#I swear they only read her chapters cause there's no way they've read all of the books and come up with these opinions
fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Bran and Rickon are still alive and both ahead of Sansa in the line of succession. Wyman Manderly wants to make Rickon king. Robb disinherited Sansa and named Jon his heir. Some of the Northern lords are rallying for Arya. Sansa’s first marriage hasn’t been annulled, and Stannis refused to give Winterfell to Sansa.
How will the plot address them ? Is the plot going to get rid of Bran & Rickon ? Is the plot going to revive Lady ? Is the plot going to get the North to trust Littlefinger and the Vale lords to march North when their people are starving and winter is here ? Is the plot going to annul Sansa’s marriage and make sure Tyrion doesn’t find out ? Is the plot going to make Sansa get North before anyone else and grant her Northern support out of thin air ?
It’s amusing to see that as always Sansa fans can’t actually draw any substantive textual evidence. It’s always just hearsay and speculation and vague admonishments about traditional femininity.
Yeah, there's just...a lot that needs to be rearranged in order for Sansa to end up as the ruler of Winterfell. Not to say that it's impossible it's just very, very unlikely. I'm in the group who thinks that George put all these obstacles in her way for a reason, call me crazy. Even without getting into the specifics of succession, Sansa has no involvement in the Northern plot at this point and is stuck in the Vale for the time. She still has a plot left to play out there/with LF and the weather isn't going to allow her to travel North. It's possible she could gather support via the Vale but that would have little effect on Northern politics.
As far as a resolution to all this, they just assume that the books will follow the same lines as the show. So Bran just doesn't want Winterfell and becomes King (which they don't really like but they don't care enough about Bran to make new theories for him), Rickon just dies off insignificantly, Jon doesn't want it/can't have it cause he's a bastard, Arya isn't even a candidate, the direwolves aren't important at all, her marriage to Tyrion magically doesn't matter, Robb's will is a red-herring, etc, etc. They imagine that once she makes it North all of the lords are just going ignore their plans and support her cause #keytothenorthsansa
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joelscruff · 10 months
Yay!!!!!!!!!!! Another brilliant chapter of this masterpiece story! 👏🏻
I loved that we got to see Joel’s pov. I love that a part of him does still care about his wife, as well as his love interest. Even in fanfics I really love I get tired of the whole “love interest hates ex wife.” So thank you for making his relationship with his ex Mish much more complex than just pure hatred.
Also I don’t know if you plan to include this or not, but if Reader and Sarah end up meeting or even if Sarah finds out her father is seeing someone younger than her, I am terrified but also intrigued to know what that would entail.
Also good on Tasha for reaching out to Joel. I swear she reminds me of a friend I have, both as an individual character and her dynamic with the Reader. She is more experienced and outgoing where as I am much more sheltered and kind of a homebody. I keep picturing my friend as her and me as the reader and it makes the story feel so real.
Sorry got a bit off topic there. Thank you for another incredible chapter. Here’s a big hug I’m giving you as a thank you for creating the most relatable and amazing fic I’ve ever read:
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thank you so much ❤️ yeah i really wanted to make his ex her own unique character cause i thought it'd be fun to explore that relationship and delve into his past a bit! i find relationships where there was a teen pregnancy really fascinating cause something so huge happening at such a vital time in your life really changes both people in a lot of ways. and it ties them together for the rest of their lives whether they like it or not. joel and mish have been through a lot together and i wanted that to be really clear.
i'm not sure yet if reader will meet sarah! i mean, she will eventually, but i just don't know if it'll happen in the fic itself since i only have about fourteen parts planned for the series. i could always do some extra chapters afterward though and pop in to see what they've been up to here and there, so never say never!
i love everyone's love for tasha. she rly is the friend we all need in our lives, i love her sm 😭
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
Twisted Fantasy | A Bada Lee Wattpad Fanfic
pairings: bada lee x chen jiayi (fem oc)
genre: ex best friends (ex lovers) to lovers, enemies to lovers
a/n: here's a brief of chapter 8<3 read the rest of the chapter here (if the link doesn't work my user is hoezzwantme on wattpad)
'Are you familiar with the hitmaker known as Lucky? She's the mastermind behind some of the biggest hits from BTS and other HYBE groups. The truth is, no one knows her identity. Well, no one outside of a select few who have been fortunate enough to meet her or work alongside her. We know nothing about the female producer, save for one single detail: her age, which is alleged to be 27 years old. She supposedly revealed this information to the public, along with her birthplace of Daegu's Otgol Village, which was leaked by someone back in 2019. HYBE, meanwhile, remains guarded about her privacy. They've never shared any information regarding her, nor do they intend to in the future'
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" this was really her, this was her Jia. All this time, she thought she'd moved away somewhere far. But she couldn't have been more wrong. Her emotions were torn between joy and sadness.
