#I should maybe get a handle on that
gideonsgirldick · 6 months
I just realized that The Locked Tomb series would be waaaay more popular than it is right now if one or both of the leads were male cause people go nuts for hogwarts esc houses, enemy's to lovers romance, and lore as deep as my fingers in your mom.
Someone please talk to me about this I am genuinely out raged.
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soaked-ghost · 2 months
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girls that struggle to breath and can't maintain a stable form and who hate each other
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chitinleg · 1 year
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bad day, julian?
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isatohlee · 1 year
I was scrolling through my art folders on procreate, and I found this huge panoramic piece of a bunch of fnafsb Sun & Moon artists with mini versions of their Suns & Moons that I really looked up to.
Unfortunately it never really got past the sketching phase and even then I hadn’t gotten everyone drawn who I wanted to.
But looking back at it gives me this big smile and reminds me of all the good memories of the fandom I think I might as well share it.
Also mind you this is like a year old so it may not be entirely accurate to the designs.
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Why I like to torture myself with these elaborate panoramic pieces with like 10+ individuals on a piece is beyond me.
Under the cut is the @ for everyone in this
I’m sorry for the mass @ing
It’ll go from left to right
@eating-you-alive-cutely @soopenedraws
@twinanimatronics & @dana-chan-the-control-brain
@chankchua @traichank
If you’re reading this and you’re one of the @ individuals, thank you. You guys are amazing artists that I’ll always look up to and I’ll always look forewards to seeing your art. Keep up the great work and I hope you have a wonderful day/night
Even if you aren’t, thanks for reading and looking at my art! I really appreciate it. I hope you too are having a wonderful day/night and know that you’re doing great.
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natsmagi · 2 months
honestly the more i hear about engstars and its TLs the more i absolutely dread the inevitable release of poltergeist and what may ensue from it, bc if if the translators themselves are already invalidating arashis identity then i Really Truly do not want to see how theyll translate natsume and tsumugis microaggressions/transphobia towards her. esp since ive noticed a rise in people being comfortably transphobic towards her, and i REALLY do not wish to see natsume and tsumugi being stupid fucking morons be used as evidence to discredit her
and i think this is all the more reason why its VERY IMPORTANT for engstars to DIRECTLY ACKNOWLEDGE arashi and her gender. bc sometimes characters are STUPID and RUDE and APATHETIC. enstars is a story with NUANCED and FLAWED CHARACTERS, and when a character is being a fucking asshole youre meant to PROVE THEM WRONG. but they dont even acknowledge arashi as a girl themselves. so, if you do use engstars, please keep pressuring them bc omfg this is so bad and i can only see it getting worse
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
ooooo timkon w “Can you just hold me?” or “You look like you need a hug." for the ficlet thing :3
Kon's hair is a frizzy mess.
That's the first red flag. Kon is ridiculously vain when he wants to be, with a whole hair care shower routine, silken pillowcases, and an array of curl creams and whatnot that he had to explain to Tim twice before any of it stuck in his head properly. Tim teases him for it now and then, but he knows it's because Kon doesn't like people seeing him at anything but his best. Kon got too used to being picked apart on camera for that.
So the fact that his hair is unkempt and mussed as he lets himself in from the balcony is... concerning.
Even more concerning is the way he barely even looks at Tim before he throws himself at the bed, flopping face-down with an oof. The balcony door closes itself behind him like an afterthought, and he heaves a huge, melancholy sigh.
"Kon?" Tim pushes away from his desk, trotting over to the bedside. Kon's legs are sticking off, and Tim shakes his head fondly as he reaches down to tug Kon's boots off. "Long day, huh?"
The first boot comes off in his hands; the second follows almost instantaneously. Kon lifts his head from the duvet to give him a slightly sheepish look over his shoulder, apologetic, before he drops his face back down with a thump.
"I'm tired," he mumbles. And he sounds like it. There isn't even a hint of a smile in his voice.
