#I swear these past few days have been so 😫😫
onsunnyside · 1 year
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betterthanburrow · 10 months
Quarterback’s Secret Girlfriend - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Secret Girlfriend! OC)
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liked by yourbrother and 50 more users
yourinstagram: it’s truly a hot girl summer.
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joeyb_9: are those my sunglasses?
↳ yourinstagram: umm… no
↳ joeyb_9: i think those are my sunglasses… i had been looking for them all day.
↳ yourinstagram: i’m your girlfriend… so what’s yours is mine and you can’t argue with that.
↳ joeyb_9: i didn’t agree to those rules.
↳ yourinstagram: yes you did sign up for those rules when you asked me to be your girlfriend!
liked by yourinstagram and 69,513 more users
Bengals_Updates: Media Day Preview (IG STORY)
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username2: oh lord… he’s so fine 🤤🫨
username3: the headband look is a dangerous look to our society
username4: i don’t know how i’ll act when the media say photos are posted… i might change as a person
username5: i’m not gay, but if i was… i would get on my knees for him.
username6: maybe the girls on tiktok are right… Joe Burrow is a fine white man!
username8: god, the men you have put on this earth to work are writing horny comments about Joe Burrow.
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liked by yourinstagram and 580,300 more users
Bengals: If the internet breaks, this is why.
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username1: my girlfriend is on instagram… delete this!
username3: hard to look at ❌ hard while looking at ✅
username4: 😍😍😍
username5: i swear i’m straight… i swear.
username6: the way that everyone dick rides Joe Burrow is crazy 😵‍💫
yourinstagram story updates
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viewed by joeyb_9 and 69 more users
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liked by 90,513 users
NFL_Gossip: this tweet is going viral on twitter 😂
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username1: i just know she’s fighting for her life every time the Bengals sm admins posts about Joe.
↳ username2: i just pray that she doesn’t have tiktok…
username3: honestly like… look at the horny comments on the Bengals’ posts about Joe 🫠
yourbrother: lol @.yourinstagram
↳ yourinstagram: 😵‍💫💀
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liked by 20,513 users
BurrowBengals: i got a notification that Joe Burrow posted on his instagram story but when i clicked on the notification, this screen appeared… did anyone see what Joe had posted on his story and then deleted?!
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liked by 169,013 users
NFL_Gossip: We know that the Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback is very private about his life outside of football… So it’s no surprise that he very quickly deleted an instagram story that involved his rumored girlfriend (@.yourinstagram)
view all 55,420 comments
username2: wait… she’s so pretty, she’s so lucky!
username3: i thought Joe was a cat person?
username4: just went to check out her account but her account is private 🫠 i can’t imagine how many follow requests that she has gotten in the past few hours 😵‍💫
username5: i don’t care about Joe having a girlfriend… i do care about how i’m not on his close friends list 🤬
yourinstagram story updates
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viewed by joeyb_9 and 99 more users
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liked by yourinstagram and 375,850 more users
joeyb_9: Dark Knight
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lahjay10_: (TOP 2) DAM SURE AINT 2! 🐐
username1: a hot photo of you won’t make us forget that IG story that you accidentally posted 🤥
username2: THATS MY QB!
bengals.central: the Dark Knight of Cincinnati 🫡
username3: i’ve never wanted to be a football so bad!
username4: your girlfriend is a lucky woman…
yourinstagram: i don’t think i could write any more clever comment than all of the horny comments…
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Author’s Note:
if you have a Instagram AU request, please send the IG AU request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the requested Instagram AU published as fast as i can!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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matchadobo · 2 months
hi hi!! hope you're doing well 🫶🏻 i've been absolutely eating up all the fics you've released for the past few weeks, they're INCREDIBLE.
also i just wanted to share this random thought i have about kid where he would stay far FAR away from you when you're sick because he didn't want to get sick too and just let killer do all the work to take care of your sickness while he just stand on the doorway watching like🧍🏻 but then you wake up in the middle of the night and found him all snuggled up on your side because apparently he got too lonely the whole day and just decided to give up and climb on to the bed to sleep next to you 😫 UGH i love him sm
so sorry if this is super random i just couldn't get it out of my HEAD😭
haiii 🌱 thank you always for your support! it means the whole world to me that someone loves my works this much <3 your asks always make my day🥰
AWWWW that made me smile so much it's crazy 😫 imagine finding that hulking man awkwardly standing far by the door it's too adorable istg. restratining himself so much with that scowl in his face but all is inside him is how he feels bad for you and wished he could do something about that damn sickness. ughh i imagine him to be all quiet and alone the rest of the day bc kil's taking care of you and you're gone so who's he gonna be with, right? big ol' captain all alone started exploring the damn ship 🤣 he gon start talking to the rookies he ain't been talking to before. imagine their scared ass when kidd comes and asks them what they be doin, the fear i swear LMAO. so when night comes and he couldn't take it anymore, he'd just snuggle up gOD :3
but i imagined it differently, he'd be like that at the first but soon grumble at killer and say kil's doing it wrong and he'll show kil how it's done 🥺. in the first time he did that, you'd tell him to wear a mask, but he'll say "that fever ain't so great like i am, who the hell you think i am? i ain't getting infected, baby. now shut it and rest up, so you can get all better. 's all lonely without your cute ass buggin' me." 🫶 so you two end up getting sick. big man ain't so strong now huh JASDHAHA
and hey, don't worry about the randomness. i love itttt <3 let's be delulu together 🫣
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
Mother Pookie has fed her kitties well🩷🩷. There’s so many emotions idk which one i should talk about first?😭😂
BUT DANG chap 2.2 is just HOT
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I am actually speechless😂 I have nothing to say except I am satisfied.
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Lemme say, It didn’t take me long to hate Lilian. Like I swear, the moment she fucking said that Major looks like a SKANK gurl, fuck u.
My first impression on Major was like how Bucky saw her, a hot pretty dame that made me giggle like a teenager, making heart eyes and singing the whole world to my dick (if i have a dick)
And then throughout the chp, oh my goodness, I would’ve slap Leah the moment she starts bitching up. Major has a dang ass patience. I couldn’t.
THE THINGS I WOULD DO TO VOTE FOR BUCKYBABY TO BREAK HER HEART IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE (so far she’s 35% in my ‘dead’ list, better fix ur attitude if u don wanna end up like cunthage — ITS JUST BEEN 2 CHP?!)
Lindsay rubs the ick on me more than Jade (ofc Jade is worse but she dead now) but cuntly is so so so so so so so so so irritating. The absolute pick me, so called ‘one of the guys’. Ew. Even half of the team is irked by her attitude. That just says a lot.
