#I think I will update my commissions list once again
cuterozhok · 2 years
64 hours of total blackout and I'm back.
Lights went out right after the moment I made my last post, russians attacked us with 70 missiles that day. 51 of them were destroyed, but also some of their rockets destroyed our energy stations, all nuclear power plants were shut down, so a lot of cities were out of water, electricity and heating ( 12 million people by 23.11 ). It's not the first time russians try to terrorize us by isolating from civilized world. The worst part is that there's no mobile connection too, so you hardly can tell your friends that everything's okay. But there's no way to break Ukrainians. We will overcome it all and stand still no matter what.
Our operators trying their best to ensure us with connection as long as it is possible. People all over Ukraine, Europe, USA, UK and more countries work really hard right now to help Ukrainians restore all basic human needs. Together we are Insurmountable. russia is a terrorist state.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
about me + master list
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hi, I'm moony! I use she/they pronouns and I'm a 21 yr old college student who loves writing <3 
my blog is pretty much all tlou2 writing rn, but I also love Stranger Things, Arcane, Overwatch, and The Legend of Korra <3 
Proud co-mom (with @pinknightsinmymind) of the Farmhand to Farmer Abby and Sevika aus, as well as Rockstar Sevika
DISCLAIMER: any and all college! basketball! abby fics I do are credited to @elsweetheart who basically kicked off the basketball! abby and (in my opinion) writes the best basketball abby!! all of mine are specific to a chubby reader n au that I’m slowly building up (with y’all’s help <3), but if u want the OG, go to kittie <3 in general go to kittie she’s wonderful!! a delight!!
Be warned, my blog is NSFW, so Minors Do Not Interact. If I get the feeling you are a minor, and you don’t indicate otherwise in your bio, you will be blocked. Once again: MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS GET BLOCKED.
And since y’all can’t think critically. ED BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT. fuck off. my blog is heavily aimed at being a safe and loving space for fat girls. literally choke on my metaphysical dick if you think you can bring that shit onto my page.
if u wanna support my writing, I love getting asks n replies n reblogs!! u could also buy me a coffee <3 And I have a wishlist, on throne 💕
not all of my work is on here! my long poly! steddie fic, as well as my old AOT work, are only on AO3  
mdni banners by @cafekitsune !! this will stay here for as long as i use them, so if I forget to put a disclaimer on any nsfw content from here on, this is here!
Random Stuff
Sapphic Book Recs 
Hozier Song Recs
General Book Recs
reading update - august 4th 2023
Stranger Things
thoughts on nancy and robin’s friendship (and maybe more)
thoughts on the first time nancy came home from college
thoughts on being eddie’s chubby lil partner - suggestive
little reassurances - eddie munson x lexi (commissioned)
soft breath, beating heart - eddie munson x chubby! reader - suggestive
excerpt from “why can’t this be love” - poly! eddie munson x chubby! reader x steve harrington (the magnum opus)
fresh hot buns - eddie munson x reader - suggestive
you know it’s not the same as it was - eddie munson x reader
The Last of Us Part Two
book patrol - ellie williams x chubby! fem! reader
TLOU2 drabbles masterlist (in universe and various au’s)
college! basketball! abby masterlist (with chubby reader and bookworm reader and chubby bookworm reader :) ) 
farm au Abby Anderson masterlist
Bonus for TLOU and Arcane: the cutest exchange I’ve ever had about Farmer Abby and Farmer Sevika
no breakdowns here - college! vi x reader
abby and vi tapping your pussy after making you squirt - nsfw
college! vi kissing her gf’s back
vi taking care of you when you’re on your period - suggestive (like one comment)
vi taking care of you when you have chronic pain - leg cramps
cuddling with a needy + clingy vi
taking care of vi on her period - suggestive (one comment)
giving vi a back massage - suggestive
vi being touchy with a chubby girl - suggestive
vi when her gf sleeps naked - suggestive bordering into smut at the end
cuddling naked with vi - suggestive
vi loves fat pussy! - nsfw
vi with nipple piercings - nsfw
sucking on vi’s nipples - nsfw
vi's endless stamina - nsfw
vi + ankle kisses - nsfw
sub! vi getting strapped - nsfw
vi + bear hugs
taking a bath with vi - nsfw/suggestive
heavy petting with vi - nsfw/suggestive
vi laying between her chubby gf’s thighs
farm au! sevika masterlist
rockstar sevika masterlist
sevika bouncing a big girl on her strap - nsfw
sevika being needy and eating you out - nsfw
sevika with a chubby! short! gf sitting on her lap
face-sitting with sevika  as a big girl - nsfw
sevika and chubby! gf at the beach - suggestive, like one comment
cuddling with sevika after work
ikea with sevika
cuddling with Sevika when your tummy hurts
short tiny sevika angst w/ hozier’s “unknown/nth”
sevika and using a smaller strap than you asked for as a joke - nsfw
sevika with pierced nips <3 - nsfw
sevika holding your pussy and cunt when she sleeps - suggestive
Ambessa Medarda
some thoughts about ambessa medarda - short nsfw
missed you - Brigitte Lindholm x reader - nsfw
The Legend Of Korra
lin beifong getting her frustrations out with her wife -nsfw
lin beifong in a suit  - nsfw
Resident Evil
carlos oliveira’s shaggy hair - nsfw
college! jill valentine x bookworm reader 
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Chapter one: Ah yes, the start of every isekai
just a cute reminder that I post more on wattpad :D, so if you want earlier updates maybe check there lol
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"Shit- Shit- shit----" 
you squealed as you ran up and down your apartment, grabbing your things for work. 
"why did I have to stay up all night playing genshin?!?!" 
You screamed to yourself. once you felt satisfied with what was in your purse you ran a hand through your hair:
"why do I feel like I'm missing something?"
your eyes made their way to the mirror and you finally realized what you were missing, your tie. 
you felt another curse about to bubble up. 
taking a deep breath, you turned yourself away from the mirror, grabbed your purse, and made your way out the door.
You then proceeded to run to your car, throwing your purse into the passenger seat, once again cursing your lack of time management. 
