#I still have time shdhsd
strawhatboy · 2 years
30, 45, 60
30. whats your favorite candle scent? lavender and rose
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45. how many kids do you want? I'm not having kids
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 687
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attemptinghaikyuu · 3 years
Fake Dating: Kiyoko✨
A/n: I didn’t wanna do Noya and Tanaka dirty, but it was so easy to use them to my advantage in the story😔✌️and Kiyoko really be makin’ my heart go brrrrrrrrrrr
G/n reader
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Kiyoko Shimizu
Kiyoko really doesn’t seem like the kind of person to fake date someone
But! She needed to get Noya and Tanaka off her back
She used to be kinda okay with them acting the way they do around her
It’s gotten so out of hand though
Especially since she just wants to hang out with you when she’s not managing the volleyball team...
You’re Kiyoko’s best friend, having first met each other when starting out at Karasuno
You both lean on each other for everything
When Kiyoko couldn’t do track anymore, you were there to comfort her, and when you had your off days, she tried her best to comfort you too
Even with your closeness, Kiyoko didn’t think she could risk ruining the bond that you and her shared
Faking a relationship with you, were just mere fleeting ideas her brain (heart?) had
She would just handle the two second years on her own, risking the friendship she had with you, for fake dating, was too much
At least, she thought she could deal with them
It was at a practice match against Seijoh when she decided she had had enough of the second years possessive attitude
A boy from Seijoh’s volleyball team had come up to her, asking if she could give him her number because he seemed to have lost his
Just as she was going to politely decline, Noya had jumped in front of her with Tanaka shouting at the guy to “Back up from our Kiyoko!” While jumping in his face
She was pissed that she was being talked to like she was property!!
Barely considering what she was saying in her short lived moment of anger, she burst.
“I am not yours, in fact I would never date a person who acted like I’m, I’m... an object.” She turned away coldly, clear malice in her voice
She could see all of them shrinking back, preparing to run off, but not before Noya announced “I wouldn’t treat a goddess like that, so you could totally date me if you wanted!”
Without a second thought she replied, “That’s alright, I’m actually already dating someone.”
Turning to head back to the team, still feeling the rush of anger that had taken over her, she heard the gasps of the small group behind her
She felt slightly panicked at what she had just done, and the chaos that was brought by her words was, to say the least, incredibly concerning....
While both teams screamed at her newfound dating status, she had some time to figure out what to do
Everyone crowded her while she considered what actions might be taken now
Maybe it was silly how her first thought was to talk to you about the mess she’d created
Then it hit her, the only thing she could do (the only thing she wanted to do😳) was to start dating you
Fake dating of course, she meant fake dating 😌
It wasn’t the first time she’d considered it, but thinking about being able to tell people you were dating, made her feel like this was actually a good mistake (and it was)
She’d need to explain to you before school the next day, she felt spikes of anxiety at the thought that you might not want to go along with this
Luckily you agreed
Congrats, you and Kiyoko are now fake dating🥳
It’s a big accomplishment to you, especially with the crush you have had on her
You just couldn’t say no to the request, kiyoko needed you, and it was basically a dream come true
Kiyoko announced that you were dating officially, the next day, with you by her side
You knew your face must have been a tomato, it didn’t matter when Kiyoko was smiling at you and she seemed really happy,,, also, wiw! She was always so pretty and oH-
Shdhsd, she just intertwined your hands!!!!
You didn’t start breathing again till she pulled you outside the gym
Your fake dating went on for weeks, moments full of bringing each other lunches, hand holding, cheek kisses, and dates that ended with cuddling
Most of the time you didn’t remember it was fake, not when it felt so real
When you did remember that what you had was a lie, you were either on the verge of tears or grateful that you had it, even if it was fake
Kiyoko began to wonder if maybe you two could really be together, it might’ve been a stupid belief that you liked her like she liked you
Yet, after 2 months of you fake dating, she realized that it was important for her to be honest with you and herself
She had to tell you her feelings
You were at a local cafe on a “fake” date, laughing at an inside joke Kiyoko and you had
Kiyoko smiled, and you could feel a blush bloom on your face, her smile would always have that effect on you
“Y/n,” you paused the train of thoughts that were currently only focused on that smile, shaking off your dreamy state, giving your full attention to her
Leaning forward she grabbed your hand and planted a small kiss on the top of it, “Y/n, I want you to know that I like being with you, and I like us together,” nearly nose to nose now, softly finishing “I really like you, and I was wondering if you’d like to make us official?”