Glad that our queen Major put her in her place. She needs more. Like, absolute humiliation (disclaimer: i dont support bullying but LILIAN FUCKING NEEDS IT)
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And can we appreciate Wanda simping over Thor?😂 (you are not alone, i also dream of licking his abs — mhmmm)
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Bucky and Major are purrrfect for each other. Its giving love at first sight 👀. Bucky simps hard. Like so hard. I can wait for more Bucky X Major scene (fluff,sexay — mayyybeeeee angst? i just love hurt myself)
Also, iMajor and Tony r absolutely gonna be ‘rich business badass besties’ and then them + Sam (Wanda and Nat at the back) roasting Leah. Oh what a beautiful dream~
Anyways, beautiful beautiful writing indeed. Waiting to see Bucky sexay POV next😂 Unleash the power of your blue balls. Also I can’t wait to read what your master brain had planned🌚. Love you Pookie🩷🩷🩷
PS// these past few days I was scrolling tumblr, searching for new Bucky fics/updates and honestly… I MISSED YOUU!!! I CANNOT STRESSED THAT ENOUGH!!! 😭 seeing your username the first thing when i opened tumblr made my night! i was planning on listening to songs, dwelling on my loneliness and delulu but LOOK AT ME NOW, ITS 4AM GOSH. THANK U POOKIE LOVE U HAVE A GREAT DAY
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Actual footage of me coming up to love on your comments:
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I'm so glad people are enjoying 2.2! I gotta be real, I usually don't get hot and bothered when it comes time write smut, but that section? Whoa, boy... that section had me like:
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(Yes, this is my second favorite gif of all time, and I will use Blanche to express my hot and bothered-ness whenever I can, lol)
I gotta tell you right now, the phrase "making heart eyes and singing the whole world to my dick (if i have a dick)" is now the highlight of my week, so I thank you for this. It's pure literary magic <3
Major is used to taking shit from peons; she was a woman in the military, after all, lol, which is why she's able to not let Lily phase her too much. Her patience will be tested, though. Where Cunthrage was just flat out unhinged, Lizard is more... selfishly insidious? Just, you know, she's not going to be kidnapping people and snapping their arms or murderously rampaging through Hydra bases or anything. (The stakes here are much, much lower, lol. Which, I guess, is going to prep us for Unbroken, where the stakes will be... Thanos-sized, lol.) I think what makes Lily feel worse, to me, is that she's far more realistic than Jade was. Like, I know girls like Lily irl; thankfully, never met a Jade (phew!). Much like Killgrave, to me, is the scariest Marvel villain, because I've encountered so many men like him in the real world.
The things I dream of doing to Thor would probably get me put on a list if he was a real person and not a fictional character, lol. Unless I'm doing AUs, I tend to stick with canon-pairings, but there is something about the idea of Wanda/Thor that I currently find very appealing, so hopefully, we will see something happen between the two of them. I think they would be adorable. And for some reason known only to my maker, I love making Wanda a little bit horny, lol. In fact, an earlier draft of Unwanted had Pocket referring to her as the Sokovian Horndog after she made some comments about Bucky's body, lol.
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Is it weird that I don't plan on having Tony be too involved in this fic, because I feel like giving him a friendship with Major is like him cheating on his friendship with Pocket? That makes no sense whatsoever, lol, but I'm so protective of my girl. I'm like "Yeah, Major, I'll let you fuck Pocket's boyfriend, Bucky, but YOU CANNOT BE FRIENDS WITH HER PSUEDO-BROTHER TONY BECAUSE HE IS HERS!"
Bucky's got some sexy POV in the next sextion (see what I did there? lol) but there's going to be so much more smut in this one than Unwanted. It just feels right, lol.
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zaiban2989 · 1 year
Bnha S1 ep8 - yeah sue me I restarted from the beginning.
I've been so busy I didn't even have the time to continue where I left of and forgot which episode I was at so yeah I restarted binge watching from s1 😂
Anyways today's about ep 8 - "Katsuki Bakugo - Startline".
Deku Vs Kacchan 1 just happened (omg I'm never getting over this fight, I swear) and Kats has been feeling inadequate and inferior to almost everyone as he watched the rest of the fights happen when Deku was with recovery girl. Like the slap he took in the face from losing to the guy he believed was quirkless and useless (just a little pebble on the side road, like he says), man you feel the angst 😫
And then we get to Deku waking up, going back to class and noticing Kats is no longer here and what does he do? He runs throughout the school like a literal lovesick school girl to find him and if you're telling me Deku revealing his secret to Kacchan doesn't feel like a fucking love confession, prepare to fight shkdkdkdhd
The whole scene is so fucking romantic man, fucking sunset behind them, a few meters away in front of the school gate, Deku with a sheepish look on his face, come on, I don't understand how people see bkdk as like brothers or whatever other shit they can invent, are you for real?! 😳
Anyways, that whole scene is so fucking endearing man. Katsuki hears Deku calling him and he stops walking and is like "What?" Lmao yeah he's still brash and shit but he actually stops and listens (that is NOT the reaction if someone who truly doesn't give a shit about the damn nerd) even though he's getting pissed by the minute because what the fuck is that nerd saying?! 😂💚🧡 And Deku like "that's why one day I'll make this quirk my own and best you with my own power" and Katsuki's face shkskdkd 👇🏼
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He's so confused it's hilarious 😂💚😂💚😂 more seriously, he's so wrapped into his bad feelings of inferiority and having lost to deku and shit, he can't even react to what Deku is saying and goes on a rant about how he's just getting started, "you won't beat me again!" (While crying like a cute little bitch shskkd).
I mean seriously, it's like those idiots are talking at each other but not to each other. (It's okay, we know they'll get there) "My words aren't really reaching you" kinda vibe, you know?
But honestly? I just love the fact that Deku fucking runs to find him and explains (though he fails miserably) that he wasn't tricking Katsuki. That's just how fucking important his relationship with the guy is (and yes, regardless of the fact that Kats has been bullying him in the past, tried to hurt him and actually did hurt him pretty badly during their training fight), Deku's view of Katsuki has never fucking changed and it fucking shows. "KACCHAN SUGOI!" SHSJJD
So to those saying bnha ain't a fucking love story between those two... F**k you 🙃
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lilmaymayy · 5 months
hey friends! this is just a quick intro post in case you want to know a bit more about me/the blog🤭
PLEASE BE KIND in this blog i will not entertain ANY hate/aggressive/mean interactions THEY WILL BE DELETED OR IGNORED, in the past where i did respond, it never left my mind and i never knew how to react, leaving me to be negatively affected by someones fleeting thoughts. so to avoid anyones displeasure please be respectful and conscious of your actions and words!! if not- 👉🚪we dont need that energy here
*im also on mobile so apologies for any bad formatting😭😭
hello! my nicknames may and i use she/her pronouns. when sending any msgs id appreciate a quick hello but as long as your being polite i will gladly respond. feel free to address me as may or any other (kind) phrase (e.g queen/baddie?? anythings fine as long as youre being nice)
do u see the theme😘
i like to keep my age off of here simply for privacy but i can assure you i am not a minor, but if you are, you are welcome on my page any time just be aware i do swear and the content that i reblog can be nsfw, but ultimately you are responsible for the media you decide to consume.