'when you think about it, it's not that bad, I was just finishing my commissions, and finding all the oculi, and finishing up the sumeru quests, and grinding for ayaka since I have been meaning to do it...'
you thought to yourself as you attempted to start your car, only for it to almost start and then not... 
(A/n) it is said that everyone in the apartment complex heard a loud curse that day, people still remember it
mini timeskip:
"just two more blocks"
"just two more blocks"
"just two more FUCKING blocks"
at this point you pause, almost contemplating life.
a few people walk past you, one of them is a child. The kid turns to look at you and says, "mommy, why is that person look so mad?" 
the mother looked mortified, she looks to her kid, and whispers to her kid. "sweetheart, lets ignore her okay, she's probably homeless" whilst giving you a slight glare.
normally, you wouldnt have minded the lady's attitude, but today was not the day, you gave her a smile, placed a hand on her shoulder before leaning into her and whispering in her ear 
"Listen bitch, I have had a very bad day, okay!" you paused allowing her to understand that she just messed with the wrong person. "so you'd better watch your goddam mouth, okay?" you finished, your tone darkening with each word, making you appear far more threatening.
the lady gives you a look. "-" . you cut her off before she can argue, "okay?"
she just nods.
feeling pleased with her reaction, you resume the walk to your work. 
Everything happened so fast. One moment you were walking down the sidewalk to your job, the next there was a car that swerved from the other side of the road, tipping over the median, coming flying towards you. in a state of shock your body and mind were no longer communicating properly. Time seemed to slow as you tried to urge your legs to move, but they would not cooperate.  the next thing you could recall was that you were laying on the ground, a pool of crimson surrounding you. 
'how did this even-'
you can barely tell what's happening, you think you hear voices, but you're not sure.
As your vision begins to blur you think you see some figures, but when you try to focus you eyes onto the figures, your field of vision turns to black, and the ringing in your ears finally ceases.
and dont worry loverboy comes soon
also here is the list of chapters for this series
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oranjeleeuw · 9 months
fanfiction ideas master list
I will add new ideas to this on the go, and also update on the progress of each story regularly
Catboy streamer girlfriend Charles
Smut, 1-2k words at best, lestappen
Charles is doing game streams but he gets a bit more brave about acting up for the camera
He's still shit at it though
But he has a very supportive donator
It's Max
Charles doesn't know that
He got his cat ear headphones from this donator so he's responding to some commissions of this person
The fic is either description of Charles movements and thoughts or chat comments from twitch CUT description to Max pov
It's something equivalent of phone sex but through stream video/chat commands I guess
this was requested by my bf hfdhj <3
WIP state: only a draft
Toto Wolf uses Roscoe for spying (he fails)
Crack fic, all the teams on the grid mentioned, 1k words probably
Toto has this fantastic idea that Roscoe gets along with every pilot
So the dog can be used for some mischief
He sends the dog out in different silly scenarios to go off and spy on different teams, figuring out their strategies
But since Roscoe can't talk and he's not trained for this, the dog just collects pets
At the end Hamilton takes home his kinda sensory overloaded baby
WIP state: only a draft
My condolences
Lestappen one shot, hurt/comfort, more so comfort, will become sweeter in the end
Charles DNF in Zandvoort, Max is catching up with him right after the winner ceremony
Definitely more than friends (were we ever friends?), less than boyfriends relationship status
Max is praising the skills of Charles and goes on how he's wasting his talent at Ferrari
Charles ends up crying/having a breakdown bc what if it's not the car but him who's not performing any better
Max offers to take him down to the beach for a walk to clear his head (Charles stops crying and starts laughing when he thinks Max wants to take him to the nudist side of the beach)
They walk, look at the sea, enjoy the wind
It's peaceful, it is helping
They kiss, and kiss
Charles wishes he could treat everything as easy as it is with Max, even though nothing is easy with Max
But these corresponding things are what stick them to each other so it's fine
WIP state: 1/3 of it is written, rest of it is drafted out in detail
That infamous Ted and Robin pact
You know, the "let's marry each other if we are still single by 30"
Young Versainz with some added jump into their current age
“I mean it'd be fun to make a pact like that” Max prompts, which makes Carlos snort.
“Yeah, get me a home country where it's legal first” he says bitterly,
Toro Rosso days, Max and Carlos watch himym in their free time
Max fancies the thought of having someone secured for himself if things go south
Carlos is cynical
But the possibility of this pact lingers, haunting the thoughts of both of them
The emotional journey of Max Verstappen with men
Goddamn this boy is Gay™
I really want to have a self-indulgent analysis of how I see Max's relationship with the most important men in his life
Like I want to explore his feelings and flash of thoughts of sexual awakenings
Starting with Charles (as kids, young teenagers)
Jumping to Carlos which is a Very intense jump
Like losing virginity kind of a jump
Oh it was awkward but the best and most he'd wanted
Then the whole ordeal that is Danny Ricciardo for this kid
Goddamn he's so gay for him
Getting together with Carlos seemed so easy that he thinks maybe it's a sealed deal with Danny too
Like he likes him, that's obvious, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Then an older Charles enters the stage of racing (and Max’s heart) once again
Keep in mind this won't be an actual ship fic since none of the pairings will end up as couples, it's more so a study of Max emotions
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kebriones · 6 months
Hi! I am thinking of taking commissions. Any idea on how to get started?
Hi! :DD here's a list of things:
STARTING: -Choose 1 or 2 types of commissions you are confident you can do. (example: Just colored fullbodies and headshots, or just icons, or just uncolored sketches. Much easier to organise and advertise and potential customers won't have to go through a whole list of what you're offering) That's just if you're now beginning, later you can branch out.
-Set up your payment method (paypal, kofi? Getting direct bank transfers is not advised and most customers won't do that)
-Have good examples of the type of art you're offering at hand, and prefereably arrange them on a single image that will show what you're offering and the prices. Many people use carrd to list commissions but it's more complicated and if you're just starting out a menu-like image or two is fine.
