#I think I've cracked the code
sacred-algae · 7 months
What Mexican Funeral Sounded Like
Sacred_Algae is talking about Muse again??? Shocking, I know!
But seriously guys, this is IT. I'm not saying Mexican Funeral sounded like Muse, (because they are definitely not) but they sounded "Agitated." All their songs had the same vibe as this one song. And this is what they looked like preforming:
Todd here has the same chaos Matt has in this one. If you only watch one performance, that one is the one to watch. And if you want ANOTHER performance of it:
Here the beginning before the singing starts is where it matters. The very end too. They've got the same laid-back college assholes (affectionate) vibe I imagine Mexican Funeral had, all three of them.
If you reaaally want to go further, also check out (in this order) "Ashamed," "Coma," "Twin," and "Jimmy Kane." Essentially they sounded like a very specific flavor of Showbiz era Muse B-Sides.
Lets start a thread of recs and Mexican Funeral sound headcanons!
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misty-wisp · 29 days
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was missing my sons
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(At my Rebecca-style conspiracy board) Okay. So we know that Lincoln is the keeper of the three of the seven. Now (from some very quick research- idk much about this stuff haha I'm just goofing around but bear with me-) the four horsemen "appear with the opening of the first four of the seven seals that bring forth the cataclysm of the apocalypse" (X) and the fourth horseman in particular, Death, "is the obvious effect of the previous three: conquest, violent warfare, and famine" (X) THEREFORE Lincoln is Death the fourth horseman in this essay I will-
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thesnowflake18 · 6 months
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Finally got around Megumi's wacky hair 😂 I kinda got obsessed doodling him now. Found out his OG eye color was green and it's a cRIME that it got changed so...let's do a quick poll!
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claudethecrabdemoness · 7 months
Ok so I think I found a way to fix Vox LOLLOLOL. 
And by fix him, I mean make him much, much worse.
🔌 📺😝🎩⚡️
So I was drabbling in my head w Claude and Vox and they got to deep talking about their previous lives and regrets and all sorts of existential meanderings, when Vox surprised me by saying “I was a Christian, ya know. A good one. Never even missed a Sunday- come late night or hangover or hellwater. *chuckle* Fat lot of good it did me, right?”
And then I was like oh. OHHHH. 
He should’ve been a televangelist. 
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So now this is canon as far as I’m concerned, and can even make perfect use of the little priest getup from his song number. After all, that is essentially what he’s doing with the V’s: amassing a hell-wide cult through the power of his broadcast monopoly. And explains why Claude had never heard of him before- he’s not your average kind of celebrity. 
I picture he got his start on local access TV, in the early 40s, just right after Al would’ve had his heyday with radio. He was an East Coast boy, no doubt, and mastered the quick-talking pander of the telecasters at the time. He often ran small broadcasts for local churches- fundraisers, telethons, what have you- and the Christian community ate up his All-American boyish charm. Especially the ladies. He married one who went to his church and really believed his words had the power to change lives, urged him to start his own televised worship, and boy did he thrive. They quickly became a household name, and he basically kick-started the whole televangelist movement into high gear. Like the bastard he is. Soon he gained a country-wide following and had money pouring in from the faithful by the buckets, and of course it all went straight to his head. Hence why it’s a TV now as punishment. That’s when he began exploiting his pulpit, believing himself a prophet, staying with his wife only to maintain their image, buying houses and toys and cars all with parishioner’s money, staying awake for days on cocaine and coming back down with barbiturates, the whole nine yards. 
It eventually caught up to him when his followers tried to commit a mass murder/suicide in his name, and a lengthy court appeal didn’t really smooth over their new reputation as a dangerous cult. Which is so unfair. It wasn’t like he told them to go all Old Testament, buuut… it’s not like his message was that far off from it either. Idiots. From then on, he started overworking, overthinking, and overdoing the whole thing right into the ground. His wife left him, he lost a ton of money in legal fees, and he had to hire protection now to keep up with the death threats from angry loved ones of his devotees. All the stress and resentment drove him into religious fanaticism, and his sermons just got more and more ego-driven and manic, asking for larger tithes and claiming it would be help him work the Lord’s magic even faster. He eventually was killed by a hit put out on him by an up and coming newer cult- ironically a spinoff of his original one- proving that he was very much mortal, but his faithful followers still believed he was a messiah of some kind. 