i do not write fics(i always reblog them tho😉/also beta! so if youre a writer in need just lmk) idk if i ever will(write)but i dont realistically see that happening😭.
in the search bar for my page you can see all these hashtags, i typically tag “give it a read💋” for any fics ive betad and “she speaks🗣️” for any post thats just me yappin💀
and any character names (like finnick odair, peter parker etc.) are the bulk of fics that i reblog and you can find works for that character under those tags!
im a full time student based in sunny california😍, my favorite things have to be fruits(tops gotta be strawberrys, cherrys anddd green grapes), fics, and folklore (3 fav f’s💋) (and yes i am a swiftie). last time i took the personality test i got ISTJ, but i swearr im still an infp. every single test i took told me i was a hufflepuff (were not lame i swear), and even though i swear up n down that im a laurie.. i might be an amy😔( i want to be great or nothing😫) and a song that i just feel for is probably a three way tie between teenage dream by olivia rodrigo, this is me trying by taylor swift and dreamer by laufey(not someone i typically listen to but whenever spotify puts her song i always love it)
favorite artistss gotta be the big three taylor, lana and ariana (nothing offish theyre just my most listened) and drake.. and bad bunny.. and olivia.. and sza.. and beyonce.. and the weekend.. and rihanna
- if you want a grasp of my music this is a LINK to my most played playlist
- this is a LINK to my more lovey/ sweet songs, its all in the description💋
*if u give em a listen and u wanna put me on.. msg me!! id love to hear your recs
my hobbies include playing music, i play guitar(kinda goodish) and i wanted to pick up piano too (idk if ill ever get to this😭) i also found that i love to do puzzles, and i wanted to start scrapbooking (looks fun af lowk). a few other things i love is definitely just jamming out to my tunes, sleeping😫😫, watching movies, playing w legos😭, PLAYING WITH MY DOGGIESSS (i have two, rocky and lily both are maltese poodles💋💋), baking (hate the clean up tho) i also love selfcare, its always good to prioritize urself but i mean the cassie method of everything showers, lotions, body oils, body mists/ perfumes, face masks, skin care (allllllll the goodies) just to finish the day off with a fic (its deadass my nightly routine to shower, get ready for bed/unwind, tumblr)
-CELEBRITY not character, but if i missed any lmk😝
-this is a long one so bearrrrr with me
my top 5 currently is🥁🥁🥁
1. sam claflin (been obsessed, still obsessed, i dont see this changing *unless timothee wanna quit playin🙄)
2. tom blyth (tbosbas was life changing.. hes so💋💋)
3. andrew garfield (im considering moving my man up to 2 bc hes an og for this list likee hes been on my brain since he was fan casted as our remus lupin and will stay there😌)
4. jacob elordi (newest addition, saltburn edits is the sole reason why hes here plus hes so fucking tall like i deserve that height difference *for reference im 5 ft😈)
5. timothee chalamet (i love him so much BUT HES DOWN HERE BC OF KYLIE😭*he would be 1 otherwise🥲)
for other hotties ..
OSCAR ISAAC🥵🥵😫-i need this man in bed rn
charlie brushnell😘-new addition but again he is taking over just like pjo is
tom holland- zenny baby he is all yours but that man shirtless? YUMMYYY
tom hiddleston- only rzn to watch the thor series
theo james - YOU THE ONE FOUR ME hes so fine i watched divergent (still a great series) for him n i was not dissapointed
aaron t— johnson- i do not want to mention his 🤐 but he is so fine his calvin klein ads?? KICKASS??
ben barnes- shadow n bone.. YUMMY YUMMY🤭🤭also sirius? likeee runaway to my house?
cillian murphy- ik he lowk looks like he got a bad case of botox.. BUT CMONNN PEAKY BLINDERS???
callum turner- i knew i was hooked since that harry potter movie he has like 10 minutes in🥰🥰
dylan o’brien-ima be honest im not DIE HARD in love but this man was fine since maze runner and teen wolf n will be till hes in the graveee
henry cavill- enola mf holmes.. INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR BROTOHER LIKE😍😍😍 i need this man to investigate all my internal organs
hugh laughton scott- hes just so pretty i just😘
harrison dickinson- love at first sight of darkest minds😍😍( its a discontinued movie (supposed to be) series) i need him in more shit
joao felix- my bestie pmo fifa AND HE DOES NOT DISSAPOINTT
josh hutcherson- i could not make this list without pookie
matthew gray gubler- i need him to read me to sleep, sing me to sleep, talk about anything so i can sleep, he brings me so much joy with that smile and hes so sweetie pie i could go on forever
drew starkey?- idk his name but hes the hottie who plays rafe cameron IVE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW (or anything hes in) but holy shit that man is tall and pulls off ANY hair cut
well if youve made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this! if you want to know some more about me msg me in any way and ill respond, maybe ill add that info here. thanks again for your attention! love you all😘
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🏅Being Team Japan's Manager 🏅
💔Relationship Troubles with Bokuto 💗
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Bokuto Kōtarō featuring Team Japan x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Bokuto being a complete jerk, petname, angst to fluff, suggestive at the end 🙃
AN: Its a very Bokuto centered day 🥰This is an Anon request! I may have gotten a tiny bit carried away with this one. I also cried alot 🥲 I'm emotional when it comes to our boys 🥺 I'm really proud of this one ❤
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Oof this one is going to make me cry 😢
I already know it
And the fact that it's with our resident himbo 🥺
But it must be done and who else to deliver but yours truly 🤗
Your relationship with Bokuto has been going on for about 6 months now
You started out of friends when you joined Team Japan as their resident hotty 🔥 and manager 💅🏼
Honestly, Team Japan adores you YN
You lucky bitch 😒
But there was always something special about Bokuto
Pls he's such a bubbly Boi I just can't even 😫
Bokuto took an instant liking to you and you to him
Did he annoy you? Absolutely 💯
Did you find him attractive as all hell? Abso-FREAKING-lutely 🙌🏻
Bokuto is like what? 6'3" timeskip 👀
Lawd girl of you don't I will
N E WAYS, you two grew extremely close
Daily practices and nightly walks home
Giant Bear hugs and headpats
You would grab coffee or ever dinner sometimes
Of course, the other three idiots guys would accompany you occasionally as well
When Bokuto finally asked you out, it was very Bokuto-style
Super spontaneous and loud
Lile he literally walked you to your apartment door, was about to leave, turned around and shouted
"YN WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?"- Bokuto, zero chill
"Ko- we just went out..."- You, extremely confused
"No I mean, like a date"- Bokuto 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
YN of you take longer than a single second to answer this imma come there and smack you 🤚🏻
Someone summon Iwaizumi for me- 🏐
"Of course I will Kotaro"- You 🥺🤗
Good girl Yn ☺️
Please Bokuto is so excited he will pick you up and spin you around 🥰
God I love that for you 😐
Me, a jealous bish
Thus begins the ship know as BokuYN
The next few months go by quickly
Your relationship is tugging along and everything is going well
Unfortunately, the storm clouds are moving in YN 😔⛈️
And all good things can't last
It starts out small, everyone is so stressed with the Olympics coming up
Bokuto especially
Imagine all the pressure to be perfect and score points 😪 that has got to be so rough
Bokuto starts staying late for practice and heading home with you less frequently
You start eating dinner alone and he starts coming home later and later ☹️
One morning, you wake up and Bokuto isn't next to you
You try calling him but nothing
You show up to the gym and find him there with Kageyama, Atsumu and Hinata
You are confused as to what is going on 🤨
Like rightfully so
I mean what did they just sleep on the bleachers the night before?