You didn’t even need to reply back with words, as you erased the distance between the two of you
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vos mc !!
SORRY this took like a week but i have the attention span of a frog and kept getting distracted sdgsd
thank u for the ask its an honour coming from the oc queen themselves!! heres my boy jesse
how tall are they?
6′1! a very lanky boy
how do they tend to dress?
somewhere between ‘young bright-eyed journalist’ and ‘professor chic’… lots of sweaters over button ups, the occasional cardigan, even a sweater vest if he’s feeling fancy.. and suits! he loves his suits. he gives me strong john mulaney vibes in that way
do they like how they look?
sort of? as a classic overthinker he worries about his appearance a lot, but he has no major issues with like. his permanent outer appearance
are they an only child or do they have any siblings?
only child! his parents were pretty career-focused so they didn’t want to have more than one kid. he was very spoiled by them growing up, though
are they a morning person or night owl?
oh he’s a BIG night owl, which is not very convenient considering his early office hours and general job description,, he wakes up early bc he’s responsible but really he would prefer to work through the night if he could
are they a cat person or a dog person?
cat person!! jesse would absolutely die for for any cat he runs into. he has a grey and white kitty back home named ellie who he def goes back to new york to pick up when he decides to move to birchport at the end of the book LMAO
got any favourite foods?
he really really likes cheesecake!! really convenient then that his best friend owns a bakery and used to bring cheesecakes from home for him all the time back in college
how about favourite drinks?
coffee! he’s not super picky about how it’s made, but he’s one of those losers who can’t function without it. it’s a step up from the mountains of energy drinks he used to plough through back at hartfeld, anyway
what are their favourite movies/tv shows?
he’s a bit of a movie snob and likes a lot of old classics which i personally am not familiar with but….you know. he likes the old movies. he’s tried to get kate and later grant into them as well but neither were as appreciative of his taste in cinema
do they have any hidden talents?
he’s a pretty good singer! he did a lot of theatre in high school and always got cast because he was one of like three guys in their school who could sing and act AND did so in front of a crowd willingly. he doesn’t sing as much anymore and gets really embarrassed when people ask him to, but he has a very nice crooning voice
do they believe in love at first sight?
that’s probably a no from me dawg…….jesse has a lot of reservations about love & relationships in general, esp after seeing his parents fall out of love with each other in his teen years. he’s quite the love cynic so it’s hard for him to trust others let alone fall in love at first sight. this isn’t really canon considering he moves to birchport to be with grant after knowing him for like a month but at least In My Head they choose to take their relationship slow LMAO
who is their love interest?
grant emerson! there was just smthn about that suave lawyer charm yknow…. he also briefly had a thing with naomi when i was still deciding lmao, but in my head they decided on good terms they’d be better off with other people. also he definitely had feelings for kate way back in the day but that ship has Long sailed unfortunately
what are they afraid of?
failure, i think? he’s a big perfectionist and tends to freak out a bit when things don’t go completely to plan. on a less emotional level, he does not do well with heights (which is canon). he’s quite the ball of anxiety and in general just…gets scared pretty easily shdhsds
what are their guilty pleasures?
when life and work etc get too stressful he likes to decompress by going to this local cat cafe alone just to sit with the kitties with a nice beverage or something……it’s not so much a guilty pleasure but he only does it alone and only when he REALLY feels like he needs to take a break
what was their dream job as a kid? is it still their dream?
he used to want to work as a lawyer funnily enough, but decided to major in journalism instead because he wasn’t sure if he could take having to work under a corrupt justice system or go through the competitiveness of law school. not that journalism is necessarily miles better lmao but he still feels like he’s trying to make a difference, plus he’s always loved writing so it made sense as a career choice!
have they ever broken a bone?
nope! jesse wasn’t a super active kid and mostly stayed inside with his books like a nerd,,, even when he does do sports he’s just good at avoiding injuries ig
have they ever been in trouble with the law?
unless you count all that went down in the actual story of vos where they committed breaking and entering constantly like it was nothing…..not really? there might’ve been some shit that happened in college but kate was good at talking them out of trouble
+ three other random facts about them!
he plays the piano & is pretty good at it!
his dad is jewish! his family was never very religious growing up but he still celebrates hanukkah with his dad’s side of the family ever year
him and grant move to new york a few years after vos ends when grant decides to run for governor & jesse realises Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for him to stay in a town that held so many bad memories for him. he still keeps in touch with the gang though, esp kate & baby rachel!
