#Brad Pitt is an abuser
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Some messages from one of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s children, Pax.
This is real and his account was public in early 2020. I assume seeing the man who abused his mother, him and his siblings being awarded an Oscar set him off. And I get it. I also believe this is why Brad was so adamant that none of the kids get to testify in court until AFTER the custody couldn’t be affected by what they said. He knew that couldn’t happen because something like this would end up going on public record. Shiloh, the golden child, doesn’t use his name. She goes by Jolie. Same as Maddox. Zahara doesn’t see him. But what she does do is attend with her mother on trips to advocate for domestic violence survivors. The twins have now aged out. And on their 14th birthday he visited. He made sure the media caught him arriving in Rome and as we learned later, he had promised the media photos of him with some of kids. Photos of them having dinner on the hotel balcony. The kids said no and the photos didn’t happen. However Backgrid had already sent the plan to be published and it got leaked. So yeah. And we know about Maddox. He is the first kid who stepped in to defend his mother and unfortunately got hit by Pitt. He is also the first to testify against him. He also sued the FBI alongside Angelina because they kept information abt the case from them.
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dicapriho · 1 year
everyone praising and kissing brad pitt’s abusive ass at the golden globes, as if none of his kids talk to him, bc you know...he abused them as well as angelina jolie for years behind closed doors. but never fucking mind, it’s all protect our rich white men when it comes to hollywood.
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anthroxlove · 1 year
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Still believe Darvo Depp? Take 20 minutes out of your day and read this article. Take more time to read the sourced material if you're still in denial.
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sanitydestroyer · 2 years
I have my problems with some of the things that Angelina Jolie has done and said, but nothing justifies Brad Pitt's behaviour, and I'm tired of people who act like abuse isn't as bad when it happens to somebody they don't like.
I've no idea where to start with this comment:
"It's incredibly sad that she continues to rehash, revise and reimagine her description of an event that happened 6 years ago, adding in completely untrue information to try to get additional attention for herself at the expense of their family. She had the opportunity to share information with law enforcement who made the decision not to press charges. She had the chance to share this during the lengthy custody trial, which resulted in the judge granting 50-50 custody to Pitt. She has resorted to trying to keep rehashing the same thing. Going back to the same thing month after month with new and still false information for purposes that only she can understand."
Maybe she keeps "going back to the same thing" because of some of the things you just said right here. Maybe she was reluctant to share this during the custody trial because she thought she would face backlash and he would be granted 50-50 custody anyway, and she has not been able to stop worrying about the fact that those children are spending time with an abuser. Maybe she has had a bad experience with the police that needs talking about because institutional sexism and anti-female bias are deep-rooted problems that are frequently overlooked but need addressing.
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It is very well known that Brad Pitt physically attacked his wife and kids on a plane, but here he is, sitting front row at the Golden Globes, being publicly praised by multiple people
BuT aLlegAtIOns RUiN mEN’s LiVEs 🙄
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a-dowryofblood · 2 years
Seeing people embrace Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt makes me absolutely sick. There's tons of white men out there just pick another one, you don't have to baby the abusers.
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russilton · 3 months
do you not like charles then either.
Not particularly.
My first impression of him was not kneeling in 2020 and there’s never really been much redemption to that, especially given how he reacted on twitter when people rightfully pointed out that this was racist and also drew attention away from the intended movement to instead focus on his lack of statement.
It is not enough to not be racist you must be actively anti racist.
I just choose not to talk about Charles because I have friends who like him, and I don’t dislike him enough to start a fight, I just genuinely don’t care about him. It’s not like my drivers are saints.
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The way all those celebs keep shouting Brad Pitt out… there was something so weird about that. That’s not a normal thing that ever happens at award shows. That was a calculated move by his pr team. It was very in step with what happened with Harvey Weinstein when Hollywood was still pretending to not have any idea. It was clear by how he was nominated only in one category, was placed in the very front where everyone coupe see him, the camera panned to him every five seconds. And the amount of people who stopped to thirst and praise him? There’s absolutely no way they did that just because they wanted to. This was a full on burying of information. They want to bury any information about the abuse Angelina Jolie and her kids suffered at his hands. They started during the show. The show wasn’t even over before the media was writing about how Regina King wants to marry Brad Pitt or how Austin Butler said he loved Brad Pitt. It was a clear sign of what what happening. There are a few lesser known sites that are calling it all out. But not enough. It’s even clearer when you realize Pitt currently Weinstein’s pr team behind him. He is using the exact same tactics Weinstein used. Remember that Weinstein even used these same tactics in Angelina when she came out and said she’d been a victim of his when she was starting out. And she told Pitt when he went to work with him but he continued working with the man who abused the mother of his children. (For him to use his team is a direct attack on her). I don’t know if the celebs were being paid or what- or if they’re just that disgusting and self serving but it was just so in your face. And no, before anyone says maybe they don’t know- they know. If the general public knows, then you can bet Hollywood has known for years.