I wouldn't put it past them honestly 😒
You approach them and ask what's going on
Atsumu is setting for Bokuto and he narrowly misses a line shot
"God dammit! Send up another one"- Bokuto, furious and sweating 😓
"Hey guys- have you been practicing all night?"- you, curious
"Nah we quit at 9 last night"- Kageyama getting a drink of water
Ok now your really confused 🤚🏻
You look at Bokuto who is setting up for another spike
"Ko you didn't come home last night"- you
He ignores you, spiking the ball
Ok then- 😐
Let's try this again shall we 🙃
"Kotaro did you hear me?"- you, now standing with your hands on your hips
Ope- someone's in trouble 😶
Atsumu, Hinata and Kags are now looking from you to Bokuto 👀
"I stayed with Hinata last night"- Bokuto, walking away from you, going to his phone and scrolling
Clearly his phone is working 😑
That's suspicious 🤨 that's weird
"And why would you do that?"- you, obviously upset
"Because I felt like it"- Bokuto
Not to be toxic here but that's not an answer dude 😒
"Ok but why- I texted you and you never got back to me. And it's clear your phone is fine since your looking at it right now"- YN, hands now in the air, just ready to go
"Maybe I just needed some fucking space YN"- Bokuto
Please now Aran, Yaku, Komori, Sakusa, Habuka,Ushijima,Hyakuzawa, amd Iwaizumi are all on the gym 🤚🏻
Silently observing 👀
"Are you serious right now? What did I do Ko?"- you, walking towards him
"YN I just need some fucking space! You're around me constantly and I can't fucking concentrate on these damn Olympics with you breathing down my neck all the time! Like all you ever do is talk talk talk and I'm so fucking sick of it! Just fucking leave me alone! If you did anything for this team besides stand around, maybe you'd understand my stress! But you always have to come first YN and Im fucking DONE!"- Bokuto, finally snapping
Oh he's pissed
Like fuming at you 😡😤
It's honestly so embarrassing he would say such things in front of everyone
You face heats and your fists tighten-
You don't even know what to do, so-
You just look up at him, tears filling your eyes
Ok everyone just breath ok
I mean, I'm crying 🥺
You know that feeling when your stomach just drops and you feel almost sick
That's what's happening now
The tears are welling up and it's about to happen
There is no stopping that crying YN and you shouldn't!
Bokuto essentially took your heart, threw it on the ground and stomped all over it
Nah he rolled over it with a steam roller and fed it through a wood chipper 😬
He broke you 😔
No matter how you try, a brave face isn't coming
So you do what you must
"Fine Bokuto. You don't want me bothering you anymore. Than consider me gone"- You, turning to walk out of the gym, tears flowing, past the other members of the team
Everyone is stunned 😲 and honestly same
Nobody expected this of Bokuto, like he's literally the last one I'd expect to do this
But the pressure was mounting and unfortunately YN, you were the catalyst
The gym is silent as Bokuto sets his water down, turning to face Atsumu
"Toss another one"- Bokuto, getting into place
Please these guys are PISSED and so confused 😕
"What the fuck was that-" Atsumu, the first to speak
As much as I bully this man, istg he's loyal as fuck
And while he loves Bokuto like a brother, he also loves you
"Bokuto that was so harsh man"- Habuka
"It needed to be said. She's been so clingy and needy. The Olympics are coming up and I need to practice"- Bokuto, starting to realize that he's the total ass in this situation but still holding face
He's a man 🙄😒
"You're an dumbass Bokuto"- Iwaizumi, turning to go and find you
"Bokuto sit down. You're done for today"- Aran
"The fuck I am-"
"The fuck you are because I said so"- Aran
Please Aran can be so fucking scary 😨
Bokuto will get right in his face
"Hey cool it you two!"- Hyakuzawa
"Bokuto- chill man"- Kageyama pulling him back
Hoshiumi finally comes in the gym
"Hey what's wrong with YN. I saw her leaving and she was crying"- Hoshiumi
It's all starting to sink in now-
"FUCK-" Bokuto, throwing his waterbottle against the wall and storming out
Everyone is just exhausted and it's showing
"Should we go after him?"- Hyakuzawa, the mediator of the group
"I think we should call Akaashi- this is over our heads"- Aran, leaving to get his phone and make the call
Meanwhile, you are now sitting on a bench, full on ugly crying
Snot down the face, tears everywhere, can't catch your breath BAWLING
🤚🏻 say less YN your heartbroken and its ok to cry 💔
Please I'm crying writing this and it's fiction 😭
"Hey YN- are you ok?"- Iwaizumi, coming to sit next to you
"No- no Hajime I'm not ok"- you, sucking in breath and trying to calm down
Spoiler alert: it's not working
"I think I need to go home Haji"- you
"You do that YN. And hey, it will be ok... I promise. I'll talk to him"- Iwaizumi
"Hajime, you heard him. He doesn't want me so give me one good reason why I should stay?"- you, hugging yourself and crying
"YN he's under a lot of stress. He shouldn't have said those things. You know he cares about you"- Iwaizumi, trying to save this
"YN please just listen-" I was our freaking savior
"Hajime, if he cared he wouldn't have said those things. If he cared, he would have avoided my texts and calls. He embarrassed me in there. You don't do that to someone you care about"- you, making an excellent point
"I'll see you later Haji. Thanks for being here"
You try and force a smile as tears stream down your face
Upon arriving at your apartment, you do nothing but mope
You say nothing more as you turn and walk away
You cry the entire way home, trying to hide your face from those around you