She found her Jia
Now it all made sense. She remembered when Jia told her that her name Jiayi, meant lucky one. She felt a chill run down her spine as that fact finally dawned on her. It was lucky indeed, for their paths to cross once more in such a way.
Bada starts laughing while a few tears stroll down her cheeks. She was proud of Jia for her accomplishments, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and longing. She was happy for her, but wished she could have been there with her all along.
Wiping her tears away from her cheeks, Bada wanted to hear her songs, even though she didn't have that many. She didn't have a large collection, only 6 songs, but her numbers of listeners was huge.
As she scrolled to the most streamed song on Jia's page, Bada closed her eyes and let the melody wash over her.
Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe
All the hell you gave me?
'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you
'Til my dying day
Bada sank down onto the floor, her emotions taking over as she covered her mouth. She tried desperately to keep herself together, covering her mouth and restraining herself as best as she could. But the tears were already running down her cheeks, and she was crying again. She knew that this particular song was about her, about the night that had cost them their friendship, and every time she heard it, the memories came flooding back. The cover of the song was a dead giveaway
And I can go anywhere I want
Anywhere I want, just not home
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood
But you would still miss me in your bones
Bada could feel the hurt in Jia's voice, and it hurt her so much that it felt like a stab to her heart. The lyrics were like a razor to her soul, carving out deep wounds that she knew were self-inflicted. She knew that she had hurt Jia deeply, but now knowing how she somehow felt, it was like the whole world was crashing down around her. In that moment, everything that had happened came flooding back to her
"I'm sorry," the broken girl choked out the words between sobs, rocking back and forth. She was overcome with grief and regret, her whole body shaking with emotion "It's all my fault Im sorry"
You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
You turned into your worst fears
And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain
Crossing out the good years
And you're cursing my name, wishing I stayed
Look at how my tears ricochet
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BNHA Fic Recs: Family/Friendship Feels
make this feel like home by carolinaa
The Todoroki siblings all come together for Christmas for the first time in years when they hear that Endeavor will be out of town during the break. Very painful, but also the most realistic depiction of estranged siblings that clearly love each other, but don't know how to act around each other. Fantastically written, and it's told from Natsuo's perspective, which is a refreshing take on this genre of Todoroki family recovery fics.
Tickets to the Todoroki Trauma Drama Are Buy 1 Get 1 Free by miniongrin
Touya and Fuyumi are twins and get body-swapped and learn about the lives they've developed since being separated and grow closer as a result. Fucking hysterical, great characterization of Fuyumi specifically, and surprisingly sweet and sad when it wants to be.
journey to the past by aloneintherain
When Izuku's classmates are pro heroes, they time travel back to when Izuku was little and save him from villain attacks repeatedly over the course of his life. This is heartbreakingly sweet. It shows all of Izuku's baggage and loneliness while simultaneously giving us the best friend bonding that is Pro Hero Class A playing with baby Deku. It's like getting an ice cream after getting decked in the nose.
Confusion by bortzy
Todoroki and Kirishima bonding over being gay. That's kind of it, but it's cute. I like Kirishima and Todoroki being friends. It's just uncomplicated friend stuff.
Movin' Out by momojirounation
Todoroki and Yaoyorozu not knowing how to function so they ask their partners for help. Very cute and funny, I love platonic Todomomo, and also they're both autistic, which is just--yes.
i. shaky hands by rexcorvidae
Izuku has chronic pain on account of being the human embodiment of poor impulse control, so Dadzawa steps in and helps him deal with it. It's just nice. It's just nice seeing people treating Izuku well. It's vicarious catharsis.