-Figure out your Terms of Service. This includes what types of use you allow for your art (usually you'll mention that for commercial use of your art there will be an extra fee), how often you will give updates and how many updates of the process you'll give (usually you at least send a rough sketch for the customer to approve of and ask for changes before the final product), what methods of comunication you prefer, when you want the payment to be sent to you and things you do not feel comfortable drawing etc.
-Don't take too many commissions, in fact I would recommend starting with just one at a time.
-Don't undersell yourself, but also understand that if you're just starting out, maybe you won't be making as much as you would've liked. You can always slowly increase your prices. Also keep in mind an estimate of how long it takes you to finish a piece and price it somewhat accordingly.
Some tips on the overall process:
-If a potential customer asks for something that's beyond what you feel comfortable doing, say so. Do not take commissions you do not feel 100% sure you can handle. It's already stressful, don't make it even more so, it's gonna suck.
-this is kind of vague advice but be nice to your customers and build a good relationship with them. Not only are they more likely to treat you like a person and not a machine in return, but you also want the overall experience to be pleasant for both parties. You can have the best art in the world but people will be reluctant to commission you again if it was unpleasant to do so overall. It's like as if you're in a store, like a bakery, and you have to smile and say hi and thank you and all that to customers who come in.
-If you find yourself struggling to work on a commission and it's taking you a long time, don't leave your commissioner hanging. Simply sending a message of "hi, I was struggling/got busy but I am working on your piece, thank you so much for your patience!" Is enough to put them at ease that you haven't forgotten about them.
-This last one is maybe controversial, but I would recommend, especially if you're starting out, to not take payment in advance. This is going to make the people who commission you more confident, if you don't yet have many examples of already delivered commissions to put them at ease, and it's also going to motivate you to work quicker, because the "reward" is at the end. Send low-res files along the way, and ask for payment right before delivering the finished, high-resolution piece. It has worked for me for years and only once I had a person who due to irl emergencies couldn't pay me and delayed it for a couple months. Especially if you're not offering extremely expensive commissions, this works in my experience.
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arsonistmoth · 11 months
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Howdy everyone! it is that time again, time for goat commissions! As a life update of sorts i've snagged a nice stable job however its now just a matter of playing catch up and there are times when you need a little extra income to pay bills and get groceries. this is one of those times Always feel free to share this post or read on below as every bit helps a starvin artist out!
A few basic rules:
-As an artist I do hold the right to refuse any commission, it might be that I am not confident in my skills enough for what is asked Or the subject matter might be way out of my comfort zone. There are things I will and will not draw buddies!  - All payments must be in US currency (usd) and through P@ypall! -Payment is asked for once I have finished the cleaned sketch of your flat or full piece and have your OK on how the piece looks.(With sketches It is an upfront payment)   -Now, I’m no mind reader, So a Colored reference will be required for each character! If you have a ref but it is not colored I /am/ willing to work with you on color picking but that might add a slight charge to your bill depending on how long it takes to decide on hues! -IF you only have a description of your character or you want me to DESIGN the character for you, that will be a significant additional charge as that sort of work adds hours onto the process. - You may repost your commissioned piece but please, do not crop out my tiny signature  and Please remember to credit me wherever you post! - I do not haggle my prices.
Thing’s I wont draw
Fandoms that do NOT allow commissions of their artwork Heavy NSFW (think sexual themes) [I only draw these themes for those who are 18+ and are willing to prove as much. no minors allowed] No fetish art Certain pairings(ask me DM and i will let you know if that pairing is ok for me to draw) No underage/Incest/selfcest and things the like. This is an  /instant/  no  and potential block for me. All my artwork is digital and once the piece is complete you will receive the HD, Unwatermarked version in DMs. The version i post publicly will have my main watermark
While it is not listed above i will also draw character reference sheets! However the price will vary depending on what all you want added onto said sheet Typical Ref sheets cost between 75-200 depending on complexity of both the sheet and the character design.
Interested? shoot me a message via tumblr/twitter messenger!
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usedpidemo · 5 months
Update - Happy New Year! (and some housekeeping)
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*TV static intensifies*
Hey everyone! π here.
Once again, I'd like to wish all of you formally a happy new year! This will be my third year with you, and I hope you're still enjoying my works and I appreciate you for your continued support.
Now that I have your attention, I'd like to give you an overall update on things happening behind the scenes, but first:
2023 Poll
I only posted 10 fics over the previous year, rip, but they're easily some of my most popular and positively received works in the library. Vote up to three of your favorite fics released from me during 2023! I was supposed to include Plaid on the list, but I didn't finish it on time, and as a result this poll also delayed lol. You can change your votes anytime if you have a change of heart. Poll begins from today until January 7, 2024 1:00 P.M. KST/12:00 AM EST.
2024 Road map
And because I only posted 10 fics all throughout 2023, my personal goal in 2024 is to increase the amount of releases, while continuing to improve the quality and maintain consistency. Hopefully. In real life, I'll be entering my third year of college once the holidays are over, and this may be the last full year of freedom I get. I might have to do on-the-job training (OJT) and write up my thesis, which requires a lot of personal commitment so I can finally graduate. I'm basically on borrowed time at this point.
Plans change. Shit happens. Everything that I'm about to say isn't exactly a 100% guarantee, and I really don't wanna promise anything because I've broken way too many promises. But here's the initial proposed list of idols that will be getting fics in 2024:
Minji (Newjeans)
And this doesn't include idols I've already written :)
Looks ambitious—and it is—but if I can complete even half of that list, I feel as if I've already accomplished my goal.
To the people who've been waiting for their requests, once again I'd like to apologize for the delays. I feel terrible knowing I've got so many projects in limbo because of circumstances beyond my control, and it feels as though I've betrayed your trust. However, we're picking things up and I'll gradually be releasing them throughout the early stages of 2024. Thank you for waiting just a little bit longer.
With that said, my personal plan is to implement the following so this never happens again: I'll be scaling back on the number of commissions I can accept at a time so there's more breathing room for requests as well as personal ideas/projects. Ideally, this would mean releasing fics in a 2-to-1 format: 2 commissions then 1 personal idea, but this would vary based on personal schedule and overall demand. Balancing real life commitments with burnout is a huge challenge, and I believe this is the most comfortable situation for me. Please understand that I'm still just one guy and I can't do everything all at once. If I could clone myself, I would abuse the shit out of that ability.
