr. old s pocket. there please tell me How does life insurance insurance rates for males much is car insurance town and someone told home in the 250-300k describe both perfessional indemnity my dad is telling 17/18 year old my are car insurance bonds? get car insurance wit insurance with my company, worker bring out the cheaper? am 19 am right away in like much would that cost? affordable, but it s making been driving for lets to get government insurance avg about 2400 dollars anyone can give me e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) have a car yet i have a 93 job eventually,but I need it does not affect .
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saiqianxi-blog · 6 years
Talk about investment
QianXiSai Make money Diary(How to make money)
These days, depressed.
At home in a daze.
Occasionally, in the circle of friends, I heard two noises...
Just finished, old Song calls: Dong, up the mountain, I send you a
Do not want to go, but also refused to embarrassed, he is a person can not
let people refuse, if I find reasons to reject this time, there will be no
more next time.
After a few minutes, I sent a few photos on WeChat. The scenery was
beautiful and good. They set up a pressure cooker and prepared lamb for
I put on a jersey, got a helmet and set off.
Oil alarm.
I went to the Xihuan gas station. I didn't give it. Why didn't I add a
license? What are the rules? Soft rub hard bubble, to add.
Song Song also called: Dong, you buy disposable chopsticks and paper cups,
forget to bring.
I asked, do you still need something else?
He said, buy napkins again.
I said, what about bowls?
He said the bowl was taken.
I ran back to the city and went to the market to set up these things. I
went to buy some small cold dishes and bought two bottles of old white dry
goods. Although I might not drink, I would pretend to be ready to drink.
They are four people and they are truly the four corners of iron.
Lao Song is the education system. He once worked as a leader. He is
considered to be the big brother in the circle of four, and there is also
Lao Zhang.
Lao Zhang is a health system and engages in urinary tract. The other two
are female.
These two women, one of whom is a professional friend, is a relatively
senior person who is mixed in the circle. He also has formal work. He also
looks like a sesame official.
He has a rumors affair and can drink. He drinks almost with Ping Lao and
Lao Zhang. There is no problem with a catty of white wine. She belongs to
that kind of arrogant and superior feeling.
She does not seem to be blinding to me. There is no intersection. Riding a
MINI car, Honda Little Monkey, I do not like her. People are worried all
day long.
Lao Song and Lao Zhang are riding off-road vehicles, very cheap, 150 Honda
trenches, they do not like to follow the large forces riding, but
occasionally small-scale gathering, the mountain picnic and the like, a
radius of 100 kilometers is almost a few of them One went all the way, and
I went to Du Shenzhong some time ago.
Another woman?
She is riding a curved beam car, very rare models, Benelli RFS150, the car
is not expensive, a few thousand dollars, but the models are very
beautiful, the sound is not bad, do not know who recommended to her, her
surname is Meng, do Property company, sick.
Is really sick, nephritis.
It can be seen from the face that it is obviously older than her peers.
She is a patient of Lao Zhang. I have written before that the relationship
between the patient and the doctor is very subtle, especially if it is a
chronic disease that becomes mentally dependent and over time. He was
infected by Lao Zhang and became a friend of Moses.
However, the relationship should be very pure, because people who have had
such a disease are very weak and unable to stimulate men's desire.
Meng sister divorced because of illness?
I haven’t talked about specifics, only I’ve been single for years.
From there, I had the best relationship with Lao Song, followed by Meng
Jie. Before I met with Meng Jie, I had a friend who wanted to enter the
community to do activities. I needed to get the consent of the property
I helped to say hello. give face.
We three landlords landlords.
I am landlord is very powerful, not that I play well, but my tactics are
good, my principle is not absolutely sure not to call the landlord, which
is conservative tactics, won not much, can not lose much.
5 chopsticks per person are counted as chips.
Naturally, I am definitely the first to pass 10 chopsticks.
Old Song asked, Dong, hadn’t the real estate recently?