If We're Being Honest by thequeenofwhump
Class 1A is hit with a truth quirk that causes them to spout "fucking word vomit" for almost a month, and because no one can lie, all the couples get together in, like, the first chapter, and it's great. It's hilarious, especially the internal narration of the characters, and there's a lot of really good friendship moments between everyone involved, and I do mean everyone. It's not just the usual angst-ridden characters like Todoroki and Bakugou. I have a whole review typed up for this bad boy, but I'd say it's worth a read.
Imperceptible by lunarecrypt
A Hagakure-centric fic was something I did not know I needed, but now I'm glad I have it. Hagakure needs stealth advice from Todoroki, and she finds out the barest bones of his backstory and why he is the way he is. I always love fics about less popular characters, and I especially love them when they're told from the perspective of an underappreciated character. I really like Hagakure, and I wish there was more available content about her.
Terrible Twos by PotterheadAvengerDemigod
Midoriya is hit with a Quirk that de-ages him back to when he's four years old, and since Bakugou is the only person he knows and remembers, Bakugou has to babysit him. Tooth-rottingly adorable and features Bakugou struggling not to swear in the presence of innocent baby Deku, lest his friends hit him over the head with a rolled up newspaper. It's great, fucking love it.
all according to keikaku................. by carolinaa
Kirishima gets sick of Midoriya and Todoroki's pining, so he decides to flirt with Todoroki in an attempt to not-so-subtly force Midoriya to confess by taking advantage of Midoriya's competitive streak. The characterization is really solid and features teenagers being teenagers, with all the hell that is high school put on full display. I just love it when class 1A is depicted as just the most Gen Z kids to ever exist. This fic is almost literally every conversation I've overheard or been apart of in homework group study sessions. It's great.
(Honestly, just go read everything by this author).
bff (brother friend forever) by carolinaa
A collection of snapshots showing Iida and Uraraka's friendship, where they're really just bratty siblings that love each other just so much. As always with this author, great writing style, fantastic characterization, and hit me in the fucking feels.
(Seriously. Read everything by this author. Especially if you want good Erasermic and Todo-family fics).
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yanoirkay · 4 years
Bad Decisions
Warnings : swearing, fluff , mentions of losing a baby, mentions of abuse, mentions of depression.
Please do not read if the baby part will trigger you.!. I give all my love out to the beautiful strong women who have unfortunately lost their babies at birth.
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1:44 pm
You wake up and look at the clock beside you , you totally overslept. You reach your hand out behind you to feel if Rays there on the other side of the bed, and he's not. It breaks your heart that you have to make a decision between Ray and your normal life. With your gut telling you to stay with Ray and your heart telling you to stay with your normal life all of it makes you sick, you wake up and run to the bathroom to throw up, Ray walks in just in time to see you throwing up. He comes over to you and holds your hair back.
"Let it out, your okay" Ray whispered holding your hair back with one hand and the other rubbing your back.
You finally stop throwing up after 5 minutes
"Thank you" you say softly
He nodded and sat on the floor next to you
"I'm sorry, I know you have to choose between me and your life but I want you to choose me, but let me know what you choose" he said kissing the top of your head and leaving the room again.
You get up from the floor and brush your teeth and wash your face, you put on one of Ray's flannels and grab you phone and sit on the chair in the corner of the room and facetime your best friend Mariah.
"Hey girl, no long no talk" she smiles
" I know ,I know I've been busy wit-" she cuts you off
"With your boyfriend Ray" she giggles
"Yeah him" you sigh
"Girl what's wrong" she looks confused
"Nothing , don't worry, so have you heard from Bosco " you say smiling
"Not 1 single word , the last thing he said to me was that he had business" Mariah sounded pissed
"Hey if I give you a address, three hours away from you would you come" you say quietly
"Are you in trouble" she said conserned
"No of cource not, but I'm at this very big house with Ray, Bosco and Enson. They got into some shit and Ray asked me to come" you say softly
"Wow and Bosco didn't even ask me" she said making a joke
"He asked me about you yesterday" you say smiling
"Really" she said excited
"Yup, so I'm gonna send you the address to come here, pack a bag and drive here carefully" you say smiling
"Ahhh okay I'm so excited, I'm gonna go pack. I'll see you late lovely" Mariah said smiling before hanging up
You send her the address and lock your phone putting it on the charger and walking over to your bag to grab some jeans, you pull them on and button one button on the flannel
You walk downstairs and see Ray in the kitchen looking outside the window above the sink, you walk over to him and wrap your arms around his stomach
"I choose you" you said sofley
Ray turns around and he hugs you back
"You sure" he said roughly
"Cause once your in this, you can't run away again Kayla" he added
"I know, I'm in this with you" you said smiling
Ray pressed a kiss to your lips
"Alright babe I need you to go up stairs I gotta handle some shit down here" Ray said looking down at you
"Okay" you leaned up 1 last time kissing him before breaking the hug and walking away
You stop in your tracks when you remembered to tell Ray about Mariah coming
"Oh and don't be mad at me but I sent Mariah the address and told her to come" you said nervously
Ray sighs
"Kayla" Ray said sighing with a smirk
"I know, I know but it would be good for her and bosco ti see each other again and its also good for us so that were not the only ones making noise in the bedroom" you said smiling
Ray just shook his head and smirked, you turned around and head for the stairs and on your way you see Enson's wife and the kids, taking the younger child in your arms and looking back at Ray to see him looking at you, you smile at him and walk upstairs.