Tim crawls onto the bed next to him, rests his hand comfortingly at the small of his back. "What happened?"
Kon hisses out another sigh into the duvet. "Someone tried to—and don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm fine—but someone tried to dissect me today. Again."
Alarm jolts through Tim's whole body; his hands immediately start roaming Kon's torso, probing for wounds. "What?! Are you hurt—"
"I just said, I'm fine, Rob." Kon sounds a little wry as he rolls onto his back. "Jeez. What happened to your listening skills?"
He catches one of Tim's wrists and holds it to his chest, over his heart; Tim can see the sliver of an incision, cut right into the center of the S-shield emblazoned on his chest. He can't tell if it cut the skin beneath or not, but at least he doesn't see any blood.
The tiny smile on Kon's face fades, and Tim softens, studying him. Now that he can look properly, he can see the telltale signs that Kon cried, earlier; his cheeks are a little blotchy, his eyes slightly reddened. An eyelash is stuck to the delicate skin just below his eye.
"Some... ugh. They were some, like, Cadmus-wannabes. Total bozos, though. They had a red sun lamp, but no metagene suppressant, so." Kon shrugs, discontented. "They didn't even use the energy restraints like that time with Amanda Spence, like—c'mon, at least do your basic research if you're gonna try to vivisect a guy, right?" He snorts humorlessly. "I got out fine, took it down, called the S.C.U., it's whatever. I'm just... I'm so tired, Tim," and his voice cracks on Tim's name.
"Kon," he murmurs, leaning down. He presses their foreheads together, his chest aching. He'll have to check the news, find out from reports who exactly was behind this, because... it shouldn't matter, since it's already taken care of, but something inside him burns at the thought that anyone, anywhere, could put such a bone-deep sorrow into Kon's eyes.
"I'm so tired of people acting like I'm—like I'm not a person just 'cuz I hatched outta some stupid tube in a lab." Kon's eyes are too bright. He squeezes them shut and takes a shaky breath. "Like—what do I gotta do, y'know? How do you just—how do you even get through to people who're so convinced clones aren't people? I'm a person, too! I just... I..."
Tim very briefly debates the ethics of breaking into Stryker's just so he can hit someone with his staff. Or his car.
"I'm... really sorry you had to deal with that," he says instead, lamely. It's cold comfort, and awkward, and—
And it makes Kon laugh, watery but real. He blinks his teary-bright eyes up at Tim, brushes a gloved hand to his cheek. "You're mad as hell right now, aren't you?"
Tim smiles ruefully and presses his lips to Kon's jaw. "You caught me." Another kiss, to the corner of Kon's mouth. "I just—I hate that I can't do anything to fix this kinda thing for you. You don't deserve it."
"Mm." Kon takes a second to collect himself, swallows hard, and breathes out slowly. "You do more than you realize, I think. Can you just—can you just hold me? For a little while?"
Tim flops down on top of him immediately, wraps his arms around his head and neck, and smushes his face into Kon's hair. It would probably be more comfortable if they were side-by-side and facing each other, but the advantage of this position is that—
Kon laughs again, soft and fond. His voice is still a little thick, but he's smiling now. "Is that comfy for you...?"
"Kinda." Tim kisses his temple, too. "You smell like smoke."
"Mmf, sorry." Kon sighs again. "And I got it all over the bed now, too, huh..."
"S'okay. We can just grab a different blanket later." Tim scrunches his fingers through Kon's hair until they hit a tangle. "...Want me to wash your hair for you?"
Kon's arms tighten around him, and suddenly he seems like he needs a moment before he can respond. Tim doesn't rush him.
"Yeah," Kon croaks out after a moment, his voice suspiciously wet. "Yeah, Robbie. I'd like that a lot."