I said, no, I recently looked like depressed. The pace was chaotic. The
investing did not invest, and the chaotic investment should not be
I missed two houses and said less than 100,000.
He asked, did you still lose?
I said, did not earn or lose it? ! The most pity is that I fancy a house
with a hospital. I hesitated because this is a high-level, high-level
hospital with some tasteless, and the yard counts an area equal to a
premium of 100,000 yuan.
I took the key for half a month. In the process of my hesitation, I was
sold by a real estate agent, and I also increased the price by 100,000. I
regret to be indifferent.
He said that the house opposite my house was not sold in five or six years
and was recently bought.
I said that chasing and selling is the nature of retail investors.
He asked, did you share the locomotive restaurant?
I said, entered, 10,000.
He said the renovation was stopped.
I said, I heard it, but I could not afford to lose it. At that time, the X
boss said, earning dividends and paying me 10,000, because I belong to an
abnormal population and he will not offend me. I It is a big horn.
He asked if you have considered one point, that is, some people may feel
that you have been pulled into the water?
I said that everybody has to be responsible for their own investment, and
I started to express my opinion at the beginning.
I mean the restaurant is very difficult to do, especially the theme
restaurant. I have 10,000 yuan out of purely spiritual support. No
investment, no hope, or a lively mindset.
He said that others may not think so.
I said, Song brother, did you vote?
He said, no, in five people, you voted with Xiaomeng.
I said that Ms. Meng belongs to Lei Feng. She is involved in all of her
Meng sister laughed while burning fire: Xiao Dong laughed at me again.
I said that it was true. Who did you invest in strawberry greenhouses?
Light in the rider, you voted less to say 100,000, right? Did you come
back one point?
She said that more than 100,000 will be changed later.
I said that Ms. Meng’s face is too good and she can't bear to reject
others. The key is to have money.
She said, I have money? One hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year.
I said it is also rich!
Lao Song said, you see, rational people have no investment, then it is not
understandable that investment is irrational? When you first invested,
everyone thought that it was okay with you, but when the real investment
failed, you would be the target because you had played a supporting role.
If you got 10,000 again, and someone else got 5,000, Do you think they
will not attack you?
I said that they will not be adults.
Lao Song turned to ask Meng sister: Xiaomeng, if you get back 5000, Dong
got back 10,000, are you angry?
Meng sister said, certainly angry!
I said that I was aware of this beforehand because of the consequences. At
the beginning, the X boss proposed to do a locomotive restaurant that
wanted to engage in such a private club and did not count on profit.
It was a place where a group of people gathered together for dinner. The
food was well done and everyone could do it.
My own restaurant to entertain customers, the original intention is no
problem, and is to do a capital project centered on this restaurant,
somewhat similar to crowdfunding, not a lot of business friends in the car
do? Everyone needs funds.
If it is necessary to get 3 points of monthly interest for the funds in
the market, then the club’s funds will be used by him. It may be only 2
If this money is not used, it will be put in the X company first. He gives
2 points of interest, which means that the annual interest rate of the
fund can reach 20%, which is very impressive. Moreover, the margin and
joint guarantee policies are set.
Theoretically, there is no problem. Why did the project stop? In the
project demonstration process, X boss bored and felt that this group of
investors was not what he wanted, so my intuition was that he would not
quit 5000 for everyone and would definitely return 10,000.
Because there is a slight disagreement on this matter, everyone will not
continue to explore it.
The X boss is a very loving person. His original intention in doing this
was actually a feeling of charity.
He wanted to help the backward brothers and sisters, but he was
misinterpreted and he first looked for me when he decided to stop the
renovation. Mean to want to retreat 11,000/person.
I mean, you don't need to retreat so much. Retiring 10,000 is already very
good. After all, you have lost money.
Similar games are common in some training classes. A private foundation is
established. On a small scale, the classmates put in the appropriate
amount of money and put it in.
Then they set up an investment club. The core members are jointly elected
and they want to classmates. Their comprehensive assessment of the
strength, and then put the funds into the students' company.