10:55 pm
Finally Mariah messages you telling you she's outside, you run from the bedroom downstairs and open the door for her and hug her tightly.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god" both of you guys say while hugging each other, breaking the hug you close the or and lock it.
"Mariah I told you to pack light" you say laughing
"I know but I went to your place and grab you a lot more stuff then what you packed it's in the car, we are gonna take so much pictures around this house, and I brought some of your little sex outfits for Ra-" you cut Mariah off
"Okay, stop talking" you say laughing
"Sorry, now where's my man" Mariah said looking around
"He's with Ray and Enson, their handling some business downstairs " pointing to the basement door
"Oh what losers, come one girl let's go talk about everything" she said grabbing your arm
You and Mariah get up stairs and you introduce her to Enson's wife
"Mariah this is Malia, Malia this is Mariah"
"Hi" they both say hugging each other
"Okay girls let's go talk" you say nervously
"Okay so how are things going with Ray" Mariah said smiling
"They've been good honestly, he's just so different from everybody else I've ever been with, just being in his arms make me feel so safe and so lost at the same time, I forget who I am and where I am when I'm with him and it scares me to death" you say softly
"We know, but does this feeling have anything to do with the baby you lost 2 years ago" Mariah looked up at you softly
"Have you talked to him about it" she added softly
"No and I don't im going to Mariah , 2 years ago I gave birth to my son who was born dead and his father never wanted anything to do with him or me once he found out I was pregnant, I never want to go through that pain again, I barely made it out the last time" you said crying a little
The girls got up from their chairs and hugged you for a few minutes
Ray walked in on it and they broke the hug and you looked up and seen Ray looking at you, They girls left the room and Ray closed it behind them and locked it
You got up from the bed wiping your tears and heading for the door but he grabbed your elbow
"Hey what's wrong" he said whispering
You immediately break down crying , Ray wraps you in his arms, holding you tightly
"Shhh babygirl, tell me what's wrong"
"I lost him, I lost him ray" you cried out
"Lost who" he said conserned
"I lost my babyboy " you continued to cry in his arms
"Shhh baby, Shhh I got you" Moving you onto the bed and on his chest, Ray didn't know what you were talking about, you never told him you were pregnant, he didn't know if you were talking about the past or about you guys.
Ray just let you cry until you fell asleep in his arms, once you fell asleep he pulled the covers over top of you and slowly got up. He went to downstairs and seen Mariah sitting on the couch
"Hey can I talk to you" Ray said softly
"Sure what's up" Mariah said smiling
"What baby did Kayla lose" Ray said looking at Mariah
" 2 years ago, Kayla was in a real bad relationship he never let her be her. He abused her for so long and she stayed with him beacuse she loved him, So when she found out she was pregnant she told him that the abuse had to stop but it never did, When she went into labour he was 12 weeks pre-mature, she lost him while giving birth doctors said there was just too much complications" Mariah said softly trying not to cry telling him
"She never told me, any of this" Ray said quietly
"I know it took me a year to try and pull her out of depression , but she's still so different now, Ray you have to undertaand that the babyboy is part of her, it may have been in the past but she still carries him with her. Talking about him causes her to get into a depressive state, you have to be ready for that" Mariah said softly
"Thank you" Ray said getting up from the couch and heading back upstairs to your guys room. Seeing you still asleep he closed the door behind him and locked it, taking off his clothes he came back into bed with you and pulled you lightly back on his chest, massaging your hair lightly.......