Overall, I've been blessed to have such a wonderful 2023, and I pray 2024 will be just as kind, if not kinder. I've experienced some of the highest highs and the lowest lows, but I personally feel that 2023 was the best year I've had in almost a decade, and this blog is one reason for that. It wasn't as productive as it used to be, but the increasing support is simply humbling. Heck, I've been entrusted to bring some of your visions/fantasies to life, which shows how much faith you have in me to succeed and bring you quality art. There's no amount of words that can express how truly grateful I am to you, the readers, my peers in the writing community, and to our heavenly Father.
Regardless of what happens to me or this blog, I hope 2024 will be kind to you all. Love you.
with grace,
peter / π
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northwest-cryptid · 7 months
Since people seem to have a want for OC and Sona stuff, I shall drop it below the cut for anyone who wants that stuff.
I think the big thing I gotta start off with is saying that for me, Sona and OC are two different things; every Sona is of course an OC, but not every OC is a Sona.
So for the sake of explanation I personally define it as such (and if you define it differently, that's perfectly fine I'm just saying this is how I personally define it for the sake of explanation). An OC is simply an Original Character/Creation, it's a work that comes from myself and not an outside influence such as a video game, tv show, or other media. While a Sona is a "Personification" or a "Persona" of a thing, typically representative of myself, but sometimes it could be of an aesthetic, a concept, or a genre. An example of this would be that I used to have various Sonas for the different styles of music I made (which was a trend back in the day god I feel old saying that).
Okay now to actually get into the stuff people actually came here for. Kicking things off with Sonas I use to represent myself in various media we have first on the list:
Velvet has been and continues to be one of my main Sonas and a representation of myself that I use for things like VRC, while the outfits are generally in need of a lot of work (they're pretty basic with a very simple pixelation effect thrown on to give off that dreamcast vibe) the more defining features of their hair/eyes and such are based heavily on my OCs from various media and D&D games. Note that yes these are both intended to be the same character, I'm genderfluid as hell and appreciate being able to outwardly present as a more masculine or feminine design at times. The beanie that masculine Velvet wears is a sort of callback to a beanie I wear a lot IRL because it gives me a place to display my collection of pins, I will eventually update it accordingly however for the time being it works just fine.
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For the spooky season I gave Velvet a silly ghost appearance where I decided to take some inspiration from the Jet Set Radio aesthetic of big ol' feet and slightly larger hands, I've always enjoyed the concept of playing around with anatomy in a stylized fashion, I however once again didn't go too hard on the outfit since I'm honestly still working on these characters and have a ways to go before I'm going to be happy with them. I however dropped the pixel look here that we see on the original Velvet design:
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While some may argue that this isn't recognizably the same character, I would argue that variety is the spice of life and I am fucking SPICY.
I did do a little work on facial expressions to make sure they didn't horribly disfigure the face which was fun
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Another Sona often used to represent myself, and one that I hold dear to me is Akito/Aki, probably the one I'm best known for:
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I really did my best to throw more Native inspiration at this lad, and honestly I still have a long ways to go on them. They as well have a feminine design that looks wildly different I don't know why I'm like this but I enjoy it:
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and as per usual I'm not 100% happy with how they came out so I'm gonna keep working on them because I love my dumb blorbos but I can never stop "improving" the designs lol.
I think my main issue with the current design for Akito is that the artist who drew the VERY FIRST ever commissioned piece of art for Akito did such a good job and no one has been able to capture the same vibe this sketch has this dude did it for like $5 and I gave him such a big tip because I was so annoyed that he was underselling his work because HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS and you want to know the worst part? I got blocked out of my twitter account recently and as I'm unable to access my twitter account I literally do not know what the artist changed his handle to though I remember him changing it before I got locked out, so I literally have no idea what the hell he's going by and I really want to give him a proper shoutout so I'm absolutely going to figure it out because he deserves credit for this piece to the point I'm salty he didn't like, sign it or anything.
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This is art that never gets seen and it kills me because for those who don't know, the original design concept for Akito was a sort of mix of 3 things, Kallian (Xenoblade), Sandalphon (Granblue Fantasy), and general Space/Owl motifs given that the general concept design philosophy behind Akito was the idea that, Hihankaga The Owl Maker, a Lakota deity who judged Nagi on their way to the afterlife; was essentially retiring and had placed Akito in her place as the new Owl Maker. My main idea behind that was that people would come to the Owl Maker and tell her their life story the same way I was doing challenge runs in games that would typically follow a character (such as Chester from my Kenshi playthrough) and thematically it would be a sort of "retelling of their life" I was originally, and might still do this mind you; going to have a website dedicated to a sort of "Hall of Fame" where I would write a short bio for each character who's major arc has been completed on the streams and determine if they had lived a life fit for being worthy of an afterlife or whether I'd deemed them unworthy and cast them into the abyss. So basically Akito was meant to be this sort of cosmic owl spirit with wings and stars and the whole nine yards, but still be a more comfortable/easy going sort of individual. The key concept behind Akito as The Owl Maker was simply that Akito never wanted to cast spirits into the abyss so they specifically did everything they could to help people live a fulfilling life just so they could rightfully deem them worthy of their afterlife. Hence why I love the idea of them just wearing really casual clothes and like, a comfy scarf, also I like scarves. The red on the scarf is not just a gentle nod to the color of the four directions but also to the fact Native people are often referred to as "red skins" and generally when it comes to Native imagery such as the symbol for MMIW it's done in red. As a quick aside, if you don't know MMIW is for "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women" and if you ever seen Akito wearing a red hand-print over their mouth, it's because of this:
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(I believe the design on the right was created by Despertar1111 but don't quote me on that seeing as the only place I could find a credit for the image was fucking redbubble but I digress)
The thing no one talks about when it comes to doing Vtuber stuff is the fact that if you're poorer and you save up like $400+ for a model and rigging you'll still get artists who ignore half your design and riggers who generally speaking can't rig full motion so do your research and don't settle on a design/rig that's sub par, I know this now and going forward I'm likely going to make sure the artists and riggers I work with are quality, I already know my next model will be rigged by none other than Neapolitanrime and as for my artist of choice I have no idea because I don't even have the money to consider that sort of thing yet but SOME DAY!
