#I still refer to them as the Kagamine twins
Listen, I know Len and Rin aren't considered brother and sister anymore (even though I think they're sometimes still referred as twins by the people of Vocaloid.) But in my opinion...they're siblings. I just hate the thought of them actually being a couple, I listen to the songs because they're hella good, but I just don't see them as anything BUT siblings. It's honestly kinda weird.
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digitalvenusss · 2 months
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hi this is for the person in 2020 that asked me to draw the kagamine twins when i first started drawing like ever so i was a huge beginner in 2020 and i declined the request because apparently i “couldnt draw boys” and look at me now. i forgot the username of whoever asked me to draw them in 2020 but if theyre still out there i hope they see this and realise that to this day im still thinking about them
pose reference by dahan_illust on twitter/x
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twinsoftriumph · 11 months
Any tips for drawing the twin's hair please ? Whenever i draw them, i always draw Sah's as like a spiky mountain with a curtain since i dunno how to draw tall hair yet
And Mekh...um-
Dw Sah's hair has been evolved from mountain to Kagamine Len. Not sure if that's an improvement tho lmao-
hello! and hey for what it's worth, i also have my moments where i'm drawing their hair and i go "what.. is going on here" LMAO but also len's hair isn't all that different from spiky twin's so i'd say that's improvement! but here are some things i try to keep in mind when drawing their hair
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ignore me emoting at the bottom. i would simplify their hair as a tear drop for sah and a half circle for mekh, but i also do not want them to appear Too flat. hence, the shape is a base to build off of. it helps us determine the direction of the hair, how we layer it, and the space it occupies. but sol, why a tear drop and not a triangle? to which i say We must consider that sah has hair at the Back of their head that also extends from the nape of their neck so it must be considered when drawing the hair as a whole
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determining a point where the hair parts/where the bangs start from also helps us better understand how the hair flows from that point
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mekh has a bang in the middle of their hair and some face-framing bangs along their jaw. you can still see the basic half-circle/dome shape of their hair, and you can see how the sections of hair logically appear to flow from the marked point on their head. the top of their head is round, the bottom of their hair is basically Flat and straight across (it's just a bob that's very flared out at the bottom) which is why the back isnt really visible from the front unless you're looking at them from a lower angle. case in point:
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mekh as viewed from the back and slightly below. the traced line shows that the bottom of their hair is basically a circle lol
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now sah is..... Certainly Something..... ngl im not so sure how to describe them but i will try. their bangs sweep right and i try to keep their hair in Big triangular sections to resemble the model more closely. the back of their hair Also sweeps right. id say the spikes of their hair run along the curve of the aforementioned teardrop, and you can basically use a differently-angled teardrop for the front bang as well. But Sol, you may ask again, why are some of the spikes labeled as being the Back of their hair?
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ok this pic quality sucks but you get the idea. when viewed from the side, you will see that their hair also flows Back. you can also see the hair coming from the nape of the neck. sah's hair is actually like.. sorta shaggy and longer, pretty multi-layered in the hypothetical scenario that it isn't styled up which is where all those spikes come from. (i'd even say it'd extend lower than mekh's if unstyled since mekh's is so bluntly cut across.)
this got kinda long but some ending notes: honestly don't be afraid to stylize and you don't need to be perfectly on-model with their hair. there's nothing wrong with using references either, i have a bunch of screenshots of the elders from different angles and if you/a friend has the hair you can also just screenshot that to give you a guideline. and also don't be hard on yourself if it looks kinda off or anything because i have drawn a lot of spiky haired characters in my time and i still sometimes look at stuff i deemed Fit To Post and go "hm. i would have drawn that differently if i redrew it today."
but uh i mostly just hope this was helpful LOL. good luck drawing the twins!
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Ok we have headcanons for all of them. Now we need constance!!