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c0co-cos · 6 years
Blue's Highest Rank
I felt horrible because I wrote someone else a story, but I didn't write @nozapuns-nsfw a story. So i'd like to award this Fan Fic to them. I absolutely love their artwork, and I hope they continue to work of their 'Fractured comic'
I love how listening to a song can completely change my idea for this story. It was first gonna be a full story and all, but throughout downloading music on my phone for a trip im taking, I found a gem.
The gem was "Oh Cruel Darkness, Embrace Me" by IAMX
So basically that's the song you should listen to while reading this.
Summary: Blue Berry was the best of the best. He was quickly going up the ranks to become part of the Royal Guard. That changed when Blue was introduced to Alphys and Undyne.
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Chapter 1: Oh Cruel Darkness, Embrace Me
Blue Berry was quickly working up the ranks. He started on the lowest of the low. Then he met Alphys, and thank lord he did. He was training with her, Every. Single. Day. He didn't really have any prior interactions with Alphys, but out of luck, they bonded quickly and things got straight to the point.
He had liked his time spent with Alphys, there was never a dull moment, Also he never knew what he was going to do during training. It always changed. It went to dodging attacks one day, to making Tacos in her kitchen the next. There was always something new to learn.
Blue wasn't sure when he met Undyne, but he knew Papyrus was friends with her. Papyrus didn't really get out the house much to hang out with anyone. Only time he went out was when he planned to get black out drunk at Muffets, but other than that, he found Papyrus going to Undyne's lab at random times during the night. He must have had a good reason to get up and go though. It wouldn't have been for nothing.
To Blues surprise, Papyrus actually knew Alphys. They had been friends before Undyne met Alphys. It always amazed Blue how almost everyone knew everyone in the underground.
Id it wasn't for Papyrus, he wouldn't know half the people he knows now. Papyrus was amazing. If it wasnt for him, Blue wouldn't have a room to sleep in nor have supplies to make food, even though Papyrus was mostly a lazy bum, he was Blue's lazy bum brother.
"Hey Alphys! Im here for today's training!" Blue couldn't wait for today's training, Alphys had something new in store, and laster on, Papy was going to come over and view their hard work.
Alphys jumped at the sudden loud voice coming outside her house. She had invited Blue earlier than usual, it wasn't something new shes done, but today she had a reason, and pulling it off wasn't going to be easy.
"Woah Blue, you scared me! Come on in, I gotta prepare the rest of the supplies."
Blue had already let himself in with the Key she leaves under the door mat.
"Wow Alphys, this place looks better and better each time we cook! With that being said, what are we making today? More tacos?"
"No, something better. Lets look at the menu."
Blue grabbed the piece of paper with the big letters on it spelling out 'MENU'. It had also been something Alphys did to tease Blue right before they started cooking. It was always Tacos, but he kept up the running gag, just for the giggles of it.
He unfolded it, revealing what they were going to make today. He eyes shrunk with fear.
"Today were making you.... Alphys this isnt funny you know!"
He saw Alphys out of the corner of his eye, he could see bright yellow magic coming off from her magically formed weapon. She loved using an axe. He quickly moved out the way, also using his bone attack to dodge it. He moved just in time, any second later, he would have been dust.
"Ha, nice Blue! You're getting better and quicker with each attack I throw your way. Sorry about my lil joke there, had to do something to get you distracted."
Blue's heart was pounding out of his chest. He knew at one point furing todays training, this would happen. Alphys said she does this to make him become aware of his surrounding at all times, but it still scared him shitless. Alphys could tell that Blue was very shook.
"Oh gosh, im sorry Blue. I should have done it while we were actually cooking. I won't do it again, I swear, just sit down at the table and ill make you some tea."
Blue dis just that. It was great to know Alphys didn't mean any harm, she never does. It was just a small scare, nothing else right?
"Here your tea Blue, again im sorry I did that. I wrote it for the fuck of it, then the idea came to mind where i can do the daily 'scare blue' skit, but it back fired. I truly am sorry Blue."
"No worries Alph. I know its a joke, I just need to stop being a big cry baby about it. Also thanks for the tea. But it's um.. Kinda sweeter than usual. What happened to 'my soul is black so my coffee and tea have to be the same'?"