And that’s because- in his haze of drugs and self-destruction- he believed he was one too. He was sure that what he was doing was for all the Right Reasons, even if the methods were unorthodox. But hey- even Jesus flipped tables and rebelled against the Romans, so who’s to say his path is any less holy? He was SURE that he’d still be getting a ticket to Heaven, despite some minor setbacks…
So you can imagine his rage when he very much woke up in Hell. 
All his hard work, all his devotion, all his MONEY- for what?? Damned to live with a TV instead of his beautiful face and nothing to show for his decades of faith??
What the fUCK??
It was then that he realized God was the biggest scam of all and immediately renounced his faith, spending the first few years of demonhood sinning and drinking as much as possible. He had no idea how to cope with it all, and saw no point to trying, really. What good is having a TV head when you can barely stand the thought of using it- just a constant reminder of the empire you left crumbing behind you. 
And that’s when he met Alastor. 
Now here was someone else cursed by his favorite medium and a deer form that boasted anything but the predator he saw himself as- only this man was anything but deterred by it. The Radio Demon’s broadcasts may have terrorized everyone else in Hell, but they invigorated something deep inside Vox. Something he hasn’t felt since his first televised sermon… something like worship. 
He had to seek him out. 
This then ties in perfectly with his one-sided crush/obsession with Al, their doomed stint at friendship, and the impending rejection he receives at the end. AGAIN. First God, now Alastor…? You’d think that second blow would reduce him into an even greater depression than before, but instead, it flips a switch inside him. That’s when Vox decides ENOUGH. He’s done pandering, he’s done negotiating, he’s done elevating anyone else above himself. And why should he?? If anything HE should be the one on that pedestal, HE should be the only one to get credit for all HIS deeds…
HE should be God. 
And dammit, if he can’t join the original up in Heaven, why not try to become one down in Hell?
The rest is canon as we know it, but I just really realllllly love the idea of ex-Christian Vox, and all the disillusionment religious trauma can bring. He went straight from communion to capitalism, and I like that in my hell-bound guys. I will def be using this as his canon backstory for my AU with Claude, bc I needed to bring even more conflicted suffering and RSD to this character before I can truly ship them together hahaa. 
And…. despite what his real backstory actually is…. this is the only one I subscribe to now. 😈
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Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk I’m going to go rot in my hole now thinking of more hcs for this akskshagaga-
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lmelodie · 8 months
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GOD sorry it took so long. I didn't forget about the poll I swear! Lifes been throwing some hands lately, but Jack ended up winning and y'all are not helping his with narcissism.
I have a fair amount of costume fodder for this guy but a good chunk of it is historical/period wear which could be its own separate set all together, so I wanted to stick to modern stuff for this to narrow it down a bit.
And for all of these costume studies I don't design any of these myself lol. I curate my choices from references images and clothing that already exists (or other people's design concepts). So, for this, I limited my choices to modern, and suits that were actually doing something interesting and different.
Which brings me to the FULL SEQUENSED THREE PEICE SET that was sooo him coded as an extra hoe.
We also got more Thawed hair jack because to me it really ties together the vibes of the mostly white fits. And because I get to add grey to his hair!! The hottest thing a man can have is grey hair, true FACT.
The one with the satin sash has me in LOVE I think that's one of my favorites. And with the red pocket square 👀 for someone else 👀👀
In my search for refence images I came across a lot of suits with fabric ties instead of buttons and I thought "This man likes a good robe, add that to the daily outerwear!" But this one specifically was a white satin and blue velvet combo that I could NOT pass up. Also, one of my faves.
And the last one I just wanted to try a longer jacket shape. With a comeback of the red cufflinks if you really squint 👀
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
my biological peer reviewer (sibling) called this theory “fun” and said i should send it, so here goes
my personal theory is the feds ((”federation”)) created the eggs because they decided the best way to enforce “you can never leave” was to give the people something they couldn’t lose, like in the post by tumblr user alexaloraetheris (no relation to the smp) where their friend who might be a deity had said,
"When you die you descend to the underworld with nothing to lose. To keep you, they give you something to lose. When you want to return, they will demand it back. That's why nobody ever leaves. The only way out is to never enter."