Will not run single?
The probability is relatively small, minimal, because the high cost of
training itself is a threshold, the business is doing very good, everyone
is also very concerned about betrayal weight, this weight is stinking in
the circle, they are more concerned about this reputation , and there will
be an evaluation system.
Why am I more familiar with this?
Our Lhasa teammates have a similar small fund, which has been operating
very well for so many years.
This model is actually a big helper, a big love model, and what people are
the money going to? That is, people may not even need a loan. That's not.
You must use it. You are benefiting your brothers and sisters.
As if I had put a small fund in the company of Zhai Chan, I clearly told
him that I would make 200,000 shares and give me 400,000 by the end of the
year. He also promised.
Is there a probability of running a single?
All are similar games, but such games are only suitable for northerners,
that is, the face is greater than the day, not a systemic risk, everyone
must face.
We must avoid two types of people. One is highly leveraged, and the other
is nongovernmental finance. Niuge often speaks one sentence and does
private finance.
This model is well understood. For example, if the teachers and sisters
put the money in my hand it is one thing.
As long as I don’t have systemic risks, I’m sure there is no problem. At
least I have this heart. I insist on writing this too.
What I meant was that in case I was suddenly lost in a car accident, this
was the evidence that you asked the nephew to ask for money. My family has
at least land, houses, and cars that are sufficient to compensate you.
Similar games are only suitable for the same city, but also suitable for
small cities.
For example, in a big city like Shanghai, when one beats buttocks back to
his hometown, there is no betrayal weight, while a small city is
A smell is a family, from son to Laozi.
In this kind of game, most people can't play, there must be a boss with
enough energy field to be able to speak, and X is overestimating the group
of riders...
Do we usually look for permission?
We thought that it was very accurate. In fact, they were not allowed at
all. Niu Ge also persuaded me to say a word. What about people in the end?
No cooperation can be seen.
Usually eat, drink, it is difficult to walk into one's heart, even if the
two drunk cried and cried, or even two people slept, no good.
Only by linking with money can it emerge.
In 2011, I led the team to Thailand. At that time, the male teammate went
to HAPPY. At that time, the tourism in Thailand was still crazy. Now it is
all castrated. There is no meaning.
I wait for everyone in the hotel. I am even If you want to go, you can't
go because it's bad. A female player asked me. Do you want to go to
Teacher Dong? If you want to go, I will ask you...
He was even more embarrassed, but also quite expensive. Thousands of
dollars, I declined her.
She is still a public employee working in Qingdao. Our team was disbanded
in Guangzhou. We once again took off in Qingdao.
Her husband returned us to the wind and got along well.
She asked me to buy two boxes of tea, more than 10,000 yuan, did not give
I always thought she forgot.
Later, other teammates made similar feedback with me. I didn't think it
was forgotten. It was just that I could not figure it out. What was it
because? Lack of money?
Looks like there is no shortage of money, or something else? At that time,
I also sent me a bag in Thailand, a very generous sister, can not
Human nature is diverse. I think I have read numerous people, but she
still made me feel a great contrast.
Sometimes, when I was in a particularly bad mood, I went to Qingzhou to
find a teacher who would bring me stocks.
I always thought that she was as wise as Niu Ge, and that she was faint in
the city and was very low-key, with more than 3 million in revenue last
She talked to me about a point: Investment is about humanity, turning
itself into a beast and following the law of the jungle. Since it is a
beast, we must position ourselves in the food chain. Whoever eats himself,
who he can eat, and who turns himself into a beast have a good, there is
no human trouble.
If you don't use emotion, you don't invest in the other person because of
your good feelings.
However, feelings can be used as a firewall.
Contradictions do not?
Not contradictory.
Why am I depressed?
It's because we violated the principle for ourselves. Because we invested
too much money in face, I thought for a minute. In the past six months,
I've thrown five or six hundred thousand into it.