"Oh actually its a different type of tea. Undyne gave it to me to try, and right now i can try it. But Blue, lets actually talk about the Guard. You kno--"
Blue couldn't think straight. He felt as if his whole world was spinning. He didn't like it, not one bit. Was it because of how scared he got earlier? Was he having a panic attack? He wouldn't know. He never had one before.
"Hey Alph. Im sorry but i think I got to cut th-this short. Sorry, it was uhh fun?" Blue was breaking a sweat by now. Maybe he was actually having a panic attack? Also what would he do about ? Papyrus wasn't home yet, and the way he was feeling, he wasn't getting home like this.
Blue looked up at Alphys. Her straight face had been completely gone, covered with a huge grin, starting from one side of her face to the other side. Blue was expecting her to look more freaked out like she had been when she had accidentally hurt him during training, but she stood absolutely still, giving Blue a horrid feeling.
"Oh please blue, what's wrong? Here, if you insist on leaving, let me carry you out the door." she said while walking towards his area. Blue was too freaked out by her fake response. It had seemed practiced, meaning she knew something he didn't.
Blue hesitated, backing away slowly from her, before bolting to the door. Even with how he was feeling, he could sense the danger. He didn't even make it anywhere close to the door, falling down after taking a couple of steps towards the direction. He couldn't move, and felt horribly tired.
For good measures, Alphys pinned him to the floor, magical axes surrounding him and the exit, if he planned to leave.
"Alphys? Why? What and why are you d-doing this? I'm sc-scared. Please, if I did anything to hurt you, l-l-let me know. I'll fix it just plea--" Blue had been cut off after he felt Alphys step on his ribcage. It hurt like hell, but he could take it.
"Honestly Sans, I'm sick and tired of you. Im doing this for myself, im just the message man at the point. But other than that, I can't stand you. Did you really think you, out of ALL monsters in the underground, you would be the same rank as me? There are kids, younger than you who have an actual chance of being in the Royal Guard. Sorry blue, you wont get the rank you want. But hopefully, this rank suits you and your lazy ass brother."
By this time, Blue had been trying to pull her leg off his ribcage. She was close to breaking it, and he would rather have a ribcage than none at all.
"OKAY OKAY OKAY G-GET YOUR LEG OFF!" Blue was struggling at this point. She was going to break it. He didn't want to die by getting stepped on, he was going to die in battle protecting everyone in the underground.
Alphys showed mercy, slowly lifting her leg off of his ribcage.
"This is how it's going to work okay Blue? I'm going to knock you out, don't worry, the most that would happen is you get a bruise, and I'll call Papy. You'll find everything out later. Goodnight Blue! Don't let the bed bugs bit."
Alphys couldn't really be doing this... It was a dream. He had to be. She would never harm him. At this point, hopefully Alphys knocking him out will cause him to wake up from this Nightmare.
Alphys came up to Blue, fist closed, ready to come in contact with his skull. It wasn't long before Blue actually knocked out.
Lucky for Alphys, the tea did most of the work, all she had to do was get him asleep. All she had to do now was call Papyrus and get him to teleport over to Undyne's lab.
Talking to people over the phone wasn't the easiest thing to do for her, but hey. She lied to Blue for most of tome they've known each other, so it shouldn't be harder over the phone.
"Pa-Papyrus? Oh thank god! Please come over quick! Its ! H-He fell and hit his head on the table! Come quick!"
Lucky for her, She didn't really have to give much detail regarding where she lived. Sometimes Papyrus would walk Blue home after practice, so he knew the way here. In seconds, a 'pop' noise came from inside her restroom.
"where is blue? oh my gosh... what happened?"
"I- I don't know! We were about to make Tacos, and he fell! Please take us to Undyne's lab, Im certain she knows what to do! S-she'll help!"
Papyrus didn't even have to think twice, he picked blue from off the floor, and teleported right into the lab.
Undyne was no where to been seen, and as the looks of it, so was Alphys. That's strange. Alphys was right next to him as he teleported.
"UNDYNE. NOW." Papyrus heard Alphys scream.He couldn't even turn his head before he passed out from whatever they did to him.
Him and blue were up for it when they woke up.
The story is also on my AO3, at @/sintaley if you would like to read it there :)
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