#I stand with Angelina Jolie
justiceamberheard · 2 months
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I stand with Angelina Jolie.
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It is very well known that Brad Pitt physically attacked his wife and kids on a plane, but here he is, sitting front row at the Golden Globes, being publicly praised by multiple people
BuT aLlegAtIOns RUiN mEN’s LiVEs 🙄
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a-dowryofblood · 2 years
Seeing people embrace Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt makes me absolutely sick. There's tons of white men out there just pick another one, you don't have to baby the abusers.
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One thing about me is I'll love whatever woman people decide to hate!!
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popculty · 2 years
brad pitt violently assaulted angelina jolie and two of his children. do not fall for his white saviorism or “genderbending” fashion choices. he is an abuser desperately trying to pull focus from the recently unsealed fbi report with whatever cause of the moment he can literally cash in on, while trying to soften his public image of ultra-traditional masculinity, and cast jolie as the villain
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crazycoke-addict · 2 years
The thing is that victims do lie but not in the way you think. They lied about how they got the bruise on their cheek, they lie when they said their partner and them had a disagreement, they lie when they said they can't go out because they're busy. They lied to protect their abuser. The abuser who hits them. The abuser belittles them. The abuser who isolates them. They're sacred for their own lives that it's best to lie because if the abuser found out than it's get worst.
The only time, when they do tell the truth is when they say they were abused. I understand that false accusations exists but why should that be first thing to think of when a victim decides to come forward. Why do you need to ask them for evidence even though you're just gonna say it's their fault. Why ask them certain questions that you already know the answer at this point. Why didn't you leave? because they were scared and they didn't have the financial support to get out. Why didn't you call the police? They've tried but the police turned away from them.
If you're first instinct is to either be unbiased or say innocent until proven guilty than I know exactly where you side with and it's not the victim's side. People will say the accused doesn't get their side, but that's not true. When the victim speaks, your skeptical. When the abuser denies, you either believe their words or you say you don't know to believe. That's the thing, abusers are true liars. They lie when they said they didn't abuse them. They lied when they said they didn't rape them. They lie when they said it was consenual. The abusers are the true manipulators that they fooled everyone including the victim's family, their friends and anyone who knew them.
The only person who knows the real them is the victim because they are the main witness. But because this is only one person they aren't not believed.
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expromqueen · 2 years
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Reading this was rough. And now all the pitt dick riders are remixing the old “she’s an evil bisexy temptress” I hate this song.
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sanitydestroyer · 2 years
I have my problems with some of the things that Angelina Jolie has done and said, but nothing justifies Brad Pitt's behaviour, and I'm tired of people who act like abuse isn't as bad when it happens to somebody they don't like.
I've no idea where to start with this comment:
"It's incredibly sad that she continues to rehash, revise and reimagine her description of an event that happened 6 years ago, adding in completely untrue information to try to get additional attention for herself at the expense of their family. She had the opportunity to share information with law enforcement who made the decision not to press charges. She had the chance to share this during the lengthy custody trial, which resulted in the judge granting 50-50 custody to Pitt. She has resorted to trying to keep rehashing the same thing. Going back to the same thing month after month with new and still false information for purposes that only she can understand."
Maybe she keeps "going back to the same thing" because of some of the things you just said right here. Maybe she was reluctant to share this during the custody trial because she thought she would face backlash and he would be granted 50-50 custody anyway, and she has not been able to stop worrying about the fact that those children are spending time with an abuser. Maybe she has had a bad experience with the police that needs talking about because institutional sexism and anti-female bias are deep-rooted problems that are frequently overlooked but need addressing.
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NBC News reported on 11/9/2016 that The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services has cleared actor Brad Pitt of allegations of physical abuse in connection with an incident aboard a private jet
You mean a rich, famous, powerful white man didn’t face any consequences for being an abusive piece of shit? 🤯
It’s really not that hard to believe victims, I promise.
Anyway, here’s what one of Brad and Angelina’s kids had to say about him:
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a-dowryofblood · 2 years
I remember when Angelina Jolie first came out with her allegations this female "reporter" said that she should have kept her mouth shut because nobody was going to believe her, because Brad Pitt is likeable and Angelina was always the "crazy" and "wild" one. Now he's using that sentiment to sue her.
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happy international women’s day to anelina jolie, megan thee stallion, and amber heard ❤️
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theostigerseye · 7 months
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artbytesslyn · 10 months
Angelina Jolie Fish from Shark Tale?
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anthroxlove · 1 year
"In the last year, Amber Heard, Angelina Jolie, Megan Thee Stallion, and Wood have all accused past celebrity partners of abuse or violence — only to have armies of fans accuse them of lying, misrepresent their legal proceedings, and encourage misogynistic rhetoric against them."
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mariatesstruther · 5 months
ugh get away from him jennifer aniston get AWAY
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olliesbird · 2 years
it’s ‘equal rights, equal fights’ up until the point she started thumping him back for continuously, habitually beating and attacking her psychologically and physically. it’s ‘kill all rapists’ up until the rapist is a guy you find attractive. it’s ‘i support women’s wrongs’ up until a woman behaves in a way that requires nuance and forgiveness to understand. it’s ‘believe women’ up until it’s a bisexual woman being openly smeared by her ex husband, using allegations of affairs and scandal to throw off from the fact that he beat her with all his strength. it’s ‘we’re a better generation than our forebears’ up until it seems like a situation where you’re morally superior for turning a blind eye to it.
anyone who was silent during all this and all those to come, swearing that they’re as bad as each other, you don’t care about two celebrities in a dog fight: i won’t forgive you. i hope your indifference chokes you. your apathy is not any better just because you’re it’s pretending to be elevated.
anyone who believed she was in the wrong for hitting him after years of abuse, you’ll understand one day that you either have to fight or you have to die. you’re mad at her for surviving.
anyone who thinks she was wrong for defending her children against their own father, you have no idea how hard things are when all you do is blog on the internet.
anyone who thinks her lying to protect him from the cops was suspicious, quite frankly, i hope the sea eats you. he was a black man who shot her, she is a dark skinned black woman, there was no other choice. all she is asking for is justice.
anyone who thinks she should have handled it differently instead of speaking out, not speaking out as a celebrity might and does mean more vulnerable women might fall into traps. he tortured her for days, the only right thing to do is try and stop that happening to someone else.
you think they’re hysterical, they’re crazy, they’re annoying. if everyone else is doing it, it’s okay to laugh at a couple of the memes here and there. you’re not actively participating in their downfall, you’re fine. you’re not doing any harm.
what are you gonna do the day everyone starts laughing at yours?
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