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itadori-san · 3 years
Hiiiiiiii! Sorry for disappearing, work has officially killed me lol. How have you been doing, saw that you're having a bias choosing crisis. RIP to you. Just accept the ot13 lifestyle 😉
Yes, Ridin is so good, dont know what they put in this song but damn it's addictive. Talking about nct, what did you think about resonance? Personally, I was kinda disappointed 😪
For their japan songs: 24H is everything to me, the lyrics, the choreo, the crop tops. But also FF is so fucking ethereal and comforting. But also CCC changed who am I on a deeper level (me, overdramatic? noo). What about you?
For your detective case: according to tumblr's search engine (and we all know how good it is), I reblogged ot13 sets for you and one set of a vocal unit member (not gonna say which one 😋😋😋)
Sending you as much love as possible 💙💜💙💜 (imagine the purple is pink so that it's rose quartz and serenity) - Your carat anon
carat anon <333 sorry for the late reply!!
shdjs at this point idk anymore it's a different person i stan each day might as well be ot13
ooo resonance!! well i aboslutely loved the era!! but when it comes to that one song, the only thing that stuck out to me was mark's line in the beginning and the rest seemed eh, i didn't vibe to that song that much in particular but i still love them very much, and that era was a godsend i swear shdfjhs
THERE ARE TIMES WHEN I GET FLASHES OF 24H IN MY DREAMS YES THAT IS HOW MANY TIMES I WATCHED IT also my my blog is a simp (me? oh no nono) for fallin flower, it seems to always reblog anything and everything related to it shdjh and that claim you're making about CCC,,,,,, SAME HSDJHS
my favourite's gotta be fallin flower!!
sending the amount of love that i have for one fine day (which is quite IMMENSE) your way <33333333333333
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marketa · 6 years
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
when me n my family had christmas in summer. well ok tbh i was 12 at that time but i was still a kid so that counts shdhs it was 2012 n everyone was talking about the end of the world which was supposed to be on dec 21 n we were joking about how we wont even get to have christmas so my grandma came up with the idea to have christmas in july that year, it was so much fun there was like 20 of us from my family n we made our traditional christmas food n we had a christmas tree n we gave each other small presents n my grandpa was dressed as santa claus shdhsd its one of the best memories i have
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apgujeon · 7 years
hi!! i saw your answer to an ask about jeongguk so i'm gonna have to ask you if you could please describe all the other members!! i'm especially curious on how jimin is irl, is he smol and what % of sexy, what % of cute
oh boy… here we go LOL. so below is a solid wall of text a small-ish desc of each member (except jungkook who i already wrote an essay abt here lol) and my reaction to seeing them irl akdkfksd
♡ to answer ur question, yes jimin is smol compared to the other members. imo, jimin was the prettiest out of all the members. rather than small, i’d say he’s really petite….. almost delicate? graceful? that same kinda aura a dancer has. his movements were so powerful and fluid. and he moves around alot when he performs, leaning back and bending forwards, body rolling everywhere. i rate him 45% cute and 55% sexy. bc he literally is sexy and cute at the same time. he smiles with that angelic face but does body rolls with his body??? no offence but thats cheating and i hate him. how dare he combine these two deadly attributes so well sdhfjd. he was SUPER SMILEY during soundcheck. after jungkook had wandered down the center aisle to where i was standing, jimin came over too. i think it was during namjoon’s rap in dope, he looked so impressed by how loud the crowd was when we chanted the fanchant parts and smiled SO BIG. mochi sexy is well and thriving ;_;
♡ namjoon is SO HANDSOME. he gave off this aura… like this imposing, suave af aura, idek if that’s the word to describe it properly. he’s intimidating, in a really hot way shdjjfdhddfdfj. just by looking at him and the way he holds himself, he looks like a leader, the kingpin. he’s rly tall, like we all know that, but OMG his legs are so long, plus since i were looking up at him, it gave him even more of an illusion of height. he’s so fucking charismatic when he raps omfg, like during cypher, he fucking killed his verse, tore it all the way up. his eyes sparkle so much when he talks and laughs, like during his ment, and he becomes so soft and giggly. he’s beautiful. he speaks so eloquently too and HIS VOICE. MY GOD. his speaking voice is so gorgeously deep i wanted to roll around in it forever. 