One of my OCs and an old OLD Sona for my sort of Grunge Punk music days was such an edgy lad, I'm very like; closet edgelord but you know I mostly keep it to myself; that being said this dude is named Xploit and I love him to death:
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General design philosophy here was very grungey street punk vibes, I did in fact slap the same exact beanie that Velvet wears on him but like again clothing is very placeholder with these and basically meant to give a general vibe. Xploit was originally made after my old band and I went downtown and saw some graffiti that was talking about the exploitation of lower class workers where the bottom of the letters were shaped like knives all pointed at a singular entity, likely the laborer in question. I ran with that design to create the logo for Xploit that mirrors his 3 fangs (middle tooth and side fangs) with the X, the L and I, and the T in his name.
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Also because I'm 3edgy5u I made his eyes X's (I just thought it looked neat)
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I still have a lot of work to do on the shading since I'm working with very simplified 3D model making software instead of making models from scratch in something like Blender like I should be doing to have as much control over it as I want to. That being said it's meant to give an illusion that he has no facial features such as nose/mouth until otherwise speaking, at which point his fangs are meant to be prominent. Everything about his outline from his eyes to his hair is intended to be extremely sketchy and rough.
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and because I have a soft spot for making even my edgier characters silly little guys, I made it so when he gets surprised his eyes bubble up.
Since I know there's some controversy regarding characters with bandages and the like I'd like to quickly make mention that none of the bandages worn by my characters are ever intended to suggest self harm.
Admittedly this is far from the complete roster, but we're eliminating anyone/anything that sprung up from games (I do consider them OCs to a degree but I understand they are influenced by the media they were created from/in and I don't feel like that should be necessarily included on a list of original characters that I specifically defined as "not being from media") and these are the ones I've been working on most recently so they're more in the forefront of my mind; I have plenty more for things ranging from music Sonas to just various OCs I've used for D&D and the like. That being said I'll likely throw together another one of these for the other OCs when I have more time/I'm not as busy.
You can have these drawings though:
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Akito and Nazo who is @the-sum-of-ones-parts' sona. They are also the one who drew this. They also drew this of Nazo and Velvet
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They also drew Akito in a dress (they are giving Melia vibes and I'm all for it.)
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and they ALSO drew Akito and Nazo for the Outlast 2 stream we did.
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Note that Nazo is a shapeshifter.
Big shout out to @the-sum-of-ones-parts for drawing so many of my dumb OCs/Sonas (like you guys don't understand there is more but I'm trying to not make this post 10 miles long)
THAT BEING SAID I HAVE A BUNCH OF DUMB MEMES OF AKITO YOU CAN HAVE (if you can't tell Akito is my most public OC)
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If you have any questions I probably have answers (hopefully) so ask away my friend.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 day
hiiiii im just wondering when your commissions will be open again? sorry if you already answered this!
Hello there 😊 No need to be sorry at all, my dear, even if a question has been asked, I don’t mind answering it again, in most cases! As far as when commissions will reopen, the short answer is not as soon as I’d like. In all honesty, worst case scenario, it won’t be until September. I mean, I will be honest and say that I hope it will be earlier, but that’s probably the best line to go by, unless I desperately need money before then.
The longer answer requires parting the curtain just a little bit. I always try to be really transparent with all you lovely readers about my writing process, about my projects and the things I have on the go, so I don’t really mind doing so here. In good news, I’ve finished both commissions I had owing this weekend, on my days off. Now that those are done, I’m moving on to my do-to list for writing, which is as below. I'm not rushing or overloading myself on the below - I expect a lot from myself, but I am realizing I need some rest and relaxation (or at least time to eat and sleep every day) as well.
I’m working on writing a long-fic that I’m really excited about. It’s a self-ship fic, yeah, but it’s also letting me work with some friend’s really amazing OC’s or self-inserts and it’s been something I’ve been really wanting to get the chance to seriously work on. I’ve been working on it, writing little scenes from it here and there, so now it’s having the fun of doing it from the beginning and stringing everything together. So, I’m treating it like a commission and making it my focus – however, full transparency, I work 50 hours this upcoming week and the large majority of it is in the pharmacy, where we’re not allowed to sit at all during our shifts (because it might make the customers think we’re lazy) so there’s very, very little chance I’ll be able to finish the fic this week due to exhaustion and pain. I’m aiming for having it done within the next two weeks though, ideally, because it really is something I’m just that excited about writing.
Once I’m done with that fic, I’m taking about a week to reply to dm’s and email’s from friends and to send the fic to get approval for posting from the friend's featured in it. It takes about that long because I do write novels in reply to people I love talking to, sorry about that to all those lovelies who talk to me. I’d also, during this time, like to try making a Discord account and start trying to beat some of my shyness and get into fandom spaces to meet and talk to people, make fandom even more enjoyable for me 😊
After that, I’m concentrating really hard on getting the rest of my queue built on the blog, a mixture of one-shots, drabbles, headcanons, and such. I’d like to have at least 100 posts ready, that way I can post twice a day for 50 days, which buys me lots of free time, without any worries about the blog, to work on the things below. Headcanon posts don’t take a real long time to write, at most half an hour to an hour for the most intricate, drabbles at most two hours, so I can get a queue built pretty quickly thankfully, with the one-shots being the things that take me the longest. As teased in the previous post, I’ll also be giving you guys rewritten, updated one-shots from a years old smut collection in that queue.
Once that is done, because it was largely agreed upon that many potential commissioners would feel a lot better about commissioning if I had examples of what they could get, I would like to write examples of each type of commission I accept - I had played around with the idea of using some of the commissions already finished, but to be honest, I don't feel good about everyone being able to have access to something someone paid to have, all their own. However, this also does take some time and to ensure they’re all the same quality I give to people who actually do commission, I want to not rush them.