Honestly YN as you should 💅🏼
I'm like so mad at Bokuto right now you have no idea 🤬 you crawl into bed, covering yourself up and cry like there's no tomorrow
Back at the gym, Bokuto is sitting in the locker room with a towel hanging over his head
That bitchy voice inside your head telling you that everything was a lie and you were never good enough for Bokuto
You eventually manage to cry yourself to sleep 😔
He knows he fucked up... like MAJORLY fucked up
The stress of the Olympics had been weighing on our poor owl bby and the fact that he just can't hit his line shots
Iwaizumi comes in and sits next to him
"I fucked up bad"- Bokuto
"Yeah you fucking did asshole"- Iwaizumi not even beating around the bush
"Shit"- Bokuto, throwing his towel against the locker
"You need to chill out Bokuto. Your stress isn't helping anything right now. You said some pretty mean stuff to YN and she's really hurt"- Iwaizumi
"Did she leave?"- Bokuto
"Yeah- she went home"- Iwaizumi
"Fuck I have to talk to her-" Bokuto standing, fists clenched
"Hold up there cowboy. Give her some space man. You broke her heart dude. It's not going to be an easy fix. Wait a day, let it rest"- Iwaizumi
As much as he hated to do it, Bokuto let it rest
He went to his apartment, one he spent very little time in nowadays and tried to relax 😔
The next day, he arrived early to try and catch you
Only, you weren't there 😞
"Where's YN?"- Bokuto to Hoshiumi
"She didn't come in today. She called and told Aran she's taking personal time"
"God dammit!"- Bokuto, just about to punch the wall
Thankfully Sakusa is there to stop him
"Bo a broken hand isn't going to help man. You need to chill"- Sakusa
"Come on man, let's practice and then we can talk"- Hinata
"How can I practice without YN? Knowing I fucked up the best thing I ever had"- Bokuto, now a deflated Owl
"Well it's good to finally see you admit how much you care for YN"- Akaashi, with Kuroo at his side
"What are you doing here?"- Bokuto, genuinely confused 🤨
"Aran called me and well Kuroo heard through the grapevine"- Akaashi
Please Kuroo knows all the gossip
These boys talk more than old ladies in church
"Dude what is wrong with you? This isn't like you"- Kuroo
"I've been so stressed and I can't hit my line shots. I've been practicing day and night and nothing feels right"- Bokuto, now hunched over on the bleachers, surrounded by the peanut gallery
"Have you thought thay maybe your practicing too much Bo?"- Kageyama
Seriously he's one to talk 🙄
"I mean, what has YN said about you staying late for practice?"- Akaashi
"I haven't been around much- I've just been so stressed. And I just dont know"- Bokuto
"Well Bokuto, you have to decide what you want to do. If you want to break up with YN, I think you owe her an explanation. She at least deserves that. But if you want to make up with her-" Akaashi
"I DO! I really do! I thought alot last night and YN's been the one consistent good thing in my life. I- I think I love her"- Bokuto
Pls bby you were a jerk but you are breaking my heart 💔😫
"Well then you need to talk to her"- Kuroo
Bokuto knew this and he was so ready
Unfortunately you weren't 🙁
A knock sounded as you drag yourself to the door
The peep hole reveals Bokuto, standing there, hair deflated
You open the door and cross your arms
That's right YN! We are a powerful women and we will show it ✊🏻
"Hey YN, can we talk?"- Bokuto
"That's what we are doing-"
"YN please I'm so sorry- I was a complete asshole and jerk! I know I royally fucked up and god, YN I'm so sorry"- Bokuto
Tears are forming in this man's eyes
But also in yours 😟
"Bokuto-" you
"Ko, you call me Ko"- Bokuto
"Listen, I need time. What you said really hurt me and I'm not ready talk to you let alone see you. I just don't know if I can do this-" please the tears are rolling down your face but you're voice remains strong
"YN- please, just please"- Bokuto, full on crying
"Good night Bokuto"- You, shutting the door and breaking down
Please Bokuto hears you and it KILLS him 😭
He did that to you and he hates himself
The next few days drag
You return to your manager job but you try and steer clear of Bokuto
Unfortunately the team doesn't get that memo 😒
Please they are trying everything possible to get you to back together
You are miserable, Bokuto is EXTRA miserable
"YN can you wrap Bokuto's fingers? I have to do Komori's and Yaku's"- Iwaizumi
"I can do it Iwa" - Kageyama
Please that went right over his head
Iwaizumi is just staring at him like 👁➖️👁
You don't even say anything, just grab the tape and walk to Bokuto
The man towers over you so he is looking down at you while you wrap his fingers
"How are you?"- Bokuto, genuinely concerned
"Fine"- you, trying to just hold it together long enough to wrap those long fingers 👀
"You've lost some weight-" Bokuto
"Yeah I haven't been hungry"- You, unfortunately your voice cracks and you have to bite your lip to keep it from quivering
"YN, baby-" Bokuto, lifting your face up by your chin and looking into your watering eyes
He hates seeing you like this and knowing he caused it 🤧
"Done"- you, looking up and smiling a little, tears filling your eyes before you turn and walk out of the gym
Bokuto watches you go
And so do the others 👀
Nosey bitches 🙄💅🏼
Also side note: screw Iwa for throwing you under the bus like that 🖕🏻 imma Iwa cannon a volleyball at Iwa 😤
It's safe to say practice has been a little... well tense to say the least
Bokuto is getting blocked, missing cross court shots and liners left and right
It hurts you even more to see the man you love hurting
Wait 🤚🏻 love?