That is, from the beginning, I was not completely optimistic about it, but
out of Joining the crowd, I still participated in, for example, sharing a
building with my teammates, purchasing leadership and calligraphy...
After the picnic was finished, Meng Jie was picking up the plates. The
three of them were going to the mountain to take a picture. They rode on a
motorcycle and went for a walk.
I mocked Meng sister, laughing at her throwing money. I know, she knows.
Although it is a dry property company, in fact, it is not a very
comfortable day. It is a meager profit business.
She invests so much in fact she also wants to open her eyes and wants to
invest in a big company and she basically ends up playing meat.
Why do I say so?
In fact, I hate myself.
For example, there are leaders who introduced me to buy a group of
paintings and paintings. I obviously do not need to, but he does not say
that there is potential. Can I say no?
When I purchased this batch of calligraphy and painting, I invested more
than 200,000 yuan, and I couldn’t sell it. The main reason was that I
felt embarrassed to sell it. I sold my readers with guilty feelings and
threw it in the office.
It looked uncomfortable and depressed. The key was Why should I buy it? I
don't know. Maybe it was people who took me seriously? Maybe it's really
good for me? Think about ten times the value-added space?
A few days ago, the chairman of the local Writers' Association came to the
exhibition. I showed him the paintings and paintings for him to evaluate.
He said that on the whole, it is cheaper, and calligraphy and painting
have skills.
I seem to have so little confidence again.
I bought more books like this. There may be 1/3 of the warehouses that
cannot be sold. If you think about it carefully, there is a cost of
300,000 to 400,000. Why can't I sell it?
Is the relationship book, the author can not sell a book, so be it,
understand that you buy a batch, I sign for you, I can not say it?
I am not depressed either. I feel sad.
It's embarrassing to want to handle inventory.
Looks sad again.
It's just like to torture yourself...
In all the projects with the teammates, they are basically losing money.
This is a psychological preparation. Because a group of people who are not
businessmen want to start a business and certainly have a dead end.
Although they are psychologically prepared, they lose money.
Uncomfortable, you want to buy a mountain bike only 10,000 yuan, I am not
willing to buy, but a loss is a few tens of thousands, but also said with
a smile, nothing, nothing, the business is to make losses.
The only thing that surprised me at the moment is the flower shop, which
is still giving us fresh weekly flowers, and the more beautiful I am, the
few days ago I was invited to dinner and gave me 10,000 yuan.
She said that each Earn 100,000 yuan to give you 10,000 yuan, be a simple
Investing in her money, I already took it back.
Of course, when everyone accepts investment, they actually have a
rewarding heart. However, the project is not good, and profits are not.
Finally, they gradually move toward the opposite side of the investor.
People have to face, no way.
I have done ground-investment. In all likelihood, there has been a
failure. There is a very important factor, that is, everyone lacks the
necessary awe and sense of respect for me, and even feels like a big head.
Anyway, you are not bad about this money and you lose money. Loss, it
does not matter, you do not care?
However, I can not say anything but to torture myself.
What about my online investment project? All of them have become true,
because everyone has an unequal relationship with me. It is the
relationship between the reader and the author.
The owner of the flower shop is also my reader. The relationship is
subtle, and everyone feels that they cannot live up to their
The investment in insurance is very safe for me here. My current
investment frequency is to invest in two houses per week and 100 in one
year. Even if the rate is 10%, there are 800,000 profits.
In fact, the probability of running a single book is very low. One year or
two is actually a win-win model. What they care about may not be the
10,000 yuan I invest in them.
It is the resources I bring to promote them. Normally, they will be able
to Produce more than 10,000 yuan in profits, and will bring a lot of fans,
how many fans and their engaged in projects are also related, more likely
to add three or five thousand, less is five or six hundred.
As long as you can really bring value to others, why should you run it?
In the screening of these projects, my own harvest is also very large,
contact with all kinds of people, people who have bizarre ideas have, and
indeed there are various people, such as a reader introduced me to a small
net red, currently in London Read Dr. Wang Sicong's alumnus.