♡ when i saw seokjin on the screen for the first time during not today, i choked!!!! @stylists, thank u so much?? for styling his hair like that for the concert, i am forever in debt to you. seokjin’s visuals have always been a 12/10, but it doesn’t compare to seeing it irl. MY EYES LITERALLY WATERED DURING AWAKE…. i couldn’t really see him on the main stage so i was staring at the screens and HE LOOKED INTO THE CAMERA SO MANY TIMES with that longing, lingering gaze and exposed forehead and WOW BYE BITCH NO ONE SURVIVES THAT SHIT. he looked alot taller than i had thought too. but unlike namjoon, his aura was sort of princely. like, he had just walked out of a fairytale as the tall handsome talented prince. HE WAS SO FUNNY TOO OK. like his ment was fucking hilarious. and he kept messing around with jungkook during the soundcheck anjdjhshjdjhsdsdh. HE ALSO BLESSED EVERYONE WITH HIS FLYING KISSES AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. to receive those kisses irl and not through a screen was truly smth ill never forget.
♡ ok, so imo, tae and jin are the visuals of this visual group called bts. they are just exceedingly good-looking. which is why, when tae walked out during soundcheck, i screamed so loud my throat went raw, bc it was just my initial reaction in order to overcome the shock of realising i was looking at the face of a god. honestly, i didnt even pay attention to the other members for a hot second bc i was too busy gaping at tae and yelling at my friend, “HOLY FUCK TAE IS BEAUTIFUL??????” just….his face is superior. jawline so sharp i wanted to get sliced!!!!!!!!! hes so charming too, he kept crouching down in front of the stage, resting one side of his face on his hand for a moment, looking into the crowd. but yeah, i just vividly recall myself losing all my shits when i first saw him lmfao.
♡ seeing yoongi irl was the most surprising i think. i know hes a cutie, but even when he was at rest in the concert, i kept thinking, “he. is. so. fucking. cute.” like…. idk what it was. it wasn’t even his height or anything, it was his face. HIS FEATURES ARE SO SOFT. nothing about min yoongi irl was harsh. imo he was the softest looking member. every time they stopped to talk or say their ments and it wasnt his turn, yoongi would be looking into the crowd quietly. i felt like he was trying his best to get a look at every single fan’s face, bc he was continuously staring at the crowd. there was always a very very slight smile tugging at his lips tho, but he was the quietest and calmest of all the members. WHEN HE DID SMILE BIG, IT WAS SO RADIANT. i took quite a few pictures of him smiling after his ment, bc it was a such a big joyous gummy smile and my heart with doing flips. 
♡ hoseok. wow. where do i begin. hoseok literally kicked my entire ass to the moon on every level except physical. almost all my friends came back from their concerts with the words, “hoseok is beautiful” hanging off their lips and i’m not joking……HOSEOK IS BEAUTIFUL. he had so much stage presence, like it’s overwhelming. every time he came to the front of the stage, my breath would hitch in my throat. CLOSE UP HE IS EVEN MORE GORGEOUS. like, his features are soooooo nice… his nose, his mouth…HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every time he flashed a smile at the crowd I GASPED. every. single. time. also, my favourite thing abt hoseok is how he SMILES SO MUCH during performances. it was the reason why mama was the best solo stage to me, he looked like he was having so much fun! HE’S A PERFORMER IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, a pro! hoseok was also really good at fanservice. he seemed to favour the front of the stage, doing his raps close to the edge etc, so lucky me!!! i got to bask in his presence at a closer proximity countless times ahshbhdjshjsdsd. so yeah if ur not already a hoseok stan, you will be a hoseok stan after u watch him perform live.
the one thing that was universal for all 7 members, was how PRETTY they were. when i tried to think of the right word to use, ‘pretty’ explained it the best. even though they were right in front of me, i was so shocked by how unbelievably pretty they were. they all look as if they crawled out of some unrealistic shoujo manga as the hot smart and talented boy the protagonist falls in love with. 
if u made it here, i’m literally clapping for u shdhsds im so sorry for my shit descriptions but I TRIED. im still exhausted so this is the best i could do atm 😬
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