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 5 months
My study partner and I got to weigh our rainbow trout, and wow have they grown! They came to us weighing an average of 10 grams, and only in a month’s time even the smallest fish have doubled in weight! There were some very hefty guys too, from a randomly selected group of fish the biggest weighed 81 grams, a massive amount of growth considering how small they were before! We’re aiming for an average weight of 100-150 grams, so we’re well on our way there.
To weigh the fish, we put them under anaesthesia so they wouldn’t be too stressed about the situation or thrash around in the weighing bucket. Here’s a picture I took of some rainbow trouts still coming to from said anaesthesia, absolutely zonked:
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You can see some drastic size differences between different rainbow trout individuals. Not to worry, every fish recovered and was swimming normally with their buddies after a few minutes!
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ladynoirzeddison123 · 1 month
Dad’s Season 7 Theory
So my dad just came back from a few weeks abroad which meant we finally binged the new season together. Anyway… as we reached the end of the last episode he had a thought that I found pretty interesting so I thought I’d share.
Runnan has been released from the coin as we know, meaning there’s still one Quasar diamond in Callum’s possession. My dad noticed that when Runnan was freed his previously occupied coin it became empty (obviously) and that Callum picked it up to look at it. Now this can easily be framed as simple curiosity, but perhaps also foreshadowing? My dad’s thought here is, since Aaravos cannot be killed, and hence needs to be trapped, will Callum end up performing the coin entrapment spell on Aaravos? Instead of doing it the dark magic way he’d use the last Quasar diamond to trap him, almost like a reverse release spell?
It seems like an interesting thought and would be a pretty rounded conclusion to Callum’s arc, he would keep his promise of not using dark magic, we would see the final diamond be used, and trapping Aaravos in a coin would parallel Viren trapping others for his own gain, while Callum would have trapped someone to not only save the world but also assure himself that he is free from the threat and influence of Aaravos (seeing as he is absolutely going to spiral once he finds out Aaravos is free and he didn’t take the real Pearl).
Yeah anyway this is why I like watching shows with him we always end up having interesting discussions.
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cephalog0d · 1 year
Yeah I'm not done yet.
The thing I keep coming back to is that as much as I'm down to nit-pick things like how characters are written and plot details (and boy are there a whole infestation of nits to pick), what it boils down to is that the basic premise here shouldn't even be happening.
I get they're doing a Thing with Bruce and the after effects of Failsafe and Zur and Insomnia so sure I guess it makes sense to have him acting totally unreasonably. I'm not saying it's a plotline I'm thrilled with, but whatever. This is about everyone else.
You have half a dozen people routinely patrolling in Gotham, who've been doing it for years, who know the city and how it works, who have at least two people who are particularly inclined towards collecting and parsing data for patterns for crime fighting purposes, and none of you noticed anything amiss until Selina called and was like "Hey did you notice my neat new plan I've been doing?"
To that point, in a room full of literal canonical geniuses not a single person has thought to ask any of a dozen very practical questions that occurred to me, a non-genius reader, roughly 10 seconds after reading what The Plan was. Things like, oh, I don't know
How is this going to be a sustainable long-term effort?
For example, what happens when Gotham's wealthiest realize what you're doing and dramatically beef up their security (with tech or with actual people), making it much harder and more dangerous?
Like iirc you, Selina, have definitely had some real dicey situations as a result of your profession, and you're a lot more experienced than these people.
(Hey speaking of which isn't there a whole secret society of Gotham's wealthiest and most powerful who have access to nearly unkillable assassins? Who keeps coming back even though they keep being taken down? You think any of these people might belong to that?)
What happens when the rich folks get pissed and sic the heavily militarized GCPD on you? Don't act like they won't, I'm sure someone's squirreled away stuff from that whole Fear State fiasco.
For that matter, what happens when the costumed villainry figure out who swiped all their henchpeople and decide to object to it, presumably violently?