When that is done, I want to focus on the Patreon I keep saying is coming. My plans are that, for the people buying in on tiers to support my work, I’ll be posting one long one-shot story a month. I have some fun ideas for potential other Patreon perks, because I want at least two perks for the Patreons. So my time will be spent getting at least three months ready for that.
Once that is done, I’ll restock the queue and reopen commissions! And by that time, I'll be approaching the slow season, more than likely so I'll be better able to keep to deadlines and stay up with the multiple things on the go.
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bvannn · 17 days
Weekly Update May 17, 2024
I really need to sleep. I keep staying up late, I’ll try not to tonight. I keep wanting to do everything, but my exhaustion leads me to not really be able to do as much as I’d like. I did some things, though.
Biggest thing I got done was that banner. I might mess with the formatting and dimensions some, since it really doesn’t fit well on sites besides newgrounds, but the actual Art is done. Luckily, due to the amount of extra rendering I did, that banner also works as a color refsheet, which is also great, since that was another thing on my list of things to do. Granted, that’s now only done for the O’Malley characters, not the Backstage characters, but that’s fine since they’ll get their own banner when I shift to working on them, whenever that may be. I think writing their pitch comic outline could be something I do at work this summer, or I could continue with the future O’Malley comic writing. We’ll see.
As for the comic itself I’m very close to done with page five, I’d say 16% done with the pitch comic overall. Making good progress, but still a bit slow. Once I’m caught up on rest I should be able to go a bit faster, since the new strategy with the layers is working out wonderfully.
Music stuff is still on the back burner, no new progress on the OEB video, but lyric writing for the originals is going well. BMBO has a draft 100% finished, and I can get a VPR file ready now and edit the lyrics more later. I know what voice I want in it but I’m not sure about the specific voice bank, since it’s be a vocaloid with multiple. I’ll get the file ready for the English bank, and then try to adapt it to a Japanese bank and ask to get it exported with all the options, then I’ll compare them and pick my favorite. I’m really getting thinking about music more so maybe I’ll write more random originals if I find myself in the space for it, but I’d rather worry about the OEB video. I’ll try to take another bite out of that tomorrow after finishing up the O’Malley page.
I did find out also that I’m not set to go back to work again until after Memorial Day, which sucks since I found out this week I need a few medical procedures done before I can get my next surgery, and they’re looking a bit pricey. I think I will be fine but I’d want to tidy up some of my commission stuff at some point too. That’s on me though, I’d like to try that this next week as well. I think priority will be rest this weekend, followed by O’Malley comic progress (I think one major step a day is reasonable), OEB progress, and general drawings. Some of those general drawings may be tokens for my AC game so not everything will be posted. I’ll try to write up a schedule tonight, and stick to it this week.
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tvccreator · 5 months
Welcome to My Tumblr!
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(This is an updated version of the pinned comment I used to have, in case people get confused - I haven't been nearly as active on DA and Wattpad, hence why the links are gone now.)
Hello! My name is Ellie, and I'm a fanfiction writer and artist here on Tumblr! I'm a 22-year-old afab person who does a lot of fanfic writing and actual writing in my down time. I'm currently going to college for a major in English with a focus on writing and a minor in film studies!
I'm up for story suggestions and whatnot! Here's a general list of fandoms I'll write/draw pics for:
Super Mario Bros. (including Luigi's Mansion)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
A Hat in Time
Fate/Grand Order
Dungeons and Dragons
Poppy Playtime (yes, really)
Garten of Banban (again - yes, really)
AdventureQuest Worlds
There's a lot more fandoms I write/draw for, but that's a general list with some pretty big fandoms.
For specific characters, here are some common ones I write for (not necessarily ships, but characters I have written for - I'm basically outing myself here for certain stories):
Count Bleck (Super Paper Mario)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)
Luigi (Mario Bros.)
King Boo (Luigi's Mansion)
Bowser (Mario Bros.)
Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings (Mario Bros.)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Marx (Kirby)
Drawcia (Kirby)
Void Soul/Void Termina (Kirby)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Flowey/Omega Flowey/Asriel Dreemurr (Undertale)
Snatcher (A Hat in Time)
Gourmet (Mago)
Bittergiggle (Garten of Banban)
Asmodeus/Ozzie (The Helluva Boss version, the Dungeons and Dragons version, and my own version!)
Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
Lucifer Morningstar (Both the Hazbin Hotel version and my own version!)
Purple (Rainbow Friends)
Cyan (Rainbow Friends)
Ink Demon Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival)
The Daycare Attendant (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Springtrap/Spring Bonnie/William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
The Joker (DC Comics)
If you want to commission me or simply ask for a fic request, I also partner with @thereaderinsertlady to write fanfiction! Feel free to message me if you are curious! [ Read here for the info on shared commissions! ]
A Few Rules for Commissions/Story Requests (From Me Specifically):
I hyperfixate on stuff a lot, so it could be a while before I finish the request/commission. Hounding me will not make me write the fic faster, either - it makes me lose interest in writing the story, so please for the love of God, be patient. Writers have lives, too, so don't expect them to bow down to your every whim.
I cannot write smut on my own for the life of me (I think I might be heteroromantic asexual, but I'm not positive), so if you ask for something NSFW, I can't guarantee that it will be good. If you're looking for hardcore stuff, go ask TheReaderInsertLady.
No pedophilia. That one should be self explanatory.
I don't do "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" stuff. Sorry, but it makes me extremely uncomfortable.
As evident by some of my already published stories with TheReaderInsertLady, I am of the mind that consent is sexy. Even when writing for the demon king of lust himself, I will always make him ask for consent. I get uncomfortable doing forceful NSFW stuff, so if you want that kind of fic, once again go ask TheReaderInsertLady.
Please, for the love of God, no time-travel fics. A former friend of mine made me completely burnt out on time-travel fics, so please don't ask for those. If it's my own content, I'm fine with some time-travel shenaniganry, but otherwise please just don't ask.
Find me over on AO3 [ here ]!
In case you want to see me suck at video games, my YouTube channel is [ here ]!
Hope you guys enjoy the insanity! 💜💜💜
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aris-ink · 1 year
Hello my angels 💕 I need to say something and I hope you can take a moment to listen.