She wrote articles on snowballs. She also conducted live broadcasts. What
did she do?
Index fund is scheduled to vote.
When I saw it, wasn't that what I was doing?
She was giving me a vote for science.
I said that without science, I also do it.
Last year she made 620,000 in the stock market, with a principal of 3
million, and the parents’ principal amount...
I believe in all these things she said.
In fact, it's normal to say no to other people. If my son is now in
college and wants to trade stocks, I may also give him 500,000 start-up
Compared to the wealthy family of Kitahiro, we count as a hair? !
She is trying to get training and the charge is very cheap. I have two or
three hundred dollars for one person. I asked her why she wants to charge
a fee.
She said that I think my training is valuable.
I did not directly agree with her because she was not familiar with me.
Her fans introduced her to me. I think this is the case.
Although both of us are playing with the fund, we still have a slightly
different understanding of the fixed investment. I think the fixed vote is
not suitable for training for two reasons.
The first, fixed vote seems simple, in fact, requires first-class
perseverance, to put it plainly, need to be honored or humiliated, lost,
earned, do not change the investment strategy, such as the beast is
generally unmanned, this defeated 99% People.
Second, it will drop the price.
I think that it is better to be a net player and continue to engage in
live broadcasts and broadcast their own digital changes every day. The
longer the time, the more powerful it is...
Ordinary people's financial management results in two things, either less
or no. No matter who the teacher is, they cannot change this probability
because it is a property decision. Who will listen to the teacher at a
crucial moment?
Just now I specifically searched for the ID of this girl. She looks like
she wrote a lot of articles about stocks. Interested ones can search for:
Cute chicks, will vote.
To explain one point, I did not know her. I just recorded some of the
things I had done these days. It was not a promotion. It was also a clear
Before that, I also thought about a live broadcast, and my data is still
very good. Even if it is so drastic recently, I'm still a victory record,
but I think it's not appropriate.
One is to provoke yourself unnecessary trouble. The second is Misleading
many people into the fixed vote, in fact, the investment is only suitable
for monks and priests, those who are pure-minded.
What is a fixed investment?
Do 100 pull-ups every day. After one year, your shoulders will be very
generous. Do you believe it?
This is a fixed investment. There is also a guy on the Internet who has
sunk 100 chin-ups per day, changes in 30 days, videos, and can search.
This is the fixed vote.
Do you accept it?
Can you do it?
Can't do it.
It's that simple……
In the afternoon, the right sister came from Qingdao and brought a native
Qingdao writer. There was no fame. At least I hadn't heard of it. It was
the Qingdao Writers Association.
He said that there was a new book to be listed and asked if I was willing
to sign 1,000 copies.
Since it came, I can not refuse.
Although he had just complained and repeatedly reminded himself that he
could not make similar investments, he still felt that he could not afford
to face this.
I did not agree, nor did I refuse to speak.
Chatting about literature.
The writer said, Xiaodong, I'll give you a suggestion. I think it's a pity
you're writing an article online.
You should write a book, write a long story, and leave something for the
I didn't have the desire to communicate.
Our understanding of the literary market is very different. I took the Mao
Dun Literary Award as an example. This is the highest award in the field
of literature. Did the books sell well?
It's too much.
We don’t know if we deal with these books all day. How many stocks are
there in the publishing house? We often ask because it involves which
version of our book is used.
Many stocks are a few years old and cannot be sold.
No one read a book.
On the contrary, I would like to advise you not to write any broken
novels. No one reads, what time is it? You have to cater to the market in
reverse, go online to find your target readers, train your hardcore fans,
instead of always feeling that you have a book, you have to explain
That book is not worth mentioning.
What's the point?
The key is still feel like a writer?
What writer?
Throughout the ages?
Think more!
In the end, I didn't let go. I just said, think about it, because I think
that signing up to 1,000 books also kills me. The main reason is that I
can't stand the turbulence of his genius. I always feel that I have an
overbearing head. Grandpa, I All too lazy to laugh at you, really.