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absolutelyiris · 2 years
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▪︎ Jolie said that her then-husband, who had been drinking, took her to the bathroom where he “grabbed her by the head, shaking her,” “pushed her into the bathroom wall,” and also shook her by the shoulders as they argued over one of their children. He punched the ceiling of the plane four times after telling her “You’re fucking up this family.”‘ When the kids asked, “Are you OK, Mommy?” Pitt allegedly replied, “No, she’s not OK, she’s ruining this family, she’s crazy.”
▪︎ One of the kids— whose name was redacted from the report— then yelled, “It’s not her, it’s you, you prick!” Pitt bolted at the minor “like he was going to attack,” the paperwork states. At that point, Jolie “jumped up” and grabbed Pitt round his neck with her arms, “like in a choke hold” to hold him back from the child. Pitt purportedly threw himself back, pushing Jolie into the seats behind them, causing injuries to her back and elbow in the scuffle.
▪︎ At another point during the flight, Jolie said that Pitt poured beer on her as she tried to sleep.
▪︎ At the end of the flight, Jolie said Pitt held the family for about 20 minutes on the plane after she told him she was taking the kids to a hotel in California. She said he yelled, “You’re not taking my fucking kids" and that he shoved her.
▪︎ Jolie said Pitt’s alleged behavior “didn’t feel real” and left her feeling “scared” and “like a hostage.”
Summary of the events taken from multiple sources. Somehow, the reality of what happened on that plane was far worse than probably what a lot of us thought.
So what we're NOT going to do is do Angie like y'all did Amber Heard because Brad Pitt's smear campaign and bot farms and Stan trolling has already started.
Believe the victims.
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anthroxlove · 2 years
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In 2005 Brad Pitt collaborated with photographer Steven Klein to shoot these photographs of himself & Angelina Jolie for a 60 page spread in W magazine titled “Domestic Bliss”. 
The concept was Brad’s brainchild. (credit / full shoot)
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hazelbutterflies · 2 years
“But the devil is in the details for those who care to look: Pitt’s former fiancé, Gwyneth Paltrow, told Pitt about the sexual harassment she suffered at the hands of Weinstein. Jolie also reported experiencing unwanted advances from Weinstein. Yet, Pitt continued to work with him. Pitt hasn’t been seen publicly with his kids since the alleged incident on the plane — a damning chink in his above-mentioned PR armor. He also employed PR and crisis expert Matthew Hiltzik after Jolie filed for divorce, per The Hollywood Reporter. Hiltzik works for Depp, and previously Weinstein. Per the Times, Jolie claimed Pitt tried to get her to sign a nondisclosure agreement — contracts long employed by Hollywood abusers which stopped #MeToo allegations from being brought to light much earlier. She alleged that the agreement would have “contractually prohibited her from speaking outside of court about Pitt’s physical and emotional abuse of her and their children.”
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popculty · 2 years
brad pitt violently assaulted angelina jolie and two of his children. do not fall for his white saviorism or “genderbending” fashion choices. he is an abuser desperately trying to pull focus from the recently unsealed fbi report with whatever cause of the moment he can literally cash in on, while trying to soften his public image of ultra-traditional masculinity, and cast jolie as the villain
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beechicory · 11 months
Brad Pitt is a child-abusing piece of shit, and shouldn't be anywhere near F1 🙏
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NBC News reported on 11/9/2016 that The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services has cleared actor Brad Pitt of allegations of physical abuse in connection with an incident aboard a private jet
You mean a rich, famous, powerful white man didn’t face any consequences for being an abusive piece of shit? 🤯
It’s really not that hard to believe victims, I promise.
Anyway, here’s what one of Brad and Angelina’s kids had to say about him:
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those-badass-reeds · 1 year
I already knew the Depp/Heard televised trial and media frenzy would have repercussions in general society, but seeing how it's impacting the discussion around Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in real time is scary.
There are already very few people actually talking about the allegations which, fine, I get it if people want to maintain an 'innocent until proven guilty' outlook, but you'd think allegations would at least make people NOT want to loudly and publicly kiss his ass.
But when people do mention the allegations against him, I'm seeing two main kinds of response:
First, an emoji along the lines of a clown or eyeroll, as if to say 'yawn, abuse allegations are so last year, try talking about something else for once'. It's pure entertainment for them and they've chosen their protagonist and antagonist.
And the second is 'how do we know she's not pulling an Amber Heard?' which just goes to show how far the Depp/Heard trial set us back and made it more difficult for victims of domestic abuse to actually come forward.
The truly terrifying thing is, I haven't seen any actual reason for people to believe Angelina and her kids are lying about this. With Amber Heard, the excuses were that she was after his money, she wanted to get more famous etc., but Brad and Angelina are both incredibly well established in the industry, both beloved for decades, so those reasons aren't gonna hold up, but the people who are calling her a liar don't have anything to explain why she would lie about it. Their only real reasoning is that 'Amber Heard lied and destroyed Johnny's career, therefore we won't believe any other accuser'. Brad Pitt is being treated like some golden God of cinema right now, and Angelina is just, idk, some greedy woman he married I guess?
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