Oh hell yeah you love him YN
Just admit it 🙃
But no matter how much you love him, it doesn't take away how he treated you the past few weeks
And how much his words that day hurt
You're at a crossroads Yn and it's not an easy choice
Luckily for you, you have supportive friends
Wait, did I say supportive? I mean Atsumu and Hinata 🤣
But also Aran, Ushijima and Iwaizumi
Ok ok ill stop 😅
They stop by your place unexpectedly with food
"You need to eat"- Atsumu, pushing past you
"Don't think we haven't noticed YN"- Iwaizumi, coming in behind Atsumu
"Wow it's nice to see you too"- you 😐
"Hi YN, how are you doing?"- Aran, giving you a big hug
Please he gives amazing hugs 🥺
"Could be better"- you, now hugging Ushijima and Hinata
"YN how long are you going to do this?"- Atsumu
Aran and Iwaizumi 👉🏻🤦‍♂️🤦
"I hate to admit it YN but Atsumu is right. It's obvious you two love each other"- Ushijima
"Yeah"- you, sinking into the couch
"YN we know what he said hurt and we aren't telling you to just forget about it"- Aran
"But Bokuto is miserable YN. He's not eating, he's spending all his days at the gym and I know he's not sleeping"- Iwaizumi
"YN we know you're just as miserable so why don't you stop this"- Ushijima
"Just talk to him YN"- Hinata
Maybe, just maybe they have a point
You sigh and resign yourself to the fact that as much as Bokuto's words hurt you
You know that the stress of the Olympics and his hard training have worn on him
The next morning, you arrive at 6 am to start work
You hear the sound of balls being spiked against the floor of the gym
You know that sound, the exact sound of a Bokuto serve
You approach the door and peer in, seeing Bokuto tossing up another serve
The ball slams over, hitting right on the end line
"That was a nice shot"- you, walking into the gym
Bokuto stops and looks straight at you, mouth agape
You're talking to him- like actually conversing with him
And you PRAISED HIM 😭😭😭
"Thanks, what are you doing here?"- Bokuto
You giggle a little
Bokuto's heart swells
"Did you forget I come in early to set up?"- you
"Haha yeah I guess- I've just been doing it since- well-" - Bokuto rubbing the back of his neck
"Want me to set for you?"- You, taking a chance
Bokuto's head shots up 😳
"Really?" Please YN he's so happy he's smiling 🙂
"Yeah"- you taking position as Bokuto tosses to you and you set
Perfect cross court shot 😚🤌🏻
"Nice kill Ko!!"- you smiling and looking back at him
Please he's melting YN 😭
"First one I've gotten in all week"- Bokuto, his head down, rubbing his arms
What 😳
"I'm miserable YN. I'm so fucking miserable. I can't sleep, I can't eat. Every single practice, I miss tosses, get blocked or the ball is out. I- I can't do this"- Bokuto, looking at you as tears roll down his face
"Ko come here"- you, reaching out for him as he comes to your arms for a hug 🫂
Please that man will hug you and never want to let you go
You pull back as he rests his forehead against yours
🥺 please I'm such a sap God WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
"YN I know I don't deserve you but I need you to know that you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I know I fucked up and God I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry baby. I love you so much and I can't do this without you"- Bokuto, tears flowing
"I love you too Ko"- You, smiling with tears in your eyes
"You- you do?"- Bokuto, now smiling like a freaking idiot 😃
"Yeah I really do"- You
Please 🤚🏻 say less
This man is picking you up and swinging you in the air
"Ko, Jesus Ko calm down"- you, laughing and smiling
"I can't! The most amazing, beautiful women in the world loves me"- Bokuto, finally setting you down
"Yeah I do my ace"- You
Please his lips are on yours before you can finish that sentence 🤚🏻 💋
"Jesus christ get a room will ya"- Atsumu, walking in as you and Bokuto turn around to see the entire team watching you 😳
"Oh my god that was so sweet 🥺"- Yaku about to cry
"Well I'm finally glad to see you guys have worked it out"- Iwaizumi
"Jesus YN way to bring it down to the wire, the Olympics is a month way"- Kageyama, ever the inspiration 🙄
"Aran are you crying?"- Hinata
"No- I just got some dust in my eyes from these volleyballs"- Aran, wiping his eyes and walking away
Sure 😏 "dust from the volleyballs"
"Ok enough of this, let's get to practice"- Aran
"Ummm actually- I uh, I need YN to help me with something"- Bokuto being suspicious 🤔 and dragging you to the door
"Ko, can't it wait until after practice!"- you, being dragged
"Absolutely not"- Bokuto
Please he's on a mission 😏
Iwaizumi just rolls his eyes 🙄
"Jesus christ just be safe ok? We don't need any little Bokuto babies running around"- Iwaizumi
"I make no promises"- Bokuto, pulling you out as you laugh and wave to the team
"Jesus that's got to be some record Emo mode"- Komori
"It lasted 8 days and Bokuto missed 436 spikes"- Atsumu, nonchalantly rattling of statistics
Komori, Yaku and Aran 👉🏻👁👄👁
"You kept track of that?"- Hakuba, honestly impressed
"I'm the setter, it's my job to make sure the players are ok"- Atsumu, shrugging
"Hey now- you aren't the official setter just yet 😑"- Kageyama
"It's only a matter of time"- Atsumu 😏
"😐 the fuck it is- " Kageyama following Atsumu and yelling
"God I wish YN was here"- Aran
"She's probably getting her back blown out as we speak"- Habuka
"Jesus christ 🤦‍♂️ alright get to work"- Iwaizumi, smiling
Side note: you were in fact, getting your back completely blown to pieces 😏
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hellogyu · 2 years
girl i NEED a nsfw a-z for seokmin🥺
a-z NSFW w/ seokmin
ok i’ve finally gotten around to posting something 🎉🎉 about damn time!! i swear the ending and beginning of the year is so busy for me and for what 😫at least things are beginning to calm down and i can actually focus on writing again yay. for those of you who sent in asks, don’t worry i haven’t forgot about you i’m slowly (but surely) getting to it hehe 👍🏽
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i think we can all assume his usual warm, smiling self is only 10x more prominent after sex. he’d want nothing more than to bask in the euphoric feeling with you all night. he’s content doing nothing but laying with you in silence, taking in every detail of your body. most likely though, he’ll talk your ear off about anything and everything if you let him. he just wants the feeling to last forever and is super clingy.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
ever since he started working out more, he’s been super confident in his arms. it’s not so much that he even likes them too much, but he loves to see the effect it has on you. whenever he catches you admiring them, he gets all shy and blushy, absolutely loving the attention. his favorite part of you is your lips. the same way he catches you staring at his arms, you’ll catch him literally ogling your lips. if you’re eating something particularly suggestive while talking, consider him deaf because he’s not listening to a word you are saying. all he can do is admire your lips and imagine how warm and exciting it would feel to have you run them along his skin, nipping and sucking at all of his sensitive spots.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
super into cumplay. he won’t hesitate to eat you out right after cumming in you, even if it means getting his face covered in a mixture of your juices and his own cum. he especially likes when you clean the cum off of him by swiping it onto your fingers and feeding it to him. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he likes dirty talking way more than he lets on. he’s too shy to do it himself but he really really wants to. maybe one day he’ll build up the confidence to say what he's thinking in bed. he also wants to hear your thoughts more because it lets him know you're enjoying yourself and that he’s doing a good job but he’s obviously not going to tell you that until he can be more vocal himself. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he doesn’t seem like the type to have sex with just anyone, he needs more of an emotional connection before he can go there. he’s probably only had a few partners like that in the past so i don’t think he’s too experienced, especially with the kinkier side of sex. he is very adamant about improving his skill level though, and will try super hard because he just wants to be good for you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anything where you're practically towering over him and in control, basically when you ride him. he feels most comfortable having you take the lead and set the pace so that he doesn't have to worry about whether or not he’s doing things right. he’s always thinking about your satisfaction, which he feels would be taken care of much easier with your instruction and his assistance. he's a service top after all. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