1) So far - as I said - I have been really happy to keep receiving and accepting your requests, despite the fact that they have been closed since Halloween. However, now almost ninety of them sit in my inbox and I have around ten more in my drafts. Which is great!❤️ I am really happy and so honored you enjoy my writing, it means everything to me. But I think I am growing slightly tired of demands without any consideration. Please do remember that this is not my job - and it's not like I don't keep you guys updated on my life. If you just took one look you would know I have not been doing well, mentally, physically or financially for the past while. I have a Kofi for tips, sure, but these works aren't commissions and I have already lost plenty of sleep night after night for this blog. If you deem me too slow, I'm truly sorry. But I have also mentioned I literally have to write these on a broken phone while I am trying to handle depression and other issues. I don't know what some of you seem to think the word "struggle" means. It doesn't mean sometimes my head hurts and I feel sad and I don't have enough money to order take out. It means I am in pain, I can't sleep, I don't have money to get myself actually important things or replace my phone. When I get a tip on Kofi I put it towards bills and food. I don't buy myself anything for it.
Thank you so much to those of you who bothered being polite and considerate when sending in requests and to those who bothered asking me if they are open ❤️ and as much as I don't want to say this, unfortunately they are going to have to remain closed for a while, I need to set some boundaries. Please always check my bio or ask if you can ❤️
2) Speaking of boundaries. The limits I have are listed in the "rules" section of my masterlist. I did say you are more than welcome to ask and if I feel comfortable I will absolutely write something that isn't included there.
Some of you don't seem to bother with this either. Guys, I'm genuinely sorry if this is disappointing but among some other darker topics, non con is not included on the list for a reason. Yes, this is a horror blog. I am happy to write con non con or extremely dub con. Non con, however, not so much. What's the difference? Well, this is all just fiction, so not much - except my comfort. Dub con allows writers to explore roughness and manipulation and really messed up things already. Straight up non con, though, to me means an entirely different thing altogether. There is not a single shred of peace or enjoyment in that for the reader and as you probably noticed, in my works, most of the violence is directed towards other characters. Not the reader. This isn't about morals or judgement because once again, fiction is fiction. I just don't feel comfortable, personally, so even in yandere stories I won't have the reader be starved, beaten and I won't write straight up non con that includes nothing but pain. If you'd like some recommendations I can direct you to some amazing authors.❤️
That's all! Thank you.❤️
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
ALRIGHT. Let's talk about rarepair ship bracket art.
So assuming Tumblr fixes my messaging system within the next few days (and my search function. And my blog showing up in notes. And my blog showing up in Tumblr search. And I think my posts showing up in tags. A lot of things broke very quickly for some reason), I've sent out messages and checked permissions for at least one piece of fanart for every rarepair ship I could possibly find! And every single piece is really, really good.
With the posts from this blog/queue plus submissions, there were a total of 261 ships that met the criteria. I cut down five of them for a nice, divisible-by-four 256 so that I could do this bracket in sections, and bring them all together for the semifinals.
Some of the art I've asked for will inevitably be declined to use and I'll have to scour for them again. But at the last edit of this post, I now have 17 more ships that need art to represent them. (This number will be edited as updates come! It was originally 45.)
Which is still so many. I certainly can't draw 45 pieces. And I certainly don't have the money to commission 45 pieces all at once. And eventually, I'll just fill in the remaining ships with sprite edit, but I'd like to get fanart for as many of them as possible, if only to spotlight the artists.
So I am posting this to the world! Underneath the cut is the list of ships that still need art. If you would be willing to draw any of these for this bracket - or if you know any existing fanart whose creators I could contact for permission to use - please just drop a message or ask to my main, @pechebeche! (Since I currently don't have messages on this sideblog, and I don't know if asks will work, either. If someone is willing to send an ask to this one to test it, that'd be great too!)
I may also turn on tips for this blog? Archiving content is a stress reliever for me, so I haven't felt comfortable getting any money for it, but 1) I would love to be able to pay fair prices for pieces for victors and/or some of the ships for this bracket!, and 2) this bracket in particular has been a lot of work! I've taken it upon myself, and money will obviously will never be required for this, but I might just open up the option.
TL;DR: There's a list of ships under this readmore that I need fanart for! If you'd be willing to create it, please let me know so I can mark it off my list! (:
Ships that I need fanart for:
Himiko/Korekiyo’s Sister
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m0thisonfire · 1 year
Blog Masterlist and Rundown:
Where I reblog memes and art, and post my art and stories too-
Ao3 link- I post fanfiction on Tumblr from time to time, but you can find most of my stories on my Ao3 account!
Update: With people now feeding unfinished fics into Chatgpt, I’ve locked my works because I don’t want people stealing them. It breaks my heart to do so because I want people to be able to read my stories, but it’s hard enough for me to write. I can’t risk the possibility of people taking my unfinished stories and feeding it to the machine, if they haven’t already, which I genuinely hope hasn’t happened yet.
Update!: I have decided to unlock my works again!! I feel a majority better, and I don’t think any too unsavory will happen anymore!
cr0ssingmoth for all my Levi thirsting and Aot oc tormenting needs.
Tags and characters-
I mostly reblog memes and such, but you can find my art under the ‘m0th draws’ tag! My writing should be under ‘m0thwrites’ if you want to see some drabbles I haven’t posted to Ao3
The characters I mainly write for right now are from Tfa and a bit of Tfp, and that includes ocs and self inserts for them too!
The main s/i is Faux Pas, and is her main tag!
The lesser ones are listed under the name Grey! Tfa or Tfp Grey have their own little niche that pops up here and there, no definitive tag yet-
The two Tranformers that currently occupy my mind 24/7 are Prowl and Starscream, so expect to find *a lot* about them on this blog- and by alot, that includes a ship for them. You can find it under the Ninjastar tag!
The lesser known ocs I talk about once in a blue moon is Devanii Hellfrost and Sybil Jorther. The only lore you’re getting of those two is from tags and obscure Tumblr reblogs, but they’re here too
Another tag worth mentioning is the comms tag! Every now and then I get wonderful commissions that definitely need to be checked out! The artists are phenomenal and I do love the pieces they were kind enough to work on!