Co-Mom Friend beside Mischa
Drives a minivan (both as a reference to that line in What The World Needs and because it’s big enough to fit the whole choir)
Also drives Ocean to school almost every day
Always seems to have Literally Everything in her bag
Tampons or pads? She’s got those! Painkillers? She’s has you covered! A pencil? Yup!
Noel was once like “damn i forgot my socks :/” and Constance was like “oh, here!” and he was like “????”
CEO of cute, fuzzy socks
Really Good at roller skating
Constantly sends her friends’ cute animal pictures
Also will send funny animal videos
CONSTANTLY reminds the other choir members to drink water (especially Ocean)
Ties the straps of a frock around the waist but to the front instead of the back
Will stop to pet EVERY ANIMAL she encounters
A fucking BEAST at Every Single Just Dance game
Always smells really nice! (she’s the duality to Ocean smelling like weed and incense)
Can play the piano and violin
Also the recorder! But she’s actually Super Good at it
Gently touches to get someone’s attention. Like, if she needs them looking at her, she’ll give them a little touch on their arm that’s light enough for them to shrug off
LOVES Christmas!
Also LOVES to give gifts!
Gave Ocean her first pair of Crocs for Christmas when they were twelve, and Ocean has never wore another pair of shoes (aside from the flats that are apart of their uniform) since
She created a MONSTER
I feel like she listens to Vocaloid (she’s me fr)
Her favorite is Gumi, but she also Really Likes Anon and Kanon, the Kagamine twins (because YES, they’re twins to her), and all the V-Singers, ESPECIALLY Qingxian and YanHe!
She also really likes Solaria!! But Solaria TECHNICALLY isn’t a Vocaloid, she’s a SynthV. Still though!! She loves that sun goddess!!
And the queen herself, Hatsune Miku ofc
In Minecraft one time, she jokingly named her wolf “Hatsune Miku.” Cut to a little while later in the game, where she’s fighting some mobs and accidentally kills the wolf. “Constance Killed Hatsune Miku” appeared on the screen, and the rest of the choir all heard the most agonized, dismayed scream of, “MIKU, NO!!!!!”
The others were HOWLING with laughter
(Based on something I did in Minecraft 😔 rip Hatsune Miku, I’m so sorry bby)
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inchworm-incarnate · 2 years
Vocaloid of The Day
Kagamine Rin and Len!
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Release Date: December 27, 2007
Era: V2; V4 update
Company: Crypton Future Media
Language: Japanese
Rin and Len are counterpart vocaloids sold as a set instead of separate voicebank packages. They were designed to have more powerful vocals compared to Miku.
The whole concept behind them is being a mirror of one another. While they were still in development, Crypton was considering marketing them as twins, but decided against it. They wanted creative freedom for producers and made no canon interpretation for them. Meaning they could be portrayed as lovers, twins, siblings, clones, and anything else. Thier voice actor personally sees them as two bodies with one soul.
To further push the mirror counterpart concept, they have the same voice provider. Asami Shimoda achieved the different voicebanks by using different singing techniques. She sang from the top of her head for Rin, and sung lower in her chest for Len.
The names Rin and Len is a play on Right and Left. Funnily enough, my friend pointed out they are on the opposite sides on thier boxart. Rin is on the Left and Len is on the Right. Kagamine is roughly translated to 'Mirror Sound', referring to an echo.
KEI is the original illustrator for the V2 boxart(first image), and like with Miku, he was given alot of creative freedom and his only direction was Rin was a girl and Len was a boy, they were mirrors of each other, thier approximate ages(14), and have refences to music and Yamaha instruments similar to Mikus design. Some notable design aspects:
•Rin has a G-Clef on her shirt collar while Len has a F-Clef on his.
• Both thier leg warmers mimic speakers
•In the original design, their arm warmers had a glowing green strip in them, thier Act 2 art(shown below) is cleaned up and has a blue keyboard on it instead.
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Rin and Len were marketed very similar to Miku, but did not sell as well. However during thier 'Act 2' release, sales began to pick up more steadily.