How many people are we talking here anyway that you're training? How many ultra-wealthy people live in Gotham? How many easily stealable things do they have sitting around to take? (As opposed to, like, other non-liquid fake assets like stocks)
How are you fencing all this anyway? Isn't that a great way to get caught? Or is everyone just stealing cash? (Or did nobody think about the part between "got the valuable thing" and "have usable money from it"?)
How on god's green earth did you ever assume this was going to end in anything other than violence?
Like of course one of your guys got killed. It doesn't matter that you told them no violence, even if they fully buy into that it only takes one panicked reaction when someone's home who shouldn't be, on either side, and there you go.
Look I get what they're trying to do. It's supposed to be a big moral quandary about whether it's right to allow some crime if it decreases other crime, the struggle between Batman being unreasonably violent and unwilling to listen and this new plan of Selina's. First of all that's a weird debate to have when everyone having it is technically a criminal to some degree. And second of all, it doesn't matter, this isn't about the morality, this is about how this plan is fucking dumb and was destined to fall apart even if Batman was still asleep and the fact that any of you are buying it just means there's a gas leak in Gotham somewhere.
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kedreeva · 1 year
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Went to let the birds out and found this furious little (baby) lad in one of the trenches, exhausted from trying to get out of the coop he so bravely wiggled his way into. I fetched him out and let him go outside the pen. Hopefully he won't be trying that again.
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when I want to write something self indulgent to give me all the angsty and cuddly hurt/comfort feels but I can't because I end up feeling guilty because I'm seeking after feels that I feel in an inappropriate place because my mom told me one time when I was 15 that I shouldn't search that out or it's probably sexual sin but it confuses me because ALL the feels happen that way for me even if it's entirely platonic and nonsexual and so I don't know if it's okay to want to write to that because apparently all pleasure of any sort, even over platonic stories, is sexual or comes with a possibly probably sexual feeling and I also am having a hard time figuring out what's genuine conviction from God and what's just my anxiety/OCD/perfectionism/fear of failure
#like I feel like it's conviction. but also when I analyze it... I'm not doing anything sexual??? the stories I'm writing are#ENTIRELY platonic#it's like. found family feels.#but then why do I feel so guilty/convicted over it and feel better/less guilty when I stop writing anything feelsy#like... I guess I'm only allowed to write plot and can't ever write hugs and hurt/comfort anymore#my mom keeps saying I should journal all this instead of venting it at everybody and honestly maybe she's right#idk how to handle this but also I feel like if I just find a holding pattern where I can strike a healthy balance of lile#like* what is correct and healthy for me to enjoy#then the anxiety over it might pass? I don't want to avoid conviction though but like. why am I convicted over#writing a story where someone who's been treated like a monster finds a family who loves them#like.. is it because I'm seeking out whatever that feeling in my lower belly/groin is????#but that's like... so tied up in enjoyment and hurt/comfort to me that idk if I'm ACTUALLY looking for that#or if this is just what I write#and idk if that even is sinful in any way at all!!!#and why can't I just get over this? like I keep going in circles with it and it's so frustrating#idk this is totally tmi I just got hit with this awful feeling after work today and the only thing I can pinpoint it to#is this specific thing I've been writing. but even though yeah I've been getting feelsy with it... it's PLATONIC#ENTIRELY COMPLETELY NONSEXUAL. so like... is it that pleasure feeling that's the thing I'm being convicted over??#probably. bc that's the only thing that eases the feeling of conviction/anxiety/guilt#and also probably no one is reading all these tags lol sorry guys I'll go away now
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mmmmalo · 4 months
Nice addition to Hussie's occasional eye-as-anus motifs (eg Problem Sleuth's "gutterpipe" doubling as a film projector): John looks at the sun through the telescope, THEN Rose rips up the toilet, metaphorically enacting the blinding that so many readers point out should have happened. It's consistent with the removal of Karkat's toilet segueing into a discussion of Terezi's sun-inflicted blindness. Still not sure what to Do with the motif but this affirms its existence at least