i’m thinkin that on egg D-Day, at the end of the countdown, the feds weren’t gonna give the eggs back. they were just gonna hide them forever, or do something else, anything else, just keep them away from their surrogate parents, because then the people would just be STUCK, because people could theoretically take their eggs and leave, but if the eggs are missing, gone without a trace, then the residents CAN’T LEAVE, because presumably the eggs are STILL THERE, SOMEWHERE, IN NEED OF HELP AND RESCUE, if only the residents could find them ON THE ISLAND. if they leave the island while the eggs are missing, they are abandoning these things that have become their children.
but then in came the brazilians. and shit went south. because see, the spenglish (spanish / english) streamers were INVITED, but the brazilians CRASHED; the feds didn’t INVITE THEM, they weren’t EXPECTING THEM, but they can’t let these guys leave either, so they PANIC, and they scramble to give the brazilians the same thing--something to lose. the new egg had a brazilian jersey, homie was TAILOR MADE for them to pack bond with. the feds didn’t have time to send out multiple eggs, it was all or nothing, so they picked something they could reasonably assume all five of them would find endearing because they don’t know shit about these guys--they had a week to observe the OG batch, but all they know about these newbies is the brazilian flag on their boat--and so they sent the little egg out to become THEIR THING, the thing they couldn’t afford to lose.
it leaves open why the eggs are cracked too, bc idk what’s going on there lol, either 1: the eggs cracked because they’re hatching and the feds picked that date bc they wanted to yoink the eggs before they got Too Powerful, or 2: the feds were the ones to crack the eggs as an excuse for why they vanished--returning the eggs untouched would open too many questions the feds don’t want them asking; this way, instead of being concerned specifically with “why were the eggs missing”, the residents presume they know the answer--the cracks.
but yea i’m just gonna add as an aside that personally i think cucurucho / osito bimbo / the white fucker is way more active again because the feds are still scrambling to keep up with the brazilians (which, again, the feds weren’t expecting), and the binary fuckwad came in to put the fear of god into the newbies--maybe so they didn’t get too focused on the morse code transmissions; iirc max was theorizing that both osito and binary were part of the federation ? and if so it does make sense that the binary entity went to fuck with cellbit immediately after cellbit was introduced to the conspiracies of the island, yknow, a warning shot. i think they want them to be focused on the eggs.
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tri-pofdeath · 1 year
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I am back again with Another sketch page, or rather, a visualization of me studying Meryl under a microscope to learn how to Draw Her
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astro-b-o-y-d · 5 months
Final Destination 1: Doomed horror yaoi (and Clear) Final Destination 2: Doomed horror yuri (and the police guy is there too) Final Destination 3: This one feels the most like a Disney Channel Original Movie in a horror setting, and the main duo is no different Final Destination 4: Who cares Final Destination 5: The main couple's fine, but is that David Koechner???
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talentforlying · 10 months
me wobbling constantine llike laminated paper: ooooo you are so starved for approval and too proud to ever voice it and too afraid you'll never get it so you throw yourself full-body at the worst problems humanity and hell can conjure up and make yourself look at the things that you know will haunt you because you think if you manage to win on a dramatic enough scale then maybe you'll at least earn some approval after you're dead, oooooo
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omgfiredragon18 · 4 months
Im trying to find my sibling on the hell site. If you are not them then... Idk? Keep scrolling I guess.
I know your out there child I will find you. I saw you scrolling you can't fool me.
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bijoumikhawal · 2 months
Oralius seems to have reciprocal pronouns (Tolan uses he for Oralius, Astrea uses she) + all my jokes about Garak being Palandine's girlfriend/mistress = Garak has reciprocal gender
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frost0wl · 1 year
can't find the proper quote but C. S. Lewis's idea that you don't find friendships by seeking friendships; instead you live your life, do things you enjoy and the friendships grow along the way... through shared interests. shared truths. that you can't have a fellow traveler if you're not travelling anywhere...
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coquelicoq · 1 year
i JUST realized that literally every time i have started making out with someone for the first time it's been while lying down. every single time. what is this? am i incapable of initiating kiss contact with a new person while standing or sitting? is this my move? do i have a move??
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
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scrawlingskribbles · 1 year
me sitting over here alone in my corner near-foaming-at-the-mouth as I attempt to finally bang out my quadrants thesisTM into something actually parsable like:
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