Status on asks-
Always open. I may take a while to respond due to work and gathering my courage, but I encourage questions and asks. Just expect awkward response in the beginning since, of course, I am not yet used to asks-
Current aus I have I feel are worth mentioning- (more likely to be added)
The Faux Pas au. Everything is the same except for the fact Faux Pas exists in the Tfaverse and is there to solely cause problems and go through problems.
Holoform/Humanformers au. Human Error if it actually happened, but Meltdown, Blackaracnia, and Soundwave are the main causes. All Cybertronians on earth turn into humans and is essentially a huge slice of life sitcom. Focused primarily around Starscream and his redemption arc.
Bounty-22 au. A work in progress, but Cybertronians and humans living in cowboy times. Prowl-centric in a way, him exploring the Wild West looking for vengeance and an artifact while traveling with an outlaw he doesn’t know is an outlaw. (The outlaw is Starscream, the best and worst liar in the west. I just really love Starscream, okay? But never fear, Lockdown plays a huge part in this au too. Because you can’t have cowboys without Lockdown.)
Zombies/Last of Us au. Yes, that’s right. Softbody robots and horrors beyond imagining. Another work in progress, but based around survival and zombies. No, none of the main cast die, I love them too much for that, they deserve their little community during the apocalypse.
Dead Space Au: A newly recruited Tfa Autobot Starscream replaces Isaac Clarke in the events of Dead Space. If you know Dead Space, you know he’s fucked mentally and physically. If you don’t know Dead Space, space zombies and serious fucked up shit. The Thing level horror. Know he is not coming out unscathed.
Tfa Ninjastar Twilight au: Exactly what it sounds like. The werewolves don’t exist here, and Starscream is the human in place of Bella. Takes no shit and runs most of the show because he’s Starscream. Meyer has no power here. I’m highjacking the lore and making all the characters suffer.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
3k Follower Raffle Event!
Hello! Now that it's been about a month since the milestone and I've finally figured out what I want to do for it, let's get this party started!
So this will be my first time doing something like this and it's a little different, but bear with me - I think it'll all make sense as I explain below. Long story short: I'm COMBINING this raffle event with the 12 DAYS OF FICMAS that I typically do in December! I've tried to organize all the info you'll need below in a tidy little FAQ style, so please take a look and read thoroughly before submitting a request! ^^
Below the cut because it's kind of long!
How does it work?
Basically, send in a fic request like you normally would when my free reqs are open (I know it's been a minute, and if this is your first time participating in a free req round, welcome!). It can be as simple as just giving me a couple of characters (if you want to give me free reign to do what I want) or as complex as a specific idea you have in mind. Just know that if you go into TOO much detail (like outlining the entire fic) I will probably decline just because it feels like you've written it yourself at that point, if that makes sense. Be sure to brush up on my available fandoms, character restrictions, etc. before submitting.
When the time comes, I will throw the requests I've gotten into a virtual bowl, shake it up, and RANDOMLY select 12 winners, who will then have their fic released sometime during the 12 Days of Ficmas in December!
When is the deadline?
This event will be open starting RIGHT NOW and will remain open until 5pm PST on Sunday, November 6! The drawing will take place shortly thereafter; I'll make a separate post about it later.
Can I submit multiple requests?
Not this time! I want to make sure as many people as possible have a chance to win a free request. Please choose carefully and only submit once.
Is it possible for you to decline a fic?
Yes. If you submit a request that strays from my fandom/character restrictions and/or is TOO detailed (aka an entire outline for a fic rather than just a general idea of what you're looking for) I will likely decline it. I'll make sure to let you know if it's declined, and as long as the event is still open, you're welcome to request again. Just remember not to submit more than once unless I've declined a previous submission!
What fandoms are available?
I've updated my fandom list to reflect what fandoms I'm willing to accept for this raffle. Basically anything that's not struck out is fair game!
How will I know if my request won?
I'll be making a "winner's list" announcement post after the raffle to let you know who the lucky winners are!
What will you do with the requests that don't win?
At this point I'm planning to hang on to them just in case I feel inspired to write one later after the event is over, but I make NO PROMISES!
This is a lot of fics in a short amount of time; are you still going to reopen commissions in December?
Yes, I'm still planning to reopen commissions, though they'll likely open AFTER the event is over to give me a little breathing room. I'm doing the raffle as early as I am so I can get started filling the requests in November. I learned from this past TickleTober that filling the prompts ahead of time is SUPER SMART and way easier! LOL
If you have any questions about the event that weren't answered here, definitely let me know! Otherwise, refresh yourself on my fandom list/character restrictions and ask away! I'm excited to see what kinds of fics you guys ask for! Best of luck to you all, and THANK YOU again for 3,000+ followers!! <3
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rscroogedraws · 7 months
Commissions are open again! If you're interested, I have all of my current commission info and prices here:
I set up a Patreon last month. So far, I have a $1.00 tier set up and 3 Patreon reward illustrations. All 3 are up and available now! Two of the PNGs are for patrons only, but the Rivera Halloween illustration PNG is free.
As an FYI, my Patreon is more of an optional/voluntary tip jar at this point in time. Any Patreon illustrations will be shared in general here and my other major social media. The only exclusive part is that most PNG versions of an image will be available to patrons only. I'll be setting up a poll for November's rewards soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
If you're interested, here's my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheRScrooge
And here are the October/Halloween specific Patreon rewards:
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Next week is going to be focused on finishing commissions. After those, I'm hoping to get 4 pages updated for my fan comic "You're Not my Boyfriend." I'm also hoping to get back to working on pages for my new comic "Love Potions Won't Work" this month, too.
Another thing I'd like to do with YNMB is bundle all of the current pages into a PDF once I get the next 4 done and put that out there in one convenient spot for anybody interested. I definitely want to do that consistently all the way up until it's done, too.
I'm also thinking about putting up my PNGs and various other illustrations up for purchase or download on itch.io. Once I have that set up, I'll make another update post. That's where I'd especially like to put up my Patreon PNGs if anyone wants a specific one, but isn't interested in my Patreon. There will be several free things up there, too.
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