serious and seokmin shouldn’t even exist in the same sentence. i don’t think he could ever be fully serious even if he tried. he’s very transparent with his emotions so if he feels like laughing or saying something funny, he will. there are times, however, where he’s so fucked out that all he can do is focus on the pleasure and nothing else. only then will it be hard to get some humor of out him because he can barely stay conscious let alone crack a joke.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
doesn’t strike me as the type to worry much about grooming. he won’t ignore it to the point where it becomes unmanageable but he won’t keep up with it routinely either.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he’s so intimate it makes me want to cry. every single look he gives you is filled with pure adoration and love. there’s a sense of security and closeness with him like you’ve known him your whole life and there’s nothing to hide. he’s literally the most accepting and inviting person alive which creates a natural ease in the relationship. watch out because if things get overwhelmingly romantic he will burst into sobs and ruin the mood, leaving you to comfort him all night. he’s also definitely the type to say ‘i love you’ over and over when he cums. actually…. he’ll say it repeatedly the entire time too…like a lot…
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he’s so stubborn that he literally won’t jack off when you’re away. it’s not that you tell him not to or anything, he just wants to prove himself lol. he also just enjoys waiting because the sex will be that much more intense if he does.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
edging is his go-to. he loves the reward of release after being teased for such a long time, especially when he’s in need for some stress relief.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he’s so shy so there’s no way you are getting him to do anything unless it’s inside the comfort of his own home. he likes the bed because it’s the most romantic setting and it’s cozy so he can be super close to you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
touching him lightly and (not so) innocently is all it takes to have his head spinning with dirty thoughts. if you start gently rubbing his waist or thighs, he’ll melt on the spot. like i’ve mentioned before, a big turn-on for him is doing literally anything with your lips. applying lipgloss, sucking on a lollipop, drinking though a straw, it doesn’t matter. it’s guaranteed to have him picturing all the ways you’d use your mouth on him during sex. he’s pretty easy to work up so it doesn’t take much really.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
obviously, he’d never degrade you or want to be degraded, he's way too sensitive for that. anything physically or mentally harmful is completely out of the question. he’s pretty wary of role-playing in general because he doesn’t understand why you’d pretend to be anyone other than yourselves. he wants sex to be as genuine as possible. he’s also too embarrassed to have sex in public because he doesn’t want to be seen in such an intimate state.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
says he prefers giving because he wants to be selfless but he definitely enjoys receiving a lot more. don’t get me wrong he loves to please you, but there’s no denying he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to be pleasured first. as for skill, seeing as he doesn’t have much experience to begin with, his oral skills would be no different. i feel like he tries really hard to make you feel good though, in order to compensate for this lack of experience. a lot of times he’ll ask to practice with you so he can get better which is a total win-win situation for you both.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s a bit erratic and has a hard time controlling himself which is why i see him being pretty fast and maybe even a little rough. his thrusts can be so sloppy and uncontrolled but if he actually tries to focus, he can maintain a pretty comfortable pace. but when he’s close to cumming, he’s already way too far gone and no amount of concentration will be able to control his uneven, desperate thrusts. this is definitely part of the reason why he likes for you to ride him all the time.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he’s pretty indifferent. honestly, he’s just grateful to get time with you at all so any duration is better than nothing. he does like putting time aside for longer sessions though so quickies don't really need to happen too often. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s typically more reserved and cautious so it’s hard for him to take risks. he worries too much about not being able to predict the outcome when trying something new. what if it doesn’t feel good? what if something goes wrong or he messes up? yea he’d rather just avoid it altogether and stick to what’s familiar.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i feel like the most you’ll get out of him is two rounds, maybe three on a good day. he’s so sensitive that he gets overwhelmed from foreplay alone and by the end of the first round he’s already exhausted. i also don't think he can last very long for each round either considering just how sensitive he is.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
surprisingly he’s super comfortable using toys both on himself and on you. he’s definitely very fond of vibrators, especially when he’s tied up to one. the direct stimulation has him seeing stars and gripping onto anything nearby for support. it makes his head all fuzzy and warm in a good way. he’ll use anything you ask him to use on you without a single complaint. seeing you feel good makes him feel good too!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he’s the sweetest boy ever 🥺i don’t think he’d ever tease you on purpose, but he definitely unintentionally does it without even knowing. sometimes when you feel your orgasm approaching, he’ll change the position or pace, leaving you all worked up and frankly a bit annoyed. if you tell him what he did though, he’ll feel super apologetic about it and spend the entire night making it up to you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
so. loud. it’s like he’s putting on a concert in your bedroom the way he’s screaming in your ear. as much as he tries, he’s just completely incapable of holding in any noise that wants to escape his mouth. he doesn’t mind having you gag him or covering his mouth with your hand and honestly, it only makes it scream louder.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s so respectful that when you first started sleeping with each other, he would ask for permission before doing literally anything. he wanted to make sure you felt comfortable and that he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries which was endearing in theory but by the end you had to straight up tell him that he didn’t need to be so cautious around you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
not the thickest girth wise but maybe a little above average in length, 6in?
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
his sex drive is pretty high, but he tends to only really act on it when you initiate things. i don’t seem him being too straightforward and just saying he wants sex so you’ll have to pay attention to his (extremely) subtle hints that he’s horny. which is pretty often..
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he’s either out like a light before you can even clean up properly or he’s restless and bursting with energy. it’s kinda hard to calm him down once he’s super hyper though so it’ll probably take foreverrr for him to fall asleep.
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thenaivestatice · 3 years
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Somethings never change....
Ahem. @asoryuu-week . I'm. Late. Super late.
I'm sorry 😩😩😩, this past days have been hellish. But I had this ready for the respective day, I swear😞.
Welp, back to the point: this is my submission for asoryuu week day 4: domestic/professional!!
I originally went with professional, actually, but, suddenly, the Sun and Moon deity AU took a choke hold and didn't let go, so now is domestic Sun and Moon god AU. They are just enjoying each other's company while drinking tea. They were both sitting seiza in the beginning, but even as a God, Ryuu only can last a few minutes sitting like that before his legs get cramped! That why he is looking all pained in the second image, and also why Kazuma is laughing at him.
Another version and original under the cut
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I liked this pinkish filter, it makes it look very soft.
Aaaaaand here's the original (yes, I know I screwed up the layout 😫 Also, yes, they were in the same gd page. Again, sorry 😞)
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Also, truly sorry about the crappy signature in the photos, but I forgot to sign them properly and don't want to get in trouble later on 😢
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Safe By Your Side (Harry Lewis)
Sidemen: WroetoShaw
Request: 3 & 27 with Harry pls 😫🙏 something super fluffy and protective would be super dope ilysm tysm
Prompts: 3: “I’m not leaving your side.” and 27: “You make me feel safe.”