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
Todays episodes
I dont know what the future one was trying to tell me
But poor puppet trying to get info and everyones like WTF
like an alternate future that dosnt help at all
#are they showing what couldve happen what could happen etc idk#anyway poor sun. also HEY SOLAR??? ALRIGHT BRUH??#anyway earth talking about moon was frustrating but its not like. i dont know why#but damn being the viewer and knowing things sucks because the other character dont know osmething#but all in all earth proving that no one reading the red flags of the situation#i thought yall were exagerating but no. no. everyones convinced moons super bad and cant be forgiven#and its??? i think sun more or less understands somethings wrong but like... in a different way wntirely#i feel bad for sun for hearing all that and just 'i dont believe that'necause yeH??? thats???#that SHOULD be having everyone going Well thats WEIRD and OFF.#while hilarious that earth and ruin agreeing with moons weirdness last episode#anyway wowewo im disappointed in everyone BUt Lunar and sun#and thats cause lunar didnt say much just stares atmonty 'u talked to old moon???'#yknow like HUH YEAH OF COURSE THAT DIDNT HELP MONTY#THE MAN WAS FRAGILE ENOUGH MENTALLY AND U MADE IT WORSE BY... literally going#'we'll just get rid of u and bring the old one back'LIKE THAT WASNT A CONCERN FOR NEW MOON#i dont a want a virus moon now i want this man to be literally just be handling#earth herself doesnt have an excuse for that old moon stuff-#anyway i hopw theres resolve because actually thats wild 'well we cant forgive him-'#MAYBE??? MAYBE ACTUALLY??? FORGIVE BECAUSE YALL?? JUST.?? okay anyway ik good im fine#just baffled by how earths response was really and like i think shes processing it all but likw Damn#New Moon i hope u stay buddy#sun and moon show spoilers
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unma · 1 month
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This. This line. The fact that Outis chimes in to correct Don is so damn good I doubt I'll replace Lantern Don on the main menu any time soon. It makes me smile so much, and for that same reason I also have Boolet Outis on the menu. I need to see the two of them bicker more.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Even if you don't agree with incarcerated people having access to education, monetary compensation for work, or whatever, I really hope you acknowledge that so long as you provide the state incentive to imprison people (free labour or whatever it may be), the state will continuously imprison people - especially for non-violent crime.
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
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this could be kuwameshi if you guys would like. take my hand and trust me
#yyh spoilers in tags#like major spoilers ok#which ig i dont usually tag but whatever#the if i had to choose between the world and you it's you thing happened. and it was KUWABARA like hhhhgghh#yusuke makes him forget his honor code sometimes and i need you guys to see that with me#bc it makes me wanna fling myself into the ocean over and over again#kuwabara literally is like you need to be alive bc otherwise im nothing idek who i am. please let me punch you#and he wails this multiple times#and yusuke would burn down the world himself if he thought it'd help his friends we all know that#and doomed by the narrative? mmm with the ever escalating world ending nature of being a spirit detective thats kinda there#throw in the sudden demon-human age gap post yusuke death 2 and you've got some narrative dooming in a way#but not enough for me to well and truly call them doomed by the narrative#yyh#yu yu hakusho#kuwameshi#kazuma kuwabara#yusuke urameshi#ofc i can handle you at your worst thats basically you all the time is Very kuwa to yusuke#and maybe we can figure out what the hell ur problem is over dinner sometime is Very yusuke to kuwa#actually i should draw that. or make it a textpost or something#but like turning up the protectiveness/possessiveness thats already there with them in line with the whole#'ive watched you die' trauma they Both have means that like. i think they would Need to have each other around for a period of time#in the wake of sensui's bs perhaps. and then yusuke cuts it all off and they start to get a bit healthier about it. hm#i think about them all the time it's like if typicsl shonen rival/bestie homo-ness was kind of scary and painful#like they love each other but the ways they hurt each other and hurt over each other drive me fucking insane
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