Thier Append voicebanks did much better than Mikus, holding the 4th and 5th position for Cryptons top selling products by the end of their years release. They fell to 5th and 6th place once Mikus and KAITOs V3 voice banks were released in 2013 and disappeared from the charts after MEIKOs V3 came out.
They are fairly popular character wise, Rin being more popular Len. Each are associated with an item like the previous Cryton Vocaloids are, Rin has an orange and Len has a banana!
Here are Rin and Len's other official designs!
Kagamine Rin ans Len Append illustrated by Osamu
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Kagamine Rin and Len V4 illustrated by iXima
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Personal Opinion:
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of their voices! Len is a little more bearable, but Rin is too high pitched for me. I also could never really get attached to them character wise, as they were portrayed as really annoying and bickery by the Fandom. I do like their designs though, the sailor style uniform inspiration is really cute! Especially their V4 designs they look really polished and clean!
Songs Featuring Rin and Len:
Thank you for listening!
Please be kind when pointing out mistakes in grammar or errors in infomation!
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curewhimsy · 5 years
So someone in a magical girl server wanted to hear about my “OCs from Osaka” so I typed a summary.
So yeah, remember my very old Vocaloid slice-of-life fanfiction from 2012? I’m reprising them with new OCs. I haven’t shared this idea here before so here it is now.
I don’t exactly have a name for this series, but it takes place around Osaka. It was originally a Vocaloid fanfiction, but as of recently I replaced the characters with OCs. I haven’t really designed these OCs yet (or even thought of their last names), but I would love to soon! They’ll have anime-inspired designs most likely. (Yes, with colorful hair and eyes.) Emiru is a cheerful and bubbly girl, 15 years old and a first-year in high school. Even though gal/gyaru-style is pretty outdated in Japan, her fashion style is sorta a mix of “gyaru” and a “kawaii” pop style. She’s actually quite responsible and level-headed, despite having boundless energy. Her nickname is Emirun. She speaks in a Kanto accent as opposed to a Kansai dialect, due to spending her past 10 years in Tokyo, near Shibuya. Ayumi is a shy and lonely girl, Emiru’s childhood friend. She speaks in a Kansai dialect. She is 16 years old but is a first-year in high school, as she was held back a grade before. When Ayumi and Emiru were around 6 and 5 years old (respectively), they were good friends. Eventually Emiru had to move away to Tokyo. After her best friend moved, Ayumi had trouble making friends, and was always left out of other groups. When Ayumi enters high school, she doesn’t have any friends. She runs into Emiru again during the entrance ceremony. Emiru had moved back to Osaka from Tokyo, leaving behind a lot of friends. She is now a lively girl who will surely be popular. Emiru recognizes Ayumi, and is thrilled to see her again. However, the shy Ayumi feels nervous. Inside, Ayumi is worried that Emiru won’t like her anymore, because she feels she is such a plain and gloomy girl who isn’t outgoing like her. However, Emiru invites Ayumi to go to the mall with her. She gives Ayumi the nickname of Ayumin. They gradually become best friends again. Emiru tells Ayumi that being with her again reminds her of the good old times when they were little, and that she’s glad that Ayumi is still such a nice girl. Ayumi, who had been feeling doubtful in herself, feels comforted. Toshifumi (Toshi for short) is a 15 year old first-year in high school. He is quite rambunctious and playful, and usually provides a lot of the comedy in the series. He’s a naive kid with a zest for life. He’s quite short, which he hates being pointed out. He wears his short hair in pigtails and likes to dress cutely with accessories sometimes. Toshi speaks in a Kansai dialect as well. He is the stereotypical feisty Osakan. He tends to pick on Ayumi, in a playful manner. In fact, he first meets the girls at the foot court at the mall and pretends to flirt with Ayumi because he could tell she was shy and knew she’d get an embarrassed