A/N: This got so much longer than I expected, hope you enjoy!
The final house party at the Sidemen Mansion was in full swing, red solo cups and sweaty bodies strewn across the downstairs area. After a long day of helping the guys move their stuff into moving trucks, you were completely ready to let loose. You sat away from the crowd, leaned between Harry’s long legs on the crisp marble staircase as you tap your foot to the DJ’s music down below. 
This was something you loved about your boyfriend, his want to be as close to you as possible but a little further from the rest of the party. Your back pressed against the SDMN logo of his black hoodie as you took as sip of your drink, giggling when he nuzzled his nose into the apex of your jawline. He smelt oddly of mint and beer, lips trailing your skin as he whispered in your ear. 
“You need another drink?” his thick accent vibrated, not just through your eardrum but down your spine. You imagined by the amount of time you’d been dating, he wouldn’t have the same effect on you from when you were first getting to know one another but alas, he still set every nerve of yours on fire just from the smallest of actions.
Your gaze fell to his plush lips, distracted by the desire of them against yours when he smiled again. “Babe?” he asked, only to be answered by you kissing him deeply. His arms tightened around your waist, yanking you into his lap on the stairs as he fell back against the cool stone. You straddled his wide hips as one hand went into your hair, tangling locks into knots as he pressed himself deeper against your mouth. 
After a few moments, you finally pulled away from one another; chests rising heavily with pants, eyelids low from the mix of alcohol and the sexual tension buzzing in the air. “I’ve gotta take a piss, but when I get back,” he stated as he pushed himself up of the step, hands softly grabbing both of your flushed cheeks, “we are out of here.” And with that, he kissed you once more, brief and slow before he disappeared down the stairs. 
You bit your lip in anticipation, eyes following him into the crowd and you glanced down at your feet. You’d never been happier than when you and Harry had gotten together. He was such a positive part of your life: supportive and loving, he never failed to make you smile. You waited in anticipation for his return so that you could leave and spend the rest of the evening into the morning in bed. Song after song, the loud thumping from the music the DJ played ricocheted in your eardrums. Having done a lap around the party after ten minutes of Harry being gone, you retreated back to the stairs to wait for him, fresh whiskey and coke in hand.
Come to think of it, you’d lost site of any of the guys quite some time ago, only now seeing strangers drunkenly stumble past your stoop. You tapped your heel lazily to the beat when Tobi came strolling up the stairs with his head down but even then, you could see the distaste written all over his features. 
“Hi there Tobs,” you greeted him cheerfully, his face shot up like a deer in headlights, only to breath of a deep sigh of relief when he realized it was your voice.
“Y/N,” he smiled and padded to your step, plopping down next to you, “Thank god for a friendly face.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in for a hug briefly.
“I swear, there’s a group of guys doing keg stands in the kitchen,” he mumbled as he pulled away from you and adjusted his SDMN cap. “I was starting to think this wasn’t the Sidemen House. Have you seen the others?” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at the look on his face, exhaustion. You shook your head at his question, eyes scanning the crowd once more for a familiar head of hair. 
“Not since Harry had said he was going to take a piss,” you remarked and glanced down at your wrist as if there was a watch there. “That was about half an hour ago.”
“These lads,” he tsked and stood, “I’m going to go check for them upstairs, you want to join me?” You shook your head, content with where you were and unsure of being able to stand up straight after the few drinks that you’d had. He nodded in understanding, “I’ll be back down in a little while,” Tobi said as he ascended up the staircase in search of your friends. 
A few moments passed before another body plopped down beside you. As you turned to look, you didn’t recognize the man. His blond hair and green eyes were cold and harsh as he stared you down. The feeling of discomfort twisted your insides immediately and you suddenly felt the urge to vomit. 
“Hi there,” he practically purred, his vodka breath pungent in your space. You cleared your throat and slid closer to the railing of the stairs, eyes turned to scan the crowd once again in search of the guys. “You look pretty lonely up here all by yourself.”
Before you could reply, the beginning beat to ‘KSI Exposed’ started up, the crowd below going wild as Harry’s lyrics started to shake the entryway. Surely Harry, Simon and JJ would come out to the dance floor to dance to the song as they always bumped it in the car, you thought in hopes that they would appear. “I’m quite content on being alone, thanks,” you remarked as you went to stand, eyes still looking anywhere but the man stretched out on the stairs.
“But, you should keep me company,” he murmured back, hand clasped yours just as you stepped away from him. His grip was a vice, leaving a blooming bruise and sweaty imprints on your wrist.
“Let go of me,” you ground your teeth, visibly uncomfortable as you waited for him to comply with your request. When he didn’t comply, you took one last sip of your drink and bid it farewell, swinging back to splash it into his face. His grip released you immediately as his hands went to his eyes in an attempt to wipe away the cocktail. 
“You bitch,” he grunted, feet unstable as he stood in an effort to stand over you. 
“Oi,” Harry’s thick voice called from the base of the stairs, heavy footsteps padded to meet you. Harry, though normally a gentle giant, had his chest was puffed out, his hand clenched tightly around his beer as his other hand grazed the small of your back. The smallest of gestures so that you knew he was here by your side. The alcohol inside you bubbled at the sight of your boyfriend looking so defensive.  
The man suddenly looked nervous. He took a step up the staircase but only bumped into Tobi who had just gotten back down to where you had been sitting to find the commotion. “Do we have a problem?” Tobi asked, glancing between the man and the two of you.
“I think this manchild was just leaving the party,” you called, eyes flickering to Harry’s in comfort. “I think he’s had enough for the evening.” Your eyes never left Harry’s as Tobi escorted the guy down the rest of the stairs and out the door of the mansion, making sure he made it out of the gates.
“I’m never leaving your side again,” Harry breathed out, lips pressed quickly to yours. A simple apology for disappearing for some time. “I had just went to take a piss when JJ jumped into the pool. Had to go pull the lad out,” he explained but you shut him up, pushing up on your toes to press your lips to his once more. The kiss was longer this time as you moved against one another, arms wrapped around his broad shoulders as your fingers played with the soft locks at the nape of his neck. 
“No need to apologize sweets,” you said as you pulled away, eyes closed as you took him in. “I was handling it. Can we go home now?” You asked as he pulled his hoodie from his lean torso and gently tugged it over your head. The warmth engulfed you immediately, your lazily smile grew bigger as you realized how much it smelt like him. 
“You sure were,” he cracked a goofy smile, hand slid down to interlace with yours. “You make me feel safe.”
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