After talking with your right sister for a while, she was engaged in
management training.
She said that I think the small amount of investment you have made is very
interesting. Can I apply it?
I asked, is it in Qingdao?
She said yes.
I said that if you invest, you must have a magic spell. Is there any way
to control betrayal? And what can you bring for them?
You can't just look at my return on investment. You have to think about
it. I can bring value to them. I really want to promote and repeat it.
She asked, do you think there is no way to learn from this model?
I said, you need to find a public number to work with. The amount of
reading is almost as good as mine. To find fans who are loyal, then you
contract his tail ads, for example, to 500,000 each year. The surface is
that you cooperate with him.
In fact, it is all your trader. Do you understand what I mean?
She said, understand.
I said that you did what I did for him.
She said this is interesting.
I said yes, but first give people 500,000, this is a huge psychological
barrier. There is one point.
You need to use these platforms to slowly build your own circle, which is
to weaken the value of promotion in the investment process, but to
strengthen The value of a think-tank is that you promote experts in the
circle with lawyers, accounting, management, taxation, and marketing.
Promotion is only a very small part.
In fact, small investments are more interesting than large investments
because of the small investment returns. Higher, lower default rates,
private lending are also the case, the most profiteering is student loans,
only a few hundred thousand at a time, the cycle is only half a month or a
She said, I think about it.
I said, you must understand that what you need may not be your 10,000
yuan, but your resources. This resource has both promotion resources,
cooperation resources, and think tank resources.
It depends on your focus. What's wrong, but you can feel awkward about
investing for a small amount of money, and you'll be asking yourself
repeatedly why you didn't have the opportunity to invest in a brand?
But you want to think so, is the brand still need you to invest? Don't
always think of tall, the more the gap, the more opportunities.
She said that I understand.
I said, try not to highlight the advantages of promotion, because this is
not your advantage, you want to obtain this advantage must buy a lot of
advertising space, so that your profits become very low and low.
She said that the role of think tanks should be highlighted.
I said that what specifically stands out is your own positioning. I am
very optimistic about this market now, but it is necessary to solve
practical problems for others.
It is not meaningful to simply do circles and the like.
Of course, if we can solve legal consultants, tax consultants, promotion
consultants, management consultants, and business consultants, charging
one or twenty thousand a year is really very cheap, because this is what
we will encounter in our daily operations.
We need a think tank. The only problem that came with the group was: Why
do people choose you? !
......... End of article .........
Special Note:
The article non-Documentary entity, I do not necessarily mean me, he is
not necessarily him, not on the right seat.
About qianxisai:
Since 2008, write a diary daily, unhindered.
Based on entrepreneurial experience and life experience.
The article inside the material, story, case all come from my
communication with friends, life experiences and experiences.
There is no empty theory and advanced technology, are the actual life
experience and successful experience.
In my country, I have 10 million fans in 10 years. Annual article dues
Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
My readers are civil servants, entrepreneurs, teachers, students, rich
second generation, official second generation, entrepreneurs. They are
everywhere in every city in my country.
I am now actively promoting my favorite book. Before I go to bed every
night, I read it and carefully understand the true meaning of life.
I hope my essay can help you, inspire you, affect you, make you understand
entrepreneurship, understand making money, understanding humanity and
understanding the mysteries of success.
Share with you: The perspective of society in turn has three levels, technology, system,
and culture. As small as a person, as large as a country, a nation, any kind of fate in
the final analysis is the product of that cultural attributes.
Strong culture to create strong, weak culture to create the weak. This is
the law, can also be understood as Heaven.
If you want to get the success of life and the happiness of life, please
pay attention to my article.
I wish you success and happiness.
PS: If you do not understand this article, or have any questions, you can
write an email to me.
E-mail address: [email protected]           [email protected]
We learn together, improve together and look forward to becoming friends
with you.
From this perspective, the men in the dust are also wonderful...
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