reaction. This made Emiru angry at him. Emiru has a surprising temper and is very protective of her shy friend Ayumi. Toshi eventually apologizes and says he was joking around. He confesses he just wanted to be friends. He eventually just latches onto the group. Sasami, Toshi’s twin sister, comes in and teases Toshi as well. Toshi and Sasami are twins who playfully tease each other a lot, and Toshi is used to that kind of socialization. However, Emiru senses that Ayumi wouldn’t take being teased so well. However, when Toshi does pick on Ayumi, another side of Ayumi comes out, and she roasts him back. She becomes a lot less shy. Emiru takes note that Ayumi “acts different” when she’s around Toshi, and even “looks like she’s having fun.” Ayumi and Toshi go from “those two who fight”, to eventually realizing their friendship is pretty profound and important to each other. Toshi can be quite sentimental at times, but hides it. This however doesn’t stop the two from picking on each other sometimes... (Albiet, playfully.) This does kind of hint at Ayumi/Toshi shipping, but I decided to keep the ships ambiguous. Ayumi/Emiru also is a strong contender though. Sasami is 15 years old and a first-year like her twin brother Toshi. She speaks in a Kansai dialect and also refers to herself as “boku” (commonly associated as boys’ speech). She isn’t as obnoxious and silly as Toshi can be, but she is still a lively and outgoing tomboyish girl. Sasami is sporty and also likes video games. She is a bit of a “gremlin”, but with ultimately good intentions. Even though she is small, she has a reputation of being scary when angered. Jun is a 16-year-old second-year in high school. He’s a bit grumpy and is the most level-headed and responsible of the group. Despite being the “normal” one of the group, he eventually becomes Toshi’s best friend. Toshi is always up to antics, and dragging Jun into them. Jun, being a quieter person like Ayumi, gets along with her quite well and can understand her feelings of shyness. However, sometimes even Ayumi can get rather weird along with the rest of the group! Jun is like the “dad friend”. Sometimes, Emiru takes the role of the “mom friend”. Emiru gives Jun the nickname Juntan. Jun becomes acquainted with Ayumi first, in one of the classes they have together. Through Ayumi, he meets the rest of the group. There are other characters too, but these are the main five I wrote about. ——— As for the Vocaloid fanfic, Emiru was originally Hatsune Miku Ayumi was originally Yowane Haku Toshi was originally Kagamine Len Sasami was originally Kagamine Rin Jun was originally Shion Akaito Akaito may be a weird choice, because he tends to not be a main character, but I shipped him with Haku back then. When it was a Vocaloid fanfiction, Haku (Ayumi) was going to end up with Akaito (Jun), but I decided to make the ships ambiguous. Originally, there was even a drama at the end where there were rumors going around the school that Len (Toshi) and Haku (Ayumi) liked each other, because of how happy they look when they’re together, and seem to be denying their feelings. This however isn’t true, but Miku (Emiru) and Akaito (Jun)… sort of latch onto it. Akaito (Jun), is hiding feelings for Haku (Ayumi), and is upset, but tries to accept it. Miku (Emiru) is the same, as she likes Len (Toshi). Eventually Akaito (Jun) gets so depressed because he thinks Haku (Ayumi) loves Len (Toshi), that he goes and talks to Emiru (Miku) about it. (He’s showing a strangely sensitive side here…) When they’re alone in a classroom together, Miku (Emiru) taks to him about trying to accept it. BUT Len (Toshi) and Haku (Ayumi) happen to drop in and overhear right when Miku (Emiru) says something about how “love can’t be predicted.” Len (Toshi) hides his feelings so he goes “I’m outta here.” He’s secretly broken-hearted, but hides his tears until he’s gone. Haku (Ayumi) is still eavesdropping... Akaito (Jun) begins crying, and is comforted by Miku (Emiru). They say more things that are taken the wrong way out of context. Haku (Ayumi) has no idea what’s going on. Why is Akaito (Jun) crying to Miku (Emiru)? What could he be telling her that he doesn’t want to tell Haku (Ayumi)? Haku (Ayumi) runs away in tears. Wild. However, this probably won’t happen in this version!
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